#despite it being our own livingroom
thirdsaltyhunter · 4 months
Girl's Night
Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: Jody and Donna ask you for help on a hunt and you all get drunk and call your boyfriend while you're away
Warning: fluff, cuteness, kissing, mentions of a hunt so violence?, celebratory drinking, getting drunk
A/N: not proofread, all mistakes are my own
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You woke up earlier than you usually did. Jody had given you a call to tell you that her and Donna had caught wind of a pack of werewolves just south of Sioux Falls and could use your help taking them out.
You wanted to start driving early so you could avoid most of the traffic and so you could offer your expertise as soon as possible. However, mornings aren't really your thing. You fought back the groan at how much you didn't want to leave your comfortable spot in bed where Dean was currently keeping you warm. Nonetheless, you began wiggling your way out from under his arm. You were trying not to wake him up this early because he hadn't slept enough this week.
As you tossed some clothes into your duffel bag, you thought you might be able to make it out without waking him, but he was always a light sleeper. A quiet grumble of your name sounded from beneath the covers.
"Hey baby," you whispered going back to the side of the bed.
"You leaving?" he asked, noticing your packed duffle bag, voice rough with sleep.
"Yeah, Jody asked me to help her and Donna take out some wolves."
He nodded and reached for you to pull you into a hug which, from the position he was in, meant that you were just laying on top of him. He was always extra cuddly in the mornings and you loved it, despite how much it tempted you to crawl back under the covers with him. "Be careful out there," he said, placing a kiss to your temple.
"You know I will." You propped yourself up on your elbow so you could look down at him. "Besides, you know it's gonna be a milk run. They probably don't even need me, they just want me to come up there so we can have girl's night."
He chuckled at that, because he knew you were right. Now that he thought about it, the last time he saw them, Donna had threatened that she'd drive down to Kansas herself and kidnap you if he didn't hand you over for a weekend.
He leaned up to plant a sweet kiss to your lips. "Call me when you finish the hunt so I know you're ok."
"I will." You kissed him again before crawling off of him. "I love you, go back to sleep."
"I love you too, sweetheart," he said, already burying his face into the pillow.
The hunt ended up being even easier than you thought it would be. You, Jody and Donna made a pretty formidable and efficient hunting team. The hunt was done before the sun even fully set, so you headed back to Jody's house to begin cooking dinner.
You couldn't help but smile at how quickly he gave in to your request. Grabbing your duffle, you headed out of the bedroom to say your goodbyes to Sam before you made your way to your car to start the long drive up to Sioux Falls.
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You all decided to forget the plan of cooking dinner and reward yourselves for a hunt-well-done by ordering pizza instead. Claire was off on her own hunt and Alex was working a late shift at the hospital. That left only you, Donna and Jody, sitting on the livingroom floor around a mostly empty pizza box, passing around a bottle of wine.
About an hour later, the three of you were well past tipsy and were having the best time laughing and telling stories from various hunts.
After catching up on everything and finishing off the bottle of wine, Jody decided to pull out the bourbon and poured a good amount of each of you.
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"Soooo", Jody began with a hint of mischief in her voice. "How's Dean?"
"Yeah we need to hear about our favorite couple," Donna chimed in.
You knew she was talking about you and Dean but you decided to play around. "I don't know what you're talking about," you teased.
"Oh come on you know what we're talk'n about. We want to know what you and ol' Dean's like when you're away from the eyes of the world, y'know, when you put the hunter armor down," Jody inquired.
"I betcha he wears fuzzy socks and watches chick-flics, don't he?" Donna added teasingly.
That had you almost rolling on the floor with laughter. "Oh yeah, definitely."
It was nice being kind of childish like this with them. You had never had many friends in your teenage years and the hunting life didn't typically allow for gal-pals, but you had developed a really good friendship despite not having the time to see each other very often.
You wiped the tears of laughter from your eyes. "Oh shit, I forgot to call him", you attempted to grab your phone out of your bag, which took longer than needed, given your lack of coordination. "Dean asked me to call him after the hunt."
Jody and Donna looked at each other and awwww'ed in unison.
You tapped Dean's contact and put the phone to your ear. After a few rings you heard his voice. "Hey sweetheart."
"Heeeey", you greeted excitedly, voice slightly slurred.
"Hiya Dean-o", Donna said loud enough for Dean to hear.
You could hear him laugh on the other end, clearly gathering that you were all pretty inebriated and having a good time. "So I take it the hunt went well", he said with amusement in his voice.
"Oh it went great, we're badasses."
"I have no doubt of that," he said fondly.
"Hey Dean!" Jody cut in. "Is it true you wear fuzzy sock and watch chick-flicks when you're at home?"
"Baby, what did you tell them about me?" Dean asked you with mock annoyance.
"Oh nothing," you responded playfully. "Anyway gotta go."
You could hear he was barely holding back from laughing. "Hey hold on-" *click*
You bit your lip as you hung up on him before looking up at Jody and Donna. As soon as you made eye contact you all bust out laughing.
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sunyot · 6 months
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Must See T.V. Moments - Xmen '97 2024
Being just a boy In 1997, I learned the Saturday Morning Cartoon rules. They stated that you had to wake up early or you missed your favorite shows. Think of a world without the internet where you could view funny or exciting clips. During this time, you had to be in charge of your own continued entertainment. In the absence of social media, it felt powerful whenever I got to watch my favorite show as it aired live.
I loved X-men. Thr cartoon became my first introduction to the characters, holding my attention in extraordinary ways. Like most, when they announced X-Men '97, I had some excitement. I also had skepticism. Like many of you, I'd been burned before. Thankfully this time hit different.
I'm going to say very little about the events of the show. I want to keep Sunyot as Spoiler free as possible unless stated otherwise. I want you to watch it. If you're anything like me, and remember the original, I want you to feel the nostalgia. While watching X-men '97, I'm transported back in time. I'm sitting in my old house, on the floor, carpet between my toes. I'm staring up at our old fuzzy T.V. sucked into the action and the drama and the madness of their stories. These days, I find it hard to watch old clips because they made me sad.
Sometimes I come across nostalgic videos from the 90's and I end up longing for times when I laughed more; when all I used to worry about was if my baseball game would get rained out. Being so busy makes me feel like I'll never capture those old feelings in adulthood. Despite how hard creators may try, it's tough to make a grown man feel like a kid again. X-Men '97 on the other hand, surprisingly, wonderfully, did exactly that.
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I'll keep the details of the series to myself. Let's just say that I ended the second episode with my jaw on the floor, and my feelings in tangles. While watching this continuation, I found myself sitting on the floor of my old livingroom, carpet between my toes, staring up at our old fuzzy television in disbelief. Even now, I'm in disbelief. I haven't felt this free in a long time.
So far, X-Men '97 is the real deal.
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ladylamrian · 4 months
Funko Pop Love 👩🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏼
Female Main Character: Alexis (Alex)
Pairing: F!MC×NikRyder
Summary: What is Alex up to now?
Word Count: 1.8K words
Rating: General (Fluff, Comedy)
Warnings: none
-> My complete Nightbound Masterlist <-
Choices Fanfiction Taglist: @lilyoffandoms ; @secretaryunpaid ; @blackcatkita ; @infactnoimmasitinthemiddle ; @liviusofpella ; @peonierose ; @jdstar88 ; @hopelessromantic1352 ; @tessa-liam ; @mxdanni ; @mariemarieohcontrary ; @rosepetals1 ; @stars-are-within-me ; @artbyalz ; @dutifullynuttywitch ; @bri1234 ; @thosehallowedhalls ; @choicesficwriterscreations and whoever wants to join...
Comments via Reblog wholeheartedly welcome
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"Nik, look what I got us!!!", Alex excitedly squeaked, running towards her boyfriend, Nik Ryder who was seated in the livingroom with a cup of black coffee.
"What is it, rook?", he asked before taking another sip.
"May I present you Funko Pop Nik Ryder and Funko Pop Alex?", she proudly held two tiny figures of plastic in her hands and showed them to him.
"Oh, is that us? In Funko Pop version? You are so cute, Alex.", he chuckled as he took a closer look at the little creations.
"That's right, Nik I created them online and had to order. Now they're finally here with us. So cute!! I love them."
Nik smiled at his girlfriend's excitement and took one of them in his hands, looking at Alex's mini version with a loving gaze.
"Damn, they look great. Thank you, darling.", he planted a quick kiss on her cheek to appreciate her.
"Nik, I find your Nik Funko Pop kinda cute."
After she mentioned, Nik picked up his own Funko Pop in his hand and pondered it from head to toe.
"Hmm... now that you said it it's not that bad! I hope you find me cute too and not just my Funko Pop, rook."
"Of course, Nik. I just couldn't get the jacket right. Sadly a long, brown leather coat wasn't an option, so I hope you're satisfied with the blue jacket. I could buy one for you if you want. I see that blue suits you well too."
"Hey, I don't complain. My Funko Pop looks pretty good in my humble opinion. And I like it that you put your Funko Pop in a red jacket, just like the cherry-red leather jacket that I gave you the first night we met.", he confessed as he put the Funko Pop on a counter and wrapped his arms lovingly around Alex's waist. Then he continued.
"You know, rook... The only difference between your toy version and you is that your toy version, despite being cute, is not half as beautiful as you really are. I love you, Alex. And I think the Funko Pops you created are kinda adorable, just like the two of us."
"Agreed, Nik. So they need a special place to stand. They are like little ambassadors of our love! Now the question is where to put them?"
"Well, I'm bad at this but... Hmmm, maybe on the living room bookshelf?"
"Great idea, Nik, the living room shelf is a perfect place for them, then our guests will see them too, and they will all agree that they are a perfect tribute to our love!"
"Whatever you wish, love. Anyway, I think I should get ready, darling.", Nik informed while glancing at the clock.
"Oh, right... Your mission. I kinda feel too tired to join you today anyway. Be back home soon and stay safe.", she kissed him.
"You got that, babe. Don't worry. You'll stay alone, so will you be okay on your own? And don't forget to lock up the doors and be careful. And..."
"Nik, it's not the first time. I'm no child. I know, I know, you're my overprotective boyfriend. In the meantime I'll admire our Funko Pops and play with them"
"You say I'm overprotective, but I just care for you. Oh, go ahead and have some fun with our Funko Pops, they're quite a good company for their size.", he chuckled and smiled at her.
"Oh, and I'll create a third one in the future too. In case after we get married we both want to... You know...", she teased him and playfully winked at him. Nik's cheeks turned into a soft pink shade.
"Ugh... Well, I'm not one to make predictions but if that's the way things might or should go... Then you can be creative, darling. For now, let's just... Ugghh... Well, I think we better not get carried away by the imagination. Anyway, I'd better get ready, I must hurry.", he answered while scratching the back of his neck.
"Sure, stay safe."
"Oh, you know me, I'm always vigilant.
I'll lock the door behind me... Be back soon.", he said while taking one last look at the Funko Pops of the couple and smiled.
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Later, Alex was alone in the apartment getting bored without Nik, so she decided to play with the Funko Pops. About an hour or two had passed since Nik had gone on a mission. Alex lonely with Funko Pop Alex and Funko Pop Nik which were now placed on the counter in the living room. As she looked at them she let her mind wander, thinking nostalgically of her relationship with Nik. Of the highs and lows they had together. Smiling, she picked up her Funko Pop and the one of Nik, making the two miniatures kiss. She giggled slightly then made Nik's Funko Pop hug the Funko Pop of herself and give her a long kiss on the lips.
Then, she glanced at her own Funko Pop and made it kiss Nik's Funko Pop several times in quick succession on the mouth and on the cheek making a series of little "pecks".
"I'm crazy, I know. This happens when I'm alone", she giggled at this, finding it hilarious.
Taking a deep breath, laughing, and putting both Funko Pops on the countertop, she sat on the uncomfortable, white leather couch, starting to reminisce about her love story with Nik. Despite it not being completely perfect, she had to admit that she loved him and never wanted to be without him, so much so that she wondered.
"What if we have kids? What if we get married one day? Would he...? ", Alex sighed as the answer to that question could be a bitter one. If only she could know what was happening in his mind.
Taking the Funko Pops again, she started to play different scenarios. Using her imagination and skills to recreate scenes like the couple having a romantic dinner, going on a trip, or watching a movie together, and also more funny scenes like Nik pretending to be hurt just to get a hug or a kiss.
She laughed amused as she saw her imagination become reality through the miniatures of the couple, but as she continued to watch she also felt a bit of nostalgia for maybe not being able to actually experience these scenarios with Nik.
Now, Alex picked up the two Funko Pops and imagined a wedding proposal. The Funko Pops representing her and Nik was in a romantic location, under a starry night with a moon full of candlelight illuminating the scene. The Alex Funko Pop was smiling lovingly at the Nik Funko Pop who held her hands and was knelt on one knee, presenting a shiny gem-encrusted ring.
"Alex, will you marry me?", she spoke as Funko Pop Nik in a lower, manly tone.
The Alex Funko Pop smiled and tears of happiness welled up in her eyes as she answered, also in Alex's voice, but this time in her sweet, normal tone.
"Yes, Nik. Yes, I will marry you, with all my heart.", Alex answered making the Funko Pops kiss each other.
Funko Pop Nik picked up Funko Pop Alex in his strong arms, holding her close in a tender embrace and kissing her passionately. The lovely Funko Pop couple held each other tightly in their arms as if nothing bad could ever happen to them.
"Awww, such a cute story. Now which scenario should I play next? Hmmmmm... Oh, I'll play how I, Alex saves Nik."
Alex smiled at her own idea, picked up the Funko Pops and placed them in a fighting scenario. Nik's Funko Pop was wounded and kneeling, while Alex's Funko Pop was standing protectively in front of her partner to defend him from an invisible opponent. The Funko Pop of Alex was looking back at the wounded Funko Pop Nik, giving him a determined and protective look. "I'll protect you, Nik."
The Nik Funko Pop looked at her with a pained expression but love in his eyes and weakly whispered. "Thank you, babe"
"What are you doing, Alex??!!!", Nik's voice interrupted her.
"Funko Pop Nik, you can talk??!!!!", she panicked and immediately moved her hands away from her toys. Anything magical and supernatural could happen in the World of Night, even Funko Pops getting alive... Right?
"Turn around, rook."
She did as the voice commanded, and turned around. Her gaze wandered toward the entrance. A bit startled, she saw Nik, her boyfriend standing there. His expression a mix of surprise and concern on his face.
"Nik, you're back?!!"
"What the hell are you doing here alone in the dark living room at midnight?"
"Nik, you're back. I... I can explain. I couldn't sleep without you and..."
Nik's expression softened, his gaze filled with understanding and affection. He approached her girlfriend and cupped her face gently, caressing her cheek tenderly.
"Oh, my rook. I'm sorry if my absence caused such concern for you. I was just doing my job like always. I swear everything's okay."
He leaned in to give her a tender kiss on the lips, wanting to reassure her.
"Thanks, Nik. Glad to see you safe and don't worry, but our Funko Pops kept me entertained. Right now I'm playing a wedding scene."
Nik burst into laughter at this revelation, his eyes widening in amusement and surprise.
"Oh really? You and our Funko Pops have been planning a wedding?"
"And later they'll have children.", she innocently confessed.
Nik grinned, clearly amused by the whole thing, and chuckled.
"Oh my goodness, so we'll also have Funko Pop children now? Are we gonna build another shelf just for their family?", he couldn't stop laughing, shaking his head slightly in amusement.
"Who knows, Nik."
"Well, our miniature selves seem very proactive. If they're already planning a wedding and contemplating children, I don't know where they'll stop. Maybe soon they'll be requesting a house in the suburbs with a white picket fence.", he joked which made her giggle even more.
Smiling, he gently wrapped his arms around her waist as he leaned closer.
"You know, while our Funko Pops are busy planning their future, how about we focus on the present? Spend some quality time together, just you and I?", Nik whispered into her ear, his tone filled with warmth and affection.
"Nik, you know what? Let's go to sleep and spend some quality time tomorrow. Sorry, but I feel a bit tired.", she confessed and nodded in agreement. He gently squeezed her hand and pulled her into a loving and comforting embrace.
"Of course, my beloved. Let's hit the bed and rest. I can imagine that a day spent arranging weddings and thinking about children can be very exhausting.", he chuckled as he gently kissed her forehead. His voice was soft and filled with a hint of playful amusement before heading towards the bedroom together.
"Good night, Funko Pop Alex and Nik.", she wished their two little figures.
Nik laughed softly at the mention of their Funko Pop counterparts.
"Good night to them too, darling. I have a feeling they'll have more adventures in their little world while we rest."
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milkybonya · 2 years
🎼 love as: are we living out a fake fantasy or is this true destiny?_Actor
🎼 track 05 of the 낭만 (NANGMAN) -- do you believe in romance? series
🎼 you like Hwang Hyunjin... but you're not sure if you're falling for the male lead role that he acts out with you or for the real him.
!: suggestive content (kissing/making out), open-ended, ~1k+ (?)
#: actor!Hyunjin x actor!(gn)reader, y/n crushes on Hyunjin
[💌: finally finishing this up T_T a song that gets better over time: something by dress... big naughty's verse at the end makes me ascend]
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he cups your entire right cheek in just one of his hands, stroking it with his thumb.
"my love..." he mumbles, his eyes settling on your lips.
your heart shouldn't be racing. you should be keeping calm... but you can't help it. the moment when he tilts his head and his locks fall over his eyes, his lips touch yours and his hands pull you closer, you have to use all your willpower to keep your knees from buckling.
"cut!" the director announces.
Hyunjin pulls away slowly, as if savouring the kiss despite it being completely scripted.
"was that okay? are you okay?" he asks, his hand still cupping your face. he seems to still be stuck in the kiss until he realizes and pulls his hand away.
"yeah, it was fine!" you reassure the boy.
he smiles brightly at you and his hands enter his pockets. someone from the production team calls him over and he excuses himself, and you're left fanning your face to get yourself to calm down.
your manager approaches you with some water.
"hey, y/n, are you alright? did you get too caught up in the scene?" they ask.
"yeah, i guess so..." you mumble, thanking them for the water and taking a sip.
you watch Hyunjin from afar and how he interacts with the staff, intently listening to them and nodding along. he's so dreamy... is it just because of the character he plays? are you falling for him or his character?
you're not a rookie actor by any means, and you've played plenty of romantic scenes before... never have you felt this way. but then again, and no offense to the other actors you've worked with, none have ever been quite this handsome.
you suck in a breath through your teeth, still watching him.
well, heck. why don't you put your acting skills to use and go approach him with somw fake confidence? nothing is stopping you!
so, that's what you do. Hyunjin immediately turns to you with a smile, and when you ask for a second of his time, he gladly follows you outside of the set.
