#diet phytic acid in food
diet2all · 1 year
Phytic acid, or phytates, is the stored form of phosphorus found in seeds, nuts, legumes and unprocessed whole grains (concentrated in the outer bran layers). #חומצהפיטיט #פיט #Kobyezra #diet phytic acid in food, phytic acid, neutralization of phytic acid, Kobi Ezra #phytates #Phyticacid חומצה פיטית, או פיטאטים, היא הצורה המאוחסנת של זרחן המצוי בזרעים, אגוזים, קטניות ודגנים מלאים לא מעובדים (מרוכזים בשכבות הסובין החיצוניות). #חומצהפיטית #פיטת #קוביעזרא #דיאטה חומצה פיטית במזון, חומצה פיטית, נטרול חומצה פיטית, קובי עזרא #phytates #Phyticacid
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Why you shouldn't consume flaxseeds or pumpkin seeds without roasting
The Hindustan Times has published an article highlighting the importance of roasting flax seeds and pumpkin seeds before consuming them. The author explains that these seeds contain anti-nutrients that can be harmful to the body if consumed in large quantities.
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Anti-nutrients are substances found in some plant-based foods that interfere with the absorption of nutrients in the body. Flaxseeds and pumpkin seeds contain anti-nutrients like phytic acid, which can bind with essential minerals like calcium, iron, and zinc, making them unavailable for absorption.
The article also highlights that roasting the seeds can help to reduce the levels of anti-nutrients, making it easier for the body to absorb essential nutrients. Additionally, roasting can also help to improve the flavor and texture of the seeds, making them more enjoyable to eat.
The author also warns against consuming large quantities of these seeds, as they can cause digestive problems like bloating, gas, and stomach cramps. It is recommended to consume them in moderation as part of a balanced diet.
conclusion:- the article highlights the importance of roasting flax seeds and pumpkin seeds before consuming them to reduce the levels of anti-nutrients and make them more nutritious and enjoyable to eat. It also emphasizes the importance of moderation when consuming these seeds to avoid any digestive problems.
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hiyousupermarketuk · 3 months
What are the Health Benefits of Japanese Soy Sauce?
Japanese dishes continue to enjoy popularity across the globe. It’s not by chance – they have bold flavours, are nutrient-rich, and are aromatic. The fresh and authentic ingredients used in their preparation contribute to their admirable qualities. A condiment that has always been part of Japanese dishes is soy sauce – it’s versatile and flavourful. What is this sauce, and what are its health benefits? Below are the crucial details you should have.
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Understanding Japanese Soy Sauce
The main ingredient in this top-quality sauce is fermented soybeans. You shouldn’t struggle to prepare this sauce from scratch – that could waste a lot of your time, and you may still not get it right. At HiYou, we have a wide range of top-quality soy sauce brands for you.
Are you looking for an excellent light soy sauce for perfect dipping and seasoning? You can go for Haday Golden Label Light Soy Sauce – it has a perfect blend of water, soybean, salt, sugar, wheat, flavour enhancer, and yeast extract. If you want a gluten-free sauce, a good option for you is Dek Som Boon Soy Sauce Gluten Free. Other brands you can consider include:
Lee Kum Kee Seasoned Soy Sauce
Double Happiness Light Soy Sauce
Haday Soy Sauce For Steamed Fish
ABC Sweet Soy Heinz
Many soy sauce brands are available for you to choose from – pick what suits your flavour and dietary preferences. For instance, the gluten-free soy sauce options are ideal for gluten-sensitive individuals. Dark soy sauce is excellent for marinades. So, you can tell that soy sauce is a versatile Japanese condiment - you can find them all at HiYou.
The Top Health Benefits of Soy Sauce
The popularity of soy sauce is because it adds unique boldness and aroma to your dish. Also, it comes with loads of nutritional benefits depending on the specific ingredients in your sauce. The top health benefits you should know about include:
A Good Source of Proteins
Your body requires proteins to facilitate the growth and repair of muscles. The soybeans in soy sauce are rich in proteins. By consuming dishes that have soy sauce, you can maintain the requisite body protein percentage at all times – use the sauce with other protein-based diets like nuts and seeds for even better results.
Your Source of Anti-Oxidants
Soybeans are first fermented before they are used to manufacture soy sauce. In the process, anti-oxidants including ferulic and phytic acids are formed. The antioxidants reduce the chances of suffering from ailments caused by oxidative stress. Moreover, they reduce your susceptibility to cardiovascular complications.
Soy Sauce is Good for Your Heart Health
Heart complications such as hypertension are common these days. Make soy sauce part of your dishes as that can help you lower blood pressure and reduce cholesterol levels. In the process, you make your heart’s well-being a priority.
The Sauce Is Good for Your Gut Health
Soy sauce has enzymes and organic acids. These compounds help to break down complex food substances you eat into simple ones for easy absorption into the bloodstream.
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How to Ensure You Enjoy the Health Benefits of Soy Sauce
Purchase your soy sauce from a trusted seller – a seller who attracts praise from customers who have purchased from them. That ensures you source top-quality sauces – at HiYou, we have top-quality soy sauce that you can purchase at any time you require this essential condiment. Also, read the ingredients labels to ensure you spend your money on the top-quality product you require. For example, ascertain that your soy sauce is gluten-free if you’re gluten-sensitive. Store your Sweet Soy Sauce properly to avoid cases of cross-contamination.
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hahien88 · 5 months
Corn 101: Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits
Corn is generally considered safe. However, some concerns exist.
Antinutrients in corn
Like all cereal grains, whole grain corn contains phytic acid (phytate).
Phytic acid impairs your absorption of dietary minerals, such as iron and zinc, from the same meal (16).
While usually not a problem for people who follow a well-balanced diet, it may be a serious concern in developing countries where cereal grains and legumes are staple foods.
Soaking, sprouting, and fermenting corn can reduce phytic acid levels substantially (16, 49, 50).
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techmediaa · 5 months
Health News World: Disease and Malnutrition
All cultures consumed fermented foods each day such as cheese and cultured butter from raw milk, yogurt, kefir, fermented grain drinks like kefir beer made from millet or fermented fish.
The last major feature of native diets was that they were rich in fat, especially animal fat. These included butter, cream, lard and tallow, as well as organ meats supplied by insects, eggs, fish, game animals or domesticated herds. These primitive people knew that they would become sick if they did not consume enough fat, which we now know contain fat-soluble nutrients including vitamins A, E, D, K, F and many more information about Diseases see on Canadian Health and Care mall pharmacy online – http://www.canadianhealthcaremalll.com.
These native diets were rich in living enzymes from fermented and raw foods (animal and plant). Enzymes assist in the digestion of food and the body’s thousands of metabolic processes. Cooked foods lack these enzymes and force our bodies to deplete their reserves. The traditional foods that the natives consumed contained high food enzyme content from raw dairy, raw meat and fish, raw honey, raw fruits, cold-pressed oils, fermented and unpasteurized wines and beers, plus vegetables, fruits, beverages, dairy, meats and condiments naturally preserved by fermentation. Many diets included seeds, grains and nuts that were soaked, sprouted, germinated, fermented or naturally leavened to neutralize anti-nutrients (enzyme inhibitors, tannins, phytic acid, etc.)
