#detective!roman sanders
loganslowdown4 · 6 months
Several drafts later, finally finished!
I present the ultimate TS cheat sheet! 2023 Ed.
Feel free to reblog, save and fill your calendars! Happy Holidays fanders fam! 💙💙
(PS Patton, Roman & Logan are all turning 10 next year😳)
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When I think about Niko's name being Niko the first thing that comes to me is Roman singing in the Sanders Sides Series;
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jungle321jungle · 11 months
Snippets of 10“New” Fics #2
Yes I am alive. And I have so many fics just sitting in my google docs. Some barley started others already chapters long, but none of them are finished. But even so I enjoy some key moments of all of them so once again I gonna share them here! So in no particular order (but some of my favs are at the end) enjoy!
Read Snippets #1, Read on Ao3.
1. Janus is the illegitimate prince of a now fallen kingdom, and to stay alive he’ll need to sell his soul to the empire’s duke, Logan and the emperor as well.
“But Janus, answer a question for me. What do you intend to do once our traitor is caught?”
Janus ensured the confusion he felt didn’t show in his expression, “Pardon?”
“You're here- alive because you can help us with a rat problem. What do you intend to do once you have exterminated it?”
“I like to think I have many uses and thus reasons to be kept alive.”
“And are those reasons greater than retribution?”
“Virgil,” The Duke cut in. 
“What?” He asked innocently as he drank more wine. “Since when is it such a bad thing to question my convicts? I simply wish to know if he thinks that he’ll ever truly be able to wash away what he’s done.”
“He doesn't nee-”
“No,” Janus cut in. “And I never said that I was capable of that or that I even wanted to wash everything away. I said that I wanted to live. And all that involves is others looking the other way, not repentance nor forgiveness.”
The young man’s eyes narrowed, “You don’t feel bad for what you’ve done?”
“I do. But given how small my worldview was in comparison to what I thought it was? Without knowing what I do now, I’d make the same choices.”
“...And what is it that you know now? That we aren’t the savages you thought?”
“I never thought that, I simply wasn’t aware that there was a world without my father in it.” Both of them were staring at him, watching him, and Janus found himself oddly disturbed by their gazes but he forced himself to look the Emperor in the eye. “I was raised to live and breathe for his whims. That devoting myself to them entirely was the only way to survive. Now- now my leash is held by another, so I’ll do as I’m told by him in order to keep my head. So when your traitor is caught, I could very well be handed off to yet another. And if I am, I'll do what I can there to survive as well. Survival is all that matters. My feelings- my remorse has no say in it, because feelings can be manipulated. I focus on my actions.” 
The Emperor said nothing as he downed his remaining wine before he stood. “Clean up after your pets, Logan.”
2. Janus and Logan are rivals in everything they do, including liking Virgil. 
Here, Janus and Virgil are texting about a date Janus interrupted between Virgil and Logan. 
That was so mean! 
Why would you say that when I was on a date!
It’s fine Logan’s not that easily bothered 
And it’s not first time I’ve called him boring to his face 
Usually I choose something more creative tho
Waif wait wait
Do you think he heard that?
He’s got real good hearing no way he wouldn’t have
Don’t worry I’m sure he’ll still call you after all that 
I’d prefer if he didn’t but that’s just me
Why just why are you so confusing
It’s a specialty 
But I gotta ask
What exactly are you two?
That was our second date 
So nothing serious then?
I want to see him again though 
Any chance there’s space for me to try and steal your attention then?
I just said I wanted to see him again???????????
But you’re not exclusive right?
Then what’s the harm?
The fact that I feel like you’re just asking me out right now because it would annoy Logan?
I can have multiple reasons 
I told you back then that I’d be willing to try things again if you wanted 
It’s nearly been a year
I thought you wouldn’t care anymore 
Well you’d be incorrect 
It’s quite hard to forget asking someone to be my boyfriend and being turned down
I’m still sorry about that 
I really like you 
But family stuff had me in a weird place 
Hey I get it no worries
More importantly 
Like or liked?
Your past message
Seems like Freudian slip to me
3. Janus didn’t know he had an ability aka powers. Whoops. 
Unrelated note: he and Logan are twins in this verse
A heavy sigh was the first thing out of the detective’s mouth as the man sat across from him. He looked past Janus as the cop who was standing by the wall, before he finally looked Janus in the eye with a tired expression. “You are aware that using your abilities to influence gambling is illegal in this city, correct?”
“Yes bu-”
“If you know that, why try and ruin everyone’s day?”
Janus gave his best placating smile, “See I know it’s illegal, but I didn’t think it mattered for me since-”
“Because you’re better than everyone else?”
“What? No! Because I don’t have an ability!”
“Yes, that’s why officers said you kept repeating on the drive over here.”
“Because it’s true. I-”
“Those handcuffs you're wearing, what color is the light on them?”
Janus raised an eyebrow in confusion before he looked at the large bulky, heavy, metal bracelets on his wrists. Within all the metal were three thin lines glowing. “It’s red.”
“Right. That’s the color it glows when a person has an ability. If I put them on, they would be green because I don’t.”
“But I don’t-”
“Yes, yes. You don’t have an ability.”
“Aren’t there people who can tell if someone is lying or not? Because if you got one of them here, they can tell you that I really have no clue what’s going on. I just went out for some drinks and a good time.”
“And why should I waste my time with that?”
Janus sat back in his seat before he frowned, regardless of whether or not he did or didn’t have supernatural powers, there was still a power he did have. Two in fact. “Tell me detective,” he started slowly. “What’s the punishment for such a thing? A fine? Community service at most? Or who cares even if it’s a year of jail time. It ultimately doesn’t matter.”
“What do you mean?”
“As you know, my last name is Ackroyd. Feel free to Google as you please, and then you can understand the amount of assets under our company- ah that our family has access to. I say it doesn’t matter because with the resources I have it will only take a single call to have everything resolved before the sun rises. And the media across the country will tell my version of the truth. You needn’t believe my story, but instead I’d like you to wonder what would happen to the jobs of every person here if your name- no, even just this police station was mentioned in a single article.” Janus gave him a slight smile as he shifted his heavy feeling arms so he could put his arms on the table, allowing the metal of the handcuffs to clang with the metal of the table. The sound wasn’t loud, and yet it echoed for a moment and another as the detective’s neutral expression grew more and more worried. But to his credit, he attempted to stand his ground. 
“Interrogations are recorded. You’re admitting all of this-”
“Things happen to videos all the time. One corrupt file can do a hell of a lot. But one person desperate enough can do even more. A bit of prodding and they can do a whole lot without any blood on my hands. Who knows what a single person can access? It could even be someone else's personal things. What if there’s two desperate people? Or three? Or ten? What if it’s this whole precinct? But of course these are all ‘what ifs.’ Who knows what will really happen? I’m far more merciful than mother, and you’re just hearing my ideas after all. I can’t even fathom how they'd make everything disappear. But we can certainly find out together… Unless of course, there happens to be a living lie detector in the building?”
The detective didn’t need to respond, because it was then the woman who had been standing behind Janus made herself known as she walked to the door, “I’ll fetch him.” 
4. Emperor Logan decides he wants a harem to do work for him. Not do usual harem stuff. 
The wedding ceremony and coronation had been beautiful, he had looked good, the guests had behaved throughout the day, the gifts were beautiful, the Emperor had spoken to him for more than a few minutes- they had even danced together, all in all it was a pretty good wedding day. And when it came to a close Janus was more than ready to sleep for a year, but instead he found himself being shoved into a bath, covered in fancy lotions and oils(?), and sitting in only a robe on his bed. 