"honestly, y/n, thank God you pulled me away. the staff were repeating themselves a lot back there," he explains with a giggle. you don't comprehend any of it because you're so busy staring at the way his thin, silver rings sit on his fingers and how his hands themselves seem to nervously dance with one another.
"but anyways, what did you want to talk about?" he asks, eyes wide as he gives you his full attention.
his long, dark locks tied half up half down expose his pretty T-zone.
"oh uh... well, i was wondering if we could exchange numbers and go over the script on our own, together, sometime?" you ask, not even missing a single beat despite your request being a little odd.
Hyunjin is sweet though, and doesn't question it much. yet, is he sweet or is he just acting that way because he's used to putting on an image?
"oh... are the scenes for next week making you extra nervous? don't worry, me too! we can definitely do that! here, pass me your phone and i'll give you mine."
your fingers brush against each other and your heart races. it wasn't like you weren't just kissing this man a few moments ago. yet you weren't really kissing him, were you? you were kissing a character. you, no, not even you but a character, was kissing another character.
identity crisis. the one problem with actors that people rarely discuss.
anyways, you get his number just like that. all according to script.
two days later, you're pacing around in Hyunjin's livingroom, muttering the lines to yourself as he makes you both some hot beverages.
"you look like a mad scientist right now," he says before chuckling. his laugh is like honey for the ears and it makes you stop walking, which makes Hyunjin think he hurt your feelings.
"i was joking, i'm sorry if i offended you," he calmly explains, but you firmly shake your head and tell him it's fine.
he nods in response and his hair, untied today, bounces around his gorgeous, tan face.
Hyunjin then walks over to you, drinks in hand and offering you one. you take it before he can warn you that it's hot, and it slips straight out of your hands.
the hot liquid spreads around the floor and Hyunjin urges you to step back as he runs to clean it up. he's straight out of a drama with the way he vaccums up the glass and wipes away the liquid from the floor, pausing to push his hair behind his ears and roll up his sleeves.
he knows exactly when to do what, and you're in love, smitten for his calculated moves and perfection. but is it even love if it's perfect?
"let me help," you keep offering, but his worried face and tone tell you to move onto the couch and rehearse the script while he cleans up.
it doesn't take long but it feels like an eternity for you as you watch over him. yet before you know it, he's holding out another drink to you, reminding you quickly that it's hot this time.
"thank you, Hyunjin. i'm so sorry."
"hey now, y/n. don't apologize! i'm just glad you're not hurt. now, let's finally practice, shall we?"
ah yes, practice. no small talk. no cuddling on the couch--why would that even happen?! your mind races ahead, already imagining scenarios with your co-actor...
"so the next scene seems to be an argument that ends in a hug. i start this one... honey. why won't you just hear me out?" Hyunjin's tone changes immediately as he adopts his character's tone.
"no, i think you need to listen! you've been going around seeing other people and i've acted oblivious for too long," you shout.
"other people? my love, i've only been seeing you--"
"don't you dare lie!" you cut him off at the perfect moment and let your voice shake, just like the script commands.
"those people theyre--it's all fake. but we're real, my dear. we're real," Hyunjin's voice grows more quiet.
"if we're real then why do you keep referring to me with different petnames. why can't you stick to one! who is it that you call 'my dear'? must be someone else! i've never heard that one before."
Hyunjin lets out a scripted sigh and races forward to wrap you in a hug. he feels so warm and the butterflies rage within you again, still persisting even when he pulls away to look at you while saying his next lines. his hands holding onto you keep you in place. once again, your legs have gone weak.
your eyes land on Hyunjin's plump lips. they're so red and shiny, coated with the sip of his drink he took earlier. you wonder how it tastes. you wonder how it tastes on Hyunjin's lips--no. you wonder how Hyunjin's lips taste.
and before you know it, you've gone off-script. you've broken out of your character and are pressing your lips to his and God it feels so good. they're warm, they taste bitter like his drink but sweet from the cookie he ate before, they're soft and... and he's kissing you back. he's holding the back of your neck to bring you closer as his other hand supports your back, he won't pull away, he won't take a breath until you do.
you finally pull away when you start to feel dizzy, and you both avoid each other's eyes for a few seconds. when you finally look at him, he looks dazed.
"um... y/n i think.. i think we should go back to the script," Hyunjin mumbles, crouching down to pick up the papers he forgot he dropped.
"and what if i don't want to," you say, too quiet for him to hear.
you wait for him to tell you that the kiss should've never happened and should never happen again. he doesn't. so, you hope it'll happen again. you hope you can break free of the script you're forced to follow.
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rubywithin · 1 year
Who to Trust? 29
I started to shiver....I definitely didn’t trust Sora but Naruma had helped me out so much. (Ein) “Tetsuya if that was the case then explain why Annabelle was found in the Lab?”. (Enrique) “I mean they could of moved her body, if it was at night they would of had plenty of time to!”. I don’t like how possible this is...after all she had been hit on the head, what if that was a second culprit attacking her? (Yuri) “I don’t see how either of them could of gotten one of my strings though, I prefer to keep my puppets safe! Also I told both Ein and Sora who I got a picture of....I highly doubt Sora knew before hand. And since I was the one who was framed I doubt Sore tried to do it”. (Ein) “Plus me, Tetsuya and Naruma admitted who our pictures were of too each other!”. Yuri....do you know who is trying to frame you? (Gina) “Then once again we have nothing to go on” (Tetsuya) “Actually we have plenty of info now!”
“You see who is close enough to Yuri to know about his recent doubts? Enrique, who hangs out with Yuri and could of easily stole one of his strings? Enrique. Who was going along with my false narrative? Enrique”. (Enrique) “What a load of garbage....” (Ein) “Who knew I was knocked out and was found by Yuri? once again the answer is Enrique!”. I did not expect Tetsuya to throw out an accusation as bait like that... (Sora) “I guess he could of easily took my chain while me and Naruam were at the cafe”. (Isabelle) “True...the killer definitely could of seen who was out at night! The odds are starting to stack up against you Enrique” (Enrique) “Hahahaha the odds against me....no matter the odds I come out on top! After all you have no proof at all that I did any of this” the issue is he was right, if only we had just one bit of proof. 
(Yuri) “What if we check his room for one of my puppet’s that has the string taken off?”. (Enrique) “So what you let me borrow one...right....ugh” (Ein) “Also you hung around the third floor a lot because of Yuri so easily could of saw what Kyoya was up too” all we can do is get him to own up. I could see the pressure on his face, (Luna) “Enrique did you know about Annabelle possessing the poison?”. (Enrique) “No....I just panicked how was I suppose to know she would try to kill me?” there it was the confession. (Tetsuya) “Oh but you were fine with killing Kyoya?” (Yuri) “And using me to get away with it!?”. (Enrique) “Things just lined up so perfectly....I never expected you people to trust Yuri....yeah I did it, I guess I lose!”. It just hit me this time around 3 of us will be gone now....we all voted for Enrique and he walked into the next room. A dice was rolled....then suddenly a number of floor’s opened up equal to the number on the dice and he fell!
(Yuri) “His picture was of his best friend....who he had always won against but despite that always wanted to play games against him!”. We all left the trial room and went back to the Livingroom....I didn’t even want to know what was in store for us next. (Hedgy) “I have an announcement, the rooms you were fitting your trap door in will now be permanently locked”. (Tetsuya) “At least Kyoya’s work will be preserved!” Hedgy looked annoyed at that comment. We were all give out maps with the 4th floor! the new rooms were an art room, a music room and storeroom! I decided to call it an early night....I felt bad for Yuri being betrayed by Enrique like that. A thought in my mind though was did he see the person who attacked me? Also we never learned if he had hit Annabelle on the head....I don’t get how she could of take a blow like that and made it all the way to the Lab!
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shootthemessenger · 4 years
baby if you’re not the one for me, who is? [a.m-r.]
ally mayfair-richards x fem!reader
requested: an ally fic where she knows ivy is cheating on her but she’s okay with it because she’s secretly with r (hopefully angst) [ anonymous ]
disclaimer: strong language, sexual nature, infidelity, mentions of blood, angst/violence
maybe this is just me projecting my own deep hate for ivy but whatever
gif belongs to @theneonhomo
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Ally clung onto you tightly; her fists gripped at your shirt as her tears wet the fabric around your shoulder. “Babe, just breathe,” Ivy spoke from behind her, standing in the doorway to the kitchen, “You’re going to break the babysitter.”
Ally whimpered from underneath you, pulling herself closer into your chest. “She’s just fine.” You argued, your arm snaking around the woman’s waist so you could hold her closer to you.
Ivy scoffed and ignored you as she continued speaking, “Ally there was no clown. I already talked to the officer who was in the park. You need to calm down.” She crossed her legs at the ankle, leaning into the doorframe as her arms crossed over her chest.
Ally, once again, didn’t respond and pulled you closer to her, pressing her ear against your chest to listen to the sound of your heart beating over her wife’s frustration.
“She’s only acting like this because she hasn’t taken her medicine!” Ivy spoke up again, the frustration building and evident on her face.
You narrowed your eyes at her, “Well yelling at her isn’t going to help!” You soothed Ally’s back with your palm, free hand linking your pinky to hers between you. “Ally, tell me what happened?” You whispered to her.
She glanced up at you, mascara painting her face and eyes red and swollen. She fixed her grip on your shirt before leaning back into you. “They were there!” She exclaimed shakily.
“He pulled a knife out, I could have been killed Ivy!” She whimpered loudly into your chest. You could see Ivy moving closer out of the corner of your eye and squared your arms around Ivy.
When Ivy’s hand pressed against Ally’s back, Ally flinched and shuffled away with her eyes closed tightly. Ivy scoffed once again, “I see what’s going on here.” Her stare tightened, she was shooting daggers at you with her eyes.
“You’re fucking her!” Ivy exclaimed loudly, glancing between the two of you with anger in her eyes.
“And so what if I am?” Ally hissed into your chest, turning her head to look at the blonde-haired woman behind her, “You’re fucking winter so what’s the difference?” Ivy’s face dropped quickly.
Ivy stuttered for a moment, looking for something to say back to the woman. Nothing coherent came out, her cold stare holding strong against Ally’s.
“You seriously thing that-...” she huffed, her sentence trailing off as if she couldn’t believe what her wife was saying.
Ally turned her body fully and leapt to her feet, “Cut the bullshit Ivy, you think that cameras are gonna catch what happened with her and I in the bathroom but not you two in the kitchen, or the hallway, or even our bedroom for fucks sake!” She was nearly seething as she lunged forward and swiped a vase off the counter, the anger that had built up inside of her was finally being released.
You flinched as the glass shattered against the floor, shards flying around the room.
Ivy didn’t speak up which only gave Ally means to continue, “Maybe I just wanted someone to love me the way you weren’t! Maybe I was sick and tired of being the victim around here and I wanted to be in charge of something!”
Ivy moved closer, hands balled at her sides as if she was having trouble containing her anger. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” You warned, standing up quickly despite Ally reaching to hold your arm. Ivy glanced between the two of you once more and took a few steps back.
Ivy rolled her eyes, “you think you can just come into MY house and fuck MY wife and get away with it?” She stepped closer with her face bursting an angry red color.
Ally raised her hand as it dripped blood, a large shard of glass held tightly between her fist. “Get the fuck out of my house.”
It was silent for a moment, you standing your ground with Ally on the floor in front of you and Ivy backed into the doorway of the kitchen. “Leave!” Ally screamed at the top of her lungs.
Ivy let out an exasperated sigh, rolling her eyes, “whatever.” She turned on her heel and shuffled out of the room, everything was still as you listened to the door click closed.
When you were both sure she was gone, two deep sighs could be heard echoing through the livingroom. Ally turned to you, tears burning her eyes and nearly collapsed into your arms, pressing a kiss to the skin of your shoulder.
“I’m sorry.” She cried, holding tightly onto you. “It’s okay, Al.” You mumbled, tracing shapes on the small of her back. She pulled herself into you, looking up so that her soft brown eyes locked with yours.
Her pupils dilated, causing you to laugh softly. “I’m sorry you had to see all that.” She pressed a kiss to the bridge of your nose. “Sweet girl.” She mumbled.
You laughed softly before leaning forward to connect your lips, her fingers moved to cup your cheek softly as she let out a sigh through her nose. Her lips worked softly against yours, expertly delving into your mouth to her own pleasure.
She pulled away slowly, her eyelids closed and relaxed. She pulled you closer to her and pressed a last peck.
You hummed, taking her hand in yours gently, “Let’s get you cleaned up, darling.”
Taglist: @mssallymckenna , @proudnlittle , @coxmicbabygirl , @sapphicpaulsxn , @its-soph-xx , @fand0m-obsess3d-g33k , @paulsonix , @madamevirgo , @saucy-sapphic , @kikaykimkim , @billiedeansbottom
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ramblyimagines · 4 years
New Year’s kisses!
With -> Aizawa, Mic, Hawks, Midnight, Ms. Joke and Fatgum! After such a crappy year, let’s give the pros some love!
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Nemuri Kayama (Midnight)
Nemuri LOVES New Year’s celebrations!!! She loves getting all dressed up and going to the club but that’s obviously not happening this year
So instead, she’ll get all dressed up to stay home! And insist that you do too! She’ll be right there by your side the entire time to chat or gossip and compliment you every five seconds while you pick out your outfit and do your hair
She isn’t the best cook in the world but she can make a few dishes that are just...so warm. You can taste the love she put into cooking them! But tonight she isn’t feeling like a fancy dinner. So she whips up a huge bowl of ramen with thick chunks of pork thrown in as well as veggies! And of course some eggs!
You can’t help but laugh when you sit to eat together cause...holy cow! Neither of you can eat that much!! Looks like you’ll have leftovers for lunch tomorrow! And the day after!
She takes it upon herself to put a towel around your shoulders to act as a bib so you don’t spill food down the front of you. She’ll tease you about it as if she isn’t wearing one too “Awww look at you! So cuuuteee! Like a big baby!”
Neither of you pick up after dinner besides putting the leftovers in the fridge for later. The dishes can wait! You’ve got each other all to yourselves...might as well make the most of it.
You dance together, hands all over each other, unable to resist the urge...You’re kissing long before the countdown begins :0
She puts a finger against your lips, pausing to smile at the firework display visible from your apartment “Looks like we missed it. Oh well, you’re not going anywhere anyway. Happy new year, honey”
You’ll get plenty of kisses to make up for it! And much more :0 You’ll return the favor too of course! She deserves it :’)
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Shouta Aizawa (Eraserhead)
Shouta managed to get the night off so despite it being a holiday, he’s not wasting this opportunity to rest
He’ll order some really shitty takeout and have a movie marathon! He lets you pick the movies and konks out halfway through the first one
If you really want him to stay up he will but is it really that important to stay up? Just set an alarm for 11:55pm and call it good!
Being the persuasive little shit he is, he’ll probably get you to curl up and nap with him. I mean...it’s hard to resist when he’s so warm and his hugs are so inviting
You turn the tv down and set the channel to where the countdown would be later tonight so you can rest together
Sure enough, your alarm goes off just as planned! You gently shake him awake so you can watch the last pre-countdown performance of the night together
You count down along with the announcer and once it hits zero, Shouta smiles :) he pulls you down for a lazy, tired kiss, his hands running up and down your back ‘Happy new year...can we go to bed now? It’s so late...’ Of course you can’t say no to that handsome face
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Emi Fukukado (Ms. Joke)
Emi has been planning this for awhile!! She bought party poppers, silly hats, board games, noise makers- all kinds of stuff to make your night together special!
She keeps the countdown channel on all day long, watching the speeches and performances from celebrities “Ooo!!! I didn’t know they were performing!!! So cool!!”
Her eyes light up as she watches, practically bouncing in her seat while crushing your hand in her grip
You eat tons of popcorn and candy while playing charades, Twister and Mario Kart on her Switch. Some other games she brings out are tough to play with two people but eventually, you guys just make up your own rules! It’s more fun that way!
She jumps for joy when the countdown starts! She gets her party popper ready and fixes your hat “Here we go!!! TEN! NINE! EIGHT!-“
You both pop your confetti poppers and laugh as it rains down on you. She grabs you and dips you with a grin “Here comes your kiss, sweetheart!” Your silly, giggly kiss slowly melts into a warm, loving one
“I’m so happy that I got to spend this year with you! I wouldn’t wanna be with anyone else. Let’s kick 2021’s ass together, what do you say?”
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Hizashi Yamada (Present Mic)
Hizashi is beyond excited to be spending New Years with you! He’s got all kinds of snacks dumped out into big ol’ bowls and soda in champagne glasses since he isn’t exactly the biggest fan of alcohol
His hair is down and the ‘Present Mic’ facade is gone for the night so you’ve really got Hizashi all to yourself :)
He has a whole playlist made of songs you guys enjoyed together throughout the year! He frequently pauses songs to reminisce with you ‘OH! Remember when we went to the beach and that kid totally face planted in the sand? This song was playing!’ He remembers these moments so clearly just cause he associates then with songs! There’s plenty of moments that he loves to remember
You two don’t tune into the countdown or the pre-countdown performances or speeches. Instead, you play Guitar Hero!! It gets so competitive that you find yourselves sweaty and out of breath by the end of the final game before you realize ‘oh shit! Thirty seconds to midnight!’
You fumble with the remote and just barely make it! “5...4...3...2...1! HAPPY NEW YEAR!”
Hizashi whoops and yells, pulling you into a sweaty hug ‘WOHOO!! This is gonna be our year babe I just know it!’
Before you can even get a word out he smushes your lips together. It isn’t exactly romantic or anything but you two are smiling and giggling like idiots anyways :)
Now that you’ve caught your breath...How about Guitar Hero round two? He’s not gonna go easy on ya this time!
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Taishiro Toyomitsu (Fatgum)
Boy oh boy! You’re in for a fun night!!
Instead of staying in the whole day, you’ll be running all over the city together to pick up food from different restaurants so you can have a bit of everything together back at home! It’s mostly appetizers and little desserts :)
Back at home, you share your dinner while looking at pictures on your phones. Tai gets so excited when talking about his interns and coworkers. Looking back through these photos shows him how much they’ve improved in just a year! Wow!
