#devil my cry x male reader
bi-lil-guy · 1 year
Not Sure When I'll Make This Since Shit's Been Weird Over Here But This Way I'll Have A List.
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A Devil's Secret Wingman: Vergil x G/N Reader
SUMMARY: As time has gone on, random appearances from a certain blue apparition happened more and more. A part of you wonders why but you had never dared to ask Vergil; however, the sly blue ghostly devil had a different plan in store.
BEGINNING NOTES: I don’t know why I really like the idea of Vergil in yoga pants right now; I just do. Also when Doppel shakes their upper half; I am imagining something similar to a bird fluffing its feathers. Yes, I know that Vergil + Dante’s DT/Sin DTs don’t have feathers but I feel like they’d still do it; plus it would make Vergil’s (Sin Trigger) shoulder pauldrons move according to how they work on the concept art page. 💝🩵💝 Vergil x G/N Reader Unestablished relationship Some good ol’ fluff
A Doppelganger's Projection--By: DevilSwordVergil
Devil's Advocate--By: LadyMuzzMuzz
These are both super cute and I love them ngl
     Visitations from a certain bright blue apparition had become a regular occurrence when you visited the Devil May Cry. It didn't typically matter what was going on; night or day, before or after a job--as long as you were alone, the glowing blue devil would make time to see you. At first, you thought that Vergil had been doing this to keep an eye on you while he was up in his room; however, as time went by, you realized that Vergil didn’t even have to be awake for Doppel to appear--sometimes you'd even get a visit when Vergil was out and about. It had become a part of your routine, one which you reveled in greatly.
     Today was no exception. 
     Vergil and you were on “shop duty”, being tasked with the monotonous secretary work of (the) Devil May Cry. Everyone else had various contracts to complete or were on vacation; leaving you and the blue twin alone for an undisclosed amount of time.
     You sighed heavily, “I’m so fucking bored…” you leaned forward in the desk chair and set your head on the desk with a small thunk. 
     It had been nearly three hours and there wasn’t a single phone call or walk-in; it was as dead as dead can be. A part of you had hoped that Vergil might join you downstairs for a while, maybe even a long while; but, you hadn’t seen nor heard from the Dark Slayer all day. Which was fine, it’s not like the two of you don’t see each other all the time, but you couldn’t help but yearn to be near him--even if it just meant that you were occupying the same room. 
     A small joyful chirping caught your attention. You tilted your head up slightly and stared from the tops of your eyes. Standing at the bottom of the stairs was the blue ghostly doppelgänger that you expected to visit at some point.
     You picked your head up. Placing your elbow on the desk and resting your chin in your palm, you flashed them a bright beaming smile, “Hey Doppel, come to join me?”
     Although you knew that the devil couldn’t speak, you would talk to them as if they were able to respond; which to be fair they technically could. Your smile widened as they wiggled a bit, a sign that you'd learned meant they were happy or in agreement. The devil approached you and stood in front of the desk with a tilted head. 
     “Wanna sit with me?” you smiled as you sat up and watched Doppel wriggle faster, spreading their wings slightly in excitement, “Alright,” you stood from the chair.
     With a loud scrapping sound, you moved the coffee table out from in front of the pleather couch--making sure to give the devil enough room. With a playful huff and bounce, you sat on the couch.
     The sound of their claws daintily clicking on the hardwood floor made you giggle in amusement. They stood in front of the couch before tilting their head once more.
     “What?” you watched their hands as they gestured along the couch, asking you to lay down, “Oh? Okay, sure..?” 
     It was a bit odd since they had never asked for that before but you did as you were asked. With a curious tilt to your brow, you watched as the devil sat above you, straddling your legs. If this had been the real Vergil, you surely would’ve been crushed to death by now; thankfully, Doppel (typically) weighed almost nothing. Another laugh left your lips as you watched the dangerous devil knead into your chest with both his hands, emitting a thunderous purr; reminding you of a cat. Meanwhile, you gently ran your hands along the devil's body.
     After a minute or two, they carefully laid on top of you; encompassing you entirely. You smiled as you nestled your face into (where there typically would be) grey scales above their blue V. Carefully, they rubbed the underside of their chin against the top of your head. Between the heat and the vibrations of their purrs, it didn’t take long for you to fall asleep; forgetting all about your shop work. 
     Nearly an hour later, you were still sleeping happily with the blue devil doing the same. However, a different blue devil had come downstairs to check on you; worried that you hadn’t answered the shop's phone several times. Now, he could only stare at the sight before him. 
     The sight of you, his partner and secret romantic interest, being smothered by his own duplicate. Doppel noticed Vergil’s sudden appearance and curiously turned their head towards him. 
     With a large and envious scowl, Vergil snapped his fingers in an attempt to de-summon the blue apparition but was only met with a small wiggling motion in defiance. This movement was enough to stir you awake.
     Only having your eyes half open, you mumbled to your ghostly cuddle-bug, “Somethin’ wrong Doppel?”
     They looked down at you and back to Vergil. You turned your head to the side and became pale at the sight of Doppel’s owner. Vergil had moved further into the room and stood next to the desk with folded arms. A small blush spread across your face upon seeing his oddly casual apparel; a pair of semi-form-fitting black yoga pants and his typical turtlenecked dark blue vest. Upon seeing that you noticed Vergil, Doppel took their leave with a small chirp of happiness. 
     Vergil swallowed audibly and looked away from your eyes, a small amount of pink pricked at his features--embarrassed about this situation, “Forgive me, I was unaware of their summoning,” his voice was meek and caught you off guard.
     You smiled as you sat up, “Don’t worry about it… If I’m honest,” you placed a hand on the back of your neck awkwardly, “I actually enjoy these little visits.”
     “This- This has happened before?” Vergil’s gaze turned back to you filled with concern and confusion.
     “Yeah..?” you cocked your head slightly, “Haven’t you been sending Doppel to stay with me?”
     The twin looked at you with parted lips and wide-eyed expression; telling you that your assumption was far from correct. 
     Before you were able to question him more, Vergil went back up the stairs and holed himself back up in his room. 
     “Shit,” a loud sigh left your lips as you flung your head backwards, hitting the crown of your head on the back cushions; fearing that this would somehow bite you in the ass later.
     You waited a while to see if Vergil would come back downstairs and were disappointed when he didn’t. Another heavy sigh left your lips as you stood up from the couch and tended to your assigned work.
     After that was completed, you quickly became bored again and looked around for something to bide your time. That’s when you realized how dirty the DMC had become making you scrunch your face in disgust. So, you decided to take upon the hefty maid work and got to it. 
     Three hours of exhausting scrubbing and cleaning later, you flopped face down on the sofa, satisfied with your work. Slowly, you felt the warm gentle hold of sleep taking hold of you or was it something else? Before you could question it too much, you fell back asleep.
     After a half hour or so, you tried to turn over and felt something stop you. Irritatedly, you opened your eyes and noticed luminescent wings and arms wrapped around you. It seemed that Doppel had not only returned to you but was sleeping on top of you. 
     “Doppel?” you whispered and got a small tail wag in response, “Can you let me up?”
     They looked at you for a moment, presumably in thought, then slid off you. You sat up and let out a low groan as you stretched your arms upwards, cracking your back. The large devil sat facing you with crisscrossed legs, reminding you of how juvenile the ghost acted in comparison to its master.
     With a small laugh, you turned to put one leg up on the couch, “So… What’s with you? I hear that you’ve been visiting me without permission?” you cocked your head curiously.
     The blue devil chirped in affirmation.
     Doppel’s tail gently moved to point at your chest before laying it on your lap. Carefully, you pet the sharp scales; giving extra care to go pet down the tail so you didn’t slice your hand. 
     “My chest, huh?” you shook your head with a faint smile, “I don’t understand.”
     The light blue figure cocked its head slightly before shaking its upper body with a loud chirp. Then, they took their hands and fumbled with them for a moment, before they made a crude heart shape with their fingers. 
     With pursed lips and a furrowed brow, you huffed quietly in confusion, “A heart?” the blue devil shook with another loud chirp--indicating that you were correct, “What..? You just love spending time with me or something?” admittedly, you found that idea to be adorable.
     Doppel looked over and stared at the staircase; which you copied. 
     “Wait,” you froze and looked at Doppel with wide eyes, “You mean that Vergil-?”
     A third loud chirp came from them as they wriggled in place. 
     With parted lips, you tried to come up with a response. However, before you were able, Doppel sat on their knees, still on the couch, and poked your chest with their finger this time. 
     “Are you asking if I..?” your voice was hushed as Doppel wiggled a bit, “Oh, well- I,” you stumbled over your thoughts and words. Admittedly, you’d never said it out loud before or told anyone about how you felt for the older brother; despite the incessant pestering of Nico and Dante, “Yeah, I-” a small smile tugged at your lips as you sighed contently, “I do love Vergil.”
     The blue apparition carefully cupped your face within its hands and made an odd purring chirp noise; one you’d never heard before. They continued to purr afterwards and just stared into your eyes. That’s when you realized what Doppel was asking you to do.
     “No way,” you shook your head slightly, still confined by the devil’s hands, “I can’t tell him. Do you know how much he’d hate me over something--” 
     Another loud chirping purr cut you off; this time, however, Doppel wriggled harder and spread their wings out in clear disagreement.
     “You sure about this?” you whispered as you felt them squish your face closer together, making you scrunch up, “Alright- Alright, I’ll go,” Doppel let go of your face as you laughed nervously.
     A deep nervous feeling grew in your gut as you stood up and slowly ascended the stairs, with Doppel following suit. Once in front of Vergil’s door, you stopped and looked over at the apparition with pursed lips. Doppel decided to force things along further and knocked loudly on the door for you, making you cuss loudly at the ghostly devil. 
     The door opened and Vergil stood there with a raised brow; however, before he spoke, he noticed his Doppelgänger standing beside you. 
     “What- How?!” Vergil’s voice was angry as he glared at the blue ghost.
     Doppel straightened their posture with a curious tilt of their head. 
     The eldest twin’s lip twitched in irritation at their counterpart.
     Meekly, you broke Vergil’s death glare at the apparition, “Hey, could we,” you shrugged with one shoulder, “talk for a minute?”
     Vergil eyed you up and down, “Fine, give me a moment,” with that, he turned back into his room and shut the door. 
     You turned to Doppel and became increasingly confused. They were ruffling their top half with their wings wide spread and their tail flicking around.
     “What’s up with you?” you were unsure if they were excited or angry.
     The ghost looked at you and patted the top of your head, still wriggling around.
     With a small shake of your head, you smirked a wide smile at them, “You’re quite excited, huh?”
     Before they could give a clear response, Vergil’s bedroom door opened again. 
     The twin sighed and moved to the side, “You may enter.”
     “Are you sure you want me in your room? You never--”
     With a coy nod, you smiled, “Okay, thank you.”
     Vergil gave you a flat smile and shut the door as he watched Doppel wave to him and then fade. 
     A heavy sigh came from the twin as he stood facing the door for a moment, attempting to hide his growing nervousness. Vergil turned to face you and took a few steps closer. The two of you awkwardly stood in the middle of the open space. Admittedly, the eldest son’s room was rather plain; only having essential items, a few bookshelves, and a small desk. 
     “It’s nice in here,” you smiled and avoided his piercing gaze, “it’s very well-kempt; a reflection of its inhabitant.”
     Although Vergil was flattered by your compliment, he was uncomfortable by someone else’s presence in his space; making his tone rather snappy, “What do you want?”
     You pursed your lips and shrank down into yourself, taking his tone as a bad sign, “Doppel told me something, and I--” you shot a glance at him and noticed his brow was furrowed, “I was made to come up here to talk with you.”
     “Speak then.”
     “Well,” you bit your tongue, “you know what, never mind; just forget this happened,” with your tail between your legs, you attempted to retreat and leave, when you felt him grab your forearm.
     Without turning to you, Vergil spoke in a hushed tone, “No, I want to hear what you have to say.”
     A sigh left your nose as you turned your head to the side, looking at the side profile of the stone-faced man, “Promise you won’t be mad?”
     Vergil copied your action, turning his head to face you, “Fine.”
     Your heart rate spiked as you locked eyes with his icy eyes and a small blush dusted your face. Vergil released his hold on your arm and turned fully to see you with folded arms. 
     You looked away from him again and tensed up as you whispered, “Doppel wanted me to tell you about how,” with a scrunched face, you braced for the worst, “I have feelings for you.”
     His voice was sharp and he squinted his eyes, “What kind of feelings ?”
     With a barely audible voice and a small nervous laugh, you answered, “Romantic ones…”
     The room fell silent. A thick uncomfortable tension hung in the air as Vergil just stared at you. If he had stabbed you with the Yamato or scoffed in response; that would have been preferable then him just standing completely still and silent. A part of you wanted to bolt out the door and just run from this, but you were frozen in fear.
     “Is that your version of a confession?”
     Unable to look at him, you nodded.
     Vergil’s stare softened and he let out a gentle sigh, “Let me guess,” slowly, he approached you and stopped only a few inches from you, “my doppelgänger told you about my own feelings then?”
     With another small nod, you focused on his boots that had come into view.
     “Then may I ask why you were hesitant to tell me..?”
     You whispered, “I figure Doppel was just messing with me.”
     Vergil gave a flat smile. Gently he set his thumb and forefinger on your chin, tilting you up for him to see. Neither of you spoke as he slowly ran his thumb over your parted lips, making your face turn a few shades darker. Eventually, you met his gaze and noticed his expression had softened greatly; the first time you’d seen him this mellow. 
     Vergil whispered as he stared down at your lips, “May I..?” 
     You gave a small grin, “Of course.”
     With a very slow and careful lean, Vergil connected his mouth to yours. You sheepishly placed your hands on his sides, making him push a bit harder into the kiss. His lips were broiling hot as he slowly moved his lips against yours. After a few moments, Vergil broke the kiss off and leaned back enough to look you over; attempting to gauge your response. A small smile tugged at your lips and you noticed that Vergil had the same expression. 
     He moved his hand to rest on the side of your jaw, gently thumbing over your cheekbone, “I assume that was proof enough?”
     Curious as to how he would respond, you inched toward him and cocked your head slightly, “Mnm, I dunno; think I might need another just to be sure.”
     He shyly looked down and leaned back into you, intertwining once more. This time, however, Vergil made sure to pour everything he had into the kiss. Quickly, he moved both hands to your waist and pulled you tight to his body, making you squeak in surprise. Using this to his advantage, he pushed his tongue into your mouth. 
     After a few minutes of fervourous kissing, the two of you broke apart, breathing heavily. Vergil gently nuzzled against the side of your neck and placed sweet kisses along it; very quietly purring. 
     While the two of you were enjoying each other's embrace, a loud yell from downstairs caught your attention, it seems that Dante had returned. However, when you tried to separate from Vergil, he pulled you closer.
     “Stay, my brother can wait,” his voice was laden with a thick husky seduction as he continued to kiss down your neck, “I’m not done showing you how much I love you.”
ENDING NOTES: Is it weird for me to hyperlink stories that inspired my chapters or not? This is a genuine question--I don't want to seem weird, but I want to give credit where credit is due.
If you like this please consider checking this on my AO3. There are extra chapters and my H/Cs over there, so please consider checking them out! Comments, Likes/Kudos, and shares are always appreciated! Thanks so much for reading!! :)))
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gloomiebearwritings · 2 years
Heyo Charlie!! How do you think the Brothers Sparda (Dante and Vergil), Nero and V would flirt with their S/O (NSFW/SFW). My best friend asked me to suggest it :) could you please do it for her?
Absolutely! I left V out unfortunately as I've limited requestable characters to a limit of 3! I do hope this works for ya!! ❤❤❤
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His little nickname for you has always been strawberry shortcake, saying it was just perfect because of how sweet you were, and how you were his favorite person
He’s a bit more straightforward with his flirting, even if it makes him stumble over himself from time to time
It appears as though he’d be smooth, able to flirt without a hitch- but you’ll find him making little typos in texts that you both get a laugh out of later
Absolutely loves dropping flirty comments whenever he can, sometimes getting a playful punch to the shoulder from Lady if she heard
Cheeky comments about how you look that morning or night, “Well don’t you just look delicious, hm?”
Lazy, tired smiles on slow days with softer comments, “There’s my strawberry shortcake…” / “Hey pretty face, come sit with me for a bit- I haven’t held you enough…” 
Lingering touches and grins when he gets excited during time off- pulling you onto his lap whenever he can, telling you that you’re just the cutest thing
-Little pinches to the hips or ass when passing behind you; or squeezing your hips when he stands behind you
-Sneaks in ghosting kisses along your neck if he’s close enough, whispering about how good you feel- “You’re such a sweet shortcake- mind if I have a bite?”
-Sometimes if he’s feeling bold, he’ll give you quiet bedroom eyes from wherever he is in your line of sight, “I’m starvin’, I think I could go for some strawberry shortcake…”
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Being his buttercup, he always makes time to smother you in sweet words, especially at the end of the day where he can curl up with you
He’s a bit shy in his flirting, keeping it as modest as he can since he doesn’t want anyone to know all that runs through his head
Rarely flirts around others, finding it to be a more playful thing to do between just the two of you; though sometimes Nico will overhear him talking to you on the phone, making his moves- always leading to a remark from her on his methods
Sometimes he’ll be a bit more open with his comments, usually when he thinks the two of you are out of earshot of everyone else, “Aw, come on buttercup- I can’t have even a little bite?”
Little playful smiles and winks are his go-to around others- even cheesy lip bites paired with a wink to get his point across
His specialty though is little texts he sends when he has a moment of peace: 
[Hey pretty babe, you looked too cute this morning, so I didn’t wake you up. Guess that could mean you’re my sleeping beauty, right?]
Despite being quite shy otherwise, he can send some rather raunchy texts when he’s not at home with you- this may sometimes lead to more if there’s enough time alone for him
When by your side he’s back to being a bit sheepish, little comments here and there about just how alluring you were being the most common
Sometimes if he’s feeling braver, he’ll give you a little pinch as he’s walking by, giving the quietest comment about how he’s got a sweet tooth: “I think I need a little sugar…”
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Flirting was normally a no-go, at least at first; he wasn’t sure how to make it work
His initial attempts were stiff to say the least, but it was endearing in how he tried
Despite the stiffness however, his nicknames for you remained the same: Darling, and Lover- calling you them often enough for you to still smile hearing them, but not so much that they become as common as your name
Waking you up in the morning with kisses, and soft-spoken words about how you’re such a pretty flower in the early light
Quiet comments on how precious you were at random times: Washing something? Precious. Reading? Precious. 
Nighttime softness full of praises and yearning: “Look at you, lover- so delicate and sweet for me…”
Only when he’s sure the two of you are alone will he make any open moves: pressing you against something to gently grind into you, saying he’s feeling tense
He’ll look more tense, stern, like everyone’s on his nerves before pulling you close to kiss your wrist- “I think you know what needs to be done to fix this, hm?”
If you’re on the couch, or any surface that can support the both of you, he’ll climb onto your lap- straddling you there as he’ll gently nip at your neck or earlobe
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Original reference below
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necessiteez · 5 months
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disclaimer: I do not own any of these works and they do not represent the real kim hongjoong. all rights belong to the respective writers who made them.
everything listed will be only hongjoong x reader (fem/male/gn) pairing and it will contain suggestive/smut themes. if it includes another member, I will also indicate it. fics will be categorized into aus so it will be easy to find.
I won't be including mtls, bullet lists, and other members' fics. if you are looking for recs with different members I'm sure other atinys have posted their own lists. These are all personal favorites and I'll only be including tropes/aus that I'm comfortable with (there won't be a/b/o, master kink, hybrid aus etc. sorry).
lastly, please let the writers know if you love their works so we can enjoy more of their content. have fun reading!
1. First Floor
˚̣̣̣ ꒷︶†︶꒷˚̣̣̣︶ ͡𑁬 you are here ໒ ͡ ︶˚̣̣̣꒷︶†︶꒷ ˚̣̣̣˚̣̣̣ ꒷︶†︶꒷˚̣̣̣︶ ͡𑁬♱໒ ͡ ︶˚̣̣̣꒷︶†︶꒷ ˚̣̣̣
1.5 Secret Room
˚̣̣̣ ꒷︶†︶꒷˚̣̣̣︶ ͡𑁬♱໒ ͡ ︶˚̣̣̣꒷︶†︶꒷ ˚̣̣̣˚̣̣̣ ꒷︶†︶꒷˚̣̣̣︶ ͡𑁬♱໒ ͡ ︶˚̣̣̣꒷︶†︶꒷ ˚̣̣̣
2. Second Floor
˚̣̣̣ ꒷︶†︶꒷˚̣̣̣︶ ͡𑁬♱໒ ͡ ︶˚̣̣̣꒷︶†︶꒷ ˚̣̣̣˚̣̣̣ ꒷︶†︶꒷˚̣̣̣︶ ͡𑁬♱໒ ͡ ︶˚̣̣̣꒷︶†︶꒷ ˚̣̣̣
2.5 Banned Books
˚̣̣̣ ꒷︶†︶꒷˚̣̣̣︶ ͡𑁬 ???????? ໒ ͡ ︶˚̣̣̣꒷︶†︶꒷ ˚̣̣̣˚̣̣̣ ꒷︶†︶꒷˚̣̣̣︶ ͡𑁬♱໒ ͡ ︶˚̣̣̣꒷︶†︶꒷ ˚̣̣̣
3. Third Floor
✶ - favorites
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╔══ first♕floor ══╗
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「 ✦ Vampire!Hongjoong ✦ 」
✶ Honey and Blood - @nateezfics (wc 8.6k)
In the Night feat. Seonghwa - @ja3hwa (wc 2.53k)
✶ People, Running poly, multi-chapter- themoonlightfae on ao3 (wc 50k+)
Sweet Trouble feat. Wooyoung - Atiny_DazzlingLight on ao3 (wc 6.2k)
vampire! hongjoong - @xuchiya
✶ Delicious feat. Seonghwa - @jagibangbangchan (wc 5k)
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「 ✦ Friends with Benefits!Hongjoong ✦ 」
✶ I Wouldn’t Have It Any Other Way - @severetimetravelnerd (wc 9k+)
Leave Me With Nothing - @min-gis (wc 5.7k)
✶ Mine feat. Seonghwa - @smileysuh (wc 3.4k)
Naked Truth - @essenteez (wc 6.1k)
Late Night Rendezvous PART 1 - @sanjoongie (wc 1k)
Nightclub Affair PART 2 - sanjoongie (wc 3k)
Voicemail - TgemstoneT on ao3 (wc 3.4k)
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「 ✦ Sugar Daddy!Hongjoong ✦ 」
✶ Wetting Your Lips - @k-hotchoisan
Avaritia - @hwaightme (wc 8.3k)
Baby Said feat. Seonghwa - @destiny-fics
Taken - @hwanchaesong (wc 8k)
Never Too Much - @iwannasuckyourmonstercock
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「 ✦ Incubus/Demon!Hongjoong ✦ 」
✶ Say My Name - twinmoles on ao3 (wc 7.6k)
Incubus! Hongjoong - sanjoongie (wc 2k)
The King chapter from a series- @destiny-fics
The Library of Illusions - Restricted Section finale of a series - @kwanisms (wc 9.6k)
✶ Jealousy, Jealousy - destiny-fics
The King's Games series - @hanatiny
Their Pretty Pet feat. San, Seonghwa- @written-in-flowers (wc 7k)
The King of Rot chapter from a series - pearlypearlypearl on ao3 (wc 8k)
Demon Line feat. San, Seonghwa - HalaHollow on ao3 (wc 4.7k)
Day 1 - @ocean-ai (wc 2.8k)
✶ Wings and Thorns - @kitten4sannie (wc 3.4k)
Hotel California part 7 poly,multi-chapter - mint-yooxgi (wc 9.9k)
✶ Paradise Gardens part 15 (Hotel California 2nd volume) - mint-yooxgi (wc 23k)
Inferno - pyeonghongrie (wc 1.6k)
Fallen Angel feat. Yeosang- darkmulti
Devil Eyes part 1 - @hwashotcheeto (wc 2.3k)
Devil Eyes part 2 - hwashotcheeto (wc 1.8k)
All Hands on Me - k-hotchoisan
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「 ✦ Hongjoong at the Studio ✦ 」
includes: Producer! Hongjoong, Idol! Hongjoong
✶ Sharing is Caring feat. Mingi - @byuntrash101 (wc 5.2k)
0:126am At His Studio - @sanflowerseeds
✶ Audio Angel - @marigold-doms
Make You Feel Better - @hongthoven (wc 3.2k)
Studio Sessions feat. Jongho - Atiny_DazzlingLight on ao3 (wc 5k)
To Make an Album - @bambikisss
✶ Make You Cry for Me (When I Put My Lips on You) - wonuha on ao3 (wc 5.7k)
Studio Time feat. Mingi - @yuta-senpai (wc 1.9k)
✶ Public/Recorded Sex feat. Wooyoung - @hongism (wc 4k)
Fragile - @ilwonuu
Attention feat. Seonghwa - @beginningofwonderland
22:48 - @beatteez
Two's Better Than One feat. Mingi - @ateezscupid
After Hours - nateezfics (wc 500)
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「 ✦ Soft!Hongjoong ✦ 」
includes: Soft Dom! Hongjoong, Service Top! Hongjoong, Needy! Hongjoong, lots and lots and lots of praise my favorite
Morning Haze - nateezfics (wc 1.4k)
✶ All Mine - hongthoven (wc 2.6k)
✶ Oxygen - whatudowhennooneseesyou (wc 820)
✶ Addicted - @justaaveragereader (wc 1.8k)
HJ & Shibari - @mia-tiny (wc 729)
Precious - @latte-fairytaekwoon (wc 3k)
✶ Pretty Pink - nateezfics (wc 2k)
My Angel - @mirror-juliet
✶ You're My Desire - hongism (wc 1.3k)
Day 17: Body Worship - @ateezreactionsandscenarios (wc 1k)
Scream It Louder - atinywooyoung on a03
Keep Me Close - crimsonbubble
Early Mornings - ddeongsami on ao3 (wc 3.3k)
✶ Good Morning Captain - iguessireadfanficnow on a03 (wc 2k)
✶ Sleep Better - @tinyidle (wc 2k)
Need You - @luvryeo (wc 500)
✶ Untitled drabble- @atinycafe (wc 900)
Stay - atinycafe (wc 1.2k)
Be Hongjoong's cockslut - k-hotchoisan
Take It Easy gn!reader- ocean-ai (wc 700)
✶ Through It All feat. Mingi - @felixsramen
Glad You Came - @frenchkisstheabyss (wc 1.8k)
A Hazy Evening gn!, high sex- cheollipop (wc 1.8k)
Untitled drabble - byuntrash101
* First Time
Philoselene - @ncteez
Untitled drabble - k-hotchoisan
✶ First Time - whatudowhennooneseesyou (wc 2k)
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「 ✦ Non-Human!Hongjoong ✦ 」
✶ Here Were Fairies fairy!hongoong - pearlypearlypearl on ao3 (wc 10k)
Ugly Dragon dragon!hongjoong- @thelargefrye (wc 2k)
✶ Shells mermaid!hongjoong - @last-words-ofashootingstar (multi-chapter)
Something Sinister feat. Seonghwa- @hansols-yoda-boxers (wc 5.2k)
Day 3: Mirror Sex Grim Reaper!Hongjoong - sanjoongie (wc 1.8k)
Project Omen dragon!Hongjoong feat. Wooyoung- @atzfilm (wc 40k)
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Drowning in Pleasure siren!Hongjoong- @twisted-tales-of-all (wc 2.3k)
🆕✨ Gaze of Stone gorgon!Hongjoong - @ilovejeongintoo (wc 5k)
「 ✦ Bad Boy!Hongjoong ✦ 」
includes Goth, Emo, Punk dark aesthetic Hongjoong
✶ Ohmami - bambikisss
Dark Kiss part 1 - latte-fairytaekwoon (wc 5k)
Dark Kiss part 2 - latte-fairytaekwoon (wc 8.5k)
Ugh, As If - @ennysbookstore (wc 11k)
Ugh, As If bonus 1 - ennysbookstore (wc 5.4k)
Ugh, As If bonus 2 - ennysbookstore (wc 5.5k)
˖ ࣪⭑last updated 07/05/24 ˖ ࣪⭑
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finsplurtz · 8 months
all mine — sukuna ryōmen
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— dom ! male.reader x sub ! Sukuna Ryōmen
— Contents: sub top male reader x dom bottom Sukuna , OOC sukuna , A bit of x Yuji , madd overstimulation , could contain r4pe , power bottom Sukuna , degrading , crying , a bit of a breeding kink in there , Yuji is aged up……
Warnings : non con possibly, crying
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✩°。 ⋆⸜ 🎧✮
Itadori was panting while his body twitched. He was straddling yn, he was fully stuffed with his cock. Cum on yn’s stomach, and some dripping out of his ass.
yn was lazy and tired, he lied on the bed staring at the ceiling just massaging his boyfriend’s thighs.
