#didn't connect these dots yet thanks tumblr
wordycheeseblob · 6 months
*Clinks glass with spoon*
I've seen a couple of people so this and wanted to say a few words as well.
Tumblr dot com is the first and only place where I learned online connections can change lives so much or be so genuine. It's never about numbers. Each blog breathes life of the unique person behind it. So many colorful personalities brought together...
And we've been through a lot.. the great bot purge of 20', the AO3 siege, the battle of Halloween on Christmas eve, Auburn shipping wars....
I never knew I could know such friendship. I wish I could tuck in each one of my moots and give you a goodnight kiss, a hug when you're in a dark place, and scream into the void together about our interests (because what am I if not an enabler :) )
You've changed my life in so many ways and you have no idea
My wonderful artist friends, I've wondered how can the same hands that create such disaster (affectionate) manage such breathtaking art @clavissionary-position
And breathe so much life into the canon world with their own enthralling iteration (seriously somebody let him on the Devs team) @devonares I don't see you two so often around here anymore but I do hope we meet again some sunny day
thank you @mllorei for being the ride or die friend i never had, and an amazing talented writer (and artist!) And co-conspirator. Listen, this word count is severely limited for all I want to say (*whispering* like fix your sleeeeep goddamit) @krenenbaker you're a puzzle I will crack some day... A mystery yet to be solved. An evil little box of pandora. A secret mastermind of destruction *squints* but for reals, from what I've seen you're a direct and genuinely good person with a shared passion for historical fashion! (or ARE you...? Hmmm)
@venulus man you're just so iconic I have no words
@dove-da-birb another fantastic writer, I got to know you and @azulashengrottospiano somewhere at the same time. Hehe what the latter doesn't know is I orchestrated most of the shipping wars hee hee :3 and Dove, at first I wanted to bully you a bit with crowleg (please forgive this peasant) but then I think I accidentally adopted you. You, @keithsandwich and Lorei are the best crocheters I know <3
Myara's gold handiwork is honestly out of this world. Also thank you for sending me stuff and thinking of me, I really appreciate that.
@vivislosingitagain and @vioisgoinginsane 's sistership is of legendary status, and I think Vio is like a sister to Vivi. (They're clones they're clones)
Isn't it wonderful how through billions of people on earth, you've found eachother?
@thewitchofbooks my literature loving friend! (And I found out recently, great artist too??!) I hope to see you more this year, I get so happy when we interact you won't believe it...
Thank you @violettduchess for always making me smile and persevering in the face of hardship. You're strong, stand proud. @leonscape I wish you a year full of Leon, don't give up! He may not be everyone's cup of coffee, but he is to you and that's what matters.
Thank you for always being there, I see you around a lot and just wanted to thank you and wish you a new years too! :]
@candied-boys @altairring @otomefreak876 @solacedeer @this-is-war-peacock @here-for-gilbert @dear-sciaphilia @chi-the-idiot @serynhe @katriniac @mymumisasquid @olivermorningstar @caffedrine
@happy-pup you helped me a lot, I will never forget you ^^
And my new friendos here @v-anrouge @saint-garden (the gremlins) @ikemendrew @officialdaydreamer00 @jade-s-nymph @crheativity and @nuttytani I hope to see more of you this year too!
Phew... I hope I didn't forget anyone, that's a lot of people! Even a small act of kindness here has made ripples throughout the world, it reached so many people... Many things will pass but I sincerely hope,
if you're here or not, I hope this new year treats you well. And you continue with a newfound strength into the future
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missrhinedottir · 4 months
Pairing: Rhinedottir x Gn!Reader
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI, Dark Content, Rhinedottir uses She/Her Pronouns, Reader uses No Pronouns, Abusive Relationship, Abuse/Assault, Rhinedottir is a bitch (affectionate), Gender Neutral Reader, Human Experimentation, Manipulation, Less than 1k idk i wrote this in tumblr drafts lmao.
A/n: Okay, so I am writing a longer Rhine thing but for now I needed to get this out of my brain and into the wild. A quick forewarning, Rhine in this is very much made with my personal headcanons in mind so just please be aware of that. I know she hasn't made an official appearance but with how much we've heard about her in lore i cannot stop myself from being obsessed. Please, make sure you read all the warnings before reading. Thanks!
Tagging: @auphelia
Impatient. Chatty. Annoying. These are just some of the words Rhine would use to describe you. There were no buts, just Rhine and her disgust which permeated the walls of her lab. She looked over her notes again, and again, until she’d concluded that she was indeed dissatisfied with the work you both had done. Well, her work, but you were willing enough. Sadly as much as she loathed the idea of rethinking her strategy, she had no other choice.
In the meantime Rhine had no option but to map out what needed to be done and with what. As she thought it out in her mind, connecting dots that others would find irrelevant, her ears grew warm from the surrounding buzz of the room. The lack of sound often seemed the loudest at times to some. Although Rhine would disagree. The empty air was needed, a necessary measure. While others found comfort in idle chit chat she saw it nothing more than a distraction. Talking often got in the way of more important things, such as moments like this.
The silence was nice, forgiving even, but of course, you had to open that trap of yours. She nearly lost her composure listening to your mindless chatter sometimes. Of course her best test subject would be the most troublesome of them all. At times she wished she’d make a mistake—an impossible yet comforting thought—and “accidentally” end the experiment early. Never mind how utterly unlikely that would be. It’s that thought which was ripped from her upon hearing you ask another loud and idiotic question.
“What are you doing, Miss.Rhine?” Your voice is sweet with an ugly aftertaste.
She ignores you but her eye twitches.
Absolutely frustrating.
You press further, asking why she’s ignoring you, and it isn’t long before she’s letting out a growl.
She drops her clipboard and lunges a hand towards your face, forcing your gaze at hers. Her long, dirty nails dig into your cheeks causing them to hurt just enough to shut you up.
“I will cut out your tongue if you do not silence it.” She snapped.
Silence finally thickened the surrounding air, staining a reminder into your throat as you swallowed hard. Rhine was usually patient, something she had to force herself to be after many years with you, but you had a way of testing her limits. Your voice was just one of her many irritants. She scoffed and let go of your face roughly, recklessly throwing back your head till it hit the surface behind you. Finally, she could get back to the task at hand, she thought to herself.
Sadly, she made the mistake of glancing over at your teary eyed face. You averted your eyes the instant hers locked onto yours. You sniffled and flinched as she moved her hand to pinch her nose. God, you were so fucking insufferable. It was always something with you. Well, she very well couldn't continue her work if she didn't have a proper subject.
Reluctantly she stood up and scooped you up into her arms and sighed loudly. "Stop crying."
You began to cry harder and she groaned out loud. Rocking you in her arms she stood still aside from the very mechanical rocking movements. Rhine had better things to do than coddle you, she couldn't let herself get into the habit of spoiling you. No, that would be most troublesome. It was only a few moments before you were a puddle in her arms, quiet and reserved. She could finally get back to the job at hand. Just as she started reading over her notes, again, she caught herself scowling down at you.
She tightened her jaw, grinding down on her teeth. Had she gone soft? Weak in the knees for some nobody. The mere idea left a sour taste in her mouth. Had Rhine finally fallen from grace? No, such things she reassured herself. Besides, much work was to be done and she very well couldn't be bothered to dwell on useless worries such as that. For now she supposed it was alright, it was keeping you quiet, after all. I suppose. She was not motherly by any means, but she could at least pretend long enough to shut you up.
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trlvsn · 10 months
i don't want to sound rude on here but i feel like most of the "analysis" posts i have seen lately are so meaningless because people are connecting dots for no reason. tumblr's favorite thing is paralels and symbolism and while i get that, the way people limit themselves to only consuming easy content shows in the conclusions they draw. i've seen so many posts with pure speculation on details that ended with "why does this mean? i don't know but it's interesting", implying that if they noticed the details in question it is necessarily because it's a thing the author intended or a thing that deepens one's understanding of the story; however, most of the time these points are being made thanks to the way the poster thinks, simple pattern recognition, synapses in the brain, associations with no value. this eagerness to invent and find is directed into the entirely wrong direction and it saddens me: you have a brain, a healthy organ with so much potential and yet you feed it with cheap food that does nothing for you. people coming up with scenarios that drain the source material of it's meaning (what if orpheus didn't turn around, what if this thing tht shaped a character never happened), people using the wrong sources entirely to interpret (an example i can come up with here is if a person said "hey, so when prometheus gets his liver eaten every day is the eagle a metaphor for alcohol"). return to the classics, learn to not only see art as a reflection of yourself but as someone's entirely unfamiliar perspective poured on paper or a screen. i'm running a temperature so high this barely makes any sense but you have to understand the author first. it's not reading between the lines if you're making shit up. reading is a skill in more ways than one and it has rules
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mrshamada-dorian · 1 year
idia (accidentally) tries an edible
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i wanna start off by saying thank y'all for showing love on this series. im actually very insecure about my writing and it took alot for me to start posting my stuff on tumblr so the fact that y'all mess with this series makes me feel more a bit more confident. also if you have any ideas for who i should do next let me know. leona ver. adeuce ver. azul ver.
cw; drugs, tagging nonconsensual drugging just in case
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it was another day for you and idia to hang out.
you two had managed to come to an agreement that you two would take turns planning the hangout since you didn't want everytime you hung out together to be in an enclosed space and even the world ending wouldn't drag idia out his room.
today was idia's turn and of course you spend it how idia's turn normally goes, in his room playing games and watching movies ( or anything else you prefer as long as it ain't no normie shit ).
well everything was almost normal...
something was off... about you to be exact.
he noticed the moment you got here. your eyes were droopy and red and you were kinda slow on the uptake. which, of course, isn't like you ( otherwise idia would not be hanging out with your slow ass ).
idia wanted to bring it up to you, but he didn't want you to know that he was paying that much attention to you. he wasn't THAT much of a weirdo...
so he decided not to. if you weren't hurting anybody or yourself then he wouldn't be too worried.
everything was fine for the first few hours. just the taking turns picking movies and beating you in video games. idia would admit that he was having fun.
but then you got a call from ace. you excused yourself out of the room so you could talk in private.
as you got up, a little baggie fell out of your pocket and landed conveniently next to his. when idia looked over at it, he noticed it was full of gummies. he immediately knew where you got it.
wait wait wait before you say anything, he wasn't stalking you. he just so happen to see you from his tablet as you received it from another classmate.
idia wasn't dumb, he knew that these weren't regular gummies. he's heard about edibles and weed (he's on the internet all the damn time so of course he's heard), but that's about it. he's never tried it himself nor was he given the opportunity.
his mind was wondering to how that guy got weed on campus when you came back in his room telling him you had to run to heartslabyul real quick before riddle managed to collar both grim and ace for eating his tart. if idia were you, he would've let them get collared and stayed here. but he knew that that wasn't the type of person you were.
after a quick hug and an even quicker "i'll be right back.", you left like the wind.
and now idia was alone. not a problem, you’d be back in couple minutes. so he’ll just spend this time catching up on his single player games until you get back.
a couple minutes passed and you still weren’t back. again no problem, but he was getting a little bored waiting for you. so he did what every bored introverted person does and started snacking. he grabbed a few of his gummies and ate them. expect the gummies tasted a little weird. idia instinctively looked down and noticed some of your gummies were missing and immediately connected the dots.
he could’ve shit his pants right there.
idia started to freak out. of course his bad luck would extent to him eating your weed gummies on accident.
he didn’t really know what to do. so he quickly grabbed his phone ( maybe a bit too quickly cause he almost dropped it ) and called you. it took you a moment to answer. your side of the phone sounded so chaotic with riddle screaming in the background and you attempting to calm everything down. you couldn’t even talk to him right away with you playing mediator and everything. yet you managed to get trey to take over a bit so you could take your phone call. 
honestly you sounded so stressed when you finally said hello. he almost didn’t want to make it worst. 
but he needed you to get back NOW.
idia told you that, but you told him he had to wait since you had something else you were already doing.
he didn’t really like that answer. maybe because normally you’d drop everything and hurry over and this time you didn’t. you really spoil him sometimes...
anyways you told him to wait so he’ll have no choice but to wait... yayyy...
so idia just sat in silence, knees to chest, waiting for you come back.
it took longer than expected, but when you finally got there, idia was hiding under his covers. he wasn’t moving so it kinda worried you. you approached him and slowly lifted the covers and revealed a stuck blue boy staring off into space. his eyes were bloodshot and wide. he slowly turned his head to you with a pleading look in his eye.
a teasing chuckle fell from your lips. you had a feeling what was going on. you ran your fingers through his hair ( which was turning a little pink at this point ).
