#dio is it/its core
sweetimpurity · 2 months
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Miguel pulling off your lingerie. Maybe it's your anniversary, his birthday, your wedding night. But it's something special. And he thinks you look like an angel. An angel he wants to ruin. He pulls the lace down your soft warm thighs, pulling the soft mesh over your skin. Then his big hands rest on your knees, spreading your legs with his eyes locked on your glistening heat. For only him to play with, to fill, to soothe, to devour.
Or he'll pull it off with his teeth, warming you up, kissing down your tummy, kissing your hips, your pelvic bones until he's leaving kisses inside your thighs. Getting closer to your aching core. Your fingers in his hair as he teases, threatens you with the promise of sweet release. Eventually.
His face dips between your thighs, planting kisses along the lace covering your perfection. The heat and scent of your arousal filling his senses. Kissing your clit through the fabric, his tongue pressing flat and licking up your clothed slit until his sharp canines prick into the lace, latching on and pulling it back. Like an animal with its favorite plaything. His dark eyes lock onto yours as the panties slip down your thighs, his tongue tasting the fabric between his teeth. Resisting as his eyes want to roll back but he's determined to keep watching your pretty face. Flushed and already so fucked out. So needy. His pretty little bunny.
And when the panties are off, and you're thighs want to close in anticipation, he forces them open, looking you dead in the eyes and delving into your pussy, open mouth wet hot kisses at your core, spreading you with his tongue and slurping naughtily like he's never tasted anything so sweet before. When you squirm, his big hands wrap around your thighs, pulling you right onto his face, not letting you escape, not letting any space between his tongue and your needy hole. "Oh god..." You whine so softly only his sensitive ears could hear. "Oh yes yes yes..."
His growls and groans vibrate in your pussy, providing the most delicious friction and stimulation. "Fuck mami... nunca puedo tener... suficiente de ti..." He mumbles into your heat, his head squeezed between your trembling thighs. Eating you out, drinking you in. "Dios... ah... bella baby..." He gasps for breath, pulling away to breathe although any amount of time not buried in your heat is pure torture.
"Hah... you taste so good baby..." He pants before your fingers tighten in his hair, forcing his face back in. Back into your heat, pressing your thighs together, crossing your legs around his back and hearing him groan and moan, all muffled by your supple flushed flesh. His fingers digging into your hips, sucking and sloshing at your slick. Until he's out of all breath and you're screaming his name.
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harrowharkwife · 9 months
thinking thoughts about how nona was so obsessed with crown, and crown specifically- not coronabeth. crown, with her boots and her cargo pants and her guns and her hair tied back, with all her charm and strength, all her rage and determination.
was that really just nona? or, walk with me here- is there a chance that that was actually alecto, too, bleeding through and rising to the surface?
alecto, seeing a kind of kinship in crown- in this big, tall, strong blonde with a sword strapped to her back, hot and lovely and kind and awful and powerful and perfect. this woman who refuses to give up- on her sister, on saving jody, on BOE's resistance. who's unafraid to throw one hell of a tantrum, if it means being listened to, for once. crown, who everyone thinks of as dumb, who everyone underestimates, who no one ever takes as seriously as they should, even though she's clearly capable of plenty of atrocities in her own right. this woman who's been described over and over again as someone who positively radiates life, and energy, and vitality, and strength. this woman who wanted nothing more than the chance to be herself, to be free, to serve as cavalier and guardian and protector, but was instead sentenced at birth to a life of being a princess and wearing dresses and looking pretty and loving less and staying out of the way and keeping her mouth shut and playing second fiddle to a necromancer obsessed with power and glory. familiar, no? this woman who was betrayed, left behind, left alone, and left utterly in the dark by the one person who's supposed to love her the most- only to then be told that being abandoned was in her best interest, really, for her own safety.
thinking about all the times we've seen ianthe insult crown's intelligence and praise her beauty in the same breath. you big dumb bimbo, what can you do? of all the times we've seen ianthe fussing over crown's appearance. thinking of the sister-lyctor makeover-montage ahead of dios apate minor, and how harrow hated every second of it, and how ianthe treated it like nostalgic second nature. thinking about the third house: fucked-up planet gossip-girl with all its betrayal and espionage and flesh magic and debauchery, three for the gleam of a jewel or a smile. thinking about the pressure that must have come with keeping up the double-necromancer ruse, about ianthe having successfully played the part of two necromancers from the age of six. exactly how much practice must that have taken? thinking about the casual, automatic, possessive, offhanded, violating nature of ianthe playing god and giving harrow a full head of fast-growing hair without asking, without even telling her, just to make harrow prettier, just to piss her off, just because she could. how she did it so easily, and without hesitation, almost as though she's maybe done that sort of thing before.
thinking about preservation. about a perfect body frozen in ice for a myriad, about ianthe spending all her downtime on the mithraeum figuring out how long she can keep an apple core in perfect stasis before the rot sets in.
thinking about corpse puppeting: a deceased world leader here, a trusted cavalier and friend you've known from the cradle there. about i picked you to change, and this is how you repay me? about she took babs. and who even cares about babs? babs! she could have taken me!
thinking about alecto, and hollywood hair barbie, and you have made me a hideousness.
thinking about crown, who's by her own admission boobs and hair and talk and a hell of a swordhand.
thinking about something as simple as stud earrings, and about how much grief ianthe gave her for daring to wear them.
nona loved crown.
something tells me that alecto might, too.
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I think the addition of Tsuwabuki to the plot line of RGU is genius, BUT especially so linking him narratively with Nanami.
Something about... depicting a child who wants to be a prince to protect princesses (the narrative male gender role) with initialy good intentions; and taking that and making him end up looking up to Touga (and everything he represents; The Student Prince) .
Already showing the seeds of the instrumentalisation of his role as a man when stalking Nanami in an extremely creepy way and manipulating her to get on her good graces, even if it DOES put her in danger.
Something about growing up and feeling the despair of seeing the boys you care about in your life (who already had privilege over you as a girl, even if they didn't know how to fully exploit) turn into mysoginistic men...
Seeing this kid who at the very start you think: "well he's still just a child, maybe he won't be like the other men, maybe he'll just be a sweet boy so that Nanami gets some character development and nothing more, a one-episode character and then realize that...no. It's not that he's different from the others, it's that he has yet to be like them.
In Ohtori, Tsuwabuki is a "kid". Really, all of them are. But the show makes a very clear separation between kids before adolescence and teenagers. What's interesting is that, in Utena, the designs of everyone who is at least a teenager support the narrative theme of the adultification they suffer, which is clearer with the younger girls. Nanami and Tsuwabuki have a 3 year age gap, the same as her and her brother. This allows us to really see the disparity between their desires.
