#disclaimer i dont hate jon
anthroposeen · 4 months
[tma spoilers: sasha's arc, discussion of women in tma and general spoilers for s1-5]
i wanted to do a breakdown of how the tma fandom interprets the main cast of 'protagonist' women specifically pertaining to sasha's role in tma canon and how shes viewed in the fan sphere :)
i think its interesting how sasha is almost universally liked by tma fans when she was a very short-lived character with just about no screen time. its obviously tied to the fact that sasha was considered an ally by jon and the other original staff and they take measures to avenge her in some regard- this is perpetuated as shes painted as an obvious protagonist (one of the few who arent necessarily morally grey) with no real content to prove she had bad qualities. other women in tma have a considerable amount of content (im specifically referring to those working in the archives or having a large role in jon's life: georgie, melanie, basira, and daisy) which lets the audience see them in a more multi-faceted light. we see their rights and wrongs through jons eyes, and since they have more canon content, obviously they're more complex characters and they serve more nuanced narrative purposes. at the end of the day, sasha's use as a character was to drive the plot with a significant death and inspire a revenge or depression in the other characters, and she served this role perfectly. jon avenges her twice in s5 alone (smiting the not!them and then cursing her name at jonah) so we know she was very important pre-s1, but as the audience we just dont get to see that depth to her.
theres also the internalized misogyny that fandoms often have; sasha was the main and only female role in s1 (not counting gertrude since shes dead) and her relationships largely revolved around men. all of her coworkers were men, and we know they admired her. we know she was friends with them all individually and also glued them together in group settings. she had a "will they wont they" relationship (his words of course) with tim, and she was the character that introduced us to michael. the other more fleshed out women of tma had relationships largely revolving around other women. melanie and georgie were partners, melanie had moments were she was friends with basira, and basira and daisy came into the series as a package deal. when these characters are given the choice between choosing to help jon or choosing to help the woman closest to them, they dont choose jon. obviously this can rub the audience the wrong way, but it also showcases a loyalty to the idealized fanon interpretation of a woman over the canon multi-dimensional women we dont need to extrapolate on.
i get that its easier to like a female character when she's a protagonist who supported the male lead; and bonus points if shes such a vague character that anyone can paste their interpretations onto and it cant be "disproven". of course its sexier to leave things up to the imagination, but it just irks me to see people fawn over a (please forgive me) one dimensional character when more complex women exist in canon. people have the tendency to beg for flawed women in fiction then dislike them or ignore them when they get the representation they asked for. if you're willing to defend jon but not melanie, basira, daisy, or georgie, maybe ask yourself why.
disclaimer: i dont think anyone is a misogynist for liking sasha or preferring her over the other women in tma! i like both canon and fanon interpretations of her character and i wish we got to see more of her, but i do think theres something to be said about how the fandom treats her vs the other women in the cast. and i know im not at all the first to say it! i was just thinking about this as a general observation of fan content that ive seen and i dont mean to hate on anyone, their fan content, or sasha as a character!
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devine-fem · 4 months
I wanna hear you talk about JonJay. I just need to hear someone else’s dislike for it from someone that also actually reads comics and I’ve noticed you had JonJay DNI in ur bio.
WHEW. Listen disclaimer: If you like Jonjay. Do not read this. Also, do not interact with me because if you like Jonjay, you will not like me.
