#dira park
cinamun · 3 months
Throwback to Dira and her momma dancing in the park
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dira333 · 4 months
hiiii dira !!! for ur first date game... i think ill go with haikyuu! 👀 im excited to see who you come up with and i hope you have a wonderful wednesday evening!!! 🧡✨ - @alienaiver 🥰✨
Doing this before going to bed...
I know who you like in the haikyuu fandom, but.... let's try something new, shall we?
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Remember this lil guy with the number 1? Takeru Nakashima, Captain of Wakutani.
Nakashima has described his family to being a Jurassic Park; his older brother is carefree, his younger siblings are highly energetic, and his parents constantly act too lovey-dovey in front of their children. Despite their differences, the Nakashima family is incredibly supportive of one another;
I just thought he'd be a perfect fit. He understands the bond between you and your twin sister, but he also totally gets it when you just want to have your peace and quiet for a while.
He'd want to do a picnic for your first date, but he's got all kinds of versions mapped out in his head depending on your pain levels. At the park, but maybe closer to the comfy benches under the trees. Or at home in a pillow fort if it's really bad.
He's also determined, so he'll not back down until he knows Snofle loves him back. He knows it takes time, but he can wait.
So, what do you think? Do you wanna get to know him better?
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another-corpo-rat · 5 months
WiP Whenever
tagged by @streetkid-named-desire tyy darling <3 you have no idea how much im resisting tagging you back to keep you in this hell of round-robin tagging (with no pressure!) @theviridianbunny, @pozerjacket, @noxbunni, @jax-acer
I have several things going in rotation rn - gonna share lil snippets of each cos they're not likely to see the light of day anytime soon.
i. untitled River/V potentially gonna be used for a kiss prompt sitting in my ask box, but idk if its going that way so it might become its own thing
He’s nervous. It’s an odd thing to see; even throughout the hunt for Randy V would never have pinned the word to him. Determined and restless, yes, but nervous? No. It’s too flimsy for a man like River Ward and yet—
He’s nervous. Doing an excellent job of hiding it right enough, with his soft laughs and gentle smiles as she sits with Monique on her knee, listening to his niece recount her day of thrilling adventure in their trailer park. But there’s an odd look to his eye, a cycle to his thoughts; that first glint always hopeful before its shortly taken over by uncertainty that makes that easy smile waver
ii. Snake and Dove; Victoria & Michiko Victoria reconsidering all she knows on the young heir
Naïve and foolish, Victoria had decided mere moments within their official introduction decades ago; when the youngest Arasaka was still soft and warm with nary a shard of chrome on her body, looking at her with what she read as pity—
It had vanished promptly at what was admittedly too sharp of a voice. A delicate jaw worked and then clamped tight against any comments about the cybernetic arms she adorned now. A tight nod, a brief word.
She had never been within the girl’s space again after that, and couldn’t bring herself to mourn the loss of opportunity. There had been more important things at the time, too many missions to keep on top of, too many threats, terrorists, a nuke – she had left Night City’s radiated soil where the princess stayed.
iii. Peg Smasher gets pegged. That's it, that's the summary god this has been a wip for so long
It’s a shame the Dragoon doesn’t have the…specifications for this endeavour. She’d much prefer that sight, but still the naked planes of his wide back and the pull of synthetic muscle under faux-flesh is worth admiring.
Victoria hums as she plants a steadying hand on his ass, her thumb working in idle circles against the tender skin. The thin, shallow scrapes left by her claws blooming healthy pink where it rises in imitation of flesh. Her other ventures across the muscled planes, ghosting along scars added in a lab – heaven forbid he seemed untouched by the world’s violence, even in a body not intended to meet it. It’s his newest one, but like all the others its marred; burns, bullets, and lacerations adorn the skin. Another lie upon the innate deception of a gemini.
She knows them well, their placement and patterns familiar and horribly uninteresting for it. She should applaud him, for making something about himself so dourly boring, but her attention is elsewhere. She eyes the tension to his shoulder blades, the too-deep and unnecessary breaths he tries to quiet through the teeth of a vice-locked jaw. His fingers flex, knuckles whitening as she moves a hand between reddened cheeks.
