#ward shepard
faejilly · 10 months
so average-mako-enjoyer made this post about Shepard being forced to have a social media account for morale and only posting hamster pictures and like
I read that and immediately had four different Shepards yelling at me in my head (I blame @shadoedseptmbr's Aedan tags) 🤣🤣🤣
Weaver would in fact include hamster pictures, but they'd be macro pictures of like, whiskers and toes only.
The whole account would all only be macro photos. No tags, no comments, no explanations, no definitions. No time stamps or metadata, all expertly wiped, no location cues beyond maybe the quality of the light... which isn't that hard to manipulate after all, if you've got an omnitool and some good flashlight/spotlight blueprints.
It's all just exquisite close-ups of pieces of gravel and seeds and leaves and pollen or fractions of circuit boards and weird screws or clamps or the odd pattern of wear on a [redacted but clearly the Mako for those in the know] tire.
She and Aeden would clearly get along great.
Ngaio would flat out refuse. (She would've done it if she'd met Traynor sooner, because she can refuse Traynor nothing, but that was too late, on several levels.)
Ella would be asked to make an account after she gets her N7 status and starts showing up in the news periodically; she's told to try and soften the public image of the infamous Butcher of Torfan.
She does set something up, posts some generic pretty Alliance Training Stock Photos, the kind you get in a recruiters office, but that's it for ages.
And then she posts five separate in-depth tutorials in a row, three on astronomy and two on France of all things, one specifically about the language, one about cooking.
Then nothing again.
And then a three-part series on astral navigation, and how different species figured out the math for measuring where the fuck they were in space.
Then a thing on baking with chocolate, including how to convert levo recipes to dextro (and vice versa) and which things were more likely to translate into something that might still taste good.
She never shows herself however, so it does fuck all to counter all the pics and videos of her stalking around heavily armed and armored in full gear, occasionally with a bit of a blue halo from biotics usage, generally glaring or scowling as she avoids reporters trying to get a comment.
Most people don't connect her socials to the Butcher of Torfan at all, and those that do assume someone else is running the account in her name in a failed Alliance PR stunt.
After the Battle of the Citadel, there are enough recordings of her helping with clean-up efforts and being polite at formal ceremonies to make it clear that the Butcher and the Shepard-who-goes-on-weird-tangents-on-social-media are actually the same person, who is also POSSIBLY a galactic hero, so the whispers about Torfan finally start to fade out a little...
And then she dies.
Ward would be some terrifying (but delightful once you got past the scowl) combination of Adam Savage and Mercury Stardust because he would legit show people how to take things apart and upgrade and fix them (and which bits are 'legal-ish' depending on whether they technically own them or not) but also things probably explode sometimes (or at the very least spark A Lot™️) and Tali guests wearing glorious (flame-retardant) Turian fashions and ALSO sometimes PROPRIETARY TECH THAT IS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE and no one ever bleeps ANY of Jack's swearing and sometimes the three of them are gleefully trying to make something that probably shouldn't exist and some poor Alliance PR officer cries in their office sometimes because they are actually spectacular PR and GREAT for morale and also they break so many TOS's but it's Commander Fucking Shepard so who's gonna tell him to stop?
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filmjunky-99 · 4 months
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t h u n d e r h e a r t, 1992 🎬 dir. michael apted
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hatchi-matchii · 6 months
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FAItH art comp aka coolest pages in my sketchbook atm
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ainyan · 1 year
What happens when you write a modern-day AU in which Thancred Waters, who is a child psychologist/social worker, "adopts" a gaggle of orphans and makes them his family?
Keep reading to catch a glimpse into their Discord chat.
Jess practically threw herself down onto her bed later that evening - well, if the blow-up mattress in the bar's wine cellar could even really be called that.
Gods, what a night. Her mind still reeled from all that had happened, faces new and old… but she simply knew she couldn't fall asleep. Not yet. 
Not without performing her sisterly duties.
And so she pulled her tomestone out of her pocket, quickly opening her 'family' group chat, a devious smile upon her lips.
ChocoChic27: guys guys GUYS you will not believe what happened tonight 
StillWaters: Don’t you dare, scamp!
~LightYourWay~: No! Tell us! C’mon, Jess, this has got to be good!
RockYourHeart: Spill the deets, sis.
WheelchairQuarterback: Aww, c’mon, don’t tease the poor guy.
StillWaters: Thank you, Arenvald!
WheelchairQuarterback: Wait until he’s gone to bed at least.
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ChocoChic27: hey Thancred get your own emote 
ChocoChic27: ANYWAY guess who showed up at the bar tonight? And not alone. With a… love interest.
StillWaters: JESS.
WheelchairQuarterback: He’s got a new girl every day. What’s the deal?
~LightYourWay~: Wait, he brought a girl to your bar?
RockYourHeart: Was she pretty?
ChocoChic27: Gods, yes! Fucking gorgeous. It's easy to see why he likes her 🤣 Au Ra, indigo skin and matching hair, purple eyes, black scales. And the way he looked at her!!!! Guys, I think it's love.
StillWaters: Jess, don’t curse in front of Ryne.
~LightYourWay~: …
~LightYourWay~: That’s all you have to say?
~LightYourWay~: Don’t curse in front of your sister?
~LightYourWay~: EXCUSE ME.
~LightYourWay~: When were you going to TELL me you’re dating my teacher???
StillWaters: Isn’t that what you wanted? And we’re not dating. Damn it.
~LightYourWay~: WELL WHY NOT??
RockYourHeart: Thancred…
StillWaters: I wanted to check on Jess. We happened to be in the same place. I invited her along. That’s all. She’s not interested in a relationship.
~LightYourWay~: THANCRED! Don’t mess this up!
RockYourHeart: Are you?
StillWaters: Don’t ask me that.
RockYourHeart: Oh, Thancred…
ChocoChic27: I, uh… oh…
Jess bit her lip, regret immediately washing through her as she stared at her tiny screen.
ChocoChic27: Thancred, I'm sorry, I misinterpreted the situation. It seemed like something more between you two, what with the touching and looks and all. I didn't mean to imply otherwise… I'm just gonna stick a foot in my mouth now if you don't mind.
StillWaters: 😔. Scamp. It’s okay. I - look, she’s a great woman. I like her, okay? 
StillWaters: Really, I like her.
StillWaters: I really like her.
StillWaters has deleted a message.
StillWaters: But she’s made it clear she’s not interested.
~LightYourWay~: …
~LightYourWay~: Thancred!
~LightYourWay~ has disconnected.
StillWaters: Damn it, Ryne.
[DM] ~LightYourWay~ sent you a message.
StillWaters: Jess, I’m not mad at you, honey. There’s a lot of chemistry there. Shame she doesn’t see it. But she seemed to hit it off with you - I hope you’ll stay in touch. She needs friends that aren’t teachers. Believe me.
StillWaters: Uh. Be good.
StillWaters has disconnected.
RockYourHeart: “Be good”. Thancred-ese for “I love you.”
AllaganScholar: I’m sorry, did anyone else notice that Thancred Waters is absolutely gone on a woman?
WheelchairQuarterback: How long have you been here, Raha?
AllaganScholar: I signed on when Ryne was getting all excited, and decided to see what was going on. Thancred’s got a girlfriend?
RockYourHeart: Not exactly. But close enough for now.
AllaganScholar: Damn. I always miss all the juicy gossip.
ChocoChic27: Or, well… something like that…
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80smovies · 1 year
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springagainafter · 4 months
Due to gameplay mechanics, I Remember Me and the admiral's inspection and the Khalisah interview trigger or are available on the first return to the Citadel, but in my headcanon those all happen a little later.
First return to the Citadel involves Merrick escorting Liara around (the exact ratio of "I'm doing this so I can look out for her" and "I'm doing this because I like being around her" is something he decides not to think too hard about) and the rest of the crew also moving around in little groups because there was a gunfight vs. Saren's people outside Chora's Den earlier.