“..ngh…” A small noise caught his attention. He looked at Ita’ who was slightly out of it.
“….you okay, hon..?” He asked bringing his hand to caress his boyfriend’s face.
Itadori hiccuped before nodding and slowly lying his body over his boyfriends chest.
Yn was slightly concerned but tried not to question him too much…he ran his fingers thru Yuji’s hair closing his eyes hoping to fall asleep.
He felt Yuji lift his ass slowly and sink back down with more cum pooling out. Yn quirked an eyebrow. He already felt a bit overstimulated so he hoped Yuji wouldn’t want to go again..
“Yuji…” yn whispered and groaned. He swallowed when he felt his cute boyfriend begin to kiss and suck at his neck.
Yn let out small moans grabbing a handful of Yuji’s hair to gently pull him off.
“Yuj—“ He froze when he made eye contact with the devil himself.
“..S-sukuna..?” The tatted guy sat up straight with a slight moan.
“..Impressive.” Sukuna smirked looked down at the small bulge in his stomach. Yn blushed looking away. He kept his hands off yuji’s body.
“We’ll see how much more you can handle, yeah? Now that I have you all to myself while Yuji’s passed out…I can use my time wisely.” He lifted himself and slammed himself hack down harshly laughing when yn let out a pathetic whimper.
“SUKUNA- my..dick..” he whined gripping the sheets.
The curse ignored yn’s protests and continued to fuck himself on him. After a bit the pleasure hit him as well as the overstim since Yuji had already came.
Yn was high off sex, his eyes looking everywhere but at this fckin weirdo
“Hah…~ look at you ynnn-yy ..already fucked out aren’t you..mm..~” Sukuna ran his sharp nails over yn’s bare chest making him twitch and whine.
“Ita must be lucky..getting to see this whenever he wants. Soon as I get my freedom…you’re all mine….” Sukuna laughed once more bouncing on yn’s dick again.
“Shit- Yuji’s stupid b..body is so..ugh..~” Sukuna placed his hands on yn’s abdomen struggling to lift himself with his shaky thighs.
Yn was practically drooling as his dick twitched inside the ‘King of curses’.
“Hm..~? Really hope Yuji’s awake..need him to see this fucjing beauty..!” He grabbed yn’s jaw and forced him to look Sukuna in the eyes.
‘Kuna rolled his eyes and did his best to continue overstimulating the younger male. Pulling the whiniest sluttiest whimpers and cries from this man. He thought sukuna couldn’t tell but, yn was stopping himself from placing his hands on the smaller body.
“S-scared to touch me..~? Or afraid of what Yuji might s-say..” Sukuna smirked intertwining his fingers with yn’s finding his own g spot.
Sukuna’s tongue lolled out and he let out a whorish moan fucking himself faster and sloppier.
“Shhhitt..~ you feel so fuckin’ good…so big..I want your babies in me..!” Sukuna bit yn’s lip who shook violently inside his boyfriend and hissed at the small sting on his lip.
“Wa-wanna breed me…~? I bet Yuji would fuckin’ loveeee our b-babies..” Sukunas nails dug deeper into yn’s shoulder blades making him wince.
“Cmon..give me your children.” Sukuna sat up straight and grabbed yn’s hands, placing them on his hips, he shuffled on his dick.
“Fuck me..~?” Sukuna said in a low voice. Yn whined and began to fuck Sukuna at his best abilities.
Sukuna smirked watching the guy crumble beneath him. He was so weak, so sensitive..he couldn’t bear the sensation.
He pulled at yn’s wrist sitting him up and l putting both his hands on his leaking cock.
“Look at you…all fucked up~” Sukuna laughed and grinded his hips into yn’s hand as well as massaging his prostate with his dick.
“You’re all mine…just a little mess..my messy big dicked bitch..~!” He moaned pressing yn’s hands tighter around his smaller dick.
“..right, yn..~?” With one of his clawed hands he grabbed at the guys jaw and looked into his eyes.
“All…mine..~” Sukuna whispered gracing his lips against yn’s, pulling him into a hot make out session. Yn was practically drooling letting his tongue roam Sukuna mouth, maybe the amount of stimulation was making him all the more horny…
He thrusted his hips trying to cum one more time having Sukuna moan into his mouth.
“Mmph..~ Gunna c-come…” yn whined looking into Sukuna’s red eyes.
“Yeah..? Cmon big guy..come deeppp inside me….~” Sukuna’s dick twitched as he was also close.
A couple more thrust and yn came with a loud sob, his body trembled, he hid his face in the crook of Sukuna’s neck, panting like a dog.
Cum spilled from Sukuna’s cock while he moaned at the feeling of the other’s cum filling him up. He loved it so much, the feeling of an orgasm was now stuck in his mind.
“You’re all mine…right, love..?” Sukuna whispered into yn’s ear who mumbled incoherent noises and kissed his neck.
Sukuna grinned and wrapped his arms around yn’s neck.
He heard a small sniffle come from Sukuna and pulled away to see Yuji looking down at him with teary eyes.
Yn caressed his face and kissed him passionately.
“..I’m yours, Yuji..” He said looking into Yuji’s beautiful eyes before smiling and laying down on the bed spooning the smaller.
“Only yours…” He whispered while Yuji held onto him tighter.
Secretly Yuji really liked seeing yn go all submissive and whiny for him. He just imagined it was because of him and not Sukuna.
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a/n: Sukuna typa guy to switch with Yuji while he’s having sex w/ yn to scare him…
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dmitriene · 7 months
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synopsis: spring has come, and with it the time for sacrifices to someone, who lives far from people and scares everyone who pokes their noses into the forest, and what could be better than bribing the one you fear, so you were chosen as the one who will bear all the gifts deep into the forest.
cw: fluff, comfort, smut, possible dubcon, story set not in modern time and might be unrealistic, not based on real knowledge about cave people, possible ooc simon since he's a caveman, virgin reader, mentions of cannibalism (not in action), biting, licking, groping, simon is rough around the edges, pet names, cunnilingus with dubious consent, simon is inexperienced, male and female intimacy, many mentions of bare flesh, overstimulation, crying, aftercare, kinda kidnapping. pairing: caveman simon ghost riley x villager fem reader
author's note: this idea was born from an absolutely spontaneous conversation with @suimon, and i'm grateful to her, because without her encouragement i wouldn't decide to write such an interesting story, which is kind of new for me, but i still hope those who will read it enjoy, it's my first attempt on writing this kind of plot, that ended up being 4.5k words.
✎ 𝘮𝘢𝘪𝘯 𝘮𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵. 𝘲𝘶𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘦��. 𝘢𝘰3. ˑ༄
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long melted snow, allowing fresh green grass to break through the once dissipated white fluff of snow, bright flowers decorating endless meadows and forests surrounding the village exactly along the perimeter — all this brings with it spring, warm weather, fresh juicy fruits and vegetables, and after them the time for a sacrifices.
behind the forest clearing, where the trees become thicker and seem to be getting darker, lives one whose cave, the exact location of which not many people know, are afraid to approach, and you never heard the exact answer, the exact reason, but everyone was afraid of this place more than fire, but were justified by a man who was frightening to the point of trembling, as if they had seen a living ghost.
naturally, you had never seen him, and you treated his stories as if they were fairy tales — an attempt to intimidate the kids from going too far during walks, nothing more, or so it seemed to you, until you were chosen as the one who would go to him with the onset of spring with fertile gifts, an attempt to appease the so-called monster, which terrifies the entire village with its very existence, and you couldn’t understand why you should go to the one you’re afraid of, and also with gifts?
but one way or another, it was not in your authority to refuse the election of the head of the village and the people, so you were dressed up in the best dress from your meager wardrobe, the white fabric flowing to your feet seemed as soft as silk, an absolutely light linen, diluted a wreath woven from fresh, sickly sweet flowers, and in your hands a basket of the freshest fruits and vegetables, with a rope on your wrist, a thick plexus leading to the neck of a good, well-fed cow, the devil knows what he will do with the poor, as you would think, animal, but one way or another — your task is to give, even if you looked the most appetizing here.
walking through the forest is difficult, especially when, of all the attempts to navigate, you only have — “go straight ahead and stop when you see the cave„ and the only thing left to do is to listen, periodically stop when the cow bends down to nibble fresh grass, and then walk again until feeling of dull pain in the legs, due to the fact that making your way through trees and large branches with almost bare feet is uncomfortable, a little painful, and you have to pick up the white dress in your hands so as not to get it dirty, trying to maintain a festive look as possible, not drop the basket, and still get to this damned place.
more and more doubts creep into your head, maybe no one lives there at all, or does, but it’s just a wild animal, and villagers just couldn’t see it in the dark clearlier?
but it’s hard to believe that in the thicket, which every time becomes darker and denser, in which there are more and more bushes and broken branches, and somewhere where there are even tree trunks lying — someone really lives, and while thoughts are wandering around your head like a prodigal wind, and the path completely disappears under your feet, you finally reach the right place, meeting your eyes with a stone cave, assembled from stones in a stable structure, sprinkled with greenery, moss and tree trunks.
really someone’s abode, albeit open, and looking as if it could become your undoing.
even the poor animal seems to be enveloped in fear, the cow bursts into a loud moo, resting her hooves on the ground, and with all due respect, you cannot push such a weight behind you, but you will not let her escape, tying the poor thing by a rope and to a tree trunk nearby, allowing her to calm down a little, to be distracted by tufts of grass, while your gaze rushes forward into the darkness of the cave, and your legs tremble slightly.
— “well.. here i come, cave man, huh..„ slips from your lips encouragingly to your own self, although your voice trembles, but you cannot return to the village with the same full hands, and in any case, you will most likely be sent again after this, damn old people, so the only way is forward.
the branches crunch under your feet, it seems to you, until you notice glimpses of animal bones, and it’s as if you are tugging from the inside, your step immediately quickens, and you practically stumble, clutching the basket to your chest and swallowing nervously, saying in your mind over and over — “it doesn't belonged to someone, it doesn't belonged to someone„ but it didn’t get any easier, as if the deeper you went, the more terrible it became, there was only pitch darkness ahead, not planning to make way for you even for a second, so you walk, almost blindly, closing one eye and making your way with the other.
— “is.. is someone there? hello??„
your voice echoes against the stone walls, but it becomes clearer under your feet, and a little brighter ahead, so you continue to walk even despite the dead silence, step by meek step, getting out to the center of the cave, where the walls become wider, and your eyes get used to darkness, letting small details immediately scatter before your eyes — some kind of wooden cabinet, a small rectangular table with a single chair, and above it a shelf with plates, everything is just like in your own house in the village, however, the bed is not very similar to the usual one, full of skins, located quite low, and you hesitantly step deeper, saying
— “hey?.. i'm, uhm.. i mean no harm, hello? someone?„
your voice sounds a little quieter, patient, as you walk to the table and allow yourself to place that same basket on it, carefully adjusting it along with the vegetables and fruits mixed in it, before moving away, smiling at the more welcoming composition, besides, it decorated a small surrounding emptiness, you even forgot for a while that you were in a cave, you felt comfortable, until the moment you turned around, noticing a dark figure in the corner that turned around sharply, and you screamed uncontrollably.
a large, massive figure in the very corner of the cave turns to face you, demonstrating its immensity and body, hidden under only one piece of fabric, vaguely reminiscent of pants, but what catches you, or rather scares you, is the skull attached to his face, and the skull would be less frightening if it belonged to an animal, but the shape was human like, separated from the back and leaving only the front, somehow attached to a dark piece of fabric stretched over the man’s face, showing the world only his sunken, dark eyes.
simon overreacts to the sound, furrowing his brows and clenching his hands into fists that hang on either side of his wide hips, not liking it when someone barges in uninvited, especially like this, but watching you shake like a cornered rabbit , he softens, and at the same time resolutely begins to walk in your direction, without warning, which makes your heart jump right up to your throat and back into your chest when you calm a bit inside, but still take a couple of steps back from approaching figure.
— “uh, h-hi? i'm sorry, i must scared you.. i-i screamed pretty loud, yeah?„
you babble, the words fly out of your soft lips hastily and with an attempt to justify yourself, and he freezes, breathing somehow displeasedly through his nose and causing his bare chest to heave, but still, he grumbles somehow approvingly, tilting his head to the side, as if having mercy on you and giving the opportunity to justify yourself, and you don’t dare to miss it.
— “uh, i was sent from village, you know, not far from here! i brought you some fresh vegetables and fruits, and cow.. you know, that does moo„ the words come out in one breath, while you spin around, pointing first at the basket that suddenly appeared on his table, then towards the exit, talking about the cow, telling him about it as if you were talking to a child, as if mistaking him for a completely savage, and simon squeezes out a rough, dry laugh, crossing his burly arms over his wide, scarred chest, cutting off your explanations
— “i know what a cow is„
his voice is hoarse, tart like coffee beans on the tongue, and you stop, taking a deep breath.
simon has already realized that you are from that stupid village full of fools who take him for some terrible animal, but instead of the usual fear like in other people’s eyes, in yours he sees some doubt and sincere guilt, like in a child’s who was scolded by his parents, and this causes amusement in his gaze, a flutter in his light eyelashes
— “i'm, sorry.. it's just, the villagers acted like you are some kind of wild animal, and i.. i thought..„
the words get confused in your head and on your tongue, one way or another, you, even if not for long, believed to the words of the people living in the village, believed that he was less human than many, now trying to justify his honor and your words, standing under his gaze and trembling as if leaf in the wind, your legs shook as you squeezed them together, feeling his strange, ardent gaze where your plush thighs began behind the thin fabric, and goosebumps ran down your skin as his lips stretched into a wide, wild grin.
you stand before his eyes like a prettiest gift, a prey — you are shaking like a little rabbit, or a newborn doe, as if your legs are about to lose control of your weight and collapse on the stone floor, even though a carpet of someone’s skin lies under your feet, he wouldn’t want you to return back to the village in a deplorable state, or maybe you yourself were sent as a sacrifice?
he doesn't know, because you look incredibly attractive and alluring in that light outfit with just panties underneath, the silhouette of the fabric of which he can see on your hips before his gaze goes up to where your round, soft breasts are hiding under the finest cloth, and up to the strands of your hair, decorated with a wreath of fresh flowers, he knows it by the sweet smell and by the fact that he has already seen such in the forest, and simon has never tasted people, has not eaten human flesh — but looking at you, at the softness, at the sweetness, maybe he should give it a try?
— “i never tasted human flesh before„ words roll off his tongue in advance of rational thoughts, a rich baritone from the thin line of pale lips behind the fabric of the mask and the shape of the skull where he licks them like a predator.
and you are theprey, the one which trembles and whose eyes widen when you hear his unexpected speech, wild, causing the blood in your veins to freeze and your legs to obey the instinct of escape, and you take off from your place, turn around on the thin sole of your sandals and move your body towards the exit and impenetrable the darkness from which you came, which previously let you in — and will no longer let you go without the permission of its owner.
you can’t even hear simon’s steps behind you, because of how adrenaline is pumping in your ears and blood echoes like white noise in the background, as his figure wraps around yours like a shadow and pulls you, he clings to the light fabric with dirty fingers and squeezes with a heavy weight around your waist, first with his fingers, then with his hand, heavy bonds that drag you into the air and there’s no point in even twitching your legs, he immediately turns you around in his arms, places your soft flesh in his palms, relishing in the softness, warmth, fingers greedily kneading the soft, supple skin between his fingers on top of the now slightly stained fabric, pressing you into a cold stone wall as you close your eyes tightly.
your body is trembling, you’re waiting for the touch of someone else’s teeth on your body, a sharp flash of pain, surrendering to the clutches of creeping death in the guise of a person without resistance, having resigned yourself in advance, even on the threshold of this cave, even when the dark, densely trees swallowed you in the depths of the forest, but no pain comes, no sensation of rough, sharp teeth in the skin, just his hands that slide from your butt, where he shamelessly touched you, to your hips and thighs, tracing the skin and bones over your dress, forcing you to twitch, squeezing your legs together.
something inside you is twisting shamefully hotly, curling into a coil in your lower abdomen and setting all your nerve endings on fire, you still don’t look, your eyelashes and eyelids are trembling, and simon takes pleasure in your instinctive fear, akin to the animals he mercilessly catches in the depths of the forest, kneeling in front of you just as he once knelt in front of them, but you were distinguished from a dead animal by your vitality, sweet aroma, soft warm body which he wanted to taste until greedily accumulating saliva in his mouth.
— “pretty„
he growls low from his throat, causing you to flush with a flash of blush, your fingertips prickling nervously, it seems that he’s saying this from a sadistic point of view, not really to you, rather than to your body, to what he will eat, and you refuse to look at the eyes of your fear, even when rough, calloused hands run along your legs until he lays them on his broad shoulders, lifts up the dress that gets in the way, exposes the skin to your thighs and carelessly leaves them rumpled to dangle there, when his bare mouth pierces your skin and licks.
your eyes immediately widen following the hitching breath that flies through your parted lips, and you look at him, this beast, this man, standing in front of you on both knees, and even between your legs he seems immense, but strangely tender, when he licks and gently bites a path to your thighs along the soft flesh, pressing his nose into it, you see it’s slightly crooked form briefly, the black fabric falls to cover everything except his mouth, which greedily tastes you like no one has ever tasted.
his dark eyes meet yours fleetingly, yours are frightened, his are peaceful and satisfied, the corners of his lips rise forward and spread on his face, and you feel every movement of his lips on you in dangerous proximity as he crawls higher and higher, settling between supple thighs with his head, sticking his nose and mouth into a place that attracts him with sweetness and wetness, a small sticky spot on the thin fabric, into which he buries himself greedily, opening his mouth wide and licking the fat stripe along your panty clad pussy, burying his nose in your twitching clit and grinning at the reaction of your body, as well as at the quiet, ringing moan that arose from the depths of your throat.
the light, thin fabric gets wet from the amount of saliva in his mouth, mixing with the moisture that is released from your hot, bothered pussy, causing the gusset of your panties become almost transparent, as simon buries himself deeper, without asking, he just takes it, squeezing your thighs until there is a slight, uncomfortable pain burning on your skin, as your legs kick forward and attempt to squeeze together because of the new sensations that you don’t understand, didn’t experienced before, but he’s not going to let you escape just yet, but you squeak, a shushed, soft sound, which makes him soften nonetheless.
simon's gaze studies you through his light eyelashes, he sees the conflicting emotions on your face, how your chest is heaving, how moisture collects on your lash line, threatening to release and turn into tears, so his arms wrap around and squeeze your legs a little more carefully, stroking the soft skin with awkward, uncertain circular movements of his fingers, he hasn’t interacted with people for a long time, especially in the moments like these, when his face is buried between your thighs while he laps lightly against your panties.
fear slowly leaves your body along with rational thoughts, you lose your vigilance in the hands of a stranger, a person who shamelessly touches your private parts, but touches you so well, so carefully, igniting that warmth in the bottom of your belly more and more each time and allowing you to twitch, squirm as much as it possible while being held half in the air, thus only pushing your hips forward, towards his wet mouth, and shuddering with pleasure and new flashes when his nose nuzzles harder into your little clit, making your toes curl, and he growls.
— “so sweet„
comes out as a muffled growl, and you don’t know if he’s talking about you or your pussy, but he licks you more actively, making your folds stick to the absolutely wet fabric of your panties, while he slurps and sucks your folds and clit, his movements are messy, uncertain, he's been isolated from people and any contact with them with his own hands, but that doesn't stop him from having a taste, as his tongue runs between your folds and he continues to tease you with slow, exploring movements.
you make more and more unusual to yourself sounds, quiet moans, breathy mewls, wet squelches that he swallows whole as your hands find support on his head and you dig your fingers into his mask, as you grow more and more impatient in your movements, just in time when simon gets tired of this unnecessary, wet piece of fabric, a barrier to the sweetest fruit and nectar in his life, so he bares his teeth and clings to the waistband of your underwear, helping himself with his fingertips and tearing them away down your legs, exposing your fluttering, wet hole to his hungry eyes and mouth.
the mere sight leaves him swelling with hardness in his pants, and your gaze catches on the silhouette of his cock, leaning heavily against his meaty thigh and bulging against the thin fabric, one little sight had you swallowwing nervously before your eyes roll back from the sharp contact of his bare lips with your bare cunt, he swipes his thick tongue once, twice, licking your wet folds and slurping your juices as an endless source of quenching his thirst, he licks and licks until you begin to lose yourself in how long you've been in this position, where your folds and clit swell, and simon just presses himself unexpectedly deeper before suddenly diving in further.
a loud sigh and a whiny moan spread through the cave, his tongue curls at the tip, when he accidentally, but with pressure, pushes your folds apart and into your fluttering hole, his tongue flattens against your entrance, before licking and thrusting inside, into the warmth of your velvety walls that tighten around his muscle right there, and he growls with satisfaction, akin to a muffled purr, moving his head up and down, smearing his entire jaw and lips in your slick, surrendering fully to your softness and warmth.
every movement of his tongue inside leaves you trembling, your legs intuitively spread apart further along his broad shoulders, your hips find a natural rhythm and constantly buck forward with every lick of his fat tongue against your walls and his sucking on your clit, noticing what reaction it causes in you and trying to hear more of your absolutely innocent, wanton squeaks and moans, enjoying the knowledge that you act and feel this way because of his actions, so he presses his knees into the stone floor harder and leans forward further.
your stomach twists more and more, and you push his face away from you with sharp, broken whimpers, when his tongue touches your spongy spot again and again, your body seems to be engulfed in flames, your spine arches away from the wall, resting your entire weight on his face and curling over him, breathing loudly and shakily when the tip of his tongue thrust rapidly, abusing your sweet, spongy spot with his hungry, drooling mouth.
he only grunts as you lean your full weight on him, continuing his assault on your throbbing and clenching hole, alternating between grazing his tongue against your folds and clit, or thrusting his muscle deep inside your core in fast, albeit languid movements, just until your loud whimpers and hoarse mewls echo against his stone walls, and your stomach twists and turns as your body convulses in an unexpected feeling of sudden orgasm, cunt clenches and pulsates around his tongue, letting go of your sweet slick and milky cum for him to have, covering his chin and mouth in the huge amount of liquid that he actively drink and lap up, opening his mouth wide and licking you clean, drinking till the last drop.
simon doesn’t stop, as if not knowing the line, which he doesn’t really know, continuing to run his tongue against your slit and cling to your hole, as he sukles on your clit, your whole body is buzzing strangely, your head begins to ache from the endless pleasure and overstimulation that his actions and touches bring, making everything between your legs swell and tingle, you desperately claw his bare back with your hands, adding to the scarred canvas of his flesh, trying to push, resist, but he doesn’t care, right until a loud sob escapes your lips.
he reacts instantly, making something close to a questioning grumble before retreating slightly between your legs, licking his thin lips around the edges and all your fluids on your thighs, you hang on him like a sack of potatoes, trying to grab his back with your hands and at the same time not allowing him to move away from you normally, quietly, pitifully sobbing, which cause him to growl, and with a rough grip of his wide hands on your hips, unhook you from him.
simon holds you more carefully, more gently, his hands are still shamelessly squeezing and pawing your hips, going down to the swell of your plush ass, touching the skin and also pulling down your dress to cover you and provide you with the minimum comfort possible in your position, where your panties lie torn on the floor, and endless salty tears flow down your raw, cowered in slight blush cheeks, and he feels even more sympathy for you than all the times before, frowning his light eyebrows and pursing his lips.
— “don't cry..„
he mutters in frustration, carefully releasing one hand from under your butt to carefully wipe the wetness of tears from your cheeks, while you sniff your reddened nose, your head and body pulsating with a strange surge of fatigue, there's still an uncontrollable throb between your legs, and the very thought of this feeling makes you sad, as your eyelids gradually get heavier with a dissatisfied whine escaping from the depths of your throat.
