#did a real great job tryna help me too
nessie-bessie · 6 months
they got my account y'all, not once, BUT TWICE ;_;
anyways I had to draw the comfort character + doodle dumps from last month (discord)
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respectthepetty · 1 year
Question. I have never heard of you’re my sky. And now I have added to my list because of your post. I have found that the Most popular BLs are not normally the Beat BLs according to regular fan base so……. Because I have not heard of this one I am in hopes it’s going to be a good one?? 👀
Anon, please do not trust my recommendations because I have trash taste, but as an American, I tend to like sports-themed stories. Give me a plot about an underdog in the sports world coming up against the big bad rich multiple-time winning team, and I will love the shit out of it! I will eat up media like The Mighty Ducks, Friday Night Lights ("clear eyes, full heart, can't lose"), and One Tree Hill ("I DON'T WANNA BE ANYTHING OTHER THAN WHAT I'VE BEEN TRYNA BE LATELY") because I want to root for the little guy. I didn't watch Creed and Bring It On just for the color coding.
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So understand this is a BIG reason I love You're My Sky. At the center of it is a story about a dark horse (or more like a Red Rascal) who not only brings life back into his school's basketball program but also into every single person who gets involved with it. The coach, the players (FLUKE!), and his love interest all get a second shot (pun intended) at fulfilling their dreams.
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Oh, and the antagonist? Perfect! People HATED the 11th episode because it had a time jump and flipped the script on our little long shot, but it brought a new layer to our despised coach who had been the enemy for the last ten episodes, AND it made sense why the lead would act the way he did, mostly to people who have played a competitive sport on a level of this nature. It's a different beast, mentally and physically, and changes people.
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In addition, people lost. One of the reasons people liked My School President was because of the seriousness of the competition which was the underlying thread throughout the series, but also that the possibility of losing was very real. In You're My Sky, competition is treated the same. The team won't win simply because they want to or the narrative proclaims it. No. The actors look like they can actually play basketball, the strategies make sense, and the fear that loss can and will happen is always present. Not just in basketball, but in track, in soccer, and most importantly, in love.
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I haven't even mentioned the love parts! But know that those are good too. We have childhood friends-to-lovers, a younger boy chasing an older one, and pseudo-enemies-to-lovers but one is dating the other's sister. I don't care what anyone says about the leads or the sister's boyfriend plot. They did their jobs and EPISODE SIX SUPREMACY!
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The show demonstrates that no man is an island regardless of the endeavor. In order to achieve greatness, we must work with others. People will let us down, but we have to support others in order to receive support, and we need to help the people we love even in their darkest times, especially when they feel unworthy of it.
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This series is a top for me, so even though some people disliked it, I hope it makes you "CHEER! CHEER!"
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Let me know how you feel once and if you finish.
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an-ecu-harrypotter-au · 3 months
TPS Part 15: Tests And Trials
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"Toby what are the three main ingredients in a Forgetfulness Potion?"
"Leaf River water, Valerian sprigs an mistletoe berries."
"It's Lethe as in lethal."
Ah blink. Ah gotta look at mah book agin.
"Ohhh. L-E-T-H-E. Greek thang right? Also why'd they use mistletoe berries if they're poisonous?"
"Yes it's a river in Greece. As for the mistletoe berries it's because, as you said in the past, they can cause visual disturbances and convulsions. Those things impact memory and would therefore make sense to use in a potion like this."
"Ok. So fer the magic part what kinda charm do we use ta make it?"
Jacklin thinks. Ah know the answer Ah jus wanna test 'er like she's testin me.
"The Memory Charm. You spell it O-B-L-I-V-I-A-T-E and you would make a wand movement that looks like a brain."
"Ah gotta draw that then so Ah don't ferget."
Ah laugh at mah own joke an start ta draw the outline of a brain.
"Ya know Jacklin Ah think Ah can do this."
"That's great to hear, Toby. I really think you can do it too."
Ah look at mah Transfigurin notes an ask a question.
"Why's we gotta learn bout turnin mice inta stuff?"
"Mice are small. You need to start with something small because there's less room for mistakes."
"So we don't really need ta turn mice inta anythang in the real world?"
"No we don't."
Ah look at how Ah got it spelled in mah notes. Ah dunno how Latin works so Ah hope Ah got it right.
"How do ya spell it the words fer that?"
"It's mures emuncta greges."
"Ok lemme write that down."
Ah write it phonetically an the real way so Ah know how ta spell it. Mirror-ez em-unk-ta gregs.
"Toby did you finish your map of Jupiter for Astronomy?"
"Ah think Ah did. Why ya wanna look at it?"
"It's because I have a feeling Professor Sinistra would want us to fill it out from nothing. As in she would give us a piece of paper with nothing but a circle. We would have to color and label everything seen on Jupiter."
Ah pull out mah map a Jupiter.
"Ah ain't gonna do well on this part. If it's only part a this map Ah can probly do it. But the whole map from scratch uh uh."
"You need to make many maps until you can make a complete map from start to finish. That's how you'll remember, Toby."
"Oh yeah yer right. At the same time it's way easier ta remember stuff in History a Magic like Elfric the Eager than tryna label everythang on the surface a Jupiter."
"I understand that, Toby. Both of these classes are important but at least you won't need that to be a Healer."
Ah look at mah notes then look at Jacklin.
"Well tha's good. If Ah can jus keep gettin E's in mah classes that'd make me a real good student yeah?"
"Of course, Toby. A Healer definitely isn't an easy job. In fact if it wasn't for Healers a lot of Aurors would've died during the last Wizarding War."
"Oh yeah Ah guess that makes sense. But wha's an Aura?"
"An Auror is someone who actively tracks down and fights to defeat Dark wizards. They are the ones who helped Headmaster Dumbledore take out Voldemort's followers before he was defeated by the Headmaster himself."
"They're the wizardin FBI then got it."
Time Skip
"So how they plan on testin all a us?"
"Outside of our OWLS and NEWT exams all exams are done during our regular class period. Some of them are divided into practical and theoretical exams."
"Oh yeah Snape said we gotta do our written test taday, our incantations on Wednesday an a whole potion on Friday."
We end up in the dungeons an sure nough Ah see a whole pile a papers on Snape's desk. Ah sit down at a table bout a chair apart from Jacklin. Snape comes in an looks real serious as usual. Makes sense cause tests're always serious business.
"This is your final chance to prove your competency in mastering the most basic level of potion making. Should you fail this set of exams, the results will be quite..... ghastly."
Ah hear a couple kids gulp an take a deep breathe. Ah dunno why they're so nervous. Even Jacklin kinda looks nervous an it makes no sense ta me. She's always helpin me an other kids so it ain't like she's a dummy.
"You will have exactly 45 minutes to complete this part of the exam. Do not even think about cheating because all of your exams are different."
Ah hope tha's a good thang cause Dumbledore tol me Ah gotta have special tests. Ah look at mah test an Ah read all the questions. A lotta a the questions're multiple choice. Ah got a couple questions at the end that are writin questions. Gotta do the writin questions first.
"Explain the effects of the Cure for Boils Potion."
Ah try ta control mah wigglin. Ah know all bout this question. Snape tol us all bout it day one.
"It's used ta remove boils, such as those produced by the Pimple Jinx."
Ah realize Ah gotta change ta ta to. Snape'll take points off if Ah don't write properly. So now Ah got "It's used to remove boils".
"Question 2: What's the difference between aconite and wolfsbane?"
Ah know tha's a trick question cause Ah know mah plants. So far this' real easy.
"There's no difference. They're the same plant. People only call it wolfsbane since it's used in the werewolf potion called Wolfsbane Potion."
Ah finished both a mah writin questions an Ah feel real good bout it. Now Ah can jus fly through the rest a the test. Ah got bout 30 mins left ta finish an Ah think it's doable.
Time Skip
Ah'm workin on mah last question a Quirrell's paper test. It's a bit harder ta me than Potions cause a lotta the words look the same.
"Explain the difference between an imp and a gnome."
This' an easy question. Imps an gnomes ain't the same creature. Sure they're both small, annoyin, an like ta hide in dark places. But they look different, love gardens, an actually got animals that eat 'em. Pop wrote me a letter sayin Uncle Travis was complainin bout the gnomes in his garden so Ah practcally got 1st hand knowledge on 'em.
"Fi-five min-minutes left c-class."
Ah stand up an hand in mah test. Jacklin's been long gone but that don't matter cause Ah awready know she's smart an can do all this fast.
"Tha-thank you, Mr. Kw-Kwimper."
Ah get mah stuff an go back ta the Gryffindor Tower. Somethin bout 'em's felt off. Ah dunno what'd it could be outside a him stealin the stone. Ah can't think bout that though. Ah jus hope Ah pass all mah tests.
Time Skip
"Toby? Our grades will be posted in the common room soon."
"Wha's that mean?"
"That in just a matter of minutes we'll not only know if we move onto our second year at Hogwarts but also be able to focus entirely on telling Headmaster Dumbledore about the philosopher's stone."
Ah get nervous bout all that. Dumbledore ain't gonna believe us if all we got's mah visions ta go off of.
"Ah dunno if he'll believe us. Seerin powers ain't an exact science like potion makin."
"If Headmaster Dumbledore can believe that you're a Parselmouth, he'll believe that you're a Seer."
"Ya mean if Ah can show 'em Ah can talk ta snakes, then that'd prove Ah ain't lyin bout mah Seerin powers?"
Ah see Jacklin nod an Ah guess it'll be a good idea ta try. Who knows maybe he awready knows bout Quirrell wantin ta steal the stone an we don't gotta worry bout it.
"I'll be right back, Toby. If I see that the grades have been posted on the board, I'll come and get you."
Ah wait in mah room an talk wit Trevor. If Jacklin's gotta use the bathroom ta deal wit 'er bleedins tha's her business.
"What'd ya think Trevor? Did Ah pass all mah tests?"
Trevor jus looks at me wit his froggie eyes an croaks.
"Yeah Ah kinda feel good bout mah tests too. Ah dunno if Ah got O's on all a 'em but Ah know Ah didn't fail. Tha's all Pop ever wanted outta me. So long's Ah jus pass mah magic classes that'd be jus fine wit 'em."
Trevor stands in a way that tells me Ah gotta feed 'em.
"Yer tryna butter me up fer a bloodworm ain't ya. Well yer lucky cause it works."
Ah feed 'em a worm an he jus gobbles it right up. Ah love watchin 'em eat cause he jus looks so happy.
"Toby come downstairs! Our grades have been posted."
Ah follow Jacklin down ta see our grades. Ah jus hope Ah passed.
"Wow. Whole lotta kids here."
"This is for all of Gryffindor. We need to find the first year section."
Ah look through the thangs on the board.
"Found it. Yer up there Jacklin."
"Thank you, Toby."
Ah see mah name bout a couple rows below hers. Ah dunno if Ah can look at the line a grades till Jacklin tells me wha she's got.
"I got all O's!"
"Wow! Wha's that star next ta yer name?"
Jacklin takes a deep breath. Ah'm gettin excited cause she's gettin excited.
"That star means I'm at the top of our class!"
Ah can't help but flap mah hands round till Ah grab Jacklin's hands.
"Ok. Now Ah gotta see mah grades."
"They have the names of the core classes across the top. You would've had to skip every class to not get a passing grade in Flying so they usually don't count that."
Ah'm feelin too nervous ta look as much as Ah wanna look.
"Can ya look fer me?"
"Of course I can. Potions: O. Defense Against the Dark Arts: E. Magical Theory: E Charms: O. History of Magic: O. Herbology: O. Flying: O. Astronomy: E. And Transfiguration: E. That means you have 5 O's and 4 E's."
Ah can't even think of how ta react ta that.
"Sorry Ah think mah brain broke fer a sec there. Did.... did that mean Ah made it ta 2nd year?"
Ah don't even know wha ta say. Ah jus gotta write Pop or tell Dumbledore bout Quirrell or somethin.
"How much time we got till the last day a school?"
"Our last day is on the 31st. We have to have our final Quidditch match to determine who wins the Quidditch Cup."
Ah try ta think bout wha ta do next.
"Le's go talk ta Dumbledore bout this. Quirrell's been feelin off the whole time Ah was takin mah test."
"Yes, I agree."
We walk ta Dumbledore's office. McGonagall sees us first though.
"Is there any reason you wish to be in this part of the castle?"
"Yes Professor McGonagall. We have something to ask Headmaster Dumbledore."
"Well I'm afraid you must wait. The Headmaster had left on important business and won't be back until tomorrow morning."
Ah feel nervous an Ah dunno what we gotta do now.
"I see. Thank you Professor."
Ah follow Jacklin back ta mah room.
"Professor Quirrell had to have sent a false notice to lure the Headmaster away. He's going to steal the stone tonight if he hasn't started already."
"Jacklin... Ah don't think Ah'm gonna be able ta stop 'em. Ah don't even know how ta get past Fluffy or what's even past the trapdoor."
She sighs an Ah dunno if she's mad at me or not.
"In that case, I'll go alone."
Before Ah can even think bout wha she says, she grabs the invisibility cloak an heads outta mah room. Ah know Ah don't gotta be a Seer ta know this ain't gonna go well. Ah jus dunno what ta do.
Tagging: @arrolyn1114, @nemos-rapture, @xanatenshi, @briefpandatimemachine, @hooked-on-elvis,
@vintagepresley, @aliengoth3, @smokeymountainboy, @bigdaddyelvislover, @mercsandmonsters,
@pledgingmylovee, @presleysgirl6, @thetaoofzoe, and @elvispresley4life.
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nyashykyunnie · 4 years
Might as well hope on the bandwagon. May I please request a Father Xiao scenarios? Maybe his child can be a half-adeptus like ganyu (Child auto-corrected to Childe when I was typing this xD)
A/N: took me awhile to think of a Xiao hc cuz I was tryna choose between some scenarios AHWHEGW Also SAME, MY PHONE AUTCORRECTS INTO CHILDE ALL THE TIME AHAHAGAGSG AND YES XIAO HAVING A HALF-BLOOD CHILD EEE NGL HE GONNA BE EXTRA PROTECTIVE AHADHJADGS I’m so excited for this ehehh. Also tyvm for the req!!! I hope you enjoy this anon!! Btw this was supposed to be for three charas but I got carried away with xiao so ahah,.... Woops =w=;;
𝙵𝚊𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛! 𝕏𝕚𝕒𝕠 x 𝙶𝙽! 𝙲𝚑𝚒𝚕𝚍! ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣
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.      ﹢ ˖     ✦      ¸ . ﹢  °  ¸.    ° ˖ ・ ·̩   。 ☆   ゚ *   。 ☆ ✦˖
Having a child, with his own blood running through your veins, you being the spitting image of him- Was the last thing Xiao could ever imagine ever happening to him.
It’s understandable that he was really shocked to know you are his. Xiao is, after all, the Conqueror Of Demons. He is more than used to being in battle, always being on high alert and ready to slash any enemy down since it isone of his duties as the Vigilant Yaksha who protects Liyue.
Xiao was very cautious around you. With your small and fragile body, he feared that even touching you was enough to kill you. The Wangshu Inn keeper had to teach him ‘how’ to hold you because Xiao’s fear of holding you might just make him stay ten feet away from you at all costs.
He watches over you from afar, always ready to strike at whatever dares to bring you harm.
Though, most of the time, the yaksha is always leaving you to Verr Goldet’s care so he can fulfill his duties. It was fine at first- Until Verr had to talk to Xiao about it. He told him that he shouldn’t be too focused  on that job. 
She told him the possibilities of his constant negligence of you, she told him you might grow “Deprived From Fatherly Affection”. Xiao was shocked of course, he didn’t really know that. 
He felt guilty, he was so blinded by not wanting to inflict any form of harm on you, he didnt expect that it’ll inevitably lead you to growing some unwanted mindsets and habits.
Xiao isn’t really one for affection, there’s no need to explain that. Majority of his skills are more on the ‘slaughter’ and ‘exorcise’ expertise.
Regardless, he is not just a protector of Liyue now, he is a ‘father’ now. Specifically your father. This new responsibility isn’t something he will run away from.
Don’t expect much from him though. Xiao is still hesitant to some extent, he’s trying to figure out how he will interact with you.
 Unlike him, you’re fragile. More fragile than glass. He’s afraid of exerting accidental force that will lead him to hurting you. You’re just too small- so small can’t even reach pass his knees(Please this yaksha is just overthinking too much)
Baby steps, that’s what he’ll do. Slow and steady so he wont be too overwhelmed.
He starts off by simply talking to you, maybe even playing with you for a bit with enough begging. Xiao slowly got used to handling you as time went by. Verr was even suprised at one point when she saw Xiao handling you during your tantrums. 
Xiao made good progress with you. He didnt even know that he was unconciously getting attached to you, he didnt know that he adored your presence. He didn’t realize that he gets a little frustrated when he needs to leave you behind. Xiao developed his ‘father instincts’ to such a level to the point that he sometimes wished his Yaksha responsibilties were less demanding.
When you are trouled with nightmares- Xiao will put some stuff to wardoff evil. Though, he also heard that child mortals are more effectively comfoted if they are sung a lullaby, so he’ll do that. Just... Don’t tell anyone else or that will be your last (maybe)
The immortal sometimes even comes home with new clothes since he knew that children grow and he wouldn’t want to see you struggling with the small fit ofyour clothing. He also makes sure to put some spells on them too to ward off evil.
 Xiao unconciously spoils you, his mind always drifting; ‘Maybe they’ll like something like that. Mortal children I’ve seen are fond of those stuff’.  Naturally, he’ll make a way to afford that small gift for you. If he cant, then he’ll just learn how to make it himself.
He loves you, he just doesnt know how to convey that. Being an adepti, being raised as a machine for war- Love wasn’t something he is great at. But even if it’s that, he’ll still strive for you secretly. Xiao will no doubt make the most descreet efforts to adore you. He still doubts himself even after all the progress he’s made in becoming close to you.
“Silk Flowers!” You squeel in delight as you spotted a bouquet of it from afar. You dash off from Xiao’s side, making the adepti startled and call out your name.
But still you were a child, of course you just kept running and running until the ground beneath you rumbled at what seems like caused from footsteps. Your feet wobbled and almost knocked you off of your feeting. Then it stopped, a huge shadow looming over your small figure. You look up only to have the color of your face drained.
“D-Daddy!” You cried out in absolute horror, falling down to the ground. You were terrified, how could you not? Monsters were real, and one of those monsters was about to murder you in cold blood. “Daddy! Help!”
Just at the beast was about to swing it’s flaming axe towards you- The  wind shifted, as if slicing through the air and knocking back the mitachurl.
“How dare such filthy demon dare to even make their presence in front of my child, let alone even dare to strike!” Xiao growled, his eyes flaming gold from raw fury as he walked with the air dancing violently around him. “ I’ll make you pay”
Xiao’s voice was flooded with resentment, his primodial jade radiated as it felt it’s master’s sudden abundance in power. He spun it as his Yaksha mask formed in his face. At the roar of the enemy, Xiao leapt forward, striking the demon in overwhelming speed. He moved so fast it’s too the point the mitachurl wasn’t given any chance to react. But was it done? No, not even a little bit. That demon frightened you to the point your voice faltered in calling him. He has seen you in tears but never to this extent. Xiao was fuming as he plunged down, his anemo spears stabbing the enemy with no hint of sympathy. 
When he finally finished the kill, Xiao’s mask disintegrated and immediately walked to your crying state. He clicked his tounge, feeling a huge pang in his heart as he saw you this disheveled.
“Da-daddy!” You wailed, reaching your arms out for him desperately as your tears clouded your eyes. “Waah!”
He wanted to scold you, he really did. But the sight of you crying like this made the words stuck in his throat. Xiao instead lifted you in his arms, letting you bury your face on the crook of his neck and sob freely. You soaked his shoulder and Xiao didn’t complain, he just rubbed your back to let you know he is there.
“Does anywhere hurt?” His nonlachant voice rung in your ears softly, stealing your attention. “If there is, better tell me now or those wounds will cause  further damage in you.”
“[Y-y/n] is bad.” You hicupped. “[Y/N] is so bad daddy is now ou-ouchie. Daddy now hates [Y-Y/N]”
“Hate? You mortals have odd ways of thinking” Xiao sounded a little rough, making you flinch. “Don’t be ridiculous, I would never bear such hostility towards you. Moreover, I’m not hurt. I’ve lived for thousands of years, pain is something minimal for an adepti such as myself.”
