#dev anon
suiana · 1 year
Tw: rape, assault, a gun, fighting, yelling, and just overall a traumatic experience
Oh by the way all the diologs are translated from Spanish :]
Ok it was a normal tuesday, I was happily at work fixing up a small gift of flowers we weren't gonna use , and give it to someone v e r y special when all of a sudden, 3 men come RUSHING into the store.
I of course get starteled and let out a yelp. Then they hear me and start trying to make small talk with me all about how "The plushes and whatches here are so expensive that they probably cost half your salary!"
Cue weird ass laughter from them.
So I'm starting to get really uncomfortable because I was alone with these weird people. That's when the first one breaks and gets a (fake) lilac tulip from the gift I had almost finished.
He asks me "How much for this?"
To which I tell him "Oh these flowers are not for sale, they are apart of an arreglo for someone"
He gets visibly frustrated and says "Well I want it so how much for it"
I state again "It is not for sale sir, so please choose something else"
He then tells me "I want the flower and your number"
The others chime in saying stuff like "You're so lucky he likes you" "She's so cute we could just take her out right how" "She seems really weak" "she won't put up a fight"
I begin to become a bit afraid so I write down my old number (that's no longer in use) on one of the buisness cards we have on display at the front desk to slide to him and procede tell them "If you're not going to buy something that is for sale or place an order please leave sir"
The man then takes the card, shoves it in his pocket, and walks around the desk to my side. Keep in mind thoughout all of this I have a pair of scissors at arms reach and a pen in my hand.
He yanks me by my hair and covers my mouth, and begins undoing his pants while the other two guys start to grab some stuff.
I let out a blood curduling scream and start trying to fight back, but it all happened so fast that before I knew it he was moving onto my shirt trying to cut it open with a little navajita that he had. He did manage to rip it half way and cut me a little in the process
I stab his arm with the pen and rush to grab the scissors. He grabs his arm and yells to the men to get me.
They had their hands full with stuff so they (thankfully) couldn't grab me then and there.
I run out to the street screaming for help. Out there are a total of like 15 people out and about. The cowboy next door hears this comotion and grabs his gun and comes out to see people recording me getting beat up by 3 men and them cuting my clothes off.
I am FIGHTING for my LIFE whilst everyone aroynd is on their phones telling the men to either stop or hit me harder. I am in the process of being draged back into the store all bloody, bruised, crying, and squirming to get out of their grip.
The cowboy shoots one of the men in the leg who was trying (and failing miserably) to remove my binder he beings shouting and screaming in pain, and afterwards the cowboy starts fighting to other two.
I grab the shop's phone and call the police. It takes them like 2 minutes to respond (wow thanks athorities) and another 30 minutes to get there when the station is like 10 MINUTES WAY MAX!!
Though out all of this, one of the men escapes the cowboy, stealing his gun and running to me, he grabs my and points the gun at me.
Which is just saying "or you leave or im fucking killing her"
The cowboy says "Dont hurt her!"
I'm trying to escape this man's horrifingly strong grasp, and in the mist of this I bite his chest man titties. He yelps shock. (I did make him bleed a little at the cost of losing two braces)
I get shoved to the ground and hit my head on some broken glass that was caused by the men droping shit.
I'm bleeding from my head and he grabs his navaja and slices my binder off bit by bit whilst the cowboy is forced to whatch this go down finnaly being restrained by the other two.
We're all yelling, I'm overwhelmed, my top half is out in the open for anyone to see, there's a man ontop of my trying to rape me, a random ass cowboy is trying to save me, my makeup is absolutly ruined, my head is spinning and driping with even more blood, and the police are taking forever to get here.
This mother fucker then moves onto my hands and tying them up with his belt so I stop hitting him.
I at this point almost accept defeat. But no I couldn't just let him get his way!!
I'm far too stuborn for this!
I CAN'T let him!
And I didn't.
I kicked.
I screamed.
I hit him with my elbows.