“so,” your teasing smile grew. idia knew where this was going. “how many did you take?”
“shut up.”
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essencetale · 1 year
Essencetale: Ink's Story
Ink's story was given up on by his creator. He and the others surrounding him were simply doodles in a blank world. He attempted to make the blank landscape of a world a better place. Yet he was the only one to develop feelings. In his attempts to talk and create connections, he had no response, he was truly alone.
The fear of being forgotten and the insanity of being alone had made him lose himself, and deep in his despair tore his soul.
He broke free.
His Essence had dragged him back from the dead. He lost all memory of who he was, or what he had done. Simply an empty vessel with large magic that grew within him. But soon Ink and soft powdery magic Ink named Essence would fall into his blank void, and finally, he felt.
As this magic poured he would create something new. Something magical. But as the colors faded he felt empty once again. To stop this he found a solution. He bottled each color, that way he could feel, that way he could pretend to have a soul.
Ink continued to fall, and with that Essence fell too. Essence absorbed into Ink and his form started to slowly shift. Soon he felt small feathers on his back, and soon those feathers grew from feathers to wings.
Ink slowly connected the dots. He swiftly realized that the Essence was a form of magic, unlike the ink that fell. When more Essence fell Ink tried to capture it within a bottle, but the Essence went through the bottle and straight into his own form, strengthening his magic.
So he created a world for himself, experimenting, and failing, and retrying. He created a city of lights and festivity, with nobody to share it with. That was until he found a trail of Essence. The Essence led to a singular monster. The Essence was the monster's tears and just in front of the monster was a rift, a rift to the doodle sphere. As he looked at the monster it slowly disappeared. Ink wanting to know what he was witnessing begged the monster for answers before he fully disappeared.
Going into the unknown he stepped into the rift.
Within the rift was a void with papers hanging from the ceiling. He could watch everyone's stories from these papers, and finally, it seemed like he had someone to share his world with.
Quickly he learned a single AU didn't have enough Essence to cause as drastic of a change as it had to his body. So he searched for a lost and unwanted SOUL. He found his first soul in the original timeline. His name was Gaster. Gaster was stuck in-between times, no longer of use to his story. So Ink took him back to the timeline he had made. Gaster made himself at home and thanked ink for his help. Gaster soon proposed a name for this timeline, The Omega Timeline.
Soon, Gaster had also taken these bird-like changes. With these changes, his power grew, and with his powers growing he used them to help find other lost SOULs to help ink. Gaster learned how to properly harness Essence and taught Ink every single discovery he found. He used his Essence to create a compass for Ink, a compass that'll always lead him to the lost and that'll lead him home.
So the city grew. He loved the idea of sharing Essence with the people. It made him feel real, it made him feel whole. The Omega Timeline grew and grew, and Ink was content.
((AUTHORS NOTE: oof okay that was a LOT of writing,, ill edit it later and like draw Ink but for now this is good. Not all of his lore will be in one place since he is EVERYWHERE in Essencetale. I also stole a few lines from the original COMYET posts,, (ill admit my sin) but man was Ink's story fun to write.))
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moonjxsung · 2 months
Okay i almost remain dead on tumblr because of so much shit going on in my life LIKE I HAVEN'T EVEN SENT YOU A SINGLE ASK AFTER BECOMING 🐇anon like😞😞😞😞
T/W: mentions of sa
Okay so i had a crush on this one girl(I'm a girl) a year ago, like a very bad obsession idk why😭 and like i got to know that she was like fully lesbian so that increased my hopes(I'm bi). I started talking to her through insta dms and slowly our relationship became a very friendly one.
One day outta nowhere, i confessed, like it was very impulsive. She took it quite nicely too but she did not reciprocate that time. After a week or so she texted me outta nowhere saying that she would like to go on a date, i was all jumping and screeching and giggling and whatnot😭😭😭. So we kinda tagged along for almost 2 days before we realised that this was not gonna work out and honestly yes, i didn't feel the same spark anymore. So we decided to remain as good friends *loud sigh*
Now, after that, we negligibly talked or met, but we were still in contact and i didn't feel anything about her anymore, life went smoothly until August(this whole thing started in January 2023). So we had a function at school during mid August and me and her had taken part in the performances, different that is. So we met like everyday in the auditorium and we really became close AND I KID YOU NOT WHEN I SAY THAT I STARTED CATCHING FEELINGS YET AGAIN. It was her, me and 2 other friends who hung out in the free time given to us.
So we started platonically flirting with each other and idk why she was reciprocating it like it obviously made me happy but it still made me confused and nervous. This whole situationship sort of thing went up till January of 2024, ik it sounds crazy but wait till you hear the crazier part.
One day while texting at night, things became intimate and she started telling her "darkest secret" to me and it turned out that she apparently had an ex with whom she was still in contact AND HER EX THAT TIME HAD A BF. CAN YOU IMAGINE HOW TOXIC THIS IS?!'?'!'?!?(;(?:!! She told me all this herself and apologized to me because she might've been leading me on the whole time and had her heart still fixated on her ex. For some reason, the conversation felt sad that time so i sympathized with her and that was definitely wrong on my part. Now something even more mind boggling happened after that.
So there's this junior at our school, she was good friends with my crush and kinda knew about our situation AND apparently as my crush told me, that junior had been spreading rumours about us two being in a fwb relationship 💀💀💀💀LIKE BRO. The rumours didn't spread much and everything became fine later on. After all that happened, that junior started following me on Instagram. And around the end of January 2024, she told me about the toxicity and extremely disturbing things about my ex crush, blew my mind and took away my sleep for 1 week.
Apparently my ex crush had been blackmailing her ex and forcing her to be with her(my ex crush) and that she even had sexually assaulted her during mid 2023. Me ex crush's ex was that junior's ex too(mind blowing ik) and that junior was still pretty close with her so she knew everything that had happened to her(my crush's ex) and told me everything.
All of a sudden everything made sense and i started seeing the actual scene here, every dot connected and every lie she told me came to light. I feel like i spent time with an actual demon the whole time and it still haunts me. My heart goes out to her ex, hope she's doing okay.
As for me, i am doing good and have been pretty busy with life, i cut my ex crush off from all platforms.
This was so random but i felt like i needed to tell someone about this😭😭😭😭
Thanks cutie for reading, love you so so so much🫶🏻🫶🏻✨🎀🎀
Ohhhhh the way I thought this was a cute wholesome story at the start and then it just……. changed 😀
THIS IS INSANE?????? First of all the way she was deadass leading you on while knowing she wasn’t interested and was fully set on another person…. Girl 😭😭😭😭 why is it always wlw relationships where that will happen to you LMFAOOOOAOWOSOS trust me when I say you’re not alone in that happening to you
And then the part about her manipulating her ex????? Hello??????????????? I hope for her ex’s sake that she cut her off and she’s taking precautions to both stay away from her and make sure she’s safe ☹️ that is so so devastating that people can be so manipulative even after a relationship’s already ended. I hope she has the support she needs right now ☹️
Lastly how are YOU doing omg this is so much to take in and it’s been going on so long I can’t even imagine how you must be feeling???? Take care of yourself bby and please know that I’m here for you if you need anything at all 🫶💘 people can be so shitty
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ethanharli · 4 years
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Requested: On Tumblr; May I ask for a Giyuu x male!Reader smut? Perhaps the reader being a little rough with Giyuu please?
Pairing(s): Giyuu Tomioka x Top Male Reader.
Warning(s): NSFW/SMUT, Bottom Tomioka, Energetic reader, Choking, Slight dirty talk and degradation, Hair pulling, ✨ Aftercare. ✨
DNI; if you use she/her pronouns.
A/n- I'm such a slut for this man smh
I couldn't help but smile brightly when I saw Tomioka a little ways away from me, we were assigned a mission a couple of days ago to a quiet town in the east, where a demon has been taking young drunks and since I got here a day or so before him I made sure to look around and get familiar with the area. So I gently tapped my index and middle fingers together as we approached each other, seeing the slightest of smiles tug at his lips once he saw me, "[Y/n], you burned Wisteria incense?" He asked, now looking up at me with his usual stoic expression and all I could do is let out a small 'Mm-hm!' With a quick nod and a wide grin, not being able to speak much due to my damaged vocal cords. So taking a step closer I leaned down besides his ear not noticing the sudden stillness of his body as I spoke, "Should give us a bit more time to search around" My now deep and raspy voice wasn't something I had gotten used to yet, and it didn't help that I couldn't speak any louder then a whisper. However I did catch the small hitch in his breath, causing me to frown a bit as I pulled away and looked at him, his face was flushed and his lips were slightly parted, his gaze was fixated on the ground and I could finally see just how still he was standing.
It was only when I pressed the back of my hand to his forehead that he finally looked back up at me with slightly widened eyes. "You're warm, maybe you're sick?" My throat slowly started to itch again and I had to resist the urge to scratch at the scar along my throat. It was quiet concerning though, Tomioka has been getting warm like this a lot recently, I've tried to ask others about it to but they would just give me a knowing smile and tell me everything's alright, but that didn't stop me from worrying. I'm pretty sure it started around the time I was at the butterfly estate since Shinobu was helping me with my throat and damaged vocal cords. "Maybe you should sit this one out, I don't want you getting hurt" The worry in my tone was clear, but Tomioka simply took my hand in his and leaned up to place a gentle kiss on my cheek before pulling away, "I'm fine [Y/n], now let's go look around."
Stubborn bastard.
