pangur-and-grim · 5 days
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I updated the breeder on what's been happening, and she called Belphie out for being bald
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strayswolf · 2 months
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In the first panel Jason is looking over his shoulder, because in his mind the Joker is almost right behind him, coming for him again, Joker’s laughter building in Jason’s psyche.
In the second, the Joker is right there—right behind him—and Jason is thrown back years to the terrible day Joker had him and took away everything—his safety, his family, his life.
This precipitates the most dramatic dissociative episode Jason has yet been shown to have in WFA.
And I love this deep dive into the way trauma lingers with a person. Too often in media are dramatic, life-altering moments glossed over and not properly acknowledged which paints unrealistic expectations for people dealing with trauma (granted, I hope no one has the level of trauma Jason has in IRL has because o.o).
Batman: Wayne Family Adventures, Season 3, Ep. 120, Break Myself to Pieces
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thotsfortherapy · 3 months
I graduated today !!!
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Thank you so much @slightly-gay-pogohammer
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This is absolutely wonderful! I love it so much! Me x Guzma it looks so amazing!
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darkcrowprincess · 8 months
Me before watching the new Percy Jackson episode:
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Me after watching the Episode:
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(Don't like don't read. Post hate and I'll block you)
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theindescribable1 · 1 year
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@the-hidden-ones-personal YOU DID IT! my 100th follow!!!
@blownfuse42 @ecila-amelia @valthetvhead @invisible-hidden
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skylarkking · 8 months
tfp Optimus is handsome and cute. I hope he could have more happy moments so he could smile more. Can we have smiling tfp Optimus please?
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I headcannon that his audial little bits blush when he blushes and if he gets flustered enough he activates his battle mask yet you can STILL TELL HES BLUSHING BECAUSE HIS AUDIAL BITS ARE BLUE AF!
[Wanna ask something? Give a goblin a head pat? Drop it in my ask box!]
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ghostoffuturespast · 1 year
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I was lucky enough to win a VP giveaway from @bnbc and asked them to take some nice pics of Grandpa! I've always admired their style of photography so it was very cool to see them take some shots of my V and in outfits outside of the base game! (Me and my baby console pics) All the photos are stunning and I love them, so thank you! <3
I got a couple of different sets of photos but I'll post the other two later. And despite how good V looks in pink, she's counting down the seconds until she can change lol.
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allycatexplainsthings · 10 months
Question to the size shifters:
I have got stuck on a tiny size for days and then a giant a few times. Is it because I have gotten burned out with the art block AND writer's block I had for a few days? And at the same time, got terrible news? (I am not saying what happened since it is personal, but it got better :D)
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 7 days
I just found out I'm the only Accounts Receivable person in today.
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giggly-squiggily · 6 days
came in second place at the board game but my dad came in last so that's a win in my book hehe
ANYWAY. eizen x jikka. hear me out.
they both join the asaemon at a rather young age and they leave one hell of an impression on each other. eizen for one is so cool, he's got an eyepatch for christ's sake, jikka is immediately enamored. and jikka is so amazing too, he's so quick, eizen could never be this quick, his mind is absolutely blown.
and as they get older, there's more impressions of each other, impressions that are correct right away and impressions that get proven wrong down the road. eizen seems dense at first, but jikka soon realizes that he's not too dumb to notice the small details, he's just smart enough to not blurt them out immediately. jikka seems like he has his head up in the clouds all the time, but eizen has to admit to himself that jikka sees so much more than eizen ever could (pun intended). but jikka is so pretty and eizen is so beautiful, that they notice right away and that much remains true.
and the impressions just keep piling up because they watch each other so much and they catch each other staring and jikka loves how eizen blushes when he does and eizen loves how jikka stutters when he calls him out on it and before they know it they're behind the shrine and kissing like there's no tomorrow, because well maybe there won't be, you never know.
