destielette1 replied to your photoset:jaccbfrye: you’re a good man. thank you.
@justanearth-boundmisfit i have this voice that keeps telling me that Jaime is the one who will kill Cersei , not Arya or anyone else, maybe he will die after that , maybe he will commit suicide but I definitely feel like he will kill her.
Yes, I totally agree with you. I don’t think that Arya is going to kill Cersei either, If the show is telling us something about Arya right now, is that she’s not ALL about revenge. And before this season as well: she had the opportunity to kill Tywin at Harrenhal and didn’t do it, when she learns that Jon is king in the north she chooses to go to Winterfell instead of King’s Landing to kill Cersei, when she discovers Clegane is alive, him being on her list is not even mentioned. 
Jamie on the other hand still has a long way to go imo, And if, like I said in my tags, the show chooses to go the same route that Melisandre and Theon, then he has to go too. I’m not very fond of Jamie, I know people forgive him a lot of things because of his relationship with Brienne, but when he was faced with Sansa he said he was not going to apologize for everything he did with the Ned situation. So I wonder if he is really that changed? 
Idk, maybe I’m wrong 150%, I’m not trying to be meta like *shudders*. I’m just speculating here, and sharing some thoughts. We also have Tyrion to think about, but for me he is another matter altogether. After all I don’t think that Bran is looking at him like that without a strong reason. I wonder if the Lannister House is going to be a goner too.
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destielette1 · 6 years
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Misha , oh Misha
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destielette1: replied to your post are we finding it ironic that Sara gamble has now...
@flyingcatstiel @justanearth-boundmisfit we were just talking about “realism” in fiction destielette1.tumblr.com… Why would I want to escape a dark a sad world to a fictional universe aven more sad and dark? I hate bad ending , one must be really masochist to love tragic endings
I don’t like tragic endings either, I totally prefer a happy one, because fiction is supposed to distract me for the pain and hurt the real life gets me. But I get the “dark side” of some shows, really I do, otherwise I wouldn’t be watching got, a show that kills main characters since season 1 and that, for sure, it’s going to be a bloodbath in its final season. I have watched shows that are truly painful, sad and heartbreaking, but I always felt that the story was really well constructed and that the final decision to, for example, kill a character, an important one at that, was really an addition to an excellent well written story, an end to a journey that was really well told or in the case of got with Ned’s death, a kick start to the whole conflict that came later.
BUT... when you give your audiences a death just for shock value, or when you repeat that story over and over again, like it’s the case of spn, because you’re out of ideas and you already know that works with a public that it’s used to that kind of trick... I call bullshit. I also call bullshit even more, when the one character you’re killing is part of an important ship (canon or fanon) and more so, if the ship is lgbt+, because it means that “bury your gays” is alive and doing well in a time when television writers should know better. 
It the case of The Magicians, and good old Gamble, she has kept the same tricks under her sleeve it seems, since her time on spn. She just doesn’t know how to deal with an actor’s exit without killing them. And she knows pretty well, according to the interviews I have read, what they were doing to their audience and to a ship that was really important to so many people. Again she played, she promised, and in the end she delivered a low blow. Not to say that the only culprit is Sera, the other show runners, the writers, and the writer of the books that gave the go ahead are all at fault too. But Sera holds a special place in my memories, the bad ones, as she did this before to Castiel and Misha, so that’s why I’m concentrated on her. 
TL;DR: tv shows can be dark, depressive, utterly realistic, and full of things that are going to bring us down. What matters is how that story is presented, developed and why the final destination is death. When you’re a show runner that can’t seem to give your mlm ships (twice in your career) nothing but a horrible, tragic ending just for shock value, you’re telling your audiences that they are not that important, and that for some reason lgbt+ ships need to keep having tragic endings. In an age when representation is key, that is incredible harmful and we should stop it.
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destielette1 replied to your post “It's fucking hilarious how you don't even have to give a hint...”
