#digimon adventure series
nickpeppermint · 3 months
Agumon and Gabumon showing their affection! 💕✨
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rawbit-fanfic · 8 months
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asteraws · 1 year
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started watching digimon :•)
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ashxketchum · 5 months
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❀ stepping in the breeze closer to the pouring warmth of light, baby ain't nobody like you ❀
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shirtlessanimeboy · 1 month
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Iori is briefly seen shirtless, from the movie Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning.
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beginningobserver · 4 months
Hey you, did you remember these two kids here?
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(ignore the bully, i kicked him out of the pic, he's not allowed to be here)
So, the idea is something the server and I had been cooking yesterday. Last night. When we noticed those two kids are too similar to the kids going to Rui's party on his 8th birthday (Feb 29 2000) and we thought...
"Well, it doesn't seem like Ukkomon was controlling everyone 24/7 like Rui's parents... What if those two legitimately were Rui's friends at school? They seem to always have been his classmates since kindergarten..."
(※ I know there's a 3rd boy in the b-day party scene, but I don't think he's the bully, or the kid in the scene where Rui is greeting a girl in red backpack while they go to school together?)
And knowing that Rui was living in denial, believing that everything that had happened in his childhood was fake, or created by Ukkomon… Friends and I suspected that not everything was in fact fake or manipulated by Ukkomon. So this means, there would be legit connections Rui made while his self-esteem was boosted by Ukkomon doing “this and that” around. And you can see that in the kindergarten scene, Ukkomon is facing the bully. He’s not even controlling the other two kids in-scene.
If this girl and boy depicted in those two scenes kept being in touch with Rui before things went south… This means they would be… concerned with him suddenly disappearing from nowhere, or cutting bonds with them. They possibly heard the news of him getting hurt, parents suddenly passing away and him having to be taken by relatives.
And since the part of relatives in-movie is very very VAGUE, I took the idea that this doesn’t mean they were bad as his mother, but at the same time he was completely avoiding people in general. Because of “you know what” hidden under the eyepatch and his bangs.
But back to those two kiddos here… Yeah, we suspect they did like Rui with or without Ukkomon’s influence. And if they lost contact with him after that incident… One day they would simply get to meet him again. Maybe… Because they spotted a GIANT egg singing “HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR RUI~” and hatching into something that looked like that funny sea butterfly critter which was always with Rui?
Yeah... Yeah. And considering the idea of “not everything in your childhood was Ukkomon’s byproduct, or an illusion”… The server and I, while I was going on a spree of “HEY LET’S MAKE OCs SO THEY CAN BEFRIEND RUI AND LET HIM HAVE HIS OWN CIRCLE LIKE THE 02 KIDS!” (because if he were just attached to Daisuke & co, Rui’s entire character arc & growth would’ve been pointless) and tagging some cool friends for ideas and teamwork on building– i mean, introducing new friends to Rui again… We made this discovery and thought: Well, why not use those background characters instead?
You might remember that I adopted the Maki-Daigo’s team back in time, and then Shai named those three kiddos based on Daigo’s name and their assigned Holy Beast partners, right? And then quite recently, i think last year (?), Shiha and I were talking about this same group and imagining a whole fanmade prequel series exploring those five’s potential – which led me to do a new version of my ol’ redesigns for them + do a soft-redesign Maki & Daigo too to follow the style/aes, and i gave them personalities + roles!
Today, we got to do the same thing again. And we cooked something for post-movie events for Rui & Ukkomon ( •̀ ω •́ )✧ 
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And yeah, i got Shai’s help again 💜 because naming things are not my forte, and she did a rough Adult version mugshots of them too…!!
So we got this idea… Of those kids reconnecting with Rui in some sort of post-movie event/headcanon. We gave them names, and a digimon partner for one of them.
Their names are Nakajima Ayame ( 中島あやめ ) and Koyama Hiroomi ( 小山広臣 ) 
Shai named them, except the first name for Ayame which came from a friend in-server. 
