#destiel fan zine
kajaono · 2 years
I had a long week (and I have to work again tomorrow) but I finally managed to open @winchester-reload s package and look at her artbook 🥺😍
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It is so stunning! I am so glad it arrived safe here in Germany!
You know I am sucker for fan zines and art books, and I have to admit this here is probably one of the best I always bought. Totally worth the prize and the wait. I am in love.
Destiel is with my so long. It was supernatural and destiel art on Deviantart that introduced me into fandom. Supernatural was the first show I streamed online. The first show that spoke to me on many queer levels.
And not matter how the show ended, no matter what the CW is doing now, the show will always have a special place in my heart
Additional video in the reblogs because tumblr hates me…
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osakanone · 4 months
UPDATE: The Destiel/Supernats aren't taking this well -- explaining my reasoning for the history I gave, and why Destiel is not the big bitch of shipping that it thinks it is
An update to THIS:
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"This is just a marketing thing, Gundam is a giant robot show, only men watch it!"
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Gundam's fandom is silent majoratively feminine:
"But its not gay, its about giant robots!"
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Gundam is very gay. The entire climax of the first story is a riff of Yukio Mishima lmao
The climax of the Amuro/Char arc of Universal Century Gundam (expounding from first Gundam circa 1979), Char's Counterattack is somewhat on the history of Japanese disillusion with liberalism which notably climaxed with the life and history of Yukio Mishima.
You know. THAT Yukio Mishima.
The one who wrote FORBIDDEN COLOURS.
It was so gay that the fanfiction inspired by it became its own damn anime:
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And that's just Charmuro, let alone Charma or a billion other ships just in OG Gundam alone.
We've got This is before we get to Guin Sard Lineford and Yamagi Glimerton (both verrrrry gay), Tieria Erde (a genderqueer trans-coded character who transcends gender entirely in their arc) and a bunch of others.
Gundam was always gay.
"I don't see the numbers"
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"That doesn't seem like much, Supernat is at least 2x this"
Sooooo the amount of content you do see isn't representative of how much even got written, given FFN had a huge content purge.
First, let's start with the relative proportion of users: If we're analysing the concept of fandom, we first have to look at who had access to the internet in the first place to publish works.
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Yeah that's a pretty sizable difference.
Wing's fandom actually exploded in 2000, but got capped VERY early, distributing itself to fansites when FFN fragmented and collapsed.
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Content purges!
"Isn't there some sort of online archive of this stuff?"
Sure, if you wanna dig through tons and tons of Angelfire and Geocities pages which have mostly disappeared. Otherwise, no! There is no archive of this stuff?
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They've since rolled back on this but it means there's a massive amount of lost media out there, including the discussions on it and thus there's an entire history you didn't get to experience.
Its actually very difficult to reach people who've been involved, since it was so long ago that very few people remember, and a sizable proportion of that population have actually died.
"But what about SF fandoms? We have ancient records of stuff like Spirk!"
See unlike physical media like zines, when a server goes offline or there's a data-loss, or something like that there is no surviving copy of the thing in question.
The net result is we have this weird hole where content just vanished, and its now considered lost media. The work of many artists, designers, writers, even videos of events are just lost media because we didn't have the archival mentality adults develop.
You're not gonna hear about all the X-Files stuff or Frasier fanfictions or GW stuff because of these purges and the lack of physical media. FFN users were teens, not adults with resources like US/EU/JP SF fans, who had archival tendencies due to their long history.
So there is this supermassive black-hole in the history of fanfiction running between 1998, and 2008 and some of the only evidence of it are worksafe works and fansites which the owners have long since forgotten about because folks moved on. Moving on is a normal part of fandom.
So to those of you just saying "supernatural is losing to a pair of dumb anime girls" or "urgh this is just a trend tumblr will get over it and go back to supernatural"...
Uhhhhh no they won't, actually?
