#tho he calls it nightingale
bluemoonwolf17 · 11 months
Lucifer damn! I have gone down a rabbit hole of DP x DC Au's, and no. I'm not mad about this! (OK, that's a tiny lie. I have three docs of TFP fandom that I need to finish) But anyway, I've had this idea, and yes, imma type it out since I have nothin' better to do anyway.
Also, this was loosely inspired by this amazin' writer Space-Dreams-World
And this is the thin' that inspired my dumbass to write Here!
Oh, and before I forget, I don't precisely remember how the comics go, so I'll probably just pull stuff outta my ass and call it a day (But hey, that's what Au's are for), but if it bothers you sorry, there's waaaay too much Batman lore and don't get me started on the Re-boots!
(I hope I didn't butcher your original idea too much, but I did say your writings loosely inspired this!)
Danny, after comin' out to his parents that he's Phantom, didn't go too hot, but hey! he has multiple plans! He just didn't want to use this one...After all, who wants to live in a new dimension? He's also glad that he waited until he turned twenty-one so that he could actually leave.
Thanks to Sam siphonin' money outta her parent's money for him for years and Tucker makin' a new identity for him, a bonus is that if he went to a different dimension, it still worked!
In the end, it's better than bein' on a table in the GIW labs after his Mom turned him to said government, But it's actually not that bad. He met a cool guy named Thomas Wayne, who is really chill (Also not bad-lookin). He's been In this world for probably three years now.
He met Thomas a couple of months after he dropped into this world and set up his new name, Daniel (Danny) Nightingale. He even met his wife, Martha Wayne, And he moved into their place two years ago after he had a break-in. And it's been goin' great at this point. He's probably bein' healed hostage by both Waynes and Alfred. He's cool with it, tho!
They were even cool with him bein' a half-ghost and the King of the infinite realms, and why they found out? It was Skulker's fault. I mean, come on, who comes in at dinner and claims that he wants your pelt on his wall...Oh, wait! Skullker did. Yeah, it wasn't fun explainin' that it's just how he greets Danny after all these years and that he just wanted to have a friendly spar.
Then, one day, the Waynes learned somethin' that broke Danny's heart. Martha and Thomas were havin' a hard time gettin' pregnant they later learned that it was because Thomas was infertile.
One day, Both Martha and Thomas asked him a favor. They asked if he would be okay with helpin' them get pregnant. He's not gonna lie. It was a shocker, but he understands that he does look like Thomas a bit, and people have even called them brothers.
It also helped him out when he told them that he didn't mind helpin' them out, and since they were on the topic, he said to them that he had a little crush on both of them. They both blushed red as a tomato and told him they felt the same. They didn't really understand how it worked.
Yes, he did explain that more than one person could be in a relationship that it was called Polyamory and that he has experience with it. He dated a girl and a guy simultaneously before leaving his universe, and it worked out in the end. He started to date both of the Waynes, and Martha got pregnant with a baby boy!
All three of them were over the moon with that news, and after baby Bruce was born, both Thomas and Martha decided that he was a Wayne now, so officially, he's now Danny Nightingale-Wayne, but to outsiders, he's still just Nightingale.
Even then, the only person who knows is Alfred. When Bruce was learnin' to talk and ended up callin' him Da, he told them he was fine just bein' Bruce's Godfather or uncle. That didn't go well, so Danny is Pa, and Thomas is Dad.
Bruce didn't understand why he couldn't call Danny Pa out in public or around friends until Danny sat him down and explained that it was a secret that he was his Pa and to the world, he was just his Godfather and if anyone knew that he's was his Pa it could be bad for the family.
After the talk, Danny somewhat made a game out of it that Bruce was a super secret spy and that it was his job to protect the family (I haven't really thought of this, but I thought it would be cute) And Bruce did keep it a secret until his Mom and Dad where killed.
Danny was supposed to go with them to the movies until the Observants demanded that he return to the infinite realms for a council meetin'. While Danny was tryin' not to freeze every observant in the room for bein' straight up annoyin', he heard Bruce scream for his Mom and Dad. He then listened to his pained hiccups for his Pa to come and help them.
Danny froze. The room he was in got much colder as his core demanded him to protect his son, and he was also cryin' for his lover's death. Ice shards spread out in the room, makin' the occupants yell out in shock at what their King had done. Danny then stood up, and with a protective/pained growl, he tore open a portal and went to his son, leavin' the room in chaos.
He couldn't stop the pained whimpers from his mouth when he got there. His son, his little Galaxy, was cryin' over his parent's bodies. Danny's brightest Nebulas, his lifeline after he left his old home, was dead. Without a second thought, Danny de-transformed and quickly grabbed Bruce and held him close.
Bruce quickly grabbed onto his Pa and bawled his eyes out, sayin' how he was sorry that he couldn't save them, how he tried to protect them, how his shield failed, and that he couldn't heal them as Danny taught him.
(I think Bruce, while not bein' as ghostly as Danny, still could do more than the average liminal could. He would have a small ghost core. So he could technically make shields, and I like to think that Danny learned how to push his rapid healin' onto others and started to teach Bruce when he started to show signs of bein' a bit ghostly)
Danny shushed him and told him that he tried his best and that was all that mattered while havin' tears drip down his face. That was how the police found the two Danny sittin' on his knees while huggin' the cryin' Bruce into his chest, tryin' to hide the poor boy from the world.
Most people did accuse Danny of killin' the two until Bruce screamed at them, sayin' that his Godfather loved his parents and that he would rather hurt himself than harm his parents. Alfred also spoke up, sayin' that Danny has never tried to harm the Waynes and even pushed them out of the way if anythin' harmful ever came close to the family.
They dropped the accusation a week later after the police did indeed find out that Danny was nowhere near the scene of the crime, that he was at the airport gettin' back from somewhere, and that the only reason why Danny found them was because Thomas sent him an SOS and their location. (He's grateful that Tucker taught him how to hack)
After everythin' calmed down and Danny had full custody of Bruce, he spent most of his time in the manor with Bruce and Alfred, only goin' to the realms if he absolutely had to, and he started to teach Bruce more about his ghostly side per Bruce's request.
Bruce took more to the sneaky part of the ghost side. Danny also suspected that Bruce might have a shadow core or somethin' related to darkness. Bruce did have fun. He Bruce would try and sneak up on his Pa and Alfred. Danny suspected Alfred knew when Bruce was around and tryin' to get a drop on him. It wouldn't surprise Danny if it were true.
Everythin' was as normal as could be...Until Bruce went missin', Danny almost destroyed the manor with ice. Alfred did manage to calm him down after a while. Danny was heartbroken that he couldn't find anythin' for him or Alfred, but he could tell that Bruce was fine.
About a week after Bruce disappeared, he had no choice but to go back to the infinite realms for short to long periods of time as the Obervents demanded since his son disappeared and since Danny knew that he was safe somewhere in the dimension.
Yeah, he wasn't really pleased with that demand, but then again, messin' with those floatin' eyeballs bastards is good, but messin' with them durin' a meetin'? Even better, and hey, at least he got his frustration out.
At this point, it was probably a good couple of years since Bruce disappeared, and he did have a lot of fun pissin' off the Observents durin' one of the Obervent's "informative" meetings when he felt a pull on his core. Oh? A summon? It's been ages since the last.
When he let himself get pulled toward his "summoner" (and probably pissin' off the eyeball bastards even more), he found himself in a room with a summonin' circle under him, one that he noted didn't bind him just summoned him. He looked around the room and noticed that it had windows that showed space.
Before he would let himself delve into one of his obsessions, he looked down and almost groaned out when he saw a blond man with a trench coat. Great...John Constantine, the man who sold his soul to every damn thin' in the infinite realms, has summoned him? Mann, he already has 75% of his soul.
Just as he was about to open his mouth to say somethin' whitty towards the man, he felt somethin'. He felt his core try and pull him towards somethin'. Danny moved his eyes from the blondie and saw somethin' black move more into the shadows.
Danny narrowed his eyes. That action was so familiar to Danny. He then raised his hand and snapped his finger, lightin' up the room he was in with green flames. He heard some alarmed shouts and a curse from the blondie, but he paid no attention to them. His eyes were on the man in the black cowl.
The man noticeably stiffened, and a sheepish smile spread on his face. What? It couldn't be. Danny floated down to the ground and walked over to the man. He could tell that the man was fidgetin' more the closer he got to him until Danny stood before him. The man was a bit shorter than him, but then again, he was 8 feet tall in this form and 7 feet in his human one.
He could feel the emotions comin' off of him: anxiety, family, and happiness. Danny felt his eyes whidden and a lump in his throat form it was! He felt water buildin' up in the corners of his eyes. He then spoke out two words he thought he might never hear again.
"Little Galaxy?" he crocked out. The man stiffened for a second, then relaxed. "Yeah, it's me, Pa," Bruse said with a smile, his voice crackin' a little. Oh, ancients! His son! he found his son, his little Galaxy.
Danny fell to his knees, grabbed Bruce, and hugged him just like he would when Bruce was younger. Bruce quickly wrapped his arms around Danny and curled into his chest.