If Janus hadn’t been looking forward to his wedding then he wasn’t sure what he felt about his wedding night. But here he sat a glass of wine in hand, as he waited. Time didn't really seem to pass, or perhaps it was simply mocking his anticipation. But finally, his husband entered. 
“You're still awake,” he commented. 
Janus gave a slight nod, as he took in the fact that his husband was wearing pajamas which didn’t quite seem fair. “I am.”
The Emperor crossed the room slowly and sat beside Janus on the bed, “I wished to speak with you.”
“I’m not forming a harem for pleasure,” he said bluntly, already managing to floor Janus. “Rather I intend to create a harem to work. I brought you here first because I want you to eventually manage the others and ensure they perform their duties. Essentially my cabinet is corrupt and the easiest way to replace them is to marry others and give them the cabinet’s jobs.”
“You married me… to give me a job?”
“Yes. And you can consider planning the wedding in such constraints as your job interview. As to which you did swimmingly. So eventually enough I’ll ask for your help in choosing others to fill this palace.”
Janus set his wine aside and pulled the robe tighter around himself as the words settled upon him, “Your Majesty? May I speak frankly?”
“Please. And more so, please call me by my name.”
“Then Logan,” Janus started trying and utterly failing to hide his angry tone. “Is that the only reason you married me?”
“Yes. I coveted your skills in wrangling the nobility.”
“And that’s the only reason? Not pleasure of any sort?”
“Well I believe you have other skills that could help improve The Empire, but no I have no interest in the traditional ah- benefits of having a harem.”
Janus gave a slight laugh of disbelief as he stood up and crossed the room to put a good amount of distance between them, “Then if you don’t mind Logan, could you get the hell out so I can put my clothes back on!?”
There was a long pause before the Emperor’s face flushed as if it just processed in his mind that Janus was indeed naked aside from his robe. He gave an awkward cough as he tried to replace his stoic facade. “Ah- oh. Right, I suppose it is our wedding night.” He gave an awkward cough as he quickly strode to the door. “Then please dress yourself. I simply wished to speak with you as soon as possible, we can speak at a later date. Apologies.”
A sigh of relief escaped Janus when he was alone, and then he was quick to gather his clothes and dress. Part of him expected the Emperor to come back to tell him it had all been some strange prank, or to simply talk more business, but it seemed he would leave Janus alone for the night. And for that, Janus was thankful. He got a much more restful sleep than he had been anticipating. 
5. Cop Logan is mourning his fiance after a case doesn’t end well.
It had started as a missing persons case, where a college kid known for vanishing for a few days at a time, had vanished for longer than usual. In the end it had been easy to find him, but the kid had been paranoid saying that someone was out to get him for seeing or knowing something he wasn’t supposed to. The rambling hadn’t even sounded like real words at the time, rather it was appearing like their “victim” was just heavily under the influence- until the shot rang out. 
That kid had been the first, but he was sadly not the last. Bodies were dropping left and right as it suddenly became more and more clear that they had stumbled into something much larger and more dangerous than they had ever imagined. It took months- nearly a year of waiting for the “mastermind” to get too comfortable and slip up. But when that moment came, nearly every cop in the city was present for the deputy mayor’s arrest. At the time it had felt triumphant, that they had finally finally stopped all of this. And yet Logan quickly learned that just because the deputy mayor traded an office for a cell, didn’t mean that power left his grasp. 
It had been difficult to investigate the man who was so careful that nothing at all was tied back to him. There was only one piece of true evidence tying him to anything- and then mountains of circumstantial evidence from there. Even so Logan and so so many others had thought the trial would be a breeze. Because despite all of the doubt that had been derived from “inferring crimes” (as the lawyer had liked to put it), a hitman who kept receipts in the form of recordings seemed pretty damn concrete. And yet… somehow Remy was currently walking about as a free man. 
What had he missed?
“Is it all really that hard to understand?” It seemed silence wasn’t an appropriate answer because he continued. “Oh come on Lo, you’re good at what you do. You didn’t miss anything evidence wise. You missed things people wise.”
Logan took a deep breath as he set down the document and looked Janus in the eye, earning a smile from the other man. 
“Sometimes you think things are too black and white,” Janus supplied his eyes looking over the spread of pages on the floor. “You're thinking that you have so much clear evidence that it’s impossible for a jury to deny it. Except juries are human, and humans have greed.”
“You’re... you’re saying that he bought the jury?”
“I’m saying the man would do anything to avoid prison. And well, nepotism and cronyism go hand in hand with rich assholes.”
“You make it sound like your-”
“I am self aware, thank you very much… I also don’t have any slush funds nor murders under my belt.”
“Not even one?”
Janus gave a shrug as he carefully tiptoed around the mess to make it to the couch where he made himself comfy. “You would know if I did.”
Logan rolled his eyes as he looked back to work spread before him, “Buying the jury…”
“Before you start down that rabbit hole I think there’s something more pressing? Or well, a few more somethings.”
“Well for starters the case is officially closed, and then you're also sidelined for two weeks. Even if you make some calls you’ll be shoved away.”
“Then I’ll look into it myself. And when I get back, I can check in with some contacts in between other cases.”
“Alright, but you're still forgetting one more thing.”
“Which is?”
“You?” Logan hummed less interested as he looked up at the news story playing.
“You made promises,” Janus interrupted, standing in front of the screen. “You promised me, my family, and yourself. You’re supposed to go visit us.”
“I made that promise when I thought we’d win.”
“Won’t they need you more now?”
“You need them now.”
“No, I don't Janus. I need to figure this out. So move out of the way.”
“You don’t? Then look at me.”
Logan raised an eyebrow, “I am.”
“No you’re not,” Janus said, walking forward onto the papers and crouching down to ensure he took up all of Logan’s field of vision. “Look at me Logan.”
“And when you really look? What do you see?”
Logan took a deep shuddering breath as he closed his eyes pretending the tears weren’t gathering there, “Let me have this,” he begged quietly. “I’ll go- but for tonight just let me…”
Janus’ gave a chuckle, “Alright, but I’m holding you to that.”
“You always do… you always do.”
6. Janus takes in his much younger brother Virgil.
Virgil had always been a quiet and shy kid, especially in unfamiliar surroundings. To the point that when their family went to functions the kid usually glued himself to one of their parents’ legs and would seem to do his best impression of an invisible person. In addition to that, Janus had never been particularly close with Virgil given the age gap, and hell he barely saw him. So perhaps all of that is what made seeing how his little brother acted here and now so jarring. 
The boy Janus knew to always pause and take in a new space before acting was sprinting the moment he entered the room. He didn’t care about anyone of the many people watching, he just ran to Janus who was quick to drop down and pull Virgil into what was surely the tightest hug of his life. And yet with a swallow he forced himself to pull back from the hug to look over the seven year old. Virgil had no visible injuries, like he had been told, but it wasn’t until he saw him here and now that Janus felt a mountain of tension release from him as he pulled Virgil close once more. “You okay?”
Virgil didn’t say a word, but the arms around his neck tightened slightly and that told Janus more than enough. 
A moment passed and then another, before the woman from before entered Janus’ field of vision. “There’s just one or two more things I need your signature for and then you’re free to go.”
Janus gave a nod as he released Virgil and stood, but the kid still managed to stay as close to Janus as physically possible. The woman held out a clipboard and pen and after scanning the pages presented to him, Janus filled in what was needed and handed it back. “That’s it?”
“That’s it. Drive safe, and bye Virgil.”
