lesbianboyfriend · 3 months
doctors HATE believing your fibromyalgia diagonosis……every time i tell someone that they hit me with the “have you been to neurology? have you had imagining? have you been tested for this? have you been tested for that? do you experience x symptoms? are you sure it’s not y?” like yes baby i’ve done it all…..i’ve seen specialists you couldn’t possibly imagine……
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pizzapasta23045 · 2 years
What their safe food would be except I read lore and shit.
Al Haitham: No soups, dish must be easy to eat while reading. Taste is everything. Seasoning is ok, likes complemantary flavors. Character dish is a frittata made of meat and vegetables. A severely modified version of a soup _(???) that he somehow turned into a frittata? Good for him ig. Is the type to mix and match the most insane shit for good flavor, would put wustels on pasta for the flavor and get yelled at by my parents (no this is NOT something that happened to me what are you talking about)
Sucrose: Mushrooms make her uncompfortable because they remind her of courpse??? Like candy and pops one in her mouth every once in a while to focus better (the diagonosis is not even needed at this point), eats a very healty diet, implied to be repetive. Again, food for concentration. Signature dish is a soup, she experiments with food and has recipies prepared at all times, her food is highly personalized, is not the type to eat chicken nuggets every day for months. Veryyyyyyy sensitive to taste.
Cyno: Likes easy and fast dishes. Likes crispy textures, rice, meat and fried food (?), does not like his rations because they are tasteless, definitely a sensory seeker in this regard, but also i can imagine his rations just tasting terrible, not particularly sensitive to food. His signature dish is a fucking piramid, and it's apparently based on TCG (dude do you have any other hobby???)
Kaveh: To be defined.
Albedo: Deserts in general, also eats them to get energy. Eats spiders, gets a "primordial boost" from desserts. Does not eat at restaurants because of portion sizes, hates wasting food and has a small apetite, prefers speedier dishes. His signature dish has the veggies and fish not touching each other, unsure if because of flavor or simply due to presentation, described as "sweet and tender"
Faruzan: Likes their foods cooked in the oven, does not like culinary innovation, cares about appearence of dish a little bit, wants to be able to tell what's inside a dish without knowing what's in there.
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ang3l0fde4th4ndd0gs · 3 months
Bro the ao3 curse seems to have eaten me too.
First: Ya boi found a tumor (it's benign. His name is Jared and he's just chilling there.) Oct 2023
Second: Ya boi CRASHED HIS CAR CAUSE I'M DUMB (Oct 2023)
Third: Official diagonosis of OSDD, CPTSD and partial deafness (December 2023)
Fourth: Was tested for cancer in like 8 places (January 2024)
Fifth: Currently being tested for heart problems and POTS (March 2024 - Now)
Six: Had 2 fucking strokes (December 2023 and May 2024)
Seven: Am currently being kicked out of my house
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hypospadiasclinic · 3 months
Mild Hypospadias and the Necessity for Repair Surgery in the early age
It's a well-known fact that repair surgery is the only effective way to treat hypospadias, regardless of its type and degree. However, many parents hesitate to opt for corrective surgery for their child born with mild hypospadias due to misconceptions or social stigma.
Why Opt for Repair Surgery Even in Mild Hypospadias:
Improved Quality of Life: Even mild hypospadias can affect the urine stream, making individuals prone to frequent urinary infections and taking longer in intimate situations. Surgery can help avoid these issues.
Psychological Well-being: Corrective surgery can prevent the negative psychological impact of feeling that something is not normal compared to others.
Fertility Concerns: While mild hypospadias typically doesn't cause immediate fertility issues, it can increase the risk of problems like erectile dysfunction later in life. Early correction can prevent these complications.
Preventing Complications: Surgery can prevent the condition from worsening, which could lead to more severe complications in the future.
Choosing surgery for mild hypospadias can help ensure a better quality of life, prevent psychological distress, and avoid future health issues. It's important to consult with a medical professional to understand the best course of action for your child.
