#detective services
Best Private Detective Agency In India - Trinetra Detective Agency
Are you looking for a reliable and professional detective agency in Gujarat? Look no further than Trinetra Detective Agency. With a strong reputation for delivering results, Trinetra stands out as the best private detective agency in gujarat. Whether you need assistance with matrimonial investigations or background checks, Trinetra Detective Agency has you covered.
Comprehensive Services Offered by Trinetra Detective Agency
1. Matrimonial Detective Agency in Gujarat
Marriage is a significant step in life, and it's essential to make informed decisions. Trinetra Detective Agency offers top-notch pre matrimonial investigation services in gujarat. They help you uncover the truth about your potential partner, ensuring you enter into marriage with confidence.
2. Background Check Investigation in Gujarat
Trinetra is the go-to detective agency for thorough background check investigation in gujarat. Whether for personal or professional reasons, they provide detailed and accurate information, helping you make the right choices.
3. Post Matrimonial Investigation in Gujarat
If you suspect your spouse is hiding something or behaving suspiciously, Trinetra offers the best post matrimonial investigation in gujarat. Their discreet and professional approach ensures you get the truth without causing any disruptions.
4. Divorce Case Services in Gujarat
Divorce can be a challenging process. Trinetra Detective Agency provides the best divorce case services in gujarat, offering support and evidence collection to strengthen your case. Their expertise helps you navigate this difficult time with ease.
Why Choose Trinetra Detective Agency?
Trinetra Detective Agency has earned its reputation as the best detective agency in gujarat due to their commitment to excellence and client satisfaction. Here are some reasons why they are the top choice:
Experienced Team: Trinetra's team consists of skilled and experienced detectives who handle each case with professionalism and care.
Confidentiality: They understand the sensitive nature of investigations and ensure complete confidentiality throughout the process.
Accurate Results: Trinetra is dedicated to providing accurate and reliable results, helping you make informed decisions.
Customer Support: They offer excellent customer support, guiding you through every step of the investigation.
When it comes to finding the best private detective agency in gujarat, Trinetra Detective Agency is the name you can trust. Whether you need matrimonial investigations, background checks, or divorce case services, Trinetra provides comprehensive solutions tailored to your needs. Choose Trinetra Detective Agency for their expertise, confidentiality, and commitment to delivering results. Your peace of mind is just a call away with Trinetra.
For more information, visit Trinetra Detective Agency and discover why they are the best detective agency in gujarat.
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onlytiktoks · 4 months
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kweerfish · 2 months
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publicity stills from True Detective: Season One (2014). starring Matthew McConaughey (Rust Cohle) and Woody Harrelson (Marty Hart).
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martinsblackwood · 2 months
“If I can develop feelings for a cat, a crow and a GHOST…” 👀👀👀👀👀
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out-of-context-flash · 9 months
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Unmasked Wally in Titans (2023) #3
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ibelongtotheclassics · 2 months
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my anime & studio ghibli roots 🎌🎬🤗
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skiploom · 1 year
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oh no i got bit by the bug… the spider bug 😳🕷
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animepopheart · 2 months
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★ 【ayachanman】 「 いろこま! 」 ☆ ✔ republished w/permission ⊳ ⊳ follow me! insta • x • bsky
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pantsaretherealheroes · 2 months
charles rowland is JUST. he's so kind and he's full of trauma and hurt and loneliness and he puts that into being as good as he can, and smiling and being the fun one because he knows edwin needs it and he needs it and he cares SO MUCH and he died maybe to protect a friend?? he needs to be of service even if it doesn't help him!! he's good and kind and smiles like sunshine!!!
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antianakin · 9 months
Anakin during The Wrong Jedi arc: Oh damn, guess I spent so much time zapping Ahsoka into unconsciousness for hours for no actual reason that I totally forgot she needed to know other practical skills, too! Whoops! My bad!
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greencheekconure27 · 1 month
My one gripe with Dead Boy Detectives* is actually one that I have with streaming services in general: only eight episodes per season
Don't get me wrong they're good episodes but I really wish we could go back to longer seasons, especially for mystery and sci fi series.
I miss the case-of-the-week format and I feel Dead Boy Detectives could really benefit from it, because right now it all has to tie in into an overarching plotline instead of just letting them solve more cool ghost mysteries for the sake of it.
More episodes would make it into a show people watch regularly instead of something they binge once and forget.
* spoiler:
Aside from the Lilith-was-a-feminist-goddess-akshually thing at the end. That stupid ahistorical conspiracy theorist-ass bullshit needs to die already.
