#didn't spy check me didn't do nothing. just looked at me for a second and started thrusting
automatonknight · 1 year
I FORGOT TO MENTION. but there was also this sniper that i stumbled upon in the sewers and he did the thrusting thing just for me to see and it made me laugh so fucking hard it made me wish i could type in chat so i could tell them they're the funniest person on this server
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1800-lemonadeg1rl · 6 months
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Wanda Maximoff x reader ☆
Minors dni!! Masterlist°•☆
Summary - pretty much is what it says on the tin. After you try to avoid your crush you find jealousy eating at you.
Warnings: stupid, possibly cringe, maybe a little angst? Idrk, happy ending, jealousy, gay,
A/n: this is the first fic I've written since I was thirteen and I did it just to avoid being involved with my parents fight. Also my grammar probably isn't that great bc I haven't slept in 2 days so pls comment any corrections. Any feedback is so so appreciated
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You didn't know when it had started. How even. But you had somehow become infatuated with fellow avenger and best friend Wanda maximoff. To put it simply you had a crush on her, a stupid schoolgirl crush that was beginning to crash down on your friendship with her.
It was small things at first, avoiding eye contact so you wouldn't blush under her gaze or not sitting next to her at meals. Next it was finding reasons not to hang out alone.
Little to your knowledge Wanda had noticed all these things and had begun to wonder if she'd upset you in someway that maybe you didn't like her the way she'd always admired you. She tried to approach you to go out for lunch to try and apologise for whatever she thought you were upset about but before she'd had chance to speak you'd scurried off saying something about needing to train.
And so life went on for Wanda as heartbroken she was that you seemed to want to distance the close friendship youd shared that she'd once thought could be more she didn't want to spend forever alone and crushed.
Thats when your jealousy started.
"Yeah the date actually went really well last night." You'd heard the sweet sokovian accent ring out across the kitchen as you'd shuffled into get your breakfast. Still half asleep you mumbled as you poured a coffee.
"You've got a date?" It came out a little more territorial than you'd intended. Despite your small efforts to dissipate your crush on the woman you were still annoyed at whoever thought they could date the girl you liked, that you should be with.
Not that you were looking at her but Wandas face seemed to light up when you initiated a conversation with her. After weeks of dead silence she'd want nothing more than to hear your voice which she'd describe as honey like and melodic to the ears.
"Yes, yes I am. A second one actually." You could feel your face redden slightly and twitch in annoyance at the words that left Wanda's lips. A second?! Not only had she had one date with someone else it had gone so well they wanted a second.
"You shouldn't go out with them." The words leave your lips quicker than you can stop them. And you look to see Wanda's face, her mouth open wide as her bottom lip twitched slightly.
Shit. You'd upset her. You'd upset the girl you loved. "I... I.. I mean.." You stammered through your sentence trying to find an exscuse for what you'd said. "I just mean.. your an avenger you should do a background check on them first and.. uh.. make sure you know they're legit and not a spy or something." After saying that you quickly fled the kitchen leaving your full cup of coffee much to the confusion of Wanda who'd had just about enough of the way you were acting.
That evening you were in your room catching up on a drama you'd originally started with Wanda but since you'd decided youd ruined your friendship beyond recovery you wanted to finish it yourself.
Then came a small delicate knock on the door. That was how Wanda knocked. Oh god you recognised how she knocked now, how would you ever get over her?
"I'm working go awa-.." You tried to get out quickly at the door as you rapidly turned the tv down and hoped she'd leave you alone.
Before you were even done your sentence she'd interuppted and responded. "Don't say another word. I can hear killing eve (srry I can't think of another tv show) playing in there. Let me in so we can talk."
You waited a beat thinking about the small list options you had right now to avoid the confrontation at your door, none of which would work or were very smart and would probably be more embarrassing than admitting the truth. So reluctantly you let her in. Twisting the handle slowly giving her all the time she needed to change her mind and leave.
Unfortunately that didn't happen and instead she waited patiently before heading over to your bed a flopping down on it in the ever so casual way she used to. As if no time has passed.
"Okay speak. Tell me whats wrong? What did I do to you?" She asks looking up at you with what looks like anger? No, no it was hurt. Everything from her wide watery eyes to her sweaty palms read that she was hurt and was nervous to why you'd been avoiding her.
"Its not you." Was all you could manage to spit out in the moment. Why had you even avoided her so much when all it had done was harm your best friend.
"Okay so what is it?"
She was relentless, she wasn't going to leave until you explained yourself and your recent actions. Being honest you couldn't blame her if it was the other way round you'd want to know.
"I..." You stare at her gorgeous face eyes flicking between her plump lips and her soft, glimmering eyes even in this moment struggling to make eye contact with her without a blush spreading across your cheeks. "I like you.. as like more than friends."
You watched on as her face contorted. The way she bit the inside of her cheek and her soft eyes hardening in time with your admittal. The hurt was long gone and replaced with an annoyance that you had blanked her instead of admitting your feelings but also a small glimmer of hope that it wasn't too late for you two.
"So what? You didn't think to tell me." She gets up from the bed. "Your rational descion was to ignore me in hopes of what?!" She was pacing now. "In hopes of what?" She repeats and suddenly your also stood up trying to open your mouth to speak but she won't give you the time. "In hopes I'd dissappear or your feelings would and we could just be friends again?"
Meekly you nodded. You had ignored her to try and make your feelings go away.
"Did you not think about me? Maybe I wanted you to have feelings for me. Maybe I want to be with you." She was speaking again and nearing you with each word.
"I.. didn't think you liked me like that.. I thought that you'd hate me."you try and explain my poor actions. "Look I'm really sorry.. I didn't know you felt like this about me."
You grab her arm forcing her to stop angrily pacing around the room and to talk to you again hoping it would calm her slightly. "..please I am. I'm really sorry Wanda.. I've missed speaking to you so much, I've missed you so much." Your further apologies seem to lessen her anger as she realises what you had done was unintentional and you'd never meant to cause this.
"You can make it up to me then."
"How?" She was offering to forgive you and that was enough. You'd do anything to stop her being angry with you ever again.
"Take me on a date."
A/n - I can write a pt 2 or follow up if anyone is interested <33
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n-i-m-u-e · 24 days
The fucking cat! pt. 1 (pt. 2) The story of how Luke found a true friend in the captivity of the Red Keep, and Aemond found another enemy
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Cursing through his teeth, Aemond furiously slammed the door to Lucerys' quarters and clutched the deep, bleeding scratch on the back of his hand. He decided to ignore the muffled laughter coming from behind that door. Fucking hell, Aemond hated that bloody beast! It was just absurd, but yes, among those he considered his personal nemesis was a cat. What's more, Aemond was sure that the cat considered him his nemesis too
Having supported his grandfather's idea to fill the castle with cats instead of the rat catchers Aegon had executed, he thought it was a good idea. After all, there were no negative aspects - the cats didn't demand payment, couldn't spy for the enemy, and generally couldn't do any harm, except maybe scratch the tapestries. How, damn it, he was wrong!
The first time he'd seen the creature was in the garden when he'd gone in search of his nephew and sister. Not that he had any urgency to do so, but Helaena and the boy had become too close lately and he… had to keep an eye on things. As he walked past the old apple tree, he heard a low, threatening sound, and when he looked around, he saw a shaggy, reddish beast that could only be considered a domestic cat in name only. The animal was large and looked completely wild, and it had only one eye. Aemond hummed and continued on his way, ignoring that the cat was still making its frightening noises. If only he had known then, he would have slashed this fur demon with his sword, without remorse.
The second time he met the monster was in his nephew's chambers, when he came to check that the boy was all rig… meaning that he was not up to something naughty or stupid. After all, Aemond knew better than anyone how well the little bastard could cause trouble. His hands were full because that morning the servants had made another mistake and added plum cake to Aemond's breakfast, even though he always skipped dessert. So, just to save the food, he decided to give it to the boy. Especially since kid seemed very thin, and they didn't want rumors to spread in court that they were starving Lucerys. He also had a book about the Lorathi mazemakers, a rare item from his own collection, but that was nothing, he just wanted to keep the boy busy and less thinking about various tricks. So, when he entered the room, he didn't have time to react and cover his head when something furry, with long claws and absolutely fierce attacked him from somewhere above. Aemond could only turn his face away a little, put his left half up, and be 'glad' that his eye was already gone.
'Sir Pam!'
His nephew's worried voice slightly distracted the beast from trying to tear at Aemond's face, and Aemond could throw the rabid thing off him.
'Uncle, what are you doing? Careful, don't be so rough, you've scared him enough!'
Aemond blinked his eyes in shock. The only eye he had miraculously saved, by the way.
'Scared it? This creature has decided to finish your life's work and rob me of my vision for ever.'
'Poor Sir Pam, he's just a bit nervous, he's been through a lot and needs to be treated with care.'
'Sir Pam?'
Aemond looked at the ferocious cat, who was now crawling under the chair and hissing angrily.
'Well, I mean Sir Pumpkin. He's so ginger and cute, doesn't he look like a pumpkin?'
‘More like a demon from the seventh hell’ Aemond wanted to reply, but he refrained, noticing how admiringly his nephew was looking at the cat. Lucerys, usually so gloomy, was wearing such a lovely smile on his face that he didn't want to escalate the conflict, especially since what did a few minor scratches mean to a grown man and a warrior? Aemond didn't even feel anything.
What Aemond didn't realise is that this was only the very beginning. For from then on, whenever he visited his nephew, for the purely practical purpose of control of course, the Beast was there, and it was out for Aemond's blood. Lucerys just shrugged his shoulders and assured him that Sir Pam (for the love of the fucking gods!) was ‘a polite and gentle kitty’ and that Aemond just scares him. Aemond could have argued about who was scaring whom, but then he remembered what he was and why he couldn't be afraid of some flea-bitten thing.
The turning point occurred when one night, Aemond woke up with an odd weight on his chest. Opening an eye, he met the glowing eye of a demon in the darkness. The cat was standing on him, pawing at him with its needle-like claws. Deciding that he had finally had enough, Aemond jerked the blanket off and, disregarding the cat's crazed mewing, wrapped the animal in it like a sack. He would have it drowned by the first servant he met. No! He would drown the creature himself, personally, to make sure! And he would have done so, for certain, but for the memory of Lucerys gently caressing and murmuring to the cat. And then, so inappropriately, he felt shame. Aemond sighed heavily and changed his route.
It was late at night and there was no one around except the guards. But Aemond did not care.
When he entered Lucerys' chambers without knocking, he was awake. Irritated, Aemond threw his rolled-up blanket on the bed, from which a tousled animal jumped out and dashed into a dark corner. Aemond pointed his finger in that direction and barked:
'It! It was in my room!'
'Oh' only managed to say the stunned Luke.
'I should have drowned it!'
Luke remained silent, but Aidan noticed that his nephew's eyes were beginning to shine suspiciously moist. He shook his head and sighed. His temper had suddenly evaporated.
'I didn't do it' he said calmly to the boy.
Luke nodded, opened his mouth as if to say something, but instead suddenly sobbed. Oh, no… no, no, no! But the dam had already burst, and Lucerys began to cry uncontrollably, clutching his shoulders.
Aemond was not ready for this. He stood there in his nightgown, in the middle of his little nephew's room, who was a hostage guest, and he felt like a completely fool. Now he even wanted the cat to scratch him as hard as he could, if only it would make Lucerys stop crying.