My issue is that I kind of like Jay’s fight against colonization but that is it. THAT IS IT. My problem is that it came about in such an awful way… like it’s like Representation 101 that you don’t do what Tom Taylor did with Jonjay… he created a character for another character to be queer and not only that made the characters boring…
The thing about Jonjay shippers is that a lot of the time the shippers enjoy the racist/bad writing version of Damian… they always weirdly speak like they hate Damian… Also, people who are an apologist for older!Jon… HAVE TO BE ILLITERATE… like there’s no way…
My friend was telling me that they’ve never met a Jonjay shipper who had good takes and good taste in media… it just doesn’t exist… and how hostile they are with young jon and damijon in general… I’m not going to lie… hating damijon and liking jonjay never made mathmatical sense to me… even if its not damijon… I’d prefer ANYTHING over jonjay… I trust that any other ship has plenty more substance… and no, it just… jay’s character exists to put down Jon’s… as long as Jay exists… Jon will never be able to grow and shine… read SSOKE and take a second to realize that the focus there is Jay and not Jon!! THAT IS WHY SSOKE IS SO BORING! like jonjay shippers only really care about jay anyway which makes no sense ???! thank you for telling me to rant because i dont get those people at all
AND PEOPLE WHO SHIP JONJAY AND HATE JON? it just makes no sense like wtf?? i guess it kinda makes sense because theres no way you like jonjay and actually gaf about jons character… you probably just like gay superman and thats it like… tom taylor hates good romance… its like dickbabs hurting babs… jonjay hurts jon…
im rambling but yeah, i hate jonjay… its the only ship i hate besides like obviously incest ships or tim x anyone LMAO but like its not about getting in the way of my ship, its about being a bad ship that is associated with the character assassination of my favorite character… i guess i kind of think of it the same way roy fans think of jayroy but also i like daminika (or my idea of daminika) so like its really not about “getting in the way of my ship” i really could care less… ships are fanon
dude. dude. listen. i saw a jonjay shipper say that damijon has no chemistry because they barely have chemistry as friends… talking about chemistry and bring a jonjay shipper is crazy? CHEMISTRY SALES BABE? adventures of jon kent couldn’t break 6 issues and you wanna talk about chemistry? the proof is in the pudding… the people dont like mid. dude. listen. jonjay shippers are just idiots… they have to be 😭 your brain cant be braining in order to like that bro. they be like “i love you 😐” LMAO LIKE JUST NO EMOTION LIKE WHO CAN ENJOY THAT. thank you jonjay for reminding us youre dating because honestly we could NOT tell. cant wait for you to disappear all year then reappear during june 😭
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utrhood · 3 years
Hello, if you think I’m writing this to talk shit about Kon’s treament. Yeah, you guessed right, my fellow friend, because I AM.
There’s no constructive argument or elaborated reasoning behind this post, I just want to say how angry I get when I see Jon Kent getting all the spotlight while Conner gets to be in the fucking Suicide Squad. SUICIDE SQUAD! He was part of the team in Future State and we saw how fucked up his situation was. Kon wasn’t there because he likes them or had turned evil, Amada Waller coerced him into joining them. “Superman” did horrible things as stated by other characters in the same comic, he didn’t get to command Suicide Squad, Kon was just a toy. Just someone to fill Superman’s spot in Earth 3. 
It’s been years that DC treats Kon poorly. He had a good few comics, but nothing exceptional and none of them treated him properly like the 90s one did (well, characterization-wise, I mean). Conner was just young Superman and young Clark Kent. They butchered his personality.
Now he doesn’t even get to be with Superman after years of being erased from main continuity! Conner Kent is shoved into a stupid team while Jon Kent( that was created in 2015, mind you) gets to be with Superman in his comics. Jon also has a good comic with Damian and is Superman in Future State, appearing in three different comics in this event.
And don’t you dare come at me saying “well, Jon Kent had been aged up”. I know it was a bad move, but he’s still getting the spotlight while an almost 30 years old character is pushed to the side. Jon’s written as a good guy all the time. Jon was in Action Comics, Superman comic, DCeased, Supersons, three different Future State titles and in Action Comics annual. And all these appearances happened in five years of his creation. Oh, and now he has a live action version. Of course, I’m not saying it’s Jon’s fault. He has nothing to do with it because he’s a character. 
So, yeah, Kon has been treated badly by DC for many years now. And don’t get me start on the fact that everytime he shows up, Kon has a different personality. They don’t even bother to learn and read his comics. And not only him, but almost everyone from Tim’s generation has this awnful treatment. Cassie doesn’t have a solo title, didn’t show up in Future State and is pretty much forgotten. Same as Bart. 
I don’t know why DC hates them like that and this truly makes me sad because they’re my favorite team. Bart, Cassie, Kon, Cissie... They all have so much potential, but DC waste them to put new characters in the spotlight. If only they invested in Young Justice, I’m sure more people would like the team.