“Bye Ms. Park,” Virgil replied quietly. 
And with that Janus took his brother’s hand and walked out thankful that all of this mess was over- for now at least. 
“I want to go home,” Virgil told him as they exited the room. 
“Me too,”Janus sighed. “But instead of going home home, you’re going to be staying at my house.”
Virgil’s big eyes met his- and there were tears in them- shit what had he done wrong? Before he could process something to say, Virgil’s gaze fell to the floor, “Is it because I burned the kitchen? Do Mommy and Daddy not-”
“What? No, no. Mom and Dad are um...” Shit what was he supposed to say? ‘Oh well our parents are shit people so the government said you can't see them?’ That wouldn't go over great...
“They’re what?” 
“They’re... they’re traveling! You know them, never home. Anyway, we all decided you can stay with me instead of with a nanny. And, I’ve already started putting together a room for you. But you can pick out the rest to really make it your own, okay?”
Virgil nodded, but Janus wasn’t sure the kid was convinced. This was gonna be even harder than he thought.
7. Teen Janus gets caught in a fire
Janus didn’t remember falling asleep, but he did remember waking once more to find an empty room, falling asleep again, and then waking at the sound of familiar arguing. His parents were here. Here and arguing with one another in their hushed tones which weren’t as quiet as they thought. But beside them, Mr. Logan seemed to be trying to keep the peace, but at least they were here- at least they had come.
“Is that what you’re really worrying about right now?” Dad huffed. 
Mom didn’t even look away from her phone to reply. “We don’t exactly have a house anymore. I think that’s more than acceptable to worry about.”
“You know that’s not what I meant!”
“Well what do you want me to say? I didn’t know he was calling over an emergency! More than that he should’ve called 911!”
Right, he hadn’t done that had he? Why hadn’t he? Calling 911 was the logical thing to do, and yet in his panic and chaos his family was all that came to mind. Who had called then? Virgil? He had been crazy enough to run into the burning place- so he probably called after Janus had passed out… He truly owed Virgil everything in the world now didn’t he? 
Lost within his own thoughts, Janus hadn’t noticed the conversation continue around him until a hand settled on his arm. “How are you feeling?” Dad asked him. 
“Tired,” was the only real response he could give. His body felt heavy and sore sure, but really it felt like even breathing was sapping energy away from him. 
“Understandable,” Mom added, moving to stand next to Dad- and as she did Janus noticed as Mr. Logan made himself scarce. “Do you remember what happened?”
“I was- I was going to do laundry, and when I opened the bathroom door… It just burst out and-” Janus cut himself off as the pain began to grasp his throat once more, and he took a deep breath, hoping it would help, but it didn’t rather it lead to a fit of coughing which sent the pain spidering out across his chest. 
“You inhaled a lot of smoke,” Mom said unhelpfully, he had kind of figured that part out. “Take your time.”
When he was able, Janus took a few more deep breaths before he spoke. “After I opened the door the fire just burst out and I fell and then there was just fire everywhere. I…” What had happened after that? He knew that somewhere within the chronology of events the gas stove that he had running had only made things worse, and elsewhere in that he had called his parents over and over, and there was something he was missing- he had done something. But in the blur of his memories he couldn’t recall. He had run into Patton’s room for a moment- but he couldn’t recall what he had been trying to retrieve from it. Maybe Patton's room had been first? Or was the call? The kitchen was probably last since he had been on the floor in the living room when Virgil came. He wasn’t really sure, but nonetheless he told them the events that had occurred before Virgil found him, even if he didn’t know the order. With the story as finished as it could be, his parents seemed to have two main takeaways. First, that he should’ve noticed the bathroom door was hot (and apparently the fact that since he had been carrying a laundry basket and had thus used it to press down on the door handle, wasn’t an excuse). And  secondly, that instead of going to Patton’s room there were a million other things he should’ve done. And with that Janus couldn’t help but agree- especially because he couldn’t even properly recall what he had been doing. All he really knew about his actions was that a fire in the bathroom had kind of sent all logic as far away as the sun. 
When the criticisms laced with worry had subsided for a moment Janus used the opportunity to get the attention off of himself for just a few moments. “Do you have water?” He asked mom first. She looked about the room before vanishing, promising to get some, and when she had Janus asked his father, “How’d Patton’s appointment go?”
“It was fine,” the man sighed, sitting down. “I was expecting more, but it seems like this was just another preliminary thing. I feel like that’s just an excuse they toss at us at this point. But there’s a chance-” As the conversation became one sided, Janus didn’t even attempt to listen closely. But as soon as Mom returned with water, she joined in and as expected the conversation carried on without him as if he wasn’t even there. So he simply drank his water and let their complaints and bickering once again serve him as a lullaby. 
8. They’re all detective adjacent solving crimes and the like. Eventually it will devolve into a weekly cop show kinda vibe and dynamic. 
“Cheers!” The word was echoed about the bar, as everyone began to revel in earnest- it seemed the fact that it was a school night meant nothing to them. But then again he couldn’t blame them. They had significant evidence against a Vyren, such things were near impossible in a city where so many had been paid off by the infamous family. Cheers and toasts had begun the moment they precinct had taken over the bar (and effectively drove other patrons away), and they didn’t seem like they would stop anytime soon. 
“Are you feeling alright?”
Logan stopped in his scanning of the room as he noticed Virgil sliding into the booth seat across from him. “Perfectly fine, why?”
Virgil didn’t respond verbally (as he was busy downing a beer) but he did gesture to Logan’s general form and the drink Logan held. 
“Are… are you suggesting that I’m not well because I am here?”
A nod was the response. 
“I don’t mind a celebration or socializing now and then.” 
Virgil gave an amused hum as he set down his drink, “Did you hear who it was that was the key to all of this?”
“Roman said it was someone undercover.”
“It was your unofficial rival, Sanders. That’s why I assumed you wouldn’t be coming.” 
Logan’s lips twitched into a frown, before he hid it with a sip from his glass. “We have nothing against each other. We were in the academy together. And now we are based out of the same precinct. That’s it.” It was more or less true, but perhaps it was more true to say that Thomas had nothing against him. Logan meanwhile couldn't help but be a tad jealous of the man who had gotten promoted to detective first- especially in the unit that Logan had initially wanted, but it wasn’t as if he hated the man. He was too nice to even dislike. Which only annoyed Logan more. Regardless of the truth, based on what was conveyed Virgil didn’t look convinced, but he didn’t push the topic. 
“Well it’s good to see you outside of the office.”
“I leave my office to visit your lab.”
“Okay… uh good to see you in a non work capacity. Better?”
Logan nodded “I can be a homebody, but given significant reason I am more than willing to be social.”
“Now I’m wondering what counts as ‘significant’,” Virgil said with an eye roll but there was that perfect smile of his playing on his lips. 
“Virgil!” A sharp yet familiar voice called cutting in. And Logan couldn’t help but grimace as Roman appeared. He truly had the worst of timing. 
“How is my favorite gremlin?” Roman asked, pushing Logan aside as he scooted into the booth. 
Virgil paused for a half moment as if he was weighing the benefits of addressing Roman at all, but ultimately he spoke with a sigh. “Hello Roman. Drunk already?”
“I’m not drunk! At least not yet. This is still my first drink.”
Logan sighed, taking in Roman’s demeanor. He seemed slightly unsteady, he had a stupider smile than usual, and his voice was a slightly different pitch. “We haven’t even been here that long, how many shots did you have?”
“It’s rude to ask a man such questions.”
Virgil gave a sigh as he climbed out, “I’ll get you some water.”