'I didn't. And I won't.'
He hesitantly approached Luke. The boy shook his head and spoke through his tears:
'I… it's just… Pammy's like the only good thing here. I can't see Arrax, I can't leave, you're at war with mom and I… '
And that's when Aemond really recognised that he had completely screwed up. He really needed to bite his tongue to keep from blurting out something about how he would fix it. Seeing his nephew in tears and suffering had once been almost a cherished dream for him, but now the sight of it only made something painfully tighten in his own chest.
Without allowing himself to analyse his own actions, Aemond crossed the small distance between them and covered Luke in his arms. The boy didn't resist, only sobbed wetly and hugged him even closer, causing his heart to skip a beat.
Fucking cat! Aemond had fallen irrevocably in love with Lucerys Velarion, and it was all the fault of the fucking cat!
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formulaorange · 1 year
2023 Fall Anime
This is honestly a loaded season full of new shows based on relatively new manga. Lots to look forward to
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Spy x Family - Season 2 One of the most fun SJ series that have come out in a while. Season 1 was killer, high hopes for season 2.
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Goblin Slayer 2 I didn't realize they were even making a second season. This was such a killer series. I'm really hoping they don't fall into the many mid-tier fantasy tropes out there in anime right now. I thought the appeal of the show was really Goblin Slayer himself and less about the lackeys along the way. So we'll see how it goes.
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Frieren: Beyond Journey's End This is definitely one of my highly anticipated series. It's about an elf who was part of the Hero's party and her life after he dies. (Since elves live longer) Definitely a darker take on fantasy but has some really solid fantasy and adventure vibes.
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Rising of the Shield Hero - Season 3 Season 2 was pretty disappointing and slow. While this looks like it'll be more fast paced, it does look like a tournament arc of sorts. I know some aren't a fan of that kind of arc, but honestly I think it's exactly what this series needs to pick things up again. We'll see.
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The Faraway Paladin - Season 2 This was legitimately one of my favourite fantasy series. I thought it was really well written and didn't rush things like other series. I'm looking forward to this season.
Sequels/Continuations: Eminence in Shadow - Season 2 killer series with an anti-hero main character. Definitely worth checking out. After-School Hanako-Kun Hanako-kun spin off Dr. Stone Season 3 - Part 2 One of the best novel concept series with nothing else in it's genre to compare to. Definitely didn't drop the ball on the recent seasons and still worth watching. Dead Mount Death Play - Part 2 One that I didn't particularly enjoy, but has a decent sized manga following. Tokyo Revengers - Tenjiku Arc The continuation of the series. Might be just me but it feels like the series fell off after the first season. The Saint's Magic Power is Omnipotent - Season 2 A more mature take on fantasy isekai that just started to get into romance at the end of last season. A solid combo of shoujo genres. The Ancient Magus' Bride - Season 2 Part 2 One that I haven't had a change to check out yet but have only heard good things about. Hypnosismic - Season 2 a weirdly addictive musical/rap series. Unique characters and honestly solid rap battles. One I'll be enjoying. -- Related - Paradox Live - Music battle with what looks to be the same style of animation and solid character design. Definitely worth looking at if you're a fan of Hypmic. The Seven Deadly Sins: Four Knights of the Apocalypse A sequel of SDS. Looks like it could be a fun watch for the fans of the series. New:
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Shangri La Frontier A new manga fantasy series. This may be a horrible way to describe but it is what it is - a new age SAO- full dive fantasy game. A gamer who only plays shit games, gets into a new massively popular MMORPG and is op. One that I'm excited for because it ticks all the fantasy game boxes I like.
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Undead Unluck A relatively new manga series that gained a lot of traction in the last year or two. A gory action comedy that's super chaotic and a lot of fun.
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Shy Brand new hero manga series about a shy girl and her anxieties and struggles going into the hero world who grows and gains confidence as she becomes a better hero.
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Ron Kamonohashi's Forbidden Deductions This is a manga series that I have kept forgetting the name of so never got a chance to read but all the covers for the manga look phenomenal. Likely the anime doesn't do him justice but it is what it is. Essentially sherlock in anime form. A PI with issues and the wholesome police detective work together to solve crime. Other New Series: Green - Fantasy Pink - Romance Red - Action Purple - Drama The Kingdoms of Ruins A world where witches were hunted down by humans as science surpassed magic. A kid who was raised by a witch swears revenge on mankind. This honestly looks solid. The animations are very cool looking and the mc seems to be an anti-hero. Will be looking at this one. Under Ninja A well known manga series about modern ninjas. Definitely a unique series for this season. The Apothecary Diaries A historical medical mystery show. I've heard the name before and I've also only heard good things. Will be worth a watch. A Girl & Her Guard Dog The granddaughter of a crime syndicate goes to highschool out of town and the current young boss lies his way into the same school. Would be cute romance if it weren't for the fact she's 15 and he's 26.. Butareba - The Story of a Man Turned into a Pig What the title says. A girl finds him and the story goes from there. I'm Giving the Disgraced Noble Lady I Rescued a Crash Course in Naughtiness The usual light novel title. Honestly, doesn't seem as yikes as I initially thought, might just be harmless breaking the rules kinda thing. Could be fun, also a Capybara that strikes fear into people's hearts. My Daughter Left the Nest and Returned an S-Rank Adventurer Looks like a wholesome series where an adventurer finds a baby, raises it and she becomes so strong she's busy working all the time. Just a cute father daughter relationship in a fantasy setting about her wanting to come take time to see him but being caught up in OP fantasy battles. Ragna Crimson Dragons vs Humanity - a human and a dragon team up to destroy all the dragons. Action fantasy series. Berserk of Gluttony I honestly added this because I thought it was hilarious. Looks like a combo of knock offs - the Gluttony skill from Tensura (reincarnated as a slime) and the mc being called Fate with the main girl who looks exactly like Sabre. I'll be skipping but its' here so you know.
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skepsiss · 6 months
Oh you don’t say? Ok, fluffy one shot idea for you. Steve, backstage, when Eddie comes back from his First Ever Packed Show! “They really loved me Stevie!! 🥹🥹” excited and exhilarated and exhausted??
I saw this JUST before I was going to bed xD But I'll reply to it now. (other people feel free to send me things, not just my pal void! Also, go check out their writing). First ever packed show; Eddie was like a firework. His explosion of energy was evident, and the colour that came off of him was like catching wind in a sail. It just urged you forward. It was impossible not to be compelled by Eddie, and that was more than obvious as the roar of a full stadium reached Steve backstage. This wasn't Eddie's first show, but it was the first big league one. The stadium was sold out, and everyone here was screaming for Corroded Coffin. It was wild to think that the four men out there on the stage had come from little-town-nowhere and were now adored by hundreds. It was impossible not to adore Eddie. He knew how to put on a performance, and he knew how to engage the audience in a way that only a true showman could. Steve could never do something like that. He never wanted that much attention on him. He was proud of Eddie though, more proud than he could put into words. The band ran off-stage as the crowd continued to yell, the lights around them dimming as Steve already heard shouts for an encore. It didn't seem to matter how much the people adored Eddie though, because Steve could see that as soon as Eddie reached the wings he was looking around wildly for him. "Steve!" Eddie yelled, spying him against one of the back walls. He had chosen that spot to stay out of the Grips' way but hadn't wanted to go too far and miss the performance. "Present," Steve said, raising a hand and then opening his arms as he saw Eddie beelining it for him. Eddie was in his arms in a flash, throwing all of his weight on Steve as he latched on around his neck and hugged him tightly. He was damp with sweat and Steve couldn't help the involuntary 'ouph' that escaped him from the impact.
"Steve!" Eddie shouted again, pulling back to hold Steve's face in his hands. "Sold out, baby! Sold out! Did you see that? They love us--they freaking love us!" Eddie's smile was so brilliant that Steve was certain he could have lit up the whole solar system if he tried. His eyes were twinkling, and despite how exhausted he looked, there was an unbridled energy that hummed behind his expression. "I saw, I saw---" Steve chuckled, letting himself be manhandled. Eddie was like this after every show. His adrenaline was high, and his lust for life was like nothing else. He loved being famous. He loved performing, and Steve knew that he was meant to do it. Eddie was supposed to wow crowds and put on one of the best shows on the planet. "They're asking for an encore," Eddie said, nose to nose with Steve. His smile hadn't faded at all, and Steve felt the infectiousness of it as he grinned back. "Can't blame 'em," Steve replied with a laugh, holding Eddie around the waist. "You should get out there." "Don't go anywhere," Eddie said quickly, looking over his shoulder at the guys who were already standing in the wings, ready to head back out there. "I'll be right back. I'll---I'll be right back." Eddie kissed him hard on the mouth, and Steve hardly got the chance to kiss back before Eddie was rushing back toward the stage. It was hilarious to watch him stumble over himself and then try to look composed as he walked back out to a cheering crowd. Steve just smiled affectionately and wiped away the flecks of sweat and makeup that Eddie had gotten on his cheeks. This was par for the course, and Steve had to admit that he loved every second of being in Eddie's glow.
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rinxelea · 3 months
oh, darling, would you kill for me? | gojo satoru
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wc. 1.3k
tags. forbidden romance, mention of guns and death, implied drugging, violence. a little dark ngl
preview. having been raised in opposite households, you knew that there was no hope between you and gojo satoru. but satoru keeps his promises, even if it means he has to put a bullet through somebody's head in order to kiss you.
it's a simple thing, really.
you rotate the words in your mind, trying to make sense of it. satoru's voice lingers like an echo, the tip of his tongue murmuring the silent words: "let me help."
there's nothing to help you with. satoru is the wealthy heir of a kingdom, and you are, well... you. still an heir, but in a far less...pleasant place. you hold power in the underground while satoru basks in the daylight: fancy halls, expensive wine, blithering nobles, and all. it's as simple as that.
you would have had to say goodbye eventually. it just so happens that satoru's advisors found out and forbid you to go see him again if you didn't want to see satoru locked away. you were young. you were in love. it happens.
you scoff to yourself quietly, anyway. as if they didn't already lock him away.
"if you would just let me help," satoru's grip on your arm is sure to leave a bruise. you can't look at his face. you can't see the desperation in his eyes, nor can you acknowledge that this will be your last goodbye. "i can help you, i can get you out."
you snort, rotating the barrel in your hands before pointing it at the shaking bastard kneeling between your feet. it's pointless to reminisce on old memories. what a fool. a lovesick, deluded fool.
"if you would just-"
"if i would just what? leave where i've come from, marry you, and live happily ever after?" the words fall out of your lips with bitterness, your restraint long gone. satoru looked pissed, a mixture of anger and wildness in his normally calm face. you wanted to apologize, but you knew you had to go back where you came from, go back where there was no satoru by your side. "grow up, satoru."
"yes! because i'll marry you in a heartbeat. fuck what they think." your lover ran his fingers through his neat hair, messing it up. if it were any other time, you would have loved to do it yourself. "listen. i'll come back for you. i'll come back, and we'll be okay. i promise."
you didn't say anything.
you didn't have to.
"i-i'm sorry!" the man wailed, a mixture of snot and tears running down his face. you click your tongue, pressing the gun to the man's temple. a spy, or at least you think so. even if you'll never admit it, you're more distracted by what happened than you thought, and your fingers are aching for something red. "please, i swear i'll-"
with blood coating your hands, you press the trigger.
