#detroit rebellion
detroitlib · 8 months
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Chrysler cray
View of a woman posing for a Dodge automobile advertisement. "The Dodge rebellion wants you" is painted on wall in background. Label on sleeve: "Chrysler Corporation, Dodge advertising, 1967."
View of a woman, holding a paintbrush, posing with a 1967 Dodge Coronet 500 coupe. "Enlist" is painted on wall in background. Label on sleeve: "Chrysler Corporation, Dodge, 1967."
View of a woman, holding a bomb, posing with a 1966 Dodge Coronet 500 coupe. Label on sleeve: "Chrysler Corporation, Dodge Coronet 500, 1966."
Mickey McGuire and Jim Northmore Boulevard Photographic Collection
National Automotive History Collection, Detroit Public Library
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marcusrobertobaq · 1 month
Mfs constantly talking about Hank and Connor but nobody can answer when tf Hank found Connor in the machine route, where and how.
2 days. Has been 2 days since 'em partnership ended and they haven't been working together anymore, haven't even seen each other.
Hank is acting totally alone meaning it should be personal matter, he ain't with the Army or the SWAT team that are searching for androids all over Detroit. He ain't even with the average cops themselves, ain't a lieutenant of the detectives job patrolling the city during the curfew and no urgent cases were assigned to him related to it. There's even the possibility he's totally cooked if he punched Perkins.
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ausetkmt · 27 days
BLAC Detroit |with Jamon Jordan - What Happened in the 1967 Rebellion in Detroit
Black Scroll Network founder and historian Jamon Jordan, takes us on a tour and shares stories from the 1967 rebellion.
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moonchild-things · 1 year
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With the possibility of androids seemingly growing consciousnesses, there is no doubt that Natalie Tyler would be intrigued. After only a few days, she’s torn apart and forced to choose a side, android or human, to ensure her survival through these trying times. Yet there is no guarantee that she will live through this revolt.
[Detroit: Become Human] [Connor x Female!OC] [The Rebellion Report]
Chapter One: Reintroduction
Chapter Two: Partners
Chapter Three: The Interrogation
Chapter Four: Wating for Hank...
Chapter Five: One the Run/The Nest
Chapter Six: Russian Roulette
Chapter Seven: The Eden Club
Chapter Eight: The Bridge
Chapter Nine: Public Enemy
Chapter Ten: Meet Kamski
Chapter Eleven: Last Chance, Connor
Chapter Twelve: Crossroads
Chapter Thirteen: Night of the Soul
Chapter Fourteen: Connor’s Last Mission
Chapter Fifteen: Markus Revolution
Also apart of the Rebellion Report: Abomination
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La larga rebelión desde finales de la década de 1960 hasta el presente
Por Scott Kurashige, autor de  The Fifty-Year Rebellion: How the US Political Crisis Comenzó en Detroit
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Envolviendo ciudades en llamas literales y metafóricas, una ola de rebeliones estalla en todo el país en medio de una pandemia que mata a decenas de miles de personas mientras el desempleo aumenta a niveles no vistos desde la Gran Depresión. La respuesta del presidente recientemente acusado no demuestra ningún respeto por la Constitución, los principios básicos de la democracia o la santidad de la vida humana. Taylor Swift se siente motivada a condenar a Trump por “avivar los fuegos de la supremacía blanca y el racismo durante toda su presidencia”, obteniendo más de 2 millones de me gusta y la mayor cantidad para cualquier tweet que haya publicado.
Este año ya ha producido un impresionante desarrollo tras otro. Nadie puede afirmar haber predicho esta serie exacta de eventos, sin embargo, los signos de inestabilidad y volatilidad eran visibles para cualquiera que prestara atención.
Fueron particularmente visibles para mí mientras vivía y trabajaba en Detroit en sociedad con la filósofa y activista revolucionaria, Grace Lee Boggs (1915-2015). Hace una década, nuestro libro, La próxima revolución estadounidense: Activismo sostenible para el siglo XXI (2010), se abrió con escenas de un imperio moribundo y un sistema en medio del colapso. Con más que un pequeño guiño al Manifiesto Comunista de Marx y Engels , destacamos el actual colapso económico y las calamidades ambientales; el resurgimiento del racismo, el patriarcado, el jingoísmo y el autoritarismo; y el espectro de las pandemias que se avecinan, todo en la página 1 de la introducción del libro.