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When people are against Jonerys because they’re aunt and nephew but they ship Jonsa which is just as bad because they’re cousins
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erotetica · 2 years
Wrote 1k in silly response to this, indeed, fic-slash-maladaptive-daydream discussion so. Winning ! -> I was talking abt fuzzy coat Seth Rollins booker abt like. Whats the deal. Monday night messiah ? (cunt. I love wrestling. Im Seth rollins’ biggest fan no I dont watch the product) but like honestly 2tone mullet kind of everything to me or like the Kenneth o’ Meghan vibe of looking absolutely horrid trash on purpose (he’s the hottest girl in wrestling) 
NICO LOOKS. He’s hard. He’s difficult to pin down. <- everyone laughs at my pun. Instinctively Im like well surely he just looks like mox like honestly I think a lot of mox’s vibes fit Nicky in that first of all this isnt actually abt Nicky but can we talk abt Jon moxley being the one whose intro song is wild thing . Wild thing you make my heart sing etc etc . Deeply fun to me. babygirl theres something wrong with him. Anyway I think Nico’s intro song would also be wild thing + I like that mox doesnt use the tunnels to come in I feel like thats a bit Nicky except then Im wondering is that safe like where does the heel/face dynamic come in w his feud w joe. But anyway. Getting off track. (also I dont think nicky:mox is 1:1 bc mox moves weirdly and languidly when coming into any event which is STRANGE btw he’s so weird. But it works for mox but I dont think itd work for nicky.) anyway all of this to say I think Nicky would just show up to the function like ‘im wearing cargo army pants.’ Except mox’s pants are still a great fit nd Nicky wouldnt have that. SO LIKE basically to wrap up this tangent I think Nicky would either wear dadjeans or cargo shorts + kick pads OR he’s go the full punk route and like even tho he’s one of the hottest things in wrestling & also a full adult w self respect he still shows up in budgie smugglers printed with the Italian flag (ultimate heel move) 
Or you’ve got dan the dad who’s great but its a different sort of Nicky vibe. Thats like. Adjacent addtional 2nd au of an au.  (btw when I said Andy’s nile’s sting I meant that more in terms of the dynamic going on there but actually Andy in sting face paint is a marvel to me.) 
Yassified house of black kills me. (look at this art btw. yassified house of black ily) Im now also thinking abt how itd work in a situation where Nicky & Joe r feuding but they do end up on the same faction so not to steal absolutely everything from the house of black story line but the whole spitting in the face thing that happened w Julia hart I think itd be cool if that happened w either Joe or Nicky (OR BOTH!) To get them on the same faction. Actually itd be so fun if it was like Joe and Nicky’s feud is STILL going on and its not that ppl are getting sick of it its just that ppl are getting. Sick of it. Theyre like well girl take care of it in the back stop making it OUR problem. Ppl are like well this is clearly at least 50% shoot and its getting uncomfortable. -> and then nile (house of black nile) runs in & spits black mist in BOTH their faces. And now theyre the house’s tag team. But they still hate each other a lot. But also theyve been fighting so regularly that they work like a dream bc they know exactly what the other’s gonna do. 
splitting up the response for ease of reading. Unless this is more confusing in which case well I still did it so yk) ^ u kno when ur going thru the insanity stage of thinking up a new au and all avenues r still open to u so u might say things that dont make sense w what you’ve said before / what youre going to say next bc BOTH options are good and it doesnt matter that it doesnt work together ? Disclaimer that this is what that is. Bc joenicky tag team is one thing but joebooker tag team and then booker turns heel to join capitalism Dudley (scream) is another and I have to marinate in that one for a while bc a) yes b) ough . Part of me’s like booker turns into wardlow but I actually have a deep seated love for mjf and dont want to compare capitalism Dudley to him. And ig merrick already has his wardlow in that other dude (completely forgot the names I havent seen this movie in like . forever.) but still i do feel like the pinnacle does somewhat work as an existing equivalent to the merrick dynamic. OR . Speaking of Kenneth o’meghan. Booker’s bulletclubcleaner era ? I actually think that could work bc a) cleaner is a fucking vibe of all time nd b) I think booker would do good going from one gimmicky faction to one which is if anything even more gimmicky like if we’re doing a mostly 1:1 equivalency I think house of black in general (and togofblack) might be this evil heel faction but also I KNOW they paint each other’s nails and gab about their emotions. I KNOW that faction has emotional regulation. And I know the bullet club doesnt. So then I think in booker’s mind that move also makes sense cause he’s SAD , like All The Time but he doesnt actually wanna talk about it too much so now he moves to bullet club where he can be sad but also hide it behind kayfabe. Its full circle. We’ve performed faggotry at the wrestlemania.
Anyway yes andy in daddy shorts and face paint. Andy in daddy shorts and face paint and quynh interrupting a promo and Andy swallowing her own tongue and breaking kayfabe immediately. Wrestle-nile who’s standing next to her like uh Andy ? R u ok ? <- surely she like knows who quynh is (or not it could be equally fun if nile is clueless she really was just olympic darling nile and then said nah time for a new thing idk shit about any of these ppl btw) but like if she knows who quynh is she for sure doesnt know how #Real it is btwn Andy & quynh. Very fun. Nile rly thought oh I’ll just switch careers to become more of a performer and that’ll be a good time and surely won’t cause permanent damage to my psyche (wrong) (all of this happens in like 3 months. Welcome to the business nile we’re so happy to have you here !)