3 years. 3 years, and satoru decides to come back in the worst fucking time, just when the two factions are in the middle of a squabble and the atmosphere tightened around them all like a vice.
"what the fuck are you doing here?" your shaking hands grasp the front of satoru's tailored suit, your eyes piercing through blue. there's a little, traitorous piece of your heart longing to get closer, to see if this was real, if satoru really came back for you after 3 years of separation. "you idiot."
the sound of gunshots echoes through your fuzzy mind, the blood loss from the gunshot wound acting up on you. you had to protect satoru from the blow. you had to. because the man apparently had zero self-preservation and deemed it alright to strut inside of your domain as if he wouldn't be eaten alive by the people there in a second.
"are you hurt?" you frantically pat satoru down, and let out a sigh of relief when you find that he's all in one piece. satoru is the one left to check up on you when the wound through your side acts up, pain permeating your every being. "fuck."
he says your name. satoru's voice passes through you like a gentle wave, cradling your head slowly, back and forth, back and forth. fuck. you need to focus. you need to get satoru out. he repeats your name, and this time, you can tell he's a little desperate.
"gojo." you hiss out, shaking your head as if it would make it any clearer. you groan when it only results in nausea. "we need to get out." you punctuate each word, wanting to make sure that satoru understands.
"okay." satoru says, gently. he's way too fucking calm for your liking. there's an arm around your back, now, supporting you as your surroundings ebbed and flowed like a blurry photograph. you vaguely feel getting lifted up, hearing some mumbled words and a ringing gunshot before you pass out in satoru's arms, the world fading to black.
there's no one and nothing there to notice satoru's smile.
nothing, except the innocent empty drink in front of your desk, and the corpse of the bastard who dared to lay a hand on what was his.
you wake up in an unfamiliar room, the lights almost blinding you when you open your eyes. the room is certainly lavish, gold and silver decorations adorning every corner, with silk sheets and cotton blankets all around you. you feel a deep urge to sink into the pillows, unsure of what the fuck happened but entirely too tired to give too much of a shit.
the moments pass in relative silence, until the door creaked, revealing none other than gojo satoru. despite expecting his appearance, you still feel surprised, though you're not sure if that's over his situation or the fact that satoru has grown...well.
fuck, who were you kidding. satoru looked delectable as hell. he's grown into his looks, it seems like, the youthful boyishness of his face being replaced by a more ethereal beauty. that isn't even mentioning his build, which was - oh.
when he says your name, you can't help it. your stomach is doing flips. it's still your favorite melody. you feel a little out of it, if you're being honest, your vision blurred at the edges. "how are you feeling?"
the bed dips with the extra weight as satoru sits next to you. your throat is dry, and your mouth is too heavy to speak. you op to nod instead, looking at the wall beside satoru's face. you're not sure if you could look at him. you know you'll break.
"here." you hastily drink the glass of water satoru hands you, your throat thanking you for the ailment. it makes your head a little clearer, too, and you're finally able to take a glance at satoru, able to see him here again up close.
satoru sighs, and you feel a pin drop in your stomach. why is he sad? you flinch minutely when you feel a gentle hand carding through your hair, but ultimately relax at the familiar hold. "i'm sorry."
"mhn," you groan out, your head still aching. what is satoru sorry for? how did you end up here, when you stepping into satoru's house should have been taken as a declaration of war by its other inhabitants? unless, of course, you were a captive. "what d'you mean?"
the hand in your hair pauses for a second, then resumes. "nevermind, it's nothing. it's okay." satoru says, and presses a kiss to your open lips. you want to retort, want to ask what happened, why you were here, but satoru swallows them all, makes a home out of your mouth once more. "i promised you, didn't i? i told you i'd come back, and we'd be together."
for once, you believe him. the questions can wait. satoru is more important. you lean into the persistent touches, a rumbling sound coming out of you like a purr. you look up in time to see the pleased look in satoru's face, and fully let yourself submit, let yourself sink in the feathery light feeling.
"we can be together now." satoru murmurs, his lips pressing a light kiss to your forehead. you preen at the attention, your body a livewire awaiting your lover's every touch. "it's okay."
"satoru." you whisper, your breaths intermingling with one another now that you're so close. satoru's eyes widen, and he kisses you again, and again, and again, until you're both breathless.
"i'm here." satoru promises you, a protective hand curling around your waist. it's an ocean wave, engulfing your body and cradling you like a lost, floating raft, finally succumbing. "i always will be."
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Hey I really like your adamsapple mpreg posts and I got an AU of them! (ꈍᴗꈍ) Happy Eden Ending AU (where things ended up good from the beginning, also with mpreg >w<) Many angels gather around the garden of Eden for the formation of the first human. Lucifer manages to get to the front with all his efforts, but Gabriel scolded him for his methods. Gabriel: You didn't have to push and shove them to get here. Lucifer: Oh come on I have to! I'm literally the shortest one here! Suddenly an all-knowing voice commanded everyone to stay silent and pay attention. It was God's voice. God: We all gather here today to the first step of the existence of mankind. Man will come from the dust and dirt of the ground and shall become dirt and dust once his life comes to an end. He uses his hand to shift the dirt to form the first human and gave him the breath of life to which the man took his first breath and opened his eyes. God: Your name shall be Adam. You are the first of your kind, you are the first human. While God explains what Adam is and what he should do and the angels gossiping, Lucifer looked at Adam with awe. His eyes widen and dilate as he adore his tanned skin, short brown hair and gold eyes. Oh he was absolutely smitten! Adam drifted his attention, and his eyes were glued to the little blonde angel at the front of the crowd. Something about him makes him strange from the other angels but he can't help but be charmed by him. It felt like days between them lovely staring at each other, not sharing a word between each other as their eyes and mind do the talking before god spoke. God: Adam, do you understand?
Adam: I- Uh! I understand.
God: Good, you may explore the garden, you may ask the angels for help, but it is best for you to learn for yourself on how to survive and how to be self-sufficient. Some time passed, Adam made a little hut for himself and decorated with pretty stones and skeletons from his hunts. He was at a pond doing his duty to name all the animals when he heard a rustle in the bushes. Adam nervously checked the bush, praying that it isn't an big animal he can't fight off. Lucifer: AH! Adam: i- it's you! Lucifer: Wait, you recognize me?
Adam: Yeah! You were the first thing I saw besides my creator. Lucifer's eyes twinkled excitedly. He was internally squealing from joy! He can't believe it! He was the second being the first man saw, though he wished he could have been his first sight, but he'll take what he can get! Adam: Do you have a name like me?
Lucifer: * jumps out of the bush* Yes! It's Lucifer!!! Lucifer covered his mouth because he said it too loud. Adam: What's wrong? Lucifer: Haha, nothing except... I shouldn't be here... Adam: Why? I thought angels were allowed to come here. Lucifer: Yeah, but not angels of my rank. Adam: Well, if that's the case then I won't tell anyone you were here. It would be a secret between just you and me. Adam gave a wink and a smile, Lucifer blushed, and his heartbeat goes faster. They sat next to each other at the pond, Adam venting that he has trouble thinking of the name of the waterfowl that reside at the pond. Lucifer suggested they should be called ducks due to them ducking their heads in the water. Adam: That's it! Oh thank you so much Lucifer!
Adam hugged him, to which Lucifer hugged him back tightly. He thought to himself, he spied on Adam for a while before their encounter, lovely admired him and how he was beautiful he was to him. He also liked how resourceful he was and liked how tall he was and how muscular he became. They promised each other that whenever Lucifer arrives they'll always meet at the pond. Those meetings were their own heaven, they slowly bond and had their first kiss. Oh how he wanted to have sex with his lover, but he restrained himself knowing it would lead more trouble and him.
One day while Lucifer was spying in the trees he heard god introducing Adam to Lilith, the first woman and his wife, and he told them their duty to populate mankind. He waited a bit longer and saw them holding hands. Fear filled his mind, he watched them more, Adam was being very pushy towards her in an cocky way but Lucifer can tell that he genuinely likes her. Tears rolled down his face and despair shattered his heart. How could he do this to him! They were supposed to be together but he soon realized Lilith is disinterested in him. If he can't make him his, then he'll take his woman just to piss him off. What he didn't realize is that while Adam liked her, he was being pushy towards their duty so he can finish it as quickly as possible so he can be with Lucifer again.
Awww thank you!
And I love this idea very much. Gotta love a jealous Lucifer lol
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renren-006 · 1 year
Hello! I hope you’re well!
I’ve recently watched The Gray Man and was hoping you could do a Court x Reader one-shot!
Here is what I was wanted it to be about:
Court and Claire are living in an apartment complex in Romania and the reader is their neighbor. Let’s say in this the Lloyd is still alive and the reader is spying for him. Court has major trust issues because he’s trying to protect Claire, but the reader is able to trick them into thinking she’s just a friendly neighbor. They even have movie nights and dinner together sometimes.
The reader decides she can’t go through with letting Lloyd get to them. When she goes to see Lloyd and pretends she hasn’t made progress on finding them, he hits her over the back of the head and kicks her in the stomach/ribs repeatedly as punishment. She goes back to the apartment in Romania joins Court and Claire again for a movie night.
She has a really bad concussion, so she’s pretty off her game, but still put on the act for Court and Claire. During the movie, the reader stands up and feels really dizzy. She passes out briefly and when she wakes up she’s on the couch and Court is knelt down beside her. She’s really disoriented and tries get up. She cries out and grasps her ribs and Court makes her stay laying down on the couch. He looks at her ribs and stomach and asks her how it happened. He’s really sweet and caring, shushing her and telling her she’s okay and safe while checking her ribs for breaks and wrapping them.
The reader tells Court everything and Court becomes angry with her. She apologizes profusely and tells him that he and Claire need to get out of Romania. She passes out again and Court ends up caving and carrying her down to the car to go with them.
When she wakes up Court tells her this is her only second chance and she’s grateful that she doesn’t have to go back to Lloyd.
THATS A LOT! SORRY! If you don’t want to write it, that’s okay!
The Spy Next Door | Court Genry x Reader
word count: 1521
warning: violence towards female character
a/n: hey! i love your idea thank you for requesting it!! I did change the ending to make it fit more with the story and have a good flow!! if you want any more Court stories please let me know! i really hope you enjoy it!!
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“Claire!” Court shouted down the apartment building hallway.
He had lost track of her in the winding stairs up to their floor. Claire's head pooped out from behind the door, with a grocery bag in her hand, matching the multiple in Court's hands. Court breath reflected from its hold as he fished around for the key to the door. The two of them had been living in an apartment complex in Romania for over six months.
You knew this because you had been here the same amount of time he showed up. Your conscience hated you for what you were involved in. Lloyd had you spying on Court, and you had the bruises around your thighs to prove that he was ruthless and didn't care why you were withholding information. You had gotten close to Court and Claire over those months and frequented their apartment for movie nights and dinners. You loved those nights spent on the couch in the dark, trying to act as if you didn't want to snuggle up to Court every time you sat next to him on the couch. Claire gave you smug looks every so often.