I did everything in my power to stop him.
Until the police arived at last.
And with all my might, I kicked him in this crotch once again. That was until they pulled him off me.
They rushed me and the cowboy to the hospital and kept us there for idk how long anymore. I was close to dying. Having lost so much blood
My mum was called, and my sister took them to see me.
They were hysterical.
I had to tell them to be quiet. Everything hurt by that point.
The doctor said I was almost ok. Nothing serius go damaged. But I needed a blood transfer. My boss was also called by my mum and she said she would pay for everything.
The police had to remove my family from the room so they could question me before everything. And I told them everything.
The doctors were outside telling my family about the blood and how they could not find anyone to donate at the moment so I was probably not going to make it unless one of them did.
So while my family was deciding who, my sister stood up and said she would. She was taken to be tested to see if she would be able to. And she was. So they drew the blood and the rest is a blur.
When I woke up I was so afraid. I yelled my Lex's name. I screamed for my mum.
And with teary eyes they rushed into the room. My mum cried, and thanked god as my sister just stared.
She just look at my body. At the buised. The cuts. My face. She didn't say anything. She just cried. So that caused my to also cry.
She told my mother while I wad asleep that she could not bear the thought of her little sister going through this. Seeing me in a hospital bed a few steps fron death's door. It broke her.
We both knew in our hearts. That she was worried every second since that phone call. She would not say it to me. It is unusual for us to show afection to eachother. My mum always hated that. But that night I spent in the hospital, she never left my bedside.
When I said I couldn't sleep she c r a w l e d on the bed and joined me. I said "Ew wtf [insert her name] get off 👺" anf she didnt. She just huged me. And we fell asleep like that.
My mum even got a photo the next morning of us there XD
And yeah, that's the story of how I almost got raped and was a couple steps from death's door 😃👍
-De anon
bro that must be so traumatising are you okay now??? wtf those passerbys are shit why didn't they try to help??? bro if you ever want to talk or smth just message me because that must be fucking traumatic. I'm glad you're alright now though
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achivement-unlocked · 7 months
Not the anon, but Kosa is a bill that's soon going to pass where minors on the internet get their parents to see what they search up and restrict things that are deemed "inappropriate." When in reality it prevents kids who are trying to learn about the lbgtq community and kids trying to identify abuse. The bill will change the internet forever and NOT in a good way.
Im pretty sure the anon is trying to ask you to spread awareness about this.
Some links to prevent this are:
Breaking the gimmick for this one, here’s some resources for yall <33
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sunshine-zenith · 2 months
More potential S2 episodes
Hazel and Dev swapping fairies for the day.
A time travel episode (if Father Time allows it) where the characters get to meet Timmy and interact with past versions of the fairies. I'm just curious how Peri would interact with his baby self.
Yes yes yes especially that first one, I love dynamic switch ups
Dev and Hazel are so different with how they make wishes for a start — Hazel’s wishes are usually more for experiences and journeys (ex. her wishing she was a detective instead of, say, outright wishing her new neighbor would come over and just tell her everything) and and usually involve her putting in effort and tweaking the wish multiple times (her making multiple adjustments to her wish so Barry could communicate and walk around the city freely, her trying to help him find the perfect job). Dev, meanwhile, wishes for things (the perfect cupcake, Viozellia’s staff) or wishes impulsively without considering limitations (wanting to go to Fairy World, wanting a t shirt that has to be won)
Hazel also involves Cosmo and Wanda in her wishes (all of them getting penny farthing dirt bikes instead of just Hazel) or just plays with them like a regular kid (knights and princesses), while something like this doesn’t even seem occur to Dev (this almost certainly has to do with heir childhoods — Hazel grew up with involved parents and a brother who loved playing with her while Dev was probably just handed random expensive things to keep him from complaining and told to leave his dad alone)
