#dicey fortress
seahdalune · 2 years
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i want them to make stuff together
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adirtnap · 2 years
game tier list twenty twenty two
2022 was the year of every video game being five or more video games at the same time. games were deckbuilding AND basebuilding AND roguelite AND fishing AND farmingsims. i don't think this worked out TOO well but i can see the appeal and i hope we can make a good one sometime!
game of the year 2022:
celeste!! the best and only video game. video, space, game. this is the peak of the genre, which is understandable because it is also the only game that exists.
it's just so FUN. like, first i play celeste as a vocation AND THEN when i'm exhausted i turn off celeste, sit for a sec, and think, "ah, time for some light fun. let's play a bit of celeste."
S tier (video games of all time)
mm rando ("Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask Randomizer, allsanity settings") this shit is so fun?? it's so fun. i will play this every year
inscryption ohhhhh man did someone have fun making this game and it SHOWS. some guy that i bet really likes and appreciates magic the gathering made a video game about: what if you played magic the gathering and it mattered SO MUCH. what if everything in your world was to enable you having a good and terrible time playing (original and realllly well-designed?) trading card games. and he was RIGHT and i had a good and terrible time
dwarf fortress!!! i first played dorf fort in 2012. i learned to play it alongside a guy i'd just met on study abroad because we were bored nerds. he is now my best friend. i have loved this game for TEN YEARS!! i once met derek yu (spelunky etcetera) at a very nice party and extremely embarrassingly trapped him in a conversation so i could talk about how good dwarf fortress is. he was very gracious and understandably uncomfortable. i like this game a LOT a lot. but, for every year i've loved dorf fort, i haven't really been able to recommend it to anyone. "hey, do you want to play a game that is so fucking hard and annoying to learn?" the answer is not usually "oh yeah for sure"
everything about the new UI-remake is good. they took the "impossible to learn" out of the sentence that i have so many times said, "this game is brilliant and enchanting and also impossible to learn." (the game is now fully "and also.") they did a good one.
A tier (delightful games)
elden ring my computer was too sad to keep playing this, and i am sad about that. it was GREAT, everything about it was as delightful as the darksoul and more. i can't wait to finish it (and probably give it s-tier) when computer good
fortnite they finally made a good battle royale and it is fortnite. good job i like my friends and this game is what i did with them a lot.
super mario sunshine perfect nintendo-y game. filled with little guys of all kinds. i will play this every year
the barnacle goose experiment horror abiogenesis autoclicker!!
sayonara wild hearts GOOOOD soundtrack good game
B tier (really fun games)
vampire survivors this is the most video game ever. i've heard it described as "the best video game of 2003." i've also heard the developer used to program gambling-machine animations. i would have played this on the school bus on the way to highschool. it rules
neon white really fun, zøooomy. i don't have the patience to find microoptimizations in levels to beat my friends, but DANG is playing each level for the first time fun. the writing was cringe AND free, it made me smile
C tier (games i liked)
citizen sleeper to paraphrase shannon: a dnd-videogame except for friends at the table enjoyers. i really liked that every choice felt limited but intentional, rather than disco's fuck-you kinda dice rolls. but, the sell was: "things… are happening. hmmmm what could they be?" which was not strong enough to keep me deeply invested. i'll keep going back and playing little by little
helltaker it's like eight minutes long and it's full of newgrounds drawings of demongirls. it's not a good game. i liked it a lot
D tier (games i did not like)
loop hero. backpack hero. slice and dice. dicey dungeons these are all the same game and they are all different variations of boring
cult of the lamb ANOTHER five-games-in-one that added up to… one-half of a good game? the fighting is like worse hades, the farming sim is like worse dontstarve. the minigames are ok. it was fine
subnautica LOVE a shark! but the game was brought down by the "you have to find a tiny item in a huge ocean and if you do not you cannot progress or you will miss major parts of the story" and also "find that tiny item on a short clock with constant danger." i ended up using the wiki, and shortly after ended up reading the plot because that was more fun than playing the lategame
however, many good moments of "oh wow yikes that's a fuckoff big shark huh" which i DID enjoy
death's door not a bad time but not for me. i think i'd rather play tunic (i haven't played tunic)
F tier (i hate it)
the concept of a majora's-mask-plus-dishonored-problem-solving-shooter? quite good. this game? really sucks. this game is the sum of every boring-but-sells lesson internalized by marketing departments on the success of "the genius of environmental storytelling," but instead of genuinely funny bits (like left4dead2's graffiti!), they went for an utterly bland "THIS UTOPIA? DIDN'T WORK OUT HUH"
also the core mechanic just wasn't very fun, was it, it just didn't work. they made it a pretty good fps and also a ~nothing else~
the upside was the art direction which: was good enough to do environmental storytelling with! it makes me mad that some goooood art got wasted on this game
hon. mentions
madness in square garden, for having a good name watching someone else play outer wilds
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hyperfresh · 2 years
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So these photos were done in an 11-year-old Team Fortress 2 wannabe program inside a Windows virtual machine on a M1 Pro MacBook. If you want to place bets on how long this took me from start to finish, I don't think you'd even be close.
With that said, I really enjoy pestering all my Discord friends to be involved in this Sploonposter, even if they don't play Splatoon! To see everyone hanging around and doing their own thing (in space too!) makes it rewarding.
Tumblr has no good way of me to tag people in photos (apart from doing the @ in these descriptions), and I doubt there's many from Inksta or Twitter where I posted these first who are also following me on here anyway. With that said, thanks to Luna, Malba, Miguel, Sammo, Lauren, Console, Coffin, Hywel, Rose, Kit, Loona, Elijah, Jess, Groot, Zoe, Punch, Cypress, Squibble, Iwa, Kiyo, Secretly, Zeeangoo, Vall, Ramu, Niesie, Josh, Dyna, Iris, Sand, Keevee, Kazo, Nez, Zepht, Yep, Beta, DCync, Cruxin, Ashie, Dicey, Jordan, Dory & Gravy. That is indeed a lot of names, and I can't count that high. I might've even forgotten someone (sorry, it's just so hard to track...).
Please pity me.
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cybermoonmoon · 4 days
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I was on a chat where the problem of how to get by if you woke up as one of the few people left on the planet. Others vanished. Gone. Of the current near 8 billion. Earth now has 700 thousand folks scattered over the globe. Human population during the Ice Age.
"Getting it Right"
First things first. Where do I get food fresh water for the rest of my life. How long will antibiotics be fresh? What are natural substitutes? Zombies and biker gangs are features of civilization. Which is now gone as are most violent sociopaths. These are unlikely to show up and ruin your day.
Water systems will run till the power fails. If you're in a region with hydroelectric you're good for a few months to a year. Other places hours if lucky days weeks. One must learn to think long term. 'Very long term'. Your life depends on it. This is why so-called primitive folks do this. Careful planning if one wants to live.
Besides the needs of the body. Health of the soul is critical. You need reasons to go on. Mourning. You've not only lost loved ones but your whole world. Some may not cope and will perish. Others will find a way. My life experience has shown me that hope can be found in even the worst of circumstances. Purpose partly found primal practicalities will assert themselves.
Wildlife came through the event. So you'll need to learn to hunt fish dry smoke salt and save what you caught. As your ancestors and Native peoples did. Predators will become a problem.