Nanami "loves" his brother because she has been brought up to believe that he is to be idolised, the he is HER prince.
Touga wishes to become A Prince (not an Ideal Prince like Dios, for his behaviour clearly tells otherwise; after all, he is following the steps of the "Captured Prince" but that's a story for another day).
And then there's Tsuwabuki, whose core desire is... becoming an adult.
But adults are complicated, especially in Ohtori, for they don't really exist. Ohtori is a corrupted Neverland where its Peter Pan is an adult only when compared to all the children that surround him. For can someone really be considered an adult when they willfully remain inside their own man-made eggshell. Choosing death –for only those who are dead lose any ability to grow up– so long as he remains in control. A chick growing inside their coffin, with no desire to see the outside world. The most childish desire of them all.
But kids look up to their older peers. It's only natural.
AGAIN we see this idea of boys becoming oppressive and learning to use their privilege kinda reprised (or rather, Nanami being once more the reflection) with Dios/Akio and Anthy and Akio and Touga.
How "The prince" ends up manifesting in all boys and men in Ohtori, how his ghost(s) haunt those men both dead and alive. Younger and older men alike...
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anongalactic · 1 year
I feel like there's a lot of fundamental misunderstandings about how hamon and vampires work in jjba, and I think that's so tragic. Hamon has gained the reputation of being just "magic sunlight karate," but it's so much more. Hamon is the energy of life, it's found in the ever rippling motion in everything. It beats in our blood, flows in the waves, shines from the sun, blooms from flowers, the air we breathe. It's intrinsically tied to motion and to life itself. Everyone and everything has hamon, its just that hamon warriors have been trained to harness it.
Jonathan's hamon abilities are so strong from the very beginning because he's so full of love and passion, all for the people and things he cared about so fiercely. What he's channeling isn't the sun, it's life itself. The most painfully symbolic part of hamon as a concept is that it's what ties all living things together. the very nature of human connection is brought from hamon.
Dio failed to ever truly connect with anyone else in life, when he kills someone to drain their blood it is like he's severing that person's love, relationships, their passion for living-- its so much more than just eating a couple prostitutes sometimes. Vampires don't feed on people just because, they drink blood to sustain their hamon. They have to leech the very essence of life, of human love and joy, to keep going because they lacked those things in life. Dio becoming a vampire is just as symbolic as it is literal.
Vampires at their core represent self-sabotaging, bitter, lonely people who refuse to let others in. The only way they can live is by killing others, severing human connection and happiness and love and destroying it with them. They don't get happier themselves, they just destroy.
Vampires are killed by the truth of human connection and passion being blasted straight into their faces. They are born from self-hatred and loneliness, a lust for the peace and happiness that escapes them, a violent urge to destroy what they struggle to obtain. To live is to love, and to be undead is to yearn.
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sepublic · 1 year
No but the way Pucci being Christian is so intertwined with his motives as a villain... He’s every story I’ve heard of the Christian convert who suffered something horrible and senseless, and after drifting through life lost and without a sense of purpose, found hope by believing in God. He’s so many stories of tragedy I’ve seen where people managed to cope by finding peace in the idea that this is all part of God’s divine, incomprehensible plan; It’s fate, it’s his will, and by accepting it they can move on. It’s for a reason, even if they’ll never understand what they’re looking at.
That’s what Heaven is for Pucci; His core trauma is a series of horrific coincidences with no rhyme or reason, and so he latches onto the idea that it’s all part of “his” plan, God and/or DIO’s. That’s why he finds comfort in knowing the future, knowing it’s all in the hands of Fate and removing his own blame and agency, which is why the narrator asks the viewer to judge for ourselves who did wrong, when we see the backstory of Wes, Enrico, and Perla. Pucci made a decision and it backfired horribly, so he doesn’t want to choose anymore.
It’s the way Pucci’s desire to be the messianic hero screws him over and causes tragedy; He’s so devoted to his position as a priest that rather than sabotaging it in order to just tell Perla the truth to her face (thus breaking the rules of the confessional), Pucci relies on this roundabout method so he can have it both ways, only to cause heartbreak and death. Pucci is so desperate to save humanity to make up for his own guilt and failure that he resets the universe, making him the worst kind of evil in his brother’s eyes; One totally oblivious to its nature. Pucci begs to die a martyr from Weather Report and Emporio, rather than just dying here and now.
Ungalo and Rikiel are prepared to die for Pucci once he gives them a sense of purpose to all of the inexplicable misfortune in their lives; Versus is also emboldened by this realization, but chooses to weaponize it for himself. The sons of DIO are people who all went through misfortune their whole lives, they’re ‘children of God’ who find comfort in devoting themselves to something they can actually believe in, that they believe will take care of them in some way; Like many Christians following the path of God, believing Heaven is waiting for them at the end of the tribulation and that it will all be worth it, that it all meant something and mattered and served a cause, like them. 
Pucci and the sons of DIO can no longer bear the pain and uncertainty of moving forward, so they aspire, Pucci especially, for a world where fate will move things along for them. They don’t have to take the first step, especially not Pucci, when Made in Heaven’s reset will compel him and everyone else to do what’s fated, regardless of what they try. 
Pucci fears and admires the courage of the Joestars who are able to step forward and face fate, engage and grapple with it, rather than just blindly accept and surrender in despair. If Diavolo precedes Pucci as someone too resistant of fate, Pucci is the opposite; Someone too resigned to it. Unlike the Joestars who know their fate but can work with what’s written in stone to change the other details. 
It’s why Pucci admires the first human to try a mushroom despite knowing it could kill them; But rather than put in the effort to get up to their level, Pucci would rather everyone stoop to his own, and claims he’s just sparing people noble yet needless pain (He’s only sparing himself by avoiding the reminder that he could and should be braver than this). He says he pities the human who tried a mushroom, adding that they were probably only motivated by hunger and desperation, and had no choice anyway.
I think Pucci is secretly envious of that courage, and that’s why he always downplays it afterwards by suggesting it’s foolishness rather than bravery. Pride, Envy, Wrath... Sloth given his despair, and a bit of Greed with the $800 dollar pants. Then there’s the BDSM vibes of Whitesnake for Lust, all that’s missing is Gluttony, which I guess the cherries and being devoured by the Green Baby account for...?
In all seriousness, Pucci wants guidance; He surrenders himself to God, follows the instructions led by DIO, and relies on Fate to tell him what to do when Made in Heaven resets the universe. Remember that time Pucci got around his brother’s Heavy Weather by removing his sight, and forcing Anasui to guide him? Yeah.