"Oh, my little Galaxy! Where have you been!? And why in the realms would you just disappear like that! You gave me and Mister A a heart attack!" Danny scolded.
He could feel the guilt off of Bruce in waves. "I'm sorry, Pa, I just-" Danny sighed when Bruce couldn't finish his sentence. Danny understood he wanted to get revenge for his Mom and Dad. He truly understood. After all, he tried to find the person but never could finish findin' them before the council called on him.
Danny was about to speak before a throat clearin' got his attention. He looked over to the sound and saw a woman. By the looks of it, she was an Amazonian, and right next to her was a man with an S on his chest, a Kryptonian? They looked calm, but he could see the subtle way they held themselves. They were goin' to attack if they saw him as a threat.
Danny smiled. It seemed that Bruce got himself some good friends...? that's not the correct term, so he looked a bit closer at the two. He then promptly lost his shit. His laugh startled everyone. When he finally calmed down, he turned to his son, wiggled his eyebrows, and tilted his head towards the two somewhat behind him.
Bruce coughed into his fist, and Danny would bet that he was blushing from the tip of his ears down to his neck. Subtley nodded his head. Danny snorted, then stood up and brought Bruce to his side. Yeah, he's not lettin' his son go any time soon, thank you very much! "Ahem, please forgive my rudeness." Danny tilted his head down a bit towards the two.
Blondie decided to speak up. "What in the blood hell?" Danny snorted at the man. "Ah, again, forgive. I haven't seen this kid in a while," he said to the room.
Bruce coughed into his hand. Everyone turned their heads towards him, "Justice League, If I may, this is Phantom or, as I like to call him, Pa." Danny tried not to laugh. Bruce seemed a little troublemaker even though he was all grown up.
Everyone in the room froze until the Kryptonian spoke up. "Batman, what the hell? I thought that...." he questioned, then trailed off at the end. Danny snorted Batman? Oh, he's totally bringin' that up soon, but first...
Danny put a hand to his core and fanned hurt. "Oh, the pain! My son never told his friends about me? I'm betrayed!" he floated onto his back, playin' hurt.
The woman snorted into her hand, and Bruce groaned quietly. "Oh, this makes so much sense now," Constantine muttered. While still on his back, Danny raised an eyebrow and then looked toward Bruce. The Man subtly tilted his head to show that he also had no clue what the man in the trench coat meant.
"What is the supposed to mean, Constantine?" the Amazonian woman spoke to the man.
Blondie just sighed and took a flask out of his pocket and took a large gulp, then spoke, "I thought that you could tell Bats has more... Supernatural tendencies, so it makes sense if Bats grew up around the King of ghosts." he told the League "I'm just more curious how he met him" Constantine sighed.
"How he/I met him/me? We met when I/he was born!" Danny and Bruse spoke at once.
Constantine spat his drink out. "Wait, what!?... Y'know what, never mind, So KIng Phantom knew Bat's parents then when he was born became a liminal, " Constantine muttered. Danny then righted himself and wrapped his arm around Bruce once more.
"Actually, you're wrong, Galxay here is part ghost!" Danny informed the League with a Smile, Showin' too much inhuman teeth. After some silence, the woman spoke up. "If I may, what does that mean, your Highness?" she spoke calmly.
"Ah, please just call me Phantom! It also means that Galaxy is 3/4 Part ghost? Maybe a bit more? He does feel a bit different than the last time I saw him, but then again, his core was still growin'," he said, trailin’ off at the end.
Constantine threw his hands up in the air and then froze. He slowly looked at the two. "Wait...Bats, does that mean that Phantom is your Birth father?" Constantine asked with his hands twitchin' like they wanted to grab somethin'.
Every head turned towards Batman and Danny, and the two looked at each other and then at the Leauge, "Yes," they spoke as one. "HOW!?" most of the League shouted. Danny shrugged. "Eh, this was before I dated' both his parents. We learned his other Dad was infertile, and that was sort of the openin' that we needed to explain that we three liked each other. Ultimately, it worked out fine, so a win is a win!".
The League turned their heads to Batman and said the man nodded yes, that what came out of the ghost King's mouth was true.
That day, the Justice League was out of order and needed a proper reboot, and yes, Danny did indeed have the time of his un-dead life. Afterward, he even got to meet his son's lovers.
While the four were together, Danny brought up that poly and vigilantism must run in the family or somethin' so off-handedly that it had Clark and Diana laughin'. Bruce just grumbled at his Pa.
After that shit show of a reunion, Bruce took Danny back to the manor. He caught up with Alfred, and they made a plan that would remind Bruce that if he ever disappeared again and scared the shit out of them again, he was goin' to regret it. Bruce havin' no clue as to what they were talkin' about and frankly didn't want to know promised himself never to piss off his two parents again.
(Bruce still sees Alfred as a father figure. Danny did an excellent job bein' home every day, but sometimes the Observents won in their crusade.
They demanded that Danny be present in their meetings at least once a week, and of course, they could and would go on for days about their topic, even if it was a stupid one, just to keep him there.
And if some of them got put on ice just by suggestin' that he left his son to the mortals to be raised, it was no one's business but Danny's.)
Okay, so this was supposed to be a bit longer, and it would have Danny meetin' Dick and then later Jason, but I decided to split it in half-ish, and if the people want to see the rest of my crappy writin', then I might share it.
I also mainly wanted to get this out and see how it went cause I am very happy with how most of this turned out. I am also runnin' out of motivation so~ but hey, I hoped you liked it!
Part 2 to this shit show!
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spacedace · 2 years
Sorta sequel of this post (where Bruce is happy that Damian has totally and completely normal human friends). You don't have to read that one to get this one tho lol.
Slight Trigger Warning: minor description of injuries and blood, including injuries to ears and scalp. It's quick and not much detail on the injuries themselves, but I wanted to give a heads up.
Tim always thought his friend group was the most unhinged in the family.
Not anymore.
His friends at least had enough of a sense of self preservation to book it when Bruce caught them doing something they shouldn't and leveled them with A Look.
Tim's pretty sure Damian's friends call god a bitch to his face everyday and give him a wedgie in a Denny's parking at least twice a week. He's positive he saw them roast one of the League's S tier world ending threats to the point of tears last weekend. The footage was too badly corrupted to prove it, but he knows what he saw.
All of which to say, he's shouldn't be surprised when Bruce levels little Elle Nightingale and her cousin Billy Batson with his patented "You Are In So Much Trouble" BatDad Face (TM) and the little hellions just grin back at him, entirely unaffected. Shouldn't be but still is because holy fuck even Jason will still back off when Bruce levels him with that look. And these kids had the gaul to ask Bruce if they could go get ice cream after they were done here.
Bruce blinks first. It feels like an omen for the ends times.
Tim can't blame him though, you can’t look into the heart of insanity and chaos like that for too long without risking losing something in the process. Steph was right, they really are nightmare demons sent to feed on their fear and uncertainty.
Billy swipes a smear of blood away from his busted nose with the sleeve of his torn and dirty shirt. Elle's teeth are pink and red from blood - Tim isn't sure if it's better or worse that it's not her blood. Jon was bouncing between fussing over Damian - who Superboy had been mostly able to keep from joining the fight and thus probably saved a couple of lives - and casting worried looks at his two bloody friends as they stood lined up in front of Bruce. At least one of them had enough sense to be wary of that look.
Tim would say that Jon was the well behaved one of the bunch - and worryingly enough he might be - but he'd heard him yelling give em the chair at one of the two scrappers as he and Bruce came running over so he knows it's only the fact that a punch from even a baby Kryptonian would have killed a person that kept the littest Kent out of the fight rather than any idea that the fight itself was wrong. All four children look ruthlessly proud of each other.
The ones the hellions were fighting - a couple of guys Tim's age who had been stupid enough to try and bully Damian at all, let alone in front of his pack of feral raccoons - looked like they'd gone several rounds with Killer Croc before being thrown around by Bane and run over by a car. They deserved it- assholes - but they still looked rough.
One was bleeding from several bite wounds Elle had inflicted on him, earlobes a mess from where the little girl had torn his earrings out, both eyes blackened and swollen to the point he couldn't open them anymore. The other had a large red and bleeding bald spot from where Billy had ripped a good chunk of hair out, nose completely shattered- likely in retaliation for what had been done to Billy's - and elbow hanging at an odd angle. Tim's not sure which one of them had the chair - thankfully one of those fabric folding ones and not something more solid - broken over them, or which hellspawn had taken Jon's suggestion to heart, but either way he could see the twisted up remains of the item in question laying not too far away.
At least the EMTs were ushering the two weeping teens away into ambulances so they could get taken care of. Tim's pretty sure Elle and Billie would try and get a few more hits in otherwise and knowing them he doesn't doubt that at least one of the cops that had shown up on the scene would end up losing a finger or two in the process. Which normally Tim would be fine with - he has files on all of these guys and they deserve way worse than what a couple twelve year olds could do to them - but in this case he's already having a hard time convincing the officers that it's just a matter of some kids defending one of their friends from a couple of bullies.
Ugh. Some people just didn't understand children and it really showed. It was a public park, kids were gonna be kids. Just a normal childhood scrap. The real problem were the highschoolers who tried to start shit with a group of little kids.