The difference between the two apartments was that your apartment was bare, filled with scattered around the room, and guns littering your kitchen tables. All loaded, none used. Your walls bore nothing but the old paint, and still you had skeletons in your closet not clothes. while Courts and Clairs were filled with art, photos, and books on the bookshelves. Claire's bedroom was painted a pretty pink and was covered with records, books, and of course medical supplies. Clouts was grey, a neat bed and neat walls filled with an old photo of his lost friend, and one of Court and Claire, both sitting on his mantle by the wall. Otherwise he was more conservative with his wall space.
Your apartment was so bare due to the overwhelming fears that kept you awake. Every shadow that passed through your window scared you at night. You didn't dare get comfortable if you got killed by Lloys or Court for what you were involved in.
Lloyd was on a mission, after what happened between him and Court last time they met you knew he had a vengeance that ended in death. Your head was already one he wanted and once Court figured it out he would never forgive you for the things you told Lloyd about him and Claire. Lloyd didn’t care at all about the girl just getting to Court, and so thought that meant if they got their hands on Claire, better leverage. You were trying your best to leave her out of it, just mentioning little things, Lloyd didn't like any of this and the hits on your body under your clothes were evidence to that. You loved Court, you had grown such strong feelings for him, and you knew if you let him in he might not like the person you were. Distance and saving him were the best things you could do for him and Claire.
It wasn’t until one Saturday at their house, and the looks Court gave you that you knew you couldn’t let them get hurt, and couldn’t keep living this life. You left early that night, using the flat iron plugged in as your excuse.
You left and headed to Llyod mansion he had time to play in. Your nerves were getting to you, running over the thoughts and ideas that were swarming your head.
“Ah, Y/N!” Lloyd's voice rang through the dining room. “What information do you have for me today”
“i…i can’t do this anymore” you told him, Lloyds face stayed neutral.
“I can’t seem to get any more information out of them” you told Lloyd who gave you a questioning look.
“I see, you have feelings for him now don’t you” Lloyd said, “sympathizing with the man that ruined my life, my job, my career” You sprung back as he walked towards you. You tried to have courage but you just muttered out the real thing you wanted to say.
“ I can’t work for you anymore…this is too much”
“And to think you were my most loyal worker.”Lloyd said as he motioned for the men behind you to grab you, keeping you on your feet and in your place. He came over to you and punched you in the stomach making you feel like puking. Another strike and another came at you. “If you want to disobey, try to leave? I'll make you wish I'd killed you” Lloyd said.
You stumbled back to your apartment, barely conscious , brushed and beaten by Lloyd who said you were never free of him. You did in that moment wish he had finished the job so you didn't have to stumble, or walk back into the building you came to hate, and the neighbors door you wish you never had to see again.You made your way up the stairs, spotty vision and weak legs. Just your luck Court was walking outside his door when he saw you.
“Y/N?” he said, before you could respond your vision weekend and you lost control falling over, and thankfully into Courts now outstretched arms. Court was terrified, the woman he fell for and who lived across the hall from him just passed out on him.
Court lifted you off the floor and took you to his apartment. When you were placed on the couch and the buses made themself apparent to the man, he was furious. Who would do this to you? Why would they do this to you? the questions he had couldn’t be answered at the moment, so he had to wait till you awoke.
When you woke up it was already midday. Court sat on the chair next to you, asleep in his hand.
“Court?” You said, voice hoarse and dry. Court shot out of his sheet and crouched beside you. He was worried, and for the right reasons, you just didn’t know how to tell him about your other life.
“What happened?”He asked you.
“I…I've been lying to you” you told him, Court's expression changed. It wasn't a worry any more, it turned into caution and not for himself.
“Are you okay?” he asked.
“No, no I don't think so. The guy I work for has such a hatred towards you Court that I don’t think I can do what he has asked me to do” you told him, Court knew who you were talking about, and he hated that you were involved. “I’m scared”
“Did he do this to you?” That question was the only one that the Court wanted answered. He didn’t care if his life was in danger, he wanted to make sure yours was not.
“Yes” it was a relief telling Court about the other life, about the hatred this man had and about the abuse you went through. “I went after the movie, to tell him I couldn’t do it, I couldn’t work for him anymore”
“Y/N” Court said, “What did he ask you to do?”
“He wants you dead. He wanted me to become friends with you and tell him things about your life, about Claire's life. I gave him bits, never the whole truth. I never told him where Claire went to school and I said I never found out where you worked. I lied and lied because after a while I couldn’t stand the idea of hurting you, or losing you. I knew I was a goner, weather it was by telling you the truth and you hating me or being killed by Lloyd because i’m incompetent”
“I’m not going to kill you Y/N, but I am mad” Court said, grabbing your face. “I’m mad because if you had told me this was happening I would have done anything in my power to save you, and I will do that now too. If you had given him all that information, we would all be dead now. The only reason we are not, is because you’ve been lying to buy time, now that depends how much time we have not before we're all dead?” Court said, anger and relief flooding through his veins.
You tried sitting up but clutched your side and let out a yelp. your ribs were severely hurt and the bruises along your sides and front made you feel light headed. Court eased you back down. You passed out soon after that and was woken up by Court placing you in the seat next to him in the car. Claire in the backseat along with the piled of luggage from the two in the apartment but from yours as well. You glanced over at Court next to you.
“This is your only second chance” he said to you as you drove out of Romania. “Please trust me next time, tell me if your in trouble”
“I know. I will Court, thank you” you said. Court smiled and continued driving out of Romania back towards Europe, maybe Belgium will be nice this time of year
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bloodyknucklesforme · 2 years
Ohhhhh did you say agent x ghost requests!! Girlllll I would to see some type of punishment for agent! I need this man to bend her over his wide ass thighs and paint her ass red with handprints 🫣 just saying…. Just a thought teehee
Tags: Spanking, dom!simon, aftercare, implied smut
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"Do you really do this every night?" He asked, sitting on the tub's edge, shirtless with no mask. Since New Years things have been different. He didn't come by at late hours, he'd always text and bring food. He wouldn't wear the mask. (all curtains had to be drawn closed). Neither of you dared to label your relationship, but it was more than hookups.
"Yes, I do." You dabbed your serum on your face. "You should do it too. Can't imagine Urzikstan is great for your skin even if you cover up everything like you do. Sand, dirt, and explosive residue."
"How did you know I was in Urzikstan?" He looked up slowly, a scared eyebrow raised.
You were on desk duty and you had complained about it enough for him to know that nothing in your purview involved him or the rest of 141.
"Have you been spying on me, agent?" He stood up and held your waist, keeping you in place in front of the vanity. "I really don't like spies."
You wouldn't call it spying. It was more 'bribing coworkers to give you updates on a certain lieutenant' type of thing.
"I do work for military intelligence. Soap calls me double O enough that I thought you would have figured that out."
"How much do you know?"
"Just that you were there and now you're here. I just like keeping an eye on you, that's all."
He pulled you back against him.
"I don't think I believe you." He was being cheeky. You could see it in his eyes.
"Are you going to interrogate me, sir?" He rested a hand on your neck, brushing the hair out of the way so he could press his mouth to your ear.
"Wouldn't be effective. Torture on the other hand."
You had a second to see the smirk on his face grow into a wicked grin before his hand covered your eyes. He lifted you easily with his other arm, carrying you out of your bathroom and into the bedroom.
He tossed you on to your bed face first. He climbed on top of you and pulled your hands behind your back. The distinct clink of his belt buckle and smooth leather wrapped around your wrists. He laid his hand between your shoulder blades, his silent way of checking in on you.
His hand caressed your ass before pulling down your panties roughly. He gave a quick slap to your bare ass, making you lurch forward. He grabbed your bound wrists and pulled you back towards him.
“Open your mouth.” He dragged his knuckles across your cheek. You shook your head. You liked the fight sometimes. To challenge him even when you were already beaten. He always gave you what you wanted in the end. He grabbed your jaw, his fingers dug into the damp skin. "Open your mouth, agent."
You shook your head again. He let out an exasperated sigh. His hand left your jaw to pin your nose shut.
"Last time I'll ask, open your mouth." His hand came down where your ass met your thigh. You yelped and that was all he needed. Your panties were shoved into your mouth. His hand rested on your back again as he leaned down to kiss your cheek. "Three taps if it gets too much, love."
He stood up and you heard his jeans hit the floor. You couldn't help but wiggle your hips as he stood behind you. You weren't entirely sure what his plan was. He knew where your toys are. He knew what got you riled up. Torture had a variety of definitions.
He sat down on the edge of the bed and rubbed your legs before pulling you onto his lap. He centered your bare ass on his lap. He was slow. One hand massaged your ass while the other went up the back of your shirt to rub your back. He'd angled you enough for your face to rest on the bed. Your breath echoed against the blanket.
His hand came down hard against your ass. You jolted and tried to squirm away from the pain. He held you firmly, chuckling as your legs kicked.
"Choices have consequences, agent. Don't spy if you can't handle the aftermath." He rubbed a circle on the stinging skin, letting you relax into his touch. "Breath in."
His hand came down again, hard. And then again and again. He held the belt and pulled your arms back, forcing your back into an arch. His touch stung. It was hard which was hotter, your face or your ass. Between slaps the only sound was his calm and methodic breathing and your trembling breaths.
He was hard, you could feel it against your stomach. You tried to rub against him and were met with three more slaps.
"It's too late to ingratiate yourself now, agent." He alternated between your two thighs. "I'm not stopping till you break."
He was true to his word. His hand felt like it was permanently imprinted on your ass and thighs. You couldn't think after a while. your only thoughts were him, his hand, the pain in your ass, and the wetness between your legs.
Every ten slaps or so he'd lean down and coo in your ear.
"Good girl." "You're doing so well." "You can take more, can't you?"
Your legs were trembling and tears were rolling down your cheeks. Drool was dripping from your lips onto the bed. He gave you another slap and you couldn't find the energy to flinch anymore. He rubbed the burning skin.
"I think we're done for now."
He slowly untied your wrists and lifted you fully onto the bed. He laid down next to you and petted your hair as he pulled your panties from your mouth.
"You did so well." He kissed your cheek, his tongue licking up your tears. "I trust you learned your lesson? No more spying on me."
You moaned softly. Your brain had melted into hot liquid under his hand. He chuckled and kissed the nape of your neck.
"Stay here." He got up and you heard him walk back into the bathroom. He came back with a bottle of lotion. You whimpered as the cold hit your hot skin. He hushed you, rubbing your back with one hand while the other rubbed the lotion in. "Desk duty is going to be hard for you the next couple of days."
You groaned as he spread your legs to rub the lotion down your thighs. He sucked in a breath, seeing how wet you were. He grazed a finger across your slit, making you shudder.
"Do you think you've been tortured enough, agent?" The tip of his finger ran around the edge of your hole. "Do you deserve this? Or should I just shove my cock down your throat?"
"Simonnnn," you whined. He chuckled and laid down next to you, pulling you against his chest.
"Don't worry, love. You'll get what you deserve in the morning." He kissed the top of your head. "Just relax for now. Let me know if you need anything."
He rubbed your back and pulled a blanket over the two of you. Murmuring praise into your ear as you came back down to earth.
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I would end up being the worst waste of time for everyone too, for like months. Just SO MANY waste resources... Because none of these people communicate healthily or normally or are used to healthy boundary setting, and they are inundated by people with ulterior motives and big agendas and spies and shit.
And I know I am weird as fuck -but- compared to the next super team living together in a mansion I am too fucking normal about everything.