There’s a reason why Whitesnake obsesses with preserving the past, and I think part of it boils down to Pucci being afraid of its counterpart the Future; Which Made in Heaven, not entirely unlike King Crimson, allows Pucci to speed through and glimpse, to get through the worst of it ASAP and lessen the pain. He doesn’t want to accept that sometimes things just… happen.
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pedrisbanana · 2 years
Maybe Gavi fucking reader while she wears his home kit?
Your favourite number is 6...
Enjoy 🍌
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You smiled when you saw the gift on top of the duvet of your bed. 
His new jersey. The golden 6 seemed to sparkle in the sunlight. You were so proud of him, being only 18 but already having LaLiga at his feet. 
Brushing through your tangled strands with your hairbrush you started to think of your boyfriend. He was everything to you. 
After braiding your hair, you moisturized with the body lotion Gavi had gifted you. He loved the smell of rose petal on your skin. Whenever you used it, he left more pecks on your neck than usual, which you enjoyed. 
The thought of Pablo's plush lips made you sigh. They were always rosy and soft, like a pillow. 
He was obsessed with chapstick, always keeping one in the pocket of his jeans. When he was nervous, he often reapplied it over and over again. His lips were your favourite body part of him.
The material of the jersey felt rough against your freshly showered body. It scratched on your  nipples, hardened from the warm Barcelona air flowing through the apartment. 
You turned in front of the mirror, trying to catch at glimpse of what his new number looked like on you.
"Mi vida... dancing around my apartment like that. Dios, me vuelves loco." your boyfriends voice was a melody in your ears.
The short brunette touched your arms, creating deep eye contact. You drowned in his chocolate eyes. It's like you were still freshly in love with him.
"Thank you so much for the nice present" you leaned forward to peck his cheek, purposely teasing. 
Gavi smirked, hands now feeling up your hips to the underside of your breasts. 
"It was rather a gift for me, amor. I'm gonna fuck you in this, so every time I put my jersey on before a match, I will remember you begging me to make you come." 
His words had your panties ruined. 
"I hope so" you sang, leaning into his touch.
"Mmmh I love the way you smell" Gavi's nose buried in your neck, inhaling, lips nipping at the base of your throat. 
You moaned his name as his hand encircled your waist, the other finding its way into your panties. As your hips bucked, you could feel his hardness through his grey sweatpants. Gavi's thumb found your needy clit. 
"Patience, munieca." 
Your hands pushed his shirt up, nails teasing the muscles of his six pack. He let you go, so you could take his shirt off. Gavi gave you no time to admire his fit upper body, because he lifted you up and carried you to the bed. 
"As much as I love your pretty face, I want to see my name on your back while I fuck you, mi hermosa." he said while discarding your panties, throwing them somewhere behind him. 
"How do you want me to move ?" you asked, biting your lip. 
Your boyfriend moved beside you, hands on your hips. His lips once again finding your cheek and neck. 
"Take my cock, facing the mirror. I know you love seeing how much of a slut you are for me." 
With a quick slap on your ass, he got comfortable leaning against the pillows. You watched as he removed his sweatpants, erection slapping against his stomach. The sight had your core pulsing and clenching. 
Gavi stroked himself slowly, using his precum as lubricant to prepare for you. He called your name, patting his thigh. 
Your wetness stained your inner thighs as you crawled over to him. The midfielder helped you settle on his muscular thighs, guiding his cock inside of you. 
He felt so deep from this angle, your back to his chest, his breath in your neck. You thought you could feel his heartbeat.
One of his hands found your breasts under the striped shirt, teasing and pulling at the nipples. The other hand cupping you in between your legs, his thumb continued drawing circles on your most sensitive spot. 
Putting your weight forward, you started to move your hips, earning a hiss from Gavi. 
"You feel so big. I can barely take it." you moaned, seeing yourself moving up and down your boyfriends dick, made you clench. 
Gavi started to meet your movements. His fingers played you like an instrument, building up the anticipated pressure in your lower stomach. 
"You're mine, mi amor." The hand stimulating your breast left and you felt Pablo redraw the letters of his nickname on your back. "Forever"
Turning your head, trying to look at him, he kissed you feverishly. This made you clench even harder, moaning his name into his mouth. You came, riding your orgasm out on his manhood. 
Gavi watched you enjoy yourself on him, circling your pulsing clit, while you leaned your head on his shoulder. He was about to guide your hips again, when you stopped him. 
Slowly removing his still hard length from your pussy, you turned around. Your tongue darted out to lick your arousal from his shaft to his tip. 
The groan he let out, encouraged you to take him between your lips. Puckering them to a tight ring around him, you slowly dragged them down, taking him further in your mouth. 
His hand tangled in your hair, hips thrusting up to meet your mouth. Gavi groaned inaudible spanish mixed with your name. Your hand took a handful of his balls and massaged them. 
Seeing you wearing his name and newly assigned number, while drooling all over his cook, sucking him greedily, sent Gavi over the edge. He held your head down, so you'd swallow everything he would give you. 
Your face was flushed and lips swollen. Pablo reached out and wiped remains of his cum from the corner of your mouth. 
"I think you need another shower, amor." your sweet boyfriend helped you take his now sweaty jersey off. 
"Will you help me ? I think I'm a little sore." you confessed, pulling the hem of the shirt to cover up. 
Gavi pecked your lips, pulling you into a warming hug. He was ever so loving and passionate.
"Of course, I'll spoil my princesa all she wants." 
With that he helped you get up and you two tapped to the shower. 
You never wanted Gavi to let you go.
A/N: Y'all gonna hate me for this but Gavi 9 >>> Gavi 6
He's just too cute for a 6.
I love Possession kink tropes yay. Leave me some love 🍌
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highdio · 5 months
Hi, since I haven't seen you say anything on this subject yet... What do you think about Dio's portrayal in the Phantom Blood musical? Imo its pretty OOC, probably even the most OOC portrayal of him, only rivaling CDDH. In Over Heaven you could at least ignore the noncanon shit (like him totally not meaning to turn into vampire when taking that mask to confront Jojo with him and seeing its effects on those drunks beforehand) by headcanoning that he either has gone completely schizo or is trying to manipulate Pucci (assumed trusted friend reader). But in the musical he is just so completely EMO its unreal. Tragic broken villain #1000 who is haunted by his past (Dario cPTSD) - you just can't get any less "Dio" than this! This is literally the opposite of his character. Even in aforementioned OH he admits that dwelling on the past is OOC and new for him, here on the other hand it's pretty much the core of his character (although it can be argued that Dio is heavily influenced by his past and his bitterness towards it, but he never dwells on it or even thinks about it for that matter). Why does every noncanon portrayal of Dio just has to be so off the mark :(?
