#directed at terfs and anti-mspecs
notaplaceofhonour · 2 years
note: this is what “invading lesbian spaces” actually looks like:
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it doesn’t look like your local mspec and trans lesbians co-existing in your proximity lol
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starscatteredsky · 9 months
Green and black incubus moodboard
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[image description:
a moodboard with 8 images. the two leftmost images are larger than the rest, with the other twocolumns containing three images.
image one (top left): a black silhouette of a masculine figure with small demon horns and a blurry background of green light.
image two(bottom left): white sheets or fabric, with two hands as black as coal or shadow resting in opposing directions.
image three (top middle): a green and black malachite stone, swirling green and black in a random pattern.
image four (middle middle): a picrew done of a demon or incubus with shadow black skin and pure green eyes. it is a bust shot. they have white freckles on the bridge of their nose that look like stars. they are smiling, and have small pointed canines. they are wearing an open leather jacket and no shirt. they’re wearing a black necklaces with stars and a moon pendant in the middle. they have pointed ears with black ear cuffs, and long ridged black horns that slightly curve inwards towards each other. they have a black bridge piercing. the image has a watermark saying “crowesn”, the maker of the picrew.
image five (bottom middle): a mostly black image that’s hard to make out. a few white highlights reveal scales and the shape of a nightfury’s head, and two glowing green eyes stare from the middle of the image.
image six (top right): a grey background with a half unfurled black leathery wing coming from the right side of the image.
image seven (middle right): a picture of a nightfury laying in the sand looking upwards, making eye contact with the “camera” or source of the image. his wings are half covered in sand and relaxed at his sides.
image eight (bottom right): a closeup of someone’s face, mostly only showing the eye. a small part of the eyebrow is visible. the eye is a glowing, swirling, magical looking vibrant green that is casting a greenish light across the rest of the face.
end description]
Made for our incubus alter!
Themes of nightfurys, green, black, and ofc demons!
Requests open!!!
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[image description:
a DNI banner with the background being the promotional image for Little Nightmares 2. The writing reads:
"DNI: radqueers, proshippers, radfems/TERFs, antikin/antitherian, homophobic/ ableist/ anti ACAB/ transphobic/ rasist/ antisemitic/ xenophobic/ antitheist/ anti athiest/ bigoted in any fashion, NSFW/sh/ed/cringe centered blog, fakeclaimer
Before you interact: We are pro mspec gays/lesbians, anti endo/tulpa "systems", enjoy MCYT/DSMP, pro self diagnoses with extensive research, multiple alters are punks/ anarchists"
end description]
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randomkitcat · 6 months
Intro under the cut
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[image ID: a text divider. End ID]
Byi (before you Interact)
My instances are neuship, neu para/kink, anti contact, pro endo, radinclus(pro contradictory labels, etc. Not including radqueer identities)
We are multigenic system of 3 beings(one is dormant but she still counts)
Im a cat and sheep therian, and angelic/angelkin, i'm also a furry. I have other alterhuman identities that you can check on my pronouns.cc further in this post
You may call me "Lamb", or "Ash", or simply "cat". My gender is gxrl and cistrans, my xenogenders are angelkinic and invinepgender, my orientation is aroflux and bi-straight, my safe pronouns to use are she/its, you can also call me a he too. Im achronal but bodily a minor. My zodiac is leo(solar) and capricorn(ascendent), and my mbti is infj
My first language isnt english so i may commit grammar mistakes.
I won't engage in any kind of discourse and If you try to drag me into It, i'll instantly block you
I block antis and anyone who i don't like on sight
Asks and dms (direct messages) aren't encouraged but If you need to, they are open
Dni (do not interact)
I can't control who interacts, so anyone "can" interact with my posts, but, i, please, ask to not If: you're racist, ableist, xenosatanist, part of the radqueer movement, pro-c for non consensual paras, a map(nomaps are fine), a bestialist(non contact zoophiles are fine), anti recovery, anti endo, fakeclaimer, pro harassment, suibaiting, anti otherlink(funlink, copinglink, etc), anti furry, anti mspec mono/contradictory labels, anti liom(aldernic, chronosian, alterhuman, neurodivergences, etc)/mogai/lgbt, terf/radfem, BaB, LsL, GkG, exclusionist, "hardcore" proship, "hardcore" antiship, thinks fiction inherently affects reality, thinks fiction can't affect reality in any way, thinks paraphilias are inherently harmful, thinks paraphilias can’t be harmful, ai "art" supporter.
