#frolicking rhythm
lovekia · 5 months
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zorosimpclub · 9 months
flirting gone wrong – Zoro SFW
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characters: zoro roronoa x strawhat fem!reader
fluff | mild angst but happy ending | SFW
word count: 3k
Y/N had only recently become a member of the crew, yet her connection with the Strawhats seemed to transcend time. Since stepping foot on the ship, she instantly gravitated to the blunt swordsman. She found herself drawn to him with a magnetic force, taking every opportunity to engage in playful banter, causing a subtle blush to grace his cheeks and today was no different.
She frolicked over to a napping Zoro, stopping directly in front of him, grinning widely. "Hi Zoro!”
"What's it now?" he grumbled, his tone a mixture of annoyance and curiosity.
Undeterred by his initial gruffness, she flashed a playful smile, leaning casually against the mast.
"Just checking if your sense of direction has improved cutie." she teased – her words were met with a deepening scowl, but she could detect a flicker of amusement in his eye.
Zoro let out an exasperated sigh. "I told you not to call me that.”
"Why? You're cute though!" she exclaimed, her words carrying a playful melody as she clung to the mast, swaying with the gentle rhythm of the boat. The sea breeze tousled her hair, creating a whimsical backdrop to their conversation.
The swordsman rolled his eyes. “You’d think after all this time, I wouldn’t have to keep telling you. I’m not the type to get so easily flustered over compliments. It’s rather irritating, actually.”
She couldn't help but pout a little, a mischievous glint in her eyes as she continued to shower him with compliments. Part of her, sure… was doing it to mess with him, to unravel the composed facade he wore so effortlessly around everyone. Yet, beneath the teasing, a genuine crush bubbled within her. There was something about being around him that awakened her flirtatious side, butterflies thrashed around her stomach whenever he was around.
Despite the annoyance he'd been expressing, Zoro couldn't deny a faint blush that crept up on his cheeks. The way she kept egging him on, calling him all kinds of compliments and just generally being a tease.
"You know, some people might misinterpret your words as you hitting on me."
She twirled around the mast, laughing heartily, "I AM hitting on you, handsome.”
Zoro, caught off guard by her directness, raised an eyebrow. His scowl deepened as he crossed his arms,"Well, cut it out. I don't need any distractions."
"Distractions? Zoro, I'd say I'm more of an enhancement to your daily routine.”
"Well, that is not the case from my perspective, it's clear that you have little understanding of how distracting your presence can be." He grumbled, running a hand through his short hair.
"Oh, you find me that distracting?" She smirked flirtatiously, "I had no idea I had that type of effect on you, gorgeous.”
Zoro's irritation seemed to momentarily waver, his single eye narrowing as he tried to regain control of the situation. Her audacity, however, seemed to chip away at his usual stoic demeanour, only momentarily though.
""Don't get ahead of yourself, botanist. You're just—"
But before Zoro could finish his retort, she playfully cut him off, a teasing smile playing on her lips. "Just what? Too much for you to handle?”
"There's nothing too much for me to handle…" he said, his gaze flicking away from her, attempting to regain some semblance of composure, he hated the heat that settled.
"Y-You're just... too…damn irritating!"
He turned his attention back to her, meeting her gaze. "Is there any particular reason you keep pestering me? It's like you've become insufferable all of a sudden, constantly spouting your flirtatious nonsense. Looks like you’re spending too much time with that damned love cook."
She chuckled, twirling a strand of hair between her fingers. "Well, maybe I just enjoy seeing you squirm, Zoro. Besides admit it, you want to be with me sweetheart!”
"I'm not squirming." his voice was stiff as he tried to keep himself from losing his cool completely. Yet, as difficult as it was to deny, the swordsman's face was visibly flushed, his lips drawn into a tight lipped frown.
"I simply find your presence to be very annoying. Why would anyone even want to be with you?!" he snapped angrily.
Her eyes widened, resembling saucers. For a moment, she remained silent, her usual chatty demeanour replaced by an unusual quietude. It was a rare sight to witness the botanist in such a state.
"Ah... gotcha." Her words hung in the air…she hesitated, struggling to find the right words, "I won't bother you anymore. Sorry for annoying you."
Zoro stood in stunned silence as he watched her turn her back and walk away, his confusion quickly turning into regret and guilt. What just happened? He'd never seen that kind of reaction from her before, the woman who always had a witty remark ready to go.
Watching her leave with her shoulders slumped and her head hung low was a difficult sight, and the swordsman couldn't help but mumble, "I…I didn’t mean that…”
But it was too late, she was already gone.
She quickly scurried away to the kitchen, where she'd hoped Sanji would be and much to her luck, he was. Sanji and her had gotten extremely close since her time here so far, both similar in the sense that they would openly flirt with the object of their desires with no shame – that is, until today apparently.
Letting out a weary sigh, she slouched into the dining chair, her eyes fixed on Sanji as he methodically cleaned the kitchen. The rapport between her and Sanji had always been solid, built on shared jokes, comfort, and a mutual understanding.
"Hey Sanji."
Sanji's attention was initially diverted at the sound of his name, followed by a slight flicker of happiness upon hearing her stir behind him. He finished wiping down the counter with a rag before setting it down upon the counter next to him.
"Oh, hello there my sweet." he smirked, turning to fully face her, ready to be his usual flirty self. His demeanour shifted slightly however as soon as he noticed her downcast expression.
"Are you okay, my love?"
She sunk into the chair and groaned slightly, "Yeah...I’m okay.”
Sanji was quick to recognise that her mood was off, and it concerned him greatly. Despite their playful dynamic, he had always been one of the first ones (and sometimes the only one) to know when she was upset about something.
"Something's wrong." he spoke softly, quickly walking towards her, his hands reaching out to take both of her hands within his. "Tell me what happened."
He sat next to her and gently caressed her hand with his fingers.
“I think Zoro hates me.”
Sanji froze for a few seconds, a mix of shock and concern evident throughout his expression. He squeezed her hand tightly as a sense of frustration washed over him. It was obvious that the dumbass swordsman had feelings for her, it's just likely that he wasn't aware of it yet.
"Hate you? I don't believe that for a second, Zoro is just like that sometimes. He can be quite moody."
"Why would you think that he hates you?"
She felt tears sting her eyes, threatening to spill from them all at once but she held them back. “He said, ‘Why would anyone even want to be with you?’ I think I completely miscalculated everything, part of me thought that he had feelings for me but you didn’t see him Sanji, he was furious. He meant that.”
Her voice was so soft, fragile... he couldn't bear to see her like this. The sight of tears brimming her eyes sent a rush of anger down Sanji's spine, his teeth clenching together. His grip tightened around her hands, the sudden change in mood made evident by the dark expression on his face.
"I assure you that you are not the one miscalculating things. That guy hasn't the slightest clue about what he really feels, I've seen that look too many times. It's the face of a stupid man with no self-awareness."
She smiled weakly at him, it was clear that Sanji was trying to make her feel better. She squeezed his hand gently – an unspoken thank you because if she opened her mouth to speak right now, she knew she would start crying.
Sanji noticed how tight of a grip she had on his hand, sensing how she was on the cusp of breaking down. He leaned over and stroked her head, hoping its spontaneity would catch her off guard and put a temporary end to this discussion.
"Let's go and do something to distract you instead of overthinking things, my love. How about I whip you up your favourite pancake hm?" He smiled gently before going to the cooking area, rummaging for the ingredients.
A smile spread across her lips. His concern was certainly apparent, Sanji was clearly doing his best to ensure that she felt better.
"That sounds lovely." she stood up, following him towards the kitchen and taking a seat at one of the empty bar chairs. Her eyes shifted to a different topic as she watched him cook, trying her best not to let her mind wander back to Zoro's words.
Zoro on the other hand was pacing back and forth along the deck, hyping himself up to go apologise to her. He wasn't the best with understanding feelings but even he could tell that his words had hurt her a lot. Sighing, he made his way to the kitchen.
He was about enter but stopped himself very quickly when he heard the sound of her laugher ring throughout the kitchen. Zoro watched as the stupid cook placed a beautiful stack of pancakes in front of her and kissed her forehead. He watched as she smiled up at the damn love cook so gently. He never, ever saw her smile at him like that.
The swordsman's eyebrows dipped slightly, his expression shifting to one of frustration and anger as he observed them from afar. His attention was fixated on their exchange, taking note of how the love cook was clearly much more gentle and attentive to her feelings compared to himself.
His grip around his swords tightened as his blood boiled with jealousy and envy. Why on earth was he feeling like this? This feeling was so foreign to him – it felt like there was a lump growing in the back of his throat. Before he could dwell much on his new set of emotions, he stormed off to the crow’s nest where he would workout so hard that he forgot how he felt.
She happily ate away at the delicious treat Sanji had set in front of her, it never failed to make her feel better. "Thanks Sanji, this really helped! I think I'm going to get some rest back at my quarters."
Sanji nodded and smiled gently again, before glancing at the spot he saw Zoro watch them from. He was observant and he knew the stoic swordsman had seen him fuss over her. It was so annoying for Sanji to watch the idiot mess things up for himself that he decided that it was time he intervened. He made his way to the crow's nest, knowing that he would be there.
The swordsman had been there for quite a while, his heavy workout sessions allowing him to clear his mind and escape the frustrating emotions he was experiencing. He pushed himself till he was on the very verge of exhaustion, his heart pounding furiously in his chest.
Just as he was about to call it quits, he heard Sanji enter the crow’s nest from the corner of his ear. He immediately stopped his workout, leaning against the nearest wall and inhaling sharply after a few minutes of intense physical exertion.
"What do you want, stupid cook?" His words sounded harsher than usual and he wasn't sure why that was.
Sanji leaned against the wall and lit a cigarette, “You’re so oblivious.”
An annoyed snort escaped from him as he quickly put on a dismissive expression. "What do you mean?"
His tone was sharp, no doubt trying to hide his lingering jealousy. "I have no desire to deal with you right now, why are you here?"
Sanji dragged smoke from his cigarette before sighing, he wasn't even sure why he really wanted them to clear up the misunderstanding. Maybe because it was painful to watch two people who clearly have strong feelings for each other misunderstanding those very feelings.
"Zoro." He said sternly, he rarely used his name unless he was serious about something. "I know your slow brain hasn't registered it yet but you have feelings for her."
His breath hitched as his blood suddenly ran cold at Sanji's words. He had never felt this shocked or bewildered in his life, the idea of having feelings for another was something he simply couldn't wrap his head around. It’s not something he had actively thought about.
"W-What? No." he denied, shaking his head.
Sanji sighed, this was going to be harder than he thought because this man clearly had trouble processing emotion. "Yeah? So you don't mind if I go for her then? I know you saw our moment in the kitchen earlier.”
"I was just—“ he stumbled over his words as the reality began to sink in, his cheeks tinted pink. In his heart he knew that Sanji had hit it on the nail, but was it wrong of him to feel reluctant about being so vulnerable?
He was an arrogant and blunt swordsman, not a hopeless romantic...he was embarrassed by the very thought of feeling this way.
“You’re right.” He stood there, feeling a rush of emotions come over him. “Shit, how do I fix this, cook?”
Sanji smirked slightly, it seemed that this robot had emotions other than frustration after all. He dropped his cigarette and squished it with his shoes.
"Finally." He was grinning fully now, "Took you long enough moss head."
Meanwhile, Y/N was laying on her bed, trying to force herself to fall asleep – but it didn't happen. Sighing, she sat up when she heard a knock, it was most likely Sanji checking up on her...or so she thought.
She was in for a shock when he saw that it wasn't the him who knocked on her door, it was Zoro. He stood at the doorway, looking more troubled than ever before. The swordsman seemed to be lost in many thoughts, a slight smirk playing at his lips.
"Can I come in?"
"U-Uh sure..." She opened the door fully to let him inside before shutting it behind her.
Zoro slowly stepped inside, his eyes flitting about as he took in his surroundings. He seemed slightly uneasy, with his expression shifting between uncertainty and confidence.
Finally, his eyes locked onto the botanist, his expression softening.
"Have you been able to get any sleep?" he began, his tone gentle, which was unusual for him.
"...Not really." She wanted to say more, but she couldn't make herself, she could barely even hold his eye contact.
A soft sigh escaped his lips as he noticed how nervous she seemed to be. Her eyes seemed to dart around and her words were short and limited.
Without warning, he approached her slowly, before gently lifting up her chin until their eyes were connected.
“Look at me.”
She gasped softly not expecting him to touch her, or see the look in his eyes for that matter. His eyes sparkled in the dim lighting, as if he was looking straight into her soul. It took her by surprise how soft his voice was, so soft that it felt tender and gentle.
“Firstly, I'm sorry for being harsh with you earlier...”
The swordsman’s words were tinged with worry and concern, he was now closer to her than before, their bodies were almost touching.
She remained silent, not knowing how to react. This was all new to her, she had never seen this side to him. The swordsman continued with his apology, his hand inching closer to her cheek as he did so.
“I didn't know I was being so cruel, I wasn't aware of just how much my words impacted you... you didn't deserve that.”
Zoro was never one to admit his faults, as he always thought that doing so made him look weak, but he couldn’t hide his true thoughts from her. She felt herself tear up slightly, feeling overwhelmed with emotion but she let him continue.
Zoro’s heart felt heavy, her silent tears were more than he could handle.
“And then... there’s the other thing…”
He was hesitant to say the words that he wanted to say, unsure if she was prepared to hear them.
“When I was working out, Sanji pointed out to me that I had strong feelings for you... and, well, I denied it at first but...”
Her eyes widened as she felt a million butterflies erupt in her stomach all at once, was he admitting to what she thought he was admitting to? She felt like she had to pinch herself to make sure this was reality.
“... that was when I realised, that I actually do have very strong feelings for you. I think… I’m in love with you.””
The swordsman’s eyes remained locked on her the entire time, he was waiting for her to react, waiting to see if she felt the same way. His body was warm and his heart fluttered in his chest at an unusually fast pace.
She felt a lone tear stumble down her cheek. For a moment, time stood still. He could sense the mix of emotion within her, the sense of both sadness and happiness, and he thought it was absolutely beautiful.
The swordsman had not expected this moment, but he wasn’t going to shy away from it.
“Do you feel the same way?” he asked softly, his eyes still locked on hers.
She nodded and spoke out softly with a shaky breath, "Yes...I do. I have for a very long time now.”
The swordsman’s lips curved into a soft smile, a genuine wave of joy washing over him as he took in her response. It was music to his ears, like a song that he had always wanted to hear.
His eyes glistened as he approached a bit closer and rested his hands on both sides of her waist, leaning down slightly to brush his lips with hers before pressing it against hers.
The kiss was soft and gentle, as if his lips were afraid to damage her like they did prior. His breath was slightly shaken and his heart pounded furiously in his chest.
Zoro didn’t want to pull away from the kiss, he wanted to feel every last bit of her presence and warmth against his own body. His fingers dug slightly into her waist, just enough to let her know that he was there. His lips soon parted from hers and he smiled down at her ever so gently.
She smiled up at him, mentally etching his smile in her mind, this very moment – all of it.
He ran his fingers through her hair as they remained close together, a feeling the swordsman had never felt before.
He felt a sense of relief wash over him, a feeling that told him everything was going to be alright. He had never felt so much pleasure at such a casual moment, but he wished it could stay like this forever.