Firearms. Pistols a long rife. Nothing stupid fancy. Simplest sturdiest you can get with repairing spares cleaning oiling items. Ammo. Careful what kind. Heavy weight one shot one kill. Don't want a pissed off wounded Mountain Lion coming at you. You will need all this to stay alive. City slicker no experience? Read the damned books and practice! You won't disturb the neighbors.
If a rural person you're ahead of the game. You know most of this. If like me. Books! Everything you need to know is in them...libraries will save your life. If not a reader or never had respect for knowing...you are dead. Period. Canned or dried food are only good for few years. No one is coming to help or protect you. You'll be a farmer/hunter. You'll learn these skills or die. Nature has no sense of humor. Just survival.
Life in the city will be too dangerous in time. Infrastructure prey to storms earthquakes rot. Poisoned residual water bad food encroaching predators. Study plan leave. On foot bike or car leave while the roads and bridges are still stable. I live in Brooklyn. I'd get as far away from that toxic waste dump as I could.
Take care where you decide to settle. Your goal is a rural sturdy cabin with a well. Find several as backups with wells in walking distance of each other. That and each with good drainage healthy soil, you'll learn how to spot these. Also a defensive field of fire...just in case.
You'll learn that a flood plain is called that for a reason. Be near but not at a stream. Never a river these floods. Fish and game will be a major calorie source. You'll mix your diet as the crops ripen. Mixed protein intake matters.
Tools seeds a root cellar dug all the preindustrial basics. If educated, and paid attention you'll know what books to look for. Libraires aren't called the 'fortresses of civilization' for nothing.
Who lives? I think a very young urban/suburban person of the 21ost century may not make it past a year. They wouldn't even know what questions to ask. They'll die of injuries infections tainted food water poisoning or an animal attack.
I'd say the best survivor would be rural quick witted educated by life strong. Mid-20's through 40's. Before or after that it gets seriously dicey. Not impossible...but.
Food water shelter. Commercial seeds will start to go bad within six to ten years. Even the newer stuff. This is why a farm plot will be your savior. You'll need to harvest not just the crops, but their seeds, and have a surplus of two years of planting seeds and dried veggies fruit. Perhaps when things stabilize keep bees. Honey wine. Planning.
The homestead will be hard work but can be done. Native Peoples and your ancestors did so with far less. Some like you...alone. Prepare for storms or other natural disasters that could wipe you out. You have backups that might survive but expect the the worst. Nature is life and death. But nature gave you that brain that purified water and imagined then found Black Holes.
Life and times. My nearest neighbors might be in da Mid-West or Canada. So except for cats, and hunting dogs it's just 'me'.
Art. Figure how to play da fiddle. Folks did this in colonial days so can you. Make up songs dance write. You can critique your own stuff now. Bleep the New York Review of Books. This will keep you emotionally healthy and center your sanity.
Go to nearby towns for new tools supplies while they're still good. I'd get sturdy off road bikes with tools and spares. None of that electric stuff. Find a classic Land Rover keep it in tune. These and similar not too uncommon in rural areas. Good four-wheel drive proven all terrain ride. Enough spares could last years.
Haul bikes and supplies with it. Major even dangerous expedition but worth the risk for long term value. No SUVs. These gas guzzling gaudy toys packed with electronics won't survive. Neither will you if you get one. After the gasoline no longer clicks. This happens. Rovers' can use other mixtures...so I've read. Again reading.
Land basics. One has to know where you are how to get back if you broke down. This is why you have bikes on your Rover. Maps. Local stock and make 'your own'. Things will change as time go on. Roads no longer passable...fallen trees wash outs. Bridges unstable marshy land expanding. Remember there is no one to save you. How long one lives will be the same as our ancestors...dumb luck, and your hard work.
Another possible reason to go on besides working the land hunting writing bad novels talking to the cats would be human company. 12 years into this farming life perhaps a change. A hunter gatherer group slowly traveling east all these years might stumble on you. Unlike in the violent end-times films. This would be a pleasant encounter. Neither you nor they are competing for resources with a whole planet to share.
You'll meet trade laugh exchange tales of survival fuck dance perform your bad poetry. Hang out for some days, and they'll move on. Though now they know you're there and will come back every few years. In time others might show up. Same thing laugh perform trade drink honey home brew, and they move on.
One day some of these bands come back with your daughters, and sons. I can see an annual solstice meeting of clans developing as your children, and grandchildren return to your homestead for the festival.
If this were me, I'd be taking my extended families around the farm in my aged Land Rover. The little ones amazed having never seen a car actually running. I'd play Little Richard and da Beatles for them on my iPhone. Powered by them solar panels I scrounged up. So humanity at least in the first post event generations lives in peace. In the future villages city states.
Though this time we might get it right.
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iam-back · 1 year
Mega Man 11 playthrough diary - Gear Fortress, part 1
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What is this, Gears of War?? I know Wily said he'd kill Rock good and dead, but he may have been too serious in that threat!
This first stage has it all - a bunch of enemies, spinny gear platforms that remind me of a souped-up version of those in Uranus's stage, rusty ones that kinda function like those accursed Donut Blocks from Mario, a bunch of enemies, a good spot where you can just grind off of K-Drones forever (like in Neptune's stage with the Sibuls), a bunch of enemies, places to fall down a lot, did I mention he packed his current front yard with a bajillion zillion Sniper Joes and Metalls and Air Nuts and some of those Sniper Joes get to tool around in Dachone armors!?
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Oh, did I mention this is the only time in the entire game where Yoku Blocks appear? I honestly forgot about those little tests of jumping and pattern recognition. They weren't anywhere at all during the Stardroid incident.
There's also this irritating part near the end where you fall off too much and waste all your lives and stuff and so I ended up having no lives left for the boss of this Hellhole the first time I got there. By the way, during this boss, I was interrupted by my mother and so I had to leave the game behind for a Blizzard break.
...Why is the music for these stages so happy? It's like Rock is on his way to a rave party, not a deadly Gear Fortress full of difficulty spikes and real spikes.
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I heard hushed whispers about all the Devil bosses and stuff. Even the first one seemed to only be reliably beaten via exploiting the Select button and the Thunder Beam. And Dark Moon had this awful gimmick wherein they specifically made their top lumps bounce.
And Yellow Devil Mk.III is no different. I have the Chain Blast, I'm exploiting loops, yet still this lumbering gelatinous piece of piss was responsible for two of the three game overs I got there!
I only successfully managed to dodge the first part of its Speed Gear moment once. The rest of the time I got smacked around by all this nonsense!
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Eventually, after figuring to come here with 7 of each Tank and not 3 like a noob, and using one of each Tank when things got dicey, I FINALLY WON. I like to think that Yellow Devil Mk.III's splatted remains just sat there, gathering dust, until a few years later, where it was resurrected by the Mega Man Killers from a stroke of genius by Reggae.
I'm gonna dread tomorrow - will the rest of Gear Fortress be as bad as this? I'm told the boss waiting at the end of part 2 is easier though.
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slayerfruit · 2 years
AH. I think we are talking about different things. I think ROR2 and Dead Cells are technically Rougelites and not Rougelikes. That's only if I have my definitions right though. Which I might not? There's like 3 different names for this right now.
