#dessert delight squad
watchtowerindistress · 6 months
for the love of ... bob? - jake seresin x reader (2/2)
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Summary: Being Jake's (best) friend - sorry, Javy - proved to have its ups and downs but there was something about having him in your corner you couldn't resist. Jake and you just clicked on a deeper level. That's why you didn't get it when the Southern boy was acting so weird.
Word count: 6.9k
Warnings: Jealous! + Soft!Jake, fluff, language, kinda angsty, kinda mean!Jake
Author’s note: I haven't seen Anyone but You (I just get the icky when I see two blondes on screen), so I took Glen's sentiment that he's not the best singer 🤷🏻‍♀️ Is it obvious yet that I really like Lewis/Bob? 😏 Who knew that I would write a Jake story and have Bob's name mentioned soooooo many times to get Jake to freak out? This chapter made me realize ... maybe I'm not good with painting a scene when I feel more comfortable just writing the banter/dialogue because at times I'm just more "clinical" when it comes to narration and I just want to get to the point. 😅
No words can describe how much everyone's reactions moved me. Especially how so many people reblogged this fic. Keep on doing what you're doing, guys! 😘
Chapter Summary: Y/N is an absolute mastermind, but Natasha is one too. Bob is an absolute sweetheart (nothing new to see here).
Tagging: @mellowstatesmanhandsempath @ravenmoore14 @blackmagicwoman @silenthappyplace @mrsevans90 @dempy @arcxnxm @hookslove1592 @djs8891
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~Jake POV~
“Special delivery for Floyd.”
Maverick showed up in the break room. And, without further ado, dropped a Tupperware container on the table where Bob was sitting. Bob looked up curiously. “Huh, okay…”
Jake was sitting with the rest of the Dagger Squad on base, when his mouth hovered over his sandwich, about to take a bite.
“Y/N dropped it off at Penny’s,” Captain Mitchell explained.
At the mention of your name, Jake frowned before turning his head to inspect what Maverick just delivered.
“Oh, Bob is climbing the racks of popular guys around here,” Natasha teased. “Let me see.” She reached for the piece of paper taped on the cover.
Despite Bob’s efforts to stop her, Natasha’s actions were too swift. He observed Jake with uncertainty.
Natasha narrated the post-it, “Just a small piece of Montana so you can feel more at home, Bob. Only meant for sharing when the others have done something nice for you,” she paused. “Woah, this can be tough for some people. P.S. I’ll be your Huckleberry. Y/N. That’s cute. And then there’s some sort of smiley face.”
Bob snorted before revealing the insides of the Tupperware. The smell of dessert reached their nostrils. It left a speechless Bob behind. He smiled fondly. “Oh, … it’s Huckleberry Buckle.”
The rest of the crew groaned in delight.
“Bob, my friend,” Bradley leaned down, to drape his arm over his shoulder, “you do know that I held the door open for you this morning.”
Bob chuckled. “Just dig in, y’all. If you want some, just grab a plate and a fork.”
This was the signal for most of the Dagger Squad to spring into action.
“Don’t be animals. One for plates and one for forks,” Javy reminded them.
With sentimental eyes, Jake took another glance at the freshly baked dessert. He cleared his throat. “That’s Y/N for you. Baking stuff is Y/N’s love language,” he explained before watching Bob out of the corner of his eye while everyone dug in.
Bob took his ringing phone from out of his pocket. “Hey, yes, I—we just got it. You just made everyone’s day, I think.”
The Dagger Squad echoed with their mouths full, “We love you, Y/N! Love—love you!”
Jake intensely watched Bob while he munched on the pastry, desperately wanting to know what you two were talking about.
“You want me to—really? Did you mention that to-” Bob’s gaze met Jake’s. Once he already found him already staring at him, Bob meekly averted his eyes. “Um, yeah, sure. Hangman, it’s for you,” he said, giving him the phone.
Jake put a smile on his face when he spoke with a gravelly voice. “Hello, stranger.”
He heard you on the other end exhale. “Has anyone ever told you that you got a really sultry voice?”
Jake inhaled deeply and instantly regretted it. Choking on a crumb, Jake coughed to clear his throat. He felt his skin heat up, either your words or the chocking hazard was getting to him. “Uhm, okay?” He phrased as a question. “Not under these circumstances, no.” For good measure, he took a huge gulp of water.
“Have you asked them yet? You know, the karaoke thing?”
Jake could basically feel you vibrating through the phone.
“Well, are you gonna? Time is of the essence.”
“Why are you so adamant to get it done this quickly?” He asked, taking another bite.
You stammered, “I need to—I just do. Aren’t we best friends?”
Jake laughed at your faltering attempt to get your way. “Of course, we are.”
“Then it’s your responsibility to make me get to know your colleagues, no questions asked. Maybe I could make you look good, huh?” Now your insistence for this event kinda made more sense.
He exhaled, “Guys, want to do karaoke night with Y/N?”
The Dagger Squad made whoops of agreement.
“You heard that? You really know how to work the crowd, don’t you?”
“What can I say? I have to make use of my strengths.”
Jake shook his head. “I can tell.”
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“Now I know why we never did karaoke together,” Natasha mused before knocking back a drink of tequila.
“What?” Jake was still smiling widely when he stepped off stage.
“That was horrendous to watch. And I’m not even talking about what we were just forced to listen to.”
He rolled his eyes at her dig. “Come on, you’re just being mean. Y/N, hey, tell them.” Jake widened his arms, expecting you to snuggle up to his chest.
As if reading his mind, you stepped into his arms. Almost like you were keeping him in suspense, you licked your lips and patted his chest consolingly. “You looked really handsome up there on stage.”
“See?” Jake looked around to challenge his witnesses before realization hit him. He followed you as you stepped away from him. “Wait, what?”
Any disappointed feelings evaporated within him when Jake sat next to you on the couch which oversaw the karaoke stage and spoke softly, “You having fun?”
You leaned against his side, feeling content with just doing your familiar tradition. “You know I do. Thanks for being such a good sport about this.”
“You mean for me being such a horrible singer?”
“You’re tolerable,” you said soothingly and stroked the back of his neck.
“Gee, thanks.”
You nudged your head against his shoulder. “Kidding. You have a great shower voice.”
With a frowning face, Jake stared at you.
You paused in thought. “That sounded weird, didn’t it?”
“Already forgotten.”
“You’re such a sweetheart.” You briefly leaned your head back into the crook of his neck.
The expression which bordered between mischief and intimacy on Jake’s face was only meant for you to see. “Careful, darlin’. With words like that, you’re starting to make all the girls here jealous.”
“I’m good, thanks,” Natasha interjected, jolting you from your thoughts. “Don’t know if you guys are disgusting or just too adorable together.”
You chuckled, hiding your face behind your hair.
Jake leaned his arm against the back of the couch you were sitting on and said with a teasing voice, “Oh, Phoenix, is there something you want to tell?”
A mysterious smile lingered on Natasha’s lips. “I don’t know. Is there something you want to tell?”
Jake remained silent when he narrowed his eyes. “Nope.”
“Pity,” Natasha retorted.
“This tension is getting way too thick for me.” You decided and braced yourself to stand up. “Bob’s song choice is calling my name.”
At the mention of his name, Jake turned his head in an almost comical way. “Wait, Bob?”
You turned halfway around. “Definitely. I think I’m feeling ‘Take Me Home, Country Roads’, you know?”
Natasha gave her vote of confidence. “Don’t let Bob fool you. He’s great. As long as you don’t get into a duet with Rooster.” Her eyes widened at that specific scenario. “I’m serious. I can’t take one more ‘Great Balls of Fire’ today.”
“Thanks for the warning.”
Jake stood up, hiding his hands in the pockets of his jeans. “We’re singing together, right?”
“Of course we are, buddy. It’s tradition,” you said, patting his cheek before leaving again.
Jake sat back down with a sigh, mouthing, “Buddy?” to himself.
“You must have really scared her off with your karaoke performance, … buddy,” Natasha teased next to him.
“You know what?” Jake brooded over his next retort. “Why don’t you have fun with your next Britney song, huh?”
“Thanks. If I play my cards right, I could convince Y/N to join me. I bet she likes Toxic, huh?”
“Everyone does.” Knowing that you wouldn’t mind that one bit.
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~ Jake POV ~
“Another plane, another train. Another bottle in the brain. Another girl, another fight. Another drive all night,” You rapped without having care in the world while you mimicked guitar sounds. With your arm slung over his shoulder, Jake carried your body inside.
“You know, I got neighbors, right? I don’t know if they’d appreciate you hollering to the Beastie Boys.”
As if the thought just hit you, you rasped, “I could do it while whisper-yelling. You know, show them some taste.”
Jake shook his head at your antics. “You and your 90’s songs.”
“That was actually late 80’s.”