Anderson and Udina actually have nothing to say to Liara if you bring her along, but presumably in-universe they both say hi and Anderson is pleasant.
So Liara gets to go shopping and marvel at the Presidium ("This is truly magnificent! Most Prothean architecture I see is in ruins" and "The sheer size of this place is overwhelming" and "Remarkable - nature and technology combined in one elegant whole") while Merrick quietly follows her around and talks about Anderson a bit when she asks and is a little stunned by how nice (and expensive) the stores are.
They run into a few people along the way (Nassana, ugh) and Helena Blake (Merrick Does Not like her or being used and gets particularly grim about the criminals selling people as batarian slaves, so that's complicated) and Conrad (which is hilarious).
Conrad: *is delighted at Merrick remembering him and asks for a picture*
Merrick, in the tone of a man who's not very sure that this is, in fact, not a problem: Sure. No problem.
Conrad bounced off ("Thanks again, Commander! I'm going to hang this in my living room! My wife will love it!" LIES it's probably going in the Shepard shrine) and Liara was left standing there going "so do you get that a lot" and Merrick was all "not really, no."
And then there is bonding over mutual dislike over the idea of living in the Wards (too many people in general) and having to switch from solitary environments (Liara's digs, Merrick doing scouting or solo missions) to suddenly being around a bunch of people again.
Liara's other comment in the Wards is "Everyone seems so busy, so rushed. I wonder if they are happy?" and oof at that considering how swamped she is in 3 with her network.
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Chapter 8: Group Chat #2
Jess carelessly tossed her pack aside as soon as she stepped foot back into the small storage room she called home; she could wash her swimwear tomorrow. Or wherever she got around to it. Flopping down onto her bed, she pulled out her tomestone.
No messages. 
Of course, Thancred was busy - he was on a date, after all, and Jess knew full well the sorts of things that happened on dates. Especially for him. Though she was loath to think of her brother-figure in that way, he had a reputation that even his ‘family’ knew by then.
But, well… she was bored. And so she opened her group chat, seeing if, just maybe, someone else was around to entertain her, with all her other friends - all two of them - preoccupied. 
ChocoChic27: Hey everyone, wish Thancred luck! He’s on a date right now with a very special someone ;)
~LightYourWay~: Wait. He had a date?? With who??
RockYourHeart: Like a date, date? Does Thancred even know what those are?
ChocoChic27: Well it sure sounded like a date date - with Kal’istae - err, Ms. Miurani to you, Ryne. He made reservations even. Thancred! Making reservations!
~LightYourWay~: SHE SAID YES?
RockYourHeart: Wait, Miss Miurani, the magic teacher? My magic teacher? Thancred is dating the magic teacher?? Wait! Ryne, you knew about this??
ChocoChic27: She said yes!!! Oh you should have seen her, she came to me at work to ask ME for advice! Me! On what to wear! It was positively adorable - oh, I think she likes him. 
ChocoChic27: Wait, Min, she was your teacher too? 
ChocoChic27: wtf how come I didn’t get magic class? That’s so unfair.
ChocoChic27: Um. Anyway. Not the point. Yes. He’s on a date with her. 
~LightYourWay~: @StillWaters Come on! How’s it going? Did you kiss yet?
RockYourHeart: Ryne! Don’t bother them! Thancred, ignore her.
RockYourHeart: Jess, didn’t you go to the high school? Miss Miurani’s at the magic school.
~LightYourWay~: Ugh don’t call it that.
RockYourHeart: 🙄
~LightYourWay~: 🤣 You used to get pissy too.
ChocoChic27: Nerds. 
StillWaters: You’re all nerds.
ChocoChic27: THANCRED!? What are you doing here!? Aren’t you on a date???? Get off your tome!
StillWaters: I just dropped her off at home and am heading to the Underground. It’s almost ten, you know. Some of us have work in the morning.
~LightYourWay~: Tell us everything!!
RockYourHeart: Ryne.
[Incoming text message from: Kal’istae: Gods. Holy gods.]
~LightYourWay~: I have a vested interest in this. Do you know how long I tried to set them up?
StillWaters: And how often you almost sent all of my plans awry? 😆 I’m not going to kiss and tell. Not this time.
ChocoChic27: Plans? Thancred, you can’t mean to tell me you had plans. You were hopeless!
RockYourHeart: Sounds like you really like her.
[Incoming text message from: Ciprys: Good date? Spill all of the…]
StillWaters: I think that has been established at this point.
RockYourHeart: Good for you. It’s about time. Night, guys.
~LightYourWay~: But I want deets!
RockYourHeart: Let him be, Ryne. You don’t want to scare him off.
~LightYourWay~: 🤐 Night~
ChocoChic27: Well… If he won’t kiss and tell, I bet I know who will. 
StillWaters: Good night, girls. Good night, scamp. Tell Kali I said hello.
ChocoChic27: 😏
With a smirk, Jess tabbed away from her family chat to her girls chat, intent on squeezing every last detail she could out of at least one of them. Judging by the time, things hadn’t progressed quite as far as she’d expected - unless Thancred did her quick and dirty. But he was better than that. She hoped. 
Jess: So so so???? What happened?????
Kal’istae: We went on a date.
Ciprys: KALI.
Kal’istae: 🤣 He took me to dinner at that new Hingan place on Fourteenth. Can you believe he’s had rolling reservations for a month hoping I’d say yes?
Jess: Ah. I see. “Plans.” So, uh… Do you find desperation hot in a guy? Because he’s a little… Well… 
Kal’istae: I think it was sweet. I appreciate determination. And it was a great place. Apparently he knew the chef?
Ciprys: Look, I’m sure the food was great, the atmosphere charming, and the bill big, but what I want to know is whether or not you got yourself a piece of that??
Jess: I really really hate that I’m stuck between “did you fuck my brother?” and “did you fuck my brother?!” 
Jess: But also… did you fuck my brother?
Kal’istae: And people say boys are bad. No, I did not sleep with Thancred. This time.
Kal’istae: And I’ll thank you not to make me regret that any more than I already do.
Kal’istae: Toys just don’t have the same punch.
Ciprys: Clearly, we need to get you some new toys. And a new brain. Wtf didn’t you sleep with him?? Or did he not try to get in your pants? Wtf is wrong with your brother, Jess?
Jess couldn’t help but stare, just a little horrified, at her tomestone, before finding the courage to reply.
Jess: Uh… A lot. But it takes two to tango! Continuous enthusiastic consent and all that they teach in school, yeah? Very unlike him, I guarantee he’d be your toy if you asked. Was he… not interested??? 
Kal’istae: I’m going to go out on a limb and say if I’d invited him in, I would not be talking to you right now because I’d still be busy fucking him like a Viera. So the interest was there. But… it didn’t feel right?
Ciprys: Like with me and Cir. You want it to be the right time, not just the right place.
Kal’istae: Exactly! He’s… special. 🥴 I don’t want to be just another notch on his bedpost.
Kal’istae: That said, oh my gods, the man can kiss. Holy shit. Sorry Jess. I know that’s gotta be ick for you, but that mouth. Menphina’s tits!
Jess: Ick indeed! Glad you had fun but… eesh! So, there’s gonna be a next time?
Kal’istae: I really think so. I really hope so. That man is… well. He sure flipped a lot of my switches. And sorry, Jess. Uhm. So, we didn’t have to pay for dinner.
Ciprys: You didn’t dine and dash on your first date, did you??
Jess: won’t have sex on the first date but will commit a level 3 crime instead? Damn, girl.
Jess: also wait. Do most people have sex on the first date or is that… not a thing? I’m taking notes.
Ciprys: Depends on the date.
Kal’istae: Depends on the date.
Kal’istae: Jinx.
Ciprys: Damn it.
Kal’istae: This is the first date I’ve been on that hasn’t been with the intention of sex afterwards. I can only assume that there’s nothing wrong with not putting out on the first serious date, since he didn’t seem that upset. Like, he would have, but he wasn’t surprised I didn’t?
