#disadvantages of Python
numerouspost · 2 years
We will explore some of the main disadvantages of Python programming language and discuss the development process. We will also compare Python to other languages.
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mwydyn · 8 months
My degree wont finish until September 2025 with results announced in November -> sucks because I wanted to go straight to a masters and they all start in October
One piece of advice i got from the uni help centre was if i don't do the specific long running module I'll finish my studies in time
Yes thank you I'll just not complete my degree why didn't I think of that
What masters is going to let me on if I don't actually have the degree because i skipped the actual geology project module lmao
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trendingnow3-blog · 1 year
Day-6: Python Functions
Day-6: Python Fuctions - Python Boot Camp 2023
Introduction to Python functions Python functions are blocks of reusable code designed to perform specific tasks. They allow you to break down complex programs into smaller, manageable pieces. Functions enhance code reusability and readability, making it easier for developers to maintain and understand their programs. In this article, we will explore various aspects of Python functions, from…
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boozenboze · 2 years
I've been thinking about this, so basically what about the 141 reacting to the reader who used to work either really dangerous reptiles? Like he used to be a snake handler, or crocodile wrester stuff like that, also he has a ton of scars from tho past jobs. Thank you 😊
Tf 141 x ex!Herpetologist!pMale reader
Summary:While on patrol you and the rest of 141 run into a rattlesnake.They are suprised when you tame it and you later have to explain that you usef to work with reptiles
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Females She/Her snd She/They DNI
Before you joined the military you used to be a zoologist.Specifcslly a herpetologist since you worked with reptiles.You’ve worked with aligators,snakes,iguanas,any reptilian that comes to mind you’ve worked with.After a few years of doing that you quit your job since you wanted to do something more thrilling.So thats why you joined the military.
A few years had passed since you joined and during that time you had joined Task Force 141.When Price first saw your file the first thing he found was interesting about you was your past occupation.He does still question why someone of your previous occupation would wanna transition to something so dangerous.It was your decision though so he didn’t have much reason to judge.It was also mentioned that you had a snake with you as well.
When you met the rest of Task Force Soap, Gaz took an immediate liking to you. They asked a lot about your previous profession and you were happy to inform them. Gaz was quite nervous when you said that you had your own snake with you. Apparently, you owned a 20ft Burmese python and it was currently just slithering around in your room. That is one of the most dangerous snakes in existence for wuite obvious reasons.They would’ve thought it would be a disadvantage to have such a large animal with you but that wasn’t the case. Your snake was big enough to crush a fully grown adult which was helpful if an enemy was overpowering you.
When they first saw your python they thought it was very beautiful.Ghost secretly wanted to hold it when he saw how it wrapped loosely around your neck.You gave them all a chance to pet it and they learned that despite your snakes size it was very friendly.It gave Soaps face a few kisses and even wrapped around Gaz.Ghost just stood there watching them interact with the snake
"Damn this dude is heavy."Gaz wheezed as you took your snake back.You looked over at Ghost who was staring intently at your snake so you brought it up to him and asked.
"You wanna hold em?"Ghost looked at you then back at the snake who was staring into his soul.He nodded as M/n stood closer to him,allowing the snake to slither around the tall mans shoulders.Ghost eyes visibly softened as the snake pressed its nose against his mask before licking it.
"I guess he likes you ey L.T?”Soap asked as Ghost murmured a yes.
"Listen he may be friendly now but the bastard has bit me on occasion.Hell the bastard bit my inner thigh cause I wasn't paying him no mind."You explained which made them blush.The thought of you having marks on your thighs,hell Even anywhere brought some dirty thoughts to their heads.
“Ya think we could see em some time?”Soap asked suggestively as you laughed in response.
“Maybe another time,plus it’s A LOT of scars that I have.”You explained as they hummed in response.
“I gotta go feed this fellow before he decides to have a human snack,I’ll see y’all later.”You waved them off while taking your snake with you.Now there is only one thing that is left for you to know.
Sooner or later that snake won’t be the only thing leaving marks
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ipso-faculty · 3 months
A review of intersex/intergender flag mashup techniques
I really like it when I can figure out what a new pride flag means just from my knowledge of other flags, and I know I'm not alone on this. For example, here are some flags other people have made that I could immediately figure out were <thing> plus intersex:
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So, I've been thinking about how we as intersex flag creators can create hybrid flags in consistent way. I'm most motivated to figure out a recipe for intergender flags: genders that are connected to being intersex.
I assembled a spreadsheet of 66 gender flags, and wrote a Python script to take my csv file, parse it, and use the drawsvg library to draw the different flags in different ways. And then I stared at the results, showed them to friends, and discussed what would be both reliable in terms of producing clear, decent-looking results. (A subset of the results are under the keep reading cut.)
In this post I'm gonna review five mashup techniques that I automated and talk about advantages/disadvantages to each. But first a TLDR: adding yellow border stripes is a simple and reliable way to make an intersex-hybrid flag that is now my favourite (and recommended) way to make a new intergender flag.
For example, here's the interfluid flag (genderfluid in a way that is specifically intersex):
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Method 1: put a ring on it - advantages: simple to do, simple to understand - disadvantages: incredibly dependent on how well the ring colour works with background stripes, and the number of stripes. Would very roughly estimate only ~20% look decent.
Here's a subset of the results. Some, like genderfaun, look nice, but most look awkward:
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A yellow ring is even worse:
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I think the purple ring has a bit of potential, but I think it's not really viable for being used as a consistent, procedural way to make intergenders. ***
Method 2: stick a belt on it - advantages: already used for some existing mashups - disadvantages: some other genders are doing similar things, like voidpunk, and a white belt has been used by tons of groups for their mashups (e.g. neurogender).
It looks better than the ring alone, but I was still kinda underwhelmed because of how much it depends on the background stripes to not clash. Very roughly I'd say about 40% of the total results look good. Again, here's genderfae through paragender for comparison:
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Using a purple belt helps in some cases but makes for some visually busy results:
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The purple ones make me think of pokéballs. Again, there are some nice looking ones, but the effect over the whole group was underwhelming. ***
Method 3: inset into the ring - advantages: it's the most clearly "intersex plus X" - disadvantages: hard to read flags where the stripes are similar to each other; might clash with ring colour
When zoomed out like this the results aren't always super easy to read, but overall I'd say this is a reasonably reliably method - very roughly 60% of the results look good to me.
Playing with lightness and contrast on the inset flag likely would improve that number, but my goal here is to compare methods without tweaks.
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Insetting into the intergender flag has similar results:
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Method 4: add intersex-coloured stripe to the middle - advantage: seems like it would be simple - disadvantage: yellow middle stripe used for pansexual mashups; purple stripe is used in a bunch of of existing mashups - also disadvantage: turns out to actually be complicated in how to do it. Many flags have an odd number of stripes, not all flags have equal-length stripes, etc. I got buggy results on a whole bunch of flags like hijra and hypergirl and honestly if it takes dedicated debugging to fix it's probably too complicated.
