#diluc's hawk is cute
yandere-daydreams · 1 year
Red-Tailed Hawk!Diluc, who crash-lands on your balcony in the middle of winter, long after he should've migrated somewhere more hospitable to his animal counterpart. He's badly injured, half-frozen, and clearly in a state of shock, but you manage to drag him inside after a few minutes of struggling and fussing over his massive wings. An emergency vet is called, a small fortune dulled out in exchange for anti-biotics and bandages, but Diluc only wakes up hours after the chaos has blown over, after he's been moved to your bed and most of his blood has been scrubbed out of your carpeting. If you didn't have such a soft spot for birds, you might've been more mad at him.
Red-Tailed Hawk!Diluc, who's surprisingly calm for a man who was on the verge of death less than a day ago. He apologizes for the trouble he's caused you, explains that his injuries came from a 'minor altercation' with his brother and promises that you'll be repaid for everything he's cost you so far, even if you can't say you're sure how a hybrid would have that kind of funding. His composure only falters when he realizes that he won't be able to fly until his wings heal, and even then, he manages to limit his frustration to a thin scowl and a wary sigh. His poise is a relief. He'll be stuck with you for a while, and a temper would've made a bad situation even worse.
Red-Tailed Hawk!Diluc, who clearly isn't as wild as you initially thought. If anything, your meager apartment seems too a little too modest for his tastes - you're not sure if you've ever heard anyone mention the thread count of your sheets so casually, let alone a hybrid. Still, he adjusts quickly. By the end of his first week with you, you can't stop him from helping around the house. He's a good cook, especially, and he seems to enjoy being able to take some of the stress off of you. You've heard that it's a common trait for hybrids, some universal base instinct to 'provide for a pack'. To be honest, you don't really care. He's nice to have around, even if you know he can't stay forever.
Red-Tailed Hawk!Diluc, who only ever blushes whenever you tend to his wings. You're not a professional, but you do your best to clear away all of the bent and broken feathers, to replace his bandages as often as the vet recommended, but you're still clumsy, still slow enough to mean he has to spend the better part of the hour sitting between your legs with his wings splayed out in your lap. He tries to keep up a conversation, but he trips over his words, balls his fists, pulls his hindlimbs against his chest and tries to pretend he's unaffected. It's cute, watching a creature as stoic as Diluc lose a few of his reservations.
Red-Tailed Hawk!Diluc, who's too massive to sleep anywhere but your bed. You resign yourself to the couch for a while, but it's not long before you give in to his constant offers to share and end up spending most nights pressed into his side, one of his wings draped over you and an arm loosely wrapped around your waist. You learn quickly that hawks are creatures of routine, which means that you now have a very, very strictly enforced bedtime. He's not afraid to sling you over his shoulder and put you where he wants you to be, and there's only so much you can do to fight against a bird-man twice your height and more than double your strength.
Red-Tailed Hawk!Diluc, who gets... protective of your apartment, after a few weeks. It's not much - a small frown when you mention a friend he doesn't care for, a certain caginess when you have guests over - but it's far-cry from his normal, gentlemanly behavior. It might just be the instincts of a wounded animal attempting to protect his nest, but still. You worry about him, sometimes.
Red-Tailed Hawk!Diluc, whose wings are getting better every day. He's able to make short trips, now, and you make sure to praise him as heavily as you can whenever he comes back from a lap around your apartment complex. You swear, when you're at work or running errands, you'll see a scarlet shape circling miles above you and convince yourself it's Diluc, but he's not the secretive type. You're sure, if he was really that far along, he wouldn't be able to hide it from you. You're sure, if he was really able to fly that well, he wouldn't stay any longer than the time it took to tell you that he was going home.
Red-Tailed Hawk!Diluc, who's cuddled against your chest when you come to, your skin still numb from the windburn and your vision still blurred with tears. You can barely keep yourself awake, barely lift your head, but you can make out a lavish, crimson bedroom; a bed of sheets and pillows that goes on as far as you can see. No, not a bed, a nest. One big enough for a hawk and its mate.
Red-Tailed Hawk!Diluc, who's always been territorial. You just weren't able to see that until after he decided you were a part of that territory, too.
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bainutwater85 · 3 months
men who keep you high maintenanced because they look the way you look dolled up, covered in cute clothes and your favorite perfume. He never fails to disappoint when he comes home with bags on bags of clothes n shoes for you.
IZUKU, shoto, HAWKS, KIRISHIMA, connie, onyankopon, alucard, HECTOR, leorio, kurapika, CHLORIO, kakashi, JIRAIYA, choji, DILUC, kaveh, NEUVILETTE, ZHONGLI.
women who do you both a favor and go shopping with you and split the bill. Does it matter tho cause you 2 end up sharing clothes snd vibrators at the end of the day..just as friends tho! Also takes you both to get a full manicure and pedicure set, also splitting the bill.
SASHA, mikasa, historia, INO, sakura, tenten, YAE MIKO, yelan, SHENHE, mirko.
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requests open!
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pigeonpeach · 8 months
The perfect date!
Prompt: Genshin men and women’s ultimate idea of a date by their standards!
Fem reader
Characters: Diluc, Shenhe, Jean, Cloud retainer, Arlecchino, Kujo Sara, Furina
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Jean ,despite her upbringing and high class education, isn’t very picky. What she values most is the effort and thought put in. To earn her heart is relatively easy. Just be a cute little thing and offer her gifts and flowers to cheer her up. Compliment her and overall just look at her with eye contact and a smile as she chats your ear off about the latest romance novel and how disappointing it was.
For you? Your best shot is to go out of your way to pick her favorite flowers, and dress yourself up enough to show you care then she wouldn’t mind where it was even if it was a picnic. In that scenario you would also have to show thought and care. You can’t just smack a blanket everywhere. You have to pick somewhere the knights are available or with a nice scenery. The tree at windrise is perfect as its already her safe spot. A picnic is actually perfect, Jean is a romantic but there’s nothing more romantic than seeing how you fret about every little detail, like a bird preparing the perfect nest for its mate, she is more flattered by effort than compliments. Even if the food you prepared isn’t the best she can see how you tried. Afterall with enough practice you could prepare it properly in the future. When she saw your effort she was starting to swoon. Keep up the effort and you’ll have her last name in no time.
As for how she’d set up the date? A casual lunch at Good Hunter and a stroll through city to Springvale because the scenery is beautiful and the wind is nice but not too cold. She’ll pay for the meal and you will make up for it by being her entertainment. But she’s also picked that route because the wind can pick uo and get a bit chilly with the lake right next to path, giving her the perfect opportunity to offer you her cloak, just like a true Gentlelady!
Oh he’s difficult! Not a romantic, not a small talker, not too expressive, not too friendly either. You basically court him the way you would earn the trust of a feral cat who’s never been pet before. Patience and lots of perseverance. The best way to earn his heart however is to be interesting. Go to the bar when nights are slow and tell him interesting stories. Some new fact you learned? Questions that make you stand out from any other bachelorette looking to score it with him. Like “whats your second favorite color? Whats your first memory? Does his hawk have a favorite color?” I should mention to not get too personal too quick. But overtime he maybe endeared by your odd conversations, you stand out in a pleasant way that has him contemplating those questions.
Now that you’ve finally got his trust you can ask him out! Very likely he will take the reins. Likely a typical restaurant date. He picks you up, pays, coat if your cold, walks you home. He isn’t the most creative.
As for you? Well you still won’t be able to spoil him because he will pay you back no matter what. He doesn’t have expensive tastes. You prepare a nice picnic meal? You want to go on a walk through town and lunch? Unfortunately he doesn’t really like the idea because he knows it will spark a huge rumor and end up with you probably glared at by many a lady looking for his hand. The picnic idea is however novel to him. Just be sure to pick a area clear of monsters. Not that he wouldn’t immediately leap into battle to defend you but that he might burn the grass to much. Then you would have to move. But he secretly adores how persistent you’ve been, trying to provide for him, trying to handle everything. He secretly likes that. Unfortunately he has a serious poker face so you don’t notice that until later.
Out of all of them i’d say she’d be the hardest to romance because she’d struggle to understand when she is inlove. She likes you yes. But is it different than how she likes being around Ganyu or sitting in the grass? Overtime it does become different but it isn’t until Cloud Retainer points out that she is obviously being courted that she recognizes your efforts. So she return them.