I couldn't help but sigh and follow after him, not wanting him to get lost since he's only just arrived. So while it was still light out I showed him all the important places where the demon might be hiding or might target next, taking an occasional look around at all the Wisteria incense I put out to see how much longer we had left and finally talking with some of the residence here, which luckily didn't end to badly since Tomioka had to do most of the talking. Nevertheless we eventually came up with a plan, "So we're going to tail a drunk?" I asked, looking at Tomioka with a slightly disapproving glare, not really wanting to use a towns-person as bait and I could tell that Tomioka new what I was thinking when he rested his hand on my shoulder, looking up at me with those beautiful dark blue eyes that practically own me at this point. "I won't let them get hurt, I promise" Even though he sounded confident I still held my doubts, but with a heavy sigh I traced the back my fingers along his jawline, pulling him in for a sweet but gentle kiss, "You're lucky I love you cause if it were anyone else I'd probably strangle them for even suggesting this idea."
I could practically feel the way my heart fluttered at his sudden chuckle, the sound of it so foreign since he rarely ever shows emotions, and I couldn't help but pull him back for another quick kiss, before heading off to my station, "Stay safe." It was the only thing I could hope for as I stood at the back of the bar, I was thankful that there was only one due to it being a small town but that didn't make the situation any less dangerous. The incense finally wore off as the stars danced across the midnight sky, while I sat myself down on the roof, keeping an eye out for anything suspicious or even just someone leaving and so far everything seemed alright, until a shadow flickered from the corner of my eye.
In one swift movement I drew my blade and slashed it at the demon who managed to jump out of the way just in time, now standing from my seated position I narrowed my eyes at the ugly bastard, "So you're the one that's been eating all these people?" I asked calmly, trying to raise my voice a little higher so I could be heard, and I couldn't help but raise a brow in confusion from the way she suddenly swayed, a deep blush now coating her grayish complexion. "It's a pity your a Demon slayer, with a voice like that I'd love to have you in my bed" I couldn't help but feel slightly uncomfortable about her suggestive tone and lustful gaze, but something in the back of my mind nagged at me. So trying to brush it off I rushed at her, dodging any hit she sent my way while she managed to dodge my attacks as well, "Sorry lady but I already got a lover, and I don't plan on letting you live tonight." Her smirk only seemed to grow at my words, as I closed in on her, hoping she wouldn't notice the way I was backing her into a corner, "Then they must be real slut for you hm? Wanting nothing more than to get off to deep voice of yours-"
Blood splattered onto my cheek and clothes as I cut off her head, "Demon or not, no one talks about my lover that way" I sneered slowly feeling my anger subside as I watched her burn away. Though I couldn't deny the fact that her words got me thinking, and eventually led me to connecting the dots about Tomioka's recent actions. So when the male appeared beside me with worried eyes I couldn't help but smile and nod my head before sheathing my blade, I also convinced him to stay the night with me since we've been away from one another for so long, and maybe for the fact that I wanted to figure something out.
I didn't bother to dry my hair as I walked into our shared room, spotting Tomioka sitting on his futon with a book in hand, gently flipping through the pages as I made my way over to him, "[Y/n]?" Ignoring the call of my name I happily moved myself between his legs while pushing him onto his back so that I could rest my head on his abdomen. "It's been so long.. Since we've last seen each other" I mumbled softly, wrapping my arm around his waist so that I could hold him closer against me, while my other hand slipped under his robe and gently traced small circles along his skin, smiling when I heard a sigh of content slip past his lips. However I couldn't help but trail my hand up higher as I lifted myself onto my knees, looking down into Tomioka's slightly widened eyes with a small smirk tugging at my lips.
"And it's been even longer.. Since I heard those pretty moans of yours" I could feel the way his body shivered under my fingertips and it only caused my smirk to grow as I attached my lips to the base of his neck, dragging my teeth and tongue along his pale skin, not wanting to leave a single place untouched while my hands opened up his robe. Gently tracing my fingers along his toned abdomen and pushing my thumbs against his hardened nipples, as I bit into his shoulder, drinking in the way he moaned my name with a choked gasp. "[Y-Y/n].." The way my name rolled off his tongue nearly caused me to growl as I captured his lips with my own, dragging my tongue along his lower lip before I took it between my teeth, giving it a soft tug. While my hands traveled down to his pants, slowly pressing my fingers under the band as I pushed my tongue past his parted lips, slowly losing myself to the taste of him as he pressed his hips against my own.
"Now now baby, there's no need to rush" I whispered against his lips as I slipped off his pants, noticing the fact he wasn't wearing any undergarments and the way his cock slowly started to leak pre-cum. "Already? I barley even touched you" The teasing tone of my voice forced a whimper past his throat as I wrapped my fingers around his cock, pressing my thumb against the slit and smearing his pre-cum around it before licking it off my fingers. "[Y-Y/n] please" I couldn't help but drag my tongue along my upper lip before leaning down to kiss along his jawline, threading my fingers through his soft black hair. Tightening my grip I yanked his head back, "Ah-!" His sudden moan caused my heart to thump and my core to tighten, reminding me of the uncomfortable erection in my pants while starring into those beautiful dark blue eyes of his.
"Now be a good boy and suck" I growled, pressing my fingers to his slightly parted lips as he wrapped his hands around my wrist and wrapped his tongue around my middle finger, skillfully coating my fingers in his saliva and I couldn't help but press the pad of my finger against the back of his tongue, hearing him gag a bit as he stuck out his tongue and looked up at me with a hazy gaze. "Absolutely stunning" I breathed out, instantly moving my hand so I could capture his lips with my own, feeling our noses slightly bump against each others as I took his lower lip between my teeth and trailed my hand down to his entrance, carefully circling my finger around the rim. "Are you ready?" I asked, looking into his eyes for a brief moment, waiting for his consent, "Yes- Please hurry.." He whimpered out as I nodded, slowly pushing my finger in so I wouldn't hurt him.
His soft moans and gasps caused a slow heat to rise to my face as I pushed in another finger, moving them in a scissoring motion to make sure he's stretched out enough to ensure I wouldn't hurt him, "Hah! F-Fuck, [Y/n] pl-please just fuck me!" I couldn't deny his pleading tone and immediately went to pull off my clothes, throwing them off into some other part of the room as Tomioka wrapped his legs around my hips, causing my cock to rub against his entrance. A low whimper slipped past his lips while I hooked one hand behind his knee, pushing his leg towards his chest as I positioned myself at his entrance, looking into his eyes for a brief moment before slowly pushing it. "Ngh- Hah!" The sound of his moans and the way his walls quickly tightened around me caused a low gutteral goan to rip past my throat, and I couldn't help but bring my hand up to wrap around his throat, as I've done many times before, watching as his pale skin turned a deeper shade of red as he wrapped his hands around my wrist.
"Damn, such a slut for me aren't you?" I smirked, fully pushing myself into him as I dug my fingers into the sides of his neck, making sure not to press against his throat as I began to rock my hips, searching for that one spot that always had him trembling beneath me, "Hah- Ah, [Y/n]!" Ah, there it is. Loosening my grip on his neck I pounded into him, aiming for his prostate as his moans and whimpers echoed throughout the room, my name rolling off his tongue like a prayer, causing my core tighten from the sound and the addicting way his walls tightened around me with each thrust. "Fuck.. You feel so good baby" I practically growled out the words through panted breaths, leaning down to press sloppy open mouth kisses along his shoulder as he desperately tightened his grip on my hips, "I'm, I'm going to-" His body began to tremble under me as he looked up at me with hazy eyes and a silent plead. "Go ahead baby, cum for me" Digging his nails into my wrist he came on his lower stomach as I quickly came after him, heavy pants slipping past both our parted lips as I pressed a gentle kiss against the newly formed bruise on his neck before reaching for the towel I was supposed to use to dry my hair an hour ago.
"Giyuu, are you okay?" I asked while cleaning us both off, noticing the way he was practically half-asleep already. "Yeah, just a bit sore.. But it was worth it" Not wanting to embarrass him I merely nodded my head, pretending I didn't hear that last bit as I laid down beside him, pulling the cover over our bare bodies. However I couldn't help but smile as he snuggled against my chest while I gently traced small circles on his hip.
"I love you.."
"I love you too Giyuu."
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monsoonblooms12 · 3 years
Belamour (Ethan x f!MC)
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Summary: Set after Book 3, Pooja finally gets Ethan to dance in the rain.
A/N: A silly something born out of my love for rains and my binge listening to 80s Bollywood classics (I have no idea what kinda mess this is tbh). Also, my first song based fic🤎
A/N 2: The song lyrics are indented (Translation in parenthesis)
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey X f!MC (Pooja Sharma)
Rating: General
Word Count: around 1.5K
Category: Total fluff
Warnings: None that I noticed
Song Inspiration: Aaj Kal Yaad Kuch by Mohammed Aziz
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A pair of summery blue orbs insistently stare at the world beyond the glass windows.
A world that was now being washed by the consistent droplets that came down from the adobe of clouds to meet their origin.
Their drum was usually henotic, tranquil for him.
But at the moment, it only added to his irritation and deepened the void of disappointment that had formed in his chest.
In another room of the same house, a pair of amber orbs watched the magic of nature with a child-like wonder.
The pleasant, dewy petrichor spread around her, and the mellifluous tunes of Earth's own orchestra made her forget the fast turns her life went through in the past day.
In the faint light, she picked up her hand and let the jewel, the stone that was nothing less than a promise of forever, shine like the billion stars that dot the sky at nights that are devoid of clouds.
As the iridescent lights make her eyes sparkle, a vague idea forms in her brain.
Her thoughts float to reach the person who gifted her happiness, and a smile lit up on her face.
There was a mix of challenge and love in the quest she was about to partake and she was determined to succeed.
In slow, soundless steps, she made her way out of the room and out of the house.
A blur went past and his trained eyes were quick enough to catch the motion.
Shaking his head with realization, he followed behind.
As the steps took him down, and he stood under the shade of the multi-floored skyrise, she stayed yards away from it.
Her hair was wet, her skirt twirling, her face bright and beautiful.
He felt his heart race, whispering an urge to join with hers.
He restrained himself, but the scene in front of him was so spectacular that he doubted just how long his restraint would last.
After what felt like an eternity, she turned to him, half of her face golden under the street lights, the other half bearing the monotones of black and white.
She looked like the personification of their love.
Her life the golden, and his the black and white.
He could write sonnets to describe the picture-perfect scene that played before him like a film, but all he did was stand still, unable to tear his eyes away, unable to speak the words that hadn't already been spoken, his well-thumbed thesaurus gathering dust in the labyrinths of his mind.
She looked at him with a longing, a spoken call for him to join her as the rains continued to fall and purify the earth.
All he did was shake his head in silence.
She took it as a challenge, and he already knew how it was going to end.
For a minute he got lost in her memories, reminiscences from a time, from a moment that passed too quick, yet slow enough for him to remember every moment of it.
And suddenly, the faint tunes of a song brought him back to the present.
Every word of the foreign seeming language lucid clear, setting in a cascade of emotions and bringing pictures etched in past pages of the novel of life, making him go on a trip down the memory lane.
Aajkal Yad Kuch Aur Rehta Nahi
(Nowadays I don't seem to remember anything else)
Ek Bas Aapki Yad Aane Ke Bad
(Once your memories enchant me)
Yaad Aane Se Pehle Chale Aaiye
(Please come to me before the memories reach me)
Aur Phir Jaiye Jan Jane Ke Bad
(And then leave only after my breath leaves me)
The truth of the words came with an epiphany.
Every day of knowing her had been a way of painting the monotones of his life in colours he thought didn't belong to him.
Every moment she had ever spent away from him had made him yearn for her more than ever.