When the original flag has an odd number of stripes, I doubled the original middle stripe up and this only works if there's a symmetry to the flag and all the stripes are of equal size.
The results are kinda busy. It looks good to my eyes very roughly 1/8 of the time (~12%) (I did an alternate version where I doubled the purple stripe around the original middle stripe and it's way worse.)
Purple stripe:
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Yellow stripe looks less busy but more confusing:
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Method 5: add border stripes with intersex colours - advantages: simple - disadvantages: maybe not as obviously intersex
I honestly didn't expect to like this one, but it has turned out to be my favourite. It works really reliably, like ~90% of the time, and it's distinctive.
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Surprisingly, using purple gives a really different vibe. It kinda makes me feel claustraphobic:
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Method 6: change the colours
This one I don't have automated results to share (at least not yet). Right now there are flags like how ultergender recolours the trans flag, that could serve as a template for recolouring.
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This is much more complex computationally - I spent a bunch of time playing around with different colourspaces (HSV, LCH, oklab, okLCH) to try to do this automatically and have concluded that this actually a difficult computational problem and not feasible as a widescale recipe.
Part of why the ultergender recolouring works is there are just two colours to recolour. How should one recolour the genderfluid flag? The demigender flag? It's possible to create a convention but not something I'm up to this moment.
I think recolouring is better suited to creating entirely new identities (like ultergender) rather than intergenders that are "<gender> but in an intergender way". ***
My goal in all of this has been to try and identify some reliable recipes for creating hybrid flags particularly for intergenders.
My entirely subjective and imprecise estimates of how reliably each method yielded a decent-looking result were: 1. Add yellow border: ~90%-ish 2. Inset: ~60% 3. Belt: ~40% 4. Ring: ~20% 5. Add middle stripe: ~1/8-ish
I was honestly surprised at how much I liked the yellow border method and the friends I've shown it to so far have liked it as well!
I'd like to propose adding yellow border stripes as a recipe for creating intergender flags. This is already in use for interfluid (genderfluid in a specifically/uniquely intersex way):
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Indeed, it's the only one of the mashup functions I wrote that yields something for genderfluid that I actually like:
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Extrapolating, here are examples of some gender coinings that I think would work: Interdemigender: demigender in a specifically/uniquely intersex way and/or demigender in a way linked to being intersex/intergender
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Intervaguegender: vaguegender in a way that is specifically intersex, such as in a way that is connected to being intersex (i.e. one's gender is vague not just for being neurodivergent but also intersex)
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I think it works well! I hope you like it! Let me know if you have any feedback. If there are other mashup techniques I didn't think of, let me know. :)
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izicodes · 1 year
Dynamically vs Statically-Typed Programming Languages
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Hiya!🌍💻 I know I haven't done one of these posts in a while but now I came up with a new topic to talk about!
Today, we're going to dive into the world of programming languages and explore the differences between dynamically-typed and statically-typed ones. I actually got the idea from explaining the whole difference between languages such as C# and Java to Lua and Python! Also just wanted to talk about how various languages handle data types~! So, buckle up, and let's get started~! 🚀
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The Main Difference
It all lies in how they handle data types:
In a dynamically-typed language, the type of a variable is determined at runtime, which means you don't have to specify the type explicitly when declaring a variable.
In a statically-typed language, the type of a variable is determined at compile-time, and you must declare the type explicitly when defining a variable.
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Example Code
Not getting the picture of what I'm talking about? No worries, let's take a look at some code examples to illustrate the difference. I'll use my beloved Lua (a dynamically-typed language) and C# (a statically-typed language)~!
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In the Lua example, we can see that we don't need to specify the data type of the variable x. We can even change its type later in the code and it would still work!
In the C# example, we must specify the data type of x when declaring it, and attempting to change its type later will result in a compile-time error. Remember though, you can convert an int to string in C# via 'Convert.ToString()'!
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In dynamically-typed language, the type of a variable is determined at runtime.
Lua, Python, and JavaScript are programming languages that are dynamically typed.
In a statically-typed language, the type of a variable is determined at compile-time.
C#, Java, and Go are programming languages that are statically typed.
Obviously, there is more to know about each type as dynamically-typed and statically-typed languages each have their advantages and disadvantages - but I wanted to focus more on the data type declaration part~!
Here are some further reading pages:
Dynamic Typing vs Static Typing - LINK
Advantages and Disadvantages of Dynamic and Static Typing - LINK
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That's all, thanks for reading, and hope you learned something new! Happy coding, folks~! 🌟💻🚀
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teamfortresstwo · 6 months
malware is different to Python in the sense that he’s designed to be capable of mimicking a human but to abandon that the second it’s limiting him. you could put your hands in that machinery but one small step one and it’d end up cutting your hand off like a knife through thin air. his human skin mimic is also not fully joined together and leaves gaps at the joints. Just a collection of facts I thought would be interesting
Ooooh indeed it is ! That’s fun . It also implies Python hangs onto humanity even if it puts him at a disadvantage which . I have incredible amounts of feelings about .
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wuxiaphoenix · 23 days
Worldbuilding: Running Hot and Cold
So, of the creatures you’ve invented for your world - are they ectothermic or endothermic?
“Cold-blooded” and “warm-blooded” are the colloquial terms for it. They’re... not exactly wrong, but incomplete. A “cold-blooded” critter simply does not have internal workings devoted to keeping it inside a specific band of temperatures No Matter What. (Though some may in fact be able to keep parts of their body much warmer or cooler than their surroundings - see the swordfish, among others, with their rete mirabile of blood vessels to keep their eyes warm in the sea to spot prey.) On the other hand a “warm-blooded” critter (birds and mammals being our key contenders) not only has the inner workings to do so, it absolutely must, or perish.
If you’re not sure what your critter should be, consider that these are two different ways of adapting to life with distinct advantages and disadvantages. Sort out which of those fit your critter best, and you should know what to pick.
First, let’s take ectothermy. As have most animals in the history of the world. It’s the most common way of life for a reason: it works. Since ectotherms rely on the outside world to keep them warm or cool, they don’t need to spend any energy on maintaining a constant internal temperature. This makes needing to eat much, much less of a worry; critical if you’re in a low-prey environment. Full-grown Nile crocodiles can pretty much live on only two wildebeest a year... and guess what? The herd’s migration usually takes them across particular rivers twice a year. Convenient!
(Herbivores prey on plants, algae, etc. Those, too, can be in short supply.)