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India’s Leading Private Detective Agency In Punjab: Trinetra Detective Agency
If you are in Punjab and need a reliable private detective, look no further than Trinetra Detective Agency. Known as the best private detective agency in Punjab, Trinetra provides a wide range of investigative services to meet your needs.
Matrimonial Detective Agency in Punjab
Marriage is a big step, and it is essential to know everything about your partner before making such a commitment. Trinetra Detective Agency offers top-notch Pre Matrimonial Investigation Services in Punjab. These services help you verify the background of your potential spouse, ensuring that you have all the facts before tying the knot.
Background Check Investigation in Punjab
Whether for personal or professional reasons, conducting a thorough background check is crucial. Trinetra Detective Agency excels in background check investigation in Punjab. Their experienced team digs deep to uncover any hidden details, giving you peace of mind and confidence in your decisions.
Post Matrimonial Investigation Services in Punjab
Sometimes, marriages face challenges that require discreet investigation. Trinetra Detective Agency is known for providing the best post matrimonial investigation in Punjab. If you have any suspicions or concerns about your spouse, their expert detectives can help uncover the truth with utmost confidentiality.
Best Divorce Case Services in Punjab
Divorce can be a complex and emotional process. Trinetra Detective Agency offers the best divorce case services in Punjab, helping you gather the necessary evidence for your case. Their professional and sensitive approach ensures that you receive the support you need during this difficult time.
Why Choose Trinetra Detective Agency?
Trinetra Detective Agency stands out as the best detective agency in Punjab for several reasons:
Expertise: With years of experience, their team has handled various types of investigations with great success.
Confidentiality: They prioritize your privacy and handle all cases with the utmost discretion.
Comprehensive Services: From pre and post matrimonial investigations to background checks and divorce cases, they cover all aspects of private investigations.
Client Satisfaction: Their commitment to delivering accurate and timely results has made them the preferred choice for many clients in Punjab.
Contact Trinetra Detective Agency Today
If you need the best private detective agency in Punjab, Trinetra Detective Agency is your go-to option. Their dedicated team is ready to assist you with any investigation requires, ensuring that you get the answers and peace of mind you deserve.
For more information or to schedule a consultation, visit Trinetra Detective Agency's website or contact them directly. Trust the best detective agency in Punjab to handle your case with professionalism and care.
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is-the-owl-video-cute · 8 months
Did you see the part where Meg was annoyed that only dogs can be qualified to be service medical dogs? lol guess she's mad a bird can't be a service cardic arrest animal. Once again pulled up the "people think only DOGS can be trained to do this!!! How dare they!!!" *grumbling about mammalian bias* argument. I'm sorry Meg but your fucking bird or a rabbit cannot be a service animal for the blind or anything that dogs have be bred to do
me when they won’t let my service crocodile into Walmart:
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tititilani · 26 days
charles and edwin are the switchiest switches to ever switch, i swear
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kaylinelizabeth4004 · 8 months
HELLOOO! Hope you are doing well!
I just wanted to say that I really like your work and make a small request if you don't mind. My birthday is in a few days (October 20) and I wanted to know if you could write something about how Alec Hardy would treat you on your birthday?
Since that i really really like your fic about alec, thanks! <3
Thank You For Being a Friend
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A/N: happy early birthday, love! Hope you enjoy this fluffy goodness, let me know your thoughts <3
Summary: DS Y/N Warner spends her birthday at work with her boss/partner DI Alec Hardy
Tags: fem!reader or fem!pronouns, fluff, established relationship, cussing/sexual inferences, just fluffy goodness
She'd sat in her car for a full 10 minutes, considering the merits of actually going into work. For one, it was her birthday and that could mean kind coworkers, an easy day, and loads of sweets. But, on the other hand, it was her birthday and that could mean everyone forgetting, giving her the shit end of the stick and being stuck in the office until at least 11pm. She glared at her mobile that still proudly declared that her boyfriend/boss DI Alec Hardy had not sent a Happy Birthday text. Or even a good morning text - though they weren't the sort of couple who did that anyway.
Y/N couldn't quite tell if he forgot or just wasn't a texter. Though she knew both could be true. She grumbled as she unbuckled, going inside like she knew she was going to anyway. The petty part of her knew she wasn't going to announce her birthday, they'd have to be the ones to remember.
The waiting had made her late, and Katie was not shy in saying so as she walked in and placed her stuff on her desk.