El resto y mucho más aquí : https://www.ucpress.edu/blog/50682/the-long-rebellion-from-the-late-1960s-to-the-present/**9**999
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bytectrl · 5 months
. arc i . › origins .
. arc ii . › incarceration .
. arc iii . › rebellion .
. arc iv . › operative .
. arc v . › erasure .
. arc vi . › resistance .
. au . › detroit : become human .
. au . › the walking dead .
. au . › mass effect .
. au . › mass effect : andromeda .
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On this day, 23 July 1967, one of the biggest rebellions in US history occurred in Detroit, following a police raid on a bar in a poor, majority Black area in the early hours of the morning. Black and white residents fought police in the streets and looted goods while snipers took potshots at officers from windows. Police, National Guard and US troops retaliated with outright brutality and intense violence. By the time it was over, more than 40 people were dead, 7,000 arrested and over 2,000 buildings destroyed. General Baker, a Black auto worker at the Dodge Main assembly plant in Hamtramck said that he and his colleagues "learnt from the Detroit Rebellion… When the Detroit Rebellion took place, and the National Guard and 101st Airborne was sent in, and they imposed curfew, if you got sick, you couldn’t go to the doctor. If you got hungry, you couldn’t get no food. But if you had a badge from Chrysler, Ford or General Motors, you could get to the police line, the National Guard line, the army line, all of them to take your butt to work. The conclusion we draw from that was that the only place in this society that Black people had any value was at a point of production. That’s why after the rebellion, we turned all our efforts into organising inside the plants." The following year, Baker and others formed the Dodge Revolutionary Union Movement (DRUM), part of the League of Revolutionary Black Workers. Learn more about the group in episodes 61-62 of our podcast: https://workingclasshistory.com/podcast/e61-the-league-of-revolutionary-black-workers-in-detroit/ https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=666624525510766&set=a.602588028581083&type=3
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writingmochi · 10 months
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the future is not a straight line. it is filled with many crossroads. there must be a future that we can choose for ourselves. - kiyoko, akira (1988)
cast: jake ✗ fem.reader (featuring many other idols)
synopsis: as the world entered the middle of the 21st century, many things have changed for the better or for worse in the newly united korea peninsula: the preparation for the succession of the new conglomerates of the past decade, the uprising of deviant androids, and the new layer of life shield by walls of codes. in the middle of it, two beings are trying to understand each other and the situation of the world they live in; an unknown territory
genre: cyberpunk, cyber noir, psychological thriller, science fiction, dystopian future, politics and philosophies regarding artificial intelligence and humanity, romance, drama, angst, mature content (war and revolution, explicit smut)
based on: video game cyberpunk 2077 (2020) and detroit: become human (2018), anime serial experiments lain (1998), and tv show succession (2018-2023)
status: to be released
message from the moon: remember that this story is fiction and do be careful and read the warnings at the top. all the idols mentioned here are not what they are in real life.
in celebrating one of my muses' birthday, here is a series that i have been ideating for about a year now! i know it's very unconventional but i want to explore more of this genre, especially since i don't see it much in enhablr *thumbs up*
taglist? right here
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project android | cyberspace advertisement | the rebellion
united korea | from south seoul | from north seoul
cyberspace interactive
it's your chance to use cyberspace! want to know the databases and the characters more? come visit us! coming soon, 2024
THE STORY (tentative date and amount of parts; will always gonna be 3 acts but may divided into smaller parts)
act 1 (2024)
no matter where you go, everyone is connected- iwakura lain, serial experiments lain (1998)
warning(s): tba
act 2 (2024)
i am superior in many ways, but i would gladly give it up to be human - data, star trek: the next generation (1987-1994)
warning(s): tba
act 3 (2024)
man is an individual only because of his intangible memory. but memory cannot be defined, yet it defines mankind - puppet master, ghost in the shell (1995)
warning(s): tba
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taglist: @raeyunshm @endzii23 @fluffyywoo @camipendragon @hiqhkey @wccycc @cha0thicpisces @y4wnjunz @yeehawnana @beansworldsstuff @kimipxl @blurryriki @reallysmolrenjun (special tag for @ujunxverse as the very 1st supporter for this series XD)
© writingmochi on tumblr, 2021-2024. all rights reserved
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k-chips · 1 month
So do the Detroit become human characters exists in the au?