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While all cultures consumed vegetables, Dr. Price never found a totally vegetarian society that was free of disease and chronic illness. Notably, the foods of traditional diets were natural and unprocessed. Their foods contain no preservatives, additives or artificial colorings nor processed sweeteners such as sugar, cane sugar or high fructose corn syrup. They contained neither white flour, canned foods nor refined, dehydrogenated or hydrogenated vegetables oils. Their milk products were not pasteurized, homogenized or low fat. The animal and plant foods were nourished on pesticide-free soil and no growth hormones or antibiotics were used. They did not consume any genetically modified organisms or genetically engineered foods, nor were fungicides, herbicides or pesticides sprayed onto their foods. In short, these people always ate organic.
All of Dr. Price’s findings and photos are compiled in his masterly documented Nutrition and Physical Degeneration. Once he discovered the foods the native people ate for health, he focused on documenting the effects, if any, of converting from a traditional diet to a diet with processed and refined foods. He discovered that physical degeneration is inevitable.
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ancientgrainsteton · 6 months
Grand Teton Ancient Grain : Exploring Einkorn Whole Wheat Flour in Your Kitchen
Grand Teton Ancient Grains ensures every batch of Einkorn whole wheat flour meets the highest standards of baking-ready quality and freshness. Einkorn flour is made from the whole einkorn grain, which is a type of wheat that is similar to the wheat we use in whole wheat flour. The difference is that einkorn flour is made from the whole grain, while whole wheat flour is made from the endosperm of the grain. This means that einkorn flour has more fiber and nutrients than whole wheat flour. 
Benefits of Einkorn Whole Wheat Flour
 Einkorn has a different kind of gluten than modern wheat. It does not contain the D genome, only the A genome. The D genome is the gluten known to cause so many to suffer gluten sensitivity. As a result, even though einkorn does have gluten, it is much easier to digest and can be tolerated well by most people with gluten sensitivity.
Einkorn has 3 to 4 times more beta-carotene than modern wheat. Because of this, it boosts immunity and prevents cancer and heart disease.
Einkorn is high in the antioxidant lutein. Three to four times higher than modern wheat. Lutein has many health benefits (prevents macular degeneration and cataracts to name a couple) and it is what gives einkorn flour the pretty yellow color.
Einkorn is higher in protein, vitamin B6, vitamin A, thiamin, phosphorus, potassium, and riboflavin than modern wheat.
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Nutrient Dense
Not only does Einkorn contain more protein, vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids than modern wheat, but its nutrients are more bio-available to the body due to it containing over 50% less phytic acid than regular wheat. Phytic acid inhibits the absorption of nutrients whereas the nutrition from Einkorn comes in a form that is easily absorbed by the body. Because Einkorn doesn’t wreak havoc on the digestive system it is in a better condition to absorb the nutrients from food consumed. Einkorn is high in protein, fiber, vitamins A and, B vitamins, and many important minerals.
Eye Health
Einkorn is four times higher in beta-carotene (vitamin A) than regular wheat. It is also rich in the antioxidant compounds lutein and zeaxanthin – especially beneficial to the eyes, they help the retina absorb blue light and act as a shield against the damaging effects of this light as it enters the eyes. Getting enough of these nutrients can help to prevent cataracts and macular degeneration in later years.
Type 2 Diabetes
In a recent study at the Department of Endocrinology and Internal Medicine, Aarhus University Hospital in Denmark, they looked at the effects of ancient wholegrain wheat (Einkorn, Emmer, Spelt, and Rye), on the development and progression of type 2 diabetes. Findings showed a down-regulation of hepatic genes, a phenomenon in which a cell decreases the quantity of a cellular component in response to an external variable (grain). Each diet showed a remarkable effect of decreasing of cell production relating to glucose.
Einkorn and gluten sensitivity
There are several reasons that einkorn is more easily digestible both in general and for those with gluten sensitivities. Some literature states that einkorn is lower in gluten, but this is not true: Einkorn has higher levels of gluten due to its higher protein content. Rather, it is the unique gluten makeup (and weaker gluten structure) of einkorn that makes it so different than that of modern wheat, as well as what makes it more easily tolerated by many people who have a sensitivity to wheat.
Einkorn also has a simpler genetic makeup compared to modern wheat, as well as a different starch makeup. These two factors also help make einkorn easier to digest without the spikes in blood sugar that can come with eating more refined forms of grains or wheat.
How to use einkorn in cooking
Einkorn’s unique protein and nutrient composition means it reacts differently when incorporated into recipes, especially when used as flour in baking. Like other forms of wheat, einkorn can be ground into whole-grain flour or refined into all-purpose flour, meaning a portion of the bran and germ have been removed. Both can be used in baking, depending on your preference—the whole grain will have a nuttier flavor.
In conclusion, einkorn whole wheat flour and Grand Teton Ancient Grains offer a glimpse into the past while providing a bountiful array of health benefits for the present and future. By embracing these ancient treasures, we not only nourish our bodies but also contribute to the revival of heritage grains and sustainable agricultural practices. Order now and feel the benefits of einkorn flour!
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vegi1 · 9 months
What Happens If a Vegan Accidentally Eats Meat?
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Some people who have chosen vegetarianism, after a few months or a few years, decide again to use all kinds of meat and abandon the previous dietary restrictions. But if you have tried such a thing, you know that using meat again will definitely be associated with various changes in the digestive level and in the physical or mental state.
1. Your digestion may slow down
When the use of meat reaches several times a week (for example, 3 to 4 times a week), you will definitely notice that your digestion speed has decreased compared to when you were a vegetarian. But what is the reason for such an event? Experts say that meats are rich in animal protein and can be high in fat, while not providing any fiber to the body. All these factors together can affect the digestive system and cause constipation or simply reduce the number of bowel movements.
If this problem really bothers you, you should still adjust the main part of your diet based on plant foods and always use lean and lighter meats.
2. Less gas is expelled from your digestive system
Severe bloating and the formation of a large volume of gas in the digestive system are not pleasant for anyone. Vegetarians usually face this problem more than others, but they also expel gas from the digestive system much more easily. In fact, foods such as lentils, beans, and cruciferous vegetables (such as cabbages) all cause bloating, and vegetarians usually consume large amounts of these foods, but the gas formed in their digestive system is much easier to expel. Vegetarians who decide to eat meat again after a while find very quickly that the elimination of gas from the digestive tract is not as easy as it used to be and after a while it seems that the size of their stomach has increased. This problem sometimes goes so far that it becomes really difficult to wear some regular clothes. To deal with this problem, you should take the consumption of boiling water seriously during the day. Using foods rich in fiber such as raw nuts and seeds, various fruits and vegetables along with whole grains helps to solve this problem.