He scoffed.
“On the other hand, your life is counted by only one hand. You have yet to experience what life will truly bring you.” Xiao’s voice started to soften bit by bit as he softly squeezes your small body towards him more “However, I am your father. If darkness decides to crawl at your feet and even when you are frigthened of what’s ahead- Call out my name. I’ll always be there.”
“Da-daddy promises?” You look up to stare at his amber orb. “Daddy will make monsters go bye-bye?”
“Yes” He simply answered. “Now stop your noisy crying, we’re going back to eat.”
He appears cold, his way of talking always straight to the point, but still he loves you. Adeptus Xiao, the guardian yaksha, his power will not simply be used in order to slaughter the darkness creeping around Liyue. With his Vision and might as Alatus, the Golden-Winged King,... He will protect you at all costs and raise you no matter how he is troubled regarding his difficulty in making much of emotions.
You are one his greatest gifts, a treasure he will sincerely hold in his heart forevermore. It doesn’t matter if his karmic binds attack him, he will venture out of it for you. 
A/N: AIGHHTT AAAA ITS MY FIRST TIME WRITTING FOR XIAO HNNN, Did I do good??? AAAA I DUNNO AHDKSGF. I hope you all liked it hngghhhh ;___; Also I’m sorry for being inactive a lot AAAAA, school is starting to get mre and more demanding. I have more hcs upcoming so dw! I wont end up completely turning into a dead ghost!
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Finding Home
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Pairing: The Bad Batch x Reader (Polyam)
Summary: Your mission with the Batch is a success and you get time to relax
Warning: mentions of weapons, fluff, light angst
Word Count: 1582
A/N: Just a little relaxing chapter for you all xoxo
pt xiii, pt xv
You laid on the ledge, watching over the others through your scope.
“Lodestar, anything?”
“No movement whatsoever.” You responded, looking to your side where Omega was laid next to you with binoculars, “Omega?”
“All clear. Nothing.”
“I’m going in. Echo, cover me.” Hunter affirmed.
You nodded, looking through the scope of your rifle again. You watched as he and Echo made their way through the small valley, moving stealthily between the rocks. You then averted your attention to your surroundings, looking out for some unwanted company. Tech and Wrecker were on the other side of the valley, waiting just above also.
“Um… Lodestar?” Omega caught your attention, “What’s that?”
She handed you the binoculars and helped you look to the direction she was observing beforehand. You then saw the lizard-like creature stalking Hunter and Echo’s trail. You quickly gave the binoculars back before speaking into your communicator.
“Hunter, your 5 o’clock!”
He turned, pulled out his knife, and swiped at the creature. It moved back and hissed at him. You positioned your rifle and prepared to shoot, but then Omega exclaimed.
“Wait! Behind it! Look!”
You furrowed your brows before moving your scope to see a nest full of eggs.
“Hunter! Move away slowly! Put your dagger away!” Omega instructed. He hesitated, but did so, which also caused the creature to retreat.
“There’s an alternate path to your left.” Tech declared, “It’s fairly faster than the one you’re taking now.”
“Better timing next time, Tech.” Echo grumbled.
The lot of you made your way back to the speeder after retrieving what Cid’s client wanted. You helped Omega into the speeder before looking at Wrecker as he readied his bike. You smirked and signalled Hunter to drive the speeder while you made your way to the other speeder bike.
“Race you back, Wreck.”
He laughed, “Oh-ho, ad’ika! You’re on!”
You boarded the bike and nodded to him while starting it up.
“Do us the honors, Omega?” You insisted, which caused her to grin.
“Ready… set… GO!” She cried and you took off with Wrecker, who was whooping.
The both of you egged each other on, but then the speeder caught up and found its place between you two. You looked briefly to see the small smirk on Hunter’s face as he maneuvered the speeder. You laughed and revved the bike, overlapping both the speeder and Wrecker.
“Oh no you don’t, ad’ika!” Wrecker shouted, urging the bike.
You and him were at the same pace, but before you could reach the house, Hunter managed to outrun the both of you. You slowed your bike to a stop before hopping off it and laughing while Wrecker grumbled. Omega cheered as she got out of the speeder while Echo laughed at Tech, who’s hair was unkempt and goggled were dusty. Hunter patted Wreckers shoulder to comfort him. D-5 rolled out of the house, circling you.
“He-Hello! Home, home, home!”
You urged him back towards the house, “Kapu might be back in town. The sun’s not up yet, so we can go see him in an hour or so. Come on.”
Omega rushed into the house with D-5 while you all followed behind her. You and the Batch relieved yourselves of your armor, then you went into the kitchen to make a meal for everyone. Omega played with D-5 on the floor while Hunter was discussing some things with Echo, Tech was messing with one of his devices, and Wrecker was knocked out in one of the chairs. This was a sight you missed, it had something new in it, but was still missing a little bit of something else. You managed a small smile while going back to cooking. You then placed a large bowl down with the food along with some plates.
“Dig in.” You announced.
They didn’t deny the food being offered and started eating. It has been a long time since they’ve had a real cooked meal other than rations and Mantell Mix, so they cherished every bite taken. You stood, watching and admiring them. You were finally relishing that they were really here with you and it wasn’t some fantasy you would often have after the incident on Coruscant. Omega was a great addition to the Batch, but it didn’t fully fill the hole where Crosshair was supposed to be. If he were here, you knew the two of you would be yelling over each other, but then ended up in one another’s arms as if you hadn’t left. You felt a small bump and looked down to see D-5.
“Sad. Star sad.”
You shook your head and crouched down, “You keep bumping into people like that, your balance module will come out of place again.” You pushed him back towards Omega before making your way to the bed where Hunter was sitting, having finished eating. Echo had moved to the sofa where Tech was, talking to him about his arm or something like that. Omega was leaning against the chair Wrecker was sitting on, eyes getting droopy. You laughed gently before going over to her and picking her up.
“Not tired.” She murmured as you placed her on the bed behind Hunter, moving the covers so she could get under them.
“Wrecker used to say the same thing.” You whispered while tucking her in.
You turned back to the others while taking your seat again.
“You should rest too.” Echo insisted, “You haven’t since your last mission.”
You shook your head, looking down to your hands, “I… don’t sleep that often anymore. I’ll be alright.”
D-5 rolled in front of you, “Bad-bad dreams.”
You sighed, “Mind your business before I shut you down.” You kicked him gently.
“You sure it wasn’t you who made his balance module wonky?” Tech smirked.
You rolled your eyes, “Wow… when did you find your sense of humor?”
He tossed a pillow from the couch towards you, which you caught.
“Hey,” You whispered, “Omega’s sleeping!”
They all managed to chuckle, nearly all the tension off their shoulders.
“It’s been a while since you’ve all relaxed, huh?’
Echo nodded with a sigh, “We’ve had to deal with a lot… bounty hunters, jobs, even Crosshair…”
“This… is different than just staying on Ord Mantell and waiting for Cid to send us off on a job.” Tech admitted, “It feels almost… like before.”
You nodded, “Yeah… I was thinking the same thing.” You smiled gently, “I really missed this.”
“We missed you, mesh’la.” Hunter murmured, bringing you closer to him and placing a kiss on your head, “So much…”
You looked at them as they all nodded, which caused tears to come to your eyes. Hunter placed a hand on your face and shushed you.
“It’s alright, cyare, we understand.”
Wrecker spoke up, “Are you… are gonna come back with us? To Ord Mantell?”
You took a moment to look at him before shrugging, “I don't have much here. This place was just… refuge. It was never home.”
“Kamino was home-”
“No,” You muttered, “Kamino wasn’t home. Not to me. Kamino was an escape from my past… Home was with you. All of you. That was home.”
“Are you ready to come home then, cyar’ika?”
You looked at them all before nodding, “Yes. Yes, I am…”
You stood in the shop while Kapu talked to Cid through the holo device.
“Yeah, your boys got it. They’ll be back soon.”
“Good. Nice doing business with ya, Kapu.”
“Does that mean I get that date?”
Cid scoffed before hanging up, which caused Kapu to laugh.
“She loves me.”
You rolled your eyes with a smile before heading to him.
“Gonna miss me, Kapu?”
“I’ve been tryna get rid of you, girl!”
You laughed and set down a bag of credits, “Here.”
“What for?”
“Letting me stay here?”
He picked up the pouch and poured it out into his hand, then used another had to take half the pile before putting the rest of the credits back into the pouch and tossing it back to you.
“I ain’t no charity. And take D-5 with you so I don’t need to worry about smashing him with no door again.”
You nodded before walking out with the Batch. You hiked up your bag on your shoulder and looked down at Omega as she was holding D-5.
“Gonky will have a new friend!”
“Gonky still works?” You asked incredulously while Tech nodded.
“Surprisingly, yes.”
After a bit of walking, you all arrived at the ship and you stood there for a moment, taking in the sight of it.
“Wow… still looks the same.”
“Wrecker wanted to put Senator Amidala up there above the hatch.”
“I thought that was just a joke!” You exclaimed.
“He thought it’d cheer us up after Coruscant.”
You shook your head with a smile while boarding the ship.
“I’m glad you didn’t or else I would’ve turned back around.”
Omega rushed in with D-5, climbing up into the gunner’s mount. You furrowed your brows slightly.
“It’s her own little space…”
You nodded, “That’s good. It’s hard dealing with you guys all the time.”
“She’s used to it by now.” Echo laughed before making his way into the cockpit.
You placed your bag down and walked into the cockpit also, relishing the feel of it again. Omega rushed in and sat in the seat that used to be yours. You smiled and took the seat that was once Crosshair’s.
“Alright, setting route for Ord Mantell.” Tech announced as everyone settled in.
Taglist: @darkangel4121 @lightning-wolffe @alucas528 @rintheemolion @shadowfoxey @butch-medusae @gabile18
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sweeethinny · 4 years
Reputation - End Game (Chapter 2)
Hello, another chapter, and again I am talking about how much fun it was to write this. Remembering that the chapters do not necessarily follow an order. Hope you like it!
I wanna be your end game I wanna be your first string
''Are you alright?’’ Harry was leaning against the back doorframe, arms and legs crossed, assessing Ginny's every move as if he wanted to take a picture in his mind so he would never forget it.
She didn't blame him, she had imagined him for the past year, just to make things with the Carrows less… intense.
''Yes and you?'' They were alone for the first time in weeks. With Ron and Hermione going to travel to Australia, their brothers going home (George continued at The Burrow, but he had gone with his father somewhere) and her mother who didn't seem to want to spend much time there when everything was quiet, it was just her and Harry. And it could become dangerous, eventually.
''The same as always ... want help?’’ He followed her movements, looking too much at analysis that Ginny was cutting vegetables for dinner, going to her side.
''No, thanks'' Anger bubbled up in her stomach, and she wanted to yell at him, about how he could disappear, appear (almost die!) And now act as if nothing has ever happened.
I wanna be your A-Team I wanna be your end game, end game
''What, Harry? My mom will really fight if I don't-- ''
''--I missed you. Every day'' As she didn't cut a finger off her, Ginny would never know ''And I wanted to say that before but ... er ... it never seemed the right time'' Harry looked bewildered, still too thin for her mother to stop to force him to repeat the dish twice at every meal, with cut hair (Molly did a great job) and a thin beard growing from his chin, making him more attractive than Ginny had ever seen. But she bet that it was also because of all the time away.
''It was a little complicated for me too'' Her heart beat loudly, with unhappy memories of the past year flooding mind, her voice coming out a little too sarcastically
"That's why I ... Shit Ginny, I didn't want any of that shit to happen to you"
''Well, we don't have the best reputation with the world of darkness, do we? You and I had some experiences with You-Know-Who that, by themselves, already make us be hated.'' Shrugged, not thinking she could tell that The Carrows loved hearing about the gossip about their relationship.
Big reputation, big reputation Ooh, you and me, we got big reputations, ah And you heard about me Ooh, I got some big enemies
''Sorry'' Harry and she looked at each other, he looked even more disconcerted, his eyes so sad that the green had a gray background that Ginny really wanted to take off by herself ''For not being there for you'' They were close, too close for her to be able to think of something coherent, to think of something that was not a reminder of how she missed his kisses, or how he played with her hair, barely realizing that he was doing it
''You had to save the wizarding world'' She shrugged again, biting her cheek
''This whole noble and stupid thing, I know'' Harry laughed, a small light seeming to rise inside him
''People loved talking about us ... You don't know the things we did. It's ashamed of anyone'' She let her barriers go down. Seeing Harry there, alive, seemed to matter more than the conflicting feelings. Maybe later she would scream and take all that anger and fear out of her, but now, he seemed much more attractive than all that drama.
Big reputation, big reputation Ooh, you and me would be a big conversation Ah, and I heard about you Ooh, You like the bad ones, too 
Ginny could only pay attention to how she missed that idiot, that characteristic smell of him, his green eyes ... his completely.
Harry was the only one who understood her, who understood Tom and all the shit that came with him, who knew what it was like to be haunted. He was the only one who could make her anger dissolve and make room for that longing that consumed her for all months, the only one who managed to make her feel alive again, even if she did nothing. Just having Harry there was a lot.
''I thought about you''
''You already said something like that'' Joked, wanting to break that tension
''No'' Ah, that little smile ... ''I had to sacrifice myself. I needed to do this. And when I got there ... II thought about you ... before I died ''
You so dope, don't overdose I'm so stoked, I need a toast We do the most I'm in the Ghost like I'm whippin' a boat I got a reputation girl, that don't precede me I'm one call away, whenever you need me
What did you say after that?
Harry smiled sadly, running his fingers over her cheek as if to remember what the contact was like, getting even closer, keeping his green eyes locked on her. Ginny almost asked if he felt as ... alive, as she did.
''You were the best thing that happened to me, Gin. By far. And I don't even know if I deserved it.''
''Are you going to tell me you love me? Because if it is, stop this self-sabotage first. You deserve as much as anyone else to be happy. In fact, by my calculations, it is what it deserves to be the most.'' She didn't know where all that courage had come from, but it was Harry who was there, that boy who seemed to mess with her whole system and break all the walls that she built daily to protect herself
''I love you'' He laughed, looking much more sincere than the embarrassed laugh he gave whenever someone came to congratulate him on winning the war ''I wish I could have protected you better '' His thumb ran across a thin scar on her cheek, which she barely remembered when won
''I don't need to'' She reminded him, biting her cheek to keep from stupid tears. It was one of those moments when she felt too vulnerable, naked in front of a crowd.
''But I wanted. I would easily die for you, Gin. ''
I'm in a G5 Come to the A side I got a bad boy persona that's what they like You love it I love it too 'cause you my type You hold me down and I protect you with my life
''I prefer you alive'' She said, fiddling with his black sweatshirt as if wanted to find a way out, Harry seemed to swallow all the air around them ''Is it better you know? The dynamics of dating a ghost, it must suck'' Hearing his laughter was like a prize. If she could, she would do more
''And our dynamics?'' The boy blushed like a tomato, in that timid and chivalrous way that only The Chosen One could do ''I mean-'' Cleared his throat ''If you have someone else .. ''
''I'm dating, Harry'' His face paled, his mouth opening in a small O, his eyes seeming to turn that green / gray. Ginny held back her laugh, her sadomasochistic self being fed with that ''I never stopped, in fact'' Consciousness realized to hit like a punch, the color coming back into his beautiful face. ''I wouldn't let you be single around. Not when a lot of girls wanted to be The Chosen One'' She rolled her eyes
I don't wanna touch you  Just another ex-love  I don't wanna miss you  Like the other girls do
''Jealous, Gin? I thought you were better than that'' The redhead lifted her chin, looking at him defiantly
'’Never, Potter. I know my place'' Harry finally put his other hand on her waist, sticking to their bodies like an old memory of the beautiful times in the gardens of Hogwarts ''I don't know if it was clear that I love you too'' She smiled, taking her hands to his face, feeling the chill run through her body when the roughness of his beard touched her fingers
''I missed you'' Their faces slowly approached, as if to enjoy the feeling of euphoria that preceded them, and Ginny felt completely alive when her lips touched him. It was still sweet, gentle, and overpowering.
Their tongues touched as if it were the first time, gradually getting to know the territory, but soon seeming to remember each other. He squeezed her waist and pulled her even closer, as possible, as she lifted her hands to that soft, cut (but still rebel) hair, scraping her nails into his hairy crown as she remembered he liked it, listening to him growl throat, as if confirming.
''I want to do it right this time'' he whispered close to her lips, as if it were their secret, only theirs. ''If you don't mind being The Chosen One'' He joked making her laugh, finally opening her eyes to see him staring at her, with those long, dark lashes casting a shadow on the emerald green pupil. ''Or being a reason for gossip'' Harry had the courage to feel ashamed
I don't wanna hurt you (I just wanna be) Drinkin' on a beach with (You all over me) I know what they all say (I know what they all say) But I ain't tryna play
''I don't care, I already told you ... But explain yourself'' Ginny hugged the boy's neck, standing on tiptoe a little to look at him better, barely remembering the vegetables that should be cut
''You know'' He shrugged, blushing again ''Not just making out under a tree ... these things''
''Ah, but I liked that'' He laughed, lifting her up and taking her to the table, placing her sitting there, his callused and bruised hands on her thigh, causing chills
"You will return?" Ginny nodded, already knowing she would be alone again. But this time, not because he was on a suicide mission 
''I'm going to take the Auror test'' He commented, looking strange ''They'll love making this a big deal''
"Yes, but I really don't care, Harry. It'll be fun to see the things they'll come up with.'' She pulled the strings on her sweatshirt, bringing him closer, before closing her legs around his narrow hips ''If you promise me you won't run away and leave me back. .. ''
''I promise'' His smile was big, and it looked totally real. "But what if I invite you one day ..?"
''To run away? Of course I will ''
Knew her when I was young Reconnected when we were little bit older Both sprung, I got issues and chips on both of my shoulders Reputation precedes me, in rumors I'm knee deep The truth is it's easier to ignore it, believe me
Harry kissed her again, this time much more hungry and hurried than before, his fingers firmly on her waist, seeming to want to dig holes in there, reminding her a lot of times when they weren't so calm in the castle grounds. Their tongues dueled in that way that made her transcend to some distance that only the two lived
Her hips jutted forward, brushing against him with a promise of something, whimpering as his thighs tightened further.
Ginny almost smiled until she teared her face when she felt him nudge her in the thigh, a magnificent reminder that she was still messing with him
Harry groaned in her mouth, biting her lip and spreading her hips as if she burned. Always a gentleman
Even when we'd argue, we don't do it for long And you understand the good and bad, end up in the song For all your beautiful traits, and the way you do it with ease For all my flaws, paranoia, and insecurities
''Sorry ... er .. for that'' His face contorted in a mixture of pain and confusion, his eyes looking like flames
''Don't apologize for getting hard'' She gave him another kiss, letting him stay a little distant ''I like to know that I move with you'' Ginny moved closer to Harry's ear, feeling confident enough to whisper; '' If you could see how you do this to me too ... ''
''Don't be mean, Weasley'' Harry closed his eyes, his thick voice tickling her neck, before walking away as if he could breathe properly. ''Shouldn't you finish your work with the vegetables? I don't know if your mother would like to see you talking this bullshit.'' Ginny laughed, happy to finally have him back there, to return everything as normal as possible. She had missed it more than she imagined.
''She would say I'm corrupting the innocent Harry Potter'' She raised her red eyebrow as if expected the contradiction
''I can tell you already did this when you were strolling naked in my dreams'' And for the first time since Harry left on his mission, Ginny laughed, throwing her head back and all, her chest swelling with happiness.
I've made mistakes, and made some choices that's hard to deny After the storm, something was born on the fourth of July I've passed days without fun, this endgame is the one With four words on the tip of my tongue, I'll never say
Some years later...
"Did you see what they said about us?" Ginny threw the newspaper on the table, a little irritated, a little laughing
''About you ... '' He cleared his throat, making a strong accent ''Is it taking too long to give the Chosen One an heir? '' Harry raised an eyebrow, smiling from the corner and seeming to find a lot of fun in everything
''Yes. That cow still had the pleasure of saying that you are screwing me. What does she know? Was she at our window for our last few fucks, making sure we're using contraceptives? '' He shrugged, cutting a slice of cake and taking it to the plate
''Maybe she knew you came to live with me'' It was true, Ginny had been there (with all her things) for a couple of months, but since leaving Hogwarts, she had been spending more time there than anywhere else. The difference was that now, there were no excuses about 'be without clean clothes' to be able to walk around naked or in his shirts.