Jake only chuckled at your musical knowledge shining through. “Someone’s not drunk, huh? Do I need to carry you to bed?”
“Oh, Mr. Lieutenant Seresin-” You leaned back with a smirk, inspecting Jake thoroughly. That gaze alone, and that rank drop, sent a surprising shiver down his spine.
-“You know, I’m not that kinda girl.”
“Oh my God,” he whispered. “Only you would try to flirt in your affectionate state.”
“I’m always flirting with you.”
That reminder unsettled Jake, especially since that sort of affection seemed unusual to other people. For some reason, he didn’t want to lose that. Jake swallowed, frowning. “Yeah, that … that’s what we do. We’re just really, uh…”
“Really secure in our friendship,” you added, holding onto his arms.
His eyes lit up, feeling grateful for your words and warm from your touch. “Exactly. We are.”
You smirked. “How secure do you feel with Javy?”
“Hey, that’s very different. I’m very comfortable with ‘touching guys’, but we’re not in the flirty stage.”
You pursed your lips, imagining that specific scenario. “So, you’re saying you could get there with him one day.”
He didn’t have to ponder about that. “Nope. There’s never been the need for that.”
“Oh, you’re saying I’m special, sweetheart?” Your hold shifted into a tight hug.
“Don’t fish for compliments. You know you are,” Jake whispered quietly, like he was sharing something only for you to know.
“Oh, that’s nice,” you muttered. Snuggling deeper into his strong shoulders while enjoying his warmth. “Damn, your shoulders are really something else, huh? Did I already say that?”
Jake’s shoulders shook with laughter. “It’s fine.”
Like a gentle and exploring piano player, your fingers danced around his shoulder. “You must get them compliments all the time from everyone else.”
“I don’t care about everyone else,” Jake paused.
“Sorry for objectifying you. You’re a real nice guy.”
“First, I don’t mind you objectifying me. Second, don’t you dare call me nice.”
“Oh, you’re just a sweetheart and I don’t get why you don’t let others see that.” Jake felt his body vibrate when you nestled deeper into his neck. Maybe it was easier for Jake to admit stuff if he didn’t have to look at you.
That thought process was eviscerated when you leaned back to stare into his eyes. You stroked his cheeks with deep consideration. “You know, sometimes I keep thinking you deserve so much more than the small scraps of brief flings you’re setting for yourself.”
Almost allured, Jake leaned his face into your palm. Before he caught himself with that infuriating smile. “Oh, you’re thinking about me having sex. Is there something you want to tell me?”
He could feel your disappointment deeply in his core when you sighed heavily. “Jake, you really know how to kill the mood.”
Jake smiled proudly. “Thanks. I really worked hard on that skill.”
With wide eyes, your whole stance changed. “I changed my mind. Can you take me to bed, in a purely platonic way?”
“Only because you asked nicely.”
“Oh, proof that Jake Seresin is secretly a gentleman.” As soon as he offered his smile, you squeezed his dimples, like he was a little kid.
Jake shook his head. “Okay, I think it’s time for bed.”
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“And the great Hangman takes aim. Will he be able to defeat the local competition or forfeit his winning streak?”
Jake sighed at hearing Rooster commenting with high anticipation on their pool game at their usual hangout. His arm, holding the cue, hesitated on the pool table. “Rooster, if I have to listen to your droning voice any longer-”
Rooster leaned over the cushion, whispering teasingly, “Why? Am I getting inside your head?”
Jake scoffed at the insinuation. “You think you can get to me with mind games? I invented those.” He pulled his arm back. The moment he saw you enter, a fond smile tugged at the corner of his lips when he saw you laugh with Natasha and -
-pat Bob’s arm?
Jake pushed the cue forward. And watched in apprehension as it slipped away from the ball. “Fuck me,” he grumbled. He couldn’t look away from the unfolding car accident of his play as the ball slithered frustratingly to the middle of the table.
Rooster snorts morphed into boisterous laughter. “Outstanding performance. At least something is getting to you. Are you sure you’re as good as you claim to be?”
Jake whipped his head around. “You know, why don’t you play one of your piano sessions?”
“That would be kind of hard to do since-” Rooster leaned forward with his cue stick. “-you know, I’m beating you.”
Jake cleared his throat, rubbing the back of his neck. He felt his eyes wander surreptitiously to the pair sitting at the bar. Jake made grumbling noises when Penny covered his view as his fingers tightened around the cue stick.
“Ace, you need a special invitation or are you considering to surrender already?” Jake heard the annoying voice behind him. It took everything inside him to not give up and wander where he really wanted to go.
“You’re a hilarious bird.”
Jake lined up his shot.
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~ Y/N POV ~
“Okay, what did I miss?”
When you turned your head, Jake sauntered next to you. It took you another glance until you noticed something amiss. “Woah, what happened? You look really hot,” you said, inspecting Jake’s forehead with the back of your hand.
Jake smirked. “Well, thank you. I try my best.”
You rolled your eyes at Jake’s antics to view everything as a compliment. “No, you dork. I mean, you’re like really sweaty. Did you overdo it with the testosterone match?”
“I think I did it just right,” Jake sputtered.
“Who won?”
His green eyes twinkled at the spoken challenge, making your heart flutter. “Who do you think?”
It took you less than a few seconds to look towards Bradley, who swaggered behind Jake. “Who won?”
Jake opened his mouth to gasp at your cheekiness not to trust his word. “I won! What are you asking him for?”
“Barely,” Bradley mouthed, making you giggle. “Totally. I was absolutely … destroyed.” His eyes turned serious when Jake’s gaze found his. “I need some beer to recharge,” he said, moving away.
With a conspiring demeanor, Natasha leaned forward to whisper into your ears. “Oh please, let me tell him.”
Jake’s head moved in her direction. “Oh, you’re here too. Tell me what?”
She placed her hands on your shoulders, slightly shaking your body with her utter enjoyment. “Someone’s gotten herself a date,” Natasha trilled with a sing-song voice.
The glower on Jake’s face sent shivers through your body. You felt uncertain at seeing his reaction. You tried to tell yourself that Jake was just being an overprotective friend. His gaze alternated between yours and Natasha’s before it finally landed on Bob’s.
A wide-eyed Bob swallowed his cup of water. “Not me. I mean, not that Y/N isn’t … you know-” You felt touched that Bob tried to rectify his statement by not wanting to hurt your feelings when he truly looked at you. “You’re really pretty. A guy would be lucky to have you.”
You inwardly gushed at Bob’s gentlemanly ways and felt utterly compelled to give him a hug. Instead, you held him by the shoulder. “Oh Bob, you’re such a sweetheart. You just earned yourself a dance. Pick a song.” With an energetic jump, you moved from your stool and went towards the jukebox.
“I didn’t want to make things weird for the team,” Bob whispered with wide eyes.
There was something akin to respect shining in Jake’s eyes when he nodded once before staring calmly at Natasha. He tried really hard not to reveal his candid emotions on his face. Jake promised to himself, he wouldn’t clench his jaw or cross his arms. He felt like a twitching fool when he was about to cross his arms. Instead, he was forced to let his arms glide downwards before he stroked his abdominal muscles. In the end, he awkwardly hid his hands in the back pockets of his pants.
Natasha smiled mysteriously. “Don’t worry, I’m a great matchmaker. She’s in the safest hands.”
“Phoenix,” Jake started, before he inwardly winced. He crossed his arms and spoke slowly, “what are you doing?”
She shrugged. “Just listening. Y/N mentioned something when we were talking.”
He couldn’t help tilting his head in intrigue. “What exactly?”
“That’s for me to know and you to butt out.” Natasha’s expression softened when she tried to soften the blow. “All in good time. I have a plan. It’s gonna sound weird, but you seem like someone who likes having their best friend close. This is me ensuring to make San Diego as appealing as possible to her. I’m just saying—if she wants to stay,” she said, shrugging her shoulders.
“By giving her a date? You’re right, it doesn’t make any sense.”
“Best-case scenario: She’s gonna have the time of her life with the potential to meet the love of her life while getting a meal out of the date.” Natasha lifted the palms of her hands like a scale to weigh the chances. “Worst case: death by boredom. And next thing you know, Y/N is gonna seek comfort from her best friend after realizing that all naval aviators are douchebags.”
Jake groaned at the thought. “Ugh, great. It’s a damn naval aviator?”
She tilted her head in fascination. “Short question: does she have a thing for aviators? There was a fangirl moment when I mentioned Mav.”
He winced before murmuring, “It’s a statistics thing. Don’t mention Iceman around her.”
Natasha nodded. “Noted.”
“You’re way too involved in this.” Jake pressed his lips together, hoping to see her ultimate endgame. “What’s in it for you?”
“Not everything’s an agenda.” Natasha brushed by him, moving away.
Jake narrowed his eyes with deep suspicion. “And that’s not really an answer.”