3. You may experience increased energy
Although vegetarianism is associated with a feeling of lightness in the body and mind, the lack of energy associated with vegetarianism cannot be ignored. Although at first glance it seems that the use of vegetable proteins in vegetarian diets can provide all the energy the body needs, but to achieve this goal, you have to consume a large amount of plant foods, which is usually very difficult. However, animal food sources can introduce more protein into the body with a smaller volume of food and provide the energy needed by the body more easily.
4. You may gain better muscle mass
Some of those who start eating meat again after a long time, face an increase in the volume of muscle mass. Of course, it is very important to pay attention to the fact that every person and every body has its own characteristics. So maybe starting to eat meat again won't be associated with an increase in muscle mass in everyone's body, but if you consume high-quality animal proteins and balanced amounts of macronutrients, you will most likely experience this change in muscle mass levels.
Your taste may become weaker
Zinc is physically heavy and performs various functions in the body. One of the things that zinc does in the body is to strengthen the body's immune system. Minerals in oysters and red meat are useful for the sense of taste and hearing. A research at the University of Tokushima, Japan showed that the lack of zinc in the body is the main cause of the disability of the sense of taste. The conclusion of this research was that patients who have taste problems are due to bad absorption of zinc in food.
Therefore, experts recently recommend that meat should still be consumed, albeit in much smaller quantities. You can get zinc through beans, nuts, grains, and dairy products, but the phytic acid in all grains can prevent zinc from being properly digested, says Javan Blake. As a result, all vegetarians need 50% of the zinc consumed by meat eaters. It is suggested that women consume 8 mg and men 12 mg of meat daily.
Muscles need more time to recover
The role of protein in muscle activity is undeniable. But where to get this protein? Both vegetable protein and animal protein are useful, but the former needs more time to be effective. "My advice to athletes is to consume protein in a liquid form after a workout, because liquids are absorbed much faster," says Bailey. You can make a drink with milk and put some pieces of fruit in it and then consume it. "The body will quickly absorb it after exercise."
Nutritional supplements
You may also need a little nutritional supplement. Studies show that vegetarians get as much iron as meat eaters. In terms of calcium and vitamin B12, there is no problem and the nervous system will work well. But if you are concerned about certain nutrients like zinc mentioned above, you can use nutritional supplements.
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sugarglidereat · 10 months
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Can Sugar Glider Eat Nuts?
Nuts are packed with protein, fiber, and healthy fats. They are also a good source of antioxidants and vitamin E.
However, sugar gliders can only eat nuts in small amounts because they are very calorie dense. They should primarily be fed leadbeater's mixture and pellets as a complete diet.
Nuts are high-fat foods that are rich in nutrients. They can provide your sugar glider with essential vitamins and minerals such as antioxidants, copper, fiber, iron, manganese, vitamin B6, vitamin K, thiamine, selenium, zinc, and magnesium.
Peanuts are legumes of the pea family (Fabaceae). They grow in bunch or running growth habits, reaching heights of up to 45 cm (18 inches) with a spread of up to 80 cm (31 inches).
The seed is edible and contains both protein and fat. They are a good source of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, which can lower the risk of heart disease and stroke.
Peanuts are an important part of a variety of cuisines, including Africa, Asia and Latin America. They are used in a variety of ways and can be added to salads, soups, and stir-fries. They are also used as a coating for fried foods or in baking. They can also be made into candy or candied with a solution of sugar and water.
Walnuts are a type of edible seed of the walnut tree (Juglans genus). There are two common species, English and Persian, that are grown in Europe and North America.
Walnuts provide a wide variety of nutrients, including heart-healthy fats and antioxidants. They may reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer and type 2 diabetes.
They can also reduce inflammation, improve metabolism and help you manage your weight. They’re also a good source of protein, fiber, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese and potassium.
But walnuts do contain phytic acid, which can inhibit the absorption of some minerals. However, most people shouldn’t need to worry about this.
They’re also a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, which have been linked to lower rates of depression and dementia in elderly populations. They also help promote healthy gut microbes and brain function. In addition, walnuts may slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease in mice. This is probably due to their ability to reduce cholesterol and blood pressure, says Frimpong.
Macadamia nuts
Macadamia nuts are native to Australia and have a distinctive nutritional profile. They are full of vitamins, minerals, fiber, healthy fats, and antioxidants. They may also help reduce the risk of metabolic syndrome, a cluster of conditions that increase the chance of diabetes, heart disease and stroke.
They’re a good source of monounsaturated fats, which can keep you feeling full between meals. They also contain palmitoleic acid, which promotes fat-burning to prevent weight gain.
In addition, macadamia nuts are a good source of iron, manganese, folate, vitamin B6, and omega-3 fatty acids. These nutrients promote cardiovascular, bone, gut, brain, and skin health, boost metabolism, fight oxidative stress, relieve inflammation, and aid weight loss.
However, like other nuts, they can trigger allergic reactions in some people. Those with nut allergies need to avoid macadamia nuts completely.
Almonds are not a good snack for sugar gliders due to their high fat and calories. However, they can be eaten occasionally in moderation. Make sure the almonds you give to your glider are roasted and unsalted.
Although almonds contain a high amount of fat, they are also an excellent source of vitamin E and dietary fiber. They can help improve heart health and prevent oxidative stress in the body.
Additionally, they are a good source of magnesium. This mineral is important for muscle and nerve function, bone strength, and heart health.
Almonds are also a great source of protein, and they can help increase feelings of fullness. This can decrease hunger and help you eat fewer calories on a daily basis.
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catfoodblog · 11 months
Can Cats Eat Beans? 10 All Facts You Must Know
 Cats are obligate carnivores, which means they must eat mostly animal protein. As a cat owner, you may have wondered if cats can eat beans. While cats do not need to eat beans, certain types of beans can be a healthy addition to their diet when consumed in moderation. Here is everything you need to know.
Is it okay for cats to eat beans?
While beans are not toxic to cats, some varieties can cause digestive problems. Raw or undercooked beans, for example, contain lectins and phytic acid, which can be difficult to digest in cats and cause gastrointestinal upset.
Furthermore, some canned beans may contain salt, preservatives, and other ingredients that are harmful to cats. Before feeding your cat any type of bean, carefully read the label.
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Beans that are raw or undercooked can cause digestive problems in cats.
Canned beans may contain salt, preservatives, and other undesirable ingredients.
What Are the Health Benefits of Beans for Cats?
Beans are a high-fiber, protein-rich source of vitamins and minerals, making them a nutritious addition to your cat's diet. Depending on the type of bean, it can provide your cat with a variety of health benefits. Some examples:
Green beans are high in vitamin C, vitamin K, and manganese while being low in calories. They can aid in weight management and bone health in your cat.
Black beans have a high protein, fiber, and folate content. They can help with blood sugar regulation, digestion, and energy.
Kidney beans have a high iron, potassium, and magnesium content. They can help prevent anemia and improve cardiovascular health.
Baked beans: high in protein, fiber, and iron. They may, however, contain sugar, salt, or other ingredients that are toxic to cats.
Refried beans are high in fat and sodium, which can contribute to feline obesity and heart disease.
Although canned beans are convenient, they may contain sodium and preservatives. When possible, choose fresh or dried beans.