Ciprys: Don’t ask me. I never date unless it’s for a good time with no strings.
Kal’istae: Has any of us ever actually been on a real, honest, date-date?
Ciprys: Not me.
Jess: and if it hasn’t been abundantly clear by now, I’ve never been on any kind of date. So, no. I guess you’re the first! Pity us, won’t you? And remember to invite us to your wedding!
Kal’istae: Uh. Don’t count your chocobos. Let’s just get past the first few dates and find out whether or not he thinks I’m as completely lame as I know I am, okay?
Ciprys: Girl. Ain’t nothing lame about you. Good thing, Jess and I both look good in red!
Jess: It’s Thancred, he’s even more lame than you. And, uh, doesn’t wearing red to a wedding mean that you’ve slept with the groom? I just want cake.
Kal’istae: So, what did you two do tonight?
Ciprys: Subtle.
Kal’istae: I know, right?
Jess: Uh, just girl stuff. Ate. Swam. Talked about guys - or just one guy, really. Cip’s special guy.
Kal’istae: Sir something, right? Sounds like some kind of knight.
Ciprys: Cirdan. And he’s the farthest thing from a knight you can get. 🤣 And not much to spill there, yet. What we really need to do is find a guy for Jess to hook up with.
Jess: Absolutely not! Based on the kinds of guys you two are into, I very much do not need you trying to “hook me up”. And even if you did, I don’t want a hook up, I want a romance. 
Kal’istae: What’s wrong with the guy I’m in to? He’s smart, he’s sexy, he’s got a super sensitive side, but he knows how to show a girl a good time. Sounds like a winner.
Ciprys: So my guy’s a bad guy. He’s still fucking hot. And loaded. But so we find you a romance. I can dig it. I like a good love story.
Jess: What’s wrong with Thancred? What’s wrong with Thancred? Look how long he took to finally take you on a date! All of this could have been avoided if he just spoke about his feelings! He’s a complete and utter dork, just you wait. And your guy, Cip, sounds positively terrifying! Money is nice though, I concede.
Kal’istae: Do you know that Thancred has asked me on a date almost every day for a year?
Ciprys: Oh, he is positively terrifying, thanks for noticing! Some girls like to know that their man can take care of any little problem that comes their way.
Ciprys: But not for you. I think you need a sweet little fluff of a man. Well. Maybe not little. I’ll wager you need something a bit more than average.
Jess: Every day. For a year. And you’re asking me what’s wrong with him???
Jess: Hmm… I think you’re right, Cip. I don’t want anyone shorter than me. I know that removes… Oh, what, half of the population? 
Kal’istae: Every WEEK! Every WEEK! Gods. Not every day. 
Ciprys: Oh, so he’s only mildly desperate.
Kal’istae: 😣 I think it’s sweet. 🙁
Ciprys: Sure it is. And okay, so it’s a bit easier for Kali and I to find what qualifies as a tall guy, but I didn’t mean height, babe. I meant dick size, and I don’t think you’d settle for average.
Kal’istae: Smooth.
Ciprys: Nah. Smooth is overrated.
Kal’istae: 😣
Jess: CIP!!! What happened to “size isn’t everything” and all that? You CAN’T just ask someone their dick size before going on a date!
Ciprys: I mean, size isn’t everything, but finding someone who knows how to use a below-average sized dick right is harder than it sounds. So trust me, for your first few times, find someone hung.
Kal’istae: Ugh, Cip, you’re going to scare her. Jess, personality is more important than dick size, I swear, especially since you’re in it for the romance, not just the sex. Don’t worry about what’s in his pants, worry about what’s under his hat.
Ciprys: Just make sure he wears a hat.
Kal’istae: Ciprys! 😂 I’m going to go to bed. Night, you guys.
Kal’istae has disconnected.
Ciprys: Bed. Sure. Enjoy your toys, girl. And Jess, don’t fret so much. Shit will happen as it should. We’ll find you someone to get all romantical with, promise. Ta!
Ciprys has disconnected.
It was all Jess could do to stare at her screen, completely and utterly horrified. At least such things were the least of her problems - for now, she merely shoved her phone under her pillow and buried her face to hide her growing embarrassment.
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ad-j · 5 months
WATCHLIST 2023: The Right Stuff
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eclecticpjf · 1 year
Now watching;
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oxygenunavailable · 5 months
Marble Sky Character Color Analysis:
By me.
I don’t know if anyone has pointed any of this out yet but here I go:

I love how, in the colored ref sheets, the protagonists: Ward, Oscar, Holly and Iris, have cool tones. Blues and violets. This indicates calm, colectivness. Peace and passion.
In more detail, blues for the humans makes a lot of sense. Earth is the blue planet, not because of gas,( Neptune, Uranus) but because it’s 75% water. Water is the source of life, as far as we know. Blue also represents our sky. Our big, blue sky, versus the “marble sky” implanted by the Marmors. Blue also commonly represents freedom, imagination, sensitivity and serenity.
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Holly and Iris are purple. Purple is the color of magic, royalty, creativity, wealth and pride. Teegardinians pride themselves in their spirituality, connection and peace. And their planet clearly was very peaceful, open and full. They have magic from their god(s?), wealth (food), and clearly have some sort of leadership (royalty). Their creativity is their different abilities gifted to them, individually. This entire thing especially applies to Holly and Iris, not just the teegardinians as a whole, as they are both most likely higher up or more “in charge”, whether because of their spiritual connection or lineage.
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Next are the marmors. Their species has more range in color and character design.
Contrasting to the human’s blue, Eclipta, being the leader of the antagonists (for now) is super bright and warm. (Yellow, orange, red) it represents violence, energy and impulse. Her outline and outfit are sharp and angular. Dangerous. Her entire being, It stands out more. She’s the main one to listen and turn to, so she’s the first one you see.
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Sculptor is different, however. They have green. It’s a cool tone, sure but not one associated with the humans. Green is the representation of nature, growth, renewal. I believe Sculptor is less focused on just the violence, unlike Eclipta, and more on the growth of their species. they obviously are okay with the violence, and enjoys it. But it’s not just for the fun, it’s so the Marmors stay on top, where they belong. (Ain also has a lot of dark green in their outfit.)
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Shepard is white and grey. Neutral. No color. He looks whatever colors light is brighter, and right now, it the blazing red tHiNg is in his chest, coloring his intentions? Perhaps? Or just completely empty of emotion, he just… is.
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For my grand finale, ALCOR!!
This bitty boy is also very cool toned on the skin. This could easily symbolize his connection with Oscar, and perhaps as we see him grow, he’ll join in the fight against the Marmors. His armor, however, still has that warmer brown, because as of right now, he’s still with the Marmors.
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Anyways, I could be just talking about nothing. But here this is I guess.
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wlw-imagines · 9 months
Behind The Curtain - Amelia Shepherd/Reader (Grey’s Anatomy)
request: Could you do a oneshot with Amelia Shepard where they both work at the hospital and are secretly dating. One day Arizona or Meredith or somebody catches them making out and then teases them about it the rest of the day. You're writing is fantastic! Thanks for reading this :) - anon
a/n: these are from my old tumblr thefandomwritings from back in 2018 ! re-vamped and re-purposed!! hope u enjoy and forgive the 2018 me style writing
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Keeping your relationship with Amelia secret had been pretty easy for the two of you.
Whilst you were rarely seen venturing further than paediatrics ward, Amelia was similarly tied down to Neuro, being a neurosurgeon, and to whatever various tasks kept her occupied elsewhere in the hospital. Therefore there was never any need to cover anything up about your long-term relationship.
It had begun as a late night fling, early on in your careers at Seattle Grace - you had both finished a shift at the same time and walked into each other as you were buying a coffee.
She smiled sleepily, her eyes bleary as she gripped the coffee cup, “Y/L/N, right?”