“I think… I love you too.”
this was a request from @dinuxia-bhm, hope you all enjoyed it! please let me know if there's a certain fic you wanted me to write :) this was really fun!
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lovelykhaleesiii · 10 months
A King to Fear...
PAIRING: King!Aegon ii Targaryen x Stark!fem!Reader
WORDS: 2,218.
SUMMARY: What you had intended to be a short, innocent trip to King's Landing, had turned into a bitter pleasure that would forever change the course of your life.
WARNINGS: thicc!aegon, infidelity [on Aegon's part], swearing, thigh riding, breeding kink, corruption kink, degradation kink, exhibitionism, p in v sexual intercourse, female receiving (fingering), brief mentions of cockwarming/creampie.
A/N - since the trailer dropped, the little glimpses we got of Aeg continue to haunt me and this is the product... I need this man to down me so bad, it's not funny anymore.
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The chiming bells had rung a bellowing rhythm throughout the city. You felt as though the ancient, stone walls themselves shuddered from the distant echoes of the bells, shaking its very foundation, that Aegon, the Second of His Name, now roamed as the newly anointed King of the Seven Kingdoms.
His liege Kingsguard had rounded the spare subjects, yourself included, like shepherds tending to their frolicking herd. A part of you rooted inside, taunted at you for ever thinking it logical to leave Winterfell. Had Cregan received news of the scandalous outpour in the city, you were certain the wolves would be on the hunt... It was only a matter of when their arrival you had anticipated anxiously.
Hesitantly making your gradual way into the throne with the harrowing sound of scuttling feet, as you felt yourself confined in the centre of the bewildered crowd: every lord and lady by your side fearful of the King before them...
You had seen Aegon in passing before, during his days as a Targaryen Prince. You never found his looming presence to be threatening, nor intimidated by his appeal, often absent from royal events, or found drowning himself in his cups. Yet the young ladies of the court spoke often of his infidelity, that was all you could gather of the eldest Prince. Yet, in this precise moment, a different man sat atop the throne with might, and with his identical face.
Your gut viscously churned as your sole attention remained fixated on the young King. His hair had grown an inch longer, now resting atop his broad shoulders, his ruggedly handsome face looked fuller, as to match the sturdiness of his body. Mahaps, he grew to fit the heavy burden of the crown. He sat perfectly on the Iron Throne, as if the seat was made precisely in dedication to him. Those strange, alluring lilac eyes, remnants of the ancient ancestors of Old Valyria, remained visible as his stern eyes gazed upon his entering subjects. Rather than looking empty and sullen, as you had often remembered, there was a darker, more jeopardising tinge to their hidden intent.
"You stand before King Aegon, the Second of His Name, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men. You have all been led to swear and declare your loyalties to the true King and heir of the Seven Kingdoms. Honour your King, and be rewarded generously... Or suffer the consequences of your treachery."
The uproar from the familiar faced, Dornish knight, Ser Criston Cole, sent an immediate wave of chills across your body. The familiar and other strange faces surrounding you began to anxiously peer, stretching from one another, as you all questioned the ordeal.
One by one, Ser Criston has called upon the noble houses, and those that stood present to come forth, some needing to be harshly pulled apart from the crowd, to make known. And one by one, some would see to it that the reward be mercy itself, whilst others, had been dragged away, in support of their loyalties and ties to Rhaenyra Targaryen.
The horrific sight before you, the terrifying screeches and screams of husbands and wives being separated, engraved into your saddened memory. You had completely grown oblivious to Aegon's silent presence, as his henchmen carried out his work.
It was only when the dark, booming echo of his voice, uttering the word "stop" had halted the commotion, an uneasy stillness filled the room.
"What of the North?"
The unseeing mention of home, had captured your attention fervently. As you turned towards the voice that spoke of your livelihood, you were met with the unfaltering gaze belonging to the King himself, his attention had already been fixated onto you, before the eyes of the room followed.
"Th-The North, your Grace?"
"Speak up to your King, woman!" Ser Criston Cole's voice boomed, an aggressive passion seeping through his words.
"I-I have no control over the judgement of the North your Grace, nor their fealty to the throne... I am merely a woman of the North."
"You are not Cregan Stark's younger sister? The beloved she-wolf of the North, that as I have heard, every man has pined and fawned for? Every Northern man, boy and bastard born has sworn to protect with their lives... It is you that, am I to believe, has no indifference with the North?"
Your anxious breath hitched in your throat, struggling to compel the words from your stuttering lips, that would ultimately determine your fate. You felt the dire wish for Cregan and his pack of wolves to burst through the grand, oak doors, ready at arms to savour your life. Those sworn men that Aegon had mentioned, were absent and you felt petrified.
"Y-Your Grace, I-"
"Everyone, out! Except for the she-wolf of the North."
"Aegon-" The sternly still tone of his grandsire, the Hand, Otto Hightower, proclaimed from the foot of the steps. Witnessing the exchange of their grim stares, almost convinced they had exchanged heated words telepathically, did his Grandsire finally retreat defeatedly, disappearing into a door in some narrow corridor. His Kingsguard were the last to leave, Ser Criston in particular, as he took the responsibility to body search you for weapons at arms. Your elder brother had from time to time introduced you to such weapons, yet you felt no obligation to soak in the training, and with your racing mind and empty hands, you had no hope to fight your way out of this.
The sudden shudder of the doors creaking close, sent your body into a complete state of suspense, frosting up like frozen petals during the winter.
"So it is true, I see. That your beauty was captivating enough to lure men to seal their fate. A fate to protect your own greedy, little life... Where are these men now to save you from me?"
Your eyes darted from the stony, grey steps of the throne, back to the hefty King that sat atop the violent throne. You felt his lilac orbs swallowing you whole, as your stomach churned uneasily against his words, desperately holding your hands together ever so tightly to avoid the terrible habit of fidgeting.
"The whispers that reach your ear from the North, your Grace, can be skewered. As I said before, I hold no power over the council of men... Even in the North."
"Do not toy with me, woman... I am the King, the rightful heir by law, and by the Gods. I want to hear where you stand in judgement of my reign."
"My opinion is not credible, your Grace. I-I hold no value here-"
"Answer me- Or I will fuck the answer out of you."
A flustering heat waved over you, as the sudden outburst and intent of Aegon's carnal words sparked an interest in you, snatching your complete attention once more.
"I-I cannot say I extend the pledges taken by my ancestors to heart. I do not know you, my Grace, nor do I know of your kin... I-I take a more... liberal approach."
"Get up here-"
Instead and wrongfully so, you felt your feet shifting backwards, taking slow paces back, adding more distance between yourself and the man who calls himself King. The chill in his tone felt colder than the blizzards of the North.
Your thoughts had swayed to their senses, as your body became intact with your mind once more. Rather than ignorantly disobeying, you adhered to Aegon's command, taking hesitant step by step paces up the stony steps until you were a step beneath his Grace. Admiring him this up close, in finer detail, you noticed the faded scars across his supple face: unlike his younger brother, Aegon was much fuller, less lean. He had a bulkier build, and a more threatening, uneasy appeal.
"Wrong answer.... It seems the she-wolf has met her match with the dragon."
Aegon subtly reached over, pulling you strongly in by the arm, closing the last remaining distance between, as you felt his touch beneath your sensitive skin. He remained seated, almost as if he had been forged to the Iron Throne, as his hungry eyes lurked over every inch and detail of your body, before meeting your gaze peering wearisomely down above.
"Is the she-wolf scared? Does the dragon frighten her so? She need not be... Dragons protect the ones they take a liking to-"
Immediately, without a second to spare, Aegon began to hike up her lush silk gown, guiding her body to turn around, as she looked onwards from his royal perspective.
"Y-Your Grace, y-you are married-"
"Stay quiet, or I'll have that smart mouth of yours stuffed shut with my cock, balls deep in your mouth. You speak when I fucking tell you to-"
Once more, your mind instinctively shut, body mindlessly obedient to his demands.
Guiding your bare ass and cunt to seat itself down atop of him, you felt the hard, tense bulge brewing beneath his pants, between your cheeks. With each adjusting motion, your body would grind against his sturdy lap, your flesh colliding with his, only to cause a natural urge to crave for more.
"Look at what the she-wolf has done to her King, look at the power your sheer presence has over me. You think you have no value in court, yet this is your doing..." Aegon's warm breath, cooing his words directly into your ear. His strong, fleshy arms wrapped around your shaking body, coiled firmly around your waist and arms, as if to avoid you from escaping his strong grasp.
"What if I have my way with you, and send you back to the North carrying my bastard seed... What will the North think of their precious she-wolf then, hmm? What will your brother think of you?"
In unison with your King's haste movements, Aegon stood himself as he swiftly undid his trousers, his rigid, thick cock plunging out with excitement. Guiding his cock with one hand between your folds, his fingers ever so lightly grazing between as he teased your opening, making certain he aligned himself perfectly to your sweet spot.
"Already soaking for me, sweet one? It seems I have my answer after all."
Without so much as a second to spare, Aegon thrusts himself deep inside, burying his stiff, throbbing mass as your walls clench over his cock, desperate to ease the stretching tension. One muscular arm remained snaked around your waist, his calloused hand managing to reach to your bosom, where he cheekily squeezed and firmly kneaded your tit by the handful. Keeping you positioned steady as you sloppily bounced on his wide lap. His other hand however, oblivious to your own incoherent mind, to the front of your cunt, his pudgy digits teasing at your clit, pursuing to edge you more, enhancing the pressure that pulsated from inside. Your swollen bud, he intently enjoyed flicking at, earning a grizzly snicker each time you moaned and squirmed in retaliation.
"A fucking mess for me already. If only your dear, stupid brother could see you. The whimpering whore that you are, moaning my name like that. Accepting me as your King."
"Seven Hells, you feel so fucking tight for me, precious girl. A cunt made just for her King, already so obedient, so frightened of her King, she'll let me fuck her senseless, huh?"
"Hmm, A-Aeg. I-I shouldn't-"
"B-But you want this, baby. I can smell your ooze dripping. So fucking wet. A she-wolf as my pet. Where is the North to save you now? You don't want to be saved, though, look at you!"
"Mhmm- Your G-Grace-"
His thick fingers delved deeper, pumping hastily as his thrusts grew more forceful. Your breathless moans, incoherent besides a few words and his name, you could only build the sheer strength to muster. Your skin felt as hot as the summer wind of the city, Aegon's lips found themselves latched to your mottled hair and sweat-beaded skin. Sucking your very scent in, your taste lingering in his mouth, as he lowly growls.
"No-No, say it- Introduce me as you would your King."
"Hmm- A-Aegon, the S-Second of his N-Name-"
"That's it, sweet girl. Say it all."
"K-King of the A-Andals, the R-Rhoynar a-and the F-First Men. L-Lord of the S-Seven Kingdoms- Ugh A-Aeg-"
"Keep going, baby-" His tone thick and heavy, breathless, his own stocky chest heaving intensely in sync with your own breaths.
"A-And P-Protector of th-the R-Realm."
"That's it, b-baby. Such a good-good job, princess."
With his tender, soft-spoken words, Aegon's warm seed spills into you feverishly, a crescendo of mindless moans escapes your soft, moist lips, as Aegon's wetly coated hand leaves your raw, aching cunt, guiding your head to turn towards him. Meeting your lips with his own, as he seals the ecstasy with a passionate kiss.
"Let me taste you-" His tongue hungrily laps up the remnants of your cum off his thick digits, his alluring eyes shut as he blissfully devours your taste.
"Fucking delicious, they don't make them like the North do... Stay on my cock, princess. Be the good, little whore you are for me. My she-wolf will obey me and stay. I want to make sure you swell with my dragon seed before I send you back to the North."
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general taglist - @chompchompluke @fan-goddess @malfoytargaryen @bibli0thecary @m1ndbrand @connorsui @elegantsplendour @randomdragonfires @s-we-e-t-t-ea @sahvlren @watercolorskyy @hypnos-daughter-certified @urmomsgirlfriend1 @backyardfolklore @snowprincesa1 @aegonslawyer
Aegon ii taglist - @who-told-you-this-was-butter @f4ll-for-you @amiraisgoingthruit @jawline-of-steel @daughter-of-the-stars11
credit for dividers - @/itbmojojoejo
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sommerregenjuniluft · 8 months
evan and regulus frolicking like they're frotting in bed making out sloppy style about to fuck to the sounds of their boyfriends fighting outside
jfkdkfkdkf STOOPPP (this escalated, NSFW)
Regulus comes back into the living room, mug of steaming tea in hand and he rolls his eyes as soon as he, too, hears James and Barty where they're still out on the balcony arguing, cigarettes long stubbed out in the ashtray.
Evan grins, lifting the blanket as Regulus lets himself plop down and snuggles into his side.
“What’s it about this time?”
Evan snorts, nuzzling the black curls behind Regulus’ ear, “You think I know?”
Regulus shakes his head, like a disappointed old grandpa and Evan’s grin widens.
Outside, Barty makes an incredulous noise, half rising from his chair before he sits back down, trying to talk over James’ continuous arguing.
Regulus makes a soft groan in irritation, tipping his head back against Evan's shoulder. There’s a triangle of moles right under the hinge of his sharp jaw, teasing Evan to put his mouth to good use.
“It’s never nothing with the two of them,” Evan murmurs, warm breath ricocheting off Regulus’ skin and back at him.
It makes Regulus tilt his head back down, eyes narrowing and searching for something in Evan’s expression. He hums a little, sinking lower into the cushions and Evan’s embrace.
“Think we should keep ourselves busy, don’t you?” Evan says, catching Regulus’ eyes skipping down to his lips, “Who knows how long they'll be at it this time.”
Regulus doesn’t say anything but he tips his chin up and he lets Evan hook one of his legs over his lap without fuss. Evan watches the line of his throat move when he swallows, “You smell like lemons.”
“And limes,” Evan corrects with a grin. “You're off your game, whiskers. Something distracting you?”
Regulus’ slack expression slips into a glower and Evan chuckles, bumping their noses together. “I spooned some of Barty’s protein yogurt after dinner when he wasn’t looking, too busy nagging at James while they were doing the dishes.”
Regulus snakes a hand under Evan’s t-shirt, caressing the skin, “’s it taste anything good?"
The tiny devil on Evan’s shoulder does a little happy spin, “Why doesn’t the chef try for himself?”
Evan happily swallows the little pant betraying Regulus’ indifference before their lips connect.
He doesn't even have to goad him, their tongues nudging immediately as Regulus eagerly parts his mouth.
It's a wet slide of lips and Regulus’ short nails digging a little desperately into the side of Evan’s ribs when he sucks Regulus’ lower lips between his teeth.
James lets out a loud string of spanish curses outside, slamming a fist into what must be the metal of their balcony railing and Regulus sucks in a breath against Evan’s cheek and oh, is Evan having fun on this beautiful Friday night.
More kissing, hands grabbing and shucking away clothes and when Evan tugs Regulus closer by the hip he makes an entirely too sweet needy noise that goes straight to Evan’s cock.
They keep licking into each others’ mouths, Barty’s and James’ aggravated voices a quiet muffle in the background, and Regulus keeps making these little noises, squirming in place and adjusting his hold on Evan again and again, fingers clenching and unclenching and Evan can’t help himself but grin into the kiss.
