#did I have a random meta/headcanon tag?
faejilly · 10 months
so average-mako-enjoyer made this post about Shepard being forced to have a social media account for morale and only posting hamster pictures and like
I read that and immediately had four different Shepards yelling at me in my head (I blame @shadoedseptmbr's Aedan tags) 🤣🤣🤣
Weaver would in fact include hamster pictures, but they'd be macro pictures of like, whiskers and toes only.
The whole account would all only be macro photos. No tags, no comments, no explanations, no definitions. No time stamps or metadata, all expertly wiped, no location cues beyond maybe the quality of the light... which isn't that hard to manipulate after all, if you've got an omnitool and some good flashlight/spotlight blueprints.
It's all just exquisite close-ups of pieces of gravel and seeds and leaves and pollen or fractions of circuit boards and weird screws or clamps or the odd pattern of wear on a [redacted but clearly the Mako for those in the know] tire.
She and Aeden would clearly get along great.
Ngaio would flat out refuse. (She would've done it if she'd met Traynor sooner, because she can refuse Traynor nothing, but that was too late, on several levels.)
Ella would be asked to make an account after she gets her N7 status and starts showing up in the news periodically; she's told to try and soften the public image of the infamous Butcher of Torfan.
She does set something up, posts some generic pretty Alliance Training Stock Photos, the kind you get in a recruiters office, but that's it for ages.
And then she posts five separate in-depth tutorials in a row, three on astronomy and two on France of all things, one specifically about the language, one about cooking.
Then nothing again.
And then a three-part series on astral navigation, and how different species figured out the math for measuring where the fuck they were in space.
Then a thing on baking with chocolate, including how to convert levo recipes to dextro (and vice versa) and which things were more likely to translate into something that might still taste good.
She never shows herself however, so it does fuck all to counter all the pics and videos of her stalking around heavily armed and armored in full gear, occasionally with a bit of a blue halo from biotics usage, generally glaring or scowling as she avoids reporters trying to get a comment.
Most people don't connect her socials to the Butcher of Torfan at all, and those that do assume someone else is running the account in her name in a failed Alliance PR stunt.
After the Battle of the Citadel, there are enough recordings of her helping with clean-up efforts and being polite at formal ceremonies to make it clear that the Butcher and the Shepard-who-goes-on-weird-tangents-on-social-media are actually the same person, who is also POSSIBLY a galactic hero, so the whispers about Torfan finally start to fade out a little...
And then she dies.
Ward would be some terrifying (but delightful once you got past the scowl) combination of Adam Savage and Mercury Stardust because he would legit show people how to take things apart and upgrade and fix them (and which bits are 'legal-ish' depending on whether they technically own them or not) but also things probably explode sometimes (or at the very least spark A Lot™️) and Tali guests wearing glorious (flame-retardant) Turian fashions and ALSO sometimes PROPRIETARY TECH THAT IS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE and no one ever bleeps ANY of Jack's swearing and sometimes the three of them are gleefully trying to make something that probably shouldn't exist and some poor Alliance PR officer cries in their office sometimes because they are actually spectacular PR and GREAT for morale and also they break so many TOS's but it's Commander Fucking Shepard so who's gonna tell him to stop?
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faroreskiss · 1 year
Latest Work: The Pioneer
I like world building and thinking about those details nobody cares about, reader inserts & AUs. Anything that relates to languages/lingustics/translation.
And yes, as the blog title indicates, also sometimes smut/+18 content, tagged with #smut or #nsfw (So please mind the warnings at the start, there is also SFW content here!)
Unfortunately, I publish first and proof-read later.
You can call me Farie.
Misc sideblog: @farie-meta
If something is tagged #raw fic it means it has been just typed on a whim and that I clicked on the "Post" button without using my brain as much.
Master list below.
Regarding Linkcest/Incest, click here.
Ao3 for more polished content. (Still not the best versions unless stated otherwise)
Hi there to whoever that will ever see this,
After many years of writing (and not publishing much) fanfics and reading a plethora of them, finally decided to post them here.
I did want to focus on one shots, but some of the stuff I wrote ended up having a potential of expansion, even though the whole primary reason was to write a juicy fic!
Then I realized I ended up with at least 10k word background to what was supposed to be a "juicy one shot".
So now, I have this page to see what other people think, maybe I publish both SFW and NSFW versions, maybe somebody is interested in the story potential...
(Also, not a lot of ENM or threesome Zelda x Reader x Link fics in the market lol)
I am open to requests & feedback too!
Master List
Anons: ✨anon
SFW Content:
The Power of Understanding Ongoing Translator!Scholar!Reader random snippets of adventures with the Chain within the Linked Universe AU, pairings possible. Same "You" from the NSFW Fics. Poly/Bisexual Pairings. Read on Ao3
The Power of Understanding shorts in my profile can be found with the tag #the power of understanding shorts or #tpos Do you think I'm a cheater? (Shorts) (Ao3) The Void (Shorts) (Ao3) Triforce of Mischief (Shorts) (Ao3)
Resurrection Gone Wrong Ongoing Read on Ao3 A couple of short fics about what would happen if Link's resurrection took more of a twisted turn.
Requested Content:
For Tonight (Zelda x Fem!Reader) (Angst, no comfort) The Void (Power of Understanding Short Story) (Hurt/no comfort) Can be read stand alone Ao3 Acceptance of the Waves (Linke x Fem!Reader) (Angst) The Pioneer (Skyward Sword Link, Angst, hurt no comfort)
Headcanon (?) Content
The Information You Never Knew You Needed
Unnatural Coincidences (Zelda x Fem!Reader x Link) (+18) (Experimental writing in third person. Not super proud tbh) Parts 1 2 3 4 Epilogue
Make me a pie (Warriors x Fem!Higher Ranking Officer!Reader) (+18) Ao3
A Little Quick(ie) (+18) -Alternate Version 1 (Flora x Fem!Reader) Coming soon -Alternate Version 2 (Twilight x Fem!Reader)
Harp Lesson (Pedal Harpist!Sky x Fem!Reader) (+18)
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cedarxwing · 24 days
Today I came across blog that kind of ruined my mood and now I’m freakin sad because the blog is talking about how Hannigram is not meant to last and Will’s future will be different as Brian said “It’s Will Graham” story . Can you please console me 🥹
I'm sorry, anon! Imo, it's best to block upsetting blogs like that. Fandom is just a hobby, so there's no point in engaging with people who ruin your fun. Especially antis who post in the hannigram tag just to troll people lol.
