drama-is-for-youu · 1 month
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sowlspace · 1 year
clearly i cant wait for ps2, and how do they even emit so much chemistry even though they aren’t together in the shot 😭
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kafi-farigh-yusra · 7 months
Not to be suicidal but Karachi mai garmiyan laut ayi hain. :''(
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rocketaggarbatty11 · 7 months
Kesar Chandan Rocket Agarbatti
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🌸 Elevate your senses with Kesar Chandan Rocket Agarbatti – a premium incense stick crafted with the exquisite blend of saffron (kesar) and sandalwood (chandan). 🌿 Immerse yourself in its soothing aroma, perfect for meditation, prayer, and relaxation. ✨ Experience a divine ambiance that lingers with tranquility and peace. 🙏 #KesarChandan #RocketAgarbati #DivineFragrance 🌼
To know more-
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sampannamayapvt · 2 years
करवा चौथ हिन्दुओं का एक प्रमुख त्योहार है। यह भारत के जम्मू, हिमाचल प्रदेश, पंजाब, उत्तर प्रदेश, हरियाणा, मध्य प्रदेश और राजस्थान में मनाया जाने वाला पर्व है। यह कार्तिक मास की कृष्ण पक्ष की चतुर्थी को मनाया जाता है। यह पर्व सौभाग्यवती (सुहागिन) स्त्रियाँ मनाती हैं। यह व्रत सवेरे सूर्योदय से पहले लगभग 10 बजे से आरंभ होकर रात में चंद्रमा दर्शन के उपरांत संपूर्ण होता है।
#संपन्नमाया अगरबत्ती आपको #करवा चौथ की बधाई और शुभकामनाएं देता है!
#Karwachauth #Karwa #Kartikamaasa #Bhakti #sampannamaya #sampannamayapvt #india #sampannamayaprivetlimited #bhakti #agarbatti #dhoop #dhoopbatti #incensesticks #fragrance #hindugod #bhagwan #iskcon #shriramchandramission #shiva #dhoopsticks #eksachhiprarthana #dharma #premium #premiumdhoopbatti #msme #makeinindia #teemsampannamaya
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outofcontextreader · 1 year
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तुम जब आओ दरवाजे से आना
बाहारें गर लाओ..पतझड संग ले जाना..<3
Dhoop (kratu bhatt)
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prabhushriram · 1 year
Reading time: 4 Minutes
Ramayana reflects the finest values of Indian culture and serves as the warp and weft of the ideal civilization that humanity has yet to achieve. It has unimaginable potential to shape the cultural mindset of India thanks to figures like Rama, Sita, Hanuman, Lakshman, Bharat, and many others who personify ethics. The moral dilemmas that the protagonists encounter and overcome bear a startling resemblance to those that mankind is currently facing. Lord Rama is a role model for an ideal human being because of the values of truth, sacrifice for morality, promise, and devotion that run throughout his life.
A storehouse of perpetual knowledge, it exerts great influence on the activities and thoughts of the people of India. The various incidents in this epic enlighten mankind on innumerable ethics. PRABHU SHRIRAM PREMIUM AGARBATTI AND DHOOP celebrates these episodes and brings you the exotically perfumed charcoal-free collection of the SHRIPAD RAMAYAN SERIES.
The Ramayana has an unimaginable impact on the family and social life, culture, and literature of the people of India. The Ramayana apprises society of the virtues of an ideal son, husband, friend, guru, brother, and wife. SUGRIV SAHYOG, KEVAT PREM, GURU KRIPA AGARBATTIS from the SHRIPAD RAMAYAN SERIES  commemorate these ideals and present before you the fragrance of the spirit of friendship, love, and respect. The aroma of India's Best Agarbatti and Dhoop by PSR  will transform you into the spiritual realm of Ram Rajya.
The attributes like faithfulness, sincerity, obedience, and truthfulness are the spine of a civilized society. These high ideals portrayed in the great Ramayana strongly influence the Indian people and help build human character. The exemplary principles depicted in the Ramayana are considered religious teachings because characters delineated in the epic are elevated to the rank of gods by the common people of India. Lord Rama, Sita Mata,  Lakshman, and even the mighty monkey chief Hanuman are all worshipped as deities.