You nodded at the correct name, and also in recognition of the woman in front of you, “Amelia.”
“Coffee? At this late hour?” She smirked, a twinkle growing in her eyes.
You couldn’t help but let out a laugh, “I could say the same for you.”
Amelia shrugged and started walking at your side, “I won’t get any sleep any time soon anway, what’s your excuse?” She raised an eyebrow as the two of your left the cafeteria.
“Same.” You shrugged, before turning back to face her and fully reigstering the look in her eyes. You took a slight risk, hoping it was the correct one, “Want to come back to mine? We can talk about how shit life is and commiserate together?”
“I’m less of a talker, more of a do-er.” She caught your expression of a raised eyebrow and shook her head, “Not like that!”
“Hey, we can do whatever you want to do.” You laughed, “I can make us more coffee at home? Stronger coffee.”
“Okay. I’d like that.”
You were fortunate really because whenever you were around one another your love was probably too obvious and your relationship was something that you felt didn't need to be known by everyone yet. So, the longer it could be kept a secret, the better. There would be no complaints of favouritism in surgery and no teasing during late night shifts, it was just straight up easier.
And while normally the distance between your areas of expertise was in your favour, sometimes, on the rare occasion, the paediatrics and brain surgery teams would collaborate. It was at time like these that it was much more difficult to keep your hands off each other.
The day had started with Arizona rushing towards you, a stressed look on her face reserved for only the worst cases. "We have a nine year old girl coming in with serious unspecified head injuries. I've paged Lady Shepherd so she is on her way up, you'll be following the case with me." She rushed out, no time to pause.
"Wait, I... Lady Sheph- Amelia is being given the case?" You asked, your heart hammering slightly once you heard the name.
"She is our in-house neurosurgeon so, yes. She is. Do you have a problem with that Y/L/N?" The woman quirked an eyebrow up at you, giving you one of her looks that you could hardly ever interpret so you just stuttered away.
"N-no, not at all. That's fine, it's great. Good for her." You stumbled through some random words that didn't even really make sense in the situation before you were interrupted by your girlfriend walking through the doors.
There was just something about her in authority and her scrubs that turned you on and that was why you were better off separated. So you found yourself relatively lucky to not be included in the team that went into surgery.
You avoided the viewing platform. But even when you were stuck outside doing paperwork you still found yourself too distracted, your mind wandering off too many times, thinking of what you would do to the woman once you were in the safety of your own apartment. 
It was going to be a long day.
You had waited until the surgery was finished until you snuck into a call room. Amelia had been walking past when you attempted to (subtly) pull her into the  room with you. You immediately closed the door and pinned her up against it, making an attempt to lock the door before Amelia flipped the tables and pushed you against the wall. The look in her eyes immediately brought back memories of how your relationship had initially begun.
"What are you smiling about?" She asked, pulling back with a confused look on her face.
Leaning forward, you kissed her nose and hummed slightly, "I love you, is all." 
The smile remained on your face as you leant slowly in. Your lips connected and the kiss only became more passionate as the pent up frustration of long, hard days and not seeing each other as much as you needed to built up. You weren't even in there to hook up like you always used to, you just need to be close and be together.(Although, shirts were beginning to be unbuttoned...)
You were vaguely aware of footsteps approaching but you were too caught up with Amelia and had just assumed they had passed. That was until you heard a small gasp coming from the doorway.
Amelia and you pulled away from each other as quickly as you could, your girlfriend stumbling back and almost falling over had it not been for you grabbing her waist and wrapping your arms around her to prevent the fall.
Once she was secure you turned your head back to whoever had interrupted with a smile that was as innocent as you could make it before clearing your throat, "Arizona... Hey."
"Well, I was not expecting this...” A small grin spread across her lips and she let out a gleeful laugh, “Actually, you know what I kind of was. Y/N's been acting strange." Arizona smiled with an evil twinkle in her eye, "I can't believe you guys haven't told me!" You quickly shushed her before pulling her into the call room and closing the door behind her. "I love you guys but at least buy me dinner first..." She joked, earning a light slap on the arm from you.
"What are you doing?" You asked, running your hand through your hair and starting to fidget.
Arizona paused, "I was going to take a nap... in the call room. Because that's what-"
Your girlfriend looked at her watch and shrugged at you, "Look at the time, I've got to go." Amelia, spoke up from the corner, sliding out the door without another word.
You went to walk after her but turned to Arizona who was still standing there with a smile on her face, "You scared my girlfriend away." You pouted.
Arizona just wrapped her arms around you and rocked you side to side, "I'm so proud of you!"
"Shut up."
"But you're both so cute."
"Shut up!" You pushed her slightly, laughing.
"And you've finally found someo-"
You gave her one last look before opening the door, "Okay, I'm leaving now!" You said, walking out.
"Love you." She yelled after your disappearing body.
"Love you too." You yelled back before adding on, "And don't you dare tell anyone!”
"Y/N," You jokingly rolled your eyes when confronted with Arizona leaning on the nurse desk with a big smile on her face. You prepared yourself for the teasing that was inevitably about to come and pretended to be more interested in the paperwork in front of you. The teasing over the past week had been neverending, "Listen, I know I've been making fun of you and your girlfriend all day and I just wanted to let you know that I support you 100%. I promise that I won't let anyone know of your little secret, okay?" You visibly relaxed and looked back up at her.
You smiled, putting your hand over hers, "You know, you didn't need to tell me that. I trusted you from the beginning but thank you all the same."
She nodded and went to leave before turning back to you, "By the way, I've given your girlfriend a little gift - you may want to go up and say hi. She's in the nursery."
Confused, you frowned slightly but didn't question it as you nodded and made your way to the other side of the ward, where all the newborns are kept.
You stepped in front of the window looking into the nursery and felt your heart skip a beat to see Amelia cradling one of the babies. She caught your eye and her eyes twinkled slightly as she looked down at the baby in her arms. You sighed blissfully and stepped into the room.
"Are you terrorizing the children?" You asked, looking around at the other 3 cribs, each holding a tiny, delicate baby. You stepped closer to Amelia, putting an arm around her lower back and looking down at the baby.
"They're our kids without any home, or parents." Amelia whispered, rocking the baby slightly before shifting the pink blanket to cover her head and little waving hand that had fallen out when she was trying to reach up to your girlfriend. "I kind of thought you were just going to end the sentence at, 'they're our kids' and then you would have a lot of explaining to do."
"Surprise!" She sarcastically cheered before one last rock of the baby. Between the two of you, you managed to safely get her back into her cot and tucked up in her blanket before sneaking out the door.
You both stood in each other's embrace for a while, just soaking in each other's love and company.
"Y'know, maybe it's good that people know about us - especially Arizona." You mumble, longingly staring at the bundles left in the nursery, "if it gets us perks like getting to cuddle cute babies during work then I'm so up for coming out to everyone." You joked.
Amelia just nodded, "Me too." You looked up, slightly surprised as it hadn't really been something you had discussed yet. "Hey, you want to stay at mine and get chinese tonight?"
"Do you have the house to yourself?" You asked with surprise, since these are the only times you get to stay round and even then it is like a military mission. "No, it's a full house tonight. I'm introducing you to them."
"Babe, you realise I know your friends and they know me. We're part of the same friendship group."
"I know, but I get to introduce you as my girlfriend." She grinned and began walking back down the corridor, back to work before yelling over her shoulder, "Plus I get to show them pictures of our children!"
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sol-consort · 1 month
Hello commander, I return with the ask for some crumbs of Thane in citadel dlc ideas/headcannons if he'd been there (he would've been perfect. Wouldn't he have just been perfect to join in the citadel dlc mission? I think he would've been perfect) Admiral anon out 🫡
Thane deserved to see that party and deserved the spotlights when it came to saving Shepard's ass. Who is better than a literal assassin to track you down from the shadows and swoop in all badass to make sure his siha is safe and sound. He would've been adorable at the casino, all shy and unsure under the spotlights. I love you Anon. I will name my firstborn after you.