I don't know what blog you're referring to, so I can't really refute anything they said, but I'll leave you with a few thoughts:
Conflict is the heart of all good stories. When the conflict is resolved, the story is over. Any hypothetical continuation of Hannibal would include conflict, so it's not out of the question that hannigram would have problems in S4. But that doesn't mean they don't love each other!
Unless Bryan has a secret burner account, nobody on tumblr knows how Hannibal was meant to end. We can speculate based on interviews and meta, but it's pointless to pretend to know for sure. All we have are headcanons, so you might as well headcanon whatever makes you happiest. You don't need permission from random internet users to imagine a happily ever after for hannigram!
Even if S4 did happen and hannigram ended tragically, that wouldn't stop us from writing AUs. Fandom is a sandbox where you play make-pretend with your blorbos! Ignoring canon is a time-honored tradition! Even Bryan says the show is fanfiction of the books and that his opinion is just as valid as yours, so it really doesn't matter what he thinks.
If you want my opinion on how the show would have ended, I'm 90% sure that hannigram was endgame. Out of all screen adaptations, the show stuck the closest to the romance in the third novel. There has never been a screen adaption where Hannibal got his original romantic happily ever after. It would be literally insane for them not to be the first, especially when, based on everything from interviews to the show itself, it's obvious that Bryan was a massive fan of the novels. In fact, I believe the post-credits scene of TWOTL was included as a mini happily ever after because the show was cancelled.
I hope that helps! <3
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beautifulhigh · 1 year
Okay, in re asking about yourself, headcanon thingy: I enjoy the heck out of your FirstPrince meta posts, so in that vein... Can you share any headcanon about FirstPrince, please?
Also, random question, how would you describe your favourite colour to a blind person or a colour blind person?
Much love!
Thank you! I hope to get the next one up some point this week, and I'm still on the hunt for any gifs of the New Year's party (or anyone who has time/capacity to make me some bespoke ones). So hmu with links or offers.
One headcanon I've got, which is actually going to make its way (in part) into the Top Secret Experimental Fic I'm playing about with writing at the moment, is that they are fiercely protective of their private lives when they move to Texas. Like, anyone who even steps onto their property has to sign the most ironclad NDA which means they cannot post any pictures of the property, they cannot describe anything about the property, some of them aren't even allowed to say they've been to the property. That is their home, their space, and they are fully in control of what is released about it.
Everyone gets it - they have lost enough of their lives, their privacy, their intimate spaces. So their Texan home becomes their sanctuary and word gets out that this is how they are living their lives: private figures at home, public figures outside of that property boundary. Rule One: nothing is posted without clear and express permission from BOTH of them and it will be marked as such on the post. And that permission is so rarely given they just don't ask now. Any photos taken at events, gatherings, birthdays, holidays? They know that they're always going to be private.
Everyone thinks that June is the one to be afraid of if you break that one rule. When Pez uploads a picture of his OOTD hanging on the back of a door, someone thinks he's staying at the farmhouse and he's breaking Rule One because there's no tag and he has to quickly start a livestream where he can show people that he's not at the house, he's actually somewhere else entirely.
What he doesn't tell people is that he did that in a panic because Catherine called him and threatened to have him locked in the Tower for the rest of his natural life.
So yeah. My headcanon is that the boys, and their families, become ultra protective of their privacy.
As for the second question, this made me think about if I have a favourite colour! I tend to favour blues so I guess I would describe them looking as the sun feels on an autumn day: the warmth being tempered with cooler air and winds. It's not intense, it's not overpowering. The blues I favour are the kinds that are the in-between. Cosy like the drawing in of the nights and the fireplaces. Comforting like the warm mugs in hands. The range from the warmer days when autumn is still bright and clinging to summer, through to the moments it is slipping into winter.
So yeah. I'd describe blue as autumn sun, and the range as the season itself.
Come ask me anything: headcanons, random stuff, whatever you want to know
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cypanache · 2 years
This is random but have you ever thought about organizing an Obidala fic exchange? I have this serious feeling that you'd be really really good at that.
I have not. I have never actually participated in a fic exchange either. And the Obidala community is so small I’d be a little worried about sufficient participation and someone not getting their fic.
However, I did run a low pressure prompt event for Parks and Rec when that fandom was just heating up called “Hiatus Fest” (does anyone even remember hiatuses, anymore?), that I enjoyed doing a lot and might be a good structure for this community. It ran over a few weeks. We posted a relatively open-ended set of prompts a week. And the idea was just to produce something for the prompts that week.
I was thinking we could have some fun by doing prompt sets with a variety of types of prompts (themes, tropes, AUs, dialogue, etc.) each set inspired by a different section of the prequels timeline (TPM, AotC, TCW, RotS, OWK). Not that anything would have to be set there just drawing inspiration from the various obidala vibes of each. Then open it up to all types of creations: fics, ficlets, drabbles, gifsets, art, vids, mood boards, headcanons, meta, etc.
So serious question time: would anyone be interested in participating in something like that? No signups, no exchanges, no pressure. Just a few weeks of prompts. One prompt set a week. And the desire to liven up the tag, support each other, spread the love, and maybe attract some new blood. If this sounds like it something you’d be interested in doing (even if it wouldn’t be every week because any new content is still new content) drop a reply or reblog and throw your interest in the tag so I can gauge whether this would be worth it.
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daedalusdavinci · 9 months
spell homestuck
GOD. THIS IS SO MUCH LONGER THAN TWO FACE. i typed too much and theres too many qs so under the cut it goes
H - What is your favorite source text for fandom stuff (e.g., TV shows, movies, books, anime, Western animation, etc.)?
books!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! or....... i guess comics, these days, but i HATE READING COMICS they juST HAVE MORE COMPELLING FANDOMS. book fandoms are PUNY nad everyone is STUPID. youd think actual literary fandoms would have reading comprehension and understanding of literary critique but no!!!!!!!!!!!!! its literally my eternal fuckign struggle. somehow comic fandoms hit the perfect medium between compelling, readable content and the enthusiasm of cartoon fans without the childishness of cartoon fans
O - Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of?
this isnt really a thing i do. the only time i associate characters w songs is my own ocs. barbies theme is miltons tower from the what remains of edith finch soundtrack!
