#despite skeletons
justsleepyrune · 1 year
im going to kill the bone market.
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gravitysoda · 3 months
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Death she is cunning and clever as hell, and she’ll eat you alive.
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bruhstation · 4 months
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astraldes · 11 months
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its fine im literally not sad at all
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angelbitezzz · 6 months
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Goofy nerd in slutty white tank top save me...save me goofy nerd in slutty white tank top
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zu-is-here · 9 months
A little reminder that such tags as #kross, #cream (and even more?) may be blocked/hidden on Tumblr, so consider it to keep your posts seen ☆ヽ(´▽`)
Here, the alternate tags are:
cream -> xunshine
kross -> kross ship / criller
If you know more ships tags that may be banned, don't hesitate to share! ᕦ(òwóˇ)ᕤ
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smokbeast · 9 months
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Spitballs another ref complete, soma!! She is the one I ship mainly with fang in Regular undertale setting and in her Canon og setting with Makoto. Shes just a lovely lil siren out to have a good time :D and she love her hubband and wife allot.
About soma below!
- she's a fire demon/siren hybrid. She's not meant to look like that for a siren. So she's considered "ugly" to siren standards and thata why her had is broken, sirens tried to bash her head when she was a baby to kill her, thinking she was a bad omen.
- she can turn ablaze like fire, and spit oil like ink that increases the intensity of it to a point that she can make fire happen underwater and it is difficult to put out. If she inks, and sets it ablaze. Consider that an explosion waiting to happen.
- Soma doesn't like using her fire powers as they hurt her allot due to her sensitive skin, her hybrid powers sadly are not stable.
- she used to have horns! But those opened cracks on her cranium are the result of them being gone :,)
- her father is the king of firedemons, and she has no idea what that even means LMAO
-Soma was raised by Orca sirens, hence her mimicing their colors. She can click and whistle like an Orca and dolphin and does this frequently to lure dolphins to kill and eat them.
- she is extremely aggressive to male sirens and prefers they stay away due to past experiences, unless they show an ounce of kindness to her. She will take that as mate worthy and try to court with them (the mistake fang did.). However she has a immense curiosity of the land beasts and humans, finding them very interesting.
-Soma is really clingy and sweet once she's out of her shell. She does like making friends and will do her best to learn their mannerisms to not make them uncomfortable! She knows her customs are different to those on land.
-her tentacles can shift to legs when she's on land, she's a little wobbly but it works PFNG
-Soma has a beak like teeth and three tongues. Her venom is similar to that of a blue ringed octopus but multiplied to her size, she can take down even the largest sirens with it and tear their throats or stomachs open with her mouth. She's genuinly horrifying and WILL make example of someone that tries to hurt her partners or babies
-Soma has two babies with makoto and fang! But in undertale au, it's only one baby with fang.
-in undertale au, soma is simply a siren monster that lives in the surface, most stories where she meets folks is because they either went to the surface or she accidentally fell to the underground through a stream that led her there.
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nyamcot · 1 year
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Why would anyone be afraid of you.
You’re a kitty cat
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foodlesoodlesdoodles · 5 months
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waiter waiter !!!!!!!!! more yuri please !!!!!!!!
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rhobi · 2 years
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new beast woman Ozzie Sklar, who i’ve yet to find a place for so for now she’ll just stand around lookin’ pretty
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sapphia · 2 months
new whale just dropped
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spiderdotexe · 1 year
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ink in my style as it was asked of me.... very fun looking guy
ink is by comyet
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n--n · 1 year
You know the saddest thing abt Mhin is that they keep their distance from everyone bc they’re scared they’ll get hurt but given all of the others are monsters both literally and metaphorically they’re technically dodging like a ton of bullets
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synomint · 11 months
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Ignore shadow he's just there for the vibes
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pinemangoart · 1 year
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Prolly my most textured piece to date, my inner MC lore is expansive and unintelligible
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