A pause. He audibly catches a breath and holds it, his shoulders rising with the motion – how terribly human – and releases it when her hand returns to his rump instead.
iv. Tend A self-indulgent warhammer wip but im inflicting it upon thee
He tries not to think of that little boy often. The gangly gaunt frame of skin and bone, the itch of mite-ridden rags that hung poorly on a body that grew too large too quick, an ever present ache in his neck and limbs as he tucked himself to fit a world content to ignore him. The boy may share his name but he is a stranger in all but memory, so long buried and yet…
Dirae’s thumb brushes across the fine hair of his brow, her own furrowed as she watches the layers of skin knit together. There won’t be a trace of the injury in a minute. She knows that but still the veneer of fascination is thin as concern glimmers in her eyes, in the twist of painted lips, and he knows the boy in those tunnels would’ve clung to her. Desperate and clever enough to know she had what he wanted, needed, even if he could not put a word to it precisely.
And he is too merciful to deny the boy her affections. Too selfish to say ‘enough’ as her eyes seek his and her hands, soft and unmarred, cradle his face, fingers curling against the line of his jaw. Even with him seated and leaning down to meet her she still has to rock up onto the balls of her feet to close the space between them. Her body presses tight to his, warm and sweet-scented, more enticing than the steaming bath drawn in the other room.
“I’m alright, heart.” Her eyes flick to the cut, already healed judging from the familiar itch. He strokes a hand up the curve of her waist and lets his lips pull into an easy smile. “In truth the blow to my pride is much worse. Slower to heal, you see.”
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A Checkpoint from Hell
I’ve stop breathing in that faculty room. Although its more on verbal, I still can’t get myself into details. Considering what he did - I just can’t take the future abuse. I told myself there is always another year and another school, not knowing that that experience made me discourage. Contemplating, I’ve decided to stop going to school without my parents knowing. So, to cover up my absence, I took a gap year secretly and work in a mall to refocus my mind out of it. The job was surprisingly fun. I was a sales associate assigned in a school supply department. I attend customer’s needs and sometimes help them bag their purchase and accompany them to the parking area below. I was fine and recovering, until shit happens again – the checkpoint from hell.
Every time you go outside to help a customer, you needed to go thru a checkpoint. A full-body check from a body guard. To be honest it is perfectly normal. But then again I was too naïve. Not to blow my own horn but during HS I am somewhat considered as “well-liked” – I know ugh! So, weird interactions are not new to me. Moving on, there’s this two old lady guards around their late-30s who was assigned to that specific checkpoint who keeps eyeing on me (again I’m not blowing my own horn). It is not paranoia, but an observation. To the fact that everytime I enter, they giggled. When other workers tend to pass, they only did a full body check for 9 seconds – 3s from the top, the waist, and below knee – that’s the normal way. But weirdly when I pass, they tend to check me over a minute. Touching my ass aggressively, groping my crotch when you’re not supposed to be, and sexually sliding their hands unlike others. I saw her giggling to her coworker about doing that same shit while prolonging the process– its nasty as fuck. Imagine you have to experience that shit once you enter and exit every day. It became comical to them. I chose to shut my mouth - I was 18 at that time. Although some may argue that it is just part of the job – you are right. But I am not blind nor numb, this is different. It’s a case of power tripping – a nasty one.
I tried to voice out my concern about the repeated incident and address it to my department manager but all she did was laugh and told me “busy pa kaau ang HR para ana dong!”- I was flabbergasted. I prayed every day that no customer would go to that parking area, but due to less manpower - I have to experience it. Months have passed, the same thing happened - this time she was alone. The worker before me passed easily as usual. Then when it’s my turn, she gropes me again in those specific areas. And because I was so done with that shit, I told her verbatim “hinay hinay lang teh!” then she proceeds to open the front of my brief while smirking blissfully. And at that time I explode “Unsa mana teh?!” she replied- “Ay sig angal angal dira, ireport taka sa Hr run”. Unknowingly, I countered back- “Gaminanyak lng man ka teh!” - while tucking my pants on. The facility echoed with silence, the few workers in line stood as if they knew what’s been happening. I walked out while she’s giving me the middle finger. I tried to wipe my tears in that empty hallway, washed my face, proceeds to go back in my area, then continue to smile as if nothing happened. –  days later, I quit.