So they'd notice me disappearing for long periods of time, with a high powered laptop, being mostly quiet and 'lurking' when I'm around. And being really *nice* to everyone but also clearly having strong and well constructed opinions... And not wanting to do hero training or missions with them.
And they'd be like "Yeah I know we invited them here and all but they seem sus"... And with house-dad's permission or not one of them would try tracking/following me, alone or as a group or with coms guy's help, to see why my trip to -wherever- never actually shows me as getting to wherever I said I'd probably go, or taking a month to get there and back with a bunch of senseless seeming stops in the middle of nowhere along the way.
Never mind the fact that I am clever enough to have turned of the satellite tracking on the laptop they handed me and opted not to. Most people are fooled by the way I look and sound into thinking I am both naive and stupid even when it's proven I am neither.
So they have someone with the right skill set sent to see who I am meeting up with or what I am up to, to follow me...
And wait, the trail stops here and the team is confirming the signal is off to the left in the woods now. Stop the bike, follow them...
I'm belly down on the ground taking macro photos of a log. I haven't seen them yet though so they hang back.
The following month is a game of "But wait maybe they can tell they are being tracked, or maybe they are waiting to be sure they aren't followed, or maybe this is otherwise some ruse." While I act like a complete gremlin, tech in hand, occasionally getting the sense I am being watched or followed and getting a bit cagey about it, fueling their suspicion, or they get too close and I smell them or something and decide it's a game.
And it just becomes clear about 2 months later when they wander back to crime or anti-crime mansion after me that all I do on these trips is indulge autism and adhd unfiltered, take about 500 photos of stuff to log or 3d model when I get home, and eat a lot of raw fish.
The sheer number of times I tried something silly and fumbled or almost broke something just to be like "well, good thing no one saw that :)"
It isn't about the destination or the 'journey' it's about playing Myst games in the middle of the forest in a rainy tent, indulging every distraction, jumping into the river on a whim and eating the freshest fucking fishes you could ever.
They have to sit there and watch me very cautiously lick various mushrooms I am pretty sure are the safe ones but want to double check before I eat 20 and get a sore tummy, healing factor/invulnerability or not.
They had to pause and hold their breath behind a tree when I tripped on a rock and gasped and said "uh, RUDE!" and for a second they though I had noticed them.
They've been tiptoeing around like I could be some dangerous spy with an agenda to sneak up on them if they stay too close and let their guard down, only to watch me try to climb out of the river with a fish in my mouth, slip and fall back in.
Slip ups aside it's clear I'm competent enough, in fact hyper competence of some kind bleeds through around any time I seem like a dumbass... [This is not from training or being a spy though, it's from having raised myself and having had too many roommates, a life of independence I didn't really chose...] and have plenty of skills and -could- be dangerous, but for 2 months I have been doing nothing but walking around exhibiting child-like wonder with everything, unmasked, hydrated -maybe too hydrated- and in my lane.
They're so sure nothing is up by the end of the trip that they follow me back on foot to make sure I don't fall in a cave or something and aren't even careful about not being noticed because I seem oblivious.
I stop at the gate and wait. They have no clue why. Finally 2 hours go past and they give up and walk up too, ready to play it off like they just got back from a drive, never mind they'll have to go back for the bike. And I'm like "You know I can just turn off the tracking on my laptop if I want to right? You could just ask me how my trip was... Did you have fun?"
"When?" they're super annoyed.
"... It doesn't take having super senses to know what people smell like and notice someone else is hanging around you... idk like for super sure by week 2??"
And that tracks, because week 2 was about the time I stopped sniffing at my backpack and tent like I was trying to figure out where a smell was coming from or looking up in surprise at every out of place noise.
Because at first I was worried about it being someone I didn't know or who I used to know, but then the spot at the one picnic table smelled like them in the morning so I figured it was safe.
"Why didn't you say anything?" exasperated, annoyed, just run down...
"I figured it was enrichment for you??" I'd say like I'm asking them not to be pissed at me.
And suddenly it makes sense why I kept "forgetting" a plate of food outside the tent at night like I was -trying- to attract bears.
"So help me if the others..."
"No... Don't tell them." :)
"Don't tell them I know... Make one of them follow me next time... Tell them you couldn't figure out if I was aware I was being tracked or not" :)
"..." They're making a face like that's not a bad plan. Like it might be good vengeance in their little games and bitchy non-communication style that they have with each other.
"It'll be enrichment for them" :)
Months of wasted time and resources.
All because these fuckers can't just admit "hey we noticed you aren't actually going to _____, it's making some of the family/team nervous, we're sorry if this is personal but where are you actually going?" or "hey we've had problems with spies, would you mind if someone went with you on these trips" or even "I could also use some time away, would you mind if I went with you?"... nope, gotta be satellite tracking and walkie-talkies and rations involved.
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Kicho's Main Story Chapter 9 Part 2
These translations are not intended as a replacement for the game. Please support cybird by buying their stories. SPOILERS under the cut. Expect mistakes.
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Mitsuhide: “...........”
Mitsuhide: “You said that if the present changes, the future will change, too.”
Mitsuhide: “You knew the future and started the war here in Japan to change it?”
Kicho: “That’s right.”
Mitsuhide: “Why did you do it?”
Kicho: “If I tell you, will you change your beliefs?”
Mitsuhide: “You don’t have to ask.”
Kicho: “Then there’s no point in talking about it. I have no intention of breaking anything, either.”
Mitsuhide: “Even if you have to put that girl on the scales?”
Kicho: “...........”
Kicho’s eyes silently lose their light, like a sky covered with thick clouds.
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Kicho: "What are you trying to say?"
Mitsuhide: “You now have two choices.”
Mitsuhide: “If what you said earlier is true, then Mai’s disappearance means that Japan’s future has changed.”
Mitsuhide: “In other words, the warring world will continue, just as you have intended.”
Mitsuhide: “The first option is to continue to live as a demon in this turbulent world.”
Kicho: “And the second option is to abandon the cause in the hope of eliminating it, huh?”
Mitsuhide: “That’s right. And I have only one choice.”
Mitsuhide immediately raised his gun and pointed it at Kicho.
Mitsuhide: “I choose Mai’s life over your cause.”
Mitsuhide: “And I’m willing to do whatever it takes to make this choice.”
Mitsuhide: "What about you, Kicho?"
Kicho: "Let's see."
Mitsuhide: "!"
One single gunshot sound echoed through the small room, and both Mitsuhide and Kicho's faces contorted as it was fired simultaneously.
Mitsuhide: "Guh..."
Kicho: "There's no choice from the start. I've already decided my path."
With blood seeping from his right shoulder, Kicho moved toward the door that had been kicked in.
Kicho: "I'll leave everything behind and move on to greater heights."
Kicho: "That's why I came back to this turbulent world."
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Mitsuhide: "Wait. You..."
By the time Mitsuhide, shot in the abdomen, was about to point his gun again, Kicho had disappeared.
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Motonari: "You bitch, how long are you going to resist?"
Mai: "Ouch, my feet..."
Motonari's subordinate: "Hey, don't put all your weight on me while saying that!"
Kidnapped and bound with ropes, I desperately resisted for the last time.
(Motonari said that I had to disappear.)
(Now that we've come this far into the mountains, they're either going to kill me or leave me behind without anyone knowing.)
(I guess that means I'll never make it back alive.)
(If that happens, I'll never see Kicho again.)
Motonari: "Do you want to be killed here?"
Mai: "I'm resisting because I don't want to get killed!"
Motonari: "Then, you better shut up. A defiant hostage is nothing but a nuisance."
Mai: "Hostage?"
Motonari: "Kicho didn't tell me, but I've already checked it."
Motonari: "Nobunaga is seriously understaffed for sending a princess with so many openings as a spy."
Mai: "----!"
(Motonari knows who I am, too.)
Motonari: "It looks like he's finally here."
I turned around when I heard footsteps approaching.
Motonari: "I've been waiting for you. Kennyo."
(This is the man who tried to kill Nobunaga in Honnoji.)
Kennyo: “Who’s that girl?”
Motonari: “She’s from the Oda clan. Rumor has it that she’s Nobunaga’s mistress.”
Mai: “T-That’s not true! That’s just a rumor!”
Motonari: “Ha? What are you getting so worked up about?”
Mai: “I have no choice. That rumor is making me uneasy.”
Mai: “Also, please don’t tell Kicho that.”
Motonari: “Because you don’t want him to think you have that kind of relationship with Nobunaga?”
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Motonari: “You’re awfully attached to him.”
Mai: “That’s...”
(That just came out of my mouth.)
I averted my eyes from Motonari to stop myself from saying anymore crazy things.
Motonari: “Well, I’m not interested, so I won’t ask.”
Kennyo: “But even if you exclude the rumor, she’s still from the Oda clan.”
Kennyo: “I see. That’s why she was in Honnoji that night.”
Mai: “----!”
I got goosebumps when I saw the dark, cold look in his eyes as he turned his lingering hatred toward me.
Motonari: “You made the right call by speaking to me.”
Motonari: “You can use her as a hostage to get rid of your grief from the past or whatever.”
Mai: “Waah!”
At Motonari’s order, his men pushed me, making me stagger toward Kennyo.
Bound by ropes and unable to catch myself, his strong arms supported me and pulled me straight to him.
Mai: “No, let me go!”
Kennyo: “I can’t do that.”
Kennyo: “I have nothing against you, but if you claim to be from the Oda, I can’t let you go.”
Kennyo: “I’ll use you as much as I can.”
Motonari: “There you have it. He saved your life. You’re lucky you’re worth something.”
Mai: “That doesn’t make me happy! It’s unfair that you guys are teaming up to do this!”
Motonari: “Ha? I’m not teaming up with him. I’m just looking for a place to dump you because you’re in the way.”
Motonari: “Hey, Kennyo. You still haven't given me an answer.”
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Kennyo: “...........”
(What’s he talking about? It doesn't look like they're enemies, but they're not allies either.)
(Come to think of it, Motonari and Kicho were like that too.)
It was Motonari's sole decision to bring me here, and as far as I’ve heard, Kicho didn't share some of the information with Motonari either.
(They probably team up because they have the same goal, or their goals just overlap with each other.)
Mai: "What exactly are you two up to?"
Motonari: "Why do wanna know? Are you gonna talk us out of it?"
Kennyo: "You're wasting your time. If one word could change our purpose, we wouldn't be here now."
Mai: "I know that, but being ignorant is the worst thing I can do."
Motonari: "Ha! You're right. There's nothing scarier than ignorance."
Motonari: "Some people dream of unification because they're too ignorant."
Mai: "Is it wrong to dream of a peaceful future?"
Motonari: "It's not, but you'll regret it when the time comes."
Motonari: "People are ugly, greedy beasts. Nothing good will happen if they rule over others."
Motonari: "That's why it's much better to live in chaos."
(He talks like there are no good people in this world.)
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(But why does he think that way?)
Motonari: "Anyway, Japan is fine the way it is. Nobody can do anything about it."
Motonari said dismissively and quickly mounted his horse.
Mai: "Wait! I'm not yet done talking!"
Motonari: "No, it's over. You can think about the rest with that tiny little head of yours."
Cutting off the conversation, Motonari gestured for the horse to turn and galloped away.
(He's gone.)
Kennyo: "I have nothing to say to you."
Mai: "But you're going to hold me hostage?"
Mai: "If you're putting my life on the line, you can at least tell me what kind of demands you intend to make."