Easiest by far because she has no concept of romance or what is romantic like everyone else but rather just that: she likes you. She likes spending time with you. She doesn’t care if you don’t get her enough flowers or you don’t pick a good enough restaurant. What she likes is you and talking to you. You could pick a dingy street vendor for a date and she’d still love it. Really its cloud retainer who would disprove. To earn her approval you must work to prove you’re worthy and trustworthy too. She won’t give her blessing out freely. And what better way for Shenhe to learn about romance than by example? But truly, Shenhe would prefer a date on Jueyun karst. With fresh flowers and a gentle breeze in the warm sunlight. Just talking to you, alone. She doesn’t like restaurants unless its a slow or quiet day but she will put up with it for your sake.
Obviously she lives for the luxury. She knows time away from the children is scarce nowadays so she books a private booth secluded from the other guests, a luxury restaurant with the finest of tastes. She will ensure you don’t go away hungry or feel uncomfortable. The difficulty is the timing. The reason its best to leave her to schedule dates is because she will already have made time for such occasions. One date st least per month! Unless of course there’s complications or scheduling conflicts. Rest assured she will make it up to.
If you’re planning a date for her it would be best to follow her line and not surprise her with it because again, her schedule. The most she’ll let you do is probably make the reservation, she’ll pay for it simply because she likes to provide for you. Better to just let her because she isn’t going to let the mother of her children pay for dinner.
Cloud Retainer
Oh you want to romance a full blown adeptus? Good luck making it up that mountain alot. Your offerings do not go unnoticed by her, as she enjoys your gifts more than most mortals. She even clears out monster camps herself in preparation for your visits. As cloud retainer how ever she isn’t too emotionally available.
But as Xinyun she is far more open minded to the idea. Recognizing you as her favorite human she will humor your offer of lunch. She does prefer more traditional methods but not to a great extent. For instance, a decent restaurant with high quality food. Especially if it’s a date. You dont have to pick the most luxurious of restaurants but if you do it is a good impression to her. But putting effort into your appearance is also very important too. She doesn’t expect you to pay for her tab but she would appreciate. She will find some way to repay you.. perhaps a invention to help you in some aspect of your life? Or perhaps a kiss will do.
Little bit of a tsundere. It wasn’t actually that hard to win her heart, but she didn’t make it obvious until you asked her out. Just stick with the fancy stuff, flowers and sweets as offerings. She is very traditional in that regard. But oh Miss Furina is so lonely, the second she saw your gentle and loving smile she practically fell face first and head over heels for you.
Of course high end restaurants are her favorite. Especially for desserts. In fact you could just skip dinner and go to a bakery instead, that’s probably cheaper. If you offer to pay though do be prepared for it. She won’t spend too much since it is your money but the things she buys aren’t too cheap either. But overall the perfect date for her is mostly just.. having someone by her side. It may end up be her window shopping or shopping with you dragged along but she has a great time like. She has a great time with you by her side :> after that point the dates can be anything as long as you’re not taking her hiking through the mountains or something, she might like to go outside the city for a picnic though. Maybe even see the cute otters.
Kujo Sara
She was also not that hard to win over, but it was much harder to tell when she did. But her coworkers knew when they saw how she seemed to miss you when you left, or how you made her smile. But before you know it, she’s asking you out!
Kujo Sara will pick the best restaurant for your tastes, preferably a bit high end, and she will encourage you to eat as much as you like. Don’t eat like a pig though that is a bit off putting to her. She isn’t too great at conversing though, especiallt in non professional environments. Considering how nervous she actually is to be on a date with you too, its a bit hard to be confident in such a unfamiliar situation. Just be patient and sweet. Overtime she’ll get better and more open with you.
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blzzrdstryr · 1 year
Short post, but I think that Childe, Beidou and Diluc experience cute aggression near you. You're so cute, so adorable they want to hug you so hard they crush you and they could crush you.
Childe oscillates between being super careful around you, because you're so much weaker and frailer than him, he could break like you a twig, and roughousing and bullying you, because he likes seeing you all teary and stressed. He would eat you if he could.
Beidou is also mindful - she wants to hold you a little tighter and her touches are also persistent. Loves manhandling you, she can lift you with one hand, isn't it so cute?
Diluc thinks you're as fragile as a glass. He is afraid of breathing too much in your direction. The urge to squeeze is there, it's strong, but his discipline is stronger. Looks at you like you're a bunny and he's a hawk.
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akko-kagori · 9 months
Hc that in the genshin modern AU Diluc is one of those cat-moms who shoves pictures of their cat in people's faces but with his hawk. Like he'll shove bird pictures into Elzer's face and be like "isn't she adorable? Look at how cute she is!" and just gush about her to him and Elzer's standing there like "yes master Diluc I know I see her every day, I clean her cage I know how cute she is" but unbeknownst to him Diluc has 20 more pictures to show Elzer. He does the same with Adeline except she joins in with him and starts gushing about her as well. He only ever shows pictures to people he's really close to and really trusts but... the people who get there are bombarded with an endless wave of bird pictures
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loveephia · 1 year
anime crushes i've had, why, and if i still like him or not:
neito monoma (bnha)
listen, he can be really handsome. 😭 and the fact that he's canonically handsome (WITH GOOD FASHION TASTE) makes so much sense. i don't like him as much as i used to, but i definitely still giggle whenever he comes up on screen.
keigo takami | hawks (my hero acadamia)
his new haircut in the later seasons had me screaming. 10/10. i made my mha oc have a canon celebrity crush on him, because yes.
shoto todoroki (my hero acadamia)
when i first started watching my hero acadamia, i actually had a crush on katsuki bakugo (which.. i will not explain, nor will i discuss why on this list), but eventually, i came to realize that i loved boys who were more responsible and aloof. todoroki is actually one of the love interests i've been contemplating to introduce to my mha oc.
tōru oikawa (haikyū!!)
i swear, he was like every haikyū!! girls' first love (it was either him, kageyama, tsukishima, or kenma), and no, i do not like him anymore. >:p
ushijima wakatoshi (haikyū!!)
honestly, he has moments that make my heart pound. the "my cute fiancé" work i did make me like him a little bit more. he was the first haikyū!! character i thought of when asked the question, "who would think their s/o's stomach chub is cute?" [next to that would be bokuto kōtarō and osamu miya, of course. (kita shinsuke and keiji akaashi, too!!)]. i still like ushijima, but just below kita and iwaizumi.
kita shinsuke (haikyū!!)
i don't think i have to explain, but i will anyway. something that wins me over is a man who would definitely win my family's heart after the first meeting and is God-fearing. gracefully enough, i have a headcanon where kita is both. also, i think my entire brand speaks for itself as to whether or not i still like kita. HIS NOM-NOMABLE CHEEKS.
iwaizumi hajime (haikyū!!)
i've always sympathized with iwaizumi since his best friend was someone so popular with the girls, while he kinda just idly stands by. i gradually grew more attracted to him because the thought of him being jokingly aggressive with his friends, but kind and soft to me, was so heart-melting. so yes, i most definitely still like him.
atsumu miya + osamu miya (haikyū!!)
right off the bat, i disliked atsumu. his personality irked me a bit, and.. his ha aai ii iiir rrr.. but i eventually grew to like him because i found this trope cute: whereas atsumu would have a lot of fans, but only pay attention to your cheers. also, may i just mention his TIMESKIP HAIR. THE SIDE SWEEP. I SCREAMED.
i started liking osamu after this one scene of him looking unintentionally cute, then when i saw his timeskip job, i thought about him cooking food for me. AAAAAAA domestic fluff >>>!! and the fact that i wanted to study culinary to become a baker furthermore had me tripping over /the/ osamu miya. i'd love it if while osamu owned a restaurant, i could own a bakery, and our shops would be close to each other. (,,> ꇴ <,,)—!!
toge inumaki (jujutsu kaisen)
i'm ignoring the fact that i literally reblogged a "missing inumaki hours" post a few hours ago. yes, i still like him!! he's just so super adorable, and the headcanon of him learning sign language makes me so soft and AAAAAA!! i'd feed him all the tuna mayo onigiris i could make.
xiao (genshin impact)
if oikawa was haikyū!! girls' first love, then xiao would be genshin girls' candidate for the "first love" position (it'd be either him, kaeya, or diluc). i don't like him as much as i did back then, but his fluff-fics are always cute. ^^
childe (genshin impact)
y'know, i actually was in the midst of editing my list, then i went, "genshin has so many characters, why did i only like three?" then i remembered my freakin' childe phase. >:(
shikanoin heizou (genshin impact)
i find his moles (?) so charming, and his personality is just very playful. the hangout event was what made me like him so much, and i very much still do.
albedo (genshin impact)
special mentions:
ranpo edogawa (bungo stray dogs)
noé archviste (the case study of vanitas)
kurapika (hunter x hunter)
shirabu kenjirō (haikyū!!)