It disrupts their rhythm and Regulus makes a complaining grunt that tells Evan he’d roll his eyes right now if he wasn’t currently busy eating Evan’s face off.
He’s so cute Evan wants to take a fucking bite out of him.
Or maybe finger him until he squirts all over the couch.
Evan gives him a lingering kiss on the cheek and then works his way down his neck and Regulus is restless, shifting around and then his fucking knee slides over where Evan is rock hard and he stutters out a truely embarrassing groan for it being a fucking knee.
But Regulus is an angel because he moans in response and slides his fingers into Evan’s bleached curls like it’s second nature whenever he needs something to hold onto.
“Evan,” Regulus speaks up, voice husky and eyes a little glassy when Evan lifts his head to look.
“Reg?” Evan says sweetly, cocking his head, before he goes back to the mark he was about to suck into the pale expanse of his throat.
“I’m– mgh,” Regulus swallows, out of breath, “Can you—”
Evan’s lips twitch into another smile, “Huh? Pardon, I can’t hear you, bébé.”
Regulus huffs but he makes another obscene noise when Evan trails his fingers up the inside of his thigh, dangerously close to where Evan already knows he wants him.
Another of his complaining noises—Evan lets out a snicker against the soft skin and gets a shiver in response—and then, “Want your fingers.”
“Want my fingers, love?” A gentle bite into the tendons of his neck.
Regulus arches, nodding against the cushions, “Please.”
And who is Evan to deny a polite plea as sweet as that of his lover?
Regulus’ sweats, that are actually Barty’s, get discarded. He isn’t even wearing any boxers, nom de dieu, and then Evan is slipping the tip of his middle finger through where Regulus is sinfully slick.
He throws his head back with a moan that Evan feels reverberating down his spine and then Regulus is looking at him with big, silver eyes. Wide and needy and dark brows furrowed and, fuck, so fucking wet for him Evan simply slips in two fingers at once.
And maybe he shouldn’t have. Honestly, should have taken it easy—Usually he’s the last out of the four of them to lose his patience but with Regulus looking at him like that?
Evan presses their lips together, heated and rough, and Regulus welcomes him happily. Makes a high-pitched noise when Evan curls his fingers before starting a slow pace of pumping in and out, thumb drawing slow, teasing circles around his cock.
Suddenly there’s a sharp noise from outside, one of their garden chairs scraping against the tiles of the balcony and then the door flings open.
“—the fuck do you think you’re goin’?”
“If I’m gonna have to listen to your fucking bullshit only one more second I’ll start to get violent, B. Reg is still pissed we didn’t get the blood stains out of the—”
“Fuckin’ pussy. I told you to– oompf,” the sound of someone walking into another body, “James?”
“Shut up.”
“You- fuck you. I’ll—”
“B, look.”
“—fucking destroy you, P- oh.”
Evan peeks over the back of the sofa to see James and Barty standing dumbly in the middle of their living room, expressions slack and balcony door wide open behind them. He crooks his fingers again and Regulus whines brokenly, throwing his head back, mouth parting in a perfect little o and Evan watches James eyes bulge behind his glasses and Barty’s tongue lolling out.
Can’t help himself when he grins menacingly, tilting his head and thumbing over Regulus’ cock again, making the man beside him arch.
“I- you seeing this, Crouch?”
“You fucking bet I am, Jamie.”
“Since when have they- How long were we out there?”
“Dunno but I do know I’m not missing another second of this. Budge up, Rosier. You’re going to get your dick sucked so good.”
“Fine with me as long as you do it ass up,” James murmurs lowly, “Gonna fuck that wrong opinion right out of you.”
Barty scoffs a laugh, “You wish.”
“Then dibs on Regulus riding me.”
Evan shakes his head and chases the delectable noise slipping out of Regulus when he slips in a third finger.
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actuallysaiyan · 10 months
15 with Ganondorf as person B 👀👀👀👀
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event here.
warnings: smut, unprotected sex, semi-public sex, quickies, creampies, slight roughness, sort of modern AU kind of thing going on word count: 0.8k pairings: Ganondorf x Fem!Hylian!Reader prompt: Person B and Person A fucking in public and having to keep their voices down to avoid getting caught. Bonus: Person B has to cover Person A's mouth with their hand. Or their lips.
You wondered often to yourself how you managed to catch the eye of the king of Gerudo. But you were never complaining when he showed you this sweet side of him. You remind him of sweet days frolicking in the forest of Hyrule in his youth, and he reminds you of warm summer nights watching the stars. Somehow, you became a perfect match for Ganondorf. He had quickly become your lover, and the intimacy you two shared was nothing short of mindblowing and magical. He made every time with you feel like it was this sensual ritual.
Even though he was more a fan of making love in his bedroom or yours, sometimes he would surprise you with something quite spontaneous. Whenever he did that, you were always so excited. Having a quickie in somewhere new and with the potential of getting caught always gets your blood pumping and your heart racing like nothing else. So when he invites you out for a few drinks at this new tavern built in your town, you know that maybe this will be the night you two decide to have such a risky rendez-vous.
You wear a new dress, just begging to be pushed up over your hips. This is exactly what Ganondorf does as soon as he locks you both into the overly cramped restroom of the tavern. His eyes are full of fire as he kisses your neck, making you squirm in his grasp.
“You know the rules,” he whispers in a husky voice. “Don’t make too much noise and you need to let me finish inside.”
You don’t often let him finish inside, just because you aren’t necessarily ready for the commitment of a baby. But whenever you two indulge in these sorts of quickies, it’s just easier for him to finish inside of you so that he doesn’t need to clean up messes. You kiss him frantically, clinging to him as he pins you against the wall of the restroom.
“Gan…” you breathe out as he plays with your clothed cunt. He smirks as he notices how the fabric is clinging to your folds already.
“Naughty little princess,” he grunts as he pushes your panties aside. “You were just waiting for this to happen.”
It doesn’t take much longer for him to pull his own pants down and let his cock bounce free. It smacks against his abdomen, standing tall and leaking out the pearlescent fluids you usually love to taste so badly. He can see that look in your eyes, and he knows he doesn’t want to tease you for much longer. So he opens your legs a bit more, and he uses his cock to spread your wet folds.
“Fuck, you’re so damn wet.”
He doesn’t say anything more before sliding into you, making you squeak out from the intense feeling of being stretched. No Hylian man could ever fuck you the way this giant Gerudo does. He just makes you feel so full every time. You feel it all the way in your navel sometimes. It’s just the size of him that has you completely stretched out. His eyes narrow at you as he begins pumping into you.
“Be quiet, princess.”
You try your best, but it always feels so good. You grip onto him as his cock pistons into you, in and out and in and out… He’s slow with the rhythm at first, keeping it nice and deep. It doesn’t take much for him to pick up the pace and begin fucking you harder. Your nails dig into the meaty flesh of his biceps.
“Oh fuck, Gan!” You cry out, and he growls. He knows if he continues to let you be loud like this, you’ll surely get caught.
One of his hands comes up and smacks against your mouth, making sure you understand the warning he is trying to give you. The sounds of your cries of love are now muffled and they vibrate against his large hand. The way he keeps his hand on your mouth while fucking himself into you so fast and hard has your head spinning. It’s so sexy to have him have to shut you up like this.
“I warned you,” he growls into your ear. “You’re just begging to be punished huh?”
He removes his hand for a moment, allowing you to breathe and be able to respond. But at the very same time, the tip of his cock hits your sweet spot dead on and you let out a moan. Ganondorf leans in and kisses you roughly, fucking you harder and faster until you reach your peak. He grunts at the way your silky walls milk him so good, sending him over the edge along with him.
“Next time, you need to be more quiet…” He tells you as you straighten out your dress. “Or else I’ll shut you up myself.”
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sordidmusings · 11 months
Switching Up Roles - Part 2/2 (Buggy x Reader)
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A/N: gif relevant cuz this mf gets his hand privileges revoked 💀 I have finally finished it QuQ getting Buggy to admit his sub desires to you for anon is here! I really hope it is what you wanted and that you enjoy 🤍 there's lots of filth but there's also a lot of them being sweet dorks together and painfully in love because I couldn't help myself whoops
Word Count: ~8.5k
Warnings: feminine leaning afab!reader (no pronouns), NSFW my dude, very sub side of switch!Buggy, face sitting, oral (both receiving), light restraining, praise, degradation, edging, p in v, creampie, brat taming im p sure (Buggy doesn't mean to be a brat, petulance is just in his soul), takes a little to get to the sex but then it just keeps happening lol
Enjoy turning the clown into even more of a hot mess 🤡
Part 1
~ ~ ~ ••• ✦✦✦ ••• ~ ~ ~
Buggy is, for once, at the door to your shared room, kicking off his shoes for the night, right when the last colors of sunset begin to fade and no later. His hat is pulled off and thrown with little care for where it lands and his gloves are yanked off and flung away. He stomps over to where you sit on the bed with heavy feet, plops you fully onto the bed with a complaining grunt, and flops his full weight on top of you with spread limbs. You would be chastising him right now, but all the air left your lungs when he belly-flopped you into the mattress. A few forceful breaths re-inflate your lungs, but by the time you have your words prepared, Buggy is finished with his prolonged and dramatic sigh, and he greets you with a “heya, sweetcheeks” that barely makes it out of the comforter engulfing his face.
Gods, you love this silly little man.
“Hello, lovebug,” you reply with a fond giggle. “I’d ask how you’re doing but the dramatic entrance told me everything.”
Another complaining grunt is his response.
“Sounds about right. How about this?” You shimmy yourself a touch so you can fully move your arms and slither them under his coat. Your fingers touch his sides before sweeping in and trailing next to his spine all the way up his back. You dig them in just enough to create resistance then you drag them all the way back down to the small of his back. You feel his shiver in your own body and bask in his happy sigh. “How about you let me take care of you tonight? You really need to spend some time relaxing before your body falls to pieces that won’t listen to you anymore. I don’t wanna have to put you together like a figurine again; you don’t come with assembly instructions.”
Something that sounds like “needing a waxing” vibrates into the mattress.
“You’re gonna have to repeat that one, Bubs.”
With a huff to let you know what an absurd effort you’re making him go through, Buggy turns his head to lay with his mouth next to your ear. “I said ‘sleep is relaxing’, dumbass.”
You easily ignore his toothless insult. You begin massaging the muscles under your hands on his lower back to ease him up some more. “Well, yeah, and that’s why I want to help you sleep like the dead.”
Ever a man with his mind frolicking in the gutter, Buggy gets some new found pep. He breaks out the rough whisper he knows you love to say, “And how do you plan on doing that, sweet treat?”
You turn to him and inch in close enough to speak against his lips, “Why waste time telling you when I can show you?”
Buggy’s pressing his lips to yours before you finish the final word. The kiss is full of ease with its slow rhythm and syrupy movements. You pull back to tease his lips with a brush of your own and take a moment to savor breathing the same air. Buggy won’t let you stop for long; his impatience for your touch always becomes all consuming after he gets that first taste. He’s still gaining more energy back and using it to put more strength into his movements. He props himself up on one elbow and his opposite hand slides over to palm the base of your skull. His thumb brushes the sensitive skin behind one ear and his fingers easily reach to the other, leaving you completely at his control. He gently sucks your bottom lip before giving it a hungry nip, and it comes back to you that you’re supposed to be leading this night somewhere.
When you go to pull away, Buggy’s hand keeps you exactly where he wants you. He responds to your attempted escape by teasing his tongue between your lips. This man clearly knows how weak you are for him, because you couldn’t keep yourself from deepening the kiss if you tried. Why would you ever deny yourself these moments where you could taste each other’s want on the smooth slide of tingling tongues? Wait. No. Focus.
“C’mon, gorgeous,” he breathes out in response to another attempt to pull back, this one weaker. “Don’t you wanna be my good little slut?” You let out a high-pitched moan into his mouth at that, internally cursing him for being so hot. “I need my cock-hungry pretty baby to make me feel good. Didn’t you want to be my cocksleeve? My little toy to fuck whenever and however I want?”
Yes, yes you did. You loathe your past self for giving him that ammunition to use against you right now. Without meaning to, you spread your legs fully, making space for his hips to shimmy flush to your center. He rewards you with firm grinds of the thick bulge straining against his pants. His movements are unhurried, letting you focus on every moment and the way his cock drags on your heat, reminding you of every time it had you drunk on pleasure before. The promise it gives you is mouthwatering. You realize that you may have miscalculated. You had thought his brain would be too fried from the week to use your soft spots against you, but here he is, getting you wet and pliant with one deep kiss and some choice words. What a bastard.
You try pulling away again and are met with the same result. Fine then.
Buggy squawks and flinches back when you pinch his side. He splits at the waist to keep his lower half on you and floats his upper body out of your attack range. The look he gives you is absolutely seething, but you would not be moved. You remain unimpressed.
“I did pull back multiple times. What if I had to sneeze and you made me headbutt you?” you reason, knowing it was too obvious that you were enjoying yourself to pretend otherwise. The way your legs are still happily hooked around his hips would be all the argument he needs against you.
“You always do those little prep inhales and reel back like you’re getting an exorcism. Would’ve given me plenty of time to get out of the line of fire,” Buggy grouses, crossing his arms to give you his most petulant pout.
You make an exaggerated gasp and distort your voice to sound tearful when you say, “I thought you loved me for my dramatic sneezes! Have you been lying to me this whole time?”
“Every. single. day,” he deadpans.
“And here I was,” you begin, shoving his legs off and standing from the bed, “Ready to play doting housewife for you and undress you with kisses and massages and love!” You turn your back to him to really sell the soap opera scene. Using the word “love” may have been a little bit underhanded; you both have been skittering around saying your first “I love you”s, only daring to use the weighted word indirectly. Even so, it was always easy to see how hearing the word from your lips would make him forget everything else and seek another hit of it from you.
“Aw come on, baby,” he draws out, already switching from pouting brat to placating lover. “We can still do that right?”
There is a lot of frantic rustling behind you. You peek at him over your shoulder, only allowing yourself to turn enough to see him in the corner of your eye. He is popped back together and is sitting up on his knees. He had skooched himself to the edge of the bed right behind you, where he is now giving you his best puppy dog face. You’re able to hold out just long enough for him to start wondering if your anger was all play before you spin around and chirp, “Only if you make a deal with me!”
Buggy flings himself back out on the bed and groans, “Fiiiiiiiiine.”
“It’s one you’ll like, I promise,” you soothe. You ease Buggy to sit up at the edge of the bed, laughing at the way he’d sway too far into whichever direction you pulled him, staying just one step removed from going dead weight. Once he’s settled into his spot, you take a moment to examine him. It doesn’t go unnoticed to you that his back is hunched forward under the weight of his exhaustion. Though his eyes are playful, they also hold dark bags, which peek out around his makeup. Your heart aches for him. Even when he is overworked and needing sleep, he’s taking the time to goof around with you and listen to your requests. You’d make sure he had the best sleep of his life tonight. You’d get him all clean and cozy and ready for bed and then you’d make him cum so hard that his brain blue screens. Truly a proper recipe for a good night’s rest.
“How’d you take off your gloves at the door but not your coat?” you ask, pushing said coat off his strong shoulders. He helps you by pulling out his arms. While your eyes admire any new skin exposed to you, Buggy keeps his eyes on your face.