In the category of Rougelites (maybe) I play a lot of Issac, although I have a lot of grievances with it (as everyone who plays it does) I'm also a big fan of FTL, if you've ever played it. Funny ship game
CDDA is a Rougelike though. It's pretty cool! If you've ever heard of Project Zomboid it's like the predecessor to that with the update consistency of something like Dwarf Fortress. Caves of Qud I think also falls into this category.
Loader is cool but Acrid is the best. You can fight me.
god the terms roguelike and roguelite are far too similar to each other and i always get them mixed up- similar enough that practically every roguelite is under the roguelike tag on steam NXVLHKXKL either way though!! ive looked at FTL before and. ough. as much as i love spaceships it looks very resource-managementy which racks my brain too much taking a bit of a further look at CDDA yeah the dwarf fortress vibes are high which is also neat but Absolutely too complex for my liking nCBHKLXCKL (dwarf fortress is something i'd watch someone else play rather than play it myself)
as for an actual rogueLike that i enjoy, dicey dungeons is a favorite of mine :] (at least. i think it's a roguelike. you don't unlock things permanently gameplay-wise besides unlocking new "episodes" which are just new/harder levels for each character [though i suppose you do end up completing the story through said newer episodes so maybe not?? wagh!! confusing]) im sorta half-n-half with turn-based games (final fantasy's style? eh. but mario & luigi, modern xcom, and OTHER: her loving embrace are fun examples) but thankfully this game's on the good-feeling half!! the deckbuilding's fun, the artstyle n music's cute, and the characters are funny and/or incredibly gay gay homosexual gay (hi lady luck hiiiiiiiii)
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snicker-doodles · 2 years
How JL hide their secret identity
At the present time, we have a very advanced face identification technology, so it made no sense if people can’t recognize the JL members from all their videos floating online. So I was thinking, what if, bruce had this idea, to use advanced kryptonian tech from the fortress to make devices that will scramble every camera and thus made it impossible for people to record them on video. Instead, bruce will use his own special drones to record their fights in ultra HD, first to use the footage for post-battle evaluation, and second to edit said footage and send it to the press so that they can have a proper JL fights footage for news. 
To hide their secret identity, bruce also use kryptonian technology to create a really good deep fake software. He then use famous celebrity faces and put them on to cover the JL members, even the ones who wears masks.
People are used to this by now, and the internet is basically, which celeb is gonna be which JL member today? which celeb is a favorite for a certain JL member? etc
It’s mostly unproblematic celeb who’s face got deep faked onto the JL members, so when one day a problematic celeb face was plastered onto someone’s face, people knows that they made batman angry somehow lol (yeah it’s mostly Hal)
One day there’s this huge alien invasion, the all hands on deck kind, where even the rogues gallery also had to join the fight. Things got pretty dicey at some point, and when they eventually won, superman somehow went down on his knee and proposed to batman, right there in the middle of the fight, cause hey, who knows what’s gonna happen tomorrow and I almost lost you today so B will you marry me? Bruce accepted (and all of this was obviously caught on the Batdrone’s ultra HD camera)
After they returned to the watchtower, bruce cut that part of the footage to keep, then proceed to edit the rest of the footage for the press. At this point, bruce was basically running on fumes and hasn't been sleeping for almost 72 hours. So when he send the press footage, he accidentally also send his proposal video, unedited, so people can clearly see clark’s face and half of bruce’s face out there in all their ultra HD glory.
He promptly went back to the manor and sleep for 24 hours. All the batkids were also dead asleep at his point. Meanwhile, Clark was out with the lanterns to oversee the signing of the peace treaty with the alien invaders and some such so he’s not aware of anything happening.
The press released the video, and it essentially broke the internet while all the concerned party were none the wiser.
The next day Bruce woke up and, holy shit what did I do? omg. His kids thought it was hilarious.
But you know, since he’s been doing the celebrity deep fake thing since the very beginning for all JL members, it's actually not that hard to solve this problem.
Bruce went to his official twitter account, then wrote something like, ok everyone, what do you think about the announcement? is it too over the top? my fiancé is currently away with the JL in space to cover the peace treaty agreement so he wouldn't find out about this until next week (Here Bruce and Clark has basically went public with their relationship so Clark can be considered a celeb by association I guess), then also write, thank you JL for being such a good sport and has allowed him to do this, especially batman and superman who agreed to do this (Bruce Wayne is a known JL financial backer, and people also know that he practically gave one of his satellite away to be repurposed as the watchtower so this tracks)
The batkids also went to twitter to fan the flames
Everyone on twitter basically demanded that they do a reaction video with Clark after he returned to earth, and that’s exactly what they did
Clark was so embarrassed and went so red while Bruce looked like the cat that ate the canary and all the batkids were cackling in the background, and after that everyone basically demanded that JL made Clark and Bruce’s face be made a permanent celeb face for Batman and Superman (for shipping and fic writing purposes of course, imagine all the possibilities, all the tropes, cmon JL please)
So from that day onward, Bruce never bothered to edit Batman and Superman’s face on the JL press release videos lol (at this point even when people actually meet superman in person and saw Clark Kent face, they just simply thought that he wore some kinda advanced kryptonian cloaking tech to hide his identity) 
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mechanical-magician · 2 years
Meet the Reconnaissance (BLU Scout)
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(click for better quality)
Behold, the Recon! A trouble maker (as per criteria to be a Scout) who's brothers with the BLU Demoman. He's not much for getting into a fight sure, but he makes up for it in being like a swiss army knife of skills.
He's quick of course, though he can't double jump like the RED Scout. His visor can scan for enemy movement, and locate important things like traps and intel, which he can report to his team. He also knows how to disarm bombs and remove a spy's disguise. His caltrops and flash grenades make it easy for Recon to escape if things get dicey.
Fun fact: His t-shirt comes from his Quake Fortress design.
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lightlyboiledbutter · 2 years
Guess what, I made a TF2 How To Train Your Dragon AU
Team Fortress Dragons (And How To Train Them)
Here are the humans:
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And their respective draggos (Pyre doesn't have once since they can fly by themself, but they do occasionally ride on Match and Fuse with Otrygg):
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Backstabber looks like he has seen unspeakable things
I'll be posting stuff about the AU on here but mainly Instagram, so go follow that if you want. Hey, I might make fullbodies of the humans or maybe even color these
Text transcription for both images below the cut
Image 1:
Team Fortress Dragons (And How To Train Them)
Syn (Spy), He/Him -Clothes made of Changewing skin
Khrushk (Heavy), He/Him -Has been friends with Oskar since they were kids -Most scars are from protecting Oskar
Oskar (Medic), He/Him -Can't look at eyes with horizontal pupils due to trauma -Very talented alchemist -EXTREMELY gay (for Khrushk) (Speedstinger hairpin that Khrushk gave him)
Pyre (Pyro), They/Them -Monstrous Nightmare lycanwing
Arro (Sniper), He/Him -Makes necklaces out of his victim's teeth and shedded Whispering Death spines
Lijot (Scout), He/Them -The youngest of all Undying (21) -Annoying, energetic, a bitch (affectionate) -Syn's child
Otrygg (Demo), He/Him -Used to be a black market merchant -Invented 8 different kinds of explosives -Has contacts with strange people -Queerplatonic with Pyre
Arnjolt (Engi), He/Him -Decks his Armorwing out in things he makes -Helped create Oskar's healing device -Queerplatonic with Oskar
Gunnar (Soldier), He/Him -No helmet fits him but he doesn't care -Yes, he can see -Default character options
Image 2:
Bugger (Male), Arro's Whispering Death
Match and Fuse (Other), Otrygg's Zippleback
Terrorbolt (Other), Arnjolt's Armorwing
Dicey (Female), Gunnar's Razorwhip
Daredevil (Female), Lijot's Skrill
Backstabber (Male), Syn's Chanewing
Scarra (Male), Khrushk's Rumblehorn
Iva, Liza, Marza, and Svea (Female), Oskar's Snaptrapper
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Headcanon where Doomslayer accidentally hurts y/n badly ?(probably a misfire while in battle-)
Something hurt you? Doomguy panics.