levi ackerman (attack on titan) by the way, i saw this levi ackerman cosplayer in the convention i went to a couple days ago, and he was shorter than me!! (HE WAS ALSO REALLY FREAKING HANDSOME)
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seancoffe · 2 years
Thomaluc HC:
@gay-salt-amber helped me with this
- Petnames for each other:
Diluc to Thoma is ‘Puppy’ and
Thoma to Diluc is ‘Hot Stuff’
- Figure Skater Thoma and Supportive Bf Diluc
- They were highschool sweethearts but then Thoma moved to Inazuma
- Thoma helps Diluc’s maids with cooking and cleaning, they used to try to stop him but then got in trouble with Diluc so they had to let him help. (He also likes to see Thoma in the maid outfit)
- The first time Thoma had wine (which Diluc highly suggested otherwise) he got one glass in and was already drunk
- Thoma mends all the clothes that Diluc tears up while fighting
- Before Thoma came back to Mondstadt, him and Diluc used to send each other letters by Beidou’s ship during the Vision Hunt Decree, and whenever Thoma had to go into hiding/got captured by the Shogun, Diluc got so worried
- Thoma keeps cats at the Dawn Winery to keep Venti away
- When Thoma and Diluc are cuddling, Thoma will have nightmares about being captured by the Shogun in the Vision Hunt Decree and so Diluc will wake him up and just reassure Thoma that he’s ok while Thoma has a death grip on Diluc’s jacket and crying/whimpering
- As soon as Diluc got news of Thoma being back in Mondstadt, he rushed to where Thoma was staying and cried as he hugged Thoma for like 20 minutes straight and Thoma saying “Don’t worry, I’m home now”
- Diluc can try to spoil Thoma but Thoma won’t let him
- One of the last gifts that Diluc sent Thoma before the Vision Hunt Decree started was a golden bracelet that Thoma refused to take off and a promise ring with a note that said “Wait for me”
- Whenever Adeline (Head Maid) scares Thoma, he goes crying to Diluc and she always gets in trouble
- Before they got together, Kaeya and Ayato always told them how cute they look together and it took around 4 months to get them to confess, Diluc confessed and Kaeya owed Ayato a boba for a bet they made
- Once Thoma got kidnapped by the Abyss Order and as soon as Diluc got their letter he raced over there to save Thoma
- Ayato came to Mondstadt and Diluc got jealous that him and Thoma knew each other
- Diluc is overprotective
- Diluc is the ‘not-so-innocent’ protective bf that’s trying to keep Thoma’s innocence but Thoma knows what he’s trying to do and so he plays along with it cuz he finds it sweet
- Thoma made Diluc a handmade hawk plush for Christmas
- Thoma steals one or two of Diluc’s jackets for when he has to go back to Inazuma
- Once Kaeya tried flirting with Thoma and he almost died right then and there
- For their wedding, Thoma insisted he wore a dress and so when he was being walked down the isle, Diluc had to restrain himself from running up to him and just kissing him
- Once for Thanksgiving, Thoma and Diluc invited over Kaeya and Albedo for dinner. There was a huge fight that exploded between Diluc and Kaeya and so Albedo and Thoma had to break it up
- Thoma makes Diluc watch musicals with him
- Thoma can’t sleep unless he hears Diluc’s voice and so whenever he goes to Inazuma him and Diluc will call every night so Thoma can sleep. Thoma apologies everytime cuz he thinks he’s a bother but Diluc finds it cute
- Whenever Thoma gets sick Diluc panics like Celestia is raining down on them
- When Diluc gets annoyed/angry with a client who wants to do business with Dawn Winery, Thoma always hides cuz he’s scared and Diluc feels bad after and tries to find and calm him down
- In Diluc and Thoma’s room, there’s pillows and blankets all over the bed because of how tired they are at the end of the day
- Once one of Thomas ex’s found him in Mondstadt and later that day Diluc said that the ex wasn’t gonna be a problem anymore (he killed the ex)
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abyssmal-skies · 3 months
🍵 for the ask game!!
power finally came back soo
🍵 - do you have any pets with your f/o? if not, what kind would you like to adopt? how do they act around animals?
i have to make this simple and split it between hsr and genshin aaaa
Genshin: yes we do, i have my snake and some of them have their own pets too.
Ayaka: she used to be scared of Azael, but after a while she warmed up to my pet and makes sure there's a nice pillow for her to rest on and sunbathe
Diluc: he has a pet hawk, and was hesitant to let them interact, after all they are both predator animals, but they get along quite well.
Al Haitham: he acts like one of those dads who don't want a cat but end up loving it more than they love you, it helps that he was there i found Azael.
Neuvillette: he finds Azael very cute and makes sure to have a space for her to sunbathe in his office
Dainsleif: he is very indifferent to Azael, and would prefer not to have any pets :((
Star rail: for some no, but others yes
Sunday: let's be honest, we'd both be too busy to care for a pet, like maybe a cat or a small bird would be good
Aventurine: we have the cat cakes i think that's enough tbh
Ratio: one (1) cat and it would be named Aristotle or something, very pampered with heavily nutritious diets, Veritas would have a dedicated chart on what kinds of food and when to feed the cat
Argenti: he goes off too much :((( so no pets, but he is a plant dad
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fieryhonesty · 4 years
“Eyy, finally I decided to finish my little apology to our boys. Continuation of the “Friend”. This time it’s Diluc and Kaeya! (N-No I’m not lazy to make separate post for them... that’s not it...). Also my wrist is kinda weird lately so to give it a small practice but not overshoot it I wrote these~”
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Words: 453 Genre: fluff, gn!reader
Diluc is a loner. He might tolerate or handle people around him. After all, it would be weird if he couldn't. Considering he is working at his tavern and there are many different patrons every day. And also probably meets with various people simply due to being the Winery owner. 
But whenever he is done with his socialization he will hide from the public. Let out a tired sigh and be himself for a while. Just being Diluc, a young gentleman with a soft spot for his companion. He adores and cherishes those moments. Silently spending a few minutes just with the hawk which sometimes seeks him in the middle of the day. 
At first you didn't understand why Diluc wears a thick coat and gloves. After seeing the bird land on his arm. All you could do is say 'ah' in realization. 
Once Diluc is done with bonding with his hawk he will let it fly away. Observe how it flies high to the sky. Then going to you and spend time together. You got used to it by now and you don't really mind. In fact you are happy for Diluc. As when you can't be there for him, to let his mind rest from his daily life. The bird will do.
Diluc admits it's not the same as embracing you and nuzzling into your neck. But it's sufficient enough until you are done with your things and return back to the Winery.
Sometimes when the hawk seeks Diluc in the middle of the day and you are present. Not only you are able to witness the love between the owner and his pet. But you are encouraged to pet the hawk. At first you were scared it will actually hurt you. But Diluc assured you nothing bad will happen. 
The hawk was avoiding you at first, balancing at Diluc's arm. It was shy to somebody else's touch. Just like its owner, huh?
At some point it lets you touch it's head. Gently pat it, to your surprise it nuzzled into your hand to give it more pats. You giggled and looked at Diluc who smiled. Why the whole time you were thinking the hawk is literally a smaller version of Diluc. Hesitant at first, shy and avoiding and then melting into your touch.
Maybe if you give it enough time it will sometimes seek you too. Better start carrying thick clothes. You wouldn't want to get hurt by its talons which is kind of unavoidable. Just think of it, talking to somebody and suddenly hearing the hawk. Extending your hand and it will land, require a bit of attention and then fly away. Surely your conversing buddy will be shocked!
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Once again I got inspired a bit. But I guess with Diluc it’s obvious what kind of pet he would have. Either his hawk or another turtle like when he was a kid (does this make Kaeya also had the turtle as his pet? or was the turtle before Kaeya was adopted? hmm) 👀 ngl I also had turtles when I was kid. They are so cute 💗
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Words: 483 Genre: fluff, gn!reader
Unlike the other two (Diluc and Xiao) he doesn't really “own” a pet. Nor something seeks his presence. He says he is too busy with his work for the Knights and adoring you. But as you know him, he is probably hiding something.
However when you find out about his occasional feeding sessions of wild foxes at borders with Dragonspine. He has hardly any words for explanation. He is embarrassed as he promised to himself to not really lie to his partner. Unless it's some harmless prank or secret party. He loves you too much for it. 
Sure, he keeps many things for himself. To keep you safe. But he also shares a lot of minor secrets with you. Like how else would you know about secret meeting spots for Treasure Hoarders. Being able to break their illegal plans or know some gossip about certain local merchant who is avoiding taxes. All thanks to your Kaeya.