Green beans are high in vitamin C, vitamin K, and manganese and are low in calories.
Protein, fiber, and folate are abundant in black beans.
Iron, potassium, and magnesium are all abundant in kidney beans.
Baked beans may have sugar, salt, or other potentially harmful ingredients added.
Refried beans contain a lot of fat and sodium.
Canned beans may contain sodium and preservatives that have been added.
How to Make Beans for Cats
If you want to feed your cat beans, make sure you prepare them correctly to avoid digestive issues. Here are some suggestions:
Cook the beans until soft and easy to mash.
To remove any excess salt or preservatives, thoroughly rinse the beans.
To make the beans easier for your cat to digest, mash them with a fork or blend them in a food processor.
To gradually introduce mashed beans to your cat's diet, mix a small amount with his regular food.
Cook the beans until soft and easy to mash.
To remove any excess salt or preservatives, thoroughly rinse the beans.
Mash or blend the beans with a fork.
Introduce them into your cat's diet gradually.
Can Cats Eat a Lot of Beans?
Beans are safe for cats to eat in moderation, but they should not constitute a significant portion of their diet. As a general rule, limit your cat's bean consumption to one tablespoon per day. It's critical to keep track of your cat's reaction to the beans and adjust the amount as needed.
Beans should be eaten in moderation by cats.
Feed no more than one tablespoon of beans to your cat per day.
Adjust the amount based on your cat's reaction to the beans.
Which Beans Can Cats Eat?
While some beans are safe for cats to consume, others can be hazardous or even toxic. Here's a list of cat-safe beans:
Beans in the shell.
Lima beans are delicious.
Beans in the navy.
Garbanzo beans are also known as chickpeas.
However, avoid feeding the following types of beans to your cat:
Beans from the kidney.
Beans baked in the oven.
Beans enchiladas.
The beans are black.
Can Cats Eat Only Beans?
Beans are a good source of nutrients, but they should not be your cat's main source of nutrition. Cats require a high-protein, low-carbohydrate diet. Obesity, diabetes, and other health problems can result from a high-carbohydrate diet.
If you want to include beans in your cat's diet, do so in moderation and as part of a well-balanced diet that meets all of your cat's nutritional needs.
Beans should not be your cat's main source of nutrition.
Cats require a high-protein, low-carbohydrate diet.
Include beans in moderation as part of a balanced and varied diet for your cat.
Cats with Common Bean-Related Health Problems
While beans are generally safe to feed to cats, there are a few health concerns to be aware of. Some of the most common bean-related health issues in cats are as follows:
1. Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Cats, as previously stated, have trouble digesting lectins and phytic acid found in raw or undercooked beans. This can result in diarrhea, vomiting, and other GI issues.
2. Hypersensitivity
Cats, like humans, can develop food allergies, including allergies to beans. Itching, inflammation, and gastrointestinal upset are all symptoms of a food allergy.
Beans have a high carbohydrate content, which can lead to weight gain if consumed in excess. Obesity can cause diabetes, heart disease, and joint problems in cats.
GGI upset, allergies, and obesity are all common bean-related health issues in cats.
What are the Symptoms of Bean Toxicity in Cats?
While most beans are safe to eat in moderation by cats, some are toxic. Following are some symptoms of bean toxicity in cats:
Appetite decline.
Contact your veterinarian right away if you suspect your cat has consumed a toxic bean.
Bean Substitutes for a Cat's Nutrition
Here are some alternatives to beans for meeting your cat's nutritional needs:
Meat: Cats require a high-protein diet. Cooked chicken, turkey, beef, or fish can be fed to your cat as a protein source.
Vegetables: In moderation, some vegetables, such as pumpkin and carrots, are safe for cats to eat and can provide some nutritional benefits.
Commercial cat food: Many commercially available cat foods are formulated to provide all of your cat's nutritional needs.
Meat, vegetables, and commercial cat food are alternatives to beans for a cat's nutritional needs.
Can Cats Consume Beans?
To summarize, cats can consume beans in moderation as part of a varied and well-balanced diet. It is, however, critical to properly prepare them, introduce them gradually, and monitor your cat's reaction. Some beans are safe for cats to eat, while others can be toxic. Consult your veterinarian if you are unsure about the best diet for your feline companion.
Can Cats Consume Beans?
Kittens' digestive systems are delicate, and they should not be fed beans until they are at least six months old. Beans should be introduced gradually and in small amounts even then.
Can Cats Eat Green Beans? Can black beans be eaten by cats? Kidney beans are safe for cats to eat. Is it possible for cats to eat baked beans? Is it okay for cats to eat refried beans? Can canned beans be eaten by cats?
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catbreedsblog · 11 months
Can Cats Eat Beans? 10 All Facts You Must Know
 Cats are obligate carnivores, which means they require a diet high in animal protein. However, as a cat owner, you may have wondered if cats can eat beans. While cats do not need to eat beans, some types of beans can be a healthy addition to their diet when consumed in moderation. Here's what you should know.
Is it safe for cats to eat beans?
While beans are not toxic to cats, some varieties can cause digestive issues. Raw or undercooked beans, for example, contain lectins and phytic acid, which can be difficult for cats to digest and cause gastrointestinal upset.
Furthermore, some canned beans may contain salt, preservatives, and other ingredients that are toxic to cats. Before giving your cat any type of bean, make sure to carefully read the label.
In cats, raw or undercooked beans can cause digestive problems.
Canned beans may contain salt, preservatives, and other ingredients that are toxic to cats.
What are the nutritional benefits of beans for cats?
Beans are high in fiber, protein, vitamins, and minerals, making them a healthy addition to your cat's diet. Depending on the type of bean, it can provide your feline friend with a variety of health benefits. Here are a few examples:
Green beans are low in calories and high in vitamins C, K, and manganese. They can aid in weight maintenance and bone health in your cat.
Black beans contain a lot of protein, fiber, and folate. They can aid in blood sugar regulation, digestion, and energy production.
Kidney beans contain iron, potassium, and magnesium. They can aid in the prevention of anemia and promote heart health.
Baked beans are an excellent source of protein, fiber, and iron. They may, however, contain added sugar, salt, or other ingredients that are harmful to cats.
Refried beans are high in fat and sodium, which can lead to feline obesity and heart disease.
Although canned beans are convenient, they may contain added sodium and preservatives. Fresh or dried beans are preferable whenever possible.
Green beans are high in vitamin C, vitamin K, and manganese while being low in calories.
Protein, fiber, and folate are all abundant in black beans.
Iron, potassium, and magnesium are abundant in kidney beans.
Baked beans may contain sugar, salt, or other potentially harmful ingredients.
Refried beans are high in sodium and fat.
Canned beans may have sodium and preservatives added.
Beans for Cats: How to Cook Them
If you want to feed your cat beans, make sure you prepare them properly to avoid any digestive issues. Here are some pointers:
Cook the beans until they're soft and easy to mash.
Rinse the beans thoroughly to get rid of any excess salt or preservatives.
To make it easier for your cat to digest, mash the beans with a fork or blend them in a food processor.