Cosmo, Wanda, and Peri also grant wishes differently as well — Cosmo and Wanda in ANW are very happy to bring in back up to help granting Hazel’s wishes, occasionally misunderstand Hazel’s wishes entirely, and even if they know something isn’t the best idea, they go alone with it and guide Hazel to learning a lesson (ex her wishing the teachers were her friends instead of making friends with the other kids). Peri, meanwhile, tries to get Dev to clarify is his wishes, tries to teach him lessons outright (telling Dev he won’t make friends if he scares the other kids away, instead of guiding Dev to this realization on his own)
That doesn’t even get into their characters interacting — like Wanda is explicitly not the biggest fan of Dev. On multiple occasions she checks in with Peri to see if he’s okay with Dev or she’s warning him about Dev. She’s also the one who act the most as a guide for the kids, helping them come to their conclusion. She’s loving with her godkids, but I can see her needing to have an actual heart to heart with Dev to connect with him. Meanwhile Cosmo is more likely to go along with Dev’s impulsive wishes, but he’d also probably misunderstand or misinterpret them differently from what Dev meant
A Dev-Cosmo-Wanda set up would probably start out bumpy, with a lot of frustration and toe stepping (plus Big Emotions from Dev related to Cosmo and Wanda being a set of loving parents, something he doesn’t have and can’t really wish for), before leading to Dev having fun like a normal kid with them
Plus Cosmo and Wanda would absolutely take this as the perfect opportunity to show off Peri’s baby pictures to Dev
Hazel and Peri, meanwhile, just kinda make a lot of sense as a duo. It’s already been said many times how much they have in common, and Hazel seems more likely to go along with Peri’s Cool Guy persona/not push him to his limit, so they’d probably have an easy time bonding. I can’t see them getting up to much, wish wise, though — Peri generally tries to fulfill wishes to the T while Hazel actually seems to thrive on the unintentional shenanigans cause by Cosmo and Wanda. If anything, I can see Hazel being the one to help Peri with some of his issues with Cosmo and Wanda, helping him understand their perspective on him still being their baby while also helping him put words to how their smothering him makes him feel. Plus hey, it’d be the perfect opportunity to learn about how Peri feels about the whole Timmy thing
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ohcaptains · 5 months
on my hands and knees begging for ur monkey man thoughts whether it's fanfic or just the movie pls PLS PLS PLS-
i think about that hand touch scene soooo much. like the gentle caress of his hand against hers, and they’re both covered in blood. just the knowledge that they’re so so similar and ohhhhhh.
random monkey man fic thoughts under the cut
you work at the club as one of the girls, and see him in the kitchen, see him around the bar, and he’s always just watching you…like, studying you, and he almost goes to say something, but never does. so intense. you communicate without language, until he sees you nursing a bloody lip in the back alley, and queenie scorning you for overstepping your mark. nobody wants a smart girl, she sneers, before stepping back into the club.
he comes out of the shadows, curly hair hanging on his forehead, with beads of sweat running down his neck. you flinch from your seat on the barrel, and he holds his hands up, walking towards you as if you’re a frightened cat.
when he eventually nears you, he pulls a handkerchief out of his pocket, and displays it so you can see. once you give him a short nod, he reaches out and wipes the blood from your split lip.
he catches you with his big, brown eyes.
she’s wrong, you know. about nobody wanting a smart girl.
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robobarbie · 1 year
I'm sorry to bother you, but I was just wondering if you have any advice on bringing a character concept into a consistent, compelling character. I have so many character concepts, but I always struggle with giving them unique, consistent identities and voices, and you're so great at that. Thank you so much for creating such wonderful stories!
u r too kind to me. i am no expert, but this is generally my strategy when i'm writing/creating characters:
Remember that characters are more than stereotypes. If I'm making an FFXIV player who loves to shill, I'm not going to make shilling all that he is. That's how you get one-note characters that get a little boring. I try to picture a three dimensional personality that fits around that, even if all parts of it aren't used in text. Like, if I picture all the people who have shilled FFXIV to me over the years, what do they have in common? Quieter IRL, a bit tired of bullies, bad eating habits, etc etc.
