#destined promise
lovekia · 5 months
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whim-prone-pirate · 1 year
olivia rodrigo set herself up years ago as a young female pop icon and she just tricked millions into listening to melodic punk + alt fem rock. love her for that.
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Errors, "Errors," and Sci Fi: The Nail Gun Gray Zone
I have more thoughts on errors in sci fi, specifically what does and does not count as an error. So I made a graph.
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I'm a firm believer that at some point, your story will just be better if you bend certain rules of reality. A story with 100% realistic gun battles will be impossible for audiences to follow. One with ultra-realistic dialog will be boring and impossible to follow.
HOWEVER. Ice floats in water. Residents of now-Phoenix in the 1700s might've not known that, but it's hard to imagine anyone alive today who hasn't at minimum seen an image of a drink with ice in it. So GI Joe (2009) hinging a major plot point on a block of ice sinking in liquid water is widely regarded as silly and world-breaking. Same goes for The Strangers (2008) making a character unable to use her phone while it's plugged in and charging. Even in 2008, a solid majority of U.S. moviegoers owned cell phones and regularly used them as they were plugged in. Errors. Firmly.
But on the opposite end of the spectrum, you have "errors" that only bug a small subset of your audience with relevant expertise. You can always count on some of that subset to take to Reddit and whine pedantically about a 10-round gun firing 11 rounds, but I doubt those count as errors. My personal example is the lack of a character named Surprise in Inside Out — I've studied and taught Paul Ekman's theories, so to me the fact that they included only 5 of his 6 "universal" affects is always going to look weird. But I know that's less an error than a pet peeve, because there wouldn't be much for the character Surprise to do that isn't taken up by Fear or Joy. (The sequel also has a Surprise-ish and a Contempt-ish character, so there's that.) Same goes for the water main not being pressurized correctly in Batman Begins — I'll take city planners' word for it that Scarecrow's plan wouldn't work, but COME ON. It's a sci fi movie about a furry who makes a living punching aliens. If you want realism, watch a documentary.
That said. There's also that middle zone. What I call the Nail Gun Gray Zone, because it really is hard to tell how much some errors are obscure and piddly, how much they're mainstream and obvious. Because. Nail guns can't shoot nails. They're not projectile weapons. Not unless the story takes the time to show a character modifying the tool to override the fact that it has to be pressed flush against a board before it will fire. BUT. If you told me "99% of modern Americans know that!" I'd believe you. If you told me "only professional contractors know that!" I'd believe you. That poll clarified basically nothing — roughly 25% of respondents had used a nail gun, ~25% didn't know much about them, and ~50% had only seen one used. (I didn't ask "do you know that a nail gun can't be used as a projectile weapon" because then anyone who read the question should by definition answer "yes.")
Anyway, I think that a lot of online arguments about errors/"errors" in sci fi can be captured by the Nail Gun Gray Zone. Most of us can agree that only pedantic blowhards would say that the lack of Surprise ruins Inside Out, and most of us can agree that it'd be nice if The Strangers had simply broken Kristen's phone. Nail guns? One person's "oh come on, that looks ridiculous!" is another person's "it's called a nail gun, right? so why not use it like a gun?" and I don't think doing more polls will resolve it one way or another.
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demigods-posts · 6 months
i just thinks it's neat that luke's whole shtick is targeting demigods whose faith in the gods and their environment are weakening. and one of the last people he visits before he turns is annabeth.
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guy who so desperately tries to find god. who wants to have faith in a higher authority to guide him out of the hole he's in. from the weight of guilt from simply existing, as the person he is. but every time he thinks he's answered his higher calling it turns out he's made the Morally Incorrect choice and his path to goodness and holiness was the road to the devil all along
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sidraofthewildflowers · 7 months
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“Have we ever thought that being lost is our destination?”
