#digimon adventure text post
impillian · 19 days
having a digimon partner is like having a roommate that doubles as a gun that can quickly shape shift into a bazooka
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nukitan · 4 months
Okay so as much as I dislike conflating Pokémon and Digimon, (they’re two shows that just so happen to be in the same genre and I think the comparisons should stop there. The bad faith ones anyway), how great the new Pokémon anime is has made me think about something.
Basically, I feel like Horizons has a lot of elements that I would love to see in a modern season of Digimon and I think the Digimon anime could take a page from their playbook. Which is funny since up until now I’ve always said the reverse.
Full rant bellow the cut to spare your time lines if you don’t want to read my rambles.
I split them into section going into Digimon first and then Pokémon if you want to skip around and don’t care about the other franchise. BUT, I will say that the point of this essay is that Pokémon Horizons is good, the first three seasons of Digimon are good and if you like one you should watch the other.
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First I’m going to go into my history with Digimon and what I liked about the classic seasons and what I don’t like so much about the newer ones.
Basically, I love Digimon. Been hyper fixating on it off and on for twenty+ years. I’ve seen every season, subbed and dubbed multiple times, I’ve played a good chunk of the games, I play the TCG, ect.
Something that drew me to the Digimon anime over AniPoke, was the characters and the plot. In the early seasons Digimon tackled lots of difficult issues like divorce, adoption, death, loss, depression, among other things. But still kept a light hearted, feel good air. The characters felt deep and multi-faceted (At least in the sub), and I dare say are better written than some characters from some adult oriented anime out there. And they had cute monsters that evolved into bigger monsters and fought baddie monsters, what wasn’t there to love? The first three or so seasons did a fantastic job juggling characters, plot, cool creature fights, and cute and funny moments between the members of the cast. It never really felt like a commercial compared to contemporaries. It felt like the writers were creating something with soul, it was a story first and ad second. It felt like it had love.
Adventure, 02, and Tamers are my favorites. Bellow are some characters and their arcs I really enjoyed from those seasons, skip if don’t want spoilers.
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I love Taichi’s arc of being reckless, and being one track minded to the point where he put all his friends in harms way and Yamato tries to act like this calm and cool lancer type but he’s actually the group heart and sensitive the way they bounce off each other and have conflicts throughout the series is just fantastic.
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Ken in 02 and his whole arc of getting over the death of his brother and accepting the consequences of his actions as the Digimon Kaiser. And the way he slowly warms up to the group is so cute. I legit cried when I watched some of his episodes post kaiser as an adult.
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Tamers as a whole is an extensional horror trip. Juri’s whole thing with her depression after the death of Leomon, how it related back to her trauma after losing her mom when she was younger, and the way the D-Reaper took advantage of that- I honestly don’t know how this was slipped into a kids show from the early 2000s.
A lot of these shows that started in the 90s and early 2000s were pledged with the “Glorified 20-25 minute toy ad” problem, and Digimon didn’t really seem to have that issue to me. It felt like the creators were putting the story and characters first, and an ad second or third.
The early seasons of Digimon felt like a celebration of childhood and was something that could be enjoyable to kids of all ages and adults alike. I don’t at all get that feeling that I’m watching a baby show when I watch early Digimon. It presents things in simple terms that kids could understand without talking down to its audience. It’s great.
And then the later seasons happened and Digimon forgot what made it great and lost its soul…
Xros wars was where the ball really seemed to drop in my opinion. Sure it still had the epic Kaiju fights but… that’s about it. Gone were the intense character moments and interesting plots. All we had was the special little marry sue of a boy Taiki who could do nothing wrong besides not “TURNING HIS BACK ON SOMEONE uwu”. And there was no overcoming adversity like in the earlier seasons, Taiki would just epically throw his Xros loader into the air and scream away his problems with a “DIGi-XROS!” (Sorry Taiki fans I can’t conceal my venom for this man)
And the monsters were just disappointing too. Like they were clunky and just looked like… toys.
It felt like Digimon had lost what made it tick and started to more closely resemble what I didn’t like about AniPoke, a toy commercial with a sanitized feel.
This continued for the next couple of seasons, only really picking up again in Appmon, but while Appmon is good and had it’s moments (I love the story with Yujin. He and Haru are totally roommates, cousins even), it still doesn’t compare to the heart the first three to five seasons had, imo.
Tri felt like a soulless nostalgia cash grab. Last Kizuna was good, it gave me hope for the anime again just to crush it all away with The Beginning.
I won’t get started on Adventure 2020 or we’ll be here all day. Needless to say it spat in the face of the show it was paying homage to.
Ghost Game got my hopes up, but then the last episode just took a dump on the rest of the show. It was fun, Kiyoshiro and Jellymon specifically were the stars of the show and GulusGammamon was interesting… until he wasn’t. It was fun, had a lot of potential with its horror feel, and was the closest to classic Digimon the modern seasons had been in awhile… at first anyway. It really shat the bed. And my problem with it don’t really relate to it being episodic in nature or anything, that can be done well. The characters just didn’t feel consistent (Especially Ruli) and it didn’t deliver on any of the plot intrigue it tried to stir up.
BUT! Ghost Game at least had… a little bit of heart. It felt like the creators knew their Digimon lore and did a fantastic job incorporating it into the monster of the week. I could really feel the love there.
Also on a side note, I am not just the Digimon equivalent to Gen-Oner, hating on things that are new and fetishizing the old. In fact, before I rewatched all of the seasons around 2020, I didn’t really care for the Adventure or Tamers. But my opinions did a total flip watching everything as an adult.
So, for a quick collection of thoughts before we move on to Pokémon:
What I like in a Digimon season:
1. Good characters with arcs that tackle bigger issues in a way kids can still understand and relate to without feel like they’re being talked down to.
2. Cute moments between members of the cast and their creatures.
3. Fights that feel like they mean something and aren’t just there for cool flashy effects.
4. A feeling of love and care for the franchise that goes beyond just trying to sell me toys and games.
Things I don’t like:
-OP mcs that solve every problem with the gimmick of the given seasons
-Flat, inconsistent characters that don’t feel like they have any agency or reason for doing what they’re doing besides that fact that they do indeed have Digimon.
-Pointless fights that are just there for no other reason than just to show a cool fight
Okay now Pokémon.
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Just like with Digimon here’s a little background with my history with the Pokémon anime
I’ve watched the original Pokémon anime up to Diamond and Pearl as a kid and I watched some of SM and most of Journey’s as an adult, but I’ve never really been big on anipoke.
Like at best it just felt like a cute show I could turn my brain off for and just vibe.
At worst it felt like a hyper sanitized toy/game commercial (Not blaming it, that was the anime’s main purpose after all).