M - Name a character that you’d like to have for a friend.
i have also never really been one to project myself into stories. its just not how i consume media. i think sollux and rose already closely resemble the kinds of friends i make, so maybe them?
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what?
(freddy fazbear vc) vanessa.... ive done things, im not proud of.
i dont even know if i want to answer this question bc its so fucking humiliating LKJSNDLFSDNFSDF the truth is yes. i am solely responsible for. a lot. particularly in the pjo fandom. i created several crackships ground up all on my own way back in 2014 and developed a following for them and i. dont wantto tell you what those ships were. LSKJDFNSLDJNSDFSDDF ive also pioneered many ship tags for other fandoms and i ship a lot of rarepairs and stuff but i dont think im RESPONSIBLE for them?? in that some ppl already were into them/talking abotu them or tht theyre still not popular (augh. to the ones that became popular) but i AM liTERALLY responsible for some crack shit in the pjo fandom and its. it haunts me sometimes. i dont want to talk about it. IF YOU REMEMBER WHAT I DID NO YOU DONT
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon (prompts optional but encouraged)
this is so vague. my headcanons are shifting and nebulous and aus are my constant companion in everything, but uhhhhhhghhusjkdjnsdg i think. roxy writes the same way dave draws comics. its extremely memey and meta and self aware and largely just for the personal lolz, and were all doing her a disservice by pretending her writing looks like roses, when in reality dirk is probably the one whod make comics the way rose makes books (which is probably why he doesnt make comics). its more of that thing where roxy and dave are the same and rose and dirk are the same ykwim. well YOU dont corvus but im sure someone else does
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending?
jason takes after bruce in terms of like. adopting entirely too many kids. he broods
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
harvey is a heartwrenching character when written well, with a complicated view of morality, heartbreaking ties to our main hero, and a lot of internal conflict. something about such a hopeful character deadset on making a different in the system becoming a victim of it, and the potential he has as a vehicle for critiquing the law.
percy is my favorite character from pjo bc it was the very first time in my life i ever read a book and saw myself in it. hes aggressive, impulsive, and rebellious, he fidgets and has a hard time standing still, he acts on emotion without always thinking it through, he gets in trouble in school and hands his mom a murder weapon to kill his stepdad, hes just... hes a lot of the things ive always gotten in trouble for, things i couldnt help being, and hes a hero. he means everything to me.
vriska, i will maintain until the day i die, is one of the best homestuck characters- maybe just characters?- ever written. shes dramatic, shes impulsive, shes manipulative and mean and creative, and shes just so messy about it. shes a mean girl in a way that feels real, where her trauma impacts and shapes her as a person, and shes complex, with warring wants, and people she cares about, and dreams, and shes so messy. shes rough and rude and shes doing what SHE wants to, being a version of herself that feels right to HER, rather than some caricature of the hot badass evil lady. shes thirteen!! and she FEELS thirteen. shes a thirteen year old weird girl who is kind of an asshole, and she means literally fucking everything to me. shes a pirate!!!!! shes a swashbuckling badass dressing up in her larping outfit and yelling at her friends on the playground to swab the deck and she is the bestest ever, the end.
i didnt mean for each one of these to be longer than the last but here we are.
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will.
i hate jdedave peace and love it just feels weird as hell to me. dave, for the most part, is hyper respectful of other peoples choices and boundaries but when it comes to jade hes always trying to mke choices for her, to protect her, and it gets to the point where even jade points out how much it bugs her. jades crush on dave also seems to come from a place of misunderstanding to me, admiring a lot of the parts of himself that he exaggerates and pretends to care about as a result of trauma. it always felt like a kid crush that they shouldve grown out of with time. dave also just sort of seems to... go along with whatever romantic relationships people push him into at that age, rolling with whoever flirts with him jsut bc hes trying to maintain the image of a player, so its really hard to take him seriously any time he hits on someone?
that is just my interpretation of it tho
K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc?
well. i havent finished my reread of homestuck, so that feels difficult to comment on just yet, bc im sure ill have a different opinion when i do finish it. no one in dc gets character arc bc theyre all just undone immediately, so thats like. yeah. and in pjo the arcs are pretty weak bc 1) kids books and 2) RICK UNDOES THEM ALL. AUGH. regardless of all of this, i am going to say jason grace. he had a lot of development in like the last two hoo books, or maybe just like.... hints of how he couldve developed? promise? which rick immediately set fire to in toa when he killed him, but fUCKING WHATEVER. UGH.
anyway actually tho eleanor from the good place. bisexual icon. queen. probably one of the best character arcs of all time. the episode w her mom has some of the most powerful fucking dialogue ever and i think about it. all the time. i should rewatch the good place.....
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solomon-tozer · 2 years
For the fandom meme <3 (you don't have to answer them all if you don't want to :) )
B - A pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will (be nice) F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom I - Has tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice) P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas) T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending, about anything at all (gender identity, sexual or romantic orientation, extended family, sexual preferences like top/bottom/switch, relationship with poetry, seriously anything)
B - A pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will (be nice)
Hmm... there aren't any in the Terror that I don't like. There are some I'm not that excited about (like Fitzjames/Crozier, I tend not to be drawn to the popular ships) but I still enjoy the art and meta, etc.
Oh, I never liked and never will like any ships from BBC Sherlock. Sherlock/Watson and Sherlock/Moriarty would go straight in my blocked tags thing if I followed anyone who was into that. RDJ & Jude Law Sherlock/Watson though... canon. They're married.
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom
However long I've been in the Terror one, maybe. There's an anime I've been following for 12 (oh my god) years and I dip in and out of that fandom.
I - Has tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why
I got really fed up with Star Wars and the racism and shipwars and wank so just gave up. There was a fandom for a smaller show that I just walked away from because they were so fucking weird about the main pairing and if you didn't ship it you might as well not be there - other parirings were like dirty words and 'wrong'. Plus I had some of my work stolen by someone who was then praised for what they passed off as their stuff but was actually mine by one of the showrunners. So yeah. Fuck that. It also stopped me from openly sharing things in every fandom since (outside of fic and some meta - you have no idea how much stuff I've accumulated but never posted/shared).
(I did N in another ask!)
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas)
Wrestling AU for Terror!
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending, about anything at all
Tommy Armitage is in love with Solomon Tozer.