Kennyo: "No. What if you suddenly bite your tongue and kill yourself?"
Mai: "I won't do that! There's no way I'd take my own life."
Kennyo furrowed his eyebrows deeply as I denied it.
Kennyo: "You’re a strange girl. Don't you have anything called loyalty?"
Mai: "I want to be as honest as possible, but I'm not willing to die for anyone."
Mai: "Of course, I don't like the idea of someone dying for me, either."
Kennyo: "............." 
Kennyo: "Then you're in deep trouble because I'm trading your body for Nobunaga's head."
Mai: "What!?"
I remember what Mitsuhide told me before.
Kennyo plotted the assassination of Nobunaga at Honnoji Temple because Nobunaga destroyed the Ishiyama Hongan-ji Temple in the past.
Mai: "Are you taking revenge?"
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Kennyo: "That's right."
Kennyo: "That Demon King burned down the temple to achieve his goal of unification."
Kennyo: "Several of my comrades have lost their lives and lands, leaving them only with resentment and regret."
Kennyo: "I'll do whatever it takes to take revenge on Nobunaga."
Kennyo's expression turned even grimmer, and the scar that remained on his face became twisted.
(There is always someone else's blood and war beyond any beliefs.)
(And even if you survive, your heart will be shattered.)
I'd seen it with my own eyes, if only for a short while.
These were the times when one couldn't live without getting hurt, surrounded by the word justice.
It was too difficult just to stay alive and hold on to one's own will.
That's why...
Mai: "We need to end this warring world even more so."
Kennyo: "What are you mumbling all of a sudden?"
Mai: "I realized that even though we have words, they mean nothing in the face of military force."
Mai: "It's not yet too late for us to talk and get to know each other before making a decision."
Mai: "Because if one of us points a weapon at the other first, it's gonna be hard to talk anymore."
I'd rather stay ignorant, but I can't go back now.
I'm no longer a bystander.
Kicho: “My goal of a peaceful world was wrong.”
Kicho: “If people are not tormented by war, they will forget the value of life.”
Kicho: “It’s only in this turbulent world that we can properly fulfill the meaning of life.”
---------Flashback Ends---------
(That's not true.)
Mai: "If we're not tormented by war, we can remember the warmth of our words."
Mai: "We can listen to the words of someone who has the same irreplaceable life."
(I know it won't always work out that way, and it's all just my selfish idea of justice.)
(But if that opportunity gets taken away before you get to know the other person, people will remain at odds with each other for the rest of their lives.)
(They will continue to carry the wounds and contradictions they have suffered.)
Mai: "There are plenty of things you don't realize until your enemies become human."
Mai: "I learned that here."
Mai: "So I think that whoever you are dealing with before you pick up a weapon, you should speak to each other first."
Kennyo: "..........."
Mai: "I'm sorry. I didn't mean that as a sermon to you."
Mai: "I just saw what was happening and thought about it."
Kennyo: "Yeah."
Kennyo nodded slowly, his face still contorted as he leaned slightly on his staff, a clear, crisp sound echoing.
Kennyo: "My goal is still to take revenge."
Kennyo: "We've already hurt each other and lost so much. The man I believed to be human turned out to be a demon king, and I turned out to be a demon."
Kennyo: "There's no turning back now. Everything is covered with blood, and this road leads to hell."
Mai: "I understand."
Kennyo: “But there are still others who haven’t been deprived and can turn back.”
Mai: “You mean the townspeople? There’s a riot going on now.”
Kennyo: “You know about it?”
Mai: “Not all of it, but I’ve seen it.”
Mai: “There were fires everywhere, and people were screaming. It was pretty much like hell.”
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Kennyo: “Then, what would you do?”
Mai: “I...”
(There’s not much I can do by myself.)
(I know that, but一)
Mai: “I want to stop it. I’ll do what I can to stop it.”
Kennyo: “I see. Then...”
Kennyo suddenly drew the sword, hidden in his staff, and一
He cut the rope binding me.
Mai: “Are you sure you want to let me go?”
Kennyo: “A hostage will just slow me down. Also, I have to take my disciples and go to town.”
Mai: “Are you going to stop the riots?”
Mai: “This could be your chance to get revenge, you know?”
Kennyo: “Are you really saying that to me?”
Kennyo: “There are just too many of them to take to hell. That’s all.”
Mai: “Kennyo...”
No matter how noble your words are and how many times you say them to a stranger, you can’t easily move their hearts.
But in Kennyo’s case, there may have already been hesitation deep in his heart.
Mai: “Um...”
Mai: “If there’s anything I can help you with in the future, please let me know.”
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Kennyo: “Does that mean you’ll volunteer to be a hostage?”
Mai: “Except that.”
Kennyo: “You become even weirder every time I talk to you.”
Sighing, Kennyo put his sword back and hit the ground twice.
Soon, armed, black-clad men came running out from the nearby trees.
Disciple 1: “Lord Kennyo, we’ve been keeping an eye on it as you ordered us to.”
Kennyo: “Yeah, how’s the situation in town?”
Disciple 2: “It’s spreading fast.”
Disciple 2: “The rioters are setting fire to houses one after another and marching to a poorly guarded branch castle on the outskirts of town.”
Kennyo: “I see. Then we’ll split up and handle it.”
He listened to the reports and gave instructions to each of them.
(I can’t let this happen. I have to act too.)
Mai: “Excuse me! I’ll try not to slow you down, so will you let me come with you?”
Kennyo: “Are you going to jump into a dangerous place by yourself unarmed?”
Mai: “Yes. I can’t fight, but I can help you with the rescue.”
Mai: “Besides, I want to find Kicho and talk to him directly.”
Kennyo: “That man?”
Mai: "Please! I'll do my best."
Mai: "If you feel like I'm in the way, you can just leave me there!"
As I repeatedly bowed my head, Kennyo stopped me with his hand.
Kennyo: "In any case, it's still dangerous to leave a girl here alone."
Kennyo: "Follow me."
Mai: "Thank you!"
(Wherever you are, I'll surely find you.)
(I'm going to stop you, Kicho.)
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Man 1: "Hey, get out of there! You'll get caught in the middle of it!"
Woman: "No! My baby is still trapped inside."
Man 1: "Give up! You're going to die too!"
Man 2: "What are you guys doing? Do you want to get burned?"
Woman: "But!"
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Kicho: "Oi."
Townspeople: "----!"
Kicho: "You hold up that end over there and push that pillar down there with me."
Man 1: "Okay, fine!"
Kicho: "Now, on the count of three, put your strength into it."
Kicho: "One, two, three!"
Woman: "There's an opening!"
The woman frantically reached out her arm and rescued a child trapped between the crushed houses.
Woman: "Thank goodness."
Man 1: "Thank you. Wait, you're hurt!"
Woman: "It's true. Your face is so pale, and your shoulder is bleeding."
Kicho: "It's nothing serious."
Shrugging off the voices of concern, Kicho quickly walked away, exhaling painfully with each step and looking up at the hellish scene.
Kicho: "I can't just stop here."
Kicho: "This is the path I've decided to take."
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(A bloody letter that never gets delivered.)
Where did I go wrong?
What should I have done? I know that thinking about it and regretting it now won't make any difference because I chose this path for myself.
To choose something means to abandon something.
I know that too.
I've spilled too much blood, but I can't stop thinking about all the possibilities that don't exist.
What would that girl say to me now?
What expression would she make, and how would she touch me?
I should've talked to her. I should've faced her.
Mai was the only one who tried to see all of me, not just a part of me.
I never thought that would be the last time.
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lowkeyerror · 2 years
No Escape pt6
WandaNat x Reader
Word Count: 1k
Warnings: None
Summary: A glimpse into the domestic future of Wanda, Natasha, and Y/n.
An: I never know where these things are going until I've written the ending. A really grim start, to an angst filled middle, and a fluff driven end. Hope you enjoyed the series :)
Series Masterlist | Masterlist
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Y/n wanted a fresh start with Natasha and Wanda, that couldn't happen in Westview. At least in Y/n's opinion. Though Wanda was reluctant to leave the city, Natasha convinced her it was for the best. The spy even pitched the idea of the three of them living on a farm.
So they dropped the barrier around the city and took off. They settled in the middle of nowhere, in a house that Wanda created.
Things were surprisingly domestic between the three of them. There was a slight worry inside of Y/n that she had made things too easy. That she had gotten too comfortable.
In those moments, she'd think about what Wanda and Natasha did for her versus what she did for them.
They showered her with affection. This time it wasn't obsessive or overbearing, it was quite cute. They didn't pressure Y/n to return it.
For a while, she didn't really return any of the affection. However, she'd get the urge to just be near them. So when Natasha was doing yard work, Y/n would offer to help. When Wanda was cooking, Y/n sat in the kitchen and watched the woman.
They hadn't been intimate since they moved and while the pair wanted nothing more than Y/n, they were willing to wait.
Eventually Y/n started giving them small displays of affection little kisses on the cheeks, holding hands, and long hugs. She enjoyed the way the women would always react in slight shock. She couldn't get enough of seeing the pink blush that would cover their faces.
“ Y/n, come taste this. I think something is missing,” Wanda shouts to the girl from the kitchen.
The witch has an apron on, but it doesn’t protect her from having flour slip onto her clothes from underneath. She seems to be baking some kind of batter. Y/n watches as Wanda collects some of the batter onto the spoon and slips it through her lips, She deliberately smacks her lips a few times to see if it tastes alright.
“ I don’t know, something just isn’t right. I need a second opinion.”
Y/n does something unexpected. The younger woman finds herself giving Wanda a small peck on the lips. It’s quick, but it leaves Wanda speechless.
Y/n hums and then sticks her finger in the batter,“ It’s sweet but maybe add some vanilla extract. Just a dash, ok?”
When she looks back at Wanda, the woman is still frozen in her spot.
“ Ok so, I’m going to- “
As Y/n tries to walk away, Wanda grabs her arm. The witch gently pulls the woman against her chest so that they’re face to face. Y/n’s heart is pounding in her chest. Wanda can feel it, she can hear it. Her grip loosens, she is afraid that she has scared the girl. However, Y/n isn’t afraid in the slightest.
Her hand rests delicately on Wanda’s face, “ I’m not scared.
Wanda still hesitates, but she kisses the girl. It’s soft, she holds her hunger back, just grateful that Y/n wants to kiss her in the first place.
“ Don’t forget the vanilla extract,” Y/n pecks her lips one last time before leaving the house.
She checks the front yard for Natasha, but doesn’t find her there. She then treks around to the back to find the women huffing at the flowers.
“ What did the roses do to you, Nat?”
She doesn’t look Y/n’s way, “ Thorns.”
" Where is your patience, Natalia? You can't just go grabbing fists full of roses, and expect not to get stabbed by the thorns. You grab one at a time."
She plucks a rose and smiles," And then… you find a beautiful girl and give her the rose. You have to say something really classy before you give it to her. Something like-"
" I've always felt like a ragged thorn, attached to your beautiful rose. Not selfless enough to ask for a pruning, as I just longed to be near you. Maybe you've thought of being free from me, but never truly cut the thorn. I regret the sorrows it caused you, but I can't help but be grateful that you haven't gotten rid of me yet."
Natasha, not looking at Y/n. Her eyes are glued to the rose in her hand, and even then the look they hold is distant.