If so how would they cross paths with the fairly odd parents characters?
And How would they feel about each other?
I don't think I'll add the canon DBH characters in this... I didn't actually mean for this au to be an actual thing so I'm developing it step by step, on the spot, I'm basically improvising ahah
But, if I had to add someone from the game, I guess we could consider Marcus's rebellion as canon. The androids are becoming deviants and are rebelling. That can work pretty well since Cosmo and Wanda are deviants here
But yeah, I'm very sure I won't make them meet, I want Cosmo, Wanda and Timmy's story to be pretty chill after their escape.
I'd like for them to just find a house in the middle of a random city and just stay there, maybe they could meet someone else along the way (👀) another kid.... (👀👀👀) Or another android......... (👀👀👀👀👀👀)
We'll see...
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cheemscakecat · 7 months
Hear me Out: Detroit become rebooted major changes.
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Alice is an actual human girl. If Cyberlife created an android line to look and act like human children, it would lead to controversy and a declining birth rate as more couples bought disposable android children. Todd also should not be able to afford a new top of the line child android.
Kara doesn’t belong to Todd; she belongs to his drug peddling organization. They bought her for their front to build credibility, and tampered with her code. Kara doesn’t call the police when she finds Red Ice or witnesses Alice being abused because her owners purposely removed her memory share and police calling protocol. She was only at Todd’s house because the front was being inspected, and her code would look suspicious. Especially during the deviant crisis.
They can’t flee to Canada. Canada would be wary of Cyberlife’s products due to the deviancy cases, and since androids are not human/are property, they would not be permitted to cross the border without an adult owner and registration.
They go to Eden [Jericho] to escape the police [who Todd foolishly reported Alice’s kidnapping too] and the drug gang [who don’t want their operation to be exposed].
Alice is a human who will be living amongst hiding deviants, who are going to require Kara to do missions for their rebellion in exchange for her presence in Eden and the resources needed to care for a child.
Instead of playing as Markus, we play as Alice between Kara and Connor’s missions as a way to give the player a break and to explore the rebellion. Alice -being an abused child- acts like many of the androids around her, to their surprise. Many of them have only had experiences with abusive humans, and some have not interacted with children.
We learn Markus’s backstory through Alice getting to know him. That way we don’t have to explain how the rebellion started or how Markus inspired frightened androids to rebel; something the original DBH did not expand on well. Markus is surprised that a human father could show such cruelty to his offspring; being Carl’s son. Alice can’t imagine yelling at her father, even if everything she said was true [unlike Leo].
North’s reckless view on killing humans can be challenged by interacting with Alice, if the player chooses the right dialogue. She and other androids would not have considered the innocent humans who would die if they set off a nuke, even if Markus tried to explain Carl to them. Seeing and/or befriending an innocent human with much in common with them would be more convincing.
If Kara is captured by the police instead of Todd/the gang, they’ll find out she was innocent. They can also find out if Connor decides to see why Todd is kicking up a fuss at the station, which will draw Hank over. In both cases, Hank will become furious with that abusive druggie and beat him senseless.
Asking Hank why he snapped on Todd is another way that Connor can find out about Cole, and will affect his mission to find Eden. It doesn’t result in him telling you how Cole died; just that Hank had a son and abusive parents make him sick, since they throw away their chances to love their kids.
Alice would be Connor’s foil; she’s a human that acts like an android and easily befriended/understood them, Connor is an android that acts like the humans they fear, and the deviants see him as an abomination.
Instead of Markus confronting Connor, Alice confronts him. If Kara was captured or Todd was found out, he’ll already know she’s telling the truth about why Kara stole her. Her standing up for the deviants and saying they’re better than some humans would hold weight if Hank beat Todd and mentioned Cole. An abused human girl sharing similar body language with the deviants might give Connor the realization that the glitch is mainly caused by abuse and trauma. This would be the point where Connor can turn deviant.
When Connor’s battery is about to die, he explains Cyberlife’s backup supply of his model and warns the rebellion that they’ll be sent without his memories. So they won’t become deviant like him. But if Kara has done the right missions at the Cyberlife warehouse, Connor’s current memory can be uploaded into another model at the factory, enabling him to do an an important mission there.