''Someone should give her a good black eye to look after ''
''Luv, I don't think punching Rita is good for your reputation'' She shrugged, sipping her tea
''Well, at least she'll have reason to call me crazy'' Harry laughed, looking happy even though it was snowing like never before and it was less than eight in the morning. He had been smiling a lot more since they got it right.
''I don't know what would become of me without you, Gin'' Smiling, the redhead blinked and threw a red tentacle backwards, lifting her chin proudly
''Nothing'' She stood up, going meticulously to his lap, placing each leg on one side of his hips, playing with black hair and enjoying feeling the strong arms around her ''You talk about me, but on page 14 to a huge news about 'Harry Potter and the fight in the Aurors' '' The man shrugged, licking his sugar-stained lips and looking at her as if he were still the most precious thing he had ever seen. But much more man and sure of himself, than with 16/17 years.
''What can I do? Drama haunts me ''
I hit you like bang We tried to forget it, but we just couldn't And I bury hatchets but I keep maps of where I put 'em Reputation precedes me, they told you I'm crazy I swear I don't love the drama, it loves me
''I'm sure you do'' She kissed him passionately, delighting in the sweet taste in his mouth, and in all that tremor she felt when her boyfriend's hands squeezed her, bringing her closer, and seeming to guarantee that Once she felt it in all its glory ''You're going to be late'' Harry caught her lips again, running a hand on her back, squeezing the back of her neck so she could stay there
''I think they will thank you for not having me for an hour .. That asshole Baxter says so'' Leaving him just to see his face, Ginny stared at him, green eyes still burning with lust, his mouth it was a little red from making out, and there was that little scar next to her left eye, almost imperceptible, but that she had noticed
''Why did you fight with him? In addition to him being a complete idiot, of course’’ Harry exhaled, adjusting his glasses before returning his hand to her waist
''Because I'm not going to work with someone who looks like a Neanderthal'' Ginny laughed, amused at the way he pretended to be tough ''Now please stop talking about him, and come over here '' Before she could get her order , he pushed her away "Ah, what Rita said .. "
'' ..I don't care'' The wizarding world seemed to love talking about them, and about possible marriages, and betrayals, and babies. As always, Harry and Ginny were great reasons for gossip. ''Fuck her. In fact, if she's around, we'll give her one more reason to comment on our sex.''
And I can't let you go, your hand prints on my soul It's like your eyes are liquor, it's like your body is gold
The boyfriend looked on fire, his eyes darkening, while that smug smile appeared on his handsome face. She was spoiling him too much.
"Ginny .."
'' .. Skip the romanticism, I'm excited Potter, just do your job'' The man laughed, holding her face and smiling from ear to ear
"Marry me, Gin"
''Alright'' Harry looked surprised, almost as if he had been shocked or punched, still keeping her face in his hands, but moving away a little further
''I'm serious'' He took a black box out of his pocket ''I've been going through this for a week''
You've been calling my bluff on all my usual tricks So here's the truth from my red lips
Ginny didn't know what to say. She had been thinking about many things to do with Harry, since she was 10 years old fantasizing about a great and perfect love, so at 15 when the thing seemed real, everything fell apart, and at 16, when they came back, she just wanted to live in the present, not caring about the years to come, not even if he would order one day.
The ring in the box was delicate, a diamond cut at the top, not as flashy as the one Percy had given Audrey, but perfect for her, much more than she could ever imagine
"Oh ... that's what .."
'' ..Yes, the rat saw me with that woman because we were choosing the ring for you. Julia was very helpful, more than Hermione and Ron together '' Her eyes prickled, her throat closing in emotion ''Er .. do you still accept?'' They finally looked at each other, Harry looking minimally scared and shy, the that made a tear come down lonely. She hated it when she saw him doubting the love that people could have for him.
''Don't be stupid, of course I do'' When her laugh sounded nervous, she calmed down, accompanying him ''It's beautiful. Perfect'' Her hand was shaking, not unlike Harry's, now that he put the ring on her finger as if it were born to be there, fitting like a glove ''I love you'' Guaranteed ''Suck this Rita, it seems like someone is no longer being rolled up!'' Her fiance - FIANCE !!! -  laughed, seeming to explode with happiness, lifting her in his lap and placing her sitting on the table, smiling like a predatory wolf
''Well, Mrs Potter'' Ginny winced when his mouth strolled around her neck, his head falling back in order to guarantee full light to him, his beard causing delicious chills ''We need to celebrate properly''
'' You're going to be late '' She had the presence of mind to say, moaning when she felt a hand massaging her breast
''I dont care''
I wanna be your first string I wanna be your A Team I wanna be your endgame
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zanesgirlfriend · 5 years
Number Neighbors | Part Two | Jeff Wittek
A/N: This picks up directly where the smut leaves off
"When are you leaving?" You slid off of Jeff, rolling onto your back, and attempted to catch your breath. That was undoubtedly the best sex you'd ever had, not only because of his physical blessings, but because of the already established emotional connection.
"You tryna get rid of me already?" He chuckled, his smile more beautiful in person. He sat up, his arms outstretched in front of him.
"No, the opposite!" You smiled as your hands locked with his. "I never want you to leave."
"You could always come with me." His words were slow and careful, which was weird considering how sarcastic he usually was.
"But I have a job here, I can't just pack up and leave." His eyes captured you, causing you to feel trapped in his gaze. You didn't mind though.
"You could get an even better one in LA. You've told me a million times how you want to do more."
"You never answered my question."
"You're changing the subject. We have to have this conversation eventually. I'm serious about this and about you. Now that I've held you I don't know how long I can go without you." His words tugged at your heart and you felt a deep sadness growing in you. You'd realized that he couldn't stay here forever.
"Can we talk about it tomorrow? I just want to appreciate the fact that you're here right now." You crawled into his lap once again, his arms wrapping tightly around you.
The two of you laid in bed talking and cuddling for a while before Jeff's phone rang. "It's David." He told you as he answered the FaceTime call.
"Todd said you have a secret girlfriend." David looked down at the phone as he exited a casino.
"Not much of a secret anymore, aye?" Jeff joked.
"Can we see her then?"
"She's not wearin' the most clothes right now, sorry." Jeff did that little high-pitched laugh you loved so much.
"Ohh, okay, well I wanted you to come film a bit with Jason." David laughed before getting to the point.
"I'm a little busy." Jeff started, not wanting to leave you.
"We'll be there." You peeked your head into the frame.
"Hey! I'm David!" David laughed as he looked at you.
"Y/n! We'll see you in twenty." You tapped Jeff's phone, ending the call before standing up and searching for a bra. Jeff was frozen for a moment, he'd never seen such an impulsive side of you. "Are you coming or am I meeting them myself?"
"You're crazy." His smile broke the silence before his words did.
"Not as crazy as you telling them I'm your girlfriend before you even asked me out." You stuck your tongue out at him before disappearing into the bathroom.
"Hey!" He chased after you, stumbling as he attempted to put his underwear on. "You weren't supposed to know about that!"
"Awe, is this our first fight?" You made a cute pouty face as your arms hugged his waist. "Kiss it and make it better?" You asked as if a joke fight was an elbow scrape.
"Always." He kissed you gently, smiling as you pulled away.
"All better!"
Before you knew it you were in your car on the way to David's hotel. The closer you got, the more nerves you felt creeping into you. Jeff was real, you were his girlfriend, and you were about to meet his friends for the first time. His fingers interlocked with yours, calming you down slightly as you got in the elevator.
"They're gonna love you." His deep voice was soothing.
"I hope so."
Jeff knocked on the door, barely interrupting all the voices behind it. David opened the door, introducing himself and letting you in.
"Hey, everyone, this is my number neighbor and girlfriend, y/n." Jeff showed you off to the room, a chorus of hellos jumping out at you. You smiled and sat down between Jeff and a pretty black haired girl as everyone talked.
"I'm Mariah." She introduced herself.
"Y/n." It wasn't long before awkward small talk became a real conversation. You learned that she was also from New York, and she was a dancer. You'd learned a few other peoples names, but Mariah was your favorite. You ended up exchanging numbers before joining the rest of the groups conversation.
"Natalie could only get flights back for Monday morning so we need something to do tomorrow." David said, listening for suggestions. You made a mental note of when they were leaving, sad that it was so soon.
"We could go to y/n's show." Jeff suggested. Your face became red at the thought of all of them watching you perform.
"You have a show?"
"Uhh, I'm a backup dancer. It's not like I have my own show." You corrected Jeff, still blushing from all the attention.
"Can we go?" David asked.
"Yeah, I can probably hook you up with tickets."
So it was settled. You ended up staying out with Jeff's friends until three in the morning. You went on a party bus, got a little drunk, went to a bar, laughed your ass off at one of the guys tripping over a rock, and had a wonderful time.
Your friends here were all work friends. Of course you hung out and had fun together, but these people were different. The Vlog Squad made you laugh and cracked dirty jokes and actually included you in conversations. The only time you were confused was when a few girls came up to the group and asked for pictures. Everyone had done this a million times, but it was new to you. Jeff pulled you over to the side and whispered some joke about being famous, quickly kissing your head before going to take pictures with the fans. It amazed you how quickly the group picked their conversation back up. As if their words were just on pause for a minute.
Jeff drove your car back to your apartment, your slightly slurred directions helping him. "I think I love you." You told him as you opened your door.
"I think I love you too." He gingerly crawled into bed with you, smiling and breathing in your perfume as he squeezed you tight.
You woke up only slightly panicked, not sure what time it was or where you were or who was holding onto you. Suddenly you remembered the events of the previous night and smiled to yourself. Jeff was here. You rolled over, your head laying peacefully on his bare chest.
"Good morning, beautiful." The sleep was evident in his voice and his eyes and that wonderful bed head.
"Good morning." It was so nice just to hold onto him.
"If I hadn't met you I'd probably be working out right now." Jeff stared at the ceiling as he thought about a different life.
"I'd probably be sleeping." You smiled and cuddled into him further.
It was these little moments and stupid conversations that made everything worth it.
Jeff's thinking about life without you had got you thinking of life in 24 hours.
"In 24 hours he'll be at the airport." You thought as you ate breakfast. "In 24 hours he'll be on the plane." You thought as you got ready for the day. "In 24 hours I'll be here and Jeff will be home." You thought as you danced on stage, his smiling face in the audience. "In 24 hours I will be alone." You thought to yourself as you hugged him for the hundredth time.
The closer it got to him leaving the sadder you felt. You'd dreamed about meeting him for a few months, and in two short days he was yours. Then what.
"I don't want you to leave." You told Jeff as you played with his hair.
"I don't want to leave you."
"Then stay." You begged him.
"I can't, I gotta get back to Nerf." Nerf's face popped into your head.
"I know." You agreed.
"Move in with me." He turned around excitedly.
"Jeff, I can't just leave. I don't have a job over there." Your fingertips made small swirling patterns on his shoulders.
"I can take care of you until you find one."
"I can't let you do that."
"This fucking sucks." He pouted.
"I know, but we'll figure it out eventually."
Another night of great sex and incredible cuddling left you so full of affection, but the next morning was draining.
You held in your emotions as you drove him to the airport, only to break down as you hugged him goodbye.
"I'll call you as soon as I'm at my gate, and then again as soon as we land."
"Okay." You nodded and sniffled, his large thumbs wiping your tears away.
"I gotta go." He squeezed you tight, tasting your salty tears as he kissed you once again.
"I love you." You told him before letting him go. You were sure now. The past few months and these past two days were all you needed to confirm your feelings for him.
"I love you too."
One last kiss and he was gone.
You were devastated as you drove home. You felt as if your pet had just died. Luckily you didn't have to work so the whole day was dedicated to you crying and looking at pictures of him.
Jeff is devastated.
Mariah texted you from the plane as soon as they landed.
I wish I could be there.
Maybe you can!
I have a job I can't just leave here.
Give me a few days.
A few days of falling asleep on FaceTime got the couple back in their old rhythm. It felt like before, like them meeting was a dream. Jeff already seemed to be planning his next trip to Vegas. You'd forgotten about Mariah's plan completely until she texted you.
Put in your two weeks notice.
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bibibuckleyy · 4 years
my thoughts on ‘The taking of Dispach 9-1-1′
this was SUCH a good episode from start to finish! *pulls out a slide show* Now i’ll show you breaking down every. single. scene-
jk lmao...unless?
spoilers below the cut!
lord. have. mercy.
these hoes are givin me major heist vibes
tiffany bby ur the driver but for me to acknowledge you as such you better be Letty Ortiz good hun
wow these thugs are a lot my organized than i first thought like i know they was carryin guns but i aint know they was packin this much like damn
Oceans 8 who?
so i wanna know where they just...got a cop car???
it’s kinda funny rewatching this scene when you know what’s about to go down
like i’m cacklin like ‘oh shooooot dramaaaa’
but i’m also like ‘SOMEONE GRAB JOSH AND RUN’
“temporary maintenance, happens all the time” cool cool cool 
i’m not freakin out you’re freakin out
josh and maddie are like friend goals i love their dynamic like yoooo
hi yes could you please get that gun away from terry’s head i would really appreciate it.
wow ur like the only line of defense in the dispatch center and they just kicked ur ass
is this where our tax dollars are goin??
fly high josh’s mug, fly high
that absolute look of fear on his face tho, still breaks my heart
josh russo defense squad post up homies
“i love you, howie” nope nope nope didn’t like it the second time either
when that gun went off
i just,,,waited for the blood to start comin out of terry
thank god it wasn’t him
good scene lmaooo 9-1-1 writers i hate you all lmao lmao
“bees are the least of your troubles here, sweetheart” I HATE YOU DUDE
someone call mama grant please
“we’ve got dispatch” i do not like this ma’am i’d like to speak to the manager
“you’ll shoot us” man shut the hell up-
“no, we’ll shoot the person next you you” this dude is insane
lookin like mr.clean’s evil cousin LMAOOOOO
“you only do something like this so you can do something...worse”
um whAT-
“you’re being paranoid, she’s fine” CHIMNEY NO NO NO
i don’t think i’ve ever thrown this much popcorn at my tv in my life
as chimney said “don’t do it man” just picture a 5′5 lightskinned girl tripping over her blanket while yelling “DO IT CHIM, DO IT!” and you’ll have me
“sorry, we are experiencing a high call volume” BITCH MORE LIKE A HIGH CRIME VOLUME SOMEBODY GET MAMA GRANT DAMNIT-
*screams* BUUUUUUUUCK 
ooh nice shirt, i guess pink isn’t the only color that suits ya
he looks good in all the colors
whole damn snaaaaack
not to be an idiot on main but seriously, who watches the watchmen?
“i miss like an earthquake or something?” lmao chim is a whole vibe
“wait....why are you calling 9-1-1, is everything ok?” paired with that cute adorable concerned face he made is making me cry ok we don’t deserve buck T-T
“she’s at the call center, what could happen?” AT LOT ACTUALLY
*cries* mama grant you won’t believe the day i’ve had
“he’s my husband” LMAOOOOO WHAT
whoa tiffany we’ve already had our fair share of mail bombs here that bet’ not be what i think it is
it’s just takin out the security systems lmao 
“i bet this woman really thinks you’re...worthwhile.” JOSH BBY DON’T LISTEN TO A WORD HE SAYS EVERYONE LOVES YOU
ahaha thanks i did not need those flashbacks it hurt enough the first time 
“a woman called about an omelet, i dispatched an officer”
“to the restaurant?”
“not exactly”
“i tried calling josh, but no answer” aww josh and buck are friendssssss :)
“nO NO CHIMNEY DON’T HANG UP!” i shouldn’t have laughed so hard
oh great he’s hastily grabbing his jacket. he’s about to do something rash and irresponsible
....someone call eddie.
that’s some good heist music right there
the bad guys look stressed....good.
“you’re here so i can keep an eye on you and make sure you don’t do anything foolish” BUT YOU LEFT BUCK
mama grant i ain’t questionin your authority or nun but like???
thats some reckless drivin there buckaroo
buck who were you tryna fool tho
athena only knows one golden retriever dude in this city who drives a grey and black jeep
“ok now, don’t be mad” LMAOOOOOOOO
athena’s look is sending meeeeee 😂😂
omg my god😭😂
“hey buck”
“...hey chim”
athena has some dumbass kids yo
the best part is, she knows it
the way mr. clean broke his neck when dude said ‘police cruiser’ LMAOOOO
“and if it’s not normal?”
“we’ll find out”
*blasts boss bitch*
i love the way buck is kinda concerned for his mom tho
and athena’s just like ‘it’s no sweat sweetie i do this every day’
“shoot her”
“shoot her, now”
try her bitch, see what happens to yo ass. 
the 118
the call center
the entire fandom 
we will collectively end you
“we got a report of a code 77″
what is a code 77 you say?
“ambush, proceed with caution”
well it sure nuff aint indecent exposure
*boss bitch keeps playing cause that was super smart for her to give out a code 77*
“maddie is smart, she can take care of herself until help gets there”
“they’re not gonna wanna leave behind a room full of witnesses”
i’m-i’m fine, i swear-
“killing people, your solution to every problem”
excuse me? do i hear morals??
they’re really fighting each other
they some grade a stupid right there 
there’s no way they are pullin this off
terry what are you doing
i thought they were gonna shoot terry
wowwwwww dispatch is a lot more badass than i thought
these dudes are hard core
aii square tf up mr. clean we don’t hit josh here and you gon have to pay for that one
the way everyone is just quietly sobbing tho
it saddens me
“I need another thirty minutes”
i’m really enjoying watching this dude’s plan crumble around him
swat posted up aii i see yall
“we’ll try to get eyes in a damn windowless room”
well when you put it that way it sounds like this is hopeless
“i’m sorry i thought you were crazy”
“i’m sorry i wasn’t”
wow i don’t think i was supposed to laugh at that
and chim bein concerned for maddie is literally one if the best things ever y’all.
completely unrelated note, anybody else see bad boys for life?
“yeah i’m ok, my ears are just ringing a little” with the TEARS and the SNIFFLES and him SMILING THROUGH THE PAIN JOSH IS TOO PURE FOR THIS 
“why do you think we asked for so many RA units?” BITCH I KNOW YOU FUCKIN LYIN
for those of y’all that ain’t kno, RA units are rescue ambulance units
way to reassure people, lady
it’s like she said ‘everyone might be lightly shot by the time this is all over’
“so you are worried. it makes sense, cause all your friends keep dissappearing are they even in the same building?” WITH THAT LOOK OF STRAIGHT SPITE DAMN MADDIE BUCKLEY, DAMNNN
we stan the BAMF BUCKLEYS
“oh my god, LINDA??” lo key thought this was real for a second
“latex! is there latex in your gloves?” greg come on man you planned a heist you can’t be this stupid
you know it’s really funny, cause tiffany ain’t nowhere to be found
(i know, two different songs, but ya gotta admit, it applies)
“you don’t get to die” 
i just-
hands down, most powerful line in the whole episode.
it’s an odd form of vengeance, saving the man that attacked you multiple times from the release of death
 that’s what it would’ve been tho
a release
he would’ve died, and he wouldn’t of had to pay for any of his actions
but instead, josh saved his sorry ass
so he gets to pay for this in the land of the living
the best revenge, actually
and, josh saved a life
he’s worthwhile
“i’m not goin back” well i knew mr. clean was gonna die from the beginning sooooooo
“we’ve got dispatch”  and it’s finally over
i’m kinda bummed that we didn’t get to see SEAL!buck or the rest of the firefam but we got  BAMF!dispatch and that was enough lmao
kudos to those off duty dispatches as well, like y’all just walked past the dead body and moved on from the whole hostage situation to do your already stressful job
this hug is everythinggggg 
lo key buck watching from afar breaks my heart ahaha
“she already has everything she needs”
....this is tea for another day, but...
buck, you do know people need you as much as you need them, right?
still not over that hug tho
ayeeee wassup bobby!
how was the camping trip i was extremely against?
oooooh i love the crime recaps!
i may or may not have been like buck in the bank episode when he said ‘i’m some confused, can you start over’
“wait....you didn’t round her up too?”
ok listen....
while i don’t condone stealing and and the extreme amount of violence they used,
i do condone outsmarting men that think less of you because you are a woman
you are a boss tiffany, and i’m actually kind of sad you got caught
“tiffany was the real mastermind” can i just.....
thanks 9-1-1 writers for that, btw. 
gotta admit, as much as they rip out our hearts and stomp on em, they know what they are doin
jake you shady shady bitch
ngl tho both plans were solid 
maybe if it was done completely by women it would’ve worked :)
“looks  like your trip’s been delayed...by about 5 to 15 years” athena you got the best lines yo
jake f’ed up the other plan too lmaoo
like i said, if it was all women, they would’ve pulled this off
and they end it with madney
gosh i loved this episode
So! These were my thoughts on 3x14! Let me know what you think, and hit up my ask box if you want me to post my thoughts on another episode! Later taters!