And yet he was foolish enough to think that miles of distance and hundreds of hours could make him forget her.
All the distress he felt could have been so easily ended if she had been with him then.
And now, as he dreams of an aeon with her, he promises to only let her go when his breath leaves him alone.
Apni Aankhon Me Mujhko Basa Lijiye
(Allow me to settle in the world of your eyes)
Apne Dil Me Mera Ghar Bana Dijiye
(Make a home for me in your heart)
Kya Karu Dil Kahi Aur Lagta Nahi
Pyar Me Aapse Dil Lagane Ke Bad
(What's the fault of mine if I can't concentrate on anything other than you, since our hearts connected by the string of love)
As the minutes pass by, melting into each other to form an hour, he loses all tracks of time.
And amidst the sweven he was living in right now, at a moment he could not pinpoint, she had taken his hand into hers and now he stood, lost in the amber of her eyes, forgetting all about the shower that now fell upon him.
As she continued to mutter the tunes in a harmony that went on in rhythm with the rain, he wished he could live in the world of her orbs.
To see the world as she saw it, to live the life from her perspective.
All he wanted was home in her heart, a tiny place on the lands of her soul.
Ishq Ke Maine Kitne Fasane Sune
(I have heard many tales of epic romances)
Husb Ke Kitne Kisse Purane Sune
(And stories about beautiful people from bygone eras)
Aisa Lagta Hai Phir Is Tarah Tut Kar
Pyar Hamne Kiya Ek Zamane Ke Bad
(But I feel I have been broken and got mended by love after centuries)
In muted harmonies, the two of them twirled, forgetting the world around them.
The way their eyes held onto each other, as if holding onto their lives, reminded him of the tales of love the folklores talk about.
The romances of princesses and maidens, and of beauties who earned their fairytale.
But as her palm stroked his cheek in a feather-light motion, he concluded that all those tales faint in front of the story of theirs.
There were no royals, no cruel witches setting up spells and no poisoned apples.
There were just two people, broken by the storms life made them navigate through, fitting perfectly as if parts of a whole.
He tried to remember if he had ever experienced anything as he did now, his lip tracing her ear as his hands wrapped around her waist.
It didn't even take him a second to know the answer.
He hadn't.
Aapka Naam Dil Se Nikalta Nahi
(Your name never leaves my heart)
Dillagi Me Koi Zor Chalta Nahi
Dillagi Me Koi Zor Chalta Nahi
(No force is strong enough to stop the meet of two hearts)
Aapko Bhul Jane Ki Koshish Bhi Ki
(I tried a hundred times to forget you)
Aur Tadpa Hun Main Bhool Jaane Ke Baad
(And suffered a suffering of pain and agony once I forgot you)
The rains accelerate and become a downpour. The mist envelops them but there was no care for the changing environment.
The distance between them ceases to exist as their hearts finally get the pleasure of beating in unison.
In the next moments, she whispers close to his ear, the last of the melody, and it's his story.
The story of how he couldn't get rid of the five-lettered name since the first time he ever came to know about it.
Of how no force in the world could stop two hearts from meeting if that's what destiny had in plan for them.
Who one loves and who loves them back determines so much in one life.
And for him, it was a chance, a risk he was scared to take, dreading the destruction it may cause.
After all when had anything ever-blossoming flowers in the city of his soul?
But this time not only did spring finally arrived with its flowery footsteps but also led to a discovery of himself, a part of him that was buried under layers of snow from the winter that reigned in his life for years.
She taps twice on his heart, indicating how he had tried to forget her, all those years ago. And how he broke himself in the process.
As she hummed the last lines, he bowed down in front of the forces that brought the two of them together.
He thanked the stars which aligned the way did to let him fall for her and agreed to hide, to let the rains fall, to let him have this night with her.
And looked in awe at the woman who brought about the sweetest catastrophe mankind has ever known.
And without uttering a word, he picks her and kisses her, saying all that was left unsaid with it.
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PS: I actually have another version of the song, that I sung specifically to go with this, but Tumblr is giving me troubles to upload it. Do let me know if you would like to hear it someday.
Anyways, If you are reading this, I am very grateful for you. Thank you for reading and I hope you have a great day🤎
Tags🤎(Please let me know if you would like to be added or removed):
Perma: @gkittylove99 @neotericthemis @udishaman @aestheticartsx @twinkleallnight @schnitzelbutterfingers @sophxwithers @sweatyrysconnoisseur @nikki-2406 @choicesfanaf @trrfanaddict @starrystarrytrouble @gardeningourmet @parkbarks @mvalentine @lovablegranny @mercury84choices @izzyourresidentlawyer @phoenixrising308 @adiehardfan @quixoticdreamer16 @a-crepusculo @cordonianruby @gryffindordaughterofathena
Open Heart (All fics and edit): @lucy-268 @maurine07 @bellcat2010 @headoverheelsforramsey @estellaelysian @shanzay44
Ethan x Pooja: @aleynareads @choicesaddict5 @stygianflood @mysticaurathings @jamespotterthefirst @ilikemenbutonlyethanramsey @takemyopenheart @mm2305
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
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candy-and-writing · 4 years
What A Triple Lutz Can Do
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Dark! Bucky x Ice Skater! Reader x Dark! Steve
Summary: Steve and Bucky have found each other again, after everything they've been through. When Steve meets you at the Winter Olympics, he decides you're the perfect little doll for their plan.
Warnings: non con/dub con, stalking, drugging, kidnapping, male masturbation, pet names—kitten, oral sex (female and male), fingering, poly relationship (m/m/f), somnophilia, light bondage, more to be added as the story goes on
A/N: This is loosely based off @henchry​ post about Chris Evans dating an ice skater. I read it and instantly had this idea, I’ve just never posted it. I think I unintentionally used bunny by @buckybarney​ as inspiration in making final edits. They also helped me figure out how to make this moodboard, so thank you! Please let me know if you enjoyed this, I had a lot of fun writing this!
I am NOT responsible for your media content consumption. This work is not intended for those under the age of 18 due to explicit sexual content and/or dark themes. By reading this work you agree that you are at least 18 years of age. I do not consent to have my work posted on any third party app or website; if you are seeing this work anywhere other than tumblr and archiveofourown, it has been reposted without my permission.
Before the war, before Bucky had fallen off the train and Steve crashed into the ice, before the Avengers and before and the world made Steve Rogers harder—colder—he liked to call himself a hopeless romantic. He wanted to meet eyes with someone across a diner and feel the fireworks explode in his chest. He wanted to buy a girl flowers, he wanted to walk down the streets of Brooklyn while it was snowing with her hand warming his. He wanted to buy his girl a ring, he wanted to get married, have a family.
He thought he would get that with Peggy, but he missed his chance. When he woke up in another century, he thought for sure he would never get his happily ever after. The women today were so. . . brash. A lady was supposed to be kind, polite, and dutiful. He understood that times were different, but that shouldn't excuse the ungrateful attitudes.
Then he found Bucky again, and the crazy world he had been forced into didn't seem so hopeless anymore. 
Tony had received a call from the International Olympics Committee, formally inviting the Avengers to the Winter Olympics. They were in Italy this year, Milan and Cortina. It was the first Olympic Games to be held in two cities, according to Bruce.
The committee had asked Steve to conduct the medal presentations for ice skating and hockey. They wanted Thor to carry the torch for the opening ceremony, but he was off-world and unavailable.
So here Steve was, sitting in the Mediolanum Forum venue next to Sam so he could watch the ice skating events. He figured if he was going to be giving the winners their medals, he should see why they won.
The committee had given the team access to front row seating, and that's where he was when you came out.
You were the third skater, and the first American representative, to take the ice. Your hair was pulled into a braided braid low on the side of your head with a blue flower pinned above the bun. The little dress you wore was modest—the same shade of blue that matched your flower and a sleeveless neckline that connected to a sheer fabric for sleeves and a higher neck, the little flowy skirt stopping in the middle of your thigh. Lines of little jewels dipped along your bust, beads varying in size. You had makeup on, like all the previous girls, but yours was light and glittery—save for the ruby red lipstick, but even that looked classical on you. It reminded Steve of the makeup women would wear back in the thirties.
He was so focused on you that Sam had to elbow him in the ribs to get his attention. He shut his jaw then, listening to the way your name rolled off the commentator's tongue, the syllables lining and matching each other perfectly.
You were twenty-one, and this was your first time competing in the Olympics. You've competed in other national and international tournaments, and you've done good in them if he was understanding correctly. It made an odd sense of pride swell in his chest. You were skating to Disney's Beauty and the Beast.
You moved to the middle of the rink as the announcer informed the stadium who conducted and performed your piece. You had four quads set in your routine, two in the first half and two in the second. It got quiet in the arena as you raised your arm over your head and arched your back like a ballerina. Steve counted five seconds before the music started and you spun around slowly. You started to move your body and—
Oh. Oh.
Steve was sure his jaw had dropped to the floor. The way you moved was bewitching, beautifully languid yet articulate. It was like the music moved through you, coursing through your veins as you made it entirely your own, bringing something so utterly delicate and ethereal out of the melody. You made it show in your body, in your movements.
The first of your quads were coming up, something called a quadruple lutz. Steve didn't know what it was, but when you threw your leg back and jumped, spinning in the air before landing and the crowd erupted into applause, he figured you did it correctly.
Your feet glided across the ice as you skated backward, your muscles tensing—you were preparing for your next quad. You kicked your leg back and used it as momentum to jump, spinning and landing what the commentator called a quadruple flip. The crowd cheered again.
Your expression—the raw focus and determination hiding behind your eyes—was gorgeous. Your crimson lips were parted slightly, eyelids hooded as you brought your head up. The delicate expression, the way your shoulders tensed as you jumped and spun in the air once, twice, three times before you landed gracefully on your toes had the breath leaving his lungs.
It was art. You were a work of art. So beautiful he wanted to lock you behind a glass cage and put you on display. You commanded the ice as if you controlled it, with such a degree of intricacy that Steve thought if you jumped high enough or spun fast enough you would grow wings and fly away.
You were in your element. You kicked your foot back before bringing it forward, using it to start your jump. You spun in the air and landed on one foot, your other leg spread out and leading the twirl you used to end the jump. The stadium cheered, Sam said something about a triple axel.
Steve wished the song lasted forever, wished he could watch you forever, but soon there was a flute trilling and you slowed, circling back to the center of the rink and just like that—your performance was over. The crowd exploded into cheers, throwing flowers, stuffed toys, anything they had in their pockets.
You broke into a smile, your plump lips parting and bringing out your dimples. Steve swooned as you waved to the crowd, bending to pick up a rose. Your gaze met his, and he swore he felt fireworks erupt in his chest. You smiled at him before skating off the ice, hugging a man sporting a red lightweight jacket with the USA logo embroidered on the sleeve, his dark hair slicked back. Steve watched as you smiled at him, not missing the way he stared at your ass as you turned away.
Then, suddenly, you were in first place. Your eyes went wide and you jumped up, hugging the man in the red jacket—Steve assumed he was your coach. He heard your squeal above the rest of the cheers.
Even from where he was sitting, your eyes were bright, brighter than your smile. Steve was proud of you, pride swelled in his chest as he watched you speak with a reporter. His eyes stayed glued to you as you shook hands with the reporter, your coach walking you to the locker rooms. He watched you until he couldn't anymore.