But now you have caught him in the middle of feeding. The foxes ran away even before you appeared from behind the bushes. He knew about your presence but he had no words to explain. This was the reason why he sometimes came home late. Always giving you an apologetic look. You thought he might be cheating on you. Well cheating with bunch of wild foxes.
You are not sure if it was a mistake or not following him here. As you were extremely curious why would he want to meet up with somebody outside of the city. Well in the end you find out your man is just a big liar and softie. You're gonna act as if you are upset, pressuring him to the corner and feel sorry. He could have told you he was feeding secretly wild animals and you would be fine. Instead of making you worried over nothing. 
At that moment Kaeya realizes his innocent lie actually wasn't so innocent. Next time he will have to think twice before saying or doing anything. But truth to be told he felt a little embarrassed for admitting his fox feeding. He knows he can't have one as a pet, otherwise he would take one home. Spoil it with love just like he does with you.
You can be sure he will try his best to make up for his mistake. Buying you your favorite snack or something else you'd like. Maybe later on if you insist he will share his secret how he became friends with the foxes. Feeding them together, observe from a healthy distance how the berries and meat are slowly disappearing into their tiny tummies. 
Admit it. You like foxes especially now when you can feed them with your beloved. But he better doesn't cause some misunderstanding like this ever again. Would be silly to get into a fight just because he can't admit his soft spot for wild animals.
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I swear finding a pic of Kaeya with some animal was an art itself. From the beginning I was thinking of either a wild wolf (sounds more like Razor being adopted by him but whatever) or a wild fox. I’m so happy somebody actually drew it! I love it~ but I also found so many pics which I’m not sure if search was trolling me. “Kaeya with pet” google search: did you mean Kaeya with cat ears? or Diluc? or both of them?! Now I’m craving for some cat boy Kae or Lulu but idk what to do with it, so yeah. 
Again, if anyone happens to know (or you are) the artist, tell them “I love you and your work”. If you are not ok with me having your art here, hit me up I will remove them 😔
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babubabibambam · 2 years
Guys that for some reason… likes cupping your face or tilting your chin. How you look when he suddenly cups your cute squishy cheeks, eyes widened with surprise, brows raised up, and most importantly your lips slightly squished. A soft and confused “Hm?” From you is enough to have the poor man fired up. He especially likes doing these things when he can see people staring at you. A small way for him to tell those creeps you’re his.
Absolutely loves all the giggles and warm smiles you give him when he cups your face, even blushes when you cup his hands in return with a dreamy smile. “God you’re so cute and soft.” He would mutter under his breath as whilst kissing your cheeks. Likes it when you cup his face too. Your warm hands that would gently brush against his cheeks with so much love and adoration. He melts like a putty in your hands. Loves it after a bad day. He would come home looking gloomy, only to be greeted by his cute lover. His head on your lap and your hands cupping his face, massaging it as he drifts off to sleep to the sound of the TV.
(Semi nsfw from here)
You could be at a bar, club, cafe, or a park. If he spots someone staring he would tilt your chin up to place a soft kiss on your lips. A satisfied grin will show on his face once he breaks away to see your flustered reaction. Which turns the obsessive man into a lovestruck one. Thus he cups your cheeks to kiss you again. This time with more passion. With one of his hands holding your head in place while the other looping around your waist to pull you closer to him. Each sigh, moan, whimper, basically any sound that leaks from your mouth as he pushes his tongue deeper into you has him going feral.
Oh and when you tilt his chin up when you’re feeling cheeky. Boy oh boy does it turn him on. Maybe it’s the confidence radiating from you, the determine and playful gaze that he can see. Whisper to him while doing that and he’ll have you bent over the nearest surface he can find.
-OIKAWA, ATSUMU, SUNA, KUROO, IWAIZUMI, TENDOU, Akaashi, Tsukishima, Sugawara, Kenma
-GOJO, GETOU, SUKUNA, TOJI, Mahito, Megumi
-AIZAWA, HAWKS, DABI, Kaminari, Bakugou
-KAEYA, CHILDE, HEIZOU, AYATO, Venti, Thoma, Zhongli, Diluc
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husbandohunter · 3 years
You know ur small predicament post?? you should make a reverse version where s/o is smaller!
A Smaller Predicament [Genshin Impact x Smol!Reader]
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Characters: Scaramouche, Diluc, Kaeya, Childe, Xiao, Zhongli, Albedo
Synopsis: Not only did you shrink, you went pocket sized as well!
(A sequel to "A Small Predicament")
(A/n): Sorry for the long wait anon, and I kind of added a twist to the scenario for more diversity hahaha hope you don't mind >_<. And why is Childe the poster boy for this series lmao.
When Childe walks in, he doesn't see you....until he looked down. He almost crunched you beneath his feet if it weren't for your constant flailing of arms and screeching voice. He blanks out for a hot minute as you clung onto his toes, doesn't dare to move an inch because he's so petrified (even though there's nothing to be afraid of??). But honestly if Childe moved right now, he might accidentally flail you to the side and that's the last thing he wants.
"WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU??" He screamed so loud it nearly blew you out of proportion. Seems like he's going to have alot of adjusting to do. Childe is a tall man (canonically the tallest) and he knows how impulsive he can get which is why he bought a handmade dollhouse from one of the Liyue merchants for you to stay in.
Though there's something about your tiny size that makes his heart flutter. With your face so small with a pair of eyes far too big, *clutches chest* "My oujo-chan is so cute" -Childe probably. He won't stop saying them over again and you were growing tired of his gushing reactions. He can't help it. He wants to spoil you rotten. You fit right onto the flat of his palms, the way you just snuggle up againts his finger and he just- swoons, might tear up (bruh).
Toys may be for kids but for Childe it was now his favourite pass time. While you navigate around the wooden dollhouse, he pitches in by moving around the furniture to make it easier for you. Offers to carry you through the rooms like a personal elevator. And please, please let him tuck you to bed. He has to pinch his fingers to grab the blanket. It's so adorable to him.
Loves it when you snuggle up against his collar. He thinks it would be the best area for you to be nearby him since the risk of you getting hit by anything (or him) by accident is very slim chance. Sometimes he pulls up his collar so that you're more comfortable and cradled within. He would have to avert his eyes down rather than turning his head if he wanted to look at you otherwise you'd be hit by his chin and that would hurt.
The poking sensation with you by his neck can bother him since he's veeeery tickilish there. Plus, Childe can get easily sweaty so have fun with that.
You have a feeling that he wasn't so pleased when you transformed back. You might be right. Actually, you are right. He secretly has an extra potion hidden somewhere...just in case.
Mortified, his soul just left his body. To think things couldn't get any worse ever since he turned into a child to the point no one took him seriously, now you're literally the size of an apple. Oh god what if his bird suddenly swoops in and gobbles you right up? Or the wrath of the wind comes by, swirling you away towards a tornado. Needless to say, Diluc grew paranoid over your well-being ever since.
Due to your extremely small size, he will ensure that you are supervised by him (except at night where he has places to go). In otherwords, you're slipped into the inner pocket of his coat. It's super warm, you can fall asleep (and feel his heartbeat awww). Diluc doesn't like keeping you in places where people can see you, it would be too easy for outer things to access your tiny form (or maybe he secretly likes the feeling of you in his pocket.)
And he's such a gentleman about it. You noticed how careful he moves among his footsteps because he's worried that you might get dizzy. Diluc guards the pocket at close parameter, keeping an eye on things so he won't bump into them. As if he was treading on thin ice (you even suggested it was best to leave you home but he's too overprotective for his own good).
You're like his little assistant. Diluc does so much paperwork through out the day and although the act was small, he finds it endearing how you would help bring the papers back to it's rightful pile or pushing the ink bowl towards him. Or during his shifts at Angel's Share, crawling around the glass utensils and trying to find a specific wine beverage on his shelf. Of course that only happens when the shop is closed, how is he going to explain to his patrons that you shrank and now live in his pocket?
He dislikes the thought of you wandering too far. It's so easy for you to get lost especially when the mansion is so large.
At night you now sleep atop the fluff of the pillow. Diluc is a calm sleeper so he won't have to worry about hitting into you. However he radiates warmth so you just subconicously roll towards to his face. He usually wakes up with you sprawled over his nose. He can hardly breath (careful, he might just sneeze too).
This all happened because of the experiements you participated with Albedo. Diluc ensures that doesn't happen again. It will take some tencaious effort to convince him otherwise.
Fuck this guy. He treats you like his new pet, a new toy (though you technically are one). He has this arrogant, smug and sadistic look as if he was a predator looking at his prey and grabs you by the collar before dangling you up in the air.