" Nat, that was-"
" Too much, I'm sorry." The red head stabs abruptly, trying to run away from the conversation.
This time it was Y/n lulling the woman back into her. Natasha's hand pressed lightly against Y/n's chest in surprise.
" It was beautiful, Tasha."
Y/n leans forward and pecks Natasha's lips. The Stark goes to pull away, but Natasha chases her lips.
Y/n let Natasha kiss her. Natasha's passion controlled kiss. She wasn't hesitant like Wanda. She wasn't afraid to show how needy she was.
Y/n's breathing was ragged when the kiss broke.
" I love you," Natasha breathed out against Y/n's lips.
" I love you too."
The flowers were forgotten as the pair headed back inside. Wanda was just putting the pie in the oven.
Everything was perfect. It was domestic. Y/n loved it. She wanted to live like this forever.
Living like this had been her dream at one point. She finally had it. Maybe she could leave the past in the past. There was no reason to look back, she wasn't going in that direction.
She could move forward with a new life with the two women she couldn't help but care about. She could leave if she wanted to, but truly she didn't feel the need to escape.
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Taglist: @bibliophilicbi @tigerlillyruiz @coollemonsaresour @captains-simp
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silversiren1101 · 10 months
💎💎💎 (I know you've already done one the last time these went around but if you were inspired to do it another! If not no worries)
"Did Ms. Twait get caught trying to sneak in again?"
Minovae's tail swishes, a wary look in her eye.
[Perception check passed] You notice a light dusting of pink taking to the skin beneath her scales on her cheeks. Her eyes subtlety darted about the room. She seems on the cusp of fluster.
"I've told her before it's dangerous to poke around a Hellknight citadel, even with me having informed the men she's just to be removed from the premises. She's not a spy or anythi--"
She pauses, and corrects. "Well, I guess she is a spy, technically. Just for her... her..."
Her fluster is more obvious.
"Her novels." She says it like handling an explosive. Decisively and carefully.
An awkward stretch of silence passes. Horror blatantly passes into her expression as she realizes. "Oh, oh no. You're here to ask me about that damned book, aren't you? That's why you've brought up her name!"
Her horror is obvious nervousness now. She laughs anxiously, tail fully swishing. Her hands twine together and she works her fingers and knuckles together.
[Perception check passed] Her eyes dart to her desk. To a drawer.
"She's a menace to society!", she blurts out. "Those books she writes - she can say it's not meant to be anyone in particular but she knows full well what she's doing and so do all of her readers! She can file down the proper names off of people and places and fudge descriptions but it's obvious! Do you know how embarrassing it is to have a sordid excuse for a novel out there that's obviously about you and your husband?"
She groans and takes a steadying breath, clearly worked up.
[Perception check passed] She casts another quick look at the drawer and looks back at you.
"Ever since Anevia said that the people would eat us up after painting my whole self-destructive blow up and his death as some great romantic tragedy, I thought it'd just be Drezen. Ms. Twait has made us an Absalom Times best-fucking seller though and now I can't go anywhere without people assuming the stuff she wrote is actual fact! Now apparently she's looking to write a sequel, given she's been found snooping around the Citadel walls and trying to sneak in several times now. She's more of a plague than Jubilost Narthropple, I swear. At least he is upfront about requesting an interview. I offered Ophenia one just to get it over with and try and have some stake in the narrative and she rattled off something about it 'interfering with the creative process' and 'organic observations.'"
She snorts. "And have you even read her works? It's--", she's blushing aggressively, "--trash! Nothing but the raunchiest, dirtiest smut! And generic, hackneyed plot only meant to get you to the smut!" Her cheeks are nearly pure red beneath her seafoam scales. "Half of it is physically impossible!"
You ask her how she knows that.
[Perception check passed] She pauses for just a split second. Her eyes again flick to the desk before she shakes her head.
"Well of course I read it! I had to see just what people were getting into their heads about us. And then I promptly threw the book into a river", she nods perhaps a bit too brusquely. "I'm just happy I didn't buy it in the first place. Daeran bought it for me as a gag."
You ask what she keeps looking at, and gesture at the desk drawer.
She halts. Her breath catches. She stares at you with the wide eyes of a soldier before a cavalry charge. "What? Nothing! Just... I have a meeting coming up soon. You need to go. Now."
She practically shoves you out of the door. It slams behind you.
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mslanna · 11 months
Red-Handed in Hell
Chapter 5 of Be My Guest now on AO3
In which Haarlep has to endure the ordeal of being seen as their own person, Tav argues with Raphael about poetry until they are both bothered but only one gets release.
I got WAY too invested in the literary argument here. *le sigh* Yes, I am sorry. Yes, it is likely to happen again. 😔
Tav shifts from one leg to the other for an uncomfortable minute before they dash into the boudoir. The devil has returned to his war and for a hot moment Tav worries how this will look if Raphael instead returned here for a second scolding
The incubus is on the bed, their lounge a little strained. They raise their head when Tav approaches and the spite in their eyes is unusually muted. Tav wonders what you can do to another fiend without it showing. Slightly slumped shoulders paint a clear enough sign.
Tav approaches the bed carefully. "Haarps? You don't look so good."
An eyebrow rises at the informal address. "Ah, there they are. My precious little blabbermouse."
"Are you alright?"
"Of course," the incubus replies lightly. "For a certain amount of alright.
Tav climbs onto the bed and scrutinises Haarlep closely. On the surface, at least, there are no wounds, bruises or scars. "I'm so sorry. I asked him to be kind to you and that was the exact wrong thing to say I tried to mitigate it, but…" Tav trails off.
The other eyebrow rises as Haarlep tilts their head. "Did you beg on your bare knees, little mouse? Sucked him off there and then?"
"I- No!" Tav is taken aback.
The incubus snorts in disbelief. "Then this," they indicate the length of their body, "is a veritable miracle. Are you sure you didn't do something outrageous to him? So depraved and dirty his horny little horns fell right off?"
Tav blushes violently. Not just at the thought but at the ungodly amount of details their own brain supplies to conceivable scenarios. "I did nothing," they stutter. "Nothing but ask, I swear."
"Curious." Haarlep doesn't sound as if the believe the human, but they drop the subject. "So, what do you want?" They sound tired.
"I just wanted to check on you. See if Raphael kept his word." Tan presses their hands between their knees. "See if there's something I can do to help. Amends, you know?"
Haarlep looks at Tav as if they see them for the first time. "I am fine," they finally say. "There is nothing you can do."
Tav nods, pressing their knees together. There are slight shadows under Haarlep's eyes. The incubus has definitely taken damage and it takes all out of Tav not to grab those red shoulders and shake the incubus until truth falls from their lips. "Okay," they get out. "But if something comes up, you let me know."
"Oh, you will be the first to know," Haarlep grins. "Your mere existence agitates our dear devil. And now he is trapped in his own house with you like a moth in a lamp. If there is anything you can do to make this even more delicious, I will let you know."
"That's not what I mean," Tav murmurs. It seems unfair that they should be the only one never seeing a lick of Raphael's alleged interest in them. Out loud they add: "it definitely burns and stinks."
"Better than being trapped in Cania. The cold really gets to you after a while. Good thing you showed up when you did."
"You were there, too?" Tav asks. "How? Why?"
"I am a gift from Raphael’s father, meant to distract and spy on him." Haarlep chuckles.
"And? Do you?"
"Of course," Haarlep laughs. "Oh, you sweet little mousling. So naive. Utterly unfit for the hells."
"You were nice to me," Tav murmurs. "I hoped you are just-"
"Nice?" Haarlep asks gently. "Maybe I will - for you. Because I like you."
"And because it pisses Raphael off."
"Yes, that too, of course."
"Alright, if you are now being nice to me-"
Haarlep puts a finger over Tav's lips. "Go play in your library. Raphael will be most unhappy if you do not."
The incubus has a point. Tav nods with slumping shoulders. They scuttle backwards until they reach the edge of the bed and climb down. "I shall be reading then. And Haarps, take care."
The incubus shoos them away without an answer.
Half-way around the pool the spring returns to Tav's step. A library. A whole, big-ass library all for them. The devil better have it stacked with the good stuff. If it was all scientific papers and memoirs they'd clobber him to death with an especially heavy tome.
They close the dark wooden door behind them and breathe in the scent of paper and ink, leather and dust. There is an index close to the entrance and reading nooks scattered about. Tav spies a desk or two on each floor. They could do some work here, should they decide to. They have time. Maybe learn a language? Infernal sounds about fucking useful right now.
Days go by. Tav reads a lot. It means getting out of Raphael's feet who returns the favour, ironically, by taking the time to actually talk to Tav. Mostly about books. He takes fiendish delight in hinting at things and Tav finding the book alluded to and returning with receipts.
Haarlep resigns themself to a book club, though Tav knows they start to enjoy it, especially when they bring out the extremely graphic descriptions – sex or gore doesn't matter as long as things are excruciating and end with a final release.
When another intruder announces their arrival, Tav finds themself suddenly armoured up in their chair, war hammer clattering to the ground beside them. It is not their old armour, though it fits perfectly. It shines in hues of gold, offset with blue, their favourite combination. And it smells of hellfire.
Their eyes glow wide with glee. Helldusk armour is hard to come by and impossible to afford. Tav bounces their weapon off the breast plate. Hells, yes! They are ready to cave in some skulls if necessary. They are slightly scared at how much they hope it will be necessary.
Again Tav sits down on a soul pillar's platform. They dangle their legs and try to be unthreatening, which is a little difficult in full battle armour, covered in fiendish spikes and sigils. But their war hammer is out of reach.
After a few minutes, the portal hisses into life and a half-orc steps out. Seeing Tav, they attack immediately. Which is unfortunate, because Tav launches form the platform as if spring coiled. Two hits is all it takes before clean up.
"You don't have to do that yourself," Raphael says later. They sit in an alcove overlooking the Feast Hall, wine and books on the table between them.
"But I have so little else to do," Tav sighs. "It is a change. For a while, at least."
"Does the library not fulfil you?" The devil raises a brow and his glass. The deep red wine within is almost black.
Tav takes a sip themself. The bouquet is as heavy as the colour, heady and full of velvet that runs sown their throat smoothly, keeping embers in their stomach aglow. "It's only words. Sometimes I need something a little more – tangible."
"You keep visit Haarlep."
"Not for that." Tav shakes their head.
"You should try it. It clears the head nicely." Raphael watches them closely over the rim of his glass, like a predator waiting for its prey to make a wrong move, ready to pounce.
Tav wished he'd actually pounce for once. They'd take a fight if nothing else was an option. Shaking the images off, Tav picks up the open book before them. "You're still wrong," they pick up the conversation where it let off the day before.
"How so?" Raphael smiles in indulgent amusement. Arguing with his unruly pup takes his mind off the war. It is going well, the Crown of Karsus is an exceptional piece of equipment and though Zariel knows he's coming for her, there is nothing she can do.
The library and job have also calmed Tav down to a point where the devil can enjoy their spunky little rebellions – vain as they all are. A little more work and they will be ripe for the plucking. The time until Tav's soul is out of Mephistopheles' hands is counted and Raphael intends to be there to pick up the slack. He will have this morsel all to himself.
But all in good time. So far the poor soul has not even realised their own hands are the least satisfying option in this House. Raphael leans back, unfolding his wings a little. They would come around. And once they did, he would know.