A strange desire pulled at his heart as he pulled his Stark Pad out, looking you in F.R.I.D.A.Y.'s database.
After watching your performance every other skater seemed dull, incomparable, to you. The judges must have thought so, too. You stayed in first place, winning the competition.
According to F.R.I.D.A.Y, you grew up in Chicago, but you moved to Manhattan for college. You got a new coach, Adrian Tucker, who was a gold and silver medalist back in the nineties. You're a junior at NYU, majoring in Art History. You have an Instagram, some sort of social media Peter had been trying to convince him to get, and Steve created an account immediately just to follow you. You had pictures of yourself, of friends, of the rink, even a pair of ballet shoes.
So you did ballet, good to know.
The award ceremony couldn't come soon enough. The idea of being closer to you sent butterflies fluttering through his stomach. Ever since he had gotten him back, Steve and Bucky have been talking about settling down—creating a life with a girl and starting a family. But they haven't found the right partner, but maybe. . . ?
When he stood in front of you, he swore he almost stopped breathing. You were gorgeous. Your hair had been taken out of the bun, cascading down your shoulders in loose waves. Your makeup was still done the same, but he noticed light freckles dotting along the bridge of your nose. Your eyes sparkled up at him—good God, you barely stood past his chest—your painted lips parted in a smile as you took him in. He placed the gold medal around your neck, congratulating you. You whispered a small, "thank you, Captain," and Steve felt a spark of electricity jolt down his groin.
Your voice was light, melodic, quiet. You were respectful, something he valued in people, in women. He could almost imagine you posed as the perfect housewife. With the perfect husband—or husbands—with the white picket fence, the kids. He could imagine your belly swollen, the little children running around calling you 'mama'. You were young, right at that age where women would start becoming wives and mothers back in his day. The thought only made his cock harder as he watched you on the platform, waving to the audience with the biggest smile on your face.
As he sat back down next to Sam, he pulled his phone out of his pocket. He pulled up Bucky's contact and sent him a picture from your Instagram.
'I think I found her,' he typed.
Bucky remembered the first time he realized he was in love with Steve—he was sixteen. He had danced around with plenty of girls already but none of them ever really seemed to stick. He had saved up enough money to spend Steve's birthday at Coney Island, that was the day he made Steve ride the Cyclone, back when he was still skinny. He had bought Steve a hotdog, which a pelican attacked him over. Bucky was crying from laughter, face red and stomach aching, when he looked over at Steve. Something just clicked then.
The past couple of months, Steve and Bucky had been making plans to add a third partner into life. After all this time, fighting Nazis and being mind-controlled and saving the universe time and time again, they both agreed they deserved it—that they deserved a family. They had both been selfless for so long, was it so wrong to want someone to be selfless for them? To want someone soft that could share their love?
Steve and Bucky were great together—the love of each other's lives, in fact—but they shared an overwhelming need to dominate, to control. On and off the field. When they fucked they were ruthless, full of scraping nails and biting teeth. Fingertips that left bruises that lasted for days. They needed someone else, someone they could focus that control on, someone who could take them so gently and lovingly, a way they rarely took each other.
Then he got Steve's text. You were young, and it wasn't hard to find out almost everything he needed to know about you. Steve helped him use F.R.I.D.A.Y to figure out where you live—a small apartment that was close to your college campus. You could walk to class if the weather permitted it. It also wasn't too far from the ice rink you trained at. It was easy for Bucky to find a building across from your suite where they could watch you. You liked to keep your window open, let the sunlight in.
They took turns sitting on the roof of the neighboring building, looking through a pair of binoculars. They would watch you for hours—watch you do simple things like reading. That was Bucky's favorite, the way your lips moved ever so slightly as you read the words on the page. You enjoyed reading horror novels—Steven King, Mary Downing Hahn, an author named Chuck Palahnuik. A worn copy of Bram Stoker's Dracula and Mary Shelley's Frankenstein sat on your bookshelf. At first glance, Bucky never would have pegged you as a horror kind of girl, you were too sweet and too timid. As he continued to watch you through the cameras Steve had him install, though, he saw that you very much liked psychological thrillers. You would watch a show on YouTube about true crime and haunted locations, a couple of amateurs who didn't quite know what they were doing. They were funny, though. Steve and Bucky would watch you laugh as you stared at your phone, smiling to yourself.
You trained at a ballet studio in lower Manhattan, worked out at a gym a block away from that. They were quick to memorize your routine once they started. You'd wake up at five-thirty every morning and make yourself some breakfast. On Monday, Wednesday, and Friday's you hit the gym and the studio; you'd go to whatever classes you had that day, grab a coffee at the campus cafe, then head to the skating rink for two hours. Two and a half hours max. You went home, studied, and then you were left to your own devices. Sometimes you read, sometimes you baked and God, Bucky almost couldn't stop drooling at the thought of tasting your cooking. You'd watch television in your small living room and be in bed no later than eleven o'clock every night to start your day again.
One Monday morning, Steve and had followed you to the gym. They'd been doing that the last few weeks. At first, Steve reasoned it was so they could watch over you, in case you got into some trouble. Some mornings they planned on running into you on the sidewalk, pretending it was an accident—there was a flower cart along your route you liked to stop and admire, sometimes buying a bouquet of daisies for your little bachelor pad—but the timing never seemed right. Steve was never wearing the right shirt, or Bucky's hair was always a mess from the wind.
You took a cab, which Steve followed a couple of cars behind on his motorcycle. The air was brisk, the first signs of spring coming into the city. Some of the trees had started growing their leaves again, vibrant greens against the grey winter sky. He parked his bike underneath a plotted tree that had just started to turn, the tips of the leaves a bright green as blossoms began to bloom, pastel pinks against vibrant greens with petals blowing in the wind. He bought a newspaper from a vendor a couple of stores down and sat on a nearby bench, catching up with the world as he counted down the minutes. You would be in there for an hour and fifteen minutes almost exactly.
Steve almost couldn't sit still. He was itching to get his hands on you, to feel you. He and Bucky have been watching you for a long time now, waiting for the right moment to get their hands on you. Steve was growing impatient.
At forty-five minutes, his eyes began to flick up at the building every few minutes. He knew it wasn't time yet, but there was always a chance you got done early.
At an hour, his gaze hovered just above the paper. Ten more minutes, he told himself.
At an hour and twelve minutes, you emerged. Steve watched as you hugged your coat to your chest and began walking. The studio you danced at was only a block away, so you wouldn't have to be out in the cold for long. Still, Steve couldn't help but chastise you for not wearing something warmer. All you had on were a pair of thin leggings—that hugged your ass beautifully, he might add—and a compression tank top under your lightweight sweater.
Steve rushed to his bike, folding the newspaper in his hand and revving up the engine. He drove down the block, parking in front of a cafe across from the ballet studio. He watched you enter the studio and sat at a table, ordering a cup of coffee. He saw you through the floor-to-ceiling windows, your let stretched up over your head. He reached for his sketchbook and pencil, laying it out on the table before him.
The night of the Olympics, the first time after Steve had seen you, he stayed up all night drawing you. He found a video of your performance on the internet, watching it on repeat as he drew you in different positions. The first sketch he did was of you with your arm over your head, just before you started skating. He found he loved drawing the shape of your lips, so the next sketch was a portrait of your face. Your long lashes were hooded, eyes downcast and your lips parted slightly as the pencil scratched against the paper, your plump lips etched in charcoal. The expression Steve caught you in was oddly ethereal, the kind of innocence that Steve found absolutely breathtaking.
His phone vibrated in his pocket. Steve sighed, pulling the device out of his jeans. Cursing, he reread the message Sam sent, looking back up across the street. You were still in front of the window, leg propped up on a bar with your upper body reaching for your foot. He sighed, closing his sketchbook as he stomped toward his bike.
Steve and Bucky trudged back into the Compound, exhausted and irritated. Not only have they been unable to see you for a week and a half, forced to watch you through the cameras hidden throughout your apartment, but the mission had been a complete bust. They had been sent away to Northern Peru, where Fury had given them intel about a group of HYDRA smugglers shipping illegal weapons into the country. Unfortunately, Steve and Bucky spent twelve days in a cramped, boiling building across from the target's warehouse and managed to find nothing before Fury called them back.
Steve was sweaty, Bucky hadn't taken a shower in a week, and they missed you. Bucky wanted to touch you, he wanted to kiss you until you were breathless. He watched you on his phone when he could, often opting to watch the camera feed than to sleep.
Once they were in their suite, Steve stripped his uniform off, leaving it in a heap on the floor to pick up later. Right now he just wanted to feel clean. He turned the shower on and peeled his boxers off as Bucky undressed, Steve stepping below the showerhead. The warm water felt nice against his taut muscles, his shoulders relaxing under the water pressure. He watched the dirt and grime from the mission get washed away, down the drain in muddy-grey color.
As he massaged shampoo through his hair, his thoughts wandered back to you, fingers itching to run against your skin. The way your lips always looked so soft, how utterly delicious you would look with them wrapped around his cock. The sweet little noises you would make as he forced himself down your throat—you were so small, it wouldn't take much to make you choke on him.
Steve groaned as his fist wrapped around his length. Almost two weeks without imagining you on your knees, imagining your mouth on him and he was oh so sensitive. He cursed, running his thumb over his slit. He pictured your tongue dragging against his girth, your wrecked expression as you struggled to take him deeper, as Bucky struggled to fit himself in behind you. He fisted himself faster, gasping out your name.
"Yeah, baby," he mumbled to himself. "Just like that. Fuck."
He could only imagine how beautiful you would look when you came. Your skin sweaty, hips bucking, your innocent little eyes rolling to the back of your head as you squealed. Oh, you were definitely a squealer. They would make you cum over and over and—
He bit back a moan as he came, hot white spurts coating his stomach as he slowed his movements, nerves on fire. He sighed, rinsing himself off before he turned the water off. He was still hard, he wasn't sure he'd be able to get himself off.
The tips of his fingers buzzed as he redressed himself and Bucky hopped in the shower. Steve didn't know if it was the stress of the mission or the adrenaline you gave him, but he couldn't wait anymore. He didn't have the patience to wait anymore.
He was watching the camera feeds in your apartment when Bucky came out of the bathroom. All it took was one look from Steve—they already had it all planned out, they just had to put it into motion.
You struggled to unlock your door, twisting the key in the lock a few times, cursing as you pushed your shoulder against the door, stumbling as the door swung open. You managed to catch yourself before knocking over your vase of daisies, straightening as you waited for your world to stop spinning.
You knew it had been a bad idea when you agreed to go out tonight. You're such a lightweight and after just three shots and half a glass of wine, you're going to have a killer hangover in the morning. God, and it's three a.m. But Annie had begged you to come with them. You haven't hung out with her in so long, you were desperate to see her again. You just wished she hadn't dragged you out to a bar.
You dropped your handbag on your little dining room table, opening the refrigerator to pour yourself a glass of orange juice. You drank half the glass in a couple of gulps, letting out a sigh as you set the glass down. As you moved to pull your phone out of your purse, you heard the floorboards creak, like someone was taking a step.