Cabaret style narrative is sooooo ……. Literally I could never do that bc I’m too impatient for shit like that but it would literally be so insane and delicious. <- I feel like Im watching this play out already and already Im like in the comments on ao3 screeching my head off waiting for the next chapter. If You Were Writing The Fic Etc Etc. If We Were Writing The Fic Etc Etc and not just doing this in your inbox and the replies of my posts (though Im sure everyones having a great time clicking back and forth in btwn our blogs and sharing our brainrot. Im sure)
Also yeah catharsis kink. Thats what tog is all about. You got your joebooker for catharsis you got your nickybooker for star wars (literally such a good comparison)
Booker would also be the hottest girl in wrestling, you’ve nailed his vibe. What if he looks like someone started dissolving him in lye scalp-first, AND he’s got a fuzzy coat. Dual wielding. With sheamus mutton chop + soul patch facial hair
The roadblock I was hitting was LITERALLY ‘Costco cargo shorts’ echoing in my head like an apple tornado warning. Hive mind. Bc yeah, on one hand, nicolo is not cool. On the other, bondage harness. Jon moxley vibes splits those uprights, I like that. Or the effy fit from the gif what started it all.
Fucccc everybody’s music tho. Digressing for Joe and la hafla. Or Sophie. His face is the front of shop :)
ANYway I think wild thing would work for Nicky, bc it’s ironicsexy. Is he coming onto u with a boom box? No but you had to ask. However—like, ok, in my opinion modern au Nicky should feel like he’s done meth a LITTLE. So I also wouldn’t mind him w/ a Funeral Derangements intro. Or hank Williams III Hellbilly. Especially if he’s normal, the fuckedness of the music should rise w/ how many pockets his pants have. If his outfit is Dan the dad’s then he comes out to Cocaine the White Devil. Also I’m still a lil stuck on Nicky/booker tag teaming from the orig posts, & their intro is stooges’ I wanna be your dog SEND POST!!
Not using tunnels is killing me bc Yusuf absolutely has a curated parkour entrance. He gets up on the fuckin. Corner pole thingy and backflips into the ring, and starts almost eating shit looking for Nicky. Without fail, when his dumb psychobilly wraps, that motherfucker appears and swings under the ropes like the satan of gym teachers. It kills Joe bc he gets over w/ what he KNOWS is just low effort disguised as jumpscare. It also kills him bc he can’t find him either but that’s different. (Nicky is usually in the empty behind-camera seats, eating stolen popcorn like ‘he looks good. I should learn to backflip.’)
Andy should absolutely have face paint. And cowboy BOOTS. I hv a rollerderby wip where I gave her an optio helmet plume, and like. Just saying. Also I can’t thread the needle between Andy and Memphis style right now but I want to
Being willing to alienate the audience/ruin their careers to beat ass is extremely yusufnicky. Getting vibes of like…a, ppl are getting sick of the shoot, and so Joe tries 2 rebrand w/ Andy and quynh’s face clique (replacing lykon who dipped bc [dialup noise], also I just Feel andy starting as a face). & Quynh, who strikes me as very gimmick savvy/a great storyteller being like ‘Hey. brosuf. you know what would fuck severely. bring ur weird dog and we have a deal.’ And they have a face run until The Fuckening. This also works 4 me bc I feel, before he internalizes and seeks out booing simultaneously, Booker’s baby-depressed, a jobber dying to live vicariously thru being a face and winning abt it. But like, AS he joins house of guard, Quynh is gone and Andy’s done a heelturn bc she’s emo in real life, and Booker is like *sad wojack*
Or b, the four of them aren’t a faction but they’re always on the same cards. Joe and Nicky fuck up so sincerely. Like, they fuck up through 3 cameras, the ref, and the parking lot. I think it would be funny if it was a ‘last ride’ match that went off the rails. They get blackballed from most sane venues is my point tho. The quynh fuckening happened offscreen. Andy comes up craving conflict, don’t ask why, but do they want to do fucked up hardcore so niche it’s barely profitable? And Nicky is like ‘BET’ bc again, there is something so wrong with this man, and Joe is *sad wojack but disgruntled*, bc he wanted to get WWE-famous & say something fucked up on live Saudi tv. Like Kanye. But then he realizes he’s doing impact play on straight ppl professionally, and it’s a smaller victory, but equally funny.