“Can’t feel you through the gloves,” he explains. Oh, wow, that’s actually really sweet- “You ever try to enjoy tits and ass through fabric? Doesn’t work as well.”
You puff out an exasperated laugh. Yep, there’s your Buggy.
Before you move on to take off his scarf, you brush your fingertips along his neck and jaw to enjoy the warmth of his skin and the scratch of his stubble. Once the cloth is gone, you begin using your lips instead. He reaches out to hold your hips in a practiced welcome when you settle into his lap. Anywhere your kissing moves, Buggy opens himself up to your touch. You nose his jaw up for his head to fall back and kiss your way along his pulse. Your hand comes up to support the other side of his neck, your thumb admiring the shape of his adams apple. Your other hand hooks into his shirt’s collar and pulls it aside for more access. By the time you follow his collarbone to his shoulder, your kisses are open-mouthed, sucking and licking at his skin. When you move back over to the base of his neck, you feel his throat bob from a heavy swallow then vibrate under your thumb with his pleased hum.
Eager kisses lead you up to his ear, which you greet with a nip. Pulling back, you blow cool air on him to light up the damp trail you left behind. While your lips explore him, his hands explore you. They had started at your hips and are now massaging indulgently at your chest. Like everything else, the motion is not rushed, which perfectly compliments the teasing way he thumbs your nipples through your shirt.
After a sweet kiss to his temple, you undo his bandana, exposing his beautiful blue hair. You guide his head down to rest against your sternum so you can more easily take out the pins and ties keeping his hair in place. Buggy hums in pleasure from the relief in his scalp once his waves of long hair all fall free. You help soothe it further by massaging your fingers from the nape of his neck, around to temples, up to crown, and back down again. You always love when you can play with his hair; it’s become covetously soft in your care and you’ve become addicted to the faint smell of shampoo topped with ocean spray that came from it. 
Buggy’s hands move from your chest so he can wrap you in a loose hug. He mindlessly massages your lower back and ass while you tend to him. The break from your kissing lets him regain enough thought to ask, “You gonna let me know about the terms I’ve agreed to or am I supposed to start guessing?”
You give him a sweet giggle and kiss the top of his head. While moving on to unclasp his many belts, you reply, “If you insist then I guess I’ll tell you.” Even his shirt has belts, what is this? Yeah, they look nice, but each one is one more step between you and getting him naked. “What you’re gonna do-” you don’t miss his shiver at the sternness in your tone “-is lay there and enjoy what I give you.” You soften up just a touch. “I’m here to make you feel better. I need you to trust that.”
“Of course I do,” he says, almost offended. He earns a kiss with the ease and earnestness of his response.
Finally, all the belts are undone and his shirt is opened. Buggy pops his arms off so you can easily push it off of him without the rest of his body moving an inch. He reassembles while your hands work on touching every new stretch of skin. You’d never tire of feeling his abs twitch under your touch or tracing the contours of his body. You get bolder, scratching pink lines through the light texture of his blue chest hair. It matches his stubble in a handsome blue, slightly darker than the hair on his head.
With a grip on his hair, you ease Buggy’s head off of your chest. He moans at the pull of it on his tender scalp and hopes you think it's from discomfort. The way you turn your hand so it pulls firmer, earning more sounds, lets him know he’s not fooling you. He finds that he doesn’t care when he sees the appraising look you’re giving him. 
Now that he’s sat up, you get back to work on marking him up. There’s a gentle, tingling scratch of hair against the skin of your face while you work him over. Buggy is slowly and surely falling apart between your dominating hand and worshiping lips. Where before he felt the need to muster the energy to meet you for pleasure, he is now surrendering to let you control when and how he feels it. He lets himself lean into your grip and keeps himself relaxed, only moving his hips in mindless grinds. Having this man offer you free access to himself is winding you up quickly. You needed to get this moving along. You could take all the time you wanted soon. After smearing a few more kisses across his chest, you get up to work on getting him out of his pants.
“Come on, Bugs, let’s get you out of the rest of those clothes,” you coo, moving back to stand in front of him. 
“You want me naked~” Buggy taunts in a singsong voice like a schoolyard bully, giving you the cheekiest grin. He holds out his arms (making grabby hands of course) for you to pull him up. With a sturdy heave, you get the sleepy clown back on his feet. 
“You’ve found me out,” you whisper in fake shame. “Whatever will I do?”
“Well, toots, you can buy my silence with kisses,” he offers.
After giving many quick kisses all over his face, many with exaggerated “mwah!”s to get more giggles out of him, you move on to his pants. Buggy stays quiet and pliant while you undid them and pull them down to his ankles, following them down to the floor. You are happy to see that familiar bulge more clearly while he’s just in his boxers. You kiss along his length through them, making it twitch eagerly. His hand comes to rest on your head, letting you know how much he wants you to stay there. You look up at him, making eye contact, before pulling back and pulling his boxers down to join his pants. You think it’s cute the way his breath still catches from seeing you like this. It’s also cute the way his hands move to your shoulders to help him balance while you take off his pants and boxers then pull each sock off of his feet.
Buggy settles himself to recline on the pillows at the head of the bed, legs crossed at the ankles and hands behind his head. He eats up the way your eyes scrape over every inch of his spread out body. It isn’t lost on him the way your eyes always gravitate towards the prize laying heavy on his stomach, highlighted by a deep blue happy trail and trimmed curls. “Your turn, sweet cheeks,” he prompts.
“Not so fast,” you say, turning away from him and going to grab some items on the dresser. You turn back holding out a cloth and bowl of water to answer Buggy’s raised brow. He is not happy with your answer.
“Come ooooon,” he complains. “Aren’t you used to the makeup by now?”
“Yeah, I thought that was obvious,” you respond, gesturing to the marks he’s left on your face and chest. “But our skin will be happier without it and you’ll feel better sleeping clean and without a whole stage show’s paint on your pillow.”
“But I want you on me now,” he growls. Okay that greedy tone almost won you over, but you could use his weak spots too.
“I also..” you had wanted to only play shy but found that the feeling became genuine. “I also want to see you bare faced tonight.” Buggy narrows his eyes so you continue. “Don’t get me wrong, the makeup is sexy - like obviously, you’ve seen how I get - but you’re handsome without it too. And sometimes all I wanna see is you.”
He relents easily, trying to hide the blush that burns up his cheeks and down his neck. You reward him by making very quick progress of getting him fresh faced and cleaning the smears off of your own face and body, before moving onto your clothes. 
You’d like to say that you were sexy in the way that you stripped yourself, but the reality is that you were quick and unchoreographed in your rush to get back to Buggy. He’d never complain though; there’s already plenty of your mouth watering strip teases filed away in his mind. There was also a rush in knowing how quickly you want to touch him again. And in the way the rush has your tits and ass jiggling.
Buggy reaches out to welcome you back into his lap, but is blindsided when you move to grab and spread his ankles instead. The way you crawl in between his legs is slow and maddening. Where’s that impatience that had you tearing off your clothes? Buggy can’t lie, he does love the way you’re kissing up his legs and the way it lets him savor how your body moves and curves. His worn body and thumping heart are addicted to the way you’re touching him. The problem is that he’s having trouble thinking of anything beyond the way his cock throbs angrily at the lack of attention.
The whispers, nips, and kisses that you layer on his thighs stay just on the right side of ticklish. Buggy’s hands follow your movements, brushing into your hair and tugging gently whenever you find a particularly sensitive spot. You keep at it until his thighs are twitching and jumping to your touch and he’s lost control of the pace of his breath. It’s only then that you begin teasing his cock with soft lips and cold blown air. You mix in firm, sedate licks to keep hinting at the relief your mouth could bring.
Buggy detaches his hands and begins to trail them down your sides. He’s hoping that playing you with his fingers would urge you along. Beyond that, he needs to feel how slick and warm you are and get his mind ready for the feeling that would soon slide over his aching cock by sinking his fingers into your plush grip. You quickly stop his plot by plopping your hips flush to the bed so that he can get no further than groping your ass. 
“Ah ah ah, I didn’t say you could touch me yet,” you reprimand. Buggy whines back at you and you nip his upper inner thigh. “Hands,” you command, holding your own out. Even with his protests, he detaches his hands and floats them to your own. You link your fingers together with his then shove his hands down into the mattress, leaning your weight on them.
With him disarmed, you focus back to winding him up. Taking his head into your mouth, you begin swirling your tongue. Buggy manages to keep his hips from pushing more of him into you, but they shake with the effort. You turn your head to the side and begin massaging his head into the inside of your cheek, careful to keep your teeth off of him. He bites out curses and looks down at you to burn the image of your cheek bulging from his cock into his mind forever. He begins to let his hips lead the movements pressing out your cheek, so you pull him back out of your mouth.
“Fuck, don’t stop,” Buggy pleads. He needs to keep feeling you or he’s sure he’ll go insane.
“I didn’t hear you say please,” you snark at him. He starts chanting the word for you in hopes to fix his mistake and earn your mouth back, but you’re already decided on the matter. Instead of sucking on him again, you simply nose around his hips and crotch to tease him, using what you could with your hands occupied restraining him. You found you enjoyed it; he smells strongly of clean skin and sex and the new method of touching him lets your brain notice new details to cherish. “It’s too late, silly clown,” you taunt.
When he can take no more, Buggy detaches an arm and bends it around the back of your neck. He pulls you into him by the crook of his elbow and growls out, “more”. You glare up at him before quickly taking him back into your mouth, all the way to the back of your throat, grinding his head there while sucking harshly and gripping his balls.
Buggy yelps out an apology, the sensation way too much to process so suddenly. His arm flies back to him and you ease your grip on him. You soothe him with a few gentle bobs of your head before popping off and leaving a kiss to the soft skin on the underside of his cock. That sharp hit to his nerves chased by the tender touch fogs up his mind.
“I’ll do what you want, please tell me what you want,” he begs.
“What I want-” you’re crawling your way back up his body, “-is for you to be honest with me. Tell me what you’ve been hiding this whole time.”
Buggy’s face scrunches in genuine confusion. “I’m not hiding anything from you.”
“You sure?” you press. You lean towards his lips, which gently part in anticipation of a kiss. The moment before your lips brush, when you feel his stuttered breath, you change course and ghost your lips across his jaw to his ear. “But it would make me so  happy if you just told me,” you whisper. “You usually make me feel so good.” You can feel him listening intently. “You don’t want to be good for me?” He stills completely. “Don’t you want to be my good little toy?” His whole body shivers beneath you. You kiss and suck your way down his neck and he leans his head away to give you as much access as possible. “Just say it baby and I’ll make you feel good.”
If you weren’t so busy buried in his neck, you would see the breathtaking mix of apprehension and need flaring in his bright eyes while he debates how to answer you.
“I want you to use me. I-” he trails off and looks away, losing his nerve. 
You begin gently petting his hair and placing kisses on the side of his face. “You’re doing so well, sweetheart.” He looks back at you and his shining eyes and furrowed brow plead for the promise that you’re telling the truth. You give him a firm kiss on the lips, which he eagerly returns with a small suckle to your bottom lip. You pull back to check in, looking into his eyes, before encouraging him again. “Keep going, lovely. I wanna hear it.”
Buggy tenses once more before he seems to let his resistance break and fall out of every muscle, leaving him limp and prone amongst the pillows and sheets. “I want to be your toy - I want you to take charge and do what you want to me. I want.. I want to follow your orders.”
The kiss you gift him is ravenous, and he fills with relief. “You’re so good to me, baby,” you praise, and that relief triples.
You reassuringly squeeze his captive hands and lead your way back down his body with your lips. The transition helps relax him and loosens his mind again. As you get back to your sweet torture, he keeps reaching downward not remembering that his hands aren't there then whining when he doesn’t reach your head. You switch his hands to being clamped between your knees so you can scratch your nails down his thighs, using just enough pressure to leave long pink trails. Taking it further, you move your mouth away from his dick to work across his v-line. Buggy gets more fussy at the lack of attention on his cock, squirming and whimpering below you.
Mouth still busy on his soft skin, you use one hand to palm over his balls to the underside of his dick and curl your hand closed around him, one finger at a time. You angle his cock upright, enjoying the feeling of his precum beginning to trail down across your fingers. Your mouth changed course back closer to him, emptying his mind of any thoughts but “yes, yes, yes-”. He blanks out completely when your blazing hot tongue drags across his balls during a squeeze and a pump of his dick. The relief is short lived when your grip loosens and stills and your mouth leaves him completely. His head snaps down to see why you stopped and he sees that you’re already giving him a malicious smirk. Your eyes stay on his when you pucker your lips to blow on his aching tip. His head snaps back sharply, the movement exaggerated by his hair.
“You’re going so sloooow,” Buggy complains, frustrated. “I thought you were gonna take care of me.” He sounds impressively sulky.
“If you’re not happy with my services,” you start in a measured tone, moving forward until you are nose to nose, “then you can take care of yourself.” His face pales. You look down at his dick in your hand thoughtfully before saying, “Better yet I can just steal your cock and run off to the showers to take care of myself.”
“No!” Buggy wants it to come out like an order but it is definitely an anxious plea.
“Oh, so you’re telling me I can’t?” He shrinks even more under your glare, making you feel powerful.
“Just stay in here, pleeeease, need to see you feel good,” Buggy begs, voice small. “Don’t even need to cum, just need you.” 
You aren’t supposed to give in unless on your own time, but knowing that he’s only thinking of your pleasure is making you weak.
“I thought you wanted to be my good little toy and good toys don’t whine and make demands. They are happy with what they’re given if their owners give them anything at all.” He whimpers. “Right now you’re more of a fucking brat.”
“Noooooo,” his broken complaint sounded delicious, but the look on his face was nearing too close to real distress. 
“No?” You mock. You look down at him with a condescending pout. Your eyes bore into his, needing to notice every little detail of his next reaction. “Oh, baby, if you’re not a brat then you’re just a pussy-hungry slut.”
Buggy shuts his eyes and moans loudly at your words. The sound of his own voice calling you a cock-hungry slut many times over echoes from his memories. He didn’t think having his own insults turned on him would feel so invigorating. It’s clear to you that that is much more what he wants to be for you. Your slut; not your brat. How sweet. When all his layers are peeled back he only wants to please.
“That’s okay you sick little thing. You just can’t help it, can you?” He shakes his head with those gorgeous, shining eyes pleading at you. “If you’re so hungry, I guess I gotta feed you so you can shut. up.”
Before his mind even realizes that you began moving, you flip around and sit directly on his face. Your strong thighs are clamping his arms down to his sides, leaving his hands to be snatched up in your own again. You’ve positioned yourself so his mouth is at your clit and his nose is teasing your entrance. He gives a thick inhale and presses his tongue out to lap at you with a satisfied moan.
“Much better,” you groan, completely self-satisfied.
You waste no time before you begin rocking your hips. The room fills with the sloppy sounds of him licking and sucking at you, overly enthusiastic about having your pussy in his face.
“Now stick out that tongue for me,” you order, giving him his only warning before you drop much of your weight down to get the best pressure of his tongue, nose, and chin against you. The sensation has you clenching against the surface of his nose, getting it wet. You switch between a few long grinds from cupid’s bow to chin and making sharp circles of your clit on his tongue.