Out of curiosity, I watched the new series. As much as I liked Ash, I really felt like he overstayed his welcome and they should have gotten rid of him and moved on ages ago since it felt like by DP there was nothing interesting to do with the character. The Pokémon world is huge and intresting, there was so much they could have done but Ash kind of felt like he bogged it down and stunted the anime’s growth past a point.
So yeah,I got excited when they finally pulled the plug and focused on a new set of characters so I gave Horizons a watch.
And I love it! It’s got heart, characters with development, a little bit of plot, and it’s cute? Like I was dumbfounded by the fact that a Pokemon anime, that I previously wrote off as just being a glorified ad, could be so good???
And then after thinking about what I liked so much about it, that’s when the topic of this essay hit me: Horizons feels like it has everything I long for in a modern Digimon anime, almost as if they took a page out of classic Digimon’s book. Like I always heard throughout the years that “Digimon had the better anime Pokemon has the better games” But Horizons really turned that on its head.
Let’s revisit my criteria for what I liked about the classic Digimon seasons from the section above to show what I mean. (Light Spoilers for Horizons ahead, though I wont go into specifics)
1. Good characters with arcs that tackle bigger issues in a way kids can still understand and relate to without feel like they’re being talked down to.
Yep. Horizons has that. Like the early seasons of Digimon, Horizons doesn’t just use it’s human characters as a vehicle to show you all the monsters you could catch if you bought the next game from your local shop for the low low price of 60 USD, nope. There feels like theres care there.
While they aren’t fully developed yet, Liko and Dot especially show huge character growth in the first 50 episodes. They focus on their flaws and how the characters overcome them.
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Liko is very indecisive at first. She’s socially awkward, she feels like shes just going with the flow, afraid to take that first step to find out what she really wants out of life. Then, she finally does, she makes the decision to follow Friede and the Rising Volttacklers to find her new horizons. It’s great. And she still has lots of growing she can do later both as a trainer and as a character. She’s fantastic for a lead.
I also like how they use Sprigatito’s evolution as stand in for Liko’s growth so far in the series. Early Digimon did that too with the Crests in Adventure and the Bio Merging in Tamers and I always really like monster partners evolving to reflect their human so much, it’s such a good narrative device!
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Dot slowly being brought out of her shell by Liko and the others is just- chefs kiss. She goes from being a reclusive shut in to slowly taking interest in the things Liko and co are doing and develops meaningful relationships with them. Her care for her friends and want to be there for them makes her take the first step and is now traveling around Paldea with them! And they went about this in a very well paced way where she still isn’t just magically over all her awkwardness and shut in tendencies yet. She too still has so much room for interesting development later down the road.
The adult characters are interesting too, even though they haven’t really done much yet. They really perfected that found family group of misfits trope that I’m usually pretty sick of. I love them.
And Amethio and the other villains also feel like they’re more than just your cackling evil for evil sake type characters and I’m super excited to see what they do with them!
And as far as the tackling bigger issues point: Though its just conjecture and I might be over thinking things (Though others in the fandom have pointed this out too) there’s definitely the groundwork for it here.
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Liko’s family is very hands off and distant. Liko goes away to boarding school at the start of the series, her parents work, and her grandma is a vagabond traveling the world and doesn’t often stay in one place for long.
Liko lacks solid connections and foundation in her life due to her family being so closed off emotionally, which would explains her going with the flow and being unsure of what she really wants to do. She’s lost with no guidance. And it’s not like her family doesn’t love each other, no. They just don’t want to express their feelings for fear of it bogging each other down. They want Liko to be free to do what her heart tells her, but they’re so worried about talking things out that they don’t realize how that freedom has hurt Liko and made her into an anxious mess. (They even kind of hint at this in the second opening)
But yeah, like others have said, I’m not sure if this is on purpose or if they were trying to write Liko’s family to be full of strong women and just kind of accidentally fell into making them all feel too independent and distant from one another. And it would be really cool for the show to go into Liko’s home life more… but I’m not sure it would be on brand for Pokemon to talk about something so heavy. But fingers crossed!
2. Cute moments between members of the cast and their creatures.
Yep! Horizons has got plenty of it. Right now all of the main cast has two Pokemon each and they’re really taking the time to show off each Pokemon and give them a lot of wholesome moments together and with their trainers.
The human character interactions are great too! I really like the blossoming friendship between Liko and Dot (They could be roommates guys!) and the growing rivalry between Friede and Amethio! It’s great!
3. Fights that feel like they mean something and aren’t just there for cool flashy effects.
The fights in Horizons are so cool and well choreographed, but they aren’t just there to look pretty, not at all!
A lot of the fights that take place in the first two arcs are learning experiences for Liko, Roy, and Dot. They learn new strategies, their Pokemon learn new moves, and in the arc that’s airing at the time of writing, they’re learning how to terrestialize too. The fights don’t seem to happen without purpose and always seem like they either teach the characters a lesson about proper ways to be a trainer and even sometimes help them grow as characters too.
And theres even a healthy amount of losses and wins under the character’s belts and they drive home the lesson of “You learn more from a defeat”. I like how heavily they relied on the more experienced Friede at the beginning and they got frustrated from their losses and used it as fuel to want to learn to stand on their own two feet.
The fights are great and don’t just feel like a kid mashing two toys together like some series with battle elements can.
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4. A feeling of love and care for the franchise that goes beyond just trying to sell me toys and games.
This is a little harder to explain and is more like a feel than anything. But I can definitely feel an air of care in Horizons that I don’t really see from shows that feel like twenty-three minute ads. The characters and story don’t just feel like they’re trying to sell me something.
While they’re definitely leaning heavy on the Paldea setting right now, it doesn’t feel like a straight adaption of the games. They don’t really do the “creature of the day” or “character of the day” type episodes like I remember seeing in past iterations of Anipoke. Horizons doesn’t have those moments that I feel like the character is looking right at me and saying “Buy Buy Buy”
And, at least so far, there seems to be a love for Pokemon with the way the reference Pokédex entries like with Hatenna being sensitive to strong emotions or what not.
Like I said, this is really more of a personal criteria and some people can be more sensitive to this kind of thing than others. The closest thing I can compare it to is like when you’re eating a meal a loved one made for you versus something you got at a diner or fast food restaurant. You don’t know how to put your finger on it but you can just taste the love… it’s like that with Horizons to me.
So yeah!
If you’ve read this far, thanks for listening to me rant! I’ll try to wrap it up here.
Basically I just really like Horizons. It gives me that same feel as when I was rewatching the classic Digimon seasons a view years ago… And like the way Horizons fixed all of the problems I had with Anipoke as a kid and as an adult is awesome, it really feels like Pokemon Company is making an effort to listen to criticism and better the series… I just really hope the Digimon anime can do the same.
Oh and all of this is just my opinion, if I said something that you don’t agree with about Digimon or Pokémon, I meant no offense and I’m happy to hear your opinions too!