*Doomguy* hurt you?
The Worst. Possible. Thing.
In all seriousness, hurting you is one of DG’s worst nightmares. He loves you so much, and he vowed to protect you. This? This is the opposite of protecting you.
It was all an accident. The both of you were on a mission, and things were getting dicey.
He saw movement from the corner of his eye, and in his rage induced haze, had mistaken the shape for a demon.
He turned and fired…
Only to see you collapse.
Time seemed to slow down as he watched you fall. He hardly even felt himself throw his gun as he rushed forward to grab you before you could hit the floor.
The mission could shove it. He immediately got VEGA to open a portal to get you back to the Fortress.
It was all a blur to him, but soon enough, you were in a bed reserved specifically for emergencies like this. VEGA had finally patched you up, and reassured DG that you would be alright.
Never had The Doom Marine been so grateful that he botched an otherwise lethal shot.
He will put his mission on a temporary pause for as long as he can. He spends as much time as he can at your bedside, silently watching over you. He blames himself for your being injured, and feels responsible for making sure you’re safe whilst you heal.
He will wait on you hand and foot. Any request you may have, he will make sure your wish is fulfilled.
After you’re healed, he’s very hesitant to take you on missions with him. He knows you can take care of yourself, he knows he shouldn’t worry so much, but the thought of a demon hurting you, or worse, he himself hurting you…
There’s not a whole lot that scares The Doom Marine, but the thought of losing you is one of his greatest fears. He has lost so many loved ones already…
It will take a while for him to really accept the fact that you are just stubborn as he is, maybe even moreso, and keeping you at the Fortress isn’t helping you. He will eventually relent and let you accompany him on missions again.
He will be keeping a close eye on you though. Can’t be too careful, right?
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Febuwhump Day 2
Eyyy I”m back with the prompt for day 2! I’m tired so it ended up being more comical than whump, so im sorry :/
Failed Rescue Attempt below the cut! Read it on ao3 and leave a kudos if ya want!
Failed Rescue Attempt
Warriors hid behind a large rock beside his new companion as they considered their next moves. Wind was young, but the kid was sharp and had a fiery spirit. They didn’t know what had brought them together, but they gathered enough information to guess that something was drawing the two Heroes from different times together for a reason.
In an effort to find out more about this strange inter-dimensional occurrence, they asked around at local towns about any strange happenings recently. The information pointed them toward a desert where they now have come across a sizable fortress manned seemingly by women alone. They looked fierce with their scimitars in hand while patrolling the different levels of the structure.
“What if they’re nice?” Wind whispered, hazarding another glance over the rock at the fortress. Warriors didn’t bother to answer beyond a skeptical stare. “Okay, okay. What do you suggest, oh wise Captain?”
Warriors rolled his eyes at this, but set his brow in a thoughtful frown. “They seem very well organized,” he observed, his tactical mind running through everything he could deduce simply by looking at the soldiers before them. “Fighting head-on is certainly not the best option.”
“Ah c’mon, we can take them!” Wind said in a hushed but determined voice.
“Absolutely not,” Warriors hissed. “If they’re organized, they may respect someone from a similar background.” He motioned to himself as he spoke.
“That’s really all you got?”
“If I ask about the strange occurrences, maybe we can come to an agreement to share information?” Warriors was honestly grasping at straws. They were beyond out-numbered, legendary heroes or not, so he figured diplomacy would be the best angle.
“Do we have a plan B?” Wind inquired, not convinced with the current plan.
Warriors thought for a moment. “Perhaps I go alone, and if things get dicey you can come out to assist or distract or something.”
“Why can’t I just come with you?”
“Because if things go south and they try to kill us or at least imprison us, who is going to save our sorry skins?” At this Wind pouts, weighing the options.
“Ugh, fine,” Wind sighed.
“I’ll give you a signal if I need assistance.”
Wind nodded.
Warriors casually approached the fortress, hoping to the Goddesses that these people were reasonable. It didn’t take long before he heard a sharp whistle and suddenly two guards charged at him. “Wait!” Warriors threw his hands up in surrender. “I just have some questions, I mean no harm!”
Their response was a blade to his throat. Warriors gulped, but forced a calm expression.
“No men allowed on premises!” One guard said.
That caught Warriors off guard and his expression faltered.  “Wha-…um,” he cleared his throat. “I apologize, I was unaware of this restriction.”
“There’s a sign, or can you not read?” The other guard barked. Warriors held back a wince. He may have missed the sign. He is usually more observant.
“Forgive me, but I simply have some questions and I was wondering if you could offer some answers.” Despite his calm tone and charming half smile that usually got him his way, the blade was still held firmly against his throat.
“What is your name?”
Time to build rapport, Warriors thought. A question for a question, perhaps? “My name is Link.”
At this, their eyes narrowed and the blade pressed further against him. “A male and a liar,” the one holding the scimitar growled.
“But that’s my name,” Warriors allowed his brow to knit in confusion.
“Do you think we are stupid?” The other spat. “We know Link and you are certainly not him.”
“There’s…another Link?” Warriors asked, more to himself.
“Take him,” the guard concluded.
“Wait, I just want to know about any weird portals in the des-” Warriors was cut off by a swift blow to the head that came at him far too quickly than he had time to prepare for. It was effective, too because he immediately was out cold.
Warriors woke up with a throbbing headache. He seemed to be in a small cell with one window, desert light streaming through almost blindingly. There was one nasty looking door in the corner with metal reinforcements, probably leading to a hall. But upon further inspection as he peered through the window, there would be no hallway. He was in a tall tower at the far end of the fortress. From there he could still just see the rock he and Wind had hid behind as well as most of the fortress grounds.
He was just wondering how he would get out of this mess when, to his horror, he watched Wind stumble toward the fortress. Was something wrong with him? Did he get attacked too?
“Ohhh…” he heard Wind groan. A whistle blew and Warriors watched two guards rush up to Wind, weapons brandished. Wind collapsed before the guards, clutching his stomach. “Ughh…” Wind continued to groan loudly.
Warriors caught on to his charade and pinched the bridge of his nose in disbelief. “Merciful Din,” he grumbled under his breath. Was Wind really pulling the ‘Please help, I don’t feel good’ stunt?
Wind peered up at the guards that had yet to go off high alert. “Please help,” Warriors heard him whine. “I don’t feel good…”
Warriors face palmed. Great.
“Turn back, boy,” A guard spat.
“Please lady, I’ve been lost in the desert for days!” Wind whimpered. “May I take shelter in your lovely fortress?”