“Lo! Did you see that!? He does care!”
“Very happy for you,” Logan replied dryly as Virgil walked away. “Did you need to come over here?”
Roman gave him a mischievous smile as he whispered, “I just want to witness a love story with my own eyes.”
“I… You- You’re insufferable.”
“You love me.”
“You simply wish it was so.”
“You're so cruel to me.”
“You deserve it.”
9. Janus remembers his past lives, and his dad (Logan) is very sketchy. 
A loud and resounding bang jolted Janus awake. He sat straight up in bed, heart pounding, every one of nerves firing at once as he faced the darkness of his room. He took a few deep breaths, trying to de- 
The sound of a gunshot was a sound Janus knew well. Far too well. His breath hitched and his throat seemed to try and close itself as he forced himself to be silent as he fought the tears burning in his eyes. As he fought the fear of the past by digging his nails into his arms forcibly grounding himself to the present. The pain of it allowing him to bring his mind into slight focus. He forced himself to take the smallest and quietest of breaths as he tried to convince his body to not lock itself in place as he heard the sound of a heavy thump followed by multiple pairs of boots coming up the servants’ stairs. He could barely hear them over the sound of his deafening heartbeat, but he could tell they were growing closer, and closer, and closer. 
Adrenaline hit him all at once as Janus scrambled up from the bed and threw himself under the bed with as little sound as he could muster. His hands were pressed firmly around his mouth as he tried to muffle the sound of his own breath as the footsteps grew closer with whispering voices to accompany them. Before they came to a stop outside his bedroom. 
This is different. This is different. This is different. 
He told himself this over and over and over as he tried to suppress his past self and the fears that came with it. He didn’t have his memories back at that time. He did now. He knew how to fight, and how to talk his way out of just about anything. This would be different from his tenth. It would. He wasn’t the same scared kid anymore. That kid was gone. He was Janus. Janus. Janus Ackroyd. Rich, smooth, and confident. 
And yet his body still trembled as he hid under the bed and the bedroom door swung open. A dim light from the hallway was able to illuminate two pairs of legs which walked in the room, but the one in front stopped halfway to the bed. 
The pause felt like an eternity in which Janus had no choice but to allow himself a breath. He closed his eyes tight as tears began to flow freely, but he tried to control himself. He was different. He was different. He was-
The soft call of Dad’s voice was too sudden to be real. And yet Janus slowly opened his eyes to realize the room lights had been turned on. Even so he didn’t dare to move. The pair of legs closest to him bent slightly and a hand sporting a familiar watch touched the floor followed by the slow appearance of the rest of Dad’s body as he flattened himself to the floor and their eyes met. 
“It’s okay,” he promised softly. “You can come out of there.”
Janus took a deep breath as he body shook, he wanted to move but it was as if all of his muscles had been permanently locked in this position. Unbothered, Dad scooted closer, not caring as his expensive clothes rubbed all over the floor. He moved so he was just within Janus’ reach but he didn’t try to touch him. Instead he just gave a slight smile, “You used to always hide under there during a loud storm... I didn’t know you could still fit underneath.”
Janus wasn’t sure how long the two of them laid there for, but it wasn’t until he wrested back control from the past that he inched his way out from under the bed. Dad said nothing more, he simply sat up and pulled Janus into a hug which was quickly and tightly returned. 
“Why don’t you lay back down?” Dad suggested after a moment, and at Janus’ nod he found himself lifted to the bed and Dad sat down beside him. 
Janus wanted to say something, to do something- but it was all he could manage to hold his father’s hand and try to control his own breathing. But he did manage a peek past Dad to see Roman lingering by the doorway, but there was-
“You can go get things finished,” Dad told Roman without turning around. “I’ll stay here for now.”
“Night Boss! Mini Boss!” Roman called as he left the room leaving Janus and his Dad alone. 
“I think tomorrow should be a sick day from school,” Dad said quietly as he took to running his fingers through Janus’ hair. “What do you think? I finished what I was doing, so you and I can relax tomorrow?”
Janus could only give a nod in reply. 
“Then it's a plan. But for now, let’s rest hm?” It sounded far easier said than done, but Janus didn’t complain as he closed his eyes. A moment passed before he felt the bed shift as Dad laid down beside him. It was stupid. He was far far far far older than the man holding him as he tried to sleep- and yet he was grateful that his father hadn’t left his side even to turn off the light. 
The man glanced up from his cleaning with a smile, “Is Mini Boss asleep?”
“Finally, yes,” Logan nodded. “But more importantly than that, I thought I made it clear that you weren’t to show yourself in front of Janus with blood on your clothes.”
Remus glanced down at himself as if he hadn’t noticed its presence. “I hadn’t thought to check, thought the kid was sleep.”
“Of course he wasn’t. Guns like that aren’t quiet.”
“I didn’t know, these babies are new!” He gave a smile as he continued to clean the barrels. “And they pack a punch don't they?”
Logan forced himself to take a deep breath, he wouldn’t get anywhere talking to Remus. “I want everything spotless. And I need Roman back in the afternoon. Make sure you both sleep somewhere in there.”
Remus waved him off, “Don’t worry about me, go back to Mini Boss before he wakes up again.”
Logan gave a nod as he left and headed towards his room to change into something more comfortable, then afterwards he’d head back to Janus’ room to sleep. He still didn’t know what kind of explanation he could give to his son. He had intended to keep all sides of his work and family separate. But given the way things were moving, that may be easier said than done. Janus was a mature kid, he acted older than Logan most of the time, but… he was still a kid when it came down to it. And the last thing Logan wanted to do was drag his son into the middle of this fight. 
10. Janus has been raised by Virgil- only to find out that Virgil isn’t actually his Dad, Logan is, and a lot of things have been a lie in order to protect him. 
But Janus just really loves his Dad.
“I knew trusting you was a good thing.”
“I didn’t.”
“Ah yes, there’s that patented negativity I’ve missed.”
“You think it was easy? Not even considering the fact we were in The Kingdom, stubbornness is clearly a family trait.”
“Such insolence,” The Emperor replied in a lighthearted tone. “I was about to tell you that I missed you. I now will rescind such a thought. Instead I order you to help Janus get settled and then you are to come have a drink with me.”
Dad responded with a smile, “I missed you too, Your Majesty.”
The man nodded and began to lead the way into the grand entryway of the palace. Inside everything was gilded and shimmered, even the impressive looking floor looked clean enough that he could see himself reflected with ease. The plants and paintings decorated the space in a beautiful manner, even screamed extreme wealth, and yet the most impressive thing in the room still managed to be the Emperor. His long, scaly, blue tail swishing behind him as he went in a way which Janus assumed meant he was happy- did that work for dragons? Or was that just dogs? Or well, the Emperor wasn’t a full dragon, he had dragon blood though. How much dragon was even in dragon blooded? Janus had no way of knowing, and not wanting to ask at this moment he simply followed after, wondering if the cheap mended clothes he wore were somehow mocking the space around him. 
“I’ll admit it’s a bit strange to hear you call me that, Virgil.”
“Well, you're the emperor now,” Dad said, walking a pace or two behind Janus instead by his side. The man caught Janus’ confused gaze but said nothing on it nor did he move. It was then when he noticed that the servants who walked with them were walking behind his father. Did birthright and even dictate walking? 
“That’s true,” the Emperor started. “But, ever since I could remember you were always there somewhere shouting ‘Your Highness’ and following me about.”
“Well you did have a habit of disappearing.”
“You’ve known each other that long?” Janus interrupted. 