I just want to close this by saying…
Fans of early Digimon, go watch Pokemon Horizons! You wont regret it!
Fans of Horizons go watch (the sub) of the first three or so seasons of Digimon! If you like Horizons and didn’t really click with Ash era Anipoke I think you’ll really have a good time, it’s so good!
I think both series could use more love, so go out there and give them both a watch!
Okay I’ll shut up now, thanks for reading!
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xx-illusionos-xx · 9 months
anyone else get voice actor whiplash? like i know these people have to work to survive but sometimes i’m doing double takes at the fact that lara jill miller plays kari kamiya from digimon, but then plays the god damn RABBIT FROM BEASTARS
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analyzingadventure · 1 year
If you gave a me dollar everytime Piemon was introduced as one of the first Ultimate level Digimon in the franchise to display the difference between Perfect and Ultimate, I'd have four dollars, which isn't a lot but it's funny to me that it's happened four times
Like you introduce An Extremely Powerful Threat in your story that your protagonist has to overcome, and in this god forsaken series, four different times it's been the exact same clown
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(credit to karnex on youtube)
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digimoncrest · 11 months
Listen, all I'm saying is: Playing literally any of the songs from the 02 dub in the 02 dub version of The Beginning would be infinitely more impactful and just so much better than playing Target which is pretty much exclusive to Japan aside from, maybe, that one fight scene in Revenge of Diaboromon.
I know it's not gonna happen but I'd kill for them to actually go hard and throwback and play, like, Here We Go or Run Around or Going Digital or even Stranger or Let's Kick It Up OR JUST THE OG DUB DIGIMON THEME INSTEAD OF TARGET BUT I KNOW IT WON'T HAPPEN I JUST WISH IT WOULD OK?
(this is me managing my expectations and preparing myself to be disappointed)
...not that there is anything wrong with Target, mind. It's great, it's just not iconic 02 dub music, you feel me? >:\
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captainbee66 · 9 months
One of these days, I AM going to rewatch Digimon Adventure 02 JUST to rant about how wonderful Davis and Ken's friendship is.
I need to figure out how to collect my screenshots...
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satoruhour · 1 year
Thoughts on poly with satosugu
a/n: long post LOL enjoy
howd you manage to get two of the most caring yet annoying boyfriends ever??? they feed off each others energy sm it’s insane lol good luck. but not in a bad way of course. it def started out when one man of the two was frustrated with the stagnancy and the mixed signals between the three of you that gojo decided to confess and the both of you dated for a while.
geto didnt rlly wanna intrude and felt bad even tho you three were still eye fucking basically every time u were in a room together. gojo was the first to ask you about it “no because ive thought of it too” and gojo’s face lights up bc teecchnically hes been texting geto always how its been a dream to date you even tho it rubs in the wound a little. but it’s ok!!!! im sorry suguru!!! all three of you are together now !!!! 
to start off they are very physical and clingy. always need to have some part of their body on you. gojo prefers the arm slinging over your shoulders, geto prefers a more subtle arm around the waist. ppl r always starin when you three go out 😭 but it’s so cute lowkey! gojo is usually the upbeat one, suggesting dates and places to go and things to do, creating the gc between the three of you (if u didnt alr have one), keeping the relationship fresh with a lot of questions. geto contributes more to the practicality of the rs?? not to say he doesnt talk or is passive in the poly rs but he’s more of a getting groceries, lounging in the back watching the two of you talk excitedly bout digimon, and likes the household chores kind of guy.
it feels like if i say this it’s too cheesy but gojo feels like a sunrise: the dawn of a new day and the adventures that it may bring while geto is like sunsets: the dusk of winding down after the exciting day and youre always craving both. gojo and geto complete each other in countless other ways too and the dynamic you three have is super adorable.
ill highlight a few scenarios bc theres too much potential and power w/ poly stsg!! watching movies: geto us usually okay with anything u two pick out and gojo picks out some psychological horror for funsies but hes screaming into geto’s arms at every jumpscare 😭 the popcorn goes everywhere good lord. you and geto laugh (in the case youre not too afraid of horror) laugh at gojo and pepper him in kisses even when he puts the blame on you for choosing this movie. “too scared that youre placing the blame on our poor (y/n)?” gojo tsks and swats away geto’s hand but is soon distracted by you pulling u into your embrace lol <3 the usual movie positions are like this: either the both of you latch onto geto’s sides, or youre tucked into geto and gojo sits on the floor, your head in either man’s laps and your feet on the other, you squashed in the middle of them both, gojo tucked in your hug while you are tucked in geto’s <333
going grocery shopping: it’s stocking up time and geto cant possibly handle bringing back all the groceries by himself so he brings you along and also (reluctantly) brings gojo. main reason is bc gojo likes to put a lot of things in the cart and begs with his pretty eyes of his that geto always gives in 😭 youre like semi-focused on the task. you put together the grocery list but then youre getting distracted when you see the fruits section and point at it excitedly to geto. gojo is somewhere in the store. sometimes you lead the expedition, pushing the trolley as geto and gojo walk together a few steps behind hand in hand. it changes a whole lot.
sometimes geto will head off to get something and youre left to push the trolley, with gojo by your side kissing your temples walking by your side. they will both sometimes play pranks on you and go off without telling u and run around the store hoping you wont find them LMAO, or even be so so embarrassing dancing in the middle of the aisles or putting their face up to the cameras that broadcast the footage on big tvs ….. also once you guys lost gojo and you had to make an announcement at the counter to call for a six foot man to meet you two at the cashiers….
it’s easy to feel insecure sometimes, or rather not getting enough love / feeling left out bc sometimes they both click so well together you cant understand their inside jokes or they act like boys again, hitting and laughing to each other about shoko fumbling utahime again or something. they apologise profusely, feeling guilty that they even made u feel like that, esp gojo since he has a tendency to initiate a lot of those jokes which you dont understand, or talk about man things lol. youre the sole focus of their eyes always and they show it even more today by pampering you, having a sleepover ish date night, you paint each other’s nails and do some skin care, gossip a little. geto and gojo compliments you a lot, even more so during this bout of insecurity. they fight over who gives better compliments 😭😭😭😭
but either way you bring both of them in to kiss them as a thank you. it’s so difficult to choose between the both of them for cuddling too bc theyre so warm always. you curl into geto first bc on this night you guys picked your fav movie (which also happened to be gojo’s fav) but you were feeling tired asf so the former let you rest up on him while hte latter had his eyes glued. and later when geto needs to clean up he passes you to gojo gently and you adjust yourself against his lanky body <3333 “she’s just so cute, ain’t she?” geto smiles, brushes your hair out ur face, placing a peck on your forehead and another on gojo’s lips. “rest up first, both of you. i’ll come in soon.”