This one works for me bc they give starving artist vibes. Like, they should be poor and obscure. Disgraced post-fame. Do not know why. It’s funny if Nile is like, didn’t I sneak out of bed to watch you on Monday night raw? and Andy is like yes, now hit me with the thing they beat Jesus with.
Either way you’re so right abt Julia hart Nile.
Is Copley the ‘smark’ that helps them take down the merrick team for like, insider trading or whatthefuck?
Vibing to the bullet club thesis. That’s the perfect bimbofication of his canon conflict. Also. Booker trying to wallow around heterosexuals. ‘The risk I took was calculated, but FUCK’
Nile’s like OH THE OTHER MILF I COMMITTED KID CRIMES @ 9PM TO SEE—oh you’ve taken back the cat o nine tails—oh you’re committing seppuku with it. I’m going to have an investigative journalist moment with this later.
Nile as a fan who has a ‘hm’ moment abt how oh, you’re fucked up. I see. The POV introduction to the cabaret thing, 1st look behind the curtain into the binary.
Speaking of songs. Which we weren’t anymore but. Speaking of them. Quynh & sympathy for the devil. She comes back from [etc etc] w/ a masked gimmick. Part of it is legitimately no one knows who she is. Andy splashing her face in a shitty bathroom after the interrupted promo & the lights are flickering bc the arena is taking so much power. In the bg you hear PLEASED TO MEET YOU. HAVE YOU GUESSED MY NAME?
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tma plot points that i feel like are unresolved/might come back up in the last 3 episodes
• all the Institute employees die if jonah is killed or the archives are destroyed
• The assistants are freed if the Archivist dies
• Martin's read the most statements out of any character outside of Jon within the bounds of the show, and was once considered as a backup Archivist by Jonah
• Martin resolved to have Jon smite him if the world can't be turned back, and as far as I can tell Jon still doesn't know
• Jon and Martin's Kill Bill arc/Jon using his powers to dispel justice (smiting people/saving Jordan kennedy) (there is no WAY that is over, that was literally one of the major points of the unresolved fight at the end of 194)
• Georgie's connection to the end
• Jon's relationship with Melanie (this one is kind of a stretch, but considering the conversations he's had with Basira and Georgie these last 10 eps... I feel like it might get addressed?)
• The cult/Celia being Lynne Hammond/whoever Unnamed Woman is
• Melanie's "prophecy" and the cultists belief in it
• Melanie and Basira's friendship?? (Also possibly a stretch since it was mostly offscreen, but Melanie says she "kind of hates" basira after basira contributes to cutting the bullet out of her leg and then it's never really brought up again... I feel like we might hear a sideways "I don't forgive you but" moment ala Jon and Tim or Jon and daisy)
• The Admiral (also a stretch but I feel like we'll see him again)
• People's repeated promises to kill Jonah, which is now on the table again (calling it now: it's gonna be Jon, Martin, or Melanie)
**disclaimer: i DONT think all of these are gonna be addressed. there's 3 episodes left, there's no fucking way, i respect that. if i had to put money on the ones i think will be addressed, it's the cult and Jon and Martin Kill Bill. (the latter is one of the major through lines this season, there's no way it won't be addressed.) there's some i actively hope will come up (martin reading statements pls become relevant), but i don't expect them all to. this is my final 3 episodes bingo card except i'm too lazy to make an actual bingo card
(*** i actually have my doubts about Agnes Montague. i thought she might show up at htr/be connected to lynne hammond but i'm not really sure where they'd put her now. [and also it might be a continuity error but i checked locations of lynne hammond's statement against where agnes died and it isn't the same place. which means maybe it's just a random connection.] it'd be cool if she showed up but i'm not sure we have time. and as disappointing as it is to never hear from her directly, i do feel like -- unless it's by way of her bond with gertrude -- her story has probably been resolved)
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tired-fandom-ndn · 4 years
Have you ever said why you find Jon and Martin ship triggering? You dont have to answer. I'm just curious and I dont think I saw you saying why.
Mmmm. This is really complicated because it makes complete sense to me but I have trouble verbalizing it? I actually tried to type it out on that post twice and just gave up. I'll try to explain it though.
It's honestly the "one-sided to requited" thing that really gets me. I might've just missed it in the show, but I genuinely did not catch any hints that Jon returned Martin's feelings until the very end of s4. I know that the hate was a front, but nothing about his behavior with Martin came off as romantic to me.
I didn't see any of that development so what it looked like to me was that Martin spent all that time pining and Jon just started returning his feelings because? That's what he's supposed to do? Because that's what happens when you pine for someone. That's what happens when you spend so long loving someone, they start loving you back.