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~ Y/N POV ~
You could feel your heart beating nervously in your chest. Even your stomach was being all fluttery when you looked into the bathroom mirror while putting mascara on your eyelashes. You heard shuffling behind you before you met green eyes in the reflection.
Your voice echoed in the bathroom. “Jake, you’re hovering like a mother hen.” You didn’t bother turning around since you needed to focus on the task at hand, in order not to go crazy with anxiety. His rare controlling persona wasn’t helping matters.
Jake leaned his shoulder against the door jamb. “I’m just curious, that’s all. You’ve never met the guy. Assuming it’s a man, I don’t want to presume.” He waved his arms around. “I wouldn’t put it past Phoenix to put you on a blind date with a girl.”
You pursed your lips while mentioning casually, “Nat did mention that most of the aviators on the force were duds.”
Jake grimaced. “Going to ignore that,” he mumbled under his breath.
You wiped some mascara remnants from your eyelid. “Your sex not being dating material or me hypothetically dating the same team?”
Jake shook his head, clearing his throat. “So, where are you two lovebirds meeting tonight? Romantic restaurant, picnic by the waterfront?”
The annoyed growl leaving your mouth surprised you. Normally, you weren’t an irrational person who was prone for aggravation. His hovering presence distracted you in an inefficient way. “Seresin, you’re starting to cramp me in this bathroom.” You puzzled yourself more than him when you shoved him through the door. “All answers will be given in the living room after I had some breathing room.”
As soon as the door was closed, it felt like you could breathe again. You exhaled a heavy breath. “Oh my God,” you whispered.
“I heard that!” Jake protested behind the door.
Jake released the breath he was holding. He was sitting on the couch, drumming his fingers on his thigh. He mindlessly watched ‘The Real Housewives of New Jersey’ on his TV, needing something to run in the background while he was waiting for you to come out. Every time he heard noises coming from the bathroom, Jake craned his head, unable to tamp down his curiosity.
The moment the door closed again, he felt nervous energy coming off of him. And he didn’t truly understand why. Jake heard your shuffling feet in the distance before you finally came out. It felt like the breath had been knocked out of his body.
There was something about a Y/N in a sundress and ballet flats that made him feel very weird. You swung around to show off the full effect of your date attire.
“So, what’s the verdict? Does it meet the expectations of Jake Seresin at least?”
“Um-” Jake cleared his throat before he averted his gaze. “-it looks good.”
“Oh, if the dress looks good�� Lucky me, huh?”
“Whoever you’re meeting tonight, they’re the lucky ones.”
“Oh.” You rushed forward, hugging Jake sideways in gratitude. “I like when sweet and charming Jake comes out. He’s such a gentleman.”
“I’m going to assert plausible deniability, in case you decide to reveal my secrets.” Jake shared a small smile with you, reminding himself to at least appear like he was fine with the thought of you going out with another naval aviator.
“I wouldn’t. Not for a good trade at least.”
Jake pointed at you as a reminder. “No apple pie.”
You threw your head back, groaning loudly. “How about a strudel?”
“Not even that.”
“Fine.” She leaned back against the couch before whispering quietly, – like you had to remind yourself - “I need to get going.”
He looked up. “You want me to drive you?”
“That’d be weird, wouldn’t it?”
Jake had to keep trying. “To pick you up then.”
A small part of him would remember fondly how he made you chuckle. “Even weirder flex. I’ll be fine.”
The goodbye kiss on his cheek made him sigh before he nodded with a resolved air. “Text me when you need a getaway car.”
You laughed airily. “Alright.”
It was an hour later when he was already lying in bed and mindlessly scrolling through social media on his phone when he received a text from you.
Don’t need a getaway car.
Nodding dazedly to himself, Jake whispered, “That’s just … great.”
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Jake was proving to be an utterly, frustrating man. It had been fifteen minutes since you said good morning that Jake had uttered a word. Only the sound of awkward breakfast crunching could be heard.
You sighed when you saw Jake eye you inscrutably again. He truly thought he was being covert. “Okay, when are we going to break the tension?”
“What tension? There’s no tension.” Jake kept munching on his cornflakes. Like he didn’t have a care in the world. Granted, Jake was the kind to keep on eating food, even when he wasn’t feeling well. “It’s a wonderful morning. I’m having breakfast.” Jake scarfed down a mouthful. “There’s nothing out of the ordinary whatsoever.” To prove his point, he offered a close-lipped smile.
You narrowed your eyes in speculation. Talking gibberish was very unlike him. “You want to know how last night went.”
“I don’t want to know.”
“You don’t want to know,” you repeated slowly and in strong incredulity.
“Yep, no interest.” Jake paused in thought. “Unless you want to talk about your date.”
“I’m not going to force you into a conversation if you couldn’t care less.”
“I do care,” Jake rushed with his reply before his voice turned casual again. “I mean a meager amount.”
“Is this like a guy thing?” You sniffed, taking on a low manly voice for effect. “I don’t mind talking about my latest conquest but I’d rather die than talk about it in a meaningful way.”
“First, I hope that wasn’t an impression of me.”
Your face took on a blank expression before you crossed your arms. Waiting for Jake to continue with his list.
“Second, I don’t mind talking about your … dates, as long as it’s not, you know-” He winced. “-sexual.”
“Jesus, that was a first date. And besides, I don’t know if that’s sexist or something else, that you’re allowed to talk about that stuff, but not me?”
“I don’t know why we’re going the feminist route, but with you it’s just different,” he mumbled before shrugging.
“Because you’re my best friend,” Jake responded fervently. “And none of these guys deserve you.” His voice turned quiet, becoming serious all of a sudden. “You deserve someone better.”
Disappointment filled your body at Jake’s perspective. Recounting all the times in your head when you would tell him how he deserved someone who could challenge him, yet appreciate the things about him which made him such a decent and caring guy. It was a pity that Jake would rather wallow in his self-loathing, while pretending to be the most egotistical guy that ever existed than to be vulnerable for once.
Your shoulders deflated when you realized that maybe he would never be ready to have a meaningful relationship—or any relationship at all that progressed over the 3-day mark—and you swore that a small part of you died right there on the kitchen floor. Feeling more hopeless than ever.
Before you could fully understand the reason why this bothered you so much, Jake’s concerned expression pulled you out of the deepest parts of yourself.
“What? What’d I say?”
You shook your head. Never feeling this gloomy before. “You know, for someone who claims to be so smart, you’re just so dang stupid.” Every single word felt like it was torn painfully from between your lips.
You just felt too tired to make Jake understand. It felt easier to just turn your body away. Despite how much you hated appearing this careless towards him. “I got to go. I’ll see you later, Jake.”
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~ Jake POV ~
“Well, someone’s in a bad mood.” Natasha teased him. Despite them having to endure the same punishment by being forced to do push-ups next to each other, Natasha still seemed to be in a formidable mood.
Jake turned his head. Not caring particularly that he sent her a dark glower.
“Don’t hang your head, Hangman. I doubt you could’ve evaded Mav’s hit on your best day.”
“Shut up,” he grumbled. Inwardly, he winced. His ma would have his hide if she heard him talking like that to anyone.
“What? No comeback? I wonder what else could be bothering you,” she mused to herself.
Natasha didn’t fool him one bit. Jake wondered if she had it out for him and that was why she focused so hard on Y/N.
“What do you think, Bob?” She decided to thrust the knife even deeper.
Even at the mention of his name, Jake swore his forehead garnered the first droplets of sweat.
Bob chose to focus on his push-ups before grunting, “I’m not getting in the middle of this.”
“You’re way too nice.”
Jake clenched his jaw. “Yes, someone’s a real goody two-shoes.”
Bob turned his head, looking bewildered. “What did I do?”
“Oh, just sweet and perfect Bob who can do nothing wrong.”
Heavy footsteps came closer. “Why do I hear chattering and see no push-ups over here?” Maverick’s voice came over their heads.
“Understood, Sir,” Bob automatically replied.
Jake kept his mouth closed. As much as it pained him.
After the completion of their punishment and he had taken a shower, Jake hurried after Natasha in the rec room. “I need to talk to you.”
Natasha tilted her head. “I thought we already did.”
“Who was the date?”
She exhaled in exasperation, glaring at him. “You’re so predictable, Hangman,” she said, turning around to leave.
“Wait, wait. I’m sorry-”
Natasha stopped in her tracks. She swivelled her head, frowning. “An apology? You just bought yourself two minutes of my time. Go on.”
“Was it Bob?”
Natasha breathed out slowly, pausing in thought. “…You have a weird fixation on Bob. I wonder why that is.”
Jake cleared his throat and crossed his arms. “I don’t-”
“Just kidding. I know why that is. And no. I asked, but he refused.” She shook her head, revealing that this bothered her more than she wanted to admit. “Honorable little fucker,” Natasha grumbled. She chose to clarify instead. “He wouldn’t have minded to date Y/N, but, you know- Didn’t he tell you this already?”