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krinkrinzz · 9 months
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Hey, welcome to my profile. Just call me Krin, no questions asked..!
I usually draw art based on some of the fandoms im in! Sometimes I just sh1tpost though or say some random stuff here because,, uhhh,, my life is BORING!!!
Annyyywayyss so if I don't post for a long time its probably because I have school or i'm just being a wimpy depressed b1tch again. Family just sucks lol.
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age : hilom dira beh kala mo sasabihin kong edad ko buang ata ka
gender : female
birthday: april 7 20xx
nationality : filipino (bisaya huahahaha bilat mo)
sexuality : yes
im kidding im pansexual and aromantic (also polyamorous)
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things i like
- south park 🍓
- facebook
- my mom
- grasshoppers 🍓
- stickers 🍓
- my phone
- rain
- pebbles
- roller skating
- my bf and gf! 🍓🍓🍓
Things i hate
- my ex (clark i know you can see this im coming for you)
- drama
- broken chargers
- my advisor
- classmates
- school
- bright stuff
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Socials ;
cheesedrea - main yt
dreacheese - alt yt (not used)
krinkrinzz - main discord, main ig
krinberries - alt ig, alt tumblr
PossiblyAndrea - main fb
krinkleberries - main pin
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christophe76460 · 1 year
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Les hommes politiques ou Jésus-Christ ?
Une scène savoureuse s’est passé un jour à Hyde Park à Londres lors d’un meeting politique en plein air.
Juché sur une estrade de fortune un homme haranguait la foule en ces termes :
- Mesdames et Messieurs, quand nous aurons la liberté… puis, avisant un Londonien en chapeau boule qui fumait un cigare à la Winston Churchill,
- Ladies and Gentlemen, nous fumerons tous des cigares comme ça !
De la foule, une voix criarde à l’accent faubourien lança une réplique qui suscita l’hilarité générale :
- " Oh, je préfère mon mégot !"
L’orateur, apparemment impassible continua :
- Mesdames et Messieurs, quand nous aurons la liberté, nous passerons toutes nos vacances à la mer.
- J’aime mieux mon jardin ! Cria la même voix.
- Mesdames et Messieurs, poursuivit le tribun, Mesdames et Messieurs, quand nous aurons la liberté… (signalant une Rolls Royce qui passait) nous aurons tous des bagnoles comme ça.
- J’aime mieux ma bécane !
Ce fut l’explosion. furibond, l’orateur pointant le doigt du côté d’où venaient les répliques acides hurla :
- Camarade, quand nous aurons la liberté, vous ferez ce qu’on vous dira !
Voilà, ce que la pensée unique va nous conduire ! Dans une dictature ou nous perdrons toute liberté : de penser, d’agir et de croire !
Beaucoup de ceux qui ont essayé de goûter à la politique ont fait des expériences amères. Ils se sentent vides et lassés. Leur candidat n’a pas été élu, ou bien il a été incapable de tenir ses promesses.
La politique est un terrain dangereux, inapte à produire des résultats durables.
La raison principale est que : la politique nie toutes références au créateur du ciel et de la terre !
Écoutons ce que nous dit le Proverbe 9 au verset 10.
" Le commencement de la sagesse, c’est la crainte de l’Éternel ! "
Ou alors l'Épitre de Paul aux Romains aux Romains, dans le Nouveau Testament chapitre 1 depuis le verset 20 et les versets verset 22- 32. " Se vantant d’être sages, ils sont devenus fous …"
Lisez ce chapitre extraordinaire de l’Épitre de Paul aux Romains, chapitre 1 qui nous donne les clefs de toutes les folies de ce que voyons de nos yeux aujourd’hui dans nos pays d’Europe !
Les chrétiens sont rejetés, traités d’attardés mentaux !