He’ll also pull up horrible pictures of you just to mess around “What!? I like this one! Oh don’t give me that look- I’m not gonna delete it!!”
Once it starts getting dark you’ll curl up on the couch to flip through channels, maybe settling on a movie or crappy soap opera to watch until it’s time for the countdown
People are setting off fireworks before it even hits midnignt so the two of you make your way outside to watch from your balcony. Tai looks especially handsome all lit up under the colorful lights...He thinks the same about you too
That’s where you have your midnight kiss too, under the fireworks while people celebrate in the streets below. You can’t stay out there too long though! It’s cold!
Eventually you tumble back inside to dive back under your warm blankets on the sofa, hugging each other close
You don’t even know what time it is when you fall asleep but you’ll wake up in the morning to a super sore neck and Tai drooling on your shirt as he lays on you... Better take a picture as revenge for earlier! >:)
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Keigo Takami (Hawks)
Keigo got stuck on patrol but that won’t stop him from coming home to celebrate anyway!
You get frequent texts from him letting you know where in the city he is. He’s desperate to get home cause you’re his one and only New Years kiss!!
You’re home alone until 11:30pm rolls around. You left the window for your shared apartment open so he could get in but you weren’t expecting him to fly full speed through the window!!
He nearly collides with the wall, quickly righting himself and throwing his arms up in the air triumphantly “Look what I got! Just for us, chickadee!” ...It’s a bucket of KFC. It is a tradition after all!
Keigo insists you sit while he fixes you a plate. You two usually don’t eat in the livingroom but tonight can be an exception!
He’s still in his hero costume, his feathers are disheveled from flying and there’s a smudge of dirt on his cheek. Not to mention, he’s absolutely tearing into a chicken breast. Wow...you really are in love, huh?
When you two are done with your feast, he clings onto you, resting his head on your shoulder while his wings curl around you “Sooooo....What was your favorite thing you did this year?”
“That’s a tough one. I got to spend so much time with you so...I’d say every day was my favorite!” And just like that you broke the poor guy :( he starts crying and kisses your cheek. He can’t help it!! He’s an emotional guy :( “Birdie :( I didn’t expect you to say thaaaatttt :(“
For the countdown, you sway side to side together with content smiles. Your New Years kiss is soft and sweet, a little short lived but oh well. You’ll get plenty more kisses later
You wipe the dirt and grease off of his face for him before he leaves again! And a playful slap on the ass for good luck ;)
“Hey!! Knock it off!” He’ll get you back when he comes back home :0
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sapphire-strikes · 4 years
Could your write something about Boris trying to cheer up a FK who just isn't having it. They're in the middle of working on something and keep politely brushing him off when he tries anything despite obviously being very tired and fed up with whatever they're focusing on. (Perhaps with a guest appearance by tickle monster Boris to help them come around?)
Just a whole bunch of fluff.
Kamal: {Hey, bud, you home yet?}
Boris: {Nopey nope! I was just closing up shop! :-D }
Kamal: {Alright, just thought I'd tell you the kid is gonna be there when you get back. Their wi-fi's down so they asked if they could come over and use ours}
Boris: {That is great news thank you, Kamal!}
Kamal: {I'm assuming you don't mean great that their internet's down, lol}
{I'm sure you're happy to have them over but they're there to work on something so try not to distract them too much okay?}
{Well it's not like I didn't try}
Quickly tucking away his phone, Boris made haste to finish his closing duties. You'd mentioned not being able to walk him home from the shop today so whatever you were working on must have been the "business" that you had to take care of. It seemed your friendship really was meant to be because even on the days you didn't plan on seeing each other fate found a way to bring you back to him and Kamal; that's what Boris thought to himself at least as he untied his apron and hung it on the rack by the door.
Busy at work or not, it probably wasn't any fun sitting in their home all alone so he was quick to flip the sign to closed and skip out the door.
By the time home was within view he couldn't contain his excitement anymore and dashed to the front door.
You sat crossed legged on the couch, hunched over the laptop that sat in your lap. The sound of the door smacking against the wall as he burst inside made you jump considerably, almost dropping your computer in the process.
"Hello! Sorry to keep you waiting!"
It took you a moment to register who was standing in the door after their sudden entrance but the scared look on your face disappeared when he took a few steps closer.
"Oh hey, Boris." You readjusted your sitting position into something more comfortable after almost jumping off the couch a second ago. "You're good, I wasn't really waiting after all." You mentioned.
He stepped behind you and rested his hands on the back of the couch, bending over a bit to get a better look at what was on your screen.
"I see you are hard at work, yes?"
"Yeah, and I've...still got a good bit to work on. Kamal said it was alright for me to hang out today so I hope I'm not in your way or anything."
"Of course not, it is no trouble at all! We are always happy to have you!" Something about the excited way he spoke told you he didn't really understand your situation.
"That's great, thanks Boris. Don't mind me then." You turned to give him one final grin before focusing back on your laptop.
There was a noticeable moment of silence from Boris as he seemed to be processing that that was the end of the conversation. Unfortunately, he didn't come to any kind of worth while conclusion because his wide smile returned.
"Alrighty! I'm going to go get changed, be back soon!
As promised, it wasn't long before you heard the sound of heavy footsteps coming back down the stairs. Doing your best to keep your eyes focused on your keyboard you finally looked up when you felt someone leer over you.
"What's up?"
"I'm going to go take care of my lilies out back, would you like to come?"
"I'm sorry, Boris, but I'm still going to be at this for a while yet. I'd work at home but that storm last night took out some of the lines by my house."
"Oh..." His face fell for a second "That's all right! Do come out and find me if you find yourself in need of some fresh air!"
"Sure thing, if I can finish up in time I'll be right out", you agreed.
However, an hour passed and you stayed where you were. Somewhere around the 30 minute mark Boris had come back inside, looking noticeably disappointed when he saw you in the same position he'd left you in. But Instead of interrupting you again he busied himself with finishing little things inside the house, all of which happened to be in the livingroom, and you weren't blind to the way he seemed to be constantly looking up from whatever he was doing to see if you were done.
At one point he even feigned reading beside you. You could only assume he was faking it at least, unless he had a preference for reading books upside down. Admittedly, you did feel the slightest bit bad for "ignoring" him but the both of you knew why you were there in the first place.
It really was almost exactly and hour before he seemed to reach his breaking point and you once again felt someone approach you. The next second you were lifted up from behind as Boris moved to sit where you had been just a moment before, placing you back down in front of him.
"Soooo... what are you working on?" He asked, draping his arms over your shoulders and resting his chin on the top of your head.
Letting out a defeated chuckle, you decided to humor him a bit.
"I'm writing an email right now actually."
"Ooh, email!" He clapped his hands together happily. "Who are we emailing?"
"People..." You joked.
"Are they nice people?"
You shrugged, wiggling your hand in a so-so motion then the sound of typing pulled your attention back down to your keyboard.
Boris had reached forward, typing out a :-) at the end of your last paragraph. When you cocked your head up to look at him he just grinned widely, thankfully not taking too much offence when you moved to erase his playful work.
Without another word you turned your attention away from him and hunched back over your laptop, returning to work as if you weren't sitting in the lap of someone else and hoping said person would get the hint that you had other things to focus on.
But as diligent as your efforts to stay focused were, so was the obliviousness of the attention hungry giant behind you and he followed your movement, once again closing the space between your back and his chest has he hunched over you as well, this time wrapping his arms around your midsection and intertwining his fingers for good measure.
This position wasn't actually that bad, if even a bit cozy and part of you hoped he would be content enough to let you work while he watched tv or something. You were gifted a few more minutes of peace but before you were able to fall back into a comfortable state of work, your attention was once again pulled back to Boris as he began drumming his fingers against your stomach and humming quietly.
As though he was waiting for you to acknowledge him; when you finally moved your eyes off your screen he leaned forward and rested his head on your shoulder.
"You need something, bud?" You asked dryly, turning to look at him.
"Oh, not really..." He answered, letting out an exaggerated sigh of boredom and keeping his eyes staring off to the side. It didn't give the effect he was going for though as his face was still squished snugly beside yours and the act only lasted a moment before he was smiling again. "Do you want to watch tv? :-)"
You had to wonder if the exasperated look on your face was really that hard to recognize.
After that Boris finally released you, leaning back and tapping his fingers against the arm of the couch.
Despite your almost salty attitude you had to admit you weren't really annoyed with him. In fact the only thing weighing on your mood right now was all the work you still had ahead of you.
Slowly running your hand over your mouth, you let out a long sigh, the stone face you'd been holding finally sinking to a small frown when you weren't paying attention.
Boris leaned forward once again, this time much more slowly, his signature grin replaced with a look of concern as he cocked himself around your shoulder to get a better look at your face.
"How long have you been working on this?"
"I got here a little after 8 this morning." You groaned, rubbing your eyes.
"Oh, that was shortly after I left!"
"Yeah, and now I see why Kamal advised me to wait until after you'd went to work." You whispered with a tired smile, too quiet for him to hear.
"That was quite a few hours ago...aren't you tired?"
"I'm not not tired... BUT!" You continued "It's kind of my own fault for waiting until the last minute to get all my work done, so I'll be okay."
At a much more startling pace this time he reached around you and pulled you back against his chest in a tight hug.
"I think that's long enough for today, don't you? You should take a break! You don't have to go home though, I can make snacks and we can watch a movie!"
You did your best to collect yourself, your shirt ridding up and your hair getting ruffled as he lifted up your torso and snuggled you from behind. You probably looked akin to a stuffed animal being squeezed by a small child.
"Thanks, but I'd really rather get it done today." You managed to wiggle yourself a bit of slack in his grip but as soon as he felt you start to pull away you were squished back against his chest and he gave you an extra tight squeeze as if to send the message that he wasn't ready to let go yet.
The sudden movement shifted your laptop and you lurched forward to reach for it, your fingers coming up just an inch short as it teetered over the edge of your leg. Thankfully, Boris reached for it right on time, slapping it shut and lifting it from its place in front of you.
"Looking at that screen for so long is no good for you anyway... :-(" He commented with a frown, bringing it closer to his face to examine it. The computer almost looked to be the size of a tablet in his large hand.
"Not really my concern right now." You reached for it but on cue he lifted it up out of your reach and despite only hugging you with one arm now, his grip was still unmovable. "Come on, give it back!"
You thought he may have actually been listening when he lowered his arm, only for him to raise it back up out of your reach when you moved to grab it.
"Ой, так близко!"
The audacity of that little tease actually surprised you coming from him, but if he was going to play dirty then so could you.
"Boris, give it back or I'm going home." Despite the playfulness in your voice his smug smile vanished and he quickly released both you and your laptop.
"Thank you!" You jumped to your feet proudly, making a show to tuck your laptop under your arm as a sign of victory.
"Ты не весел ..." Boris crossed his arms and pouted, slouching down into the couch as you moved to sit on the other side from him.
You felt his gaze linger on you for a while, then felt the couch shift as he moved to sit facing you on his knees. "Может, мы сможем это изменить?"
Still feeling contented with yourself, you refused to look up at him, he was probably making some kind of stupid face in an attempt to make you smile. After a moment he scooted closer and you finally gave in.
"Yes, Boris?"
He didn't respond, staring at you with the biggest grin. It was like he expected you to know what he ...oh.
"Boris, I know what you're thinking but not right now." You quickly pulled your feet up off the ground and held you legs close to yourself. While you knew you'd have a better chance of getting away if you ran now, you knew playing into it right away would erase any chance you had of talking yourself out of your current situation.
Your acknowledgement of the situation only seemed to make him smile wider as he leaned closer to you.
"Boris, I'm serious I have work to do." Your serious composure failed you and you scrambled backwards as he got closer, almost falling off the arm of the couch as you leaped over it. "We can hang out once I'm done, I promise."
"Hmmm.." He rubbed his chin in thought. "Nah, I think..." He leaped over the back of the couch, getting closer each time you moved away. "I think I want to see you smile!"
With that final statement he rushed forward, arms extended and just barely missed you as you jumped to the side.
The two of you ended up running in circles around the couch. Boris held his arms out, staring you down when you came to a momentary stand still on either sides of the couch, ready to move in whatever direction you would and cut you off.
"Boris, stop this right now, I'm not in the mood!" You were doing your best to sound serious but the giggles of anticipation seeped through.
"You will be once I put some butterflies in your tummy! Come now, do not make this harder than it has to be, you'll feel right as rain after a good giggle~" His teasing voice sent chills down your spine and the nervous look on your face seemed to be exactly what he was looking for as his smile turned to a more mischievous one as well. A split second later he caught you off guard, climbing over the couch to meet you head on. "The smile doctor is in and you're his first appointment!
Luckily he stumbled a bit on the cushions, giving you a second to change course and break away from the endless cycle of circling the couch.
"Boris, please, I'm too tired for this!" You whined, running towards the kitchen.
"That works out great then! We can take a nap afterwards, it will be so nice!" He stopped in the door way of the kitchen to clasp his hands by his face and smile. He seemed to return to his usual wholesome self, which you preferred to the mischievous one, but what made it worse was the way he spoke like a man who knew he wasn't going to loose. "Now if you would just stop running away. :-("
Your chase in the kitchen was short lived, at one point you even considered running out the back door only to change your mind when you decided you didn't need half the neighborhood to hear you laughing like a madman if he had managed to catch you outside, so you ended up rushing back out into the living room and towards the hall.
On your way there, you noticed Kamal who had just gotten home.
"Hi, Kamal!" You yelled, almost crashing into him. Thinking quickly, you hid behind him as Boris came clamoring back into the living room after you.
"Oh, Hello, Kamal! Y/n and were just in the middle of something." He spoke calmly attempting to circle around Kamal and grab you.
"Don't let me interrupt." Kamal insisted, letting you spin him around with you as you used him as a shield. "Hey, kid, you gonna be able to stay for dinner tonight?"
"No I can't, I've still got work to do and please, please do interrupt!" You begged.
"Yeah, thought so." Kamal shrugged, ducking in unison with you as Boris attempted to reach over him.
This went on for a minute before he turned back to you and smirked "You're gonna have to finish this on your own, kid, I gotta get cookin'." And with that he stepped out from in front of you and headed for the kitchen, leaving you completely exposed.
"I tried to warn ya, little buddy!" He yelled over his shoulder as Boris chased you down the hall.
You knew you were running out of options as the end of the hall wasn't far ahead of you. If you were going to do something you had to do it now or you were a goner. Taking your only other option you skidded to a halt, throwing open the door to your left and running inside, locking it just in time to hear Boris collide with the other side.
While you didn't open the door back up you pressed your ear to it and spoke, worried he may have actually gotten hurt.
"Oh, crap, Boris are you okay?!"
"To think..." He responded quietly.
"To think you'd hide from me in my own dojo!" His volume returned with a happy vigor as he wiggled the knob of his bedroom door. "You can not stay in there forever you know!"
On one hand you were glad he was okay, on the other hand, a little part of you was sad the impact didn't knock him out as he cooed to you though the door. Still, you felt rather satisfied with yourself, the chase usually never lasts long enough for you to find somewhere to hide like this.
"Watch me!" You fired back with a new sense of confidence.
"If you unlock the door...I will give you a-no, two- no...three hugs!"
"Yeah, I think I'll pass." You commented, finally stepping away from the door to look around his room.
"Fine, four hugs, but you have to hug me back! Final offer!" You heard the door squeak as he pressed all his weight up against it and then a sad whine from the other side when you didn't respond.
Actually ignoring him this time, you sat down on the side of his bed, finally giving yourself a second to rest. As much as you hated to admit it, you were almost grateful that you weren't still glued to your laptop. You were really tired, Boris got that much right at least.
Whipping your head around, a heavy thump on the floor behind you had you right back on guard.
Worried that Boris might have somehow found a way in, you jumped to your feet, looking around and finally catching sight of the stack of books that had toppled off of his dresser.
When you realized the truth of the situation you let out a sigh of relief, sitting back down.
"Hi, Pabit."
And just like that the dead eyes of the puppet that was sitting where the books once were lit up as a smile crossed its face.
"Heeyoo, Y/n!" The little guy finished his journey across the dresser, jumping onto the nightstand and then onto the bed beside you.
"What was with the inanimate act?" You asked, wondering why the puppet hadn't jumped you as soon as you got in.
"I's was waiTin 4 my Q!"
"Ah, of course." You laughed, propping your elbow on your knee and resting your head on your hand.
"What're U doin, Y/n?"
"Hiding from your maker, he thinks I'm in dire need of a good laugh."
"Ooh, R yous twos havin' a tickle fight? Eye wAnt to plaY too!" The puppet exclaimed, bouncing over to hug your side.
"Uh uh, last thing I need is two of you on my back." You cut him off, pulling him off by the scruff of his little jacket and setting him back down beside you.
"You's just like, Karmel; kno fun at alL! EvEn when u jyust kneed a little chyeering up!"
"I don't really need cheering up, I just wanted to get my work done."
"Yes u due, ur sparkle's all fAded..."
"My what?"
"Ur sparkle, dummy!" He jumped up and bonked you on the head, his little felt hand probably not giving the impact he was hoping for.
"Whatever." You rolled your eyes.
"Is that Pabit?" Boris finally spoke up again from outside the door. "Pabit, unlock the door, please!"
"Ah! Don't you dare!" You reached forward catching the puppet before it had successfully jumped off the bed to follow his orders. "Who's side are you on?" You asked, tucking the puppet under your arm to hold it securely.
"Whichever syide gets u 2 smile!" Pabit retorted quickly, pointing to the sides of its face as it demonstrated a big smile.
Just as you were about to chew him out, you saw something black out of the corner of your eye.
The small shadows that were visible from the light shining in under the door stretched into the room without someone to cast them. If you hadn't been used to sights like this by now you might have been terrified as after a moment it formed into a familiar silhouette and picked itself up off the ground.
Unfamiliar though was the scowl he bore as he turned back to normal.
"How did you-"
"That was a nasty little trick to pull, you know, Y/n?" Boris cut you off, taking several long strides towards you.
"I..." You froze, looking down to Pabit for help. He only offered you a sympathetic smile then a sinister looking smirk.
"Yous gonna get it now..."
Quickly dropping him in favor of backing away, you didn't get too far before you backed into the foot of his bed, and before you were given a chance to look for another way out he had already closed the distance between you.