PS: and OF COURSE normies are praising it as much deeper and non-onedimensional (unlike the icky canon) Dio's characterisation, eugh. They literally think that only the characters they can sympathise with are "3d".
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This take is valid and it'd be a crime to add to it.
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1ovede1uxe · 9 months
intermission┊ ┊⋆ beyond the stars
synopsis - you've been sent to join the joestar crew on their mission to defeat dio by... dio? y/n is an undercover stand user who joins the sdc to report back to dio their findings and notes about their stands, up until a few moral dilemmas get in the way of your original mission.
ch synopsis - (y/n)'s mom (lore)
tw // mention of dead bodies, kidnapping, violence, knives
(m/n) = mothers name, (l/n) = last name, (f/n) = father’s name
(m/n) (l/n) was a caring and compassionate woman. It’s no wonder her daughter had been raised to be the same. Having a kind daugher who would always care just as much as she did was something she was always very grateful for. Until they went to Egypt, about two years ago.
It was like time had stopped for a moment, as she had no recollection, but she was suddenly inside a dark room, lit by the dim glow of candles and carried the aroma of incense. As her eyes adjusted to the room she could make out bookshelves and vases and a mound of bodies by a grand, canopied bed.
Surrounded by flickering candles and incense, (m/n)'s eyes adjusted to the eerie sight. She made out bookshelves and vases, and near a grand bed lay a chilling scene—a pile of lifeless bodies, drained and pale.
“Ah, you’ve awakened,” a smooth, deep voice mused from the shadows. Mary snapped her head toward the voice, meeting two red, pale, glowing eyes. “Who are you? Where am I?” she questioned sternly, confidently concealing her fear. (m/n) was fierce and formidable, yet this encounter shook her to the core.
Dio, perched on his raised bed, watched her approach with unexpected courage. “Hm, interesting,” he remarked. Standing and towering over her, Dio exuded cruelty. “Where am I?” Mary asked again, her voice just slightly trembling. Dio seized her by the throat and lifted her effortlessly.
“Despite being so physically weak, you don't totally cower. Your mental fortitude could have been useful, but alas, I know the fate the arrow shall bestow you. Unfortunate, woman.” Dio’s smooth voice echoed in her ears as he delivered his chilling verdict, leaving (m/n) reeling, his voice ringing in her head.
The door slammed open. It was her lovely daughter (y/n). (M/n) wanted to yelp a warning, but Dio’s grasp on her throat prevented such.
No, please. Please get out of here. (m/n) thought.
“I don't know who or what you are, but take me instead. Do what you want, but release my mother, so help me God,” (Y/n) declared, seemingly without a care in the world. Despite her bold words, (Y/n) cared more than anything. She didn’t fully understand the situation, but she was determined to protect her mother at any cost.
After the arrow reacted for Dio as this girl approached, he decided he'd follow her command. A deep chuckle echoed through the room.
“Fine, as you wish.”
(M/n) didn’t remember much until after she was home in the states and a bit into therapy. So, almost two years later, she sat at the table, eating breakfast with her husband. A long, difficult, train of thought had finally reached its station for (m/n).
“(f/n), I’m going back for (y/n). I think she’s still alive.”
“It’s been what, two years? how could you know?”
“I just feel it.”
“I don’t think you should. You know I loved our daughter but she’s been gone for almost two years and...”
(m/n) blocked out everything her husband said after that. She loved him and valued his opinion, she really did. To her, there’s nothing stronger than mother’s instinct. And so in the wee hours of the morning, she boarded a plane to Cairo. She sent a final text before the plane had taken off.
(f/n), this is nothing against you, but I know our (y/n) is out there. I’ll be back soon hopefully. I love you very very much.
Upon landing, (m/n) almost was brought to tears. It was hard to stand where she stood coming out of the airport, and to see the city that had taken her everything from her. Eyes glossed over in tears, she remembered the name of the road the wretched mansion had been on. Taking her stroll, she passed the crossroad she was taken from. Before crossing the street, she lingered there for a moment.
She’s still alive, I know it, it’s like I can feel the presence of her lingering.
Looking up, she knocked back the last of her water and finally crossed. Arriving in front of the massive structure that was Dio’s mansion, she went over her plan in her head.
Enter the building, take out knife, find that room, stab him, ask him about (y/n). If he doesn’t answer and dies, find a right hand man and ask about (y/n).
A hawk cried from above, distracting (m/n). The sun shined in her eyes as she saw the bird’s silhouette circle. The gates opened. “Mrs. (l/n).” Vanilla Ice was the one to greet at the door. “Who are you? How do you know me?”
“Don’t you remember? I dragged you out of here the last time.” Ice replied. “I don’t know why Lord Dio wanted you out and alive, and I must say, you’re a bit foolish to want to step back here. You’ve practically sealed your fate.” (M/n) stepped through the door and it shut permanently behind her. Dio waited atop the stairs in this corridor. “Lovely to see you again.” His smooth voice rang around the hall. The all too familiar feeling made (M/n) shake in her knees. “Where’s my daughter?”
“Please, have a seat,” Dio nodded towards a leather couch. Discomforted by his unnaturally calm demeanor, (M/n) hesitated and chose to remain standing. She felt as if she were grappling with a snake—Dio was enigmatic and appeared passive, yet the threat of his unpredictability lingered.
Trying to suppress her anxiety, she asked again, more firmly this time, “Where is my daughter?”
“Your lovely (Y/n) is a remarkably talented woman, in many ways, she has gifts that few bring to the table.” Dio smirked. He took pleasure in witnessing her struggle and agitation, finding entertainment in her distress. “However, I've sent her to work for me with the assurance that you will never come to harm.”
“So she is alive?”
“Very much so, and now with you here…”
Time seemed to freeze as (M/n) found herself transported to a stark, dimly lit room deep within Dio's mansion. The air was heavy with the scent of damp stone and decay, and the walls were lined with chains . Through a small, barred window, shafts of pale light illuminated the cold, stone floor. A dungeon. Wonderful.
Dio's chilling gaze bore into her from across the room. “I trust my henchwoman will remain loyal,” he cackled, his voice echoing off the ancient walls.
Later, Dio fumbled with his phone, attempting to send a message. Suddenly realizing he didn’t know the contact name, he bellowed, “MARIAH!”
Your phone went off.
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oooh mom lore. dio is ooc i feel still, I’m doing my best to write him better, but I just wanted to get this out. I return to uni tomorrow, and I really don’t want to bc that means I’ll be writing and relaxing less. Taglist is open!
taglist: @kerto-p
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honestsycrets · 1 year
WIP Wednesday: La Rata
❛ sy's notes | soulmate au; i also have enfocate ii, a dv piece, pregnancy piece, and a sex worker au in the docs but i haven't picked which I'll finish first.