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Ace Attorney 4, 5, and 6 + troubled birds
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eloise175 · 7 months
Callisto trying to stop Penelope from leaving for the excavation sites and her honest reaction:
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Callisto has malewife potential, the way he wanted to crown Penelope as the Emperor and he’d be her spouse sksksksks. He wanted to be her trophy husband lmao. This happened at some point, canon I was there, I was the pillow Callisto hid underneath the robes, pretty sure they had a conversation that went like this
Penelope: I’ll go—
Callisto: I’m pregnant.
Penelope: what.
Callisto: I’m with child, and it’s yours
Penelope: how.
Callisto: we didn’t use protection, didn’t you say you were going to get me pregnant if we were to get stuck in a closet? That was not a closet, but it most definitely worked. You can’t leave your pregnant spouse to be just like that.
Penelope: get rid of that pillow. now.
Callisto: this is OUR CHILD
Penelope: do not. I will deny your weekly visits.
Callisto: *throws away pillow all harumph harumph* fine! come here, we’re getting to work for the real deal since you’ve denied me this child
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zephyrins · 2 months
The saddest part of the final boss is that summoning Thiollier and Ansbach makes the fight only more difficult.
They are too squishy, don't do much damage, and usually die during early phase two, but the boss with them has more health. Even if they are designed to die and say their lines, I cannot read what they're saying because I'm too focused not to miss a hit
I love summoning NPCs, it makes the world feel less empty and gives me a moment to breathe, but in this case, I defeated the boss only by NOT summoning these two
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asurrogateblog · 4 months
do you think if enough of us promised to become vegetarians we could get paul to admit to something
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lovekia · 5 months
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jowoanofheart · 2 months
yall suffered with the dlc? really? this was lightwork compared to some dlcs i know
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swoosbadfuture · 5 months
HEY YOU! yes you
you know that horror franchise…. what’s it called uhh…..Last Place…. No…. uhhh … End Stop…. no that’s not it either…. erm …….
AH ! Final Destination. that thing. do you like final destination. do you want to find friends .
well buddy i sure do have news for you
(the news is a discord server invite . come join we’re silly here)
ian mckinley dislikers NOT welcome /silly (but also kinda serious (leave the babyboy alone))
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cosmereplay · 10 months
Poll for current, former, or future Stormlight fanartists!
It seems that many fanartists (and even artists who make canon Stormlight art) go through a period where they've assumed that the characters are basically Fantasy White, and then there's a period of relearning what the characters look like from WoBs or other sources, and maybe even having to learn how to draw epicanthic folds and different skin tones. Judging by the stormlight tag, it's a big learning curve for a lot of people, and I'm curious what that curve is like for artists!
Since tumblr polls are anonymous, please be honest what it's been like for you as a current, former, or future Stormlight fanartist:
If none of these apply, hit reblog, then stick another copy in your drafts to see the results next week!
Please note this isn't the place to complain about whitewashed fanart (though Ash knows we also need that, just elsewhere, not here). This is specifically about the experiences of artists, and at the same time raising awareness of the features of these canonical fantasy ethnicities.
If you're an artist and you'd like to share about your own learning curve in the replies, notes, or privately via DM, go ahead!
And if this doesn't end up with at least 50% in the yeses then I'm throwing it out for self-selection bias😂😂😂
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sidra-de-callisto · 10 months
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Okay, but if you think about it, you can open this image full on your phone and then place your phone between your nose and above your upper lip (and tilting the phone back a little) and VOILÀ!!!
You will be immersed in this special scene where Callisto will be covering your mouth!!!
Isn't it fantastic? (���●⁠♡⁠∀⁠♡⁠)
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hellgram · 9 months
also with all the damage the show did to jon's reputation as a good northern lad and wildling i hope germ comes out with like. yeah he's rhaegar and lyanna's son and the name she gave him while bleeding out on the birthing bed alone but for her big brother holding her hand in a tower with no way to know that baby aegon had been murdered leaving the title of Egg 6 up for grabs was like. howland.
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