Supernat's fans mostly seem to be waspy Americans. Gundam is kind of a global phenomenon, one which has traditionally had a silent majority female audience, a vocal minority male audience -- and every time that majority has spoken up, its coincided with a content purge, or a TOS change that mysteriously biases American derived fiction over Japanese derived fiction.
Funny that.
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lol-jackles · 6 months
A general question about IPs and characters--I know there are protections for fandom writers to use characters in their fics on forums like AO3. What I always believed, however, was that this could be done in the archive mainly because they weren't profiting off of the show or writer's IP. Lately I've seen quite a few Destiel writers printing and selling bound copies of their books. Some don't even change the character names or cover art featuring the actors. Is this now legal? What changed?
It's not legal. I'm guessing those selling bound copies of their Destiel fanfics are sold in such small numbers that it doesn't warrant the time and money to go after them. At its height, there were only 8000 Destiel shippers (when I wanted to annoy Destiel shippers I point out it was the same number of active Ku Klux Klan members in the U.S). Nowadays the number of shippers is less than half.
Back in the day before the internet, fanfictions were compiled into "fanzines" and sold at conventions or mailed to fans. Officially, the writers were not paid and fanzines were sold at a price to cover production expenses and postage. But you and I know that those fanzines were sold at above the expense cost into the "for profit" zone where part of the proceeds go back to the creators. Zine libraries exist in a few places to preserve these hardcopies.
Last I checked the cost of a professionally looking bound soft cover book was around $30 for a 100 page book. I highly doubt the Destiel writers are making a handome profit unless they're opting for the fanzine production value.
Fanzines of yesteryears and today
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casismybestfriend · 6 months
get to know you
thanks for tagging me @burnhamandtilly !! 💕
last song: “the 30th” by billie eilish. gives me buddie feels every time i listen to it
currently watching: 9-1-1 (could you tell?) and i’m also finally catching up on wtnv!
three ships: 🚢 🛳️ 🛥️ jk. buck/tommy really sucker punched me recently, and that combined with the buddie of it all makes it soooo delicious. it’s been a wild *checks calendar* three days, and i can’t wait to see what’s in store this season. and i still adore ted/trent <3
favorite color: i’m a longtime blue fan but my fondness for orange grows every day
currently consuming: blorbo posts
first ship: god, who knows. i don’t remember actively wanting certain characters together when i was young, or being a big fan of an existing pairing, i just saw couples and was like “ok 😐.” but that’s probably bc they weren’t compelling to me, and now i really enjoy connecting with characters and analyzing potential pairings. but first? hm. no…it can’t be destiel… i gotta think on this some more
birthplace: 🍁
current location: 🛌
relationship status: happy ace day! 🖤🩶🤍💜
last movie: i don’t remember, i don’t watch movies too often
currently working on: i’ve got two fun ted lasso-related projects rn: my contribution for the richmond on three zine, and my bingo card of prompts from the afc richmond server!
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npdclaraoswald · 1 year
I understand that Supernatural fans were being annoying about that ao3 poll, but to respond to that with "Supernatural doesn't have anywhere near the cultural impact of X-Files outside of fandom spaces" is like. Okay? But we're talking about fandom spaces, a specific fandom space even; it's called the ao3 top ship bracket. Destiel has over one million fics on ao3 and I just checked and Mulder/Scully have less than 15,000*
*Before you reply pointing out that due to the age of X Files, there's undoubtedly innumerable fics lost to time from zines and fan specific sites, as well as fics on livejournal and fanfiction.net, I repeat, it's called ao3 poll
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aquatigermice · 2 years
Re: New Years Goals: 2023
Progress: As Jan 26 2023
Need to Finish:
Stucky war/recovery story.  Part 1 Words: 8184
Joe\Mimi story that been working on since 2001 Word count NA 41pgs written double sided 
Blue       Words:1710
Circus      Words: 1391
Horse 2   Words: 1616
Tsum     Words: 1400
Rain2    Words: 612
Crowley 1,2,3    Words: 2000
Sbt abo        Words: 7221  
Goat Steve      Words:1743
Ruq      Words: 2461
A/B moon       Words: 4447  
Adoc      Words: 5291
Mamb 2022       Words:2386
Baby clone     Words: 1795
Alpine       Words: 679
Cas      Words: 1804
Chris baby       Words: 9421
Ralsbeck     Words: 761
Aot p2    Words: 4212
Freakin done son!!!:
Bond ballet      Words: 21228
Gif     Words: 40733
Beast      Words:14581
Pooches 3     Words: 14156
Pooches 2      Words: 12482
Pooches 1      Words: 14256
stucky war pt2     Words: 39852
soulmark      Words: 3352
ao      Words: 6940
wolf     Words: 4064
lib      Words: 12535
Ride 2      Words: 2177
Since we didn't do an update in 2021 or 2022 I am doing that now.