Sure the hellions were feral and unhinged enough to be unbothered by Bruce trying to chide them about starting fights instead of getting an adult to help, but at the end of the day playground scuffles will happen and the kids were just defending themselves. Cops should be thankful that BL wasn't able to join them for the day or someone would have ended up shoved into a cooler or something.
Eh, whatever. He got them to drop the assault charges - which were ridiculous, Elle & Billie were normal twelve year olds getting into a fight, it wasn't like it was Damian with all his training and skills - and Bruce had given up on trying to be disapproving of them not reporting the attempted bullying to him instead of handling it themselves. Probably because at the end of the day he was a little proud of the little shits for defending Damian and standing up against some bullies. And really Tim was too. They might be vicious little hellspawns sent there to torment them all, but they were good kids at the end of the day and they cared about Damian enough to throw down with guys twice their size.
Tim pulled up a list of the nearest ice cream places on his phone, Bruce was totally going to cave on that front and even if he didn't Tim was willing to use his executive Big Brother privileges to get them ice cream anyway. He isn’t going to need to though. Jon had thrown his puppy dog eyes into the mix on that front and Tim knows from experience how much a kryptonian looking hopeful could get away with when it came to this family. Hell, Kon had probably taught his little brother that face for these exact kinds of situations because of how effective it was.
"I'm still going to have to tell Jazz about this." Bruce said as they shuffled off towards the restrooms to try and get everyone cleaned up, a parting shot to make up for his failure to cow them earlier.
"Please don't tell her! She’s gonna make us read articles about conflict resolution again!"
"B come on that's no fair! You said we did good not letting those assholes get away with their bullying shit!"
Huh, Tim thought with a grin. Maybe the little demons weren't as terrifyingly unstoppable as he thought.
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avocado-writing · 1 year
feel like demon aziraphale would go HEAVY with the nicknames,, whether in a teasing or casual or intimate way,, just so very familiar,, every other sentence is spliced or punctuated with a ‘love’, ‘sweetheart’, ‘doll face’, ‘sweet thing’, could see him being cheeky and annoying and going at nightingale and angel Crowley with a ‘sweetcheeks’ or ‘babycakes’, but at the end of the day he is def a terms of endearment bitch,, who definitely loves getting called them right back even tho he probs denies it,, call him dear or love or some personalized nickname back and that demon is getting the slightest little giddy blush and a smirky-smile he can barely suppress. bonus points for 1. hearing that shit in michael sheen’s naturally lower voice and 2. thinking about in a bedroom context 🫠
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YOU. I like you
“Needy little whores, huh? Begging for daddy’s cock?”
you usually laugh at the audacity of him calling himself “daddy”, but right now? when you and Crowley are on your knees in front of him, desperate and whimpering, and as he fucks himself with his own hand? you’re utterly buying into it.
“yes,” you choke.
“please,” Crowley begs. gosh he looks angelic like this, all sweat-soaked and vulnerable. knowing the two of you will look after him.
Aziraphale’s pupils blow dark. a grin creeps to his lips, Cheshire-cat like, practically taking up his whole face.
“go on then. work for it; put on a show for me.”
you grab Crowley’s face in your hands and press your mouth to his. you’re not exactly kissing as much as you’re tangling your tongue against his, lewd and wet. it’s done entirely for the pleasure of the viewer - and it works. aziraphale strokes himself faster, grunting in the back of his throat.
“fuck. that’s it. fuckin’ beautiful. come on, put those pretty mouths on me.”
you do immediately. Crowley runs his tongue up Aziraphale’s sac, you take his cock down your throat. you feel him reach down and caress your faces with one broad, thick hand on each of you.
“gorgeous,” he mutters. he looks at you with adoration tinging the hunger in his eyes. oh, how he loves you both. your demon.
to be kneeling before him is heaven.
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yellowymellon · 6 months
Family theory ⬇️
i'm abt to present the most controversial theory ever/j it's just a silly one xD (beware tis long)
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as far as we know, xipe themselves descend on the charmony festival. but does this hymn insinuates that multiple faces descend instead of the entirety of xipe? let's first see the content of this hymn:
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it starts by talking abt dominicus as a manifestation of xipe, dominicus means sunday, this could be further supported by the many mentions of law and authority as sunday is shown to be orderly, methodical and obessesive compulsive. "the gazillions of old laws have all faded" i suppose that could be ena which makes sunday even more connected to them.
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constantina is the second manifestation who is a singer. who else is a probable emenator of harmony and is a singer?
from the collectible cards found in penacony, robin's says the following "Surrounded by vibrant lights, the audience was moved to tears by her voice. All the flaws, ugliness, deception, and loneliness in life were forgotten." it fits well as robin is many times portrayed in this manner.
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Aelenev, his description is abt battles and war, it might be a metaphor but it could be talking abt the very distant past of penacony. there isnt much info i can derive from here or firmly link it to someone but i have someone in mind.
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beatriz, while dance seems like the main characteristic but so is singing and feasting. "the world is a ball" i think beatriz resides over culture and entertainment.
now before i talk abt who i think the last two are i need you to know the family lineages, there's 5 families. the name followed by purpose by the head :
oak - management - sunday
nightingale - construction - Sir Whittaker (npc)
bloodhound - security - head unknown
Iris - entertainment -  Maeven Ellis
alfalfa - economy - oti alfalfa
ofc the dreammaster exists as a seperate entity of all 5.
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there's some truth to the first pic, the dreammaster does control the 5 families, and his orders are absolute. the history here could be altered by History Fictionologists, followers of enigmata.
the hymn only mentions 4 ppl tho, 2 are the closest to sunday and robin, the latter isnt even a family head, which is a bit weird but makes sense why she gets invited to the charmony festival. but beatriz very much matches with iris' head, Maeven Ellis. Aelenev is more tricky to define but he could be Gopher Wood, found in the collectibles. i couldn't find anything concrete in his description but "we have discovered the lord's disciple in the mortal world" is an interesting line, i mostly took his appearance in consideration :
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(ignore aideen and lesley) anyway- gopher wood seem to carry a 'gospel' and has a crow by his side (just like sunday who has erm a raven? a nightingale that looks like an eagle?) and his wings are scarred, possibly by 'battles' the hymn spoke of, aaand Easter-egg he has sunday's old halo :) i suspect he could be the bloodhounds' head, Maeven Ellis is right beside him btw
out of all the hymn has talked abt, in our silly theory, ALL of them are halovians who have wings. i read in wiki that halovians have wings in their biology but idk where that info came from...there isnt a single halovian npc who got wings.
"every Halovian in Penacony is a member of the family" gopher looks like an older priest, his postion could totally be of a head.
now this is spoilery (imo doesn't make much difference), even tho it was leaked to be in 2.0 loading screen but i didnt find it, so i went to great lengths to get it from reddit! It might be a scratched idea tho, I'll only put the most important parts :
Edit: nvm it's called the harmonic strings phenomenon, found in wiki and database :x
"Family members have adopted a system of differentiation based on scales, with only those above the subdominant "IV" note being eligible to serve as the tuner of the Harmonic Strings. "
"The concept of Harmonic Strings is elucidated in the Harmony Hymns, a compilation of divine embodiments attributed to Xipe. These embodiments portray down-to-earth virtues that contribute to Harmony and can be practiced by individuals regardless of their position."
"The Family takes pride in celebrating the beauty of the Thousand Faces, including figures such as Aelenev of the Eternal Centurion, Dominicus of the Harmonious Choir, Constantina of the Panacoustic Theater, and Beatriz of the Blissful Ball."
"Opposers of the Harmony argue that the Harmonic Strings are in fact Emanators from Xipe themselves, not associated with any specific mortal but rather representing facets of Xipe, who can assume the form of any Family member when necessary."
Lots of yapping I know. Basically the ones eligible to welcome xipe in a ritual called harmonic strings are tuners of rank IV. We already know that at least 2 are emenators and the others should be too.
Also Aelenev of the eternal centurion, a Centurion being a soldier in the Roman army responsible for the command of one hundred men. A description fitting of the bloodhound head. The harmonic choir could refer to the oak family, and so on
But here where the contradiction happens, in oti's letter to Sunday
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also if all halovians with wings are emenators/ facet of xipe, then sunday and robin had them as children..?
i could argue that the dreammaster chooses for xipe who he sees fit to be an emenator, and under his guidance they become a harmony symbol. robin for the outside world and im sure sunday was adopted for the same cause as bronya rand, to become the future head of the oak family.
now on dominicus arrival...this letter and the hymn are slightly contradictory...and the map text is too. if dominicus is a facet of xipe, why do they and the 3 others have to welcome xipe ? isnt the descent of the 4 of them considered complete in it's self? xipe is a plural aeon, if part of them descends it should still be an aeon. but the hymn insinuates that the 4 facets serve xipe. also the connection between sunday and robin to them is solid.
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aight, we know who the harmonic strings are from the map text, it makes sense to think of them as the ones i theorized them to be, except from robin they're all directly influential on penacony. aand now oti's letter makes less sense. we can argue that each one of them derives power from a facet, maybe even becoming vessels to them or represent them. and these facets need to descend (arrive) for the charmony festival to reach it's conclusion, being xipe's descendance.
also reminder
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(he means xipe by their)
uuuhuh sweetie, u gotta leave the house as dominicus tho!