Mais, ce n’est pas le plus grave cela doit au contraire nous encourager à : " nous approcher de Dieu et il s’approchera de nous ! " Nous dits l'Épitre de Jacques 4 : 8
Nous devons encore plus mettre en route le véritable Évangile qui nous invite à donner réellement nos vies Et il nous accordera une grâce encore plus excellente, car Dieu résiste aux orgueilleux, mais fait grâce aux humbles !
La grâce inépuisable de Dieu se renouvelle chaque matin !
Les lamentations de Jérémie 3:22-23 : "Les bontés de l'Éternel ne sont pas épuisées, Ses compassions ne sont pas à leur terme; Elles se renouvellent chaque matin. Oh ! que ta fidélité est grande !"
Jésus-Christ seul offre à ceux qui le reçoivent, une satisfaction profonde, une paix durable et un but qui ne déçoit jamais.
Ce que Jésus-Christ offre survit à tous les régimes et à toutes les révolutions.
" Lui, reste la valeur stable. Il reste le même hier, aujourd’hui et éternellement."
Faisons-lui confiance, donnons-nous pleinement à Lui, et nous serons ses instruments ! Retrouvons notre vision que nous avions reçue lors de notre conversion. Et nous serons utiles pour l'œuvre du royaume de Dieu
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somegirlsfromk · 1 year
KIM PUERUM -The Seasons - Choi Jeong-hoon's Night Park-
Kim Puerum (김푸름) ne vous diras sûrement rien, sauf si dernièrement vous avez vu les dramas “The good bad mother” où elle interprète “Good night”, et “Agency” avec le titre “Never let go”.La voici avec sa douce voix dans le show de Choi Jeong-hoon (du groupe Jannabi).La première chanson est “꽃” (Flower), la seconde “슬픔이여안녕” (Goodbye sadness) et enfin “사는 게 숨이 차도” (Even though your life makes you…
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bzh-in-nz · 2 years
Suite à des intempéries sur la route, on est obligé de faire un détour dans les terres via le Nelson Lakes National Park - direction St Arnaud, en traversant les vignobles de Marlborough 🍇🏔
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Au programme : randonnée sur le Mont Robert et dans la forêt, baignade dans le lac et quelques vues sympathiques sur le début des Alpes du Sud 👌
Nous manquons de vivres et décidons de nous nourrir exclusivement des sécrétions sucrées du Honeydew, petit insecte peuplant ces forêts (la petite goutte que vous voyez en dessous). On ne vous dira pas où est directement relié le filament 🫢 :
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Malgré toutes ces merveilles, nous apprenons à mieux connaître un nouvel ennemi qui essayera de gâcher notre voyage, les sandflies (pas de photos, elles font déjà assez mal comme ça).
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bookgeekgrrl · 2 years
My media this week (20-26 Nov 2022)
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😍👂‍A Restless Truth (Last Binding #2) (Freya Marske, author; Aysha Kala, narrator) - LOVE THIS WORLD, LOVE THIS SERIES! All the characters are a delight. The porn reading scene made me laugh so hard I had a coughing fit.
😊Boulangerie (orphan_account) - 74K, recovering WS omegaverse, chock full of delicious angst [side note: i just really love that ao3 has the 'orphan' option for fics]
😍cause in the back of my mind, i'm in the back of your car (greatunironic) - 68K, Stranger Things F1 racing AU - QUALITY FUCKING ANGST (but with that happy ending that makes it all worth it!) - grabbed me right from the jump, really great interactions with the kids
💖💖 +183K of shorter fic so shout out to these I really loved 💖💖
We Provide…Beverages (leveragehunters (Monkeygreen)) - MCU: Stucky, 6.7K - super cute no powers AU
Just About Half-Past Ten (rohkeutta) - MCU: Shrunkyclunks, 1.9K - reread; short-but-super-cute meet cute
Leave Those Umbrellas At Home (rohkeutta) - MCU: Shrunkyclunks, 2.4K - reread; sequel to above, equally cute
Introduction to Goncharov Studies (Dira Sudis (dsudis)) - The Sandman: Dreamling, 1.7K - LOVED this - of course the Library in the Dreaming would have every version of Goncharov PLUS physical manifestations of Tumblr posts - delightful
At The Eleventh Hour (Speranza, author; alby_mangroves, artist) - MCU: Stucky, 2.2K - I always forget a 4 Minute Window Thanksgiving story is a possibility so I'm always genuinely so excited for it. Speranza can write a 30 years of them just gathering to watch the parade and I'd read every single one. But of course, there's an emotional punch here too.