"Transiency is an integral part of affection," Tav pushes the book at him, opened on the page of the poem they are currently arguing about.
"The narrator says himself 'the sunset is eternal/If only you move fast enough' right here." Raphael points at the line in question. "Making perfection attainable if you have the right means. It's a skill issue."
"That is meant to point out how impossible and futile the pursuit of eternity is," Tav counters. "To pursue an eternal sunset, you have to give up everything else. Not to mention that here," they tap onto lines in another stanza, he clearly states that 'love is sweet because its fare/is only but a breath from death'. By By turning the ethereal immutable, you lose its essence."
"But you still have an eternal sunset, the aim of the whole exercise."
"No, that', that's like,” Tav fishes for words. "It's like me. Here. Saying that just because I'm staying here you have my soul."
"As long as you stay, I do." Raphael leans back. "In a manner of speaking."
"But it is ethereal, because as soon as I set my foot outside, my soul is very definitely Mephistopheles'. It is part of the appeal."
"Do you really believe that having your soul in the palm of my hand forever is less appealing than having you run through my house in your quaint mortal body?" He raises a brow and gives the body in question a once-over. In an ideal hell, he naturally has both. Until he truly owns them, Raphael will make do.
They argue for some time longer, neither giving up on their position. It is this stubbornness that is endearing Tav to the devil, the refusal to give up despite obvious defeat. It doesn't harm that the wine flushes their cheek and sets a soft sheen over their sparkling eyes. Raphael keeps his hands tight around the stem of his wineglass. The other firm on his thigh, nail digging through the fabric.
"As we agree to have different opinions about the meaning of the poem, I suggest we move on," he finally says. "May I suggest ‘Red-Handed in Hell’ for your consideration?"
It is, on purpose, a poem not in any of the books before them. Tav takes the hint and gets ready to leave. They empty their glass so they can carry it and the bottle in one hand and shake their had as they pass the devil. "One day, I will get you."
Raphael doesn't reply, only the hand resting on his thing tightens. Tav wonders what they said now that was wrong again. But they don't linger. Time with the Master of the House is rare and they are not willing to risk their privileges by dawdling.
And the devil lets them pocket the wine. A small boon for being good, probably. And his cellar is exquisite. And the buzz drowns out Tav's muffled yearning and anger for a while. The headaches the next morning are a small price to pay.
Tav picks out the correct book from the index and sets up in their favourite reading nook. By stealing a pillow or blanket now and then when visiting Haarlep, they created a small nest, complete with canopy, to curl up in to read. The wine is set down in a safe distance, glass within reach.
The poem in question actually fills up the whole book. Tav sighs. Epic poems are all very nice, but having an argument with Raphael about something the length of a couple of stanzas was bad enough. This could lead to outright war. They smile to themself. Maybe, if they play their cards right, the devil will pounce after all. They start reading with a smile.
Red Handed in Hell I stand with one foot in the grave, my life is already forfeit; There is nothing left to lose, so what if it's a one way trip. Have you heard of the Rosymorn Knight, Lathander blessed in armour bright? Oh the deeds I have done, the beasts I have slain, the glory I found, but all is in vain! Mortal hearts are feeble, their bodies a ruin as they go to eternal death. I will not sink into oblivion, with eternity I will be blessed!
One of those, Tav thinks to themself. But going to the hells for a deal with a devil is a popular story, mostly a cautionary tale. Discussing this with Raphael may prove interesting.
Tav reaches for the glass when a draught catches their neck. They turn but the door is closed and their blanket fort is warm and snug. The feeling stays though, and Tav reaches back with a hand. Their skin is warm, no hint of cold air.
When the feeling drops over their shoulders and slowly makes it way between their legs, realisation hits them. Haarlep. Has to be. The caress is minuscule, it winds in and out of existence, like a finger drawing wind onto Tav's skin.
They ignore it and reach for the book again. Reading helps, though Tav cannot stop scouring their body every now and then to see if the feeling persists. The results are unclear. Sometimes they find echoes of it, sometimes they do not.
Tav downs a glass of wine and fills up again. The buzz packs their brains into a comfortable layer of cotton. They might not remember much of the book they read, but they won't remember anything else either. An acceptable solution.
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j0kers-light · 1 year
His Lighthouse: I Spy (LedgerJoker x f!reader)
I Spy- Oneshot Alternate Ending
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This is an alternate ENDING to the oneshot. If you’ve already read up to the split decision, please continue reading below.
You hated that seeing J in his natural element made you wet. His lowered voice and the way he ordered people around had you flushing like a schoolgirl.
You didn't hear the goon's frightful response or the other cowering nearby in the chair but you did hear when Joker called your name sharply.
"Is anyone listening to me today? Get. Up. Here." He hit the table in front of him and you rushed over and hopped onto the surface.
You felt exposed up here but kept quiet since Joker was in such a volatile mood. His anger was towards his incompetent crew; you didn't want it targeted at you.
"That's better. Lift up my hoodie and show us your pretty pussy." J purred.
You weren't the only one stunned. You blinked twice and glanced at the strangers in the room. They looked just as confused. "Um.. J. Are you sur–"
"Use your safeword or do as I say. Last chance Bunny."
You stared into Joker's dark green eyes and made a choice.
You felt overwhelmed and uncomfortable. Two strangers were staring at you with lustful eyes and it felt... wrong. Only Joker should see you like this.
Joker mentioned before that if you wanted to back out you could. It wouldn't be the first time you used your safeword with Joker— your sexual history made sure of that– and today was no different.
You tried to keep your tears at bay but one slipped out and ran down your cheek.
"(insert safe word)"
It was like a switch went off.
Suddenly Joker was holding you in his arms. Nothing else mattered except you. He showered you with kisses right in front of his stunned goons and rubbed your arms when you began to shake. Joker left a lingering kiss on your lips and titled your head up so he could look you right in the eye.
"I'm soooo proud of you, Sweet girl, so proud. Thank you for tellin' me. That was scary huh?" He smoothed your hair down as you nodded. You were trying not to cry in front of complete strangers but you couldn't stop with the way Joker was doting on you.
He rocked you gently until you calmed down but he knew you needed some fresh air.
"Go wait outside. I'll fin-ish up here and we can uhhh.. get some err ice cream on the way home. Your fav." Joker kissed you again and helped you off the table and over to the door.
His goons were in total disbelief watching The Joker so soft and affectionate and with a girl no less. It was unbelievable yet it was happening right in front of them.
Joker banged on the door and a few seconds later, Frost opened it and locked eyes with his boss.
"Take her back to the car." Joker ordered. He urged you on and you walked through, biting your lip as it closed shut. Then all was silent.
You couldn't hear anything on this side of the door but you knew what Joker planned on doing to those men.
They saw too much. Joker had a reputation to maintain and he wasn't above murdering people to keep it in check. You knew the person Joker was but it still churned your stomach knowing blood would be on his hands soon.
But he promised you ice cream so... you could turn the other cheek.
"You made the right choice."
You looked up at Frost when he guided you back into the elevator. Once again he kept his eyes straight ahead but you knew he was talking to you.
"Don't get caught up in our life. The boss needs someone to ground him at the end of the day and you help him remain.. sane I guess." The lift arrived at the ground floor and Frost peeked out to check if the coast was clear.
He waved you forward and with an urgency, he snuck you back to the unmarked vehicle sill parked by the front door.
Frost was kind enough to open the passenger door for you. He spoke up again when you were sliding in.
"I'm glad you're with The Boss. You live up to your nickname." He didn't give you time to respond, he just slammed the door closed and stood guard.
Your respect for Frost grew with that single comment and for the rest of the time, you were left with your thoughts.
Joker opened the driver's side door and hopped inside– and stole a kiss while your mouth was open in shock. You hadn't been waiting for more than fifteen minutes, if that.
J still looked spotless in his three piece suit and his red grin was all for you. He pushed his hair back and started the car.
"Now, my Light! For being such a good girl... you deserve a treat!"
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peachymilkandcream · 1 month
Her Biggest Fan|Levi x Evelyn AU
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Request: Hello, could you do a chapter of Evelyn being an idol and having Levi as her obsessive fan?
(A/N: AO3 request, very interesting and I'm so excited for this one, enjoy!)
WARNINGS: noncon/dubcon, graphic descriptions of violence, domestic violence, manipulation, mind breaking, yandere behaviour/themes, forced marriage, forced pregnancy, wishing rape upon someone, misogyny, mentions of child abuse, blackmail, revenge porn, murder, second chance, stalking, etc.
Levi waited his turn in line patiently, this wasn't the first time that he had seen her in person, but each time was just as exciting as the last. Evelyn had been a previously struggling icon when Levi had come across her music. He was always finding new content to help him go through the day, and her more hardcore style was something he looked for.
At first, she had very minimal followers. And that's how Levi liked it. He enjoyed being one of the only people to get a kick out of her music. It was something intimate that only they shared, he felt like he was the only one that cared for her and was interested in helping her music.
When she started gaining popularity the more he didn't like it. Levi was one of her only dedicated fans, and now she had many men and women fawning over her, her pick of men right there for the taking.
It drove him crazy.
He scoured her social media for any hint of a significant other. All shadows and any special items in a room that would mean that there was another man in her life. Thankfully nothing of the sort had been seen so far, but that didn't mean it would be that way forever. One of his reasons for purchasing yet another VIP pass to her most recent show.
Now that it was his turn he approached the love of his life once more. As usual Evelyn smiled and gave him a hug. each time a thing that he utterly reveled in. The feel of her against him, her scent, her skin. It was addictive. What he wouldn't give to make sure that he was the only one that go to do this with her for the rest of her life.
"Do you remember me?" Was his first question.
"Of course, Levi. You've come to all of my concerts, always a VIP pass, and buying merch. I appreciate all of your support."
"Mm. I always want to help smaller creators, but now that you've grown I suppose you don't need it anymore."
"Aw, of course not. I love all my fans."
The word love, despite being used generally set his heart ablaze. Such a sweet word being used to describe him was such a euphoric feeling that he couldn't get over. He had to do something about this, he couldn't live with this feeling forever, he had to do something about it before she went crazy.
As Levi was gestured to go so that the next paying attendee could have their time with her. He complied, not wanting to start a scene, but as he started to walk away he noticed her bag sitting near the door. Without effort he dropped a small tracking device in it, knowing that after tonight this would be the last show she preformed for anyone but him.
That night, Levi checked the tracker app on his phone. Following it after the show had ended.
It led him to a hotel where she was staying. Thankfully her being in a strange city would make it harder for her to find her surroundings, so when he finished his plan she would be utterly helpless.
Without much hassle Levi found her room number and obtained a master key. He'd been practicing this now for weeks. Going to each of her shows and spying on her while she slept. Now that she was in his home town, he could finally complete his mission.
Levi opened the door and let himself in. She was asleep, in her bed. He snuck over to her, picking up a heavy lamp and holding it high above her head so that as she woke up to the sound of him, like she did now, the lamp landing on her forehead knocked her out.
As Evelyn went limp Levi smirked in satisfaction, now he could finally get everything he wanted.
With skill, he took everything out of her suit case and stuffed her in. He'd have to hurry or she'd suffocate, but he had no plan on letting her die like this.
She was his.
When Evelyn woke up she was bound to a bed in a small apartment. Posters and merch of herself covering every surface. No matter how she struggled, she couldn't be free.
"No need to struggle, I won't hurt you."
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