"Hmph, looks like the tables have turned," he says while toying with your state. You tell him he's just angry because he's short himself and mad that everyone else in the Fatui organization is taller than him. Scaramouche demon face activated. He's about to devour you. (Maybe you should keep your mouth shut this time. Honestly your relationship with him is pretty weird).
His hat is so fun to play with. You'd swing around like Tarzan using the strings that were hanging from it. His head was your playground now which annoys him to an enourmous extent because it makes him look ridiculous. Scaramouche will have a hard time catching you since you move around so much. Climb around him, especially the back of his neck. He'll start wheezing when you tickle him there.
The type to put you in a box but also the type to keep you on his shoulders. Being relied on makes him feel taller (lmfao). Scaramouche seemse to have developed a habit to poke your cheeks whenever he needed your attention and you bit him back once when he pushed too hard that you nearly fell off. Despite your size, your teeth still hurt. He threatens to put you back into the box if you don't behave and the outcome ends with a full out brawl as he tries to grab you again while you run around, pulling the strands of his hair to climb on top of his hat. (This is literally Tom and Jerry wtf.)
After transforming back, he outwardly admits his disappointmen. Scaramouche says it suits you better (when he actually meant that he highly prefers you small). You marked his words, keeping an extra vial for your own entertainment in the near future.
Xiao was face-palming against his forehead real hard about this. For the love of Rex Lapis, what kind of trouble have you gotten yourself into this time? First it was the child incident, now you're the size of his finger? Good grief, looks like he will have to keep an eye on you from now on but at the same time he's scared to get too close, you are nothing but a tiny mortal in which he would have to double his effort to look after.
He lets you sit at the crown of his head rather than anywhere else. You insisted since it was easier to see everything at a nice distance (plus he's short so you won't have to worry about him bumping into door frames). You noticed that Xiao also has a little strand sticking out from the center (ahoge) and you sometimes grab onto it for stability. Turns out he's quite sensitive there and winces when you pull too hard.
For the remaining week as the antedote was being prepared, Xiao became extremely aggressive over your well-being, he looks as if he's ready to massacre everything in his way...which he did. Clears out the monsters off the path before going on daily strolls with you, you wouldn't have to lift a finger from now on. No one except for him is allowed to hold you unless they're a trustworthy person. You could feel his sharp eyes glued on you like a hawk when walking into the grasp of Zhongli's hand.
You once accidentally tripped into his almond tofu when he wasn't looking and he almost ate you. Turns out being small made his job as your gaurdian ten times harder (especially when you're the clumsy type). If you were to fall off the table, he would have to catch you right? Xiao often bumps into furnitures in the process...ouch!
He's very soft. It's all over his forehead, his mouth, his eyes. When he looks at you, his tense eatures melted away and there's an invisible fondness over them as he cradles you in his palm. The way you snuggle in them is lke the most precious thing in the world.
When you turn back, there's a wave of relief. He was really stressed out you know?
His first thought is to get you as far as he can from the Funeral Parlour before Hu Tao finds you. Who knows what that child might have in mind. Zhongli takes one of his empty tea pots and urges you to go inside, or carries a tea cup with you in it, he likes placing you on objects while carrying you around.
Zhongli realizes that you can no longer use the household items like before so he has to remake them to your standards- especially when he realized he doesn't have the mora to buy you a dollhouse. He improvises. Takes a handkerchief to make your blanket, his cups for your bathtub, Zhongli had to cut the foot into byte-sized too. But in terms of clothes, well he had to make them as well. Living thousands of years would mean he would have lot of experience. Sewing was one of them luckily. But that would mean he has to take your measurements as well. In the end, most of the things he made were dresses since they were alot easier.
You like to sneak in between his shirt and his vest tucked behind the coat he wears. Unfortunately Zhongli doesn't seem to have visible pockets (most likely the reason why he doesn't carry mora either), though if you don't hold on tight you might just slip down his vest and right to his stomach. It makes him chuckle when that happens even if the amount of effort to get you out took more than he thought since his attire is quite complicated to put on. If you really want to climb on him, he'll find a seperate pouch (but realizes it won't be a good idea when there's alot of pick-pocketers in Liyue streets).
All of a sudden he reads you bedtime stories. It's some sort of inner instinct that tells him he's taking care of a child now (he's right though). You realized that his voice was equivalent to a thunder's roar due to size difference. He would have to whisper now.
It will always be part of his precious memories when you turned pocket-sized. Zhongli still keeps the clothing he made somewhere in his closets too.
Amused by this eventful situation. Absolutely thrilled! He's not evil like Scaramouche but this new version of his s/o is both adorable and fun at the same time. You're so easy to tickle, just one poke using his finger against your hips makes you yelp. Sometimes he twirls your hair or taps your forehead gently despite your protest, he's so handsy like always in an affectionate yet annoying way.
Kaeya picks you up and places you among the fluffy comfort of his feathery scarf. You sneezed, the last time he cleaned it was before he went on a mission with the knights. Though you have to admit, it's the best feeling in the world. It's so soft you might sink deeper into the fabric. He likes to put you in places where he can talk to you easily, sometimes on the table while he downs on his wine. Normally you have to take the bottle away before it gets too much, now you have to push it away which he finds very entertaining at your futile attempts.
"Don't you have anything better to do?" you tell him. Since you turned byte-sized, he can't seem to stop playing around. Takes his two fingers and pretends they're legs walking across the surface. You would turn around and he halts, Kaeya sends you his signature grin. When he promises that he wouldn't do anything funny, you would let him hold you. Since hugs are out of the equation, Kaeya gives you his finger instead to wrap your arms around. He can't get enough seeing you like this, things he couldn't do when you were normal-sized. he enjoys your reactions way too much.
His favourite pass time is helping you brush your hair because the hairbursh is too big for you to handle. Kaeya ensure he's handling things delicately but he would love to help style it for you as well. Pretty please? At this point one request turns to another because he's having way too much fun. But it couldn't be helped since you would need his assistance in almost everything so there's really no escaping.
You were so happy when things were normal again but Kaeya would bring this up again during your conversations (how next time he would like to put you in his drinks while you're wearing a swim suit).
Legit blurted out if he could put you on a hamster wheel.
What about trying out the little maze he just made?
Or participating in a race against slimes of different elements?
No? Okay, then he'll just turn you back.
Albedo isn't going deal with this as along as he can help it (especially when he remembers what Klee did to him when he turned small.)
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izzuku · 2 years
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summary: characters as things people have done or said to me that really made my heart flutter
c/w: some of them are suggestive, some are just fluff so if anyone is uncomfortable with the suggestive part please do not read <3, mentions of alcohol also, gender neutral (just "you" and "he/him" pronouns for the boys) (kaeya is in every part wtf)
characters: some fandoms (i really thought about it but I cannot get them out of my head so yeah) nijisanji EN (luxiem), genshin men and mha boys(?
a/n: I was bored and I remembered this one post of someone making this and I thought about making it since I have a lot of stories about crushes and tension between me and other people, so enjoy! (Keep in mind,all of those did not happen only with men. I have been the love victim of women, men and non-binary people) ♡ THIS IS JUST MY OPINION PLEASE DON'T GET MAD
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☼ Meeting someone close to your friend. You try to introduce yourself with a handshake but he takes your hand in his and kisses the back of it while staring directly into your eyes.
Vox Akuma, Ayato, Kaeya, Albedo, Kazuha, Diluc, Dainsleif Zhongli, Denki, Hawks, Sero, Shoto T.
☼He sits next to you in a premise, barely hearing anything because of the music. You know he's drunk but you ask him if he's okay. He responds with: “Do you want the truth or a lie? The truth is that I want to kiss you right now, the lie is that I'm sober.”
Luca Kaneshiro, Shxtou, Kaeya, Venti, Itto, Denki, Izuku, Eijiro, Sero, Hawks, Tetsutetsu
☼You're drunk, same goes for the one who is on top of you, his chest against your back. You start laughing and the moment you turn to look at him, you stare at each other, wanting to kiss in the middle of the friend group.
Vox Akuma, Shxtou, Mysta Rias, Kazuha, Venti, Tartaglia, Aether, Itto, Izuku, Eijiro, Sero, Hawks
☼ You're just rambling about something with your friends. You notice his gaze stuck on you but before you can speak, he just says out loud: “Your nose is so pretty, I love it.”
