#and i stand BY that
stillgotscars · 2 days
evermore is a winter album, not an autumn album. reblog if you agree.
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scrombit · 2 months
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hes a pretty pink princess
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seance · 6 months
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THE MUSKETEERS 10TH ANNIVERSARY REWATCH / fave episodes [3/?] ↳ SEASON 1, EPISODE 8 / the challenge
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moonlit-typewriter · 8 months
I’ve seen people say that they didn’t like Ares in the show because he wasn’t “intimidating enough” or “scary.” Personally, I think Adam Copeland was a great choice.
This man is a 4-time WWE Champion, a 7-time World Heavyweight Champion, and a Triple Crown Champion. He is an award winning pro-wrestler, inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame. This man knows violence. The idea of just standing next to him is intimidating.
His Ares is one who’s cocky and smug and laughs at the very idea of war. He treats conflict like a game because, to him, it is. He sees death and destruction as entertainment and he smiles like he’d sleep better after killing you.
Ares doesn’t need to be all gruff and serious in order to be intimidating, just the potential of danger of enough. You can tell by looking at him that, if he wants to be scary, he’ll be scary.
Adam Copeland is a fantastic Ares.
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matd0 · 2 years
bro is lost 😨
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that-gay-gal · 5 months
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Aaaand some bonus Knuckles the Echidna ones cuz I have a new hyperfixation :3
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If you are by any chance wondering, yes, you can use them!!
I can’t wait to use these with my friends 24/7 >:)
I want to keep this blog strictly for Rottmnt stuff but maybe someday I’ll make a separate one with Sonic aka just Knuckles art I made
Truth be told I watched Sonic Boom with my girlfriend one day and sorta-kinda became obsessed
Anyway have a good day y’all!! Or night, or afternoon… whenever you see this! :3
(No one will use these but I haven’t posted in ages and I want to share silly art things :3)
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dreambutdontsleepx · 6 months
as a possessive, jealous Eddie Diaz truther I actually thing the jealousy switcheroo in buddie is incredibly appropriate.
buck can have other male friends besides Eddie, and he's completely fine about it, cause he's sure of his place in bucks life. he know he's buck's best friend, and would never replace him. he knows that besides Maddie, and the kids (Chris and jee) he's the most important person in bucks life.
When is Eddie jealous? when bucks gets a new girlfriend, when he partners up with Taylor for the treasure hunt instead of him. We see him being actively hostile. Cause that's a position Eddie doesn't fill in bucks life, a romantic partner (even though he wants to), so he's unsure of himself.
When is buck jealous? when Eddie gets new friends, we already saw that with Lena Bosko in season 3, cause buck is insecure of his role in Eddie's life (in pretty much every single life of his friends and family), he fears abandonment. He fears that someone will take his place as best friend. But when Eddie is with Ana, buck is calm in my opinion, he's stressed just cause he can see that Eddie is not happy.
all these words just to say that Eddie Diaz knows he's in love with his best friend, he's known for a long time, that's why he's jealous when buck has a romantic partner. while buck still has his eyes covered to the truth, and in his mind what he and eddie have is a totally normal besties relationship. that's why he's jealous and anxious when Eddie gets a friend.
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joelscruff · 7 months
premature ejaculation is sexy
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flysafepapi · 3 months
ngl, I hope Viserys is watching all this go down from the afterlife and realising that this all could've been avoided if he'd listened to Alicent and married Rhaenyra to Aegon as she suggested
Like I get that there's multiple reasons why he didn't. probably because that would've meant everyone would assume, as the oldest son, that Aegon would have all the power and the lords would look to him instead of Rhaenyra, which is valid they probably would've at first
But you cannot tell me that it would've ended that way. You're gonna look me in the eyes and tell me Aegon wouldn't love being the pretty kept boy to his queen and absolutely refuse to be anything but arm candy while Rhaenyra ruled? Literally all she'd have to do is give him a smidge of affection and he'd fold like a deck of cards.
Oh the lords think he should be in charge? Too bad, he's just here to drink wine and look pretty.
Everything with Harwin and, later, Daemon? Cannot tell me that not only would he not care, he'd be so down to get in the middle of that, like Rhaenyra wouldn't even need to ask, he's stripping off immediately.