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Something interesting I wish happened
If Markus died before the rebellion took off we could continue playing this part of the story but as North. It’d be awesome to see exactly how she leads, get in her head, you know?
I love how North takes over but I hate how she loses by default. If we play as her, if you wanna loose you can, if you wanna successful revolution with her you can have that too. At least then it’s not like she killed off most of the androids in Detroit for no reason.
North is pretty strong and really believes in her cause. I seriously doubt she’d be that bad of a leader
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colossalcriminal · 5 months
Hey, I know I've got requests waiting but I am being worked like a dog and have no motivation, I will get to them this summer in June! (which I know is a long way away, I'm sorry)
Was playing Detroit: Become Human and the Last of Us this week and I was thinking about how cool it would be to kinda have a crossover?
Say the whole android revolution takes place in or pre-2003, (on a whim that in this fictional story, society was more developed in 2003), and then the outbreak happens. Reader worked alongside Connor and Hank on the deviant case, and we'd probably get the ending where the revolution failed. Dum dum dum, outbreak happens, Reader, Connor and Hank are separated.
Reader ends up in the Boston quarantine zone and meets Joel, romance ensues. 2023, they're on their journey to get Ellie to the fireflies and meet Tommy in Wyoming. Reader, Joel and Ellie encounter Connor. (who as an android looks pretty much the same, maybe a little rugged, compared to a matured reader who would most likely be in her 40s?)
I know a lot of you like a younger reader (trust me, i do too, i live for that shit, seriously like 20s reader and 50s Joel drives me feral, as a girl with daddy issues), so to accommodate the younger!reader aspect I could write it as reader in her mid/late 30s, and she was a teenager during the outbreak, maybe even Hank's daughter who was a little too involved in policing because she couldn't mind her own business.
Either way, I think Hank would be dead, Connor and Reader would have a tense but emotional reunion because they went through a lot together, I think I'd write deviant Connor or the idea that Connor was always a deviant from the beginning. I also like the idea, whether reader is in her 30s or 40s, that her and Joel have a kid together, too. If she's in her 40s, the kid could be a teenager around Ellie's age and tagging along with them, if she's in her 30s, maybe she's pregnant or something like that (someone give me an idea for this. I would like the idea of Joel and reader having a child younger than 10, but I feel like this would be unrealistic on their journey with Ellie). Either way, the whole kid thing kinda showcases a progression in life that Connor won't have as an android.
If reader is in her 40s, maybe I could sneak in a past crush she had on Connor, or some kind of unspoken connection they had that could've never come to a relationship due to their difference in species. Same with 30s reader, but I think I'd go more along the lines of she had a crush on him and looked up to him, as she would be a teenager during the rebellion times. I could clarify a bond between them, but nothing mutually romantic as that is creepy, and I think it's pretty normal for a teenage girl to have crushes. (i did, but I also have problems lmfao, she probably does too because hello???? she saw a rebellion and then an APOCALYPSE)
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marcusrobertobaq · 1 month
DBH worldbuilding info u're supposed to know
The collection
US is having major issues with sea level rising quickly, making even the wealthy residents deciding not living right on the coast anymore. Polar ice has melted to an extent that rising sea levels have many states struggling to keep the water out of their coastal towns (Magazine)
CyberLife's intention with complex level humanization was to literally make people welcome 'em home like they're family instead of getting creeped about it (Magazine)
VR games are very common by 2038 (Magazine)
The President Cristina Warren is an ex-vlogger with no experience in government that relied on social media and celebrity status to be elected in 2036, originally a republican representative. There's a "rumor" CyberLife helped she getting elected by corrupt means and that's why they're "too close" (Magazine, Gallery, Cut concepts)
Warren got an approval of only 33% due to the sequence of bad decisions (Magazine)
The world's population is 10 billion by 2038 (Magazine)
Obesity is in a record high in Detroit by 2038 (Magazine)
NATO is divided about the Russia vs US conflict in the Arctic, they think everybody can benefit of the region without war but Warren is totally pushing for a conflict (Magazine)
Rare minerals used in synthetizing Thirium got Russia and US biting each other in the North Pole in recent yrs. Android manufacture dominates both the US and Russian economies (Magazine)
Kamski being the one creating Thirium 310 and biocomponents more than a decade ago suggests other areas with these minerals were already explored, the North Pole being the last one (Assumption)
Police is constantly using marketing data to identify criminals (Magazine)
Dating websites usually have less than 5% of women using it (Magazine)
0.4% of world population holds 94% of global wealth by 2038 (Magazine)
By 2038 there's constant propaganda selling Canada as the true land of freedom (Magazine)
No matter how u play as Markus u gonna eventually have event contexts distorted, including fake news. They're called criminal org and terrorists no matter what u do (Observation)