Ike Eveland, Luca Kaneshiro, Shu Yamino, Mysta Rias, Aether, Albedo, Kazuha, Kaeya, Izuku, Shoto T, Mirio, Eijiro, Ojiro, Tokoyami (is actually Dark Shadow who voices his thoughts)
☼Playing spin the bottle, it ends with you and him. You're not uncomfortable kissing anyone but when you crawl a bit, settling so you can kiss him correctly, instead of getting closer, his hand wraps around your nape, pulling you to him so he can have that sweet kiss.
Vox Akuma (this man, ugh..), Mysta Rias, Kaeya, Diluc, Tartaglia, Xiao, Katsuki, Dabi, Shigaraki, Hawks, Denki, Monoma
☼Just strolling down the street, concentrated in not stepping on the lines, you feel an arm around your shoulder, his body really close to yours, and out of nowhere he goes: “Look how cute you are.”
Ike Eveland, Vox Akuma, Luca Kaneshiro, Shu Yamino, Kaeya, Thoma, Ayato, Kazuha, Mirio, Dabi, Denki (supportive bf really), Eijiro
☼You just have met him a couple hours ago. A nice friend of your friend. Hours pass and you get closer to him, dancing with him in the attic while everyone else is enjoying the party. In the end, you're so interested in each other that he lends you his clothes so you sleep comfortably as his arms wrap around your waist and his body spoons you.
Vox Akuma (maybe), Diluc, Itto, Tartaglia, Thoma, Dabi, (I can't think of any more mha characters)
☼After a long night, you wake up really sleepy along with your friends. You see him and slowly you crawl towards him, just asking for permission before he lets you lay on his chest, his hand caressing your head as you drift again in a peaceful slumber.
Vox Akuma (im so sorry, I just adore him), Luca Kaneshiro, Shu Yamino, Diluc, Kaeya, Zhongli, Kazuha, Itto, Xiao, Thoma, Izuku, Eijiro, Hawks, Sero, Katsuki, Mirio
☼The music is loud, the cheers of your friends while dancing on the dancefloor hype you up, the songs playing have that beat that makes your hips move and roll, and when you least expect it, you feel his two hands grabbing your hips, his trousers just hitting your ass as you move your body to the beat, letting him hold you.
Vox Akuma (you cannot tell me otherwise), Mysta Rias, Tartaglia, Kaeya, Hawks, Dabi, Katsuki, Sero, Shindo
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genshin-obsessed · 3 years
Hi Pocket! I was wondering if I could make a request by any chance? If so, how about Kaeya, Diluc, Childe, and Venti with an s/o who has no sense of direction? Tysm, much love from the north!
Ooh, I like this one!! I hope you enjoy💖🥺 I ended up making the reader a little airheaded, I hope you don't mind! Thank you! Sending love to the north too <3
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You know, at first, it was cute. Like you just getting lost when you were trying to get to his office
But then like… you got lost in the woods. THE WOODS. I’m sorry- DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND HOW DANGEROUS THAT IS!?
It WAS cute, until Kaeya realized how easy it would be for you to just accidentally walk to Liyue without realizing it.
Yeah, no more. He keeps A VERY CLOSE eye on you. Not in a creepy way, I swear. But if he doesn’t watch you, you’ll disappear and that just can’t end well.
He loves you- he adores you, even. Head to toe. BUT WHAT TF IS YOUR SENSE OF DIRECTION!? DOES IT EVEN EXIST?!
Diluc didn’t mind you being late to your dates when he’d set them up someplace new. He just brushed it off.
But then you started taking longer and longer. Like well over half an hour and he’s just not supposed to worry?
He soon realized your directional skills were garbage and so now he’ll pick you up.
For every date and event that’s far away from your home.
Don't blame him, you brought this on yourself.
No way your directional skills are THAT bad.
Oh, they’re that bad. And he learned that the hard way.
He’d found this beautiful place for a date and had invited you there. You seemed to know where it was, no problem. So he wasn’t too worried.
Until you never showed up. He thought you’d stood him up but when he returned to Liyue he found out you weren’t there either. According to your best friend, Pocket, you’d been out on a date with him all day!
That’s when the two realized you must’ve gotten lost. In a full fledged panic, both of them searched everywhere for you. Turns out, you were just nearing the location Childe wanted you to meet at.
Damn you really gave us a scare-
Lol, what?
He didn’t realize how bad it was.
Venti worries! He really, really worries for you. Like you’ll accidentally walk into a hilichurl camp then try to walk away? Like they’ll let you!!
Oh my god the first time he saw your ass in the middle of 3 big mitachurls, he thought he was going to die of a heart attack. How did you get there in the first place?!?! That’s literally NOT POSSIBLE!!
No, but you did it. At least you can say your talent is getting lost. Not a good one, but it's a talent nonetheless. Anyway, Venti watches you like a hawk. If he looks away for even a second you just vanish then he panics.
It's like a never ending cycle.
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akko-kagori · 7 months
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I'm looking for that post desperetely bc I mentioned Diluc shoving pictures of his hawk in Elzer's face while Elzer is like "You show me pictures every day master Diluc I know she's cute" and I found a clip from a youtube video that is E X A C T L Y what I imagined those interaction were like but for the life of me I cAN'T FIND IT ANYWHERE
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𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧
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𝐟𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: diluc, kaeya, albedo, zhongli, xiao, childe, scaramouche, dainsleif and tohma
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: the summer rain is sudden, warm, but welcomed. and you can't help but lean against his shoulder and listen to the rain.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠(𝐬): cursing
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫: gender neutral
𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠: beneath the rain ー nom
it's raining where i live and i like rain so :D
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Summer rain is unexpected but warm and welcomedー it's like a short reprieve from the sweltering summer days, with the transparent droplets cooling down to Earth, even if just for a short while.
You thought that it was a nice occurrence really, a nice break from the sweltering heat, a nice excuse to not go out and socialize with others, to stay in your pajamas all day without being called a lazy bumーyou heard these kinds of things a lot, so it was nice to kick back and wrap yourself up in your blankets.
So you'd be as lazy as possible.
Yesーprobably even more.
The sound of rain hitting earth was pretty.
You wanted to sleep some more.
If someone called you lazy, that was their problem, not yours.
Okay, normally he's the absolute worst the cuddle with in the middle of summer, but the rain has made the house 10x colder, and you need warmth dammit. So you just hug him close and refuse to let go. Unless it's for bathroom breaks.
He's so easy to rile up for someone who has a good poker face. Your constant nuzzlings against him have his face going redder than his hair. He gets used to it after some time, but you can still see the tips of his ears getting red. How cute, you often think.
Diluc will let you rest your head on his lap as he will scan through any documents he will need to read. You either reading a book you stole from his study, or you fell asleep and it is now on your faceーthere is no in-between. You're pretty sure Diluc saw you like that and chuckledーwhat a nice sound.
Diluc's hawkーbless her soulーhas started getting used to you. This means you can brush your fingers through her pretty feathers and she won't bite you this time. She'll often watch the rain with you, the only sounds being the rain and her occasional soft shriek.
He'll occasionally make his delicious ribs, and while you're not supposed to feed his hawk the food, she's giving you that look. You only give her tiny pieces, all while cooing about how grumpy and mean Lulu is, while said man is giving you a look too.
If you need to go fetch something while the rain is pouring away, Diluc will accompany you, and while he insists that he doesn't need an umbrella, you sure as hell ain't letting him get a damn cold on your watch. So he has no choice but to share the umbrella with you.
You spend the rainy afternoons in your sleepwear all day, not caring to change into regular clothes and often lazing around. Sometimesー yes, sometimes, Diluc would join you, tired from the piles of papers that needed to be looked over. But this time, you welcomed his warmth, and eagerly hugged him close, not wanting to let goーyou wanted to be selfish just this once.
Dear God, he has become your worst enemy whenever it rains. Since the rain has cooled down the once humid and hot summer air, it turns Kaeya into your worst fear. He knows exactly what he's doing and will put his cold-ass hands on the back of your neck.
The only good thing he does with his cryo vision is actually for entertainment purposes, just for the two of you. He freezes several raindrops in the air before they plummet down and shatter into several glimmering pieces. It's much prettier than it soundsーKaeya has a way of making it a beautiful spectacle.
He doesn't mind sharing an umbrella with youーin fact, he enjoys being so close to you. He'll hold the umbrella, but in exchange, you have to hug his arm. It's only fair, right sweetheart? He has such a shit-eating smile spread on his lips, but what the hell. You don't mind hugging him close either.
You'll sit out on the porch with an umbrella over you, as you watch the rain pour down. You watch as the crystalflies, once lazily flying aboutーnow flee from the onslaught of rain. You watch as they fly higher and higherーuntil they disappeared in a burst of crystalline dust. Kaeya will occasionally join you and spectate with you.
