#discord hopping whoop whoop
icedmetaltea · 11 months
just tiny vent(?) about discord hopping and weird interactions last night
giugrjlfdsohgyurfbdknjcmxls I thought I'd finally found a cool discord server, had some ups and downs but the ppl didn't seem that bad... oof last night tho?? Went into one voice chat and instead of watching a movie like they announced it was some political talk with one guy talking about how much he hated white ppl, which could've been funny but idk the entire talk just felt... eerie. Like everybody was incredibly passive aggressive but trying to play it off as jokes. Not to mention I was basically being ignored in no mic chat. Which isn't uncommon but it sure feels isolating, especially when the convo already feels like ppl who are already a group of like 3 friends and don't want others barging in (they put out an announcement in general chat so I know it was open to anyone)
So I left but then another guy invited me to a movie stream so we started watching Saw, that's all fine and dandy, then another guy came and was talking basically throughout the whole movie, rendering it impossible to pay attention to. He also kept bringing up the fact that I was nonbinary (he kept pestering me abt whether I was a guy or girl so I finally told him that) and made a joke about computers cause haha binary get it get it. Then made us promise not to tell anyone and went on about how he found this hot lady who was MARRIED with KIDS and sending him tiddy pics and he wanted to bang her and we were like pls no. Pls no. But like at that point I'd already promised not to say shit to the mods who were asleep anyway so it made the whole rest of the movie so awkward... he kept making weird jokes, one about necrophilia and a ton of other weird sex jokes non stop, and on top of it all he asked if he could friend me and I had to joke it off...
Yea I left the server after a sleep to clear my head cause that whole thing just left a rlly bad taste in my mouth. Idk cause the fact that guy was a regular member and nobody had banned him by now??? Nah
SOoooooo the discord search starts all over again ; -; Shame bc it's so hard to find 18+ servers that are sfw and have decent activity you know??
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aroaceleovaldez · 2 months
Not ask-blog related, then, but how would you get into role-playing?
honestly, just find an RP space/community (that's accepting new members) and hop right in. If you're nervous about your writing not being up to snuff, RP spaces are in my opinion the way to build up your writing. We all start somewhere and RP spaces are a great place to start and often full of beginners. You will pick it up and improve very quickly, have no fear. The general rules to be aware of in any RP space is basically just be nice and don't powerplay (which means don't do stuff like start controlling other people's characters, or deciding things for other people's characters without their permission, don't make everything in the RP about only your character, etc etc. Generally just treat everybody else and their characters with general courtesy). Also if everybody else in a space is doing only script or only paragraph format rp, try to match that. And try to make sure your writing is legible as a general courtesy cause otherwise people will have a hard time joining you in RP even if they want to - so avoid letter replacement/typing quirks (unless it's specific to the RP - see: Homestuck, though even with HS rp there is sometimes a site toggle to turn typing quirks off or similar) and do a quick scan to make sure your posts aren't super full of typos or etc.
more advice below the cut cause whoops this got long:
The finding the space is really the hardest part - RP-designated spaces are becoming more difficult to find since forum boards have started disappearing (though they have also started making a resurgence!). My old forum stomping grounds have since become an adoptables pet game site - though I do know a lot of online pet game sites have very active forum communities that usually had plenty of rp. I know for a fact Flight Rising has an active RP community. Rarely you can also find some other forms of RP-designated sites, like MSPARP used to be the big one for Homestuck and had some pan-fandom offshoots, but I don't know exactly what the status is for that stuff over there. I believe MSPARP doesn't exist anymore and I don't know anything about the rest of all that.
I used to also play some RP-dedicated multiplayer games and those can be a great option, depending on the game and your personal tastes. The main one I used to play a.) i would not recommend to people lol and b.) i'm pretty sure is very dead anyways so I don't have any exact recommendations there. I hear Roblox is a good place to find RP servers in a similar vein to that type of stuff but I never got into Roblox so I cannot confirm/deny that. You can sometimes find public Minecraft servers that have rp spaces but those are harder to find nowadays. There's a ton of discord RP communities you can join though. It's a bit more difficult to search around and get a feel for them just with how discord is but there's definitely plenty of 'em.