Three distinct disadvantages, though. First, you have to make proteins that function at a wide range of temperatures; this costs extra resources. Second, your eggs are usually more temperature-sensitive than you are. Finding the right environment for them is critical. Third... if you really really need a fever, say to kill off a bacterial or fungal infection, you have to figure out how to get your environment to do the work. You have to give yourself a behavioral fever. Alligators, crocodiles, and their relatives will all do this by basking in the sun longer and more often than normal.
So. Endothermy. Apparently pounced on by both proto-mammals and some of the dinosaur lineages. This is a very resource-intensive strategy. You have to eat; you have to eat frequently. And if you get just a little too hot or cold inside, you die. A snake that drops down to 50 F inside may be perfectly fine, though it probably doesn’t want to freeze. A human whose internal temp drops to 85 F? That is nightmare territory and heading toward death. Why would any creature do this?
Look at the three disadvantages of ectothermy. An endotherm doesn’t make proteins that function across the temperature spectrum; it doesn’t have to. All its building blocks can be finely tuned to the temperature it’s supposed to be, with a little wiggle room in case of, you know, a smidge too cool or too hot. This saves a lot of resources. Sensitive eggs? Can be kept with you, either in a nest you keep warm or even - gasp - internally. (Mammals are so metal.) Fungus and bacteria? Get hit by a blazing reception of fiery fevers and fine-tuned immune systems. They can kill us, but numbers-wise, ectotherms are at far greater risk.
And evolution, very often, is a numbers game. It doesn’t take much of an advantage to pull ahead. It only takes a small, constant advantage over time.
Of course, there are exceptions. Like hibernating hummingbirds (some let their temp drop to 40 F every night) and pythons shivering to keep eggs 5-10 degrees warmer than outside air (as the Everglades snarl in frustration). And then there are paleontologist speculations that the really big sauropods and some other dinosaurs had mesothermy, which doesn’t seem to exist on the planet today because the (probably asteroid impact) disaster at the K-T boundary wiped out every critter past a certain size, and you had to be sauropod-size to make it work. 
Consider all these, when you make up a critter for your characters to deal with. It matters to how they behave - and that makes a big difference when your heroes might have to run through a pack of them!
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wisp11 · 3 months
Meet Owen
• 12 years old
• biological child of Wanda and a male donor
• is very awkward
• will literally try to avoid any situation if possible
• he also has asthma which is pretty severe
• both his moms, Ben and Charlie carry an inhaler anywhere they go
• Owen obviously too
• goes to a private middle school next to the twins' high school
• is in 7th grade
• comic book lover
• Owen and Liam have a secret comic book stash hiding under Liam's bed
• it's hiding in there because Natasha and Wanda think that some comic books are too extreme and graphic for them
• by the age of 9, Owen had taught himself several programming languages, including Python and JavaScript
• he uses these skills to build games or apps of his own
• he's very (VERY) smart and talented
• finds school boring since he has studied almost
anything that is being taught, at home when younger
• so he doesn't really make an effort and has „ok" grades when they could be much better
• his moms are fine with it though, they know what he's capable of
• despite his love for technology, Owen finds peace in nature
• him and Wanda go out for a morning walk everyday before school
• they just like to talk
• Owen usually geeks out about some tech or new programming language he plans on learning
• Wanda is just happy to listen even though she doesn't understand anything most of the time
• pretty severe medical trauma
• will elaborate on that somewhen
• is OBSESSED with Tony and spends a lot of time with him much to his moms' dismay
• 12 years old
• third-oldest aka middle child along with Mia
• biological child of Elizabeth and another male celebrity
• doesn't remember his „father" much, since he was just a few months old when they separated
• adores Scarlett
• she's his mom and treats her the same as Lizzie
• goes to a private middle school
• just like „pretend Owen" he is big into technology and computer science and allat
• severe asthma
• prefers solitary activities or small groups rather than large gatherings
• absolutely despises the paparazzi but tries to keep his younger siblings protected and usually puts them before himself
• is Scarlizzie's only kid in elementary school
• he's also bullied
• being the kid of two very well known actresses comes with a liz of disadvantages
• „Your moms fucking suck, Brie Larson is way better", „I bet you only get good grades because your parents can buy anything", „You'll end up just like your Dad", „Who's your real Dad? Couldn't handle you?" and so on
• and he's sick of it
• his teachers don't really do anything
• and he would never tell his parents
• neither Charlie or Ben
• they would just make his situation worse
Face Claim
Walker Scobell
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mercyjuliet1512 · 7 months
Exploring the Pros and Cons of Selenium IDE for Test Automation
Introduction: Selenium IDE, a widely-used integrated development environment for Selenium, has garnered attention among testers for its ability to streamline automated test script creation. While it offers numerous advantages, it also presents certain limitations. In this comprehensive examination, we delve into the strengths and weaknesses of Selenium IDE, providing valuable insights to guide testers in their test automation endeavors.
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Advantages of Selenium IDE:
1. User-Friendly Interface: Selenium IDE boasts an intuitive interface that simplifies the process of creating test scripts. Its user-friendly tools for recording and playback make it accessible to testers of all levels, including those with minimal programming experience.
2. Swift Test Development: A notable feature of Selenium IDE is its capacity for rapid test development. Testers can swiftly create automated test cases by recording user interactions with web applications, reducing the need for manual scripting and accelerating the development cycle.
3. No Programming Expertise Required: Unlike some other Selenium tools, Selenium IDE does not demand proficiency in programming languages. Testers can create automated tests without writing code, making it an attractive option for those new to automation or seeking a simplified approach.
4. Cross-Browser Testing Support: Selenium IDE facilitates cross-browser testing, enabling testers to execute test scripts across various web browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. This ensures consistent application functionality across different browser environments.
5. Seamless Integration with Selenium WebDriver: Selenium IDE seamlessly integrates with Selenium WebDriver, allowing testers to export recorded test scripts to WebDriver-compatible programming languages like Java, Python, and C#. This interoperability enhances script flexibility and scalability for more complex testing scenarios.
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Disadvantages of Selenium IDE:
1. Limited Functionality: While Selenium IDE offers ease of use, its functionality is relatively limited compared to other Selenium tools such as WebDriver and Grid. It primarily focuses on basic test recording and editing, which may not suffice for complex testing requirements.
2. Browser Dependency: Selenium IDE's functionality is dependent on the browser, which can lead to compatibility issues and constraints. Changes in browser versions or updates may impact the reliability and performance of Selenium IDE, necessitating ongoing maintenance and updates.
3. Challenges with Dynamic Element Handling: Selenium IDE may encounter challenges when handling dynamic web elements and complex interactions. Its inability to effectively manage dynamic elements can restrict its usability in certain testing scenarios, requiring alternative approaches or additional tools.
4. Limited Script Reusability: Test scripts created in Selenium IDE may lack modularity and reusability, particularly for large test suites. Managing and organizing test scripts can be challenging, leading to increased maintenance overhead and reduced efficiency.