Kaeya will absentmindedly play with your hair, a rather monotonous expression upon his features, as he soothingly rubs your scalp back and forthーit's enough to make you drowsy. All the while he just gazes at you, a gentle smile having found itself on his lips while you struggle to stay awake.
You take frequent naps whenever it rains; the rain probably unlocks your lazinessーhaha. So you'll more often than not rest your weary head on Kaeya's shoulder while you snooze away. Sometimes you're so drowsy that you end falling into his lap, which he plans to tease you about when you're fully awake. But for now, he'll admire your cute sleeping face.
Kaeya taught you how to play some board games that he's familiar with, and now whenever it rains, you pull out the boards and get to work. He's kicked your ass far more than you'd like to admit, but the games keep your brain from turning to mush.
Since he's Klee's unofficial babysitter, she'll drag the two of you outside to play in the puddles and splash around in them. She's eager to see the world drenched in rain, so you and Albedo follow her around so she won't get over-enthusiastic and get herself lost.
When Klee gets tuckered out from her excess playing in the rain, you and Albedo take a walk in the rain, enjoying the clouded scenery and each other's presence as well. He'll occasionally seek out the roots of Boom Blossoms since the soil makes it perfect to collect them. You help him carry them back so he doesn't have to walk back and forth.
Since Albedo can't walk to his lab in such poor conditions, especially if it's thundering outside, he'll have to make do with what he has at home. It's honestly like a cozy little world that no one can touch. You get to play the role of a lab assistant for a little bit.
You love to play with Albedo's hairーit's just so fluffy and soft, how can you resist such fluffiness? Albedo doesn't really mind, letting out occasional hums as your nails gentle scrape across his scalp. you'll even put it up in a messy bun for him. That way his hair won't get in his eyes while he's doing anything.
Klee loves doing arts and crafts with the two of you, and Albedo usually comes up with something from his alchemy studies that will produce something safe enough for Klee to try out for herself. The two of you supervise, just in case something could potentially happen.
Albedo will sketch the hydrangeas that tremble with each drop of dew that falls upon themーhow pretty, you'd often think. You'll sit next to him while he sketches anything that catches his eye. The half-eaten lunch that Klee left on the table again, the transparent vials held upon his shelvesーeven you, while you gaze absentmindedly out the window.
You've taken naps with Klee before, the two of you curled up next to each other, lazing the day away. Albedo will walk in on the rather sweet and cute sight, and he'll watch silently, before pulling the blanket up further and wishing you a good sleep before heading off to finish up his sketches and alchemy.
Zhongli makes all sorts of warm teas for youーyou'll take anything he makes, since it always comes out so delectable. It warms up your body from the cold air that the summer rain brings, and it puts you in a better mood. It's so cozy and nice.
You told him to read any Liyue book of his choice while you rest on his lap, and he agrees with a chuckle. His deep voice, combined with the sound of rain? Oh yeah, you think that you're in heaven now. He'll stroke your hair while reading away, his voice becoming a baritone lullaby for you.
Zhongli likes to take you out for walks in Liyueーwhether it is the harbor or out in the wilderness of his nation. He makes sure that you won't catch a cold afterward, however. You favor visiting the ancient ruins from ancient civilizations long since forgotten to time. It feels nostalgic, but at the same time just calming to be there.
Every once in a while, when the thunder crashes violently about in the sky, Zhongli will prepare his Bamboo Shoot Soup, made just for you. You're about to cry, because he's so sweet, and it tastes so good?? Who the hell let him be such good husband material?
You both have poem-writing mini-contests, no matter how bad or good you are, Zhongli loves them. He wants to know what kinds of thoughts flow through that mind of yours, and how you would write it out on paper. No matter how embarrassed you are, he'll give out good pointers and writing tips.
Zhongli won't mind if you just want to be lazy the whole day, and he'll smile and chuckle when he sees your blanket-wrapped form waddling towards him, and he'll let you rest upon his lap while he reads over a new contract.
When the rain begins to slow, Zhongli will invite you to come and pick some Violetgrass alongside in. Well, you could use some more to try and make that Black-Back Perch Stew that Xiangling had recommended a few days ago, so you agree. You hold his hand the entire time, as he doesn't want to lose your foot holding on to the slippery rocks that adorn Liyue.
You asked Xiao to supervise you while you dance in the rain. Yes, you spoke correctlyーyou dance in the rain. Xiao scoffs and calls it another strange human activity, but he still does watch over you while you skip about in the rain, not caring if you look strange.
Most of the time, he's out patrolling Liyue, even in the rain, which makes you concerned, since he could get sick. He has to remind you that no, he doesn't get sick ' like you mortals' as he puts it. But you tell him that he's welcome to stop by your house during the rain whenever he wants. He almost scoffs but instead lets out a gruff, but quiet ' thank you.'
You've made Xiao Almond Tofu on many occasions, and even making some for yourself. It's become comfort food, as well as a rainy day dessert. You're not too confident in how you always make it, but Xiao calls your insecurity confusing, going quiet for a few beats, before telling you that the tofu tasted good today.
Xiao never understands your tendencies to wrap yourself up in thick blankets and laze around all day. You're too busy being lazy to care about his judgemental stare, or emerging from a pleasant nap whilst stretching and yawning. Sleep is the best form of self-care after all.
You sometimes like to walk around outside and crouch down in front of plants drizzled with raindrops, and you'll even spot some cute frogs and snails hiding amongst them. Xiao stumbled into you like this and stood over you, to which you looked back up at him and only gave a carefree smile in response.
When he's not out on his usual patrols, Xiao will accompany you when you go out to buy a couple of novels that were needed. He stays silent for the entirety of it, but he's the one who actually holds the umbrella and holds your now purchased books before you can even protest.
Half of the time you just walk around your house wearing nothing but an oversized shirt and undergarments. You're too damn lazy to change into anything else, and your mind is half asleep a nice majority of the time. So Xiao is going to have to get used to the sight of your nice ass legs, whether he wants to or not.
You find yourself more often than not nuzzled into his chestーany noises you make are muffled out by his toned chest. He's surprisingly good hug material, and you need your damn naps so you just use him as a rainy day pillow. A nice and muscular pillow.
Childe more often than not trains in the rain, to which you think that he must have a damn death wish or something, but what the hell, let him have his fun. He knows damn well that when he comes back inside, you're practically drooling because of the water making his shirt stick to his chest and abs.
You really remind him of Teucer, jumping around and splashing in the puddles outside when you think no one is looking. You like to flick the outside plants, effectively making the raindrops drip down onto the damp earth. It's pretty satisfying to doーjust as simple as that.
Childe likes to occasionally cook steaming meals once it starts raining, and won't let you in the kitchen to aid him. He just kicks you right back out with a cheery smile and a closing of the door. Well in his defense, the food comes out rather tasty, and it always warms you up.
If you have to do your commissions out in the summer rain, just know that Childe can and will join you. He will gladly think of the downpouring rain as an extra challenge for practicing his fighting skills and honing them even more.
When he's not out trying to train his ass off, he's trying to playfight with youーyes he tries to playfight with you. If he's not trying to lock you in a losing position, then he's chasing you around the house like a crazed man, complete with a happy grin while he hones in on you.
When it rains, you either make it a lazy day or head over into the city to complete some errands. Childe will happily hold the umbrella and you close to him. All while you're busy picking out some desserts to try out. He has a shit-eating grin the entire time as if to say ' yeah, this my partner, look at me be such a good boyfriend. ' He's puffing out his chest whenever some elderly people gossip about what a lovely couple you are.
He's staring you down whenever you decide to be extra lazy and calls you a lazy-ass, to which you just stare at him and just flip over and sleep more. He either gives you the shock of your life or he ends up cuddling close to you later on.
The two of you open up the sliding doors and just sit there, admiring how the plants jostle as the raindrops fall down on them. He makes fun of you at first, but he eventually joins you and the two of you talk about whatever comes to mind, whether it be him raging about how Childe called him a midget yet again, or anything else.
The sakura trees are especially pretty during the rain, so you drag Scara there to just admire the view. He's practically hissing at you for dragging his ass all the way for some damn tree, but you've learned to drown out his angry voice from time to time.
You have definitely picked up his nasty habit of watching people slip in the rain and laughing at their misery. Yes, Scara will literally drag you out to do this when he's not being a bitch in the Fatui. You definitely cackle at them alongside him, and now you're learning from him. He's rubbing off on you.
Did you think chucking a pillow at his face was a good idea at the time? Yes, yes you did. Are you probably going to die by his hand because he's chasing you down like a maniac while you're screeching? Yeah, definitely.