And... that's it. Other headcanon I might be fond of and prefer/want to stick to, but I'm not gonna go that hard on them. I like seeing other people's takes on things! Keeps life intereting. (But if you think Armitage isn't in love with Tozer... sorry but you're wrong.)
Thank you!!
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kurtanaroyalty · 3 years
Hi<3 I wanted to ask you if new directions were on tumblr, how do you think you would interact with them? And what do you think their blogs would be about?
Oooh I love this question!! Tysm for the ask🥰💗
Santana: Mutuals. It was basically confirmed in canon that this girl had a tumblr with her comment about her having a favorite ‘Rizzoli & Isles’ blog.. if that doesn’t scream a tumblr lesbian idk what does lol!! Her entire blog would mainly be devoted to sapphic ships that she would sob about in the tags (think overuse of emojis and keyboard smashes)! She would have a pretty decent following and get quite a few asks where she would give headcanons and meta on her favorite ships. She also wouldn’t tell a soul that she’s on there but Brittany would find out and lovingly tease her about it.
Tina: I follow her but she doesn’t follow me. She would be on tumblr constantly! She would have one of those super popular multifandom blogs that makes the most crisp gifs and has hundreds of requests waiting in her inbox. At first you’d be a bit intimidated by her until you realize she is the sweetest and is always super nice about giving tips and resources for gif making!
Sam: I don’t follow him but he follows me. His tumblr would consist of almost 100% memes with no organization/tagging system. Instead of tags, he would leave comments under posts like “woah this is sick dude 🤩” or “nice!!! 👍” which would in turn make a good amount of people block him because they would think he’s some bot or sarcastic troll when in reality they are always genuine comments. He would be the king of spam reblogging to the point that if you did follow him he would overwhelm your dash. Though, every once and awhile there would be a very detailed & coherent post by him about ‘True Jackson, VP’ with links to a petition to get it renewed/rebooted.
Blaine: Mutuals. You just know he would make the best tumblr mutual! He would definitely be that one mutual that you can always count on to like and reblog your content and he would leave the most thoughtful tags. His blog would be a variety of all his interests (he originally tried to have separate side blogs but it was too much for him to keep up with!) but it’s extremely well organized and mainly runs on a queue.
Kurt: I follow him but he doesn’t follow me. His tumblr would be very curated and definitely fit a certain aesthetic. I picture it mostly consisting of reblogs of fashion, films, art, food, etc. But multiple times a week he would post blank text posts with super long rants in the tags with a lot of cussing and the last tag would be #delete later.
Brittany: Mutuals. Everything she posts would be super cheerful & colorful (envision loads of rainbows & cats). She is known for sending asks since she absolutely loves sending her mutuals the most offbeat questions. You can also always rely on her if you’re having a bad day to send you a random quote or fact that will make you smile.
Mike: Mutuals. He would truly have the most chill blog and reblog anything that catches his eye but not in a way where it overloads your dash. He also is someone who follows back almost everyone who follows him and sends a lot of kind asks & leaves nice tags on your original content. He would never get involved in any fandom drama and would only have one filtered tag which is ‘Channing Tatum’.
Puck: Mutuals (mostly for entertainment purposes on my end). He’d be the one to act like he’s never even heard of tumblr but secretly runs his own fic blog mainly for the soap opera he compulsively watches with his mom & sister. He also occasionally enjoys posting snippets of the various screenplays he’s working on. He prides himself on staying anonymous so he uses a pen name and changes the names of everyone he writes about but does an awful job at picking out new names (changes Puck to Huck, Finn to Binn, etc)!
Finn: Neither one of us follows one another. Actually didn’t know what tumblr was until he saw the app on Puck’s phone and noticed him spending a lot of time on it so he got curious. Months later he still has no clue on what the point of tumblr is and has pretty much given up on trying to properly use it. He has a few text posts screaming into the void but they have no engagement. Though he did somehow link his instagram so that still updates.
Mercedes: Mutuals. Her tumblr consists mainly of reblogs for her favorite celebrities, tv shows, & movies. She also has gotten into the habit of live blogging for a few of her top shows and her commentary is so good that you wouldn’t dare to unfollow her or filter her tags for it, even for the shows you didn’t have any interest in previously. She’s the mutual that has such great taste that you find her continuing to influence what media you want to consume next!
Quinn: Mutuals. Her blog is a mix of literature, art, philosophy etc which does make it have an overall pretty “classy” feel but the vast majority of it is also just very, very, very, gay.. to the point where half of what she reblogs is of women kissing/being affectionate with one another. She also eventually dabbles in writing some femslash & it’s very good stuff…
Artie: Neither one of us follows one another. Has a decent following due to his film reviews (he also blocks anyone who disagrees with any of his opinions). He’s also heavily involved in various popular fandoms like Star Wars and Marvel which leads to him getting into some very intense discourse which results in more blocking.
Rachel: Mutuals (on thin ice). Posts super nice aesthetics & moodboards. Though unfortunately, she would be that tumblr mutual who gets into heated debates with anons constantly and is such an easy target because she can’t recognize when people are trolling her so she takes the bait every time. But, fairly often it does get to the point where she actually ends up exhausting the anons with her long written responses.
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A Lost Tomb Meta Argument for the Bond Between Liu Sang and Wu Xie
Listen. Liu Sang may get all clever and snarky at Wu Xie with passive aggressive one-liners at first (Lucille Bluth voice: good for him), but here I want to talk about how the progress of LTR and their own personalities point to them developing a really sweet friendship over the series.
Note: I haven’t read the books, just seen snippets, so I know there are things here that won’t hold up to the source text; I’m doing this meta based on the show alone, apologies for any confusion or big anachronisms to the book.
1.) They are both defensive, snarky, and wary people whose life experiences have made them this way. Wu Xie hides it far better behind his charm and smiles, plus he does usually have his iron triangle and family support to fall back on. But I like that when Liu Sang confronts Wu Xie over the whole “you’re dying and in a dangertomb dude wtf” thing, you get to see the look on his face right after Wu Xie responds being all “bitch try me I will deny everything”— Liu Sang actually looks pleasantly surprised by it, and keeps his mouth shut until the situation becomes too obvious. That face in that moment isn’t confusion or fear, that’s some straight-up recognition. Like, oh shit, he’s still annoying but it’s weird now because I totally get him and appreciate that he has a spine after all. Liu Sang is a stranger here, he just met Wu Xie like 12 hours ago, but somehow he understands him perfectly in that moment and I appreciate that acknowledgment of kinship.