“Our entire lives,” The Emperor hummed. “Virgil’s mother worked as a doctor and alchemist, and his father was the personal knight of my mother.”
“We ended up spending a lot of time together,” Dad added. “So, I became His Majesty’s servant. Then eventually I became his knight… and then I became your protector.”
“Protector,” Janus echoed softly. It didn’t seem like an appropriate title. Sure he had kept Janus alive, but he had also done so so much more than that. His “protector” had taught Janus everything he knew, be it how to read or how to make potions. His “protector” had held him when he was upset or scared and laughed with him when he was happy. His “protector” had been the one to scold him when he had done wrong, and praise him when he had done well. More than that, that word implied that what was done was no more than a job. An obligation. A duty. A knight protected their masters because it was their job and they’d be scorned if not. A mere protector wouldn’t shed tears over the fact that he wouldn’t be allowed to tell Janus ‘I love you’ anymore. If Virgil’s role in his life was nothing more than a “protector” then Janus was sure the dictionary needed to update their definition of the term. But even then, the only way to explain it succinctly would be to write: ‘Protector: a parent’. 
But regardless of what the term meant to him, or what he wanted it to mean. Ultimately… a protector's job would eventually end. Wouldn’t it? 
And that’s ten! I hoped you like! Let me know if there’s a particular one you want to see more of even its just more snippets as opposed to a chapter I haven’t finished yet. 
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prodigal-explorer · 5 months
i have a sanders sides au concept on the brain
they're all siblings but they all sort of defy expectations when it comes to sibling dynamics. all six of them live together.
(cw for mention of substance addiction under the read more)
janus is the oldest at 23, and he struggles a lot with the whole "parenting" thing. he's very ambitious, and he's working to further his career in the detective industry so he can better provide for his family, but he is extremely emotionally and physically distant, and it's rare that he does anything with his brothers, whether it's helping around the house or playing with them. he does love his brothers, but he has trouble connecting with them.
virgil is the second oldest at 21. he had to drop out of college in order to provide for his younger siblings' needs at home, and he resents janus for staying in college and leaving virgil to be the one to drop out. virgil is a bit of a "bad cop" when it comes to parenting his younger brothers, but he'd rather be a little mean than be the reason why his brothers get hurt. he cares a lot about safety, and he's super protective over his brothers. but being the one who does all the chores and the cooking and the paperwork is super taxing, and virgil runs on practically no sleep and no self care.
patton is the third oldest at 20. he's the "fun one" to the younger siblings, and he also stays home to help his brothers when he isn't working his job at a bakery, but he doesn't do as much around the house. he's the "parent", the one who gives the children baths, reads them stories, comes to their school events, etc. he's practically worshipped by the littles, but he's hiding a horrible secret that puts his brothers in danger whenever they're around him. he has a bad habit of babying his little brothers, especially roman. he also tends to spoil them with money that they do not have.
roman is the "middle child" so to speak at 18. he's a new adult, but nobody really considers him as such because he is severely intellectually disabled, having the estimated mental capacity of a six-year-old in terms of physical and intellectual ability. despite being the fourth oldest, roman is sort of regarded as the baby of the family due to his disability, which is something he does not particularly like. roman is very close with all of his siblings, even though he has a tendency to dramatize things and make up grand stories. despite struggling with academic and common sense related skills, roman is extremely emotionally intelligent, and he is probably the wisest sibling in the bunch.
remus is the second youngest at 14. he's at a difficult age, where everything is getting harder, and nobody is truly there for him. between family fights left and right, siblings who seem to always need more than him, and his tendency to brush off emotions, remus is often floating around on his own with no guidance. he is addicted to nicotine due to looking up to some bad influences at school, and he's going down a very dangerous path. he's gritty, sarcastic, and overall just angry at the world. angry at his family. angry at himself. just...angry.
logan is the youngest at 10. he's a shockingly serious child, being a prodigy. he's extremely skilled academically, especially in subjects like math, science, and grammar. despite being the youngest, he hates being regarded as a baby, or a child, or anything similar. being the only member at the family adept at math, he does the family's taxes, and ends up being a kid who grew up way too fast. he's the only one who knows patton's secret, and he's sitting on it with sealed lips until he can figure out what to do about it. despite being very mature for his age, logan is still very clearly a kid who needs help.
i just have so many scenarios pertaining to this au as a whole and i might need to write some snippets.
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phantomhunt · 1 month
I wanna share my rant from a bit ago.
Try to guess the subject if the rant before reaching the last paragraph (8th paragraph, under the cut), most of you will fail.
If you look at Anxiety vs Paranoia, its very different.
Anxiety & depression can make you feel like everyone hates you, but you deserve it
Paranoia, however, causes you to think everyone wants to hurt you, and they're wrong for it, so you become overprotective.
Paranoia can cause you to be mean and even attack others before they do the same. It can often be confused for Narcissistic Personality Disorder in a lot of cases, because you may seem like you think you're better than everyone, when in reality you are just certain everyone is trying to hurt you.
Anxiety is your natural fight or flight response, your impulse, your stress, and usually, your need to "be better". When paired with disordered depression, it become disordered too, and make you an overthinker. It can cause you to feel worthless and like everyone thinks you're worthless. It can cause you to misread situations. It make you seem lazy or tired all the time. It can make you feel like a detective (unlike paranoia, which makes you feel like a famous criminal on the run).
Paranoia is usually rooted in an anxiety disorder paired with delusions (or Paranoid Personality Disorder)
While Anxiety is just part of everyone. And disordered anxiety is usually a sign of general mental health issues.
[did you guess the subject yet? No? Take a moment before you open it.]
So in conclusion, Roman has PPD (and NOT NPD), and Virgil just has an anxiety disorder.
[it's Sanders Sides, like everything else in my life]
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enby-trash-rat · 22 days
Let's talk Sander Sides Human AU
Specifically the last names
Usually most people give Roman and Remus last name Prince or Kingsley
(No judgement. I love both honestly)
Okay. Getting to the point. Mostly focused around one of my fics.
Specifically Logan's Criminal
Logan's last established in the first Chapter is Frost. For Remus, whose last name hasn't yet been revealed in the story Remus Montague.
Yes. That's a Shakespeare reference.
And it does come to play in the story as Remus and Logan's relationship, The criminal, a most wanted one to be precise and the detective, is forbidden.
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The Plan so far
So, this blog was a very spontaneous idea I had yesterday (very late in the evening). So I took some time to think it through today, as well as get some more lists from other Fanders.
The plan now is to first create lists for the separate facets of the Thomas Sanders fandom, i.e. Sanders Sides, Shorts Characters, Cartoon Therapy and Roleslaying with Roman. (I'm sorry that this means I need to split up Remy and Emile for now, we'll get to crossovers later.)
For that to work, I need a comprehensive list of characters first. So this is my call for your help! I'll put a list of who I got so far after the cut and you can reply to this post or send me an ask about more characters I can/should include!
I'm really happy with the positive reactions I got for creating this blog, thank you for your support! 💗💙💖💙💜💛💚
Sanders Sides:
Dragon Witch (unsure if I should include her but if I do, this is where she'll be)
I know King is most commonly used as a sort of fusion of Roman and Remus but for the purposes of this list, I will see him as an entirely separate character and as such include ships between him and Roman and/or Remus.
Shorts Characters
Remy - Sleep
Teal/Teagan - Teacher
Dayd - Dad
Pryce - Prince
Andy - Anxiety
Dice/Anton/Cedric - The Critic
Linda - Thomas' Cowlick
Missy - Misleading Compliments
Nathan - Crimefighter Dude
Detective Sanders (from this series which I found through this post by @loganslowdown4!)