It wasn't too often that you took into consideration just how much bigger Boris was than...well everything. But you were given just enough time to take it in as he stopped right in front of you, still staring down at you with that serious expression and you began to worry that you actually had upset him.
"Boris, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-" He raised a hand to shush you, lifting an eyebrow.
"You're sorry?!" Crap, his voice was intimidating when he used it right. "The only thing you have to be sorry for..."
"Is for being so darn cu-uute!" You squeaked as you were thrown up into the air and then caught under your arms. Boris held you at arms length, lifting you to his eye level and pulling you closer to rub his nose against yours. "You had me really scared back there, I thought you were going to lock yourself in here aalllll night! Now that wouldn't have been any fun would it? Even with Pabit keeping you company. " Adding on to your disorientation, he spun around with you to face the door. "Let's get going then shall we?"
Halfway out the door it finally registered what just happened; you'd been caught.
"Boris, do not!"
"Don't what? I haven't done anything yet?" He tilted his head to the side and smiled at you innocently. You kicked your legs a bit, knowing full well it wouldn't get you anywhere but still did so out of spite.
"Oh? Are you not comfy? How about this?" He tossed you up one last time, throwing you over his shoulder potato sack style after catching you. "Better?"
"Noho!" You did your best to sound mad with no luck.
Boris managed to make even the walk out to the livingroom interesting; spinning around every other step, jumping up and down with you, letting you go for a second then catching you by the knees before you fell off his shoulder.
By the time the two of you actually made it to the livingroom you were just barely keeping your laugher in just because of the absurdity of the situation.
"Put me down!" You yelled, but there was no masking the smile in your voice.
"If you say so!" He pulled you off of his shoulder fast, catching you in a dip before letting you drop gently onto the couch.
As soon as you were released you turned and tried to make a run for it, only to be stopped as he looped one of his arms around your torso and pulled you back again his chest.
"Deja vu, yes?" He joked. "So..." he started only to stop when you both focused on something at the same time. Your laptop still sat on the coffee table and you turned to glare at him, deciding to be challenging one final time.
"So..." he continued, "Do you want to watch some tv? :-)"
"Your laugh is so pretty! Why would you make me wait so long to hear it?" He cooed happily, continuing to try to poke through the ball you'd curdled into on his lap like he had been the last few minutes
"You're so mean!" you managed to whine through your suppressed giggles.
"You are the mean one! I'm just trying to help you relax a little. It will be over quicker if you give in and show me that smile~"
He reached his hands forward, giving both your sides a quick squeeze and making a little roar. "The tickle monster is getting hungry and the hungrier he gets the longer he has to tickle you, you know!"
"Let's see...." He thought to himself, looking you over for a week spot and eventually finding one as he shoved both his hands into the crooks of your neck, causing you to shriek and uncurl yourself.
"Ooh, it worked!" He cheered, taking the opportunity to flip you onto you back, holding you down firmly with one hand and sitting on your legs. "Now we can get to work! Are you ready? Cause here comes the tickle monster!"
He raised his hands up for dramatic effect and lowered them down to your torso quickly with a growl. Before he made contact however he stopped, his wide smile slowly fading as he focused on your face.
Your eyes were squeezed shut and you were holding onto yourself tight. When you didn't feel anything you peaked an eye open to see Boris looking down at you curiously.
"Get it over with!" You said, closing your eyes again and reluctantly lifting your arms up.
"'Hmm' what do you mean 'Hmm'?"
"Ooone sec, something's not right..."
"I'd say so!" You sneered, making one final effort to try and squirm out from underneath him but to no avail.
"I know!" He snapped his fingers. "I need you to say 'hi' to someone first!" And just like that he pulled Pabit out from behind himself and once again, it was seemingly out of thin air.
"Heeyoo, Y/n!" The puppet greeted you once again.
"You little traitor."
"Can't bee a twaitor if I's was nyever on ur syide!" He spoke proudly, resting his hands on what would have been his hips.
"Anyway, "Boris cut in, "there's something really special you need to know about Pabit; he loves to eat smiles, they're his favorite food!
":-D and yours is just the kind he's been looking for!" Without further explanation the puppet was thrust in front of you, making exaggerated "nom nom nom" sounds as it pretended to chomp on your face.
Part of you would have insisted it was just the fabric tickling your face but you finally started to laugh, if for any reason just because of how silly he was being.
"Yhohu are suuch a dhorork!" You spat out, reaching up to try to push his arm away but it refused to so much as budge.
"Yep, a smile just like that!" Boris cheered you on, finally using his free hand to scribble at your stomach.
Mostly out of reflex, you managed you reach up and pull the puppet off of Boris's arm, realizing your mistake shortly after as Pabit glared down at you from his place in your hands.
"Shoot, I'm sorry-" before you could finish your apology, Pabit reached forward and gripped your face, pulling himself closer and nuzzling your face on his own.
"Eet's okee!"
You soon realized you'd made a mistake for a different reason as Pabit held tight to your face and kept his snuggling up, taking extra care to nuzzle your neck and nose as Boris was given back use of his hand to further scribble your stomach and sides. Their own excited smiles telling you you weren't getting out of this any time soon.
In the kitchen, Kamal jumped, almost dropping his pan at the sudden flurry of laughter that sounded in the next room.
"Eh, they had it comin'." He huffed to himself fondly.
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anythingbutmar · 4 years
Diego Hargreeves x reader
Summary: After you turned 18, Diego and you pretty much distanced from the other members of the academy, so when you all meet for Reginald’s funeral you have some explaining to do.
A/N: I kinda love this concept but I changed a few details of this request so the reader is not raised as a sibling and her relationship with the others is in no way familial. I missed writing, specially for Diego, so thanks anon! This is quite long too, so sorry about that. I had a lot of fun too, so let me know if you’d like me to make this into a series, cause I might do it.
Warnings: cursing, mentions of homelessness, but overall just fluff and a bit of angst.
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You liked to say that the life you made by yourself happened because of a simple mistake, because you had come across the Umbrella Academy on a very particular way.
You could say you had a decent upbringing, your mother wasn’t abusive but she was pretty much the definition of overprotective, and as a child you were never told that it was because a man had literally tried to buy you on the day you were born, in fact, you didn’t know anything about him or the children he managed to adopt because your mother and grandparents wouldn’t let you get anywhere near any piece of information of whatever existed outside your little hometown.
They told you they were doing it because your father had left you when you were just a baby and they wanted to protect you from the dangers of foreign men, of course you thought that you were born from a normal pregnancy, and you believed everything, that and the fact that you could control any element to your will, which they said was wrong and kept hidden. You were homeschooled, and you could only socialize with the kids from your neighborhood which was good, but it wasn’t enough, and we all now overprotectiveness can really mess with someone’s mind.
And so, even though you went along with it for many years, when one of your only friends suggested you both snuck out for a party on the big city for your sixteenth birthday you couldn’t say no, and that was the mistake, if it is possible to call it like that.
On the best Rapunzel style you went out your bedroom window, got on a bus and drank so much alcohol you completely passed out on a strangers lap and woke up on an unknown bed with a beautiful woman smiling down at you. Well, maybe that wasn’t Rapunzel’s style, but it sure felt like it at first.
The next series of events happened so fast it almost felt like a dream. You met a handful of strange children, one of which you later remembered had brought you there while being just as drunk as you were, his name was Klaus, and he later became the best friend you ever had; then you had the most overwhelming conversation of your life, in which an incredibly mean old man explained how you were actually born and made you understand just how different and important you were, but not in the wholesome way.
About an hour later your mother stormed through the academy looking for you, but one of the girls whispered something in her ear on her dad’s command which changed your mom’s entire attitude, with her allowing you to stay as if it was a boarding school, or so she told you, but she only visited once every few months and she didn’t seem as caring as before. According to Allison, that was in no way her fault, and you believed her, because at the end of the day you trusted your newfound friends much more than the woman that lied to you your entire life.
And so, you learnt to control your ability like never before, while also enduring Reginald’s cruel treatment, but it didn’t matter at all, because in the midst of everything you found Diego, and with him came all the things you never experienced before. He brought you happiness, love, trust and overall, lust for life.
Two years later you were living your best teenage secret romance. You snuck out at nights to visit all the parts from the city that he wanted you to meet, and you shared tiny kisses whenever Reginald and the kids weren’t watching. But Diego left, just like he had planned since he was a kid, and you weren’t brave enough to follow him. It wasn’t until his other siblings started leaving too that you realized that no matter how hard it was to be outside on your own, holding on to life with him was better than anything else. It was actually thanks to Allison, the smart girl had noticed you two holding hands under the table and knew just how heartbroken you were without him. “Chase him, Y/N, you won’t have this opportunity ever again.” She said right before she left, and she was absolutely right.
It took you less than a week to find him on a motel, bruised as ever and with barely enough money to pay for another night, and in between hugs, kisses and forbidden touches you promised him that you’d both get out of there. He told you he had been on that place for three weeks and a half, but the first few days after leaving the academy he had to sleep on a park bench until he gathered enough money by playing with his knifes to amuse people on the street. It had been hard, but now that you were together everything was so much better.
After many years living in the back room of a rusty gym, both of you taking turns in wiping it’s floors while also trying to study and save people at nights, because the one thing you learned from Reginald was that you loved helping people, and Diego’s vigilantism was just as appealing to you as it was to him. Diego was accepted into the police force and you finished your studies on a cheap school, which allowed you both to get a job you liked, and when you were finally able to buy a house for yourselves Diego proposed.
“Y/N, before you arrived my life was a nightmare, and all I ever wanted was to stay as far away from that place as it was possible, and everything that reminded me of it I planned on cutting from my life, but you arrived with your sweet smile, your shy eyes and those damn legs, and you completely switched my view of the world because I knew right there that I would love you forever, and I do. I love to see you in your weird ass robe, making potions-”
“I’m a chemist babe, not a witch.” You corrected him laughing.
“Let me finish Y/N!” He laughed with you. “I love how you treated me and my siblings, and I love how you helped mom, and god! I love how you used to beat bad guys with fucking wind on our nights out! I love everything about you sweetheart, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?” By then you were both crying, and of course you said yes, how could you not?
Cut to ten years later and the day you had silently both dreaded and hoped for came. Reginald Hargreeves was dead, and you couldn’t even tell if you were sad about it, after all, the man had saved you from Mother Gothel, as Diego and you started calling her after watching Tangled with your daughters, but he saved you at what cost? You now had quite a few burn scars in your body from his dangerous training, you loved each one of them because they reminded you just how powerful you were, but still, no teenager should have to go through that.
And you couldn’t even get started on Diego. You wondered how and when he would take the news. He was out on his monthly vigilante night, which was kind of a gift you gave to each other, you were allowed to leave for the night once every month on different days because now that you had kids you could no longer risk your life everyday like you used to before. The kids, oh boy, what were you gonna do with your beloved girls? You weren’t sure if taking them to the funeral with you was the right decision, you wanted to shelter them from death and all the evil things in the world, but then again, you weren’t your mother, and you had no one to leave them with.
Just as you were thinking about maybe even staying, your husband entered your home, and he looked destroyed. It was one in the morning and you had been waiting for him while thinking of Reginald, and clearly he had been thinking about the same thing. You quickly stood up and wrapped your arms around him, hugging him tightly.
“He’s d-dead.” He stuttered on your shoulder. He didn’t even sound sad, he just seemed shocked.
“Shh, I know baby, I know.” You stood there for a while, just comforting each other in the middle of your kitchen before going to bed, you needed to rest for the next day because you knew it would be anything but ordinary.
And in the blink of an eye you were ringing the bell of the academy, each of your girls holding their father’s hand, the three of them standing behind you in your small, useless effort to protect them.
Grace opened up, and you couldn’t be happier to see her. You gave her a small hug and then gave Diego some space so he could properly say hi to his beloved mother. He introduced Luna and Amber and she was delighted to see Diego in a stable, loving family, she just seemed a bit off, but you’d talk to Diego about that later.
And then... Lord help you, you entered the livingroom and ran headfirst into Klaus who instantly hugged you, twirling you around and making you laugh as you both landed on the floor.
“Y/N, love! How have you been?” He sat up, looking at the doorframe, as he seemed to notice the two pair of eyes that stared in curiosity. “Oh I see you’ve gotten busy! Hello my little munchkins, I’m your uncle Klaus!”
“Wait Y/N/N, you’re with Diego now?” Luther asked from the other side of the room. Despite his rivalry with your now husband, you were quite close to him during your small time on the academy.
“Honestly Luther, I love you, but you can be quite oblivious sometimes.” You stood up with his help and hugged him tightly, getting a comforting feeling from his embrace.
“I’m here too, you know, your brother, Diego?” He finally entered, still holding your daughters’s hands and analizing the scene.
“It’s not our fault that you can’t say hi to anybody.” Allison came from behind him, scaring him, which made the girls laughing.
“Hi Allison.” He mumbled, rolling his eyes at his sister.
“I always knew you liked keeping your secrets but this two are way too big to hide” Se kneeled down to pinch Luna’s cheek, who smiled bashfully at her aunt.
Amber, your youngest, ran towards you and pulled your hand. You kneeled to her height as she whispered in your ear. “Mommy, I want to meet uncle Spaceboy.” You smiled softly at her sweetness, carrying her towards him. She instantly jumped in his arms, which took both Luther and you by surprise, she wasn’t the most sociable girl after all, but you kinda understood, his big frame and natural akwardness made him look quite huggable.
“Damn bro, you’ve gotten big.” Diego joined you, leaving Allison to play with Luna, who was now excited to know that she had a cousin her age, and you left before the two started bickering, but much to your surprise, the presence of your daughter seemed to retain them from fighting like they used to. Maybe bringing them was a good idea after all.
“Well, this is is quite the frame” Pogo entered the room with Vanya right behind him. You all waved at them, tired already of all the hugs already.
“Hi everyone.” Vanya entered uncomfortably, allowing Allison to hug her and having a small talk.
You turned to Diego and looked at him, a warning in your eyes. You knew your husband all to well, and you could see how much the book had hurted him, but you weren’t going to let him start a fight in the middle of a family meeting.
But of course, he wouldn’t listen to you.
“Why did you do it?” He started walking towards her as you mentally facepalmed. This wasn’t going to end well.
“Really, Diego? This isn’t the right time.” Allison scolded him, standing between him and her only sister.
“Then when is it, Allison? The next time we see each other? Should we wait another twelve years?” Allison just scoffed and stormed out of the room, Luther following after her, Vanya left silently, looking hurt, and Klaus snuck out in the heat of the moment, probably looking for money.
You sat on the biggest couch in the middle of your daughters, surrounding them with your arms. “That went well.” You stared at Diego, who pocked his tongue at you.
And it was about to get worse.
After having a tiny dance party, thanks to Luther’s incredibly loud turntable, you heard a thunderlike sound and watched as a bright blue light appeared outside. You looked at Diego, knowing what to do from all the years of practice that you had together. Each of you grabbed one of the kids, running outside to meet the others, who surrounded you in a protective manner, protecting their newly met nieces.
There was a portal in front of you, which Klaus tried to close with a fire extinguisher, but you could tell it wouldn’t work, because that wasn’t made of fire, or any other element that you were familiar with, for that matter, and you were an element bending chemist, for christ’s sake.
“What the hell is that babe?” Diego yelled, trying to understand.
“I have no idea, but there’s something coming out of it!” You yelled back, and everyone turned to look at what appeared to be an old man coming out of the portal. And in a flash of blue, a small boy landed at your feet, he looked incredibly similar to the portrait of the lost sibling that hung on top of the fireplace.
“Does anyone else see little number five?” They all nodded at Klaus, who clearly wasn’t sober enough for this, or maybe the poor thing thought that was the ghost of him, and you knew he already had enough with one dead brother following him around.
“What on earth is wrong with this family?” You said, looking at the odd teenager.
Minutes passed as you all stared at Five, who was preparing a goddamned sandwich, in the middle of one of the most confusing moments of your life.
“You’re new.” He simply stated, looking at you.
“Umm yeah, we haven’t had the chance to meet before, I’m Y/N.” You extended your hand, which he didn’t take, the tiny bastard.
“Oh we’ve met. You were the one with the girls, holding his hand.” He pointed at Diego, sandwich in hand.
“I don’t understand, you weren-”
“Look kid, I’m sorry, but I can’t trust you, you need to leave.” Diego was ready to jump at him, but Luther stopped him and you grabbed his arm softly.
“It’s ok honey, I get it.” You whispered and left to look for Grace who was taking care of the girls.
You let out a sigh as you walked by your old room. You had been wanting to scream ever since you got there, but this was your first alone moment in the whole day, and a sigh was just as effective as a scream, it helped.
Then came the funeral, and it was hard. Luther scattered the ashes and you manipulated the wind so they wouldn’t look like a pile of grey shit, which actually, was an accurate depiction of Reginald, but you did it for him and Pogo, it was the right thing to do.
And after a few out of place comments, Diego and Luther started fighting right in front of your daughters, so much for the agreement. Luna and Amber started crying, hiding behind Five, who, much to your surprise, covered them with his body as he slowly took them inside. It was infuriating to see the men fighting in front of you, but you couldn’t help but smile looking at Five.
It was that moment that truly made you feel home, like you really were in family, and it warmed your heart.
-End of maybe part one?-
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comiiical · 2 years
open to m/f/nb
inspired by Stay with me.
context: our muses are seeing each other and have been for the past months. they may have dated in the past, or not, but yours decided to cut any romantic attachment after being told they had little time to live even if it may curable, your muse refuses to get treated and risk losing “time”. peyton makes all in his power to ensure they have the best of their last days, they have fun like best friends and much to his own frustration, like lovers do, but there’s no commitment and no i love yours that aren’t platonic, leaving him empty feeling. unhappy and unable to fight the need of having your muse for real, for more than the sex and the joy of being best friends.  the morning after a great date night he leaves the bedroom and your muse alone, sleeping and resting, while he goes to the livingroom for a moment of thought. he plays the piano, but no sound comes out as he absorbs it.
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Alone, in the dark of the living room, fingers dancing alongside piano keys. Sound, low, cushioned by unperceptible magic. Colors coming out of his fingers, filled with the emotion of defeat, filled with the emotion of longing. Filled with tiredness and happiness cut through by an unrequited commitment. 
Memories of a great day before, of laughs in the middle of the beach. Of lessons of sign language to help him be understood. Of icecream thrown onto the other’s nose. Of running from. Of playing. Of ... dates that best friends have not. Of kisses, of lips in unison. And morning afters that are left empty as soon as waking up hits the other.