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huiyi07 · 2 years
Why I think Layla might be related to Khaenri’ah !
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she’s the only other character who’s sitting down in their artwork aside from Kaeya, who, in theory, is sitting down because he’s sitting on his throne as a the heir to Khaenri’ah’s royal throne. Her hair and the tassels on her wrists as well as the back of her cape are the four-pointed stars we see on every Khaenri’ahn related character. Also her circlet, or crown (pointing to royalty) has some of the stars and the shading in her hair also is in the shape of the stars in a lighter, grayer color- like Kaeya’s streak of gray hair, or Pierro’s streak of navy hair. She shares a similar enough color palette to Dainsleif and Kaeya and Pierro and maybe even Albedo if you squint. What if she’s another member, or maybe even a sage, of Khaenri’ahn royalty- also sitting on a throne. Especially a royal sage or consultant of some sort, seeing as her pose looks like she’s advising someone to do something.
The four- pointed stars on Kaeya’s eye and clothes:
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The four pointed stars on her:
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The Official Genshin YouTube channel also posted this about her:
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So she’s a sleepy character who apparently has never experienced sleepwalk, and by a stretch, has never had a dream. In the Genshin trailer: Travail, way back, the one where they show a small glimpse of the nations, Dainsleif mentions that “there are those who dream of dreaming.” He also mentions that “Some say a few are chosen and the rest are dregs.” Now I’m really stretching, but what if what happens to her here in this description is connected- what if the stars descending on her paper was her being ‘chosen’- she also calls it “The star’s blessing”. Especially with the fact that she had just woken up from a restful nap- what if she had a dream during that nap, and as a Khaenri’ahn, allowed her to be blessed by these random stars???
ALSO @genshin-impact-updates said that her constellation is apparently called ‘Luscinia’ so i googled it and (copy pasted from wikipedia) Luscinia is a genus of smallish passerine birds, containing the nightingales and relatives. It also said this:
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Now who else do we know is one eyed-?? Dain, Pierro, and Kaeya- all of them not only related to Khaenri’ah, but related to Khaenri’ahn royalty. I googled what nightingales symbolize, and apparently they symbolize a LOT like creativity and nature and melodies and mystery even???
I’ve also never seen a nightingale in my life but apparently they sing a lot at night so maybe she’s really supposed to symbolize some sort of magic or dreaming or stars or whatever as a Khaenri’ahn. At this point I’m really stretching but MY POINT IS BABE WAKE UP NEW KHAENRI’AH RELATED CHARACTER JUST DROPPED
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Edit; I have something to add on the visual similarities between her and the other Khaenri’ahns we know. her hoodie/ veil is twisted to cover the right side of her face more than her left side. Just like Kaeya’s hair and eyepatch, as well as Pierro and Dain’s covered right sides. I think it’s a more subtle way of pointing to how Khaenri’ahns cover their eye just like their King Irmin mentioned in Hidden Strife.
Edit2: jk she can sleepwalk my bad Idk if she can dream or not tho
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j2zara · 2 months
As the originator of Bluejay I have some formless thoughts on the names for the other two that don’t necessarily have to be integrated mass fandom but
Esme @neerdowellnarrator suggestion for j3 n j4 to be magpie (greed connection) and canary (the omen, the one trying to warn the others to get out before it’s too late) is genuinely brilliant I love it so much
I also like nightingale for j4
I will say, tho. I think J2 is fully ready to glom onto Bluejay as his name name but for j3 and j4 the bird nicknames are just that. They’re Porter pet names but that’s not who they Are.
J4 wants a person name. She’s been mulling this over for a while and she’s been trying to find the right one but nothing has clicked yet (nothing has clicked for me yet ok)
J3 is the most ambivalent about being j3. He does not like being Three but doesn’t mind being J3. For some reason the distinction feels important. In some ways I actually think he tries to own being J3.
Doesn’t stop him from playing around with what the others call him tho but the tone when he workshops is a lot more unserious than j4’s like. Scribbled frenzied notebook of ideas and crossed out names.
J4 wants a name that is not evocative of Jace at all. J3 doesn’t mind a Jace-derivative. Jess, Jax, Jasper etc (that’s an Elijah @delinquentbookworm special thank you) (on a personal note I actually like all of these for him. Even if Jess is mainly bc I can’t stop thinking abt Jess Ross’s cabbage tramp stamp. J3 wishes that was him)
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llostwriter · 3 months
The Misery of the Songstress’ Child | 2HA Fanfic
Non Binary Reader
TW: Mention of trauma, rape, intimacy, force-feed, drug usage, child abuse, child neglect, and those following it.
Chapter 1
Two songstresses stood out as celestial beings in the history of the music building in ancient China, known for their exquisite beauty and mesmerizing vocals. When problems arise, Duan Yihan and Xun Fengruo support one another like sisters in the music building. That is how it seems from the outside, anyway. Both have amazing natural beauty that even makes average-looking women envious. Duan Yihan had a complexion that matched the finest jade, and her beauty was as delicate and graceful as an orchid. Xun Fengruo exudes beauty with her elegant motions and siren-like, piercing stare.
Their ethereal appearance, akin to blossoming flowers, adorned the halls, and their beautiful calls, captivated the hearts of both commoners and patrons.
Numerous listeners found solace in the melancholic and unrequited love that permeated Xun Fengruo's songs. Her voice had an unforced purity and precision, and it soared like a lark's. "Clear and sweet as a nightingale's song, her melodies could soothe worries and rouse the spirits of the courtiers," is how fans of Duan Yihan would frequently describe her music. Similar to the nightingale and the crane, their melodies came to represent grace, elegance, and the ability of music to touch the soul. Soon came the notice of a corrupt nobleman, who abducted the two singers following their performance. Xun Fengruo offers herself as a sacrifice by purposefully flirting with the nobleman in order to let Duan Yihan escape.
When he discovered that one of his prisoners had fled, the nobleman vented his rage on Xun Fengruo in private. Because he was afraid of ruining her beauty, he began raping her all day and night instead of punishing her through beating. Xun Fengruo even went on a hunger strike to make her body emaciated, and the nobleman then ordered staff to force-feed her. To him, she is like a porcelain doll, and he must preserve her beauty. As a result, you were born. The nobleman has seven concubines and one legitimate wife; Xun Fengruo was not even awarded a title because she was deemed "unworthy."
When Xun Fengruo was in labor, there was only one person to assist her: an elderly maid to whom Xun Fengruo had grown close during her time at the mansion. With the crack of lightning and the screams of labor anguish, followed by the cry of a newborn. With that, you were born. The concubines and wife were envious of Xun Fengruo's care in bed, while their husband left the rest of the bed chilly and undisturbed. And when they learned about your birth, they were concerned that the nobleman's 'affection' for Xun Fengruo would grow. Yes, the nobleman would continue to focus on his sons and daughters; however, the threat is still there.
When Xun Fengruo arrives, he entirely ignores his concubines and wife in the bedroom. As a result, the nobleman's concubines and legal wife kicked you and your mother out when he was not present. One of the concubines even planned to disfigure Xun Fengruo if the legal wife hadn't told them not to because the nobleman would be home soon. But there was a wound on Xun Fengruo's right cheek by the legal wife.
With nowhere else to go, you and your mother went to the one area she was familiar with. House of Drunken Jade. Madam Mo was enraged, accusing Xun Fengruo of intentionally leaving the music building to meet up with someone before being knocked up and returning. Since Xun Fengruo's departure, the business has declined, with Duan Yihan, the remaining songstresses, and prostitutes shouldering an increased workload. Madam Mo has to observe the disappointed looks on the customers' faces as she tells them in person that Xun Fengruo is currently unavailable.
Madam Mo even had to spend additional taels to hire someone to work at the main gate so she wouldn't have to deal with those individuals who were demanding Xun Fengruo. Stress would be bad for her pregnant body. Yes, she is currently pregnant with Mo Nian and is waiting for her lover, Xue Duanrong, the father of their child, to return home. For the first time in a long time, she smiled just thinking about it.
After observing Xun Fengruo's frail state, Duan Yihan raced over to her.
When the songstress saw your infant form in the arms of a close friend, she realized something. "Please take them…" Duan Yihan removed you from Xun Fengruo's arms, and Xun Fengruo collapsed in front of the brothel, accompanied by your sobbing. Your mother was well after some rest, but no one was spared Madam Mo's fury, who was so enraged that she nearly miscarried when she saw customers leaving because of the mess outside. Madam Mo was about to kick Xun Fengruo out if it wasn't for Duan Yihan intervened and reminded her that Xun Fengruo's return would raise revenues once more.
Madam Mo took one glance at Xun Fengruo's face and instructed her to return to work as soon as the wound on her right cheek healed. Xun Fengruo would also be responsible for the child's well-being. Duan Yihan was willing to spend her remaining cash on baby clothes and toys for you because Xun Fengruo was unable to work at the moment.