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anantradingpvtltd · 2 years
Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] Product Description Anti Corrosion IDU One of the most important features of this Air Conditioner is that it can keep away the leak in refrigerant with the help of an epoxy resin coating on the heat exchanger. Self Diagnosis Usually the maintenance of a split AC proves to be a tideous task. This is where our Air Conditioners introduce convenience to our consumers. It enables automatic detection of errors in the unit for easy trouble shooting. Hidden LED Display These Air Conditioners by Central come with a hidden LED display which makes reading the specifics in the dark easier. Hyper Tropical Specs It can effectively cool down the temperature of electric parts inside the outdoor unit, resulting a good cooling even at 46 degree celcius. 25m Long -reach Airflow Smart Diagonosis, Anti Corrosion Heat Exchanger Warranty: 1 year on Product and 10 years on compressor [ad_2]
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pekklewife · 5 years
my childhood probably would have been like 90% less traumatic if someone had just diagnosed my autism instead of letting me believe I was a disgusting alien that would never be understood until age 19
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engagemythrusters · 5 years
Fuck I just realized I forgot to eat yesterday
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fly-for-a-lifetime · 2 years
not really personal but more musing on mental health and stuff ;3;
it’s wild when the derealization lifts for a moment. today it’s such a beautiful day and it’s so lovely and i was like hey, why tf am i stuck inside with this disgusting old man? me and [doggy] should go out and enjoy the day c:
it just speaks to how when you get used to heavy derealization and brainfog (for me cognitive capacity lowers down to what i’d put at abt 20-30%) that’s so constant it’s your only state of mind, it really convinces you that that’s your normal operating procedure. because it’s so consuming.
i think it’s hard for even me to realize, let alone professors or other people, who expect you to produce at a higher level. i guess i’m lucky i can crank things out anyway :O although i’m sure it’s nothing compared to what i could do. still pulling back the slingshot, i saw someone say online once. idk i dont want to feel superior to other people, i just want to unlock my whole brain so i can use it like everyone else uses theirs. isn’t that just a little bit more fair?
c: also i dont think i’m going to tag my text posts on this blog anymore. if you don’t like that that’s ok! u can unfollow if u want. ok bye !!
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solomonfadun · 3 years
Paranoia - meaning causes symptoms and treatment are discussed in this video. In this video, you will understand the meaning of paranoia; symptoms of paranoia; types of paranoia; causes of paranoia; diagnosis of paranoia; and treatment of paranoia.
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hypospadiasclinic · 5 months
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unwelcome-ozian · 3 years
would a programmer give a kid a adhd diagonosis on purpose
A programmer can tell a child whatever they (programmer) want.
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theconcealedweapon · 3 years
Autistic coworker anon here. I have a problem with any person who rambles on about their favorite topic regardless of their diagonosis . The difference is that non-autists usually take a hint and at least try to be considerate, autists usually don't. Some even use their diagnosis as an excuse to be a self-absorbed jerk.
If you expect people to "take a hint" without you being clear, then it's you who's the self absorbed jerk.
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dustbinflower0 · 3 years
Defining what is trauma can be a tricky thing, and is an individual experience, but don't you think a line is drawn somewhere? Otherwise everything trauma and that feels incredibly ridiculous and insultingly to what I have survived. Yet in the radical Facebook mental health group, I was told that I was wrong for limiting the definition.
It's very complicated.
I think some people believe that if their struggle is t labeled "traumatic" that it's somehow not as important.
But perhaps also there is a problem in needing to label. There is this desperation to be recognized and validated, which we all have, but it seems to be vastly intensified with social media. People, especially teenagers,learn to measure their self-worth in likes and follows. A lot of the time having a psychiatric diagonosis, or commonly self-diagnosing, brings followers and a community. Filming situations created just for tik tok in hospitals brings attention. Diagnoses and number of hospitalizations fill bios.
The word "trauma" is everywhere. It means something SERIOUS and REAL happened that cannot be questioned.
We all want our pain to be special and important and recognized. We are living in a frightening time in the world like no other. We are scared. We want to be soothed.
It can feel like a competition to get what you need in an isolating society and just trying to get by. Some people use hospitals as a break to get away.
I try to hold compassion for everyone's struggle that is life in the modern world.
But it is also extremely difficult to have been harmed so badly, to have been on the edge of death constantly just from dealing with things that happened to me...and then forced hospitalizations and dehumanization and complete powerlessness...being forever labeled as "chronic" and beyond help..while on videos girls dance in hospital rooms and film themselves pulling out feeding tubes for views.
Its extremely hard not to feel angry in the face of all that everywhere, as if it's mocking everything that I've lived that has almost destroyed me. That many of us have survived and are still surviving. I have difficulty not taking it personally. It feels insulting.