Find a way to connect it to something you're familiar with. You write what you know best. If your character is an architecture student, but you know nothing about it, do some research about the field while also connecting that love of architecture he has with a love you might have for something else. You'll be able to write about his love for it more believably if you're tying it to something else you yourself adore.
Life hack: base the character on a person you know in real life. When you base characters off of characters that already exist, I think you run the risk of it not feeling authentic (but that's not always the case). The entire cast of BP was based on a server I was in ages ago -- the characters weren't carbon copies of the people I knew, but those people were good reference points for typing style and initial personality quirks for them all.
Find the fine line between similar characters and emphasize that. Felix already gets a lot of comparisons to Onionthief (deservedly so) but we're making them distinct in the following ways: Felix is colder, Onionthief is less mature, Onionthief is bullied more often in chat than Felix is, Felix is quieter, Felix is less judgmental of mistakes, etc. You find those deeper details that really separate characters and create... well, back to point #1. You create three-dimensional people that could exist in real life.
Edit to add: talk a lot to strangers. You will learn a lot about the variety of people in the world, and the way they interact realistically, if you brave the world and meet new people.
ramble over
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yan-randomfandom · 26 days
Hello! We're back! Can you perhaps give us yan! Dev headcanons? Like he sees us as a new, better parent than his dad, and he decides to stop trying with his dad and ends up putting all of his efforts into us instead.
I love our adopted son lol
💘ficto anon
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P!Yandere!Dev Dimmadome & GN!Reader
[PLATONIC] oh no... i love this req... dev,,, our poor bb 😔 half bullet & half drabble!!
"We can't just leave him here," a foreign voice murmured, careful to try and not wake the kid. Unbeknownst to them, Dev could vaguely hear two voices under his floaty sleep.
"Eh, he should be fine," another familiar voice shrugged. His son's heart would have shattered hearing that if he were fully awake. "Now, follow me to the office—what are you doing?"
Warmth. Warmth has enveloped Dev's entire body. Your arms gently carried him, a hand cradling his head.
Dev couldn't avoid the sigh of relief leaving his lips. He unconsciously snuggled closer to you.
"...Where's his bedroom? That's where he should be sleeping." You can't believe Dale was about to leave his son on the couch. Not even sparing a blanket or a pillow. It's freezing in their living room.
A scoff left the man before he turned around. "Follow me then."
You pursed your lips as you trailed after him. Are you being too intrusive? Seeing Dev like that just reminded you of your childhood, when you'd wake up in your bedroom after sleeping somewhere random. Your hold on Dev subtly becomes more protective, which is nothing short of a welcome change for him.
When you carefully put him on the bed, his hand quickly shot up and grasped your sleeve. You and Dale exchanged looks before he personally separated Dev's hand from you.
The day after that, you visited their house again for important business, but Dev doesn't recognize who you are.
In fact, he despised you. He thought he was about to get bonding time with his dad again, but then you rang the doorbell and took him away.
Though... Dev was surprised to see you smile when you saw him. "Hello, Dev! We haven't officially met, but I'm your dad's business partner!"
You offered your hand. His dad is behind you. He took your hand for a shake, only for his sunglasses to drop halfway when his skin touched yours.
It definitely took you some time to gain his favor. And when you finally do, well... He's the sweetest boy you could have ever met.
That's right. Sweet. He'd offer you food and make sure you're comfortable in your stay at their home.
He just soaks in every second of your company whenever either you or him and his father would visit. Sometimes, he swears that he doesn't even need his father's attention anymore. It felt new... it felt like freedom, strangely.
Dev is a sassy one. Witty banter is something you'll always expect. Calling each other the wrong name is a thing now, apparently.
His father often sees the two of you bonding. He doesn't mind it, he doesn't exactly do anything.
Surprisingly, physical touch is one of his main love languages. He likes holding hands a lot and really likes it when you carry him.