And all he wants, all he wants, was to not be left alone. He’s aware of why things can’t move on. Of why they decided to break things. Of why he would be heard he is not loved in the way he needs. The ticking clock coming to an end. He knows it much better than the one that suffers it. And yet... yet. “Just stay with me.” He signals against his chest. The sound of keys still hard to be heard despite the silence of the morning, as he drops his forehead on it, as tears threaten to leave a proof of his crime.
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nahoyaglock · 4 years
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📃 AS I AM CHAPTER 1 — Surprise!
SUMMARY — You knew Kageyama Tobio since you both were in diapers, being close family 'friends'. You always wanted to befriend the quiet kid but no matter your efforts, he would never crack. When you transfer schools and meet Kageyama again, what will happen to your relationship?
PAIRING — family friend!kageyama x fem!reader
GENRE — fluff/crack/angst
WARNINGS — uh, non rlly, just enjoy :D
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(Sent September 15th at 6:32 am)
Y/N: [Good morning Tobio!]
You turned your phone off before sitting up to stretch your arms. The warm sunrays peeked through your thick curtains, your room taking the shade of an idigo hue. You let out a bronx cheer before hopping out of bed, looking around at your nearly empty room. bzzz!
You smiled to yourself, hands finding your small hand held device before opening your notification, seeing a text from Kageyama.
(Sent September 15th at 6:33 am)
Kageyama: [Morning.]
Y/N: [How did you sleep?]
[Also, I have a surprise for you Tobiooo!]
Kageyama: [I slept fine. What is it?]
Y/N: [It wouldn't be a surprise if you told ya!]
You set your phone down gently on your drawer and you heard a light knock on your door, then the nob turning. Your mom peeked her head through the crack in your door, smiling as she watched you open your blinds.
"Hey honey," she whispered, knocking again lightly. You faced your mother with a sleepy grin, "good morning mom." You grabbed two bags from the corner of your room, slinging them over your shoulder.
"I'll load up the car mom, don't worry okay?" You walk over to the door and she moves over, allowing you to get through the door. "We leave in 20 minutes okay?" She pats your back before walking off to her room, leaving you to your job.
You slipped on your fuzzy pink slippers sitting at the front door and your turned the lock to go out. You went back and forth, in and out of the house loading up all of your luggage and baggage needed for the move. Your mom had finished her loading and was turning on the car as you grabbed your phone and locked up the house.
You climbed into the backseat with a fluffy, warm blanket for the long ride, buckling yourself up and checking your notifications.
(Sent September 15th at 6:35 am)
kageyama: [you're quiet annoying you know?]
(Sent September 15th at 7:01 am)
Y/N: [I wouldn't be y/n if I wasnt, am I right?]
After hours of sleeping, snacking and playing video games, the ride had come to an end. "We're here baby, wake up." Your mom shook your arm softly and your slowly forced your eyes open. You groaned and sat up, rubbing your eyes and yawning.
You and your mom unloaded your luggage into the empty house, your new home. It was a house way smaller than your previous one, two rooms, a bathroom and a small livingroom that connects to the kitchen. You decided that you wanted it to feel as much like a home as did your old house, so you decided to start decorating.
(Sent September 15th at 2:13 pm)
Y/N: [Hey tobio, ill tell you about the surprise in a week! :3]
Kageyama: [okay.]
As you went through some boxes you found old photos of you and Kageyama, the male with a blank expression but you could barely stay still that you were slightly blurry. You smiled at the memories of being an energetic kid and decided to put up the photos of you and kageyama on your pin board.
After your room was decently put together, missing a desk and a bed of course, you texted your friends from your old school and went to your moms room to see her folding her clothes. "Hey mom, can we go to the school to pick up my stuff?" She turned to you and smiled, putting her shirt down and standing up.
"Ah, yeah lets go now." She grabbed her keys and lead you to the car, you bouncing with excitement behind her. You opted on riding in the front with her, smiling at her as she turned the keys to start the car. The ride was filled with your conversation with your mom, talking about what you two should do since you arrived in your new home, your school and how you live closer to the rest of your family.
You pulled up to your new school and you eyed the entrance, reading the signs and inspecting the buildings. Your mom parked and unlocked the car, allowing you to hop out under the cold breeze. "Lets go honey," your mom grabbed your arm lightly and pulled you along with her, entering your new highschool. Karasuno highschool.
The principal greeted you and your mother and started to show you around the school. You saw your classes, your locker, the gym, and other important stuff that you mentally noted. Lastly was the office, where he gave you your printed schedule, needed textbooks and school uniform. With a wave goodbye you and your mom left to go back to your house, the car ride was silent this time.
It was the day, the day you started your first day at your new school. It's been a week since you settled into your new home, finally having a bed and a desk, some drawers and other things. You felt like you were at home, finally ready for a new start. Your mom decided to drive you to school for your first day, despite living close to the school.
"Are you excited?" She asked, eyes on the road with a proud smile. "Yeah, I am, time for a new start," you smiled, looking at your phone. "Well, im just glad you're feeling well. About your dad, you know–" your mom started. Your parents divorced, and your dad bringing in the most income, you and your mom had to leave tokyo, no longer able to afford the house that you had lived in since the age of 3.
"Mom, its fine, really. It didn't work out and thats okay, because now we have a little home of our own," you smiled widely, grabbing your bag as your mom parked at the side of the road. "Oh! Can we get a puppy?" You asked, bouncing in your seat and she laughed.
"I'll think about it. Have a good day, and if you see Kageyama tell him I said hi," she waved as you climbed out the car and you nodded at her before crossing the street and entering the school. You were so excited, seeing other students who noticed your foreign presence.
(Sent September 23rd at 6:54 am)
Y/N: [Good morning tobio!]
[I'll tell you the surprise later, are you busy after school?]
Kageyama: [morning, and yes I have volleyball.]
Y/N: [ah, okay! Have a good day today]
You spent your day alone, just taking in the new setting and adjusting to the classes you had. You had a few students talk to you when they found out you were new, but you decided to eat lunch alone that day. The day went by pretty fast and while you were slightly tired, you were still pumping with excitement. After all, you were going to see Kageyama today.
School ended, and after class you went down to your locker to put away some of your books and take anything you needed out of there. You remembered that Kageyama said he would be doing volleyball club today, and you assumed it would be held in the gym. You turned to see a tall blonde headed male with glasses from one of your classes.
"Excuse me, sir?" You tapped the male, causing him to stop and face you, removing his head phones and putting his hands in his pockets. "You're the new kid, y/n? Right?" He asked, but before you could answer he scoffed, "what do you need?"
"Ah, do you know where the volleyball club is meeting today?" You stood on one foot, bouncing slightly, which wasnt unnoticed by the male. "Im in the club, we're meeting in the gym." He answered before he turned to head to the gym.
"Is it cool if i walk with you then?" You asked, leaning to your left side to peek at the boy who scoffed before nodding. You smiled and he started walking, so you waddled after him. "Ah, whats your name?" You asked taking big steps to match the tall males natural stride. "Tsukishima Kei. Call me Tsukishima."
You realized that maybe he wasn't the type to like conversations based on the annoyance in his tone, so you just followed behind silently until you arrived at the gym. The team were doing warmups of their own already while a few males had stood around and talked amongst themselves. "Woah, Tsukishima! Is that like, your girlfriend or something?"
You saw a small male, with a noticably bright streak of blonde hair smack dab in the middle of his forehead. "Im Nishinoya Yu!" He grinned and stuck out a friendly hand, which you took. "Ah, actually im new here, I just asked Tsukishima to show me the volleyball club." You giggled at the charismatic member.
"What– what did you come to the club for? Are you trying out to be the new manager or something?" A taller, nearly bald male said, appearing behind the shorter male. Tsukishima groaned and walked off to the other side of the gym. "Ah, im actually here to see a friend." They both looked at each other then turned to the third years.
"Daichi, do you know her?" Nishinoya asked, pointing at you and the gyms attention was on you. You put your hands up and waved in defense "ah wait, im actually here to see–"
"Oh, whos this?" A familiar voice said and you turned to the entrance of the gym to see Kageyama Tobio. His eyes widened in shock and he froze, dropping his water bottle as you smiled widely at him. "Kageyama!" You shouted and ran to the male, wrapping your arms around his neck, giggling lightly as he stood frozen in shock.
"Y-y/n..?" He asked and softly pushed you off of him, looking at you with a glare that also had a hint of confusion fused in. "What are you doing here?" He asked, even though he knew exactly what was going on. He saw your uniform and heard about a new student who had transferred to their school. But why you?
"Well, I moved here and thought, why not transfer to your school?" You smiled as all the boys headed over. A orange haired male walked around you, inspecting you, bouncing around with an energetic presence. "Are you and Kageyama dating?"
"You moron!" Kageyama yelled and slapped hinata on the back of the head, causing the orange haired males expression turn sour. You jumped lightly and rubbed the short males head "ah, tobio." He whines and looks up at you and pouts at Kageyama. "Your girlfriend is way cooler and nicer than you."
"Ah, im not Kageyamas girlfriend, we're family friends," you say to the small male, and he thinks for a minute. "Ah, this is y/n?" Hinata asks and Kageyama pinches his ear, dragging him away while yelling at him. You smile and turn to the other males, seeing the captain walking over towards you.
"Hello, im Daichi Sawamura, call me Daichi." He says and bows. "Im Y/n L/n," you greet back. You were allowed to stay and watch the practice, and he even introduced you to the other team members and the coaches. The whole practice you watched Kageyama, who would occasionally shoot glances at you. You also noted that he wasn't doing really well, he seemed really distracted.
After practice ended, you stood up, slinging your bag over your shoulder and attempted to approach him, but he exited the gym as quickly as he could. You were slightly shocked and just decided to text him, hinata sneaking up on you. "Hey y/n, how do you know Kageyama?"
"Hmm, oh! Our moms are best friends, so kageyamas family was always welcome at out family get togethers," you stated, not taking your eyes off of your screen.
(Sent September 23rd at 8:05 pm)
Y/N: [hey kageyama, do you want a ride from my mom?]
Daichi called for everyone to exit the gym, so you put your phone into your pocket and exited with Hinata and Nishinoya. "So, Kageyamas girlfriend?" Noya asked and you laughed, "im not his girlfriend, again." You correct as you two walk to the bike racks for Noya and Hinata to grab their bikes.
"Hmm, well a friend of kageyamas is a friend of mine!" Hinata smiles and mounts his bike, wide and bright smile, when you hear a honk. "Ah thats my mom, I'll see you guys again!"
"Wait, do you want to eat lunch with us tomorrow?" Nishinoya asked, mounting his bike. "Ah, I'll think about it, it was nice to meet you guys!" You wave goodbye to the males and jog over to your moms car, climbing into the passenger seat.
(Sent September 23rd at 8:09 pm)
Kageyama: [no.]
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© tomura-heart — all rights reserved. reposting, modifying, or copying is not allowed. you may translate with my permission and correct crediting. do not read my writing as asmr. do not plagiarize.
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adowbaldwin · 3 years
Baldwins Secret - part 10?
Diana took one last, longing look around the room, surrounded by historical figures she had only read about. Never in her wildest dreams did she ever invision herself walking amongst the men who shaped the Roman Empire, much less befriending Caesars daughter and Mark Anthonys sister. Who was also technically her sister in law.
She left the celebrations to walk along the gardens once more stopping briefly to ruffle Lucius head as he took Anthonys money in a game of back gammon, or rather the Ancient Roman version.
Her favourite part of the house was most certainly the entertaining room. Many nights she had spent watching Lucius as he demanded attention from everyone, taking all their money in gambling debts and doting on Antonia. He followed her with his eyes around the room, or acted like a lost puppy and trailed at her feet all the time.
Seeing him with his own children, especially his daughters answered the question as to why he had taken to Rebecca so easily, despite being a massive ass hat.
Julia came bounding down the hallway, arms flinging wide and embraced Diana "I am going to miss you, so much"
Diana felt sad, it was a shorter time here but just as hard to leave them behind as she had with those she came to love in 1590 "Not as much as i will miss you" one last rib crushing, air constricting hug and she left with her father.
One goodbye she did not want to say was to the children, and Antonia. God how she would miss little Cyrus waking her up every morning with cheese, sharing his own with her because "she was pretty".
"Our time has come to an end, sister" Antonias voice was tight, eyes glassy
She needed to know "if you can see your own future, why not change it?" It came off as more a desperate plea. Not only for the sake of her loosing a friend, but also Lucius' happiness laid with her.
She smiled, small tear working its way down her face as she cupped Dianas cheek "What will be, will be. Ive seen my end many times and i do not fear it"
Their hug, sisters in both witch craft and marriage was bitter sweet. Diana would never have otherwise known of her, this life without secretly snacking but now it was all ending. She loved getting to know her and him in this time but she had to leave it behind.
"Diana" Antonia whispered softly "please take care of him" she croaked
She nodded, tears slipping "Dont worry, i intend on hugging him everyday of my life. And ill make Rebecca do it too. He loves her"
They braced foreheads before pulling back and patting their wet faces "i have one favour to ask of you, before you go?" Antonia asked meekly
Diana nodded "anything, name it"
Present Day:
"This house, its just - omg" Phoebe squealed, it was a living time capsule "how has it lasted all those years?" She marvelled
Boudicca laughed "Oh my sweet it hasnt, father has it refurbished every so often. There is probably one pillar and a tile that is original" she smiled "its nice though, that he keeps it as is. Nothing like being able to return to your childhood home"
"Baldwin said he cant stay long, why?" She furrowed her brows in confusion. She had never seen him as content and happy as he had been the past few days
"The city is his home. He has rebuilt, built and financed everything from the Zoo to the tarmac but none of it shakes the ghosts" she lowered her tone, knowing if her father overheard he would not be too happy "everyone he has ever loved, everything he knew walked these halls. Its alot for a man that has bottled his emotions for 2000 years"
"I cant picture him married" she trailed off "or changing nappies"
Boudicca smiled "he cloth diapered our bums more then mother. He is the broodiest man in the world, even now. I think it is the only thing he hated about turning, not being able to churn out more children"
It was an odd notion, one Phoebe could not appreciate. Her mind wandered to the possibilities, how if in a different life she and Marcus could of had children in some alternate reality. Though not possible now, it wouldnt stop them from trying.
Her deep in thought, pensive walk was halted as the strongest scent of willowsap and honeysuckle flooded her senses. Dianas distinct mark was unmistakeable, filled with aromas Phoebe could not place, ancient wonderous things she had never known.
Boudicca made an appreciative noise "i had missed the scent of ladys mantle and frankincense" she turned abruptly, listening intently for Dianas heart beat "Come, she is in the livingroom"
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milkybonya · 3 years
i'm not the same boy you knew back then
Warnings: food mentions and some angst, party mentions
Pairing: Yedam x (gn)reader
Summary: where Yedam broke your heart in high school because he didn't know how to act but now he's desperately in love with you and wishes you still felt the same :")
word count: 5.8k
inspired by Walls by All Time Low (it has explicit language! be careful~~i've put a link for it at the veryyy end of this fic)
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Hey there it's good to see you again, It never felt right calling this "just friends". I'm happy, if you're happy, with yourself.
"Isn't that Yedam?" your friend, sat beside you, asks. They point to somewhere behind your head, and naturally, you turn around to follow their finger with your eyes.
As the doors to the lecture hall swing shut, a familiar boy begins to walk quickly down the steps. While grinning, he decides on a spot near the back, far away from your almost front-row seat. You let out the breath you didn't realize you were holding and face the front.
"Since when did he go to our university?" your friend asks, also facing the front now.
"I have no clue," you admit.
You'd purposely accepted an offer at a faraway university to avoid having to see Yedam ever again after high school. High school had become one of the worst times of your life thanks to him.
Yedam's pov
As soon as I enter the hall, I find [y/n] with my eyes immediately. They look at me with a mix of shock, disgust and hatred, but seeing them fills me with so much joy that I can't help but smile.
Deciding not to bother them, I pick a spot near the back and sit down. I wonder to myself if switching to [y/n]'s school was the right choice...
[y/n]'s pov
It was obvious you were too much for me. Oblivious, I was young
Back in high school, you had the fattest crush on one of the school's most popular kids, and you hated yourself for it. It wasn't like you could control your feelings... but your heart was set on him. His smile made you feel so warm and you felt happy despite him not having the slightest clue who you were. You always watched him from afar, peering at him as he walked into the classroom while waving at all of his friends before taking a seat at the back.
By some chance, you got paired with him for an assignment. You thought he would be disappointed, since he had never spoken to you, but contrary to his somewhat intimidating aura as a result of him being a popular kid, he smiled warmly at you as you introduced yourself.
"I know you're [y/n]," he said quietly, looking down at the assignment instructions in front of him.
"How do you know?" you asked him.
He looked up and leaned in closer to you to whisper into your ear, only after being sure that no one was watching.
"It may not seem like it, but I do know my classmates."
When he moved back, he flashed you a grin before returning to the assignment instructions again. Your heartbeat was flooding your ears.
After meeting up several times to do the research and plan out the presentation together, you and Yedam somehow grew closer. You had always thought he was some sort of chic, cool guy, but he turned out to be super soft and sweet. The two of you laughed at each other's dumb jokes and procrastinated late into the night sometimes, only beginning your work when the café was about to close.
On one of those days, Yedam asked if you wanted to go to his place to finish the assignment.
"It's due in two weeks and we still have so much to do... plus we're so busy that we can only meet once a week," he explained, pouting slightly.
You agreed, feeling somewhat nervous and excited at the prospect of going to your crush's house for the first time.
His parents were home but asleep as it was late for them, so the two of you quietly went to his room.
In-between muffled giggles and late-night snacks, the two of you managed to get a lot of work done before you felt as though you'd hit your limit. After yawning and stretching, you told Yedam that it was time you went home.
"Do you live far from here?" he asked you.
You, in fact, did live quite far from his house, but you felt bad telling him this, so you lied and told him you lived close by.
He pouted and looked down.
"I was going to ask if you wanted to just sleep here... but I guess it makes sense for you to go home," he said, helping you pack up your things.
Yedam... wanted you to stay the night? How could you miss such an opportunity! Your crush! Wanted you to stay the night!!
Yedam noticed that you'd stopped moving, holding your pencil case in your hand as you thought about what to say.
"Is everything okay?" he asked you.