To gradually introduce mashed beans into your cat's diet, mix a small amount with his regular food.
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Cook the beans until they're soft and easy to mash.
Rinse the beans thoroughly to get rid of any excess salt or preservatives.
Blend the beans with a food processor or mash them with a fork.
Introduce them to your cat's diet gradually.
How Much Beans Can Cats Consume?
Beans are safe for cats to eat in moderation, but they should not be a large part of their diet. As a general rule, don't feed your cat more than one tablespoon of beans per day. It's critical to keep an eye on your cat's reaction to the beans and adjust the amount as needed.
Beans should be consumed in moderation by cats.
Feed no more than one tablespoon of beans per day to your cat.
Keep an eye on your cat's reaction to the beans and adjust the amount as needed.
What Kinds of Beans Can Cats Eat?
Some beans are safe for cats to eat, while others can be harmful or even toxic. Here is a list of cat-friendly beans:
Beans in green.
Lima beans are legumes.
Navy beans are legumes.
Chickpeas (garbanzo beans).
However, avoid giving your cat the following beans:
Kidney beans are legumes.
Beans that have been baked.
Beans in a refried tortilla.
Beans in black.
Can Cats Eat Beans as a Complete Diet?
While beans are a good source of nutrients, they should not be your cat's primary source of nutrition. Cats need a diet rich in animal protein and low in carbohydrates. Obesity, diabetes, and other health problems can result from a high carbohydrate diet.
If you want to include beans in your cat's diet, do so sparingly and as part of a balanced and varied diet that meets all of your cat's nutritional needs.
Beans should not be the main source of protein in your cat's diet.
Cats need a diet rich in animal protein and low in carbohydrates.
Beans should be included in your cat's diet in moderation as part of a balanced and varied diet.
Cats with Common Bean-Related Health Issues
While beans are generally safe for cats to eat, there are a few health concerns to be aware of. The following are some of the most common bean-related health issues in cats:
1. Gastrointestinal Discomfort
Cats, as previously stated, have difficulty digesting lectins and phytic acid found in raw or undercooked beans. This can result in diarrhea, vomiting, and other digestive problems.
2. Allergic reactions
Cats, like humans, can develop food allergies, including bean allergies. Food allergies can cause itching, inflammation, and gastrointestinal upset.
Obesity is number three.
Beans are high in carbohydrates, which can cause weight gain if consumed in excess. Obesity in cats can cause a variety of health problems, including diabetes, heart disease, and joint problems.
Beans are commonly associated with gastrointestinal upset, allergies, and obesity in cats.
What Are the Symptoms of Bean Toxicity in Cats?
While most beans are safe to eat in moderation by cats, some can be toxic. The following are some symptoms of bean toxicity in cats:
Appetite loss.
If you suspect your cat has consumed a toxic bean, contact your veterinarian right away.
Bean Substitutes for a Cat's Nutritional Needs
Here are some alternatives to beans that you can use to meet your cat's nutritional needs:
Meat: Cats need a diet high in animal protein. As a protein source, you can feed your cat cooked chicken, turkey, beef, or fish.
Vegetables: Some vegetables, such as pumpkin and carrots, are safe to eat in moderation by cats and can provide nutritional benefits.
Commercial cat food: There are many commercially available cat foods that are formulated to provide all of your cat's nutritional requirements.
Meat, vegetables, and commercial cat food are all good alternatives to beans for a cat's nutritional needs.
Finally, can cats eat beans?
To summarize, cats can consume beans in moderation as part of a varied and balanced diet. However, it is critical to properly prepare them, introduce them gradually, and monitor your cat's reaction. Some beans are safe for cats to consume, whereas others can be harmful or even toxic. Consult your veterinarian when in doubt about the best diet for your feline companion.
Can Kittens Consume Beans?
Kittens' digestive systems are delicate, so they should not be fed beans until they are at least six months old. Beans should still be introduced gradually and in small amounts.
Can cats consume green beans? Can cats consume black beans? Can cats consume kidney beans? Can cats consume baked beans? Can cats consume refried beans? Can cats consume canned beans?
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catbreedstips · 11 months
Can Cats Eat Beans? 10 All Facts You Must Know
 Cats have to eat meat because they are "obligate carnivores." This means that most of their food should come from animal protein. But if you own a cat, you may have wondered: Can cats eat beans? Even though cats don't need to eat beans, a small amount of certain types of beans can be a healthy addition to their diet. What you need to know is listed below.
Can cats safely eat beans?
Even though cats can eat beans, some types of beans can make their stomachs hurt. Raw or undercooked beans, for example, contain lectins and phytic acid, which are hard for cats to digest and can cause stomach problems.
Also, some canned beans may have salt, preservatives, or other things added to them that cats shouldn't eat. Before giving your cat any kind of beans, you must carefully read the label.
Beans that are raw or not cooked enough can make it hard for cats to digest.
Some canned beans have salt, preservatives, and other things added to them that cats shouldn't eat.
Beans are good for cats' health and nutrition.
Beans are a good addition to your cat's diet because they are full of fiber, protein, vitamins, and minerals. Depending on the type of bean, it can be good for your cat's health in different ways. Here are a few examples:
Green beans are full of vitamin C, vitamin K, and manganese and have few calories. They can help your cat keep the same weight and keep their bones healthy.
There is a lot of protein, fiber, and folate in black beans. They can help control the amount of sugar in the blood, make digestion better, and give you more energy.
There are a lot of iron, potassium, and magnesium in kidney beans. They can help keep your heart healthy and stop you from getting anemia.
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Baked beans are a good way to get iron, protein, and fiber. They may, however, have added sugar, salt, or other things that are bad for cats.
Refried beans are high in fat and salt, which can make cats fat and give them heart disease.
Canned beans are convenient, but they may have extra salt and preservatives added to them. Whenever possible, it's best to choose fresh or dried beans.
Green beans have few calories and are full of vitamins C, K, and manganese.
There is a lot of protein, fiber, and folate in black beans.
There is a lot of iron, potassium, and magnesium in kidney beans.
Some baked beans have sugar, salt, or other bad things added to them.
There is a lot of fat and salt in refried beans.
There may be extra salt and preservatives in canned beans.
How to cook beans so that cats can eat them
If you want to feed your cat beans, you need to cook them the right way to keep them from getting sick. Here are a few pointers:
Cook the beans until they are soft and can be mashed easily.
Rinse the beans well to get rid of any salt or preservatives that might be on them.
Make it easier for your cat to digest the beans by mashing them with a fork or blending them in a food processor.
Mix a small amount of mashed beans into your cat's regular food to help him get used to them gradually.
Cook the beans until they are soft and can be mashed easily.
Rinse the beans well to get rid of any salt or preservatives that might be on them.
You can use a fork to mash the beans or a food processor to blend them.
Slowly add these things to your cat's diet.
How Much Can Cats Eat of Beans?
Beans are safe for cats to eat in small amounts, but they shouldn't make up most of their food. As a rule of thumb, you shouldn't give your cat more than one tablespoon of beans every day. It's important to watch how your cat reacts to the beans and change the amount based on that.