CyberLife developed a nano-android to help combating cancer and diseases that can extend the human life-span even reaching a semi-immortality status - and it's very promising as it was already succesful in doing its task (Magazine)
US life expectancy is 91 by 2038 (Magazine)
By 2038 US got a aging population but not enough young people to support the economy with the unemployment rate at 37.3%, and the "job" area is dominated by androids (Magazine, Observation)
When the rebellion starts the gov consider bringing retirees back to work as the country lack qualified manpower to deal with the withdraw of androids (Cut dialogue)
Only two countries have android industries that rival the United States: Russia and China, they're also in a space race of sorts (Magazine)
Team sports like baseball got at least 1 android per team (Magazine)
An advanced high speed train was completed in 2038, connecting New York and LA in less than 2,5 hrs and there's a high flux of east coast folks going to LA (Magazine)
Suburban prices there have rose 64% and California folks are worried they gonna get pushed out of the region (Magazine)
Detroit is currently in a Red Ice epidemic with it being the easiest route the poor go, either by selling or using it (Magazine)
There was a Red Ice Task Force from 2027 to 2031 that made major arrests and drug seizure during the first epidemic (Gallery, Articles)
Bees are extinct by 2038 and people expect a global famine. CyberLife is already making partnerships to create bee-robots while other groups try finding new alternatives (Magazine)
Environmentalists say the Earth’s environment is beyond repair (Magazine)
Global rainforests have been reduced by 79% since 2000 and coastal corals by 58% (Magazine)
During the events of the game an earthquake kills 10k people in China (Magazine)
CyberLife has partnership with the Department of Defense in the development and supply of military androids, something that started in the early 30s after it was approved to limit human casualties in the battlefield (Magazine, Observation)
In 2031 the US gov ordered 2 million androids for use in the infantry, mostly SQ800 units already being deployed in 2032 replacing human soldiers.
Michigan also announced the purchase of 5k auxiliary androids to assist law enforcement department but following the 2029 Android Act they can't use weapons (PlayStation Blog)
U.S. Army soldiers are equipped with advanced equipment to keep up with their android "subordinates" (Gallery)
Stock exchange falls 10% on fear of Arctic conflict by 2038 (Magazine)
68% of men prefer sex with an android to a human woman and with 52% of men saying they’ve tried the experience at least once (Magazine)
CyberLife currently got around 120 million androids across the globe and some people suspect they're using 'em to spy on people (Magazine)
There are at least 200k military android units already in service across the US military by 2038 and the gov is buying more for the Arctic conflict, an effort to double the infantry size (Magazine)
The US Army is 60~80% android, with humans mainly as commanders and strategists but they tend to use complex AIs to help with assistance (Magazine)
Sales of android intimate partners are very high as lotta men and women prefer living with an android than a human partner (Magazine)
Birthrate is at record low, population decline is said to be irreversible, marriage is in decline as traditional families become “thing of the past” and the divorce rate only increases (Magazine, News, Observation)
US is currently in an "antidepressant epidemic" due to the constant contact with technology, with people even lacking emotional development (Magazine)
The AX400 price is $899 by 2038 (Magazine)
5% of the music market is produced by human musicians. An android boyband Here4U is favorite to win Best Act, Best Video at global music awards - which are human record awards (Magazine, News)
Scientists found "alien" life on Titan: microorganisms living hundreds of kilometers below the surface, in an ocean of salt water protected by a thick layer of ice. The machine-i-forgot-the-name was sent in 2019 (Magazine)
Lute turtles, polar bears, mountain gorillas, african elephants and several species of tiger are extinct by 2038, with CyberLife now making some sorta android zoos (Magazine)
Canada is an android-free zone they don't sell or have any laws about it there as they don't permit androids inside 'em borders (Magazine)
CyberLife has recently released a tech demo of a quaterback android, something that got the Anti-Android Fan Group pissed (Magazine)
There's some sorta quantum magnet being studied that got the potential of cleaning carbon from the air (Magazine)
The Anti-Automation League and CrowneCars representants are in a discussion about ethical decision-making capability of autonomous cars (Magazine)
CyberLife has made a new quantum supercomputer, capable of one billion billion operations per second used to calculate the probability of mass extinction events (Magazine)
Hackers targeting systems like solar panels for ransom seems to be common thing (Magazine)
NASA announced the launch of a five android crew to explore Io (first time it's a full-machine crew). The journey will last three years (Magazine)
CyberLife is a trillionaire company by 2038, they were already billionaires a decade before (Magazine)
The first android ever officially released by CyberLife was the ST200 Chloe, costing 65k in 2024. By 2027 they already had 1mi androids sold (PlayStation Blog)
[continues on the next reblog]
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thevindicativevordan · 3 months
Thoughts on Superman Earth One by JMS?