overall best boyfriends ever; let me highlight some more scenarios which i think would happen: coddling over you when you get your period. geto holding your tummy and massaging it while gojo feeds u snacks. fighting over the blanket between the three of you. gojo runs cold at night, geto runs a little cold too so youre usually the mediator between the two of them. “just buy a bigger blanket!!!” and gojos up and ready to head out at 3am. “go to sleep satoru the stores not open rn.” “theft exists.” “no!” sometimes youd go on individual dates when the other cant make it, esp when you three have busy schedules. either two will ALWAYS promise to shower the third in affection once they return home from the date! sometimes when you three need to visit weddings, you’d be squashed in the middle dancing with them, two towers and the shorter one in between that it looks a little comical.
fighting about whose music is the best in the car and fighting over the au, fighting abt who gets to drive. gojo tries to squeeze into the stick shift bc sometimes he misses you two in the back seat :(((( they let you sit down on public transport if the car isnt possible. scary dog privileges, two of them. gojo sneers at anyone who wants ur number and tells them off, geto glares quietly, gojo thinks its bc of him but actually it’s all geto’s doing LMAOAOAO. loving the kisses they both give you: gojo a little more excitable and geto’s sensual and slower, will also fight over who you should straddle when your making out but u give them both equal attention. one will take over the other whos preoccupied with your lips. geto littering kisses down your neck while youre busy with gojo’s lips and vice versa 💟💟💟
sigh id love to be in a poly rs with them and id love to write n*sfw but my hands hurt toodles (i do have a stsg ask that is smutty tho ... will write that soon muahahha)
hello hello!
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bestfictionalplant · 7 months
Bracket reveal
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Text version under cut!
The tourney is split into 4 32 brackets, and the winners of each will go to the semi finals! I'll make a different post about HOW the tourney will run, and this will serve as a pinned post for round 1 :)
Bracket 1, Side 1
Peppino (Vampire Survivors) vs Winged Strawberry (Celeste)
Herb (Monster Hunter) vs Triffids (Day of the Triffids)
Gigi (Xiaolin Showdown) vs Silent Princess (The Legend of Zelda)
Breath of Evil (Wings of Fire) vs Thorn Thallid (Magic the Gathering)
Audrey II (Little Shop of Horrors) vs Farewell Flower (Mistborn)
Togemon (Digimon) vs Silverwood Tree (Witch Hat Atelier)
Golden Apple Tree (Greek Mythology) vs Potbelly (My Singing Monsters)
Sculk (Minecraft) vs MocDonald (One Piece)
Bracket 1, Side 2
Vida (The Promised Neverland) vs Glaze Lily (Genshin Impact)
Dr Brewer's Clone (Goosebumps) vs The Spring (Friends at the Table)
Kite Eating Tree (Peanuts) vs Zotoh Zhaan (Farscape)
Wheel Tree (His Dark Materials) vs Mushtree (I Was a Teenage Exocolonist)
Medusoid Mycelium (A Series of Unfortunate Events) vs Radial (Ooblets)
Chikorita (Pokemon) vs Blast Cone (League of Legends)
Gooloog (AAAHH!!! Real Monsters) vs Venus (Bug Fables)
The Thorian (Mass Effect) vs Yggdrasil (Norse Mythology)
Bracket 2, Side 1
Deku Tree (The Legend of Zelda) vs Blood Blossoms (Danny Phantom)
Hotblonde37159 (Angel: The Series) vs Vash the Stampede (Trigun)
Kinoko (Don't Hurt Me, My Healer) vs Wolfsbane (The Vampire Diaries)
Plant (Monster Rancher) vs Flower of Life (Mesopotamian Mythology)
Truffula Tree (The Lorax) vs Slurperon Enchantress (Internet Scam)
The Brain Tree (Neopets) vs Ginseng Baby (Scarlet Hollow)
Chompy (Bug Fables) vs Whispy Woods (Kirby)
Clavu (Overlord) vs Ivern (League of Legends)
Bracket 2, Side 2
Bulbasaur (Pokemon) vs The Trees of Valinor (Lord of the Rings)
Leslie (The Amazing World of Gumball) vs Hayzee Dayzee (Paper Mario)
Piranha Plant (Mario) vs Specimen 34/The Blessed Eternal (Wolf 359)
Potted Plant (Wander Over Yonder) vs Morbuzakh (Bionicle)
Jabe & the Trees of Cheem (Doctor Who) vs Black Mercy (DC)
Mr Plant (The World of Mr Plant) vs Feculant Gnarlmaw (Warhammer 40k)
Tree Rex (Skylanders) vs Flowey (Undertale)
Sundrop Flower (Tangled) vs Venus McFlytrap (Monster High)
Bracket 3, Side 1
Pinchley (Long Gone Gulch) vs Frank the Plant (Harley Quinn: the Animated Series)
The Venus (Hello From the Hallowoods) vs Nirnroot (The Elder Scrolls)
Food Fight (Skylanders) vs Paopu Fruit (Kingdom Hearts)
Phillogenous esk Piemondum (Rod Albright Alien Adventures) vs Plant (Wall E)
Tannot Root (Farscape) vs The Broccoloids (The Powerpuff Girls)
Rockbud (The Stormlight Archive) vs Sylvan Hound (Guild Wars 2)
Eldridge Johnson-Mayer (The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy) vs Hyacinth/Hyacinthus (Greek Mythology)
Selas Flower (Kingkiller Chronicle) vs Treant (Disgaea)
Bracket 3, Side 2
Dragonflame Cacti (Wings of Fire) vs Sunflower (Plants vs Zombies)
The Bioplant (The Rising of the Shield Hero) vs Turnip Boy (Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion)
Shambling Mound (Dungeons and Dragons) vs Mandrake (Shin Megami Tensei/Persona)
Cowplant (The Sims) vs Ebony Queen's Apple (Limbus Company)
Devil Fruits (One Piece) vs Donkey-Cabbage (Enchanted Forest Chronicles)
Oaktopus (My Singing Monsters) vs Field Dungeon (Rune Factory 4)
Mushroom Tree (Stardew Valley) vs Jumpkin (Cassette Beasts)
Undergrowth (Danny Phantom) vs Karzahni (Bionicle)
Bracket 4, Side 1
Dreamstalk (Kirby) vs Myconid (Balders Gate 3)
Stingbulb (Fablehaven) vs Treebeard (Lord of the Rings)
Stray Cat (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure) vs Peashooter (Plants vs Zombies)
Giant Turnip (Codename: Kids Next Door) vs Treasure Mushroom (Guild Wars 2)
Tree of Wisdom (Sonic the Hedgehog) vs Fire Flower (Mario)
Stump (The Angry Beavers) vs Groot (Marvel)
Maise (Oneshot) vs Konohana Tree (Okami)
Red Weed (War of the Worlds) vs Pod Plant (Fortnite)
Bracket 4, Side 2
Plantera (Terraria) vs The Grass Snake (Friends at the Table)
Breathweed (Warhammer 40k) vs Campestri (Dungeons and Dragons)
Neo Alraune (Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle) vs Kringlefucker (Homestuck)
Slimefoot the Stowaway (Magic: The Gathering) vs Gatfruit Tree (Space Station 13/14)
Sex Pollen Plant (Fanfiction) vs The Rumor Weed (VeggieTales: Larry-Boy and the Rumor Weed)
Dr Madley Radish (Papa Louie) vs Vervain (The Vampire Diaries)
Yatevon (OCTAHEDRON: Transfixed Edition) vs Echo Flower (Undertale)
Wither Rose (Minecraft) vs Hydramon (Digimon)
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kazarinn · 10 months
Future subbing plans
When I first put Hurricane Touchdown out three years ago (goodness, has it really been that long already?!), I wasn't really planning to make fansubbing a regular thing, but after having worked on the Saint Tail project enough, I've started getting a little more used to it, so I decided to put a little more proper thought on what I want to do with it. This post will only be here, so my Tumblr followers can consider this to be an exclusive scoop ☺️
Regarding Hurricane Touchdown: As probably many of you know, Discotek Media recently announced an upcoming release of the first three Digimon movies, which, naturally, will include the Japanese version of Hurricane Touchdown. As is etiquette for fansubbers, I will be removing the download links for the Hudie release once that drops. However, I will be leaving the translation script file accessible to preserve the hard work done on it, and to leave it accessible for anyone who can't use the Discotek version for any reason (importation issues, region locks, etc.).