Oh yeah, if you liked this you can find my thoughts on ‘Pinned’ here!
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i dunno, a grey bathrobe with a mouse face on the hood seems pretty fitting for a vampire. mine is bright pink tho and when i say bright i mean it's neon pink. my family hates it, literally anyone who sees it hates it. it's my favourite thing. the best buy i've ever made
your teacher is wild. they have run out of fucks to give. oh a ten year old is asking me for a frying pan? seems reasonable, let me go get one
oh and definitely. me and a knife? nope, would not recommend, -5000/10. it's why i don't cook. i mostly just bake stuff, because that usually doesn't involve cutting things up. i stopped counting all the times i had an accident with a knife, because i couldn't keep count. it's just that every goddamn time i take a knife in my hands i either cut myself or break the knife. sometimes both. i have however somehow magically avoided needing to go to the hospital every single time, so i'm not sure whether to call myself lucky or unlucky. (i'm still leaning towards the unlucky, because this sucks)
they told you about different sexualities in health class? that's so cool! i wish they did that here. i bet it would help a lot of people! also you were definitely very oblivious about your crush! but i can't say anything because me too. even now that i know i'm panromantic i still spent months thinking that those are most definitely platonic feelings i'm feeling for this girl. butterflies in my stomach? being just so goddamn happy when i'm around her? wanting to hold her hand? those are friend feelings right? (also she sometimes sends me nudes and i constantly mess up while trying to react like a normal person to them. one time i just replied asking whether she bought new shower curtains and then spent the next couple of minutes banging my head against the wall because even my asexual ass realised that that was probably the wrong thing to say)
well, it's definitely different this year, celebrating christmas, but it's still fun, christmas eve went well and i'm pretty excited for christmas breakfast tomorrow, because it's always my favorite part! so yeah! thank you, that was very nice! ❤️
excellent, if halloween was a thing here i’d take that into account and add it to my vampire costume. halloween is not a thing here though so i guess i’ll just wear it down to the shops with some vamp teeth idk. also that sounds incredible. i love obnoxiously bright things. if it hurts people’s eyes then i’m doing something right. i am going against the masses and saying i love it.
i know right? he was from Germany, I think, and possibly quite new to the country and the nz education system (or at least, we...didn’t really learn anything that year...he just kind of let us play on the computers a lot...it must’ve been his first year teaching) so maybe he just figured that was chill in nz schools. a fair enough assumption considering the chaos of children.
oh geez. that does not sound good. at least you haven’t had to go to hospital yet though, that’s a plus. but it does sound awfully unlucky. it seems that whenever i come near a knife i find a cut on me afterwards. not like, a big cut. not even a cut that bleeds, normally. but just like the tiniest shallow cut ever. I have no idea how I manage it each time. it’s not b a d exactly it’s just alarming that i never notice it at the time. I also get a bit of double vision sometimes and I’ve noticed that when I’m trying to cut something precisely like vegetables I’ll struggle to see exactly where the knife is and well...I just go very slow and keep my fingers far away. I don’t trust my eyesight one bit. very impressive that you manage to break the KNIFE though, I’ve never done that. Bent many spoons real bad in my time tryna get ice cream but no knife deconstruction here. 
oh yeah! they did. I figured it was just a normal thing to teach in nz high schools and I was like wow. sure is great here! uhhh turns out no. Once I hit uni and took a gender and sexuality class and spoke with my classmates, it turned out that very very VERY few of them ever had that kind of thing brought up in health class. Hell, some of them were like we basically got taught abstinence (although they mostly then pointed to the religious nature of their schools, I guess that’s a trend). I was a little shocked some schools skipped sex ed that bad. Then earlier this year I did some research into the nz health curriculum for a presentation for an english class and like. it’s IN the curriculum. if you dig deep enough for this info. It’s just that what’s in the curriculum isn’t exactly compulsory. Which is a problem. Because then it only gets taught if the teacher decides to. For example, my younger sister (by roughly 3 years) attended the same high school as me but she never got any discussion of sexualities or gender identities or whatever in health class. It comes down to the teacher and I hate that so much. it SHOULD be taught to everyone, everywhere, it sure did help me. ANYWAY. i’ve already gone on this rant many times I will stop here
I’m glad it’s not just me in this boat haha. platonic...romantic...i mean who really knows the difference until it’s been 6 months and actually, now that you think about it, maybe there’s something funny going on here. o h n o. what lovely shower curtains! where’d you get them? oh n o. i feel like i’ve been sent a nude once before by a straight friend (who was a girl) who did not know I was queer and I was. how do straight people respond to this. respectfully i am looking only at your face so i don’t make you uncomfortable is actually not what i should be doing here, clearly. you...sure do have a body...good job! that’s...some good looking flesh! i- thank god this has never happened again. i would not be any better. 
I’m glad you still had fun and I hope the breakfast ended up going well! A Christmas breakfast sounds interesting. I feel that’s a whole different area of foods to make something nice out of, I’m so used to special lunches and literally nothing else, breakfast foods seem fun.
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powerfultenderness · 5 years
Open Book
Title: Open Book 
Paring: V x Reader
Summary: You’re pretty certain that someone like V would fall for, well, someone not like you. After all, what do you have but a GED and five cents to your name?
Content Warnings: Language. Alcohol use. Reader has dyslexia. 
Rating: T 
Word Count: 2524
Note: Let’s all pretend that V is his own person. Or else things might not make sense. 
Apparently word that the sons of Sparda were in the Underworld had spread. Now every devil topside was coming out of the woodworks. Nero had to recruit extra help to work with the Fortuna branch while Lady and Trish held down Dante’s old shop front. That was how you came to work for Devil May Cry, sometimes helping Lady and Trish and sometimes helping Nero and V.
The women were fun, but you preferred to take on work with Nero, V, and Nico. Mostly because you just loved being around V. Besides the obvious fact that the man was extremely attractive, to which that air of mystery only enhanced, but he had the voice of a sex god. You were pretty sure. Having been around demons and devils, you were confident enough to make that assertion.
Currently you were hanging out with said man in the Fortuna office. V and Nero had only returned from a job a day ago and you had been holding down the fort while they were gone. In just that short time they were out on their mission, you found yourself really missing V’s voice. So now here you were sitting at the table with him, your chin in one hand as you stared at him while he read out of his omnipresent book of poetry.
“Read another one, V, pleeease?”
“You can’t be serious?” Oh yea, and Nero was there too.
“Well, who forgot to pay the cable bill?”
“Yea ‘cuz it’s an expense we don’t need! Just finish your sandwich!”
You turned back to V and smiled at him. “Ok, ok, in deference to our friend here, how about a short one?”
V, who had been patiently watching the exchange between the two of you, grinned at you. The way one side of his mouth pulled up as he smirked and the way his eyes locked with yours almost made it look like he was silently trying to tell you something. But whatever it was, much like the rest of him, was a mystery to you.
His tongue swept over his lower lip as he flipped the page. He took in a breath, about to start reading, when Nico suddenly slammed the door from the garage to the kitchen open. “Move your butts, we got a job to do!”
You sighed, “Seriously?”
V chuckled lowly (that may have been better than a poem!), and clicked his tongue at your apparent disappointment. “Perhaps later.”
You smiled, his deep seductive laugh was reward enough, but kept up the faux disappointment. “Yea, yea. Let’s just hurry before Nico leaves us.”
Though, who were you kidding? You’d love to be left alone with V.
V entered the garage while you were waiting for Nico to finish tuning up your bike. You glanced at him and when he smiled, you tapped Nico’s foot with your own, “Hey, be right back.”
“Uh huh.”
He was smiling at you when you made your way to him, and kept his voice down in an attempt at privacy in the garage, though Nico would probably hear anything anyways. “I saw something in Fortuna that made me think of you.”
“Oh yea? What’s that?” You tried to remain calm, but knowing that V had been thinking about you was making you rather giddy.
He pulled out a book from his coat and handed it to you. “Here, I wish for you to have it.”
You took the book and looked down at it, reading the title. It was a book of poetry, different from his own. You must have taken too long because he cleared his throat and said your name nervously.
“Uh-o-oh! That’s so sweet of you V!” You said as you looked up at him and hugged the book to your chest.
Thankfully, before things could get awkward, Nico shouted at you, telling you your bike was ready. You glanced around the garage and set the book down on one of the shelves and turned back to V real quick, “Don’t want to lose it, you know?”
Then you waved to him and jogged back to your bike. “Thanks, Nico.”
She winked at you, “I got your back.”
“See ya later!” You said to the both of them as you took off to kill some demons.
Nico waited until the roar of your engine was dead before she looked at V with a raised brow, “So, what’s with the lame ass gift? If I were tryna seduce her, I’d get her a new devil arm or something.”
V smirked, “Then you’d fail. She likes poetry as much as I do.”
“Does she though?”
“...What do you mean?”
“I’m just sayin’. I ain’t never seen her read or anything. Even all them notes I put so much time into, she either just asks me straight up or has Nero read ‘em to her.”
He frowned as Nico walked away, head held up triumphantly like she knew you better than he did. Now that he thought about it, he couldn’t recall you reading anything either. But surely you liked poetry, you were always asking him to read poetry to you.
Another great thing about the Fortuna branch of Devil May Cry was Kyrie. She loved to cook for people, and devil hunting was job that often left you hungry. She was roasting a chicken and some vegetables and it was starting to smell just heavenly.
If you hadn’t already been shooed out of the kitchen, you’d be hanging out with Kyrie, but she did kick you out so you were stuck in the living room adjacent to the kitchen eagerly awaiting dinner time.
“Hey, got kicked out of the kitchen again?” Nero asked as he entered the living room.
“You know me too well.”
“I wouldn’t say that.”
Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion as you looked at him. Part of you was hurt. After all, you’d been working with him for months now and you weren’t exactly a secretive person. “Why’s that?”
Nero reached into his back pocket and pulled out the book and dropped it onto the coffee table in front of you. “I figured you’d love something like this, especially from V.”
You sat up straight and looked at the book you had been avoiding. “Oh.”
“Oh? Oh, what?” He almost snapped, though managed to keep his voice level, still you heard the aggression behind it.
You glared at him, “Dude, calm down. I just kinda hate poems.”
He shook his head and scrunched up his face like he always did when he was confused. “What?”
You shrugged and slouched against the couch again. “I dunno, I just don’t have the patience to sit around and think about the meaning of things.”
“Then why are you always asking V to read poems to you?”
“Are you kidding me? Have you heard the man speak? He could read a dictionary and I’d still be entranced. His voice is just so, soo, hot!” You threw a hand over your heart and sighed dramatically, “I could just listen to him all day!” Then you shrugged again, a smile tugging at your lips as you just thought about V’s voice. “I ask him to read all that poetry crap ‘cuz that’s what he likes.”
Nero stared at you for a few seconds then back down at the poetry book.
“...So, you do like V?”
You dropped your wistful smile and turned your head towards the kitchen, avoiding eye contact with your friend. “What does that matter? I just appreciate him from afar.”
“What? Why?”
“‘Cuz I’m not…” You mumbled the rest of your answer, biting down the frustration that was boiling inside you now.
“‘Cuz I’m not good enough for him, ok?!” You snapped and jumped up, pushing past him towards the front door.
“LEARN NEW WORDS, NERO!” You yelled as you forcefully pulled the front door open and nearly ran into the object of your affections.
Your eyebrows shot up as you took a step back and looked at V, trying to hide your earlier frustrations that Nero brought up.
“Ah,” he greeted you, “It smells like dinner is almost ready.” He smiled and took a step forward into the house.
“Yea. Enjoy.” You muttered as you stepped around him and tried to leave.
“Where are you going?”
“Just-Just get off my back!” You yelled again and slammed the door shut.
V blinked at the door, surprised and confused.
Nero sighed and clapped a hand on V’s shoulder. “I’m sorry, man. That was my fault, I got her all mad and she snapped at you. She’ll probably apologize later when she cools down.”
“What was she mad about?”
Nero scratched the back of his head as he tried to think of an answer. “Uhh...I don’t know if I should tell you. I mean, it’s not my business to tell.”
V now stared at Nero, eyes narrowed as if he could determine the cause of your rage just from looking at the other man. “I see.”
He couldn’t very well press Nero without it feeling like he was disrespecting your privacy, so he let the subject drop and headed towards the dining room, where Kyrie was already setting the food down.
Even without a client to save, you found a horde of demons to kill and blow off steam. The demons became your frustrations. Every teacher that told you to give up, every book you didn’t finish, every stupid letter that taunted you. Your sword sliced through them all, until you were left with nothing but your emotions.
You cleaned off your sword and sighed, deciding then to do what you always did in moments like this. Drink yourself silly until you repressed everything again.
You were sober when you settled onto the roof of the garage with junk food and beer. You were not sober when the door to the roof opened and someone decided to join you. You looked over to your right as V sat down in the lawn chair a few feet away from yours. He didn’t say anything, just looked up at the night sky.
After some minutes of silence, the only sound was you opening another beer, V spoke.
“I was angry with my friend: I told my wrath, my wrath did end.”
You sighed, even though you were inebriated and with him quoting some fancy pants poem, you understood. “Sorry for yellin’ at ya. Nero was bein’ a bitch an’ pissed me off.”
V hummed and finally looked at you, “He said as much.”
“He said he was bein’ a bitch?”
Your quip was rewarded with a deep chuckle. “Not quite. May I ask what you were angry about?”
“I dun wanna talk about it.” You mumbled into your beer bottle.
“Does it have anything to do with this?”
He pulled that damn book out of his pocket and held it out to you again. This time you couldn’t stop yourself from rolling your eyes. “Ugh. Yea.”
He reached out even further and dropped the book on your lap. “You didn’t open it, did you?”
You sighed and grabbed the book. “Listen, V. I’m happy that you were thinkin’ ‘bout me. But I dun really like to read.”
“Open it.”
You tossed back the rest of your beer, forcing tears back and emotions down. You had a feeling he was going to ask you to read it. Some damn poem that meant something deep to him. Except it wouldn’t be nearly as elegant coming from you. And he’d find out what you’d been trying to casually hide from him. He’d find out just how stupid you were and he’d lose any interest he ever had in you.
When you didn’t open the book he spoke again. “I must confess, I asked Lady about your background.”
You scrunched up your face, wondering what he was digging up on you.
“Lady ran a background check on you before you were hired.”
“Yea. So?”
“And she found your academic records. It seems you were a poor student.”
You scoffed and grabbed another beer. “I’m a demon hunner, I don’ need that shit.”
You took another long swig of your beer and refused to look at him. You’d had similar conversations with teachers and tutors before. You didn’t want to see the look of disappointment on his face when he gave up on you too.
“That book is printed in Dyslexie, a font designed to make it easier for people with dyslexia to read.”
Slowly you set down your beer and opened the book to the first page. You blinked, expecting to see a bunch of jumbled up letters swimming on the page. But instead the letters were much clearer than usual and you managed to read through an entire stanza and only stumbled, mentally for you weren’t about to read out loud yet, a few times.
“How...how did you know I’m dyslexic?”
“Can I see anothers woe, And not be in sorrow too? Can I see anothers grief, And not seek for kind relief.”
Despite yourself, you smiled at him. “Thas, that’s not really an answer.”
V chuckled and moved to kneel next to your chair. He gently took one of your hands in his and rubbed the back of your knuckles in sooth circles. This kept you still, unable and unwilling to pull away from him to hide your feelings behind another bottle of beer.
“One of the things I admire about you is how open you are.”
You weren’t sure if it was the fact that he was staring at you like a dream or if it was the alcohol, but either way, you were beginning to feel really warm.
“You let me know without telling me. You never hid that you didn’t want to read, in fact, you seemed to like being read to.”
You flushed and scratched the back of your head with your free hand. “I mean, only when it was you.”
V stood, pulling you up with him, and gently traced the outline of your lower lip with his thumb. You leaned forward, he leaned down slightly, you licked your lips and V tapped your nose with his cane.
A large grin graced his face, enough that even though you were confused you couldn’t help but mirror.
“Perhaps we should continue this conversation when you’re sober.”
“I mean, I’m not that drunk!” Hiccup! “That was a coincidence.”
“Come, on wings of joy we’ll fly To where my bower hangs on high; Come, and make thy calm retreat Among green leaves and blossoms sweet.”
His cane tapped your hand that was holding the book of poetry that you’d already forgotten. “Blake, The Birds.”
You ignored his answer and stared down at the cane in his hand long enough for him to clear his throat and raise a confused eyebrow when you looked up again. “Try that on me again...when I’m sober.”
Judging by the sudden wide eyed expression you managed to surprise him, but soon he was smirking at you, emerald eyes gleaming with the same desire you felt in your core.
A/N: While I was doing some research on dyslexic friendly fonts, I read that verdana was a recommended font. So I changed my Tumblr theme to verdana, but if you are dyslexic and can recommend a better font or Tumblr theme, please let me know. Since Tumblr is where I post most of my fics, I’d like the theme to be easy to read. And this goes for those who don’t have dyslexia too. If my color theme or something is too harsh, please let me know.
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redhoodssweetheart · 5 years
3 AM
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader
Word Count: 1.9K
Warnings: Angst, like a buttload of it, swearing, happy ending (y’all I can’t write full-on angst like it hurts too much).
Description: You and Bucky broke up almost a year ago, but that doesn’t stop you from thinking about him.
A/N: I had my playlist on shuffle and 3 AM by Meghan Trainor came on and this idea came to me.  
Tumblr media
I can't believe I'm still doing this
I told myself a month ago that I'd be through with this
I'm looking at my phone, and wondering if you're home
I'm kinda tipsy, I ain't tryna sleep alone
Somebody told me that some other girl was hugging you
Baby you know I'm the one that should be loving you
You know we had a thing baby it's such a shame
I still get crazy every time I hear your name
I know it's complicated
But you know I'm impatient
Ten months.
That was how long it had been since you had broken up with Bucky.  
Ten months since you had told him you couldn’t do this anymore and had walked out the door.  That had been the hardest decision of your life, but it had to be done.  You had to get out before you got hurt.
You had left because you were scared, not because you didn’t love Bucky anymore.  He had come back from a mission that could have ended a lot differently than it had and you just… couldn’t do it anymore.  That night you told Bucky you couldn’t take it anymore and that you needed to get out before it was too late.  Before he died and you were left alone with a broken heart and shattered memories.
He had begged you to stay, had called after you as you rushed from the room with tears running down your face.  This was how it had to be, you had told yourself.  You needed to protect yourself.
Now you were sitting on your bed with your second martini and you were starting to feel the effects of the alcohol.  Your phone was in your other hand and you were going through the photos of you and Bucky together.  Smiling and laughing.  There was one you had taken right as Bucky had kissed your cheek.
Then the one from your birthday where the two of you had been dancing and Steve had taken that photo of the two of you.  The way he looked at you like you were his whole world.  And then the one that really killed you was the one you had taken of Bucky while he was asleep.  You couldn’t help it, he looked so peaceful and you wanted to capture the moment forever.
It had been two days since your friend had come to you and told you that they had seen Bucky out with someone new.  They had been getting ice cream together and he looked happy.
Before you could think about it you pulled up his number and sent him a text.
3am, yep I'm texting you once again
Even though I'm hanging with my friends
I can't help it, I can't help myself, no
3am, I might be looking for a late night friend
And baby I can't get you out my head
I can't help it, I can't help myself, no
Bucky glanced down at his phone when he felt it vibrate and looked to see your name appear.  Sarah was asleep beside him.  It had been almost a year since he had heard anything from you and he was shocked to see your name now.
Y/N: I hope you’re happy Buck.