Or at least that's what media says is what happens. That's what society says should happen.
I've been in that situation before. I've had friends, including one who acted just like Martin, who pined after me and "loved" me "from a distance" until I started to "love" them back. I've been cornered into relationships by people who thought they were entitled to me because of their feelings for me, and whose feelings were validated by the people around us. And I don't think any of those people really meant me harm, but they all thought that their "love" for me meant that they were owed some piece of me and that if I didn't give them a "chance", then I was just trying to hurt or punish them.
And I'm not saying that my interpretation is correct or that jonm.artin is canonly toxic or whatever. I'm not even saying that there wasn't any build up, just that I didn't personally see any.
I see myself in Jon so much, including his relationships with other people. I relate to him, and his relationship with Martin and their dynamic reminds me way too much of the relationships that left me traumatized and unable to trust the intentions of people who call themselves my friends.
(I also just don't like Martin tbh. I like him well enough as a side or support character but as a love interest or main character? Nah. No thanks, I'll pass.)
General disclaimer that while I personally am triggered by the "one-sided to requited" trope, that doesn't mean I think it's bad or shouldn't exist or whatever. Just that something being common in media or regarded as sweet and romantic generally can still be triggering to people.
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woahajimes · 3 years
gurl i wanna know your answers to *all* those questions please
What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?* mmm jayroy and kogane/moniwa i s'pose
Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?* jayroy for this one too and maybe batcat? like not brotp but idk i dont ship them // asanoya, kuroken ( i mean i do ship it but im not invested and havent read many fics but i definitely see why its a ship but also they're friendsss)
Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion? i once blocked a buncha ppl that i didnt even follow bc they said shitty things about astrid arkham while i thought she was cool
Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP?* as long as they're not incest/pedo ships then i honestly don't mind any ships
Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?* uhhh i don't think so? maybe yja birdflash
Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated?* not really but i have starting shipping pairs bc of fanart and stuff (konbart, kagehina, sunaosa, atsuhina)
Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?* like in fandom?? or irl?? bc uhhh ?? ill think about it lmao
Have you received anon hate? What about?*y ooh yes and they're all stupid asf (one about tim, another about steph, a bunch about me, and a few about timkon)
Most disliked character(s)? Why? mmm older jon in certain writings, everything in the 2003 tt run (specially cassie i just can't stand her idk her character was butchered and its not HER and it pisses me off), and uhhh for hq i don't have any in particular. i love them all.
Most disliked arc? Why? hmmm??? i don't knowwwww/ none come to mind lmao but i hate a few i know this (im sure there are a bunch of posts of me professing my hate for arcs n stuff) -- edit: the one in which seijoh my beloved DIDN'T go to nationals like 🙄 the fuck was that one about amirite
Is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why? A BUNCH. LORENA AQUAGIRL, GARTH MY BELOVED, miguel <3, that one kid in the 50s batman issue, simon baz, jessica criz, jesse chambers <33 they're not disliked but underrated // for hq its komaki my beloved (like it's all ''pretty setter'' this and ''pretty setter'' that but he's NEVER INCLUDED like smh) ALSO SHIBAYAMA AND INUOKA OMG I LOVE THEM SO MUCH AND KANOKA --again, just underrated (not a SINGLE kanoka playlist. shame.)
Is there an unpopular arc that you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why? mmm?? teen titans from the n52
Unpopular opinion about XXX character? aroace agender jason todd
Unpopular opinion about your fandom? lmfao dc was my first fandom (interacting-with-fandom fandom) and it's all "fuck dc" this and "fuck dc" that so when i enter new fandoms i gotta bite my tongue bc immideately its "i know ur characters better than u, [author]! you suck!" but noo
Unpopular opinion about the manga/show? l5ve it
If you could change anything in the show, what would you change? i'd let seijoh go to nationals... everyone gets to go to nationals fuck you
Instead of XYZ happening, I would have made ABC happen… nah
Does not shipping something ‘popular’ mean you’re in denial and/or biased? i don't get the question bc im tired and have no brains <3 but sometimes i go "i am NOT going to feel this way about XX character because everyone else feels that way about him (read: i will NOT be a jason simp bc everyone's a jason simp anyways -- disclaimer: I AM NOT)
What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom? no <3 --edit: b*tcest shippers
What is the purest ship in the fandom? UHHH harlivy <3 i won't say PURE but yes i love them (ALSO AQUAFLASH) // aofuta, yamatsukki, iwaoi, iwasuga!! (listen. there is lots of angsty fics with them but pls.)