Raw script files can still be used with videos by putting them in the same folder as the video and giving them the same name, and the transcript is very easy to open with any standard text editor, so I think this will be a good compromise to keep the translation accessible and easy to reference. This is a workflow I started using with Saint Tail due to the unusual nature of its localization situation, but it's something I think I want to consider making use of going forward as well.
Regarding Saint Tail: Nothing really special to report here; I'll be releasing and revising sub scripts as usual until I've finished the series (I'm hoping to get it done by the end of the year). I haven't made a firm decision as to what will happen after that, but since it is a fact that the official release still has serious translation problems, I do think I want to do something to address that a little more aggressively once it's done.
Regarding Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning: Based on the US screenings of the movie, it seems that the official English subtitles for the Japanese version are actually a transcript of the English dub, but with Japanese names swapped in. Surprisingly, this isn't as much as a detriment to the translation as you'd think it might be (the English dub script seems to be surprisingly close to the Japanese script, rather unusually for Digimon standards), but nevertheless, this is extremely bad translation practice and offends me on a personal level. As such, if future releases turn out to still be using this translation, I am considering making my own subtitled script for it.
For the record, because of how close the English dub script is to the Japanese script, I don't think this is actually that much of a detriment to understanding the movie; in fact, I would argue that LAST EVOLUTION Kizuna's official English subtitles are far worse and mistranslated in a more dangerous way. A theoretical The Beginning fansub would be, at most, something that would be done to satisfy a personal pet peeve and to address some minor loss in nuance that isn't reflected in the dub script, especially in regards to the Chosen Child partnership lore it presents (something that I know can be quite a serious issue to a lot of Digimon fans). So I'm not going to make guarantees about whether I'm going to do it in the end, and I wouldn't get your hopes up if I were you, but I do at least want people to know that this is an issue and that I currently have this idea on the table. As with Hurricane Touchdown, if I do put this out, it probably would be in script-only form.
As a side note, I do plan on translating The Beginning-related material (interviews, etc.), but I would rather put them up at a time when a sufficiently large percentage of fans has actually seen the movie. If you're from a non-American country and your country will be having a screening in the near future, please reply to this post with the date so I can get a good idea of when people will be watching it ☺️
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nozoditz · 8 months
In Defence of Takkun (Saki's Faceless Fiancé)
I hate having to be the one to do this. I ship Sakimai. I was disappointed that canon sank it. I wish they hadn't. But Otona bashers keep bringing this up, and just like the Coconozo antis spreading misinformation that is contradicted by the text, they're convinced that Otona is trash and Toei is hateful and manipulative for ever daring to do this. This isn't just about a popular ship being sunk to them, this is a moral outrage. And since the guy doesn't have a voice to speak up for himself (and couldn't anyway, being fictional and all), I'll go through all the common objections and refute them all.
1) This Is Straight-Ironing! Isn't It?
Short answer: no.
I've already gone over this on Mai's part in my theory post that she's still in love with Saki, but Mai's character arc in Otona reads like dealing with and rejecting compulsory heterosexuality. Her boyfriend dumped her via text message and, rather than being heartbroken, she wrestled with the guilt she felt because she was okay with that, happy even. So here I'm just going to focus on Saki. Or rather, not just Saki.
Saki, in Splash Star, had a crush on Mai's older brother, Kazuya. She fell in love with him at first sight way back in episode 5. She got flustered every time he noticed her existence. She spent the Christmas episode worrying about giving him a cake and spiralling (heh) over seeing him with a girl on Christmas to the point that she had to be reminded to pay attention to the whole world-saving thing she was supposed to do.
Being with a guy isn't a new thought or concept for Saki. Yes, her close bond with Mai is the core of Splash Star, to the point that they come off as even more of a couple-to-be than Nagisa and Honoka, who (according to Hugtto and anniversary merch) are an item. But just as you wouldn't ignore Fuji-P and Kiriya when noting that Nagihono is a thing, you shouldn't engage in bi erasure to complain about Sakimai not happening in Otona.
2) It's Insulting to Pair a Main Character with a Faceless Cipher
Maybe, maybe not. Toei's been doing this for decades. The epilogue of Digimon Adventure 02 pairing everyone outside of the most set-in-stone canon couples off with offscreen randos and giving them future children made a lot of people froth and scream about their sunken ships. But, just like in Digimon, the point here is the show isn't about Takkun. It's about the Precure.
Otonapre is, at its heart, nostalgia bait. When the girls reunite as adults, it's to reforge their old friendships the way you remember it. When the Time Flowers give them back their youth, it's to make your heart fuzzy seeing the old stock footage in higher definition. Their poses and pastimes in the OP are a mirror of the Yes OP. The flashbacks are all in the old show's quality, with concessions made for Splash Star having aired in standard definition. Catchphrases remain. Everyone's career aspirations panned out. Grandparents and pets have miraculously all lived for the past 16-20 years in perfect health.
This is the context we're working with. The reason we don't ever see Takkun's face, hear his voice, or get his full name, and only get his nickname from Saki's phone, is that he wasn't in the original, and you're here to see people who were. If Saki had ended up with Kenta, who had a crush on her in the original, or Kazuya, who she liked in turn, you would have seen them. But she didn't, and the person she did end up with is a new character; more on that later. So why would they show him any more than they had to, when they could just give you another shot of Michiru and Kaoru's vtuber career?