Buggy barely gets any time to fully breathe and he loves it. His head has become a murky swirl of your addicting taste and smell and the lovely sounds of you moaning for him. It sends pleasure prickling through him, making him burn with need, but he’s sure he’d stay on this painful precipice forever if it meant you kept using him to feel good. Buggy’s moans are becoming slurred whines as he gets drunk off your pussy. He was trying so hard to be perfect for you. He would stiffen his tongue to grind back into you or curl the end up for you to use on your clit. He’s ignoring his nerves at having his nose be an active participant, because he feels the way you follow its pressure. His hands are clamped on yours, floating in front of you to give you better leverage to move. He’s done good to not pull either of them away and give his leaking cock the relief it desperately needs. He deserves a reward.
You bring his hands in to place them on your breasts, where they need no direction to start working you. The warm, grounding pressure of them kneading your breasts is broken up by little circles, pinches, and pulls to your nipples that send tingles to your spine and straight down to your clit. Once they’re settled on you, you curl forward to place your head back in front of his red, twitching dick. You put your elbows down by Buggy’s sides and take advantage of the fact that he’s too lost between your legs to notice where you’ve put your face.
Buggy arches and yelps when you blow strong, cold air on his head and tease your fingertips along his Apollo's belt. His utter excitement at your attention shows in his bucking hips and pressing face. His whole body is buzzing with the thought, “I did good!”
“Your mouth is fucking good, perfect for an eager slut” you praise. Buggy keens loudly into you, sending strong vibrations through your pussy. “I’ll have to steal your head as my seat more often.” You flick your tongue on his frenulum, earning a strong twitch. “I’ll hunt you down any time I need to cum and force you down under me,” you promise in a husky voice. 
Finally, you slide him into your mouth and moan at the familiar taste and weight and heat. He’s as sensitive as you’ve ever seen him, hips and cock jerking. You tease a hand down to cup his balls and feel them pull tight while his dick starts a familiar pulse, his voice going wild in your ears. Oh?
“Not so fast, stupid doll,” you warn, moving your hand to make a tight ring around the base of his cock. “Thought you could just cum without getting me off first?”
Buggy tries to get out apologies but his mouth is too busy buried in your pussy.
“I’m touching you as a reward. Don’t get greedy,” you scold. Then you’re putting him back in your mouth and he’s sobbing under your cunt. You couldn’t do anything more than light sucking and trailing your hands on him before you’d have to pull back and keep him from cumming. Each time, he’d try to apologize and each time he would look and sound more and more pathetic. By the time you feel the pressure of your own orgasm pulsing throughout your hips, he’s shaking like a leaf.
The crackling complaint Buggy let out when you pulled yourself off of his face was heartbroken. His fingers slipped and pulled as they made their way from your breasts down to your hips, where they weakly tried to pull you back down on him.
“Shhh sweet boy,” you soothed, placing your hands reassuringly over his, “I’m just gonna use your cock now, gotta give that pretty face a break.”
That quickly distracts him from the loss of your touch, if his urgent pleas and raised hips are anything to go by. You get down to his hips and lean forward slightly, gripping firmly onto each of his warm thighs for stability. You admire the lines that twist over them as his muscles move and react to you. Feeling a little bit sadistic, you grip them hard enough to bruise and hover just close enough to his cock so that he feels the heat of you there but only the ghost of your touch.
“Please touch me,” he begs. “So close, need to feel you-”
Buggy continues to babble and you continue to hover, delighting in the way his dick would sometimes jump up to tap your entrance, electrifying both of you. He squirms under the strength and weight of your grasp on his thighs, trying to chase you with his hips. Suddenly, he splits his legs off above your grip and is finally able to grind fully into you, gliding smoothly through the thick mix of slick, spit, and precum between you. An absurdly hot groan rushes out of him, starting as all exhale before morphing into a loud tone supported by a rumble in his chest. Your mind blanks with your own gasping moan before you recenter yourself and let your dead weight drop on him, shoving his hips deeply down into the mattress.
You had angled your hips to save your clit from all pressure but the tap of his balls when they bounced up from the impact, but Buggy was given no such mercy. The first hit between your weight and the bed presses his cock near painfully between the two of you, but he can’t deny the way the feeling sent prickles across his every nerve and the relief after it let up has him baring his teeth in his bid to not cum. Instead of nice grinds, you simply oscillate your weight around your hips to keep giving him too much stimulation but not the right kind.
“Am I not doing good enough for you?” you ask, voice carrying a warning that he better answer properly.
“N-no I love it, I was just-”
“Just what?” you interrupt, hand moving from bruising his thigh to cup his balls, adding to the threat in your tone.
“Couldn’t think! S-sorry, I’m sorry -hhhanh- ” Buggy keeps his apologies streaming because he can’t stop disobeying you - he can’t help making tight little movements of his hips against you to feel more of you.
“Having trouble being the one fucked stupid, little whore?” you goad. “Don’t like being so pussy-whipped you can’t think like a person anymore?”
“I love it,” he moans, fiercer than you expected. “Need it -hahh- need you, I’m yours, need to be yours.”
Fuck, you need to get him inside you; you were too close to cumming empty from hearing him talk like that. You keep the hand on his balls, starting to fondle them, and use the other to line him up with your entrance. You can already feel bliss curling in your toes as his fat head presses at you, but Buggy does the last thing you expect - he pulls back.
“No!” his voice breaks and you whip around, scared that something was wrong. He’s staring at you with wide, wet eyes. “Turn around, please, please, wanna see you.” You relaxed knowing he wasn’t hurt or scared or uncomfortable. He begins to have trouble looking at you, turning his head away shyly and letting some of his hair sweep over to shield his face. “Want you to look at me.”
You’re getting whiplash after being thrown from panic to overwhelmed with affection so quickly. You move slowly and smoothly when you turn yourself around and slink your body down over him. You rest on your elbows and slowly lower your hips back down to him, this time grinding his head against your clit generously. Buggy’s head spins between the fire you’re tending in him and the loving way you hold his face and brush away his hair.
“You sure you can take it, honey?” you ask softly. “You can’t even look at me right now.”
“I can!” he asserts, needing to prove himself to you. He turns his face to yours and flicks his gaze to your eyes and away a few times before he’s able to lock eyes with you. You pet his face and continue your smooth grinding, taking the time to look at him like he wants you to. Buggy’s face is the most beautiful shade of pathetic you’d ever seen; shimmering tear tracks highlight skin that is pink and flushed and damp with sweat. The color of his cheeks brings out the ruby color of his nose and you can’t resist brushing your own nose against it. He tries to flinch back but you follow him. When he turns his face away, you lure him back to you with sweet kisses. When he faces you again, you intensify the stable grinding you’ve kept up to nudge him a little closer to the edge once again.
“So pretty,” you whisper, reverent and honest. Your eyes are looking right into his, seeing him in a way that has him feeling worshiped. Loving fingers map out the structure of his cheekbones and jaw, moving on to chart his lips. They kiss at your fingertips sweetly. “I have the prettiest toy on the seas. Better than any other treasure.”
He perks up at that, giving you a moan and bucking hips.
“You wanna be my treasure?” you ask, getting an immediate, breathy “yes” from him.
“Well I love every bit of my treasures, from their gems to their dents,” you tell him. “After they’ve caught my eye with their beauty, the only thing they need to do to stay my treasures is let me care for every piece of them.” You brush your noses together again, staring at him pointedly. “Can you do that for me?”
There’s real conflict in Buggy’s eyes and you slow your hips to let him think. After a few long breaths, his whole body tenses and he nudges his nose back into yours in a hesitant eskimo kiss.
You turn your head and crash your lips on his in a consuming kiss full of teeth and tongue and praises. You’re bursting with your pride and love from his show of trust and he’s lost in the flood of your acceptance. Your hips are insistent again and, without breaking the kiss, you reach down and, at last, guide his cock into you.
Buggy cranes his head back again, so you switch to sucking and biting his neck. You can’t taste or feel enough of him, he’s not close enough. Even when he’s deep enough to lick at your cervix you need more of him. Even though he’s wedged you open enough for you to feel the pressure of it in your hips. Even though he’s crammed between your legs, ringing in your ears, sinking under your nails, sitting on your tongue, filling your breath - none of it is enough, so you keep taking more from him.
Though his hands have found their way onto your hips countless times, this grip felt foreign. Normally they’d hold firm and sure and guide you to move just how he needs you to. Right now, his grip is somehow tighter even though it’s all pawing and clawing. He has no control on how you fuck him, he’s just desperately trying to hold on for the ride and grasp more you - he’d do absolutely anything if it meant he’d get a single bit closer to you - to knowing nothing in this world other than every inch, every sound, every feeling that you have to offer. And then he’d beg for even more.
“Talk to me, treasure, tell me how you feel,” you urge. 
“I -mngh!- I-I feel-” Buggy gasps out. It’s clear he’s trying to listen to you but that pretty little head of his is scrambled. He keeps his foggy eyes on you in an attempt to focus, despite how much they want to roll back behind fluttering lids. He pants and moans a few more times before licking his lips and trying again. “-’s good, so good, s-so -uungh- s’gooooood -hahh-”
“That’s my good man, my perfect treasure, my sweet love,” you coo somewhere between a whisper and a moan. The way he’s stretching you open, rubbing at you with his hot cockhead is fraying your control. The freedom to call him “love” sends flutters through your chest. Buggy is just as desperate for the claim, each time he hears the word a keening whine answers it.
“Please, please, need you to cum,” he pants. “Can’t -hhah- c-can’t-”
“You can and you will.” The command leaves no room for argument.
You’re getting so close, feeling the promise of your release in the tingle of your fingers, the heat searing through your trembling thighs, and the tight gripping in your body all the way from your throat to your pussy. The feelings pulse stronger with each clap of your hips to Buggy, each time his thick cock shoves you open and lights up every buzzing nerve that it rubs through your walls.
“Fuck, love, you can cum.” He feels your lips form the words against his racing pulse. It’s hard to keep track of what you’re saying through the white out in your head and the heat licking through your entire body.  Your words rush out desperately, trying to get your scattered thoughts to him through a heavy tongue and a lack of air. “You’re so, so good, feel so good, gonna cum so fucking hard, love it so much, fuck, love how you make me feel so good-”
“Thank you thank you thank you thank you-” he gasps out on loop as his hips stutter and his cock jumps, filling you up. His pathetic thanks and the feeling of him releasing into you send you over the edge and everything burns so good. Your body involuntarily bucks and trembles on him for a few seconds where you have no say. You find yourself caving into him under the weight of your clenching muscles. Every clench of your cunt around him feels long and gripping and lets your swollen walls feel him with a little more detail. You make small, slow circles of your hips to wring out his climax, which seems never ending. Rush after rush of hot cum fills you until it’s spilling back into his lap, but his hands still encourage your movements and his body still shakes and trembles and he still babbles praises into your shoulder. Even when the aftershocks are settling to fewer and further between, he lets out a pathetic whine any time you stop moving in an attempt to give him some respite. After indulging him in another minute of overstimulation, you slowly lift off of him, receiving an upset groan. You hush him with trailing hands and sweet kisses, which he happily returns.
When his breathing is finally steady, you take a moment to check him over. His face is so relaxed he actually looks knocked out, but he does hum in response to your light squeeze on his shoulder. Buggy’s lashes have always been beautiful, but they look especially nice sending shadows across his cheek bones. His hair is a wild mess around him, and it feels silky between your fingers when you detangle it. His broad chest is still moving a bit fast with his breath, but each rise is a bit larger and longer. You admire the way his breathing moves the red spots and pink streaks decorating him, especially enjoying their contrast to his blue chest hair. His throat bobbing on a heavy swallow points your attention back upwards, and you admire the way his dark stubble makes his jaw even sharper. A little higher, you notice how red and swollen his lips are and how shining tear tracks dry across his face. You’d never seen him so fucked out. It looks gorgeous on him.
Since Buggy is calm and settling, it’s time to get up and clean you both up a bit. This time he communicates his displeasure at your absence with a petulant grunt. You turn back with a raised brow to sass him but break out in laughter instead when you see he couldn't even muster the energy to turn his head toward you. You don’t think this man has even opened his eyes since before he came.
“Don’t worry, love, I’m just getting a towel to clean up.”
A begrudging grunt.
Good enough.
After quickly taking care of yourself, you reappear with a warm, damp towel. The moment Buggy feels your weight back on the bed, he musters all of his remaining strength and pulls you on top of him. You giggle while he grumbles something into your shoulder.
“One more time, Bugs.”
He sighs like you are the most unreasonable person he has ever met, and you laugh at the deja vu you’re feeling. His lips move up to your ear and you hum happily at the tingles his breath leaves behind. “You took too long.”
You roll your eyes. “Sorry, your highness. Just trying to make sure we don’t wake up sticky in a puddle. Now come on, it’s your turn.”
On the third attempt to pull back, he finally lets you go (with yet another grumble) and you set to work on wiping him down. You begin with his face, enjoying the hum he lets out at the light warmth in the soft cloth, and move down to his neck. You spend a little bit of extra time on his shoulders and chest, massaging between swipes of the towel. He obnoxiously flings each arm at you when you are ready for them, just to hear you laugh another time. He enjoys the emptiness of his head while you move to his calves and work your way up. On his thighs and stomach, you sprinkle sweet kisses that leave his heart feeling gooey. He falls in love with you all over again when you blow a raspberry on his side to rouse him once he gets too close to dozing off.
He thinks he is all out of aftershocks until he is savoring the last few when you finish cleaning him up. You leave a loving kiss on the sensitive skin just inside his hip bone, before standing up, again to a groan. Buggy was always touchy after sex (and honestly touchy in general; you’re surprised he doesn’t demand you to hold a detached hand at all hours) but this is something else. It has you thinking of how much you crave his affirming touch whenever he is pushy or rough with you during sex. You’re both lucky that you find his pouting endlessly endearing. Grabbing the blankets that had fallen from the foot of the bed, you finally make your way back to him.
“Took you long enough.” Buggy’s words are bratty, but his tone is sweet and starstruck. He’s making sure to enjoy the last bit of seeing you clearly before you turn off the light.
“Fine - next time I’ll throw you a towel and go find a clean hammock for myself,” you tease. “That should be much quicker.” You plop onto the bed next to Buggy, jostling him, and you fluff the blankets out over the two of you.
“Noooooooooo,” he whines. “You’d leave me to fend for myself like that? I’d die.” Even with the dark, the way you two move to intertwine is coordinated and sure, played out many times before.
“I’m pretty sure there’s cryptid in your bloodline; you should do just fine with survival,” you laugh, snuggling deeper into him. As always, a deep inhale of him (saltwater, spices, leather, smoke, musk) has you immersed in your safe space. “Aren’t you the self-proclaimed untamable man, oh great Captain Buggy?”
“I’ve been domesticated-” you guffaw “-and it’s all your fault so you need to take some responsibility for your actions.”
You settle your laughter and look to meet his gaze. By now your eyes have adjusted just enough for you to see the moonlight from the porthole reflecting in his eyes. The unguarded affection you spot in them stalls your breath.
“Okay.” The word promises much more than he had asked. The meaning seems to reach him, because he holds you just that much closer and plants a lingering kiss to the top of your head. 