When Your Isosceles Triangle Turns Out To Be Equilateral aka val 1   Words: 2845
Coming Home aka 7 pbge   Words: 7996
The Long Hours to Dawn. aka Fix 2  Words: 4258
Got to See a Man About a Haircut aka Fix 3  Words: 1645
Thunder Off the Rocks  aka fix it 4 thor  Words: 3430
A Matter of Pride aka lion king    Words: 5877
The Woes of the Ice Planet Saga: Part 2  aka Wotips   Words: 4780
Baby, What Can You Do With Those Arms? aka Hog1   Words: 4141
We Are So Much More Than What You Can See. aka hog 2   Words: 7504
What Would You Do For Your Love? The End aka runt 3   Words: 5,221
Anthony Stark and the Monsters of the Deep aka ray steve Words: 6597
The End   Words: 7,254
A Warrior's Love and A Wizard's Path aka wizard tribe   Words: 28563
Point Me Home aka time     Words: 6828
Only in My Dreams Am I Happy  aka mate   Words: 6562
Where There is Light, the Darkness Follows aka soldier    Words: 2919
Under Your Lights aka Gus    Words: 5031
Summer's Moon and Winter's Sun aka Sbtl/ Supernatural        Words: 14297
The Cold Isn't All That Bad aka hitlikehammer    Words: 7502
Why Did the Falcon Climb the Tree? nest 2    Words: 1594
Beauty With Brains a Dangerous Combination aka loki.     Words: 7529
A Place of Our Own aka viz wand     Words: 12907
Reading a Shadow aka Shadow       Words: 7554
On the Edge of Time and Space aka sheRa     Words: 29075
Goose games     Words:1849
A Prince's Winter Wonderland Challenge aka Goldilocks      Words:14563
The Assessing and Acquisition of Assets  aka team16     Words: 24671
Reclaiming Our Place in the World aka team47     Words: 32408
America's Ass  aka Ass      Words: 4581
The Bond Between Caretaker and Animal aka Breed 2    Words: 11522
Calendar Pets aka Calendar      Words: 8915
Not All Fires Are Bad aka Fire dog      Words: 10010
I Volunteer!!!!  aka volunteer          Words: 20562
Read It In A Fic Once aka fan fic    Words: 8955
Devotion aka breed 3  Words: 2940
• solar system
• Angels, demons, and humans
• God Thor
• Gkotm (really excited to start this one)
• Other ideas in the handy dandy notebook. Combining some ideas
Charities stories:
• Destiel handprint 
• Stucky Nemo
• Plums this one in the works. Already posting :)
• White wolf
• Dragon 
• Goose 
Charities art:
• Godzilla
Other stuff:
• I want to support at least 2 charities. 
• Co-write a story
• Post 12 story. 