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Miguel never believed in soulmates.
Or, he shouldn’t believe in soulmates. The principle presented in movies he was forced to watch with Lyla suggested they always had a happy ending. Miguel knew it wasn’t the case. For some soulmates, their love could be catastrophic. That was the one that appealed to him above all others: the chaos of it all. He prefers to view soulmates as just that. Time brief, love savored, lives lost. That was the fate of love that ran so hot.
That was what it would mean to love you.
He felt that accursed pull the moment Gwen brought you into his lab. Your laughter rang through his ear like a distant memory. Your voice trilled with the lightest lilt; when it dropped, he longed to hear it again. His face fell, his normally unmoved face drawing into abject horror at the sound of your soft laughter. A memory that isn’t entirely his flashes through his memory.
“Ay, ay, ay, por dios mi amor, don’t just laugh, do something!”
“Gabi,” you giggled on your tippy toes, peeling her tiny fists that were iron clad on his thick brown hair, “Mami, don’t pull your papa’s hair.”
“Miguel! This is--” he glanced. He just took one shocking glance over his shoulder. He wished he hadn’t. Your name tumbled from his lips, the mistake of mistakes. Even without knowing him, you felt that connection. Instant and terrible.
“Rata,” the words came out in a slight puff of his lips as he turned back around, the word hurting him as much as he said it. You couldn’t believe it. “Get out.”
“Miguel--” Gwen intervenes. You hold your hand up to stop her.
“Rata? Miguel, I don’t-- I’ve never even spoken to you.”
His name from your lips-- gorgeous, beautiful, light-- the universe was conspiring against him. He wants nothing more but to explain. But he knows you, understands you. In every universe, you want to love him, because you believe in the beauty of love. That even if Miguel wanted to protect you, you would never ever let him. It went against your core belief in choice-- as if it existed. How stupid that was.
He grasped the closest monitor, ripped it out of its place, and chucked it. It crashed into the floor with a terrible mechanic bounce, thwack, thwack, thwack. You jerked out of the way, onto the wall, your fingers holding you steady.
What is wrong with him? Gwen didn’t know.
“I said get out!”
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pansyfilia · 2 months
welcome to my blog!!
you can call me pansy or rina (she/her)
fandom list
greek mythology/epic the musical (save me penelope save me)
the marauders
dungeon meshi my beloveds
tma (currently on s2 so NO SPOILERS
i have like one thg post so yk... it was for an au who am i kidding
my ao3 is @green_starss, where i have a few odypen fics brewing
and ive got a bit of an organising system which is pretty ridiculous soooo
"the little white maggot tag" is just generally rosier twins/ pandora/ evan, whatever really
"the wild hyena at the door tag" is all things barty crouch jr, gay twink and mcr enjoyer
"the scarlet fox tag" is the woman, the MILF, the legend lily evans (she ate btw)
"the magician's rabbit tag" is mary macdonald <333333
"my weaver wife" is PENELOPE OF SPARTA yes i do know she is ody's wife and i would never dream of taking her from him (im stealing her from him respectfully as we speak)
"the green mamba that bites" is dorcas meadowes (we love a mean queen)
"the black cat that haunts" is regulus black, wet dog man and also brother's best friend survivor
"the lovegood moths tag" is essentially the lovegood family, pandora, xeno and luna
"the island and his freshwater pearl" is just odypen, pretty much the only straight pairing on here
" the two rabid beasts" is bartylily (essentially emo/preppy at core)
"the rotting hyena tag" is rosekiller (tee hee)
"the bunny corpse" is my marydora stuff
"pansy's aus" is what it says on the can
"ask pansy anything" basic comprehension skills yall
"pansy rambles" essentially the same vein, see above, etc
I think???? i have an au list somewhere in here so ill put it on here as well
odyssey thg au, where ody and polites go into a war-torn arena and only one returns home (alr a wip)
odyssey modern au, where ody is enlisted in the war and needs to get OUT. dio actually pops in and checks in on him from time to time and calypso is just a super weird flight attendant
odyssey lotr au, following the whole arawen/odypen parallels that have me gripped atm (and also penelopes half divine side as well because the POTENTIAL aghh) jsyk legolas and gimli are perimedes and elpenor :))))))
idk why but like odyssey roleswap au, where eury and ody stay at home while their wives are away on pilgrimage or wtv the equiv is in ancient greece and circe and calypso r just super hot evil minor gods. OMG WAIT tiresias is the same but its his cursed-by-hera woman form (long story, will explain in a later post)
iliad/odyssey college au where theyre all just here and there and also everyone who dies either gets sent away or yk runs away from the shitty ass ilium university (helen is the art major queen and calypso stalks ody which we love/hate)
THE ILIAD/ODYSSEY RENAISSANCE COURT AU which isnt realy plot,,, its just fluff and fake dating and secret dating and also lady thetis who hates her sons prince consort patroclus and theres rlly just a lot of love and drama
[self-indulgent one comin in hot] single parent ody with calypso's kids nausithous and nausinous who has penelope as his kids' babysitter (not canon timeline-complicit bc who needs that shitfaced angst blast)
and ofc a hogwarts au just for funzies
just tag me on either ao3 or on here if u use these!
anyways,,, have fun! pls enjoy my half-asleep crazes
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baravaggio · 4 months
jojos related q for u. im trying to make my partner watch enough jjba that they can understand why its iconic without making them sit thru too much of the. like. the chaff. i think im gonna make them watch all of diamond is unbreakable but .i wanna give them like an abbreviated stardust crusaders experience first. i just dont wanna do all 48 episodes... do u have a short list of fav stardust episodes id be delighted to have em. feel free 2 ignore u just have good taste & like jojo so i figured id ask
yayy okay so it's been a while since I watched stardust crusaders, but here's the ones I'd go with for an abbreviated experience:
episodes 1-5 - introduces the main cast, gives a feel for stands and how they work
the emperor and the hanged man pt 1-2 (ep 10-11) - polnareff action, avdol's "death"
the lovers pt 1-2 (ep 16-17) - steely dan fight, not plot essential but he's one of my favorite of the part's antagonists and his stand off with jotaro is so fun to watch
judgment pt 1-2 (ep 21-21) - cameo fight, avdol's return, group pissing
iggy the fool and geb's n'doul pt 1-2 (ep 25-26) - introduces iggy, n'doul's a great antagonist, the fight is a highlight of the part for me
bastet's mariah pt 1-2 (ep 30-31) - one of the funnier fights, and mariah fujos out
d'arby the gambler pt 1-2 (34-35) - some of the best drama in the part and helps set the stage for the other d'arby fight
episodes 38-48, with the dio's world arc best watched while drunk or deliriously tired
may want to sprinkle in some more of your other faves if you've got any but I think these are enough to set the tone for the core parts of the part/series. and of course make sure they get a taste of each op/ed, including the time stop one! 😌
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pyreofsunflowers · 1 year
jupiter family media taste hcs
this is stupid but idrc. my blog.