The brushing of the waves on the thick wooden sides of the ship guides your breath to deepen. The creaking of wooden boards and distant thunking of feet on the deck comfort you with their familiarity. Buggy is just barely hanging onto consciousness, trying to keep his fingers tracing nonsense patterns on your skin. The last things your mind holds onto are the warmth seeping from Buggy’s body, the gentleness of those calloused fingertips, and the sleepy slur of his tender mumble.
“Goodnight, my brightest star.”
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youronlydarlin · 8 months
Warnings: None, just a lovesick old man, extremely fluffy.
M'in my feelings again. I need a hug, and you know who gives the best hugs? Price. Captain John. Fucking. Price. That's who.
He croons at you, crossing the room in big, quick steps the moment he sees that tearful look in your eyes. The telltale sign of a bad day. He knows exactly what to do sweetheart, don't you worry bout it.
Price wraps his arms around you, covering you fully, shielding you away from the world, and in a way, it's exactly what he wishes to do. To just whisk you away into a cute cozy little cabin, in a world that's less busy, less loud. Where he can wake up next to your beautiful face everyday, and kiss your eyes 'good morning.
You'd make breakfast, while he tends to your garden, a smile forming at his face at the sight of the blooming roses. You said they'd be beautiful in full bloom, but they'll never be as beautiful as you, nor will they even be half as enchanting. He'll hear you call for him and say that 'breakfast's ready. And he's already straightening his back from where he was crouched, fixated on the two butterflies frolicking, and reminding him of the both of you. People might call him cheesy for it, corny even. That he's too old to be dreaming of a fairytale life. But to him, anything with you is possible, and it makes him want to stop at this moment right here, where he's finally retired, and just gets to settle down with you.
That's his happy ending, the moment where the world fades away, and the colors drain with it. You'll turn the page, and it'll greet you with "and they both lived happily ever after". And thus the book will close, and that book he'll read as a bedtime story to your little ones, then theirs in time, as well.
The picture perfect ending that he wants, only with you. But that can wait, as for now he drags himself out of his daydreams, and comforts you. Shushing, and whispering, "S'alright, love.. I've got you, everything's alright now, hm?.." he reassures you, kissing the space where your shoulder meets your neck, and the scruff of his beard tickles you. You giggle slightly, and he holds you closer to his chest. Let's you knows where you'll always be. And he slowly rocks the both of you to the rhythm of it..
a/n: English isn't my first language, sorry. M'not the best at writing fluff, nor endings, for that matter, but criticism is always welcome!! Have a nice day, dollface, remember to always take care of yourself..!
Yours, truly,
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happilyhertale · 9 months
Deep affection – Modern Daemon Targaryen x fem!reader
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Summary: You have decided to spend the Christmas holidays with Daemon's family. You were actually looking forward to spending a few days with Daemon. But you hadn't reckoned with the constant boredom. But Daemon knows how to counteract this.
Pairing: Modern Daemon Targaryen x fem!reader
Warnings: Smut; 18+; NSFW; Oral (m receiving)
Author’s note: English is my second language, please forgive me if I made any mistakes (:
Word count: 1.3 k
Other stories of mine
12 days of smuff
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You throw a slender stick into the crisp winter air and your gaze gracefully follows its fleeting trajectory. In the blink of an eye, Caraxes, your faithful companion of the last few days, leaps forwards with unbridled enthusiasm, and a symphony of joyful barking accompanies each of his leaps. A gentle smile graces your face as you enjoy his exuberance and watch the merry dance he performs across the snowy canvas under the azure sky. Completely exuberant, he leaves his tracks in the untouched blanket of snow.
Amidst the serene spectacle, an unmistakable rhythm of footsteps interrupts the tranquil atmosphere of the winter landscape. You glance over your shoulder and see Daemon approaching. His face is adorned with an infectious grin that reflects the happiness emanating from the frolicking dog.
"There you are," he says softly, "I was afraid you'd run off," he adds.
You smile at him, "And leave Caraxes alone in this boring environment? I don't think so," you say quietly.
Daemon chuckles softly and wraps his arms around you as he stands behind you. "Boring?" he murmurs in his deep voice. You look over your shoulder, your eyes meet and you feel yourself getting warm despite the cold around you.
"Well, a bit..." you say and smile, "You're always involved in conversations with your brother that end in arguments... And then you drink whiskey until your anger dissipates... and you fall asleep"
Daemon looks at you and watches you closely.
"And I can't really talk to Visery's wife... She's boring, Daemon... She just knits and you can't really talk to her..." you continue as you turn around, your hands now on his chest.
His hands are on your hips, pulling you closer to him.
"And their children... always seem to sense when we..." but you can't finish the sentence. Daemon cups your lips with his. You gasp slightly, but surrender. Daemon pulls you closer, kisses you almost roughly.
He breaks the kiss and looks at you with half-lidded eyes. "So my wife is bored... and I can't take care of her properly?" he whispers. You bite your lip, instantly recognising the desire in his eyes, the certain tone of his voice.
"Maybe we should take the chance now that we're undisturbed?" he whispers.
You look at him a little incredulously, "Here? Daemon it's cold... and what if someone comes out?" you whisper. Your gaze falls on the huge Targaryen estate behind him.
But Daemon gently grips your chin, letting your gaze fall back on him.
"Then we should hurry," he murmurs.
He kisses you again, his hand travelling down your neck and gripping you lightly. A whimper fills the air, but you feel your desire rising – you've had to do without him for too long. Your hands move down from his chest, gliding almost effortlessly until they reach his crotch. His hard manhood is already pressing against the fabric of his jeans and a grin forms on your lips. You start to undo his belt and your grin is now reflected on Daemon's lips.
"Don't you want me to take care of you?" he mumbles.
You shake your head slightly and start to undo the buttons of his jeans – you bite your lip lightly.
The snow crunches lightly beneath you as you drop to your knees. His jeans slide down just a little with your falling movement so as not to expose him too much to the cold air. But his hard member doesn't seem to mind the cold, it's already pressing against his boxer shorts and twitching almost desperately. It's just waiting to be pulled out so that your lips can encircle it. When your eyes meet as your gaze travels upwards, your lips are slightly pursed. His pupils are dilated with lust, his breathing heavier as his anticipation builds.
His boxers slide down too and his arousal jumps out at you as you gently slide your warm hand along his hot length. Your teeth dig deeper into your lip as you feel his cock throbbing between your fingers, making your mouth water. Daemon growls slightly as you lean forwards and cup the tip of his cock with your lips.
"Gods..." he growls as you slowly let his entire length disappear into your mouth – or at least try to. You savour the sounds Daemon makes, knowing full well that he is watching his cock disappear into your mouth. And as you surrender to the familiar filling in your mouth, you moan slightly, followed by the gentle thrusts of his hips as they follow the movements of your head.
The salty taste is already spreading over your tongue as you begin to suck and lick his tip, concentrating on taking as much of his length into your mouth as possible while your hand strokes the rest of him. You calmly try to breathe through your nose when Daemon suddenly grabs your head and holds it tight. His hips begin to thrust harder and you moan loudly as his thrusts penetrate deeper into your throat. Sudden gagging follows as Daemon thrusts his cock into your throat with full force. The involuntary gagging makes your throat spasm around the tip of his cock. The interplay with the vibration of your moans makes Daemon groan loudly as he feels his cock being massaged in your warm, wet mouth.
Tears well up in your eyes as Daemon continues to thrust into your throat. Saliva slowly drips from your mouth as you are unable to swallow as you continue to be held tightly in Daemon's grip and he thrusts into you relentlessly.
"You like that, don't you?" growls Daemon, "The way I'm taking you... claiming your mouth."
You can't answer, but you moan at his words, unable to help but surrender to him. Tears run gently down your cheeks as the assault on the depths of your throat makes you gag up again and again. "Gods, you are divine... Look at me," he grunts and you try to obey and look up at him, still breathing heavily and with tears streaming down your cheeks. His thumb slides slowly over your cheek, a total contrast to his thrusting hips.
Daemon's hand grips your hair tighter, holding you firmly in place as his cock begins to twitch in your mouth. You start sucking hard, wanting to taste his juices. Daemon grunts loudly again and continues to hold your head while his hips thrust harder.
"Fuck, yes," he moans as his one hand tries to gently caress your cheek, "My good girl," he grunts before covering your warm mouth with a white veil. Deep down your throat he spurts his warm seed. His eyes are shut tight and his breath comes in gasps as you try to swallow it all down. You whimper slightly as Daemon opens his eyes again and looks down. He loves the sight of you kneeling in front of him, his cock deep in your mouth, your mascara slightly smudged.
Slowly, he pulls his hot length out of your mouth, then runs his thumb over your lips to wipe away the remnants of his cum. You're breathing heavily, but you're smiling. Slowly, you stand up again as Daemon pulls his jeans back up. He pulls you closer to him again, kissing your lips almost gently as you stand in front of him.
"Let's go inside, lock the doors and not come out until tomorrow," he murmurs against your lips. You can't help but giggle excitedly and nod at him.
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@hoshi-miharu-blog @arryn-nyx @aemonds-eyeball @praline357 @melsunshine @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed @lauftivy @valeskafics @dreamlandcreations @hopelesswritergall @wetbitchlibrary @bl4ckph0enix @autumnhymns @fan-goddess @msmorningstaarr
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strwberri-milk · 1 year
Would you please write Diluc or Kaeya. They see their lover dance in the rain, and their lover finally sees them. Their lover offers them to dance with them if they'd like.
TYSM. Btw your writing is so smooth, the words just seem to flow.
thank you!! the writing flows probablyl bc i black out when i write LMAO jkjk but i do try to enter a flow state to just get everything out which is why. i have weird errors i never catch lol also where i work i gotta go outside a lot and the other day there was a massive storm and me and my friend decided to just go fuck it and walked back in the storm bc here there's no guaruntee the rain will lighten up and we didnt wanna get trapped on the island where we were at the time and came back up to the main store just. soaked. it was awful i couldnt even wear my shirt anymore
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Diluc, as per usual was caught up inside with some work. With the heavy rain he knew his work as the Darknight Hero would be severely impeded so he wasn't planning on going for a patrol this evening, leaving him more time to spend with you. He was just trying to finish his paperwork at this point for the day so he could spend the rest of the evening with you without worrying about anything else.
You had found a way to entertain yourself without Diluc, hearing the slight roll of thunder in the distance and preoccupying yourself with a small impromptu picnic on the steps to the manor while you waited for the rain to come down.
In about an hour Diluc heard the sound of raindrops hitting against the ground. The rain was slight and barely coming in so he decided to keep his window open for the fresh air to come through, almost missing the sound of your laughter on the ground.
He stuck his head out, trying to look for you when he saw you just happily dancing around in the rain. You were singing to a song in your head, swaying to the beat you imagined as the rain comes down. It didn't drown you out with how soft it was coming down, but he was getting worried that you'd get cold from being outside and wet.
Diluc was about to call out to you when you looked up and met his eyes with a huge smile. He couldn't tell you no now with how happy you looked. Instead, he comes down and opens the door, watching from the doorway as you skip around.
He should have expected you to march right up to him, pulling him under the rain and making his already unruly locks even worse. He sees the curling up as you pull him around to the number you've made up, sighing good-naturedly before pulling you into his arms.
You're a little surprised until you feel the heat of his body get a little warmer, the slight glow of his vision telling you that he was using it to keep you warm. His arms wrap around your waist, making you slow down to the rhythm of a smooth waltz and keeping you there, nice and cozy. Now, the two of you can dance as much as you want to without Diluc having to worry about you freezing.
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Kaeya was inside trying to make some dinner. You were supposed to be running some errands for him when he discovered some of the ingredients he wanted to use were missing. Thankfully they weren't anything too major but he was hoping that he could have them in a timely manner to ensure everything tasted as perfect as he wanted it to.
He didn't expect to hear the door open for just a split second, groceries getting plopped onto the ground before you run out of the house again. He goes to investigate what you're trying to do, seeing you laying in the grass for a bit as the rain just starts to come down.
Curiously, he continues to watch what you'll do as the rain comes down harder, cringing a little as he realises it's taking you a while to get up. Hopefully, you don't track too much mud into the house later, but if this is how you want to have fun he's not going to stop you.
When the rain starts to pour a little you finally get up, practically frolicking around the yard as he recognises you dancing around. He smiles to himself, still watching from the safety of the inside of the house as he hears the sound of your muffled laughter.
it takes you a while but you finally notice that he's just been watching you for the last little bit. When he doesn't make a move to come outside with you you pout a little, gesturing for him to open the door. When he finally does, you continue to motion for him to come outside, Kaeya doing so a little hesitantly. He just doesn't like the feeling of wet clothes if he can help it, at least able to slip on some waterproof boots.
You try to get him to dance with you, taking his hands in yours as he follows your slightly erratic movements. He's just trying not to accidentally use his vision, thinking that accidentally giving you hypothermia would not be fun in the least.
After his initial reservations are assuaged, he pulls the most romantic moves. He kisses you softly in the rain, twirling you around before pushing your body into a deep bend. You swear if he weren't there to catch you you'd just fall onto the ground.
His strong hold keeps your body afloat as the two of you dance, Kaeya whispering the sweetest things he can muster as you keep each other warm in the chill of the rain.
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abiiors · 7 months
cannot stop thinking about stomach/thigh riding with Ross 🫠
well ever since i saw this photo right here, neither can i 🫠🫠🫠
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it first happens because you haven't seen him in so long--a situation neither of you is too happy about but he has a tour to get through on another continent sandwiched between working on their next album and you have a highly demanding job that doesn't let you go frolicking on a world tour with your bf on a whim.
so you have to sustain yourself on phone sex and grainy video calls with terrible reception. it's almost like edging... but for 4 whole months. so much so that you practically leap onto each other the moment he gets home and sets his bags down.
the first kiss is a sweet "i missed you so much" kiss.
the second kiss turns you feral.
ross tugs at your bottom lip with his teeth until you hiss at the sting, somewhere halfway through the kiss you jump on him, legs wrapped tightly around his middle, cunt aching to feel him inside you, while he carries you to the bedroom and doesn't break the kiss even once.
you let your hands roam through his hair, pull at the hair tie holding it together and throw it away. it's been too long since you tugged on the strands, too long since you heard him groan. and that's exactly what he does, right into your mouth, sending heat flaring through your whole body.
"my fucking filthy girl, missed you so much," he mumbles and throws you on the bed. you slide down your shorts hastily while ross takes his shirt off. it's been way too long and you just need to feel him inside now.
the moment his shirt is off, your fingers freeze on the waistband of your underwear. your eyes widen and slowly trail over the expanse of his chest and stomach. he's-- this-- your jaw drops and you can practically feel yourself drooling at the sight of his toned stomach. the tattoos stark against his tanned skin.
this is a new development.
this is not what he looked like when you saw him four months ago.
his whole face changes with one small, knowing smirk. and ross gets on the bed, practically hovering over you while you look at him all wide-eyed and flustered.
"do you like what you see, sweet girl? is that why you've gone all shy on me?"
you nod, absolutely mesmerised, and it only fuels him more.
with his hand on your hips, ross pulls you onto him, flipping you both so he's on his back and you're on top of him, right on top of the abs you were ogling not even five seconds ago. ross moves to half sit up, balancing himself on his forearms and the movement makes his stomach flex right under your cunt. it sends a current running through your bones and you gasp.
"does that feel good, sweet girl? do you want to use me?" his voice has gone so low and deep and almost like a growl that you can't help but whimper out a choked "y-yes", and grind yourself on him in response. and ross encourages it too with his hands digging into your hips, helping you move back and forth.