Each event of this glorious epic Ramayana has a tremendous influence on the individual life of the common people. The charisma of the khandan of the enormous Dhanush by Lord Rama, the welcoming of Sita Mata after her swayamvar, and the aura of the  Ram Darbar with Lakshman as the ideal brother have all been infused in the captivating fragrance of  RAM DARBAR, VATIKA, SITA AAGMAN, DHANUSH KHANDAN agarbattis and will evoke within you the values illustrated in this foundation stone of Indian culture and social life, based on which the structure of the present society has been flourishing.
 PRABHU SHRIRAM PREMIUM AGARBATTI AND DHOOP  pays tribute to the ideologies portrayed in the RAMAYANA with its 100 % natural agarbattis. It honors the art of the artists from Mithila who have adorned the exclusive packs of incense sticks with their hand-painted representations of the world-famous Madhubani Paintings. These unique and beautiful packs can be used as gift envelopes, embellishments for your walls, or as educative bookmarks. Packed with a Golden stand to avoid spilling ash, this divine box is a perfect gift for weddings or any family function.
These exotically perfumed, long-lasting incense sticks by PSR also keep away mosquitoes, kindle meditative thoughts, help maintain inner balance and assure a blissful ambiance throughout the day. Buy these online and spread the ethos of this grand epic, RAMAYANA.
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dharohar · 1 year
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1972renusingh · 2 years
संकष्टी चतुर्थी का पर्व अश्विना मास की कृष्ण पक्ष की चतुर्थी तिथि को मनाया जाएगा ।
इस दिन विघ्नहर्ता भगवान गणेश की विशेष पूजा अर्चना की जाती है । इस दिन चांद को देखकर अर्ध्य दिया जाता है ।
इस दिन हस्त नक्षत्र रहेगा और चंद्रमा कन्या राशि में विराजमान रहेगा।
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संकष्टी चतुर्थी हिन्दू धर्म का एक प्रसिद्ध त्यौहार है। हिन्दू मान्यताओं के अनुसार, भगवान गणेश को अन्य सभी देवी-देवतों में प्रथम पूजनीय माना गया है। इन्हें बुद्धि, बल और विवेक का देवता का दर्जा प्राप्त है। भगवान गणेश अपने भक्तों की सभी परेशानियों और विघ्नों को हर लेते हैं इसीलिए इन्हें विघ्नहर्ता और संकटमोचन भी कहा जाता है।
क्या है संकष्टी चतुर्थी?
संकष्टी चतुर्थी का मतलब होता है संकट को हरने वाली चतुर्थी। संकष्टी संस्कृत भाषा से लिया गया एक शब्द है, जिसका अर्थ होता है ‘कठिन समय से मुक्ति पाना’।
इस दिन व्यक्ति अपने दुःखों से छुटकारा पाने के लिए गणपति की अराधना करता है। पुराणों के अनुसार चतुर्थी के दिन गौरी पुत्र गणेश की पूजा करना बहुत फलदायी होता है। इस दिन लोग सूर्योदय के समय से लेकर चन्द्रमा उदय होने के समय तक उपवास रखते हैं। संकष्टी चतुर्थी को पूरे विधि-विधान से गणपति की पूजा-पाठ की जाती है।
कब होती है संकष्टी चतुर्थी?
पूर्णिमा के बाद आने वाली चतुर्थी को संकष्टी चतुर्थी कहते हैं, वहीं अमावस्या के बाद आने वाली चतुर्थी को विनायक चतुर्थी कहते हैं। संकष्टी चतुर्थी को भगवान गणेश की आराधना करने के लिए विशेष दिन माना गया है। शास्त्रों के अनुसार माघ माह में पड़ने वाली पूर्णिमा के बाद की चतुर्थी बहुत शुभ होती है। यह दिन भारत के उत्तरी और दक्षिणी राज्यों में ज्यादा धूम-धाम से मनाया जाता है।
गजाननं भूत गणादि सेवितं, कपित्थ जम्बू फल चारू भक्षणम्।
उमासुतं शोक विनाशकारकम्, नमामि विघ्नेश्वर पाद पंकजम्।।
#संपन्नमाया अगरबत्ती की तरफ से आप सभी को संकष्टी चतुर्थी की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं!