He stared at the message for the longest time wondering if he should respond to you and if he did what he should even say.  It had taken him months to move past you walking out on him.  Months of becoming despondent.
Then Steve had taken him to that pizza shop where he had met Sarah and the world became a little less grey until he worked up the courage to ask her out.
That had been three months ago.
He liked Sarah, but his heart still belonged to you if he were being honest.  It always would.  But he knew why you had left, his job was dangerous and he knew you would never ask him to stop doing it, so the only other option was to leave before things went any further.
He closed his eyes and leaned his head back against the couch cushion wondering what he should do.
Kinda stressed like I'm gonna have a heart attack
It's been an hour and you haven't even hit me back
Baby keep it real, tell me what's the deal
'Cause I miss you, you don't know how this feels
I know it's complicated
This always happens when I'm wasted
You hadn’t expected an answer, but in your heart you wished he would say something, let you know he was.  Hell, you would even take him telling you to fuck off at this point, just to hear something from him again.  One last time.
When your phone buzzed your heart stopped in your chest.
Bucky: I am, I hope you’re happy too, Y/N.
And there went the waterworks.  He had moved on, but you were still wallowing over him, missing him.  You had tried dating other men, you had tried being happy, but on nights like these you severely questioned your choice of leaving him if it made you this unhappy.
You set your phone off to the side and curled up in a ball letting the tears flow freely.
3am, yep I'm texting you once again
Even though I'm hanging with my friends
An I can't help it, I can't help myself, no
3am, I might be looking for a late night friend
And baby I can't get you out my head
I can't help it, I can't help myself, no
A week later is when you officially see Bucky and his new girlfriend together.  You’re in a coffee shop doing some things on your computer when you hear the bell on the door jingle followed by his familiar laugh.  You look up to see him with a beautiful dark haired woman.  She’s smiling at him like you used to.
Your breath catches and you force yourself to look back at your computer screen, quickly typing away trying to block out the sounds of his voice.  Forcing the tears back, you won’t cry here, not when he can see it.
You’re almost in the clear, they’re leaving, but he must have glanced back and seen you because he asks, “Y/N?”
You look up and see the two of them have paused, their eyes trained on you.  You force a smile on your face, “Buck, hey.”
He was looking at you with a worried expression, he could always read you better than anyone.  “How’ve you been?”
Lie.  That’s the only thing you can do.  “Good, great actually.  I got that promotion at work.”  That was about the only good thing that had happened to you since your break up.
Bucky smiled at you, “Congratulations, I know how hard you worked to get there.”
You nodded, your face hurting from the fake smile, “Thanks, it was great.  I have a nice office, an assistant.  Livin’ the dream.”  Your eyes cut to the woman beside you, “I’m sorry, we’re being rude.  I’m Y/N Y/L/N.”
“Sarah Fisher,” she smiled, but you could tell she already knew who you were and she wasn’t sure how to feel about you.
“Nice to meet you, Sarah.”  You looked back at Bucky, “How have you been, Buck?”
His smile didn’t reach his eyes, “Great, everything has been going really well lately.”
“I’m glad,” you say a bit awkwardly.
The three of you stand in silence before Sarah says that they need to run and Bucky tells you goodbye.  When they’re out of sight you sink on your chair and stare blankly at your computer screen.
I know, I know, I know
It's so wrong
Somebody take away my phone
'Cause I've been drinking all night long
All night long
All night long
I know, I know, I know
It's so wrong
Somebody take away my phone
'Cause I've been drinking all night long
All night long
All night long
A month later you run into Bucky at the grocery store, he’s alone this time.
“How have you really been, Y/N?”  He had been wondering since he had seen you at the coffee shop.  He had Tony check up on you and he hadn’t liked what Tony had told him.
You shrug your shoulders, “I’m okay, Buck.”
“Have you been eating?”  He glances at the TV dinners and ice cream in your carry basket.  “Real food,” he says as his eyes look back up at yours.
“Sometimes, I’ve just been busy is all.”
“Bullshit,” he says, he’s angry now.  He’s angry because you’re hurting and he knows he’s the reason why, but he can’t do a damn thing about it.  “You need to eat.”
“I’m not your responsibility anymore,” you spit at him.  
“No, you made that decision for me,” he fires back.  “Damn it, Y/N.  Why? Why leave if you were just going to cause yourself more pain?”
The tears you had artfully held back before were now falling down your cheeks, “Because I was scared, and so I ran.  I’ve regretted that decision from the moment that I did it, but I told myself that it would be better this way.  Then I found out you had a girlfriend and I regretted it even more, but you’re happy now, and that’s all I want for you, Buck.  I want you to be happy and if you find it without me in your life then so be it.”
You didn’t wait for him to respond, you left him standing in the aisle.
3 am
Yep, I'm texting you once again
Even though I'm hanging with my friends
I can't help it, I can't help myself, no
3 am
I might be looking for a late night friend
And baby I can't get you out my head
I can't help it, I can't help myself, no
It was three in the morning when the knock on your door came.  You grabbed a baseball bat and looked out the peephole to see Bucky standing there.  His hair was wet from the rain outside and he was breathing heavily.
You opened the door and before you could ask him what he was doing there his lips were on yours and he backed you up against the wall.  Your fingers tangled with his wet locks and you melted into his embrace.  His soapy clean scent mixed with fresh rain was intoxicating.
He pulled back and rested his forehead on yours, “Please, don’t leave me.”
You lightly ran your fingers over his cheeks, “What about Sarah?”
“Ever since we saw you in the coffee shop that day she knew that I was still in love with you.  She left.  Told me that if the way you looked at me that day was any indication then you were still in love with me and that I had better win you back.”  He kissed you gently again, he had decided that if you turned him down he wanted to get in as many kisses as he could before you shut him out again.
“Bucky,” you sighed.  “I do.  I do still love you, but I can’t watch you die.”
“I quit,” he said.
That startled you.  “What?”
“I quit field work.  I’m still an Avenger, I just won’t be going into the field anymore.”  He kissed your forehead, “I’ve been fighting since 1943, was a prisoner of war twice, and I’m still fighting.  I think it’s time I stopped.”  He looked at you, and you noted how vulnerable he looked in that moment, “So doll, will you take me back?”
“God yes,” you said before crashing your lips against his.
That night you fell asleep with Bucky beside you, a content smile on your face as he held you gently in his arms.  Both of you finally getting a good night’s rest for the first time in almost a year.
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Summertime Magic (II)
A/N: I do apologize for such a late fic but real life been kicking me in the ass. In this part, we get a little of Y/N and N’Jadaka getting to know one another while Y/N does is hair.
No warning but I recommend listening to “Close to You” by Dreezy ft. T-Pain
To Catch Up, PRESS HERE.
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   It was Thursday afternoon when Y/N was in the middle of feed in cornrows on her client's coarse hair. She wore a black bleach tie-dye crop top with high waisted jean shorts. “So, girl I was telling my dude, like, ya boy is tryna fuck with my friend and what not and his ass gonna tell me so.” Y/N said, “wait, don’t his nigga got a girl though?” Her client clapped her hands between every word. “Exactly, bih. His girl just gave birth to their baby girl, too.” Y/N placed some gel on her part to smooth down flyaways. 
“Trifling. Niggas are something else I swear. But speaking of, how you and Monte”, Y/N asked as she started braiding a small braid in between the two thicker ones. Her customer smiled before speaking “beside his baby mama, we good. He a pain but he my pain. We actually moving soon.” Y/N nodded asking “where to?” She turned to face Y/N. “The Valley. Says it’s closer to his job.” The look on Leslie’s face was very sad but Y/N only grinned. They knew each other since high school and was apart of the same clique. “Finally, getting out of the hood, I see. Leaving me behind and shit. I see how it is”, Y/N said in a playful tone causing Leslie to smack her thick thigh.
   “Hursh. I’ll still come down to visit and whatever. You know I’m not gonna trust in upitty crackas in my hair. Hell no. I’ll make that long ass commute to get here. But what up with you though?” She smiled as she got another piece of hair to place in Leslie’s hair. “Nothing much. Met a guy yesterday. Kinda cute. Got some nice muscle tone and all. His name is N’Jadaka. He coming tomorrow so I can do his dreads for him.” Leslie turned slightly to look in her face. “Oh really? You got a pic? I need to see if I approve.” Y/N rolled her eyes laughing and showed Leslie the picture; her eye’s bugged out. “Oweeee, how you doing, Mr. Man!? Best friend, that man finer than a muthafucka. Wait, he coming here?” 
Y/N nodded as she placed some styling mousse on her hands to smooth over her friend’s hair. “He will be here tomorrow at 11 am.” Leslie looked at her friend up and down and said “aight miss thing. Don’t get in trouble now.” She took the money out of her bra and handed it to her. “You better come to out going away party, heffa. Its next week so ad it to ya calendar.” Leslie hugged Y/N’s fluffy body and was on her way out before Y/N locked the door.
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  Y/N got out the shower feeling amazing after exfoliating, shaving and oiling her whole thick body while listening to Daniel Caesar. She went into her closet to grab a cute, wine shade romper that complimented her skin tone. Her locs were in a huge bun and had her baby hairs in a wave shape against her smooth skin. Her phone buzzed from a text from N’Jadaka.
N’Jadaka: I’m outside. 
  She smiled and went to the window as he pulled up. Y/N pulled back the cream curtains to his navy blue Impala park in her driveway. As soon as he stepped out, her mouth parted slowly to her jaw-dropping on the floor. He was in a navy blue short sleeve that clung to every muscle and his smooth caramel skin. Gray sweat pants that displayed his thick thighs and navy blue Air Force Ones that completed the outfit. His hair was tossed to the right messily and his dimples were in full display when he noticed Y/N was watching with his back turned; she dodged his stare and stayed away from the door.
*Knock, knock, knock*
   Y/N opened the door with a smile. “Hey, it’s nice to see you again. Did you find the way okay?” She stood to the side as his tower-like frame strolled in looking down at her. “Yeah, I’m usually good with direction. How you doin’? You aight”, he asked with a smirk across his lips, flashing the white smile of his. Y/N nodded, totally spaced out by his charm. “I’m good. Ya ready?” She led him to a chair which had a hair wash bowl connected to it. N’Jadaka clapped his hands as he remembered something. He handed her a black tinned bag and she took it from him. “I was by the store and just thought you would the snacks you had the other.” Y/N blushed as he sat down and she placed a cape onto him with a towel wrapped around his neck; he lied back as she ran the lukewarm water. “So, how long you’ve been doing hair?”
“Eh, I started in eighth grade when my friend’s mom had her own shop. We used to watch her ever since we were way younger. It got crowded, clients and walk-ins were waiting but everyone was swamped so I ask if I can help. Ms. Witherspoon said go ahead and I did. I asked each one what they wanted and did what they asked. Washed, blow-dried, some cornrows for the ones getting extensions”, she said as she began washing his scalp. His eyes were closed shut and she noticed his incredible lashes. “So, Y/N was a baby hustle?” She giggled and said “yah, pretty much. Then I got a job there as the hair washer and assistant to her mom. My folks weren’t really up for it. They wanted me to enjoy my childhood but then I told them how much I would be making and with me being the oldest, I wanted to help out.”
 N’Jadaka nodded as her hands worked their magic through his locs. He hummed in relaxation as her fingertips massaged his scalp slowly. The voice of Dreezy the singer added more to the session as her she got the right amount of lather and suds. She was humming to the lyrics watching him. He looked so relaxed, so sweet. Her eyes watched his lips as mouthed off ‘fuck’ and ‘shit’ to his self. She had to snap out of it. “So, N’Jadaka. You have a very interesting name. Where is it from?” He chuckled flashing his smile, making her weak in the knees. “It’s African. My fam is from Wakanda besides my moms.” She rinsed his hair out and sitting him up. “Hav you ever been there? I’ve seen only the bad in Africa online and some shit.”
“Nah, nah. It’s beautiful especially Wakanda. When the sun sets, it’s amazing. The tint of the colors blended just makes you forget about everything that’s so fucked up with the world. When I visit, I just sit the mountain and my older cousin likes to sit with me. We talk about our childhood together.” Y/N smiled at his face lighting up and helped him walk to the chair. She walked ahead of him as he began tossing his hair and towel drying it watching her wide hips move side to side. He eased into the chair as she got the hot oil treatment ready. 
She wrapped a clean towel around his neck with a new cape before going into a shelf next to her hair area. She bent her knees with her behind close to the floor as she looked for the oil to warm up with the glass container. Soon the oil was hot enough and she went back to him with a smile on her lips; she began. “So, what made you move out here? From the sound of it, Wakanda sounds like a paradise.” She heard him take a deep breath before he explained. “Ya see, Y/N. I’m not like the people there. I was born out here, I’m from here. Them folks out there saw through that shit once my Unc. They only accepted me when they realized I was related to people who were a big deal.”
  After the treatment, she grabbed a locking moisturizer that didn’t cause build-up and began the tiring process. “Y/N, what you got planned for tomorrow? My boy got a housewarming party and it’s a 90′s theme. All my boys bringing they ladies and all. I know we just met and all but by the way you move, you be a great dance partner.” She rolled her eyes at the thought. “Not really the party type.” She heard him chuckling as he said: “shit, neither am I but it’s my boy.” She was standing to his left, still sectioning and twisting when he looked at her thick thighs. So plump, so soft looking. “Well, why me? I know you got flocks of girls throwing themselves at you. Choose one of them then”, she stated.
   N’Jadaka side up to her and admitted: “Yeah, I do but I ain’t interested in them at all.” This made her eyes fall to his. Was he being serious, she thought. Why her out all of the women in Los Angeles. The women he had thrown at him would probably be model sized. Tiny waists, long legs, thin thighs and all. She strolled around like she was confident but on the inside, she was always battling herself. She had to cry many tears, mend her broken heart and put on her big girl (no pun attended) lace panties to feel as she was can compete with those types of broads. Y/N’s train of thought came back to the track when she felt his hand on her calf. “Y/N, you gotta come. You can’t be a homebody forever. If you think I had ya back at the liquor store, then trust me. C’mon and come with me. I show you a good time.” He was caressing her thigh the whole time as he spoke and it made her feel some type of way, the good way. She sighed, wiggled her leg gently out his grasp and said “maybe. I’ll think about it, young man.”
   N’Jadaka chuckled as he sat back, head straight forward. “ Well, little one. Once you done with my hair, I better have an answering or I’ll do it myself”, he said with a fold of his muscular arms. Y/N rolled her eyes with a crooked smile as she continued. They shared a few laughs and smiles here and there then she twisted hs fresh dreads into two braids; the also exchanged social media networks. She passed him the mirror so that he can get a look. “Daaaaaaaayummmmm, this shit is nice as hell. Baby Girl, those hands of yours are like magic”, he stood and gave her a nice hug. She was taken back but when her hands fell on his smooth back, she melted into him like ice cream on a burning hot day like this one. The smell of musk and spices filled her nostrils as she lingered on. 
   N’Jadaka look down at her and asked “ya good, little one.” When her eyes opened, she realized that he had let go a long time ago but she still had her arms around his waist. She looked around and then to him. She slid her arms away and said “sorry. Guess I was daydreaming.” He chuckled as they made their way to the door. She placed her hand on the knob, twisting and opening the door but when he walked out he turned and leaned against the threshold with his arms folded again. His brow slowly rose up that made Y/N very confused. “Yes or no” he asked and got back a “huh” from her lips. “Are you going or not” he asked and Y/N folded her arms as well. He chuckled and said “fine. Then I will decide. You are going with me to this party. We will grab something to eat before and after. Party starts at 7:45 so I will be here at 6 on the dot so we can chill for a bit.” 
  Before she got to speak, he placed his hand on her chin and said “be ready by 6, little one. Aight” with a smile that made her knees weak. She nodded and he did the same back. “Ok good. I’ll hit you up later. Here ya go”, he handed a hundred dollar bill into hers but she looked up at him. “You are worth way more than what you charge. Thank me later” and with that, he walked off to his car and drove off with two honks. Y/N slowly closed the door with a sweet grin and made her way to her bedroom. After a nice shower and a good homecooked meal, her Instagram was blowing up with comments, DMs and brand new followers. She went to her page notifications and saw something she was mentioned in; a post by N’Jadaka himself; it made her smile from ear to ear.
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Ok, so this was long overdue because of real life health and all but I will be posting part III tonight, if not in a few minutes.