but jikka knows that this is right. eizen is jkka's first kiss that makes him feel anything other than mild intrigue, jikka is eizen's first everything and it's a good feeling to be one to give him all of these new impressions because eizen should learn to live a little, he really should. and with jikka he comes alive, or at least that's the impression jikka gets because suddenly eizen is laughing and smiling and it's the greatest thing in the world and jikka loves the glances they throw each other because they make him feel like he's special, like what they have is special.
turns out it's not. or not anymore. now there's something else that's more important, more special. this thing had been going on for nearly twelve years and of course jikka always knew that it'd never be more than a secret but he would've hoped to be dropped for something actually important. not for duty. not for that self-righteous construct of honor and status that eizen has made up in his thick head that makes him act like he's got the biggest fucking stick up his- eizen doesn't let him finish that insult, but jikka does get to tell him that no one cares as much about eizen as eizen does and that might have just been the absolute worst thing to say. doesn't matter though. not like he could apologize if eizen doesn't talk to him anymore. (he shouldn't apologize, he should take it back altogether. it was a lie. jikka does. jikka cares, more than anyone in the world.)
eizen doesn't let him take it back and jikka stops trying after a while. he finds new people, beautiful people, but none of them are as beautiful as eizen and none of them ever will be. not the stoic women that fall for the same sweet talk eizen fell for and not the thick men that don't catch onto his seduction until it's too late in the same way eizen never caught on. it's just not the same. not even with the woman he's supposed to marry, with her beautiful red hair. jikka likes the red hair of the woman whose name he doesn't know.
does it even matter? there's no space in his head for such trivial information. he fought gods, he traveled to the edge of the world, he lost the only people he could've ever called family and he didn't even mourn them, there's just no goddamn space. (he tried to mourn them, he really did, but he couldn't do it. eizen would be so disappointed.)
he also really tries not to think about eizen because if he does he also thinks about how eizen's last words to him were "until then" and if jikka had known that until then would be until never he would've... done something. grabbed eizen and kissed him in front of the goddamn shogun and everyone who was watching. yelled at him to stay. yelled at him to not be such an idiot. yelled at him that he loved him. said goodbye. done literally anything but smile his stupid fake smile and say "save travels", because that's a stupid thing to say to someone who's going to sell to the edge of the world and that stupid fake smile is worthless to someone who's seen the real smile. eizen always said jikka was much prettier when he wasn't trying to look like someone else.
but he's smiling that fake smile while standing next to the woman he'll marry, the woman he's marrying right now, because he wishes he was someone else. a different jikka who would've gone with eizen right away, who would've managed to convince eizen that his precious rules were stupid and his beloved duty was hollow and that they could've been free if they had just let themselves be. but he's not that different jikka. he's the jikka who let eizen leave like a bloody idiot and now he's standing next to a woman he doesn't want to know and recites a vow he wrote while thinking about someone else. someone who should be by his side but isn't. someone he would have followed anywhere, had he just been given a chance.
(that got so long i'm so sorry, if this doesn't convince you i literally don't know what will because i just poured my SOUL into this)
Is it bad my first thought upon reading that ship pair was “Oh that’s hot” 🤣🤣🤣💀 But no seriously- I ADORE???
No cause seriously I love love LOVE the impressions of one another and how the relationship started out so wonderful- and then the angst- Rey the ANGST you really had to rip my heart out like that the way it just faded off and despite Jikka surrounding himself with beautiful people it will never be Eizen and how he wished he could have done something else in those final words of goodbye and the hair thing THE FUCKING HAIR THING ARE YOU KIDDING ME THAT- AHH! Oh my god this was deliciously angsty and beautiful and perfect and my freaking HEART AHHH!! REY!
This was delicious and beautiful and perfect and both broke my heart and sold me on this ship I love it GAH! Thank you for sharing!
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mistchievous · 6 months
your trademark is being the Queen of Polls™ and a lovely hilarious person 💕
I am giving you the sweetest forehead kiss rn. You are such a darling. I adore you. 💕💕💕
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camp-campmax · 4 months
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skylarkking · 7 months
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