#sankashtachatirti #Ganesh #Chaturthisampannamaya #sampannamayapvt #india #sampannamayaprivetlimited #bhakti #agarbatti #dhoop #dhoopbatti #incensesticks #fragrance #hindugod #bhagwan #iskcon #teemsampannamaya #shiva #dhoopsticks #eksachhiprarthana #dharma #premium #premiumdhoopbatti #msme #makeinindia
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omegaincense · 21 days
Ugadi Magic: How Does Incense Elevate the Spirituality of the New Year?
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Ugadi / Yugadhi Festival
In the gentle embrace of spring, as nature awakens from its slumber and the air is thick with the promise of new beginnings, we find ourselves at the doorstep of Ugadi – a festival that embodies the essence of tradition, spirituality, and renewal. Ugadi, also known as the Telugu and Kannada New Year, marks the commencement of a new chapter in the cosmic dance of time. It is a time for introspection, for casting off the shadows of the past, and embracing the light of a new dawn.
As we prepare to embark on this sacred journey, it is essential to understand the role that incense plays in elevating the spirituality of the New Year celebrations. Incense, with its ethereal aroma and ancient lineage, has long been revered for its ability to bridge the gap between the material and spiritual realms. It is a symbol of purification, of offering prayers and blessings to the divine, and of creating a sacred space in which to commune with the universe.
But how, exactly, does incense elevate the spirituality of Ugadi? Let us delve deeper into the mystical world of incense and uncover the magic that lies within.
The Scent of Tradition
In the heartlands of Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka, and beyond, Ugadi unfolds amidst a tapestry of vibrant colors, joyful celebrations, and the fragrant aroma of incense. From the crackling flames of sacred hearths to the intricate patterns of Rangoli adorning doorways, every aspect of Ugadi is imbued with the scent of tradition.
Incense has been an integral part of Hindu rituals and ceremonies for centuries, its delicate fragrance serving as a conduit for prayers and blessings to reach the heavens above. As families gather to offer prayers of gratitude and seek divine guidance for the year ahead, the scent of incense infuses the air, creating an atmosphere of peace and tranquility.
A Gateway to the Divine
Ugadi is not just a celebration of the changing of the calendar; it is a moment of spiritual awakening, a time to connect with the divine within and without. Incense acts as a catalyst for this connection, its subtle fragrance serving as a reminder of the unseen forces that guide and protect us.
As devotees offer incense in temples and homes alike, they invite the presence of the divine into their midst, seeking blessings for a year filled with joy, abundance, and spiritual growth. The gentle tendrils of smoke rise, carrying prayers and aspirations to the heavens above, as we surrender ourselves to the cosmic dance of creation.
A Ritual of Renewal
Ugadi is a time of renewal, of casting off the old and embracing the new with hearts full of hope and spirits ablaze with joy. Incense plays a vital role in this process, serving as a symbol of purification and renewal.
As we light incense sticks and offer prayers of gratitude for the blessings bestowed upon us, we release the burdens of the past and open ourselves to the possibilities of the future. The scent of incense fills the air, cleansing our homes and hearts, and preparing us for the journey ahead.
Best Incense Choices for Ugadi Festival 
Tapovan Incense Sticks: Transport yourself to the tranquil depths of a verdant forest with Tapovan Incense Sticks. Let the earthy aroma of sandalwood and patchouli envelop your senses, guiding you on a journey of inner peace and serenity.
Haridwar Incense Sticks: Immerse yourself in the divine essence of Haridwar with these sacred incense sticks. Infused with the fragrance of holy herbs and flowers, each stick carries the blessings of the Ganges, filling your space with purity and sanctity.
Rose Drops Incense Sticks: Let the delicate scent of roses infuse your surroundings with love and harmony. Rose Drops Incense Sticks are a gentle reminder of the beauty that surrounds us, uplifting the spirit and soothing the soul.
White Flowers Incense Sticks: Step into a garden of pure white blooms with these enchanting incense sticks. Each stick is a testament to the timeless beauty of nature, filling your home with the fragrance of peace and tranquility.
Sandal Flora Incense Sticks: Embark on a journey of spiritual awakening with Sandal Flora Incense Sticks. The warm, woody scent of sandalwood combines with delicate floral notes to create an atmosphere of sacredness and devotion.
Kushi Masala Dhoop Sticks: Ignite your senses with the exotic aroma of Kushi Masala Dhoop Sticks. Each stick is a blend of aromatic spices and resins, evoking feelings of joy, contentment, and celebration.