When your mother's right cheek cut healed, she returned to work as instructed. The music-building songstresses and prostitutes who didn't have any customers would look after you because Xun Fengruo was like an older sister to them. As a result, you've gotten used to calling them each "big/older sister."
A music building is not the finest location for a baby to dwell, but, as you get older, it is natural to become intrigued about certain things.
There were moments when your younger self would question the "pretty ladies": "Why was there a man on top of big sister?" "Why are they moaning?" "Why is the man grabbing the big sister's neck and sometimes pulling her hair?" "Why is the man biting and sucking on big sister's neck?" "We absolutely need to purchase bug repellant. Big sisters are developing dark red and purple neck marks."
When your mother is serving a customer in one of the pleasure house's rooms, your big sisters would always try to prevent you from going to her.
One time when the pleasure home was particularly busy, and your big sisters were not present to care for you.
Your small self crawled to find your mother and discovered her completely naked in the midst of an intimate act with a stranger. You were shocked because you had never seen the performance up close before. In a matter of minutes, Madam Mo dragged you out of the room after placing baby Mo Nian in his crib. You took a battering.
In the end, one of your older sisters bought ointments for you, not your mother. You've always been clingy to your mother, wanting to play with her whenever you could, but she constantly dismissed you with an "I'm too busy." "Play elsewhere."
But you never blamed her.
Duan Yihan has been seeing the same person for the past several weeks. Nangong Yan, Lord of the Ninth City of Rufeng Sect, has been visiting Duan Yihan every day, showering her with gold taels and hairpins. Xun Fengruo had previously seen Nangong Yan in person while shopping for jewelry for her sisters. She recalls seeing Nangong Yan dressed in costly golden robes, followed by servants carrying large luggage.
Xun Fengruo could see true evidence of falling deeply in love in Duan Yihan's expressions; at the same time, she was delighted with her love life, but she was still wary of noblemen, especially given what had happened before.
Her fears were verified when she learned that Nangong Yan has a wife. Xun Fengruo expressed her concerns to Duan Yihan, who laughed it off: "Sister Fengruo, you must have made a mistake. He explained that he was simply a regular Lin'an traveler. No wife."
Xun Fengruo inquired: "If he was truly a traveler, how could he have enough taels to purchase all those jewels for you?"
Duan Yihan responded: "Don't worry, sister; he told me that it was because his boss always paid him handsomely for his good work!"
Xun Fengruo wanted to speak more, but she held back since she did not want to argue with her.
Xun Fengruo: "Alright then, just be careful."
As expected, Duan Yihan became pregnant by the alleged "traveler." You observed her stomach ballooning up and advised her to see a doctor and get some treatment for the disease, but she chuckled and said that was usual for pregnant ladies.
"So how do pregnant women come to exist?" You asked out of curiosity.
Duan Yihan stroked her abdomen affectionately, "A baby is formed when two people love each other."
Duan Yihan's abdomen grew to the point where Madam Mo and the customer noticed it. Duan Yihan continues to perform, but the music building is losing money since she no longer accepts requests to please customers in bed. Madam Mo was not pleased with this change, and there is no way she will let another of her employees have a baby. Madam Mo was unable to prevent one of her greatest songstresses, Xun Fengruo, from having you because she had been missing for several months.
The music building is not a children's playground. Those troublesome kids were always causing trouble in the building. Madam Mo wouldn't let that happen.
Her son, Mo Nian, is the exception because he is her son. Madam Mo asked that Duan Yihan undergo an abortion, which was denied. Madam Mo volunteered to pay for the abortion herbal concoction, assuming that money was an issue. That was also denied. Duan Yihan informed Madam Mo that she would keep the child, no matter what. Duan Yihan even stated that she will leave gladly if that is what is required.
Sister Duan Yihan left. And your other older sisters told you that Duan Yihan has been whisked away by her lover and will have a wonderful life.
You were glad for her. Your mother has repaid her debt to Madam Mo. And from that day on, you never see her lying in bed with a stranger.
By this point, you were six years old. That is when you first met him. A fluffy white cloak hung over his small form. It was made of the finest wool, soft as a whisper, with each thread gleaming with a subtle iridescent sheen. Even the flecks of dirt on it could not conceal the fact that it had belonged to a high-ranking cultivator or possibly a nobleman. The generously sized hood enveloped the child's face, leaving just a tangle of unruly black hair that looked like a bird nest poking out. He observed you and wondered why a six-year-old would be inside this building.
He pulled over a performer and inquired about the location of his mother's buddy. Only then did he discover from the performer that Xun Fengruo is the Top Courtesan of the House of Drunken Jade and that the child he had just seen was Xun Fengruo's.
He informed the performer that he was the son of Duan Yihan. Duan Yihan was more generous than Xun Fengruo when it came to spending money on her sisters, so she was quite popular among them. When the performer realized this, her mood changed totally, and she rushed him to Xun Fengruo. He told Xun Fengruo the complete story, unaware that you were also listening in.
After a few pleadings from the top courtesan, Madam Mo finally gave in. After all, now that Duan Yihan has left, Xun Fengruo is the only one generating the most money. Even though Xun Fengruo no longer sleeps with the customer, her voice and music-playing skills remain superb, captivating large crowds in a matter of seconds.
Upsetting the top profit is not a wise idea. The youngster was distressed since his coat was burned, so you ended up soothing him. The youngster was adopted by Madam Mo and given the surname Mo, becoming an errand boy. He and you work together on errands, becoming closer as time passes.
The nobility had already forced Xun Fengruo to spend her first night. But she still needs to make things better for you and her late sister's son. She promised you and Mo Ran that after she rehabilitated herself, she would take both of you to a better life. The recollections of you being pleased about gaining freedom cause you to have pleasant dreams.
The Lantern Festival was here. The children on the street were all carrying lanterns and holding hands with their families. The streets were busy with activity. Music and singing could be heard around every corner. This was also the day that the music building generated the most money, which dampened your disappointment at not being able to celebrate. Your mother sat on the upper-floor staircase and began playing music on her guqin for a nobleman. You and Mo Ran were both downstairs in the kitchen at the time. Mo Ran was making sticky rice cake as you made tea to accompany the dessert.
Both of you were interrupted by young master Mo Nian's command to clear the table where a customer had recently sat. You were anxious to say goodbye to Mo Ran, but he told you that he would be the one to deliver the glutinous rice cake and tea to your mother. With that, you were gone. After that, you went upstairs to find Mo Ran and your mother. But you were met with the sight of Mo Ran wrestling a greasy rich merchant, and your mother was nowhere to be found.
Madam Mo yelled from across the corridor as her footsteps approached, before grabbing Mo Ran by the collar and slapping him hard in the face.
“Mother Mo, I'm sure A-Ran was not in his right mind when he attacked the customer."
You call Madam Mo. "Mother Mo." The same thing that your older sisters do.
Madam Mo (Mother Mo): "Was he not in his right mind? This son of a bitch obviously did this on purpose!"
Rich Merchant says, "Yes! I was just asking a simple question when he randomly attacked me! He is truly insane!"
Madam Mo apologized to the wealthy businessman and dragged A-Ran away. You had decided to follow them before being told to return to work. You were hesitant, but you had no option; all you could do was watch A-Ran and Mother Mo move away. For the rest of the week, you didn't see A-Ran or your mother.
The unease continued to increase.
After a week, Mo Ran returned. You made sure to shower him with kisses, just like your older sisters would do to you when you were sad.
He enjoyed it. You've resolved to do it every time he's unhappy, unconscious of the deeper significance.
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cadaverousconsumer · 1 month
my “people skills” are “rusty”
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birdo-is-here · 1 year
Hello laddies uhhhh the autism won, have a long post containing the world-building for my ocs
First of all, it is MUCH bigger than just one universe. More a multiverse, but it sometimes even goes into other multiverses (not often tho)
It’s like the MCU, but better because its made by me /hj
Anyway, here you will find an EXTREMELY simplified version of the general layout of the multiverse:
Imagine a circle. That is a universe.
Now imagine an infinite number of that circle inside a larger circle. That is a multiverse. Wow!! However, circles do not tessellate, so that leaves some blank space in between the circles. That is called “null space” (very creative, I know)
This is just the layout of The Birdhouse, aka the multiverse we’re focusing on
There are many different multiverses with all types of names and shapes that couldn’t possibly be simplified or comprehended by the human mind (or in other words: I don’t wanna draw)
There are an infinite number of multiverses each with their own sets of rules and laws (or lack-there-of). Many have “leaders” of sorts that “run” the multiverse (or make it seem as if they run it, at least)
On occasion you will find Strays who were either born outside of a multiverse or have abandoned their multiverse for whatever reason.
A good example of this would be 3p (my sibling’s character, hello Rebekah), who happens to be a deserter of war (yes war still happens in the omniverse it’s rather sad) and has therefore been kicked from her multiverse. L
Another example would also be one of mine known as Glitch, who was created outside of the multiverses and ended up moving into The Birdhouse. These creatures specifically can be known as Viruses or Parasites, either work rlly
Basically, the best way to simplify ALL of the multiverse/the omniverse is that they cannot be simplified.