The AU Pairs are barely used whenever you're around. They're mainly there for convenience, which is strange because Dev used to utilize them for everything.
But then, Dev finds you talking to someone else. He's clearly standing right in front of you. Why aren't you greeting him? Haven't you seen him yet?
You eventually turn, smiling when you see him. He wholeheartedly smiles back. "Dev! Hi! Make yourself comfortable, okay? I just gotta take care of things first."
... He isn't a priority?
If Peri's still here (rip), then he's obviously going to use his wishes as an advantage. Although he didn't even need to wish for your affection! No rules are limiting him! How lucky is he?!
Whatever he wishes for will likely backfire on him or you, and whether he chooses to learn a lesson from that or not is up to him. Peri will always try to support his godchild.
But... If there's no Peri... Dev starts to be more and more demanding. He's absolutely needy and won't stand if you reject his request.
At some point, he'd give you the silent treatment, his shades back up and everything, and you'll have to be one begging for forgiveness.
He certainly doesn't like the fights any more than you do, but he just... he needs you.
And he'd do anything for your attention.
"Let's try and make lemonade later, okay? I'll teach you how," you grinned, carefully patting his gel-filled head. "I promise."
"You better not forget," he quipped, excitement brimming through his very core. He has always wanted to do that with his dad, but now you're here! All the lacking years of quality time can be filled by you!
then you guys will pull pranks on his dad
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fioblah · 2 months
please draw more dev patel ill die here
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have u seen those collections of photos of him with dogs. very sweet
tip jar
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Missing Armie lately. Watched Hotel Mumbai yesterday and he was so amazing in that role. Reminded me of all the fun interviews with Dev Patel who was also awesome. Here’s to looking forward to better things ahead.
I'm late answering you, and I’m sorry for that.
I saw it a long time ago and I loved so much.. a very underrated movie in my opinion.
I believe new and good things are about to be processed, I'm here waiting for them too and I'm sure they'll come.
I think we just have to give Armie some time. 💙
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eat-a-dicker · 28 days
if we get a S2 of ANW and the memory wipe ends up having worked do you think dev would think he and hazel are still mid-divorce arc or would he at least remember that their last interaction was a positive one?
(for what it’s worth i firmly believe that one theory about his sunglasses blocking the spell, this is just hypothetical lol)
there is genuinely no way to tell how much of dev's memory got erased. it might be entirely possible he's forgotten about the friendship due to the fact that hazel wishing to understand him was a magic deal, as we have seen.
while it is suggested that dev didn't loose his memory, i believe the team should write the story they want to write. i'm just going to enjoy the ride, they've proven themselves very entertaining.
in my opinion, because his and hazel's friendship was contingent upon a wish, if he had truly forgotten everything related to fairyworld, he wouldn't remember why exactly they became friends in the first place but his feelings for her are absolutely genuine. he'd probably want to recapture why they became friends, but just not understand how and why. the impetus would be on him to become friends with her in a genuine way.
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suiana · 2 years
Which yandere would drop everything just to get their darling soysauce for their food?
Because I have a feeling some wouldn't.
Like lil' Prezy boy, Poet, and Gov official wouldn't
And I f e e l as if Nerd, Stalker(best trauma boy), fan, and cult leader would.
- Dev anon
you're so right anon the yans u mentioned above would definitely do that. ++ delinquent and junior would also get up and get soy sauce for u, they're big time simps.à
on the other hand, senior and artist would just tell you to do it yourself lol. they're always doing something and can't spare any moment to do something so trivial
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misc-obeyme · 3 months
A lot of people think of Lucifer as daddy and i get why it's very pushed by the game after all but to me...he's like this pathetic...tired ...sad wet old cat....i think he's so easy to bully and unserious but in a very affectionate way, obviously he demands respect and he's very powerful and caring and mature and all of that but he's my fav cuz he's a pathetic old man tbh idk who daddyfer is that man right there is my babygirl my boytoy my perfect little male wife
sorry about making you read this ask tbh
Why would you make me see this with my own eyes, anon?