Beans are good for cats in small amounts.
You shouldn't give your cat more than one tablespoon of beans every day.
Watch how your cat reacts to the beans and change the amount based on that.
What Kinds of Beans Can Cats Eat?
Some kinds of beans are fine for cats to eat, but others can hurt them or even kill them. Here are some beans that cats can eat:
They are green.
Green beans.
The navy bean.
Chickpeas, or garbanzo beans.
But you shouldn't give your cat the following beans:
Pigeon peas.
Beans that have been baked.
Beans that have been fried.
Beans, black.
Can cats get all the food they need from beans?
Beans have a lot of good nutrients, but they shouldn't be your cat's main source of food. Cats need to eat a lot of animal protein and not too many carbs. Too many carbs in your diet can make you fat, give you diabetes, and cause other health problems.
If you want to feed your cat beans, you should do so in small amounts and as part of a well-balanced, varied diet that meets all of your cat's nutritional needs.
Your cat shouldn't get most of its food from beans.
Cats need to eat a lot of animal protein and not too many carbs.
Beans can be part of your cat's diet, but only in small amounts and as part of a varied and balanced diet.
Common health problems in cats caused by beans
Beans are usually safe for cats to eat, but there are some health problems you should know about. Here are some of the most common health problems cats have when they eat beans:
1. Problems with the gut
As was already said, lectins and phytic acid in raw or undercooked beans are hard for cats to digest. This can make you have diarrhea, throw up, and other stomach problems.
2. An allergy
Like people, cats can become allergic to certain foods, like beans. Some of the signs of a food allergy are itching, swelling, and stomach problems.
3. Being fat
Beans have a lot of carbs, which can make you gain weight if you eat too many of them. Cats who are too fat can get diabetes, heart disease, and joint problems, among other things.
Beans often cause health problems in cats, such as stomach upset, allergies, and being overweight.
Signs that Beans Are Bad for Cats?
Most beans are safe for cats to eat in small amounts, but some can be dangerous. Here are some signs that cats shouldn't eat beans:
No longer hungry.
If you think your cat has eaten a poisonous bean, you should call your vet right away.
What a cat can eat instead of beans to meet its nutritional needs
If you want to feed your cat something other than beans to meet its nutritional needs, here are some ideas:
Meat: Cats need a lot of animal protein in their food. As a source of protein, you can give your cat cooked chicken, turkey, beef, or fish.
Some vegetables, like pumpkin and carrots, are safe for cats to eat in small amounts and can be good for their health.
Commercial cat food: There are a lot of foods on the market for cats that are made to give them all the nutrients they need.
Meat, vegetables, and commercial cat food can be used to meet a cat's nutritional needs instead of beans.
How about beans? Can cats eat them?
In conclusion, cats can eat beans in small amounts as part of a well-balanced diet that includes a variety of foods. But it's important to get them ready right, introduce them slowly, and watch how your cat reacts. Some kinds of beans are safe for cats to eat, but others can hurt them or even kill them. If you're not sure what to feed your cat, talk to your vet.
Do cats eat beans?
Kittens' digestive systems are still developing, so you shouldn't feed them beans until they are at least six months old. Even so, beans should be given slowly and in small amounts at first.
Can green beans be eaten by cats? Can black beans be eaten by cats? Can kidney beans be eaten by a cat? Can baked beans be eaten by cats? Can a cat eat refried beans? Can cats eat beans from a can?
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shrilalmahal1 · 11 months
Is Basmati Rice Good For Health?
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Basmati Rice is a good choice for people with diabetes as it has a lower glycemic index than other varieties of white rice. It also has a good amount of fiber, which helps prevent constipation and moves waste along the digestive tract faster. It also contains a good amount of antioxidants, which help protect the body from inflammation and damage caused by free radicals. Brown basmati rice is rich in Vitamin B1 and folates, both of which are important for cardiovascular health. It can be eaten with vegetables and other healthy whole grains to create a balanced diet.
Although both white and brown rice are considered nutritious, they are different in nutritional value. While regular white rice has the bran and germ removed, brown rice retains these, which makes it a better option for people with diabetes or who are at risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. Brown rice is also higher in fiber, which makes it a healthier option than white rice. It also has less arsenic and phytic acid, which can reduce mineral absorption, so it is better for those with leaky gut or autoimmune disorders.
The unique composition of basmati rice nutrition includes a mix of carbs, proteins, and fibers. This makes it a satisfying food that is easy to digest and can help manage weight in a healthy way. It also has a low glycemic index, meaning that it won’t cause spikes and dips in blood sugar levels. This is why diabetics can safely eat it in moderation.
Ayurvedic experts believe that basmati rice is sattvic and can balance the three doshas in the body, which are Pitta, Vata, and Kapha. In addition, it is also believed to be a good source of calcium, which is essential for bone health. In fact, according to research, consuming basmati rice can increase your bone density and reduce the risk of osteoporosis.
Brown basmati rice is a good source of protein, as well as dietary fiber, which can help lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels. It can also be used in recipes for a heart-healthy meal, as it is low in saturated fat and trans-fat. It also contains a number of vitamins and minerals, including potassium, folic acid, iron, magnesium, and zinc.
While most people know that basmati rice is a great source of fiber, many don’t realize how beneficial it can be for the body. Dietary fiber is known to decrease the risk of Type 2 diabetes and constipation, while also promoting a regular bowel movement and reducing blood cholesterol levels. It’s also an excellent source of thiamine, which is important for the nervous system and brain function. To maximize the benefits of consuming basmati rice, make sure to consume it regularly and in small portions. You can reheat it in the microwave or on the stove, but it’s best to add a tablespoon of water before microwaving, as this will help keep it moist. It is also a good idea to avoid over-cooking it.
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uswheatexpert · 1 year
What are the benefits of wheat?
Wheat is a cereal grain that is widely cultivated and consumed throughout the world. It is one of the most important staple foods, providing a significant portion of the daily caloric intake for billions of people. In addition to being a source of energy and nutrients, wheat also offers a number of health benefits. In this article, we will explore the benefits of wheat in detail.
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Rich in Nutrients
Wheat is a rich source of nutrients, including carbohydrates, protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. It contains important vitamins such as thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, and folate, as well as minerals such as iron, zinc, and magnesium. Wheat is also a good source of dietary fiber, which can help to regulate digestion and prevent constipation.
Provides Energy
Wheat is an excellent source of carbohydrates, which are the primary source of energy for the body. It contains complex carbohydrates, which are slowly digested and absorbed, providing a sustained release of energy throughout the day. This can help to maintain energy levels and prevent fatigue.
Supports Healthy Digestion
Wheat contains both soluble and insoluble fiber, which are important for maintaining healthy digestion. Soluble fiber helps to slow down the absorption of glucose, which can help to prevent blood sugar spikes and reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. Insoluble fiber adds bulk to the stool and helps to prevent constipation.
Supports Heart Health
Wheat contains several nutrients that are beneficial for heart health, including fiber, vitamins, and minerals. The fiber in wheat can help to lower cholesterol levels, which can reduce the risk of heart disease. The vitamin B6 and folic acid in wheat can help to lower levels of homocysteine, an amino acid that is associated with an increased risk of heart disease.