Amulya Sandal Thick Dhoop Sticks: Experience the pure essence of sandalwood with Amulya Sandal Thick Dhoop Sticks. Rich and indulgent, these sticks fill your space with the warm, woody fragrance of sandalwood, creating an atmosphere of serenity and tranquility.
Bela Phool Dhoop Sticks: Elevate your spiritual practice with the delicate scent of Bela Phool Dhoop Sticks. Each stick is infused with the fragrance of fresh jasmine flowers, invoking feelings of purity, devotion, and reverence.
 Oudh Gold Incense Cones: Embark on a journey of opulence and luxury with Oudh Gold Incense Cones. Made from the finest oudh resin, each cone releases a rich, smoky aroma that lingers in the air, leaving you feeling indulged and pampered.
Shakti Sandal Cup Sambrani: Harness the power of divine energy with Shakti Cup Sambrani. Each cup is filled with sacred herbs and resins, invoking the blessings of the goddess Shakti and filling your space with strength, vitality, and protection.
As we stand on the threshold of Ugadi, let us embrace the magic of incense and allow it to elevate the spirituality of the New Year celebrations. Let us offer prayers and seek blessings with hearts full of gratitude and spirits soaring with joy. For in the scent of incense, we find not just fragrance, but a gateway to the divine – a reminder of the eternal connection between heaven and earth, and the boundless possibilities that await us in the year ahead.
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drama-is-for-youu · 2 months
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chetnasales · 24 days
Is Dhoop Agarbatti good or bad ?
Whether dhoop agarbatti is considered "good" or "bad" depends on various factors, including individual preferences, cultural beliefs, and health considerations.
Benefits of Dhoop Agarbatti:
Spiritual Significance: Dhoop agarbatti holds significant spiritual and religious importance in many cultures. It is often used in rituals, prayers, and meditation practices to create a sacred atmosphere and invoke divine blessings.
Aromatherapy: Burning dhoop agarbatti is considered a form of aromatherapy, which involves using fragrances to enhance psychological and physical well-being. Certain fragrances, such as sandalwood or lavender, are believed to have calming and soothing effects.
Mood Enhancement: The pleasant aroma of dhoop agarbatti can uplift spirits, evoke positive emotions, and create a sense of well-being. It is often used to enhance mood and promote relaxation.
Health Concerns: Prolonged exposure to incense smoke, including dhoop agarbatti, in poorly ventilated areas may pose health risks, such as respiratory irritation or exacerbation of existing respiratory conditions. Individuals with sensitivities or allergies to smoke or fragrance should exercise caution when using dhoop agarbatti.
Environmental Impact: The production and disposal of dhoop agarbatti can have environmental consequences, particularly if they contain synthetic fragrances or chemical additives. Opting for natural or eco-friendly incense options may be preferable for those concerned about sustainability.
In conclusion, whether dhoop agarbatti is considered "good" or "bad" depends on individual perspectives and considerations. While it holds spiritual significance and offers potential aromatherapy benefits, it's essential to use it mindfully, considering health implications and environmental impact.
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poojapaath · 2 months
Poojapaath luxury Dhoop
Poojapaath presents Luxury Dhoop, a representation of opulent scent and spiritual grandeur. These dhoop sticks are a symphony of excellent natural ingredients, including uncommon plants and resins, expertly crafted. Breathe in the heady aroma that elevates the space for sacred ceremonies. Because each dhoop stick is expertly created by hand, it promises a long and steady burn that guarantees a smooth connection to the sacred. Poojapaath's Luxury Dhoop goes beyond conventional limits to provide an opulent and life-changing experience that fills your room with a sacred atmosphere. In every moment of devotion, elevate your spiritual activities with the pinnacle of olfactory beauty.
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kittenzeke · 4 months
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sampannamayapvt · 2 years
सर्वोत्तम गुणवत्ता और शुद्ध #अगरबत्ती, कुमकुम, हल्दी, चंदन पेस्ट/चंदन, विभूति, और अन्य #पूजा सामग्रियों के लिए www.sampannamaya.com पर जाएं।
#sampannamaya #sampannamayapvt #india #sampannamayaprivetlimited #bhakti #agarbatti #dhoop #dhoopbatti #incensesticks #fragrance #hindugod #bhagwan #iskcon #shriramchandramission #shiva #dhoopsticks #eksachhiprarthana #dharma #premium #premiumdhoopbatti #msme #makeinindia
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