5. Absence of Native Parallel Testing Support: Selenium IDE does not natively support parallel testing, which may impact test execution speed and efficiency, particularly in large-scale automation projects. Testers may need to explore alternative solutions or utilize other Selenium tools for parallel execution.
Conclusion: In summary, Selenium IDE offers a user-friendly platform for automated test script creation, making it a valuable tool for testers across various skill levels. However, its limitations in terms of functionality, browser dependency, and lack of advanced features may pose challenges for complex testing scenarios. Testers should carefully evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of Selenium IDE to determine its suitability for their specific testing needs and project requirements.
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thara333 · 9 months
Unraveling Selenium's Testing Odyssey: Pros and Cons Unveiled
In the ever-evolving realm of software testing, Selenium stands as a stalwart, renowned for its versatility and capabilities. As testing teams explore this dynamic tool, it's essential to navigate through its strengths and challenges. This exploration takes a deep dive into the advantages and disadvantages of Selenium, offering insights into what makes it a formidable ally and where it presents potential hurdles.
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Pros of Leveraging Selenium:
Seamless Cross-Browser Compatibility: Selenium's prowess lies in its ability to seamlessly support an array of browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge. This ensures that web applications undergo thorough and consistent testing across diverse user environments.
Flexibility in Programming Language Support: A distinguishing feature of Selenium is its support for various programming languages – Java, Python, C#, and Ruby. This adaptability empowers testing teams to choose languages that align with their expertise or project requirements, fostering a dynamic and adaptable testing environment.
Efficient Parallel Execution: Selenium's capability to execute test scripts in parallel enhances efficiency, especially when dealing with extensive test suites. This feature significantly reduces the time required for test runs, a crucial aspect in meeting tight development timelines.
Robust Community and Abundant Resources: Beyond its features, Selenium thrives on the strength of its community. A vibrant and vast user community, coupled with an abundance of online resources, ensures quick problem-solving, continuous updates, and a wealth of knowledge accessible to testers at all skill levels.
Seamless Integration with Test Frameworks: Selenium effortlessly integrates with popular test frameworks like TestNG and JUnit. This integration elevates test management capabilities, streamlining reporting and supporting the implementation of advanced testing scenarios. The synergy between Selenium and these frameworks enhances overall testing efficiency.
Cons of Navigating Selenium's Landscape:
Limitations in Non-Web Application Support: Selenium excels in web application testing but presents limitations in handling non-web applications. This can be a challenge for projects involving diverse application types, necessitating additional tools for comprehensive testing.
Steep Learning Curve: Selenium's feature-rich nature comes with a learning curve, particularly for newcomers. The tool's intricacies may require time and dedication to master. While this curve poses a challenge, the investment in learning pays off in enhanced testing capabilities.
Reporting Dependencies on Third-Party Tools: Selenium lacks comprehensive reporting features, leading testers to rely on third-party tools or integrate additional reporting plugins. While this adds a layer of complexity, it is a common practice to ensure thorough and insightful test reports.
Challenges in Dynamic Element Identification: Dynamic web pages with frequently changing elements can pose challenges for Selenium. Ensuring stable and reliable identification of dynamic elements may require advanced strategies, influencing the resilience of test scripts. Employing dynamic element identification techniques becomes crucial.
Limited Support for Image-based Testing: Selenium's primary focus on interacting with HTML elements results in limited support for image-based testing. For projects heavily reliant on visual validation, additional tools may be necessary to complement Selenium's capabilities.
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Selenium stands as a robust ally in the testing arena, offering a spectrum of advantages for web application testing. However, understanding its limitations, especially in handling non-web applications and dynamic elements, is crucial. Testers must weigh these pros and cons, considering the learning curve and potential challenges, to make informed decisions about integrating Selenium into their testing toolkit.
In essence, Selenium empowers testing teams with flexibility and efficiency, serving as a reliable companion in ensuring the quality and reliability of software applications. As the testing landscape continues to evolve, Selenium remains a cornerstone, contributing to the ever-advancing field of software testing.
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z0ruas · 1 year
Thinking about homeschooling again and in my case while there was physical and emotional abuse at home sometimes a lot of my neglect was educational. Main teaching parent just like didn’t teach what she didn’t remember, which ended up being math and science in middle school, which I’m sorely feeling right now. I really feel for COVID era kids struggling with video school because back in the ancient year of 2004 that was me. What she couldn’t teach she ordered DVDs about from Abeka (a publisher popular with schools attended by Fox News evangelicals’ kids lol) but barely supervised me while I watched them, like I remember being a dumb kid and distracting myself during them or working on other subjects I “liked more” (weren’t as difficult) because no one was around to notice I wasn’t retaining the 2D lecture enough. I distinctly remember going into the teachers edition of my seventh grade math book to correct my own homework and tests sometimes.
We showed up to public school for the first time (9th grade) with her made up report card full of straight A’s for me and I was like…yeah that DVD Algebra, Spanish and Earth Science are already like a dream to me…didn’t help my church and community were like sort of against me as a future woman becoming proficient in those subjects lol but yeah I’m saying all this to say that I shouldn’t feel as bad as I do for forgetting basic math sometimes despite being interested in coding for most of my life honestly. At first I just wanted to know how the Pokémon and Animal Crossing cheat codes worked, how games worked in general, how MySpace and HTML worked eventually, now I’m eating Python the way I should’ve eaten C++ seven years ago (picked because Pokémon’s coded in C lol). But as soon as I was in a real math class I found myself at a disadvantage when I got amongst my peers and realized that not having someone strict around (about school and not other arbitrary shit) was a detriment during my “middle school.” I was always in a number grade and what not because of national testing, but as far as letter grades for my individual classes? Never existed lol right now I can’t recall how we determined how I had “passed” something…perhaps finishing the textbook itself or whatever lesson plans she bought? But sometimes we didn’t…
Anyway I’m gonna keep checking in with that organization I posted on Day of the Homeschooled Child to see what I can do to prevent something like this from happening to anyone else, because the insecurity I feel to this day when doing basic math knowing some of the way I learned was recklessly self taught in a subject where rules and order really fucking matter 😂 like I love math I just know I’m bad at it. I really don’t wanna be though
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shamelesslymkp · 2 years
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(Wish I Were) Dead
16 notes - Posted February 13, 2022
he is wearing BOOT SOLES as PAULDRONS, this KID
(@kedreeva, mkp's znation liveblog, take 2)
19 notes - Posted May 17, 2022
Was trawling back through my AO3 history and I started deleting deleted fics, which reduced the page count by like, 20 before I’d even gotten a 200 pages back from the oldest entries, so this is your reminder to check out and regularly use @nianeyna‘s ao3 downloader!!