— “shh„
simon whispers quietly, shamelessly moving his face closer to yours to lick your wet cheeks, making you frown and grimace, resting your hands weakly on his shoulders before he gently begins to rock you in his bulky arms and press you against his chest, changing your position so that he supports you under your knees and your back rests comfortably on his thick bicep, curling up, and you no longer care about everything that happens.
you were in a comfortable, floating state between sleep and consciousness, not struggling or scratching like most of the little preys he meet, allowing him to carry you carefully away from the far wall and to a place that vaguely resembled a human bed, full of soft animal skins and located closer to the floor, on which he lays you down and immediately wraps you in the warmth of various furs, fleetingly touching the top of your head while carefully stroking your hair, reaching to the already slightly tattered wreath with flowers and throwing it away somewhere, to which you don’t even react, on the contrary, you cuddle in response to his touch with your head and face.
this makes him chuckle hoarsely, a sound that makes your skin crawl, but he carefully lays you down more comfortably and strokes your warm cheek, going down to your shoulder and drawing the same awkward circles here with the tip of his finger until you are taken into deep sleep, first with your mind, then with your body, allowing your eyes to close and plunge into darkness in a place unfamiliar to you, going limp and burying your nose in fur that smells sharply of musk, something tartly foresty and reminiscent of him, plunging you even deeper and further in viscious sleep, following the rough whisper, that is contrasting with his careful, soft touches.
— “sleep well, my pretty sacrifice„
simon mumbles practically under his breath, his dark eyes following every flutter of your eyelashes and the sigh that slips from your parted lips, before making sure that you are in a deep sleep and getting himself up from his haunches, the movement is accompanied by a slight crunch of bones and a grumble from his lips, he looks around his own cave, a torn, damp cloth lying on the floor, a wreath with scattered petals and a basket with some sort of offerings on the table, which he will use later.
for now he rests his hands on his hips, licking his slightly dry lips and looking at the prominent weight between his legs, resting against the fabric of his pants and responding with warm, tingling arousal and slight drippling moisture, but he will take care of this later, for now, simon will collect all the unnecessary garbage from the floor and get it as far away as possible, and then take care of the cow you brought with you from the village, even if he doesn't prefer to use meat from someone else's hands, he can definitely let it pass now, because he will need to persuade you to stay with him, as soon as you wake up.
simon will not allow something like you to escape, he has denied himself contact and warmth for too long, and now, having touched the forbidden fruit, he knows one thing for sure — he will never let it go again and will not refuse it, so you are in his abode for a long time.
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livelaughlovesubs · 3 months
I need more Boothill... Maybe just taking orgasm after orgasm after orgasm... Mommy kink even...?
WAIT HUUUH?? BAE, YOU ARE REQUESTING SMT FROM ME? I’m fucking honoured I could cry also you are a switch? >:0
Anyway, hope this is to your liking <3
Dom!reader x sub!Boothill
Warning: mommy kink (boothill calls reader mommy), handjob, dacryphilia, praise kink, soft dom
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His once cold metal arms were wrapped around your neck, holding onto you as tightly as he could. Legs spread as far as he can while he squeezed his eyes shut, unable to handle the overstimulation your touch brought him. “Too.. too much~” The male groaned into your neck, his hot breath tickling your skin. All you did in response was coo at him, whispering gently, “you are doing great, my love.” Each time your hand pumped up and down his sticky length, he could feel his body overheating and going feral. As if all of his systems shortcut, he felt how his limps went weak, at this rate he can barely hold on to you any longer.
Your hand was all dirty with the lube as well, smiling at him as you continued the same movements you’ve been repeating for the last hour. Up, down, up and down… just like that, a steady rhythm that made his mind go blank. You adored this man with all your heart, the only thing you want for him is eternal happiness and satisfaction. In your opinion, it was a blessing that you can make him feel good like this, make him whimper and cling onto you. “So good and so pretty for me, my baby.” A soft chuckle left your lips, eyes filled with adoration scanning over his mechanical body. He really was beautiful, every side of him, from his adorable personality to his looks. You swore to yourself that you’d always love him, his past, and his future. A future where you hope to be in the picture as well.
That lovely gaze of yours didn’t escape his sharp senses, those very loving eyes were what caused boothill to fall for you. He found comfort in them, solace and peace. It was indescribable. The moment you look at him with such tenderness he haven’t felt since centuries, he crumbles like sand with water. Somehow, you were able to make his nonexistent heart beat, causing him to year for you. All he could do was thank the aeons for granting him this comfort, since you reciprocated his feelings he tried so hard to suppress. “S-stop it with those uHhm~ dadgem compliments…” The cyborg scoffed, biting his bottom lip to keep his moans in check.
“But you deserve them, sweetie, and it’s only the truth. It’s what I think about you.” You mumbled against his head, using your free hand to stroke his long hair. “I really adore you.” You added after seeing his ears redden. Sometimes he thinks you are an angel, because of how nice you are, yet other times you were straight up the devil’s incarnation. Whenever you’d tease him until he’s whimpering and humiliated, that is. “Still.. stop it.” Boothill insisted, he felt way too embarrassed and aroused by just some praises that it was hurting his ego. His hands were bawled into fists behind your neck, sometimes when it got especially intense he’d also scratch your back.
Instead of nodding along, you just smiled again, picking up your pace on his length. His body has been warmed up by your body heat at this point, that’s how long you two have been going at it. How many times has he cum now? Since there are no physical signs of him reaching his orgasm, you could only guess from his other body languages. If you guessed rightly, it’d be three times already. When you suddenly started going faster, the cowboy cried out, pressing his face further into the nook of your neck as he begged incoherently, “please please please.., no-no more, mommy..” If it weren’t for his inability to, he would have cried from the excessive pleasure.
Poor boy was panting and gasping the entire time, mouth hung agape because he got no time to close with from all the moaning. The ecstasy was too much, way too much to handle, to the point even his fake thighs shook uncontrollably. How was it even possible for him to feel anything below his neck? He doesn’t know. He also didn’t know if this is a blessing or a curse since, fudge, you are driving him insane. “Hngghh… I can’t I can’t..! Ah, ahhH- mommy, please…” Boothill whined again, he was such a mess now, all due to you, only for you.
“Shh, it’s alright baby. I’m right here, mommy here with you.” You reassured him, kissing his forehead gently. The warmth of your lips was the last straw he needed to spill over the edge, eyes rolling back as a chocked out moan escaped his throat. “UghH- uhmmHg..!!” All of this was too much for him, he could feel new electricity crashing down on him in waves. Then a sudden sharp pain coursed through your body. His fingers dug into your back, crawling at your skin again, leaving behind new scratch marks. You bit his neck to bear the sensations, drawing out another pained groan from the boy, “ugh-nnNghhHH~..!”
After calming down a bit, you kissed his face. From his cheeks to his nose and lips, leaving behind little pecks for him to enjoy. “So good for me, my good boy.” You praised him again, ending with him turning his face to the side and avoiding you. What an adorable thing he was, of course you didn’t mind his bratty behaviour, instead you laughed before teasing him, “did you enjoy it? I mean, you even started calling me ‘mommy’.” Immediately the blush previously pestering his cheeks returned, and he yelled out a ‘fork you’. Once again you giggled, kissing the tip of his nose again, then saying, “aw, I thought it was very cute though.”
Never would he ever admit to have done something so.. embarrassing yet cute. Boothill thought this was finally over when you suddenly started rubbing his tip again, causing him to let out a squeak, “aghNhh..?!” You looked at him with expectant eyes, asking him, “what, you didn’t think I was done already, did you?” Right after you finished that sentence, you started jerking him off in the earnest again, and he moaned through gritted teeth, “nGHhhh~ fudge… please spare me, mommy~~ ♡”
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724 notes · View notes
In The Dark Of The Night
Pairing: Valak  / The Nun x Fem! Nun! Reader.
Summary: After arriving and joining the Covent you so didn't wish to join, Valak takes a liking to you.
Warnings: Smut, Oral sex (fem receiving), Tongue fucking, Fingering, Intercourse (P in V), Masturbation, Voyeurism, Unprotected sex, Overstimulation. Mention of reader possibly catching an STI from Valak and his ashy lips. Reader smokes weed.
Writing Time: 3 hours.
Word Count: 2251.
Format: Kinktober Fic, Day 6.
Had a ball figuring this shit out. Started writing this at 1am, it's now nearly 4am and I have to be up in 2 hours 😁🔫 Think about that when the reader is crying about not getting enough sleep. I love this fic but I think Valak is very OOC, this is my first time writing him so hopefully I'll get better at it. Valak is referred to as 'The Nun' and with they/them pronouns (until they whip out their dick 😁) since I was semi writing fron the reader's perspective and they have no idea what Valak's name is or what they identify as. But I do write Valak as male, so they are male here it's just doesn't know until near the end.I'm tired so I didn't research Nuns and Covents before writing this, which I probably should of done but who cares since the movies do a poor job of explaining them? I'm sure y'all only came for the smut. I'll fix it when if I feel like it. Valak has ashy lips cause I said so.
Here is the masterlist for all my Kinktober 2023 works.
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Something felt off, to say the least. You felt more uneasy in this new unfamiliar place than any other place.
When your father announced you'd be attending this new place, you were furious. Well, furious and heartbroken. He had written you off to become a nun because it was the easiest way to send you away. And all for wait? Because you had recently been having issues with your mental health and he couldn't deal with it? Or did he need you needed Jesus?
Either way, you started hating him on the drive here. And once you stepped foot in this place and felt the almost sicken bad vibes.
The teachers had been just as you expected. Strict, never smiling and so obviously loved having power over others. Others being the new not yet devoted Nuns or freshly devoted Nuns.
You was gonna hate it here.
You had met your new sisters and to be honest, none of them mattered to you. You weren't in any kind of mood to make friends, but you hoped that would change. You didn't want to be alone here.
The only Sister that seemed like friend material was Sister Irene. She had that kind and friendly spirit that you thought all Nuns should have.
But seriously, something wasn't right around here. You couldn't place your finger on it and honestly, you hoped you never could.
You tried to get comfortable in your new bed, but it seemed impossible. Like the Devil was purposely making the springs press into your back and then laughing at your discomfort.
You huffed as you gave up and got out of bed. You grabbed your carefully stashed away blunts and lighter and headed for your window. Unlocking the old window proved to be a little bit of a challenge but you managed.
You started at the sky as you smoked, the affect of the weed slowly crawled into you and eased you. You leaned against the wall of the window and slowly looked around your room. The atmosphere suddenly changed back to uneasy and even more so.
Something...or maybe someone caught your eye. You had spotted a figure in your room, in front of your bedroom door. It was so dark, you couldn't make out any features. Just the outline of a body.
It freaked you out to say the least and you knew you wasn't that high so this was real. It had to one of your Sisters right? Here to snitch on you for smoking a joint...right?
"If you're here to catch me up to something, well, you caught me. So what are you waiting for now? Go ahead and snitch." You called out.
No response. You were quiet for a few seconds, just staring at the figure. You then sighed a bit before drawing another drag and offering it up to the mysterious figure.
"Or do you want some?"
The figure suddenly disappeared and you couldn't see where it went. You stood up properly in fear and looked around again, you saw nothing. The room looked completely normal even in the dark but certainly didn't feel normal.
You nervously put out the blunt and crawling back into bed. You told yourself it had to have been the pot, even if you didn't feel that high it must of been that. Maybe your dealer gave you something different this time, some pot laced with something. God you hope it was just that. It has to be just a bad trip.
Fortunately, you managed to fall asleep fairly quickly after that. Bud seemed to be just what you needed to fall asleep. You would get you was asleep for maybe a little over an hour before you stirred awake.
Wonderful, awake again, and it only just turned 1am and you were gonna be woken up at 6am. Delicious, this is gonna be a night full of broken up sleep. You looked up to face the ceiling and hopefully fall asleep again, just get those much needed extra hours.
But you couldn't. And you didn't feel like smoking again, so you did the next best thing. Placed both feet against the bed with your knees bent and pushed a hand past your underwear. You carefully fingered yourselves with two fingers. As your pleasure built up, you closed your eyes and focused simply on your own pleasure. A few moaned slipped out of your mouth and when you felt although you was ready, you added another finger.
You lost yourself in your pleasure and smiled as you neared yourself closer to the edge. It didn't take too long, considering how sleepy you already was. But right as you felt your orgasm building, you opened you eyes. And boy did you regret it.
When you opened your eyes, your attention quickly went to the foot of your bed where another figure appeared. And this time, you could see their features. It was Nun, with a terrifying face say the least. You knew it wasn't another Sister because of their lovely face which was smirking down at you, giving you a lovely view of their sharp fangs. Their eyes glowing a piercing yellow.
'Hell no, not today Satan. Please no.' Is what you thought as you, now fully wide awake, threw your covers off, ripped all fingers out of your pussy and made a beeline for the door. You were stopped by a force that only could of been supernatural and air yeeted back onto your bed. You screamed as loud as you could and the creepy looking Nun inched closer and closer to you.
"Oh Baby, don't scream. Don't cry." The Nun pouted down at you and touched your right cheek.
Obviously, you screamed even louder. The Nun's soft expression disappeared almost as soon as it came and they clamped a hand down across your mouth and squeezed.
"Shut up, now." It's tone now gruff and aggressive.
You looked up at them in fear whilst noticing some strange beauty in their face and soon started crying, "Please don't hurt me."
"Oh Dear," Their soft tone suddenly back, "I'm not here to hurt you... I just wanted to help."
"H-Help?" You whispered.
The Nun gave you a smile and headed down south. You thought the smile was supposed to be comforting but it felt so evil and unsettling, it had the opposite the affect. You felt your heart beat faster in fear, the way your heart starts beating when your about to have a panic attack. It definitely didn't help that you still couldn't move and was completely immobilised by this supernatural force.
The Nun pulled your panties down to your knees, not bothering pulling them down all the way and quickly got to work. Their tongue was... something you had experienced before.
It was wet, messy and far too big to be normal. It was driving you insane. If you had to guess from just the feeling, this monster's tongue was almost the same size as the average dick. It quickly turned you into a moaning mess. Your cries became cries of pleasure and you orgasmed almost immediately. Either you was still worked up from fingering yourself, which was unlikely considering the brief heart attack you just had, or this Nun was unstoppable with their tongue.
The Nun gave you two more orgasms with their tongue before coming up. They looked down at you and smirked again. You could see now, their black lips and tongue were black from ash. It was all over their mouth and chin and you was now consumed with worry, hopefully now of that ash got caught in your pussy. Which STI would you get from that?
You hadn't noticed but the Nun had started pulling up their skirt and pulling at something underneath it. Out sprang the biggest dick you had ever seen.
Nope, that wasn't normal, if you saw that monster on any human man you'd tell them to see a Doctor. Cause 12.5 inches (you're estimating based on looks) is not normal. The Nun grinned and stared down at your terrified face as he pumped himself.
You looked up at him, "That's not going inside me."
"Yes it is." He stated matter of factly still smiling at you.
"It will kill me." You responded with a glare.
Whilst you was still a little iffy about the penis size, your fear was starting to melt away and you was no longer afraid to talk to this creature. It could be the dizziness from the multiple orgasms you just had but this was starting to feel like a normal not scary sexual encounter.
"I'll make it work." The Nun shrugged.
"Ok, but I need to know your name first." You told him.
The demon was silent for a few seconds, "I don't usually give my name... but I suppose you will need something to scream so. It's Valak."
Valak thrusted into you immediately after that, not giving you much time to adjust. You screamed in pain but Valak placed a hand over your mouth again and tsked at your vocals, as if you was the problem. He then pulled off your panties completely and shoved them in your mouth without warning, you choked a little and Valak moaned at the sound.
Fortunately Valak hadn't pushed all of himself inside of you, only the first few inches (which is still a whole dick, Valak, but ok) and didn't go any further than that. He moved in and out at normal pace, not seeming to care at all about your cervix which he was currently beating up with his monster cock.
But despite all the complaints, you was starting to love it. Once you had adjusted, you was moaning and crying again. Tears ruining your vision and making Valak more aroused therefore making him move faster.
He groaned as he fucked up and glared down at you, completely focused on your face. Deciding this wasn't enough, he bent your legs back as far as they could go, up to your head and leaving you in a mating press. This gave him more opportunity to add a couple more inches without hurting you as much.
You cried, screamed and whined as the creature defiled you. You felt filthy, absolutely disgusting. But also alive. Something you hadn't felt before. You were squirming and whimpered from a dick too big for your little pussy to comprehend and you loved it. It was now you realised there was no chance you could married to God, you was enjoying such a lewd act, letting a demon fuck you dumb, way too much.
"Please! More!" You whined against your panties.
Valak heard you loud and clear and pressed a thumb on your clit. He would of preferred to sink his whole dick into you but knew it would be too much.
He then leaned down and spat on your mouth. Most of it was immediately soaked up by your panties, which irritated the shapeshifter. So he pulled your panties out of your mouth and spat again.
"Swallow whore." He hissed at you.
You eagerly did as you was told, hoping there would be a reward. And there was, the demon grinned down at you again when he saw you followed orders well, and then shoved his whole tongue in your mouth.
He tasted just as you expected, like ash and death.
As you noticed before when he was eating you out, his tongue was not normal either. It was way too big and long, just like his dick. It filled up your mouth and made you choke slightly. But soon like before, once you adjusted to the size, you was moaning like a slut again.
You came again, you didn't know which number this one but it was definitely better than the last. But you were feeling drained now, overstimulated. You had no idea when Valak would cum though and it made you nervous, surely he would stop once he came you thought. But then, when would he cum? A demon's limit must be far greater than a human's.
And you was right, Valak could fuck for hours without cumming. And that's what he planned to do. He wanted to know what you looked like, excessively overstimulated.
You really wished you hadn't found out what made this place so off.
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entername322 · 10 months
Irene(Red Velvet) x Male Reader
Length: 6765 words
Previous part
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Irene watched your body slumped down. Immediately her deranged episode stopped leaving some space in her heart for the panic that's about to settle in.
"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, wake up babe, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up"
The fear is overtaking her, her hand grabbed you by the collar and start shaking your body.
A few moments later she heard your body whimpering breath and a wave of relief washes over her.
"No, you should've told me, you should've told me that A BITCH is in my own peers. I'm sorry babe, I'm sorry"
Tears starts running down her face as she hugged your fragile body.
"I will fix this, you will never cheat again babe, I won't let it happens, you're mine, you're mine and mine alone"
After a few minutes of crying she got up and pull out a handcuff from one of her nightstand.
She locked one of your hand to the bedframe. She ran to the kitchen and grab some water and put it in the table next to you.
"I'll be back babe, just wait here okay, I will fix this"
The gentleness in her voice can only be described as unnerving remembering how she almost kill you earlier.
"You're mine babe, and I won't let anybody take you away from"
Then she ran off the room, leaving you in the empty apartment.
You woke up not long after that, your head is blaring with pain and panic.
As you tried to get up you felt a resistance from your right hand. Opening your eyes you see the handcuff on you.
The fear and terror came rushing in as you remember what happened.
You feel your body starts to sweat, looking around you didn't find your phone, only yous scattered outfits from the night before.
After dancing around with the devil for awhile you forgot that the devil is a devil for a reason.
Thinking you find a way to tame her. Ha, lay these foolish ambitions to rest.
You were never in control, she have you, she owns you, and if you keep acting up, god knows what she's gonna do to you.
Run, that's the first thing that come to your mind. From the room, from the apartment, from Korea.
Then your logic came in and tell you that she knows where your family live, she knows everything about you, and running, will only make things worst.
You hate your logic.
Despite your fear you still, care for her.
What a twisted love, perharps she is right, you two belong together.
You sat there silently with nothing but your fear and anxiety.
You hear your heartbeat, the clock ticking, the AC, it all made time move so slowly.
Then you heard the front door opened followed by the sounds of footsteps.
You instinctively try to call out for Irene. Yet the sound stuck in your throat, some because your throat felt painful, you can't say anything. Some because you're scared to meet her.
Then the footsteps got close, you feel your body shivering. Every step is a booming roar that made your body want to crumple out in itself.
Then the door opened, and you feel your heart stop.
There she is, Irene, watching over you with worried expression.
For a moment none of you moved, then she ran to you.
"Babe, I'm sorry"
You felt her body crashes on to you.
The weight of her body pushed you down making your hand pull on the cold hard steel of your handcuff.
The pain is severe, but you didn't say anything.
You just sit there, watching her rub her face all over your chest.
"Baby, you're not hurt right? Say something"
You saw her raised her face, her eyes is empty and cold. Her fingers felt like a block of eyes as it touches your skin.
"It's okay baby, I'm here now, nobody else gonna hurt you, nobody will seduce you and take you away from me ever again. Everything will be okay"
Everything will not be okay, your mind races trying to find out what she did while you were out.
"Say something babe"
Her face contorted for a little to show that she will not take your silence any more.
You opened your mouth but then your throat failed to make up words and you just cough.
"Oh my god, I'm sor sorry, here, drink this babe"
She took a glass of water, you think it's water, from the nightstand and try to feed it to you.
Meekly you oepned her mouth as she pour it to your mouth.
"There, better?"
She smiles, her mouth does, her eyes is still empty and cold.
You shake your hand and using your free hand you scratched your neck.
"Oh my god, wait here, I will get some tea for you okay"
Seeing her about to leave again you grabbed her hand.
She looked back at you, you pointed at the handcuff you have.
"No, you need to rest here, and I'm not letting you off again mister, you will stay here as your punishment"
She tried to leave again but you are desperate to get out of the bed.
The eternity of waiting before has made you feel scared of being left off alone there again.
"No, you're being punished, stay"
You flinched hearing her scold you. Yet you grab her wrist and pulled it closer.
You caressed it and point at the handcuff that your other hand rattle.
Her eyes look at you with a little more gentleness.
You point at the cuff that's locked to the bedframe before pointing at her hand.
"Awwww, you must've been bored right? Okay you can come with me then"
She took out a key from her pocket before uncuffing the bedframe and cuff you to her hand.
"Mwah, this feels better, we belong together, come on, let's make some tea"
You followed her outside, looking at the clock next to the bed you realized you waited there for almost 3 hour.
You follows her every move as she prepare a honey tea for you.
"It's okay babe, everything gonna be okay"
It's a chant, she keeps chanting it to you trying to make you feel relaxed.
As you wait for the water to boil she sat you down at the dinner table and sit on you.
"I've missed you babe. It must've been very boring there right?"
You just nodded.
"Listen, I'm sorry about earlier okay babe? I really do, but you can't hide those things from me, you have to tell me if you think one of your ex is around okay?"
You nod again.
"Good, I love you"
You immediately kissed her. She let out a happy squeal as she made out with you.
Oh boy, you're into her, somehow all the fear you had just washes away. You're happy she's back, and that she's no longer mad.
"I love you babe, come on the water is boiled already"
After she finished pouring the tea the tow of you cuddle up in the couch.
Playing around with her hair you see her empty eyes slowly turned back to normal.
By lunch you two were already back to the physically intimate couple like before.
"Can you speak now?"
"It's a little painful"
"Awwww, I'm sorry okay babe"
"It's, fine"
For some odd reason she doesn't want to go out for lunch with you, it's weird huh.
The takeout was fine, it was meh compared to the food she used to bring you to.
"So, when you were resting earlier, I decided to check out some house for us to get"
There is still some sense of self preservation in your head that screams desperately for you to wake up.
"I, told you yesterday"
She shake her head indignantly.
"That was yesterday, after what you said this morning I'm not taking ANY more chances, no bitch will take you away from me ever again"
"But, I have to pay for it"
"Ssshhhh, if you really want to pay for it then, make me songs. There's this one house that is just perfect for us. It have a gym, a sauna, a pool with a jacuzzi, it even have two bedroom next to eachother that we can turn into a music studio. You'll live it, I already put in my request, I'm sure they will come back to me anytime"
Reluctantly you nod making her let out a happy squeal.
You groaned.
"Heheheh, okay, let's take it together"
There was too much words to convince her not too so you decide to just let it off.
Thankfully she realised that both of you need to take off the handcuff so the restricting feeling in your hand was gone for awhile.
"Hmmm, I love you"
She hugged you before pushing you inside.
The hot water from the shower washes over both of your body.
"Wash my back babe"
Irene turned around to show you her back. An alluring view your weak mind is to vulnerable to.
Running your finger through her spine you see her body shuddered.
"Are you still not tired from last night babe?"
She whimpered, you grabbed her tits from behind while your other hand wrapped around her to her vagina.
"Hmmmm, baby"
Your mouth start to kiss her neck, your right hand is massaging her tits and your left hand is rubbing her pussy.
"Ahhhhh, there baby, do it again"
"Fuck, bite it harder"
"That's it, pinch my nipple agai- aghhhhh"
Your timidness is all gone, leaving nothing but your hunger and lust.
Without hesitation you plunged your cock into her pussy.
"Baby, yeah, fuck me, fuck me harder. Your dick is mine, it belongs to me and only me"
You pushed her to the glass wall as you start pounding her from behind.
"Baby, mark me, fill me up again, use me"
You are so fucked, you can't escape her, she have got you fully wrapped around her fingers.
Since you're still tired for last night you didn't last long before you cum inside her yet again.
Irene is so used to cumming with you that the moment your cock start throbbing her orgasm would follow suit.
"Haaa, Haaa, let's, get cleaned"
Your rough voice seems to be a new link for Irene. You should be careful, she might start choking you out again to bring it out.
"So, I've send the request to transfer you under me okay? Tomorrow we are going to meet my boss and we will tell them about our dating situation"
You honestly don't care about them anymore.
"Hey, are paying attention"
No, but you can't say that without angering her.
"They're not important right? You're not asking for permission, just reporting to them about what you want to do"
The answer pleased her as she kissed your cheek.
"I, want to rest babe, my tank is empty"
The night went by quietly, nothing to note off. It was the calm before the storm.
The storm, was getting ganged up by 4 girls trying to pester you with questions.
"Enough, you're scaring him, and don't touch him"
Thankfully your girlfriend scare her member off by holding on to you tightly.
"Hehehehe, I told you they are dating"
"You only said that because you find out before us"
"Hey I told you that the rumour might be true before I even know about it"
"That's right, unnie was super suspicious when we first do the trainee check up the first time"
"Right? And she went to the bathroom not long after him. Once she got back she was smiling like a kid"
"You didn't take picture of it?"
"I don't have time"
"Come on guys, we need to band up together"
"Right, so, blue?"
The four girls turned to you making you a bit nervous.
"Yeah, blue is fine"
"Right, so who comes on to who?"
You glanced at Irene who's holding your arm like her life depends on it. She's glaring at her member who doesn't seems to mind.
"Well, Noona asked for my number first"
The four of them gasped and turn to Irene.