Bob did mention that. But Jake couldn’t help thinking that he might have changed his mind. He averted his gaze, feeling slightly depraved that he considered Floyd doing that. “Maybe. But still.”
Natasha raised an eyebrow in disbelief. “What does it matter who the lucky fella was? What are you gonna do? Scare the hell out of them?”
It was indeed bad when someone like Phoenix could predict his future plans. “If it’s someone who doesn’t deserve her, then yes.”
She hummed. “If you know her so well, then tell me, what kind of person do you think Y/N deserves?”
Jake spread his arms. It felt strange how a list of things ran through his head and how they just rolled off his tongue. “Someone nice. Someone who just gets her and adores her little quirks. Just a gentleman.” He counted the amount of traits with his fingers. “Funny, maybe a bit sensitive or vulnerable. Good-looking, but that’s not as high up on her list as the inner qualities.”
Natasha remained quiet. Her brown eyes were staring at him with a profound expression. “Very insightful. Interesting qualities you just listed off. Anyone you know that could fulfil those strengths?”
At the mere mention, he felt like he was put in the spotlight. Either she wanted him to say ‘Bob’ – since those characteristics could cover him easily—or maybe utter his own name. The more he thought about it, the more he realized how much he wanted to be with you. And wanted to be a part of you.
Jake carefully glanced at Natasha. Not trusting her look of consideration, he narrowed his eyes. He spoke slowly. “I’m not sure.”
“Pity. I could be persuaded into making something happen, if you know what I mean.”
Jake licked his lips, knowing exactly what she was trying to get him to admit. He pressed his lips together.
“But … you would actually need to say the words.” She waited patiently before sighing. “My patience knows its limits though. So, if you got nothing to say, then…” Natasha pointed behind her to threaten her departure. She nodded to herself once before saying, “Okay.” And walked towards the exit.
Jake opened his mouth, as he watched her walk away. He didn’t understand where his courage was coming from when the words left his mouth. “Natasha, would you squeeze me in as Y/N’s date?” He knew how he’d usually call her ‘Phoenix’ or in very rare instances ‘Nat’ so he figured that she caught him in a vulnerable mood for a change.
She dramatically turned around and pursed her lips. “Depends. Will you also apologize to Bob for being an absolute dick?” She paused. “Again?”
Jake sighed. “Listen, I don’t-”
“It’s called being a decent human being. It’s the least you could do. Not to mention-” Natasha tapped her chin mockingly. “-I can’t imagine how Y/N would feel if she found out that someone was being this rude to sweet Bob. I mean, what do you think? How would she feel about that?”
He revealed a tight smile at the slight warning. There was no need to hit below the belt. He would have done it anyway if Natasha said he was being a jerk. “Fine, I got your point. I’ll apologize,” he grunted lowly.
She smiled cheerily. “Now, that wasn’t so hard, was it?”
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You felt bad about ignoring Jake, you thought, while you waited in the midst of the amusement park of Belmont Park. Ever since this morning, things had been weird between you. Or Jake was just being his stubborn and obstinate self.
You had been baffled since Natasha sent you a message that the date location had changed. The more you looked around, you realized that you would’ve loved to spend time with Jake at this place. You exhaled with disappointment. Jake would absolutely force you on the roller-coaster, but then feel bad once your stomach was upset by buying you a funnel cake.
Deciding that your bond with Jake was far too important than to leave everything hanging like that, you yearned to clear the air. Pulling out your phone, you scrolled through your contacts until your thumb pressed against the name.
The sound of a cell ringing in the distance made you turn your body in uncertainty. You frowned once you saw Jake advancing with hesitation, waving an arm in greeting.
“Hey, you.”
You hung up your phone, trying to grasp his presence. “What are you doing here? Did you want to ride the Giant Dipper, or something?”
Jake smiled awkwardly. “I wouldn’t actually mind that. Depends if my best friend would be up for it too?” You tried to prepare yourself against his puppy dog eyes as he stepped closer. The movement made you take notice of his suave appearance. You swore you could feel your knees weakening when you saw him wearing his jeans and a pressed white dress shirt.
Jake rubbed his hands against the fabric of his pants.
Not wanting to hurt him, you spoke slowly. “That’s hard to say. I’m kind of on a date. Just waiting, I guess.”
“Yeah, I know. Natasha told me.”
You felt befuddled by his explanation. “Why … would she do that?”
“I asked her to?” Jake phrased the statement into a cautious question.
You pursed your lips as you tried to understand why she would do that in the first place. “Did you bribe her?”
Jake blushed at a memory when he explained with a gravelly voice, “I think I paid her off by giving her the satisfaction in seeing me grovel.”
“How did that look like?” You said, feeling fascinated by the concept of a begging Jake. Even that word didn’t seem to fit him.
“You don’t want to know, trust me.” Jake grew silent before something akin to hope lit up his eyes. “Why did you want to call me?”
You cleared your throat. “Why are you here?”
Teasingly, Jake pointed at you. “I asked you first.”
You sighed. “I wanted to clear the air.” Still, you were not above getting one small dig in. “Unlike some people, I wanted to be the grown-up one here.”
Jake narrowed his eyes. “Now someone’s just being cheeky.” He exhaled, willing to admit any wrongdoings. “I’m sorry for being a dick.”
“Why were you?” You spoke softly. Just because he was your close friend didn’t mean that Jake would get special treatment.
Jake stepped closer until you were only a foot apart. “Because I have a talent for it. Because it’s easier to just pretend. Because of you going out … with a naval aviator just pissed me off. Because I-” He breathed in, like he was preparing for you to hit him. “-I really, really like you.”
You blushed, not yet trusting if he meant it or if this was just some strange prank he wanted to pull off. “You like me,” you repeated, unable not to tease him just a little bit. “And here I thought most of the time I was your annoying best friend.”
“I think you’re confusing yourself with Javy.”
You cocked your head playfully. “Oh? Do you really, really like him too?”
He pursed his lips, like he needed to entertain that thought first. “He’s just alright, I guess. I mean, I more than like you. It’s like obnoxious.”
Wow, and here you thought, Jake could prove to be an adult for once. So, unless he decided to brandish a real love confession that didn’t sound like the most aggravating nuisance, you could do the same.
“Oh my God, you’re like a big kid, huh? Using those big boy words.”
His eyes were burning with sage fire. “You’re just so infuriating at times.”
You raised an eyebrow. “Says the great Jake?”
“That’s what I mean! You’re driving me absolute insane. You’re making friends with everyone you meet.” Jake counted at his fingers. “Maverick, Bob!-”
You furrowed your eyebrows. “What’s Bob got to do with this?”
“He’s like-” Jake grimaced. “-And you’re-” He waved towards you, very eloquently describing the issue at hand.
“I think somewhere was a compliment. Let me just reiterate: you think Bob’s a great, wonderful guy and I’m just-”
“Perfect,” he uttered with a hoarse voice.
You inhaled deeply, stammering nervously. “You can’t just say stuff like that.”
“It’s still the truth.”
“What if you’re only saying all of this because you can’t stand the idea of me getting with a naval aviator?” You voiced your inner worries, absolutely needing him to be truthful.
Jake opened his mouth several times before admitting, “Partly true. But the truth is, Nat made me realize I was just being too chicken to fully admit that I … I can’t imagine not spending the day with you. You make me think about you all the time. Even when I’m out with the guys and I keep thinking ‘Oh wow, Y/N would love to try out that drink’ or ‘As much as you’re a talker during Sunday Night Football-”
“Not always,” you mumbled quietly.
“-you still make it fun.”
You pressed your lips together, feeling very nervous and emotional by his words.
“Maybe I just didn’t realize I was in love with you until the concept truly hit me, that you might be into a … nice guy like Bob.”
Despite his familiar self-loathing, you couldn’t help reminding him with a small smile, “You’re a nice guy too, Jake.”
“Only with you.”
Jake’s confession made your heart palpitate in your chest nervously.
“So,” Jake started, “what do you feel for me?”
You hummed to yourself before confessing, “Ditto.”
Jake huffed loudly. “Oh my God. Of course, you’d be aggravating about it.”
“I’m just saying, maybe I really, really like you too.”
He shook his head, trying to suppress a smile. As much as you could tell what he wanted to hear from you.
In the end, you chose to take a chance. “Let’s just say, there are more times when I realized over the years how I’m in love with you than the amount of times when I can’t stand you. The second is pretty close though.”
You couldn’t have been prepared for Jake’s wide and blinding smile.
You rolled your eyes, while revealing a small smile on your lips. You decided to put him out of his misery when you admitted, “Nat was my date.”
“Wa-wait, what?”