[Fluff, romance, established relationships, Citidal DLC mission/party]
[Reader is Shepard, Gender neutral - NB!reader]
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Citadel Wards: Ambush
"Siha, I came as soon as I could. Are you alright?"
Breaking out of his hospital stay mid checkup wasn't hard at all, especially after he caught hint of the fact you might be in danger. All alone with only a pistol against hundreds of enemies.
Thane was on a mission as he headed your way, heart racing, praying for the gods to protect you.
He knows you're more than capable, but he really wishes you didn't have to suffer through failed assassination attempts.
And a rather clumsy one at that too. Thane almost feels insulted.
But you're safe and he's not leaving your side anytime soon. He already left a message for Kolyat not to worry him while driving the shuttle he hijacked to your location.
It almost feels good to have a chance to pull all of his tricks again after such a long stay in the hospital with nothing to do.
In the scene where you meet him, his features visibly soften up when he looks at you. For a second, you could see the worry in his eyes. Contempt at his condition for not allowing him to be more of help to you.
"I've only a few loves left, and you are my last. Let me do what I can for you."
His hands lift up for a second before he reluctantly lets them down, clearly going for a hug hesitating and changing his mind.
You get a paragon interrupt to hug him, feel him melt against you. How long has it been since your last visit to him? Busy with preparing for the war and all, he was very understandable and content with the little time you offered him.
But now, oh you're finally here in his arms.
"I've missed you more, more than words could convey."
The hug is bittersweet, full of longing and untold fears.
You lost yourself in the war and the preparation for it, you almost forgot who you were fighting for in the first place.
The person who lost himself in you.
Thane always imagined his end to come first, for his story to end while your legend is still being written.
And he accepted it long ago, bitterly like any other pill he had to swallow.
It was just a fact of life.
All he could do was make sure he didn't leave any regrets behind.
But the idea of your life ending before him? Of the angel who guided him through a suicide mission and ensured everyone's survival to simply fall prey to some no-name assassins?
It filled him with burning rage for your enemies. Emotions he thought had died down since he gave up his previous job.
The same fire which consumed him back when he saw Kai Leng pointing a gun at you—overwhelmed his senses, twice as intense.
It's one thing for you to face soldiers nearly your equal on the battlefield.
It's another for some assassin to come and think they can best you while your guard is down during shore leave.
You were always fair in war. Assassins never are, he should know.
Gaining leverage no matter the cost.
Using every trick in the book to avoid a fight and get the upper hand before you realise they were there.
He memorised all the steps; a lifetime to perfect this song and dance of death.
Thane swore to himself not to let a single one of them reach you as long as he could still lift a gun.
Or simply weild a knife. Both were just as deadly in his grasp.
And now, standing with his arms wrapped around you so tightly, he almost feels ashamed for failing you. For not protecting you like you've always watched over him.
He doesn't voice those feelings; he never wants to worry you.
The mere soothing touch of your fingers against his face is enough to put all of the voices in his head to rest.
But you can see it in his sad eyes. You can sense the guilt in the desperate hold against your waist.
You get a renegade interrupt to kiss him, hush all of his worries away.
Everything else can wait. You'd damn the whole world if it meant you got to comfort your beloved just a moment more no matter what dangers lurked close by.
Ever since the time you kissed him during your initial hospital visit, you've been dying for the chance to do it again.
Eventually, it has to come to an end as Brooks voice sounds from your omni-tool, asking if you're still there. Warning you about the enemies heading your way.
Thane clears his throat with a smile curling in the corners of his lips. Apologising for getting distracted.
He follows after you as you investigate the car shop, a newfound determination to his steps. Knowing he will follow your lead to the end of the galaxy if you asked.
Reaching the closed gates, your attention turns to the closed shut office where they trigger to unlock them must be.
Telling Thane to step back, you raise your gun without hesitation as you aim the glass windows.
"Siha, there is another way."
His hand covers your own, gently coaxing you into lowering the gun.
Kneeling down to be on the same level as the volus hiding behind the desk, Thane asks them if they could open the gates.
He's patient as the shaking volus considers his request before clicking the button to lift the gates.
When you meet his eyes, he doesn't look smug at all, instead he seems very thankful to you for granting him this mercy of not carrying the guilt of endangering an innocent life.
Especially after all the time he has spent repenting for his past mistakes. All the innocents he has ever put in danger.
You realise how much the man in front of you has changed in the past months. The times he spent praying for forgiveness for each life he has taken, turning his own life around to be a good model for his son.
You can't help but voice your thoughts, not so subtly praising him for following his wishes for a stable, honest life with action.
The determination it must have taken, all the effort and hard work.
He brightens at your words.
"I even started paying taxes for my investments."
Now those words, he does look smug about.
Citadel: Identity Theft I
Back at the safety of your apartment, Thane can be found next to the piano. One hand behind his back, another resting atop the piano cover.
Staring out the wall windows, the ones adjacent to the main entrance.
He's doing a breathing exercise when you approach him, slowly inhaling, then exhaling, in and out, in, out.
If you express worry, he reassures you that he's fairing well.
"It's you who just escaped danger. I should be asking you that instead."
He mentions how beautiful the view outside is, how it's nothing compared to his own apartment in the citadel that's more on the modest side.
Maybe he can take you there to show you after this is done, over a dinner? Kolyat is a surprisingly excellent cook, and sharing a meal with the two of you would make Thane very happy.
When it's time to discuss the next step with Liara and the group, Thane can't be picked for the vents' mission because it's hard to breathe in such a tight space.
You remember how the first time you met him was when he crawled down out of a vent.
The grim realisation of how much his health has deteriorated since sinks on you like cold water.
He makes a remark on how this mission almost takes him back down memory lane.
Infiltrating casinos to look for a target is his bread and butter–well the drell equivalent to that.
Silver Coast Casino: Infiltration
"I never thought I'd actually get the chance to dress up and walk you down an aisle during this lifetime...it's always been a wishful fantasy. You look wonderful, siha."
He's wearing a very stylish suit, light breathable material.
It has a deep-ocean like shimmer when the light hits the black fabric just at the correct angle.
A thin shirt underneath, pearly white and unbuttoned down his chest.
He said it's necessary to compensate for the lack of cutouts in the suit so his skin may breath better.
Yet your eyes can't help but wander to his cleavage, even more noticeable now than his usual clothes ever showed.
If Thane had noticed your gaze, he never made a comment about it.
But he straightened his posture more, chin lifted a tad bit higher as he walked by your side ever soelegantly
Maybe he did reveal in your attention to his body.
His arm was around your waist, holding you protectively as he brought you closer to him.
You tired to tell him to just leave his hand in his pocket and let you "cling" onto it instead.
That's how humans usually do it to show statues, appear dominate, all the necessary facade to fit in with the usually casino crowd.
But he was greatly displeased with the idea of having you holding him without him returning the gesture.
He doesn't want to wear you like an accessory.
He never understood the human concept of playing things cool or acting hard to get.
Why deny his feelings and pretend he isn't over the moon at the idea of being with you in here? Why pretend you're not the most beautiful angel he has ever seen?
You could do anything to him on that red carpet, and he wouldn't protest nor shy away.
Lifting his chin between your fingers.
Be it cupping his cheek tenderly.
Giving him a sensual kiss.
He would've even kissed your hand if you wordlessly extended it to him.
The cheering crowd made him feel a bit uneasy, he isn't used to being in the spotlights or under so much attention.
Sure he infiltrated casinos, but by blending in with the background or disguising himself as one of the staff.
You'd be surprised by how easily drell are dismissed by the other species, assuming he must be the gaurd of some prideful hanar nearby.
Yet the way you held yourself so confidently, smiling and waving like it was your birthright to be under so many sparkling lights. It made Thane admire your strength even more.