Murder, He Wrote (mklutz) - Teen Wolf: Sterek, 31K - I had a run of disappointing DNF's so I decided to reread something I knew would satisfy. Love this AU with novelist/amateur detective Stiles and Deputy Hale 💜
The Big Brunch - s1, e4-8
Leverage: Redemption - s2, e4
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver - Qatar World Cup
Mystery Menu - Can Sohla Make A Meal Out Of Oreos?
Mystery Menu - Can Sohla Make An Entire Meal Out of Potatoes?
Mystery Menu With Sohla and Ham - A Meal Out of Coffee Beans?
Mystery Menu With Sohla and Ham - 2 Chefs Try to Make A Meal Out of Bananas
Hot Ones - Guy Fieri Becomes the Mayor of Spicy Wings
Would I Lie To You? - s15, e11 (The Best Bits)
Mystery Menu With Sohla and Ham - Can 2 Chefs Make Dinner And Dessert With A Pickle?
Mystery Menu With Sohla and Ham - 2 Chefs Try To Make A Meal Out Of Jell-O
Hot Ones - Leslie Mann Gets Revenge While Eating Spicy Wings
Switched on Pop - The Art of Flow
Decoder Ring Plus - The Butt and the Bustle
Desert Island Discs - Rick Rubin, music producer
99% Invisible #515 - Super Citizens
Vibe Check - You Asked, We Answered!
One Year Plus - 1942: The Black-Japanese Axis
Twenty Thousand Hertz+ - We explore the rich sonic world of a North American bird
Off Menu - Ep 172: Stanley Tucci
Hit Parade Plus - Angry Young Men Edition
Into It - The Juiciest Celebrity Memoirs of 2022 (Plus: What's Chelsea Devantez Into?)
The Sporkful - A New Jersey Whiskey Mystery
Off Menu - Ep 40: Kumail Nanjiani
Off Menu - Ep 85: Jo Brand
It's Been a Minute - Sibling rivalry takes the stage on Broadway; plus Randall Park's latest 'Blockbuster'
The Sporkful - Sohla And Ham El-Waylly Settle A Pancake Dispute
Off Menu - Ep 43: Anthony Head
Off Menu - Ep 112: Simon Amstell
Off Menu - Menus To Be Buried With - The Resurrection!
Off Menu - Ep 160: Sir Lenny Henry
Nick Lowe
Presenting Elvis Costello
00s One-Hit Wonders
Presenting The Notorious B.I.G.
Women of Rock
CREDITS: Holly Knight
Smash Mouth
Graham Parker: An Anthology
Steppin' Out (The Very Best Of Joe Jackson)
Presenting The Offspring
Irene Cara
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kilatnusantara · 2 years
Donor Darah, Pemuda Pancasila Jember Hasilkan Puluhan Kantong Darah
Donor Darah, Pemuda Pancasila Jember Hasilkan Puluhan Kantong Darah
Jember // kilatnusantara.com Puluhan kantong darah berhasil dikumpulkan saat Majelis Pimpinan Cabang Pemuda Pancasila (MPC PP) Kabupaten Jember menggelar bakti sosial donor darah di areal Dira Park, Kecamatan Ambulu, Kabupaten Jember, Minggu (6/11/2022). Kegiatan sosial ini digelar sebagai rangkaian peringatan Hari Ulang Tahun 63 Pemuda Pancasila. Meski acara ini digelar oleh MPC PP Jember namun…
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cinamun · 8 months
also, i don't think DJ is upset enough. i need him screaming, crying, throwing up, etc over losing amaya. he ain't worshipping the ground she's walking on enough in my opinion. i think he takes her for granted too! just expecting her to stand-by him going pro, being unable to get groceries, like, what is he doing for her in return?? it doesn't seem 50/50 to me
OOP!!! I mean, in his defense tho, we really haven't seen much of them lately given the arrival of Jack and Jayde AND Dira's situation. But every time we *did* see them, they were so loving and just together, you know? The promposal, the First Time™ (it was a shed but y'all keep forgetting he blew her mind all day so maybe she picked the damn shed!), and then them at the park on the little picnic blanket.....