"Unnie, you're so brazen"
"Yeah, what the hell, you always said you hate exchanging number with stranger"
"You hate men too"
"Do you guys know eachother before that?"
Seulgi turned everyone attention back to you.
The four of them look at Irene bewildered again.
"Are you..... Who are you?"
Wendy said to Irene who just keep her calm expression.
"Wait what did she say to get your number?"
"Well, she said she's sorry for not giving me any comment earlier. I said it's fine, she asked if it's okay then for her to watch me again to help guide me. I..... Really thought she meant the trainee in general. I say yes, and she asked for my number"
"Unnie has actually a good flirting skill?"
"That's unbelievable, unnie, why did you do it?"
Irene just raised her face without saying anything.
"She took you out to a dinner after that?"
"Not exactly, she forced me to workout early at the company gym. After that she will have breakfast with me, she would just talk about her days from before. It goes for a we-"
Wendy suddenly interrupt you.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on there, unnie tell you about her days?"
You nodded while Irene is hugging you tighter.
"Unnie, who are you"
"He answered your question already, now let us go, we have an appointment to attend"
All four of the blocked the exit making Irene grunt.
"What happened next, when did you start going out?"
You looked at Irene who nodded at you.
"Well, I think it was after a week plus of that new morning schedule. I didn't had money to eat and I also want to focus on practice and skipped lunch. Irene, kinda find out and dragged me out to get lunch"
"Wait, how do you know unnie?"
"I have my ways"
"Noona kinda stalks me really"
The girls stare at Irene with disbelief while Irene just blush and glared at you.
"Waahhhhh, unnie is stalking someone"
"Unnie always do a background check for all the guy I hook him up with. Of course she's gonna stalk the one she likes"
"I'm not stalking"
"You were a bit of a stalker babe"
"No I'm not"
Irene looked back at you with a blush making her look so cute. She definitely won't try to kill you when she get jealous.
"How did unnie ask you out?"
"Well, I was a bit pissed, I don't like, well I just don't like it when people pay for me. It make me feel pitied. She then asked if that's what I think she's feeling, I said yes because I don't really have much selling points. She said she like me, I was like okay, thanks. Then she clarified that she likes me, romantically.
"I guess my brain just short circuited from there. She said she want me to go out with her, and from now on I'm her boyfriend. I just say yes"
"That's not unnie, you're can't convince me that is unnie's doing"
"Enough, we have to go, let's go babe"
Irene used one hand to hold you while the other is pushing her member away so none of them get to touch me.
Once we escaped the lion's nest we walk to the crocodile den, a meeting with a bunch of higher ups.
You feel, small, and weak. There's 15, that's right, 15 people sitting around a U shaped table making it feel like you were in a trial.
Irene confidently walked in with you in her arm.
"Let's just get this meeting over with, I want him under my wing and I want it now"
"Welcome you two, please have a seat"
You sit, you gaze to nothingness and just sit there while Irene is arguing with the people there.
It took around an hour until they finally relented. Irene happily parade you all the way to the car.
"I'm so happy, we will be together from now on babe"
You're happy too, right?
"Me too babe"
Well you sound kinda forced although it's not entirely clear was it because your throat is still hurting or because you're not as happy as you should've.
"Let me kiss you"
She tried to grab your head but you back away.
"We're in an elevator babe, wait until we got back in the car"
An ugly frown creept up on her face.
"Once get back I'll kiss you however long you want"
She nodded but the frown doesn't leave her face.
At the basement, the elevator door opened. The people who's waiting for it are, Aespa.
You see Aeri there stare at you shocked, you felt your hand almost break from Irene's grip, you feel your heart jumping out of your chest.
"Good mor-"
Karina tried to greet you and Irene but Irene already dragged you away leaving the 4 girls bewildered by her antics.
"Baby calm down"
"Calm down? Did you see how she sees you? She was trying to win you back. That fucking VULTURE SON OF A BITCH"
Thankfully the car is somewhat soundproof so her roars doesn't echoes throughout the basement.
"Baby calm down, don't you trust me? I will never leave you right? Even if she tried I will reject her"
"She will try to put her filthy fucking hands on you and I won't allow that. Oh baby you're mine, every inch of your body is mine, I won't let her touch a single strand of hair from you"
Her eyes turned cold and empty again. You need to fix this quick.
"We won't see her again, we'll be living together from now on right? I won't need to come here so we will never crosspaths again"
It's somewhat working, her anger doesn't subside but at least it doesn't raise.
"We'll be together okay, you want me to never cheat, and I promise you, I will never think about any other girls again. So can you please do the same for me babe?"
Satisfied she nodded and grab your head.
Your make out session doesn't last long as a car drove past yours making the reluctant Irene let you go.
"Should we, check out the house?"
"You know me so well babe"
The house is nice, secluded in a gated community, a very big house with spacious interior and backyard.
The first thing you want to check was the basement, which thankfully doesn't exist. You wouldn't want a stranger living there, or, being chained there by an angry Irene.
"You love it?"
Irene hugged you.
"Yeah, this place is nice"
"Good because they contacted me back, we got the house"
Irene jumped towards you for a hug.
As you two are celebrating you felt your phone buzzed.
"Who's that"
Irene looked at you angrily, cautiously you pulled out your phone and check the caller. Thankfully it was just your mom.
"I need to answer this"
"Put it on speaker, I promise I won't say anything"
Despite her begging frown expression you know it's not really an option to say no.
"Hello mom?"
"What did you do? Your father just got a call that you're dropping off the trainee program"
"Oh yeah, about that mom, I kinda got a better offer"
"I thought you wanted to be an idol"
"No, I mean, yeah, kinda? But a few days ago I got a test, which I performed a song that I made for my girlfirend-"
"You have a girlfriend already? Don't tell me I'm becoming a grandma soon"
"No, not any time soon. Let me just finish my story mom, so I performed it, in front of a bunch of idols. They like it, and they said I have a potential in being a producer. So I'm training to be one, I can still make music, I got paid enough, and I can work from home"
"Hmmmm, are you getting scammed again?"
"What? No"
"Me and your dad is coming to Korea this weekend sweetie so you better give me a through explanation"
"I..... Okay, I'll see you here mom, love you"
"Love you too sweetie, don't lose your money from gambling while you're there"
That's your mom, always so vocal about your weaknesses and stupidity.
"My mom is coming here"
Irene looked panicked, she walked around the room nervously.
"Baby, relax, things will be okay, mom and dad would love to meet you"
"You think so"
Irene mind is filled with countless anxious thoughts.
What if they don't like me? Will they take babe away from my? Will they cause problem? Will babe choose them over me? Is babe gonna be made if I cut them off from his life?
Slowly her anxiety descend into sinister idea.
She can't have your relationship ruined again by other people. She will hold you, and she will never let you go.
Knowing Irene for sometime you know Irene is slowly going insane with her paranoia.
You grabbed her by the shoulder.
Woken up by your touch her crazed eyes look on to yours.
You flinched for a moment before having determination fill your face again.
"They will love okay? Trust me on this, and even if they don't, it won't change a thing. Nothing will change this, us"
The cracking sound of Irene's insanity is almost audible for both of you.
Once again she is reminded of the warmth your body has always gave off.
The warmth she has grown accustomed to somehow become intoxicating once again.
You're right, they won't change a thing between you and Irene. She understands that now.
"Okay baby"
A sense of relief has was washed over you. For now, you finally gain the control of her.
"Come on babe, let's go home. You must be tired from the meeting earlier"
Irene hugged you and ribbed her face all over your chest.
"Yeah, I want to cuddle again"
Saturday has rolled around, you and Irene drive to the airport to pick up your parents.
Due to the nature of an airport you know Irene won't be able to walk around without being spotted.
Much to her dismay you suggested for her to wait in the car.
To gain her permission you let her leave a hickey on your neck, noticeable for anyone with a functioning eyes in a 10 meter radius.
The longer you waits for your parents the more anxious you become. Mostly because you know how anxious Irene would be the longer you waited.
The moment you saw your parent walked out of the customs with their bag you ran to them.
"Sweetie? What are you doing here?"
"I want to pick you up"
"We can get to your place with a taxi sweetie"
"That's the thing, I'm not in my old place, come on, my girlfriend is waiting"
You picked up the suitcase your father is bringing.
"Your girlfriend? Where?"
Your dad looked around.
"She's in the car, it's complicated, you'll understand when you meet her"
Your parent looked at eachother before following you.
"Did you do anything stupid until you got riddles by bitemark from her?"
The blush on your face doesn't match with your green jacket unfortunately.
"She's, a bit aggressive"
"Is she rich?"
"Come on your mom and I is not stupid, did you seduce a sugar mommy and got a job as her personal musician or something?"
If only you inherited your parents intelligence, you might be able to evade Irene.
"It's, I love her okay?"
"Sweetie, as much as we love you, we know you're pretty stupid"
"She's right, you came to Korea just to follow your ex"
"Okay, first if all DO NOT mentioned that to her"
"Okay, but if we don't like her then we're pulling you up"
Prayers, that's all you have in your mind, you pray so that Irene didn't fuck up the dinner.
"There she is"
The moment you walk to the parking lot you see Irene drove to you.
You quickly opened the trunk and drop your parent's suitcase.
They waited till you finish before getting in the car with you.
"Mom, dad, this is Irene, my girlfriend"
Irene grabbed your hand nervously before turning around and greeted your parent.
"Do I know you, your face seems familiar"
"It does, ohhhhh, I know, she's that girl on the poster our son hang around his room"
Irene stupefied expression turns to you.
"You have posters of me?"
"Yeah, it's no big deal"
Your blush crept up to your face again, Irene watched your sudden embarrassment in satisfaction.
"You're right darling, he have like 10 poster of her scattered around his room"
"Dad, go introduce yourself"
Irene was smiling proudly at you.
"Of course, nice to meet you Irene, we're this rascal's parents. We do want to know how this thing came to be"
The ride was silent, Irene constantly grabbing your hand anytime she could.
You can feel your parent is watching her move, and you know she realised that.
Of course Irene doesn't care, she wants you.
Once you all get to Irene's place you went to heat up the food you've prepared from before.
"So Irene, how did you two meet?"
You really want to stay there with Irene as your parent interviewed her.
Unfortunately you have to tend the mash potatoes.
You don't really want to stay there do you?
"Alright, dinners ready"
Bringing out the food you then sir next to Irene before the 4 of you have a nice dinner.
"This is a nice place Irene, you have a good taste"
"Oh, thank you mom"
Seeing your dumbfounded expression your mom laughed at you.
"Come on baby, she's your girlfriend, I don't need formalities with her"
The fear in your heart is slowly being lifted.
Gazing into Irene's loving eyes, you can't help but to crack a smile.
Irene has been elated and joyful after having some talk with your parents.
They are pleasant and seems very supportive of your relationship with her.
The last few nights she has been restless in her sleep and would woke up early crying.
You have to keep reassuring you that your parent would love her.
Of course, you would never expected them to be this...... Accepting?
After finishing out the food Irene bring out a bottle of wine the four of you enjoys.
"So, are you two moving in together?"
"Dad come on"
"Of course, we are preparing his things from his old apartment before moving it"
"Oh this place is such a nice apartment, to live in"
"Thank you mom, but I think we're moving out soon"
"Yeah, we're getting a house"
Irene grabbed your hand triumphantly announcing your future plans.
"Oh, that's great sweetie, you should get married while at it"
"Your mom is right sweetie, might as well at this point"
"Mom, dad, can I talk to you for a second"
Irene is displeased by your actions. However she will act polite for now. Do expect some scolding after your parents go to sleep.
Your parent followed you to the kitchen leaving Irene sipping on her wine alone.
"Alright, what are you two doing?"
"What are we doing? We're just showing our support for you and your girlfirend"
"Come on you never liked any of my girlfriend"
"We like this one"
"Because she's rich"
"What your father means, is that because she's a beautiful rich lady who seems to be very into you"
"And that is enough to get your blessing?"
"She seems nice, and she loves you, and on top of that she's rich. Unlike normal rich people she has a social presence and public image to keep. So if things goes bad with you, nothing bad would happens. She seems smart so she won't ruin her public image just because you two had a fall out"
"Of course sweetie that only stand as long as you're not being an idiot"
Obviously, your parent doesn't know another side of Irene that you're familiar with.
"Okay, so what you want me to marry her and take her money?"
"Do you not love her"
"More than anything in the world so if you want me to marry her so you two can get her money then I will be mad"
"We don't need your girlfriend money sweetie. Your mom and I is old, we are happily living our retirement with your siblings money. We just want what's best for you"
"You really think I can't amount to anything in life beside being a sugar baby?"
"We say you're not getting any easier path in life beside this"
"Come on, working at home, your beautiful rich girlfriend will be taking care of you while you busy making music all day?"
"Fine, but if you ask for any money"
"We won't, in fact, take this"
Your mom pulled out something out of her purse, a little box. Opening it you see, a wedding ring.
"Mom what the fuck"
"Come on you won't have enough money to buy one"
"That's insulting"
"Yet it's true"
"I hate you two"
"Take it sweetie, it's from my mom, now I'm giving it to you"
You stare at it before pocketing it.
"You're just walking around with grandma's wedding ring?"
"No, we had a potential buyer here in Korea"
The whole situation is overwhelming your brain. You massaged your nose bridge while trying to digest it.
"Okay, let's go back, don't say anything about this"
They nodded before walking back with you.
"I'm sorry Irene, we are a little jet lagged, do you mind if we lay down for a moment?"
Your dad immediately excused themselves.
"Of course, follow me"
Irene wrapped one arm around yours and lead your parents to their bedroom while you bring the suitcase.
Then she immediately dragged you to your bedroom.
"I do not appreciate your behaviour today mister"
The anxiety she had from leaving you in the airport is welling up again.
Did he see a beautiful girl while waiting for his parents? He's having second guesses about me didn't he? I know it, I know some bitches gonna seduce him away from me. I shouldn't have-
Her train of thought was interrupted by your kiss.
It calm her down, she can feel your sincerity in it making her let go of her possessiveness.
Once you pulled back she was left with nothing but annoyance.
"That's not an answer"
"You didn't ask anything"
"I'm asking now then, your parents is happy to support us so why aren't you?'
"I am, I am very happy for us, I'm just not happy with their support"
"Why? You said they'll love me"
"Love you, not helplessly in love till they want to offer you their son"
"They're not offering anything, they just want us to thrive together"
"Okay baby, I'm just shocked seeing them so happy about us. They've been very, worry that I might get someone here in Korea and have been lectu-....... Of course I won't do it"
Realising your mistake you immediately grab her again.
"Baby, I swear to god, if you even think about doing that, I will-"
"I know baby, I know, I want to tell you my parent is paranoid usually okay? But you managed to break it"
Unsatisfactory answer, but it's passable for now.
"Fine, now get on the bed, it's cuddling time"
With your parents blessing Irene happily moved in to the house with you the moment she got it.
The first few months was a bit hectic.
Irene is unhappy that she can't stay at home all day because there's contractor around the house renovating the two empty bedroom to a recording studio.
Things got easier after that, Irene would go and do her job, you would stay at home. Cooking, cleaning, writing music.
Your dad is right, being a househusband is very nice.
You would come up with a song here and there and she would blast it around the house.
The, producer in training is such a vague term for your job.
You gave them a full album demo on your first month and then went off communication for 4 then come back with a few more songs.
This, happens because Irene doesn't want anyone to sing the song you made.
Eventually they just relegate you to be the Red Velvet song producer.
You never met any of them more than once a month, but that's enough for them to put trust in you to make albums for their group and solo activities.
Live is good, unknowingly a year past, with no hitch in your relationship.
"Babe, I'm home"
Irene's voice was echoing around the house as you are preparing dinner with her.
"Welcome home back, how's your-"
She rushed after you before you finished your question.
"It was so boring, I had to wait for so long on the photoshoot because another group before us was taking too long......"
The kitchen is filled with the smell of cream soup.
The temperature is chilly since it's winter but the kitchen and Irene's arm is warm enough to make it comfortable for you.
Irene coming home and whining about her day while sniffing and cuddling to you has become a normal occurrence for you.
Yet today, today is different, today, you realised, you're home.
This is your home, and you love it.
"Babe? Are you okay?"
Irene saw you dazing off and immediately check if anything is wrong.
"No, I was just thinking, about my trainee day"
"I don't know, some nostalgia I suppose"
The ring your mom gave you has never leaves your side so that Irene would never found it.
Today, you found the resolution to use it.
"You're free tomorrow right babe?"
You hear Irene purr as you caressed her hair.
"Yeah, we're spending the whole day together"
"Can we go to my training room, my old training room, I want to have some nostalgic trip"
She frowned hearing it.
"I want to cuddle with you the whole day"
"It won't take more than an hour"
"Let's go now"
Shit are you ready to use it now?
"Yes, the place is empty already at this hour and we can check it"
"Do you want to get dinner first?"
"We can do it later"
Your hand can't stop fidgeting during the drive.
Every step you take towards the practice room send flashes of your relationship with Irene.
All her anger, all her paranoia, jealousy, possessiveness, obsession.
Also, all her cute demanour, her caring and loving attitude, her insatiable lust.
It all swirl around your head, yet once you stepped back to your old training room, it all disappeared.
Silence filled the room, you slowly walked to the middle of the room.
You remember when you first got there for your first day.
You remember when your friend dislocated his shoulder while messing around.
You remember the scolding you get for your dance.
You remember the faithful encounter you had with Irene and her member.
You remember the time she dragged you to the lunch.
You remember the performance you had for her.
How the crowded room felt empty.
How everyone just magically disappeared.
How lovely her face was.
How she desperately held her tears from bursting out.
How she desperately stop herself from jumping to your arm.
How you wanted nothing else but do the same thing she wanted.
How prideful and happy you were to surprise her.
The memory blended in with the moment.
Now the room is actually empty.
Now there is no one that would stop you two from embracing eachother.
Now, is the time.
You tried to get closer, you really do, but every step feels so heavy.
Before you get to close your distance with her, she leaped in and do it for you.
"You look so emotional babe, did something happened?"
Her hand caressed your cheek and her voice tickling your ear sending warmth and reassurance, you can do it.
"Remember when we first meet, how nervous I was"
"How could I forget"
"Remember how you were checking me out like a creep that you are"
"I'm sorry, I remember you were checking me out and got caught multiple time by me"
"Oh right, as if you didn't check me out while I'm not watching"
"No evidence so therefore it never happens"
"Remember that time when you dragged me out to take me out on a lunch where you just take me to be your boyfriend?"
"You were do stupid there"
"I'm not, then you remember the last time we were here? When I lied to you and sing you a song I made"
"You were so hot, I would've jumped you and fuck you right there and then"
"I would do it too, because I love you"
"And I love you too babe"
"Now and forever"
"Now and forever"
"Good, because Irene, I could never think about living my life with anybody else but you"
"And I don't even want to think a life without you in it"
You see Irene picked up your intention.
One of her arm closed her mouth trying to hide her cries as her eyes start tearing up.
"Through all those anger and paranoia that you have, I would still stay with you"
"You with all your perfect imperfection"
"You with all your beauty and elegance"
"You with all your childish needy behaviour"
"You with all your loving and caring attitude"
"You, with all of, you"
"I am just me, a boring uneventful guy who got lucky and get you"
"And I thank the world for letting us happens"
"I thank you, Irene, the most beautiful woman in the world, for accepting me"
Her tears is running down her cheeks looking down to her feet.
She dropped her hand and grabbed yours as you kneeled down on one leg.
Pulling out the ring your mother gave you Irene let out a muffled cries.
You opened the box showing her the ring.
"Irene, will you marry me" "YESSSS"
She screamed almost the exact second you asked the question.
Before you stood up to put on the ring she jumped towards you.
Both of you tumble to the ground.
Cries was echoing around the room as both of you embraced eachother.
For a few minutes none of you want to let go.
Even when the cries subsided you still happily hugged eachother.
Then slowly Irene loosened up her hug and sit up on your lap.
You followed her and bring the ring out.
The smile you've seen everyday looks so tender yet so brilliant with a newfound light.
Slipping in the ring both of you take a moment to admire it.
She dropped her hand, you took the opportunity to grab her by the cheek and get yourself lost in the kiss.
Every cell in Irene body is screaming with joy feeling the cold sensation of the metal around her ring finger.
The cold feeling somehow got amplified a thousand time by the warmth your body and kiss is giving her.
You both were lost in the kiss, drifting off into space, for a moment you are one, your soul intertwined with eachother so much that gods would think it was just one soul, one very big and loving soul.
Then you both were pulled down from nirvana by the desperate scream of your lung.
You both catching your breath while looking down to her finger.
Then your gaze locked and you both start laughing.
""I love you""
Both of you said at the same time before giggling again.
"I like the ring"
"Mom gave it too me"
"It's more beautiful since I wear it from you"
"It's a nice accessory for your face"
The two of you got lost in the moment, in eachother, in the dreams of the future.
"Let's go home"
"Cuddle while eating on the couch?"
"You said you hate cleaning the couch"
"I can clean it tomorrow"
"Then I won't be able to cuddle you the whole day tomorrow"
"Then the day after"
"Okay, let's go home"
This is your life now. You've embrace it, and so does she. You two are inseparable.
Smiles plaster all over you and Irene's face, leaving the practice room one last time, walking towards your future together, forever.
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ruris-world · 2 years
。・゚゚・ My sweet oblivion. 。・゚゚・
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➳ pairing: yandere!charlotte katakuri x fem!reader
➳ summary: you adapt to your new life, and your husband shows you his biggest insecurity, your reaction surprises him.
➳ content warnings: mention of previous non-con, male mastrubation, inappropriate use of devil fruit, uhh..voyeurism? dubcon,fluff, insecurity, kinda of dom!reader/ sub!katakuri, uhh, emotional breakdown [?? idk, lol ] ooc katakuri, err marriage kink?? [ i seriously don't know ], oh! a bit of a breeding kink, a smidge of a size kink [ i mean come on, he a big boii ], emotionally vulnerable katakuri doesn’t know how how to deal with feelings, a smidge of food play, I guess implied virgin!katakuri, reader is shy yet shameless, handjob, blowjob, pussyjob, no mention of aftercare, kind of rushed ending, also first time writing actual smut
➳ word count: 8.7 k [ 8,751 ]
➳ author note: i have katakuri brainrot, and he needs some love, so it's a win-win situation. also unedited and kind of a rushed ending. Please mention any warnings I missed. Inspired by this ask. English isn’t my first language, and I accept constructive criticism and any advice :)
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»»———- ♡̩͙ ———-««
It has been a while.
7 months since the wedding, maybe.
you aren’t allowed out often, the few times that you are out you are attached to him, your husband, quite literally by his mochi.
you find it ridiculous, a power that is so powerful due to its user, you saw him fight once and it wasn’t a fair fight, if you could even call it a fight.
days tend to blend in each other, especially if its spend in just one room, sure it’s a huge room even while not compared to your ‘normal’ sized body, but there isn’t one to really keep you company.
sure, servants come and go to bring you food, clean and organize, but they don’t speak
well, not to you at least
which you also find ridiculous, you find a lot of things are quite ridiculous.
the first month was spent crying, thrashing, and escaping, trying to at least, he would always find you, or one of his siblings would.
you stopped trying to escape when he emerged from a literal mirror
the second month was just spent…existing?
you were, are scared of him, you just spent it in a haze, you guess, you don’t remember much but you do remember the time you almost caught him with his scarf off.
It was by accident really, but before you could even glimpse at what was hidden you passed out, and woke up with an aching head, and flowers with a bunch of donuts on your side of the bed.
you didn’t really care what was under the scarf to be honest, but after that incident you went out of your way to avoid him if you even thought his scarf was off.
the third month…, was when he ‘forced pleasure’ on you.
you guess he is a man after all….
he never did anything other than use his fingers, but even that was too much for you, if you would compare it, its like using a human cock.
well, that’s a lie…
he did use his cock once, just not his real one.
can you even consider a mochi finger shaped as one, a real cock?
you don’t want to think about it.
he never force himself at you, at least not in that sense, even when the budge in his leather pants looks so tight it may just burst.
he makes sure you are cleaned on clean sheets, then he gets off in the bathroom, and sometimes he doesn’t.
the fourth month, is when you got invited to his mother’s tea-party, it was…nice, to go outside that is, the party itself was chaos.
believe it or not, you tend to fall into routine once you are kidnapped and aren’t allowed to get out of the room being held captive in.
so it was a breath of fresh air when you were let out of your room, and into the tea-party, and yes his siblings are a handful, and you are scared half to death from half of them , but it’s nice.
nothing much happened during the month, you don’t expect much.
…except that one instance.
he makes sure to come back at night, no matter how late the time is, he is always back, and he always gets up early, his side of the bed messy and the distant smell of him still present in the morning.
most of the time you are asleep when he gets back, sometimes you are not.
it was in the latter end that it occurred.
it was late at night, can borderline be considered a morning, no one is supposed to be awake, but you are
you were on your side, glimpses of a well-rested sleep taunt you as the door to the room opens, you don’t get up, you already know who it is, and you’re too tired to entertain his bullshit.
when you hear him call out to you, you don’t respond.
you would’ve called yourself foolish, if not for the fact that he doesn’t use his future-something-haki when he’s with you.
evident by the time, someone walked in when he was pleasuring you, and you never saw that servant again.
there is a rustling present, and it almost lures you back to sleep, except that he calls out to you again
you are annoyed, and very much on the verge of snapping at him, but you ignore it since you aren’t stupid, that is until you hear it
“darling, fuck—j-just like that”
is he…?
he wouldn’t…
“ah—you’re s-so—shit—so good”
would he?
“mmhm, you’re—hah—so sweet f’ me”
what are you supposed to do? do you turn around? talk? pretend to be asleep? ignore?
his pants continue mixed in with a couple of curses and groans, most of them are stifled and you hate that his voice alone sends blood rushing to your face and awaken a second rhythm within you.
you shift to test the waters, he doesn’t make an attempt to stop based on his noises, maybe you shouldn’t…
you ignore that part of you that says you shouldn’t, as the ‘squelnch, squelench, squelench’ drowns your thoughts.
you just wanna see, peek at his tip, see what the obscure sound is, surely his hands and cock aren’t the only thing that can produce such sounds, and bring him such pleasure, right?
it should be fine, right?
you’re his wife, it’s ok, right?
you slowly shift your body, trying not to make such ruckus that you do stop him, and his pleasure from escalating any further.