“Get lost, kid!” The guard growled. Warriors could barely see Wind’s face as he calculated his next move. Just go, Warriors thought to himself. This plan was bound to fail, the guards didn’t buy it and the only logical choice was to abandon the bit and leave. Wind seemed to have other plans as he lurched forward, grabbing the pant leg of the guard in front of him and groaned even louder.
“I’m gonna hurl right on your shoe, lady, please I gotta get inside!”
Warriors was crushed with second-hand embarrassment as he watched this painfully horrid show below him. The guard jumped back quickly out of Wind’s hand that he was clearly forcing to tremor as he held it out feebly. “You wanna go inside so bad? Fine!”
The guards charged at Wind, who was quick to draw his own sword and was skillfully blocking rapid blows from the guards. His size worked to his advantage as he rolled between legs and buzzed around them like a hornet, but as soon as a third guard joined in, he was overwhelmed. The third guard came up from behind and restrained Wind in a head lock. Wind spewed a stream of curses as he flailed in the guard’s hold. He squirmed and twisted enough to bite down on one of the arms restraining him- and he bit hard. The guard roared and threw Wind to the ground, who immediately bounced to his feet and slashed with his sword, opening a deep gash in the guard’s arm. After that offence, he stood no chance because now the guards were mad and in a matter of seconds they knocked Wind out and carried him toward the fortress.
Wind woke up with a groan- a genuine groan this time. “You good?” Warriors’ voice asked beside him.
“I don’t understand where it went wrong,” Wind complained as he sat up, rubbing the back of his head. Well, he tried to sit up but he felt a sharp pain shoot up his right side and he clutched at the afflicted area instinctively. “Broke my damn ribs, no less!” He added under his breath.
“Really?” Warriors asked sarcastically. “Not a clue why it went wrong?”
“Shut up, pretty boy, I don’t see you in a better position!”
Warriors rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. “You’re a literal pirate, aren’t you supposed to be good at this sort of thing?”
“Yeah! And it works every time!”
Warriors had no reason to believe Wind was telling the truth in any capacity. “Right. Anyway, what now, pirate genius?”
Wind thought for a moment before he shrugged innocently. “Sleep?”
“We’re going to die out here,” Warriors grumbled.
Link strode easily into the Gerudo fortress, waving pleasantly at a few guards as he passed. He had caught wind of some odd portals appearing in the desert, so he went to go check with Nabooru to see if she knew anything.
“Unfortunately, I don’t know much,” The sage mused after he had posed his inquiry. “Although…”
“Although?” Link repeated hopefully.
“Yesterday, a male soldier came asking about the portals, too,” she recalled with a hand on her hip.
Link, knowing the Gerudo of old, crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow. “What did you do to him?”
Nabooru let out a sharp laugh. “Incarcerated him, of course.” She said it like it was the obvious choice of action.
“Incarcerated for asking a question,” Link reiterated blandly.
“Oh, not for asking a question. He claimed his name was ‘Link’.” His friend leaned forward as she said this, knowing his interest would be piqued. A simple ‘huh’ confirmed that he was in fact intrigued. “Why would a soldier pretend to be the famous Hero of Time, hmm?”
“Maybe he’s not the brightest,” Link shrugged. The Royal Guard was not known for its scholars, that was for sure. “Well, let’s see him,” he sighed laboriously.
“You didn’t mention there was a kid,” Link said when the door to the tower cell opened to reveal two prisoners.
“The kid is the imposter’s accomplice, we assume,” Nabooru replied. “He bit Asha and cut her pretty deep, too,” she added.
Link glared at the boy, finding it hard to believe that this child was bold enough to hurt a Gerudo guard. “You did what?”
“I’ll do it again, just you watch!” The kid gloated. This one had some spunk, for sure. Link would figure out what to do with him later.
Instead, Link stepped closer to the older of the pair- the ‘soldier’.
“Who are you?” The soldier asked defensively.
Link knelt on one knee, his one good eye boring into the man’s wary ones. The intimidation worked, it seemed, because the man shifted uncomfortably where he sat. “I’m asking the questions here,” he said with authority. The man’s back straightened as if on instinct. Perhaps he is a soldier, Link thought. His reaction was a schooled response to a superior officer. “You came here under the impersonation of ‘Link’ I’m told. Why?”
The soldier seemed mildly offended at this. “It isn’t an impersonation. It’s my name.”
“And I assume you would therefore claim to be a great hero?” Link jabbed.
“You bet your ass!” The kid behind the soldier chimed indignantly. The soldier’s face dawned with horror and he wheeled around.
“Wind!” The man hissed at his companion.
“Just who are you to be so important, mister? Why didn’t they arrest you, huh?” The kid- ‘Wind’- challenged.
“I’m Link, that’s why.”
“It’s true, then,” the soldier muttered under his breath.
“What is?” Link asked carefully. “Explain yourself.”
The soldier let out a long sigh. “You may wanna sit for this, Old Man.”
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seahdalune · 2 years
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porta-decumana · 3 years
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The Last Light of Dawn - Chapter 47: Oblation
In a gamble of hope, Cassius and Gaius infiltrate Castrum Nocte with the hopes of dismantling its airforce and throw wide the gates so that the Wild Rose Rebellion can claim the dreaded bastion that has stained the Coerthan highlands for the last year.  
Full Chapter Here
When Castrum Nocte came into sight, every memory from his last venture into the bowels of the dark fortress came flooding back into view.  It felt not long ago that Gaius had been watching the imperial base with speculations and theories swimming about in his mind, all bent upon a vague hope that Kaida Asagiri had not been dead all that time.  That he had the strength to pull her from the depths of that cruel place and send the world back onto the path of hope.  Now, he stared at those distant gates, having tasted what it could feel like to have hope once more.  The world had felt so wrong since that day when the Empire had come without warning to the Eorzean borders.  This was a major step in turning its route back to where it ought to have been.
A future where the Empire fell.  That future did not seem so far away a year ago. That Solus returned to save it is naught short of a miracle.
He silently pondered what the truth behind all of it was as he looked at those distant, nightmarish walls.  There was only one way to find out.  
“You will permit me to do the talking, I trust,” Cassius said to him.
“So long as you’re convincing enough to not get us both killed immediately, yes,” Gaius replied.
“I’ve talked my way through a few dicey situations, this one should be…” Cassius’s voice trailed for a moment and he gave a shrug.  “… Well, it won’t be a walk in the park but it is doable and that is what matters.”
Gaius was not entirely comforted by that but he gave a nod.  Better to let Cassius speak then follow his lead.  It would not have been appropriate for a legionnaire to take command over a tribunus.
“Well, helmet on.  Unless you fancy an intimate tour of the prison,” Cassius said in that light. airy tone of his, pale eyes focused on those distant walls.  What was he thinking, Gaius mused as he donned the helmet, grimacing slightly at its musky scent.  Was he thinking of all the ways this could go horribly wrong?  Was he thinking of what to say to Valens when they made it through those gates?  Did he regret his decision to join the Rebellion?
“Do we know the name of the soldier who wore this helm?” Gaius asked.
“Remus oen Cato,” Cassius replied.  “Died in Dravania, I am told.  I did not know him personally.”
“… I see,” Gaius said as the two of them resumed their fated walk towards the Castrum Nocte.