(all gods bless you for sharing that, for serious, especially the pinboard functionality as apparently I AM a fandom dinosaur which is hilarious and somewhat inspirational at the same time)
(I am having some difficulties now finding and downloading the stuff I missed because it isn’t bookmarked on Pinboard from the AO3, only from LJ or whatever, which is why I started trawling my history in the first place and huh it looks like for the first few years I only left kudos when my head had been practically blown off, unlike my current categorizing system of ‘seen - tried, didn’t like’, ‘kudosed - read, liked’, ‘pinned to pinboard - read, liked enough to re-read’, ‘bookmarked on ao3 - read and holy shit i need a quick link to this fucker so i can read it again immediately on demand, and/or oh hey! series!’)
(I’m trying to make use of some other Python utilities I found for scraping my personal AO3 reading history but uh. I keep running into problems. u_u)
24 notes - Posted March 16, 2022
D&D as Disability Metaphor
N.B. Most of the ideas herein about spell slots/cantrips and mana/health points were sourced from various tumblr posts; please reblog with links if you have them! Also reblog with additional links to those tumblr posts about forks and knives!
In this metaphor, YOU are a D&D/RPG character!
Your CHARACTER BUILD reflects your strengths and weaknesses. 
First: you have your basic STATS – INT, CON, WIS, DEX, STR, CHA – these are primarily determined by your baseline nature and your early nurture. (e.g., you may be born with a certain facility for learning, a natural sense of balance, perfect pitch, etc., or you may have spent much of your life playing sports and building strength and dexterity, or have been forced by circumstance to become Very Good at identifying people’s true motives and/or playing the part you need to play in any given situation, etc.)
Secondly: You have your basic ADVANTAGES and DISADVANTAGES. These are primarily determined by your baseline nature but can be affected by nurture and change over time just as you do! 
For example, you may be vision impaired – any task requiring good vision will have you at a natural disadvantage that can be mitigated by the use of an accessory or tool. So long as you have your accommodation, your natural disadvantage is entirely or partially nullified – instead of a negative 3 to skill checks involving vision, you might have a modifier of only negative 1 or even zero!
Another example: 
You might be autistic or have other sensory processing issues that mean certain textures are ILLEGAL – any time you’re required to interact with that texture, you have to roll a WIS save to see how it impacts you. 
On a bad day (in the metaphor, you roll a 1), you might be completely incapacitated for a time. On a good day, you might be able to use a positive modifier from a learned skill like DISTRESS TOLERANCE or DISENAGE to overcome the badness and only be partially incapacitated, or maybe not even incapacitated at all, just inflicted with a DEBUFF of some kind for a period of time. (This gives you a negative modifier for future skill checks and saving throws until the debuff expires or you take a LONG REST.)
On any given day, your disability (physical, mental, developmental, etc.) may give you a GENERAL DEBUFF that affects your skill checks and saving throws. 
For example, if you have bipolar disorder and are in a depressive episode, you might have a negative 1 modifier to any social interaction, even if ‘normally’ you have a plus 3. 
Or you might have chronic migraines and be having a debilitating headache that actually precludes the use of some skills/spells/actions at all – you might be incapable of leaving a dark room or of using your computer/phone.
Thirdly: In general, you can think of your overall capability to COPE as mana points, stamina points, spell slots, or anything similar. SPELL SLOTS is the easiest metaphor, just because of how the magic system is structured.
You have a given number of SPELL SLOTS on any single day, although a DEBUFF might reduce your baseline of slots for the day or a BUFF might actually give you an extra one! These spell slots correspond to the energy needed to perform various activities/tasks. The more difficult the task, the higher level of spell slot is required. BUT! If you’ve already used your third level spell slot for the day and need to “cast” another third level spell (another difficult activity), you can sacrifice multiple lower level spell slots in order to do so, with the disadvantage of having fewer slots left until your next LONG REST.
Some activities don’t drain you at all and can be done at any time (in this metaphor, they can be considered CANTRIPS). Some might even return used spell slots! (Think of this as taking a SHORT REST.) CANTRIPS are typically less effort or are of such benefit that they cancel out the level of effort required. They vary wildly based on the individual. An example for one person might be listening to an audiobook or taking a hot shower, while a different person might consider both of those first level spells.
Finally: The final part of this metaphor switches genres a little bit, so bear with me. This doesn’t tend to happen in the most well-known tabletop RPGs, but you’ve probably seen it in other popular media. Sometimes, you’re completely out of spell slots / mana / stamina, but you’ve got something you absolutely HAVE to do – either because it’s a necessity for your survival, or because you simply care about the thing so much that you’re willing to borrow against your future self.
In this kind of situation, you can ‘borrow’ spell slots from your future self (meaning you use it now, and therefore don’t have it available to use the next day), or you might start using your own health points in place of the missing mana. 
Think about in fantasy media, when the magic user runs out of magic in the FINAL BATTLE and starts sacrificing their own life force to continue powering the spell. In some circumstances, they might drain themselves so completely that they can never use magic again, or it takes them years to recover. Similarly, a person with CFS who pushes themselves too hard one day might end up bedbound for days, weeks, or even months following. 
Another example: 
Someone with a torn ACL who stresses it during the healing process might find that it never heals completely/properly, permanently affecting their athletic ability.
TL;DR – D&D is actually a great extended metaphor for both short-term and long-term disabilities and how they impact a person’s life! 
But it does. Uh. Require some background in RPG terms and tropes in order to fully understand it. If the person you’re trying to explain the concepts to is completely unfamiliar with RPGs, you may be better off with sticking with something more basic like Spoon* Theory (or the Unified Cutlery** Theory).
Citations etc. under the cut.
*See Christine Miserandino's spoon article here: https://butyoudontlooksick.com/articles/written-by-christine/the-spoon-theory/. Learn more @thespoontheory
**Unified Cutlery Theory, very overly simplified: Spoons = Energy, Forks = Things That Make Your Spoons Worth Less, Knives = Something You Need Help Addressing Or It’ll Make Things Worse
See @jenrosess' original post here: https://www.tumblr.com/jenroses/635100154258735104 and the update including knives here: https://www.tumblr.com/jenroses/635100154258735104/sheepscot-cipheramnesia-jenroses-have-i
(Apparently there are two competing Fork Theories? The one I'm used to is the one referenced above.)
***Mana and spell slots metaphors are really hard to source, y'all, so if you have links please add them in your reblogs!