David listens to like, classic 90s rock. Nirvana, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Radiohead, Smashing Pumpkins - that whole lot. He also really likes classic, OG 80s metal (metallica, judas priest, dio, etc.). He developed his music taste from 95 to 99 and never really got into stuff after that. Hes a grumpy old man about his music and will never stray from his ol reliable stack of dusty CDs. Where he's a grandpa about his music though, this man will watch basically any movie that comes out and say "that was pretty good" in his opinion cinema peaked with 2001 a Space Odyssey and Saving Private Ryan. Hal tried to show him Akira or Ghost in the Shell and he got wayyyyyy confused. He doesn't really watch TV other than blankly staring at history channel and animal planet "documentaries" and manly man reality TV shows when there's nothing better to do
Hal has a really eclectic collection of music that is constantly changing. However the most common thread of music he likes is 80s New Wave and synth - The Smiths, The Cure, Depeche Mode, Joy Division, Duran Duran. That kinda stuff. However his playlist went on to be full of vocaloid songs, neo-synthwave, break core and he got into more experimental stuff as he got older (even then he never fully dug deep, just started listening to Bjork and Kate Bush yk?) He also loves soundtracks and *loves* lofi hip hop. We already basically know Hal's taste in movies/tv so instead im gonna say his favorite anime movie is Akira, his favorite non-anime movie is Brazil and if you ask him his favorite anime he'll go on and on and on about a super obscure mecha anime from the 80s. I think hes a massive cinephile and huge nerd about his movies and shows but it's literally only for anime and sci fi and occasionally action stuff. Ask him about the complexities of Apocalypse Now or the symbolism in Blue Velvet and he'll just give you a blank stare.
Sunny ended up with like. The weirdest combination of her parents tastes. She LOVESSSSS vocaloid and LOVESSSS anime but in a tweenager in the mid 2010s way you know. This girl was in the Black Butler, Attack on Titan, Fairy Tale, Soul Eater TRENCHES. She also got into a lot of alt music but it was. you know. Fall Out Boy and Panic at the Disco and baby's first alt band stuff. What a crazy lil gal.
Raiden was a nu-metal kid big time. He was always bumping Korn and Slipknot and System of a Down. He was also really into 90s industrial like Rammstein, Nine Inch Nails, and KMFDM. He kinda grew out of this but not really, just mellowed out and got into more 'mainstream' alt like Radiohead and Elliot Smith. As we know, Raiden is a canonical filmbro (getting into fights with random women about pointless details in movies). I think he lovessssss neo noir and crime thrillers. Anything dark and gritty he just adores. Taxi Driver, Fight Club, Fallen Angels, Clockwork Orange, Crash, Prisoners <- whatevere this genre is he just eats that shit up. Hes a total snob, but not like. In a french film school way in a over 500 entries on letterboxd way. He's subscribed to like evry major movie review channel and it's impossible to take him out to any kinoplex because he just starts ranting on the state of modern cinema. He still maintains this snobbery and its only gotten worse lmao
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robogalaxies · 1 year
so, why IS introduction hol horse such an asshole in comparison to his further characterization? : a theory
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so, hello 👋 welcome to a theory i have and have had for a bit. i apologize for it being so long, but there's a LOT to be said!
as someone who prides themselves on overanalyzing hol horse, i have used all my brain power to come up with a theory that accurately describes just WHY intro hol feels so ... out of place.
hol horse is a man who, while a coward, is true to his heart & true to his core. he is a gentleman to the ladies, so much so that it becomes a cardinal trait within most of his appearances - hol horse is ALWAYS gonna love women & respect the ladies. this is in both SDC and CDDH (which we will be using as evidence despite its non-canon status as it is a prominent characterization & builds upon what is already in canon.)
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but if we look back at the Emperor and Hanged Man arc, where hol horse is first introduced, we get a different picture. he
works directly with a man known to be a predator towards women & girls
says he talks up women so they'll die for him
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yet, in comparison, aside from the obvious and easily joked about "i respect all women" rant in the hol & boingo arc, CDDH shows hol as someone who has a strong moral code when it comes to women.
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in fact, there is an extremely important SDC hol horse flashback that reveals he saves multiple women who were victims after his attempt to kill DIO.
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it's just... it's just odd. if he truly is a secretly gold hearted man who cares, why would he treat women like garbage and use them as bait to save his own life? why would be more threatening and full of himself if every further appearance just erases it & never mentions it again... 🤔
well, let's begin our theory with the fact that it seems DIO, all this time, never really trusted hol horse, calling him pathetic and wondering when "he'll do something on his own for him" even after he had "killed" avdol.
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so DIO does what DIO does when he wants someone to work for them BUT doesn't trust them as easily. Hol's just in it for the money & the riches, right? he's a valuable ally, but not as committed to the cause as DIO feels he should be... but I digress...
let's note that in Hol Horse's first appearances in Emperor & Hanged Man, we never get a peek at his forehead - his hat masks it.
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this is in comparison to getting to see it in the Justice & Hol and Boingo arcs.
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so we're left with DIO not trusting a minion, a deliberate covering of the forehead, and a personality that contradicts further & more consistent characterization later on in SDC and — wait.
haven't we .... seen this before?
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and wasn't hol horse supposed to be a crusader at some point, much like Polnareff and Kakyoin?
and haven't we learned that DIO implants the buds to keep those he doesn't trust in line? if hol horse did something that brought back DIO'S trust in him (say, killing a member of the Joestar Party), DIO would KNOW he was committed and loyal to him, proving himself...and thus, no more need to control him.
no more need for a fleshbud, even if he disappoints him afterward.
and no more need for hol horse to act more evil, more manipulative, and more forgiving of disgusting crimes against women he'd never forgive otherwise.