What I'm mad about is the groceries... BOY HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW HOW TO GO GROCERY SHOPPING???
I need a word with his momma.....
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Nevermind.... no I dont.
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dira333 · 5 months
omg dira !!! ur on fire with these match ups! ur so inspiring and creative i love reading them 🥹🧡 remember to take breaks to stretch your wrists !! 🧡🧡✨ im sending one in... fact about myself is ... i am Very expressive on texts with lots and lots of emojis 🥰✨ and funny quips but in real life im pretty dry and monotone 🙂‍↕️ my facial expressions are often mismatched and it causes a few misunderstandings sometimes !! i also love reading books out loud to friends 🥰 im not too good at making different voices but i do try! 🌸 and hm. im struggling between haikyuu and bnha !!! 😫 think ill go with haikyuu today !! 🥹 - @alienaiver 🥰✨
yay! I should go to bed but I have time for one more tonight.
So I'd definitely give your number to Kenma, because he can appreciate funny texts over speaking in person and he doesn't gatekeep friends so now you're texting Kuroo who thinks you're the most hilarious person on earth.
What he doesn't know, however, is that you're the same person he saw in the park l, reading to a friend, and he fell into a hardcore crush just from that scene.
Now... just how are we going to break to our rooster head that he's not crushing on two but only one person?
Hope you get some great sleep today and wake up without too much pain tomorrow!
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newscakra · 2 years
HUT Ke-63 Dirgahayu Pemuda Pancasila Gelar Bakti Sosial Donor Darah di Dira Park Ambulu
HUT Ke-63 Dirgahayu Pemuda Pancasila Gelar Bakti Sosial Donor Darah di Dira Park Ambulu
Jember, MN Cakrawala-Puluhan kantong darah berhasil dikumpulkan saat Majelis Pimpinan Cabang Pemuda Pancasila (MPC PP) Kabupaten Jember menggelar bakti sosial donor darah di area Dira Park, Kecamatan Ambulu, Kabupaten Jember, Minggu (6/11/2022). Kegiatan sosial ini digelar sebagai rangkaian peringatan Hari Ulang Tahun 63 Pemuda Pancasila. Meski acara ini digelar oleh MPC PP Jember namun banyak…
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openthedoor · 2 years
La tribu dû prendre patience, et Linmini se dirigea vers Yoongi.
Ce dernier était curieux de savoir ce que la petite comme il l’appelait toujours dans sa tête avait trouvé.
Il fut surpris par un livre de Byung-Chul Han et encore plus en découvrant une dédicace en coréen de ce grand philosophe.
Linmini, maligne, lui dit en souriant. Je sais que tu veux faire croire que tu n’aimes pas les études mais je sais bien ce que tu lis.
Comment as tu fait pour obtenir cette dédicace ?
Je l’ai contacté via les réseaux sociaux ; j’ai tenté ma chance en expliquant ma demande. Il a été très surpris. J’ai discuté avec lui et il a fini par me donner son accord.
Yoongi découvrit une dédicace magnifique :
Jeune homme, vous avez la chance d’avoir une amie précieuse. Vous vous intéressez à l’âme humaine, vaste sujet, pensez cependant à regardez ceux qui vous entourent. Si l’idée vous tente, je serais ravi de prendre le temps d’échanger avec vous. J’espère que cette lecture ouvrira vos perspectives. Remerciez la jeune Lin Mi pour la compilation qu’elle m’a envoyée. J’apprécie beaucoup. Soyez heureux, simplement. Cordialement. Byung-Chul Han.
Yoongi était ému, tu es épatante Linmini.