Their boots fought against the heavy layers of snow that blanketed the road.  Perhaps it was due to the Garlean occupation that the paths seemed so ill-maintained.  Airships were more often used than not to ferry about supplies, leaving the more “primitive” forms of transportation to rust over.  The eternal winter had not been kind to the road that the Ishgardians had once used to make their way to their gray-stoned city.  Whatever was left of it was mostly buried, like a skeleton from an age past.
Castrum Nocte’s gates loomed over them both within minutes.  Gaius felt exposed out in the open, despite the guise he had put on.  Shouts from the gatehouse rang out in the bitter cold, echoing across the highlands. The magitek mechanism began to crank open slowly.  It was like the maw of a beast and he and Cassius were foolish enough to jump inside of it.  From behind the safety of his helm, the Wolf closed his eyes for a moment, steadying his breath.  There was no turning back now.
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madran-khajiit · 4 years
2 Hearthfire 4E 201
Using his last money, Ma’dran has bought himself a cheap set of hide armour and an iron sword. It is time to go check on that bounty, if the offer is still up.
The Jarl’s hall is large and dominated by a big log fire and tables set for a feast. Curiously, all the chairs are empty save for two: one occupied by a young man who loudly introduces himself as the Jarl’s son, and another by a large man in heavy armour with a bright red cock’s bill for hair. The Jarl herself is a woman of middle age, red-headed too, who slouches in her seat. Her posture does her no favours when compared with the Altmer woman standing next to her, who is a giantess in comparison. 
“Speak, traveller. Clearly you’ve come to my court for a reason, now out with it.”
“I, well, your grace, I was wondering about... about that bounty”, Ma’dran says, unsure how to address a Jarl. 
“Oh, a bounty, you should speak to my steward for that, she handles these things. Anuriel, take care of him, please”, Jarl Laila Law-Giver says and makes a small gesture towards the towering Altmer. 
“As my Jarl said, my name is Anuriel and I am the steward here. I handle everyday matters for the Jarl. You wanted to know about the bounty for a bandit camp, yes?” Anuriel’s voice is more kind than Laila’s, but still very businesslike. 
Ma’dran just nods, not wanting to make a fool of himself. Inside his head a voice repeats: just a merchant’s son, don’t know a thing about courts, just get me out of here...
“The bounty is still available, if that was what you were here for”, Anuriel says. “Though know that you aren’t the first one to try, the Greenfell Keep lot are a tough bunch...” 
The road to the keep is short, and Ma’dran almost has time to forget about his terrible task on the way, because the sun is shining beautifully through the yellowing autumn leaves in the forest. 
The fortress itself is barely guarded at all, the lone guarding bandit asleep at her post, with several empty bottles around her. Ma’dran gets inside with surprising ease, and from then on it’s a matter of sticking to the shadows and ambushing them. The first bandit he kills, he feels sorry for, wondering what his parents would think if they knew what their son was up to. Not the second one. Every single movement of his is fast, every muscle taut as a bow-string, his heart beating a tattoo on his chest. The armour they wear look like his: cheap, strung-together provisorical solutions made out of iron, leather, hides, pelts. Their weapons are like his, too: the cheapest iron, barely better than pot-metal. They come at him with clubs and maces and hammers and daggers, and him against them with his thin little sword, no shield because the money ran out. They kick and punch and grapple and a fierce little Bosmer tries to bite, and he answers with memories of street fights in his youth and the sheer raw panic of I won’t die today. Eventually he makes his way to the tower where the bandit leader lives, roosting up there like some vulture, and this time the fight is very dicey indeed. Ma’dran manages to distract her by clawing at her eyes, making her scream and cry blood, and then he finds the spot and plunges his sword through her rawhide breastplate, again and again and again until he catches himself and stops. 
She’s dead, I did it, she’s dead, goes the refrain in his head, and he rummages through her pockets and the large chest containing the bandits’ spoils, finding gold and jewellery, an unusual-looking book and other trinkets and items. He tries not to think about the Khajiit couple dressed in merchant’s clothes whose bodies he saw in the cellar. Ma’dran puts everything that looks remotely valuable into his large leather satchel and begins the walk home on legs shaking with exhaustion.
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maybemaybemartian · 4 years
Everything you ever wanted to know (but were afraid to ask) about Sokovia Rising’s M’gann M’orzz.
CHARACTER NAME/ALIAS: M’gann M’orzz alias Miss Martian FACECLAIM: Jane Levy AFFILIATIONS: Nomads, formerly Justice League AGE (physical age as well, if different): 25 SPECIES (human, metahuman, alien, etc): White Martian, appears human IS YOUR CHARACTER’S IDENTITY SECRET OR PUBLIC? Public IF SECRET, OR YOUR CHARACTER IS A CIVILIAN, DO THEY HAVE A CIVILIAN OCCUPATION? Librarian at the Matchak Library IF YOUR CHARACTER LIVES IN THE FORTRESS, WHAT ARE THEIR DUTIES? Yes. Cooking, food preparation, and pigeon keeping in the dovecote DESCRIBE SIX TRAITS (3 positive, 3 negative) YOUR CHARACTER HAS AND HOW THESE AFFECT THEM:
POWERS AND/OR ABILITIES: Shapeshifting, telekinesis, telepathy and telepathic empathy, camouflage (nearing invisibility now), intangibility (becoming more reliable now), Martian vision (energy blasts fired from the eyes, by far M’gann’s most exhausting ability), and flight. These abilities are rooted in Martian physiology, but, much like the Martian Manhunter’s abilities, M’gann’s have far, far surpassed their expected boundaries.
Sound does not travel efficiently through the thin, dust-heavy atmosphere of Mars. Instead of evolving to speak as humans do, Martians evolved to communicate telepathically. M’gann learned to silence surface thoughts within four months of arriving on Earth. However, she is unable to stop detecting people’s emotions and telepathic signatures. She also uses it as a universal translator. M’gann’s own telepathy is dangerously powerful and can be used in many ways, but she has a strict ethical code for how to use it and to whom it may be applied. M’gann does not use telepathy, her native language, to hurt people. She does not enter minds without consent, does not steal, alter, insert, or erase memories.
M’gann can shapeshift on a molecular level, but she needs to have at least a basic understanding of what she is shapeshifting into if she wants the form to be more than surface level. For example, M’gann can fly innately. But, if she wanted to shift into a sparrow with functioning wings, she would need to know a little about aerodynamics and birds. Luckily, she’s a quick study and she’s between practicing for a long time.
It is very, very important to note that M’gann started hiding her powers after the Chitauri Invasion in 2014. A character who has not worked with Miss Martian or the Martian Manhunter would find video footage of these powers through a quick Google search: M’gann telekinetically lifting a car, flying, and doing a bit of shapeshifting, J’onn using energy beams, using superstrength without visibly shifting, shifting into a massive dragon to save an airplane in 2006, and a video of J’onn communicating telepathically with an off-world ambassador.
WEAKNESSES: All Martians have a big problem with fire and excessive heat. M’gann is unable to use her powers near open flames and becomes heavily weakened during heat waves. She is also negatively affected by certain things which would pose little or no threat to humans, including caffeine (makes her molecules buzz like static on an old TV set), alcohol (unpredictable results), cigarette smoke (gunks up her cells and makes her feel physically ill), and many human medicines.