I don't want to tell anyone whether what they went through was trauma or not, or am even sure it matters whether it is or not. I just know that the traumas I've gone through took my life. And I'm not looking for any recognition or validation..I just don't know why anyone would want this wasted way of half-living being labeled mentally ill.
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I got that phonecall I was so worried for (finding out when my 'reward' to receive government benefits due to my mental illnesses runs out due to the horrible multiple months of stress it puts me through) and it isn't until May 2022. So while I am very relieved...I am also very upset I have spent the past 2 weeks so utterly distressed. I sobbed like a little kid for the stress I have felt under 24/7. I know you'll understand that 'oh it isn't for what, 14 months' but the way I've felt the past 2 weeks I can't be happy. I don’t feel relieved I have a year of not being harassed, I feel grief for what I’ve been through the past 2 weeks.
While I’m here I’d like to just say if you’re ever a volunteer for a mental health helpline or charity, I have dealt with so many the past 10 years but the past 2 weeks have reminded me so much of MANY often repeated terrible phrases please to avoid when speaking to a mentally ill person in crisis so here are just three off the top of my head:
‘Try to keep a positive attitude’ - An empty comment, nearly every person you speak to will be chemically incapable of this due to their illness/illnesses and even if they are just having a bad time in their life rather than a full diagonosis of a mental health issue, if they could manage that, they would not be talking to you or ringing you in the first place.
‘It/They- can’t wave a magic wand and fix everything.’ - A mentally ill person does not want this admittedly condescending comment, no-one you speak to is asking for a miracle, we are asking for support.
‘You sound a lot better now.’ - After speaking to the person for a while, maybe they were crying and have now stopped or sounded distressed when the conversation started but the emotional energy it takes to discuss situations and feelings takes so much out of a person they will be exhausted. So they WILL be quieter more often than not, they WILL appear calmer but it is often that sheer exhaustion has lowered their levels after being in heightened distress. Adults are not small children, as a small child only knows crying will let those around know of their distress, please do not assume just because the person you are speaking to has a quieter demeanour they feel better, they are highly likely just tired.
This one is more for those speaking face to face than helplines but if you happen to be a student hoping to enter a field where you’ll work with the mentally ill, these people you speak to aren’t hypothetical cases from your textbook. Do not assume you know how they feel and use them as a learning tool. I had one young woman speak to me in the manner of repeating jargon from her social health homework and I just had to sit there like ‘yeah’ while feeling she was mentally adding another gold star to her ‘hands on’ experience. (She was absolutely a mile off the mark as well)
I would also add, there are few things worse than waiting on a mental health helpline (possibly for a long time, the last time this happened to me on Friday night it was 21 minutes) only to be disconnected before someone even answers. It’s not the first, second or even third time that has happened to me and I understand technical mistakes happen but please be vigilant in knowing the button for ‘next call’ or ‘disconnect’ if the system is set up like that.
It might also sound common sense but if you aren’t feeling good yourself or ‘burnt out’ as a lot of people in this field end up- please do not offer your services that day. To you, it is a bad day or a bad mood but that person you are speaking to might have taken a lot of courage to make that call and you are the single string tethering them down at that moment so to receive closed off manners or a lack of empathy has the visceral effect of taking a big pair of scissors and cutting that string leaving them without support. The side effects wildly vary but in my case it makes me shut down entirely and close off, the trust I gave in being open now lost and I can’t speak.
I’m in no way saying I am a paragon of mental health knowledge, I am just a mentally ill woman entirely on their own without a support system who has navigated many systems, charities, workers and volunteers so have lived a lot of things first hand and would never wish a single interaction I’ve had on anyone who needs help.
It is true that my motto since my very early 20′s has been ‘I never want people to feel the way I have been made to feel’ and at 31 it stands and highly likely will for the rest of my life.
I’ll be quiet now but let it be known if you ever need someone to talk to, be it a voice to help fight your corner or just to listen, I’m here. I’m never going to pretend I know what is best for you or try to push you to do something, I am just a small cat pretending to be a woman who if I can help make a rough day a little bit easier, I’m here!
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whimsycore · 4 years
The fact I’ve been told by relative that I had Bipolar disorder throughout my younger years and when I went for a diagonosis and got diagnosed with severe depression/trauma and a high possibility of ptsd with ONE screening. Lives in my mind rent free.
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