You shrugged your shoulders. “She said that she had a specific guy in mind, but he wasn’t ready yet. I just thought it was someone who was still out on a mission. So, we hung out last night.”
Jake still remained confused. “And did what?”
“Nosy,” you mumbled. “Karaoke and stuff like that.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” He inquired with wide eyes.
“I wanted to, but you decided to be a jerk about it.”
Jake narrowed his eyes, shaking his head. “Nat ‘Fucking Mastermind’ Trace.”
“Nothing.” Jake looked at your surroundings, hiding his hands in the pockets of his jeans. “Do you want to go on a date?”
You smirked. “Like a platonic one?”
“Nope, like a real one. You know, the romantic kind. I promise to make it a bit fun, unique and unforgettable.”
“That’s a big promise.”
Jake smirked arrogantly. “I’m aware. It also perfectly describes me.”
You groaned loudly. “And here we go. I want Nice Guy Jake though and not the obnoxious one.”
He was walking alongside you, nodding. “I’ll tell him to take an off-day.”
“What is it about you and Bob though? He’s just a really stand-up guy. Really funny.”
“So am I.”
“Sometimes. Let’s just say, we just get each other. You know, cut from the same cloth.”
Jake hummed. At least he was no longer being a caveman when it came to Bob. “Okay,” he said, laying his arm over your shoulder.
“I mean, he was just helping me rent an apartment in the city,” you explained, gauging his reaction.
“Yes, he offered to put in a good word and Nat sent me a few listings.”
It seemed like the rare event of a speechless Jake took place. “Huh, that’s-”
“As I live and breathe, a speechless Jake Seresin was just seen out and about.” You glanced at him through your eyelashes. “I think you were about to say that’s a real stand-up guy thing to do, huh?”
Jake sighed, not wanting to admit reluctant respect before mumbling something under his breath which sounded close to, “Damn it, now I really got to apologize.”
You turned your head. “What?”
“It’s okay. There’s still time for you to deal with your big boy emotions,” you replied before you chose to do something new. By taking his hand and interlacing your fingers together. “And here I thought, judging from your letters, you had more of a rivalry thing going with Bradley.”
“I know, right? I thought I would feel threatened by Rooster of all people. But Bob?”
“Let’s just say, in another life Bob would’ve swept me off my feet,” you retorted, patting him against his chest.
His blank expression could be described as something where he tried to imagine that so-called horror reality. “… Don’t even joke about that.”
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4ngeldusstt · 1 year
A/N: my fave thing in the world is vanilla pudding, my brain somehow came up with this dumb ass situation, i hope you all like it!!
Warnings: mild swearing (the f word is said one time)
Word count: 951
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The Special Operations Squad was now out on a mission, nothing major, just exterminate some titans that made it through the hole in the wall of Shiganshina, the soldiers regrouped on top of the wall expectant of Commander Erwin’s orders, once we all knew where and what we had to do we were dismissed, you were going to your assigned place until you heard commander calling out your last name stopping on your tracks and giving him your full attention “yes, commander Erwin?” Expecting maybe a change in your orders. “I’d like to inform you there’s vanilla pudding for dessert tonight.” A small smile creeped on his face as your eyes lit up, you loved pudding that was a fact, his attempt of motivating you a little more was successful. When we finished a mission that went as planned, the higher ups prepared us a feast of delicious foods and drinks to celebrate, Commander made sure to always add pudding, especially for you.
You were after Levi, an exceptional soldier, the only one that could match up Humanity’s Strongest Solider’s skills. Being younger, you and commander had a great relationship, he cared for you almost like a daughter. “I’ll make sure to give my best efforts in this mission, as always, I’ll give my heart, commander.” You said bringing your left first to your chest and lowering your head and lifting it up with a smile. “I don’t expect less from you, y/n.” He said after turning around and making his way to Hange, not before warning you to be careful and not put yourself in unnecessary situations.
“You’re going with me, brat. Let’s go.” Levi, who was quietly standing next to the commander, said to you. “Yes, Captain.” You both walked to the edge of the wall. It was always a pleasure to work hand in hand with Levi, you don’t get on his way and act as a good support for him, as same as he does for you when it’s needed. When both of you team up, it becomes an unstoppable titan killing duo. “You know what you gotta do, no need in over explaining. Let’s fucking do this, brat.” He said giving you a side smile, it was a known fact that Levi didn’t tolerate many people, but he did tolerate you, more than he would like, to be honest. “I’m already eager, come on.” At his signal both of you jumped off the wall, meaning the start of an amazing show for the ones in the walls that were lucky to see both of you in action.
Time skip
The mission was a success, the scouts already made it to the main headquarters, some of them already showered and in the main dinning hall eating and drinking like there’s no tomorrow, laughs, voices and chants could be heard from outside. You wanted to have a relaxing shower by yourself, so you had to wait until every girl showered leaving you to be the last in order to enjoy a little bit of peace. Once you were clean and dressed in comfy clothes you made your way to the dinning hall desiring to get some food in and fill your stomach finally. Walking to the food area to get a tray to collect your desired and delicious pudding, the one you thought about all day, said dessert was a reward that you worked so hard for. You stretched your arm your grasp the last one left, until someone also reached for it faster snatching it away from you.
The situation played in your head in slow motion, seeing the smiling young man walk away taking a spoonful of it humming in delight. You stood there, looking at your still out stretched hand, frozen in place not wanting to believe what just happened. You felt your eyes starting to water as you turned your head towards the lucky bastard that was eating your pudding. Slowly making your way back to your seat joining your friends at the table. Stray tears rolling down your cheeks as you ate, suddenly, a pudding was placed in front of you out of nowhere. Following the trail of the hand that left it there with your eyes until you saw a familiar man, “Levi” you whispered to yourself “I knew they were going to run out fast and I also knew you would be upset if you didn’t get one. So I made sure to secure one just in case, now stop crying brat.” He playfully rolled his eyes gaining a big grin from you as you gave him a small nod wiping your tears away with the back of your hand. “I know it’s dumb but it really makes me happy, thank you Levi, I really appreciate it.” You softly said looking down in embarrassment. “Hey brat, if it makes you happy it’s not dumb. You did a good job today, you deserve it.” He moved the small dish and placed it in front of you, before going back to his seat.
You did a small happy dance tasting the first bite, an obvious look of satisfaction on your face “this right here is the reason why I’m glad to be alive right now.” You said to your friends pointing down to the dessert with your spoon. Perceiving on the side of your eyes how Erwin, Levi and Hange laughed and smiled at your statement, turning to them you said “Thank you Commander for the pudding, tell the chef it’s delicious as always! And thank you again Captain, you made this girl very happy!” They nodded in response with a smirk.
This was gonna be a good, well deserved night for all of us.
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ohshy · 8 months
do u have any bald bull or soda popinski headcanons ? 🩷
HELL YEAHHH u get both !!!!!
🫧Soda Popinski🫧
keeps trying to get hippo to try different types of soda. hippo tried one once and nearly passed out from the amount of sugar. needless to say, it was funny and a little scary trying to explain it to passerby
soda is one of the few people that knows about kaiser's berliner partying days. its something kaiser likes to keep secret, seeing as he feels like he has a ''reputation to protect''. it did help that soda's a very gregarious guy in general though, he just has a certain energy ab him that makes people wanna confess things to him.
in general, soda knows how to keep secrets really well, especially if he spills anything about the russian government, the consequences might be dire…
speaking of the russian government, his mother is a scientist who originally created soda in a lab as an assignment to create the ultimate fighting machine. as such, she isn't allowed to have full custody of her son, as he partially belongs to the government lab. Poor lady…
all of soda's family and acquaintances are nicknamed after soda. He has a girlfriend named cola (credit to mabs for that idea), his mother is nicknamed popuschka, and he calls his headscientist dr pepper.
like ive said before, he learns english from macho and disco, and often gets words mixed up. one time he called macho man ''brogus'' and macho absolutely hated it.
has a tendency to underestimate his strength a little. if you make him laugh particularly hard, he'll slap you on the back and you'll likely end up w/ a fractured spine. (exaggarated obviously, but it WILL hurt)
hangs around a lot w/ the other two nicest guys of the WVBA, them being disco kid and bear hugger. disco refers to their squad as the ''turntable trio'', as they all like to dance. ms bear makes him feel at home as well, but the squirrell freaks him out a little. also shares a sweet tooth w/ hugger so theres that too hehe.
aside from soda, total sucker for certain russian desserts, especially medovik and pastila.