I sent the comment too fast anyway i was saying that the show and the fandom are agonizing, that’s a fact , I don’t think they can save it now , not with these writers , and not with the main reasons that made the show go to its 15th (no matter what the incest shippers say) are being treated like shit and literally killed, and I’m talking about both Cas and destiel. 
We lost so many good people , so many excellent meta writers , like awed frog for example, people are fed up, thousands Shippers get fed up of their queer baiting and left the show, and it shows in the ratings. And the way the show been pandering to incest Shippers lately made things even uglier , I will always cherish Cas and Destiel no matter what , but I will not keep a good memory of Spn. I always said that a show success doesn’t lie in its longevity but in its ending , 
The shows that end badly are quickly forgotten , the main actors of these show often pay for the writers errors and they rarely find other significative roles again, just look at the actors of lost, this getting really long , I needed to someone who is not an hypocrite , thank you for trying to stay honest and don’t ever change , love you 🌹
I hope you don’t mind I put all your comments together because I think they are on point. And coming from you, and how much I know you love Destiel and Cas are incredible important right now. 
Under the cut the rest because it got long... as usual...
I agree almost completely in all that you say. And I say almost because I think when spn ends is not going to be forgotten or forgiven. It’s going to stay in the history of queerbaiting tv forever. It’s already happening even before the show ends, the only thing that maintains it like you say, it’s destiel and Cas, and I’m saying this not as a shipper or a Cas’ fan, it’s simple facts. We don’t have to search too hard for these facts either, destiel has been on lists with otps and canon ships on major sites for quite a while now, everybody knows that making a list with deancas is surely going to get thousands of clicks, the polls always have them for the same reason. The amount of fics, art, codas, metas, articles about them is incredible. And we are talking about a ship that is not canon, and that Dabb made sure to kill it dead. Imagine if things were different, just imagine. 
That’s why I say that spn is going to go infamous in that respect, is going to be up there with Sherlock, and the meltdown johnlock created is going to pale with the one we are going to have with spn. It’s going to be hard af to watch and I have been saying “please don’t listen or read meta bs that is is lying to you because is not healthy” like a parrot, because I KNOW some people are going to get hurt so so much. 
I’m glad that I can finally started to distance myself a little from the show and from the ship, it’s really liberating not to be so down or angry all the time. Or just waiting for my 3 minutes of Cas every now and then just to be disappointed again, I’m not letting tptb do that to me ever again. And yeah it’s fiction, but fiction can hurt you too, can turn into an obsession, and that’s what happened with spn on so many levels... Tptb play with that constantly, and worst of all they know VERY WELL what they are doing. Metas like to talk about how “everything is so well crafted in the writer’s room!” and that “everything has a reason to be” yeah the reason is to keep fans watching, buying merch, going to cons, and spending money. Sorry not sorry, but spn at this point is so clearly just all about the money tptb can get out of fandom. 
What is sad af, it’s the lost potential, spn could’ve been incredible, not only if destiel went canon, but if the writing wasn’t so shitty, repetitive and boring. Also metas likes to point out how “season 14 is all about characterization” lmao! If the 300th ep proved something is that they dgaf about characterization! They brought back John with a storyline that didn’t make sense AT ALL, it was pure fan service. They also like to point out how much the bros have expanded their family and “it’s not about only them anymore”. But again, the 300th proved them wrong, it’s all about blood family, it’s all about the bros (and I totally agree with you that we have so many wincest winks lately wtf). I have talked so many times why this is not going to change, that I feel the deja vu running through my veins. They have a formula, a formula that gave them 15 seasons, they are not going to change it, even if the ratings are down, they are stuck with their bs. Dabb’s era is the worst that I have seen, and I’m not afraid to say it. Even when I hated Gamble for so long, at least we had great eps now and then. But these last three years oh gods, they are so bad! They totally destroyed Cas and Dean, and deancas, and the myth arcs and lore were non-existent to them. Continuity? What’s that? And don’t make me talk about their obsession with abusive white males that they keep bringing back or giving a redemption arc too (ketch, john, nick/lucifer to name a few).  