WHAT BROUGHT YOUR CHARACTER TO SOKOVIA? M'gann attended the riots in DC as a civilian. When things got dicey, she initially helped calm the crowd through telepathic signals. Shortly after, at the behest of Wonder Woman and Batman, M’gann joined the two of them at the Fortress of Solitude where she carefully used her detail telekinesis removed shards of Kryptonite from Clark. 
DID THEY SIGN THE ACCORDS? WHY OR WHY NOT? No. Neither M’gann nor her uncle, J’onn J’onzz, signed the Accords. At first, they were able to avoid legal repercussions on the grounds of diplomat status and discontinuing visible hero-work. J’onn retired to the Watchtower a short time later and the ISA began to focus more pressure on M’gann, but as Miss Martian had disappeared from the public eye there was little they could do but monitor her closely and wait for her to slip up. PROVIDE 3-5 HEADCANONS RELATED TO YOUR CHARACTER:
Martians families use telepathy to connect with each other. During sleeping hours, they share dreams psychically. M’gann hasn’t had anyone to dream with since leaving Mars, but she still creates a dream for herself every night.
M’gann has never eaten an Oreo. M’gann’s uncle, J’onn, warned her of ‘Choco Madness’ when she was new to Earth. She genuinely believes that Chocos, or Oreos, are cripplingly addictive to Martians and that withdrawal symptoms include loss faculties and hulk-like rage. In reality, Oreos are essentially Martian catnip.
Mars is a dying world. It has been in decline for hundreds of years and the end is certainly close at hand. Outbreaks of fire plague still decimate entire households and villages of Martians sharing the same thought-stream. Rain is virtually non-existent. The people depend on dwindling supplies of groundwater. Increasingly common dust storms ravage the fields. Food is scarce. People are angry and frightened enough to take desperate, even irrational action. All this profoundly affected M’gann’s early life. She and her family worked long hours on their homestead and still often failed to make ends meet. M’gann’s natural form is fragile and short from childhood malnourishment. Technically, she is still promised by contract to a wealthy White Martian family seeking genetic diversity in exchange for food and supplies they gave to her family.
Green and White Martians, as well as Red and Yellow Martians, have been at odds throughout Martian history. Despite long perpetuated stereotypes and misconceptions, the only real difference between these people is the color of their skin at birth. M’gann is the White Martian daughter of a male White Martian and a female Green Martian. Between her coloring, her hardworking nature, and her rapidly advancing powers, M’gann spent much of her childhood being viewed by non-family members as either a monster or a potential weapon.
M'gann came to Earth in 2009 to be protegee to her maternal uncle, J'onn J'onzz. She lived with him in a Chicago suburb and fully intended to be a public superhero with ties to the Martian Manhunter as well as Wonder Woman. As such she did not attempt to hide the fact that M'gann M'orzz and Miss Martian were one and the same. Unfortunately, that openness made her an easy target of anti-alien sentiment after the Chitauri Invasion in 2014. She withdrew from social media and stopped using her powers publicly as a way to mitigate the damage.
When the Accords were passed, J'onn and M’gann both declined to sign. J’onn retired to the Watchtower while M'gann stayed in Chicago to finish her undergraduate degree and then a Master of Library and Information Science from the University of Illinois.
The exact nature and extent of her abilities is known to only a handful of people, but the ISA does know that M'gann is a powerful telepath because of a video recording of J'onn using his telepathy to communicate with an off-world ally. The ISA made their interest known with repeated attempts to have her sign the Accords as well as an increasingly aggressive surveillance campaign.
M'gann attended the riots in DC as a civilian. When the situation went south, she initially helped calm the crowd with telepathic signals. Shortly after, at the behest of Wonder Woman and Batman, M’gann joined the two of them at the Fortress of Solitude where she carefully used her detail telekinesis removed shards of Kryptonite from Clark. Knowing that the ISA would be after her, M’gann hastily resigned from her library in Chicago, withdrew her life savings from the bank, packed a pair of suitcases, and flew to join Diana.
Here in Sokovia, M'gann is rebuilding the Matchak library and preparing to open to the public. She does most of the cooking in the Mousehole and takes care of the pigeons and most food preparation. She is absolutely, unequivocally overworking herself.
During the Ghost in the Machine event, the communicators were taken out by the disembodied code of Arnim Zola and M’gann revealed her telepathy to all present Nomads in the form of a mind link. 
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ckret2 · 5 years
And I got so into writing out that Worst Case Scenario last night I forgot to mention my second misgiving with the whole damn prompt, which AS IT HAPPENS covers some headcanons I've been meaning to bring up AND is relevant to a prompt coming up in my list that I am gonna write, so I'm gonna devote a post to this:
The very scenario "x character gets upset over y character CHEATING!!!" is based on the presumption that, like... the characters give a shit.
In the case of Rodorah, it assumes that two giant animals, one of which is an alien, both:
1) are familiar with the concept of monogamy as humans understand it
2) believe in and adhere to the concept of monogamy as humans understand it
3) consider dating or banging anyone outside their relationship a breach of trust in regards to said monogamy
4) would have the exact same emotional reaction as a human to said breach of trust
Which is a lot of assumption to put on a dinosaur and a dragon. And also anyone who dates Ghidorah is automatically in a polyamorous relationship so monogamy is kinda out the window right from the get go, you know?
So I'm gonna dig into why all those assumptions are unnecessary to assume. Half based on canon and half covering fic headcanons.
Gonna go out on a limb and assume that we don't know anything worth discussing about the mating habits of pteranodons; but Monsterverse Rodan's also got a lot of bird in him, so let's go with that. Lots of birds are socially monogamous, but not sexually monogamous. What that means is that once two birds are committed to each other—went down to bird city hall and signed their bird marriage license, exchanged tiny bird rings, whatever birds do—they've committed to sharing a nest and splitting egg-guarding and child-rearing duties in that nest. They HAVEN'T committed to only screwing each other. Depending on the species, 10% to 33% of the eggs in the nest could have a different genetic father than the male bird in that couple. (And some even have a different genetic mother, which boggles my mind. Like did she fly all the way over to someone else's nest just to lay the egg like "I don't wanna deal with this one thanks" and they're like "that's fine have a nice day"? I'm sure that's not how it works but the thought amuses me.)
Operating by that definition, Rodan's image of "totally committed and faithful" would be "there's only one person whom I split daily chores with, and I can have kids with anyone."
(Some bird species are both sexually and socially monogamous... but then, some bird species also are only committed to one partner for one breeding season, then break up and commit to a new partner next year. There's variation, is the point—and more than that, "you can't logically assume that a species like this is going to be sexually/socially monogamous for life the way humans idealize" is the bigger point.)
The fact that Rodan's species, like all titan species, seems to be in a perpetual state of "less than two dozen deaths away from total extinction" would actually select against sexual monogamy, because a species that goes "I'm not having kids with anyone except my one true love. Who died a century ago," is gonna go extinct a lot faster than a species that goes "boy won't my one true love be excited when she hears about the prime real estate me and Ms. Krakatoa found to lay our eggs in."
And I've established in prior headcanons that because parents might die long before their kids are born and because volcanoes act as natural fortresses/incubators for eggs, Rodan's species doesn't share nests, doesn't need to protect or incubate eggs, and doesn't rear their young—so what would social monogamy even entail for them? It doesn't need to entail much of anything, if they even subscribe to it at all.