• Be in a 4 fan event 
• Make a zine :)
Most important must do no ifs and or buts:
1. Stop starting stories until I finish some more: Have 20 starts. Lots of notes. not doing better Lol 
2. Finish typing pooches: 3/4 done
3. Finish Stucky war/recovery story pt 
4. Start part twos to stories: (Rain, horse (started), pooches 4, fix it 5, fanfic 2) 
5. Comment more on the stories I read Even if it is great read or good story:   :) doing this well..
6. Keep page for Tsums going: Still on Instagram 
7. Be in an auction: did in 2021
8. Clear out old stories: working on
9. Talk to more authors: Have joined four new discords :)
10. Edit all posted works: done
11. Do a whole year event: in progress
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jemariel · 5 years
Hey you
Destiel Fan!!
Do you know about Profound: A Destiel Fanzine?
You should because it's awesome, and full of tRuLy TaLeNtEd people. And also me. I am also writing a thing. Dunno how that happened 😅
Here is a sneak peek of what I'm working on for Profound Vol. 2....
“Shh — that’s it. S'okay” Dean murmurs as the crow's talons dig into his leather-clad arm. He keeps muttering nonsense, and it stays mostly quiet, just a few low croaks, as Dean descends the stairs and tip-toes toward —
“Gyeah!” Dean jumps half a mile, launching the bird into the air with a flurry of feathers and cries that ring against the stone. “What the hell, man?”
Sam just stares at him, hang-mouthed and mystified. “Me? What the hell, you —! Is that a crow?”
“No, Sam, it’s a raven.” A perfectly reasonable objection, if you asked him.
“That doesn’t make it better!” Sam stares as the crow lands on the war table and starts scratching at the surface. “Why, exactly, is there a crow in the bunker?"
“Long story,” Dean barks.
Sam swipes his hands over his face, and then, “Wait. Is this the crow that was — that you thought was following us?”
“Raven, Sam.”
“Oh my God.”
“Dean — It’s a bird. A wild animal. Get it outside and go to bed.” He turns to head back into the hall.
“It’s not.”
Sam stops. Turns back. Sees Dean’s stricken face and the bird pecking unhappily at a pencil. He sighs with a weariness that goes deeper than his soul. “I’m going to regret asking, aren’t I?”
“.... It’s Cas.”
Intrigued?? Good!
Pre-orders for Vol. 2 start August 2019! (link is to the ProfoundBond shop)
You can keep up-to date at the @profoundzine on Tumblr and @ProfoundZine on Twitter!
Hope you like ittttttttt
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outofthecavern · 2 years
You know what would be fun? A destiel fanzine that’s has art of course, but the writing is all poetry
@wigglebox talking about misha’s book and then Alma posting a poem a few days ago and the stories, made me think of the idea
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Happy Valentine’s day/Destiel wedding, folks!
As we mentioned here, we ran into a snag with our original store. After refunding everyone and doing some serious research, we’re back better than ever with a pop-up shop for extended pre-orders of To Hell + Back: A Destiel Anthology. For the next two weeks ONLY, from now until midnight on February 28th, 2021, at 11:59 pm PST, you have one last chance to pre-order your very own copy of the book via this link! We are currently on track to ship all orders, from both our Indiegogo fundraiser and this pop-up shop, in April 2021.
Please note that while both the PDF and the hard copy of the anthology are available for sale during this limited window, we will not be offering any merch; to keep things very simple, this is a book-only event. We are sorry for any disappointment this may cause!
If you notice the prices seem higher than on our Indiegogo, don’t panic! We are operating in Canadian dollars and not USD this time, for easy banking purposes. (We have already done a test transaction and have slightly edited our copy to ensure we remain online :P).
If you previously purchased a PDF copy from our Indiegogo campaign and would now like to upgrade to a hard copy, please email us at [email protected] with your IGG order number, and we will send you your very own discount code for $10.00 off your book. You will still receive your PDF copy as well, because all orders for a physical copy of the anthology also include a free PDF version!
Finally, we would like to remind everyone that this is truly your last chance to get your hands on To Hell + Back—after this pop-up shop is closed, it will never again be available for purchase, so if you missed out the first time, please hurry and get your copy today!
Keep an eye out on our tumblr during these next 2 weeks, as we will be re-circulating sneak peeks of the beautiful stories and artwork featured in our book.