He's surprisingly sweet when you have to head out somewhere, holding the umbrella for the two of you while you walk outside. He makes it seem like it's an absolute waste of his time, but you know that deep down he does care enough to make sure that you don't get struck by lightning.
The one time you wanted to try out some Inazuman games, he taught you all alright, but he turns it into a damn competition and the two of you are throwing insults like it's a food fight. If it weren't for the fact that you like this damn midget so much, you'd have probably strangled him from the shit-eating smirk he has while beating you at everything.
He looks so funny when you're building a pillow and blanket fort because he just looks so serious, and then he's just surrounded by fluff?? Yeah, you're gonna smother that handsome eyepatch man with affection and not let go.
You love to use him as a heater and pillow whenever it rains, because he's nice and warm, and his chest is a nice pillow. You get an excuse to coddle him while it rains, and he honestly doesn't mindーeven enjoys it since he gets to be close to you.
You once brought in a cute green frog from the rain, and he had to spend a good minute just wondering how in the hell you managed to catch a frog. He spent even more of a good chunk of time just trying to convince you to put it back, but you wouldn't stop calling it ' our son. '
He taught you how to make bookmarks with pressed flowers, and he's actually pretty good at it. He makes really pretty ones, and you're internally dying because he's so fucking cute and talented. He can't look this attractive while gluing the flowers togetherーit's illegal to be this cute.
You like to bake cute cakes because you need your daily dose of sugar, and if it's something Dainsleif is familiar with, he'll help you by passing along the ingredients and stirring them for you. But he sometimes likes to watch youーhe thinks you look adorable, your concentrated face is cute to him.
He always holds the umbrellaーno exceptions. It's mostly because he towers over you and he's whipped for you. You hold his hand because it's really warm, and handholding is embarrassing for you. He always holds whatever you buy as well, and will not budge. You can't even physically pry it away from him because he's so damn strong, and he has the will of steel.
You hung up the glass wind chime you had bought for him, and like to listen to the sound of the soft music it produces in the rain-soaked winds. Dainsleif will occasionally join you and rub soothing circles on your head, to which you gladly accept. You wonder if he'll hear the sound of that windchime later on and think of you.
You threatened to throw mud at him jokingly, but whenever it's just the two of you, it's a full-blown war zone. You have to make sure that you're not wearing anything nice because Tohma will ruin it within the next 45 seconds.
Tohma can and will carry you over his shoulder just to trap you against the bed and refuse to move. Unless it's for the bathroom and food, then no. He requires attention and affection and you're gonna give it to him. You considered kicking him in the crotch because he's so damn heavy.
He's your personal heater, so when the summer rain makes you feel extra lazy, you're the one who's trapping him and refusing to let go. When you're not smothering him in bed, you're hanging onto him like a koala and absorbing his heat. His vision becomes your savior in the cold summer rain.
Despite his goofy attitude, he insists that you read at least one book whenever it rains. You're pretty sure he does it on purpose and planned ahead because he pats his lap a little too eagerly and looks a little too giddy.
Tohma is incredibly giddy when you ask him to accompany you on a rainy nature walk. He'll hold the umbrella, and he also insists on holding your hand the whole time. He looks like his usual goofy self, but internally? Oh yeah, you've killed him. The mantra that's going through his mind is They're holding my hand! They're holding my hand!
He offers to clean your ears, lap pillow, and all! You'd never tell it to his face because his ego would just get bigger, but he's actually pretty good at it. You'll end up falling asleep because of how soothing it is. Unbeknownst to you, Tohma's a blushing wreck, because ear cleaning is something that you only do with loved ones, and that includes lovers.
You had baked him cookies just one time, and now he's like an eager puppy, constantly prodding at you and giving you eager eyes whenever you enter the kitchen. You had just been experimenting with baking, so you suppose this could count as a success. Hell, you could add a tail to him just from how eager he looks.
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mydearfantasy · 3 years
✨ Baking with them ✨
Characters: Venti, Diluc, Zhongli and Kaeya
CW: Food mention
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Venti 🍎
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Utterly chaotic
Its pretty much canon that he’s bad at baking right? the whole apple cake incident for the traveler lives on in your memory
You need to watch him like a hawk or he will eat the raw mixture, sneakily dipping his fingers into the batter under guise of “quality control”
Giggles as he tries to spoon feed you raw batter to make the experience “more romantic”
Will deviate from the recipe according to his own whims. he wants his own special recipe to create something unique that only the two of you can enjoy
“We can’t put salt in a cake! We need to put more sugar in to make it taste nicer ehe!”
“I added more baking power to make them even bigger!”
Dances with you in the kitchen while the cake is in the oven. Twirls you around until your dizzy on your feet with excitement.
Whips out the lyre and sings jovial tunes to the cake in the oven to enrich it with “positive energy and joy”to make it come out even tastier
What does come out is... questionable
Its slightly lumpy, too sweet and not quite risen in all the right places
But sitting down and sharing the dish together, you realise it’s not bad. After all, it was made with love.
Zhongli 🥮
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The whole ordeal is like 3 day process that has to be planned in advance to ensure Perfection
Definitely tries to source the finest ingredients from all over teyvat to use before you even step foot in the kitchen
Chooses an old recipe that’s been passed down for generations that requires immense time,prep and effort
“This particular recipe was a favourite of the people in the northern towns of Liyue due to the regions abundance of...”
Enjoys telling you about the history and origins of the dish, almost more than the actual baking part
Please remind him you still need to bake them
Claims it will improve the flavour if you have in depth knowledge of the dish and allow you to appreciate it more
You’re just hungry
Insists on matching aprons, he loves the idea of you wearing the same thing
Will even find little hats to keep your hair out of the way. Thinks it’s absolutely adorable
Puts his hand on your lower back as you mix, offering words of encouragement or techniques to make it easier
Absolutely no eating raw mixture, will take the spoon out of your hand if so much as catches you trying to sneak some
“Mortals are fragile dearest, I’d hate for you to become poorly”
The end product is, as expected, flawless. There’s no way it could taste bad with the prep time devoted to it.
Gets a bit of a... melancholy look on his face. He can’t help the bittersweet memories that flood in at the familiar taste. However, looking at the joy upon your face is enough to sweeten the new memories he is sure to treasure forever more.
Diluc 🍪
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Has a secret sweet tooth
Loves baked goods but rarely has the time to bake himself
Can be tricked convinced into wearing a cute apron. Looks better than you in it. You’re just enjoying the view.
Prefers things with chocolate, like chocolate lava cake or brownies
Dab some chocolate on his cheek or nose to fluster him
Insists on doing all the “heavy lifting” diluc its mixing calm down
He secretly just wants to show off his muscles
Enjoys eating the raw mixture, whenever he sneakily did it when he was younger the maids would try to stop him, he’s trying to rebel now lol
Will get the the finest equipment in all of teyvat for the occasion, he wants for you to only have the best money can buy
Uses recipe books that call for fancy ingredients that you’ve never even heard of and follows them to the letter
“No, the recipe said 200g of organic chocolate chips from this particular area of Fontaine. It says that for a reason”
He tries, but isn’t the best at decorating
Whatever you make will taste perfect, but will look messy if he’s handed the icing bag
You did enjoy watching his existential crisis as he tried to ice a love heart on top of the cake
Doesn’t want to wait for it to cool, will dish it up for the two of you to enjoy immediately, relishing in the peace and simplicity of enjoying a sweet dish with his beloved. He’s learned to treasure such memories and hold them close to his heart
Kaeya 🍰
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Doesn’t really strike me as a baker, only joins in to impress you
Pretends to know a lot more than he does about baking, in reality he has only baked a handful of times under supervision
“How strange. it’s worked every other time, perhaps the archons are displeased with me this day.”
Doesn’t have enough patience for measurements, measures everything by eye, causing you immense stress
Claims the surprise and unknown will make the dish even more exciting
Adds all ingredients at once, unintentionally creates an absolute disaster
Doesn’t let the butter soften before adding it in
You take a minute to just watch him try and fail to cream solid butter and sugar together
There’s more flour on the floor than in the bowl
Prefers fruity desserts, like apple pie or fruit tarts
Will absolutely try to spoon feed you. Tries to make the experience as cheesy as he possible can. He adores your flushed face
“open wide~”
You wear the cute apron. it’s a requirement. essential. will only help once you do.
The end product has thankfully been salvaged due to your intervening and confiscating the bowl numerous times
Still insists on feeding you. You accept this time, glad that it’s now edible
You both are a complete mess. There’s sugar in your hair, flour on your clothes, jam smeared on you face.
Giggling at the state of each other, you help clean each other up, the two of you make quite the pair.
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