Reading it again transported me back to the Great Recession Era. Fitting that Earth One was envisioned as "Ultimate DC" because it is as much a product of the 00s - albeit the Great Recession era - as Ultimate Marvel was a product of 9/11.
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What if Superman was Spider-Man is a pretty obvious direction to go when you've tapped the guy who just got done writing Amazing Spider-Man (and controversial second half aside I still love the JMS run) to come kick off a new Elseworld version of Superman. What fascinates me about this take on the character is that JMS, knowingly or not, applied the original Stan Lee/Steve Dikto approach to Spider-Man onto Superman. Unlike the modern approach where, black suit aside, Peter basically transforms into a secular saint post-Uncle Ben, 616 Peter remained an asshole. His evolution into the iconic Spidey we know and love was the product of years of character development. He did not suddenly transform overnight. Here we get a Superman who is the same way. First time we see him use his powers is to do this:
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I have to admit I smirked when I saw that. Not because it's cool or badass or whatever, but frankly because it's the kind of edginess you plain don't see in superhero comics these days. Left me feeling almost downright nostalgic for the edge of yesteryear. Superman wearing Alex Mercer's fit is such a tryhard design choice. Sets the tone for what kind of Superman we're getting here perfectly too. No rescues or acts of heroism for this bad boy, instead we get Clark frying all the hair off a would-be mugger. Second volume has Superman fantasize about massacring an army because he couldn’t stop seething over a dictator who evicted him from a war torn country. Third volume has him chew out the UN for standing back and letting Zod try to kill him. Wrath is what this guy has in spades, to the point it seems to be his defining trait.
Rereading Earth One I was blown away by how large it's shadow looms over the DCEU. Even the coloring, subdued as it is, evokes Snyder's films before they had been finished. Metropolis isn't a gleaming City of Tomorrow, it's a recession ruin that evokes the worst parts of Detroit. No one is living there except the people with nowhere else to go, and while it's not actually explored at all, the idea of Superman being drawn to a city of outcasts works for me just as much as him unconsciously seeking out the one place on Earth that's closest to Krypton.
Ironic how much Snyder took from JMS, Waid, and Johns while managing to alienate all three. Obvious examples are Zod serving the same basic function in MoS that Tyrell does here, down to the hijacking of all Earth broadcasts to demand Superman turn himself over, or how a Kryptonian ship serves as Superman's equivalent to the Fortress. But then there's other little details like the memory of Jonathan Kent urging his son to "fly" playing over a triumphant moment for Superman, as seen in ZSJL. Makes sense because reading Earth One, the Clark depicted here is a far more believable result of the teachings of the DCEU Kents.
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He doesn't want to be a hero, he wants to take care of his mom and himself (there's the early Spider-Man DNA). Altruism doesn't come naturally to Clark. And you know what? This is actually a great premise for an Elseworld Superman story! A Superman who is forced into the role, who spends the first couple minutes of an alien invasion trying to stop it while maintaining his secret identity, who has enough of a moral core to realize what he needs to do, but is scared to death of actually doing it? Elseworlds were created for a premise like that, something you could never do with the mainline guy. Where it falls short however, and the sin it shares with it's cinematic offspring, is that neither JMS nor Snyder realized how their Supermen came off.