Here's some deets about them made by moi (^・ω・^ )
Ayame is a nice girl who doesn’t like to watch people getting into fights, so she keeps wishing to be able to have something in hands that could heal people. With this in mind, she decided to pursue a medical career – at least something little and not big, something like being a nurse to assist people in need, taking care of them. Before Ukkomon, she was a little nervous to talk with Rui, because he would always be the target of the bullies and she feared getting involved in those fights. But once Ukkomon appeared, she witnessed that strange creature standing up for Rui… She got courage enough to talk with him, and become one of his first friends at the kindergarten. She would always be carrying a first aid kit with her in her young days, helping Rui and Hiroomi. She might not like ugly fights, but she can stand up for others a little once she has gotten older, and she keeps simply checking on others like a good friend. She still uses pigtails, even if lower now as an adult.
Hiroomi is a good, funny and supportive friend type, but he had some issues of being a little coward. He could witness Rui getting bullied and would want so hard to go there and stop them, but his body would just freeze and he couldn’t even say anything. Yeah he had the trouble of not being able to help others due to fear. Ukkomon worked as some sort of role model to go and make a difference. He wouldn’t get into a fist fight with anyone, but he would simply call them out and keep cheering Rui up. His funny aura was quite captivating too, and he definitely noticed he and Rui had something in common which was them being quite non-confrontational, except Hiroomi was able to voice his needs and feelings quite better than Rui. When Rui suddenly stopped going to school in March 2003, he tried to ask everyone around about his friend, with Ayame’s help too, and this is how they learned by rumors that something had happened to Rui. But he and Ayame never had success in contacting Rui for a long LONG time. When he turned an adult he decided to dye his bangs, and adopted a more stylish appearance. He doesn’t know what he wants to pursue as a career, but his part-time job is just being a delivery boy. He likes vehicles though, and his scooter is his best friend (besides Ayame, of course).
Out of those two, Ayame is a Chosen Child who got a digimon partner later, but she never managed to talk with Rui about it because it happened after the said incident in 2003 – not exactly a day or two after it, and yes in the same year, but past March.
Ayame’s partner is a Cutemon (she/her). Which reflects her inner desire to be able to heal others, since Cutemon is a digimon who’s not a fighter and yes a healer. Cutemon never managed to evolve but she does not feel she’s the type to fight tough enemies, so she sticks by just healing everyone with her healing magic skills. She’s quite timid and resembles the child Ayame to some extent, but the difference is she doesn’t fear befriending others when she gets an interest in them and is willing to form connections.
By the way~
So the initial draft of a possible fic or more posts about those two and Rui-kun is:
The moment BigUkkomon hatched, Ayame was leaving her shift at the local hospital and got a message from Hiroomi telling her to immediately check this video he just made from the mysterious big egg while he was around the Tokyo Tower area, asking “Isn’t this big guy familiar to you??”
Cutemon wasn’t sure if she had seen that digimon before, but Ayame did notice it resembled Ukkomon. The weird singing also mentioned someone named ‘Rui’ and she couldn’t believe this was a coincidence at all. Neither Hiroomi, of course. It was the first time they heard about their old friend who had disappeared a decade ago.
Once things were solved – Rui made amends with Ukkomon, Ukkomon and the supposed greater thing connected to the digimon decided that the digivices weren’t needed anymore, and all the things Ukkomon had messed it up before were ‘undone’ (you know, the eye lol), Rui went back home with the alarm clock-sized DigiEgg and started to think what he and Ukkomon would do next time, when the egg hatches.
He did kept in touch with Daisuke and the others, but he didn’t want to keep bothering them all the time (he would often get invited by Daisuke to try the new dishes from the ‘Motomiya Ramen’ menu, or get any of those six send him tips about the digimon and some funny stories involving that group and digimon cases… Or get Hikari simply sending him a message asking how he was doing) or feel like he was ‘bothering’ them.
And then he got his own strange… visit to the Dark Ocean (the name he heard from Ken when Ken explained about that place to him) which just made him a little awkward to talk with the other four and their digimon for a while. With the exception of Daisuke and Ken, who weren’t slandering him nonstop in that place, he just started to work more about his own insecurities and that sense of guilt. Well, at least after building some courage he got a little closer from Hikari, Miyako, Takeru and Iori. Still he felt this group had known each other for a whole decade and… He didn’t feel it was right to disturb them and their long term relationships.