3) It Cheapens Saki and Mai's Bond
This is kind of a wild accusation if you look at the show. Saki and Mai are one of the only pairs in the series who spent the entire gap between seasons constantly in contact. They still need each other to transform. They give each other advice. They're introduced together. Saki's focus episode is called "Their Bond." For Blue's sake, the Otonapre collab cafe has a "Saki and Mai's Bond Open-Faced Sandwich" on the menu, and yes, they really called it that.
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Their bond has suffered the least, and it's even shown right in the aforementioned episode: Saki fears that they won't be able to transform because she's not the same, because she's faced reality and grown up, and she flashes back to being with her boyfriend. But Mai breaks her out of this, and they're able to transform anyway. And it's clear there that, even if Saki has someone she loves, her bond with Mai hasn't gone away.
Saki and Mai are still the most important people in each other's lives, even if Saki has a romantic relationship. It may be common for your most important person to be your partner, but that's not how it works for everyone in every situation, and that's not how it is for Saki. In the last episode, Mai is the one who sees her off at the airport! Sure, the Hyuugas and Takkun are probably offscreen, but the show clearly wants you to know that Mai is the important one here. That hasn't changed.
4) It's a Precedent for Mahou Girls 2 to Break Up Mirai and Liko
There are a lot of assumptions being thrown around that the message of Saki getting married to a man and Mai having a temporary relationship with one is that girls who like other girls will just "grow up" and turn straight, and that that would carry forward to the Mahoutsukai sequel. (Mahoutsukai? Mahou Girls? Witchy? Toei, can you please pick one official title and stick with it?) But that doesn't gel with the text for all the reasons stated above and below, and there's another reason that I doubt it.
Nostalgia sequels will not, unless they cannot do otherwise, break up a canon ship. Sometimes this goes to a stupid extent, like Cardcaptor Sakura Clear Card only on the surface keeping Tomoyo's having gotten over Sakura but having her then start fangirling over the ideal of the magical girl so that she can still keep doing her "you're so cute, Sakura-chan" thing and not actually grow and find herself a new girlfriend. (At least Otona didn't do that and it let Kurumi get over Coco for real.) But if they weren't gonna sink Coconozo despite a bunch of foreign children whining about "the optics," why do you think they would do it for something else that was stated?
This isn't Sakimai. This isn't the first six seasons where there was always the option of a boy for the girls to date; sometimes, yes (the franchise is pretty bi on the whole), but not always, and not here. Mirai and Liko are one of the most blatant f/f ships in the entire franchise. They kissed in the manga. Sure, it was to undo a magic spell, but you don't give the third wheel a peck on the cheek and your partner a full two-page spread kiss scene without there being a reason.
Also, Otonapre aired at prime time. Mahou Girls 2 is airing at butts o'clock at night. This indicates that content that might set off advertisers in one time slot might slide off another. So if you're worried that pearl-clutching executives might demand Mirai and Liko get boyfriends, I sincerely doubt it. Especially not with the TV yuri anime we've been getting as of late.
And did you forget that the first big chunk of Otona's canon romance, before we even saw Saki and Mai or heard confirmation of their relationship status, before Coco and Nozomi, the main couple, got back together, was Kurumi's drunken love confession to Karen? Just saying.
5) But Then Why Would They Do It?
You know, for people who claim to understand Japanese culture and ideals so much that they'll go on rants for days about how sinking Sakimai means Otona perpetuates the concept of same-gender attraction being training wheels for a "real" straight relationship, these people don't seem to understand that the actual message of their story was attacking another sexist cultural concept: that women shouldn't want to advance in their career and have no hope of doing so because they will and should just get married and quit to serve their husband's wants.
Remember when I touched on why Saki's not just marrying a man, but marrying a rando? This is why. A major part of the show's throughline is that Coconozo, the pairing that was a huge part of Yes and maintains its position as the core of Otona, faces the conflict of both Coco and Nozomi having achieved their dreams. The reason Coco stepped back and focused on work, not visiting Nozomi for years and barely writing even though they still loved each other, was that now that Coco's grown up (and not just pretending to be an adult to become their teacher in a half-baked "how to be useful and stick close to the team" plan that launched years of discourse and misinformation), he's become the king and has more responsibility, and he can't just tear Nozomi away from her dream career. The message here is that he can't, and that's why they compromise in the end, and so if you, viewer at home who identified with Nozomi as a child, feel pressured to quit your job for a man, you shouldn't have to. And that's a big thing for the audience the show is going for.
For that to work, that story needs these foils, and that's where Saki and Mai getting offscreen boyfriends come in. Mai's is the common negative example. He doesn't appreciate how much time and effort she's putting into her art job; in fact, he thinks it's a burden on him, and he breaks up with her via text message. Rather than come crawling back, even if her friends don't understand at first, she ends up washing her hands and throwing the whole man away. He never comes up again.
Saki, on the other hand, deals with her own problem later. Her fiancé hasn't been pressuring her like Mai's boyfriend has, but the expectations of society in general have percolated the guilt in her heart just the same, and she fears that she'll be letting both him and her parents down if she goes for her dreams because it'll get in the way of theirs. With Mai's encouragement and a reminder that she's still the girl who would do things because she wanted them back in 2006, Saki steps up and confesses what she wants, and Takkun is fine with it as long as she's happy. Note that she clears it with him before she clears it with her parents because she knows they will (and they do) ask "are you sure he's okay with this."
Thus, the offscreen boyfriends are there to serve a narrative purpose more than being actual characters. Toei couldn't do that if Saki had ended up with Kazuya or Kenta, and definitely not if she had ended up with Mai. They establish the negative "what if" first with Mai and have her overcome it (so what if he leaves you? If he did, he was trash anyway), and then give Saki a similar "what if" with genuine tension that wouldn't happen if her fiancé was already someone we knew and trusted, then use her story as the positive. That's the foundation that takes us into the finale and the culmination of the romance plot.
Of course, since a lot of the people who hate Otonapre for other reasons like the sinking of Sakimai are also Coconozo antis, Sakimai being sunk for a literary device to allow Coco and Nozomi's love to conquer all may come off as more of a reason to hate it, not less. But if you were going into a sequel to a show where romance was a key point and honestly expected them to get rid of the big main canon ship, please take a breath and go watch something you'll like instead.
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digi-lov · 2 years
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See also @poke-lov & @onepiece-lov !
If you want to support me, feel free to leave a tip at my ko-fi page!
Basics about myself at the bottom down below!
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> [Digimon Card Game Fan Made Online Simulators] > [Digi-Lov's Card Template] > [Token Cards] > [Sistermon Noir English Edit Masterpost]
I use #digi lov reblog for anything I reblog, in case you only wanna see original posts, and I use #not cards for posts not related to the card game.