The guy didn't even want to be King, but arm candy to a Queen that pegs him on a near daily basis and actually treats him well? You could not stop him from sprinting down that aisle, I will never believe otherwise
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frownyalfred · 1 year
imagine beefing with Bruce Wayne and then he buys the company you work for. and then STILL being friends with him afterward.
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ffverr · 2 months
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heavenlyhischier · 6 months
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PREGAME | Q. Hughes
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why i love the edwin-crystal sibling like relationship from memory and why it makes me love crystal even more
there simply isn't enough online about 1. how awesome crystal is as a character and 2. how awesome her and edwin's relationship is. so imma dump all my thoughts here from pure memory.
ep1: so yeah, they start rough. but when jenny points out to crystal that she's so focused on her own problems that she's ignoring everyone else's, just like how she said the boys did, she resolves to change that. she realized she was being unfair because it was pointed out and she decided to try and be better. when edwin breaks down, she's listening. she's listening and understanding. she tells this boy, who has not been the nicest to her but she's beginning to understand, that she gets it. that she sees him, that his unnoticed death matters to her. she sees the sharp, jagged, raw and emotional parts of a boy that she'd only seen as cold and logical thus far. and when his unusually timid voice asks if they can focus on becky's case, she agrees. in the butcher shop, she offers to once again explain the internet to edwin. implying that she'd already done so. and she says it without any condescendence. when she's knocked to the ground, edwin helps her up and they sort of cling to each other as charles is reckless.
ep2: not as much here from what i remember but there's still some stuff. edwin does actually commend her actions in luring the sprites out, followed by telling her not to do it again. from an emotionally repressed boy from a time when fixing each other's clothes was the most intimate thing you could do in public, thats quite a big step.
ep3: one of my personal faves. crystal is quick to point out that edwin is jealous of her and charles. she does actually assure him that nothing would happen and its just a small show of her care for his feelings. now, in the house, do they bicker and argue? yes they do. but i would argue that most of that is fueled by their anxiety and fear for charles. when crystal points out that charles has issues, he ultimately listens. its shown immediately the next ep when he tries to be better and offer himself as a safe space, something he wouldn't have thought to do without crystal's guidance. when they actually work together, its incredible. crystal literally fights her own personal demon to get back to the boys. edwin is trusting her enough to openly admit that he has no idea how a vhs works and trusts her to put in the work to save his person. when she's in danger, he pulls her out because he cares and she's given him reason to. she doesn't question when she comes out from her own head and edwin immediately asks for help, something he almost never does. when she talks about how she's a bad person, edwin immediately tells her that she isn't. he wastes no time in assuring her that she couldn't be anything but the person she is now. she also points out the moment charles' mask goes right back up and offers a lot of insight to edwin. because edwin hasn't really had a friend before charles and charles was already doing this when they met. he had no reason to think that it wasn't a normal thing. but crystal points it out and he notices, he listens and he learns.
ep4: this is another one i dont particularly remember much of these two from. the ep starts with edwin asking if charles wanted to talk about his father, something he never would have done without crystal's guidance. when edwin tells crystal and charles to go off together, she asks him if he's ok, which in the moment, is said in a somewhat joking tone. but once he's gone, she asks charles about it because she's concerned about him and she knows him well enough to know something's wrong. when she's angry that the washer woman didn't give her an answer, he apologizes genuinely because he does want the best for her.
ep5: this ep starts off with a lot of emotional maturity from crystal. she admits that she isn't in the right space to start a relationship and i'll be honest, i hadn't seen that from a show before. made me love her even more. one of my favorite moments of the show is them haunting twitchy ritchy. when he makes deprecating and homophobic 'jokes', crystal is quick to shut him down. and i would argue that she knew edwin was gay, i'd argue for hours. she notices his distress and immediately shuts the dude down, and hard. in return, when ritchy tries to be intimidating, edwin is the first to step in. he extinguishes the flame with a satisfied lil smirk and crystal didn't even have to look over to know that he would step in. and we don't really see it, but i'd bet watching edwin do childish little haunting things probably made her smile. it's a scene i think about all the time. when edwin shoos them away from the summoning and charles questions his choice, crystal sticks up for the decision. its small and unintentional, but there is an aspect where she admits that he's right. something she wouldn't do if she didn't like him and respect him. and when edwin realizes that marin killed the jocks, he's rushing out behind charles. hell it looks like he's pushing him forward to get them downstairs. crystal emphasizes at the end that she sympathizes with the boys, that it was a shitty thing to have in common that they were all victims. yet she offers her sympathy nonetheless. and when edwin says he's had enough emotion for the day, she isn't offended that he wasn't receptive or anything like that. she just smiles, knowing that he really can't handle a lot of emotions and she knows that he doesn't mean anything negative by it. she shows that she understands him and that she doesn't judge who he is.