Qna (question and answer)
"You're pro para? You support zoos/maps/necros?"
No, im in general neu paraphilia and anti contact for non consensual ones, while i don't support zoos/maps/necros, i want them to get help and live their lifes as equal as any other being. But im against those who act on these paraphilias.
"What do you mean 'if you think fiction inherently affects reality'? And 'hardcore antiship?' You're a profic/proship?"
No, im actually neuship, why? Because i don't want to be associated with neither sides, wich both are very toxic. And i personally think that fiction doesn't affect reality, as long as you dont let it affect your reality. And i dont want to interact with antishippers that tell others to kill themselves and only post about complaining and reminding about proships. In the end i'm not proship neither antiship
"you identify as a cat, sheep and angel? Are you crazy?"
If what you call "Crazy" is to experience involuntary urges, insticts and other experiences and wish to fully embrance this part of me that makes myself, then yes, i am crazy. Sure, i know i'm in a human body, but my mind and soul is not, and If you don't agree with me, it's ok, everyone can have opinions, but please, kindly dni If you're not willing to learn that my ways of living aren't hurting anyone and i'm Just being myself.
“You’re a furry? You’re a zoophile”
Anthropomorphical characters aren’t irl animals that can’t give consent, so obviously not.
Asks and dms
I Will answer any ask that i feel comfortable to, If you need help with alterhumanity and other terms, feel free to ask me, either on my dm or on the ask inbox, about it.
If you wish and try to insult me on my dms or asks because of my beliefs or identities, kindly dni
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ask-cats-are-liquid · 2 years
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ hello!
unanswered asks count: 1
welcome to this ask blog! (mod is @crescentmp3) this blog will be featuring the entire cast of cats are liquid: a better place. you may send asks to lumi, red, blue, green, or a combination of them. you can also send asks directed at me, the mod. if you do not specify who a question is directed to, i will assign a cat to it accordingly.
asks are meant to go in the askbox! dms are open for more personal conversations and anything you'd like to ask me personally ^^
i have a choice in which asks i answer, but i will answer most of them! please, do be kind to the kitties — they are just so small and tiny.
for clarification, the cats are currently in a state where it's before the events of a better place, so they haven't made the worlds together just yet.
the mod of this blog goes by celine, please use they/them.
many of the images will be undescribed, very sorry! i usually lack the spoons to describe my art.
please do keep in mind that this blog is not associated with the developer! i am simply a fan, and this blog is held together by headcanons and duct tape.
M!A's are allowed! feel free to put the cats in any kind of situation. if the sender does not specify a duration a magical anon lasts for, i will choose one myself.
please feel free to ask anything, as long as you don't identify with anything in the dni list below!
anti-MOGAI, anti-queer, anti-xenogenders, anti-neopronouns, aphobes, panphobes, exclusionists including mspec-lesbian/gay exclusionists, people who are "neutral" on "ace discourse", TERFs, transmeds, transphobes, anti-BLM, anti-endogenic systems, trump supporters, p0rn blogs, MAPS/pro-shippers/anti-antis, zoophiles, people who let anyone reblog from them, and people who don’t care who they reblog from, bigots in general. you will be blocked on sight.
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hello and welcome to my kitchen / discourse blog! before u attempt it/if u are thinking about doing it, i delete all anon hate jsyk bc i don't like to give cowards any attention and i think it's funny <3
nasty ppl such as terfs/swerfs, transandrophobes/ppl who think trans men/transmascs arent oppressed specifically for being trans men/transmascs, anti-mspec lesbians/anti-mspec gays, pan/aro/ace/whoever exclus, fascists, white supremacists, and all people along those lines, who reblog my posts and/or try to fight with me get blocked immediately i don't waste my time you are not worth it, get help n become a better person
i don't send death threats nor do i suibait bc that's pure insanity. however telling terfs/fascists/etc to die is not a death threat nor is it suibaiting. u chose to be an active member of a hate group first and u can stop doing that at any point u just don't want to and therefore any violence (as if someone saying "die" online is violence but yknow for the sake of argument) directed towards you, you have brought upon yourself. cry about it to the rest of your bigot friends bc i don't care about you and never will
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mogai-sunflowers · 2 years
a gender related to knights, knightcore, mushrooms, mushroomcore, moss, mosscore, dark rainy forests, and is like a knight on a quest in a dark, rainy, mossy forest
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[Image ID: A flag with two columns of nine equally-sized horizontal stripes separated by a near-black vertical stripes. From top to bottom in the left column the colors are near-black, deep grey, mid grey, grey, pale ice blue, golden, orange, red-orange, and deep magenta. In the same direction in the right column, the colors are deep grey-purple, royal blue, turquoise, green, pale olive green, grey, mid grey, deep grey, and near-black. End ID.]
term and flag by me :3 requested by no one!