Finally getting inside the casino, Brooks made a comment on how it's a good thing you brought Thane since drell-human couples are practically unheard of.
This means people will focus on the two of you rather than any suspicious activities on her end.
All of his uneasiness and hesitation fizzled out the second the mission began. Taking his role seriously and doing the job that must be done.
As you went around mingling with the crowd, he seamlessly blended in the shadows and background.
Always keeping an eye on you and staying within earshot. He made it look so easy how much he evaded attention and acted natural in such a new environment.
That's professional assassins for you.
It did amuse him a lot when you ordered the weeping heart cocktail from the bartender.
Whenever you needed him to distract a gaurd, he'd approach them and say one of the followings
"Excuse me, but would it be possible to find a quiet room for me to pray in?"
"I accidentally dipped my fingers in someone's drink, and now they're stripping to swim in the fountain."
"I'm here on behalf of the Hanar entertainment association, and I need to file a complaint on the lack of proper hydrating nourishments for my employers."
"Someone bumped into me and dropped this wallet. Can you help me return it to them?" *after searching for a while. "Oh, my mistake, I just remembered it's my own wallet, I must have had too much to drink"
"I hope you don't find this weird, human, but how can you possibly manage with just two eyelids? Don't your eyes get very dry?"
"Are you from earth? I've been there recently. It's a very beautiful planet, I'm very sorry about the recent news. Did you have any family on earth? I see..would you like to tell me about them?"
"Do you have any children? Ah good. I have a son but he doesn't have any significant other yet, I was wondering if you have any advice regarding this subject and how i may subtly push him towards finding someone?"
He thought about faking a coughing attack to try and distract the gaurd, but he decided against it for the low chance you might get worried or panic.
Also he had terrible luck in every machine he tried.
He'd just end up losing time after time so he decided against it not to drain your money.
Part of him died inside when you kept insisting on touching the fountain.
He just stood by and didn't have the heart to tell you what's it actually used for.
If you inquire about his past missions that took place in a casino, he tells you that he usually blended in with the servants and not the guests.
Find a secluded spot then quietly take security down one after one and ensure they get swept up in the chaos not to notice him slip by them.
Finally reach his target and go for the neck. The quicker the better. He wasn't looking for a fight or a confrontation, swifly making them meet their end was ideal.
It was contractual work, he always put his emotions aside during these times.
alongside his morals.
That's why this mission feels so...different in comparison to the past.
He is here because he wants to he here, rather than out of any obligation.
And dare he say, he is enjoying being your pretend date while playing dress up a bit too much.
Is it even pretend when the two of you are already together? You argue.
he can't deny that, but he'd rather take you to a proper date one day.
The two of you had never been on one, after all. despite everything you went through together, even risking death by each other's side.
Life happened too much, and too fast.
There simply wasn't time to catch up with Thane in a cafe.
Mundane things were akin to a luxury in your respective lives.
Thane found himself genuinely enjoying the art hanged around the place, the lights and decorations.
But his absolute favourite was the dancing.
Seeing you let loose and freely move even for a little while made him focus on the moment, on the few lighthearted memories he got to make today.
No matter how awful you were at it.
Memories he will surly treasure, replay whenever his mind got too muddy and clouded by the inevitable.
He was thankful for the gods to allow him this small extension on his life.
This small kindness of having just a little more time with you.
The opportunity to witness this, experience it by your side.
To get and walk you down the aisle while you looked the most beautiful he has ever seen you.
Even if it was just play-pretend on a mission.
...and a red carpet rather than an actual wedding chapel.
For the way he held you and felt about you couldn't be more true.
After the two of you enter the office only to find your target already dead, Thane can't help but have this gut feeling that something feels off here.
When you check the computer for whatever files the assassin must have forgotten to erease, he realises how clumsy this assassination attempt is.
An amateur work at best... too rushed.
How unusual. The office was guarded the whole time, what possibly could've made them leave in a hurry?
Thane looked around, there weren't any escape routes. No nearby vents, no possible second exists.
He almost voices his thoughts to you, but Brooks steps in first and talks about how this is a dead end.
Something about her feels familiar.
Yet even with a perfect memory, Thane is sure he never heard of this name or seen her face before.
Which just puzzles him even more.
The bullet wound in the corpse's chest is still fresh.
This wasn't the work of an experienced assassin who wanted to leave no trace behind, but the work of soldier in a hurry.
Citadel: Identity Theft II
Back at your apartment, Thane can be found in the same spot.
Talking to him lets you know that he informed Kolyat not to wait for him during dinner tonight, wishing him a goodnight and reassuring him that he's managing fine.
Clear endearment in his voice at how much the relationship between him and his son developed, how it feels nice to have someone waiting for you home at the end of the day.
The information revealed by EDI only makes Thane feel more uneasy.
He keeps searching his memory for anything he might have missed, any small detail that could've slipped him by.
Your comment about bringing everyone along with you on the mission makes him smile.
Your determination never fails to impress him as equally as it amuses him.
Citadel Archives: Escape
If you didn't pick him up for your team, then he ends up joining team Mako instead of Hammerhead.
Mostly to balance things since a sniper is already in the other team.
He enjoys listening to the bickering but doesn't participate much.
Until Tali brings Thane up to dig at Garrus for being the inferior sniper.
This really gets under Garrus's skin...plates?
He tries to get Thane into a sniper competition to see who takes out the most targets the quickest.
Thane, of course, politely declines and immediately conceads, handing him the win on a silver plate.
This just pisses off Garrus even more.
The turian starts talking about how assassins aren't even that cool, and Thane clearly doesn't have a cool face scar like him. Therefore, Garrus is the better sniper.
It keeps escalating with Tali adding fuel to the fire.
Eventually, Thane is pressured into accepting the sniper competition as both teams have already started betting credits on it.
You can affect the outcome if you take out the targets before the other person can get to them.
Garrus targets have a blue sniper dot show up on them while Thane's is green.
It is clearly cheating, and the losing team calls you out for helping, but you pull rank and remind them this is a mission; you're just doing your job.
You can either help Thane win, Garrus or leave them be.
If you leave them be, they end in a tie.
If you help Garrus win, Thane takes it in stride and admist he might be getting a bit rusty.
Garrus is full on boosting however.
If you help Thane win, he's actually surprised and very amused. He tries to remain polite and downplay his delight when Garrus loses.
"Thank you, Siha, for watching over me."
If you take Thane on your team, the competition only happens if you bring Tali or Javik with you who challenge Garrus on behalf of Thane.
Otherwise there is no one to pressure Thane into joining after he conceads.
If you bring Garrus and Thane with you, then Garrus is the one boosting about Thane to the other teams.
Saying how with two snipers, this team is overpowered and the other two teams have no chance.
If you use a sniper rifle, Garrus changes it to three.
His enthusiasm slowly infects Thane.
For a single mission, they suddenly lifelong bestfriends.
The two of them complimenting each other skills and equipment, Garrus impressed with Thane's zero hesitation methods and immense stealth. Precise and quick.
Thane in awe of Garrus endurance and how the sniper rifle feels like an extension of him rather than a seperate weapon.
The competition doesn't happen, or a very low stakes version of it happens where team mako and hammerhead suddenly unite for a second and Tali challenges Garrus.
Thane and Garrus easily sweep the competition, you can't lose or help the other team cheat because any kill you steal is counted towards your team.
Citadel: Party Aftermath
In the morning, as you stretch out in bed expecting to feel the body of your beloved next to you, you're greeted by the empty spot on the bed.
In fact, there is no sign of Thane around the house amidst all the scattered groups of your crew going about their mourning routine, nursing their hangovere, or a mix of both.
The front door to your apartment is ajar.
You step outside and see two figures standing at the far end of the hallway.
Thane and Kolyat staring out the hallway windows, enjoying the relative peacefulness of the early morning atmosphere.
A clear contrast to the chaotic mess of hangover and headaches inside your apartment.