🐂Bald Bull🐂
comes from a rich family. his ma is a singer and his dad a retired athlete
along w/ a mansion, has a HUGE ranch where cows n bulls roam, this is how he became inspired to name himself bald bull.
quite the introverted guy, and doesnt socialize much outside of his own circuit. He is quite chummy with Sandman and Soda though. One time, he offered Soda a turkish delight , and the rest is history. He also relates a lot to sandman due to both having issues w/ quick irritability.
the only other person outside the world circuit that bull interacts with is disco kid, mainly thanks to the fact him and soda are acquinted. Disco gave bull a rly nice outlet for his anger issues, namely dancing! Disco one day saw bull roll his fists in the ring, thought ''WOW that guy can really move !!!!'' bc it reminded him of a classic disco dance. he then talked to soda about him and the rest is history :3
Audhd. paparazzi not withstanding, does not manage his symptoms well.
has very mixed feelings on his mom. On one hand, her voice is like sweet nostalgia to him because she always sang him sweet lullabies, but at the other hand she has broken his trust in many ways that he feels cant be repaired. gets along better w/ his dad tho
used to have a rly sweet school girl type giggle, but his family teased him out of it :(
thinks hes like clark kent whenever he disguises himself as Mask X. the world circuit all know, but the paparazzi is none the wiser somehow. dw nobody in the WVBA will tell :]
interests outside of boxing include arm wrestling, farm animals, and (very rarely) singing. You gotta b real special for him to sing for you. Very private person in general.
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abbysfrenchbraid · 2 years
You’re at the dinner table with Abby and the salt lake squad, chosen family enjoying time together. You’ve finished your dessert and it’s that wonderful time when the table is an absolute mess, Leah is refilling everyone’s glasses, Mel is snacking some last brownie bites and Manny is rolling a joint to go outside in a minute. Abby has swapped seats with Jordan to talk to Leah about their New Year’s resolutions and Jordan is next to you, occupied with folding a napkin into something resembling a wolf head. Under the table, you take out your phone and send Abby a text: second round of dessert upstairs? I decorated it nicely, promise it tastes delicious too.
She absentmindedly takes out her phone and glances at it, than immediately locks it and raises her eyebrows at Leah, looking extremely interested in what Leah has to say. When you go back to your phone, you can see Abby glancing over at you with an alarmed look. You send the next text: What if I told you I’ve got a present for you and it’s already soaking wet :(
For a few seconds, you watch Abby battle with herself on wether to look, but then Leah is distracted by Nora‘s questions about the wine and Abby checks her phone again. This time, she takes a deep breath before locking it and putting it face down on the table. Her eyes burn into yours and she shifts in her seat. You lick your lips and smile sweetly, putting your chin in one hand and winking over at her. Under the table, your thumb presses send on a message you’d already prepared. It’s a photo you took earlier while getting ready, a tasteful nude showing off your new lingerie. Dark burgundy lace, a collar that’s now hidden under your turtleneck, suspenders holding up your sheer black stockings. Abby glances around to make sure no one is looking, then she flips her phone and opens the message. You watch with delight as red patches appear on her neck. She takes a gulp of wine and glares over at you. You’re in trouble.
You get up and excuse yourself to go to the bathroom. Just before you reach it, you can make out Abby offering to get more wine from the cellar. As you hear her footsteps in the corridor behind you, your stomach tingles pleasantly. You’ll have to be quiet, but you know Abby will make quick work of you.
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marcholasmoth · 6 months
OSRR: 3524
god today has been so long and so tiring.
it's nearly 1am and i got up around my standard 4am. i didn't get a lot of sleep last night, either.
i went through emergency SOPs for four-plus hours today as part of my quarter one goal at work. there are some with details i am not familiar with so i need to ask about them and record the information.
after work, i headed over to bova's. my favorite bakery in boston. mike's can suck it. modern can suck it. bova's is where it's at.
i got a ton of stuff and for the first time since i started going there, i didn't have a panic attack while i was in the store! fuckin wild. i got so much stuff. the decision was made on monday that i would get stuff from boba's instead of us making a plethora of desserts from scratch.
what a delight that tiny bakery is. truly.
on my way back, i went to kimberly and nathon's house for birthday party take 2. most of the squad was there and it was so wonderful to see them. we played card games and had chicken alfredo and cake and ice cream. cake is my kryptonite.
anyway, i am now finally back at home, in bed, refilling the life buckets so i dont die tomorrow too. im so so tired.
sleep soon. hoping to see joel again soon. i miss him.
my brain is turning off. it's nice to have it turn off.
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mywedzy · 5 months
Crafting Your Dream Wedding on a Budget: Smart Strategies for the Savvy Couple
First off, congratulations on your engagement! As you dive into planning your special day, you might feel a mix of excitement and stress, especially when it comes to budgeting. But fret not, lovebirds! With a dash of ingenuity and some clever tips, you can create a magical wedding that mirrors your love story without emptying your pockets.
Embrace Pre-Loved Glamour (and Savings!)
Why break the bank on a brand-new gown when you can find a stunning pre-owned dress at a fraction of the cost? Explore online stores and local consignment shops for gorgeous options that won't drain your budget. Worried about alterations? Fear not! With Wedzy, your trusty wedding planning ally, you can connect with skilled tailors to ensure your pre-loved gown fits like a dream.
Bridesmaid Brilliance on a Budget:
Forget about pricey, matching dresses for your bridesmaids. Let them showcase their individual style with mismatched dresses in complementary shades. This adds a personal touch and lets your squad shine. With Wedzy's help, you can coordinate a cohesive look for your bridesmaids without breaking the bank.
Dapper Looks for the Groom (Without the Tux!)
Who says the groom needs a tuxedo? A well-fitted suit or stylish separates can be just as chic and wallet-friendly. Let Wedzy point you to local menswear shops or online retailers with affordable options for the groom and his crew.
DIY Décor Delight:
Unleash your creativity with DIY decorations to add a personal touch to your big day. From centerpieces to favors, there's plenty you can craft at home with inspiration from online resources. Go green by incorporating natural elements like flowers or foliage from your venue. Wedzy can help you find budget-friendly craft supplies and suggest DIY projects that complement your wedding theme.
Floral Finesse on a Budget:
Flowers can enhance your wedding ambiance, but they don't have to wilt your budget. Opt for seasonal blooms or mix real and silk flowers for cost-effective centerpieces and bouquets. Wedzy can connect you with local florists who specialize in creating beautiful arrangements that fit your vision and budget.
Get Creative with Your Ceremony Setting:
You don't need an extravagant arch to tie the knot. Nature offers stunning backdrops for free! Picture saying "I do" under a majestic tree or against the backdrop of an ocean view. For a more structured setting, consider simple fabric draping or fairy lights to create a romantic atmosphere.
Personalized Music:
Create your own wedding playlist and use a streaming service or portable speaker system for your reception. This lets you tailor the music to your taste and keep the dance floor buzzing without the expense of a DJ.
Keep the Reception Short and Sweet:
Shorter receptions mean fewer expenses on food, drinks, and entertainment. Consider limiting the duration or offering a scaled-down bar service after a certain time to keep costs in check.
Budget-Friendly Feasting:
Buffet or family-style meals are cost-effective alternatives to plated dinners and offer guests more choices. Use seasonal and local ingredients for a delicious menu that won't break the bank. Wedzy can recommend caterers who excel at creating tasty yet affordable wedding fare.
Cheers to Signature Drinks:
Instead of an open bar, treat guests to a signature drink or two. It's a fun way to personalize your wedding while managing alcohol costs. Pick a cocktail that reflects your taste or whip up a special mocktail for non-drinkers.
Sweet Treats, Sensible Spending:
Who says you need a towering wedding cake? Opt for a smaller ceremonial cake for cutting and offer cupcakes or other desserts for guests. It's a wallet-friendly option that still satisfies everyone's sweet tooth.
0 notes
saurabhanandtripzygo · 5 months
🌴🍽️ A Food Lover's Guide to Bali Savoring Every Bite on Your Bali Tour 🍽️🌴
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Hey foodies! Ready to embark on a culinary adventure in the paradise that is Bali? From vibrant street food stalls to elegant beachfront restaurants, this Indonesian island is a haven for gastronomes seeking flavors that dance on their taste buds. If you're planning a Bali tour and want to indulge in the best the island has to offer, here's your ultimate food lover's guide:
1. Nasi Goreng Nirvana: Start your day with a hearty plate of Nasi Goreng, Indonesia's iconic fried rice dish. Whether you like it mild or spicy, with chicken, shrimp, or veggies, this breakfast staple will fuel you up for a day of exploration.
2. Satay Sensation: Head to a local warung (small restaurant) for a taste of Bali's famous satay. Grilled skewers of meat or tofu, slathered in rich peanut sauce and served with fragrant rice, are a must-try for any food enthusiast.
3. Seafood Serenade: With its abundant coastline, Bali boasts some of the freshest seafood you'll ever taste. Feast on grilled fish, succulent prawns, and calamari by the beach as you soak in the island vibes.
4. Bountiful Babi Guling: Don't leave Bali without trying Babi Guling, the island's celebrated suckling pig dish. Prepared with a blend of spices and roasted to crispy perfection, this Balinese specialty is a carnivore's dream come true.