2.) Beneath all the prickliness, they are both soft at heart. Wu Xie had ten years of hell to transform into a excellent liar and actor, Liu Sang’s backstory is trauma after betrayal after trauma. But we see how they are both capable of extraordinary goodness—the first time we meet Liu Sang, he awkwardly tries to help a small child he believes is in danger, and later becomes a member of the squad despite his half-hearted efforts not to like them. Liu Sang’s loyalty, once earned, is powerful and unconditional. Wu Xie’s best (and most double edged) qualities are, as I’ve discussed before, his compassion, love and loyalty, and these qualities overwhelm his guardedness over and over again in the series. Despite that coldly pragmatic Wu mindset he sometimes develops, what ultimately drives Wu Xie and what makes the show is his passion for adventure and love for his people.
3.) Xiao Ge. The Venn diagram betwixt our two foxes. There’s a reason the Wu Xie/Xiao Ge/Liu Sang tag is alive and well. Honestly though, they both gravitate towards Xiao Ge at first due to their fascination with him, but Wu Xie has had the benefit of getting to know Xiao Ge much sooner and in a different capacity and is already his boyfriend one of the very few people who’s truly close to Xiao Ge. He is himself possessive over Xiao Ge to a degree—I’ve seen some hilarious jealous-Wu Xie posts—but I think a lot of it stems from a place of long familiarity that has been hard-won. Liu Sang starts from a place of what he admits is idolization, but I think a turning point happens early on in the tombs, when he admits to Xiao Ge that he played a trick on Pangzi and Wu Xie that indirectly got them into trouble. Liu Sang’s expression shows that he knows how foolish this joke makes him look now that something bad has happened, even though they both know he didn’t mean any real harm. BUT. He owns up anyway to do the right thing. Like Wu Xie, Liu Sang is a person whose pride can get the best of him, but who is capable of casting it aside once he realizes it’s a problem. He then shifts gears and uses his ability not to impress Xiao Ge but to help save Wu Xie and Pangzi. He then chooses to follow the group at a distance from then on rather than trying to still stick to Xiao Ge’s side. I don’t think it’s really just fear of Pangzi, as is claimed by that character in the show—I think it’s more awkwardness and even some guilt. Once things change and the friendship grows, Liu Sang is no longer trailing behind. I appreciate that they so clearly come to occupy different places in Xiao Ge’s life—his soulmate and his protege—but they also come to be friends.
4. The realness of their interactions. Liu Sang is the only person in this series who meets Wu Xie for the first time as his present dying heir self, not sweet bebe Wu Xie, not sheltered Tianzhen, and he sees him as he truly is and treats him like a regular person (no disrespect to the marvelous Xiao Bai, but she does put Wu Xie on a pedestal for so much of the series until she knows better). It’s clear that Wu Xie also sees Liu Sang as he is, not just a clever tomb raiding tool or pretty-boy but instead this lonely kid who is human and vulnerable. (I have to wonder to what degree his regret over everything that happened with Li Cu influences how easy he goes on Liu Sang in the show?) He doesn’t react to Liu Sang’s initial sass on the beach, doesn’t really get mad for the trick Liu Sang played in the tomb, and (hilariously) won’t ever let Liu Sang thank him for the instinctive rescue as they are escaping the tombs—they’ve already silently jumped to “it’s cool, I gotcha” status in like three episodes.
Most importantly: I truly believe that once they meet, Li Cu and Liu Sang will form a “how did my life get turned upside down and admittedly way better in the long run due to this insane cardigan-rocking disaster and his equally insane friends” club and that they will have commiseration meetings during parties whenever Li Cu’s Adopted Dad and Liu Sang’s Idol are getting…cozy.
I also have a headcanon that during a random visit to deliver something, Liu Sang learns he now has a room that’s entirely his at Wushanju, fully soundproofed to protect his ears and located by a private door out to the courtyard so he can come and go as he wishes.
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olderthannetfic · 3 years
I actually meant make new friends because I don’t make content I just post random things on my blog. Yeah I got canceled because I accidentally kept triggering people. I had different opinions and they didn’t like it. I am not an anti I was just someone who wanted to have fun and I wasn’t having fun the way they like.
Well... the kinds of people you'll attract just posting random things may not be very invested in you as a distinct individual, sorry to say.
You can post meta that is original, and maybe that will draw people, but if "random things" means reblogging mostly, that makes you forgettable and disposable to readers.
If the issue was triggering people, then first of all, don't bother with the old set of people. Regardless of who's at fault, you bring up bad emotions for them now, and that's not likely to change.
The next step is to figure out how the accidental repeated triggering happened:
Did you post your own opinions in the main tag, they saw these, and it upset them? In that case, that's a them problem. If you were in a discord with an 'extreme kink' channel, posted extreme kinks in there, and then someone pearl clutched about it, that's also a them problem.
If it's something like that, you just need to meet more people in your fandom. Somebody else will have a different reaction to your tastes.
On the other hand... did you maybe send people asks they didn't like, fail to notice they were getting upset, and then send lots more? Did you repeatedly dominate discord conversations with your favorite kink or headcanon without noticing if it was bugging others or was off-topic for the channel?
If it's basic social awareness fail, that's something to bring up with an offline therapist who knows you and can observe you and give you specific tips.
What does it mean to not have fun the way they like?
This phrasing is such a red flag because if you were really just doing your own thing, I don't think the rest of your description makes sense. You weren't happily posting in your own way on your own tumblr and then randos came from nowhere to yell at you. These are people you were sharing discords with.
Does "having fun" mean involving these people and having them listen to your triggery headcanons and needing them to reblog you? Because if it's that, then you were asking for things from them, not just minding your own business.
Why can't you just ditch these people and find some new people?
Actual friends are people you try to read and try to meet halfway. Accidental triggering happens, but you watch out for when your friends are bored or upset and figure out a way to do fandom that works for both of you.
I don't get the sense you tried that.
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olympusthief · 2 years
Character trivia game !
Rules: describe 10 random headcanons about your muse of choice that will rarely ever have the chance to naturally come up in threads. Go wild, go random, go meta!  