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jayjayverse · 3 years
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Here's a preview of my page for Endings: A Destiel Fanzine
Preorders are open, so if you're interested please go check out the zine bundles here.
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tiktaalic · 3 years
still can’t believe they didn’t milk that finale for all it was worth. they made one of the most written about ships online canon and they didn’t even capitalize on that because they were so against the gays. straight people truly are something else entirely.
THEE most written about ship online according to ao3 stats. by a MILE. i will only cede greater impact to spirk because of the inevitably uncounted seventies zines . the march madness ship winner three years in a row because people shot stereks in the trenches in order to claw their way to victory. i get why they didn't deliver but am still absolutely baffled as to why they conferred among themselves and said. yes. tee up the football for yanking. because the destiel fan + corporate cw dynamic is very well documented and antagonistic? people susceptible to destiel bait are peopel who exclusively rip supernatural from third party sites and send annoying letters to cw headquarters. why
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lol-jackles · 3 years
Basically Misha is also trying to retcon Dean's character: he claims that writers and producers and everyone on SPN were in denial about Cass's feelings for Dean, including Dean and therefore Jensen (www*youtube*com/watch?v=mJk-K). But in this way, M. puts J. in an uncomfortable position: how can J. ever contest this now, without making M. seem a total opportunist and without attracting the usual accusations of homophobia? It seems to me a really unfair behavior on the part of M. towards J.
Looks like the video got privatized, but no worries there's others on youtube. Misha looked uncomfortable at first before collecting himself (it's not Creation Con after all). His answers were all over the place, throwing everything out there to see which sticks because destiel shippers were in the audience. Trust me if he was facing an audience full of bro fans he's going to say Dean and Cas were strictly platonic buds. Actors measure the emotional temperature of the room and perform accordingly.
You must be new, Misha has done this before a few times to Jensen, mainly in non-Creation cons like the Jib con in Rome and other fan-run conventions where it's less controlled and more free for all. Back then Jensen stans will get mad for a hot 15 minute until they remember that they need hellers for their campaign to turn SPN from Sam's story to Dean's story. Now that SPN is over, the AAs may or may not remember that Misha, not Jared, is the true villain in their Jensen stories.
This also happens all the time in fan-run conventions since the days of original Star Trek. Piles of general and slash zines were sold in vendor rooms all the time while glorified extras spout off their own theories pandering non-canon ships of their characters to separate fans from their money. It's just nowadays it's more in the open due to general acceptance of the fanfiction medium.
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sketching-fox · 3 years
Hi!! Could you please tell me more about the to hell and bsck anthology? It looks GORGEOUS!!
Hello dear! Oh, the To Hell and Back Anthology was a big - and beautiful - project made by a group of amazing destiel fans. It´s a big book, with some fics/arts and merchs (stickers, bookmarkers, prints, keychans, etc).
I was invited to contribute and paired with the author @jupiterjames! We had 8 pages to work on, so we decided to make a half-fic, half-comic story, so you have 5 pages of writing and 3 pages of a comic!
There´s plenty more works in there, from cover to cover, I assure you how beautiful is the book. And big, impressive, really a great work from the mods!
The zine was made sometime ago, experienced some issues due to covid and etc but finally is done, printed and shipped to the buyers. It was sold in a crowdfun ding project.
Sadly, as it was a crowdfunding, right now you can´t buy a full version, but the mods have plans to sell the book only in august - september! I will post here about it!
Also, check the zine page here on Tumblr for more info and any news about it:
Thank you very much! ^_^
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This is by no means a psa or some kind of be-all-end-all statement on the issue, but I do want to put my thoughts out there in case they reach ears that might benefit from them:
The Supercorp Zine doesn’t owe anyone a dialogue on its acceptance process. It’s extremely courteous of the mod team to do so, but it’s frankly not necessary.