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Sick Kids
ihatemyguts: Hey, who's about today? brainpain: 👀 brainpain: 👃 brainpain: 👅 ihatemyguts: Uncanny brainpain: I know ihatemyguts: Artistic endeavors keeping you busy? brainpain: [a selfie of her dramatic 🌈 makeup aesthetic] ihatemyguts: Okay but I'm gonna need a tutorial ihatemyguts: I never even mastered lipstick brainpain: I'll hook you up brainpain: check your private msgs ihatemyguts: 👍🙏 ihatemyguts: if my face is gonna be 🌚 from now on, it should really look pretty ihatemyguts: #juststeroidthings brainpain: it's a good face brainpain: + if I can rock a half shaved head with my brainpain: 👀 brainpain: 👃 brainpain: 👅 brainpain: not a time to still be alive brainpain: LMAO ihatemyguts: no doubt you rocked it so well everyone thought it was a choice brainpain: you gotta act like you're starting a 🌚 worshipping cult brainpain: I'll do a tutorial for that brainpain: full face of silver ihatemyguts: I can get down with that ihatemyguts: 🙌🌊🩸🐺🙌 ihatemyguts: am here on a bit of a recruitment mission, actually brainpain: my housemates & I are all synced 🩸 wise so you'd be doing me a favour, newbie brainpain: living battle royale over here brainpain: not trying to recruit you to fight to the death by my side though, we're good brainpain: what's the job? ihatemyguts: That sounds delightful, man ihatemyguts: also lowkey how has that never happened, not even with my ma ihatemyguts: clearly just that cold and standoffish she's like nah ihatemyguts: maybe I should wait 'til Zach is here too 'cos it was kinda his idea but if I give cred now, we're all good and I can take the blame if it's a big nope brainpain: you're still a 👶 not even gonna be synced with yourself yet brainpain: hold up I'll drag him by his curls brainpain: out there having a life like a real boy 😤 ihatemyguts: 😂 ihatemyguts: he'll get tricked into going to a weird Funland island and get turned into a donkey for his crimes, it's okay brainpain: sounds lit brainpain: [inandout has entered the chat] inandout: 🤥 ihatemyguts: How's your conscience? ihatemyguts: 🦗🦗🦗 inandout: 💎 clear ihatemyguts: 🤨 suspect inandout: you're not my wine mum inandout: or vodka aunt ihatemyguts: How rude ihatemyguts: Put some respect on your cult leader inandout: 🙇🙏 inandout: no food offerings ihatemyguts: safe bet gotspoons: 👋 I'm here! gotspoons: having a great day today, actually got energy, whaaaa?! 😲🤭 inandout: quick! float the idea while she's on cloud 9 gotspoons: You make me sound like an ogre, Zach 😜 gotspoons: what's going on? brainpain: Princess ogre ihatemyguts: Fiona ihatemyguts: v chic ihatemyguts: anyway, as we're all 👍 besides battle royale 🩸 ihatemyguts: we was thinking, and talking 'bout, a potential meetup ihatemyguts: thought we'd float it, see what y'all 💭 brainpain: I've got a 🍳 I'm 👍 + in ihatemyguts: which princess is that? one with crazy long hair, I 👀 it ihatemyguts: it could be cool, yeah? and why not, we'd have to make sure everyone who wants to can obvs or what's the point but apart from that brainpain: Princess me, unless the bleach makes it all fall out 😬 brainpain: [a very her style location] 📌🌎 inandout: we're not doing it there gotspoons: This is the problem, guys 😩 gotspoons: it would be really awesome but there is SO much planning you'd have to do to make it safe for everyone gotspoons: and picking a place for everyone that meets all the requirements inandout: we're willing to do all that inandout: planning + safety stuff ihatemyguts: totally ihatemyguts: like we could even go to a park or somewhere totally neutral ihatemyguts: or see if we can find some council-owned hall or something, 'cos places like that HAVE to be accessible ihatemyguts: I don't mind calling around and I bet Rich knows lots, and you will think of ALL the ways to keep EVERYONE safe and happy, right Rosie? brainpain: where I used to have support group would actually work brainpain: [a decent location that's like a community centre of something] ihatemyguts: 🙌 that looks legit ihatemyguts: if we explain what we're tryna do, bet they won't even charge us brainpain: I've got a hook up as ⭐ pupil brainpain: had my pick of those circle of chairs tigerbalm: 🙀🙀🙀🙀 tigerbalm: are we REALLY going to be able to meet up in person?! inandout: possibly gotspoons: How are we going to do this, IF we can gotspoons: you have to think about food and drink and seating and how we'd cover that, even if they did give us the venue for free inandout: I'm great with funds, it's assumed and expected gotspoons: but is that fair? gotspoons: I know some of us have none or very little inandout: I won't charge any of you a fee to come through the doors inandout: not that Jewish gotspoons: Oh, Zach! ihatemyguts: 🤑 is an accessibility issue, this should be a service, it should exist for free ihatemyguts: but it doesn't ihatemyguts: so if we can do this for ourselves, and offer it for free, for as little expense as possible ihatemyguts: maybe people will pull their finger out and consider actually doing their job ihatemyguts: you can write about it on your blog, get the word out brainpain: I'll fund-raise on stream, I've got your backs, nerds ihatemyguts: Right? High🖐 ihatemyguts: it's for US, so all of us that can, will put money into it ihatemyguts: no pressure on the ones that can't, fuck that, if anyone is gonna be that arsehole then they aren't welcome, yeah? tigerbalm: my parents have a people carrier, cos of course they do, but my creepy uncle won't be invited if any of y'all need rides ihatemyguts: 🤩🤩🤩 gotspoons: I'm going to do some research gotspoons: A LOT of research gotspoons: I would hate for anything to happen to anyone is this group tigerbalm: Where's Rich? tigerbalm: he would love to be on the front lines about this gotspoons: He would be a big help gotspoons: I feel like he had a uni thing today, an open day or something like that??? gotspoons: ugh my memory letting me down AS PER tigerbalm: how exciting! tigerbalm: I'll have to quiz him when he shows gotspoons: I know! gotspoons: He always checks in though, he'll be here later brainpain: Moving on, for those of us too brain damaged for further education gotspoons: 😔 brainpain: just me & my raging hormones LOL brainpain: he'll be such a happy nerd gotspoons: that's for sure gotspoons: he'll probably know so many answers to our questions already enablednotdisabled: I thought this group existed in lieu of an in-person group? brainpain: sup dude, it does enablednotdisabled: wouldn't it be potentially exclusionary to take this offline then? enablednotdisabled: realistically, there will be some of us who simply cannot get there inandout: if you wanna get there, we'll make it happen inandout: facetime you in if nothing else works enablednotdisabled: I'm not talking for myself, just others who might not feel confident enough to inandout: collective "you" inandout: we've all got phones enablednotdisabled: I just feel like this group can be quite us vs. them at times enablednotdisabled: hard to get heard if you aren't in the core group tigerbalm: There isn't a core group tigerbalm: everyone is listened to & respected enablednotdisabled: With all due respect, you are a part of it enablednotdisabled: so, of course, you feel that way enablednotdisabled: I'm not suggesting you can't break off and do your own thing, but the main chat of this forum that is meant to be for all of us, isn't the place for it brainpain: this group is what you make it, man brainpain: + the main chat brainpain: hit us with a topic you wanna talk about whenever inandout: it was brought up here so everyone knows they're invited ihatemyguts: I'm new and everyone I've found has been really receptive and welcoming to whatever I've had to say ihatemyguts: it sucks that you've not had that experience yourself but no one here is excluding you right now, least of all Robyn enablednotdisabled: There's a definite atmosphere here, whether you want to acknowledge it or not enablednotdisabled: the guidelines of what is expected and what is acceptable need to be clearer enablednotdisabled: and the moderators, who I've never actually witnessed in chat, should be quicker to put people on the right track, making this more therapeutic/beneficial to all, ban people if necessary brainpain: If you 🔎 hard enough for an atmosphere, it's findable brainpain: when you come in with a definite attitude of your own that's not gonna help none gotspoons: There's no need for us to have an argument, this is supposed to be a positive space gotspoons: if you have a complaint you'd like to make @enablednotdisabled, there is a link to contact the mods directly gotspoons: but I'd be happy to talk to you, privately if you'd prefer, and then we can take it from there? enablednotdisabled: I can handle my own complaints, thanks enablednotdisabled: and this isn't a positive space for me, and plenty other people I've talked to gotspoons: It hurts me to hear that, I'm really sorry and steps do need to be taken to attempt to rectify that then handicapable: I agree, it's cliquey here, unless you're one of the 'popular kids' or core group as @enablednotdisabled said, nobody cares handicapable: @ihatemyguts may be new but her finding a way in doesn't mean the walls aren't there for the rest of us handicapable: I barely log in any more gotspoons: Then let's tackle this culture head on gotspoons: do either of you have suggestions on how we could go about that, so I'm not dominating the conversation handicapable: You're not the one who dominates the conversation ihatemyguts: Don't think we need to @ people with specific comments like that ihatemyguts: not speaking for myself brainpain: @ me, baby brainpain: At least then I could defend myself brainpain: 🤐 though ihatemyguts: You've got the floor, like tigerbalm: It's not a safe space for Lauren if she can't say what she wants to say at risk of being accused of dominating the chat tigerbalm: either you want people to feel listened to or you don't ihatemyguts: And yeah, I am new, but I know Lauren, or anyone else in the chat rn, would not shoot you down if you wanted to change topic enablednotdisabled: It's about who always seems to be dictating the topic enablednotdisabled: we could change it, but then you feel like an interloper ihatemyguts: The conversation has to start somewhere, by someone ihatemyguts: @handicapable admitted to barely logging in now, of course the people who are here more will talk more, that's a given, it doesn't mean you're not allowed to contribute or come in to the convo ihatemyguts: there's no way to avoid that...prompts? mods only? that's not natural, or practical inandout: bible quotes inandout: 1 Peter 5:10 tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: Why are we quoting scripture? inandout: Lauren's been here for like 2 years but suddenly she's a disruptive force tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: Well that's bullshit tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: unless you're a incel on her stream brainpain: you know me brainpain: how was your open day, babe? brainpain: (unless I'm a domineering b word for asking) tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: Decent, despite the fact no one was expecting the wheelchair kid tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: despite the fact I called ahead tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: you can dominate me all you want but let me catch up with this apparent shitstorm I've missed brainpain: what a sexy proposition brainpain: I knew I'd missed you enablednotdisabled: Right, that's that conversation over then enablednotdisabled: 👌 brainpain: come on, man ihatemyguts: This is ridiculous ihatemyguts: people have formed meaningful relationships here, they're not allowed to acknowledge that in case someone feels left out, if you've talked to plenty of other people about the state of this forum, then clearly you've formed deeper bonds with them too ihatemyguts: no one here begrudges you that ihatemyguts: you're bound to get on with certain people over others, there's nothing discriminatory about that, it's to be expected tigerbalm: Like, are we supposed to take everything to PMs now? Cos I wanna hear about Rich's open day too but maybe he doesn't wanna type everything out to separate people lots of separate times ihatemyguts: ^You're just being rude, for the sake of it ihatemyguts: Rosie has offered to privately message about this, or you can put it all in an email to the mods tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: Okay tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: literally, 'we' (I'll include myself in this core group that you see, even if I don't see that as a valid argument), have done nothing to you two, have never excluded either of you tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: everyone here is welcoming, and was welcoming you before your complaints tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: which aren't rooted in anything I can see as factual tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: what's the actual issue here? you're just hitting out buzzwords handicapable: and you're just jumping to the defence of the girl you like flirting with brainpain: Whoa now! That's not all I am in here tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: See, that's multiple times you've personally made jabs at Lauren tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: none of us have made any comments on you two personally tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: it seems like you're more cliquey than us if you can't see her as a valued member of the group brainpain: I'm not gonna leave cos you want on Rich for being hot af brainpain: shoutout to the new girl for letting that be known though tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: Thank you, m'dear (somewhere between 🎩 and 🧢) tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: but thanks for implying I'm so desperate that I'd flirt with a girl I'd never seen before @handicapable tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: things are not quite that bad, I can assure you inandout: we're all that desperate, where have we heard that before? inandout: @normal people tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: and we don't deserve any relationships that are deeper than strictly clinical and professional inandout: which is why we don't need to talk to any one person more than once tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: Shout your grievances into the void and move on tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: but don't be too depressing about it ihatemyguts: This group doesn't work, you're right, just not for the reasons you're giving ihatemyguts: but we're all welcome to do what we must about making it work, even if I disagree with yours personally ihatemyguts: at least we try, and if you view us as an 'us' then you also view yourself as a group ihatemyguts: which isn't how I see it, or it's meant to be ihatemyguts: it's a group as a whole inandout: I wanted to organise a meet up to make things cooler inandout: sometimes you don't wanna shout shit into the void inandout: you wanna look someone in the eye when you're talking to them inandout: so you don't have to feel othered ihatemyguts: ^^ inandout: I get to do things with all my other friends inandout: that's what you guys are tigerbalm: I don't have other friends, I'm not saying it to make anyone 😿 tigerbalm: but I don't tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: you've got us tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: and we don't need to apologize for being friends tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: and I think meeting up is a really good idea, I'll be happy to help brainpain: It's okay, Robyn, none of us have done anything wrong gotspoons: I've contacted the moderators, I'll let you know when I get a response brainpain: I did too ✌️ gotspoons: Good, everyone who feels they need to, should gotspoons: I'm glad your open-day went well, Rich brainpain: me too, hot 🤓 tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: Thanks, guys tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: it's got potential tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: once I get there and make some changes, of course tigerbalm: 🙌 You go, Rich! 🧡 tigerbalm: not to use a banned word but you do inspire me for when I get to uni myself tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: We'll allow it, well I will because I love a compliment tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: and you'll be great when you do tigerbalm: I hope my parents won't make me stay local tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: If you don't want to, you shouldn't tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: don't let anything stop you tigerbalm: I'll try not to tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: when you need them, I can throw all the resources and info at you tigerbalm: thanks brainpain: Can we talk about me now cos that's the ONLY reason I'm here LMAO ihatemyguts: @Zach, gonna come at her with your famous line? inandout: you've built it up now ihatemyguts: 🙄 ugh, baby inandout: are we at pet names? cool ihatemyguts: 😂 shut up ihatemyguts: but don't, all voices welcome inandout: yours is dragon ball z inandout: for today ihatemyguts: romantic ihatemyguts: we're meant to be talking about Lauren inandout: Lauren's is low blow ihatemyguts: got a real talent, kid ihatemyguts: may as well do the entire group inandout: wouldn't wanna exclude anyone ihatemyguts: 😏 ihatemyguts: no one will be devastated about that, trust me inandout: damn inandout: or dang ihatemyguts: is that another group rule I've shamelessly flouted? 😬 brainpain: It's a me rule, dragon ball brainpain: you're safe in this safe space ihatemyguts: I'll do my best to mind my Ps & Qs ihatemyguts: 🤞 brainpain: you're fine I'm just aware of my 👵 status brainpain: don't wanna spook the 👶s ihatemyguts: thoughtful ihatemyguts: 👌 brainpain: who knew? brainpain: check me out, not being a huge b word ihatemyguts: honestly, disappointing brainpain: @ my exes ihatemyguts: they aren't here, are they ihatemyguts: @fibro not included brainpain: only my next brainpain: when I snag Rich for myself brainpain: gotta tame that playboy ihatemyguts: so many 💔💔💔 @ this news brainpain: long as you're not brainpain: he's too old for you, babe tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: I feel used tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: and yes, much too 👴 tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: be your ex-husband at this rate brainpain: I'm not gonna say, you can use me too, in front of the children brainpain: but mutual love & respect, boy tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: Shocking behaviour, Mrs brainpain: asking for discipline would also be over the line, sir gotspoons: OKAY gotspoons: putting a stop to this convo thank you gotspoons: 😳 gotspoons: 😳 gotspoons: 😳 gotspoons: 😳 gotspoons: have I covered it? brainpain: g dang it, Rich! Have I not been involved in enough controversy for one day? brainpain: turn away from me, you sexy beast gotspoons: you're very cute but terrible gotspoons: ogre princess putting her foot down on this one tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: I'll take the blame tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: rushing to your defense again brainpain: 😍 ihatemyguts: sure wish someone would run in and change the topic ihatemyguts: it's like mum and dad have had too much 🍷 inandout: could be a prime time for you to ask Robbie on your first date, dbz ihatemyguts: Oh yeah! 💡 tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: 💘 is in the air tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: careful, Zach ihatemyguts: Robyn, have you decided what you're gonna wear to your party yet? tigerbalm: I have a moodboard tigerbalm: would you like to see it? ihatemyguts: Um, absolutely tigerbalm: [that moodboard] ihatemyguts: So, you'd be up for going into town to try-on stuff, right? ihatemyguts: I can think of some shops with some unique stuff tigerbalm: 😺!!! ihatemyguts: Is that a yes 😺 or a I'm calling the police 😺? tigerbalm: I'd love to tigerbalm: my parents might call the police though ihatemyguts: that's alright, I've given you a fake name tigerbalm: they would think so tigerbalm: but their name choices are pretty boring ihatemyguts: at least you've got a super cute name ihatemyguts: if it'd make them feel better though, I'll come meet them or whatever tigerbalm: oh thanks x2 tigerbalm: that's so nice ihatemyguts: 'course ihatemyguts: who doesn't like shopping? inandout: I don't inandout: that much ihatemyguts: that'll be why you didn't ask yourself inandout: I would never third wheel your date inandout: very uncool ihatemyguts: well, if anyone does wanna come along, that'd be alright brainpain: happy to invite myself into any convo or situation ihatemyguts: 🤓 or 😎 ihatemyguts: you could do our makeup ihatemyguts: because not joking about the trainwreck it is when I do ihatemyguts: 🤡 not the theme brainpain: to avoid a spooky 🤡 resurge brainpain: I shall gotspoons: 😱😱😱😱 gotspoons: I hate clowns tigerbalm: SAME! my brothers love the 🤡🎈 films but I can't watch 🙀 gotspoons: Nooooooo gotspoons: even the advert was scary tigerbalm: ever since I went to the 🎪🐘🤡🍿 as a child I'm like traumatised inandout: once I got dragged along when my parents went shopping for a sofa and there was a clown there inandout: as a mascot or something gotspoons: 😭 THAT'S HORRIFYING inandout: fever dreams are made of this inandout: he kept trying to ruffle my hair ihatemyguts: definitely a bad omen ihatemyguts: that clown was there to warn you about...something inandout: I'm not classing it as a date though, you still get to go first inandout: the warning'll simply be my impending death ihatemyguts: your first bad omen ihatemyguts: n'awh inandout: cute, right? ihatemyguts: 🐭 🐹 🐰 inandout: 🐿🦔 ihatemyguts: 🦄 brainpain: sure, I'll chaperone you two brainpain: ✨ ihatemyguts: result brainpain: arms length, Zachary gotspoons: I feel like I'm on a dating site brainpain: there'd be way more fibros if we were gotspoons: I've never even attempted to date gotspoons: such a minefield brainpain: if you change your mind, I'll get my sister to list off which ones to avoid brainpain: she feeds me a new spooky story weekly gotspoons: see, it's bad enough without the added 'who I am' drama brainpain: get yourself a love interest with more 🚑💊💉 drama than you, that's what I do brainpain: you're the chill one by comparison gotspoons: Rich is still here lurking, you know 🤭 brainpain: he knows what we have is deep + meaningful tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: 👌 tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: very serious brainpain: I'm coaching Rosie for her first venture into dating not discussing our lengthy but ultimately doomed love affair tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: doomed because 💀💀 or doomed because someone will join the group with ultimate 🚑💊💉 drama and better hair? brainpain: @Zach with that death clock bs brainpain: doomed cos you'll meet a hot 🤓 at uni brainpain: nobody has better hair than either of us tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: Okay then, I won't be pre-offended and call you out on that nonsense brainpain: that isn't a promise that you'll still have time for me brainpain: we're all waiting, Rich tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: depends how hot and how nerdy this university girl is, of course brainpain: Profess your undying love for me or get out, honestly tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: 😏 tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: Rosie will shut it down again brainpain: 😉 tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: She's a hater 💔 gotspoons: 😱 Rich! gotspoons: I'm very supportive brainpain: LOL gotspoons: 😥 gotspoons: I love love brainpain: you're a 🧸 brainpain: I love you, Rosemary brainpain: feel free to ignore my husband gotspoons: I ❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜 you all too gotspoons: even if you test my nerves sometimes, it's only in a good way 😅 tigerbalm: So, if one of us had  a 'normal' crush, would that be doomed? tigerbalm: asking for a friend 😳 gotspoons: OF COURSE NOT gotspoons: you're beautiful gotspoons: spill spill! tigerbalm: there isn't much to say except his running route goes past my house tigerbalm: we've 👋 at each other but no conversation has happened gotspoons: HOW EXCITING ihatemyguts: You've gotta talk to him ihatemyguts: such a meet-cute tigerbalm: I have no idea what I would say ihatemyguts: a hello to go with the 👋 to start ihatemyguts: you'll know what to do tigerbalm: a 'how are you?' to follow but what then? ihatemyguts: something like...you run this route often? ihatemyguts: do you run anywhere else? ihatemyguts: are you single? tigerbalm: 🐱 gotspoons: Oh! gotspoons: What does he look like? gotspoons: Can you take a picture? gotspoons: No, perhaps not gotspoons: I've got snap happy now 😅 tigerbalm: I'll try if I can do it without anyone else noticing tigerbalm: it's okay if my cat judges me, but no humans tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: I cannot officially endorse this behaviour, ladies tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: but I'm sure he would be very flattered and consider himself lucky, Robyn tigerbalm: Oh Rich, you're such a big softie 😸 brainpain: LMAO brainpain: forget the boy, I want pics of your cat tigerbalm: [cat pics] 🧡 inandout: that is a potentially judgemental looking moggy, be careful tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: girl or boy? tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: he or she is very distinguished looking, I feel tigerbalm: me & my mum were feeling outnumbered, so she got adopted too tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: fight the power ✊ tigerbalm: I have rabbits too but they would probably encourage me, they're pretty naughty tigerbalm: for fairness tigerbalm: [rabbit pics] brainpain: I had 🐭🐭 as a kid brainpain: LOVED those critters brainpain: [picture of kiddo Lauren with mice on her shoulders] ihatemyguts: I wish I was allowed pets with fur ihatemyguts: scales only inandout: I'm not either inandout: my brother's allergic ihatemyguts: maybe we have the same brother ihatemyguts: slightly concerned now inandout: yours isn't as old as mine, we know that inandout: unless some kind of freaky time loop or something has happened ihatemyguts: I'm you in a parallel universe inandout: before I agree to co-sign, do you have any pets with scales? ihatemyguts: 🐉 🐲 inandout: cool inandout: I accept our parallel lives ihatemyguts: [pics of your dragons 'cos probably have one each lowkey] inandout: if I'm the only petless one in the "core" I will have to hang my head ihatemyguts: you can have joint custody ihatemyguts: don't worry inandout: pet names + a pet share? What a day ihatemyguts: v generous inandout: I'm making that discovery ihatemyguts: 🎁🔍 inandout: I wish we were doing a treasure hunt inandout: that's gonna be date 4 ihatemyguts: challenge accepted ihatemyguts: you gotta find the treasure outside then rehide it though ihatemyguts: more fun inandout: rules accepted ihatemyguts: if you happen to find 💰💎🏺🧭🔮🧿📿 then we'll bury it inandout: what happens if I find a 🗝? ihatemyguts: #5 finding the 🚪 or 🔓 it fits brainpain: Wait, how many dates am I chaperoning you 👶🤓s for? brainpain: gotta find a ✏️ to write this down ihatemyguts: technically, Zach wants to wait 'til he's not 🔞 ihatemyguts: unless you're well dedicated to protect and serve ihatemyguts: also plenty of time to lose that 📄 inandout: don't listen to her, the first date is Robbie's party and we've all 📅 ihatemyguts: might be a double date ihatemyguts: 💃🏃 tigerbalm: I'm so happy that you're both coming! tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: Of course they're not missing the event of the season tigerbalm: 😸😺 tigerbalm: I better plan some more tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: It is your forte tigerbalm: compliments are yours tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: and hair tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: humility, less so brainpain: I can vouch for that being why we're soulmates tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: it's the way you can dominate a conversation tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: like a girl with something to say brainpain: 😏 tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: Tease brainpain: you'd be into it if I were tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: now she speaks 🤫 tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: If Rosie isn't sleeping she'll be 😖 brainpain: I know how to behave, you're the bad influence here tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: Gladly take that reputation tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: much worse could be said about me brainpain: catch that 2nd wave of drama when the haters log back in tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: I hope so brainpain: only cos you missed the kick off tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: Not taking politics for nothing brainpain: they can 🔫 @ me if it means you get your 🎓 babe tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: long as I can 🛡 without being fibro about it brainpain: you did tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: 👍 gotspoons: I was thinking gotspoons: maybe if we make more boards for specific topics, that would be better? gotspoons: then the chat could be just that, a casual chat that isn't necessarily disability related but us related, as people gotspoons: what do you guys think? brainpain: I'm in inandout: me too inandout: I was gonna make a similar suggestion but it was my last idea that started everything earlier gotspoons: It's not your fault, Zach gotspoons: I just need to do some admin, update the site tigerbalm: I can help if you need any gotspoons: Thanks, Robbie
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artificialqueens · 5 years
Pet-Sitting (No ship) -ImposterZoe
AN: Mistress is an awesome Beta! This is Apollo and Henry destroying Yvie and Vanjie. Enjoy! IZ
Who in their right mind thought Yvie and Vanjie would be good pet sitters?