‘fuck it’ you think as you lay on your other side, eyes closed and make a sleepy sound, you hope it won’t deteriorate him or the situation.
his grunts don’t last another second, as everything around you stills, and silence fill the air, the sound of your deep breaths, and his harsh ones are the only thing present, seconds pass by and then-
hands are on your head, they trail to you cheek, and you feel one of his fingers trace lines on your cheek, and then they let go.
you don’t feel or hear anything after that, and you worry that you caused him to stop, and not reach his end.
not that you should care if he does cum or not.
that thought is interrupted by the noisy sound of slapping of his skin against something that continues, only this time faster and louder.
you are afraid to open your eyes, but that fear disappears when you hear his next words
“i’m going—fuck going to b-breed, you, be -hah- be a good w-wife and take it” accompanied by a loud moan.
all caution is out the window, as your eyes fly open, and what you see leaves you breathless and dripping.
there he is, charlotte katakuri, sweet commander, cold, merciless, the perfect brother, the man who brought you here, your captor and husband, fucking his fist.
his mochi fist, that looks like a cushion and is suspiciously moving along with his hips.
you don’t dare look up, eyes transfixed on his hips moving in and out of the cushion, his cock looks so big and you can even see its imprint —despite the dim lighting— from inside the makeshift cushion, his other hand is gripping the mochi with a death-grip, and you can only imagine what his face looks like.
you hate what the image does to you.
you hate the fact that you can feel your slick drench your panties, even more and then it occurs.
holy shit.
you think you can cum from the image of him cumming alone, his hips stall in their movement as he cums, his thighs tense, yet shakes, and his cum spills into and out of the makeshift cushion or fleshlight or whatever; no other thoughts enter your mind other than that you want that thing to be you.
you almost scold yourself for the thought, but then he starts moving again and he do so with a whine you can’t watch it, you wish you could but you honestly think you would cum if you would do, so you take a deep breath and close your eyes.
that night you sleep to the sounds of him panting, and wake up to the same messy sheets with no evidence of the night prior other than the drench in your pants and an almost un-noticeable tear in his pillow.
it’s also the month when he starts to become least present.
sure he sleeps at your chambers with you, but he doesn’t visit or stay or talk, not like he used to, and you find it ridiculous.
you find it ridiculous that he makes you crave his presence, you find it ridiculous that he makes you miss him, you find it ridiculous that you cry yourself to sleep twice a week because of him.
the fifth month, you snap.
he comes in one day, it's midday if you would assume, there are no clocks in your shared room so you have no way of telling, you are reading a stupid romance that can’t catch your attention, when the door open and the ‘clink, clink, clink’ of his steps appear.
you look up at him, as he shrugs off his jacket, and wanders to your shared closet.
you would have admired his back, if you weren’t so blinded with rage, you look at the mirror, think twice, shake your head then get up from your place.
you stalk towards the closet doors in the big room, and come face-to-face with his leg, oh what did you even expect?
you look up at him, as does he look down on you, he speaks first “darling? do you require anything?”
you stare, and stare and stare, a million thoughts rush into your head, a million more you want to scream at him, in the end just tears fill your eyes.
you sniff, gather all your strength and hit his leg, he may punish you but you don’t care, you are hurt.
“why did you leave?” another hit
“who do you think you are?” another hit
“you can’t j-just—just leave me like this!” another
“what? you can’t even spend time with me?” and another
“you’re so so…selfish!” another, and another and another, and then he bends down, and you break.
your eyes are closed, sobs recks your body and fills the air, your tears fall to the ground, and you probably look like a mess right now, but you don’t care.
your breath escapes in gasps, and you feel yourself being picked up, you’re so tired you can’t even yelp.
he brings you up to him, and when you open your eyes, blurry vision can barely see past his scarf, sobs, snot, tears, and even a bit of drool are falling all over his gloved hand.
god, you are so pathetic.
before you can wallow in more self pity, his other hand come to wipe at your face, and trying to save yourself from more humiliation, you go to help him, he doesn’t let you, and you don’t have the power to fight him.
your face is flushed, and you try to calm your harsh breathing that is broken by a few sobs.
once you have calmed down enough, he speaks, voice filled with an unknown emotion “I apologize darling, I hadn’t quite thought of how my actions may affect you”
you look up at him and hold his stare, after a few moments he pats your head.
you stare off at his scarf and decide to just spit it out before you chicken out “w-will you stay with me?”
his eyes soften, and you feel your heart flutter as the words “of course, my dear” are whispered into the air.
the sixth month is…messy.
your relationship is improving somewhat, there are still awkward moments, not that you are the one to blame; after all it's not like you asked to be kidnapped.
it’s the month he lets you out the most, he takes you on walks, and strolls, he combs your hair once, well at least he tried, he makes you sleep on his chest that month, you refused at first, but he didn’t care and either way you both know that you can’t do anything about it.
you think that his chest is warm and smells like mochi, and you had asked him to take you with him when he went to do his work, surprisingly he did.
he makes you a mochi bed thingy, which you quite enjoy as it is very comfortable and bouncy. You stopped asking for it though, since he would become red in the face almost every time you did ask for one, and would sometimes leave you alone in the room.
you find being left alone ridiculous.
you find the fact that you miss him, more so.
you find yourself catching feelings, the most ridiculous fact of all.
the seven month, this month is…
you are in your room, getting ready for bed, he isn’t here, however you find comfort that he would be in the morning, after all tomorrow is your anniversary, and he had made sure that he got the day off, well half-a-day but it’s better than nothing.
you are in your nightgown, about to get under the covers when he enters the room, and locks the door, which he doesn’t normally do, unless he leaves you alone in his office.
something is wrong
the air around him is tense, you can tell from the frown present on his face, and the slight rigidity of his movement confirms your suspicion that something is wrong.
you are debating whether or not to ask him when he sit on the bed, you blink and tilt your head, the question lingers in the air, you ask nonetheless “is something bothering you?”
he looks at you, you hold his stare, your frown mirrors his, it deepens when he sighs, he looks to the side.
this is new, he is usually…well, straightforward, blunt.
you sit upright when he mumble a “it’s nothing”
“katakuri…, what is it?”
he looks at you, off to the side again, back at you, closes his eyes, then sighs.
“I may be a monster, but I will always protect you, you may find it unpleasant, many before you have, however that won’t deter my affection for you…”
you are confused as fuck.
his eyes are on you, watching you as if you’re the only one that matters, and in that instant you feel like you are.
“it’s an unsightly matter, I will not put the blame on you, if you may wish not to view.”
what the hell does he mean?
he stops, and makes his way into the bed adjusting himself so that his face is near yours, and then he continues.
“this mark of shame that is constantly on me, i will not be saddened if you may not require to view it, again…”
you can see the intensity of emotions in his eyes, and despite all the words spewing out of his mouth, you think that you can get lost in the pretty amber.
“after all it is the reminder of my failure, a-as a brother, my imperfection…”
his hands go up into his face, you feel obliged not to look away, as if you owe him this, grips his scarf with one large hand, stays there, waits.
his breathing is hard, like he has been waiting for this moment, knows how it will end.
…and in one swift movement the barrier between the both of you is broken.
his eyes scan your face, as you do the same.
you want to laugh, honestly.
scoff at his face, and laugh at him.
for thinking all of that, and making a speech over some fangs.
it’s laughable, but you don’t.
laugh that is.
what you do is scan his face, his lips are kissable, his fangs are nice, gives him a charm about him, you wonder how they feel, are they pointy? or soft? could a nip penetrate the skin? you want to touch them, no you want them to touch you.
you want to feel them, really feel them, want to kiss them, want to feel them running down your body, want them to go up and down, want to feel them between your legs, nipping at your—
his scar stretches all the way up to his ears, and you never thought a scar could looks so attractive before, you want to kiss it, every inch of it, you want to run your hand through it, you wonder if the skin feels different there? would the texture feel different than his skin, his lips? how far is he willing to let you explore him?
you intake a sharp breath, his eyes flicker to you, right now though, right now, with his heated cheeks, laboured breath and flickering eyes, he looks so, so…
he blinks, you do too.
a blush.
“you’re so cute, katakuri”
your hand goes to his cheek, his eyes follows.
your thumb runs over his scar, it does feel different.
not bad…, just different.
he blinks at you, you can feel the heat rising to his cheek, when you look at him, he holds your stare for no more than a second then immediately invades it, you swore you saw a glimmer of tears there.
a few more beats and breaths, his hand stops you from touching his fangs, his eyes still haven’t caught yours.
“s-stop, it’s not—you may hurt yourse—”
his words are cut off by your hum, you can almost feel his doubt, guilt, he’s nervous, anxious, and you never wanted him more.
you slip your hands out of his, you take a large hand into your tiny ones and begin pulling it towards you as your words fill the air between you both
“you don’t believe me, hm? well, you can use your whatever haki, or…”
your eyes goes up, up, up, as the hand that you captured goes down, down, down.
“you can check for yourself…”
until it reaches below your nightgown and presses his enormous fingers into the damp spot, leaves them there.
you take a deep breath, consider your choices, this man is the one who took you, forced himself on you, you feared him for the longest time, he left you alone multiple times, felt like you were abandoned, but…
his eyes speaks volumes, there are tears and disbelief present, and that speech that left his mouth still makes it so that he is open, vulnerable
you want to take care of him, eventhough….
ah, fuck it, you think and then speak.
“…my dear husband”
he intake a sharp breath, and stills, you swear you could see his eyes darken, his fingers push where you left them, which makes a surprised moan leave your lips.
and then you pull yourself up into him, your hands are on his cheek, a few beats then he looks at you, a frown on his face.
you pay it no mind as your lips crash into his.
a beat, then another, and another, then he responds, and oh, does he respond.
its inexperienced, messy, your lips don’t mold together, but god is it satisfying.
you don’t think you have been kissed like this before, you don’t think you will ever be kissed like this again, and in that moment you don’t think you mind it so much.
at first it's slow, then escalates and escalates, and then there is tongue, and spit, and drool, and teeth, and fangs.
you find out that the fangs do break skin, well at least the ones on your lips.
a beat, and a second, then a third, your heart throbs against your ribcage, and escalates until you are almost sure that he can hear it, you want to stay there forever, trapped into an infinite kiss but alas you are a human and you need oxygen.
you pull back, he chases after you, trapping you again against him, you smile, pull back, want to tease him yet his hand pushes your head pressing into him, he wants more and more and more.
he is greedy.
he is insatiable.
he is selfish.
but only with you.
only for you.
you put your hand on his jaw, he jolts, you break free, with only a string of spit trapping you to him.
pants escapes you, making you breathe harder, and harder, he isn’t in a better state than you, in fact you would say he is in a worse state.
drool escaping from the side of his open mouth, face flushed till his neck, you can swear there are hearts in his eyes, along with unshed tears—your heart clenches at the sight.
your lips brush against his, and he almost captures you again, if not for the grip you have on his hair, one tangled in his now messy hair, another grabbing at the nape of his neck, he groans as the grip you have on him causes you to pull on his hair. 
he presses his fingers into you, both of you are playing a dangerous game.
none of you mind.
“wait, kata…lay on your back.”
his eyes that were previously glazed with a haze clear a bit, yet there is a confused frown on his face.
“huh? b-but you—”
“shh, kata, let your wife take care of you for a split second, and relax.”
“come on, katakuri…” a peck on his lips, “be a good husband and lay on your back” another peck, this time near his fangs, “let me make you feel good” another peck, this time on his nose, his eyes flutter close at the contact.
with a groan he gets off you, and lays on his back on the bed, you follow after him, straddling his heaving chest.
your hands slowly travel along his abdomen, towards his pecks, slowly trace over each nipple, lingering there and then escalate towards his neck, to his jaw which is slack open for you, his eyes continue to follow each movement as your hands stay at his jaw a bit further.
you dully note that a past you would call you ridiculous, what you are doing is ridiculous, would probably shout at you, tell you that you shouldn’t do this with your kidnapper, the man who strike so much fear inside you, the man who hurt you for far too much, that you should hurt him just as much, and even if it was a lie call him ugly, disgusting, a monster.
you leave that part behind you whenever you press your lips to his jaw, trailing pecks over there, he jerks in your hands, you guess he is pretty sensitive there.
you hum, with a smile, and whisper in his ear “what’s wrong kata? did i hit a spot?” he shudders in response, and you get more wet at the thought that a man so big, powerful, and beefy is reduced to a shuddering and blushing mess with just a few touches.
Katakuri has no idea how to feel, or process the situation before him.
He didn’t expect your response in a million years, and the mere thought that you not only said those words but continued to mark him with your wet kisses and wandering hands makes his head spin.
and while surprise and bashfulness full him and heat his cheeks at the way you called him your husband—the tone, the hidden emotion, and the way you looked at him—he can’t deny that it turned him on, immensely.
perhaps he should feel more grateful for you and your reaction, however he can’t help feeling that maybe you do deserve to feel some level of disgust at viewing his face, that maybe you should have screamed, or that maybe you should have—oh
“Hmm? now tell me dear husband of mine—” he almost whines “—where have i lost you”
he flushes more under your gaze that captures him feels like it will swallow him whole, it's lustful and full of want, he duly notes the effect you have on him, and that a past him wouldn’t be so appreciative that he is allowing himself to be weak and vulnerable.
but that’s ok.
because the past him doesn’t have you around.
because the past him doesn’t have you kissing down his tattoos.
because the past him doesn’t have you whispering hushed praises about him.
because the past him doesn’t have your lips kissing and licking down his body.
because the past him doesn’t have you willingly blushing and fumbling as you ascend his body.
because the past him doesn’t have you, just you, so tiny, and exposed to him.
his hands flex at his sides as you kiss down his happy trail, leading you to his prominent bulge that's straining against his leather pants.
you hum and look at him through your lashes, his breath catches in his throat, god he’s so weak for you, its almost pathetic.
your tiny fingers go to his belt, trying to free him, yet as you fumble with the skull on his belt, his hands come to join you, he’s hesitant, you note “can you help me?” you encourage him and the blush is consistently increasing down his neck as he whispers a “yes”
you let go and watch in fascination the way his hands quickly and masterfully unbuckle his belt, then proceeds to remove his pants, your hands flies to his, “take those off too” you motion to his gloves.
he nodes then does as he is told, and you inspect them, you know how they feel, but seeing every little detail in them? appreciating how his hands are much bigger than yours? how are his fingers longer? knowing they could reach spots you never dreamed of experiencing?
god, they were pretty, looked calloused and rough, like they have texture, and the veins that ran down them, you could drool.
your thighs unconsciously rub against each other to gain some friction, but you remind yourself that this isn’t about you, it's about him.
“kata, kata, you’re so pretty..”
his closes his palms at that, and flexes them open, you can’t help it, your hands go to grab his fingers and bring them to your lips “can i?”
“yeah.” he says the word breathless, and you don’t wait a second before you put two fingers into your mouth, both of you groan at the contacts. Your hands goes to hold his hand and guide more of his fingers into your wet cavern, you suck on them and run your tongue under them, as response he presses on your tongue, weighing it down, you moan at the feeling, dragging his fingers backwards and forth, a few more times until you feel harsh breaths blowing into your face, you open your eyes that you haven’t even realised you closed, to meet amber ones.
Katakuri’s eyes were wide blown, watching the way your mouth sucks his fingers off like its a cock, and the way you seem like the simple act of having his fingers in your mouth has brought you pleasure, he couldn’t help it, he normally has enough self-restraint, but it was like his fingers had a mind of their own.
you are taken aback by the taste of a mochi-like substance that suddenly erupts in your mouth, and you stare at him yet find his gaze distracted at the way his fingers escape your mouth to make the liquid dribble down your chin and into his leather pants.
You swallow what you could of the liquid, and he watches with eyes of a predator as it gobbles down your throat, you lose yourself for a moment in his face, and once again you are captured by the beauty of the man infront of you.
Katakuri can feel the heat of your cunt on him, and the realization that he is the one who got you all hot and bothered turn him on more than he cares to admit, he can feel the weight of your gaze on him, and when his eyes flicker to you, he is stunned by you for a second, and just when he is about to be captured in your spell again its broken by your small “hi”, and he thinks you never looked more adorable than this, so flustered and tiny, cute little gasps escaping you, and the way you keep fidgeting around.
“Hey” his voice rumbles, a rare smile crossing his face, and the giggle that you let escape warms his heart a bit more.
The wholesome moment is yet again interrupted, by the gasp he lets out as you adjust yourself directly into his bulge, and the shocked expression, followed on by the smirk on your face lets him know that he’s in for real.
You continue your previous actions, and pull down your kata’s pants, he helps you by raising his hips and then continuing to pull them down further down, and yet again you are infatuated with the man below you. The way his thighs are flexing and twitching, they looked so muscular and you find yourself wanting to bite them, kiss them, and worship them, yet the only thing that you find more delicious is the way the now much larger bulge is wet, you’re not even sure if a man can spare that much pre, without cuming.
You wont lie, you are intimidated by his size, that isn’t fully revealed, yet you find yourself strangely aroused, you’re not even sure why, thus before you can back out, you pull down his boxers, and your jaw drops.
The way he almost slaps your face as he springs up, only to be hung down by the sheer weight of him, the way he has veins running up and down his shaft, the way he is continuously twitching and the way he throbs, the angry red tip that is all but leaking delicious pre, all that and more makes a second rapidly fast heartbeat in you awaken, and all you can think is that you want him i– no.
you need him inside you.
“Darling, y-you don’t have to do this if you–oh fuck” he is cut off by your mouth leaching on his tip, and sucking on him, you can’t fit him inside you, yet you hollow your cheeks and push more of him into you.
Katakuri is convinced he has died and ascended to a heaven-like place for monsters like him, not only is he feeling toe-curling pleasure, he is receiving it all from you, and katakuri has never felt more loved as he does now.
Laying on his back, with you pleasuring him, and both of you having such a vulnerable yet intimate moment, he would have never imagined this the day that you came into his life, not by the way you reacted at first, screaming and thrashing all around.
No, he was fully prepared to live all his life loving you while you hated him and despised him, you are his everything, and as he gasps at the way you littered him with kisses, all wet and sloppy, he can swear that he has never felt more loved and in love than in this moment.
You lick up the pre from the underside of his cock all the the way to his tip, where you kiss it, before smearing some on your lips, you lick your lips as you watch the way your hands continue to pump him, he’s so big, both your hands can’t even fit around him.
“You taste so good kata, like mochi” you giggle at the sound that escapes him at that statement, before going back to licking and sucking him, one hand goes to his balls, while the other sneaks its way to rub at your embarrassingly wet panties.
You close your eyes shut, as you hear the few groans that he lets out, his mouth otherwise covered by his hand, you would have told him to let you hear him, if you couldn’t feel that he was close.
You try your best to relax your throat, its painful you won’t deny but you know you will be rewarded with the sight of him cumming, so you push through, you force your muscles to relax, to fight the discomfort, you bring both hands to stroke his twitching length, you try what you know, your drool and his previous pre helps serve as lube.
Your eyes snap to him, intent on watching him climax, katakuri’s chest is rising and falling rapidly, his mouth is covered by one hand, drool escaping the side of it, his other hand gripping the pillow beside his head so hard that you worry about it for a moment, yet the best treat of all is his eyes, rolled to the back, and if the light focused just right you could see the tears mark down his flushed cheeks.
it’s all too much for you, and yet it proves the same for him as his hips suddenly jolts, with a keen moan–more like a whimper of your name–and then he cums, it’s sweet, yet thick and is too much, your eyes water trying to swallow as much as you possibly can, however it proves futile as after a few seconds you’re getting off him, choking and gasping for air, you try to get your breathing under control, and when you do, it’s when he just finished cumming.
Katakuri does not recall what happened the moment his orgasm has him, all he know is that the pleasure was too much, and then he was seeing stars, he barely registers the sound of choking, nothing but pleasure that he never has felt before registers in his veins, it’s as if every fibre of his being is experiencing it, and he thinks he passed out for a few moments, he cannot recall.
All katakuri knows is that by the time his eyes are opened again, he feels at easy yet so ridiculously sensitive for the first time in his life he doesn’t have the words to describe how he feels, only that he was feeling an after-glow of pleasure he can’t comprehend however that was contracting the look on your face, your eyebrows are crossed in a frown, and you had your hands holding the side of his face.
your thumb rubbing his cheek, which was a weird sensation, not unpleasant…just different; he feels exposed, like he is showing something meant to be a secret to everyone and everything around him, yet he never more close to you than at that moment, and he quite liked that, he liked having you and him alone, intimate, vulnerable together, to be able to indulge in each other like this has to be a blessing, or divine intervention to have an angel like you gifted to him.
“You’re drooling, kata”
He didn’t think he had the energy to blush even more, nevertheless you prove him wrong once again in the same night, yet the sound of your laughter makes it worth the temporary embarrassment, without him noticing a smile stretch into his face, he feels safe and content with you.
But then he remembers, “darling?”
“Kata” he can hear the smile in your voice, he takes both hands in his, and your smile flatters a bit, “what’s wrong? Did you not like it?”
He shakes his head, before pressing his lips to your palms, he’s careful not to graze you with his fangs. “No, i did, i enjoyed it quite a lot, frankly”
“Then what's wrong, do you-”
“Darling, rest, i just…”
“Well, i–you, i want to return the favour…i need to make you feel good” he feels like a fool, stumbling over his words like that.
“...you don’t have to do that”
“No, I want to, I need to bring you pleasure, as the one you have brought upon me, only if you are comfortable with that too. darling , do you want this?”
“Yeah” it's breathless, the way you say it, just like he previously did and the way your lips are, it’s like every movement you make is to tempt him, tease him, it feels like a trap, and even if it was, he would gladly fall into one, if it's for you but now, now he wants to kiss you.
So he does.
You’re surprised for a moment, and he thinks that he did something wrong, before you respond back, with the same intensity. It's passionate, full of electricity and emotion, it's like two lovers have met after a long time. It's pleasant, but then it’s not. It quickly escalates, until it’s all drool, teeth and tongues clashing with each other, it’s like taking a bite out of a forbidden fruit, something that you know is wrong yet feels good, too good, both of you want more, so more you take of each other, until the moment you can’t go longer with oxygen is reached.
God, this must be the millionth time you kissed him tonight, yet you can’t get enough; you want to makeout with him forever, his lips are addicting, and the way his fangs feed that addiction is unmeasurable.
Somehow during that process katakuri managed to get rid of your nightgown, you don’t even notice until you feel one of his hands creeping up your back, and that sends signals down your spine.
The way his fingers are delicately running up and down your back, and fiddling with the strap of your bra leaves goosebumps down their path that you are sure he can feel, you would be too occupied with the thought of that if it weren’t for his lips that are moulding against yours.
You let out a gasp that is swallowed by his tongue, as he manages to get you out of your bra, he keeps a hand on your hips, holding you still with one and the other one goes to your cheek pulling you away but not before ending it with a peck on your lips, you try to deepen it drunk off the taste of him but he doesn’t let you, instead he chuckles at the whine you let out and the sound goes straight to your core.
“patience, pretty…” his voice is sharp, deep, and sends tingles all over your body, the ability of his voice and the entirety of him that has a hold on you can’t be denied any longer, no matter what you try it always catches up to you.
katakuri ‘s thumb rub over your bottom lip, teasing you, everything stalls for a moment, it's like there’s only you and him, he looks majestic like this, almost heavenly, the way his amber eyes are gazing at you, almost devouring you, and then the cold air hits you, and you realize your bra has abandoned you, almost instantaneously his eyes widen with an emotion your brain cannot decipher.
Your hands go to cover yourself, suddenly feeling shy and bashful under his intense gaze, he doesn’t say anything for what felt like forever, until he grasps both of your wrists in one broad hand, and rubs circles into the back of your hand.
The other hand still trapping you against him, almost like he needs you two to be close, intertwined with each other, desiring you, becoming selfish and indulging himself for once, and yet he will be selfish, if it's with you, never once daring to think of a warm embrace, a chance to rest, to be vulnerable with no judgement, he needs you, and you need him. It’s a simple fact, yet one that seems as a sin, and yet, yet…if a monster like him is to be able to serve you, bring you pleasure, will it be less of a sin?
“Darling, don’t hide from me..” he sounds almost hurt, as if the mere thought of you thinking you’re undesirable brings him pain, as if you’re anything less than perfect, the mere thought of you not seeing yourself as he sees you, not being treated like you deserve to be makes a flame lit inside of him, he needs to show what he sees through his eyes when he dares lay his gaze on you, and he starts by pulling your hands away.
The hand on your hips brings you further into his chest while the other lets go of your hands, not before placing a kiss on each of them, your hands land uselessly into his pecs, as his mouth graze the tender flesh on your breast, hesitantly he begins placing kisses there before taking a nipple into his mouth, the euphoria you feel from such a simple act causes your hands to press down on him, and such a simple act makes you feel a heartbeat raising under your touch.
He gains courage the longer he keeps nursing on you, one hand is already playing with your other nipple, teasing you as he rolls it in-between his fingers, he’s good at this, almost too good. A choked moan escapes you at a particularly hard twist accompanied by sharp fangs scraping your skin, it’s too much and yet not enough, your hands somehow found their way into his hair, pulling at him, and you feel rather than hear the growl that follows your actions.
“katakuri, please” your voice comes out more pathetic than you would like, yet you don’t have time to dwell on it, as he releases the bud from his mouth with a ‘pop’.
He leaves a wet kiss into your other nub before whispering against it “no one else likes seeing me like this” Your hands grips his hair harder, pulling him away from your chest, his eyes unhoded and hazed with lust takes a moment to adjust to yours, ignoring the way his saliva and cool air makes your nipples stand hard you took in a shaky breath to arrange your thoughts.
“…stop” you don’t know what else to say, this is the same man who kidnapped you, and took you by force, and yeah sure your feelings for him developed into something, but it’s complicated.
it’s within your right to be upset at him, you should curse him and after all the things he had done to you, be ingratiated to be within his vacenitg yet you can’t bring yourself to do it, you look at him and his eyes stare back at you.
There it is again, that look in his eyes, it makes you want to scream, why? why? why?
You can feel tears brim near your eyes, he blinks at that once, twice, “stop, just stop!” it comes out more than a sob than you would like, yet you can’t do anything about it, you don’t want this, you don’t—
Katakuri’s lips are on yours, his knuckles brushing against your cheeks, other hand on your back, pushing you more into him, fitting like two pieces of a puzzle, connected, pulling away just to whisper sweet nothings against your lips, apologizes spill from him, and continue doing so as his kisses trail down your jaw and into your neck, his fangs scraping along them, neither painful nor pleasurable, just applying pleasure.