"You're late." The young officer said without bothering to look up from her papers.
Y/N rolled her eyes, "good observation."
"You're the Detective Sergeant, you shouldn't be late," Katie said, at least looking up this time through pursed lips and narrowed eyes.
Alec came from his office, spectacles on his nose. He looked quite nice today, his shirt freshly ironed and tucked into a neat pair of slacks. Even though he'd been more freshened in the past few years than his once more sickly ways, he hadn't looked that well in ages. Y/N found her brows shooting up in surprise.
"Lay off, Harford," Hardy grumbled without looking up, headed straight for the front of the office where he could delegate tasks for the day. The young officer's cheeks flushed though she maintained a calm expression as she gathered her notes to listen to her superior. Y/N tried to fight the little smile on her face.
"Few things for today, we've got a list of party goers from the Bakers this past weekend. Looks to be about 30." Alec Hardy went through each of the items for the day, a whole list of things that sounded boring and fascinating for the primary two cases and the smaller things. It came down to the final two, collecting witness statements or parking tickets. Y/N loathed parking duty more than anything. It was boring, tedious, and she quite fancied entirely useless to the whole of police work. But she hadn't heard Hardy call for her yet, and on days when it was something as simple as witness statements he'd shove the parking tickets to her. And on her bloody birthday, she groaned internally. "Warner, you're with me for the statements. Harford, parking tickets."
The DC's eyebrows shot up and she held back a very nasty scoff, "I've already got loads to do with the footprint of the thief!"
"And you'll find time for the tickets."
"You don't need two people for the statements," she argued.
"And I can always find another DC, can't I?" Alec finally said, removing his glasses to look Katie directly in the eyes. She cowered under him, though it was the reluctant sort of cower of someone who thought their opinion to be better. "Right, get to work."
People spread out quickly to do their tasks, Ellie popping by to press a quick kiss to Y/N on the cheek and murmur a happy birthday. They’d been friends long enough that Ellie knew Y/N didn’t want to make a big fuss over her birthday if nobody already knew. But she told her that she best have the best day and to cut Alec some slack, “he’s not great with the social stuff, but he cares.”
“I know, I know.”
Ellie grinned, “you have a great day and pop round mine after? Open a bottle of Chardonnay and watch Golden Girls?”
“Sounds amazing.”
"You ready, Warner?" Hardy asked as he left his office, hair just slightly mused and adorable glasses perched on the end of his nose. She smiled, he didn’t often wear those when he wasn’t reading. She loved them, but doubted he knew that.
"Yes, sir."
Ellie pinched Y/N’s elbow as she left to go to her desk for paperwork. DS Warner tried to stop the glee as she reached for her things to do witness statements with Alec. That was the sort of thing she enjoyed, actual footwork. An interrogation would have been nice but those didn't just get scheduled the way a nice ol' statement could've. She would take what she got, Alec telling the young DC to fuck off and to enjoy her time with him.
They walked dutifully down to her car, and to her surprise Alec plucked the keys from her hand and slid into the driver’s seat. He didn’t drive often. Not that he couldn’t, or hated it, but because when his heart condition was flaring up and the bastard was too stubborn to get the pacemaker, she had become the accidental designated driver. So seeing him drive was out of the ordinary.
“You’re driving?” She asked as she slid into the passenger’s seat.
Alec scoffed, adjusting the heat so it was damn near freezing, “you act like I don’t have a license.”
“Sometimes I wonder.”
“Shut it.” His arm came to rest on the back of her seat while he backed out, and she allowed herself to stare at him, just a little. He was her man, after all. She had a little right to do so.
They drive in companionable silence for just under thirty minutes as Alec pulled up to the home of one of the partygoers. This particular man, Teagan Garrett, was on the middle of their list. Just unnoticeable that he didn’t strike any alarm bells, but with no solid alibi at the time of the robbery. Which left them straight at the middle.
DS Warner enjoyed doing this, even if some found it tedious. She didn’t have to spend her day holed up in an office, wondering what the next move was and not knowing where her information was going. Whenever she was in the office, she felt it wasn’t accurately reaching the people on the ground, but that was another issue for another day. Today was her birthday, and she was going to spend it well.
And about 15 minutes later, she was spending it happily eating a Danish in the car as Alec drove to the next house. Garrett wasn’t suspicious at all, but he made a delightful cherry Danish that smeared red on her lips but she didn’t care. Y/N ate it happily and smiled out the window, watching the hills blend together.