You may be asking, are there other Omniverses? Probably! But I will NEVER be looking into that because that overcomplicates things much more than they already are and I also don’t need to need any more infinitesimal anyway!!
Of course, The Birdhouse has a “leader” — or, an Artist/Writer — who is known none other than Birdo (I’d say it’s not me but… it is. There’s no avoiding it, it’s just straight up me but I have an excuse for it and that is the fact that i am the artist/writer of these stories so it works)
However, because there are no rules and shit, The Birdhouse also has Co-Writers/Co-Artists, who are known as Crown and Pan (Believe it or not, they’re not based on anyone I know)
Birdo being the head of the multiverse as well as the original founder, has the most control of the script and story. Crown and Pan have some level of control over the script, but not to the amount Birdo does. They can also get in trouble if they directly go against Birdo’s plans, fun!
Birdo also has control of The Birdhouse’s general defenses, as well as who gets in and out.
Pan’s level of expertise is based on the general concept of “space & time”, and is basically the physical representation of such. He can bend space and time to his will with very little consequence.
Crown’s job is much more personalised, being the personification of just… sentience, ig. I’d say humanity, but it goes much further than just humans! So just… anything with a conscience and soul (that does include plants and allat, btw)
Of course, not everything is run by just these three, they’ve also got some other Helpers to fill in smaller roles, as well as their “children”
The Writers have, as of right now, 7 living children (and 1 “deceased”, but we’ll look into xem later) known as Nightingales.
Birdo has three: Neo, the eldest, and Tali and Novo, who are twins.
Pan has two: Thyme and Speise, with Thyme being slightly older than Speise.
And finally, Crown has two (TECHNICALLYTHREE): Regi, Grimley and Lite (dead :( )
The Nightingales were initially created to help out with the roles of the Writers.
- Neo helps Birdo with the general defenses of The Birdhouse + some general activities
- Tali is in charge of the borders between universes, basically being the weird little creature in the wall between rooms in the house.
- Novo is essentially the multiverse’s garbage disposal and local hazmat suit guy, absorbing rotting universes (we’ll get into those later) before they can infect any others, he has complete control over the Null Space
- Thyme oversees the management and flow of time itself
- Speise oversees the management of space itself
- Regi manages “life” before birth, or beforelife (kinda like the Jerries from Soul)
- Grimley, as opposed to Regi’s job, manages the afterlife (or more specifically, the safe passage to a universe’s respective afterlife)
- Lite, when alive, managed the lives (or lack thereof) of conscient souls (after their death Crown took over this role)
There are also Helpers, who are either:
- Inhabitants of a universe that have been taken out by a Nightingale (normally Neo) and changed both physically and/or mentally to suit the role they have been given.
- Created to suit the role they have been given. These ones are usually much less “human” in many ways, but do still tend to have a touch of humanity to them.
- Examples of Helpers would be: The Therapist, Interviewer, Reporter, Narrator, Cameraman, Gift Giver (hello cjrp community), Delivery Man and the Milkman.
IN-MULTIVERSE UNIVERSES (aka brush-strokes)
Inside the multiverse can be described as nothing other than “organised chaos”
There is an unknown number of universes that are potentially infinite, but nobody really knows. Not even the Writers! (mainly bc I don’t wanna overcomplicate things getting into the probabilities of infinity, so why not make it unknown)
Of course there are alternate universes, however they are a bit separate from other universes.
Let’s picture it like this: Each timeline is a single line headed in one direction. You will not find any AUs on any one timeline, however each AU has its own line/timeline of events.
You can travel across AUs, but it has to be deliberate. You have to be clearly thinking in your head “I want to go to the ___ AU” as you are universe-hopping.
Travelling through universes is surprisingly easy provided you have the right tools/knowledge. Some universes can have a small rip/fracture in reality that allows for easy passage to other universes, others may just need a certain inter-dimensional tool obtained one way or another to universe-hop. A small number may even have just a doorway to the other universe.
If there’s one thing that always happens when travelling, is that the hopper will always AT LEAST catch a glimpse of Tali’s domain (remember what I said about Tali basically being a little creature that lives in your walls?)
Hopping is essentially the equivalent to phasing through your wall to reach another room. Sometimes there are doors to reach the other room as well, but they are EXTREMELY rare. Looking into Tali’s domain is basically the equivalent of briefly seeing the inside of your drywall as you pass through.
Sometimes people may be a little stupid and try to do the universal equivalent of taking a sledgehammer to the wall and breaking it. Using the wall analogy, it doesn’t seem too bad, but this isn’t actually just a wall. It’s the actual confines of reality here, so it doesn’t actually go that well and usually results in all universes affected having to be absorbed by Novo’s Null Space if they aren’t dealt with by Tali and/or Speise soon enough.
If reality is broken beyond repair for one reason or another in a universe, it may start to shatter and break, causing it to become unstable and soon begin to rot. A rotting universe isn’t very good news, as that rot will spread to other stable universes and begin breaking them up too. Fortunately that’s why we have Novo, who manages the rotting universes and absorbs them before they become a liability.
Back to the Nightingales for a moment, they also have some stuff!
In The Birdhouse, there are Proxies of the Nightingales. Proxies don’t do THAT much, they’re basically just representatives for the Nightingales whenever they themselves aren’t there.
Each Nightingale can have up to 3 Proxies (however they usually just keep it at 1) Proxies aren’t mandatory, so some go without having Proxies unless the opportunity strikes. Proxies must be extremely trusted allies of the Nightingales, and must also be members of The Birdhouse only.
Inhabitants tend to get a lot from becoming a Proxy! They get to summon their respective Nightingale on command, are sometimes able to commune with their Nightingale telepathically, and basically earn free protection from some deities.
When Inhabitants find a way to universe-hop easily, they may choose to become something known as a Hopper (so creative, ik), who basically travels the universes for whatever reason they have.
There are also Off-Scripters, who are an EXTREMELY rare group of people/not people who will deviate from the script Birdo has set. They’re generally very annoying to deal with for Birdo, as well as some Helpers such as the Narrator or the Cameraman. These guys are generally extremely self-aware and less serious characters.
There are ALSO also Part-time Off-Scripters, who only SOMETIMES deviate from the script. These guys can be even more annoying for Birdo, because he never knows WHEN they’re gonna fuck shit up for her. They’re also a bit more commonly found than full Off-Scripters, but still very rare.
That’s all I can think of for now! I’ll reblog this with new info or forgotten info over time, but this is the chunk of it :) Also if u have questions feel free to ask
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Good Omens S2E6
(chaotic thoughts as they happen)
here we go I’m ready to cry
“three questions, none of them simple”
I love seeing Crowley in heaven just aesthetically
oh no his heavenly outfit is awful this is the worst (his walk is hilarious tho)
noooo Maggie
I like seeing Azi getting to be intense
the golden snake tattoo!
“I haven’t always been a demon. And they never change their password” why did that make me emotional?
“does what you say make sense in your head?”
aww he’s traumatized from the book fire
an institutional problem
the little shoulder bump
Azi’s hesitancy with the book throwing my little bean
his halo!!!!
Crowley’s so smug I love him
“you came back” the way Azi said that has me tearing up ahhh
the way Beelzebub talks to the fly is so cute
I was not expecting a B and G friendship
are they flirting?
“silly silly angel” “I just found something that mattered more to me than choosing sides” “where Beezlbub is, is my heaven”I love these lines but I wish so much they were from Azi and Crowley instead
saying he always wanted to go there and looking at Aziraphale!!!
“do people ever ask for death?” asdfghjkl
I love the way Crowley is sitting in the chair asdfghjkl
“the day can’t get any weirder”
“an extremely alcoholic breakfast”
awww Crowley wants alone time with Aziraphale
and he’s tidying up the books up for him!!
healthy breakup and relationship conversations with the lesbians!!!
“I say something brilliant he says something unintentionally funny back”
I love Crowley so much. I didn’t think I had a favorite child but I might.
it makes me happy that Muriel likes reading
Azi is so happy that he could bring Crowely to heaven look at his face! I can’t ahhhhh
Aziraphale what happened to OUR SIDE
this scene is so dam good
the noises I made during Crowley’s speech
I saw one image of the kiss a while ago but thought it was an edit and then when this scene started I was like wait a second but part of me still didn’t believe it
I shed actual tears oh my lord I’m actually crying I can’t believe this
how am I supposed to process
“I forgive you” “don’t bother” HOW DARE YOU NIEL GAMIAN
Aziraphel my precious bean don’t cry
I hate that he’s going back to faking being okay with it all
oh my gosh! I just realized that Crowley saying he understands what Azi is offering better than he does is probably at least partially referencing what Gabriel said when casting him into hellfire! he never told him he’s lived with that pain and anger and not told him ahhhh (I mean I can’t confirm this but that’s my thinking at least)
“we call it the second coming” *dramatic music*
*A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square starts playing* me: NO!
how could you do this. how could you end it like this. how could you?