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cleave-and-plough · 11 months
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what a warped episode, huh? the black rose arc seems to come to a close, the whole thing seemingly orchestrated by akio, using anthy as a false mamiya. some questions are answered, but many more are raised as nemuro dissipates and akio solidifies his place as the power behind the scenes.
down to the final black rose and unable to find a way to defeat utena head on, souji redoubles his efforts to recruit her into the seminar, unromantically confessing to feelings for her and posing himself as a savior - someone with the genius and resources to help her and her friends out of any trouble. utena considers; she's usually able to get herself out of any scrapes, but there is someone dear to her who seems powerless. dreaming of her time in the coffin after her parents' death, utena wakes in a dim room, the tv playing static, anthy's hand entwined in hers. a transference occurs in this ghostly, liminal space - utena recognizing her past helplessness in anthy and that sometimes outside help is needed.
meanwhile, souji experiences his own transposition, seeing utena as tokiko and substituting her in utena's place. it's an uncanny moment that foreshadows the strangeness to come. as the end approaches, he coldly dismisses his secretary, who notably resembles tokiko, and her comment that she can "finally let her hair down" seems pointedly loaded. untethering himself from his worldly connections, he floats between the present and the past over an unending banquet table, remembering how he refused the lab boys' duel challenges once his work had finished. mamiya appears at his bedside, bringing flowers as if to a funeral, and questions his opening of the arena and castle. knowledge of the arena's existence seems to instill the academics with the belief that eternity will be attainable by the champion duelist. suddenly, mamiya changes tone. "don't you want the power to revolutionize the world?.... i want... eternity."
until now, it had seemed mamiya was reluctant to be preserved like the roses in tokiko's garden, but his strong words now spur souji into action. in the memorial hall, as utena beholds the portraits of the black rose duelists, he confesses to her yet again, this time as both the architect of the black rose and tokiko's would-be lover. but, he argues, utena and the other black rose duelists aren't so different, are they? at their core, they are bound to their most precious memories, have based their lives upon them, and are willing to fight for them. and fight utena will, punching souji and pinning him to the ground for daring to equate them. he smiles, acknowledging her memories must be very precious indeed. he's not entirely wrong, which is what angers utena, but he does seem to make a key misapprehension - utena doesn't wish to live in the past, she looks towards the future. her childhood experience of pain and salvation is something that she draws strength from, but it isn't something she wants to eternalize. nevertheless, she can't allow souji to continue his schemes, which have threatened her friends and endangered anthy, so she formally challenges him to bring an end to all this.
collapsed in the elevator, souji has a vision of the past, extending his funeral-like air from earlier into something like his dying words. visited by mamiya's spirit, he accepts that dueling utena is his last hope, as she is closest to the power of dios. and yet, there is some relief in this desperation, as he feels he has been reunited with tokiko - perhaps, to die by her sword is its own kind of eternity. somehow, the spirit of mamiya hands him the final black rose, allowing him to call forth a sword that looks strikingly like the sword of dios.
the duel begins amid a sea of photographs of tokiko and mamiya. souji continues his psychological warfare, drawing parallels between himself and utena and claiming that their lives were both changed by a special person in their past. this, he says, is why they can enter the arena - their lives are built on an elusive memory. utena rejects his comparisons as mere manipulation, and souji begins to falter more and more. his shoulder wound ails him, he slashes the photo, and, most damningly, he fails to realize anthy's deceit in the duel's final moments. hearing "mamiya's" voice in the arena, he becomes lucid for a scant few seconds before his rose is severed, his last sight the true image of mamiya.
akio takes a phone call. calmly, he reveals everything to souji. nemuro's regrets over tokiko froze him in time, and mamiya passed away long ago. akio used this to some advantage, but no longer. "the path you must take is not prepared for you. now graduate from this place." and with that, just as all the black rose duelists lost their memories of the black rose, so too does ohtori lose its memory of professor nemuro. the hall he had rebuilt in his memories lies derelict and forgotten. "he was never really here," akio says, sounding very like the end of the world. "just like you." anthy turns to face him, smiling.
reflecting on nemuro's last moments and his life of regret, i thought of the lyrics to "komm, süsser tod” from end of evangelion:
i wish that i could turn back time 'cause now the guilt is all mine can't live without the trust from those you love i know we can't forget the past you can't forget love and pride because of that, it's killing me inside
i'll never love again my world is ending
stray thoughts:
during the duel, souji's style seems to mimic past duelists' techniques, just as the black rose duelists' imitated those of their swords' sources. i noted saionji's sweeping horizontal slash and juri's footwork - i'm sure there are other connections to be made.
the silhouettes depict a father missing the golden days of his youth, which have been replaced by the challenges of adult life. to recapture that glory, he attempts to re-enter high school, just as nemuro reinvented himself as the student mikage souji to remain at ohtori.
the use of the word "graduate" seems significant, extending the metaphor of the school as purgatory, and begs the question of what (adult) life outside the school is like. the staff don't seem to be a viable source of information, and the only visitors have either been transfer students or tokiko herself (and nemuro, at first). perhaps kanae, hoping to advance in life, realized that akio would always be "in school" and misdirected her frustration towards anthy.
i look forward to learning more about the nature of the school and how the saga of nemuro aided akio's plans, especially given that utena doesn't seem to remember the experience - what role will the black rose come to serve in all this?
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voyurism and exhibitionsm: DIO x f!reader
You threw your arms down
“Why would I care if someone saw me like this?! It’s just a stupid dress!”
“Lord DIO wouldn’t like it very much that’s all I’m saying..” vanilla ice admitted
“So? Its not like I’m naked and you’re just watching me walk around!”
“It isn’t my choice, please put this on.”
“No!” You slapped the clothing out of his hand and walked out of the door
You ran into someone, he was very tall and felt cold..
“You don’t care?” The man tilted your chin up to look at him
“D-DIO… im Sorry I didn’t- i-“
“How dirty, y/n..”
“I’m sorry Lord DIO.” You looked away
“How about I let you apologize in another way.. possibly later tonight, the moon is beautiful and I would love to see you undressed under it.. the light is just beautiful in my room~”
“Your.. room?”
DIO hummed “yes, my room.. won’t you join me?”
You nodded as he let go of your chin.
“Good girl.” He walked away and let you stare at his exposed skin. The way the dim light moved around him.. the way his hair flowed. He was perfect, it was an honor to serve him in any way
The time came. Vanilla ice helped you get ready.
“Lord DIO.. she’s ready for you.” You Vanilla ice told him
“Bring her in.” He began to walk away until the man’s voice tore the silence “vanilla ice.”
“Yes, Lord DIO?” He turned around
“Make sure you all see.”
The man nodded and left to get you.
You entered the room
“Sit y/n.”
You sat down next to him
“Yes, DIO?..”
“You’ve been a very bad girl. You know you’re supposed to listen to Vanilla Ice. He know best. That’s why I have him watch over you when I can’t.”