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[DNI ID: A flag with seven equally-sized horizontal stripes: pink, orange, yellow, white, turquoise, blue, and periwinkle from top to bottom. The DNI reads “DNI: Anti-mspec lesbians/gays/straights, exclusionist, anti-lesboy/turigirl, racist/islamophobic/antisemitic, TERF/SWERF/radfem, transmed/truscum, anti-endo, proshipper, conservative, trumpie, anti-mogai, or if you don’t believe in transandrophobia/transmisandry.” There is a picture of a cute shooting star plushie on the right. End ID.]
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rjalker · 3 years
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[ID: Several designs in the colors of the Aurora lesbian pride flag:  very dark blue, purple, pale pink, pale yellow, and mint green.
The first is a design of a large heart surrounded by smaller hearts, against a transparent background. The second is of a large star, with smaller stars around it, also transparent. 
The third is a random assortment of small stars, hearts, diamonds, and other shapes. The fourth is a set of four abstract flower designs, with layers of petals that follow the colors of the flag. Matching flowers are diagonal from eachother, with the colors starting on the outside on one set, and starting from the inside on the other.
The fifth is a single abstract flower against a black background, with the colors begining on the outer petals and moving inward, and the sixths is the same in the opposite direction. The last picture is a set of fangs against a black background, with each tooth in the colors of the flag. End ID.]
These are all available in my redbubble shop, with the markdown set to 0%, so I don’t profit, and all you’re paying for is for them to be made! 
Feel free to use for icons, headers, moodboards, ect, as long as you aren’t on the DNI below!
Anti-MOGAI, anti-Queer, anti-Xenogenders, anti-Neopronouns, aphobes, panphobes, exclusionists incluidng mspec-lesbian/gay exclusionists, people who are “”neutral”” on “”ace discourse””, TERFs, transmeds, transphobes, anti-BLM, Trump supporters, porn/nsfw blogs, MAPS/pro-shippers/anti-antis, zoophiles, people who let anyone reblog from them, and people who don’t care who they reblog from, bigots in general, do not interact. You will be blocked.
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bi-lesbian · 4 years
I just meant an aspec blog who hates bi-lesbians. Personally, as a trans woman I really think that this rhetoric is based in radfem idealogy but what other term would you suggest? :/
ah i see :O
yeah some anti mspec lesbian stuff is def stemmed from/feels really radfem-y (or is... Directly said from radfems bc they Hate bi lesbianism), and is defintely caused by political lesbianism (which often overlaps with radical feminism)
as ive said in a post before, i find it better to point out that things are radfem rhetoric or political lesbian rhetoric than to just call people themselves radfems- it directs the focus to the things theyre saying instead of at the Person so it doesnt feel as much as just, using "radfem" to insult them, thus less likely for people to end up getting mad and defensive- which people gettin defensive just ends up making any possible conversation to be had stunted and go nowhere.
radfem is a wholele ideology, its not really just a thing to throw around to essentially be an insult- which i hate how that kinda thing is so prevalent in the queer community.. with radfem, terf, homophobe/etcphobe, and now is happening with blerf/plerf which most people dont even take seriously to begin with. so many people dont take Any of this stuff seriously anymore bc its constantly used just for anyone that disagrees on things, and its diluting the meaning of these words.
its important to mark the difference between Being a thing and Saying something thats related to it- spreading radfem rhetoric, especially not knowing it is such or how it could be such, does not mean someomes automatically a radfem. calling them a radfem isnt going to help them understand anything better.
so yeah, essentially imo its better to just use "radfem rhetoric" or "political lesbian rhetoric" and pointing out the specific talking points, instead of just labeling people radfems or such. i think itll help things actually be able to be talked about better (at least, for those that are willing to talk things out)
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dandymeowth · 3 years
@ that one person making the anti mspec/terf/aphobe blocklist, there’s a well known destiny/fate fan blog called bunniesandbishamonten who’s openly anti mspec and exclusionist, along with his partner and mutuals
You ought to direct that at them instead of me
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mogai-sunflowers · 2 years
a gender related to crows, forget me nots, daisies, blue skies, and grey skies
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[Image ID: A flag with two columns of five equally-sized horizontal stripes separated by a vertical black stripe. From top to bottom in the left column the colors are black, blue-grey, pastel purple, pastel pink, and white. In the same direction in the right column the colors are white, pale yellow, lime green, mid teal, and black. End ID.]
term and flag by me :3 requested by no one!