Percy/Magenta - Printer
Harley/Hart - Heart
Immy - Immune System
Brian - Brain
Dean - Denial
Sabina - Spam Bot
Ishmael - Ice Machine
Jasper - GPS
Scot - Scam Likely
Wieland - WIP
Phaelan - Phone
Fane - Fan
Steven - Electric Stapler
Ace - Action Hero that can't catch things
Rian - Rain
Mike - Microwave
Nessy - Illness
Apollo - Sun
Jericho - Moon
Taz / Tucker - Task
Bouce/Boucy - The Bouncing Ball
Anton - Antagonist
Pranks - Disney/Pokémon Pranks
Asher/Rudolph - Christmas
Jasper - Thanksgiving
Jaana - January
Fabian - Feburary
Mara - March
April - April
May - May
Junie - June
Julia/Julian - July
Augusta/Augustus - August
Seth/Ember - September
Toby - October
Nove - November
Demetri/Odessa - December
Ariel/Ari - Aries
Leona/Leonard/Leo - Leo
Candace/Candy - Cancer
Phillipa/Pip/Pippy - Pisces
Schuyler/Sky - Scorpio
Tara - Taurus
Sarah/Sally - Sagittarius
Caprice - Capricorn
Gemma - Gemini
Virginia/Ginny - Virgo
Liberty/Libby - Libra
Quinn - Aquarius
Cartoon Therapy (as far as I know, all the characters in this series are adults)
Emile Picani
Mitchel (I don't actually know if that's how you spell his name)
Roleslaying with Roman
Roman of Reston
??? (Mike)
Bob Normie
Bard King
There are many more characters in the series of course, but I do not know which it makes sense to include here, so please let me know! Also if there is another part of the fandom I forgot to include entirely.
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selfdestructivecat · 2 years
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
I am proud to present to you all part one of Sanders Sides as anime characters!!! Featuring requested characters that, upon seeing them, I was immediately like “yes that is correct”.
(Wasn’t sure whether or not to give Patton his glasses, but I decided that since he’s currently doing a skateboarding trick, it would be safest that he didn’t wear them. And if I don’t have to draw them? Simply a bonus.)
I’ll be taking a small break before tackling part 2, since this took a lot out of me! But I’ll do my best to get the next part out in a timely manner.
Thanks again to everyone who requested characters! And if you didn’t get a chance to request, guess what? I still need a character for Patton and Remus! So if you have any suggestions for those two, please send them in!
(Also I’m sorry if I put the last name first for some characters and put it last for others, I’m not familiar with all of these characters and didn’t know which was their given name and which was their family name >.<)
The characters the Sides are drawn as are:
Patton - Miya Chinen: Sk8 the Infinity
Roman - Tamaki Suoh: Ouran High School Host Club
Logan - Shinichi Kudo: Detective Conan
Janus - Seto Kaiba: Yu-Gi-Oh
Remus - Envy: Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood
Virgil - L: Death Note
@korruptbrekker @warrior-in-a-trenchcoat
(Individual Panels without Text Below!)
[Image ID:
A set of six panels, each with a character from Sanders Sides dressed and drawn in the style of a different anime character.
The top left panel has Patton, who is drawn as Miya Chinen from Sk8 the Infinity. He has light skin with freckles, blonde hair, and light blue eyes. His outfit is Miya’s skate outfit, but the sweatshirt is blue and hot pink, the shirt is pink and purple, and the shorts are dark, navy blue. He is posed mid-skateboarding trick.
The top middle panel has Roman, who is drawn like Tamaki Suoh from Ouran High School Host Club. He has tan skin, red shoulder-length hair, and green eyes. He is outfit is Tamaki’s host outfit, but the tie is colored in shades of red and the symbol of the club is replaced by Roman’s emblem. Roman has a hand extended invitingly.
The top right panel has Logan, who is drawn as Shinichi Kudo from Detective Conan. His has light skin, black hair that’s pushed back and to the side, and brown eyes. His outfit is Shinichi’s usual suit, except the tie is colored like Logan’s canon tie. He is posed with his hands in his pockets.
The bottom left panel has Janus, who is drawn as Seto Kaiba from Yu-Gi-Oh. He is posed so only the left side of his face is visible. He has light skin covered in gold scales, brown hair pulled in a side ponytail, and a bright yellow snake eye with a slitted pupil. He is dressed in Kaiba’s signature outfit, but the inside of his coat and the straps on his arms are yellow, and the symbol for Kaiba Corp. is replaced by Janus’ two-headed snake symbol. Janus is posed with one arm raised towards his head, his fingers bending at seemingly impossible angles.
The bottom middle panel has Remus, who is drawn as Envy from Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. He has tan skin, black hair that is long and straight on one side and shaved on the other (with Remus’ signature grey streak), a black mustache, and red eyes. One eye is hidden in shadow, and only a glowing circle is visible. Remus is wearing Envy’s signature outfit, but the clothes are a dark green, and Remus’ symbol is on the headband. He is posed with one hand on his hip and the other up to his face.
The bottom right panel has Virgil, who is drawn as L from Death Note. He has pale skin, black hair, and dual-colored eyes (the right is purple and the left is green). He is wearing L’s signature outfit, but the pants are black and the shirt is purple. He is posed squatting, with one hand on his knee and the other raised to his face with his thumb at his lips.
End ID]
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sophiesjunkblog · 7 months
Idea - Sanders Sides "Psych" (2006) AU
Janus - Lassiter
Juliet - Patton
Vick - Virgil
Woody - Remus
Now, I know you're wondering who would be Shawn and Gus, as they are the main characters. I say to you, the roles are shared by Logan and Roman. I'll use a version of the first episode as an example:
Logan and Roman are hanging out, talking, when Logan makes a quick call to the police station with an anonymous tip. Janus, who is on the other end, realizes that this number has called in a suspicious amount of anonymous tips, and requests for the caller to come to the station. Logan, confused, goes, and Roman comes with him.
When they get there, Janus accuses Logan of being a criminal, and Roman quickly covers for him by saying he's psychic. The two of them have a typically comical argument about this when Janus goes to get his partner, as Logan doesn't believe in psychics and resents being associated with them; Roman resents Logan apparently preferring to be arrested.
When Janus comes back with Patton, Logan is resigned to keeping up the charade until they can be released. Patton, of course, is incredibly excited about meeting a "real psychic", and his support bolsters Roman to start making more and more claims about Logan's "prodigious abilities", until Patton exclaims that maybe the psychic can help them with a case they're stuck on. Roman (enthusiastically) and Logan (hesitantly) agree, and as they work on the case, Virgil shows up, asking why there are civilians on their investigation.
Janus starts in on how he didn't want them and still thinks they should arrest them, but he is drowned out by Roman and Patton explaining that the psychic and his "assistant" are being consulted on the case. Virgil is about to order them off (and possibly to be detained) when Logan, who was not paying any attention to the argument, interrupts with the most promising lead thus far, so Virgil relents, but parts by saying they are still being held under suspicion.
The episode continues, and Logan and Roman solve the case (with Logan providing the near-photographic memory and precision, as well as most of the worry over continually lying to the police, while Roman provides the classic Shawn charisma, easily imagined half-truths, and cavalier attitude toward the rules). After a bit, they meet Remus, the extremely weird but somehow eerily competent coroner!