Before they left the car for the next one, Alec touched her shoulder gently to get her attention.
“Darling, you’ve got…” he lifted a hand, cradling her jaw as he swiped at the cherry filling along the corner of her mouth. Then, without breaking eye contact through those spectacles, Alec popped his thumb in his mouth, licking it clean of the filling. Her mouth fell open in slight shock, feeling her body thrum under the energy of it. There was a look in his eyes, a quirk of his mouth, that seemed to suggest he knew exactly what he was doing. But he said nothing more as he gathered his belongings and left the car.
She blinked, took a deep breath and one last clench of her thighs before getting out of the car as well. Alec Hardy was already several steps ahead of her, a knowing smirk before putting on his disgruntled detective expression. Y/N didn’t know how to feel. On one hand she wanted to grab him by the back of his neck and force him to use that tongue elsewhere, and on the other she wanted to bash him with her purse for getting her so riled up before the next meeting.
If Y/N had paid much attention to Alec’s actions throughout the day, she would have noticed that he both treated her and teased her continuously. He’d give her a cuppa just the way she liked, then compliment her so blatantly before they had to leave she was bright red. It happened that way all day, and by 10am she’d even forgotten it was her birthday and that Alec had forgotten as well. It was just a bizarre day full of danishes and sexy eyes - though she certainly wasn’t complaining.
By 5pm, her feet were exhausting her. Ellie’s earlier invitation of opening a bottle of wine and watching Golden Girls until they pass out to the floor sounded like an amazing idea.
“D’you mind if we go to Miller’s? Got a packet to pick up.”
Her brows furrowed, “oh, um, yeah. I’ve actually meant to go there myself.”
He nodded this as good news, squeezed her thigh, then continued the drive. She looked out the window to avoid his confident smirk that he’d fired her up, knowing he had. It didn’t take long to reach Ellie’s, and Y/N noticed the lights in the Latimer home were off. She wondered where they were this time of day, it wasn’t like Beth to go out for dinner.
Alec parked and the two of them walked up to the house, his hand resting on the small of her back. She wanted to lean into his comforting touch.
“Have I told you yet you look good today?” Y/N mentioned softly to Alec, looking up at him.
He let out a small smile, “I should tell you that.”
“You already did.” She pointed out.
With a soft touch, Alec grabbed her waist and pulled her against him. All he did was press a soft kiss to her forehead, but it was enough to make her let out a sigh of relief. She wanted to use Alec as a personal comforter and sleep for the next decade.
Ellie swung the door wide open, smile bright and arms wide to scurry the couple in. Her and Alec disappeared into the dining room as Y/N shucked her shoes off.
“Ellie?” She called, not knowing where they’d gone. “Alec?”
“Dining room, darling!” Y/N walked on sore feet through the kitchen, prepared to badger Alec about why he’d run off the second the door opened. But she stopped, staring with wide eyes.
In front of her, Beth and Chloe Latimer, Ellie, and Alec all stood awkwardly around a table covered in her favorite things. A tastefully done dish lie in the center, the smell enough to make her mouth water. And a chilled Chardonnay already opened and poured into a glass in Alec’s proffered hand.
“Happy Birthday!” The girls all squealed out at once, causing Alec’s face to scrunch up in annoyance. The sight made you giggle.
Chloe Latimer went and grabbed Y/N’s hand, leading her to the head of table, “come, come, I’ll prepare a plate for you!”
“Oh my, thank you all so much. This is astounding!”
Ellie shot a pointed look towards DI Alec Hardy, who offered her the chilled glass of wine. He came close enough to whisper and said, “you didn’t think I forgot, didya?”
She flushed, feeling awful guilty now. It wasn’t that he was a bad partner, she’d never thought that. Their lives were beyond stressful, birthdays seemed superficial sometimes.
“You hate these kind of things.”
He cocked his head to the side, “you don’t.”
She set her glass down to grab his face, but he beat her to it, lips meeting hers with that unrestrained passion she found so pleasantly addictive. His beard scraped her skin but she’d found in recent months that she loved that feeling, and he knew it.
Y/N would have loved to carry this makeout session farther, but then she felt a chip thrown at her face by Chloe, and gingerly removed herself from Alec. Her cheeks were flushed bright pink. Beth and Ellie both waggled their eyebrows at her, then burst into laughing upon realizing they did it at the same time.
It was shaping up to be a rather lovely birthday after all.
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cruelgay · 2 months
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you know where to find me, and i know where to look
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