C’était la première fois qu’il l’appelait ainsi. Yoongi se reprit. Je serais curieux de discuter avec lui, ça te tenterai aussi Jooni ?
Jun hocha la tête.
Yoongi sourit à Linmini, merci, vraiment, tu me diras comment le contacter.
Linmini était ravie et son sourire le prouvait
Yoongi manipula son téléphone puis regarda Océane. Joyeux Noël lui dit-il. Regarde ton téléphone.
Océane lui sourit, voyons dit-elle, un partage de fichier. Tu m’as composé un morceau ? Océane était très étonnée, tu m’as composé un morceau répéta t-elle ! Sun Hi riait, plusieurs en fait je suis presque jalouse lui dit elle.
Yoongi la regarda, un éclair traversant son esprit, oui, il pourrait bien lui composer une vraie chanson d’amour, peut-être pour la demander en mariage se dit-il, surpris lui-même de se rendre compte à quel point il voulait la garder près de lui.
Oh fit Océane, le rythme est parfait pour…
Méditer lança Yoongi.
Oui tout à fait, Ani a vendu la mèche ou c’est…
Jun, acquiesça Yoongi.
Oui, j’ai pensé à ça et je me suis renseigné, du coup, j’ai beaucoup appris sur la méditation, la cohérence cardiaque et l’harmonie. J’avoue que j’ai compris l’importance de la méditation alors que…
Tu t’en foutais jusqu'ici, avança Jimini en riant avec ses frères.
J’avoue dit Yoongi, ébouriffant ses cheveux comme à chaque fois qu’il est mal à l’aise ou qu’il fait une bêtise.
Merci Yoongi. J’ai hâte de tester. Mais bon, là ça attendra…
Océane regarda Sae Jin qui restait près d’elle et de sa soeur Cho Yon. Elle connaissait tout le monde mais elle travaillait beaucoup et n’était pas d’un naturel extraverti.
Oh, c’est toi qui a tiré mon ticket. Dit-elle un peu rassurée.
⚠️ Cette histoire est une pure invention sortie de mon esprit en ébullition. Toute utilisation sans mon accord est interdite.
#fiction #mystorie #btsmemes #bts.bighitofficial #bangtan sonyeondan #kim seokjin #kim namjoon #min yoongi #jung hoseok #jeon jeongkook #kim taehyung #park jimin #korean #rm #btsv #btsjk #love story
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i-titi-us · 5 years
Suasana Dira park Balung bak Negri sakura di kota Jember
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Banyak tepat wisata yang lagi viral di kota Jember, salah satunya adalah Dira Cafe Waterpark Balung. Lokasinya di Balung kulon, Kabupaten Jember.
Tidak perlu jauh-jauh pergi ke Jepang untuk bisa menikmati keindahan Negeri sakura, karena Dira park Balung Jember menyulap lahannya menjadi Negeri sakura. Seluruh ornamen didalamnya disulap meyerupai jepang. Dira Park Balung juga menyediakan sewa baju khas Jepang yaitu Kimono untuk pengunjung yang ingin berfoto-foto.
Wisata baru bak Negara sakura ini di resmikan oleh Bupati jember dr. Faida pada tanggal 17 Januari 2020.
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Tidak hanya untuk spot foto ala-ala berlibur ke Jepang, Dira Park Balung juga menyediakan Fasilitas tiga kolam renang (anak-anak, remaja, dan orang dewasa), Cafe dan resto yang menunya tidak luput dari makanan khas Jepang dan Indonesia, dan juga di lengkapi dengan pusat berbelanja.
Nuansa Dira Park Balung di malam hari juga semakin memanjakan mata dengan lampu-lampu yang sangat indah.
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Wisata unik di Jember yang satu ini tidak hanya diminati pengunjung dari dalaam kota saja, bahkan banyak pengunjung dari luar kota juga. Untuk kalian yang dari luar kota dan tidak memungkinkan untuk segera pulang karena lokasi rumah terlalu jauh. Tidak perlu khawatir, banyak Hotel online terbaik di kota Jember yang harganya bervariasi dari yang paling murah hingga termahal. Kalian bisa reservasi melalui smartphone tanpa harus datang ke hotel yang kalian inginkan.