You gasp as wet kisses are being planted into your collarbone and descending further downwards, yet not fast enough, large large hands busy themselves by pushing you into him, other hand hovering on your thighs, hesitant, before grabbing a handful of them.
“kata, please…” It's amazing how a couple of words can make your husband snap, as soon as these words are let out into the air, his grip on you tightens where it can almost be considered painful.
He drags you closer to him, and the feeling of countless hard years of training runs deliciously against your clothed cunt. Your moan is wet and full of sound as the first real friction of the night is received by you. Familiar fingers push your ruined panties to the side before proding against your entrance, they move slowly coating themselves in your juices before plunging into you.
The wanted touch of his makes your back arch, and suddenly your back hits the mattress, and his mouth is on your nipples again, it’s all too much stimulation, the way his fingers is constantly moving in and out of you, the way his tongue leaves marks and kisses everywhere, the hold he has on your hip bone preventing you from running away from his ministrations.
Too much.
Too much pleasure, it's almost painful.
And yet.
Yet you want more.
Need more.
Your thoughts are in a jumbled mess, and it takes way more effort than you would care to admit to speak, still you do; because as his desire for you is insatiable, so is yours for him.
“W-wait, wait, please stop!” his hands stall almost immediately, he detaches his lips from your body, and his hand is again in your cheek rubbing soothing circles into your cheek, which you lean into, before meeting his gaze.
It’s full of worry, his brows furrowed, a pout on his flushed lips—really all of him is— before asking in a whisper, as to not startle you “are you alright, darling? have I gone too much? Do you want to stop? We don’t have to–”
You feel bashful under his gaze, and the way he is so concerned for you, you try to regulate your breath, but you want it so bad, need it in you. “Hah- god no…no, no, I-I wanna cum on your cock…”
“Darling.., I–We can’t…”
Katakuri feels bad for the frown on your face, he doesn’t want to deny you it saddens him and as he watches a frown settles on your face, your lower lips wobbles, it pains him to see you like this and he is ready to apologize again, offer you another option to bring you pleasure as the one you brought him, yet his thoughts are interrupted again by you.
“We– you don't have to put it in…” your voice is small, mumbled but he is sure that he had heard you, he is confused for a moment before you say again, your voice wavering “you.., I can just rub it against me..” your hands immediately goes to your face.
He doesn't say anything, too stunned to say anything, his mind is running around trying to figure out how that will be possible.”We–we don’t have to do it…it’s ok, just forget I said anything” God, he really is terrible at this whole thing, however he won’t let his inability to express himself to you get in his way.
“Yes.” you sniffle and peek between your fingers to look at him “Whatever you want, just show me how to please you and I will.” The way he says those words makes your heart skip a beat and butterflies erupt in your stomach.
You whine as he pulls your hands away from your face, he kisses them as an apology, before his breath hits your face, “whatever you want…” he whispers, so genuine and full of emotion that you almost burst out crying, but you don’t, and the only thing that manages to slip out of you is a tiny “uh-huh”
He pecks your lips, and looks at you expectantly “lay back” he does as he is told, slowly manoeuvring his way so he is sitting with his back to the headboard. His cock is semi hard, laying on his stomach twitching every other second.
Katakuri watches you intently as you fix yourself on top of him, keeping a hand near your hips to support you whenever you need it.
Your hands go to grab his cock, coaxing a bead of pre from him, his groan makes you clench, impatiently wanting to have him against you.
“Hah, you can touch katakuri, help g-guide me” you say breathing harshly, it’s not like you can go around his whole length by yourself, you need some form of assistance.
His hands grab your hips, thighs spreading widely to accompany his size, helping you align yourself with his cock. Your clit is swollen and twitching, desperate for some sort of stimulation, his precum serves as lube mixing in with both of your juices.
Your hands are on his abdomen searching for stability before you make contact with him, an embarrassingly large moan a result of that
The drag of him feels heavenly, your eyes don’t tear away from the sight of where the both of you are mixed, your lips are spread open, you can feel every vein on his shaft, every throb of him, the entirely of him, you slid easily against him, the pre of him helping you in accomplishing that.
Your breathing is harsh, biting your lips to conceal your moans before wet lips press against yours, you gasp unsuspecting of your husband's actions, before reciprocating trying to shove and mold your tongue against him
He pulls away just just for you to chase after him missing the familiar warmth, he doesn’t let you, capturing your jaw in his hands, cupping them before breathing into them, you’re practically breathing each into each other and sharing the same breath.
“Please…” you’re not above begging and thus you find yourself with a thumb in your mouth and his dark voice whispers into your ear “don’t hide, darling, speak to me, let me hear you…” you don’t think, you just nod, desperate to have him against you again “i need to hear you say it darling…”
“I-I won’t hide…just please” He can never deny you, your head is thrown back yet you can feel his gaze on you, moans escape both of you—an indicator and reassurance of the pure bliss and ecstasy you both are feeling.
He guides your hips making you feel the drag of your clit, so puffy and desperate against his cock, feels like paradise to you, the only thing that would feel better is having him inside of you—but that’s for another time.
You’re enthralled to have him like this, countless nights you have been spending thinking of a moment like this, with him, charlotte katakuri.
Your husband.
You can feel the coil in your stomach reappearing, you won’t last long—that you know, yet as you look down on your panting husband you feel the need to hold off your orgasm a bit longer, in hopes of seeing him cum.
His face is concentrated, and all scrunched up, the warmth of your cunt against his frustrated cock is nothing like he had imagined, and he distinctly notes that he can’t go back to a mochi cushion after feeling you since he can never replicate the feel of your pussy, something so divine.
Any sense of rationality katakuri has disperse as he hears your voice, high pitched, whiny and desperate—so heavenly to him “I’m gonna cum, please, wan’a cum, fe—ah!—feels good”
Your hands dig into his skin, and his speeds up, frustrated desire accompanies him, intent on watching you unfold before his eyes, he can feel his end too, never imagining something like this could feel so good.
“Go ahead and let go” and just like that with a broken moan the coil in your stomach snaps, it feels beyond heavenly to be rewarded after such a long time, and katakuri keeps you upright with a hand while the other still stimulates you, makes you ride off your orgasm and he keeps going even your orgasm washes over you in waves, it’s too much stimulation for your brain and body, no coherent thoughts are present in your body “too much, ‘s moree pleaseee….”
“Fuck.” with a curse word that seems too improper for your husband, he manages to cum for the second time of the night, semen splattering all over his stomach, his grip on your is the only thing keeping you stable from falling into his heaving chest.
The afterglow of your orgasm basks you into sleep, you’re sure when you wake up in the morning your body will be filled with bruises and an ache in your muscles, but you can’t seem to focus on that with the way your husband’s voice lures you to sleep, baking you and consuming you whole.
“Darling, you did so good, I didn’t hurt you, did I? Was I too rough? Do you require a—“
“Mhmm, want you..please, don’t leaveee…”
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
current status: unedited
©ruris-world 2022 — do not copy, plagiarize, repost or translate my works to any platform! reblogs, likes and comments are very much appreciated
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writerwrabbleswords · 12 days
Hi! I saw your request were open and I just found your fics and I love them! I lost my childhood dog this weekend and I was wondering if you could write a Logan x trans male reader where he comforts the reader if you want to!
Hello, dear Requester! I can do this for you! (This wasn't specifically centered around Reader being transgender, however if you'd like a version where it is, feel free to shoot me another request!)
| A Need at Night | Wolverine/Logan Howlett X [Trans-man] Reader
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  An awful day made better by your lover, who simply holds you close
Quick Notes :  This is my first attempt at writing from the Reader's perspective! My apologies for this taking so long, I’ve been a tad busy in my daily life, so this had to be put to the side. However, I have finally completed it! Requester, I hope this is able to provide some comfort for you. I’m terribly sorry for your loss - a beloved pet is a part of the family - and I wish you the best for your time recovering from such an event :[ 
  Story Details :  Roughly 700 words, Reader is referred to as ‘You/Your,’ Reader is a trans-man but body parts are described neutrally (general statement), Reader is on Testosterone (not a focal point), Logan is a softie for Reader, Cuddling, lots of fluff but a bit of angst at the beginning,
  You had been having a rough day. Not only had you woken up late for work, you’d also hit your head rolling out of bed, nearly slipped in the shower, put your shirt on backwards, and to top it off, work had been utter shit. 
 So now here you were, laying in Logan and yours shared bed with the TV on - playing some random show you’d put on without really looking at what it was - and most of you covered in the thick, fluffy comforter you kept on the bed. It didn’t seem to be helping your crappy mood much, but at least the feeling of warmth it gave you made the day just a tad more bearable. 
  Logan wasn’t home yet, and you’d already messaged him that you didn’t feel up to cooking and that he could pick up something on the way home (preferably something greasy and comforting, like pizza). To your disappointment, he hadn’t responded, most likely wrapped up in the damn X-Men meeting he’d told complained to you about before you’d left for work that morning. You loved Logan dearly - you really did - but his grumbling and huffing had only tripped up your day further; instead of exchanging your usual ‘good morning’ kiss and sharing a pot of coffee, you instead had to rush out the door while he dragged himself after your hurried form.
  The sound of the front door creaking open drew you from your thoughts, the familiar scent of cigar smoke drifting into the bedroom. Speak of the devil and he shall appear…
  Groaning softly, you covered your eyes with your arm and rolled over so your back was facing the door. You just wanted to wallow in your self-pity until you fell asleep - maybe cry about your bad day a little - but now you had to deal with your lover. 
  A frown was etched on your face when the door to your bedroom was pushed open, Logans’ heavy steps echoing through the room as he approached your grumpy form.
  “I brought home takeout,” He stated bluntly, kicking off his shoes as he climbed into the bed beside you.
  You grunted, glaring at the wall in annoyance as Logan immediately scooped you into his arms, holding you against his form as he buried his face in your hair. A rumbling sound pulled itself from the mutants’ chest, and reluctantly, you relaxed into his form. As if sensing your heavy mood, Logans’ hands trailed down your sides in that subtle way that always seemed to draw your focus out of your thoughts.
  “Rough day?” He murmured softly, resting his chin in the crook of your neck as his eyes drifted towards the TV. 
  The only thing you could do was groan in reply. 
 Logan gave a huff of amusement, simply enjoying your closeness in a way that was so common for the two of you; he’d hold you close and you’d rant or ramble about the day. It was a routine you’d come to enjoy, even now, when you were so cranky and annoyed that you wanted to grumble at the man.
  “It was awful,” You said at last, brows furrowed in frustration as you rested your head against the pillow, “Work was shit. My boss was practically on my ass my entire shift and I couldn’t get my list of things done!”
  The mutant hummed for you to continue, one of his arms coming up to slip beneath your head so you were laying against him instead. At the motion, your irritation faded somewhat; it was nice to be held.
  “I had a pounding headache from hitting my head this morning,” your voice was softer - less aggravated - as you relaxed fully into your lover’s hold, “and I just wanted to sleep today…”
  You trailed off, expression weary as you let your eyes drift closed. The mutant was quiet after you finished speaking, the hand not beneath your head slowly running up and down your side comfortingly; he was always there for you, and this was no different.
  “Rest, love of mine. I’m here for you,” Logan murmured gently, placing a small kiss against your skin, “I’m here.”
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that-gay-guy-from-hell · 10 months
Uncontrolled Instincts: Vergil x Male Reader
SUMMARY: The eldest son of Sparda has been through many trials and tribulations within his almost fifty years of life. Despite this, Vergil was still learning about the different ways his heritage could bring him to his wit's end-- how it could bring him to his knees and leave him completely and utterly at your mercy.
BEGINNING NOTES: Requested by @kasianthus on Tumblr! (Sorry this took so long--didn't know if should still stage because of that so sorry if you aren't really into DMC anymore in the like year this took lmao sorry) This legit has been sitting half-finished for months (Like this was requested way back on March 5th lmfao); so I figured I should probably finish it lmfao 🦢💧🦢 Top/Dom Vergil x Sub/Bottom Male reader Pre-established relationship Semi-mindless smut with a lil' fluff Lots of smut--like a ton. Rut (Vergil); the reader is unaware of this being a thing in devils Minor scent kink Small masturbation scene (Vergil) Mating/Breeding kink (Possessive of the reader) Biting/Blood (Bleeding?) kink: Vergil bites hard enough to draw blood (he is a devil after all) then does some kind of painful stuff--it’s not very long or anything but I figured it is important to mention. Bruising + Scratching Minor Oral (blowjob; Reader receiving.) Monster fucker stuff; dick sleeve/slit stuff, etc. Devil Trigger sex Overstimulation Knotting 💧🦢💧 >Unrealistic sizes for his Triggered dick(s)--just let me have fun. If you want actual sizes, go to Vergil’s H/C chapter. >Because of the mental state Vergil’s in, he’s a bit sappy--almost reminiscent of V--during some parts. >I used the concept art from DMC 5 as a reference for Vergil’s (regular) Devil Trigger; figured I should put that here to avoid any confusion (since it’s very different from his 3-design and semi-different than his 4-design). Dante’s 5 DT has pupils so Vergil’s does too (even though the concept art doesn’t; neither does Dante’s concept art btw).
     “That is an idiotic suggestion,” Vergil’s lip twitched as he lightly snarled, “Although I shouldn’t expect much else from you.”
     “Yeah? Well, if you’re so damned smart,” Dante crossed his arms as he leaned back in his chair, scowling at Vergil, “Then what’s your plan.”
     “I told you,” the blue devil squinted, “I can handle it alone.”
     Dante slammed his hands down on his desk and shot up from his chair, “And as I have told you ,” he rounded to the front of his desk, leaning against it slightly, and stood face-to-face with his older brother, “ No, you can’t. ” 
     The devils stared at one another, growling while exchanging death glares. Amongst the loud snarling, however, a stressed-out sigh could be heard. Lady, who had grabbed a beer, was trying to ignore the twins' incessant bickering. She's been waiting for over an hour for Nico and Trish to swing by and pick her up and she was almost at her breaking point. Quietly, she tapped her fingers against the half-drunk bottle while grumbling to herself. A part of her felt like she was babysitting two toddlers rather than sitting at the establishment of two middle-aged devil hunters. As she raised the bottle to take a drink, a loud commotion behind her caught her attention. Slamming down the bottle, she whipped around with a venomous glare.
     With hands wrapped around one another, the twins wrestled momentarily only to be cut abruptly by Vergil slamming Dante’s back through the railing and treads of the staircase. A loud strangled coughing came from Dante as one of the metal bars speared him through the chest, splattering Vergil’s face with a trace amount of blood. 
    “What is wrong with you two?!" Lady’s tolerance had finally run out, "I just fucking fixed yesterday's damage!” She stood from her seat, arms crossed.
     Hearing her irate tone, Vergil released Dante’s neck from his grasp and stood up; not saying a word. 
     Dante groaned, looking up at his twin, “Lil’ help?” He stuck out his hand which Vergil used to yank Dante back to his feet.
     Vergil straightened his coat, “I think I will take my leave for today-”
     “Good,” Dante shifted uncomfortably, placing a hand over the gaping hole in his middle, feeling it slowly repair itself, “Can’t stand you being so pissy.”
     Lady pinched the bridge of her nose, “You are no better, Dante. Both of you are acting like children.”
     “I am not,” Dante huffed.
     Vergil glared at his brother from the corner of his eye before strutting towards the garage door, “I am leaving,” he stopped after he was slightly past Lady and turned over to his shoulder, addressing her, "Contact me only if necessary.”
     With that, Vergil left The Devil May Cry.
     Upon opening the front door to your shared home, Vergil instantly felt a heavy hazy heat spread throughout his limbs. He took a slow deep breath as he stood in the entryway, trying to get a hold of himself. Unhurriedly, he hung his coat and slid off his boots, mumbling to himself about his next move. He decided that a shower may ease his mind as he wandered into the cozy co-inhabited home.
     The blue devil warily looked around, trying to avoid you. Eventually, he found you in the bedroom, making things difficult, since he needed to stop in there for clothing. He peered in through the door and saw that you were lying on your stomach, reading a book while softly humming. From where he was standing, he got a perfect view of your ass, only worsening his issue . 
     Vergil shook his head and took a deep breath trying to deter his thoughts; only after which did he realize that getting a deep whiff of your scent was perhaps the worst thing he could do at the moment. He stood with a scrunched face and closed eyes as he tried to ground himself, doing his best to ignore the overwhelming perverse thoughts eating at him, and the fiery feeling spreading to his lower half.
     You turned over and sat at the edge of the bed, dangling your legs over the edge, “Hey-! You’re home early,” you flashed him a cheerful smile that quickly fell as you got nothing but silence in return, “Everything alright, Vergil?” 
     “Yes, everything is fine,” Vergil’s eyes avoided yours and his answer was quick and emotionless.
     You raised a brow at his seemingly discombobulated reaction, “You sure?”
     He nodded and moved to grab some casual clothing from the dresser, “I am going to shower.”
     Your brow raised further, “Okay..?”
     Vergil looked over to you as if he were going to speak but closed his mouth, turned away from you, and left.
     In the brief moments that your eyes met with his, you noticed the small bits of dried blood on his clothes and face. It was probably Dante’s, knowing how much the two had been fighting the past week or so; however, that didn’t make it any better nor did it ease your mind. You slid off the bed, and placed the book on the nightstand, leaving the room. Unhurriedly, you meandered down the hall as you mulled through what could have upset Vergil so much. 
     As of late, he's been in such a sour mood that he barely even says "Good morning" or "Good night", not to mention the lack of physical affection. He hasn't even been sleeping in the bedroom with you, "preferring” to sleep on the couch. A frown decorated your face as a wicked thought echoed in your mind, "What if he is distancing himself so he can disappear…"
     You shook your head, "He'd never do that, he loves me... Right?"
     With another shake of your head, you decided that you were going to talk with him once he's finished his shower.
     When Vergil entered the restroom, he lazily tossed his change of clothes off to the side and turned the shower faucet as cold as he could. While the water ran, he stripped down and neatly placed his worn clothing in the hamper.
     Just being in your presence had made him unbearably hard and was driving him up the wall. It seems even the Dark Slayer isn’t able to conquer his instincts, much to his vexation. 
     A quiet hiss left his lips as he stepped under the icy water. Vergil’s skin was beyond sweltering, being so hot that it was bothering him; a man whose body runs on average at around 120°F (49°C). The contrast between him and the nearly frozen water created a sauna-esc environment--fog quickly filling the room. As he washed his face off, he stared mindlessly at the wall. He’d never experienced something like this before; and, to be quite frank, it's exhausting. The sheer amount of emotional ups and downs was enough to make him nauseous. Not to mention that he’d been avoiding any sort of affection towards or with you for nearly a week.
     It all mixed up into a hellish disaster that Vergil just wanted to end. Tired of the immense toll this was taking on him, in every way possible.
     With folded arms, he stood facing the water as a small discontent grumble left his lips. He had hoped that the cold water would have killed his hard-on; however, it didn’t. Now he was just miserably standing under frigid water with a rigid cock. 
     Vergil let out a low growl of irritation, his face scrunching into a grimace as he lightly pinched the bridge of his nose. Despite not being one for masturbation, he decided to try and handle his urges alone. He ran his hands up his face and then slowly back down, sighing loudly. Then he turned around and leaned his forehead against the wall, the water now beating against his back; a feeling that would have most definitely troubled him if he weren’t so worked up. 
     His brow furrowed as he shut his eyes, placing one hand on the wall and the other around his throbbing dick. Slowly, his hand moved at the thought of what he’d do to you if only you were here harshly pinned between the wall and him. 
     The feeling of you squirming underneath him as he bit down on your neck. Your groans as he shoves himself inside your tight hole. The feeling of your hands in his hair, pulling it in ecstasy. How deep and hard he would pound your insides. Growling obscene and perverse comments into your ear and watching you react; feeling you react. Folding you as he bent your legs up as far as he could, his nails digging into your skin. 
     Vergil wanted nothing more than to claim you --to breed you --to leave you unable to move and full to the brim with his cum.
     The blue devil’s face scrunched further with every quickening stroke, trying to reach his peak, “Ngh- ha~” A frustrated whine of a huff escaped his nose as he bit down on his lip.
     Unknowingly, he started bucking his hips into his hand in pursuit of the tantalizingly close orgasm. However, try as he may, it never came; all he managed to do was work himself up even further and nearly break his fingers from how hard he was pressing against the tiles.
     After what seemed like an eternity, he removed his hand from his cock and just stood there with his eyes closed. He placed his face against his bicep with a deep exasperated inhale, trying to figure out a solution that wouldn’t involve him explaining what was happening. 
     A soft knock at the door caused Vergil to choke on his exhale, “Vergil, you alright? You’ve been in there for over an hour…”
     Although you didn’t care how long he took, it was a bit concerning when his longest shower ever was fifteen minutes . In combination with how he was earlier, you were well within your right to worry. 
     He felt his cock twitch at the sound of your voice as he ran his thumb across his tip, doing his best to subvert the idea of asking you to join him, “I am fine,” he straightened his posture with a small sigh, “I will be out momentarily.”
     The blue devil waited to hear you walk away before he turned off the water and stepped out. He dried off and slid on his black boxer briefs and an indigo t-shirt. Then, as per usual, he went to pomade his hair but found his tin completely exhausted. Vergil balled up his hands, his nails lightly puncturing his palms in anger. In his heated departure from the shop, he had completely forgotten to pick some up before returning home. In a vain attempt at normalcy, he used the dampness from the shower to slick it back. 
     Then the real issue became apparent. He needed to figure out how to hide his excitement . The blue devil mulled over different ideas as he moved his jaw back and forth. It was then that he noticed he, unintentionally, grabbed a baggy set of grey sweatpants; ones that would be able to hide most of his painfully aching flesh if he wore them just right and tucked himself in a very specific way. 
     After a few attempts, he managed to get it right and looked at himself in the mirror; it was barely noticeable, allowing him to take a sigh of relief. As he opened the door, he was able to place where you were in the house by the sound of your heart, you were in the living room. Knowing that if he saw you he’d lose the struggle with himself, he quickly slipped into his study; which was right between the bathroom and bedroom.
     The Dark Slayer quietly shut the door and turned on a desk lamp. The room wasn’t anything too elaborate or fancy; it only contained three bookshelves, a small desk, and Vergil’s favorite chair. The blue devil grabbed his current book from the desk and sat down, making the plastic ever-so-slightly creak underneath him. With the lick of his fingertips, Vergil paged through to where he had left off in the novel. 
     After nearly ten minutes of re-reading the same page over and over, Vergil slammed the book shut with a growl. At this point, his body was beyond burning with lust and he wanted nothing more than to soothe his pulsating cock. Moving his jaw in thought, he debated trying to relieve his itch again; however, before he could decide, a gentle knock came from the door.
     “Vergil..?” your voice was barely audible.
     In a panic, Vergil snapped back, “What?” He scrunched his face and pursed his lips in immediate regret at how he answered. 
     There was a moment of silence before he heard you sigh, “Never mind, sorry; didn’t mean to bother you. I’ll leave you be.” 
     As you began to walk away, Vergil bolted up from his seat; upsetting you was the last thing he wanted to do. Opening the door as quickly as possible, he called out to you, “Wait-!” 
     You turned around; only a dozen or so strides away. With a brow raised in curiosity, you noted how disheveled Vergil looked: between his outfit, hair, and how overall ragged he looked you knew something was wrong. The two of you stood staring at one another for a minute or so; neither of you being sure what to say or do next. 
     The blue devil turned from your gaze to look down, shifting awkwardly, “I…” he stood with his lips slightly parted and shifted once more.
     You took a few steps towards him, “Is something wrong, Vergil?” 
     He shook his head ‘no’ and tensed his shoulders, “Stay back,” although he intended it to sound commanding, it sounded more like he was pleading.
     Your brow creased, “Why?” 
     That was the million-dollar question, wasn’t it? 
     The intense aching in his body only worsened by being near you, he scrunched his face trying to block out his insatiable yearning for you, “I can’t-” Vergil looked up from the flooring to you as he spoke softly, “I don’t want to hurt you.”
     “What does that-” you shook your head, “Vergil, what is going on?” You continued to steadily and carefully approach the high-strung man. 
     With every step you took, his body tensed up further and further. Part of him wanted to run as far from you as possible, ashamed and afraid of his need; the other wanted nothing more than to slam you against the floor and let into his sinful primal desires. He closed his eyes and took a deep steading breath; doing neither of those things--unintentionally allowing you to get closer.
     You stood only two or so strides away and were able to hear a faint growling, “My Love?” When you went to grab his hand, his eyes snapped open.
     Vergil jolted backward and hit the still-open study door that was behind him… which broke it right off its hinges with a loud cracking thud. You flinched at the sudden loud noise and pulled your hand back.
     He turned to his side slightly to look down at the broken door, “Fantastic…” he then turned back to you with a sigh, “Forgive me, I-”
     That’s when he noticed where you were staring at his body.
     You squinted and pursed your lips, doing your best to stifle a small laugh, “Is your weird mood cause of that ?” You gestured with your eyes down to his painfully obvious hard-on.
     Vergil shifted his jaw and huffed out a meek answer, “It is more than that, I am afraid.”
     “Care to share?” you set a hand on your hip and smirked, very much oblivious to the severity of what was going on.
     The blue devil shook his head, “No-” A shiver ran up his spine as he watched you slowly and intensely eye him up, “You’re not going to like the answer.”
     “Vergil, we’ve slept together quite a bit,” you gently grabbed one of his hands, “What is so different now?”
     His voice was strained as he gripped your hand tightly and paused a moment for a moment before continuing, “This is out of my control.”
     “What? Vergil,” you furrowed your brow in confusion, “What does that mean?”
     He opened his eyes and stared at you momentarily, using his tongue to play with his teeth in thought. 
     “Don’t make me beg,” you lightly teased.
     “Fine,” Vergil pushed you against the wall, a knee placed right between your legs, and holding both your hands off to your sides, “I want you,” he leaned closer, his breath tickling your ear, “I need to--” he paused for a moment in thought, “I need to breed you,” behind his voice you could hear a rumble, telling you how desperate he really is. 
     He placed small kisses along your jawline and pulled back to look you in the eyes, pleading with you to save him from this torment of self-restraint he has been going through for nearly a week now. 
     You raised a brow, “And how’s that any different than normal?” You gave him a suggestive sultry smirk. 