Digimon that were requested by you can be found in the tag #fan favorites
Any asks that I've answered can be found under #lov asks
You can find all posts with any references in the tag #digimon references
If you're looking for my longer in depth posts, go to #lov rambles
If you wanna check out my posts about recolors and subspecies, go to #subspecies
You can also search for posts by the Digimon name, like #Palmon, the card artist, like #tonamikanji, by the set #BT5, or by the referenced Game title, like #Digimon World Re:Digitize , or #Digimon World next 0rder (Full game List below)
Note: Human characters are always First Name Last Name, even with the japanese names, so that I don't have to tag double if the characters name wasn't changed. Ex.: [Sora Takenouchi] vs. [Sora Takenouchi, Takenouchi Sora]
I also recently started tagging all posts by color, type, level and traits!
#color: red , #color: blue , #color: yellow , #color: green , #color: black , #color: purple , #color: white
#digimon card , #tamer card , #option card
#Lv2 , #Lv3 , #Lv4 , #Lv5 , #Lv6 , #Lv7
#type: virus , #type: data , #type: vaccine , #type: free , #type: unknown
#trait: angel , #trait: beast , #trait: mutant , #trait: cyborg
#trait: x antibody , #trait: royal knights
#Digimon World , #Digimon World 2 , #Digimon World 3 (/2003) , #Digimon World X (Digimon World 4) , #Digimon World Re:Digitize (and Decode) , #Digimon World next 0rder , #Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth
#Pocket Digimon World , #Digimon World Digital Card Arena , #Digimon World Digital Card Battle
#Digimon Battle Spirit , #Digimon Tamers Battle Evolution (Rumble Arena) , #Digimon Savers Another Mission (Digimon World Data Squad)
#Digimon Battle Terminal 02 , #Digimon Links , #Digimon Anode Cathode Tamer
I also added tags for the numblock which might be involved to determine rotations in the future? #num: 00 , #num: 01 , #num: 02 , #num: 03
These are just examples, so be sure to search for whatever you're interested in!
You're always welcome to send me asks!
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About Me:
You can call me Lov! My name is Lou, the Blog name is a play on writing my name with v as the u and Love for Digimon.
I grew up watching the German Digimon Dub, and also played a lot of Digimon World, DW 2003, Rumble Arena, and more, in my childhood.
I haven't played all Digimon games yet, but I'm working on it!
I love all original Digimon Anime seasons, Adventure to Savers. I haven't gotten around to watching any newer ones myself yet.
My favorite Digimon is Bearmon! If I had a Bearmon Partner Digimon, this would be the evolution line:
YukimiBotamon > Kapurimon > Bearmon > Gryzmon > Pandamon > Dianamon
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I mostly try to post cards in English to make the card text more accesible to everyone. If you see a post with Japanese Card text, I'll update it once the English version is out.
The Official Digimon Card Game Twitter didn't start sharing cards regularly until around BT-08, and anything before BT-05 is especially hard to find. I usually have to edit multiple versions of the image together. I hope you all appreciate the effort!
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macrotiis · 8 months
- 29 y/o aries ♈️
- gender-neutral testosterone beast, I'm trans 💉(2016) & post-op (2023) TME & perisex.
- xe/xem/xyrs, he/him or she/her.
- @rainbowmancer-gwen is my fox gf 💙
- Aus/NZ Pakeha (white)
- 18 +, no minors pls, this is not a NSFW heavy blog tho.
- #noid is for images without descriptions or functional alt text.
No DNI, I just block. I usually block bigots, rude ppl, pointless discourse, harry potter fans, proshippers (some "antis" too, idk this whole thing is dumb to me), & sometimes ppl who just annoy me. I'm here for a good time, I'm not here to argue & I don't appriciate ppl trying to start shit. (Letting me know of I'm rbing someone shitty is appriciated.)
Please HARD BLOCK me if you don't want me to follow you. I'll assume tumblr is fucking up & re-follow if I'm softblocked coz that happens a lot, please just properly block me.
I'm Blitz, I'm a commie anarchist furry from down-under & my tagging system is a mess. (More info under the cut)
I love animals, hairless cats & australian wildlife are my faves. Blue & purple are my fave colors. I like loud electronic & alt music; Punk, Metal, Nu-Metal, New-Wave, Ska, Drum n Bass, Industrial, Breakcore, ect.
I draw a lot, it's like my number 1 thing, art blog is @staticblitz.
I'm not a huge fandom person, but I have a Crash Bandicoot blog @n-trance, Crash Bandicoot is my number 2 thing.
I love science fiction, fantasy & horror, stuff like; Crash Bandicoot, Spyro the Dragon, Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Star Trek, Invader Zim, Doctor Who, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Dorohedoro, Berserk, Digimon Furries & table top role-playing games.
I'm a weird kind of aroace bisexual queer, I'm a transsexual in the sense that I'm trans, I take hormones (testosterone) & am post-op (hysterectomy); I believe being trans is different for everyone & hate truscum/transmeds. I also don't like transandrophobia/transmisandry truthers, listen to trans women & learn about transmisogyny without getting defensive. I promise you, there is space for us in the framework of discussions about transmisogyny already. PLEASE don't take posts I make about *MY* experiences as someone transmasc adjacent & get mad thinking I'm generalizing the whole trans man/transmasc community. I am one guy (system) & cannot speak for the entire community & I don't try to!
I am kink & sex positive, I sometimes do sexwork & I talk about it sometimes. That said I do have boundaries & I do think you ought to be responsible for what you post & where (ie; tag that shit & keep it away from kids). I cant prevent it, but would prefer DDLG or ABDL blogs not follow or interact with me (it's fine if you use a non-kink related blog instead. I don't judge you, I just have trauma surrounding this). Thanks 💖
Proshippers are weird, not keen on antis either but equating finding your pedo/incest fanfic a bit gross to police violence is actually nonsensical, end of discussion.
I think Marxism is pretty pog, I'm by no means an expert but I am very politically active where I live. I grew up poor with my 2 siblings & my single disabled mum, we are ex-Jehovahs Witnesses (yes thats important). This has shaped a lot of my world view, I align myself with the marginalised & working class people of the world. I am heavily critical of capitalism, liberalism, nationalism & imperialism. If you have a problem with commies or anarchists, you probably won't like me. I hate fascists & I hate cops. I love my community tho & working together with anyone who wants to work toward a better world.
I am moderately able-bodied, but have mental disabilities. I don't wanna share all but I have autism, C-PTSD & chronic fatigue among many other things. I am a system, I hate syscourse, endo systems are welcome here, ableists demanding medical history are not.
I will tag for any trigger if you ask me, I already tag a large amount of things for both categorization & moderation.
Do not send me donation posts, thanks.