Tagged by: stole it
Tagging: YOU
1) Luke did not appoint himself to be camp leader, nor did he ask for it. It was kind of thrust upon him after about a year of living at camp. His natural charisma, and the way he so easily slotted himself into the higher ranks of the Hermes cabin because he had been looking out for himself since he was nine made him a natural choice. It really just started out with kids going to him for problems, and then sword lessons before he became the official teacher. Eventually Dionysus gave him the designation, and at first Luke was like “no” but it was already given to him at that point and it stuck.
2) I have been writing Luke a long ass time, and I remember coming up with the headcanon that Luke journaled about his life months before Diary of Luke Castellan came into the public knowledge of the world. Luke continued to journal his life while at camp, and how hard it was for him and how he was dealing with the voice of Kronos who he didn’t know was Kronos at the time, and his nightmares. That journal is still hidden within the Hermes cabin
3) Going off the last one, Luke also has a journal about his time with Kronos, that gets more frantic as time goes on, and eventually shows just how much Luke was lied to, but that was a pawn and there was a point where most the decisions he made weren’t actually his anymore despite coming from him. This journal is somewhere on Mount Olympus.
4) Luke’s scar from Ladon never fully heals, and always looks like it was freshly given. When Percy notes that Luke looks too healthy it is because he has never seen Luke without the scar, or with the scar healed and he is looking at Luke using some very powerful mist manipulation to hide it thanks to Kronos. The scar actually becomes worse and festers and such when Kronos starts to take over Luke’s body.
5) Luke is unnaturally good at all sports. Its a Hermes thing where the god was also viewed as a god of athletes, and worshiped at sporting events and had statues outside places where sports were done. Luke is unnaturally fast, but most Hermes kids are. It is him being good at all other sports that throws people off. It got to a point where Luke was accused of cheating so much, that unless it was sword fighting or capture the flag Luke would not participate unless it was purely for fun.
6) Any weapon that Luke has ever used that isn’t made of Celestial bronze, breaks. Luke has of course broken his fair share of celestial bronze swords but those take a while. If Luke is using a non-celestial bronze weapons in a real sense it will break upon first usage of him actually trying to fight with it.
7) He has always wanted to run marathons and super-marathons. But he likely never will because it would probably be cheating. Doesn’t stop him from wanting to do it though.
8) When Luke was still in school one of the kids took to calling him Dodger because of Oliver and Company and the musical Oliver, and the fact that Luke seemingly always had stuff he wasn’t supposed to have in school, but the teachers could never keep it away from him because somehow, through stealing, Luke always got it back.
9) He cracks his knuckles and bones in his body all the time. It probably annoys anyone who is close to him.
10) The shoes Luke gives to Percy he enchanted himself, with no help. It took alot of studying but he was a natural with magic of the ancient times, see how he is with Greek Fire if you don’t believe me, and thus he did that on his own. With enough time he could probably figure out how to make his own flying shoes from scratch.
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athinakori · 2 years
Character trivia game !
Rules: describe 10 random headcanons about your muse of choice that will rarely ever have the chance to naturally come up in threads. Go wild, go random, go meta!
Tagged by: @rckusasu ( thank you so much!! ❤️ ).
Tagging: @badboysupr , @stygicniron , @madefate ( muse of your choice ), @ichoric ( muse of your choice ), @furys-burn ( muse of your choice ), @wisewcman , @greeneyesandaballpointpen and whoever wants to do this!!
1) Let me start this saying that, i know that people headcanon that Annabeth is terrible in the kitchen and Percy is the one who cooks. But!! In my view, both of them knows how to cook, okay? They like to cook for each other and they have wonderful times and moments while cooking together making romantic dinners. Still, Percy is still the one who cooks most of the time because Annabeth gets very tired by the end of the day.
2) Annabeth is very good in literally everything she does. And when i say everything, it goes to fighting, weaponry, project ideas and combat strategies to handmade stuffs. She even learned how to deal with her dyslexia and ADHD, although there’s some times she can’t.
3) Annabeth has abandonment issues, but she also has a big heart because of it. Why? Because even thought she truly felt abandoned by her father and goddess mother to the point of running away from home when she was seven years old, she will make sure that her kids feel very loved and won’t leave their side. At that point of her life, she will probably be retired from the quests and her demigod life. So yeah, she will want to have a normal life. She felt abandoned by Luke and Thalia, but never stopped making friends and she protects them with her life. Also remember when i said that Annabeth is the kind of person who would step back if notice the person she likes actually likes someone else? Because it was exactly what she did with Percy and Rachel. Annabeth stepped back because she noticed something was going on with them while she felt her feelings for Percy were growing stronger. She felt abandoned by him, but never stopped being his friend. Hell, she even protected Rachel and saved her from dying in the helicopter fall because Annabeth was the only one who could do it and she knew that Rachel’s death would devaste him. Annabeth is a person with a big heart, okay?
4) This is something that i can hopefully write during threads, but when i say that Annabeth looked for Percy nonstop when he disappeared in the lost hero book events, i mean that she barely had any sleep because she was worrying sick about him.
5) Annabeth doesn’t really show this side of her, but she is the kind of girl that likes to take care of herself. Like doing skincare, although she doesn’t really do it frequently, but she tries. She also doesn’t really use makeup, only in certain occasions.
6) Annabeth likes to read a lot — it’s how she learned how to deal with her dyslexia.
7) The phone she secretly keeps with her in the camp was given by her father after the events of the titan’s curse book where she got kidnapped and almost killed. She’s not suppose to have one because of her demigod aura and that can attract monsters more easily, but Frederick gave her the phone to send messages to her once in a while to see if she’s okay and safe.
8) Annabeth loves animals, but she’s a cat person.
9) Annabeth favorite books are Wuthering Heights and The Phantom of The Opera because they are not exactly romances.
10) She’s the kind of person that likes to cuddle and hugs a lot, so expect a lot of that if you are in a relationship with her.
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kazeofthemagun · 2 years
Character trivia meme
[Rules: describe 10 random headcanons about your muse of choice that will rarely ever have the chance to naturally come up in threads. Go wild, go random, go meta!]
[tagged: I just made this because I don't have much time to write rn. So I made a meme for fun]
[tagging: @cursedfortune , @shiroi---kumo , @knightshonour , @serenexgraced , @whenmirrorimagestalk , @ask-dark-monita , @mystic-mutation , @mischievmagic , @hriobzagelthewanderer​ , @thefatalmarksman​ , @dragontamer05 watch me add more folks here as my dumb brain remembers >:V also steal it and say I tagged ya]
Anyway here is mine:
Kuroki Kaze
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1. If the Magun is somehow removed from him, he won't bleed since his blood no longer flows. How is he alive? Residual magic. If thawed form is removed, his right arm is freed and usable. If frozen form (sarcophagus form) removed, his arm is bare bones - spooky.