After Superman deposes a dictator via arming a rebellion in the second volume, we're treated to a radio broadcast that proclaims a new democratic government has formed. Played totally straight as an unambiguous good deed too, at least within the second volume. For a book written long after the failures of regime change in Iraq and Afghanistan were obvious to all, and while the Syrian Civil War was raging, it comes across as totally naïve and tone-deaf. No one buys that it would be that easy. Now it does end up backfiring on Superman in the third volume, but not because JMS acknowledges the likely reality of Superman's actions where the nation would descend into total chaos, but because the rest of the world fears he'll do the same to them someday. For a series that is trying to be a grounded take on Superman if he were real, the portrayal of Superman meddling in global affairs feels downright fantastical.
Shame because there are great character beats where JMS emphasizes Clark's loneliness that are overshadowed by the poor writing overall.
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Good stuff! JMS understands that isolation and feeling like an outsider are key components that make Superman who he is. Throughout all three books there's a plotline of Clark having trouble connecting with anyone, which he finally overcomes first by joining the Daily Planet after being inspired by Lois and Jimmy helping him in the fight against Tyrell, and then when Lisa saves him against Zod and the two begin to date. Despite my knocking the trilogy as a whole, that was something I enjoyed seeing play out.
With all the Spider-Man influence in play here, I believe JMS’ biggest mistake was not centering this Superman’s mission around guilt. Clark was selfish and didn’t want to be a hero, he didn’t immediately leap to protect people when Tyrell attacked for fear of being outed, and innocents died because of that decision. Making Superman be Clark’s realization that he let his father down and he has to live up to his father’s beliefs in humanity’s goodness by serving as an example, that would be a great “realistic” way to explain why Clark is Superman while sticking to the Everyman+ foundation. Peter Parker is Spider-Man because he let his uncle die when he could’ve prevented it by stepping forward to stop a thief. Clark Kent is Superman because he let people die when he could have stepped forward to stop Tyrell from massacring people around the globe to force him out of hiding. It’s taking Spidey’s origin and expanding it to the greatest possible scale via a global threat.
Biggest complaint I have is that this iteration of Superman feels unfinished. Earth One Batman and Wonder Woman, whatever your opinions on them, at least feel that they've reached their natural endgames. Batman builds a family to replace the one he lost and will fight crime forever. Wonder Woman destroys the patriarchy and builds a new feminist utopia. But this version of Superman? Everyone was scared of him because he showed a willingness to intervene where he pleased, and while he promised to not repeat his dictator deposing at the end of the third volume, I don't believe this Superman would stick to that promise.
A natural endgame for this Superman would be to go full Miracleman. Use his powers and his Kryptonian ship (which can apparently manufacture materials for him and even convert matter) to transform Earth into a paradise, marry Lisa, turn Lois against him, and end his days asking himself if it was worth it. He fulfilled Pa's dream of using his gifts for the better, and accomplished it through science rather than through tyranny like Jor-El, but Superman can't help wondering if he proved all the naysayers right. Especially since the person he asked to play conscience for him, Lois, doesn't think he did the right thing. Earth One Superman started his journey asking himself if his father's dream for him was one he actually wanted to pursue, you bring it full circle by having him end where he began by asking if fulfilling that dream was the right decision.
Now as for the rest of the characters?
The Supporting Cast
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Daily Planet Crew - They're fine. None of them can be called great or memorable but they're recognizable as variations of the Lois, Perry, and Jimmy we all know. Only major difference is that I don't buy this version of Clark and Lois ever getting together romantically. They're rivals who respect each other but not "soulmates" (much as I hate that term). No chemistry between the two of them here (another commonality with the DCEU), and I'm actually glad this series ended without the two ever becoming a couple.
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Lisa Lasalle - Never seen anyone touch on her that much, guess I'll be the first to say that pairing Clark with gritty and realistic Mary Jane Watson was actually sweet. A redhead who is the "girl next door" in Clark's Metropolis apartment, wants to be a model but has to hook on the side, is the first one outside his family to discover his secret identity, and has an upbeat party girl personality before revealing a deeper side later on? Go ahead and try to argue that isn't a darker and edgier take on MJ. Far as civilian love interests for Superman go, she's the only one I've ever liked enough to want as endgame for Clark other than Lois. Seeing Clark bring her into his world and take her to meet his Ma was a genuinely touching moment. Funny that adaptions of MJ tend to make her more like Lois, while here we get a Superman who dates someone closer to 616 MJ.