"Yeah... I actually... live kind of far," you mumbled, not wanting him to get mad at you for lying.
"You do? Then why did you say you live close by?" he asked, also taking his hands away from your backpack.
"I didn't want you to walk me home or anything," you explained. Yedam smiled at you, shaking his head.
"Don't worry about it now... do you have any clothes to change into?"
"Just my gym clothes... but they're dirty," you told him, shyly.
"Do you want to take something of mine to wear?" he asked you, already standing up to look through his closet without waiting for your answer.
You were going to say no, again, not wanting to bother him, but he had already pulled out some of his comfier clothes for you to wear.
After changing into them and walking back into his room, you avoided Yedam's eyes as he quietly lost his mind over how cute you looked.
"Um, so..." Yedam started, scratching the back of his neck.
"Would you be okay with sleeping in my bed? I'll go sleep in the livingroom-"
"No, no! I'll go sleep there-"
"No, I can't let a guest sleep on the couch!"
Both of you sighed, not being able to win against one another.
"Listen, it's either you sleep in my room and I go to the livingroom, or we both sleep in my bed," he said, pointing to his bed behind you.
You froze, trying to consider your options as your heartbeat grew louder.
"Well... I guess we're both sleeping here then," you said, in a tone that tried to sound confident but was a little shaky.
You plopped yourself face first into the bed to hide from your embarrassment, feeling the bed shift a few seconds later as Yedam joined you.
"Scooch over towards the wall. I'll sleep on this side so you won't fall off the bed at night," he said, pointing to the side of his bed that faced the rest of his room. You smiled at Yedam's kind gesture as you moved over.
He had turned off the light and it was dark now, and both of you lay side-by-side on your backs, staring up at the ceiling.
"Are you... asleep?" he asked you quietly a while later. You shook your head at first, but then realized he couldn't see you. So you said a quiet "no".
You felt Yedam shift as he turned to face you. You carefully turned your head towards him too, wondering what he was up to. It was hard to see in the dark, but he was just admiring your face. You looked away, feeling embarrassed, until you felt him shuffling closer to you.
It was a little nerve-wracking watching his figure tower over you in the dark. Blinking up at him, you parted your lips to ask him what he was doing, but he spoke first.
"Am I allowed to... kiss you?" he asked, quietly looking down at you.
Yedam... wants to ???? Your crush wanted-
You found yourself nodding before your thoughts could entirely be processed, and watched as Yedam lowered himself onto you with a small smile. His heart soared as he watched your reaction -- your eyes were squeezed shut so tightly out of nervousness.
Before his soft lips met yours, he found your hand under the blankets and held it in an attempt to ease you of your nervousness. He didn't know that it only made your stomach feel the effects even more intensely.
Your lips touched for only a moment, but it felt like a whole eternity. When he pulled away, he moved off of you quickly and shuffled over to his side of the bed again.
"I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry," he mumbled, looking away from you. You were confused.
"What's wrong?" you asked him.
"I... I was supposed to tell you I like you first but then now you're right beside me--wait not that I like you... wait I mean I do, but I didn't want to tell you like this--"
Hearing his unsure confession was all the confidence you needed to pull him closer, accidentally tightening his hoodie strings as you pulled him in to carefully press your lips against his again. He completely melted into your hands, then, wrapping an arm around your back and holding you close.
That was probably one of the last good memories you have of him.
After that, Yedam turned into a different person the next morning, avoiding your eyes and missing any trace of a smile on his face as he pushed a plate of breakfast towards you.
"Let's not walk to school together, okay? I'll be leaving first," he told you, leaving you alone in his own house.
You had no clue what was going on and no appetite to eat. After waiting a few minutes, you walked to school after him. You had no idea how to even get to school from his house, so after getting lost and arriving late, you finally managed to make it.
When you tried to approach him in class, he would turn his back on you and ignore you. It made you feel so small that you stopped even trying.
It was really hard for you to show up to school after that, because of how terrible you felt, but you still tried your best. Your friends knew something was wrong and they did their best to help you, but it didn't stop you from thinking about Yedam and why he was acting so strangely.
Until he texted you one day in the middle of class, asking you to meet him in an empty classroom.
You told yourself you shouldn't pay him any attention, especially after he ghosted you like that, but you still followed after him, curious to see what excuse he would give you.
In the classroom, you couldn't see anyone, so you thought Yedam hadn't arrived yet until you heard him call out your name from behind a file cabinet. By the windows.
"Come here, [y/n]," he said, motioning for you to approach him. He was smiling at you again, just like he did on those days when you'd study with him in the café. You told yourself to just turn around and leave, but your feet guided you to him.
You frowned up at him.
"What the heck have you been doing?" you asked him, tears already threatening to leave your eyes.
"[y/n], I-I'm sorry... you know how it is for me, with my popular reputation. Some kids saw us at the café and posted pictures of us, saying that I was going around dating a loser-"
He was holding onto your hands while wearing a pitiful expression, but you coldly pushed him away after hearing him out.
"So you've been acting weird because I'm tainting your reputation? Yedam, we never even dated! You gave me some... half-assed confession and... kissed me in the middle of the night and then ghosted me," you told him, sternly.
"I know, I'm sorry... It's so pathetic but I really do like you... I'm just really bad at this, I know, but I'm telling you now I like you-"
"In an empty classroom. Behind a file cabinet."
"Please, [y/n]. Date me for real... I promise I won't let you down."
You and your kind, innocent heart believed his promise. You believed him because his eyes were sparkling and he was holding onto you so tightly.
Yedam told you that you had to date him in secret, and that was just one of many red flags. He explained that if his friends found out, he would be teased and you would be hurt by their words, too. Nonetheless, you agreed. At school, you never spoke to him. All you got were stolen glances, Yedam winking at you every time you turned around in your seat. Somehow, that was enough to make your heart flutter.
You could only see each other in each other's homes, since even the risk of being caught out on a date was too much for Yedam to handle. The two of you would intertwine hands while watching a movie. You'd rest your head on Yedam's shoulder, or sometimes he would rest his head in your lap and you would gently stroke his hair, watching as his eyes squeezed shut tightly while he indulged in the feeling of your love.
Sometimes the two of you would listen to music together, quietly sharing earphones while staring out the window.
Sometimes you would just talk for hours into the night.
Yedam's smile would never leave his face when he was with you.
Except for when he was at school.
And you could handle it. At least you thought you could, until the final straw.
For Yedam's birthday, a few of his friends had gathered in his home, celebrating. You were also invited, of course, after you begged Yedam to let you come. He had told his friends that he invited you as a gesture of thanks for working on the assignment with him... it broke your heart to hear this lie, but you shrugged it off, again.
Everyone was feeling excited as they all started a game of spin-the-bottle. You felt incredibly out of place and already angry, even more so upon seeing a girl getting all handsy with Yedam, stroking his thigh with her hand and playing with his hair. She was constantly glued to him, but you shrugged it off, again.
After the bottle's mouth faced Yedam, the girl beside him dared him to kiss someone. How childish, you thought to yourself. You watched as Yedam locked eyes with you and started to stand up, making his way towards you with a small smile, but the girl beside him stopped him.
"Where are you going, damie? Isn't it me who you should kiss?"
Yedam looked back at her and then at you.
"C'mon, it's your birthday!" she said, dragging him back down.
That literally is not an excuse and makes no sense, you scoffed to yourself, rolling your eyes.
The next few moments were a blur, but Yedam ended up kissing her and you felt like a piece of paper being torn in two. We can't even look at each other in public, you thought to yourself. You fought back tears and got up to leave. No one seemed to mind or care about where you were going, since none of these people were your friends anyway. Even Yedam was preoccupied, his lips on the mouth of this other girl.
You couldn't just shrug things off anymore. This was it. Now, it was your turn to ghost Yedam.
You hadn't told him, but your family were planning to move to another city soon. You told them to plan the move for earlier so you could leave that dreaded place and leave Yedam. Ignoring all his calls and texts, you transferred out the next week, and that was that.
I'm gonna break down these walls, I built around myself. I wanna fall so in love, with you, and no one else, Could ever mean half as much, to me as you do now. Together we'll move on, just don't turn around, Let the walls break down.
You can't focus in lecture as everything that happened with Yedam flashes before your eyes. Just as you're starting to live a normal life without him, he has to show up and allow of the trauma to resurface.
As soon as your class ends, you quickly pack your bags. Your friend does the same, understanding exactly what is going on. But it seems like Yedam and his feet move a little faster.
Just as you're about to leave your row, you look up to find Yedam standing at the end of it, a small smile on his face.
You sigh and turn around, telling your friend to do the same so you can leave through the other side. But Yedam just follows behind you quietly. He doesn't say a word and just follows you as you and your friend as you leave the lecture hall to go to your next class.
Suddenly, you stop. Your friend and Yedam stop, too.
You turn around, your fist clenched into a tight ball.
"Yedam, can you please stop following me? Do you not have classes of your own or things to do? Please leave me alone," you told him, turning your back on him again and walking forward.
Your friend didn't follow you, though, but looked back and forth between you and Yedam. So lost in your thoughts, you walk to class on your own, not noticing that your friend isn't following you.
Yedam's pov
After they say those words and leave, I feel my heart breaking in two. Of course I know how much I've hurt [y/n], but their words make me realize that I'll never be able to completely understand. I almost start crying right there and then...
"Yedam, right?" their friend asks me. I look at them and nod, confused.
"Listen, [y/n] hates your guts. They're not going to talk to you and hear you out, so I'll do it instead. I know [y/n] might regret it if they don't hear you out, even if they don't want to."
I smile at [y/n]'s friend. That sounds exactly like [y/n]...
"You've probably heard a lot of awful things about me, and it's all true. But... [y/n] probably didn't tell you about those nights we spent in each other's rooms... the times that we did get to spend with each other alone.... sorry, what I'm trying to say is that I've always loved [y/n]. Not even 'like', but I've always loved them. And I don't think I'll be able to stop... I know I was such a terrible boyfriend back then. I don't think I can say I even was much of a boyfriend... but I've changed. I can promise that I've changed. I know it must be so arrogant of me to ask if they'll give me another chance but..."
I trail off, my brain shutting down as I struggle to find anymore words to express myself. [y/n]'s friend nods after I trail off.
"I see... well, I've heard about your promises. I heard they couldn't be trusted but if you've changed, then maybe that has changed, too. [y/n] has a really kind heart, but I won't let them date a jerk ever again. So unless we both know for sure that you're different now, we are not letting you date them."
With that, [y/n]'s friend walks away and leaves me there.
[y/n]'s pov
In class, you feel completely empty, unsure of how to feel. You only notice that your friend had not been beside you this entire time when they take a seat in the spot beside you, apologizing that they're late.
"Where were you?" you ask them, looking up as they sit down.
"I was talking to Yedam," your friend tells you, never one to lie.
Your face fills with disgust at the mention of his name.
"Why would you do that?" you whisper loudly, causing some heads in the lecture hall to turn your way. You mumble an apology before returning to your friend.
"I wanted to hear him out," they say, casually opening up their notes.
"What did he say?"
"So you are interested, huh?" they ask you, teasing.
"No, I'm not!"
"I know, calm down! He just said something along the lines of how he's always loved you and does now, too, and that he's changed--"
"That is the most garbage thing I've ever heard," you say, interrupting your friend with a scoff. They smile, shaking their head at you.
When you return to your dorm after all your classes, you find a small gift bag hanging on the door knob to your room. Curious, you pick it up and notice it has your name written on the side.
You could recognize that handwriting from a mile away.
As if it's the side of a hot pan, you drop it, watching its contents spill to the ground. A pack of your favourite snack falls out, along with a neatly handwritten note, a CD player and earphones.
I guess it wouldn't hurt to look, you tell yourself.
Picking everything up and walking into your room, you sit on your bed and read the note over.
[y/n]!! ah, it doesn't make sense for me to be cute or excited in this note, does it? >.< please forgive me.... i'm a little nervous... here is that snack that you've always loved... do you still love it now, too? and here is something that i wrote for you~it's on the CD. just press play and i'll let the song do the talking... i wrote this after you disappeared.
- yedam
This song better be god tier if he's coming to leave it at my door, you think to yourself.
As the song fills your ears, it seems to fill your empty heart too. You can tell it's full of Yedam's sincere feelings and thoughts... or he's just doing a good job of acting while singing. You can't seem to tell, but you still tear up a little.
You hear the door to your room swing open, as your friend, who also happens to be your roommate, barges in.
"What are you up to?" they ask, placing some things on their desk. They turn around immediately when they hear you sniffling.
"ARE YOU CRYING?" they shout, sitting beside you and wrapping their arms around you.
"This... song... Yedam..." you croak, just handing them the earphones.
When they listen to it, they also go quiet.
"It sounds really sincere..." your friend tells you, quietly.
"I'm not the only one who feels that way?" you ask your friend, looking at them.
"You know him better than I do, so you're probably right," they tell you, standing up.
"Why did this boy have to show up and make a mess of my life again," you groan, hiding your face in your hands.
"Well, I have just the solution! I know you're probably going to think about him and not get any work done anyway, so should we just go to a party?!" your friend tells you, jumping up and down.
"A party?" you wrinkle your nose in disgust.
"It'll help you stop thinking about him! Please, we never went to any parties last year!! Let's go, just this once!" they beg.
After thinking it over, you agree. What's the worst that could happen?
Wearing one of your favourite fits and feeling good, you walk alongside your friend, who already has a groove in their step as the two of you make your way to the house where the party is set to be held. It isn't that hard to find, since you're just following the bright lights and loud music in the distance. It's a wonder the people in that house aren't being arrested for causing such a ruckus...
Finally there, you step inside and try not to bump into any weird people. The music is so loud its deafening, and you shrivel up at the sound of it. Your friend wraps their arm around you, pulling you in close and guiding you to the snack/drink area so you can take what you need and go to a quieter place.
Your friend did beg you to come today, so they won't force you to dance or do any things you don't want to do...
Now equipped with everything you need, you make your way to the basement, where it's a lot quieter despite being so busy.
"How's this for a change?" your friend asks you, grooving along to the distant sound of the music from upstairs.
"It seems like you want to dance," you tell your friend.
They shake their head.
"I'll stay with you toniiiiiight!" they cheer, hugging you tightly. You laugh.
"It's fine, just go up! The crowd doesn't seem too scary or weird down here," you tell them as you watch two people play mario kart in front of a TV.
After asking you 1000 times if it's really okay, they leave you there with a drink in your hand. You continue watching the two people playing mario kart, secretly rooting for the boy in orange because his fit looks really nice, even if you're only looking from the back.
He ends up losing and you let out a "noooo!" loud enough for the two to hear. When they turn around, you discover that the boy in orange had been Yedam all along!
I take back rooting for him... he deserved to lose!
Widening your eyes at the sight of him, you quickly turn away and try to navigate your way towards another room. To your surprise, as soon as you walk in, Yedam is in there, holding the door open at the other end and panting.
"[y/n]," he calls out softly, smiling slightly. You can tell he's testing the waters and wondering how to react.
You try to walk out of the room, but the door behind you has been shut by some drunken idiot! He's pressed up against the frame and no matter how much you push, the door just won't open.
"[y/n], if you want to leave, it's okay. I don't want to bother you," Yedam tells you, stepping aside from the other door and motioning for you to walk through.
You sigh.
"No, it's fine. I guess we're here for a reason now, or something," you mumble, sliding down the wall until you're in a comfortable sitting position.
Yedam smiles, closing the door behind him.
"Still caught up in all that destiny stuff?" he asks you, joining you in sitting on the ground but also keeping his distance.
You scoff in response. How does this kid remember everything about me?
"So... what are you doing in my house?' he asks you.
"Your.... house?"
"Yeah, this is my house. You didn't know?" he asks you, looking bewildered.
You think about your friend. They must have brought you here while knowing it was Yedam's house...
"Um... nevermind that. How... have you been?" Yedam asks you, wringing his hands.
"Me? I've been doing great until now. How about you?" you spit out your words sarcastically, but Yedam doesn't seem to mind.
"I've been... well... I'm not sure. It would be cheesy for me to say I've been feeling lost without you, but that's kind of how it is," he tells you, chuckling nervously.
"Yeah, super cheesy. It also doesn't make sense, Yedam," you tell him, avoiding his eyes.
"I know it doesn't, but to me it does. I know our relationship was a mess, but those times that we spent together were... something else. Probably some of the best times of my life, honestly," he tells you.
"And why... are you telling me this?" you ask him, curious to see how he'll respond.
"Because I know I'm in the wrong and there's no excuse for my past childishness, but... I've missed you. And I still do. I know I was really caught up in my reputation back then and I didn't open myself up to you properly, but I want to do that now."
He runs his fingers through his hair, and something inside you turns. You didn't realize just how much you loved it when Yedam did that until now... he looks so pretty--
No. What are you thinking?!
"I haven't missed you though, Yedam," you say.
He smiles sadly.
"I know. And there's no reason for you to. But I'm just... asking for a second chance in case you think there's anything left."
You gulp and look up at the ceiling. You hadn't even considered the possibility of dating Yedam again, but talking with him now is different. He's less cautious and seems to be a lot more comfortable with you.
Someone knocks on the door behind Yedam and Yedam tells them to come in.
"Oh, am I interrupting?" the boy asks, slowly backing away.
"It's fine, I'm just talking to [y/n]," Yedam says with a smile, gesturing towards you. You greet the boy and his eyes light up.
"[y/n]?! The one you always tell me about? Gosh... it's so nice to meet you!" the boy says, shaking your hand and sitting down in front of you.
"You put up with a lot of Yedam's antics, I've heard," he says, laughing. Yedam laughs along, but you're still in shock.
Yedam had never told anyone about you... but now this random boy knows everything?
"It was more than antics. I was... really bad to [y/n]. I'm surprised they haven't left yet," Yedam admits, leaning back.
"I transferred to your old high school after you transferred out, and this boy was always sad. He didn't talk to anyone but me, only because the teacher asked him to show me around. He told me everything about you and eventually told the rest of his friends, too. You were his biggest and only heartbreak... I swear everyone at our school knows about you," the boy explains.
"What did you tell them?" you ask Yedam.
"He told us how he had been dating you in secret because he was afraid to ruin his popularity, but that he regrets it a lot. A lot of his friends left him after finding out you dated Yedam," the boy explains. Yedam nods along.
You're in shock. The boy who was so secretive and insecure exposed himself as a heartbreaker?