Janus continues to not believe a word the dynamic duo say, but infuriatingly can't hold on to a shred of evidence, while Patton seems to trust them implicitly. Virgil lets the two pseudo-detectives become regular consultants (especially after Roman sets them up a mostly legitimate business), but is still delightfully snarky and skeptical (whether he actually believes all that "psychic" racket is yet to be seen).
Other than this, who knows!
Is Thomas Shawn's dad?
How does Juliet's brother figure into this?
Mr. Yang? (And, come to think of that, Mary Lightly?)
I surely don't have a clue. It's your problem now.
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lilangelselfships · 10 months
. 🎀 Angel's Intro. ♡
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Hello ~ ♡, Welcome to my selfships blog! You can call me Angel, and im your wacky host!
Main – @angel-beloved
I'm a minor selfshipper who primarily has male and romantic selfships! My list is here! <3
♡ ~ Percy Jackson [ PJO ] (This Percy uses He/They, Is Demisexual and Demiromantic, and is Annabeth's BFF and wingman ♡ )
♡ ~ Sally Jackson [ Platonic ] [ PJO ] (my mom figure / future mother-in-law ♡)
♡ ~ Patton Sanders (dad!) & Roman and Remus Sanders (my chaos bros♡ ) [ Platonic + Familial. ]
♡ ~ Kel [ OMORI ] (My basketball himbo yes he's a himbo have you SEEN his happy sprite not a thought behind those eyes.. ♡)
♡ ~ Pregame Kokichi Ouma. [ Danganronpa V3 ] (He strays far from accepted fanon PG! Kokichi! ♡)
♡ ~ Shuichi Saihara. [ Danganronpa V3. ] (Mr. Detective! I've gotten my heart stolen~!)
♡ ~ Jason Dean [ Heathers ] (currently getting him therapy as we speak actually-)
♡ ~ Kou Minamoto [ TBHK ] (Baker boy! ♡)
♡ ~ Hanako-kun / Amane Yugi [ TBHK ] (Two sides of the same coin im willing to hug ♡)
♡ ~ Len Kagamine [ Vocaloid] (where he isn't actively suffering in every song he's been in-)
♡ ~ Kusuo Saiki [ TDLOSK ] (Kusuo is Demiromantic Aceflux like his beloved ♡)
♡ ~ Oscar Pine [ RWBY ] (MAIN<3) (In an AU where yk he gets THERAPY TOO.)
♡ ~ Steven Quartz Diamond Demayo Cutiepie Universe / Steven Quartz Universe. [ SU Future ] (Why do they all need therapy what)
♡ ~ Hitohito Tadano. [ Komi Can't Communicate. ] (my boyfriend who talks when I can't. ♡)
♡ ~ Shousuke Komi [ Komi Can't Communicate. ] (My quiet black kitty ♡)
♡ ~ Sans [ Undertale. ]( Classic + AUs! (Underfell, Swap, Ink + Error, and whatever AUs I post fr--)) (Sansy Mr. Pun Master! ~ ♡)
♡ ~ Kris Dreemurr [ Deltarune. ] (I primarily use They/Them for them! ♡) (My knight in a bit of shining armor ♡ )
♡ ~ Peter Dales [ I Love Amy ] (I stole my gfs ex-crush (she was cool with it-)
♡ ~ Sunny [ OMORI. ] (another black cat bf ♡)
♡ ~ Leo Valdez [ Crush ] [ PJO ] (Babes a firework frfr)
♡ ~ Miles Morales [ ITSV / ATSV ] (My first crush i thinks)
♡ ~ Wally Darling [ Welcome Home. ] (I caved for the puppet man)
F/Os who are my friend's OCs!
☆ – Sapphire/Sapphy and Arc <3 (both by @shadestar413)
I'm willing to share f/os and gush about them together! I use two different ocs for different selfships because i like having variety (an IRL/Realistic version and an ideal Vers.) I am also a hopeless romantic I beg of thee be nice to me-
I will block whoever makes me uncomfortable. It's not you, it's me.♡
I hope you have fun! <3
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What’s up? I’m 22, autistic, biromantic-demisexual, and use She/Her pronouns. Storytelling is really important to me, and the stuff I make is almost always dark, unhinged, and macabre.
This is a list of all the stories I’ve written so far (and I’ll be making updates in time with future stories). The characters I mainly write for are YouTuber Egos; those of Nathan Sharp/NateWantsToBattle, Markiplier, MatPat, Thomas Sanders, etc.
T̅̈ͥhe P̥e̵n̶̬̬t̲̲ä́͘s͈͈͢ Fͤãm̼i̥lͩy̜ [Tͥh̴ͦ͠e̸̸̥ F̻́utu͒́́r͂e͖͒̐ M͙oͦb̬̈́̒ P̠̩̕r͛͋̈́ȯj͇e̤c̴t̾̇]
The Pentas Family Encyclopedia
Murdock Mallory (My personal headcanons)
(Goretober 2022) Day 2: Cannibalism (Caliban, Murdock, The Newcomer)
Running on Empty (Caliban, Murdock, R.D.)
God, Being an Accessory to Murder is Exhausting (Sam Ryder, Murdock, Caliban)
What’s That Saying About Cinnamon Rolls. . ? (Azalea, Caliban)
Update the Letter Board! (Azalea, Murdock)
Toxic Tutorials (Azalea, The Newcomer)
(Goretober 2023) Day 3: Broken Bones (K.O., Murdock, Caliban)
(Goretober 2023) Day 4: Amputation (Caliban, Murdock, R.D.)
(Goretober 2023) Day 7: Needles (Azalea, Murdock, Caliban, K.O.)
HALLOWEEN 2023 SPECIAL: Bloody Tricks and Even Bloodier Treats (Sam Ryder, Azalea, K.O., Murdock, Caliban)
Fǎ̘nm͌ad̗e̋ͭ̑ E̍͞g̾ös̀͌
Caliban Crawford (My EgoPat)
Azalea Crawford (My Nerdy Nummies Ego)
K.O./Kaiser Oasis (My CrankEgo)
Garret Wyre (My Mick Lauer Ego)
Parker Thenope (My Nathan Sharp/NWTB Ego)
Val Ocitie (My Lio Tipton Ego)
Two-Toes Johnny/Johnathan Shine (My Muyskerm Ego)
Phoenix Rhong (My Safiya Nygaard Ego)
Miles C. Peyote and Howie Thetaxi (My Dawko and 8-BitRyan Egos)
Jay Aienyouess (My Thomas Sanders Ego)
The Newcomer
R.D. (My StephEgo)
Characters and Headcanons and References, Oh My!
What’s This? Natemare is EVOLVING!
I’d Like To Adopt These Side-Characters, Please (And Also Make One Arbitrarily To Appease The Vibes)
Cruz (A LixianEgo that I made as a gift for @sammys-magical-au)
C̛̪ͤasͩ̓u̜ảl͈ Fį̙͜c̚sͥ͊
From Candygram to Requiem (Noah Walker and the Paranormal Investigators from Random Encounter’s Phasmophobia The Musical)
What’s a Detective Without a Case? (Noir!Engineer Mark, Noir!Mack, Noir!Captain)
Nobody Likes Rude Clients (Patty, Delux/Porniplier)
Caught Between a Monstrosity and An Abomination  (EldritchPlier, LeviathanPat, The Reader)
Just Another Night at Sparky’s (Ness, Jack, Mason)
When a Tomb Becomes a Womb (Part 1: Rings) (The Creature/Callum, Lisa Swallows)
When a Tomb Becomes a Womb (Part 2: Honeymoon) (The Creature/Callum, Lisa Swallows)
S͂̋̕eͨ̓r͈ͣ̄ieͮs͔̃̓ Fi̹̅cs̋
My Goretober Ventures So Far. . .