Ghidorah's species is alien so there's no need to try to compare them to their "nearest related species on Earth" because they aren't related to any species on Earth. But, if we're gonna use Earth species as a framework off of which to base their headcanons anyway: dorats/Ghidorahs, when taken all together, are like 50% snake, 30% cat, and 20% bat.
Snakes are the least monogamous bunch of animals you could ask for. During mating season, males and females both have multiple partners, females can lay eggs from multiple fathers in one clutch, and most species don't even bother incubating their eggs. (In the few that do, the mother does that without a partner.)
Domestic cats are into gang bangs. When a female cat is in heat, she will yowl to attract as many male cats in the area as possible. When a male cat wants some, he'll yowl in hopes a female cat in heat will zip over. They'll mate with multiple cats in a row, loitering around watching while they wait for their turn. They'll mate with whoever shows up. They'll mate with their own relatives. Cats don't care. Cats are gross. Get your cats fixed.
Most bats will have multiple partners. Some bats are polygamous—one or two dudes with a collection of multiple female partners. In both of these cases, males don't help rear the young. A few bats are monogamous and share parenting duties—but these are the minority.
So Ghidorah's most closely related species are three counts of "I don't care who you screw, I don't care who I screw, once a year there's like a month where anyone could screw anyone else at any time and nobody is safe. I'll screw you and then I'll screw a space chicken cyborg and then I'll screw myself, watch, I'm flexible."
One hopes they're a bit more selective than that, but those are the nearest Earth analogues we're starting with as our basis for their species.
Based just on that, between Ghidorah and Rodan, if one of them is gonna be fussed about the other having additional partners—sexual, romantic, or otherwise—odds are it ain't gonna be Ghidorah. Ghidorah's gonna be the clueless alien trying to figure out what weird Earth etiquette rule he broke while Rodan's upset—assuming Rodan cares either.
So beyond Earth animals: what's been established about dorats so far is that they live in big groups with multiple aeries. The basic dorat social unit is a flock (30-200 adults), not a nest (1-2 adults). Since they communally share nests, eggs from multiple parents will end up in the same pile, and so it's likely no one gives a damn about who's had kids with who. (And—although I haven't gotten into dorat reproduction yet—eggs are laid immediately after mating, so it's impossible to have dubious paternity in a dorat mating—which IRL, aside from "doubling the amount of parents looking after these kids," is one of the driving factors of monogamy in the wild.)
The Xilien military HAS witnessed aggression based on sexual jealousy between adolescent dorats, enough so that they think it's a threat to their experiments. The Xilien military is locking up dorats in cages and experimentally fusing them together. The Xilien military is not observing dorats in their natural habitat. The actual dorat breeder is absolutely horrified to hear of dorats behaving like that, because it's a sign of extreme stress and trauma. Viciously competing for mates and chasing off other potential sexual partners, therefore, is abnormal for dorats.
Using Ghidorah as they are now as an example of what dorats are like is dicey, since they've lived such a strange life and so much of their psychology is shaped by trauma—buuut, it's evident from them that dorats can feel romantic love, but we don't know what function it would've had among normal dorats. Maybe it's supposed to be a temporary thing that fades after a mating season, maybe it's supposed to encourage a few members of one flock to latch on to members of another flock and move as a means to discourage stagnation in the genetic pool of a single flock, maybe its primary purpose has nothing to do with driving reproduction but rather is supposed to strengthen social bonds between members of this naturally empathic species...
So the presence of romantic feelings doesn't inherently correlate with monogamy, or a desire for monogamy, or sexual/romantic exclusivity, or sexual/romantic jealousy...
So add all that together and what do you get. Of the two of them, Rodan is more likely to have a natural and/or cultural inclination toward any sort of monogamy than Ghidorah is, and even at that it's most likely to be romantic monogamy than sexual monogamy. Ghidorah's the one more likely to assume against exclusivity from the outside. However: to the original premise, if Ghidorah DID find out Rodan had taken another sexual partner (and let's be frank, it would be sexual because nobody in this fandom is writing a damn thing about infidelity plots that don't eventually fall back on "o noez Rodan screwed someone he shouldn't have," even when romance IS involved it boils down to sex, and yeah it's always Rodan—)
That parenthetical went on a bit of a tangent. Anyway if Ghidorah found out Rodan had taken another sexual partner, there'd be three possible reactions:
1) The LEAST likely: as in the potential scenario yesterday written on the "okay, let's assume that cheating is a thing for them" assumption: an apocalypse with a potential side of murder/suicide. In order for something like that to happen, Ghidorah's experiences on Earth would have to have pushed them into full Despite All My Rage I Am Still Just A Dorat In A Cage mode. Their baseline mental state is at about 45% on the "stressed caged dorat" meter. Right now they're hovering around 30% and gradually dropping. Being an enslaved war machine kept them at a steady 75%. They'd need to be at like 90% before they started flipping their shit over romantic jealousy. To get them to that level of stress, they'd need to be getting constantly harassed by Godzilla and human military units, psychically bombarded by Mothra, and on top of that probably getting gaslit to hell and back by Rodan re: their relationship status so they couldn't be confident of where they stood with him—and that leads into the other factor that's necessary for this scenario to happen. Rodan would need to 1) insist to Ghidorah that he's the only one Rodan's got any sort of sexual/romantic involvement with, and 2) convince him that the stability and continued existence of their relationship is predicated upon Rodan being interested in only Ghidorah. They'd need to be specifically convinced of these things first in order to feel lied to/betrayed if Rodan had a relationship of any kind with someone else, because they wouldn't naturally assume either of them.
Since we've got no evidence Rodan is a raging abusive asshole who would go out of his way to convince an ignorant alien that their happiness is dependent upon Rodan being exclusive and then go off and not be exclusive, this scenario isn't happening.
2) Actually likely scenario, bad outcome: Rodan comes home and Ghidorah asks where he's been all day and he goes, oh yeah, he found another member of his species today, they're gonna try to make eggs, it's great—because to Rodan that's no big deal, that's normal, he's got absolutely no reason not to tell his mate that he's banging another bird. Ghidorah gets nervous solely because they DON'T know what's normal here. They don't know whether monogamy or polyamory is the norm for Earth in general or Rodan in particular. Are they still a thing or is this Rodan's way of saying the relationship's run its course and he's moved on? Was he always planning to move on once someone of his own species became available? Was he expecting Ghidorah to expect that? Because they did expect that, they've always feared they were just a temporary substitute for a more desirable partner, they just didn't know if they were supposed to expect that. At which point they go "oh" and Rodan goes "'oh' what?" and they go "so is that it then?" and he goes "is what it?" and they actually communicate for thirty seconds and everything's fine. So hey the bad outcome isn't even bad. It probably just takes them a month to have that conversation while Ghidorah invents mental worst case scenarios.
3) Actually likely scenario, good outcome: Rodan comes home and Ghidorah asks where he's been all day and he goes, oh yeah, he found another member of his species today, they're gonna try to make eggs— And Ghidorah goes EXCUSE US if they're in a relationship with him and he's in a relationship with her then that means they and he and she are all part of the same flock and they are DEEPLY offended that he hasn't brought her by to meet them yet, come on, go get her, they need to know what she looks like so they don't accidentally get in a fight with her if they see her in Rodan's territory. Also they need to know where her volcano is so they can get their scent all over it.
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