What are your thoughts on crack ships? crack ships as in,,, never interacted in canon ever?? bc if so yes
Popular character you hate? no (joker)
Unpopular character you love? SO MANY OMG. eddie from tt03 (only good character to come put of it i swear) and a LOT more from dc i swear i only love the most unpopular characters and theres NO content so ughh // yes 100/100 all of them. from haikyuu i love all of them
Would you recommend XXX to a friend? Why or why not? yes 1000/1000 if i like it ill recommend it but also sometimes i wanna keep things to myself and for ME but i always end up recommending lmfao
How would you end XXX/Would you change the ending of XXX? hm? no
Most shippable character? uhh dick maybe?? yes def also akaashi and iwa (and oikawa and samu and literslly everyone also daichi and-)
Least shippable character? jason and asahi ... whoops (jason bc i hc his as aroace lol) also like arthur curry like :/
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youdothetalking · 4 years
HEY.. the rant about s5.. im askin
its a very bad way to conclude a podcast overall so heres literally all the reasons y.
also disclaimer to all of my tma mutuals these r my OPINIONS n if u say that they rnt true ur 100% right god bless.
1. theres no drama or diversity to the statements like there was before. each statement was unique n different n if u described an episode to me id probably b able to say OH I RMBR THAT ONE !!! thats not the case with this szn
2. I HATE THIS PLOT DEVICE SO MUCH. ITS THE SAME THING AS KILLING OFF CHARACTERS JUST TO BRING THEM BACK. y start the apocalypse just to smite the guy who tricked u into starting it ??? wouldnt it b much more interesting to watch jm learn to adapt than to try to change it ?? id love to know new life in hell !! id love it !! speaking of which
3. JONNY DOESNT KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH HIS WELL WRITTEN CHARACTERS. [allegedly.] i hate jon as a protagonist bc i find him DREADFUL n martin has been nothing but another name to me [tho he does have his moments. hes a very funny character.] BUT GEORGIE IS RIGHT. THERE. MELANIE IS RIGHT. THERE. its not the format ik to switch up narrators unless its a statement but I WANNA KNOW WHAT THE APOCALYPSE THAT FEEDS OFF OF FEAR N THAT GATHERS INFORMATION THRU HUMAN EYES is like with two characters WHO R FEARLESS N BLIND . I CANT B THE ONLY ONE RIGHT ??
4. melanies blindness btw ?? huge. huge. this is the same point. u have a disabled character who hasnt given a single fuck since she was first introduced n u sideline her ?? the only canonically disabled character for miles n jon doesnt know where she is ?? an all seeing being doesnt know whats going on with a real live living breathing human person ?? tell me that isnt a cop out rn istg
5. i dont go to new episodes wanting to know how all of this ties up, im sitting there wishing smth cool would happen. when jon first smited the not!them THAT WAS AMAZING. RADICAL. THE ONLY EXCITING THING THAT HAD HAPPENED SO FAR. n then everything turned boring again. martins lonely episode ?? boring. meeting basira ??? BORINGNFJDJ PLSS I DONT CARE ABT THE HUNT JUST MAKE SMTH HAPPEN JONNY I BEG
6. the umbrella was kind of funny actually ngl but also jons getting annoying. i nvr rlly liked him n all of my hcs r god tier but yall better call me the most patient bitch the way i put up with him for 4 szns. n now hes an all knowing smart ass who i want to punch in the face everytime he speaks.
anyways yea so im not a fan of szn five. SZN THREE THO ?? LETS GET INTO IT !!
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prinxiety fanfic
pinxiety (prince X anxiety) is pretty new and the fanfics can be hard to find so I made a list of all the fanfic I know of if you know anymore please add them to the list.