ep6: when crystal loses her powers, she's scared to tell edwin. she says that she's afraid that he would consider her useless and toss her aside. but that stems from the fact that she really values him as a friend and is scared of being abandoned by the only people she has. and when edwin finds out, he is shocked sure but he's also concerned. he insists that he wouldn't have left her behind and she tells him that he would. its an emotional moment for her and i wouldn't write off that she's just really defensive in the moment. when she sees the boys in trouble, about to be dead-dead, that's when she regains her abilities because she cares about both of the boys and gods be damned if she's gonna let a witch tear them from her. and as the walk back, she leans into charles because she knows edwin doesn't like touch. but he's still right behind her, still nearby and offering silent support. and he goes the step of naming one of their plans after her, plain and simple. she shows her appreciation in the same slightly sarcastic tone they use with each other all the time.
ep7: so many thoughts. the second she finds out that edwin is in hell, she's already resolved to go get him. she has known the boy for a few weeks at most and she cares so much and is so selfless that she doesn't hesitate to volunteer to go to actual fucking hell. when she's told she can't? she tracks down her abusive demon ex who has literally tormented and plagued her mind nonstop. she walks right into his domain and demands he open her a door to hell. literally demands the person who has ruined her life to let her into hell to rescue her friend. when he refuses? she's ready to throw hands and doesn't hesitate to do so. and when the boys come back? yes, she does hug charles and not edwin, but she knows that isn't his thing. but when it cuts back to the teens after the night nurse speaks, you see her arm falling from edwin's. even though he hates hugs and she knows it, she still reached out and held his arm to show how happy she was that he was there, that he was safe. because even though he doesn't hug, she still needed to show him she was happy he was back. she talks about how she fought david and edwin expresses surprise and concern. her retort? 'it was the funniest thing. my friend got dragged to hell and i just had to try and help him.' she doesn't even think about hiding how much she cares and edwin's little smile just confirms how much it means to him.
ep8: when she's recovering her memories, edwin is there. he's watching over her with charles and that just hits something in me. he must have spent so long in the dollhouse exhausted, hoping someone would watch over him so he could be safe and rest. and when crystal is vulnerable, he's doing it. he watches over her as she calls her parents and the second she says that they didn't care, he is insisting that there must be some kind of explanation. every time she wakes up after eating the memory orbs, he rushing to her right beside charles. and i'd bet my bottom dollar he was stressed the whole time she was out. when crystal leaves, edwin does offer her a handshake. she jokes about how he's changed, how he's gotten friendlier, and he jokes back, even throwing in a reference to hell. it's a sweet little interaction and it shows their friendship and familiarity. esther takes the boys and she doesn't hesitate to work a way to get them back. she goes right to the cat king and argues that edwin is her friend and tck should help them because he has personal interest. she charges right into esther's house and already has a plan in place. she spends a minute on charles because she knows edwin's in danger and his screams are fucking unbearable. she offers herself as a distraction so niko can free edwin. when she's pinned against the wall, she scream-pleads for edwin to hold on and it is full of desperation, because she needs her friend to be okay. that scream haunts my mind because she is scared and she knows he is too, and she needs him to hold on and be okay. and when niko 'dies', they are huddled over her body and mourning together. in the end, edwin gives her a professional offer for her to have a permanent place with the agency. and this girl, so naturally full of love and affection, hugs him with a massive smile on her face. because she's been looking for people to belong with and she's found em and they want her around. and she's gonna do anything she can to hold onto them, come hell, demons or high water.
basically, crystal is beyond amazing and her sibling relationship with edwin is my favorite. if you don't like her, argue with the goddamn wall.
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skyyworker · 2 years
“i like darth vader because he’s a big strong alpha male figure” you silly boy, i like darth vader because he’s my little princess, my pretty pretty babygirl, my murderous little meow meow. you don’t understand you don’t know him like i do-
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nartml · 2 months
before satosugu we had killugon
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