You froze, looking down the hall. The boards in your bedroom creak like that when you step down on a certain spot, but you've been in the apartment long enough to learn where it is exactly and step around it.
As quietly as you could, you made your way down the hall, checking the bathroom. You've seen enough horror movies in your life to know never to close the shower curtain when you weren't using it, so with a quick glance you knew the room was empty.
Your bedroom was at the end of the hall, the door cracked open. You walked in, carefully looking around. Your closet door was open, the windows were closed, you turned and looked towards your dresser mirror and—
You saw the figure behind you before you could react. Your eyes went wide, their hand coming up to cover your mouth before you could muster a scream. Your hands flew up to the hand, legs kicking out as the intruder dragged you out of your bedroom. You screamed into the hand, thrashing as you felt a sharp prick in your neck.
"It's alright," they cooed. "Shhh, it's okay, doll. You're just gonna go to sleep for a little while, okay?"
You shook your head frantically, tears streaming down your face as you felt your body getting tired. You blinked furiously, trying to fight the sleepy feeling. Your muscles felt like dead weight, you stopped kicking your feet as your grip on the man's cold hand went slack.
"That's a good girl," he crooned. "Just relax, kitten. I'm not gonna hurt you."
Your tongue felt heavy in your mouth. Your vision blurred, and then everything went black.
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justtogetthrough · 3 years
I truly don't get people who go quiet when they're in a depression episode or whatever. Like, if someone asks me how I'm doing or what I did today I'd be like oh my god, social connection, a chance to get this all out of my head and feel a modicum of love in return, let me tell you aaaaalll about it bc I don't wanna dump it on ppl when I think I need to but if you're asking it's obv a good time for it so yes I will tell you what's on my heart and mind. Thank you so much for offering me this chance to be open about my suffering.
Other people just... open my messages with those checking-in questions and then leave them on read and I'm sad bc I do truly wanna know and I'm sad bc I don't know how to help other than show interest and offer oortunity to talk if they want to.
For me, being chronically lonely and forced into silence when all I long for is to get support from people, I cannot comprehend having the chance to receive that support and not taking it. Choosing to not answer and let the text convo move on in an hour when I find something new to bring up that isn't about their personal experience and brings us back to a neutral or superficial topic to at least elicit responses from them, receive that engagement.
How are they not bursting, waiting, for the chance to share what's wrong and receive love and support in return?
Am I weird for how desperately intensely I long for those things due to chronic childhood neglect and repeated abandonment from people and institutions who were supposed to help me? I want someone to care about how I'm doing so bad I always answer ppl's how are you questions. Appropriate to the time and place of course, and level of relationship. But I have close friends who don't feel compelled to be heard and understood at any possible chance it appears. What has their life been like that leads them to not answer. Is it lack of trust? Am I bad at providing what they need? Idk man. It means everything to me when friends are there for me and they ask and I respond and when I love these friends as much as I do, i want to offer that back to them. I don't understand why they don't want that when from my point of view it is the most life affirming interaction someone could do. I don't know what I'm supposed to do instead to cheer someone up or help them feel loved or supported or even at minimum brighten their day. This unknowing social schemas for stuff like this, not understanding social things, or situations that don't play out as I plan internal, these are significant reasons why I think I could be on the spectrum bc I really struggle with not understanding what people do or don't want from me. I know what I would want for them, but there's this break down of theory of mind I guess and I just... social norms don't make sense to me and don't come naturally but I try my best and I follow scripts bc in reality I have no idea what I should be doing. All I want is for my friends to feel loved and supported. Idk where exactly the disconnect happens and it drives me nuts. I wish I understood social interactions and relationships more bc sometimes I just really wanna be that person who can make others feel better.
But I just don't get how, I don't think I was born a fully formed human being so I didn't come stocked with that skill and I've yet to find a manual. So.
Instead I get extremely high on zopiclone mixed with other sedatives and write about it on tumblr dot com in case writing and thought organizing reveals any new insight.
So far it hasn't.
I feel like even my thoughts are slurring right now.
I just want to love people in a way that feels warm and safe and comfy for them and I'm afraid I don't know how to love people in those ways and I'm afraid I am missing key knowledge normal people have that makes this more successful for them idk
It's really hard for me consistently and I'm just
I want to love you. I don't know how to do it properly or in the way that you want.
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jiannaeloise · 2 years
I lost my phone at LA
Hey, Tumblr. I know it's been a while but I also don't know where and how to start with this story. 😅 Let's just rewind a few days back to March 5 at Academy LA. My family friends and I went to a bar without any parents. It's my first actual bar! I never got to experience that in my lifetime so I really enjoyed myself. Showtek was performing and we had the chance to be guest listed to VIP because of a few connections.
I wore a polka dot long sleeve and white pants because the weather was really cold! Although my family friends including my sister was picking on my outfit saying what I was wearing was for New Year and not for a bar night out! 😅😂
A couple of drinks and Showtek songs later, I was surprised to be approached by a good-looking Latino. He mentioned he liked what I was wearing (polka dots in general 😂) and my crazy hair that he had to make his way over to talk to me. I thanked him for being so sweet and making my night and told him how my family friends were picking a laugh at my outfit. I did ask him why he liked polka dots and there was this story of him telling his family and friends it's his favorite color but it's not an actual color but a pattern. I refused to believe him but the story sounded so good to think he just thought of that on a whim. But who really knows?! 😂 Of course, A and I started dancing together and just feeling the vibe and energy off of each other. He is very vocal. He started telling me he likes me, my voice, and that I'm very pretty. I really felt like an electric and beautiful woman. There's no other time to feel great to be single than now and I really am so glad and grateful that I wore polka dots! 😂 Moments before our kiss I thought: "Oh my, I want to kiss him." yet didn't act on it because I really stood by my womanness that night! 😆 It still feels unreal but I remember him asking permission somewhere along the lines of: "Is it okay if I could kiss you?" At that moment, it felt exactly just like the movies. Everything slowed down and the music started to distort and all of a sudden it was just him and me at the bar. I found it so adorable and sweet that I had to say yes! I found consent really attractive especially for a Latino guy like him since we all know those living in the US are liberated people. I told him: "Thank you for asking to kiss me. I really appreciate that. I've been wanting to kiss you too." I couldn't losen myself that much in our kiss because I was still very aware of who I was with but A and I kissed a couple of times. I never thought that kissing during pandemic is one of the best sliver of pleasures and gift I will receive. And I also thought that I already forgot kissing itself but the moment our lips touched, my lip, and tongue muscle memory responded too greatly and passionately. I enjoyed every second of it and so did he. I lost my phone after that and the rest is pretty much history.
I may have lost my phone but I gained a Latino! Just kidding 😂 If I had to do it again exactly the same way, I would for sure do it all over again. 😉 And if I'm being honest, I think I just left my heart at LA.
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The one with the polka dot and crazy hair that night,
Jianna Eloise
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my-mystic-messenger · 7 years
Hello can I make a fic request (preferably angst) about juminxmc when they are dating but later on they knew that they are actually siblings? (same father different mother). You can make it SFW/NSFW. I read your rules and you didn't mind incest. Thank you~ I love your writing
This is hands down myfavourite fucking prompt so far. Like legit right up my alley. Maybeif I hadn’t stumbled upon Anime’s like ‘I’m in love with my youngersister’ at an impressionable age I wouldn’t be so pumped – read:fucked in the head – about this prompt. But, lucky for you Itotally did watch and adore that and many similar Animes, so this isgoing to be good!
I had so many ideas Icould have easily written like a 50k fic, but since I don’t want toinvolve AO3 and Tumblr definitely isn’t the place to publish longstuff, I had to once more limit myself to a more washed out versionof the mess I had planned. Sorry? Or maybe you’re welcome? Who willever know!
I also want to say that inno shape or form do I approve of incest in real life. This is fictionand is not meant to be taken to real life. However, as per usual, Idid my research. There is a condition called Genetic SexualAttraction, which is what I will use as a base for this fic. You’lllearn more about it along with Jumin and his half-sister/wife. 
Hope you enjoy! :3
Who is Madeleine?
Fandom: MysticMessenger
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Incestand a lot of dark shit connected to it I don’t want to spoil yet but read with caution 
Categories: F/M
Relationships: MC xJumin
Word count: 5450
It was the last night oftheir honeymoon, Jumin and his wife lying in bed together. Both ofthem were naked, a tangled mess of limbs under the silk cover huggingtheir bodies. His arm was wrapped around her protectively, fingerstracing over the faint dots scattered over Madeleines back. It wasone of the many, small things that Jumin loved about her, that madeher unique. He’d never thought he’d ever feel that kind of love forany person and yet here he was, holding his wife in his arms aftermaking love yet again, mesmerized by something as simple as freckles.
Madeleine who’d fallenasleep a couple of minutes ago stirred, lids moving before flutteringopen slowly. She hummed in appreciation, tilting up her head to pressa kiss to Jumin’s chin. Jumin chuckled, knowing that she would haveaimed for the mouth, but went for the chin out of convenience, beingtoo sated and lazy to move. “I can feel you thinking, darling”,she mumbled. She began drawing patterns on his chest, mindlesslytrailing her fingers over his warm skin. Jumin hummed. “You say itlike it’s a bad thing.”
Madeleine shook her head, shruggingslightly. “Not necessarily. I love how smart you are, but this isour honeymoon and we just had sex for God knows what time and you’restill thinking. If it is something that important…it makes menervous.” Jumin sat up a little, pulling Madeleine along and intohis arms. She now sat between his legs, arms wrapped around her frombehind as Jumin’s chin rested on her shoulder. “It’s nothing bad,darling”, he assured her. “I was just looking forward to youfinally meeting my father upon returning.”
She sighed, saggingagainst her husband. “I knew you would say this”, she spokeagainst his skin, hiding her face in the crock of his neck. Juminfrowned, hand brushing through the bright red strands of her hair.“You sound rather unhappy about it. Is there something wrong withmy father?” Madeleine quickly sat up, shaking her head. “No, mylove, you misunderstand. It’s not your father, it’s me. I’m worriedhe might not like me. Especially considering that you swiped me offand married me without asking her permission or so much as anintroduction.”
To his surprise, Jumin found himselflaughing. It was a feature he was rekindling with after so many yearsof not having done it whole heartedly. To think that the one personwho awoke him, who filled his life with joy he hadn’t experiencessince childhood, would doubt herself so much was strangely amusing tothe businessman. “Madeleine, he will love you”, Jumin assuredher, punctuating every word with a kiss to her porcelain skin. “Hewill love you. Trust me on this. In fact, I have never been morecertain about anything in my life.
For their first meetingJumin and Madeleine had decided to invite Mr. Han to the apartment.It was where she felt most at peace, so did Jumin, on top of being amore private setting for a private meeting. Madeleine had suggestedto cook something for the whole thing, but Jumin had quickly shutdown the idea. Not because she was a bad cook, but because she wasstressed out enough as it was and cooking certainly wouldn’t help herrelax. Instead he’d called the chef’s to take care of it, telling hiswife to take a long, hot bath and relax. 