71 notes - Posted December 5, 2022
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525 notes - Posted October 22, 2022
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douchebagbrainwaves · 21 days
I'm looking for are programs that are very dense according to the metric of elements sketched above, not merely programs that are short because delimiters can be omitted and everything has a one-character name. And that's probably an ongoing trend. System administrators can become cranky and unresponsive because they're not directly exposed to competitive pressure: a salesman has to deal with bugs wholesale. In some applications, the processor will be the limit; the number of elements, where an element is anything that would be a flaw. But in retrospect having nothing turned out to be another intellectual hangover of long forgotten origins. They look at whatever they want online without worrying whether it's work safe. The disadvantage is that it has started to be driven by a spirit of benevolence.
A company big enough to be fairly conservative, and within the company the people in charge of acquisitions will be among the more conservative, because they know what they're doing, and it's true for software too. All the rest were working on releases, ports, and so no matter how good his language was, no one wants to work with someone to know whether you want them as a cofounder. It's the way we lie to kids, the most conspicuous difference between Web-based software assumes nothing about the client, they can't be measuring intelligence. Formidable is roughly justifiably confident. The parents who want you to help the sick, but also because it's a prestigious and lucrative career. Then there was a problem with a server. Family to support This one is real. When you own a desktop computer, and there I find the ancient rule still works: try to understand the underlying principles.
Many investors explicitly use that as a question, because now I can pretend it wasn't merely a rhetorical one. And it seems great for 10 year olds. Expressing ideas helps to form them. It would seem a misnomer if someone said they were very determined to do something people want. Another way to get rich. And to my horror I started acting like a child molester telling his victims they'll get in trouble if they tell anyone what happened to them. Open source and blogging show us things don't have to be mean when you have absolutely no desire to work on crazy speculative projects with me. This won't work for all startups, but philosophically they're at the opposite end of the summer. It's more important to grow fast or die.
Some changes might be bigger than others, but the startup itself, like it was for Yahoo and Google. Maybe it's because you haven't made what they want. Gradually you realize that these two things are as tightly connected as only a market can make them. The valuable part of English classes is learning to write, and the PR campaign surrounding the launch has the side effect that after having implicitly lied to kids about: they're the two different senses in which the same curve can be high. If you want to create the most wealth, the way to the extreme of doing the computations on the server is nothing new in it. Since they're writing for a popular magazine they then proceed to recoil from in terror. Maybe some aspects of professionalism are actually a net lose. I'd much rather read an essay that displeases one side in a dispute reads as an attempt to pander to the other. They seemed to have done as well as buildings you need roads, street signs, utilities, police and fire departments, and plans for both growth and various kinds of disasters. Nothing could be better, for a new language.
The customer is always right, that's a sign of a good bet—that you can supply the three things any language needs—a language you should learn as an intellectual exercise, even though you don't need the current. That's the secret. As written, it tends to offend people who like unions. You please or annoy customers wholesale. Amateurs I think the goal of a language is readability, not succinctness. Python's goal is not to be the CPUs of computers. I see a third mistake: timidity. Don't have multiple people editing the same piece of code. It's common for a group of founders to go through one lame idea before realizing that a startup has to go to grad school in the fall with all the other seniors; no one regards you as a failure, because your occupation is student, and you could also do x.
We've kept the program shape—all of us having dinner together once a week turns out to be really good at acting formidable often solve this problem by giving investors the impression that youth is intentionally being deceived by the state through lies: it was a crushing impression. It's usually fairly quick to find a cofounder, but that you should have access to email messages no matter where you are, the more dangerous it is to make more than you expect, but you're also capable of more than a hundred years old. At a minimum, files will be centrally available for users who want that. Raising money is not like applying to college, but I can think of a financial advisor who put all his client's assets into one volatile stock? When people come to you with a problem and you have to compile and run separately. Drastic as it sounds. But I think that there will be a collection of programs rather than a single binary, it can be very useful. You have to use some implementation-specific hacks as well, and in practice languages are judged relative to whatever they're used to hack. Once you cross the threshold of profitability can be trivially low.
We had to spend thousands on a server somewhere, maintained by the kind of results I expected, tend to have fewer bugs. Someone who's figured that out will automatically focus more on their needs than your interests, and make more than you spend. One of the most pointless of all the things we could do than the traditional employer-employee relationship still retains a big chunk of master-servant DNA. But more importantly, by selecting that small a group you can get a job, as if they were deliberately trying to do in certain situations? Some amount of piracy is to the advantage of software companies. I'm not the only way to get paid for it. I can answer that. And vice versa: you'll sell more of something when it's easy to buy. Companies are likely to be one-directional: support people who hear about bugs fill out some form that eventually gets passed on possibly via QA to programmers, who put it on their list of things to do. What big companies do is boring, you're going to spend the weekend at a friend's house on a little island off the coast of Maine. I now realize that you should have access to the system from anywhere. If I encourage too many people to apply to Y Combinator, it just means more work for me, its main value.
The famous scientists I remember were Einstein, Marie Curie, and George Washington Carver with Einstein misled us not only about science, but about how to make money that you can't do it and the adults will probably let you off. So if you want. One expert on entrepreneurship told me that his copy of CLTL falls open to the section format. Hygienic macros are intended to protect me from variable capture, among other things, they had become extremely formidable. Fewer do than at school, but there are things you can do to keep the two forces balanced. I went to college with a lot of wiggle room. At this point, anyone proposing to run Windows on servers should be prepared to explain what they know about servers that Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft, among others, were all founded by people who only think about one thing, real problems are rare and valuable. That is one of the things startups do right without realizing it. Most of the legal restrictions on employers are intended to protect me from variable capture, among other things, treating a startup as it grows larger? What I'm looking for are programs that run on Web servers and use Web pages as the user interface.
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tibcospotfire123 · 28 days
TIBCO Spotfire Training in Ameerpet | TIBCO Spotfire Training
Advantages & Disadvantages of TIBCO Spotfire
TIBCO Spotfire is a powerful analytics and business intelligence (BI) platform that allows users to visualize, analyse, and interpret data through interactive dashboards and advanced analytics. It is widely used in various industries to derive insights from data and support decision-making processes. However, like any tool, TIBCO Spotfire has its strengths and weaknesses. This article explores the key advantages and disadvantages of using TIBCO Spotfire.
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Advantages of TIBCO Spotfire
User-Friendly Interface: TIBCO Spotfire is known for its intuitive and user-friendly interface. Users with minimal technical expertise can easily create visualizations and dashboards. The drag-and-drop functionality allows users to quickly assemble complex reports and analyses without the need for extensive coding knowledge. This accessibility makes it a preferred choice for business users who need to analyse data without relying heavily on IT or data science teams. TIBCO Spotfire Online Training
Real-Time Data Analysis: One of the standout features of TIBCO Spotfire is its ability to perform real-time data analysis. Users can connect to live data sources, enabling them to visualize and analyse data as it changes. This is particularly valuable for industries where timely decisions are critical, such as finance, healthcare, and manufacturing. The platform supports a wide range of data connectors, allowing seamless integration with various data sources.