      He cautiously placed his lips atop yours; despite his current affliction, he wanted to make sure that he took things slow--at least, slow enough that he wouldn’t hurt you. The kisses were long, heated, and sloppy. The both of you moved your mouths together in an almost exaggerated manner, perfectly synchronized. Vergil pushed against you and a low rumble filled each of his motions; doing his best to show you how much he needs you. How much he desires you in your entirety; mind, spirit, and body. How much he wishes to consume your frail humanity and turn you into his sinful plaything. 
     The blue devil’s grip tightened around your wrists as he fought his urge to demolish you right here and now. The heat from his body was overwhelming. Both he and you were acutely aware of it, a very thin line of sweat adorning the two of you. Vergil pushed his leg up further between your legs, lovingly nudging your slowly growing arousal, listening to the faint groans you gave.
     After a few minutes of these slow impassioned kisses, he slid his tongue into your mouth. Excitedly he explored every bit that he could. Though Vergil had tasted your sweet tongue many times before, he always had the same amount of giddiness as he did the first time. His growling had become prominent enough that you could feel it within your mouth; a new, but welcomed, feeling. 
     With a gentle roughness, Vergil bit at your lips and tugged on them, which you lovingly returned. A small smirk decorated his lips as he let out a happy huff against you before diving into another plethora of fiery lustful kisses. With each languid motion of his plush lips against yours, his grip tightened around your wrists; gradually losing the arousing factor and becoming painful--you weren’t even sure if he realized that he was doing it.
     Breaking away from his lips for a brief moment, you let out a low hiss, “Vergil, that kind of hurts,” you squirmed against his hold. 
     He stood there with his forehead against yours, loosening his grip slightly. With a low husky growl of a voice, he whispered against your kiss-swollen lips, “I need more,” he nuzzled his nose against yours, “Please.” His eyes met with yours, they were heavy and glazed over; he wasn’t asking you, he was begging .
     “Just--” You did your best to stay calm, knowing that Vergil was far from it, “Give me a minute to get ready and I’m all yours..?” 
     A small displeased grumble left his lips before he bit at your lower lip, pulling it slowly, then whispered against you, “You’d best hurry,” he released his grip on your wrists, “Best not to keep me waiting,” he turned and walked towards the bedroom, leaving you in a confused light-headed daze.
     Once within the bedroom, he grabbed the nearly empty lube from the side table and set it on the tabletop. Absent-mindedly, he began to tap his foot, doing his best to ignore his slowly thinning patience. Vergil was still rather uneasy about informing you about what was truly going on. The two of you had been romantically involved for many years now, but it was only within the past year that the two of you had become sexually involved. In hindsight, Vergil regrets not explaining the consequences of doing so.
     The consequences of mating with a devil.
     A nearly inaudible creak in the floorboards caught Vergil’s attention, pulling him from his thoughts. Instantly, the blue devil was upon you and was as close to you as possible, his lips connected with yours once again. With a startled moan, you grabbed his biceps and felt him dig his fingertips into your sides as he tried to pull you impossibly close. 
     Not giving you a chance to think, Vergil moved you over to the bed and had you pinned beneath him. Using one of his hands, he held both of yours above your head as he stared down at you. He placed his free hand on your cheek, thumbing over your skin slowly, a small smirk tugging at his lips. 
     The blue devil’s hand drifted down your neck and to your chest, “I am sorry for this.”
     “For what?” You tilted your head.
     Without answering, Vergil leaned down and bit down on your neck. A sharp pain caused you to flinch and let out a low groan. He’d pierced through your skin and was working his teeth further into your flesh. It was uncommon for Vergil to make marks where others would be able to see them, but he never has drawn blood or bitten you this hard before. An uneasy feeling pricked at the edges of your mind--the unnerving feeling of being a devil’s prey.
     Once Vergil felt the mark was dark enough, he leaned back up as he licked his lips and teeth clean of your blood. Your eyes met with his and Vergil had a crazed stare that sent cold shivers down your spine, it was a feral dominant look that only worsened the growing bad feeling in your gut. He moved to the other side of your neck and gave it the same treatment; puncturing your flesh deeply.  
     You let out a sharp moan as you felt him remove his teeth and give the new mark small loving licks. Curious as to how’d you respond, he took one of the tips of his split tongue and pushed it into one of the teeth holes. With pursed lips, your brow scrunched and you pulled away from the feeling; however, Vergil wasn’t done. He quickly placed another bite atop the same spot, moving ever-so-slightly out of line with the already there divots. The blue devil was enjoying the iron taste of the thick red substance and he wanted to taste you more; perhaps a side effect of him being the only Sparda descendant to consume human blood in mass? 
     With a third bite to the same spot, you finally spat out a whimper; one that wasn’t of pleasure. However, the devil didn’t notice and clenched his jaw harder at your struggling. 
     “Vergil, stop-!” You jerked away from him with a voice that was somewhere between angry and frightened--not a hint of enjoyment in earshot.
     It took him a moment to react, removing his teeth with a low faintly animalistic huff. The blue devil leaned up and looked down at you, watching you writhe at the painful feeling, assessing the situation. A prominent red stain had adorned his lips, teeth, and surrounding skin; he looked as if he were truly attempting to eat you. A few tears pricked at the edges of your eyes which caused him to look away, almost shameful. 
     He released your hands and sat still, looking like a kicked puppy. 
     You leaned up and gently placed a hand on the side of his jaw, turning him to face you. Vergil’s eyes were glazed over and his lips slightly parted, still very obviously aroused but hesitant to continue. You ran a thumb along his lower lip, wiping blood off the stained surface. Slowly, you connected with his lips. 
     With a loving force, you pushed your lips hard against him and moved your hand from his jaw to the side of his neck, firmly holding him. Using your other hand, you grabbed a fist full of his shirt and pulled him into you. All the while, you’d pushed your tongue into his mouth which earned a surprised muffled moan from Vergil. 
     His mouth tasted, unsurprisingly, of blood and was broiling hot. Vergil worked himself into your grove, moving along to the rhythm you were setting; a rarity in your relationship. You moved your hand up from his neck and interweaved your fingers with his hair, grasping the strands tightly. A small amount of pride pricked at the edges of your mind as you heard him let out a low unfiltered moan and felt him tremble under your grasp. This, however, didn’t last long. 
     Unwilling to remain submissive, Vergil pushed you downwards again. Mindlessly his kisses began to wander around your skin placing small kisses along your clothed shoulders and chest. In return, you gently groped at his shoulders and arms, earning a low moan from your devilish lover. 
     You noticed that he was still wet from his shower as you ran your hands under his shirt giving his skin a soft smooth feel. Your fingertips flattened against his pecs, kneading against him. Slowly, you made your way over to his nipples and pinched them tightly. His back arched slightly at the feeling and he let out a low breathy moan.
     However, the blue devil’s hands weren’t stationary and had begun to move, drifting downwards. They rested right at the edge of your shirt for a moment as he felt you grope his chest. Then, bit by bit, he slid his hands underneath your shirt. Taking the hint, you removed your hands from him and pulled the fabric over your head, tossing it somewhere in the room.
     The blue devil’s slender fingers groped along your chest, seeming almost desperate to feel your body. Your hands grabbed the edge of his shirt and began to tug at it. Vergil leaned up and pulled his shirt over his head, looking down at you with slightly labored breathing. 
     In all his years of life, in neither Hell nor the human world, has he ever had he found another so captivating as you are. Even during times like these, times of sinful lust, you still managed to look holy to the tarnished devil; a sacred being that he’d gladly become a martyr over, someone he’d give his life up for. Despite his irritation at his current affliction, he can’t help but be glad that it is with you and that he found someone he wants to spend the rest of his life with.
     As he stared, you stared back. 
     A small amount of pride tugged at your heart at how you’d managed to get someone like Vergil, someone so beautiful. Your eyes focused on his partially agape kiss-swollen lips that he’d roll his tongue over moistening them every so often. His hair was down courtesy of the lack of pomade and clung to the still-wet skin of his brow, giving him a rather ragged look. Despite Dante being his twin, the two looked nothing alike in your eyes--even with the same hairstyle. Slowly your gaze traveled to his half-lidded eyes when you noticed something; his eyes were the icy glowing blue of his Devil Trigger. 
     You wriggled to sit upright, “You’re quite worked up, huh?” With a smile, you watched Vergil’s face become red and you placed a hand on the side of his neck, thumbing over his throat softly.
     “Why do you say that?” his voice quivered a bit as he felt your hand slowly move down from his neckline to his hips.
     “You’re acting… strange ,” you ran your hand close to his bulge, purposely missing it, and rested your hand on his thigh.
     He gave you a half-confused half-disappointed look.
     “Not that I don’t find this…” you gently rubbed his thigh, earning a stifled moan from the devil, “ aggressively dominant side of you alluring.”
     “Do you?” he smirked slightly, “How strange…” Vergil leaned in and gave you small pecking kisses.
     You smiled widely and spoke between kisses, “Care to share what the special occasion is?” 
     Vergil quietly chuckled and murmured against your lips, “In time.”
     Between loud sweet pecks, you gently whispered, “Come on, please Vergil?”
     Instead of answering, he gave you a long kiss; one that only broke once he felt you pushing away for air. Vergil’s fingers gently ghosted the three-times-bitten dark spot he’d left on your neck, staring with concern.
     Noticing his upset attitude, you grabbed his hand and brought it to your lips, kissing his knuckles.
     “Does it… hurt ?” His voice was soft, with a small tinge of sadness.
     “You want me to be honest?” 
     He nodded.
     “Yes, it hurts, but-!” You made sure to cut him off, knowing damn well what he was going to say, “It’s fine and it’ll heal,” you ran soft kisses up from the hand you’d been kissing and to his shoulder, resting there for a moment, “It’s alright.”
     “I am sorry for harming you,” he looked to the side, his eyes meeting with yours, “I didn’t think that I…” His voice cracked as gazed upon you with remorse.
     You leaned up from his skin and looked at him with a soft smile, “Don’t worry about it, Vergil…” With a soft sigh, you leaned forward and placed a soft gentle long kiss on the underside of his jaw, “It’s flattering to know that you want me that badly, dear.”
     Vergil pushed you back downwards, straddling your hips. His fingertips pressed into you as he eyed you up and down and, with a low dark desperate tone, he remarked, “That doesn’t even scratch the surface of how I feel right now.” 
     As he began to run his digits down your body, he leaned down and placed a very soft kiss on the tender spot. Bit by bit Vergil began to kiss down your middle, mumbling very softly against you, “ “The Fountains mingle with the river/And the rivers with the ocean,/The winds of heaven mix for ever,/With a sweet emotion;/Nothing in the world is single,/”,” he stopped right above your navel and lightly bit at the skin, staring up at you and locking with your eyes, “All things by a law devine/In one another's being mingle -/Why not I with thine?”.”
     He continued until his head was between your thighs. You propped yourself up on your elbows and saw that he was already staring back at you. With hot and heavy breaths, he kissed the inside of one of your thighs all the way to your dick, then gave the other thigh the same treatment. 
     “Vergil-” You swallowed apprehensively, “Are you sure that you’re alright to be doing--”
     “I won’t harm you,” he gave you a small smile with half-lidded eyes, “I promise,” his breath was heavy as he brushed his cheek and nose along your bulge, speaking in a quiet needy manner, “Let me taste you, please.”
     Your breath caught in your throat as you tried to keep up with the sudden mood change; Vergil going from overly dominant to an almost submissive pleading. Before you even answered him, his fingers were within your waistband and were pulling at the fabric, completely exposing you to him. A small moan left your lips as you felt him kiss along the insides of your thighs once more. They were slow sloppy kisses, licking and biting at the sensitive skin. 
     Vergil stared at you for a moment, a smirk of pride tugging at his lips from how you were watching him with bated breath. Very unhurriedly, he ran his tongue down from your tip to your balls. As he ran back up, he split his tongue apart and slid your cock between the two sides. Encouraged by your low groans, he did the same motion back down. 
     Carefully he took your sack into his mouth and began to lightly suck on it. Instinctively, you placed a hand in his hair and grabbed it harshly, making the blue devil moan lowly. As he released you from his mouth, he made sure to stick his tongue out and run it up your seam. 
     Your fingers tightened as you let out a groan and a quiet call of his name. 
     Returning to your shaft, he placed kisses along the underside of your dick upward. Once at the top, he licked at your slit and watched as you squirm at his motions. With a heavy breath, Vergil placed his lips around your cock and gradually took you into his mouth. His hands found purchase on your hips and he pulled you as close to him as possible, the tip of his nose touching your lower abdomen. You fully leaned up, to get a better view of him, and placed both your hands in his hair as he bobbed up and down at a moderate pace.
     “Vergil~ fuck that feels good,” you groaned as he began to move faster at your words. 
     He smirked in response. Although he’d never admit it, he enjoys hearing you say he’s doing good; that he’s the reason you feel good. However, unlike normal, he wasn’t planning on bringing you to your peak; instead, he removed himself from your dick and stood up. The two of you shared a long heated kiss that he used to lean you back down, then he pulled back.
     “Turn over,” his voice was low and gravely, palming himself at the sight before him. 
     With a small nod and smirk, you did as you were asked. You could hear Vergil shuffling around before feeling him rejoin you on the bed with his hands kneading against your ass. Although his motions weren’t particularly aggressive, the pressure he was using was extreme and was going to undoubtedly leave bruises. If you listened very closely, you could hear him purring behind his growling. 
     You let out a small laugh, “You’re quite pent up, huh?”
     He momentarily paused, his hands still gripping you, “You could say that, yes,” before you could respond, you felt him dig his fingers harder into you, “May I?”
     With a smile, you turned over your shoulder to him, “How cordial,” you softly laughed, “Go ahead, I’m all yours Vergil.”
     Once he let go of your butt, Vergil smirked slightly at the sight of you lifting your hips up a bit. He was almost tempted to skip prepping you but he bit his lip; he can’t have you getting hurt, he needs you to be available for him. After lubing up his fingers, he slowly slid the first digit inside. 
     Taking a deep breath, you did your best to relax into his hand. Vergil shifted so he could kiss you while continuing to stretch you. He placed several gentle pecks along your neck and your jaw, a rather loud purr coming from deep within his chest. 
     As he slid a second finger inside you, he heavily laid his head on the crook of your shoulder and began to give the area small heated kisses. You let out a small moan and turned towards him, kissing the top of his head. A smile tugged at your lips as you felt him let out a low happy sigh, his lips just barely hovering over your skin. 
     Another stifled moan came from you as he began to curl his fingers and return to kissing your neck, slightly nipping at it as he traveled along your neck and shoulder. 
     Quietly, as if afraid to speak, Vergil whispered between kisses, “I love you, my delicate little Lily.”
     With a soft laugh, you looked at him, “That’s new-- “Lily”..?”
     He chuckled, seemingly embarrassed, “Yes, I thought it appropriate. Do- do you not like it?” 
     “I don’t mind; just curious as to- ngh-” You groaned as you felt Vergil add a third finger.
     “As to what, my love?” A cocky smug smirk tugged at his lips.
     “Why did you th-think,” you closed your eyes and bit your lip, doing your best to hold back a moan, “to use it now?”
     Vergil hummed in thought for a moment, making sure to keep his lips close enough to your skin that you could feel his lips vibrate--sending a shiver through you, “Because you remind me of such…” He removed his fingers and leaned up, “You are so very fragile-- so very breakable; and yet,” a chill ran up your spine as you felt Vergil run his nails from your shoulder blades down to your hips, leaving a minor scratched trail down your body, “you allow me to taint your beauty --to toy with your naive innocent humanity….” 
     His hands rested on your ass momentarily, letting out a low sigh, before fully removing his hands. 
     With a gravelly sensual tone, he continued, “Do you want to know why I want you so badly, Dearest?”
     Hearing him shuffling around slightly, you nodded as a small amount of butterflies began to form in your gut.
     The blue devil laid down over you, getting as close to your ear as possible, “Because you are mine-- my human plaything; do you understand?”
     Against your lower back, you could feel his cock twitching and could feel how unbearably hot his skin had become. You swallowed hard, “I’m not sure I do.”
     Vergil placed his forehead between your shoulder blades. He used one hand to prop himself up and the other was around his dick, stroking it slightly, as he whispered, “You are bound to me; in both heart, soul, and body .”
     Without allowing you to respond, he prodded at your hole with his tip and slowly began to inch his way inside. A loud moan left your lips as you did your best to relax into him; feeling each bit of him that entered your body. 
     “You are my mate,” once fully seated inside you, he returned to your ear, “My one and only,” the blue devil kissed your ear, then gently bit and tugged at it, “for the rest of eternity.”
     He sat back up with hands now placed on both sides of your hips. In response you picked your ass up, creating a downward dog position. 
     It started slow and controlled. He’d only pull out an inch or two and very carefully push himself back in, not wanting to harm you. However, these gentle motions didn’t last very long. Vergil did try his best to control himself; biting his lip, gripping onto you (unintentionally bruising you yet again), et cetera, but it didn’t work. 
     Vergil pulled his dick out, leaving just the very tip of it inside you, and rammed into you. It was hard enough that you jolted forward and let out a moan that was somewhere between pleased and startled. He repeated this motion but picked up the pace with each jab. Soon enough, all that could be heard throughout the house was the sound of his balls hitting your skin and your moans of bliss. Vergil wrapped his hand around the front of your neck and pulled you upwards, bringing you into a kneeling position.
     Now using quick shorter thrusts he wrapped his arms around your middle, holding you flush against his body. A small amount of drool left the corner of your mouth as your vision became blurry, completely engulfed with the feeling of Vergil inside you. Mindlessly, you laid your head against the top of his shoulder which gave him plenty of room to bite and suck at your neck. One of your hands found its way to his hair, grabbing it tightly, and your other was neatly interwoven with a hand from your devilish lover. Your grip tightened on his hand as you moved your hips, doing your best to complement Vergil’s pattern. 
     This pose didn’t last very long. Vergil roughly shoved you back down and stood up, pulling out completely. Before you could question, you felt him harshly yank you over onto your back. Now facing upwards at the disheveled man, you got a proper view of him and you noticed several things that were just ever-so-slightly off. His teeth were much sharper and slightly thicker. A finite amount of scales had appeared on his cheekbones. The glowing icy blue eye color that you’d noticed earlier, was even more apparent and had heavily dilated pupils in the middle that were intensely trained on you. 
     You placed a hand on his cheek, very carefully thumbing over the black-blue scales. He leaned into your touch, his eyes closed tightly, and gave your palm a long kiss, momentarily staying with lips pressed against your hand. An unintentional confused 'huh?' left your lips at how hot his breath and mouth were, he was scorching; the hottest you’ve ever felt from him. Slowly, he opened his eyes and leaned back up. 
     The blue devil slid off the bed and pulled you to the edge then put his tip back inside only to slam as hard as possible into your hips. 
     “Fuck~ Vergil,” you arched your back and wrapped your legs around his hips.
     With a smirk, he repeated the action and created a pattern of extremely hard and moderately forceful thrusts that he switched between every four or five thrusts. Vergil looked down at you with a devilish smile, reveling in how undone he made you. Getting an insurmountable amount of arousing pleasure from the sounds of unintelligible gibberish moaning coming from you. The sight of your body being moved by just the force of his jabs. All he wanted to do was feel your insides even more, to reach as far as he could inside and claim every bit of you.
     He grabbed your legs and pulled them up, resting them on his shoulders. The feeling of sinful pride he had only increased as he heard you call his name and saw your hands grabbing the sheets tightly. He slowed his hips for a moment, still maintaining the force of each thrust but trying to prevent himself from making a mistake and Triggering.
     Vergil’s hands slid from your calves to your thighs, firmly kneading against your skin--his fingertips being imprinted into your skin with dark marks. A very distant dark part of him wanted to eat you, to bite your flesh --to mar it up --to cover you with his scent --to make sure you know exactly which devil you belong to. He licked his lips as he let out low heavy breaths from his partially opened mouth. Feeling his peak coming, he looked up at the ceiling as his thrusts became shorter and his pace picked up, moving faster than before.
     Typically, he wouldn’t finish this fast but he couldn’t help himself. All he’s wanted to do for nearly a week is just fill your insides, and he was going to do just that. Vergil shifted slightly, making sure to hit your prostate with each gyration. 
     He let out a loud growling moan, cumming inside you. Only a few moments later did you call out with a sharp moan as you felt an intense orgasm ripping through your body.
     Slowly, Vergil rode out both your orgasms. Gently, he removed your legs from his shoulders and pulled out of your body. You gazed into space for a moment before leaning up slightly to see Vergil, confused as to why he hadn’t said anything.
     You audibly swallowed as you stared at him, “Y-you’re that pent up, huh?”
     Vergil shamefully met your eyes. He was still hard and had scales on several other spots on his body. The thoughts of allowing himself to cut loose, to show you his inner urges without a filter made him both unfathomably terrified and overwhelmingly aroused. This was bad and he knew it, and seeing you so blissfully unaware of the danger you were in only tempted him further.
     “Vergil,” you sat up fully a small grunt leaving your lips at the dull pain from being slammed so hard, “You alright?”
     His lips thinned as he furrowed his brow, avoiding your gaze once more, “I am fine; however, I…” He paused, unable to finish his sentence.
     “We could try it out, you know,” you gave him a meek smile as his eyes flicked to yours.
     He shook his head ‘no’, “I can’t risk hurting you for something so trivial.”
     “This is obviously not ‘trivial’. You never have this issue-- not to mention how different you’ve been acting,” you reached out to grab one of his hands, “What’s wrong, Vergil? You can tell me; I promise I won’t judge or get upset.”
     The blue devil intently watched as you ran your thumb over his knuckles, “Fine…” He moved to sit beside you on the bed, staring straight ahead, “You know what an animal in “rut” means, correct?”
     You nodded, “Yeah,” your eyes thinned as you slowly turned to him, “Vergil, you don’t mean--?”
     “I should’ve told you before we…” he sighed with his shoulders tensing, “Because you and I became intimately involved, I now will go through this every spring,” he looked over to you, momentarily locking with your stare, “and you are the only one that can give me… relief .”
     With a slow nod and deep breath, your eyes flicked between his hard-on and his gaze, “Guess I didn’t provide enough “relief”, huh?”
     He gave you a small smile, “I’m afraid it’s not something that will be able to be soothed with only a round or two or even three, my love.”
     You moved your jaw in thought and stood up. Sighing softly, you moved Vergil’s arms off to his sides and sat on his lap. You placed one hand on his chest and used the other to push a strand of hair out of his eyes, resting the hand on his cheek afterward. A loud purring emanated from his chest, vibrating your fingers, as you stared softly into his icy-blue eyes, “I love you so much Vergil; you know that?”
     The blue devil smiled, “I do,” he leaned closer to you, placing his forehead against yours, speaking in a breathy whisper; his breath ghosting along your lips, “I love you as well; more than words could ever describe.”
     The two of you connected lips and the hand that was on Vergil’s chest slid up to his face; allowing you to cup it between your hands. Vergil took his hands and ran them down your sides and then settled to hold your lower back as he continued to give you sloppy sweet kisses, gently pushing his mouth against you. 
     Cautiously, Vergil bit at your lips to ask for permission to enter your mouth; which you accepted. He let out an unintentional elated moan at the feeling of your tongue with his. His fingertips dug into your skin, pressing and kneading against you in excitement. With a lustful aggressiveness, Vergil pushed you onto your back--down onto the floor of the bedroom. 
     Making sure to maintain the kiss, Vergil shifted the both of you around so he could line himself up with your hole. Slowly, he slid back inside and devoured each of the divine noises that you made in response. That thought made him growl slightly; he wants to defile you over and over, to hold you for as long as you will allow him to. 
     Only once he was fully within you did he break off the kiss and allow you to take a deep breath. He held himself up with his arms, looking down at your breathless form. A prideful smug smile tugged at his lips as he began to move slightly, grinding himself into you. It didn't take long for him to reach a moderate pace. You reached up and ran your hands along his body, feeling each divot, each curve, each soft and hard surface; taking notes to yourself as if you hadn’t ever been allowed to touch him before. His heart was pounding so fast that you could feel it no matter where your hands were.  
     The blue devil’s mind was reeling. He was so engrossed in how good you feel that he hadn’t noticed how hard he was slamming into you, pushing you along the floor with each pass of his hips. His growling had returned, albeit tenfold louder and a great deal more animalistic; completely replacing his moans. 
     Although you know Vergil has issues with you touching his back, you were too immersed in the moment and wrapped your arms around him. One of your hands found its way to the back of Vergil’s head, threading your fingers tightly into his hair. You did your best to try and wrap your legs around him too; hoping to prevent him from shoving you along the floor any further. 
     He did stop for a moment, only to take the opportunity to pick you up and slam you against one of the walls of the room; knocking several things from their hanging spots. A sharp moan left your lips as you felt his nails aggressively dig into the sides of your thighs. Vergil placed his mouth at the crook of your shoulder and nipped at the skin, leaving various marks. 
     You let out a slight hiss as he got a little too close to one of the deeper marks from earlier; in a way to seemingly apologize, he gently licked at your neck. He then leaned back and looked at you for a moment, letting out a set of shaky breaths. Vergil connected lips with you as you slid both hands into his hair; grabbing fistfuls of the silky white strands. His kisses were aggressive, pushing your head against the wall. Your body tensed, legs tightening around him, you were getting close--and so was he. 
     Quick jack-rabbit thrusts replaced his previous tempo. His wandering grip continued as he slammed your hips down into his, moving your body in a harsh rhythm with his. The two of you parted lips allowing you to throw your head back--at least the best you could being against a wall--and Vergil placed kisses on your windpipe. 
     The blue devil placed his head on your shoulder as he focused on fucking you. It didn’t take long for him to reach nirvana, spilling himself inside you with a low sustained frustrated growl. You reached your peak as well; cumming with a low grunt and gentle groan of Vergil’s name. 
     He ground against you and let out gentle shuddering breaths against your neck, giving you slight goosebumps. Without removing himself, he carried you back over to the bed and laid you down. Propped upwards using his hands, he stared down at you. Vergil was breathing heavily with a hung-open mouth and had a layer of sweat on his brow. More scales had appeared and his stare was oddly blank, as if he were lost in deep thought. You watched as he used his tongue to play with one of his canines and his brow twitched into a slightly agitated state. 
     “Vergil?” You weakly grabbed one of his biceps, giving it a light squeeze, “Is everything okay?”
     A set of quick blinks brought his eyes back into focus, accompanied by a shake of his head, “Yes, I am alright--sorry.”
     After a pause, he leaned up and gradually removed himself. A shiver ran up your spine at the feeling and you stared up at the ceiling for a moment before tilting up to look at the blue devil. 