You nodded
His cold hands made their way up your shirt to play with your nipples
You whimpered at the man’s touch
“What more do you want from me, y/n? I give you everything you want as you still misbehave. Why?”
“I- I don’t know Lord D-DIO..”
His mouth made its way to you neck, biting at it and leaving a small pool of blood
DIOs minions watched in awe as they peeped through the door
“Lay down Y/n.”
You did what he told and waited
He slid two fingers up your wet folds
“Wet already? You must like this..”
You nodded as you let out a small moan
He slid the two fingers into your wet hole and started to pump them in and out
You moaned as he continued to do this
“Will you be able to take me?”
“Yes, please DIO! Please fuck me..!”
He chuckled as he undid his pants, his cock springing forward. He pushed the head of his cock into your hole
“Too big?” He hummed as he leaned down into your neck
“Just.. go slow..”
“Slow? You think I’ll go slow after you disobeyed me?” He laughed “yeah right.” He thrusted into your core, blood began to seep out of your hole.
“Vanilla Ice! Get out here!”
The man walked from behind the door and stood at the side of the bed as DIO began pounding into you. Your walls contracting
“Filthy! It’s almost as if she likes being watched.”
Your eyes made contact with Vanilla ice’s as you moaned out DIO’s name.
“Go harder Lord DIO. show her that you are in charge.”
You begged him not to which made him want to do it even more!
DIO began pulling your hips into his at a vigorous pace. Your knuckles turned white as you gripped the sheets
You moaned out his name as you reached your orgasm, clenching around his cock
“Fill her Lord DIO!”
“I will Vanilla Ice!” DIO gripped your hips as he slammed you into his hips once more, cumming and painting your walls white with his semen.
“Next time listen.” The man got up and fixed himself, leaving you there as he and his minions left
Buy me a Kofi! ☕️
Definitely not required but they do help:)
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hellpastel · 2 years
RGU and the American Romanticism movement
“If it cannot break out of its shell, the chick will die without being born. We are the chick, the world is our egg. If we don't crack the world's shell, we will die without being born. Smash the world's shell, for the revolution of the world!” Is the speech given at the beginning of every single student council meeting in Revolutionary Girl Utena By Kunihiko Ikuhara is a surrealist shoujo anime from 1997. Now you may be wondering what an anime from 1997 has to do with the American Romanticism movement, but I argue by examining other romantic texts that Revolutionary Girl Utena would fit the ideals that formed the Romantic movement perfectly. The series is a deconstruction of fairytale tropes and analyzes how institutions are built to hurt and take advantage of through the lens of princes and princesses as well as through how the school setting shapes people to recreate and continue the ideals of the institution.
“Young Goodman Brown” by Nathaniel Hawthorne is a short story about the danger of laying all or your core beliefs onto one single thing will ultimately be your own undoing when this world view is contradicted. When Goodman Brown’s perception of everyone around him that has been built up by the image the church portrays is contradicted on his walk he is unable to cope and ultimately “his dying hour was an hour of gloom.” (Hawthorne). In Revolutionary Girl Utena the titular character has built her identity up through acting the role of a fairytale prince, and when some mishaps happen and she accidentally gets herself entangled within a dueling system where the winner becomes engaged to a girl named Anthy Himemiya who has this power to “revolutionize the world” she is at first very against this system, but once she learns that if she loses someone else who might not treat Anthy as kindly as her will be engaged if she drops out she decides she has no choice to continue and eventually she ties being the victor of these duels to her princely identity. Then in episode ten she loses and her sense of self is shattered, she stops dressing in her usual boys uniform and insteads ops wears the girls uniform and she is noticeably less confident and happy this way. She gets talked back into dueling to take Anthy back and succeeds, however this cements her sense of self as being tied to this institution from this point until near the end of the series.
    The anime explores ideas of needing to accept one’s past with a heavy emphasis on death.  In the black rose arc Mikage is a young genius who is so fixated on his past that he attempts to gain the power to revolutionize the world to unlock a form of eternity built upon his memories.To achieve this eternal state of being he killed a hundred duelists in a fire. Through his duel the truth of his past is revealed and he disappears from the world as a whole, Mikage is also heavily implied to be a ghost throughout the anime. Even the titular character has a strong connection to death as both her parents died when she was little and she was so distraught that she hid within a coffin until a prince came and showed her something to fight for. The stanza “So live, That when thy summons come to join the innumerable cavern, (...) Thou go not, like the slave-quarry in the night,” “Thanotopsis” by William Cullen Bryant encapsulates this moment well as it shows the mindset Utena has to go through, she can’t just lay down and die she must fight for something to hope for her life to mean something. Speaking of what she is fighting for.
    It is revealed in episode 33 of Revolutionary Girl Utena that the thing that Utena is fighting for and the reason she became a prince was to save Anthy who has been cursed to be stabbed by the hatred of all of humanity for eternity and prince Dios could not be her prince to save her due to them being siblings. Utena swears to be this prince to save her. However, Utena forgets the memory and gets caught up in the dueling game and although she is kind to Anthy and never does anything to hurt her, she also never notices any of the pain and suffering Anthy is enduring. This creates a wedge between them until they confront each other on the rooftop as Anthy tries to jump off, Utena stops her and they have a heart to heart about how they’ve both been hurting each other and they promise to continue to stay for each other and that they will get through this. Then in the final duel between Akio/Dios who represents exactly who the institution has been built for as well as the patriarchy, Anthy is overwhelmed because Akio is her brother and is the only person who has seen her suffering and despite him allowing and enforces the institution that allows her suffering to continue for the benefits of others he still swears he loves her, so she betrays Utena and literally stabs her in the back. “I aimed my Pebble---- but myself was the one that fell--- Was it Goliath---- Was too large--- Or was myself---- too small?” “I Took my Pebble in My Hand”  by Emily Dickinson exemplifies this moment as Utena falls to the floor. 
However after Akio fails to utilize the power to revolutionize the world, because the system is already built for him and deep down he doesn’t desire for anything to change, Utena stumbles back to her feet and clambers over to the gate where the power to revolutionize the world is supposedly held and begins to beg and cry for someone to help Anthy. This is not built upon her desire to seem like a prince or show off; this is simply an act of concern for the girl she loves, and thus the gates open and inside is Anthy alone and afraid After finding Anthy, Utena vanishes from the world, but Anthy remarks that Utena is still out there and that she simply left the oppressive institution that Akio built. With the security of Utena’s unwavering love even after seeing all Anthy has gone through and everything she’s done, Anthy understands what true love is and finally is able to take that first step and leave behind the institution that confined her in search of Utena and also herself and who she can be without everyone else's expectations of her clouding it.  
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