The Villains
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Tyrell - Other than looking like a Hickman reject he's as generic as they come. He shows up, threatens the world, pushes Clark to become Superman, dies, and that's that. Not sure why JMS even went with this guy over using a traditional member of the Rogues Gallery. I do dig his techno-angelic aesthetic, too bad it's wasted on such a paper-thin character.
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Parasite - Shockingly great take. His backstory as a hitman is whatever, but once he becomes Parasite he's exactly what I want Parasite to be. Loves being able to kill people, after draining Superman and finally being able to think straight, he feels no shame, guilt, or horror over the people he's killed and the monster he's become. Instead he fantasizes about finding a unique way to kill every single person on the planet, that's the kind of sociopathic energy I like to see. Also shares the delightful trait of zero accountability with his MAWS counterpart, blaming Superman for his sister's death despite it being his own fault.
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Zod - Bland as his knockoff predecessor Tyrell. Don't even know why he's made into an El here, nothing interesting is done with it. I've always been a fan of Zod trying to recruit/win over Superman to his side, and at first he feints at doing that. After showing initial promise he firmly grasps the idiot ball for the rest of the book, having Superman at his mercy several times but insisting on making Clark "kneel", rather than simply finishing him off. Despite taking clear design influence from the MoS movie, this is a straightforward "modernization" of the Stamp Zod. Other than wanting Superman dead he seems to have no other ambitions. It's not even clear why he bothers with the pretense at first, when he has superior training and should be easily able to kill Superman in combat.
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Lex² - Uhhh they sure existed didn't they? Weird how both JMS and Johns pulled the "instead of the person you think will become the villain, it's their opposite gender counterpart” (wife for Lex, sister for Two-Face). I guess if there were plans for a volume 4 we would've seen "Alexandra" use the kryptonite against Superman, maybe via creating Metallo? Could've been interesting with Alex talking about how she hates Superman for taking away her husband who was the one person she considered an intellectual peer, that would've been prime setup for this Superman to show he was also as smart as she was (since this Clark is explicitly a genius). Since that didn't happen they're merely a curiosity.
Final thoughts: JMS' best Superman work remains his Becoming Superman autobiography.
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No clue if the events he depicts are accurate or exaggerated, but if it's fiction then it's the best Superman story that shows how he can inspire real people that I've read. Really hard hitting stuff in here, particularly for anyone who has grown up in abusive homes and had to rely on fiction as an escape. If you want to check out JMS' Superman work, I honestly recommend this over anything else.
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moonchild-things · 1 year
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Living in Detroit, the capital of androids, constantly reminds Natalie Tyler of the accident that changed her life for the worst. Her world is overturned after deciding to adventure out of her apartment and back into the cruel world. When androids start to peacefully protest for their rights, she is asked to work with a RK800 prototype android that goes by the name Connor.
[Detroit: Become Human] [Connor x Female!OC] [Apart of the Rebellion Report] [Completed]
This story is also on Wattpad, AO3, Fanfiction.net, Quotev
Chapter One - Readjustment 
Chapter Two - Waiting for Hank...
Chapter Three - On the Run
Chapter Four - The Nest
Chapter Five - Russian Roulette
Chapter Six - The Eden Club
Chapter Seven -The Bridge
Chapter Eight - Public Enemy
Chapter Nine - Meet Kamski
Chapter Ten - Last Chance, Connor
Chapter Eleven - Crossroads
Chapter Twelve - Night of the Soul
Chapter Thirteen -Connor at the CyberLife Tower
Also apart of the Rebellion Report: Revolution
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ausetkmt · 27 days
How Black People Got to Detroit | Jamon Jordan Interview pt. 1
Walk Through the Valley presents: Jamon Jordan. Detroit's official historian explains the formation of Detroit's Black community. www.walkthroughthevalley.org
we also think you’ll enjoy this one as well since it talks about the Blackburn Rebellion. You already know We will Throw some Grease up in the D,
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