"Anyways, I'm sorry to be interrupting. I'll leave now!" the boy says, standing up and closing the door behind him.
"You... told everyone?" you ask Yedam. He nods.
"I feel like it was the only thing I could do for you. You deserved to be known as the one who held my heart," he says, holding his chest and laughing at his own cheesy words.
You find yourself laughing along and loosening up.
A moment of silence stretches between the two of you, and Yedam breaks it by standing up.
"Do you wanna play mario kart with me? You seemed to be having fun watching," Yedam asks you quietly.
You nod, also standing up.
The two of you play for about an hour, screaming and yelling at the TV just like you used to in your bedroom when you'd play games together.
"I won!" you declare in glee, turning to Yedam to do your signature high five with him. His hands meet yours, and you only realize what you're doing only after its already happened. You awkwardly move your hands away, facing the screen again.
"I'm sorry..." you mumble.
"No, I'm sorry! It's really okay, [y/n]... if you feel uncomfortable around me, you don't have to--"
"Your song touched me a lot, Yedam. And now I feel like... I want to try again. Just like this game," you say, pointing to the screen that has try again written in the corner.
"Are you sure?" he asks you, slowly.
You nod, deciding you've made up your mind. You've seen a lot of green flags already -- enough to decide that it's okay to move forward.
Yedam smiles and looks down at his lap. Then his head lifts up quickly, his eyes lighting up.
"I can take you to that café you always wanted to go! They have one in this city... and there's a museum next to it too! Do you want to go there? I.."
As he continues talking, you realize that all of the things he's saying he wants to do were things that you never did with Yedam, even after one year of dating him. It was always stay-at-home dates and ignore-each-other-when-we're-at-school. Somehow, you feel excited, wondering what things will be like.
"[y/n]! I've been looking everywhere for--oh, Yedam? Hi!" your friend greets you both.
"Did you have fun dancing?" you ask them. They nod, pointing to Yedam with their eyes.
You get up and whisper into your friend's ear.
"We have a lot to talk about, but I think..."
Your friend doesn't even wait for you to finish before they say, "well, I have to leave early now. Yedam, can you walk [y/n] home? Great, thanks!"
With that, they disappear and you shake your head at your friend's strange behaviour.
Yedam is all smiley while still sitting on the ground.
"Do I get to walk you home now?" he asks you, standing up.
"I wonder what would've happened if you walked me home that day, too..." you mumble, thinking about the day you slept over at Yedam's in the same bed as him.
"What, do you want to sleep over today, too?" he asks you.
You shake your head.
"I don't want things to turn out like that again."
"You mean, you don't want me to kiss you like I did then?" Yedam teases you, sending you a wink.
"You--shut up!" you yell, chasing after him with a pillow.
This boy literally broke my heart, you think to yourself. He is testing his limits...
After you both calm down, Yedam walks you home. It's a little quiet at first, until Yedam speaks.
"Can... I hold your hand?" he asks you.
"This soon?" you say, still grabbing his hand anyway. He looks down at your hand in his and smiles.
"Yeah... you don't know how long I've been wanting to do this for," he admits, swinging your arm up and down as you walk.
You shake your head at him.
"Let's run!" Yedam declares, racing forward with your hand in his. You trail behind him, the sound of laughter escaping your lips and ringing in Yedam's ears. It leaves a bright blush on his face as he thinks to himself about how much he's missed your laughter.
The two of you slow down, panting.
"I'm so tired," Yedam wheezes, laughing at how weird he sounds.
"Do you want me to kiss it better?" you tease him. He raises his eyebrows at the comment. Maybe it's the adrenaline from all the running or the feeling of the night air, but a courage surges through you as you snake your hand around the back of his head and pull him towards you, pressing his warm lips to yours.
You pull away shortly after, feeling breathless again. A blush dusts Yedam's cheeks as he stares at you with wide eyes.
Your own stomach is full of butterflies, but you ignore it and walk forward.
"Are you not coming?" you yell to the boy behind you. He laughs and chases after you.
[a/n]: i just want to say that i do not condone getting back together with a toxic ex so soon... i was just really excited while writing and sped up the plot >.< but don't ever get back with someone who has hurt you unless you are 100% sure! please take care of yourself!!
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rubywithin · 1 year
Who to Trust? 14
The next morning I went to the library with Ellie, (Ellie) “Ein...I want to know what you and your group are up too. Me and Sora can help out....” (Ein) “No!” she was shocked at my instant denial, (Ellie) “Why....if we all work together we can stop any more killings!”. (Ein) “I’m sorry Ellie but I don’t trust Sora, he knows more about this situation than what he is letting on”. Aurel’s letter mentioning him being apart of a previous killing game just made me suspect Sora even more. He could of easily known about the discovery rule if he was in a previous one as well. Not to mention his goal of finding and poisoning the host, that convinces me they are in the building with us...I doubt Sora is in charge though. However he does seem to have some sort of influence over the group and I can’t help but wonder if he abuses that. (Ellie) “Okay then...we won’t help you guys out” she left, I went back to my Livingroom to read some more of the book! At this point I guess we are just killing time till the deadline of Hedgy’s threat.
-Slap- Huh? that was a loud sound, (Maria) “Ouch...why don’t you give that jerk some of your anger too?”. (Annabelle) “SHUT UP, I don’t need you telling me what to do!” there was some sort of argument in the hallway. (EIn) “What is the commotion about?” (Enrique) “Well apparently Isabelle caught Maria and Aurel hanging out on the stage. And I guess Annabelle is jealous” (Ein) “Idiots...things are tense enough without this pair having a dumb argument”. Was Isabelle checking the camera or something? ugh I should of told her to try and be more subtle. I made my way over to the stage, I need to tell her to not constantly check the camera. As I arrived it looked like Aurel was there....I then approached him but noticed it was a mannequin with his coat and hat...also a similar looking wig to his hair. What the hell....when I went past the lab he wasn’t in so where is he?
I went back to room and found a note (Note) “I left something for you in my pocket Ein!”. Huh? I’m guessing this is from Aurel but why would he put his jacket on a mannequin by the stage. I will check it out tomorrow, it was almost time for the night time meeting, it looked like neither Aurel or Annabelle were around! Marie was in the corner on her own looking annoyed, (Sora) “Tetsuya and Kyoya can you guys go check on the missing duo?” (Gina) “Why bother they are probably in the lab!”. (Kyoya) “I saw Aurel in the library he said he was looking up some chemical components!”. (Maria) “And Annabelle is probably crying in her room”, I walked over to check Annabelle’s room! It did appear to be locked. I wanted to make sure as ignoring two people being away from the group is a bad idea! 
We signed the register despite two of us not being around and all went back to our rooms. I decided to leave my door a little open, I didn’t want to make the same mistake of not being as observant. My room was the closest to the main lobby so I should be able to hear anyone going past. I didn’t have anything to protect myself with but I’am hoping no one notices my door! I drifted off into a sleep....it was a mostly relaxing dream -knock knock-. I woke up to the loud sound, (Ein) “Come in!” (Tetsuya) “Oh you’re in?” I nodded, “Ah I thought the un locked door meant you were out” (Ein) “No I was just a little worried in case someone tried something so tried listening out”. He understood my reasoning so we went over to the Livingroom, Annabelle was here this time and she kept giving Maria angry looks. A few hours passed and there was no sign of Aurel, I started to worry as despite being distant he still showed up for meetings.
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lilallama · 4 years
Since I loved the one you did for me. Can I request a continuation to it? Like the reader brings him home bmand everything is great but after a few months neighborhood pets are coming up missing and the reader finds out or something?
Early Sunrise
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Word Count; 2.1k
!!TW!! This Series contains themes of gore, obsessive behaviour, violence, murder and societal injustice
》 Prologue; Düstern 《
》 First; Frühdämmer 《
"Another one?" Y/n looked at the Missing Poster which hung up on the tree outside their neighbour's house (the picture displayed a small well groomed cat with grey fur. 》 Prince Winters - british shorthair - two and a half years old - Was last seen in the owners backyard - please call this number if you have any information: X X X X - X X X X X X 《). The [gender] sighed in pity before turning to walk to their door. As they opened it they happily expected their small Guinea Pig Hybrid, Hoseok, to run into their arms. But that didn't happen. His fluffy locks were nowhere in sight. Worried that something might have happened Y/n searched the mansion. He wasn't in their room (he insisted on staying with them because he was too scared to sleep alone at night), he wasn't in any of the four bathrooms, not in the kitchen, not in the front hall, not in their living room. They were starting to panic, their poor, sweet baby was gone. But then they heard someone giggle outside in the garden. With rushed steps they ventured into the garden and let out a relieved sigh, only for that sigh to turn into a half chocked gasp as Hoseok turned around.
"Hoseok.., what is that!?" On the floor infront of the Hybrid layed something mangled and bloody. It's body was distorted, limbs torn off, milky eyes bulging out if it's sockets with it's head twisted in an unnerving angle. The sight was horrific, grotesque and truly nauseating. "Oh," Hoseok said in with his innocent smile which was surrounded by dried up blood, "remember Mrs. Winters' cat? I played with it." Despite the sweet smile his eyes held something menacing, something sick and twisted that Y/n was terrified of. They looked big and empty, like emotionless voids staring right through them. If they could have the choice to claim this a disturbing nightmare, they would. But they knew, they would have to face this. Y/n's previous scared expression turned into one of determination, "Hoseok, whipe that off your face and get in the car, right now."
The drive was tortuously silent, the only sound coming from the radio ("And now we present to you our 90's Pop Songs marathon. Starting of with the 90's Queen, Britney Spears with 'Baby one more time' "). Hoseok hadn't dare move throughout the whole time spend in the car. His only action; trying to make himself as small as possible to escape the mind numbing tension that filled the car. What if Y/n would send him back to the shelter? That thought had always kept him up at night. They were the only one he had, they couldn't just abandon him, right? > But what if they did < whispered the voice in the back of his mind, > What if you'll never see them again? You can't let that happen. < he started shaking violently > Just take the wheel and drive off the road. Kill them, then they'll never leave you. <. The voice got louder as he cowered in the back seat, eyes pressed shut and mouth chanting "No no no no no no no-". But Y/n didn't pay the quivering Hybrid any mind, all they could think of was, that their Hybrid needs help, immediately. Clearly the mistreatment he was put through with his past owners (what mistreatment?) took a toll on his sanity. The poor sunshine needs help. So they hurried towards the next Hybrid Psychiatrist hoping it'll magically rid Hoseok of his tendencies.
"Violent tendencies?" The pair sat infront of the Psychiatrist, Mr. Bluestone, a kind hispanic man in his mid 50's. "Could you elaborate what exactly that would mean? Does he get into fights often or perhaps bites?" They bashfully scratch their neck while looking over at Hoseok. "Not really. He is more... more..," they leaned forward and whispered, "gory." Bluestone looked intrigued by that as he shuffled in his seat slightly. "How so? What does that mean, L/n?" The Hybrid nervously watched the conversation going on, his eyes darkened as his owner leaned closer. His nose twitched and he started looking around the room to try and distract himself from the dread he felt. (The white door had 》 044 《 standing on it in golden, shimmering letters, the floor was polished and held a warm grey as it's colour. The walls were mostly white with a small peachy orange stripe spreading across all four walls. The plants were clearly fake and left him feeling hungry as he hadn't eaten today. He considered asking Y/n for one of his treats but he figured that wouldn't be a good idea.) When that didn't work he resorted to imagining doing everything the poor cat had suffered through with the Psychiatrist. "He- he-," they gave him a quick side glance before lowering their voice again, "he tore our neighbour's cat apart." With a look of surprise and horror Bluestone stared over to the Guinea Pig Hybrid (which usually are very peaceful and cheerful creatures) only to avert his gaze once his eyes locked with Hoseoks. He cleared his throat and shuffled through the stack of papers on the desk before him. "I'm sorry, but I do not think I'm experienced in such... special situations." Y/n stood up, making the elderly man flinch slightly, and looked at him with teary eyes. "Please, please, I beg you!" The man stayed silent for a moment before sighing. His smile was reassuring as he patted their shoulder. "You never learn to fly if you don't try, I'll see what I can do."
The next day Y/n sat in Mr. Bluestone's office and discussed Hoseok. "The thing that makes this difficult, is that Hybrids have not been studied enough for me to be able to diagnose him with any Guinea Pig Hybrid specific mental illness." He looked through some files that layed on his desk, scratching some things abd writing notes. Meanwhile Y/n asked, "But how come we don't diagnose them with human mental illnesses?" After a few seconds Bluestone looked up, now focusing his attention on the [gender]. "You see, Hybrid brains are, while not completely but still considerably, different from ours." That gained a sceptical look from Y/n. "Don't get me wrong, I'm not calling them inferior. If anything, they are way more physically advanced than mere humans are." The Psychiatrists eyes started sparkling with passion as he explained the abilities of different Hybrid breeds. "Cheetah Hybrid are able to run 3.6 times faster than an average grown human! Cat Hybrids have the ability of night vision and way more advanced senses than we do. And between Seahorse Hybrids it's the male who bears the children, not the female!" The excitement the man holds for Hybrids was very blatant as he continued rambling before Y/n asked while laughing, "You really like Hybrids, don't you?" "I find them fascinating, my husband thinks so too. It's sad to see so many people disrespect such fascinating creatures." The discussion went on for a while before they finally looked at the clock. It was time to go for Y/n which caused them great concern as their problem was still not close to being solved. Nonetheless they wished each other farewell before returning to their mundane tasks.
As Y/n sat on the soft, expensive couch in their livingroom Hoseok shyly approached them. "Y/n, are you mad at me?" They wanted to scold him, to put him in his place, teach him that such behaviour was not acceptable. But when they looked into his guilt filled eyes they just couldn't stay mad at their little ball of sunshine. "No," they rubbed their temple, "I'm not, Hobi. Come on." And they petted on their lap with a forced, slightly saddened smile. Hoseok immediately lit up and jumped onto their fraim, cuddling into them while letting out that weird purr when they started petting his brown-white locks. As they laid there many thoughts ran through Y/n's mind. How did they not notice that their own Hybrid was the one who caused those pets disappearances? Thinking back, it was so obvious. Those red stains on his clothing that they mistook for sauce or marmalade stains, the strong metallic smell that Hoseok sometimes had, it was right infront of their eyes. Yet they didn't notice, they didn't think to question that the cases of pets going missing had started a bit after their Hybrid moved in. The warning that caretaker gave them at the shelter, should they've listened to it? What would've happened if they didn't taken him, left him there without anyone by his side? Quickly they shook off such thoughts and looked down at Hoseok on their chest. He looked so innocent and fragile, as if he could snap at any moment, it made them want to protect him. The Guinea Pig Hybrid had already won over a giant portion of their heart, leaving him was out of question. But they will have to wait until Bluestone has found something that they should discuss. Y/n imagined that they would try and 'train' Hoseok, that they would talk him through his trauma and teach him the right way. But Bluestone wanted to know what he's doing before he would try and teach the Guinea Pig Hybrid anything. The risk that he could make it worse or cause a different trauma was too high for him to discard. So they agreed to first try and find something similar to Hoseoks condition first. Their thoughts were interrupted as they ley out a yawn. It was starting to get late, so they decided to go to bed now. The only problem was that Hoseok had already fallen asleep on top of them and they didn't want to wake him up. So they decided, one night sleeping on the sofa wouldn't hurt, how wrong they were.
When they woke up in the morning both their back and neck hurt as if someone slammed a hardwood chair against them. Hoseok had shifted over night so that they could get up without disturbing his sleep. Under grave pain they stood up, looked back at their little Hybrid and admired him for a second. Despite everything, he still was a very handsome young man. Undoubtedly if he wasn't their Hybrid they would be more than willing to date him. (Although he's a Guinea Pig Hybrid his body was quite athletic, he wasn't of abnormally muscular structure but did have abs and surprisingly strong legs. His hair always managed to look soft and shiny with little to no effort, his tan skin was completely clean, not a single blemish in sight. His eyes were a beautiful almond shape adorned with dark chocolate irises that always managed to wrap them around his fingers. With an oval shaped face and very pronounced jawline he surely was a sight to behold. But the greatest part was the tiny smile that he held even during his sleep.) Eventually Y/n stretched and walked over to their laptop. They received a new E-mail from Bluestone.
》 Dear L/n,
I am sorry to inform you that I did not find anything that could relate to your Hybrid's issue. But I have decided that, if you are willing to, still try and help your Hybrid. While I do not think this is the best way to approach it, I will try and help you and your Hybrid through therapy. I will send another E-mail should you agree to my offer.
Please remember to not accept you don't consider this helpful or do not want to waste your time with something that may or may not work. Send me an answer and I will send you the room, time and what I was planning on trying out. You can always back out, this is not any form of contract.
Doctor Valentino Pérez Bluestone. 《
Suddenly the back- and neck pains weren't too much of a bother. While he couldn't find anything specific that he could sort Hoseok to, he would still help them. They quickly write an E-mail back.
》 Dear Doctor Bluestone,
thank you so much for helping us. I would not have known what to do without your help. I would very much like to accept your offer, sir.
I will await your E-mail. Until then,
Y/n L/n. 《
After leaning back and turning to check up on Hoseok (at which point they remembered their back- and neck pains, causing them to stiffen from the stabbing pain running through them.) they carefully turned back to their laptop and decided it was time to finish their work.
If you enjoyed reading my work, please consider reblogging it. Thank you for reading
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rjhpandapaws · 4 years
A Hand in the Matter
Ch7: Adventures in Interior Decorating
Tina eyed Gavin suspiciously as she leaned on the bar. Normally they would be doing this on a Friday rather than a Wednesday, but for once Gavin had plans for the weekend. So it was either move the "gays night out" as Tina called it up a bit, or not have one this week. Tina was not exactly pleased with the change of plans since she was working early the next day. Setting her beer glass down she spoke.
"So let me get this straight," she started and leaned into Gavin, not even laughing at what would normally be a joke between them. "You moved our night out up two fucking nights into the work week because you're going to spend the weekend with some guy named Richard. Helping him remodel his apartment or whatever, but you're not sleeping with him."
"Tina, my answer isn't going to have changed from the last three fucking times you asked me," Gavin replied with an exasperated sigh. "We aren't sleeping together. He's just a friend."
"So was Allen. Until he wasnt," she said sitting back like she had made some kind of point.
Gavin rolled his eyes, "Richard is different, its not like that with him. I see him a bit like I see you."