Or, more precisely, it was just Thane enjoying the peacefulness while Kolyat scolded his father for leaving the hospital so suddenly and causing the asari doctor to freak out when she saw him break out of a window and land on top of a moving car.
Clear worry was barely masked underneath Kolyat's angry speech.
Maybe that's why Thane was in such a good mood, a rare smile gracing his lips as he gave his son his full attention, listening to his words and apologising for making him worry.
You're reminded of the first time you've seen Kolyat.
Of the first meeting between him and his father during your time at Cerberus.
They've really grown closer.
Somehow, they managed to overcome all the obstacles and difficult past they had.
Kolyat forgave his father, and Thane was grateful for being offered a second chance after everything he put his family through.
And yet, he risked it for you, his life.
A second time.
The life he just rebuilt, remade from the ground up.
You notice a plastic bag in Kolyat's hold, several pill sheets could be seen inside.
The open water bottle in Thane's hand.
His son must have came here first thing in the morning, just to deliver his father's medicine.
You give them their space, not wanting to interrupt Kolyat's lecture.
The last thing you see before going back inside is Thane pulling his son into a hug. Reassuring him that everything will be alright, his dad is right here.
Going to check with the rest of your crew and passing the hangover medd around. You gather them for breakfast.
Thane enters shortly after, you stand up from the table and go to meet him at the door.
Offering him to bring Kolyat inside, to join you and the rest for breakfast.
You've saved them a seat next to your own.
Much to the complaints and objections of other crew members who the seat next to the commander.
"Siha...I wouldn't want to impose."
"Nonsense Thane, you're a part of this team as much everyone else here."
You step closer to the man whose extended lifespan feels nothing short of a miracle, the man you've come to love with all of your soul. If it wasn't for the war, you would spend every second you could spare with him until his last breath.
His hands feel cold against yours, his touch so familiar and full of longing.
Your eyes are full of promises when you meet his deep green ones, surrounded by abyssal darkness like the deep ocean. Promises to fight this war, to make the world a better place.
For Kolyat. You'll make sure his son gets to grow up in a safe world. That even when Thane is gone, he can entrust you to be a guardian to his son and look out for him after the fight is won.
But for now, you ask nothing more of this life than this one chance to share a meal with the two of them. Sit around a breakfast table, have a glimpse of what a normal life with Thane must have looked like in a different world.
A world where you took this for granted, calling him your husband, eating at the same table with his son everyday.
With a nod, Thane accepts.
At first Kolyat is shy and unsure at sitting next to so many people, most of them legends...and hungover.
It's endearing how much this scene reminds you of how Thane first acted at the start of the casino mission, like father like son.
But after some time, Kolyat starts opening up to others and answering their curious questions. Surprisingly, it's Grunt who is the most interested in him, continuesly asking him about sharks, and if he has seen any.
Kolyat answers that he has swam with many.
Just like that, with one simple sentence, Grunt is hooked.
The young krogan eagrly pushes James out of the seat next to Kolyat so he may claim it for his own.
The two of them clicking immediately. By the end of it, they have exchanged contact information with Grunt promising to share his secret stash of shark videos with Kolyat who turned out to be very knowledgeable about marine biology.
Thane whispers to you that his son used to have a marine life encyclopedia as a kid. It was laminated and waterproof, much like all the books produced by the hanar usually are. His son cried so much after accidentally losing during a beach visit once, so much so that a passing hanar offered to go swim down and retrieve it.
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i-kylie · 8 days
anon: Curly Shepard x Curtis Sister! reader 🥵 I swear nobody makes these its so annoying
you're probably twins with Ponyboy or younger than Soda other than Ponyboy.
being the sister of the curtis brothers and part of the curtis gang warded off lots of heartbreaks.
you thought that you were just ugly, but no, guys are just scared of your brothers.
it's kind of the same for Curly, he's the younger brother of tim and older brother of Angela.
he has a bit of a reputation for fighting, with that and his last name, girls were kinda scared of him.
being avoided by future girlfriends and boyfriends made you guys relate.
also the gang stuff.
you never saw Curly like as bf material until Highschool.
he also didn't think you were cute until then.
one random friday, he comes to your lunch table, where you're sitting with some girlfriends.
he sits down next to you and starts flirting and successfully scored a date and number
you got all cute and decided to go.
he tried to have.. y'know.. after the date, but you sternly told him that you're not that easy
made him want you more
after months of secretly dating, Tim catches you two making out and somehow it gets to the gang that you're dating Curly.. hmmm i wonder who spilt the beans?!
Ponyboy denies everything
"My sister isn't dating anyone"
if you are twins with him, it might hurt his feelings that you didn't tell him.
Sodapop thinks it's some sick joke 'someone' (Tim) made up to provoke Dallas or somethin.
"Yeah sure..."
Darry considers it since you'd been more sneaky and quiet recently.
doesn't actually realize it though.
Johnny is the only one who actual thinks it's true 1000000%
"You're too stubborn, Pone."
Dallas fights Tim
he thinks its to provoke him
Tim uses it to win arguments with him at Bucks
Two-bit needs someone to remind him
he completely forgot about this whole dating rumor.
"wait she's dating who?"
Steve half thinks it's true, but Sodapop tries to explain how it's all fake.
"Man, you sound kind of crazy, but alright."
the gang really finds out when they catch you wearing Curly's well known leather jacket. Also, Johnny brings up the fact that he saw you and Curly at the Dingo on dates for the past few months.
"Why're wearing Curly's jacket?" Ponyboy asks.
"why would it be curly's?" You respond.
"It has that little red string sewed in a swirl in the collar." He responded. How does this kid know everything?!
gang goes wild.
"Lets rough him up a bit" Steve suggests.
"Oh, yeah I forgot to say, I saw her and Curly on little dates at the dingo past few months" Johnny says randomly.
"I didn't think anything of it" he replied
you are grounded btw.
during your grounding, Curly, stupidly, came to the house, thinking it was only you there and the gang was sitting in the living room like what...?!
you had to rush Curly out before shit went down.
took a while for the gang to accept him, but it happens.
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kylietellin · 9 months
Curly Shepard x Curtis Sister! reader 🥵 I swear nobody makes these its so annoying
A/N : I'll do this as HC since you didn't out anything else
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Idk why but this gif makes me weak in the knees 😍😍😍😍
You're probably twins with Ponyboy or younger than Soda other than Ponyboy.
Being the sister of the curtis brothers and part of the curtis gang warded off lots of heartbreaks.
You thought that you were just ugly, but no, guys are just scared of your brothers.
It's kind of the same for Curly, he's the younger brother of tim and older brother of Angela.
He has a bit of a reputation for fighting, with that and his last name, girls were kinda scared of him.
Being avoided by future girlfriends and boyfriends made you guys relate.
Also the gang stuff.
You never saw Curly like as bf material until Highschool.
He also didn't think you were cute until then.
One random friday, he comes to your lunch table, where you're sitting with some girlfriends.
He sits down next to you and starts flirting and successfully scored a date and number
(he already had the number since he'd been over at the curtis house before but getting a girls number kind of is a check off on picking up a broad)
You got all cute and decided to go.
He tried to have.. y'know.. after the date, but you sternly told him that you're not that easy
Made him want you more
After months of secretly dating, Tim catches you two making out and somehow it gets to the gang that you're dating Curly.. hmmm i wonder who spilt the beans?!
Ponyboy denies everything
"My sister isn't dating anyone"
If you are twins with him, it might hurt his feelings that you didn't tell him.
Sodapop thinks it's some sick joke 'someone' (Tim) made up to provoke Dallas or somethin.
"Yeah sure..."
Darry considers it since you'd been more sneaky and quiet recently.
Doesn't actually realize it though.
Johnny is the only one who actual thinks it's true 1000000%
"You're too stubborn, Pone."