Gifts for a Bat (an ongoing saga of snippets based off of @that-bat’s awesome Resident Evil: Village AU, where the mutated personifications of Nate, Mark and Matt are Lords serving under Mother Miranda and Ethan Nestor/CrankGamePlays is playing the role of Ethan Winters.)
Part 1: A Spider-Human Monster and A Necromancer Walk Into a Bar… (Nate/Lord Ophio, Matt/Lord Loxosceles)
Part 2: Chaos, Compromises, and Meal-Prep (Ethan Nestor-Winters, Matt/Lord Loxosceles, Mark/Lord Isurus)
Part 3: A New Face In Town (Nate/Lord Ophio, Hunter/The Baron)
The Sides of A Nightmare (short drabbles inspired by @fangirltothefullest’s amazing Sanders Sides Little Nightmares AU)
The Actor (Creativity “Roman” Sanders/Red, Character!Thomas Sanders)
The Professor (Logic “Logan” Sanders/Indigo, Creativity “Roman” Sanders/Red, Character!Thomas Sanders)
R̸̨̾a̝̒ͣn̮͒͡d̔̈́o̗͇m̜ J͔u͔͞n̤ͥ̕k͋
My EgoPats Meeting the Canon EgoPats
My EgoPats Meeting the Canon EgoPats (Brought To You by Incorrect Quotes)
Incorrect Quotes: ISWM (Parts 1 and 2) Edition
Incorrect Quotes: ISWM Edition (The Second One)
How Mack Snapped and Became the Way He Is in Part Two
ISWM Meets Pokemon
Matt and Ro are Soul-Siblings, So…
Matt and Ro Are Soul-Siblings, So... (But It's Kinda Dark This Time)
Headcanons for Phantom and Monarch Being Allies(?) Since Nate and Amanda Are Friends
RE8 AU Incorrect Quotes
How a Lot of My Followers Probably Reacted to My Hyperfixation on Caliban
RE8 AU Incorrect Quotes [Part 2]
A Fictional AI Argument That No-One Asked For
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loganslowdown4 · 7 months
Virgil: Why do you always let me win the race up the stairs? You’re faster than me.
Roman: I like seeing you smile when you win.
Virgil: *to Janus* He’s staring at my ass, isn’t he?
Janus: Yeah, he’s staring at your ass.
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hyperfixated-homo · 2 years
im having a BrainMomentTM
sanders sides Main Character au inspired by a post i saw that ill probably reblog in a minute where everyone is a main character from different stories. roman is from a romantic drama, patton is from a slice of life series, remus is from a horror story. virgil is the purple-haired protagonist of a depressing tragedy, janus has been working on his murder mystery tale for all his life and logan’s a lead scientist in his scifi story.
i dont have like a plot or anything just. thinking about the world changing around them them not noticing for a while. genres combining and warping and overlapping until their individual storylines combine into one, multifaceted universe that looks so different from each persons pov but also makes so much sense?
also uh. what i mean by the world changing is that it becomes more fitting for like, a movie in that genre.
wherever roman goes, the world becomes rose colored. flowers bloom at every corner, the nearby area becomes a hub of meet-cutes and love at first sight, and people have a habit of becoming more flirtatious and confident near him.
patton makes the world soft and happy. kitty cafes seem to appear every other corner he turns, and he seems to always be lit by the warm glow of fairy lights. it feels like safety, and sometimes chaos but in a controlled way that makes you feel light and fluffy on the inside
remus on the other hand. he makes the world bleak and bleary and terrifying. it feels like buildings are actively decaying near him, monsters beyond our comprehension hiding in the shadows, of which there are PLENTY.
wherever virgil goes, tragedy strikes. car crashes and unexpected death, loss and corruption behind his every step. the world becomes bleak and gray, and it seems that he is constantly followed by a drizzling raincloud.
oddly enough, janus’ world isnt dark or dreary. its just very monochrome, in a strange way that makes everything seem out of a old film. people find themselves becoming more secretive the more time they spend around him, although somehow he always seems to see past it.
somehow, everything is both overly cluttered and incredibly minimalist when logan enters the area. things become more high speed and high tech and everyone can feel themselves getting smarter around him. the atmosphere seems to get sharper near him, blue-tinted and shiny.
i cant be bothered to actually write anything but like. thinking about combing genres with some ships. for ur consideration (not explicitly romantic):
prinxiety - romantic tragedy (romeo juliet style woo)
lociet - detective story
anciet - murder mystery
intruxiety (is that the name?) - psychological horror
royality - fantasy
rociet - drama
uhhhh the list goes on. theres like, pairings with more than two people too so the possibilities are infinite. ty for listening to my ramble o/
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krislin · 3 months
Masterpost of my Fanfics and Stories
Sander Sides x Pokémon Crossovers:
The Special Pokévendures of Sander Sides:
Part 1
Monster Sides:
Part 1
Virgil and Janus sketch
Remus sketch
Roman sketch
Detective Conan x Pokémon:
A Detectives Unusual Adventures:
Pokémon Tantei:
Team sketch
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drarreckyninja · 1 year
Sanders Sides, in the Gotham 'Verse
Talyn is prowling through Gainesville City. After stealing a carton of milk and a wallet, they flee into an alley and hide in a fire escape. They watch a couple with their son Thomas walking through the alley as they are walking home from seeing a movie. An unknown assailant approaches them, demanding the mother’s pearl necklace and the father’s wallet. After being given these items, the assailant shoots the parents, leaving Thomas shocked in front of their bodies while Talyn watches.
Rookie detective Patton and his partner Virgil are sent to investigate the crime scene. Patton talks with Thomas and promises to capture the killer after Thomas explains to Patton what happened when the Sanders' butler, Jon Cozart, arrives for Thomas. When they have no clues, they go to see Janus, an underling of Mafia Don Remus but they receive no information.
The next day, Virgil calls Patton as he got a lead in the case. The suspect, Joan, flees from the apartment and nearly kills Patton with a knife until Virgil fatally shoots them in the chest. During an inspection of Joan’s residence, they find the pearl necklace. As a result, Patton and Virgil receive acclaim from the media for apparently solving the case. However, low-level mobster Logan gives information to Major Crimes Unit investigators Emile and Remy revealing Janus framed Joan for the murder. Emile thinks Patton and the Gainesville City Police Department (GCPD) are corrupt and plans on bringing them down.
Realizing Joan is innocent, Patton confronts Janus, only to be kidnapped. Virgil goes to save his partner, only to be knocked out and tied up by Janus's bodyguard, Roman. Meanwhile, Janus confronts Logan and beats him with a baseball bat for being an informant. Patton and Virgil are saved by Don Remus, who says Janus should ask him first to kill a cop. Remus then reveals he saved Patton due to a prior mutually respectful relationship he had with Patton's father. When Patton accuses Remus of killing the Sanderses, Remus retorts that it would not be in his financial interest to do so while also tacitly admitting to his compliance in framing Joan.
To show his adherence to the corruption going on within Gainesville City, Patton is ordered by Remus to kill Logan at the Gainesville Docks. Patton fakes Logan's death by throwing him in the river, telling him to never come back to Gainesville. Patton visits Thomas in his Manor, revealing Joan was framed, and promises to find the real killer. As he exits Sanders Manor, Talyn is seen on an outside wall. The episode ends with Logan climbing out of the river and killing a fisherman to steal his sandwich.
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ao3feed-loceit · 2 years
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