5. Tropical Temptations: Cool off with refreshing tropical fruits like mangoes, papayas, and dragon fruit, either on their own or in vibrant smoothie bowls. These juicy delights are the perfect antidote to Bali's tropical heat.
6. Ubud's Organic Oasis: If you find yourself in Ubud, delve into the vibrant organic food scene. From farm-to-table cafes serving nourishing Buddha bowls to raw food restaurants dishing out innovative plant-based fare, Ubud is a haven for health-conscious foodies.
7. Sweet Indulgences: End your culinary journey on a sweet note with traditional Balinese desserts like Klepon (green rice flour balls stuffed with palm sugar) or Pisang Goreng (fried bananas drizzled with honey). Your taste buds will thank you!
With its eclectic mix of flavors and culinary traditions, Bali promises an unforgettable dining experience at every turn. So pack your appetite and get ready to feast your way through this tropical paradise!
Tag your foodie squad and start planning your Bali tour today! 🍍🍤🌴 #BaliEats #FoodieAdventure #TasteOfParadise
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pulsdmedia · 8 months
The Week Ahead 1/29-2/4
It feels like January 45th - right? But February is on its way, meaning love is in the air. But before we go full V-Day frenzy, there's a lot going on to make your February extra fabulous...
$49: 3.5 Hours Of Unlimited Wines From Around The World
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Session 1 is already sold out, so don't wait another second! Delight in endless pours of reds, whites, rosés, sparklings, and more as The 2024 New York City Wine Festival, mixing & mingling with fellow wine connoisseurs. Imagine a sea of Pinot Noir, Merlot, Zinfandel, Chardonnay, Rosé, and more, poured into your souvenir glass, sipping while you indulge in drool-worthy delicacies from Mozzarepas, Chavas Empanadas, and Taste of Poland, just to name a few. Add in some live music, interactive games, and more surprises in store - this makes for the perfect Saturday...
The Year of the Dragon with Martell
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In celebration of the Year of the Dragon, Martell is offering sampling of specialty cocktails, including the Red Dragon and Lunar Old Fashioned at their pop-up located near Fellow Barber and Cremieux at Hudson Yards. Plus, enjoy customize labels with each purchase of the Martell Blue Swift & Cordon Blue bottle, partake in a 360-photo experience, and receive drink recommendations based on your zodiac sign.
$29 For A Wine & Dessert Tasting Experience For Two, LES
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Chic in every way, the Wine & Dessert Tasting Experience at Salon Sucré is beyond enlightening. This beacon of indulgence reps not only intimate seating to share your time with a date or your squad, but also a glass counter that reveals Chef Herfray's latest concoctions. The best food comes from the freshest ingredients, and Chef Herfray will transform these ingredients into something divine. As you swirl your vino, dive into the NY Apple comprised of chocolate cake, chocolate mousse, and mixed berry compote, not to mention Lemon Tart (lemon curd, pate sablé, lemon mousse). Lest we forget, the Matcha Lemon Roll is a dream. Wine, dine, and feel mighty fine at Salon Sucré...
Moose Knuckles Sample Sale
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Join 260 Sample Sale at their Flagship store to shop the Moose Knuckles Sample Sale! Add to your winter coat collection with the highest quality jackets you can find. Plus, you won't break the bank doing so!
$59 Rooftop Moroccan Nights Experience For 2 With Food & Drinks
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Indulge in the allure of Elsie Rooftop's enchanting Moroccan Nights, where seduction meets delectable epicurean delights. Immerse yourself in a sensory journey of cuisine and entertainment, featuring mesmerizing belly dancers, soulful singing, and breathtaking views from the dazzling rooftop. Sip from Spiked Teapots brimming with tea-infused cocktails, devouring Angus Beef Kefta Kebabs, Tandoori Spiced Chicken Skewers, Sundried Tomato Hummus With Pita, and Couscous Salad. Elsie Rooftop promises to transport you to a distant world, all within the heart of New York City...
And Here’s Modi: Live in NYC
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In a special live taping event, step into the world of stand-up comedian Modi who is joined by author, comedian, and co-host of his podcast, Periel Aschenbrand as they navigate the complexities of finding light and joy in the midst of rising tensions and antisemitism. This live podcast taping promises an evening filled with laughter, insights, and a profound exploration of the human spirit!
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restaurant-westgate · 9 months
Why Restaurants Make the Perfect Venue for Your Next Girl Party?
When it comes to planning a fun and memorable girl party, the choice of venue sets the tone for the entire event. While there are numerous options to consider, restaurants near Westgate stand out as the perfect setting for your next girl's party. The combination of delectable cuisine, stylish ambience, and the convenience of leaving the cooking and cleaning to the professionals makes restaurants an ideal choice for hosting a fabulous girls' night out.
Delectable Dining Options
One of the standout features that make restaurants an excellent venue for a girl's party is the diverse range of delectable dining options they offer. From mouthwatering appetisers to indulgent desserts, restaurants near Westgate provide a vast array of culinary choices to cater to varying tastes and dietary preferences. Whether your girl squad prefers indulging in gourmet delicacies or sharing hearty comfort food, restaurants can effortlessly accommodate diverse palates, ensuring that everyone's cravings are satisfied.
Stylish Ambiance and Aesthetic Appeal
The captivating ambience and aesthetic appeal of restaurants add a touch of sophistication and glamour to any girl's party. The carefully curated decor, stylish furnishings, and ambient lighting create an inviting and chic atmosphere, setting the stage for an unforgettable gathering. Whether you're looking for a cosy and intimate setting or a vibrant and lively environment, restaurants offer a diverse range of spaces to suit your party's theme and vibe, allowing you to curate the perfect backdrop for an Instagram-worthy celebration.
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Professional Service and Convenience
Hosting a girl's party at a restaurant means saying goodbye to the stress of meal preparation, serving, and cleaning up afterwards. The dedicated and professional staff at restaurants handle all aspects of service, ensuring that you and your guests can relax and enjoy the festivities without worrying about the nitty-gritty details. This level of convenience allows you to fully immerse yourself in the party experience, creating cherished memories with your friends without the usual responsibilities of hosting an event at home.
Culinary Experiences and Specialised Menus
Many restaurants offer the opportunity to indulge in culinary experiences that go beyond the traditional dining experience. From chef's tasting menus to customised food and beverage pairings, restaurants can elevate your girl party with specialised culinary offerings that add an extra dash of excitement to the celebration. Whether you're interested in exploring a new cuisine or delighting in a curated selection of signature dishes and cocktails, restaurants can infuse your party with a sense of culinary adventure and discovery.
Socialising in a Vibrant Setting
Restaurants provide the perfect backdrop for socialising and bonding with your friends in a vibrant and dynamic setting. Whether you're sharing laughter over shared plates or engaging in heartfelt conversations over finely crafted cocktails, the lively atmosphere of restaurants fosters a sense of togetherness and camaraderie, creating an ideal environment for strengthening friendships and enjoying quality time with your favourite people.
In conclusion, restaurants near Westgate offer a compelling combination of delectable dining options, stylish ambience, professional service, specialised menus, and a vibrant social setting, making them the perfect venue for your next girl's party. 
By choosing a restaurant as the setting for your celebration, you can elevate the experience for you and your guests, ensuring that your girl party is a resounding success filled with delicious food, a captivating ambience, and cherished moments of laughter and connection. 
So, gather your girl squad, pick the perfect restaurant, and get ready to create unforgettable memories at your next girl party!
Source URL: https://restaurant-westgate.blogspot.com/2023/12/why-restaurants-make-perfect-venue-for.html
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pizzamenumalaysia · 10 months
Tanah Aina Malaysia Menu Prices Updated 2024
🌿✨ Indulge in Nature's Feast at Tanah Aina Malaysia! 🍽️🇲🇾 🌳 Immerse yourself in the lush greenery of Tanah Aina while savoring our delectable menu offerings. Here's a glimpse of our menu prices that promise a culinary journey like no other: 🍲 **Appetizers:** - Rainforest Salad: RM18 - Jungle Soup Delight: RM15 🍜 **Main Courses:** - Nasi Lemak Harmony: RM25 - River Fish Delicacy: RM30 - Vegetarian Canopy Delight: RM22 🍰 **Desserts:** - Waterfall Chocolate Bliss: RM12 - Tropical Fruit Symphony: RM16 ☕ **Beverages:** - Fresh Rainforest Blend Coffee: RM10 - Herbal Infusion Elixir: RM8 ✨ Embrace the enchanting flavors of Malaysia amidst the serene beauty of Tanah Aina. Tag your foodie squad and embark on a gastronomic adventure like never before! 🌺🍴 #TanahAinaFeast #MalaysianCuisine #NatureDining #FoodieAdventure 🌿🍃 Read the full article
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shahipalaceindian · 1 year
🍽🎉 𝑩𝒖𝒇𝒇𝒆𝒕 𝑩𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒏𝒛𝒂 𝑨𝒍𝒆𝒓𝒕❗️🎉🍽
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Get ready to feast like there's no tomorrow because our All-Week Buffet is here to blow your taste buds away! 😋
🌟 For just $12.99, indulge in an unlimited culinary adventure that will leave you craving for more! 🌯🍛
From mouthwatering appetizers to delightful main courses and delectable desserts, our buffet spread has it all! 🍽🍰 So gather your foodie squad and join us for an epic feast that'll make your taste buds sing with joy! 🎶💃
Don't miss out on this unbeatable deal. Hurry in and let the buffet bonanza begin! 🚀🍴
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specialoccasionca · 2 years
Best Birthday Cakes in Canada
We specialized in creating delightful cakes using fresh ingredients and bringing out their finest to our dessert collection. All cakes are made in-house by our crew of talented bakers and we only use the newest and finest ingredients in all our cakes and pastries. Each cake and pastry is handcrafted the instant you order. Our handcrafted cakes are lovely works of edible art! And we would like that understanding being shared to you and your guests.