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[DNI ID: A flag with seven equally-sized horizontal stripes: pink, orange, yellow, white, turquoise, blue, and periwinkle from top to bottom. The DNI reads “DNI: Anti-mspec lesbians/gays/straights, exclusionist, anti-lesboy/turigirl, racist/islamophobic/antisemitic, TERF/SWERF/radfem, transmed/truscum, anti-endo, proshipper, conservative, trumpie, anti-mogai, or if you don’t believe in transandrophobia/transmisandry.” There is a picture of a cute shooting star plushie on the right. End ID.]
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rjalker · 2 years
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[ID: A pride flag with horizontal stripes of: cyan, blue, white, purple, and cyan. End ID.]
If you missed it the first time around this was a pride flag in a dream I had about Fallout: New Vegas.
And you know what I’m pretty sure it’s a “”new”” version of the trans pride flag that people in the Mojave wasteland created independantly, and it specifically means trans in a “fuck you I hope you get eaten by a deathclaw” way to transmisics. It’s a symbol of solidarity and defiance, spitting in the face of anyone who tries to to control how people identify, whether they be cis or other trans people. (Yes, truscum and people who hate neopronouns, this is in fact about you. You’re just as bigoted as cis people. You being trans does not negate your bigotry towards other trans people.)
I assume they also used a different word than “trans”, but I don’t know what it was. 
If anyone’s unfamiliar with the Fallout series, Fallout: New Vegas is set in the post apocalyptic future of 2281.
Yes it’s a massive coincidance that the original trans flag even exists at all considering the timeline of the Fallout series, but IDC. The original pink, blue, and white trans pride flag was lost to the dust of history in the region for over two hundred years, found only in the memory of a few of the oldest ghouls, and seemed like it would stay that way...
Until an archaologist/historian named Wild Future unearthed a book about it, and started telling everyone who would listen, using shay skills with paint and fabric to create flags, patches, paintings, and other forms of art with it so shay could share it with the other trans people shay knew to raise awareness about their shared history. It’s proof that “trans” (or whatever they call themselves in 2281) have always existed, despite claims from assholes that it’s a new fad or a phase. 
Here’s the post about Wild :) And here’s a post with other fallout themed flags I’ve made
I guess it needs an official name, since, “go get eaten by a deathclaw” is a mouthful....
Anyways, if you’re trans and not a piece of shit exclusionist, not a truscum/transmed, not anti-MOGAI, not anti-xenogenders, not anti-neopronouns, not any other kind of bigot, and not on my DNI? Feel free to use for icons, headers, redbubble and ect designs, as long as you link back either to this post, the one about Wild, or the one with the other flags, so that other people can find the original.
also if it needs to be said, yes, when I say trans it inherently includes nonbinary people. Nonbinary people are just as trans as binary people. I’m pretty damn certain that people say we aren’t because there’s no set direction for us to transition in, so we aren’t seen as “really trans” because people equate being trans with transitioning 100%, and that’s absolute bullshit.
You don’t need to transition to be trans. You don’t need to be out to be trans. You do not have to do anything to be trans except not identify 100% with the gender you were assigned at birth. That’s it. If you aren’t 100% cis? You are trans, no matter what bigots have to say about it. Congrats. 
and yes I am gonna paint pins with this flag >:)
Feel free to suggest names!
Anti-MOGAI, anti-Queer, anti-Xenogenders, anti-Neopronouns, aphobes, panphobes, exclusionists incluidng mspec-lesbian/gay exclusionists, people who are “”neutral”” on “”ace discourse””, TERFs, transmeds, transphobes, anti-BLM, anti-endogenic systems, Trump supporters, porn blogs, MAPS/pro-shippers/anti-antis, zoophiles, people who let anyone reblog from them, and people who don’t care who they reblog from, bigots in general, people I have blocked, do not interact. You will be blocked.
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rjalker · 3 years
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[ID: A flag with five horizontal stripes, with gold at the top, and forest green at the bottom, and a gradient of the two in between: Gold, yellow, lime green, green, and forest green. End ID.]