2. Cannot eat artificial coloring in foods. Local crayon mage gets rekt by macarons more at 10
3. His Windarian name is Svaardzjetrorahm Ladnajredvi, which means Black Wind of the Sea-Risen clan.
4. He's actually quite adept at playing a one-handed flute - a wind instrument for the Wind. Can play FFU OST "Departing Wind" on it, as a fun little meta nod to the anime's awesome musical score. Due to being brainwashed by Chaos, only remembers part of the tune, which is why it cuts off abruptly if he plays it.
5. Ties together inspirations from Greek and Babylonian mythology - particularly, references to Geryon’s crimson cattle and their shepherd dog Orthrus, as well as the chosen of Magun's title Marduk being a reference to the Babylonian deity whose name means "calf of the sun". Heavily themed around the sun - the red marks below his eye are called the Solar Triad, and represent the Esper Phoenix. Furthermore, Marduk is an aspect of Bahamut in popculture (D&D) and is a god of wind - and Kuroki Kaze, the Black Wind is the Magun's, and by extension, Bahamut's vessel. Interestingly, Bahamut has gone by the name Tiababylo in World of Final Fantasy, adding yet more references to ancient Babylon in the various popculture portrayals of Bahamut. Tiababylo is but one of the Dragon God’s many names collected over eons of interaction with mortals.
6. Having grown up starving on the streets, a custom tattoo design of Kaze’s choice is the sigil of the Windarian centipede painted over the abdomen - a mark of a sturdy creature whose blessing wards from hunger. This is Windarian folklore, the pattern is in no way truly magical.
7. As a thief during his early youth, one of his worst fears was to have his hands chopped off as punishment. Fast forward and he lost one to the Magun because irony.
8. Spent his warlord days scheming to overthrow the weakened High Temple’s government, only to be conveniently thwarted by being made to act as the Champion of the Magun instead. The Weapon normally killed its wielders soon after bonding, but it so happened that Black Wind was indeed its long-awaited match. Not too long after, the Temple fell anyway - as the whole of Windaria was lost to Chaos.
9. A biomechanical circulatory-turned-Soil processing system means he can overheat his blood with his own magic, ranging from mild fever shenanigans to accidental suicide via spontaneously cooking his insides. He'll be back, though - he always is.
10. He commissioned his earrings after being summoned by the Temple to take up the Magun. They are made from tree sap and his own red blood, before fusion with the Demon Gun made it run black in his veins. He kept one while the other he gifted to his sister, both as apology and his own remembrance for when the Weapon inevitably took his life. It did not, and instead made him immortal - awakening the second Unlimited as was foretold.
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For the character ask meme, Harrow and/or Jessica Atreides
Reverend Mother of the Bene Gesserit Jessica Technicallynotatreides:
favorite thing about them
Jessica stands out in the canon of SFF Moms for being a unique, memorable, immediately recognizable character with clear motivations and desires of her own, even though those motivations and desires still mostly pertain to Frank Herbert's weird gender assumptions in general and the Bene Gesserit's sacramentalized pickmeism in particular. Can you name a single personality trait of anybody's mother in an Asimov or Heinlein novel? I can't, even though Heinlein (much as I hate him for many, many other reasons) was also relatively good at writing women for a male sci-fi author of the period. I also just love the idea, on a conceptual/meta level, of a Spooky Ninja Space Witch who has Jessica's role in the plot. Muad'Dib's mom has got it going on!
least favorite thing about them
See above re: Jessica's motivations and goals still mostly having to do with weird gender and reproductive politics, although I suppose that's true to life for the concubine of a duke in a feudal society, in the same way that Austen's protagonists all having motivations involving marriage is true to life for daughters of England's old landed gentry.
favorite line
“Anything outside yourself, this you can see and apply your logic to it. But it’s a human trait that when we encounter personal problems, these things most deeply personal are the most difficult to bring out for our logic to scan. We tend to flounder around, blaming everything but the actual, deep-seated thing that’s really chewing on us.”
(Hey, nobody ever accused Frank Herbert of believing that brevity was the soul of wit.)
random headcanon
She's bi/pan.
unpopular opinion
Leto I is great and all by the standards of his time and place, but in absolute terms Jessica still probably deserved someone better.
song i associate with them
"Witchcraft" by Frank Sinatra and "Mother" by Florence and the Machine.
favorite picture of them
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Reverend Daughter of the Ninth House Harrowhark Nonagesimus:
favorite thing about them
She's the fucking worst. I have a "rancid female characters" tag for a reason. In both a feminist way and a psychosexual way I genuinely love female protagonists who are just overpoweringly messy and unpleasant people, and Harrow is a standout of the type. I also appreciate that a fervently religious lesbian is one of the main characters of a popular SFF series now.
least favorite thing about them
Harrow is one of those characters where I'm genuinely hard-pressed to come up with things I don't like about her, not because she doesn't have flaws (lmfao) but because her flaws all contribute to why I'm so invested in her. Gun to my head, I suppose I did get pretty pissed off at how long in took her in HtN to get it through her head that """""""God""""""" did not have her best interests in mind, but she can hardly be blamed for that considering the situation.
favorite line
About Harrow:
"Reverend Daughter Harrowhark Nonagesimus had pretty much cornered the market on wearing black and sneering. It comprised 100 percent of her personality. Gideon marveled that someone could live in the universe only seventeen years and yet wear black and sneer with such ancient self-assurance."
("comprised" here should really be "composed" but whatever, Tamsyn Muir is an award-winning author and I'm just an overeducated pedant who writes for a bunch of blogs.)
By Harrow:
"You are a murderer, a conwoman, a cheat, a liar, a slitherer, and you embody the worst flaws of your House--as do I."
random headcanon
Harrow has read some of Gideon's porn magazines. She genuinely doesn't get off on them or like them, but she has read them.
unpopular opinion
I actually think my Harrow takes are more or less orthodox, perhaps surprisingly for this type of character.
song i associate with them
Within Temptation, "The Truth beneath the Rose".
favorite picture of them
My all-time favorite Harrow art is this picture of her as a Novohispanic monja coronada, by @shigeko-nobufusa.