Ugh... there’s so much more to REALLY analyze about spn, instead of writing about parallels and the light, and the wardrobe. But alas, I’m no meta, and I’m really tired of all their bs. What I feel the most is the lost of great bloggers, friends and fans, I terribly missed them. Nowadays we have to go around social media, esp twitter, being really careful about what you say, otherwise the horde of positivity police will bury you shouting “you’re a casonly! you’re bitter and that is as bad as being a bronly! you’re the dark side of the fandom!” And that’s why metas and their positivity policing are also responsible for destroying fandom. It shows in the amount of blogs that are deleted or changed by fans, it shows in the mess that fanfiction is right now, it shows in the wars that we have and how much the fandom is divided. We have to thank them for that imo, I have seen them in action, I have experienced their policing. But idgaf about what they say about me or my little blog. I’m not shutting up, they can all go fuck themselves because I’m not forgiving or forgetting how much they clapped when tptb killed Cas in season 12. And they call US the dark side of the fandom? Lmao!
Sorry it go this long. But I’m venting and ranting, well you know me at this point. And I want to really thank you for your last words, because I know that we have different opinions on certain matters but you always showed me so much respect... I really appreciate it like you have no idea, because it shows me that we can all exchange opinions or think different but also we can be decent with each other. For me you’re one of the greatest in this fandom. I have to thank spn, despite everything, that I could meet people like you. All the hugs, and love you too. 
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destielette1 replied to your post “”
Don’t be rude , no way he’s talking about destiel, we know how much he hates the idea so I guess he means incest ��‍♀️
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You are salty af too tonight, and I’m loving it!! <3
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replied to your post
“Supernatural bosses on why now’s the right time for John’s return ...”
They are not only shitting on Cas , they are more and more pandering to the incest shippers and everybody is ignoring this fact , they could make incest canon and some meta bullshitters would still try to convince us that it was all Destiel subtext
Yes exactly. And although I really don’t care much anymore because I stopped watching, I hate the hypocrisy you know? Bronlies like to complain and complain about how the show is not about S&D anymore, but that’s because they want a show with only two characters and a car. The truth is spn never stopped being about the bros-only. There are several people on the writing room that are so chummy with bronlies, that even wrote a character for them (bobo/superwiki 5ever right?)
Also metas showed how they are biased af this lasts days, when they defended wincest shippers. So incest is a-ok? But being a cas bitter fan or only watching for Cas is SO horrible that they made memes about it trashing us. Fantastic! All in all if you don’t think like they do, they just trash you. But don’t touch their incest shippers friends or their bronly apologist super writer, or dare to say that you watch for Cas... because they will come for you and call you the “dark side of the fandom”.
Destiel is pretty dead, imo, because all the great and classic lines that they had were given to other characters, moments that they shared were also recycled and given to Dean and Jack. If season 13 separated Cas and Dean with tables, chaperones, and camera angles so they were not facing each other, season 14 is the season of take everything that was iconic to destiel and give it away, so people can think that it was not that special. 
But metas don’t talk about it shhhhhhhh. They don’t make parallels between what was destiel back when it really existed and now when they are trying to kill it with a big fucking knife through the heart. I read somewhere that the interaction between Pam and Dean was about Destiel, and I didn’t know wth they were talking about, someone posted a clip, and after seeing it I lol’d like no tomorrow. I put meta on my ts blacklist. I don’t want to see their bs anymore. 
Destiel is at its peak point of being used as bait. This is the bros fest, idk why people keep trying to present it as another thing. Spn is this utterly boring repetitive af series , now with a new flavor: abusive daddy is coming back and everything is a party, with a side of “some characters” and huge crumbs of Cas, Misha and destiel because they know people watch it for that. 
Sorry it got long.
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destielette1 replied to your post “You know saying Happy New Year is always hard for me. Mostly because I...”
Happy new year my friend , even if we are not always on the same page , i have great respect for you and I love you just the way you are don’t ever change 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
Thank you darling! Your words mean a lot, really. And right back at you. You are an amazing person that is always showing love and respect. All the best for the new year, you deserve it. And all the hugs!!
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