Guerilla gardening and community garden flag, which will be named the Cooperative Gardening flag, because fuck capitalism, fuck gentrification, fuck selfishness and the idea that to survive the apocalypse you have to shoot anyone who gets near you and fight over gasoline!
In this house we feed our neighbors and support our community in any way we’re able to, whether that means converting your yard into a community garden for anyone to come and take food from, to giving away plants, produce, or seeds, or planting native plants in the local woods and abandoned lots!
Even if you only want to do these things, but can’t, this flag is for you! Not everyone is able to garden, for many reasons, and that doesn’t make you a bad person.
This flag can be used for icons, headers, moodboards, redbubble designs, ect, as long as you aren’t on the DNI at the bottom of the post, and as long as you don’t support cottage/core or “homesteading”. Manifest Destiny is not soemthing that should be romanticized.
Self-sufficiency isn’t good enough. Work to help everyone in your community, not just you and your specific group of friends and family. Humans didn’t survive an ice age by acting like white men in post-apocalypse fiction.
If you want something almost anyone can do, whether they are able to garden ot not?
Start saving seeds. Do you buy apples? Pears? Plums? Apricots? Peaches? Save the seeds. Do you buy pumpkins or other squash? Save the seeds. Rinse them off, put them on a paper plate, towel, or wire rack, and let them dry for a week or two, then store them in labeled brown paper bags. They will last for years. Even if you don’t use them yourself, you can give them away to other people! 
If you’re good at gardening, and you can do anything to help your community, do so. It doesn’t have to be big or dramatic. Handing people a couple of seeds so they can start their own plants is a giant leap in the right direction. Show people that working together and helping eachother out of nothing but selfless kindness is an option. Not everything has to be motivated by profit.
And this doesn’t just apply to plants! If you have livestock, and you have extra food from them? Share it! Do you keep chickens? Share the eggs with everyone around you! Teach them how to raise chickens!
Kindness is an option!
Anti-MOGAI, anti-Queer, anti-Xenogenders, anti-Neopronouns, aphobes, panphobes, exclusionists incluidng mspec-lesbian/gay exclusionists, people who are “”neutral”” on “”ace discourse””, TERFs, transmeds, transphobes, anti-BLM, anti-endogenic systems, Trump supporters, porn blogs, MAPS/pro-shippers/anti-antis, zoophiles, people who let anyone reblog from them, and people who don’t care who they reblog from, bigots in general, people I have blocked, do not interact. You will be blocked.
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bi-lesbian · 4 years
do you believe that the terms BLERF and PLERF are acceptable to describe people who do support bi/pan lesbains? it’s resemblance to TERF is undeniable and, as it seems, many “B/PLERFs” (1) don’t subscribe to Radical feminism and (2) are LGBT+ themselves. If you find these terms unacceptable, what do you recommend to replace them with?
(i assume u meant "people who Dont support bi/pan lesbians")
honestly most of the time when ive seen BLERF/PLERF used is as "insults" when someone doesnt even fall under the ideology of a radfem, which ive seen a lot from the usage of TERF as well, and i dont think thats a good way to use these things at all. theyre not words to throw around for anything thats disagreeable- which ive seen too often for calling out supposed "-phobias" in the community too- theyre for certain kind of mindsets that is of a radical feminist. these are supposed to be serious words to point out bad things people think/do but they keep just being used for petty back-and-forth namecalling. (also the point of them usually being lgbt+ themselves is null, theres a lot of lesbian/bi TERFs. ppl can be in the community and still be dicks to other parts of it)
theres a difference between someone being a radfem and someone spreading radfem rhetoric. radfem rhetoric has seeped into a lot of average groups of the community, that doesnt mean that theyre all automatically radfems- and calling them such is just going to put them on the defensive for labeling them something theyre not, and probably something theyre vehemently against too (and dont realize theyre mimicing things from). aka theyre not going to be listening at all. its a lot better to point out that something theyre saying is radfem rhetoric than calling them a radfem bc it directs the situation to what theyre saying instead of them as a person.
so until people learn that throwing words around like this- esp just to be insults- really doesnt help and dillutes their meaning, i dont really like the usage of BLERF/PLERF. and i dont think many people really take them seriously to begin with, esp from how theyre often inaccurately used. i think "radfem/political lesbian rhetoric" is better to be using to point out against anti-mspec lesbian stuff.
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