This is my fursona, draw xem if you want I would love that :3
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etes-secrecy-post · 11 days
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Hi, before I explain my post, I want to say something important.
• What you see my blog has become a major overhaul. And despite the changes, I decided that my 2nd account will be now my artwork blog with a secret twist.
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Okay? Capiche? Make sense? Good, now back to the post…↓
Title: Miya Speedster In Her 20s
(Young Adult) Miya 🐰🐻🔋: Eyo, September! 🍁🍂 It is I, Miya Speedster! 🙂 And I'm celebrating my 2-year anniversary as part of September's "Speedster Month"! ✌️😁🥳 Yeah, ya heard me right! First was my big cous, Aace 🐶🐺⭐ with his 1st-year Anniversary (Happy Anniversary, by the way! 🥳🎊👏) with his lovely girlfriend May 👊💥🐰 (Mah gurl!), and now it is MY TURN celebrating my 2-year anniversary! 😄 You expect me throwing a partay!? Nah, alternatively, I was spending time with my cute cloudy bear (Sammir 🐻🌩️) eating Pizza in Rome 🍕🍷🇮🇹, then the next is Race Day in Monza, Italy 🏎️🏁🇮🇹 and somehow I decently well; 3rd place, *doing the Italian stereotypical speech* though I expect more than 3rd place. Aw, mama mia! 🥉🤌🤌
(Young Adult) Miya 🐰🐻🔋: By the wai (way), no #OnThisDay throwback post from my creator because of my aforementioned anniversary! Yeah-yuh! 😁
(Young Adult) Miya 🐰🐻🔋: Nonetheless-ess, instead, my creator drawn the same artwork as before, this time he draw me an OG clothing based on the 2022 Christmas gifts from my aforementioned cute cloudy bear! 🎄🎁 → [CLICK ME!] Except that gloves, which is super awesome, as my OG clothes! 😁 The only thing didn't change, however, was my old and trusty goggles cap! 🥽🧢😊 It is still with me from my child stage, and surprisingly, my eyes fitted well! Wowee Zoweee! 😃 I looked like the next Digimon protagonist, but as much as I loved watching Digimon Adventure from my childhood, but I'm more like a 🏁"Racer"🏎️ than a "DigiDestined" member. 😅 Nevertheless-ess, I bet my cute cloudy bear will appreciated my OG look! 🥰🤗 As for my Impreza car 🌸🔵🟡🐰🐻🔋🇯🇵🚘 (and the Twins' 🐶🇯🇵🚘🟥🔵🌸🐰🇯🇵🚘), it is still ongoing, but he'll be scheduled at the end of September. 😉
IMPORTANT NOTE: There was an alternative attire for Miya and her twins, but it was "exclusive" to super secret blog. Uh yeah, and that artwork from yesterday → [CLICK ME!]. That is the last time you've seen Miya in her alternative attire. Though, I forgot to switch it as an exclusive, but Nah... Too late. 😑
Me 🇵🇭: Well, that's all for now! And happy 2nd Anniversary, Miya! 🐰🐻🔋🥳✌️🎊
(Young Adult) Miya 🐰🐻🔋: Thanksies! 😄
(Young Adult) Miya Speedster (Chowder OC) - created by ME!
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analyzingadventure · 1 year
You know I actually never realized this before-- so you remember how tri. retconned Original Chosen fighting and defeating Apocalymon into them fighting the Dark Masters instead? (To be fair it is possible they could've ALSO fought Apocalymon afterwards but that isn't the Epic Final Showdown tri. decided to depict so it's borderline a retcon)
If the Original 5 Chosen fought and defeated the Dark Masters once in the distant past, doesn't that mean that
A) They survived and hid for just a few thousand years until they came back for a Round 2 at conquering the world
B) They died, were reborn, and THEN went for the Round 2
You know I've just DYING with curiosity, desperately wanting to know if any of the villians in Adventure would ever be reborn after Adventure, right. Because according to the lore they should, right (unless their data was like somehow absorbed by Apocalymon and destroyed along with him (though that would still leave Piemon as an exception (and Vamdemon but we all know what happened to him) and the sole survivor))
And what tri. has essentially done is confirm that most of them should, in fact, be reborn sooner or later
But that just raises the question of if Apocalymon was lowkey driving the Dark Masters nuts (as suggested by the novels), and if tri. was kind of about destroying the last remnants of Apocalymon's data (within Meicoomon), if they were reborn this time would they be free of Apocalymon's influence
If so, would their third (?) lives then turn out different? Would they still try to take over the world all over again for funsies (this time just without Apocalymon giving them power etc), or were they just the same as Ken was in Zero Two? I mean Apocalymon was supposed to be a spawn of Milleniummon and Ken was infected with Mille's malice directly, so while it may have been a bit filtered it was still the same source of malice and corruption, right
And like regardless of how their next lives would turn out, shouldn't the kids (OR AT THE VERY FUCKING LEAST GENNAI) like realize that this is going to happen eventually and like. Go and see if they can find them (either as their pre-Ultimate forms or even when they're still in their Eggs) and try to figure out what to do BEFORE shit hits the fan
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#Sorry I'm rewatching the second half of Adventure while working (it improves my focus actually) and#Oh the brainworms are real#Text post#I'm sorry I'm just thinking about Pinocchimon. My sweet poor murder child just needed friends 😭#But even if he was reborn without the craving for blood- who would be friends with him. After all he did in his past life#Who would want to be friends with him. Who would forgive him#IS HE GONNA BE DOOMED TO BE ALONE FOREVER. I'M 😭😭😭#Meanwhile for all we know Piemon is still stuck in that other dimension 10 years later lmao#Depending on if tri.'s reboot ever affected him at all or not because god fucking knows we'll never find out#(Or if he even COULD be affected by the reboot to begin with. God knows Wizarmon seemed to be fucking IMMUNE to it)#(Even though it was supposed to reset EVERYBODY)#But also that could have horrifying implications too if Piemon was just left to cook overnight with a part of Apocalymon#Like Apocalymon is just a collection of grudge and hate from Digimon who've gone extinct right#What's stopping that part of Apocalymon from just restarting the collection of hatred and grudge all over again#This time using Piemon as a vessel to just contain it#Like Apocalymon came from beyond the Wall of Fire to begin with so it's not like dimensional barriers should stop him either#I mean the good news is that there probably haven't been that many Digimon species that've gone extinct after Adventure#But still kids. Y'all might have a timebomb on your hands#Edited to remove some of excessive cursing lmao. I was feeling very intense when writing this sorry lmao
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If I were to like… hypothetically rewatch all of Digimon in Dub and Sub and compare each episode, as well as say which I preferred (ENG Vs. JP Cast) would people be interested?
These would probably be longer posts, and include a good bit of screen caps and me yelling about things such as the cut out scenes and censorship from the ENG Dub
Lemme know if y’all are interested (o o )
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