While he did still get in touch with Daisuke (because you can’t simply stop talking with Daisuke, he likes to be friends with EVERYONE, and he will definitely be there for ANYONE as well), he tried to form his own connections with other people by his own. It didn’t work very well because sadly he had become too awkward and afraid of people thanks to that eye that he would run out of things to hold a conversation longer. He wasn’t antisocial, but he felt completely lost. Daisuke kept inviting him to do things together, even if it were just the two of them and V-mon. He felt his friendship with Daisuke was the strongest of the ones he made with those six, so he would end up confessing a few of his frustrations to him.
Daisuke then asked what if he didn’t try to talk with some of the old people he met before, even before things went bad in this life… Like, some old friends from school. Rui did like that idea, but there was one problem: He had cut bonds with everyone since then, believing that all of those friendships he had were just fabricated by Ukkomon’s power… And he kept too isolated from everyone with the fear of his relatives and high school classmates calling him a ‘freak’ for having that digimon eye slapped in his face.
That was indeed a big big problem. But Daisuke wanted to believe that, deep down, something in Rui’s childhood was legitimate and real. Which didn’t seem to make sense to Rui at all, but he didn’t want to make Daisuke sad.
Then, one day… Someone named Ayame managed to get his phone number…? The text sent to his inbox said they were classmates since kindergarten. He wondered if this was a scam mail or something, but it didn’t include a fishy link embedded in the message…
Only something more… intriguing than a fishy link:
A photo from the time he was an elementary school student…
Would it be true that… something in that tragic childhood of his was legitimately real?
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jamsofdeath0 · 2 years
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ran-orimoto · 2 months
Who would the Frontier kids meet and hang with from other series?
Since yesterday it was Odaiba day, I will finally reply to an ask from this Anon, whose identity I know because @teclajellymon isn’t skilled at hiding secrets lmaoooooo. She wanted to only ask about Izumi and Junpei but she had to act like a chameleon, you know ahahahha.
Happy Odaiba ( in late *flops* ) !!!
• Takuya: I mean, you’d think a googlehead should be placed by the side of another one. And I do understand that, the official did the same as well, but can I change the rules a bit? I want to see Takuya and Sora interacting, because Sora reminds me of Rin from Yes!5 and Rin from Yes!5 is voiced by the same woman voicing Takuya, who also said she wished Takuya was a girl like Ri-
OK. I just think they’d share they football passion together and it would be cute? Besides the fact aesthetically they would look really pleasant together, they both also are fire themed. I’d like to see them playing together and if Taichi wants to join, why couldn’t he?
Still, among the googleheads, I think the one I would like to see interacting with Takuya is Marcus…? I want them to kill each other, yes?
Kouji: He’s kinda easy, because I really like that Cd cover where he stared at Yamato playing his harmonica, dreamy eyed. I know it’s kinda lame Kouji is being put with a loner wolf, so I’m taking a safe route, but I honestly can’t get rid of that image printed in my head. Hmmm someone else, someone else, idk. Help. Maybe he could meet Takeru? If he met Yamato, he would meet Takeru as well and Takeru has got a Patamon. Since Kouji was often seen getting Patamon’s attention in the original season, Takeru’s would bring him memories.
• Izumi: Of course, when it comes to your favs you have got ton of ideas. Ton. Let’s say I will write a little bonus down here for Junpei and Izumi, so, for now, I’ll just temporise ahhahah. Many pair Izumi with Miyako, but I would honestly be curious to see how a meeting between Ruki and Izumi would play. Once a friend of mine drew Izumi and Ruki collaborating in modelling together (Ruki was the photographer, Izumi was the model of the photoshoot), but I want to picture them together more because Seki Producer liked saying Izumi “is actually more similar to Ruki than Mimi”. How? At what extent? What did you mean, SekiP? We will never know imo, but maybe if Ruki and Izumi got to know each other…
• Junpei: OF COURSE, same identical tale as old as time like when it comes to Izumi. So many ideas for my boy, I’d make him even meet Taichi and I think they’d go along. During my Adventure 01 “rewatch”, I truly found myself spotting a piece of Junpei in so many characters ahaha. Taichi has got a scene in which he drives some kind of crane in a factory and Frontier’s episode 5, the one in which Junpei drives one as well, blatantly is a homage to that. Needless to say, Junpei has also got something in common with Jyou, whom he met in an official comic (during which Junpei doesn’t miss the chance to compliment Izumi in front of strangers and in her absence lmaoooo); moreover, in the first Frontier ending, Junpei reading his homework on the stairs is another clear homage to 01, to a scene focusing on Jyou, though I can’t recall which episode it was and I apologize.