By the time shestepped out of the bathroom Madeleine looked positively divine. Thedress she had chosen was chic while not being too attentiondemanding. It was was casual, the dark purple of it perfectlycomplimenting her green eyes. Her ginger curls well around hershoulders freely and her face was almost completely blank of make-up.Frankly, it was the most beautiful that way. Jumin told her as much,making her giggle and blush, earning him a quick peck to the cheek.“Oh you flatter me too much, darling.”A couple of minuteslater the security guard knocked and stepped in to alert the couplethat Mr. Chairman had arrived and asked for permission to enter.Jumin obviously granted it, happy that the guards did their job asthoroughly as they did. To say no to the CEO of C&R Internationalproved their loyalty to Jumin. The door was finally opened andJumin’s father stepped inside, smiling and thanking the guard forholding the door open. Jumin wrapped an arm around Madeleine and leadher into view only for his father to freeze, eyes wide as he gasped,“Elizabeth?”
The young woman blinked inconfusion before frowning slightly. “How do you know my mother?”It was obvious to Madeleine that Mr. Han was talking about hermother, as she looked almost exactly like her. The woman’s genes weresurprisingly dominant considering that green eyes and red hair wereusually recessive and rarely passed on. However, other than the everso slightly different shape of eyes, Madeleine had always been aperfect copy of her mother. Being confused with her was nothing newto the lawyer. Being confused for her mother by Mr. Han, however,made no sense.
The CEO paled at herquestion, chest rising and falling rapidly like he was pantinghimself into some sort of panic attack. His hand came to rest overhis mouth in obvious shock before he went on to nervously brushthrough his hair. “Oh God”, he whispered. “Oh God, this isn’tokay.” Jumin and Madeleine exchanged looks, confused at the mansweird behaviour. “Mr. Han, Sir, is everything alright? I didn’tmean to upset you. Is there any way we can help you”, Madeleineattempted to soothe her father in law.
Mr. Han looked at her,eyes filled with guilt and something akin to disgust. “Maddy”, hesaid, voice so soft and kind it made the woman’s heart ache in waysshe couldn’t fully understand. Why did she feel this way? Why didthat voice sound so familiar. “Your father and I, we went toCollege together”, he continued, choosing English over Korean. “Wewere best friends by the time he met your mother and proposed to her.I really loved your father, but when he first started hisbusiness…he abandoned your mother and me to focus onwork.”
Madeleine listened, her body recoiling before hermind seemed to catch on where this was going. “Your mother and I,we became closer. She was his wife and yet he didn’t take care of herthe way a husband should. She felt lonely and unsatisfied. So did I.One thing led to another and the two of us, well we shared apassionate night together”, he explained, pausing when Madeleinegasped. She couldn’t believe her mother had cheated on her fatherwith Mr. Han. Little did she know, that cheating wasn’t the biggestissue here.
“The both of us felt guilty, so we told yourfather about it. He was furious, rightly so, and decided to cut allties with me for many, many years. Your mother wasn’t allowed toconverse with me either and for the better part she didn’t. In allthose years I only ever got a single letter from her. In that lettershe explained that our night had led to her birthing a child ninemonths later, a child that I had no right to see but deserved to knowwas mine. A child that her husband would raise as his own, despite itbeing living, breathing proof of infidelity. A little daughter namedMaddy.”
Madeleine had lockedherself into the bathroom, sitting on the toilet with her face buriedin her hands, tears running down her cheeks silently. After Mr. Han’sconfession she’d completely broken down, running off before anyonecould see her that way. Her husband’s – and possibly her own –father had left multiple hours ago and yet she hadn’t moved from herseat on the toilet. Jumin had knocked multiple times, attempting toget her out so they could talk, but she hadn’t been in the rightstate of mind to reply to him any of those times.
Multiple times she’dconsidered calling her mother, asking whether what Mr. Han had saidwas true or not, but had never gone through with her plan. Somethingdeep down inside of her knew that the man wasn’t lying and what heavyconsequences the truth bore. It was simply too much for the poorwoman to take in, dark thoughts clouding her mind. Her loving fathersuddenly a complete stranger. The mother she’d looked up to a weakcheat, a complete stranger suddenly her father but most disturbing ofall, her beloved husband suddenly her brother.
It was in the middle ofthe night that Madeleine finally resurfaced from the bathroom,walking into the bedroom where Jumin still lay awake. He’d waited forher, his own mind running a mile a minute. However, upon turningaround in bed to pull his wife into his arms he was met with her backand a cold shoulder. When attempting to rest a hand on her shoulder,seeking warmth or at least a conversation, she pleaded for him not totouch her. Feeling as if he’d been burned Jumin instantly pulledaway, listening to his wife silently cry herself to sleep for hours.
A week later Jumin woke inthe middle of the night due to sounds that weren’t supposed to bethere. The past week had been hard, deprived of love and the warmthcoming with it. Madeleine had been silent, barely speaking to herhusband no matter how many times Jumin attempted to approach herabout the topic. She didn’t go to work either, didn’t pick up anycalls or even went to the RFA members for some sort of socialinteraction. Yet, the pain he’d felt throughout the week was nothingcompared to the pain of watching Madeleine silently packing herthings.
He instantly shot up from bed, running towards her tostop her form putting any more clothes away. She began to scream,tears already having strained her skin, red blotches tinting it. Shetried to push him away, beat at him. “Let me go! Let me go, Jumin.Let me go”, she half screamed half pleaded, voice breaking. Jumincouldn’t bring himself to, instead slinging his arms around herslender frame, holding her as close to his body as human possible. “Ican't”, he cried, first tears running down his cheek. “I can’tlose you. Please…”
Madeleine sagged in hisarms, body shaking against her husbands. In all the time they’d beentogether she’d never once heard him plead, let alone seen him cry.She turned her head to look at Jumin who’d hugged her from behind.Instead, she found herself being turned around and pulled into analmost violent kiss. At first Madeleine attempted to resist –mostly out of guilt rather than disgust or anything else – but soongave in to her husbands advances. She wrapped her arms around hisneck, melting into the kiss as he claimed her mouth.
Eventhrough the layers of clothes between them she could feel his erectcock pressing up against her, peaking her interest. While kissing herJumin slowly guided her backwards until Madeleine fell onto the bed.Eyes half lidded she watched as her husband unbuckled his belt totoss it to the side, unbuttoning his shirt and letting it glide ofhis strong shoulders before pulling down his pants and freeing hiserection. Madeleine licked her lips, hands coming to rest on hisabdomen, feeling the muscle under her fingers.The smile thatcurled around Jumin’s lips was almost predatory as he guided her headto his cock where Madeleine happily wrapped her lips around the manscock, not minding one bit that he was her brother. She sucked at histip at first, the man hissing at the sudden pleasure shooting throughhis body. She than began to take Jumin deeper and deeper, burying hiscock in her mouth inch by inch with every bob of her head untilfinally his cock hit the back of her throat. For a moment she chokedaround her husbands cock, but didn’t pull back.
“Such a good girl”,Jumin praised her, a hot shower running down her back. He brushedthrough her hair gently, causing Madeleine to moan before he startedto rock his hips, fucking into her mouth as the woman happily tookit. The sounds of pleasure she caused to fall from her husbands lipsturned her own, hips involuntarily rolling against the bed indesperate search for friction. She could feel the wetness spreadbetween her legs, arousal overwhelming her as pleasured Jumin. Henoticed of course, delightfully watching his wife grind against thebed.
“Do you want me to take you”, he asked, their eyesmeeting with her lips still wrapped around his shaft. “Want me totake care of your need?” Madeleine hummed around the others cock,vibrations sending spark of arousal up his length. Jumin abruptlypulled out, pushing Madeleine into a lying position before climbingbetween her legs. He pushed up her night gown, pleased as per usualthat she wore nothing underneath. He spread her legs, took his cockin hand and brushed the tip against her opening, delighted at thewetness that greeted him there.
When he pushed in it wasin one long, thrust, causing both of them to moan out. Jumin thenbent over his wife, pinning her wrists above her head to bask in thebeauty that was her long, slender body completely bared to him.“You’re breathtaking”, he whispered against her lips beforepulling out and thrusting in, setting a quick but steady pace. Theroom was silent other than the sounds of colliding skin and muffledgasps and moans as well as the wet sounds of Jumin’s cock plunginginto his wives wet cunt.
It didn’t take long foreither to reach their peak. Madeleine was the first to come, mouthwrapped around her erect nipple as his free hand played with herclit. She tightened further around his cock, jumping within her asJumin came close to orgasm himself. He reached his peak a mere minutelater, coming inside his wife. When he pulled out gently his hot comedripped out of her. He watched as much with a new kind of pleasurebefore his body was overwhelmed with fatigue and he fell onto themattress, pulling Madeleine into his arms before both drifted tosleep.
“Madeleine, you haven’teaten all day”, Jumin spoke gently, kissing his wives temple as helooked over her shoulder at what she was typing up on her laptop. Amonth had passed since their night together. They’d decided to remaina couple, however risky that might be. Jumin’s father was against it,but the younger Han had argued that he would not lose the love of hislife for his father’s foolish mistake over two and a half decadesago. He refused to listen to any reason, willing to risk both hiscareer as well as freedom to be with Madeleine.
The woman turned around,looking up at her husband. “Genetic Sexual Attraction”, she said,leaving Jumin frowning at her in confusion. “Genetic SexualAttraction”, Madeleine repeated. “That is why we are sexuallyattracted to one another despite – well you know.” She turnedback to her laptop and opened up various sides. It was obvious, thatMadeleine had done a lot of research on the matter, almostobsessively so. Jumin hadn’t cared much, but he could tell that guiltwas eating at his wife, so he hadn’t stopped her from seekinganswers.
“It says that geneticsexual attraction is a condition in which people related to butseparated from one another early on often feel sexually attracted toone another upon reuniting; known or unbeknownst that they arerelated”, she explained. “Because we are related we smell andfeel very similar, which created a feeling of familiarity and safetyright away. On top of that people hypothesised that when familieslive closely together, they become desensitised to each other assexual prospects. That desensitisation effect is said to happenbetween birth and age six.”
Jumin listened carefully,taking in the information given. He himself didn’t mind either way.Whatever the reason for their attraction for one another, a love aspure and unconditional as theirs could be no wrong or sin. However,he did understand his wives need for answers and some way to justifywhat she still considered immoral and sick. It hurt to know thatMadeleine thought that way about their love, but Jumin was set onconvincing her otherwise, no matter what it took. “I see”, hesaid. “Well, this proves that us being together is nothing unusualnor unnatural, is it now?”
Madeleine huffed. “Jumin”,she scolded. “That is not what I was trying to say. Just because wearen’t alone with our case doesn’t make it any less wrong.” Juminclosed his eyes, swallowing the lump in his throat. “I won’t allowyou to leave me, Madeleine. Not over this. I’ve lost my mother, mystep-mother, Rika and my best friend. Everyone who ever even remotelymatter. I won’t lose you. I won't”, he insisted. “How is our loveany less real than anybody else’s anyway?”
Strangely enough,Madeleine didn’t have a good response. Their love wasn’t any lessreal, despite the forbidden aspect of it. If anything their love feltlike the realest thing in her life, which made it all the morecomplicated and draining. If they remained together a big part oftheir life had to be kept secret from anyone involved. “Please,don’t leave me, darling.” Madeleine looked up at her husband,reaching out to cup his face. “I won't”, she replied, smiling atJumin despite the crushing weight in her chest. Why was the forbiddenfruit always the sweetest?