And I am not very in the tumblr RP community spheres (or other social media rp spheres - though i have dabbled) but to my understanding with those you either find an active group and ask if they're open to new members/if you can join, or you just jump right in to making your own blog/account/etc for it. Make some prompts/rp starters for people to potentially hop in and join you with or otherwise just kind of find you and rope you into their rp group or whatever. And of course you can always start a group with your friends.
The major things with RP is just kind of figuring what type of RP you want to be doing cause that informs everything else. Do you want to do script rp (usually formatted along the lines of [CHARACTER]: *runs around*) or paragraph/prose rp (the "[Character] ran around in circles before coming to a halt before the door." type format)? Do you want to do more of a video-game type rp where you have an avatar? Do you want to do something more like a TTRPG/D&D? Do you wanna do just straight up LARP (i can't really help you with that one much that one. you'd just have to search for local LARP groups - sometimes you can find them at your local conventions)? All those things are going to point you in different directions for what you want to do. In general, if you can find RP forums you can usually find both script and paragraph rp though paragraph rp is more common. Chatrooms and video games are more likely to lean script rp format due to chat limitations though this is not always the case. Social media rp is kind of it's whole own beast and everybody does it differently or different groups do it differently but if you want to do RP stuff primarily on your own and maybe pick up a group as you go then in-character social media can be a fun route for that. Or if you're not particularly looking for collaborative RP but want to do some interactive story stuff in a similar vein, then making an askblog might be more your style.
In general right now though, looking for RP discords is a relatively easy one or you can start your own and advertise it. Tbh if you find Warrior Cat RPers they may very likely have a designated area for non-WC rp (in the past Warriors RP sites/groups/etc ive been a part of, this has been the case in all of them). Also Warriors RP is like, everywhere. You will find it. It's like a constant of the universe or something. Actually doing a quick search i found some newer WCRPG forums and they look beautiful and yes, they do have non-Warriors rp sections. Idk much about RP communities in other fandoms but you can always count on Warriors. And as mentioned before, social media RP is an easy one.
Hopefully something in all of that helps a lil bit.
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sxnburst · 6 months
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NAME: Jade AGE / AGE GROUP: 32 or something. PRONOUNS: She/they, but honestly I don't really care TIMEZONE: Uh, I don't know....is it like GMT or something? It's the same zone as NY I think LOL. WHERE ARE YOU FROM?: South Korea. Currently VA. CHARACTERS IN THE GROUP: Shit. Uh. This blog and.....
@rxsurgcnt @heclingmuzik @daxned @ostentumm @anghexescu @uwps001 @cladinivcry @mirrcd @hcrpyiia @hanabisays @fcxrcin
They're all OCS and very near and dear to my heart. I know it's a lot of them, but please...PLEASE if you can show them some love.
So I've been around for a while. I was around in 2014 or 2015 during the other group and when Isola came to be back in 2018, I followed. A friend of mine actually was the one to introduce me back in 2014 to the group and I liked it. Before then, I was rping on Skype, Myspace, and some others I forgot. I also used to RP in real life with said friend as well. Damn, so I've been LARPING since grade school and then started writing them out in middle school. Anyway, I'm always looking to better my writing skills and grammar. You'll see me sometime in the Discord group chat asking questions ^^;.
I love making OCs, whether it's on my own or making an OC with other people! I've been blessed to make OCs with so many here and I hope to continue making more. Thanks, Lethe, Lumine, and Jan! You guys rock <3
(Just waiting for more slots //fricker emoji)
I like anime, though I've been watching more Kdramas and just YouTube and shit. Thanks to my partner who's been watching Kdrama with me, I get to introduce all kinds of flavors so I hope she likes it 👀. If we're Discord buddies, you may catch me playing SIMS a lot and while I play SIMS quite a bit, I am also interested in other games such as:
Final Fantasies (I haven't played them all but I have some favorites), Left Four Dead, Beyond Two Souls or any games that are similar to that, Life Is Strange, The Last of Us, and much more. I can play spooky games like Outlast 1 & 2 but I get easily spooked and am a Whimp. might be fun to watch me play these gamers cuz you'll laugh I guess. Resident Evils are good too.......I need to play the game that my partner got me. Whoops. So many games to play and only currently one on my mind. Sims 4.