"how about we take these off huh?" his fingers hook in your underwear, sliding them to your things and the thought of getting off of him, even for a second, is unbearable. but he makes quick work of it, slipping them past your ankles and lowering you on his stomach again.
this time you feel everything with so much intensity. the warmth of his skin send heat rushing through your blood and you press down on him, grinding on him like a bitch in heat. your fingers curl on his chest, long nail leaving crescent moon shaped marks on his skin. and ross never stops looking at you once while you figure out your rhythm.
if anything, his eyes take you in hungrily, roam all over your face taking in every small detail, every reaction--the way your face twists when he moves under you, the way your jaw goes slack when you press your clit against his stomach.
"look at you sweetheart, look so fucking beautiful using me like that," he purrs, hand snaking up your thigh till he's grabbing your ass. praise after praise tumbles out of his mouth and each one gets your higher than the last. your head spins from the blood running so fast through your veins. it's electric, using his stomach to get off like that while he just has to lie back and watch.
you rock your hips faster, well aware of your slick coating his skin now, but your eyes flutter shut and all you can see are bursts of stars behind your eyelids. pleasure shoots through you with each contact against your clit and his hands grip you even tighter.
"can feel you clenching around nothing, sweetheart, cum for me and i'll give you what you want. my good girl, my perfect girl." he murmurs low and his stomach flexes under you again.
all the praise has you tumbling over the edge and your head falls back as pleasure coils in your belly. god! it feels so good! for a second everything melts away and you dig your nails into his chest until he hisses but ross doesn't move away at all. doesn't try to stop you even once.
"ross..." you moan breathily once you fall onto his chest, face pressed into his collarbone and he hums. "i want...more. please..."
and of course, he doesn't need to be told a second time.
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kana-daydreams · 4 months
𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐞
summary: you spend a memorable night at the general's humble abode.
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𝐏𝐎𝐅 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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Settled on a couch inside the living room space of a small apartment, with a fluffy towel in hand, you gently pat your hair dry— your freshly groomed locks, a victim of the rain you’d barely managed to escape that drums against the rooftop in a relentless and thunderous rhythm. 
As you continue to dry your hair, wincing slightly every now and then from the piercing sound of thunder; a hand bearing a single silver ring on its index finger brandishes a mug in your view, a waft of steam floating above its rim.
“What’s this?” Your eyes travel up from the mug to look up at Warumono who adorns a much less business-formal look, his usual grey trench coat thrown over an all-black attire exchanged for a pair of black sweats matched with a white Tee—-clothes very similar to the ones you don that dwarfs your figure, considering they belonged to Warumono himself.
And why were you wearing the admittedly comfy clothes of one of Earth’s archnemesis?
Blame it on your tendency for not checking in with the weather forecast before your patrols. And having no choice, but to accept Warumono’s invitation—a reluctant offer on his part— to his home after a bolt of lightning had narrowly missed your person, leading you to fling yourself onto his taller frame and keeping your form glued to his back the entire way to his apartment.
The embarrassment.
 “Hot chocolate,” Warumono answers waiting for you to relieve him of the mug.
You scoff. “What do I look like—five?” You murmur, but despite your words, you still take the cup. “Thanks.” You begrudgingly say, before sipping down some of its rich, sweet contents.
Warumono acknowledges your gratitude with a curt nod, before settling himself beside you on the small couch, nursing in his hand, his own cup of hot chocolate.
You watch silently as he then reaches for the TV remote and turns on the flat-screen television plastered on the wall. 
A screen of pandas living their best lives pops into view. And from your periphery, you notice a distinctive gleam in Warumono’s eyes and the corner of his lips inching up into a smile.
“…you really do like pandas, huh?” You say after a minute of observing his reactions to the pandas frolicking on screen, a hint of amusement and surprise laced in your tone.
Warumono cranes his head to look at you. “Yes,” he says before returning his gaze to the TV.
“Me too.” Your voice is somewhat soft at your revelation—one you mindlessly blurt out— but your proximity allows Warumono to catch your words. And in an unexpected turn of events, you and him find yourselves lost in a conversation in which you both exclusively gush over pandas and everything panda-related. 
As you do, time flits by unnoticeably to you two.
It’s only hours later you both become aware of the time, along with the unrelenting rainstorm; and find yourselves unfortunately making sleeping arrangements which land you atop a loft in the comfort of a futon laid neatly against tatami-covered floors.
You shoot a quick message, via your phone, to your extremely worried ranger family to appease their unease about your safety, and after discard it to the side—the same time the lights go off, leaving you in a dimly lit room.
You feel somewhat uncomfortable with the dimmed lighting, but don’t linger too much on the feeling as you pull the white blanket of the futon, snug over your form.
Not even a minute passes, after you close your eyes, when your body jolts from the sudden crack of thunder, an involuntary squeak leaving your lips.
Another crack sounds, more prolonged and louder than its predecessor, and it makes your body quiver in response.
“Villain?” Your shaky voice calls out to Warumono as you peer down at him slumbering on the couch.
“Hey, Villain! Wake up!” you shout again, this time in added urgency, when you don’t hear a response.
A groan, then the sounds of shuffling, follows your pleading shouts.
“W-What?” Warumono’s groggy voice, edged with annoyance, asks.
“Wanna sleep with me?”
A silence descends the room at your question.
The awkward quiet instantly makes you notice the suggestive implication of your words and your face burns from embarrassment.
“I-I mean, you look uncomfortable down there.” You hurry to rephrase your words, referring to his noticeably long limbs dangling halfway off the couch. “Why don’t you sleep up here instead? Next to me.”
“Because I don't want to.”
“C’mon, I insist.”
"Just c'mere. I don't bite."
Your words continue to bounce back and forth, you extending an invite to a much more comfortable rest and him refusing.
“Please.” You attempt a final try at getting him to accept your offer, your voice barely above a whisper.
Warumono parts his lips, once again prepared to deny your persistent perseverance when his ears tune in on the subtle whimper of your voice that follows the roar of thunder. “...Fine.” He sighs.
You perk up, wiping away your tears. “R-Really?!”
Warumono doesn’t respond and instead gathers his bedding before climbing into the loft.
He keeps a respectable distance, as much as he can, away from you.
“Thank you.” He thinks he hears you say, but before he can question it, he notices the slow rise and fall of your chest. An indication you’ve already fallen asleep.
It’s not long until he joins you in slumber. And during some point of the night your head lays, nestled against his broad chest while his arms are circled around your waist in a possessive embrace, both your legs draped across each other’s under the comforting warmth of the blanket—and each other. Your intimate position known only to you when heat blooms under your skin after you wake up in the middle of the night to him snuggling you closer to his chest, and the feeling of his chin settled gently on the crown of your head. 
The following morning, when Warumono wakes from his sleep, well-rested, one he hadn't had the pleasure of experiencing in quite a while, he notices your absence next to him.
He pulls himself upright, wiping away the sleep from his eyes, pausing midway when his nose catches the mouth-watering scent of freshly brewed coffee and the hint of a savoury aroma mingling in the air.
He clambers down the loft's ladder, following the scent into the kitchen area, and finds a plate of breakfast and said coffee on the kitchen counter, together with a purple sticky note.
He peels it off the saran-wrapped plate and a smile adorns his features when he reads the words followed by a chibi drawing of a panda.
Thank you for yesterday. It was... kinda fun.
Ps.  I’ll be watching you.
—your fellow panda–loving enemy.
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© 2024 kana-daydreams
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lovekia · 4 months
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Weekly Competition Theme: Favorite Makeup
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ineffable-doll · 7 days
Sick of music that’s always about sex and romance? Me too, man!
Thankfully, there’s TONS of music out there that isn’t. Here are some artists with songs I LOVE LOVE LOVE that aren’t about either of those things to diversify your musical subject matter!
(Every artist is also either BIPOC, queer, or both!)
*Links lead to Spotify, but their music is available on all the other usual platforms, too!
Janani K. Jha 📚🏺
Vibe: like devouring an entire fantasy series in a weekend then blinking awake and realizing the rest of the world still exists somehow and you’re no longer sure what to do with your life
Library Card
Machine Learning
Two Roads
Vienna Teng 🌄🎹
Vibe: like life is a series of ups and downs and you’re softly clinging to hope because there really is so much beautiful about the world that makes it worth living
Never Look Away
Homecoming (Walter’s Song)
The Tower
Vibe: like frolicking barefoot in an early autumn wood with nymphs and fairies and harmonizing with the moon
Blood in the Wine
Some Type of Skin
Amythyst Kiah 🪕🌇
Vibe: like whispered confessions that became declarations and using a banjo to try and discover who you are
Chained to the Rhythm
Play God and Destroy the World
Mon Rovîa 🫂🌿
Vibe: like being told you’re not alone, and everything will be okay, just lay your head here and rest
City on a Hill
crooked the road.
To Watch the World Spin Without You
Vibe: like sitting by a river, following your dreams even though life is so so hard, and learning to love yourself
Love Letter
It's All True
Everything I Need
Enny Owl 🦉⛰️
Vibe: like hearing a forested mountainside sing you a lullaby as you lay in a bed of moss
House on a Garden
Mother Earth
Please give these artists a try, they’re all incredible and deserve so much love! Share your favorite songs that aren’t about sex or romance in the tags and comments!
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philistiniphagottini · 5 months
May I please request a one-shot where Akihiko finds out about his female crush’s talent for dancing after seeing her do so on the dorm’s rooftop?
Hi! Thanks for sending in a request. I know you asked for a female reader but this story ended up being pretty gender neutral, so I hope you don't mind. I had fun writing this. Hope you like it :)
cw. fluff
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Akihiko didn’t know you could dance. The sound of music is what had initially drawn him to you in the first place. He had heard the faint tune when he had arrived back at Iwatodai Dorm to find the place practically deserted. He had followed the gentle hum of music all the way up to the dorm’s rooftop, the melody increasing with each step he took until finally, he was greeted to the sight of you frolicking in the afternoon sun.
Akihiko stood frozen in the doorway, his grip on the door handle loose as he watched in silent awe at the way you moved. The way the sunlight kissed your skin and reflected from your shimmering hair as you danced with practiced ease captivated him. His heart fluttered wildly in his chest as his eyes drank in the sight, ears blessed with a graceful tune as you stepped in perfect sync with the beat. You hadn’t even noticed him yet, face set in concentration and senses too absorbed in your routine that you hadn’t so much as even glanced in his direction yet.
The old cassette player that you danced around was showing the obvious signs of aging, the once polished surface now chipped and worn with a few scratches etched into the paint. But it was still cared for dearly, despite its age it still performed its duty magnificently; much like the way you put on a performance that only served to further endear Akihiko to you. For a brief moment, he felt like he was intruding on a private moment, something that maybe wasn’t meant for his eyes just yet. But Akihiko couldn’t will his body to move no matter how hard he tried. He was completely rooted to the spot, lost in the way you gracefully moved with the rhythm of your dance like you were born to do this.
Just as the song faded and the next was about to begin, the illusion of the moment was abruptly ruined when you came out of a graceful spin only to spot Akihiko lingering in the doorway to the rooftop. Your eyes widened and you let out a surprised noise that even you didn’t know you could make. Your graceful movements immediately dissipated and you tripped over your own feet, body acting faster than your brain could comprehend as you suddenly landed on your backside with a loud thump. Akihiko jumped into action as a hiss of pain whistled through your teeth, grip on the door abandoned as he rushed to your side.
"Are you okay?" Akihiko asked.
You were engulfed in his shadow as he stood over you, eyes swimming with concern and arms poised to help you as he offered his hand towards you. You waved his concern off, a small smile tilting your lips as you tried to ignore the twinge of pain in your rump.
"Yeah, I’m fine" you replied. "Nothing is damaged. Expect maybe my pride."
You couldn’t recall the last time you had floundered like that and had a completely ungraceful fall. You blinked owlishly up at Akihiko as you noticed his hand and after a moment of consideration, you took it and allowed him to haul you to your feet. You were mildly surprised with how strong the young man was, his grip firm but gentle as he helped to steady you on your feet. A small spark of electricity jumped between your fingers as your warm skin brushed against his and you had to stifle the noise that wanted to crawl out of your throat from the contact. Akihiko’s skin was surprisingly soft. You supposed that as a boxer, he would take very good care of his hands. It still shocked you a little to not even feel a single callous on his fingertips as he gently wrapped his hand around your wrist, concern still shimmering in the depths of his eyes as a crease formed between his brow. He opened his mouth to say something, but you quickly cut him off with a question.
"How long were you standing there for?" you asked with a curious tilt of your head.
Akihiko’s jaw snapped shut. His eyes flickered away from you for a few seconds as a nervous laugh rumbled in his chest. His cheeks flushed a light shade of pink as he rubbed the back of his neck with free hand, sweat already prickling the nape despite the cool afternoon breeze rolling by.
"A while" Akihiko admitted.
A small sigh breezed past your lips as you chewed on the dry skin around the corners of your mouth. You couldn’t place why you were suddenly bashful. It wasn’t like you hadn’t danced in front of an audience before. But hearing that Akihiko had watched for a while in silent content without saying a word made your heart flutter wildly and cause butterflies to erupt in your stomach. Akihiko took your silence as embarrassment and he rushed to rectify the situation, stumbling over his words in the process.
"But you are very talented" Akihiko blurted, his fingers around your wrist gripping a little tighter as he inched closer to you. "The best I’ve ever seen."
"I’ve heard dancing is good for the muscles in your legs" Akihiko continued to ramble. "No wonder your legs are so strong and flex-"
"Aki" you cut in.
Akihiko stopped talking, almost biting his tongue in the process. You gave him a bashful smile, the tips of your ears burning red hot as your heart continued to bounce around your chest. Hearing him compliment you was already filling the blood simmering in your veins with so much elation that it made your head feel dizzy. You slowly withdrew your hand from his grasp, the tips of your fingers still tingling as the warmth of his body lingered on your skin.
"Thank you, Aki. Your words mean a lot to me."
Akihiko breathed a sigh of relief, the tension in his shoulders finally relaxing. You averted your gaze as you kicked a loose stone at your feet, eyes flicking back up to Akihiko every few seconds as you gauged his reaction.
"Would you…like to watch me dance some more?"
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merylstreepsworld · 10 months
Your Muse Pt. 2
Pairing: Donna Sheridan x Fem!reader
Summary: You and Donna decide to continue the day with some fun in the sun. (Included at the end are 2 poems)
Word count: 2,803
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You and Donna had just finished up brunch at the café. The two of you sat there, pondering what to do next. Donna suggested the two of you spend the rest of the day at the beach. Her suggestion was met with an eager nod from you. The prospect of unwinding by the shimmering shores of Kalokari was an enticing idea, a perfect continuation of the delightful day you had shared.
With a giddy anticipation, you excused yourself to change into your bathing suit in the café's bathroom. After a quick change, you emerged, feeling the excitement bubbling within as you made your way back to Donna.
"I'm all set," you announced cheerfully, the anticipation evident in your voice.
Donna smiled warmly. "Great! I've got my bathing suit on under these clothes," she said, gesturing to her attire.
The two of you set off towards the beach, the sun casting a golden hue upon the cerulean waters ahead. The sand beneath your feet was warm and inviting, beckoning you to unwind and embrace the tranquility of the seaside.