☆°● — character ask meme
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spaceman-spaetzle · 3 years
🎉 End of Year Review 🎉
hehe this looked fun to try so i'm gonna fill it out too :3
1. What fandoms did you create for?
h*talia smhhhh
2. How many works did you make this year? Fics (posted on ao3 or tumblr or wherever), edits, gifsets, moodboards, playlists, fanart, vids, meta?
i made a lot of fanart and i'm really proud to say that i've written 3 fanfics (the one with japan was originally written in 2020)! it's not a lot but it's a lot more than what i'm used to. in fact, it's my first time i've properly posted fanfiction online if you dont count a couple fics ive posted on dA when i was like 14-15. i've also written plenty of headcanons!
3. What are you most proud of?
i'm actually really proud of finishing 2 multi-chapter fanfics this year. it's REALLY hard for me to finish, hell, even start on writing projects so this is a big deal to me.
4. Any stats you wanna tell us about?
lost and found, my noraus fic, got 43 kudos and 581 views despite circulating around a very rare ship! thank you guys for supporting it!
5. What inspired you this year? Any specific works or creators?
okok so a Lot of people inspired me this year in general, but lemme name a couple.
i'm very glad that i befriended @artistocrazy this year! we worked on an art/fic trade together and it was SO much fun and really got the creative juices flowing. he never runs out of fun content and i love it when he shares his endless ideas with me.
technically, i met @hetarehetalia in 2020, but it was toward the very end of that year so we really started befriending each other in 2021! they're a marvelous pal and ngl has gotten me somewhat invested in romano. i'm always impressed when people are convincing enough to get me into characters i've never considered, especially when some of those characters are heta ocs. i love their ocs. cute art and great content altogether too!
hoping to talk to @fireandiceland more often! they're iconic and always have the writing bug. i envy that and wanna ask them on how they're able to write so much quality content.
i don't know @viva-prince nor @bougietalia but i just want them both to know that i'm in love with their art styles! (hope yall dont mind being @///ed by a random person)
6. What’s a piece you didn’t expect to make? Why?
erzsebet and the beasts, probably. i'm not a frequent fanfic writer as ive mentioned, but i was able to write it in a record of under a week and had a blast. writing AND illustrating for your own fic is a lot of work.
7. What are you excited to work on next year?
i'm actually considering writing a sequel to eatb! i really want to expand on characters and personalities that i'm able to write. i don't know where to start yet but i think it'd be great practice.
Tag some people!
i got this from @hetarehetalia but ngl anyone's allowed to try this out :)
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monstrsball · 3 years
happy valentine's day !!!! since you wanted asks abt ships.... talk to me abt bokuaka and/or iwasuga? any headcanons? fic recs? random thoughts/meta?
happy valentine's day!!! gladly :)
i don't have any fic recs for bokuaka, i love them but when it comes to the popular ships (iwaoi/bokuaka/daisuga/etc) i tend to be really picky about what i read for them and i find it can be harder to look through their tags for good ones because there's just so much there. (but like if anyone else have any bokuaka recs, i'd love some)
for iwasuga though, i HAVE to recommend Lucky Jacket by NinjaSpaz, it's possible i included this on the last fic rec list i did, i don't remember, but it's my favorite and it's the fic that really got me into iwasuga. like in my mind it's The iwasuga fic
general thoughts abt each ship below the cut
i will admit that, for me, part of the appeal of iwasuga is just that they're two of my favorite characters (and also that the jacket suga is wearing in the timeskip looks a lot like the one iwaizumi was wearing at the shiratorizawa vs karasuno match lol) BUT
i think they're a lot more similar than you might think at first glance. they both seem to fill a similar role on their team - specifically, their teams look to them for guidance. and this makes sense because they're both the vice captains but i think it has a lot to do with just their personalities too. they care a lot! obviously they express this in different ways, iwaizumi is firm
and ok so this is definitely veering into "reading too much into things/making shit up" territory but i personally see them both as characters who may find it difficult to actually talk about their feelings. like, they'll listen to their friends talk about what they're going through and give advice but it can be hard for them to actually do the same thing? IDK. if anyone disagrees, that's fine :) this is just my personal take/headcanons
ok ngl i kinda lost where i was going with this... i just kinda think they'd mesh really well in that sense and i think they would be able to give each other that push to open up and talk about things.
also i've definitely said this before but i really enjoy platonic iwasuga as well as romantic iwasuga! i don't think we get enough fics/content of them just being friends (outside of the 'iwaoi and daisuga are couple friends' stuff i see sometimes) which is a shame because i think they would actually get along really well
also they both have a tendency to be a little violent with their friends. suga does it when he's excited and it's his attempt of hyping up the team (and it WORKS lmao you see the whole team grinning along with him) but you also see him hit asahi whenever asahi starts to be negative... and yeah iwaizumi is usually just throwing volleyballs when he's annoyed with oikawa but i can also see him doing the same thing when he sees oikawa starting to spiral (and maybe he actually does in canon and i just don't remember idk)
ok the iwasuga part got long, i'm gonna try not to do the same thing here but no promises
bokuaka is just... they're meant to be? whenever i think about them, my first thought is just about how akaashi went to fukurodani specifically because he wanted to play with bokuto. like... he watched bokuto play and he made the decision to go to fukurodani based off of that which is just so... [screams into a pillow]
literally the only issues i have with bokuaka are about the way the fandom portrays them sometimes. like i know i joke about bokuto being a himbo but people will just... make him act like a toddler and then make akaashi his babysitter and it is unbelievably annoying.
 bokuto is a little dumb but he is capable of taking care of himself. he’s not a child. i think he’s actually pretty smart when it comes to volleyball! and i think he has excellent emotional intelligence as well. he’s not some useless idiot and i get tired of seeing it constantly.
it also does a massive disservice to akaashi’s character to just think of him as bokuto’s babysitter. he’s very calm and composed but i do think on the inside, he’s a little more chaotic than he gets credit for. i think about that panel from the manga where he’s sitting on the bench with his coach and his coach is thinking “you can’t tell looking at him but he’s a bit of a weird one too” and just... Yeah.
there was a post i saw the other day (which i reblogged) about how bokuto and akaashi are BOTH weirdos, just in different ways, and that’s kinda how i feel about them and it’s my ideal bokuaka tbh. 
did any of this make sense... idk
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