I'm just joking, of course lol, all asks are welcome here! I especially enjoy ones like this, please tell me how you really feel!!
Listen, I felt like Lucifer was absolutely extremely Daddy coded in the beginning, when I was reading season one. I found it very funny and I enjoyed him immensely. But then it got annoying and I switched to hating him. Then I came around again because I realized that he is, in fact, a pathetic tired single dad and I was like yes please.
I honestly think most people just miss the nuance between who Lucifer pretends to be and who Lucifer wants to be. Because in my mind, they are two very different demons. And yet, they are also two sides to the same coin.
Anyway, I like how you describe him. I hope you continue to enjoy having Lucifer as your perfect little male wife~
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sunshine-zenith · 2 months
I know it's already been said by multiple people but Dev needs a therapist and maybe some anger management.
Ding ding ding Dear Anon, and it gets truer every time someone says it
Listen. This kid kinda sucks, he’s hard to be around, but it’s because he’s a kid in a crappy situation with crappy luck and zero life skills to manage it. Like the sleepover episode — of course people went to Hazel’s sleepover over his, he tried to steamroll over her sleepover in the first place and he’s already well known for being a jerk. BUT when no one actually shows up to his sleepover, he doesn’t have the capability to think “oh, this is a consequence of my actions, I need to adjust my behavior going forward” because no one’s ever taught him to think that way. Instead, let’s be real, this is just going to become a painful core memory that’ll only keep hurting decades later if he doesn’t get help to compartmentalize it
He’s been raised to believe care is conditional and transactional — him hoarding the pudding until someone does him a favor, him giving out merchandise on his dad’s behalf to make his dad happy, him assuming that one argument would completely shatter his friendship with Hazel, etc
He needs someone to help him work through his trauma, someone to help him learn how to manage his emotions in a healthy manner so he doesn’t blow up or automatically assume the worst when faced with negative situations, someone to set boundaries with him and teach him how to set and understand his own boundaries. Shoot, he needs someone to just love him and care for him unconditionally and for him to know this
Otherwise, he’s just going to be another Dale.
I remember being a kid and seeing the episode where Dale is introduced and reunited with his dad, and I remember for the longest time expecting Dale to also show up when Doug did, only to be disappointed when he didn’t. Dale from the original series needed someone to help him through his trauma, and clearly, Doug never did that. Instead, it seems he just neglected Dale from there and left Dale to stew, to turn his trauma into unhealthy coping mechanisms, needing exploit like he was exploited and needing more and more money at the cost of everything else. I know kid me would be devastated if they saw this and I know adult me will be devastated if Dev ends up following in his father’s bootsteps instead of being helped out of this cycle
Dev’s needs only highlight how unfair the godparent system can be for both him and fairies. He’s a spoiled rich kid, he doesn’t need wish fulfillment, he needs guidance, and the thing is, Peri is trying to give guidance. He’s trying to set boundaries and give advice, but he’s also too inexperienced at this (and being steamrolled by his own parents) to do it properly. Dev should’ve been matched with a godparent who has experience with angry and hurt children instead of being given to the vulnerable new guy who hasn’t been trained for this
And I’m pretty sure Peri and Dev being separated at this point will only serve as a bounce off point for more trauma for both of them — we still don’t know how the whole Timmy thing affected Peri, but we do know he values being a godparent, and losing his first godkid (especially one as hurt and fragile as Dev) would be crushing. And when Dev got Peri, it was basically the universe telling him “this is an adult that is here just for you, who will not be pulled away by technology or greed and who will not intentionally hurt you. He cares about your happiness above all else. A third of his official title is ‘Parent’ and he is yours” — simply replacing Peri would only diminish this statement, and losing this entirely, even if his memory is wiped after, would probably only scar him
Get 👏 Dev 👏 A 👏 Support 👏 Team 👏 ASAP
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animatedjen · 2 days
What are you hoping to see in Jedi 3 when it comes out (either story or gameplay wise)? I really hope Cal doesn't get killed off, but given that Luke is (allegedly) the last Jedi by the time of the original trilogy, I know I have to brace myself for that possibility.