Advanced Analytics Capabilities: TIBCO Spotfire offers advanced analytics features, including predictive analytics, statistical modelling, and machine learning integration. These capabilities allow users to go beyond simple data visualization and delve into deeper insights, such as forecasting trends, identifying outliers, and uncovering hidden patterns in data. The platform supports the integration of R and Python scripts, which expands its analytical capabilities and makes it a versatile tool for data scientists.
Scalability and Performance: TIBCO Spotfire is designed to handle large volumes of data efficiently. Its in-memory data processing engine allows for quick data manipulation and visualization, even with massive datasets. The platform can scale to meet the needs of both small businesses and large enterprises, making it suitable for organizations of all sizes. Additionally, Spotfire's cloud-based deployment options provide flexibility in terms of scaling resources as needed. TIBCO Spotfire Training Certification Course
Customizability and Flexibility: Spotfire is highly customizable, allowing users to tailor the platform to meet their specific needs. Users can create custom visualizations, design unique dashboards, and develop tailored analytics workflows. The platform also supports the creation of custom scripts and extensions, providing flexibility for users with specific requirements. This customizability makes Spotfire adaptable to various industries and use cases.
Collaboration Features: TIBCO Spotfire includes robust collaboration features that allow teams to work together on data analysis projects. Users can share dashboards, visualizations, and reports with colleagues, enabling collaborative decision-making. The platform supports role-based access controls, ensuring that users only have access to the data and features they need. This enhances security while fostering collaboration across teams.
Mobile Accessibility: in today's fast-paced business environment, mobile accessibility is crucial. TIBCO Spotfire offers mobile applications that allow users to access and interact with their data on the go. This ensures that decision-makers can stay informed and make data-driven decisions from anywhere, at any time. The mobile apps are designed to be responsive and user-friendly, ensuring a seamless experience across devices. TIBCO Spotfire Training
Disadvantages of TIBCO Spotfire
Cost: One of the primary disadvantages of TIBCO Spotfire is its cost. The platform can be expensive, especially for small businesses or start-ups with limited budgets. The pricing model is typically based on a subscription or licensing fee, which can add up over time. Additionally, there may be additional costs for advanced features, customizations, and support services. Organizations must carefully evaluate their budget and the value Spotfire brings before committing to the platform.
Learning Curve for Advanced Features: While TIBCO Spotfire is user-friendly for basic data visualization tasks, there can be a steep learning curve for more advanced features. Users who want to leverage the platform's full capabilities, such as advanced analytics or custom scripting, may need to invest time in training and upskilling. This can be a barrier for users who are not familiar with data science concepts or programming languages like R and Python. TIBCO Spotfire Training Course Online
Limited Free Resources: Unlike some other BI tools, TIBCO Spotfire has limited free resources and community support. While there is documentation available, the availability of free tutorials, forums, and community-driven content is not as extensive as some of its competitors. This can make it challenging for users to find answers to specific questions or troubleshoot issues without relying on paid support services.
Performance Issues with Extremely Large Datasets: Although TIBCO Spotfire is designed to handle large datasets, there can be performance issues when dealing with extremely large or complex data sources. In some cases, users may experience slow response times or difficulties in rendering visualizations. This can be particularly problematic for organizations that need to analyse vast amounts of data in real-time. In such scenarios, additional infrastructure or optimization may be required to maintain performance. TIBCO Spotfire Online Course Hyderabad
Complexity in Data Preparation: Data preparation in TIBCO Spotfire can be complex, especially for users who are not familiar with data engineering concepts. While the platform offers data wrangling and transformation tools, these features may not be as intuitive as other BI tools. Users may need to spend extra time preparing their data before it can be effectively visualized and analysed, which can slow down the overall analysis process.
Dependency on IT for Complex Integrations: for more complex integrations or customizations, users may need to rely on IT or data engineering teams. This dependency can create bottlenecks, especially in organizations where IT resources are limited. While the platform is designed to be user-friendly, certain tasks, such as setting up data connectors or implementing custom scripts, may require technical expertise.
TIBCO Spotfire is a robust and versatile BI platform that offers numerous advantages, including a user-friendly interface, real-time data analysis, advanced analytics capabilities, and scalability. However, it also comes with certain disadvantages, such as cost, a learning curve for advanced features, and potential performance issues with extremely large datasets. Organizations considering TIBCO Spotfire should weigh these pros and cons carefully, taking into account their specific needs, resources, and long-term goals. By doing so, they can make an informed decision about whether Spotfire is the right tool for their data analytics and business intelligence needs.
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msrlunatj · 1 month
¿React o Django? Diferencias, Ventajas y Desventajas en el Desarrollo Web / React or Django? Differences, Advantages, and Disadvantages in Web Development
Introducción / Introduction
Español: En el desarrollo web moderno, elegir la tecnología adecuada puede marcar una gran diferencia en el éxito de un proyecto. React y Django son dos de las herramientas más populares, cada una con sus propios puntos fuertes y limitaciones. React, una biblioteca de JavaScript, es ampliamente utilizada para construir interfaces de usuario dinámicas y altamente interactivas. Django, por otro lado, es un framework de Python que permite crear aplicaciones web robustas y seguras con rapidez. En este blog, exploraremos las diferencias clave entre React y Django, así como sus ventajas y desventajas, para ayudarte a decidir cuál es la mejor opción según tus necesidades.
English: In modern web development, choosing the right technology can make a significant difference in a project's success. React and Django are two of the most popular tools, each with its strengths and limitations. React, a JavaScript library, is widely used for building dynamic and highly interactive user interfaces. Django, on the other hand, is a Python framework that allows for creating robust and secure web applications quickly. In this blog, we will explore the key differences between React and Django, as well as their advantages and disadvantages, to help you decide which one is the best fit for your needs.
1. Diferencias Fundamentales / Fundamental Differences
Español: La principal diferencia entre React y Django es su propósito y enfoque en el desarrollo web:
React: Es una biblioteca de JavaScript utilizada principalmente para construir interfaces de usuario (UI). React se enfoca en la vista en la arquitectura MVC (Modelo-Vista-Controlador), permitiendo la creación de aplicaciones web dinámicas y de una sola página (SPA). React es ideal para manejar la parte frontal de las aplicaciones web, proporcionando herramientas para crear componentes reutilizables y gestionar el estado de la aplicación.
Django: Es un framework completo de Python diseñado para construir aplicaciones web desde cero. Django sigue la arquitectura MVT (Modelo-Vista-Plantilla) y proporciona todo lo necesario para manejar tanto el backend como el frontend de una aplicación web. Es una opción excelente para proyectos que requieren un sistema de autenticación, bases de datos robustas y administración de contenido.