Upon reaching the beach, you found a cozy spot and set down your belongings, ready to bask in the sun's embrace. However, you decided to stay on the shore for a little while, eager to capture the essence of this moment through your writing.
Sitting perched on a towel, you observed Donna as she gracefully peeled off her outer clothes, revealing the vibrant bathing suit she wore beneath. The sun-kissed hues of the swimsuit complemented the golden tones of the sand, emanating a playful and carefree vibe that mirrored Donna's infectious energy.
She unbuckled her overalls before unbuttoning the buttons on her top with an effortless grace, the fabric billowing in the gentle breeze as she slipped it off her shoulders. The bathing suit revealed hints of cerulean blue interwoven with patterns reminiscent of the ocean's waves, accentuating Donna's confidence and radiance against the backdrop of the beach.
With an unspoken elegance, she shimmied out of her shorts, revealing the matching bottoms of her bathing suit—a perfect complement to the top. The vibrant colors of her attire echoed the allure of the sea, exuding a sense of comfort and ease.
As Donna's figure shimmered under the sunlight, her movements carried a natural grace, a fluidity that seemed at one with the rhythmic sway of the ocean. Her playful demeanor, coupled with the vivid hues of her swimsuit, painted a picture of joy and vibrancy against the serene backdrop of the beach, adding an extra touch of beauty to the picturesque scene unfolding before you.
Seated comfortably, you watched as Donna waded into the waves, her laughter carried by the gentle sea breeze. The scene before you was picturesque—the rhythmic dance of the waves, the sunlight glistening on the water's surface, and Donna's carefree joy as she splashed around in the ocean.
With your notebook and pen in hand, you couldn't resist the urge to capture this idyllic moment. As Donna frolicked in the waves, you found solace in the rhythm of your writing. The tranquility of the beach and the playful serenity of Donna's presence intertwined seamlessly, fueling your creative spirit and etching this serene scene into the pages of your notebook.
Some time later, Donna emerged from the waves, her infectious smile beaming with mischievous intent, "Still sitting here scribbling away, huh?" Donna teased, her tone lighthearted as she reached out to take your hand.
You laughed, feigning protest, "Hey, I'm being productive!"
"Come on, join me! Let's dive into the fun!" she exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with playful enthusiasm. You chuckled, feeling a mix of excitement and hesitation. "Oh, I don't know, Donna! I'm not sure about this!" you teased, though the playful glint in your eyes betrayed your willingness to join in.
Before you knew it, she had grabbed your hand, pulling you playfully towards the ocean. In a mock display of resistance, you tossed your notebook and pen aside, joining in the fun as Donna continued to coax you closer to the water's edge. "No, Donna, wait!" you protested, feigning resistance as she pulled you further into the ocean. The exhilarating rush of the cool water against your skin sent laughter cascading from your lips.
Giggles escaped your lips as you protested in jest, her playful antics irresistibly drawing you towards the inviting waves. As you waded further into the ocean, the water lapping at your chest, you playfully splashed Donna in retaliation for her antics.
A playful water fight ensued, filled with laughter and playful shoves, until the mood shifted into a more physical jest. In the midst of the playful tussle, an unexpected big wave rolled in, catching you off guard and sending you tumbling into the water.
As you emerged from the playful chaos, gasping for air, your instincts kicked in, grasping onto the nearest thing for support—the only thing within reach—Donna. She was laughing, clearly enjoying the friendly shenanigans, and as she pulled you closer, you instinctively wrapped your legs around her waist for support in the water. Coughing slightly, you attempted to wipe the water from your eyes, only to find yourself caught in a moment of closeness that took you by surprise. Donna's laughter was infectious, echoing around you, as she teased you good-naturedly.
"Looks like I've got you now," she quipped, her playful tone punctuated by chuckles.
Summoning the last bit of energy and playfulness, you managed a weak retort, "Oh, shut up," before surprising her with an unexpected response—a kiss that silenced her teasing mid-sentence.
For a moment, time seemed to pause, the ocean's melody the only sound amidst the shimmering water. As your lips met hers in an impulsive yet tender moment, the playfulness dissipated, replaced by a fleeting instance of connection and shared emotions. The brief but intense exchange was a culmination of the playful banter and camaraderie that had defined the day, a spontaneous gesture that spoke volumes in its simplicity.
When you finally pulled away, breathless and slightly taken aback by your own boldness, a shared gaze conveyed more than words ever could. The playful chaos had transformed into an unexpected moment of closeness, leaving you both momentarily stunned, yet silently acknowledging the unspoken understanding that lingered between you in the tranquil embrace of the ocean.
Amidst the playful banter and the surprising kiss, Donna's laughter rang out, a symphony against the backdrop of the lapping waves. Her teasing tone echoed in the air as she playfully teased you for silencing her with a kiss.
"Shushing me with a kiss, huh?" Donna chuckled, her voice laced with amusement.
Not willing to let the moment slip away just yet, you leaned in once more, capturing her lips in another spontaneous kiss. This time, your actions were more confident, more deliberate, fueled by the thrill of the unexpected connection and the desire to express the feelings that had blossomed within you.
As your lips met Donna's again, a soft mumble escaped, your words slightly muffled against her lips, "If you keep teasing me, I'll just keep kissing you."
The words hung in the air, a declaration woven in the playful exchange. The playful banter had turned into an unspoken agreement, a playful challenge that left a tantalizing hint of anticipation lingering between you.
Donna's laughter faded into a breathless silence as your lips parted, both of you now caught in a moment tinged with mutual understanding and a hint of surprise at the sudden boldness that had overtaken you.
For a heartbeat, the air crackled with a mixture of playful tension and a newfound closeness, an unspoken agreement lingering in the salty breeze—a silent promise of further playful banter and perhaps more moments of unexpected connection that lay ahead.
"I don't have any qualms about that," Donna replied with a playful twinkle in her eye, a subtle acknowledgment of the newfound chemistry between you.
The playful banter continued as Donna teased, "Your kisses taste like salt water now, you know."
In response, you leaned in once more, capturing her lips in another kiss, this time more fervent, as if to prove a point. The taste of the ocean mingled in the kiss, a playful retort to her teasing.
As your lips met Donna's in the lingering embrace, a shared sense of exhilaration and playful camaraderie hung between you. The moment was a testament to the unspoken understanding that had bloomed unexpectedly between two kindred spirits.
When the kiss finally parted, both of you were left breathless, caught in a shared moment of anticipation and excitement, the playful teasing evolving into a dance of unspoken desires.
After a lingering kiss that carried a mix of playfulness and appreciation, you playfully remarked to Donna, "That was for teasing me and for paying for brunch!"
Donna's laughter filled the air, a joyful sound that resonated amidst the tranquil ambiance of the beach. Her laughter was infectious, a testament to the lighthearted rapport that had blossomed between you.
"Ah, so that's how it is, huh?" Donna teased back, her tone light and playful as she shook her head in mock disbelief.
As the waves whispered their rhythmic melody, a comfortable silence settled between you, a gentle acknowledgement of the unspoken sentiments that lingered in the air. The shared gaze between you spoke volumes, conveying an unspoken promise of more adventures and playful banter that lay ahead.
The tranquility of the moment was interrupted only by the distant calls of seagulls and the gentle lapping of the waves against the shore—a serene backdrop to the evolving tale of connection and shared moments etched in the sands of Kalokari.
The playful banter between you and Donna continued as you jestingly accused her, "You tried to kill me with that big wave!" Clutching onto Donna, your grip around her neck and waist tightened reflexively as if seeking reassurance, yet also relishing the closeness she offered in the moment.
Donna chuckled in response, teasing back, "Oh, come on now! You weren't paying attention and got knocked down so easily."
Pouting a bit, you leaned in and planted a quick kiss on Donna's cheek, a playful retaliation to her teasing.
"Stop teasing me," you whined playfully, though the sparkle in your eyes betrayed the hint of mischief within you.
Donna's laughter filled the air as she shook her head affectionately, "I'll never stop teasing you, you know that."
Rolling your eyes in mock exasperation, you found yourself enveloped in Donna's touch, her hands caressing your back in a comforting manner, the closeness between you offering a sense of tranquility.
Clasping onto each other, you both remained intertwined in the ocean, the gentle sway of the waves a soothing rhythm as Donna held you, her arms encircling you in a comforting embrace. Your head found a resting place on Donna's shoulder, a gesture of trust and camaraderie that had blossomed within the playful exchange.
For a while, you both simply clung to each other, the serene moment unfolding amidst the lapping waves, a silent communion of shared understanding and a newfound connection that had unexpectedly blossomed on the shores of Kalokari.
As the moment of serene closeness on the beach began to gently disperse, you slowly eased yourself out of Donna's comforting embrace, reluctantly letting go of the connection you had shared in the ocean.
The two of you strolled back to the shore, the sand feeling warm under your feet as you made your way to your belongings. Donna reached into her bag and retrieved a towel, wrapping it around you from behind with a tender care that sent a shiver down your spine. Her face nestled into the crook of your neck as she draped the towel around you, and the sudden closeness made your cheeks flush a deep shade of red. Donna's breath against your skin sent a wave of fluttering sensations through you, leaving you both flustered and comforted at the same time.
Then came the dreaded question that cast a shadow over the tranquil moment. "When do you have to leave the island?" Donna's voice carried a hint of disappointment, and your heart sank at the inquiry.
"Six days," you replied, your tone carrying a tinge of regret. The heaviness of impending departure lingered in the air, casting a bittersweet aura over the otherwise serene beach scene.
Donna shook her head, a sigh escaping her lips as she nestled closer into the crook of your neck, a gesture that conveyed a silent understanding of the limited time left together.
Her hands, gentle yet intimate, roamed your body as she dried you off with the towel, a caress that elicited a swirl of emotions within you. The sensation of her touch, so tender and caring, added to the complexity of the moment—a mix of longing and appreciation for the fleeting connection forged on the sun-drenched shores of Kalokari.
In that intimate closeness, emotions lingered unspoken, the reality of time ticking away overshadowing the tranquil moment. But Donna was determined to not allow thid dampen the moment. Her touch was both gentle and purposeful. With a tenderness that conveyed a depth of understanding, she started to pat and stroke the towel across your shoulders, ensuring each part of your skin felt the comforting touch of the soft fabric.
Her hands moved in a soothing rhythm, tracing along your arms, delicately blotting away the lingering droplets of water. Donna's touch felt caring and intimate, yet respectful of boundaries, as she dried your back with gentle strokes, her movements deliberate and precise. With an almost choreographed grace, she continued her ministrations, paying attention to every detail, her hands navigating the curves of your body in a way that felt both nurturing and familiar. Donna's touch, accompanied by the soft texture of the towel, seemed to erase the remnants of the playful water fight, replacing it with a tender moment of shared intimacy.
She took her time, ensuring no inch of your skin remained damp, her movements unhurried, as if savoring the closeness and the tactile connection between you. The sensation of her touch lingered, a blend of warmth and comfort that wrapped around you like a cocoon.
As Donna worked diligently to dry you off, her care and attention spoke volumes, carrying an unspoken message of companionship and empathy. Each movement of the towel seemed to whisper a tale of shared moments, a silent acknowledgment of the connection forged amidst the playful antics in the ocean.
In that tender exchange, a mix of emotions swirled within you, a bittersweet cocktail of appreciation for Donna's kindness and a pang of regret for the looming departure that threatened to shorten this newfound connection.
Donna's voice, a soft and sensual whisper cut through the air. Her breath hitting the shell of your ear, "Let's make the most of our time then..."
In Donna's Embrace
From behind, she comes with grace,
A towel, soft as an embrace.
Emerging from the ocean's sheen,
She wraps me up in comforting scene.
Her touch, a gentle soothing balm,
Amidst the air, so warm and calm.
The fabric whispers, tender and kind,
As she dries the remnants left behind.
Her hands, a symphony of care,
Tracing my skin with utmost flair.
Each stroke, a tale of understanding,
In this moment, our bond expanding.
With purposeful strokes, she tends,
Blotting droplets that the sea sends.
The closeness lingers in each touch,
Moments shared, which mean so much.
Her motions choreographed, so deft,
Erasing the playful waves that left.
In this drying ritual, a silent art,
A connection born, from the ocean's heart.
In Donna's arms, the towel weaves,
A tale of comfort, my heart believes.
The drying becomes a tender ode,
A bond emerging, in this abode.
Wrapped in her care, I feel whole,
The towel's whisper, a soothing soul.
In Donna's embrace, a moment pure,
A memory cherished, of this shore.
Amidst shores kissed by the sun's golden gleam,
A spirit effervescent, an ethereal dream.
Hair kissed by the breeze, eyes as deep as the sea,
An enigma of vibrance, her allure captures me.
Radiant energy in every step she takes,
Beneath the azure skies, a bond slowly awakes.
Youthful exuberance meets seasoned grace,
Drawing me closer, her mystique I embrace.
She lays upon sands, amidst laughter's crest,
Her laughter like music, joy at its behest.
In ocean's embrace, she dances with glee,
A playful spirit, wild and free.
With a gentle touch, she takes my hand,
Guiding me along adventures unplanned.
In her world, age fades, barriers they dissolve,
A dance of spirits, stories untold.
Oh, muse of vivacity, your spirit shines bright,
In your presence, I find my flight.
Through your eyes, a world unfolds,
An unwritten tale that gently molds.
Amidst sands and waves, a connection untold,
In Donna's embrace, a world to behold.
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graveyard-gumbo · 8 months
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caved in and started the joy of life challenge by @simelune with my dear friend @honeytoastie !
generation one: the baking extraordinaire
coco blythe 🍪 young adult, she/her
foodie, overachiever, perfectionist
aspiration: famous pastry chef
There was a warmth and coziness in rolling out dough, mixing up frosting, creating masterpieces with a piping bag. Most of your days are spent whipping up new creations in the kitchen, enjoying the smell of a delicious apple pie baking in the oven. You dream of having everyone know your name and saying "Their cupcakes are the best I've ever had!"
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Coco glanced at the house before her, once her favorite place on earth that had held so many cherished moments. Now, it lay in ruin, a forsaken relic of the past. The recollections of her childhood summers surged through her mind as she stepped her foot back on the island—the soothing rhythm of ocean waves that greeted her every dawn and the aroma of freshly baked pastries that permeated the whole summer house as the 10-year-old Coco would return to the house, dripping with water, after an afternoon spent frolicking in the ocean.
It doesn't take much time before she's jolted back to reality and finds herself back on the tiny Piccola Luce island years after her beloved aunt—the island's former owner—tragically passed away.
After many summers well spent at the Piccola Luce summer house, Coco, inspired by her aunt’s love of baking (and the unlimited baked goods she was fed during her summer stay), enrolled at the culinary arts school. Turns out helping her aunt roll out the dough and create a masterpiece with a piping bag proved to be very much useful when she graduated top of her class and landed herself in the kitchen of a prestigious restaurant in San Myshuno.
However, her journey took an unexpected turn when she found herself dismissed from her job due to some workplace drama. Unfazed by this abrupt turn, Coco clung to what was left of her dream of becoming a famous pastry chef, yearning to share her delectable creations with the world. The enchanting summer house on the Piccola Luce island beckoned like a promising ray of light, a great place for her fresh start.
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