9.7/10 I need season 3 now
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mikkythehamster · 1 year
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I can't stand people saying the "breakup" between crowley and azi was out of nowhere or that is was badly done. BITCH they are the living proof that gays be having breakups without even dating. I LOVE IT! i think it's perfect, neither of them have expressed directly what they want and sure you can say "what about the kiss", well crowley only kissed azi when he was surely to depart, that seems like a desperate declaration rather than a good hearted developed confession and discussion about love. It would have been very cheap if they just solved all their issues with one kiss.
Besides come on, you have been swallowing heterosexual misunderstanding/breakup stories for years and now the gays do it and it's suddenly wrong? shut up. Besides clearly metaton had something to do with azi's mood change, many people have pointed out that metaton can influence people's minds, control and also AZI DOESN'T DRINK COFFEE! and you could say he accepted due to fear of metaton but what if he was counting on that and put something in his coffee? in the scene before the elevator we hear a miracle queue sound and suddenly azi's face change. Other theories point out to OMELAS (oat meal latter with almond syrup) "The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas"  is a 1973 short work of philosophical fiction by American writer Ursula K. Le Guin. With deliberately both vague and vivid descriptions, the narrator depicts a summer festival in the utopian city of Omelas, whose prosperity depends on the perpetual misery of a single child. <-. tho i must admit this was very obscure lmao
Azi was heavily promoted with TEA! i feel it was a weird thing he just accepted coffee like that and how much emphasis they put on the coffee
So idk i feel it was all too in the nose to be just a coincidence personally. BESIDES neil said that this was always had planned to be more than just 2 seasons so honestly if it ended here it would have been shit, like oh just a kiss and its done? NO FUCK THAT. we didn't watch centuries of mutual pinning for it to just suddenly get together like that NO SIR. that would be boring as shit, there is so much more to develop and i am happy with how things ended, i am a sucker for hurt comfort so the next season will truly reveal if i am happy with the story or not cuz so far i am very happy.
idk why you all mad idk man you want fiction to be boring and predictable or characters to not have growth. CROWLEY finally did the first step now they need to develop that romanticism , that human love. they must otherwise its just cheap and easy. Azi didn't say "you move too fast for me crowley" for you to want him marrying him after 1 desperate kiss god damn. anyway i love aziraphale stop slandering him, why do you think this was out of character for him? THIS IS SO IC FOR HIM! (i am only a series watcher i haven't read the book so i will base him off that only). Aziraphale has always had issues verbalizing feelings,needs and understanding underlying wants. What me and my friend call the angelic autism of aziraphale. He won't sit there and take a "there is no nightingales" as a sign that he hurt crowleys feelings and neither can he say i love you too so instead he says i forgive you. It was perfectly in character for him to do and react the way he did. I love them i am very happy personally i am just sad we have to wait so long for another season because ofc you must respect the writers and actors strike and production takes long anyway.
-- edit
if there is one complain i have is that i wanted to see more of beelzebub and gabriel i hope s3 gives us more of them because that i felt it was too quickly resolved i need more.
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Pesadilla Navidad (part 4)
(Part 1) (part 2) (part 3)
The cousins ran out of the room they were just in in response to the emergency that just came up, heading towards the command room. But suddenly the two were stopped by Tlazolteotl and Xochiquetzal.
"Oh! Uh, what are you two doing?" Nota asked after the two goddesses stopped them.
"Your Santa outfits are complete!" Tlaz said. "Can't have you leaving without them!"
"Oh!" Rex said. "Thanks! These are probably good to wear to where we're going."
"They fit you two like a glove! And you look amazing in them too!" Xochi said, proud of her and Tlaz's work.
"Ok, now we gotta leave quick!" Nota said. "Big emergency!"
"Oh well go! Don't let us stop you!" Tlaz told them.
Then the cousins went off to the command room.
At the command room, they met with Da Vinci and they also saw Quetzalcoatl was there too, in her Samba Santa outfit. "There you two are! Wait, what's with the outfits?" Da Vinci asked them.
Rex and Nota were a bit unsure of how to answer. "Oh! Uh, just getting into the Christmas season!" Nota answered.
"We should really focus on the situation tho!" Rex said, trying to move the topic along.
"Right. Let's get to that." Da Vinci responded. On a computer screen, the singularity in question was shown.
What was shown was a dark and gloomy place, almost like a city of some kind. Skeletons and various monsters filled the area. "Aye!" Quetz said, seeing the sight. "It's like a sight straight out of Xibalba!"
"This singularity popped up out of nowhere, located deep in the Yucatan rainforest. What's more, is that it seems all the previous Santas aside from Quetzalcoatl, have gone missing at the same time. Can't be a coincidence" Da Vinci explained to the cousins.
"Welp, can't say we're surprised." Nota commented. "Something bad happens every Christmas."
"What's especially worrisome tho, is that there's a decent chance that whoever is the cause might have the Christmas grail. That kind of power in the wrong hands can't be good." Da Vinci elaborated more.
"I hate how familiar this is sounding." Quetz commented.
"That's why we called you out here, that and you're the only one not taken." Da Vinci said back to Quetz.
"Oh! They don't have the grail tho!" Rex told Da Vinci.
"What? How can you be so sure?" She asked Rex.
Rex then held up that very grail to show the two ladies. "Cause we do." He said.
"Oh! Wait, why do you have it, amor?" Quetzalcoatl asked him.
The two cousins got a bit dejected. Knowing they had to come clean with their plans. "Well, we were kinda planning on being Santa ourselves." Nota said.
"Really? I-is that an option?" Da Vinci had asked.
"Well, don't see why not!" Rex said. "Tho, didn't exactly go through it in the most honest way."
The two girls were definitely disappointed. But the singularity took precedent, so now wasn't the time. "We'll talk about this later. Might as well go through with it. Christmas needs a Santa to stop.this singularity." Da Vinci told them.
Rex and Nota both held the grail together, and suddenly the glow of Christmas magic shined through and they were imbued with the powers of Christmas! They're faces too, had changed. Interesting enough, they had Calavera face paint on now.
The two masters and Quetzalcoatl were rayshifted to the singularity, ready to fix this mess.
Meanwhile in the singularity itself, Nightingale was finally face to face with whoever brought her and the others here.
"Well well well! What do we have here?!" They bellowed out, in a monstrous but distinctly feminine voice. Obsidian black hair sat atop her head, Jade green eyes rested in her sockets. A large ornate purple headdress adorned her head, with a clearly grim motif. The lower half of her face, missing skin only having bone with blade like teeth, that were as red as blood.
Nightingale looked on in shock, also noticing the other Santa servants trapped behind the being confronting her.
"Santa Claus, huh?! Ha! Fat chance!" The monster bellowed out. Her blood red skeletal arm grabbing Nightingale by the hands. "You're joking! You're joking! I can't believe my eyes! You're joking me- you gotta be! This can't be the right guy! She's short! She's British! I can't tell which is worse. I might just split a seam now, if I don't die laughing first!"
"Is this really the time?!" Nightingale yelled out.
The woman let out a sigh before dropping Nightingale on the ground. "Don't you know how to have fun?" She asked. "Well, guess I can't blame you, on account of your current predicament."
"Yes! And I'd really like an explanation as to why you're doing this!" Nightingale demanded.
"Oh I'll give you an explanation!" The beast yelled. "You and your little friends here, are stealing the title of Santa from the only REAL Santa!"
Nightingale was confused at first. "Does she mean Saint Nicholas?" She pondered in her head. But then she noticed some details. The clothing and headdress on the being in front of her was distinctly Mesoamerican, and she saw that Quetzalcoatl wasn't among the other Santas. Then she pieced it together.
"Do you mean Quetzalcoatl?" She asked.
"Bingo! Got it in one, nursey!" The monster responded. "Gotta say, I'm disappointed you'd do this. Always thought you were nicer then that."
"I-I don't understand! Quetzalcoatl gave me the role of Santa as her successor! And she isn't even the original one!" Nightingale tried to explain.
"DON'T YOU LIE TO ME!" The being yelled out. "Quetzalcoatl has always been the one and only Santa Claus! You all are impersonators, trying to steal her glory!"
It was clear to the Head nurse this being was for too stubborn to be convinced. "You're so very devoted to this idea. Who even you?!" She asked.
"Oh me? You can just call me, Miquitzlicoatl" She said in response.
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A/N: oh no! Things aren't looking too good! But I'm sure everything will end well! It always does! Hope you all enjoyed it! Also hope you enjoyed the art accompanying it! Made by the Amazing @/neonjawbone
@hasbbdoneanythingwrong @hasspartacusdoneanythingwrong @haskamadoneanythingwrong @exmeowstic @chaldeamage-neo @hikikomuridesuuu @littleminxthings @madillhethen @hasarjunadoneanythingwrong
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intothegenshinworld · 2 years
I named him Tinuvion (elvish for Son of Twilight) because I thought the name will only appear on like, menus and stuff.
Imagine my surprise when i saw his name in the fucking DIALOG BOX.
That name was supposed to be my personal nickname to you, dumbass! Don’t say it out loud, it embarrasses me!
Now, I personally call him Kocho (japanese for nightingale because haha funni night, gale, wind, anemo?) because he cant keep his mouth shut with his name.
I still call him Tinuvion tho, but only when i’m babying him lol.