Helps to Control Blood Sugar
Wheat contains complex carbohydrates, which are slowly digested and absorbed, leading to a gradual and sustained release of glucose into the bloodstream. This can help to prevent blood sugar spikes, which can be particularly beneficial for people with diabetes.
May Help to Prevent Cancer
Wheat contains several compounds that may have anti-cancer properties, including lignans and phytic acid. Lignans are a type of phytoestrogen that have been shown to reduce the risk of breast cancer. Phytic acid is a powerful antioxidant that has been shown to have anti-cancer properties in animal studies.
Provides Gluten
Gluten is a protein found in wheat that gives bread and other baked goods their characteristic texture and flavor. While gluten is a source of concern for people with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity, it is an important source of protein for many people.
Versatile and Easy to Incorporate into the Diet
Wheat is a versatile and easy-to-incorporate food that can be used in a wide variety of dishes. It can be used to make bread, pasta, cereal, crackers, and many other foods. Wheat is also readily available and affordable, making it accessible to people of all income levels.
May Improve Cognitive Function
Wheat contains several nutrients that may improve cognitive function, including vitamin E, thiamin, and zinc. These nutrients have been shown to support brain health and may help to prevent cognitive decline in older adults.
May Help to Prevent Anemia
Wheat is a good source of iron, a mineral that is essential for the production of red blood cells. Iron deficiency is a common cause of anemia, a condition characterized by a lack of red blood cells. Consuming wheat can help to prevent iron deficiency and may help to prevent anemia.
In conclusion, wheat is a nutritious and versatile food that offers a number of health benefits. It is a rich source of nutrients, provides energy, supports healthy digestion, and may help to prevent a range of health conditions, including heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. Additionally, wheat is easy to incorporate into the diet and is available at an affordable cost. While some people may need to avoid wheat due to gluten sensitivity or celiac disease, for many people, wheat can be a healthy and delicious addition to their diet. Overall, including wheat in a balanced and varied diet can provide a range of health benefits and contribute to overall wellness.
U.S. Wheat Associates (USW) actively seeks to bring down trade barriers or change policies that may prevent an overseas customer from choosing U.S. wheat. In most cases, these barriers violate a country’s commitments under the World Trade Organization (WTO) or a free trade agreement (FTA).
Every year, USW submits a report to the U.S. Trade Representative detailing these barriers. View the full report here.
The sections below discuss several categories related to trade barriers and provide specific trade barrier examples alphabetically by country.
To learn more about US Wheat market visit:
Trade Barriers - U.S. Wheat Associates
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ayushaktiayurveda · 1 year
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Get the scoop on the best way to eat almonds and boost your health, Ayurveda-style. Plus, discover the power of Ayushakti Ayurved for all your health needs.
Almonds are among the most popular nuts, and for a good reason.
They're a superfood packed with protein, fiber, healthy fats, and other nutrients that benefit your body and brain.
But when it comes to eating almonds, a debate has been raging for years: should you eat them dry or soak them first?
Some people swear by soaked almonds, claiming they're easier to digest and offer more nutritional benefits.
Others insist that dry almonds are just as good, if not better.
So, what's the verdict? Let's turn to Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine and wellness, for some insight.
To Soak or Not to Soak Almonds?
According to Ayurveda, soaked almonds are easier to digest, as the soaking process releases enzymes that help break down the nut's complex proteins and fats. Why to soak almonds?
Soaking almonds also makes them softer, making it gentler on your digestive system and less likely to cause bloating or discomfort.
Plus, soaking almonds can increase the bioavailability of certain nutrients, like vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant promoting healthy skin and hair.
That said, dry almonds also have their benefits.
For one thing, they're more convenient, as you can grab a handful and go.
They're also shelf-stable, so you don't have to worry about them going bad or getting moldy.
Plus, dry almonds are a great snack option for people who are on the go or don't have time to soak them ahead of time.
What’s the best way to Consume Almonds ?
Benefits of  Soaking Almonds in the water:
1. Increases digestibility:
Soaked almonds are more easily digested than raw or roasted almonds.
Almonds or any other food that has been soaked is easier to chew and easier for the digestive system to break down.
Antioxidants are abundant in almonds, and soaking them increases their effects.
2. Packed with nutrition:
Soaking almonds increase nutrient availability, and eating them increases the antioxidant and fiber benefits.
Moreover, soaking eliminates contaminants that might hinder the absorption of particular nutrients.
3. Promotes weight reduction:
Soaking almonds releases several enzymes, such as lipase, that increase metabolism and promote weight loss.
4. Gets rid of phytic acid:
If almonds aren't soaked, their phytic acid is left behind.
As a result, raw almonds are not properly absorbed by the body, and their zinc and iron cannot be utilized.
So, what's the best way to eat almonds, according to Ayurveda?
The answer, as always, is that it depends.
Soaking your almonds is probably a good idea if you have a sensitive digestive system or are prone to bloating or discomfort.
But if you're short on time or prefer the taste and texture of dry almonds, then go ahead and enjoy them as is.
Either way, you'll be reaping the benefits of this superfood.
ALSO READ - 5 Kitchen Remedies for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
And if you're looking to boost your overall health and wellness, why not explore the world of Ayurveda further?
Ayushakti Ayurved is a leading provider of Ayurvedic products and services, offering everything from herbal supplements to personalized consultations.
Whether you're dealing with a specific health issue or want to feel your best, Ayushakti Ayurved can help you achieve your goals.
So there you have it. The great almond debate is settled (sort of). Whether you prefer your almonds dry or soaked, make sure you're incorporating this superfood into your diet regularly.
And if you want to take your health to the next level, check out Ayushakti Ayurved for all your wellness needs. Namaste!
Ayushakti's mission is to help people in every possible way. You can consult our experts on phone or video. We will suggest diet & home remedies for maintaining your well-being in these difficult times.
Book your consultation here  - https://bit.ly/3XiG50D
For more information write to us at [email protected]
You may contact us on our toll-free numbers - 18002663001 (India) & +18002800906 (Global)
Author of the Blog: DR.ROHIT MORE
Expert Review By: Dr Smita Pankaj Naram
Co-Founder, Ayushakti Ayurved Pvt Ltd
Home Remedies for Acidity
Understanding Sattvic, Rajasic, and Tamasic Foods
5 Fabulous Foods to Beat Acid Reflux
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ancientgrainsteton · 7 months
Discover Hard White Wheat Flour at Grand Teton Ancient Grains
What Is White Hard Whole Wheat Flour?
Hard White wheat flour is more nutritious than whole wheat flour because it contains nutrient-rich germ and fiber-rich bran. White whole wheat flour also bakes better and tastes more like all-purpose flour. Regular whole wheat flour is made from red wheat. Whereas, white whole wheat flour is made from a naturally occurring albino variety of wheat, which is lighter in color and has a sweeter, milder flavor. 