For context, I’ve been an active artist in several fandoms for more than 10 years, now. I’ve also spent the vast majority of that time scrambling my way through an art education and trying to build a professional career. For various reasons, art is pretty much one of the only things I do. In the last 5 years, I’ve gotten 6 zine rejections. I’ve submitted a short film that took 8 cumulative months of work to festivals, been reviewed by industry professionals, and sat through my share of scathing criticism sessions in school. I know how much getting the “Thank you, but...” email sucks.
Making art is deeply personal. Even when it’s fan art for a neglected DC adaptation on the CW, it’s irremovable from yourself. Standing on the chopping block for a bunch of complete strangers to either nod or shake their heads at this enormous piece of yourself, at cumulative years of effort, is terrifying.
Maybe the emotions surrounding this fan project in particular are so strong because we as fans have so little presence and content that isn’t 100% fan-driven. We’ve been not-so-delicately strung along while being all but “officially” ignored for longer than most fandom presences of this size last. Most of us got here from Korrasami (canon), Swanqueen (cancelled), or Clexa (a mess, but... canon). While there’s comparatively little fan overlap, even Destiel is real, now. There is no modern equivalent to SC.
My point is that with no official content or even positive recognition, more spotlight and scrutiny inevitably falls on large-scale fan projects like the Zine. It’s easy to see why; the project has been wildly successful, and even got that thank-you note from Katie. But lucrative and popular though it may be, it’s still just that: A fan project, for charity, run in the free time of few fans with personal lives just as busy as yours or mine.
So, it’s important to remember that being rejected from one project, big as it is, is not a rejection from the fandom. And even if the vetting process were a popularity contest, which I can confidently assume that it isn’t given points which have already been made multiple times, a no-stakes charity fan project does not owe exhaustive explanation to the Why’s and the How’s. It just doesn’t.
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Are there any Sam-related things in the 'zine(s)? Big Sam fan, here!
Hello, Nonnie! With 100% Transparency, while the call for artists and authors stated that Gen material could be created, the Zine does skew more towards Destiel related items. However! The amazing Monch made a set of TFW Bookmarks - including one of Sam that reads Jerk. For the fics, there is one Gen fic that focuses on Sam & Dean over the years and one where Sam & Dean find themselves in a bit of a pickle and are rescued by someone that’s not Cas. I will also state that there is no Sam hate in any of the fics or work. That is one rule that is absolutely place. No hate on any of the characters (unless, you know, they’re a villain). I hope this answers your question!
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ao3feed-destiel · 5 years
Tip Your Drivers
Read it on AO3 here!https://ift.tt/2KPRYs2
by NadiaHart
Cas bounces on his toes, huffing out a breath that floats like fog before his eyes. If the pizza box in his hands wasn’t burning his flesh he’s sure he wouldn’t be able to feel anything below the elbow at this point. He’s really tempted to dig his cell phone out, again, to text the frat-douche who’s probably too stoned or drunk to even remember he’s got a pizza coming
The University of Kansas’ Alpha Sigma Phi branch is one of the oldest and largest fraternities on campus. Cas hates doing deliveries to the sprawling old plantation house. Hates driving up to it to hear music blasting and people having fun––having that ‘traditional college experience’, something Cas is woefully missing out on with his full course load and two part-time jobs. He hates these stupid rich boys with their whole lives handed to them on a silver platter.
Words: 2056, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Supernatural
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Dean Winchester, Castiel, Castiel (Supernatural)
Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester
Additional Tags: Fluff, Misunderstandings, Alternate Universe - College/University, Frat Boy Dean Winchester, Pizza Delivery boy Castiel, Pizza Delivery Person Castiel (Supernatural), Shy Dean Winchester, Jock Dean Winchester, Pretty Dean Winchester, Grumpy Castiel (Supernatural), Profound Bond Zine, Volume One, Profound: Destiel Fan Zine, Profound Zine: New Beginnings, meet ugly, Meet-Cute, Awkward Flirting, Awkward Dean Winchester, Crushes, Crush at First Sight, Happy Ending
Link: https://ift.tt/2KPRYs2
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