Brooke did. Well... whether or not he was in his right mind remains to be seen.
You see, Nina ordered him to go on vacation after he woke up with his nose in a blush compact. He coughed up purple for a week.
He wanted to agree but he had a problem. "My normal cat-sitter is sick. Who'll watch Henry and Apollo?"
Immediately after he said that, two "volunteers" appeared on either side of him. He looked between Yvie and Vanjie, a smile slowly forming on his lips.
"What's with the creepy ass smile?” Yvie questioned. “That's my thing."
Brooke smiled brighter as he tossed his arms around his friends, squeezing them tight.
"You guys owe me favors, right?"
Vanjie and Yvie share a glance, responding in unison.
"Uh oh."
"Why'd he give us so many instructions? Like, damn. It's just cat-sitting, Mary," Vanjie grumbles as he stares at the long list Brooke left on his fridge.
The fridge that Yvie was currently rummaging through.
"Well he does love those cats more than himself. Can you imagine if one got hurt? We'd be dead like that." Yvie slams the fridge shut to emphasize his point. "Besides it's just for the weekend while he's visiting Canada with Nina. We can watch two little cats until then."
Vanjie sighed. "You're right. Where are they anyway?"
Yvie starts to shrug when he feels something warm and wet on his leg. He doesn't even dare to look down.
"Did… did one just piss on my leg?"
Vanjie looks down in time to see Henry walking away with what he was sure was a smirk. He manages a serious expression as he speaks.
"Yeah, you got pissed on." Then he calmly excused himself to the bedroom where Yvie heard him laugh hysterically.
Flipping off the air, Yvie trudged to the bathroom to wash his leg. Thank god he took off his shoes when he came in.
By the time Vanjie finally regained some sort of composure, Yvie changed into joggers and had a movie going, along with a pizza cooking.
Jumping on the other end of the couch, Vanjie pulls out his laptop to get some work done.
He smirks as he notices Yvie pull his legs up as Henry walks by.
"Really?" he laughs.
Yvie's about to reply when a ripping sound heard behind them. They stare at each other with wide eyes before slowly looking behind the couch.
All they see is a flash of tail and 8 long claw marks down the back of the couch. They gape as they take in damage. Yvie darts out of the room and returns with two sets of sewing supplies.
Tossing one to Vanjie, he hastily threads the needle and sets to work on one set of claw marks. Vanjie jumps beside him and sets to work on the second set of claws.
They're almost done when they freeze at another loud ripping sound.
They both peek over opposite sides of the couch, each of them laying eyes on different cat as they scratch up the arms of the couch.
The two share another glance before rushing through the sewing on the back of the couch and hurrying to repair the damaged arms. They manage to finish without another incident and collapse on the cushions.
They barely manage to catch their breath when Yvie rushes to the kitchen and yanks the pizza out. It wasn't burned thank god. Slicing it in eighths he calls to Vanjie.
"Pizza's ready!"
Vanjie scurries in with a smile on his face. He grabs sodas from the fridge while Yvie carries the pizza into the living room.
But somehow in the thirty seconds since Vanjie left, Henry had worked his way on top of Brooke's mantle.
"How did he even get up there?!" Yvie yells as he sets the pizza down. Vanjie puts the sodas down next to it on the coffee table.
"Hell if I know!" he yells back. Yvie reaches up, attempting to grab the cat. Henry hisses and scratches at Yvie's hands.
Vanjie's too short to help but looks down in time to see Apollo run off with a piece of pizza. Dashing after him, Vanjie scrambled over the couch.
While he literally fell flat on his face in the process, he manages to catch the cat in the bedroom. Apollo scratches at his hand but Vanjie gets most of the pizza from the cat’s evil little mouth.
Shaking the destroyed slice at the angry cat, he yells, "This'll make you sick!"
Going to the kitchen to toss the slice, he sees Yvie still struggling with Henry. After placing the rest of the pizza somewhere he's sure Apollo won't get it, he goes to help.
His phone rings before he makes it over there. Seeing it's Brooke, he rushes back to the bedroom for some quiet where he could hopefully convince their friend that everything was going great.
After taking a deep breath, he answers with a somewhat steady voice.
"Hey Brooke. How's Canada?"
Brooke sighs into the phone. "It's wonderful Vanjie. I forgot how much I missed it."
Despite all the stress from the last half hour, Vanjie smiles. "That's good. You've been real stressed."
Brooke snorts. "Yeah. So how are you and Yvie holding up? How are my boys?"
Before Vanjie could respond, there's a commotion in the living room.
Yvie yells, "Henry, nooo!"  He screams and the sound of glass breaking can be heard. Then Henry yowls.
Vanjie's heart drops when he realizes Brooke could probably hear it on his end of the call.
On the other end, Brooke was stock still, his face white. Before he could ask a question though, the call ends. What the hell was going on over there?
Chaos. That's what was going on over there. Vanjie rushes out of the bedroom and stares at the scene before him in horror.
What was once a vase, Brooke's favorite vase, was shattered in a million pieces. Yvie was holding Henry at arms length, barely maintaining control of him.
Vanjie scoops the cat from him and hastily chucks him in the bedroom, where Apollo was staring from the bed. Shutting the door and praying they couldn't get out, he walks back to Yvie.
"What happened?!" Vanjie cries, finally taking in the other things Henry knocked off the mantel. Which was every single little thing.
Yvie winces as he lightly drags his finger over the many scratches Henry had gouged into his skin.
"Well while you were busy playing tug-o-war with a cat using a slice of pizza, I was fighting that motherfucking cat to keep him from cutting his damn paws open! This is after he jumps over my head and into a vase!"
Vanjie's jaw falls open. "He wasn't hurt right?!"
Yvie scowls. "That asshole is fine. This asshole's arms are killing him! But thanks for asking!"
Vanjie runs a hand over his head. "Sorry. I didn't think this would be so hard!"
Yvie throws his hands in the air. "Neither did I!"
They sit there in silence for a second, when they hear the cats meowing from the bedroom.
Vanjie slaps himself as remembers something. "We gotta replace their litter before they can come out. You know how right? 'Cause I'm not doing it by myself."
Yvie stalks toward the kitchen. "Yes I know how to do it. I'm not stupid."
Vanjie follows him and grabs the trash can. Yvie picks up one litter box and Vanjie hefts the other.
And they make the mistake of leaning in, and pouring both in the trash at once.
Immediately the bag slides down in the can and a huge cloud of litter dust rises in their faces. They drop the boxes in the trash, hands flying to their eyes.
Yvie immediately starts sneezing and Vanjie coughs, having inhaled more of the dust.
They scramble out of the kitchen, sneezing and coughing the whole way.
After a while Yvie manages to stop sneezing, and hands Vanjie one of the soda's from earlier to help with his cough. Vanjie cracks it open and it immediately explodes. They scream as soda sprays them.
"Can we have a fucking win today?!" Yvie screams to the ceiling.
He walks back in the kitchen and sorts out the litter boxes. Sneezing more as he pours in the new litter, he drops the boxes back down.
Vanjie walks in, his hair matted with soda. "I'll sweep if you wanna-" He's cut off by the loud meows from behind them.
They turn to see the cats sitting on Vanjie's phone. Which was vibrating.
Grabbing a cat in each arm, (and getting scratched to hell as he puts them down), he snags his phone.
"Brooke wants to video chat," he murmurs emotionlessly.
Yvie nudges Henry away with his foot. "No. He'd freak if he saw the place."
He wasn't wrong. There was litter everywhere in the kitchen, soda and broken glass in the living room, and (they didn't know this yet) cat piss all over Brooke's bedroom floor.
Vanjie declines the call and brightens with an idea.
"Let's call Nina. Tell him to keep Brooke busy until we can fix some stuff."
Yvie nods, looking at his now ringing phone. "Better do it quick. Brooke's tryna call me now."
Vanjie rings up the older queen.
"Hello?" Nina answers cheerfully.
"Nina! Hey! I need a favor."
Before Vanjie could say anything, Brooke snatches Nina's phone.
"Vanjie what the hell are you doing?! What's going on over there?"
Vanjie hastily hangs up. "Nina's out of the question."
Yvie sighs as a cat attempts to jump on his back. "Can't we just load the food bowls and avoid Brooke for the rest of our lives?"
After serious consideration, they agree Brooke would find them in 3 weeks and they would suffer slow, painful deaths.
They start to sweep up the litter and look to see both cats run off with slices of pizza.
Scrambling after them, they snatch the slices away.
"What's that smell?" Yvie whispers. Vanjie shrugs.
They follow the smell to Brooke's room. Taking a look around the sodden room, they slowly back away.
"Not in the job description," Vanjie mumbles.
Yvie snorts. "None of this is in the job description."
Vanjie sighs. "Henry's tryna pee on you again."
Yvie jumps back, scowling at the cat. They walk back in the room the see Apollo stretched out on Vanjie's laptop.
Yvie just slowly falls to the ground, a defeated look on his face. Vanjie's phone buzzes again and he stares at it in silence.
"Just don't let him see the room," Yvie mumbles.
Vanjie answers the call, zooming in on his face. He forces a smile.
"Hey Brooke!"
The man didn't look happy. "Don't 'hey Brooke' me. What is going on over there? Where's Yvie?"
Carefully, Vanjie zooms out and Brooke sees Yvie sprawled out on the floor, Apollo now on his face. He raises a hand in some sort of greeting.
"Aww! That's so… Is Henry peeing on him?" Brooke wonders.
Vanjie sighs as Henry does his business on Yvie's leg and runs away. "Not again."
"What do you mean 'again'? And wasn't my vase over there?" Brooke's voice gets slightly more frantic as he takes in the room.
Vanjie was coming up with an excuse when Henry bounds in with a roll of toilet paper in his mouth. He runs around Yvie, trailing it around the tall man. He darts between Vanjie's legs and while he's looking down, his phone shifts and Brooke gets a view of the place.
"WHAT THE HELL?! WHAT HAPPENED HERE?!" Brooke shrieks, no doubt attracting attention on his end of the call.
Vanjie just hangs up and turns his phone off. "Turn your phone off. He'll call you in a second."
Yvie turns his off just as Brooke starts to call him. Vanjie lifts Apollo from Yvie's face, tossing him to the side.
"So exactly how painful and slow were the deaths we'd suffer for ditching?" he mumbles once his mouth his cat free.
"Extremely. Brooke's one to torture," Vanjie responds, holding a hand out.
Yvie takes it and allows himself to be pulled up. "Wanna share the guest room? The main still smells like cat piss. We can clean in the morning"
Vanjie nods tiredly. "You may want to take off your pants off and wash your leg."
Yvie slips into the bathroom while Vanjie feeds the cats and gives them water. He also tosses the rest of the uneaten pizza with a shake of his head. Cats got more than they did.
Yvie comes out of the bathroom and they file into the guest room. Vanjie makes sure to lock the door.
They crawl into bed, too tired to make any jokes about staying on one side. In fact Vanjie lays his head on Yvie's chest.
There's a loud crash outside and the sound of one of the cats throwing up.
They both look towards the door, look at each other, and just settle back down.
They just press into each other. You know what they say.
Misery loves company.
After steeling their nerves, they trudge out to the living room and almost burst into tears.
"Don't worry guys. They're real low-maintenance." Yvie mumbles, remembering Brooke's words from a couple days ago.
The house was completely wrecked.
There was even more toilet paper spread on the floor and it was stained in places with what they knew was cat piss. Brooke's lamp was shattered, the shade ripped up. Vanjie grabbed Yvie to stop him from stepping in a pile of cat puke.
"So when you say torture," Yvie says as they stare at the room, "how long would that last exactly?"
Vanjie shot him a tired look. "Considering how trashed his house is and how he'd never blame those cats for a damn thing, at least a month. Maybe two."
They're about to get cleaning supplies when the door opens.
"I thought we had another day!" Vanjie hisses to Yvie.
Yvie just laughs. "We thought a lot of things coming into this."
Brooke gapes at the room. Then his mouth presses into a firm line.
"What. Happened. Here?" he grinds out.
In unison they point at the cats, who were sitting smugly by the kitchen.
"Did you put the meds in their food like I told you to?"
Vanjie looks at Yvie who gives a confused shrug.
"What meds?" Yvie says cautiously.
Brooke takes a deep breath. "The ones I told you to put in their food to keep them from acting out. Cats with anxiety act out so I told you to. Give. Them. Their. Anxiety medication."
"You never said that!" Vanjie objects.
Brooke gives them his signature cold glare and explodes. "IT'S THE FIRST THING ON THE LIST OF FUCKING INSTRUCTIONS!"
"Guess we should've actually read that list, huh?" Yvie whispers in Vanjie's ear. Vanjie gives a solemn nod as Brooke walks in the door.
He gestures wildly toward the room.
"My lamp is destroyed. My vase. My couch is ripped and poorly sewn up. My poor cats must've been freaking out."
He rants on and on. Noticing he wasn't really paying attention Yvie slowly edges out of the room. He grabs their overnight bags and indicates the door with his head.
Vanjie immediately follows suit, grabbing his bag and hopscotching his way to the door. Yvie follows and they pull on their shoes.
But then, as if one last 'fuck you', Henry and Apollo meow at the top of their lungs.
Brooke turns toward them and sees the two halfway out the door. Yvie breaks the silence.
"I take it you're not gonna trust with pet-sitting again huh?"
Brooke runs a hand over his face. "I wouldn't trust you with a pet rock right now. Get out."
Immediately they're out the door scrambling away from the house at top speed.
Brooke leans on his couch with a sigh and looks at his cats.
"What do you think guys? Should I kill 'em?"
The cats purr in response.
"I thought so. Now let me clean this mess up."
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imnotcameraready · 5 years
Enjambment (chivalry au)
A/N: it’s the first not-main-story story!!!! wrote this while tryna figure out how to get from point a to point b, and it doesn’t really fit in with the story’s Flow, so it’s gonna be its own lil part! it’s also got a little bit more character building for the Playwright and the Artist, if anyone wanted that lm a o — they’re good bois, they’re just. really bad at being good bois. 
also i kNOW chapter 11 came out like, last night, but  ,. ., ., .. . ive had this sitting ready for literally a week ., ,. ,..  sorry for bombarding y’all with this au :’’D
WARNINGS: self-deprecation, self-hate, touch starved, threats, cursing/swearing, destruction of property, destruction of art (ewe)
Words: 2085
AO3 link to this story; AO3 link to chivalry’s main plot
MASTERPOST! <-- i dont think this story is understandable without reading the other parts, hence im plugging it so much  ; v; i’m sorry y’all ilu <3 
chivalry taglist: @starlightvirgil​ @forrestwyrm​ @daflangstlairde​ @marshmallow-the-panda​ @askthesnake​ @k9cat​ @patromlogil​
general tag: @jemthebookworm​
hope you enjoy!! <3 <3 <3 
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The Playwright didn’t like admitting he was wrong. He often wasn’t. Having the position of an omniscient narrator meant he got to be right a lot, which was one of Roman’s favorite things.
But his argument with the Artist may not have been one of those “right” things. The Playwright leaned on the table, twirling a pencil absentmindedly as he contemplated. He wasn’t entirely wrong, no. The Artist had to keep in mind the safety of the other Sides. If anything happened to any of them, Thomas would be hurt, and Roman would riot. Every bit of him, except for…. The Playwright winced. On the other hand, this in-fighting was exactly what they should be countering. Sure, everyone disagreed and that was the purpose of this dismantling, but the Playwright was above these squabbles. Should be above them, figuratively, because in physical space, he very much was above them.
Apologizing would be the logical thing to do.
He sighed, rubbing his forehead. He didn’t enjoy entering the medieval town, didn’t like going deeper into the Imagination, but it seemed he would traverse there more often.
The sound of a paper flipping caught his attention. His eyes shot open as he looked around the room. No one was there.
But he’d definitely heard movement. The Playwright swallowed down his fear. “Hello?” he called out.
Nothing. None of the costumes had moved, none of the shoes or benches or any of his paperwork.
Wait, no, there was something. The Playwright moved a few scraps to the side and picked up an envelope. This hadn’t been there before.
Cordial invitation of Roman ‘Playwright’ Sanders to the Entry Gala — in celebration of Morality, Logic, Anxiety, and Deceit’s welcome to the Imagination.
The Playwright’s eyes widened. Oh, fuck.
He tore the envelope open and read its contents.
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The Artist wept.
He ran his hand along the ruined canvas — ruined by his hand, torn open with his own knife and dirtied with his tears — and pressed it fast to his chest.
Why was he so mean? Why did it hurt so much, for his creations to be picked at like vultures and a carcass? Wasn’t that the point, wasn’t that how artists improved?
Ah, who was he kidding. He wasn’t a real artist at all. Just a name he’d selected when they first started this game.
The Artist was so wrapped up in his lamentations that he didn’t hear the soft sound of paper falling onto the floor beside him.
He shouted again, cradling the broken mess of canvas and wooden frames. All good artists got second opinions. No one was safe from criticism, and there was always room for improvement! He should know this, he DID know that, it was reasonable. But hearing it from the others always made him so anxious—
He sniffed, wiping his face with the paw of his sweatshirt. If he was falling apart this bad, it must mean he was losing this challenge thing. But thinking of anxiety and then, well, Anxiety, Virgil…. the Artist wished he’d gotten to meet the two, too. Like every other bit, he did love them.
The sound of debris being scattered, then a surprised yelp. The Artist sighed, curling up tighter. God fucking damnit.
“What—I’ve—Artist?!” the Playwright asked.
The Artist was sat against the wall, cradling a bundle of broken paintings to his chest, previously white sweater dirtied with layers upon layers of paint. All around him, every painting that has previously been neatly stacked in the room was torn to shreds. Broken pieces of wood and canvases halved were strewn around the room in piles, or one thick pile, with only a small circle of ground around the Artist. Sketchbooks were torn, even the drawing tablet was — okay, the Playwright wasn’t going to look at that and think of the physical monetary price, because none of this was real. Holy shit, the Artist had put a hole into the wall of his house. There was a hole? He’d punched a hole into the wall? Good heavens.
The Playwright, in an effort to not damage any of his art, accidentally appeared on top of one of the piles. He fell over, landing on his butt amongst the shreds, and looked around wildly.
“What happened?” he asked once he caught sight of the Artist’s frozen figure in the corner, still since he arrived, “Did Dragon—”
“They weren’t good enough, so I tore them up,” the Artist whispered into his own folded arms.
The Playwright’s brow pinched in worry. That had happened only a few times before, where a single work had been so terrible that the Artist ripped it to shreds in anger, but he’d never done….this. And he especially wouldn’t have done this, since he had numerous pieces he wanted to show the other Sides.
He drew in a breath as his mind filled in the gap.
“Oh, Artist, what did they say?” the Playwright whispered, pushing himself up and slowly making his way closer.
“Nothing. Get away.”