Whether you need a birthday cake, wedding cake, anniversary cake, chocolate cake, or a cake for another special occasion, we have a cake for every celebration.
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Our Differences:
· Simple: Our cakes are freshly baked precisely for each order
· Quality: Only the freshest and finest components are used in our cakes and pastries
· Passion: Our employees from pastry cook to delivery staff are devoted in heart and mind
Our Speciality
• Our cakes are very saturated, sweet and easy-going... Taste the Difference!
• Freshly baked and adorned with high-quality fine constituents.
• The facility is completely nut-free containing no peanuts. All components are lactose-free and trans-fat-free.
• The price is inexpensive and the quality is invincible.
• We always receive custom designs.
• Thousands of exclusive styles
• Over 50 available flavors
• Edible image cakes and eatable seating cards
• Edible cord cakes
• Guide cakes
• Outline cakes with any custom design
• Edible custom and outline cake toppers
Special Occasion is an iconic principal. From adequate pastries and iconic cakes, to our famous Jars, our entire team has transfigured the cake industry locally. We’re known most for our clean, contemporary tactic to cake art, and seeing cake as fine art! We curate the premium high-quality desserts, using only the finest constituents. Nothing makes us happier than how pleased our cakes make our customers, so we make sure that every individual who works through the doors of our workshop (or rolls through our site) feels taken precaution of. We also have some of the finest squad associates. Our team is full of world-class pastry and cake chefs who are proficient, and when we say we recognize cake, we mean it. We’ve even taken our assurance to perfection and superiority to a whole innovative level. Whether it’s your birthday, anniversary, or wedding, we proudly deliver cakes and sweets that will make an unforgettable experience for you.
Why Us?
Special Occasion welcomes you to shop online and sample the happiness created by our brilliant pastry chefs with over 25 years of international understanding
From commercial parties to family functions, our cakes are very applicable and suitable for all events. From Special Occasion you can get right of entry to an astonishing collection of cakes in numerous flavors such as vanilla, chocolate, red velvet, cheesecakes, blueberry and lots of extra flavors, filled with rich cream, dusted with festive sprinklings. Apart from excellence, we also believe in appropriate and prompt delivery services within the time limit delivered. Our deliveries are done in our chilled fleet to make sure they arrive to you in the freshest state imaginable. Therefore, cake delivery in Canada remains a difficult task no more, and we make sure to you that we will do our best to make certain client satisfaction.
Our domain signature line includes Wedding Cakes, birthday cakes, chocolates cakes, celebration cakes, logo and photo cakes and Licensed Products and Character Images.
Custom design cakes: Wedding Cakes, Celebration Cakes, Tiered Cakes for your Marriage, bachelor and bachelorette gatherings.
We Endeavor For Excellence
Let us know what you contemplate about us. Your response makes us do better and helps us assist you enthusiastically. Connect with us.
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art-geekm · 4 years
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Day 5: Draw your Favourite Skill Link Team
These 5 were the first to come to mind when I thought of Skill Link Pairing... We love Vodka casually being the fifth wheel.
Day 5/31
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browniesexual · 5 years
B-52: Why is everyone so obsessed with who's "top" or "bottom"? I'd just be happy to have a bunk bed.
Brownie: ...
Vodka: ...
Pastel de nata: ...
Napoleon Cake: ...
Eclair: ...
Napoleon Cake: I'm gonna tell him.
Brownie: DON'T YOU DARE.
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rosiecap4u · 5 years
RosieCap4u presents...
Food Fantasy Adventure(s)! But As Sims.
DISCLAIMER: I downloaded CCs(custom contents) and tried my best to make them look accurate. Sorry about that, but finding what you're looking for is tough. Also, some things won’t make sense (from just one picture), so I’ll explain what’s going on from the captions. And since this the Sims, there will be minor clippings, glitches, and breaking logic.
So, let’s get started with the first episode...
We have the...Dessert Delight Squad!
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this is very cursed af but hey it’s great
And uhhh is Pastel okay
//i guess Cursed Delight Squad is there new name shfshsuhsdu
Also more screenshots:
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Okay then, what’s basically happening here is:
Brownie’s tired
Vodka’s lowkey concern about Pastel
Pastel fainted due to Napo and Eclair being chaotic fucks
Bifty’s disappointed
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Pastel’s spooked from being in a large ass crowd (i mean 6 is too much don’t ya think)
Poor man
Moving onto our first adventure in China:
So there’s this billboard thingy that we can go on adventures and do tasks. Bifty’s mission right now is to talk to someone and head to the Forbidden City. Something about finding a lost relic (Rosie can’t even say much shit oof). Oh yeah, Bifty also tagged Napo and Brownie along. Half of everything will be out of context, due to missing screenshots.
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Erm...that’s definitely not his motorcycle...
And Bifty can’t you fly???
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tf when this guy get his hat doubled
this is a glitch i may need to remove a mod
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brownie got stuck somewhere and i have to teleport him lmao
ight, let’s get started
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bifty looks like he’s getting sucked into the blue void lol
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napoleon’s excited about a simple room
seriously it’s nothing but activation switches
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oh shit
where’s eclair when we need him
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wait nvm we don’t him when we push statues to malfunction them
also these statues weigh like a gigantic barbie house and bifty didnt even have a problem to pushing it
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you can do it brownie
i believe in you my dear
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//fast forward because all i did was collect awesome shit >>>
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loss of braincells be like
i relate to this a lot because i dont understand how maps work
If you don’t know what happened to Bifty, he dive into a dive well (that’s behind Brownie). I’ll show ya-
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Yeah, basically we can travel through other rooms by diving into these dive wells.
Anyways, the NapoBB52 trio found the vase they were supposed to look for and head home as Bifty gives the person (who asked for it) the relic.
//lazy to even screenshot the whole thing smh
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uh....why are you still here?
//and as was I checked on Pastel, Eclair and Vodka...I see this...
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curse you glitch idk wtf even happened, teleport all you three cause ya’ll need to piss
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might sound odd but pastel made fish stew
that’s....something new...
Oh crud it’s getting late, time to sleep.
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Rosie says Vodka52 rights
They were together for a very long time
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seems like that’s day 1
now what to do
oh i know
alexa play “FIRE BIRD” by Roselia
Okay! That’s episode 1 completed! I’ve already got day 2 (aka episode 2) ready, but separate them because it will make this post hella long. Got nothing much to say tbh, just wanna showcase the DDS as sims!
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stardomyx · 5 years
imagine if the DDS was the bad guys. theres potential right there
I find this concept pretty funny because Spaghetti and his band of merry men probably DO see the DDS as the bad guys asdfgjkkfddd
But in all seriousness, this is a concept I REALLLY like. For one; think of how much damage they’d do! You have Vodka as a pretty powerful SR with the ability to incase her enemies in ice, Napoleon who’s a soldier with enchanted muskets, Brownie with that big ass cannon, Eclair is a walking power line, and then you have B. Pastel I think would be an incredibly decent leader, the one who stands back and pretends to be no threat whatsoever before he and Napoleon team up to reduce your house to ashes.
The humans living in Tierra really are insanely lucky that this group of Food Souls mean them no harm in canon, as units I actually think DDS could do a lot more damage than the PPlatoon. Sure PPlatoon has more UR’s, but really the only souls there who strike me as a threat are Oyster and Spaghetti, whereas with DDS their linked skills are all pretty damn good, and again they have B.
Also because they’re bad guys, do they get alternative outfits? Do their attacks look different. Personally I think Villain!Napoleon in particular would be rEALLY threatening to look at, the Evil is stored in the Eyes.
Tell me more anon! I like this concept!
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