"That's a lie. You've never adjusted your schedule to help me remodel."
"Tina, you haven't remodeled anything." Gavin pointed out, "I think you've had enough for the night, let's settle the tab and call it."
Tina seemed like she was going to argue for a moment before she nodded. She stood, needing a moment to regain her footing before walking to the end of the bar to pay. Gavin followed suit.
When they were outside the bar waiting on their respective rides. Tina for her girlfriend and Gavin for his Uber.
Tina took a deep steadying breath before speaking, "just... be careful okay? I know I don't know him, but I just don't want to risk seeing you back in a place like you were after Allen."
"I know T." Gavin said straightening up off the wall, "you're just looking out for me. I respect that."
She nodded as a familiar car pulled up to the curb and she lifted a hand to wave at him, "Good night Gav."
"Yeah, you too." He returned the wave and watched her go.
She had always been that way, looking out for him and at least trying to protect him. He understood the warning. The no feelings involved arrangement with Allen had collapsed in on itself when Gavin went ahead and caught feelings, and Allen hadn't. The fight that happened after ended their friendship and left Gavin in a bad way for quite a while. Tina had been left to pick up the pieces and be damage control. Her suspicion of Richard, although misplaced in Gavin's opinion, came from a well meaning place.
The weekend crept up on Gavin, and it was Friday afternoon before he knew it. He was running around his apartment like a madman, packing all of the things he might need for a weekend at Richard's place. It would be his first time there since Richard's panic attack as well as his first time there as an invited guest. Tina would come by twice a day to check on Frankie. The cat in mention was watching him from her cat tower. He reached up to pet the mildly overweight black feline.
"I'll be back in a couple days," he said in a voice one might use for children, "be good for your aunt Tina okay?"
She leaned into his hand before he pulled away and picked up the duffle bag. He made sure he had his keys and his phone before heading down to the parking lot. This weekend was kind of a big deal for Richard as well. He'd never had anyone stay over at his apartment before, and on top of that they would be remodeling it. Trying to make it into a place that Richard could feel at home in rather than trapped. When Gavin arrived at his bike he sent Richard a text.
Gavin: Getting ready to head your way. Need me to pick anything up on my way over?
Tall Phcker from Psych: No. Not that I can think of.
Gavin: Alright, see you soon.
He strapped his bag to his bike, with it situated safely he put his helmet on and got on the bike himself. He left the complex and made his way to Richard's. He was looking forward to the weekend, hanging out with Richard was always a good time. Something that was as important to Richard as this was bound to be the same. Gavin parked as close to the building as he could. He still had to go up the stairs to get to Nines's apartment, he was not packing his bag across a fucking parking lot on top of all that.
Gavin got off the bike, took his helmet off and unclipped the duffle bag. He slung it over his shoulder and headed for the stairs. He sent another text before heading up.
Gavin: on my way up to you
Tall Phcker from Psych: ok. The door is unlocked.
Gavin tucked his phone away and began his treck up the stairs. It probably would have been smarter to use the elevator, but Gavin only knew how to find the apartment from the stairs. It was the fifth unit from the end on the left from this direction, and he didn't know how many from the elevator it was. Like last time, Gavin was fighting for his breath when he got to the top.
Gavin opened the door and took his shoes off, putting them on the bottom shelf of the slate grey shoe rack Richard had bought online. It was the first personal touch he'd added to the place, and the thing that had started all of this. Straightening up he smiled at Richard.
"Where do you want this?" He asked gesturing to the bag on his shoulder.
Richard looked up from where he was getting something out of the fridge and pointed to the couch. Gavin made his way to the couch and set the bag down, he stretched before squatting down and digging through it. He made a sound of victory when he came away what he was looking for, he smiled and hid the small box behind his back as he walked back toward the kitchen. On the counter were two glass bottles of old fashioned soda, the same kind that Gavin usually had at his place.
"Thanks." Gavin said accepting the bottle that was slid across the island toward him, "I got you something, a bit of a housewarming gift."
Gavin set the hastily wrapped gift on the island and slid it toward Richard. He grabbed the bottle and popped the cap off with practiced ease. Richard was careful as he unwrapped his gift, looking like he was trying to avoid tearing the wrapping paper. He got to the nondescript box and looked at it for a long moment before opening it just as carefully. He took out the white porcelain mug, turning it over in his hands until he got to the text. 'Silence is Golden' was printed in light blue cursive script. He set the mug down carefully, looking at him with one of the biggest smiles Gavin had ever seen on him.
'Thank You.' He signed, 'I Love It.'
"I'm glad," Gavin took a drink from the cool soda, finding refreshing after his trip up the stairs. "I saw it in the campus bookstore and thought you might like it."
Richard took a drink from his own bottle while Gavin picked up the trash from the counter trying to minimize the clutter. He left the mug alone, Richard could decided what he wanted to do with it.
"What's the plan for tonight?" Gavin asked heading for the livingroom figuring Richard would follow him to the couch, "online shopping, actual shopping, relaxing, or getting started on changing around the place?"
Richard sat beside him on the couch in his usual proper posture, stiff and rigid in comparison to Gavin who looked like he'd been poured onto it. Richard tapped his fingers along the bottle in his hands as he thought about it. This whole thing was a big decision for him. Gavin would give him as much time as he needed for his choice.
Eventually Richard set his bottle down and began signing, stopping then restarting several times before letting out an annoyed sigh. He picked up his phone choosing to type out his thoughts instead. Gavin's signing was slowly getting better, but he wasn't fluent and his understanding was hit and miss still.
Tall Phcker from Psych: could we stay in tonight? Relax and maybe look at things online?
Tall Phcker from Psych: I don't think I'm ready to do much else yet.
"That's perfectly fine." He turned on the TV switching it over to something they didn't have to invest much attention in, "we'll only do what you're comfortable with."
That was how they spent the afternoon, scrolling through online furniture stores. Richard made a list of what he wanted to get and colors he hoped to find them in. It was hours later when they were pulled from the moment by Gavin's empty stomach growling out its discontent.
'Food?' Richard signed with an amused shine to his eyes.
"Yeah, that would probably be a good idea." Gavin said with a chuckle of his own, one hand pressed firmly over his abdomen to muffle any further noises, "you in the mood to cook or is it a take out kind of night?"
Richard answered by pulling up a deliver app on his phone. He picked an Italian place, put in his order before handing the phone off to Gavin. He looked over the menu ordering food for himself and passing the phone back to Richard so he could add something else if he wanted before placing the order.
They took a break when the food arrived, setting it up on the coffee table. It was nice and comfortable, like the evenings they sometimes spent at Gavin's place. This was a nice feeling. They stayed like that well into the night. Passing notes like little kids until it was late enough in the that Gavin felt like he was going to collapse into the coffee table from his place on the floor. He yawned so widely that his jaw cracked and spoke aloud for the first time in hours.
"So how are we doing this Nines?" He rubbed at his face to try and wake up more, considering as conversations tended to require more brain power than he currently possessed.
'You Take Couch. I Take Bed.' Came the reply before Richard began cleaning up the coffee table. Right, they still had to move that.
Gavin helped as well, throwing out the garbage while Richard packed up and put away the left over food. Despite it being Richard's livingroom rather than Gavin's, they still moved as a unit to clear the living room for the pull out bed. When that was done, Richard stepped back observing the room, this was another change for him, but from what Gavin could see he was taking it well.
They took turns in the bathroom getting ready for bed. When Gavin finally got to bed he pulled put his phone to check his messages. He had a few from Tina.
Pocket Police: we could be out drinking now but you have other friends apparently
Pocket Police: don't do anything we wouldn't do
Pocket Police: Frankie misses you
Gavin: we'll have the normal schedule back soon. You know I still love you
Gavin: we won't. I miss Frankie too
Gavin: good night T
Pocket Police: night Gav
He set his phone on the armrest and rolled onto his side. The excitement of the day had drained him and sleep was quick to pull him under. Gavin slept soundly and well into the morning. Waking only when he heard movement from the kitchen. Whoever was there was trying to keep quiet.
It took Gavin's slowly waking brain a long moment to recognize he wasn't in his own apartment. He sat up and stretched, after rubbing the sleep from his eyes he made his way into the kitchen. Slowly being coaxed to life by the smell of coffee. A good way to start a busy weekend, or, any weekend really.
"Good morning Richard," Gavin mumbled around a yawn. "How did you sleep?"
'Good Morning,' he signed back. 'I Slept Fine.'
They were pleasantly quiet after that. Gavin wasn't exactly much of a talker or much of a functioning human before his first cup of coffee. He wasn't grumpy, he just wasn't talkative because it was too much effort. Last night they had come up with a plan of attack for the weekend. Today was a shopping day, and tomorrow they would get things set up.
When the coffee finished brewing Richard reached up into the cabinet grabbing a mug for Gavin, and took the one Gavin had brought him yesterday for himself. Gavin was happy to see him use it. Richard poured Gavin's first, sliding it to him and then pointing to the fridge. Gavin nodded his thanks and stepped that way, setting his mig down on the counter beside it. He opened the door doing a bit of digging around before he came away with what he was looking for: Carmel flavored coffee creamer. He was being silently judged by Richard as he added what his counterpart referred to as a criminal amount of cream to his coffee before returning the bottle to the fridge. He took a long drink as he turned to face Richard.
"That's some good coffee," Gavin joked, grinning when he saw Richard wrinkle his nose in disgust.
'You Monster,' was signed back at him, though there was no heat to it.
The easy silence settled over them again as they drank their coffee. Richard was looking out the livingroom window, and Gavin was looking over what he could see of the apartment from his place by the fridge. Having the pull out bed open helped the place look more lived in. It felt more alive, the way a home should.
When they were ready to go they met in the entry way, grabbing what they would need before heading out. They would be taking Richard's car because heavy shopping and motorcycles didn't mix well. Gavin in all honesty was pretty excited. He'd never gotten to see Richard in an environment that one if not both of them had some control over. This would be a learning experience for the both of them.
Richard's car was a light grey Toyota model that Gavin didn't recognize. The inside, as he expected, was spotless. Richard played music from his phone as they drive toward the shopping district. Richard had a system in place, specific stores he wanted to look at. Gavin was coming along to translate as needed and for moral support. Even though he was more or less just along for the ride, he was still looking forward to it. They arrived at the first store on the list and Richard found a place to park turning off the car.
'Ready?' Richard signed at him.
"Yeah," Gavin unbuckled and got out of the car, "are you?"
Richard nodded and got out as well. They walked into the store, it had a relatively open floor plan. One half was furniture and the other half was trinkets and decorations meant for livening up they came to call home. Richard wandered through the store to satisfy his curiosity. He picked things out as he went, some from the list, some not. Gavin grabbed a few things as well, for his place and Richard's. Every stop they made went in similar fashion, Richard roaming for curiosities sake and picking things up as he went. There was one more place they wanted to stop at, to see if it had the specific set of shelves that had been alluding them all day. Richard had picked out two similar ones for the office, but wanted this specific one for his room. They had it bookmarked online in case they couldn't find it while they were out.
The building was massive. Gavin would be surprised if they didn't have what Richard was after. They wandered around, not quite aimlessly, but it didn't seem like they would find what they were after here either unfortunately. Gavin was about to voice as much and suggest they call it a day, when someone spoke up from the other side of Richard. It scared them both, though Gavin was the only one to jump.
"Can I help you and your..." the sales clerk paused, searching for her words as she looked between Gavin and Richard, "partner find anything specific?"
Richard froze for a long while, seeming like he was trying to compose himself. Genuinely confused. He picked his hands up to sign, restarting a number of times before giving up altogether and shooting Gavin a desperate pleading look.
"Oh, uh. No. We're alright thanks." Gavin stumbled over his words in his flustered rush to get them out. It seemed to do the trick though since the sales clerk retreated and they were once again left on their own.
They just stared at each other for a long while. Gavin cracked first, smiling and then breaking into laughter when the awkwardness passed leaving only amused embarrassment in its wake. Richard was smiling, amusement shining in his eyes. What a fucking day.
"Let's head back." Gavin suggested when he had enough control over his air intake to talk again, "we can pick up some food on the way back. Then order the shelves when we get back to your place."
Despite the laugh they'd had about it earlier, Gavin found himself paying more attention to his proximity to Richard the rest of the day. They had a good laugh about it again over dinner, Richard delighting in it now that the initial awkwardness had passed. Gavin did as well, it was funny looking back. That was how the evening went. The two of them talking and having a good time until they were too tired to keep up right.
'Okay,' Richard signed as he stood. 'Bed Time.'
They had been smart enough to clean uo their dinner mess beforehand this time. After Gavin finished his nightly routine he laid down and pulled out his phone to check in with Tina.
Gavin: you'll never guess what happened today!
Pocket Police: something funny i take it
Gavin: Richard and I got mistaken for a couple today
Pocket Police: how did that go
Gavin: we've been having a good laugh about it
Gavin: just thought I'd let you know
Gavin: night T
Pocket Police: sleep well
Once again Gavin woke up to Richard in the kitchen and roused with less confusion than the day before. He stretched and made his way to the kitchen, following the smell off coffee. The same mugs as yesterday were out on the counter, clean and ready to be used.
"Morning." Gavin mumbled, just this side of coherent as he leaned against the counter, "today's the day. Are you excited?"
'Morning,' Richard parroted with a smile. Ever the fucking morning person. He nodded in answer to Gavin's question knowing that this would be the extent of the conversation until he got coffee into his system.
They didn't have as solid of a plan of attack for today, no lists to follow, just the general goal of getting the place into a state Richard was comfortable living in. Gavin's first order of business after he'd gotten coffee into his system was to clean up the livingroom since it had been his home the past couple of days. After that he would go wherever Richard needed him.
The coffee finished and like yesterday Richard poured both mugs then slid Gavin's toward him. Gavin added cream to it and then took a drink letting out a content hum. Richard let out an amused sound and rolled his eyes lifting his mug in a mock toast.
"Look. One of us can't function before eleven in the morning." Gavin complained between drinks of coffee, "its not my fault you can't wake up at a normal time."
'Waking Up Afternoon Not Normal.' Richard signed, and then had the nerve to fucking wink. God damn morning person.
"Richard. Its the weekend." Gavin remarked, gesturing with his free hand, "its practically against the law to wake up early on the weekend."
'Yet Here You Are,' he signed like he was making a point. 'Awake Early Sunday Morning.'
"Okay, no need to be so damn smug," Gavin said with a tired laugh, "you've made your point."
'Have I?' He signed with a faint smile along with a raised eyebrow.
Gavin flipped him off for lack of a better argument. Richard rolled his eyes again, but they were alight with amusement, and Gavin had a smile of his own to match. After he finished his coffee he cleaned his cup out and set it on the dish mat to dry.
"Alright, I'm going to start by cleaning up my shit from the livingroom," Gavin gestured in the direction of the couch. "Then where do you want me?"
'My Room.' Richard responded, finishing his own coffee and going through the same motions as Gavin.
Gavin made his way to the livingroom, packing up his mess and putting his things back into his duffle bag. Next he took the sheets and blanket off the pull out and stepped into the bathroom with the bundle of fabric. He set it down and opened the washing machine, he untangled the mass of blankets and loaded them into the machine. With that done he went back out to the livingroom and set about putting away the pull out bed. Doing it by himself wasn't a pleasant experience, but Richard was busy and Gavin didn't want to bother him. With the bed finally tucked away and the couch cushions back in place, the last thing that needed to be replaced was the coffee table which he handled with ease.
Having finished in the livingroom he turned and headed down the hall, stopping in the bathroom to check the laundry he had set to run. Making his way to Richard's he knocked on the doorframe before stepping inside.
"What," Gavin started from a few feet into the room, "are you doing?"
Gavin felt that it was an appropriate question since he'd come in to find one of Richard's closet doors halfway disconnected from the frame with said man sitting on the floor presumably trying to finish the job. Richard looked over his shoulder at Gavin and seemed quite proud of himself. He freed a hand from whatever he was doing to the bottom of the door and gestured to the whole of it like that somehow explained everything.
"Okay," Gavin continued, acting as though he understood this impromptu round of charades, "and you're taking the door off its hinges because why exactly?"
Richard let out a sigh that was just this side of annoyed. He moved so that he was facing Gavin, 'I Do Not Like Noise They Make. Help Me.' He emphasized the last bit by pointing at Gavin and then to the remaining door.
"You have a plan of what you're gonna do once they're off?" Gavin asked moving to the other door, he leaned against it and looked at his companion.
'No,' he paused to consider something, 'Do Not Want Them Here.'
"We'll figure it out I guess," he straightened up, "you got anything to make this easier or are we just gonna brute force it."
Richard reached back behind himself and came away with a screwdriver that he held out to Gavin. He took it with a nod of thanks, and turned to get to get to work assuming Richard was doing the same. He'd figured they'd get to this eventually, but if he had known they'd be doing this today he would have asked Tina if he could borrow her truck instead of bringing his bike over. But it was what it was, he could always ask her later.
The doors took a bit of time to get off the frame, and with no way to remove them from the apartment they settled for putting them away in the bathroom closet for the time being. While he was in there Gavin switched the laundry over. The shelves they had ordered wouldn't arrive for another week or so but they got everything else for Richard's room set up.
The room came away with a color palette of bright light blue and a dark matte grey. Gavin liked how it came out, it suited Nines pretty well in his opinion. They moved on to the office next, adding the shelf sets that Richard had picked out. One became designated for books and paperwork, and the other for office supplies and a couple of decorative trinkets. One of those being a porcelain statue of Lucky Cat that Gavin had picked out.
He let Richard do the bathroom himself. The livingroom came next and was by far the most fun. They'd bought some decorative pillows for the couch but apparently decided that a pillow fight would make better use of them. Which was how Gavin found himself backed against the wall with Richard throwing pillows at him with a surprising amount of strength.
"Okay! Okay!" Gavin called in surrender between bouts of laughter, "I'm sorry for smacking you with that pillow, even if you deserved it."
Richard finally relented, accepting Gavin's albeit shitty apology. Gavin began picking up the pillows on the floor around him placing them on the couch. Adding the one he had bought that had "fuck off" stitched into it in cursive purple thread to a spot where it could easily be seen as a finishing touch.
"There, its perfect." Gavin said looking over at Richard with a satisfied smile, "home sweet home."
Richard was wearing his equivalent of Gavin's smile, just smaller but no less genuine, 'Home Sweet Home.'
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