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So funny story, the "does Cal die at the end of Jedi 3" conversation happened (again) on Twitter last week, and I wrote a thread - you can read it here or with a non-Twitter link. Ended up getting way more attention than planned, a ton of people misunderstood my point, and now I'm a little gunshy about sharing opinions over there for a bit haha. But the community is much smaller on Tumblr so I think I'm still okay here 🫠
I do have a pile of Jedi 3 ideas from earlier this summer! Which includes the the first draft of my "Cal should live" perspective. One new thought is about the Force Slow ability - the way Cal has accessed it throughout the narrative of both games, and how that instinctual power (driven by emotion?) looks and feels different from his other force abilities, especially in Survivor.
It's ultimately been "stained" by darkness, and when (I hope) Cal finds some sort of inner peace, I'd love to see his Force Slow ability be "healed" to a new expression of that power. Not as raw and wild as the dark side, but something that comes from a place of hope instead of desperation. Maybe he learns how to be a shield instead of a sword due to Cere's teaching? (there's a small visual parallel there but that's probably worth exploring in its own post)
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As far as Cal's existence clashing with our understanding of Star Wars canon, it can feel complicated. Technically Ahsoka and Ezra are somewhere during ESB, though disowning the Jedi title or getting stuck in the Unknown Regions might disqualify them enough. Will Cal still consider himself a Jedi by the end of the trilogy? Is this just an issue of semantics, or availability, or Luke being the only one operating by the Jedi code of old? Would Yoda actually know if any other Jedi exist?
Honestly not sure. Now if the third game lets Cal visit Dagobah, that's a different conversation...
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robobarbie · 9 months
Can i ask why you never want your games to be paid for? Or for us to donate to you directly? Like i think it's super great that you want us to donate to charities instead, but your games are so amazing and i just can't understand why you don't want anything for it? Genuine question.
The short answer is this:
I don't want to be influenced by money. If certain games sell well and others don't, that would undoubtedly affect the games I choose to make. I hate, hate, hate how capitalism kills our drive to produce media that means something to us and instead pushes it towards games that are most "liked".
I like creating games w friends in low-pressure, do-whatever-the-hell-you-want circumstances. Getting money involved changes all of those dynamics in a way I find yucky.
I make enough money from my day job and do not need supplemental income. Not everyone has this, so I know I am lucky there.
I long for a future I will never see where money is irrelevant, and we can all just creatively share with and help each other. It's inspiring to me when devs make something weird or different, especially when it's done with little success or poor audience reception. Those are the VN devs I look up to.
To sum up, I never want my drive to try something different to be tainted by money -- so, my games will always be free.
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l3viat8an · 3 months
It annoys me so much when people are like (one of the boys) wouldn’t like girls!1!!1 like they are all bi cry about it. Especially with Levi like he would definitely like both. Honestly I see him as being bi with a femme leaning.
I don’t get why people are still arguing about it- like at all anymore.
Now don’t get me wrong!! I understand having personal headcanons!!!- I think that those are great ‘n always fun to read + personally I love seeing other peoples sexuality hcs! Even when I don’t agree with them- it’s still cool to see what other people think ya know? jsjsjs
But all of the characters are canonly bi/pan/queer. They’re going to be attracted to you/MC!!!- gender simply doesn’t matter.
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galedekarios · 10 months
so i just thought of this and i had to share
in the epilogue kiss with gale, first he teases tav, then they share a small peck and then a proper passionate kiss
and thinking about it all of a sudden i remembered the option in the weave scene from act 1 where you can imagine "kissing him with tenderness, then with passion" and??? what if its a parallel of that???? very possible that im just reading too much into things but the idea made my heart melt even moreee i love his romance so much
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