He grit his teeth. The Artist was going to be difficult, wasn’t he? Now, now, it wasn’t a good time to lose his temper. He came with a job to do, and he wasn’t cruel enough to leave the Artist to be upset alone. And he needed his help. This was purely logical.
He wanted to laugh. Being logical was so taxing; how did Logan do it all the time?
“Artist. I’m not leaving,” the Playwright sat in front of him, “I take it that Logic and Morality didn’t take well to your paintings?”
He glanced up at the Playwright, quick enough to now show an expression but slow enough that the Playwright caught a glimpse of his tearstained eyes.
“They–They said my art’s unfinished. Logic did.”
The Playwright frowned. “Wait. That’s it?”
The Artist curled up more, and the Playwright gently put a hand on his forearm. “Wait, wait, I didn’t mean it  judgy. I just….that’s something you’ve complained about, too.”
To that, the Artist shot him a small glare. When the Playwright put it like that, then the Artist’s reaction seemed childish. “Yeah, but,” he sighed, “I didn’t want them to say anything about it.”
“Then why didn’t you warn them about it?” the Playwright asked, confused.
“Look, I don’t–I don’t know!” the Artist tossed the painting he was cradling aside and ran his hands through his hair, “It all happened so fast, and Padre was getting mad at me for not letting Child stay here. It—they both got upset at me, and they interrupted my painting, and Padre kept hugging me and it felt weird.”
The Playwright exhaled. He put a mental pin on the hugging thing — a similar thing had happened to him the other day, and he would have to talk to the others about what may be occurring — and then scooted closer again, sitting beside the Artist.
“Seeing as I wasn’t there, I cannot speak to what your argument may have been about. But I know that Logic and Morality wouldn’t have wanted to intentionally harm us.”
“How do you know, Pencil pusher?” the Artist hissed, though his words held an emptiness that betrayed his disbelief.
“Because they wouldn’t. They’re calloused, but they wouldn’t hurt us. Maybe Prince.”
The Artist snorted. “You really hate that guy.”
The Playwright smiled. Good. He cleared his throat and threw up his hands in the Prince’s signature style. “Hoo hoo, look at me, I’m a Disney Prince and I like singing songs and being an idiot!” he said, mockingly emphasizing a mispronunciation of “Disney.”
That got the Artist to laugh, shoving the Playwright gently. “Hey, hey, Disney’s cool! I’ll defend Disney to the death,” he rubbed the back of his neck.
The tension returned, but only slightly. The Playwright didn’t want to push him, but he was a little impatient for the Artist to pull himself together. His feet gently tapped against the ground in a small, familiar tune.
After what seemed like ages, the Artist let out a breath.
“....I did….overreact. A little,” he said. “The knife was too much.”
“A lot. Wait, did you say knife?”
“Yeah. I, um, I lost it a little.” He rubbed the back of his head again, looking up at the Playwright. “Thank you for sitting with me.”
The Playwright smiled. Wonderful. He patted the Artist’s arm comfortingly. “If I cannot comfort myself, then what am I doing?”
They both shared a small chuckle at that. It was easy to forget that they were two parts of a much more cohesive whole.
It was also easy to forget that the Playwright had something else he wanted to ask. He clapped, sitting upright and startling the Artist.
“Sorry,” he put his hands up, eyes blazing with new worry, “I actually came to ask something else — did you get invited to the party?”
The Artist’s brow furrowed. “The….party? No?”
“Oh, come, you must have,” the Playwright looked around.
The same envelope he’d received prior was sitting beside the Artist, on top of some of the ruined paintings. He picked it up and found two more envelopes beneath. “Great Ben Jonson, you got Logic and Morality’s invitations, too,” the Playwright flipped through the three cards and handed the one addressed to the Artist, to the Artist. “You must not have noticed it earlier. I got a letter similar, this morning. From Dragon.”
“From Dragon? Fuck, how’d he find us?” the Artist read the front and flipped it over again, tearing it open.
“I don’t know. Perhaps he just sent it to the location of whoever said Logic’s name last night. I also don’t know how he got backstage to deliver mine,” the Playwright read over his shoulder, “I honestly came here hoping to find the other Sides. We need to warn them.”
“We do? About what?” the Artist shot him a frown, but the Playwright just gestured to the paper, so he read the invitation.
His eyes scanned through it once. His body slowly tense as he realized what was being asked, and he flipped it over, checking all around the letter and the envelope that there wasn’t more.
“This,” the Artist reread the letter once more before lowering it and staring, stricken, at the Playwright, “This is a fucked up joke, right? Like, it’s gotta be a joke. Dragon’s Disney pranking us, without friends.”
“I don’t want to hazard that,” the Playwright stood up and motioned for the Artist to get up, “We need to find the others and warn them. If Logic and Morality’s invitations are here, then they must not know, and it’s a safe bet that if they don’t know, then Anxiety and Deceit don’t know, either.”
The Artist pushed himself up, rolling his sleeves up and wiping his face slowly. “He wouldn’t hurt them,” he mumbled. “Why’s he mentioning Prince, too?”
“I don’t know. And after what he did to Damsel?” The Artist rolled his eyes as the Playwright continued, “I don’t think Dragon would hesitate to hurt them, and he’s using the concept of Prince as bait.”
Goddamnit, he was probably right. The Artist rubbed his eyes and fixed his glasses. “Alright. I just,” God, he was hideous. “Should I change?”
The Playwright squinted. “Have you not left your house since this all started?”
“No,” the Artist looked at him like he was stupid, “Why would I?”
Alright. Alright, this was a predicament. The Playwright blew out a lot of air, eyebrows raising as he tried to figure out, in the most concise way, he could tell the Artist that he wanted to throttle him. His attire was absolutely not correct for the setting that they’d established, and he couldn’t fathom WHY the Artist wanted to parade around a medieval town looking like THAT.
No, you know what? It was fine. Sleep was walking around in a leather jacket, it’s FINE. Perhaps the Playwright was the only one who cared about the sanctity of the setting.
Meanwhile, the Artist looked around and waved his hand. The torn paintings all disappeared, leaving the room empty, looking larger than ever. The hole in the wall faded away, establishing itself as a solid wall once more. He looked down at his outfit and simply wiped it, the paint stains all disappearing as his hand passed over them, revealing a creamy-white color once more.
“That’s good enough,” the Playwright snapped, grabbing a fist of his shirt and tugging him forward, “Come on.”
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lady-olive-oil · 5 years
Work Out: Chapter 1
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The moment you’ve all been waiting for; chapter 1 of Work Out. It took a lot out of me to finally get this out and im glad it’s here. The song in this is My Love For You by Sevyn Streeter, and I’m having it to where Geneva sings a few songs and have written some. Hence why it’s so long and the lyrics are in it, i recommend you listen to it while Geneva sings. So without further ado, here we go! If ya wanna be apart of my Lil Nasties Tag Squad, let me know!
Warning(s): nothing but language and a few heated moments
Word Count: 3,009 [i snapped]
Lil Nasties: @maddiestundentwritergaines || @themyscxiras || @sparklemichele || @designerwriterchic || @honeychicana || @chaneajoyyy || @jojolu || @dc41896 || @inlovewithmakeupcomicsanimelove || @jozigrrl
-3 Weeks Later-
“What in the pink Himalayan salt, is this shit?!”
The year barely started and I was already in deep with issues. With trying to open up my own gym; moving and trying to spend time with my friends, my soon to be ex husband just had to add more things to his side of the divorce settlement.
“Genevieve Leona. Language.” Her father had the chance to look over the new settlement that she has given, checking to see if there were any plausible loopholes.
Placing a gentle kiss on her father's graying cheek, she handed him a glass of water, before sitting across from him at the island.
“Sorry dad. But you of all people should know how difficult this is. You've handled cases harder than this.”
“Sweet pea, I get it. I do, but I need for you to calm down please?”
His hardworking hands were placed on top of my delicate one's, trying to ease my pain. Who knew that going through a divorce was so time consuming and dreadful.
“He just works my nerves. I’m glad I went with the prenup before hand, because he would've gotten half of my building space. Which I’m not having that.”
Opening my own space is a dream of mine, something I've always wanted since I was 12. Whether is was going to become a gym; a skating rink or a combination of both, I was going to have it. Jake knows about it too, but he doesn’t like seeing me succeed more than him.
“We’ll get this all straightened out soon enough. In the meantime, don’t work yourself up over this clown. Like ya mama says ‘he ain’t worth hella beans.’ She’s wise you know. Imma head on home, and we’ll talk more later.” A hearty chuckle escaped him, as he kissed my head before heading to his car, to make it home before the sunset.
“I know, I know. She was right about this one, maybe. Call me when you get home, pops. Ok?” Giving him one more goodbye kiss, I waved at him before making it back inside.
“Operation: Get Jake out of my Life, is a go. All I need is some wine and dancing. I know just who to call.”
Picking up the phone to dial the FaceTime group chat, I was greeted by the other two angels in my life.
“What’s up golden girls. Y’all busy this weekend?”
“Nah not really no. We could go out tonight, I just finished up the schedule for the upcoming comic con in July. Gotta have costumes on deck to win. Ryan and I are good to go, his work thing ain’t till Thursday right?
Destiny never stopped working, even after college she made sure her coin was on point.
“I’m free this weekend too. Yeah him and John have this medical convention Thursday, which I clocked it to be 15 min away, so we all good to tag along as a group. Whatcha have in mind?”
Cynthia, our resident spy, could never be too careful when it came to men she dated. But Johnny never gave her a reason to doubt him.
“Skate night at Roller Jam. I need to get loose for a few hours to some Cool & The Gang. Besides it’ll give y’all a chance to see ya girl get down on some wheels.”
Roller skating has been in my blood since I was in the womb. My parents met at a roller skating rink and they’ve been groovin ever since. I happen to be the captain of my own roller skating team called Roller Queens. Best team to ever roll into Staten Island.
“I can get down with that, be like old times.” Destiny agreed.
“Great times. Oh what about Mr. Tall, blonde and gorgeous? Have you talked to him lately?” Cynthia changed the subject.
“Ha ha. No I haven’t. But he has been blowing up my Instagram like crazy. I have replied a bit though, nothing too drastic. Some chicks  have been messaging me like ‘get away from him’; ‘he doesn’t want a hoe like you’ or ‘you’re not his type. Step off’ These little girls man, I’m telling you.”
It’s not like I don’t want Florian, I mean who doesn’t? Have you seen him lately? All jokes aside, I’m not looking for anything serious right now no way. I’m too busy trying to get my divorce finalized.
“We know you clapped them back. No time for the girls, this is grown woman ish.”
“What Dede said.” Cynthia chuckled a bit, candying is all to join in and I saw her man in the background. So I gave him a wave before looking at the time.
“Speaking of time, it’s getting late. I have to go get Leilani from the recording studio today since Lucas has their car and his game ran late. Plus Donny is on a date so, Older sister to the rescue.”
“We’ll see you at the rink Friday, ok?” Destiny said as she moved around the kitchen only for Ryan to say hi to me as well.
“Yeah. At like 5 ish, it’s late skate so it’s better. See y’all later. Mwha!” Sending then both my love and kisses, we hung up and went on about our business.
As I got ready to head downtown, I got a text from Michael saying he’s still in town for the next few weeks. That could only mean one thing: it was for business. Which also meant that Florian would be with him too. Maybe my week we starting to look up. I texted him what studio I’d be at, kill two birds with one stone.
Walking into the studio, I heard the smooth R&B sounds of Leilani’s voice through the speakers. This is where she’s always in her element, she turns everything out and puts her all into her vocals and practices. I couldn’t be more prouder of my siblings for going for their dreams.
“Good job little bird. Come out real quick would ya?” I smiled happily as she walked out the booth, proceeding to give me a hug in return.
“You really think I’m good? I know I need more practice, but I know I’m getting better day by day. How’s life going for you? Jake still being a little shit?” Leilani arched a brow, sitting in the chair across from me.
“As always. He added more “demands” to our divorce settlement, and I’m pretty sure I can’t meet them at all. So he’s stuck with his shit, and I keep mine.” I shrugged a tad, spinning in my chair and Leilani gave me a look.
“Well I hope he gets what he’s asking for cause all this is too much on me, and I ain’t even the one divorcing him. Let’s get your mind off of it, why don’t you go sing in the booth one time?” She suggested and the look turned into a smile.
“Me? In the booth? I haven’t done that in years Lei.” 6 years to be exact, but who's counting.
“That’s just it. Give it a shot and try it. That one song you were working on for the talent show, back home. What was it called?” She really wanted me to sing for her once. Anything for my sister I guess.
“My Love For You. It’s called My Love For You.”
“See?! Please sis? I want to hear you sang one time. I got Marcus here and we can cut it real fast. Nothing like a side hobby next to skating right? Please!” Leilani held my hands and gave me a puppy dog pout.
“Fine! Fine I’ll do it.” I broke down and earned a squeal from her, as I went into the booth. Putting on the headphones I saw Michael and  Florian walk in just in time.
“Oh snap, cuzzo going in the booth.” Michael received a hug from Leilani, before he introduced her Florian who was a smitten kitten over seen Geneva again.
“Yeah yeah. Mike, don’t distract me please I’m in my zone. And you brought Florian too. Now I gotta show out.” I shook my shoulders a bit, receiving some laughs from the group before getting the signal from Marcus.
“Yes I’m here too. Michael didn’t tell me you could sing. So I am interested even more now.” The smirk that etched his perfect face wasn’t helping the fact that he looked good in his red track suit. Jesus be a fence.
Did it get hot in here? The heat must be on cause my face was feeling warm, when he smirked at me. I can not lose myself over this man.
“I’m ok. Been a while but maybe it’ll all come back to me soon.”
With a slight nod, I opened my phone to the lyrics I had saved in my notes, and just went with the rhythm. I had to think of something that made me happy in order to do the song. At the time it was Jake but, now I just had myself.
The track started off and Leilani was already vibing to the beat. Michael was too, with Florian soon falling in line. Controlling my breathing, getting the hang of it all over again. Hearing the background vocals, I got into the groove.
I, I'm saving all the
I'm saving all my love for you (to you, I)
I'm saving all the love (whoo, oh)
I'm saving all my love for you
Looking straight at Florian, I decided pour all my emotion into the song to practically let him know what i was feeling without being direct.
Ridin' round town in your black Impala
With my baby, yeah, that's my partner
Look the other way when they tryna holler
So unbothered, we're so unbothered
See I got niggas slidin' in my DMs
Stevie Wonderin' if I'ma ever see 'em
But I don't pay that shit no mind
No, I don't give that shit no time, no time
I just curve 'em from the a.m. to the p.m
Oh, baby, you're the reason
That none of these niggas can touch me
Ain't none of these niggas get lucky
No, no, no, no, no
Florian’s POV
“Man, I think she’s singing to you.” Michael lean over towards me, mumbling about something as a smirk appeared on my face.
“Maybe so. Remember the bet I told you about, that we set at the New Years party? I still have to prove myself to her a lot if I want to make this work.” I mentioned while leaning against the wall. Entranced by her voice.
“Yeah yall both told me about it actually. You think you can do it? I mean she’s pretty persistent with whom she dates. Last guy only lasted 3 weeks, on top of her on going divorce cause Jake plays too much.” Michael had informed me about her future ex husband and how much of a moocher he is. The faster he leaves, the better chance I have.
“Better me than him.” I knew i had to make a good impression on her at least, because she hasn’t been treated right in so long from what I’ve been told by her friends. Giving her my undivided attention, I know she felt the sudden shift in change.
Geneva’s POV
Whatever the boys were talking about must’ve been important, by the way there were engaged in the topic. Once Florian looked at me again I got back into the zone, hitting those notes.
Only you, yeah, it's only you that get my attention
Only you, swear it's only you, ain't no competition, no
'Cause baby, you give me everything that I've been missin'
That's why I'm saving all my love for you
yeah yeah, saving all my love
Saving all my love for you
(I'm saving all my love)
Saving, saving all my love, I'm saving all my love for you
It ain't with nobody else, you got it all to yourself
Just keep doin' what you do, baby
And I'ma keep saving all my love for you
Oh oh oh
Saving all my love for you, saving all my love for you
(I, I'm saving all the love I'm saving all my love for you) Yeah
I felt the rhythm all over my body while moving to the beat, imagining what it would be like to be with someone who might actually love me for me.
Yeah, if I had a hundred, I would break you off a fifty
Yeah, I know you'd do the same, I know you'd split it with me
Yeah, on ya team, Micheal Jordan, Scottie Pippin
Long as we got each other, I ain't trippin'
You the one, you the realest, you the realest (I, I)
Only you, yeah, it's only you (only you) that get my attention
Only you, swear it's only you, ain't no competition, no
'Cause baby, you give me everything that I've been missin' (oh)
That's why I'm saving all my love for you
“Oh shit, sis is snappin on the vocals.” I could hear Leilani through the cracked door with one headphone on my right ear. It felt good seeing her vibe to me singing, it was something we do growing up. To get that opportunity again was amazing. Florian kept smirking at me, with a sudden lovey look in his green-gold eyes. He was leaning by Marcus, on the soundboard just in tranced by everything. I gave it my all and even hit a high note in there.
Saving, saving saving all my love
Saving all my love for you
I been saving (saving it for you)
(I'm saving all my love)
Saving all my love, saving all my love for you
You got it all to yourself
Just keep doin' what you do, baby
And I'ma keep saving all my love (all my) for you, oh (oh yeah)
Saving all my love (my love) for you, saving all my love for you
All (you) my (you) love (you) for you
(You) all (you) of my love saving all my love
You got it all to yourself
Just keep doin' what you do baby, yeah yeah
You got it all to yourself
Just keep doin' what you do baby, doin' what you do baby, yeah
You got it all to yourself
Just keep doin' what you do baby, doin' what you do baby, yeah yeah
You got it all to yourself
Just keep doin' what you do, baby, doin' what you do, baby, hey
Oh, what you do to me, baby
Oh, what you do to me, baby
I, I'm saving all the
I'm saving all my love for you (for you, I)
I, I'm saving all the
I'm saving all my love for you
Sending a wink in Florian’s direction, the game had started for us both. I had remembered that skate night was this weekend, the perfect opportunity to get this bet started. Coming out the booth feeling giddy about myself, I received a hug from my sister gaining my confidence over tenfold.
“You my dear, have a gift.” Florian took my hand and placed a kiss on top of it, trying to sway my way.
“Thanks. It’s one of my hidden talents, that I let you see without an ulterior motive.” with an arch in my brow, I gained a few laughs in the room. Looking him up and down, he eyed me too.
“You plan on giving me a show with your other talents, love?” He arched his brow as well, biting his bottom lip. Michael and Leilani were eating up the commentary.
Leilani took a picture of me for a split second, along with getting one of Florian with a shit eating grin on his face.
“Now yall both can either kiss already or do the first challenge. Am I right?” Mike reminded us both, setting the whole mood in motion.
“He’s right. Listen, this friday there’s a skate night at my old stomping grounds; Roller Jam in Staten Island. If you can skate to the beat, with some rhythm, I’ll go on a date with you.” crossing my arms across my chest, I felt confident in myself and always up for a challenge.
“Roller skating? You may have to help me out then. I’m tall enough but willing to learn.” Florian nodded in agreement and smiled genuinely at me. He handed me his phone to plug his number in, to set the game in motion and vice versa.
Sending the directions to the skating rink to him, I managed to take a picture of myself for the contact, and he did one for his in my phone. Before I left with my sister I set the tone of the challenge, standing on my tippy toes in my vermillion Nike Air Maxs, and placed a sweet kiss to his cheek. Looking into the reflective mirror on the wall I saw his cheeks turn red. His scent caught my senses, and it was intoxicating. He smelled like a warm fire and cocoa, something I wouldn't mind snuggling up against. Pulling away, I saw him look into my eyes for a split second, drawing me in but I had to be strong.
“Let the games begin, Munteanu.” With a gentle whisper against his ear, I grabbed my things and left him there speechless. Watching him watch me walk away with a sway in my hips.
“Let the games begin indeed, Shaw.” he was biting his plump bottom and giving me a once over one last time.
“You got it bad for my cousin bro. Let’s just hope for your sake, Jake doesn't come around and try to win her back.” I heard my cousin say to Florian as they left as well.
“I’d like to seem him try. I never lose.” the confidence in his voice stirred something in me, awakened the desire in me to finally be happy.
If Jake thinks he can mess up my fun, well he’s got another thing coming.
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