Hard White Wheat History and Origin:
Hard white wheat is probably the wheat you are most familiar with. It is a strain of modern wheat and is great for those who want to use whole grain but prefer their baked goods lighter in color.
At some point in the middle of the 19th century, breeders realized that they could manipulate which characteristics of the grain continued by selecting specific ears with those qualities. They specifically would select the best ears in terms of stocks that had higher yield and had a stock that was shorter and stiffer.
 Even though it's not an ancient grain, it is a very popular grain and one we want to make available directly to our customers so that’s why we offer Organic Hard White Wheat Berries for purchase on our website. It is locally grown and excellent for baking.
Does White Whole Wheat Flour Bake the Same?
Best of all, white whole wheat flour offers the same nutritional goodness as its darker cousin. And, because white whole wheat flour is less heavy than traditional wheat flour, it can replace all-purpose white flour one-to-one in recipes.
Hard White Wheat Nutritional Benefits:
Thiamin, niacin, and phosphorus are very important for metabolism. Thiamin helps us transform carbs and glucose into energy so our body can function. Phosphorus is crucial to the metabolism of fats AND carbs. Vitamin B6 also plays a role in transforming the food we eat into energy. Then there’s manganese! This useful little mineral helps metabolize amino acids in addition to carbs and even cholesterol.
Nerve, Muscle, and Heart Function
Thiamin and magnesium are crucial for these important parts of the body to do their jobs. Iron is also huge for these processes. If you’re not getting enough iron, you’ll know quickly. The body uses it to make hemoglobin and myoglobin which are necessary for getting oxygen through the blood to all parts of the body. Half a cup of hard white wheat has 24% of our daily iron need. Manganese is also important for blood clotting in our cardiovascular system.
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Cellular Function
Vitamin B6 is super important for the creation of blood cells and the health of all cells. Phosphorus also plays an important role in our cellular function. As the building blocks of every part of our bodies, cells are worth our attention!
Immune System
Zinc is awesome for helping our bodies fight off invaders. Half a cup of hard white wheat has 29% of the zinc you need in a day.
Zinc and magnesium are also important for the creation of DNA and other proteins.
Blood Sugar
This is a huge concern for many people especially when eating something high in carbs, like wheat. Magnesium can help regulate blood sugar and half a cup of hard white wheat has 21% of the magnesium you need in a day.
Our bones take on a lot of weight. We need magnesium, phosphorus, and manganese for strong bones and teeth.
Keep in mind when you’re adding grains to your diet that all grains have phytic acid which binds to nutrients so you may not necessarily be getting all the available nutrients. Some are higher than others and wheat is among the higher. To mitigate that issue, consider sourdough, sprouting, or soaking. Order Now!
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vegi1 · 9 months
Discover the Best Vegan Sources of Calcium for Strong Bones
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No matter what diet you choose, the public often overlooks the importance of calcium. However, identifying and using plant sources of calcium is very important, especially for vegans because they do not use animal dairy products. Of course, there is no need to worry because plant sources of calcium are very rich and available. It is enough to know the amount needed by the body in each of them.
Calcium plays an essential role in your body. The most important role of kalism is building and strengthening the bones of your body. Also, this mineral is particularly important in muscle contraction, blood pressure regulation, nerve transmission and blood clotting. The daily nutrient requirement for calcium is 1000 mg per day for adults. This amount reaches 1200 mg for people over 50 years old and 1300 mg for children aged 4 to 18 years.
1. Foods containing soy
Soybeans are naturally rich in calcium. One cup (175 grams) of cooked soybeans provides 18.5% of your daily dietary requirement, compared to 27.6% in soybeans.
Products made from soybeans such as tofu, tempeh, natto, soy milk and soybean oil are also rich in this mineral. Tofu made with calcium phosphate contains 350 mg per 100 grams. Tempeh and natto made from fermented soybeans also contain good amounts of calcium. A 100g serving covers 11% of the daily requirement, while Nato provides about twice that amount.
On the other hand, less processed soy foods are a good source of fiber, vitamins and minerals. In addition, soy is one of the few plant foods that contain protein. This is because soybeans contain a good amount of amino acids needed by the body.
Soybeans and soy-based foods are excellent sources of calcium. They also provide complete protein, fiber, and an array of vitamins and minerals.
2. Beans, peas and lentils
Besides being rich in fiber and protein, beans and lentils are plant sources of calcium. In general, some legumes that provide the highest level of this mineral per cup (about 175 grams) include:
White beans: 13% of the daily nutrient requirement
Black beans: 11% of the daily nutrient requirement
Chickpeas: 9% of the daily nutrient requirement
Red beans: 7% of the daily nutrient requirement
Lentils: 4% of the daily nutrient requirement
Winged beans (Gua): 26% of the daily nutrient requirement
In addition, beans and lentils are rich in other nutrients, including iron, zinc, potassium, magnesium, and folic acid. They also contain nutrients like phytic acid and lectins that reduce your body's ability to absorb other nutrients. Soaking, sprouting and fermenting beans and lentils can help absorb more nutrients.
In addition, diets rich in beans, peas and lentils lower bad cholesterol (LDL) and reduce the risk of diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease and premature death.
Beans, peas and lentils contain good amounts of calcium and are excellent sources of protein and fiber. Soaking, sprouting, or fermenting them can improve nutrient absorption.
3. All kinds of nuts
All types of nuts contain small amounts of calcium, but this amount is higher in almonds. 97 mg per 35 grams!
Walnuts, pistachios, hazelnuts and cashews provide between 2-3% of the daily requirement. Nuts are also a good source of fiber, healthy fats and protein. They are rich in antioxidants and contain good amounts of B vitamins, magnesium, copper, potassium and selenium, as well as vitamins E and K.
It's good to know that eating nuts regularly can help you lose weight, lower blood pressure, and reduce risk factors for metabolic diseases, such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease.
Nuts are a good source of calcium. A quarter cup (35 grams) of it will help you provide between 2 and 10% of your daily dietary needs.
4. Seeds
Their seeds and butter are also plant sources of calcium, but the amount in it depends on its type.
Tahini, the butter made from sesame seeds, has the highest amount of calcium. This seed provides 130 mg per 2 tablespoons (13% of the daily requirement). In comparison, the same amount (20 grams) of sesame seeds provides only 2% of the daily requirement to your body. Chia seeds, flax and hemp also contain good amounts, providing about 5-6% of the daily requirement in every 2 tablespoons (20-25 grams).
Like nuts, seeds contain fiber, protein, healthy fats, vitamins, minerals, and beneficial plant compounds. They also have many effects such as reducing inflammation, blood sugar levels and the risk of heart diseases.
Certain types of seeds and even their butter can provide up to 13% of your daily calcium needs in your diet. Seeds like chia and flaxseeds are rich in healthy fats, protein and fiber and protect your body against all kinds of diseases.
5. Cereals
Normally, cereals are not considered as plant sources of calcium. But it is not bad to know that some of them contain significant amounts of this mineral. For example, oatmeal is one of the strongest food sources containing plant calcium, which is used cooked to prepare soups, soups, and breakfast cereals. Both are rich in fiber and can be included in a variety of foods.
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