Okay, I think I did good? I think that's it? ANYWAY, you can catch me on Discord. You can ask for it or IM me on one of my blogs listed above. I tend to blog hop a lot so I may come across it :D
OH and please look at my entire world!
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spicy-outer-space · 2 years
I've been convinced
Angst writing that I did for the discord. Am unreasonably proud of it
Tw for heavy angst , blood, and death (and probably other things too but I'm not sure)
- Starry belongs to @'buc-eebarnes
- Zara belongs to @'tippytanpies
- Thea belongs to @'seraph-draws-stuff
- David is mine
- Mark is (technically) from AHWM, except I think he's very ooc here whoops
Mark couldn't sit still. They were already arriving to some old abandoned house, but it was taking too long, and he couldn't stop thinking about Starry who was passed out, bleeding, in the back seat. He didn't dare look for the fear of accidentally locking eyes with Thea or David. (Starry'll be fine, she's strong, it's fine)
He hopped out of the car before it even fully stopped, tripping on his way and recieving a concerned squeak from Zara. He opened the back door, got Starry out of the car and started walking towards the house (Zara quick to follow him) before the sound of the engine had the chance to die down. He tried to ignore how limp and cold and small Starry felt in his arms. (They're still breathing. It's fine. Everything is ok. It's gonna be fine)
He was halfway to the house when he realised something was wrong. Behind Zara's constant stream of quiet apologies and how loud his own thoughts were, he didn't notice it sooner.
There were only two sets of footsteps crunching on the gravel: his and Zara's.
This realisation caused him to stop in his tracks, earning another startled squeak from Zara as they almost crashed into his back.
Why haven't Thea and David gotten out of the car yet.
Something was wrong
Despite his brain yelling at him about Starry, Mark turned around and started taking long strides back towards the car. Thea. He can't lose two of his friends in one day. He won't. He refuses to
He could see from afar how David lifted its head at the sound of footsteps getting closer. Mark tried to keep his voice level when he started speaking
"Get out of the car."
No answer
"David, wake up Thea and get out of the car."
Mark could see how much effort it took for David to shake his head.
"I can't do that. I'm sorry, Mark," his voice is quiet, but Mark still felt his world get knocked out from under him
This isn't really happening. It can't be happening. It must be joking
Mark reached forward, opening the car door and somehow not dropping Starry in the process (some part of his brain was screaming that her pulse got weaker. He hoped he was wrong)
"David. David ge--" he had to stop and swallow hard before continuing with a shaky voice, "get out of the car. Both of you. Ple- Please"
David was smiling, but the smile didn't reach his eyes. It shakes its head. His voice is barely above a whisper now
"It's too late for us, Mark. You know that. Go save Starry, they still have a chance" David weakly flaps his hand. Mark is pretty sure it was trying to wave him off.
Mark's brain chimes back in at that point, agreeing with David (Starry's breathing was definitely more uneven now, he can't afford to waste any more time-), but his body refused to move.
The pause drags on forever. He already knows that it's no use, but that doesn't stop him from hoping
This is taking too long
Just as Mark turned and started walking away he heard David speak up "...hey, I think... I think you should go to Stan's after this. It's safe there. He'll look after you."
Mark stopped walking, but he didn't dare turn back around. (The adrenaline was wearing off and he was already tearing up, turning back to face his friends? One of whom is already dead and one who's actively dying? He would have broken down right there and then)
"Just.... Tell him I'm sorry, could you? You don't have to stay with him, but, please-"
And with that, Mark started speeding towards the house, where Zara was already nervously standing in the doorway, twisting their arms in uncertainty of what to do next. He shouldn't dwell. Life is for the living, after all.
A good while after the sound of footsteps disappeared into the house, David tilted its head and pressed a kiss to Thea's forehead, before resting his head on top of hers
His voice was barely there now, a sound that could easily be mistaken for the rustle of the wind, or maybe a calm exhale.