When Madeleine came out ofthe bathroom her red curls were a mess, her face was pale and shelooked like she’d just seen a ghost. Two months had passed sinceshe’d given up on her search for answers, instead giving in to herhusband and the bond they shared. He’d convinced her that theyweren’t harming anyone and so far that had been true. The two of themwere happy and no one had suffered from their relationship, as no oneknew of it’s illegal nature. Madeleine had found solace in the factthat no one was harmed but them, until that morning.
“I’mpregnant”, she announced, voicing the fact making her entire bodyfill with dread. Apparently she was alone in that, however, as Jumininstantly jumped up from where he’d been perched on the bed, beamingfrom ear to ear as he approached his wife. He wrapped his arms aroundher and held her protectively, kissing all over her face and the topof her head before going to his knees and pressing a kiss to herstomach. “We’re going to be parents”, he said, cupping herstomach in awe. “Jumin, this is nothing to rejoice about!”Juminlooked up then, smile immediately replaced by confusion and hurt.“Don’t look at me like that”, Madeleine begged, taking a stepback so he was no longer touching her. “I accepted us, because ourrelationship was something that concerned only the two of us. Now wepulled another human being into this, though, and things change. Thebaby could be born severely damaged, Jumin. I don’t know how you canbe so happy about this! We share 25% of our DNA which means there isa 25% change for this child to be retarded in one way or another.”
Jumin stood up then,attempting to reach out for Madeleine only for his hands to beslapped away. His hurt melted away instantly, instead his neutralmask found its way back onto his face. It probably hurt Madeleinemore to see him that way than it would have to see him cry. It meantshe had caused him to feel unsure and insecure enough around her, tohide his feelings like he’d gotten used to over the years. She feltrotten, but she couldn’t back down. No matter how much the emptinessbehind his eyes killed her in that moment.
“I’ll make surethat it won’t happen. I’ll pay any sum necessary.”“That’snot the point, Jumin! Money won’t cancel out the fact that the genepool is too small for the child to have a good chance of beinghealthy”, Madeleine replied, more and more upset.
“This is our child,Madeleine. Why are you talking about it like it’s something bad? Wewanted to have kids, didn’t we?”
“Yes, but not like this!This child is an abomination. This goes beyond morality or law,Jumin. It would be inhumanly unfair to give birth to it…”“Sowhat should we do? Get rid of it”, Jumin snapped in reply,aggravated for the first time.
“It’s an option, yes”,Madeleine replied quietly, stunning her husband into silence. To himthis child was a blessing. It would be living, breathing proof oftheir love once born. It would be their little baby, half of thewoman he loved and half of him. How his wife could even consideraborting it, especially after they’d talked about having children assoon as possible, completely excited at the prospect, baffled theCEO. He was so blinded by the love and devotion he felt for his wifeand family that all reason had left him, leaving Jumin an irrationalmess.
“How could you say that”, Jumin whispered, voicecracking as he stared at his wife in terror. “What other option dowe have”, Madeleine snapped in response, losing her calm. She wasalmost three months in and soon it would be too late to get rid ofthe child if they so decided. “Keep it, raise it and love it nomatter what”, Jumin instantly replied. Once more he walked towardshis wife, resting both his hands on her yet flat stomach, closing hiseyes and smiling at the idea of it swelling with the life inside ofher. “That is not an option we can make as easily as othercouples, Jumin. We can’t even go to doctors, because they couldfigure out that you’re not only the babies father, but also it’suncle. People would ask questions. Not to mention what we’ll have toput the child through when it possibly asks questions. Must be niceto know that your parents are siblings”, Madeleine replied, drainedat this point. It was obvious that Jumin wasn’t listening and itwasn’t like she hadn’t wanted a child with her husband. She justdidn’t want it this way.“I’ll pay someone off then, makethem sign a non-disclosure agreement before testing our child’shealth”, Jumin replied, looking at his wife with hope shining inhis eyes. “We can be parents like we always wanted to, Madeleine.Whatever life might throw at us, we’ll handle it just as long as westick together. You and me forever, remember? Thick and thin?”Madeleine wanted to argue, but there was not a bit of energy left toher. Especially when Jumin wrapped his arms around her protectively,brushing his fingers through her hair and lulling her to safety.
Madeleine miscarried mereweeks later. They’s just announced their pregnancy to the RFAmembers, as they’d passed the ‘safe’ mark of three months. Everyonehad been so ecstatic. After weeks of fights and discussions and Juminhaving talked her over Madeleine was still sceptic but happy. Thatwas until life took matters into its hands. The exact reasons wereunclear, but she herself assumed it was a mix of bad genes, a bodytoo weak to carry the child, the horrible stress she’d been throughover the past couple of months and a little bit of fate fucking herover once again.
That morning the youngwoman woke up to cramps and pain in her abdomen. However, seeing asshe was close to four months pregnant and cramps weren’t thatuncommon, Madeleine didn’t worry. She told Jumin who made sure shewas tugged in with a heating pack, a bunch of sweets and water withinreach and their workers on call. Nothing was to happen to his belovedwife. He asked whether she wanted him to stay at home with her, butMadeleine insisted that it was only half bad and that she’d be fine,sending her husband off with a tired smile.
The pain started to growworse over the course of the day, however, especially when Madeleinemoved anywhere out of bed. She attempted to calm herself, assuringherself over and over that everything would be fine. It had to be.Sadly, it wasn’t. The cramps got worse and worse, even upon takingwhat was supposed to be warm and relaxing bath. That is untilMadeleine opened her eyes to another, agonizing cramp only to findherself floating in her own blood. Madeleine screamed and scrambledout of the bathtub, tripping and falling in her desperate attempt toflee.
When the guards camerushing in, alarmed by the screams, Madeleine lay on the floorunconscious but still alive. They instantly wrapped her up in abathrobe and called an ambulance as quickly as human possible beforecontacting Jumin himself. Despite rushing he didn’t make it in timeto see his wife before operation. Upon asking doctors what hadhappened they explained that Madeleine had suffered from a prettyharsh miscarriage. As there was still fetal tissue inside her, theyhad to operate or otherwise she’d possibly die from infection.
It felt like an eternityuntil finally Madeleine was pushed out of the operating room. She wasasleep, but from the fact that her face wasn’t covered Jumin knew shewas still alive, sighing in relief. He watched her being wheeled intothe private room he paid the hospital for. Jumin wasn’t immediatelyallowed to enter, the doctors explaining that she needed a lot ofrest. Not only had she just lost a child but also a lot of blood.They told him to leave for the day, gather his wits and come to seehis wife the next morning when she was a little more stable.
Reluctantly Jumin left.Home alone the businessman found himself incapable of relaxing norable to focus on work. Whatever he tried to do to distract himselffrom the harsh reality, his mind remained riddled with agonizing fearand pain. At this point in time the young man was surprised that hewas still capable of such intense emotions. After all the losses he’dcounted over the years Jumin had thought of himself as immune to anypain. He was wrong. Very wrong. The night was spend rest – andsleepless, nervousness and guilt eating away at the man as he drownedhis worries in wine.
When the next morning cameJumin rushed to the hospital once more, eager to see his wife. Hishair was a wet mess, dark circles under his eyes ageing his face andhis clothes the same as the night before, only more crumpled and outof place. It didn’t matter, not in that moment. Jumin only worriedfor Madeleine and what state he would find her in, his sanitydecreasing by the minute. While his state was to no surprise it wasmerely a metaphor for the path his life was taking. He was losingcontrol of things and this was only the beginning.
This time, upon enteringthe hospital, Jumin was allowed to go through. Madeleine was awake,sitting upright in her bed and staring outside the window. The youngman could have cried tears of joy in that moment, happy to see heralive and breathing. However, Jumin’s body was soon overwhelmed withdread as – upon gently touching her shoulder – Madeleine merelyturned her head to him without further reaction. She didn’t speak.Didn’t reach out for his hand or even slap it away. She didn’t move,smile or scream. Nothing.
Her eyes looked empty, like she wasaware of someone’s presence, but couldn’t make anything of it.Whatever Jumin said, no reply ever came. He was about to break downwhen suddenly the door opened behind him and he snapped around. “Whathappened to her”, he shouted, hands balling to fists. “What didyou do to her?” The doctor raised his hands, attempting to calmJumin down. “I am sorry, Mr. Han, but there is nothing we couldhave done. In fact, no one could have prevented this from happening,as it has nothing to do with her physical condition.”Theman went on to explain that Madeleine was catatonic; a state in whichshe appeared to be in a daze or stupor, completely unresponsive tothe world. They couldn’t exactly pinpoint the reason for falling intosuch a state – it would be anything from PTSD, depression or aninfection due to her miscarriage – but there was very little theycould do, as Madeleine didn’t seem to react to the meds given to her.If she ever came out of that state, it was something that the youngwoman had to do on her own. The shock had simply been too much.Fora moment Jumin stood completely still, face almost as empty as hiseyes, before something inside of him snapped. He gripped his wivesshoulders and desperately began to shake her, tears streaming downhis face. “You promised! You promised you wouldn’t leave! Now comeback to me. Come back at once”, he shouted at his wife. “Youcan’t leave me too, Madeleine. Not you. I lost everyone. I losteveryone and our child and now I’m losing you? No! No, I won’t letthat happen! Wake up, Madeleine. Wake up for fucks sake. Not you!”
Jumin had to be draggedout of the room, visitation rights taken from him for the time being.Not that he would have come either way. He couldn’t bring himself to.Instead Jumin coped the only way he knew how; by drowning himself inanything but his pain. He worked like an animal, cutting Jaehee’shours in half by taking over all the tasks he would have given toher, usually. He worked out excessively, no longer satisfied withonly playing golf. Instead he used the treadmill for hours at thetime amongst other things. He barely ate but drank a lot, barelyslept and yet never left the house.
Months passed without himso much as glancing at his phone, ignoring the RFA, the members andeven the chat. It was on one particularly lonely night that Juminmade the mistake of looking through some of the chats. They’ddiscussed Madeleine for weeks, everyone angry that Jumin didn’t seemto care, calling him every name in the book. For a while Jaehee andYoosung had actually attempted to defend him against the rest, butsoon gave up on their friend as well. Zen was especially made,disgusted by Jumin like he’d never been before. He couldn’t blame theactor.
“He’s a pathetic piece of shit! His wife just lost ababy and felt so depressed that she went catatonic and instead ofbeing with her, attempting to somehow get her back by talking to herhe just goes about life like nothing happened! He’s disgusting”,Zen wrote in one of the chats. “Just kick him out of the group.He’s become useless anyway. All he cares for is himself and his ownneeds. If he can’t care for his wife, how could he care for anorganization.” It wasn’t until he read a recent message about‘being glad he’s gone’ that Jumin realized Zen was right.
He had become useless.Jumin had failed his father, his wife, his child and even his friendsand the organization he’d dedicated a big part of his life to. Foodand wine had lost their taste. The bed had lost its comfort withouthis beloved Madeleine to share it with. He’d given up Elizabeth the3rd, not even sure whom the security guards had given herto. Sleep was harsh if it came at all and the world had grown darkwhere it once had shone bright. There was nothing to live for soJumin decided to make one last selfless decision: rid the world of auseless man.
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