Learning to Cope with Your Feelings by Twenty_One_Screamers
summery: "Was that closet door open when I came in? I'm sure it was..... Right?"Anxiety is terrified and needs some comfort. •3•DISCLAIMER: All characters belong to Thomas Sanders and the story cover is not mine! Wattpad
When love collides by FANFICSYAY111
summery: Anxiety was always destined to be with Prince Thomas, but they have always avoided eachother until one fateful incident. What will happen to their relationship as they continue to collide their differences? What secrets will be revealed from their past?~Read to find out the adventure in Thomas' brain of Prinxiety~ wattpad
When The Prince Met Anxiety (Prince x Anxiety)  by KawaiiKokoro
summery: Two clashing skies A misunderstood thunder storm and a sunset that wants to be friendsCharacters belong to Thomas Sanders wattpad
Personality- Anxiety X Prince (Thomas Sanders) by jishwadunisjishwafun
summery: Thomas sanders has many personalities. Such as Dad, Anxiety, Prince, Logical, and more. But what is the saying? Opposites attract! Anxiety tends to losen up around prince and acts like he hates him but what happens when his secret is out? Thomas knows when every one of his personalities has a crush. So will he keep the secret? wattpad
Incapable of holding back // Prinxiety by TheHauntedAuthor
summery: We all think anxiety is the bad guy. He messes with Thomas and makes him think down on himself, ruining so many things that Thomas can accomplish... But do we really know the whole truth? Thomas isn't in the best current mental state. He lives in a crappy apartment, working three terrible jobs just to make sure he has food in the fridge every week. And who does every one of Thomas' emotions blame? Anxiety..(Slight Jomas, but just slight mentions of it, for those of you that don't ship Jon and Thomas)((WARNING: BOY X BOY, FLUFF, SADNESS, DEPRESSION, AND THIS IS A SHIP ON THOMAS SANDERS' EMOTIONS, DONT LIKE? DONT READ))   Wattpad
A Winter Wonderland by AussieBookworm
summery: Anxiety gets bored and decides to tease one of his favourite people. Said favourite person is feeling the Yuletide passion even when it's not winter.  AO3
Storytime by thats_gay
summery: Drabbles of the slowly budding relationship of one edgy and emotionaly unstable kiddo, and the person representing all nobility and dreams.   AO3
Saving Prince Charming by Relvich
Summary: Thomas' hopes and dreams, the brightest parts of him, were dying. How was a darkness like Anxiety even supposed to help? (...By any means necessary.)  AO3
Amnesia by Fanchibs
Summary: Thomas receives some Anxiety medication, and from there it's downhill. AO3
You Are My Sunshine by Fanchibs
Summary: Anxiety has a bad Anxiety attack, and gets lost without his sun. AO3
Mondays Covered in Glitter by Fanchibs
Summary: Anxiety wakes up one morning to find that this Monday isn't quite what he expected it to be. AO3
Opposites Attract by JayCKx
Summary: The one where everyone thinks Prince and Anxiety hate each other, but truthfully they really, really don't. Sure, they argue about pretty much everything, but what do people always say? Opposites Attract!   AO3    and   wattpad 
Prinxiety: That's How We All Are by KingOfHearts709
Summary: Can't change it.   AO3  and   wattpad
Prinxiety: Goodnight by KingOfHearts709
Summary: Sometimes we all just need a little assurance in order to calm down. AO3  and  wattpad
My Sweet Prince by bearcantwrite
summery: He can't stand that darkly-dressed boy always bothering him. But something about his dark appeal & flirtatious nature gives the Prince butterflies in his stomach.  Wattpad
Dear happy (Thomas Sanders) by sierralyn13
summery: A collection of short stories based on the character created by Thomas Sanders. These will pretty much mainly be about Anxiety or Prince and Anxiety but the other characters will most likely make small appearances. Give me prompts and leave feedback please! Thank you :) ~Jet  wattpad
noble angst (prince X anxiety - Thomas sanders) by faceblur
summery: Because I noticed that some people have started to ship Thomas Sanders' characters Anxiety and Prince (and so have I).    Thomas is the college drop out who works at the Starbucks across the street of his apartment. He's the guy who doesn't talk to anyone unless he has to, secretly cries when watching Bambi and lives entirely on instant noodles, pizza and regret. Prince blames Anxiety for the life of Thomas Sanders. Morality does too- everyone does, actually, even Thomas himself- and he doesn't even know that these personality traits of his have personalities of their own, and are watching from the sidelines. wattpad
how? (prince x anxiety) by rawlings1905
summery: Thomas sanders Prince and anxiety characters fic.      Warning       I always forget capitals so please forgive me, I also try to avoid spelling and grammar mistakes but autocorrect likes to ruin my life.      Anyway have fun reading :) wattpad
multiple personality disorder (princiety) by faceblur
summery: Thomas has D.I.D, Disassociative Identity Disorder, also called Multiple Personality Disorder. His personalities show up quite frequently, but of course, never at the same time. Though this one fateful day Prince found a good playlist on their Itunes account by a personality called 'Anxiety'. So he writes a note to this Anxiety, so that when Anxiety shows up, he'll know of Prince's appreciation. It continues from there.  wattapad
also @prinxietys writes a few as well so if your not following them you need to.  
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