English: The main difference between React and Django is their purpose and focus in web development:
React: It is a JavaScript library primarily used for building user interfaces (UI). React focuses on the view in the MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture, enabling the creation of dynamic and single-page web applications (SPA). React is ideal for handling the front end of web applications, providing tools to create reusable components and manage application state.
Django: It is a full-stack Python framework designed to build web applications from scratch. Django follows the MVT (Model-View-Template) architecture and provides everything needed to handle both the backend and frontend of a web application. It is an excellent choice for projects requiring an authentication system, robust databases, and content management.
2. Ventajas de React / Advantages of React
Interactividad y Dinamismo: React permite crear interfaces de usuario altamente interactivas con actualizaciones en tiempo real sin necesidad de recargar la página completa.
Componentes Reutilizables: Los componentes en React son reutilizables, lo que facilita la creación de elementos UI consistentes y la gestión del código.
Amplia Comunidad y Ecosistema: React cuenta con una gran comunidad y un ecosistema de herramientas y librerías que simplifican el desarrollo, como Redux para la gestión del estado y React Router para la navegación.
Rendimiento: React optimiza automáticamente la actualización de la UI mediante el uso de un DOM virtual, lo que mejora el rendimiento de las aplicaciones.
Interactivity and Dynamism: React allows creating highly interactive user interfaces with real-time updates without needing to reload the entire page.
Reusable Components: Components in React are reusable, making it easier to create consistent UI elements and manage code.
Large Community and Ecosystem: React has a large community and an ecosystem of tools and libraries that simplify development, such as Redux for state management and React Router for navigation.
Performance: React automatically optimizes UI updates using a virtual DOM, improving the performance of applications.
3. Desventajas de React / Disadvantages of React
Curva de Aprendizaje: Aunque React es flexible, su flexibilidad puede ser una desventaja para principiantes que no estén familiarizados con conceptos como JSX, el DOM virtual y la gestión del estado.
Complejidad de Integración: React se centra únicamente en el frontend, por lo que se requiere la integración con otras tecnologías para manejar el backend, lo que puede aumentar la complejidad del proyecto.
Dependencias Externas: Para desarrollar una aplicación completa, es necesario depender de varias librerías y herramientas externas, lo que puede complicar la gestión del proyecto.
Learning Curve: Although React is flexible, its flexibility can be a disadvantage for beginners who are unfamiliar with concepts like JSX, the virtual DOM, and state management.
Integration Complexity: React focuses solely on the frontend, so it requires integration with other technologies to handle the backend, which can increase project complexity.
External Dependencies: Developing a complete application requires relying on various external libraries and tools, which can complicate project management.
4. Ventajas de Django / Advantages of Django
Framework Completo: Django es un framework completo que incluye todo lo necesario para el desarrollo de aplicaciones web, desde la autenticación de usuarios hasta la gestión de bases de datos.
Seguridad: Django viene con características de seguridad integradas, como protección contra CSRF, SQL injection y XSS, lo que ayuda a crear aplicaciones web seguras por defecto.
Rapidez en el Desarrollo: Con Django, se puede desarrollar aplicaciones de manera rápida gracias a su enfoque en la reutilización de código, el sistema de administración automático y las migraciones de bases de datos.
Soporte para Proyectos Grandes: Django es ideal para proyectos de gran escala, como redes sociales, plataformas de comercio electrónico y sistemas de gestión de contenido, gracias a su robustez y escalabilidad.
Full-Stack Framework: Django is a full-stack framework that includes everything needed for web application development, from user authentication to database management.
Security: Django comes with built-in security features like protection against CSRF, SQL injection, and XSS, helping to create secure web applications by default.
Rapid Development: With Django, applications can be developed quickly thanks to its focus on code reuse, the automatic administration system, and database migrations.
Support for Large Projects: Django is ideal for large-scale projects such as social networks, e-commerce platforms, and content management systems due to its robustness and scalability.
5. Desventajas de Django / Disadvantages of Django
Rigidez: Django sigue un enfoque de "una forma correcta de hacer las cosas", lo que puede ser restrictivo para desarrolladores que prefieren más flexibilidad en cómo estructurar su código.
Curva de Aprendizaje para Nuevos Usuarios: Aunque Django es poderoso, la curva de aprendizaje puede ser empinada, especialmente para desarrolladores que no están familiarizados con Python o con los patrones de diseño que utiliza.
Menor Interactividad: Comparado con React, las aplicaciones desarrolladas con Django pueden tener menos interactividad en el frontend, a menos que se integren con librerías de JavaScript.
Rigidity: Django follows a "one right way to do things" approach, which can be restrictive for developers who prefer more flexibility in structuring their code.
Learning Curve for New Users: While Django is powerful, the learning curve can be steep, especially for developers who are not familiar with Python or the design patterns it uses.
Less Interactivity: Compared to React, applications developed with Django may have less interactivity on the frontend unless integrated with JavaScript libraries.
6. ¿Cuándo Usar React o Django? / When to Use React or Django?
Usa React si:
Necesitas construir una interfaz de usuario interactiva y dinámica.
Estás desarrollando una aplicación de una sola página (SPA).
Quieres utilizar una biblioteca con un amplio soporte y comunidad.
Prefieres trabajar con JavaScript y te interesa mantener el frontend separado del backend.
Usa Django si:
Estás desarrollando una aplicación web completa con backend y frontend integrados.
Necesitas un sistema robusto y seguro con autenticación y gestión de bases de datos.
Prefieres un enfoque de desarrollo rápido con muchas herramientas listas para usar.
Estás construyendo un proyecto de gran escala que requiere escalabilidad y mantenimiento a largo plazo.
Use React if:
You need to build an interactive and dynamic user interface.
You are developing a single-page application (SPA).
You want to use a library with broad support and community.
You prefer working with JavaScript and are interested in keeping the frontend separate from the backend.
Use Django if:
You are developing a complete web application with integrated backend and frontend.
You need a robust and secure system with authentication and database management.
You prefer a rapid development approach with many out-of-the-box tools.
You are building a large-scale project that requires scalability and long-term maintenance.
Conclusión / Conclusion
Español: La elección entre React y Django depende en gran medida de las necesidades específicas de tu proyecto. React es ideal para crear interfaces de usuario dinámicas y modernas, mientras que Django proporciona un framework completo para el desarrollo rápido de aplicaciones web robustas. Si tu enfoque es en la interactividad del frontend, React podría ser la mejor opción. Si buscas una solución integral que incluya tanto el backend como el frontend, Django puede ser la elección correcta.
English: The choice between React and Django largely depends on the specific needs of your project. React is ideal for creating dynamic, modern user interfaces, while Django provides a comprehensive framework for rapidly developing robust web applications. If your focus is on frontend interactivity, React might be the best choice. If you’re looking for an all-in-one solution that includes both backend and frontend, Django could be the right choice.
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