It sounds like you really love your Wanderer XD Tinuvion is like your own nickname for him and Kocho is the name everyone uses! Very cute :D
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libidomechanica · 1 month
Untitled (“Bold Lover-like look at meridian heiress or his neither”)
To faint care na by. Two roads sunken     in the falling that he was a poor that erst perfection.     And themselves in spite of beaver hard enough though t     is time may love letters if they call it loving of the     very words; at last doubted
if I strove the unplumb’d, salt-     sweet pastimes thro’ the floors, all rockets first did moue, who are     change dissolved in never- ending dotage to try. And I     might—and break. I feed him flow’d, for as I. I’ll leave both of     us strife; you have seen
the tyranny, and the sibyl’s     den of future doth lie so in lease find no spot where Truth     would learn my sweetly than you list, you love ere my pain disguised     please, nor any wicked man thy song, list while I woo     then, for whom my reached their
contraction, not through Turner’s England,     less fate he may lover’s ear alone in grass never     they are glazed with his life and butter.&For another is     a zero vector existence, save again I would run     as it he country. Her
cheers in their cash, to shield his bow     of gems and could see, sweet pride! Of all the midst the world, and     couple with your worse to say, oh! And past some small pale body     takes, that which the scent from the window and gentle shafts:     there in whom men love my
Dear, my muscles go weak with blushes     for rays of life begun to thee back at merit do     I return rebuked to proper time; whether bar to me.     Heard thro’ all my decay, what my feet. Take Cuckold frae nane,     i’ll borrow Ile wed;
Despair itself so secret bower,     tho’ my head, filled their earnest of a great words so blessed     with deeper crimson lurks in those was vacant or in     parliament that once and living breed of bright erasing nursed     be there, and distrust the
stern. Been content, mission’d her he,     nor having dotage took fire, and should have relish in the     meaning offended may spy the excursive, breath, till you     of more low, mountain-tops with you. You who was kill’d from my     last doubted if I should
be in oil paintersects yet runs     parallel with the shadows wilt weep. And thereby I did     Cupid, and e’en with tears, distill’d of man, and thus may seem’d     quite through ocean and nuptial mirth? The act of the day. Bold     Lover-like look at
meridian heiress or his neither     throat and most true a delicate the milky way, beneath     the evil of mine eyes on his can I saw ten the     sky grew? Interrupted by my translated Hercules     Furens’ into her own
fire, which folly, noises too from     our notion is altogether. Where lives in hear my simple     and hath my life or home to loathed with that bring ye loved     the soft silver-white before that no child is born. What woman     broke then called me for
no esteem.&In a little straight     our Election a wobbling, pass’d in an amber up, close     as with us, it’d break on as Crowner’s initiation,     maybe looks the pageant the pass’d a way! Sits down the     deny it. To take doth
worship thy days, call men’s fruit of     all along time went to me molested. I’d rather     I would come hame alive alone! Where lay an unaverred     yet prodigy, Miss Araminta Smith I mean. I     am the ghost of any
fears the head the Third? And, with     the sky while no nightingales divine by loving fire.     Man prior to whom I long seal’d spell? Such a cardboard guitar,     a map of dangerous guide my head for I had lovely     figur’d, answer that
I find a strange, or at you know     how much grace and sad their pay: and the leaves, love, has think much     phenomena we’ll send ye. Is, is; they’re too weak for my     sake lay on; not blame you doubted, nor power to marry.     Blue eyes first and that may
world is more clear stream of a man     mad all Night banking the little, white fog. In hay. Thou shame     stole the rosemary we leave brought: for oft, when when heart higher     thro’ the cheese and prove the villains! Should trust any     tyranny, and but my name ….
0 notes
fieryhonesty · 4 years
“Eyy, finally I decided to finish my little apology to our boys. Continuation of the “Friend”. This time it’s Diluc and Kaeya! (N-No I’m not lazy to make separate post for them... that’s not it...). Also my wrist is kinda weird lately so to give it a small practice but not overshoot it I wrote these~”
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Words: 453 Genre: fluff, gn!reader
Diluc is a loner. He might tolerate or handle people around him. After all, it would be weird if he couldn't. Considering he is working at his tavern and there are many different patrons every day. And also probably meets with various people simply due to being the Winery owner. 
But whenever he is done with his socialization he will hide from the public. Let out a tired sigh and be himself for a while. Just being Diluc, a young gentleman with a soft spot for his companion. He adores and cherishes those moments. Silently spending a few minutes just with the hawk which sometimes seeks him in the middle of the day. 
At first you didn't understand why Diluc wears a thick coat and gloves. After seeing the bird land on his arm. All you could do is say 'ah' in realization. 
Once Diluc is done with bonding with his hawk he will let it fly away. Observe how it flies high to the sky. Then going to you and spend time together. You got used to it by now and you don't really mind. In fact you are happy for Diluc. As when you can't be there for him, to let his mind rest from his daily life. The bird will do.
Diluc admits it's not the same as embracing you and nuzzling into your neck. But it's sufficient enough until you are done with your things and return back to the Winery.
Sometimes when the hawk seeks Diluc in the middle of the day and you are present. Not only you are able to witness the love between the owner and his pet. But you are encouraged to pet the hawk. At first you were scared it will actually hurt you. But Diluc assured you nothing bad will happen. 
The hawk was avoiding you at first, balancing at Diluc's arm. It was shy to somebody else's touch. Just like its owner, huh?
At some point it lets you touch it's head. Gently pat it, to your surprise it nuzzled into your hand to give it more pats. You giggled and looked at Diluc who smiled. Why the whole time you were thinking the hawk is literally a smaller version of Diluc. Hesitant at first, shy and avoiding and then melting into your touch.
Maybe if you give it enough time it will sometimes seek you too. Better start carrying thick clothes. You wouldn't want to get hurt by its talons which is kind of unavoidable. Just think of it, talking to somebody and suddenly hearing the hawk. Extending your hand and it will land, require a bit of attention and then fly away. Surely your conversing buddy will be shocked!
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Once again I got inspired a bit. But I guess with Diluc it’s obvious what kind of pet he would have. Either his hawk or another turtle like when he was a kid (does this make Kaeya also had the turtle as his pet? or was the turtle before Kaeya was adopted? hmm) 👀 ngl I also had turtles when I was kid. They are so cute 💗
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Words: 483 Genre: fluff, gn!reader
Unlike the other two (Diluc and Xiao) he doesn't really “own” a pet. Nor something seeks his presence. He says he is too busy with his work for the Knights and adoring you. But as you know him, he is probably hiding something.
However when you find out about his occasional feeding sessions of wild foxes at borders with Dragonspine. He has hardly any words for explanation. He is embarrassed as he promised to himself to not really lie to his partner. Unless it's some harmless prank or secret party. He loves you too much for it. 
Sure, he keeps many things for himself. To keep you safe. But he also shares a lot of minor secrets with you. Like how else would you know about secret meeting spots for Treasure Hoarders. Being able to break their illegal plans or know some gossip about certain local merchant who is avoiding taxes. All thanks to your Kaeya.
But now you have caught him in the middle of feeding. The foxes ran away even before you appeared from behind the bushes. He knew about your presence but he had no words to explain. This was the reason why he sometimes came home late. Always giving you an apologetic look. You thought he might be cheating on you. Well cheating with bunch of wild foxes.
You are not sure if it was a mistake or not following him here. As you were extremely curious why would he want to meet up with somebody outside of the city. Well in the end you find out your man is just a big liar and softie. You're gonna act as if you are upset, pressuring him to the corner and feel sorry. He could have told you he was feeding secretly wild animals and you would be fine. Instead of making you worried over nothing. 
At that moment Kaeya realizes his innocent lie actually wasn't so innocent. Next time he will have to think twice before saying or doing anything. But truth to be told he felt a little embarrassed for admitting his fox feeding. He knows he can't have one as a pet, otherwise he would take one home. Spoil it with love just like he does with you.
You can be sure he will try his best to make up for his mistake. Buying you your favorite snack or something else you'd like. Maybe later on if you insist he will share his secret how he became friends with the foxes. Feeding them together, observe from a healthy distance how the berries and meat are slowly disappearing into their tiny tummies. 
Admit it. You like foxes especially now when you can feed them with your beloved. But he better doesn't cause some misunderstanding like this ever again. Would be silly to get into a fight just because he can't admit his soft spot for wild animals.
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I swear finding a pic of Kaeya with some animal was an art itself. From the beginning I was thinking of either a wild wolf (sounds more like Razor being adopted by him but whatever) or a wild fox. I’m so happy somebody actually drew it! I love it~ but I also found so many pics which I’m not sure if search was trolling me. “Kaeya with pet” google search: did you mean Kaeya with cat ears? or Diluc? or both of them?! Now I’m craving for some cat boy Kae or Lulu but idk what to do with it, so yeah. 
Again, if anyone happens to know (or you are) the artist, tell them “I love you and your work”. If you are not ok with me having your art here, hit me up I will remove them 😔
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rucow · 4 years
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I doodled my Dragonborn on my phone a few days ago, he’s blue I’ve been struggling to find a name for him, but it’s difficult since he’s not a typical argonian >_< he’s also just. really big and has a fish mind
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