Still, and I’ve already said it, I ABSOLUTELY want Junpei to meet Ruri. I want him to become envious of her little detective life and bugging her by sticking his nose in whatever digital mystery she’s on. The Great Detective Shibayama meets the fantastic Ririrun! I need to draw them *wants to explode*. Maybe Junpei could affect Ruri with his fantasies about owning a series, who knows.
Junpei would also so funny with Miyako, I swear. The 02 x Frontier pic did place them in a mirroring position and I just adore it lol. They can eat together while talking about their crush, even if Miyako does yell much more than Junpei lmao. Bingo. I think Junpei would admire her technological skills and would evolve in Bolgmon to gain maths intelligence lmao x 2.
• Tomoki: I have played the Takeru card and I don’t really care? Because I want Tonoki to join the Tamers younger kids for once, though we know nothing about Ai and Mako, and unfortunately about Shaochung as well. But ehy, we can come up with headcanons and make these babies have fun. If Impmon acts as a bully like usual, Tomoki will have someone to deal with, though…
• Kouichi: He doesn’t give me any problem like his twin (good boy, Kouichi). Thanks to some people from this fandom, I have jumped on the boat of Kouichi and Hikari, not necessarily on a shipping level. I can see it. I can see Juri boarding as well, but Juri is way too hyperactive to Kouichi’s tastes imo. Hikari is a bit quieter and more considerate. He would put him at ease just like his twin does www.
• Bonus: Koumi x Junzumi
And here I can say : aren’t shippings ending with umi so beautiful at this point ?
Talking again about my 01 rewatch, I can confirm to myself early Mimi does remind me of Junpei a lot, which is a sacrilege but, ehm, seriously…???? I don’t blame some dude playing in their stories about Junpei being a Jyoumi son, because he’s really a mix of them. People usually like connecting Junpei with Koushiro (and I do too lol) because of the electric/thunder bug theme, but I also adore creating scenarios for Junpei and Mimi ahahah, two spoiled kids coming from rich families always complaining about needing to eat, sleep, getting disgusted so easily….Two needles stuck up your butt, speaking bluntly ahahha.
I have got a lot of ideas about Junzumi x Koumi . In my hcs Izumi will open a restaurant someday and I do believe Mimi would love visiting it. Then, she would invite Izumi to her cooking tv show and Junpei would stop underlining how wife is much better than this Mimi Tachikawa who has come from who knows where. Do you know my wife won two contests, is Gambero Rosso’s favourite guest, her restaurant received compliments from both Terramadre and Slowfood-
Junpei, shut up and let the girls play.
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punster-2319 · 9 months
Top 20 Favorite Cartoons (because of boredom again)
1. Looney Tunes
2. Tom and Jerry
3. Animaniacs
4. Gargoyles
5. Disney’s Hercules the Animated Series
6. Batman the Animated Series
7. Dragon Ball Z
8. Dexter’s Laboratory
9. Jackie Chan Adventures
10. Redwall
11. Ed, Edd n Eddy
12. Bojack Horseman
13. The Powerpuff Girls
14. Phineas and Ferb
15. Milo Murphy’s Law
16. Freakazoid!
17. Tiny Toon Adventures
18. Archer
19. Digimon
20. Daria
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nickpeppermint · 4 months
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This made me realise how realistic Takato is as a character, cuz of his honest reactions
He's not idealised like Taiki or Tagiru, he can cry or panic when stressed cuz he's only a boy, but you can also see how he grew through the journey, and gained confidence
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rawbit-fanfic · 9 months
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I love you, Taichi
あけましておめでとう Happy New Year!
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*sees Gravimon, Splashmon and Olegmon appears in different Digimon series other than Xros Wars*
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analyzingadventure · 1 year
If you gave a me dollar everytime Piemon was introduced as one of the first Ultimate level Digimon in the franchise to display the difference between Perfect and Ultimate, I'd have four dollars, which isn't a lot but it's funny to me that it's happened four times
Like you introduce An Extremely Powerful Threat in your story that your protagonist has to overcome, and in this god forsaken series, four different times it's been the exact same clown
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ashxketchum · 7 months
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someguy944 · 1 year
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Ben 10 Aliens as Digimon
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