     “Oh…” You gave him a dumbfounded stare. He was still hard, cock twitching at your surprise.
     Once you looked up at Vergil’s face, you saw that he had crossed his arms with one hand over his face; mortified and ashamed of what was happening. 
     With an awkward laugh, you took a deep breath, “So, how many rounds do you need, again?”
     Vergil’s eyes slowly met with yours as he shook his head, whispering, “I’m… unsure.”
     You scrunched your mouth to the side, “What about trying to use your “Trigger”? You seem even worse off than earlier, Vergil.”
     He removed his hand from his face and shot you a stern glance, “No, I can’t risk hurting you--”
     “Vergil, if you keep this up, you will hurt me,” you grunted in slight pain as you sat up fully, “I can only take so much,” you laughed slightly, placing a hand on the back of your neck, “Especially with how rough you’re being.”
     The blue devil thought for a moment, his tongue playing with his teeth. A part of him knew you were right, that if this continued there was a very high chance he would hurt you, and he really loved the idea of allowing himself to let go--to show you what he could really do. Still, the sheer amount of uncontrollable possibilities kept him hesitant. 
     What if you don’t like it and he’s too far gone to stop?
     What if he manhandles you too hard and breaks something--either something in the room or, more importantly, you? 
     What if he hit you against the wall or floor too hard and hurt you? 
     What if he bit you and couldn’t stop himself from sinking his teeth in too far?
      What if you died because of him and his stupid demonic instincts?
     He flinched at your sudden closeness. You’d gotten up and were standing in front of him, concerned that he was standing silently for so long. With one hand on his bicep and the other cupping his face, you made small circles with your thumbs. His eyes fluttered shut and he leaned towards you, placing his forehead against yours.
     The two of you shared a very sweet and emotionally soft kiss, drawing it out for quite some time. 
     With lips just above his, you quietly pleaded, “You can do whatever you need to, Vergil; it’ll be okay.”
     Vergil swallowed hard. With one final squeeze of his arm, you let go of him. His eyes flicked all over your body as he gave it one final thought. Taking a deep breath, he nodded; he had to try it. 
     All he could hear was the loud pounding of his heart as he allowed himself to Trigger. Soft cornflower blue light filled the space. You smiled at the sight before you. It wasn’t very often you got to see Vergil use either of his Devil Triggers; his normal Trigger being a much rarer sight.
     Under his breath, he let out a soft chuckle at your doting stare. Although he’s never told you, he finds it amusing that you’re so enamored with his devilish forms. He unfurled his wings from his sides and mindlessly stretched them outwards before bringing them back in close to his body. Pride pricked at his heart as he saw your expression of such a trivial act.
     Cautiously, you approached him and reached out to touch his chest. This was the first time Vergil had allowed you to be anywhere near him while in a non-human state. His scales were hot to the touch, but not painfully more along the lines of freshly dried linen or hot asphalt. Through your fingers, you could feel a low rumble coming from within his chest.
     With a slight shake, Vergil placed a hand over yours and locked eyes with you. Uneven breaths left his lips as he waited for you to say something-- anything. 
     You smiled softly and inched closer, placing your head on his chest, “You are so beautiful, you know that?”
     A noise somewhere between a scoff and a laugh left his nose, “That’s not what one should say when face-to-face with a devil.” Vergil wrapped his arms loosely around you. 
     “I’m not just face-to-face with “ a devil”,” you smiled wider and looked up at him, “I’m face-to-face with m-my…” you stumbled over your words as an embarrassed shade spread across your face, your confidence quickly dissipating.
     “Your what?” He tilted his head in curiosity, wanting nothing more than to hear you say it.
     With a voice no louder than a whisper you looked away from his eyes, “with my mate.”
     He stared with parted lips before giving a small smile, “How strange to hear you say that,” Vergil leaned down to you, whispering, “Are you sure this is alright?”
     Without answering, you connected your lips to his. Your hands slid up to the base of his neck on either side, gently scraping your nails on his scales as you went along. His arms tightened to pull you closer, placing one at the small of your back and the other on your ass. Slow careful kisses turned to sloppy impassioned French kisses. Vergil's tongue desperately felt the inside of your mouth, now being able to reach even further inside. You let out a surprised grunt at the feeling but were quickly distracted by a harsh groping motion against your ass. 
     Once you broke apart, the two of you stood staring at one another. Curious as to what he’d do, you ran your hands slowly down his torso. The heat coming from his body was unbelievable but his lower abdomen was tenfold worse. Distantly you found yourself worried if his cock would be too hot for your body to take in. As your fingers worked their way down, you took note of the texture changes between his chest, stomach, and the bright blue V that pointed to where you were headed. 
     Gently, you rubbed your fingertips up and down the glowing area, earning a stifled groan from Vergil. Curiously enough, you were expecting the area to feel akin to the rest of his scales--hard and rough--but were greeted by a warm velvety silk feeling. As you kneaded against him, he pulled you into another set of passionate kisses. The hand from your lower back traveled up your spine and braced the back of your neck, pulling you as close to him as possible. 
     Mindlessly, he leaned forward and dipped you back slightly. He broke from your mouth and kissed the corner of your mouth. Bit by bit, he kissed along your jawline, to your neck, and finally your throat. All the while, your fingers continued to their original destination. Carefully, you teased the area around his still-hidden cock and lightly ran your middle finger along his slit. Vergil’s breath hitched and he stopped his kisses, his breath washing over your skin. 
     A sultry smirk tugged at your mouth as you felt his tip begin to emerge. Vergil’s wings uncontrollably flexed outwards at the odd feeling, much to the blue devil’s surprise--and slight dismay. He’d never thought about trying anything even remotely sexual while like this, so the feeling of your fingers kneading against him made him feel as if he were a virgin again; feeling overwhelmed by nothing but the slightest of your touches. 
     You slowly ran his tip between your fore and middle fingers, feeling pre-cum dripping onto your digits. His cock was pleasantly warmer than normal, eliciting a small groan from you as you thought about him being inside you. The cum that decorated your fingers was also hotter than normal and seemed to be much thicker. The blue devil took a deep breath and shifted slightly, his wings curling around the two of you. In an almost painfully slow motion, Vergil ran his tongue along your neck, small papillae scrapping the sensitive area. He let out a shaky breath as you stroked along the sheath where his cock was, making his cock appear much faster than intended. 
     Before you managed to have him fully out, Vergil picked you up and placed you onto the mattress. He placed both his hands beside either side of your head, still standing, and his wings outstretched behind him. You stared up at him as a small shiver ran up your spine at the sight. Vergil’s eyes were dilated heavily and were fixated on yours. A part of you knows you should be afraid or at least apprehensive about what is happening, but you couldn’t be bothered; you were much too invested in the moment. 
     A wicked grin adorned his face, teeth on full display,  “You really want me, don’t you?”
     “And if I do?”
     “Hmph,” the blue devil leaned back up and pulled your hips to the edge of the bed. 
     With slow long pumps, he touched himself to the sight of you. However, when you tried to lean up to see, he quickly pushed you flat. 
     “Did I tell you to move?” His voice was utterly layered with an overwhelming dominance.
     Your gut churned and twisted as you waited with bated breath for him to ram your body, except, the blue devil knew he had to be careful with you. Although it was seen as a dominating move, Vergil laying you back was done to keep you calm. If you’d seen him fully erect, you would’ve tensed up tenfold worse and this would’ve been much more difficult than it already will be. 
     He grabbed the lube from the nearby table and coated his cock. Whatever excess was on his hand, he very carefully put it at your entrance--making sure his claws didn’t knick you. After a small debate, he dragged you a bit closer and put your ankles on his shoulders, aligning himself with your hole. 
     “Relax,” he placed a hand on your stomach, skin dipping down slightly from the tips of his claws, “Just focus on your breathing.”
     You pursed your lips and stared mindlessly at the ceiling, doing just as he said and taking deep calm breaths, trying to keep yourself from tensing. 
     Vergil pushed his tip in, earning a gasp and deep grunting moan from you. Bit by bit, he continued to push inside, doing his best to fight the urge to slam against you. You were gripping the bed, pulling on the already decimated sheets. The size of Vergil’s cock normally is something that would make most men green with envy but the size he was working with now was nothing short of “porn star” material. 
     His hand that was on your gut slid up to your chest as he leaned down into you, causing him to push inside quicker than intended. Doing his best to not cut you with his claws, Vergil groped at your pecs and lightly kneaded against you. Low in his chest, he was emitting a purr that was intense enough that you could feel it through his hand. 
     After what seemed like an eternity, he was fully seated within you. Heavy deep lust laden breaths left your agape lips as the blue devil closed his eyes, focusing on the feeling of your innards snuggly squeezing around him. Vergil could feel your rapid heartbeat and could practically taste your arousal; being able to smell human pheromones just like a human can a fresh baked bread, sometimes being strong enough to give a taste to the air. It made his body ache, giving him a strong sense of pride to know that you were just as madly into him as he is you.
     You placed a hand atop the charcoal-grey scaled hand on your chest, “Vergil…”
     The two of you locked eyes and Vergil leaned down to you. Gently, he kissed you. It was a physical manifestation of a promise; a promise that he will take good care of you.     The black and blue scaled devil tilted back upright, his fingers lightly clawing up your middle sliding to rest on each side of your hips. With slow careful--almost fearful--motion, he began to test what you thought of his devilish body. A string of low groans left your lips as you closed your eyes, focusing on the feeling of his cock. Your chest was moving in an almost exaggerated manner as Vergil slowly ramped things up. The unhurried nature of his movements allowed you to feel each rib of his cock, feeling every time one would leave and re-enter your aching hole. 
     In an elongated teasing manner, Vergil removed himself out to his tip and pushed back in--making sure you felt every bit of him and savored him. He closed his eyes, doing his best to keep a level head as he intently listened to the breathy moans leaving your lips. 
     Once more, he removed himself out to the tip; this time, however, he slammed back inside. A sharp mixed noise of a grunt, moan, and gasp came from you. His eyes opened as he repeated the action; making sure to remove himself slower than before and return twice as hard. 
     Your back arched at his actions, eyes focused on the ceiling above you. When you looked back at Vergil, his eyes were trained on yours with an unplaceable emotion hidden behind his gaze. His emotion became clear when he harshly pulled out and slammed his hips against you; no longer feeling the need to hold back. 
     With each thrust, you were pushed up on the bed and his hands would yank you back down to meet the brutal bucking of his hips. All that could be heard was the sound of his hips hitting yours and the wet squelching from the previous rounds and copious amounts of lube in your ass. Concentrating on your expression, Vergil failed to notice that his claws had sunk into your skin which anchored his grip into you. Leaning down, he placed his face in the crook of your shoulder; kissing you carefully. 
     After a moment, he leaned back up slightly to place his nose beside yours. You placed a hand on his cheek, thumbing over the leathery skin. Your pinkie mindlessly ran along the silver spikes that formed a beard of sorts at his jawline, curious as to what it felt like. He leaned into your touch and, despite him still jackhammering away, he felt a warm sweet feeling at your overly gentle treatment of him. 
     “Grab onto me,” Vergil whispered, his voice thick with lust and uncharacteristically gruff. 
     You did as he asked, wrapping your hands around the backside of his neck. Vergil picked you up and wrapped his wings around you, pushing you tightly against him. A small hiss slipped through your lips at the feeling of your dick rubbing against Vergil’s torso. It didn’t hurt per se but it was extremely overwhelming. Your nails dug into his scales, tears pricking at the corners of your eyes. 
     Seeming to notice your distress, the blue devil began to lightly lick and nip at your neck and throat. He took a long deep inhale of your scent, pressing his chest against yours, desiring to get closer to you than possible. As he exhaled, you felt his hot breath wash over you and tickle at your skin causing you to let out a restrained laugh. 
     With a hum, Vergil slowed slightly and took a moment to enjoy the closeness of your bodies. The feeling of your soft human skin against his scales made his gut twist. A distant hidden part of him felt an odd arousal from the idea of how fragile you were--how he could crush you instantly if he wanted; completely contradicting his main anxious mindset.
     Moving your hand to his chest, you pushed him away, confusing Vergil for a moment, before you cupped his face and pulled him into a kiss. Lazy sloppy kisses caused him to let out a small moan, which intensified at the feeling of you repeatedly biting at his lower lip. His thrusts switched to a moderate pace as his fingertips kneaded against you. As you pulled away, he let out a disappointed huff, which was quickly replaced with a dark low gravely moan. 
     Despite not being able to break his hide, you leaned down and bit his neck; at a somewhat odd angle because of the horns that wrapped around to the front of his head. It is rare for Vergil to allow you to bite him, however, feeling you claim him--just as he did you--made his body ache. After a moment, you stopped and placed a soft kiss against him. You repeated the action on the other side of his neck, Once done, you trailed kisses along his neck to his throat and placed an elongated kiss against his Adam’s apple. Vergil let out a small grunt at the feeling and, when you tilted back, you were met with heavy half-lidded eyes. 
     The blue devil nudged you to expose your neck and placed his face in the crook of your shoulder, breathing heavily, “I love you.”
     Without allowing you to respond, he pushed your hips downwards and fucked into you as quickly as possible. A loud groan left your lips at the inhuman speed of Vergil’s cock and you grasped at whatever you could, causing Vergil to let out a surprised huffed moan at your unexpectedly rough touches. His claws left the new loving craters in your thighs and slid to your ass, pulling you apart. 
     Before you could question, your eyes went wide. The blue devil pushed his knot inside you, somewhat forcefully, as he let out a thunderous semi-whiney shaky moan. Once buried into you, his hands returned to your hips and his claws to the same holes as before. 
     You let out a whimpering moan as you hit another peak, feeling his cum gush inside you. He hadn’t disclosed anything about a knot or that he was going to use it inside you, but you weren’t complaining. It felt as if he’d been pent up for a year with how quickly and how much was being released. 
     It was both a painful and heavenly experience.
     All the while, Vergil could only continue to repeat your name and whisper how much he loves you; almost as if he were begging for you to say it back, as if you weren’t already committed to him. With a soft kiss against his horn closest to your mouth, you whispered, “I love you,” which caused him to grind against you, attempting to further spear you than he had already.
     Unsure what to do now you were stuck together, Vergil laid you back down and laid atop you. His wings were stretched out flat and his forearms were wrapped around your torso, across your shoulder blades. With his face directly down onto your chest, his eyes fluttered shut and he purred loudly. Although you wanted nothing to do but lie still, curiosity got the better of you, and you ran a hand along his horns which made him purr tenfold louder. 
     Admittedly, Vergil wanted to stay as you were, interlocked and him pinning you down; but he also wanted to patch you up. You could feel how fast his heart was beating; whether it was from fucking, cumming, or nerves was anyone’s guess. All you could do was lay there and take it while listening to his breathing and purring. The two of you stayed interwoven for nearly ten minutes, Vergil shifting several times in an attempt to remove himself. 
     Finally, he stopped twitching. He stood back up and carefully slid out which was accompanied by an audible pop and your hips quivering. Vergil’s chest heaved as he de-triggered. Beyond tired, he returned to the same position as before and laid against your chest.
     “Vergil?” Your voice was raspy and very overtly worn out.
     Without moving, he spoke against your skin, “Yes, my love?”
     You placed a hand in his hair, running your fingers through the utterly disheveled white strands, “How do you feel?”
     He quietly laughed, “I am calm, for now; if that is what you are asking.”
     With a heavy exhale you hummed a sound of relief.
     “How are you feeling?”
     “Want me to be honest?”
     “Like I was just in a category five hurricane.”
     “I’m sorry,” he placed a kiss against your breastbone, “Is there anything I can do to make up for it?”
     Lightly, you ran your fingers down his neck to his shoulder blades, sliding up his arm, “Help me get into the bath?”
     Vergil smiled, “Of course, my dear,” he shifted upwards and placed a kiss against your lips, “Anything for my mate.”
ENDING NOTES: Originally I had planned to also have Sin Trigger sex in this but I thought that would be a bit too much to digest from one story; plus “Bed of the Blue Devil” is entirely based on that aspect.  Also between the teaser from yesterday (early this morning) and now; I found out that I have the ‘rona so… Life is really great--it’s just one thing after another, I finally wanna write and do stuff but now I’m exhausted and feel like someone beat my skull in with a sledgehammer  🦢💧🦢 Poem Quoted: “Love’s Philosophy” Percy Bysshe Shelley
If you like this please consider checking this on my AO3. There are extra chapters and my H/Cs over there, so please consider checking them out! Comments, Likes/Kudos, and shares are always appreciated! Thanks so much for reading!! :)))
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gloomiebearwritings · 2 years
Hey Charlie, I just saw your headcanons and I love them. May I ask for some Vergil, Dante, and Nero headcanons for being with an S/O who just lost a parent or how they protect their S/O
Aw, thank you, Anon! I had to leave the lost parent out because I wasn't sure how to work it in at this time, but I hope you like it!! ❤❤❤
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He created a system of key words to use in case you felt unsafe when he wasn’t with you, dropping everything and coming to your aid if you gave him that single word
Training wasn’t exactly something he was sure he could do with you, not wanting to make it feel like you had to fend for yourself with no help- but also not wanting to leave you defenseless
With your safety meaning so much to him, he went out of his way to save up money to get a weapon made specially for you, having it lovingly gilded with your name on it 
Though still, you could find discarded pages of a journal he haphazardly discarded where he’d scribbled out his worries for your safety: 
“My baby will be safe, right? I had the weapon made but still…”
“I know y/n is strong, but what if a demon is too strong?”
“Gotta save up enough to refurbish this old place- need to make it safer for y/n…”
He didn’t care if he wrecked a part of his shop, he could fix it later- but he wouldn’t be able to fix you getting hurt or losing you. It didn’t matter to him if he had to save up money for repairs, that could be done without guilt, but an injury to you would haunt him even after you told him you knew what could happen before.
Only after he could be sure the bastard who came for you was no longer, and a wall being completely busted along with the table did he finally stop. His stomach felt ill as he turned back to find you hiding in a broken part of the wall, beckoning you to come out so he could check on you, promising you it was safe again. In his arms he checked you for any serious injuries, muttering “I’m sorry” over and over before you finally snapped him out of it by promising him you were okay.
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It doesn’t show on the outside very much, but he deeply cares for your safety- even if on the outside he acts like he could take on anything for you
He never lets his anxiety show unless it’s eating him alive at that moment, even then however, he only really buries his face in whatever part of you he’s closest to
When he does train you it’s a bit intense, and he may seem a bit too harsh in how he talks to you- but it’s never meant to hurt you, and if you express you felt a bit hurt, he’ll always apologize 
Sometimes late at night you can hear him talking to himself as he sits awake while he thinks you’re asleep:
“I can’t keep being so harsh on y/n, it won’t help the training sink in…”
“I love ((him/them)) too much to let anything happen…”
“The weapon ((he/they)) wants the most must be made to be the highest quality possible; I will not allow anything less…”
When you’re actually in danger however, he cared not for the property damage he caused others- feeling whoever’s property suffered damage during the confrontation should be happy he even spared a bit of it. You staying safe and alive is all that mattered to him, not someone else’s property. 
Whatever demons attempted to stand between you two were left in pieces, scattered about haphazardly around you. Remaining in his demonic form he picked you up, holding you tight against him, his hardened protrusions digging into your skin enough to bruise. He pressed his forehead to yours, his voice almost shaking as he swore from that point on, he’d never leave your side again.
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He was fairly open about his worries for your safety, making sure you knew how much he’d do to keep you safe
There were times where he seemed a little overbearing with how protective he was once he realized just how vulnerable you were
He was never really comfortable with leaving your side for long, so you had to get used to being with him in the garage when he’d work on the van
He checked in on you frequently when he had to be away, sometimes coming off as a little annoying when he’d interrupt something:
“Hey, babe! How’s it going over there? Everything still good?”
“Everything still good? Keeping out of trouble, right?”
“You better be keeping out of trouble; else I’ll have to… actually I don’t know where I was going with that…”
You were never supposed to get hurt, you were supposed to be safe just this once when he left for a bit. The demons weren’t able to get close enough to even harm you however, as his sudden presence surprised them and you. None were able to get any closer with how he broke them, battering them with each other until the only ones moving were the two of you. 
It was only after he calmed his breathing, and the dust settled that you were able to see that he was just then letting his spectral arms rest. He rushed to your side and scooped you up off the ground and not wasting a second getting you somewhere safe, only resting when he knew for sure you two were far enough away. Even still he kept you pressed against his leathery chest, his heart still pounding as he apologized; checking you for wounds that’d need serious medical treatment. 
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Inspired by that one manga panel from The Titan's Bride
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rekino2114 · 23 days
Hmm, how about Asa mitaka being asked out on a date by one of her male classmates. And she overprepares like she did with Denji, though this time it goes better cause the Reader is an airhead that marches to the beat of his own drum, so he ends up dragging Asa to multiple different places and she ends up having fun.
First date with asa mitaka
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Pairing:asa mitaka x male reader
A/n:I decided to do this in a non devil au cause my girl needs a break (sidenote but your relationship in this is literally the definition of black cat/golden retriever love. Just something I noticed)
I didn't realize i wrote this much until I reread it to color it but that should tell you how much I love asa and want her to be happy
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Asa is an anxious person in general, especially in social situation and especially when it comes to romance. She never had a boyfriend and never really thought about having one, and she's very clueless to love as a result, so when one of her classmates (who she admittedly had a crush on too) asked her out on a date she freaked out incredibly hard.
Literally, every minor thing became a concern for her. What would she wear? Should she put makeup on? How much? Should she plan the date or leave that to you? Should she try flirting with you? (She quickly dismissed the last idea as she had no idea how to flirt, and it would make things awkward very fast)
She eventually figured out what she was gonna do and went to where she was supposed to meet you, which was a street near school. When she was there and didn't see you, her anxiety kicked in very fast. It felt like everyone was staring at her. Did you stand her up? This was probably all a prank, and she should have never accepted. After all, who would love someone like her? She was ready to go home and cry herself to sleep when a masculine voice interrupted her thoughts
"Asa! You came"
You quickly tackled her into a hug making the black haired girl blush intensely
"Y-Yeah obviously.....to be honest I thought you were gonna stood me up"
"Why would you think that? That's so rude I would never do that let alone to such a pretty girl"
Asa's cheeks basically caught on fire the moment she heard that and her brain struggled to think of a response
"T-thanks y-you look......h-handsome too"
"Aww thanks ok let's go now, we have a full day ahead of us, I promise you'll have a lot of fun"
As soon asa answered, you held her hand and started dragging her around, which made her blush even more if that was possible
After a while, you two arrived where you wanted to go, which was an arcade.
"An arcade?"
"Yeah, you don't like it? I wanted to play some games with you but if you don't want to we can do something else"
"Oh no it's fine"
"Great let's go then"
You walked inside and started running around and looking at everything until you arrived in front of a cabinet and pointed at it
"Look they have DDR come on let's give it a try"
"Oh no I-I don't know how to dance"
"Neither do i, don't worry, you don't need to know how to dance to play, just step on the plates"
Asa started to think: if she said yes, there was the possibility she was gonna embarrass herself, but if she said no, then you would probably think she was boring and wouldn't like her something which she really didn't want to happen
"A-alright, I'll try"
"Great! I know you can do it"
You two started playing with asa actually having fun, the game was dumb but seeing you get so excited over getting a high score made her want to smile too, you eventually finished playing and continued going around
"*gasp* a claw machine! Do you want a plushie?"
"Oh no thanks, those things are a scam anyway"
You put your coin in before she even finished the sentence
"Come on it's fine, what kind of guy would I be to not get you anything, I'm a pro at this anyway"
"Whatever you say"
You spent.....way too much time and way too much money but eventually managed to get a cute plushie of a cat
"Yay!!! Finally"
As you grabbed it and held it to your date you quickly realized something
"O-oh sorry I never asked which plush you wanted.......do you like cats?"
"Yeah actually I love them"
"Oh thank god"
You gave asa the plushie and she spent a bit staring at it happily before turning to you
"If I may ask, why did you get me this in particular?"
"Well you just seem like a cat person, if that makes sense like your whole vibe screams I like cats"
"........is-is that a compliment?"
"Yeah I love cats, they're really fluffy and adorable"
Asa smiled and hugged the plushie tighter
"I agree, they're really cute"
".....you look cute when you smile"
"I mean you look cute in general but your smile is extra cute, it makes me happy to see you happy"
The black haired girl felt her heart flutter once more at your words
"T-thank you"
"Don't mention it, now let's go, the date is not over yet you know"
You two went (you dragged her) to a bunch more places to have fun, which asa actually did, which was a surprise to her because she usually felt more comfortable alone but in this instance she genuinely felt happy to have said yes when you asked her out, your positive attitude made her forget all about the worries she had before, she felt like she could just relax and have fun with you.
Eventually evening came and the date ended so you started walking asa to her home
"Ah that was great I had so much fun"
"Yeah me too........thank you"
"No thank you for accepting, I don't know what I would have done if you said no"
"......you cared this much about me?"
"Of course, you're so pretty and cute and fun to hang out with, I had a crush on you for the longest time, denji was pressuring me to ask you out for a while"
"Wow really? I-i just-it's still kinda hard to believe someone can like me like that"
"Don't say that, you're awesome asa and don't let anyone tell you otherwise not even yourself"
Asa felt like crying a bit, you actually loved her.......she had struggled with actually loving herself, the fact that someone else could say that to her with a smile on their face and with nothing but truth made her smile so brightly
"......thank you, thank you so much"
"It's nothing. Do you wanna take a selfie?"
"I just wanna get something to remember this day. If we do actually become a thing, I would hate to have nothing of the first date with my amazing girlfriend"
"Y-yes alright"
"Great. Say cheeeeseee!"
You pulled out your phone and did a peace sign to the camera while making sure to get asa in the shot too, you saw her smile like she did earlier and you loved it
"This looks good, great smile, I'll keep it, but tell me if you want me to delete it ok? I'd hate for you to be uncomfortable because of me"
"Oh no it's alright"
"Amazing, oh hey isn't this your house?"
"Yeah it is, thanks for accompanying me"
"It's nothing soooooo.... second date when?"
Asa giggled at how enthusiastic you sounded
"I'll text you when and where"
"Great so we are having a second date"
"Of course, like I said, I had a lot of fun and would love to hang out with you again"
"Thanks so much, I'm really glad you think so"
You got close to asa and kissed her cheek which immediately got red, asa put her hand on the place you had kissed before looking back at her date who in the meantime was already walking away but turned back to wave at her
"See you at school tomorrow!"
Asa smiled before waving back at you
"Yeah see you"
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