Dallas fights Tim
He thinks its to provoke him
Tim uses it to win arguments with him at Bucks
Two-bit needs someone to remind him
He completely forgot about this whole dating rumor.
"wait she's dating who?"
Steve half thinks it's true, but Sodapop tries to explain how it's all fake.
"Man, you sound kind of crazy, but alright."
The gang really finds out when they catch you wearing Curly's well known leather jacket. Also, Johnny brings up the fact that he saw you and Curly at the Dingo on dates for the past few months.
"Why're wearing Curly's jacket?" Ponyboy asks.
"why would it be curly's?" You respond.
"It has that little red string sewed in a swirl in the collar." He responded. How does this kid know everything?!
Gang goes wild.
"Lets rough him up a bit" Steve suggests.
"Oh, yeah I forgot to say, I saw her and Curly on little dates at the dingo past few months" Johnny says randomly.
"I didn't think anything of it" he replied
You are grounded btw.
During your grounding, Curly, stupidly, came to the house, thinking it was only you there and the gang was sitting in the living room like wtf...?!
You had to rush Curly out before shit went down.
Took a while for the gang to accept him, but it happens.
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hellonearthtoday · 6 months
I think I'm actually gonna start tweaking I'm starting to see curly shepard mischaracterization everywhere I go. it didn't bother me at first because I didn't know the guy but now that I'm writing him I'm getting to a point where I need to be admitted into a ward. I need to be the change I want to see in the world
I'm about to psychoanalyze every instance curly appears and characterize him right
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scratchandplaster · 8 months
FEBUWHUMP DAY 6 - "You lied to me"
CW: parental Whumper, hypnosis, emotional manipulation, interrogation, conditioning
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"There are still plenty of thoughts inside your head, so let's get them in order."
Shepard was intently focused on his son. Above now dried tear tracks, his unblinking attention denied Ben to be unguarded for even one second, whilst his assertive but nevertheless mellow tone carried him along a carved-out path.
Possessive strokes down his back dragged him further: "Down, just down, always deeper down. We can't choose our sorrows, but you can choose to let them go for a moment, to let me help forget them. Follow my lead."
In and out, it was impossible to resist the pace he was taught so well.
"I would count you down, but you know all my old tricks."
Shepard was not naive, he had to be extremely lucky that his charade still worked after all these months Reuben spent on his own, poisoning his mind and spirit out in the world. That he still responded obediently to the suggestions of the past was a goddamn miracle. One he would gladly use to its full potential.
"Remember all the times we did this before," Shepard repeated for good measure. So many, many times, half of which Ben couldn't even recall. Today was far from the first instance he helped to quiet his ward's nettled thoughts.
It was about time to rectify old lies.
"You always knew where Lukas was, though we both know you claimed otherwise," Shepard sighed low, "Will you tell me now?"
The soft face on his shoulder began to stir back to wakefulness, his bottom lip scrunched up in painful guilt. Rough start.
"Shh, forget that, it was a stupid question. You did nothing wrong." Comforting reassurance and soft circles drawn onto his temples helped to smooth out any risen qualm. "I know it's difficult for you to stay alert during this state, so I'm keeping this easy for us. Just Yes or No from now on, you don't even have to say a word."
Reuben showed himself more agreeable and leaned back against him.
"Is Lukas doing well?"
A small nod. Good.
"Is he eating enough? You know how he always skips breakfast."
Again, Ben nodded against the rough wool of Shepard's sweater while the same tediously tried to keep this interview on track: he could embrace his success later, when both of his sons were near him again. However, the abandoned father was ready to reap the fruits of his endeavor.
"Do you want to tell me where he is?"
Ben quickly shook his head. No, not yet.
"Mhh, I understand."
It felt horrible how easy it was to make him tell the truth, but Shepard had no interest nor intention to question his parenting methods at the moment. He knew exactly what limits confined them: he couldn't make Reuben do or forget anything he didn't want to, at least if he failed to be persuasive enough.
Shepard's boy was easy to read and just as simple as he was loyal to both his brother and father. But not in equal parts, Shepard was at a certain disadvantage he ought to correct. 
Children like them were too inept for the world outside the settlement, so it was no wonder Reuben merely crumpled under the first selfless act of affection in a long time. If his forgiveness was not given freely, Shepherd could just rip it from his fragile heart. For both their peace of mind, nothing else.
"You know how much I love you, both of you."
The shake of Ben's head said it all. It hadn't even been a question, but the blunt answer pricked nonetheless.
"Oh, well, I love you more than the world. I did everything to get you back!" Shepard mused softly, "If not me, what about the rest of our family?"
Kind memories of the people who waited for him outside rinsed Ben of any stray thoughts and drifted with him into the depths. He never wanted to hurt any of them with his decisions. 
"Did you miss us?"
Ben affirmed this shyly, grabbing a corner of Shepard's sweater.
"You are safe here, right?"
A nod.
"You are safe with me."
At the claim, Ben's head rolled around aimlessly, as if he was trying to stir awake again. Shepard tutted; this was a tricky one.
"You are here with me and the others, all together. We watch out for each other, we keep each other secure."
Yes, this made sense. Through the pleasant, thick fog that filled his head, Ben knew it to be sincere.
"Here, you are safe. With us, you are safe."
Safe...together. He couldn't possibly disagree with these smooth words.
"You are safe and loved by us all, we were awaiting your return. Always putting an extra plate on the dinner table for when you decide to come back." 
Shepard had to endure countless days of waiting before accepting that his youngest would stay gone. He had searched for him for so long it made him sick with fear, not knowing if his sons were hurt or fraternizing with God knows what kind of people. Yet, he didn't want for Reuben to realize the damage he had caused, not when he was so calm and open for the right input. 
"And today our wishes were granted!"
Warmth, safety, love. Encased by these sensations, Ben's mind caught itself slipping into easy relaxation once again.
"Can you say it for me, can you tell me that you're safe and loved?"
"'m safe and loved," he slurred quietly against the wool. It felt good to be here in his dad's arms, it felt right.
"That's my boy, I knew we could stand above the past." 
Shepard's sweet promises hugged his exhausted soul, he was too tired of running, adapting, changing. They tried to teach Ben what to say and what to hide out there, but the only thing he understood was to never be himself; another truth nobody could ever tell his brother. He remembered exactly how angry and disappointed Luke loved to get with him.
Cupping his face carefully, Shepard pushed him to sit straight up: "Open your eyes."
With a wide, empty stare but not awake in the slightest, Ben continued to sway back and forth. He was unsure what Dad wanted from him and too dizzy to care, silently begging to be allowed back into the stream of soft, dark dreaminess. Tears collected at the corners of his eyes, but Shepard was far from done with him: "Ben, tell me what you are when you're with us."
"I'm safe and I'm loved," tumbled from his lips without thinking twice about it.
"Yes, you are." Relief washed over Ben like a tsunami: he didn't do anything wrong after all, nobody hated him here.
"Now close these heavy eyes and relax."
As he sagged back down, the inward pull doubled its force. He felt that the soap bubble his brain had become threatened to pop. Too much to focus on, nothing to think about, clutching onto the inner peace Dad had so kindly given him. 
"We all love you so much. Missing is too weak a word to explain how desperately we wanted you back. You are always wanted here." 
Every word was law.
Shepard should feel dirty at using Reuben's obvious weaknesses so bluntly against him, but not today. Today they would celebrate his return and plan the one they enjoyed as soon as the other prodigal son decided to come home. A selfish sting inside Shepard's heart forced the next question out: "Did you miss me?"
A final nod made tears run down Ben's face. Shepard hugged him tighter, as if he never intended to let go again:
"I missed you too, starshine, it's going to be alright. Everything falls into place when we are together."
Numb with joy, Ben felt too tired to hold on to the present any longer, a problem his father gladly helped him with: "Sleep now, sleep and let my words manifest as truth in your mind."
Thanks for reading 🤍 [Febuwhump 2024 Masterlist]
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