Tiket masuk Dira Park Balung sangat terjangkau, hanya 15 ribu/orang kalian sudah bisa menikmati suasana di Jepang. Jadi tidak ada alasan untuk kalian tidak berkunjung ke salah satu tempat wisata terbaru di Jember ini.
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wa-royal-tea · 2 years
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(Transcript under the cut - Click Pics for HQ Version!)
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Mathilde Hall, Ahtolia (12:21pm)
Mary: You’re here. Come on in.
Alfie: Sorry it took us a while, Auntie. We had to stop by the palace before we came here.
Mary: It’s alright. Your mother already told me you and Lina went to see her earlier.
Catalina: Where’s Rhys? I didn’t see him around here.
Clementine: Hugo and Dira brought him out to the park. He’s been begging Hugo to take him there since we got here.
Catalina: I see. No wonder I didn’t see Dira and Hugo too just now.
Clementine: Yeah. He said he was bored and wants to hang out with his “big bro” Hugo. According to him, Hugo’s “cooler”.
Catalina: Is he saying that we’re lame? Is that why he doesn’t want to hang out with us?
Clementine: *laughs* Probably.
Mary: Come on, lunch is ready.  We’ll continue our chat in the dining room.
Catalina: Alright. Let’s go.
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Mary: You seem like you’re adjusting well here, Lina.
Catalina: I tried my best, mama. Alfie and Auntie Sofia’s family helped me a lot.
Mary: I’m glad they’re treating you well. I was worried that you wouldn’t be able to handle all the attention you’re getting. It seems like I got worried for nothing.
Edward: Is he treating you well, Lina?
Catalina: He is. Don’t worry about it.
Edward: *scoffs* Good. Remember Alfie, I only let you off because Lina wanted to give you a chance. Don’t blow it.
Alfie: Thank you, sir. I...I’ll remember that.
Clementine: Stop scaring him, papa. He’s going to be family.
Edward: I’m just reminding him, Clem. If it wasn’t because of Lina, I wouldn’t have let him step foot in this house.
Clementine: Papa...you really need to stop threatening him.
Edward: That’s not a threat. It’s a warning.
Mary: *sighs* Ignore him. He’s not serious.
*door knocked*
Mary: Yes, Suong?
Suong: Sorry for the interruption, your majesty. There’s a delivery for the Crown Prince and Princess.
Mary: A delivery?
Suong: Yes. I think the sender had the address wrong. It was sent here instead.
Mary: I see. Bring it here.
Catalina: That’s weird. Did you buy anything online?
Alfie: No, I’ve never bought anything online. Did you?
Catalina: I didn’t.
Suong: Here it is, your highnesses.
Mary: Put it on the table, please.
Clementine: That’s quite a big box. Do you guys get fan mails here?
Catalina: Not usually. Mails are sent to the palace, not our private homes.
Mary: Suong, can you open the box for us?
Suong: Of course.
Edward: Stand back. We don’t know what’s in there.
Suong: Oh! It’s a cake.
Clementine: Is there a card in there?
Suong: Hmm...yes. Here it is.
Alfie: “I hope you’ll like my gift. -G”. “G”?
Catalina: Maybe the gift is from Ginny?
Alfie: But why would she send it here? She knows our address.
Catalina: You should call her and ask then.
Alfie: Alright, give me a minute.
Alfie (in the background): Hey, Ginny. Am I bothering you?
Edward: Let me see the card.
Catalina: Here.
Mary: What is it, Ed?
Edward: This handwriting, I’ve seen it somewhere...
Mary: What do you mean?
Edward: It looks like—
Alfie: Ginny said she and Rainier didn’t send anything yet.
Mary: Hmm...Suong, have someone check this cake. We don’t know who sent this. Someone might’ve had this poisoned.
Suong: Yes, ma’am.
Mary: I think it’s time for you to return home. I’m sorry this lunch had to be cut short.
Catalina: Oh. It’s okay. We’ll come again later, mama.
Mary: Hm. Be careful. Drive safe, Alfie.
Alfie: I will. Take care, everyone.
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