"See you soon, sis"
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tsarisfanfiction · 11 months
Braids: Chapter 6
Fandom: Percy Jackson and the Olympians Rating: Gen Genre: Family Characters: Michael Yew, Apollo Cabin Not quite in chronological order here, as we step back a year compared to last chapter, but after so much braiding, it's time for Michael to get some himself! This whole fic was a lot of fun to write, albeit a challenge given I don't usually write fluff for Michael, whoops! I have a discord server for all my fics, including this one!  If you wanna chat with me or with other readers about stuff I write (or just be social in general), hop on over and say hi! Character ages this chapter: Michael - 15 Alice - 12 Lee - 16 <<Chapter 5
+1) Michael
“Michael, I want to do your hair.”
Halfway through tugging a brush through said hair, Michael turned around to face his younger sister.  Alice looked at him stubbornly, her hand outstretched expectantly.  He looked at it, and then her face.
“Why?” he asked bluntly, with some hidden trepidation.  Alice had turned up at camp for the summer with her light brown hair dyed jet black complete with several random purple highlights cutting through it, a taste for dramatic makeup, and the underlying feeling of a preteen girl preparing herself for a full teenage rebellion.  He’d hardly recognised her when she’d walked into the cabin a few weeks earlier.
“Because you’ve got the longest hair in the cabin and I want to do it,” she said brazenly.  “Brush, give.”
Michael blinked, then deliberately turned his head to look at the rest of his siblings, who had all stopped their morning preparations to watch what was probably going to be the pre-breakfast entertainment for the day.  Lee was grinning, clearly amused, and Michael rolled his eyes at their head counsellor – whose hair was, admittedly, shorter than Michael’s – before instead deliberately staring at Dawn, Joy and Phoebe, whose hair all fell somewhere below their shoulder blades to mid-back, and then at the corner of the cabin where Robyn was brushing out her shoulder-length hair with a smirk on her face, before finally settling on the bunk next to his, where Sally was giggling and Elias, whose dreadlocks went down to his fucking butt, was failing to stifle a laugh.
Slowly, he faced Alice again, meeting her eyes squarely and raising an eyebrow.
“I have the longest hair in the cabin,” he deadpanned.  “Really?”
“Yes,” she said, and Michael glanced briefly at Lee out of the corner of his eye, but his older brother didn’t seem bothered by her lie so he let it be.  “Also because your hair is really pretty and I want to do it.”
“It’s just hair,” he protested, well aware he was being a hypocrite given how much the freedom to let it grow had meant to him when he’d got to camp, and that he was picky about how long it should be.
“So there’s no problem, then,” Alice retorted, “if it’s just hair.”  She flexed the fingers on her outstretched hand impatiently.  “Hand the brush over.”
Michael eyed her for a moment, trying to assess if she’d respect no as an answer or be a bitch about it.  Twelve year old girls were a headache.  If she was going to be a genuine entitled bitch then he had no issues with telling her to shove it – he had an entire cabin full of witnesses, and Alice would get a lesson on boundaries.
But, twelve year old preteen rebellion aside, this was still Alice, his outspoken and extroverted yet kind little sister.  She hadn’t snatched the brush out of his hand, or made any move to actually force him.  It was blunt, and her lie was obnoxiously outrageous, but Alice had always been a little blunt.
He glanced over at Lee again, the only one in the cabin that might have any idea why he might be wary, and this time his older brother caught his look, and sent him a grin back.
“Go on, Michael,” he called out, as though he was randomly jumping in and not replying to Michael’s silent question.  “Let her have some fun.  You might even have fun, too.”
Lee thought it was safe, then.  Michael sighed, rolling his eyes and flipping Lee the bird, just because he could, to a mock-offended squawk before he tossed his brush up in the air, flipping end over end until he snatched it back, now holding the head.
“Fine,” he caved, putting the handle of the brush on her palm.  Instantly, her fingers wrapped around it.  “Nothing outrageous,” he told her, not yet releasing the brush himself.  He met her eyes firmly.  “No dye, and no cutting.”
She gave him a massive grin.  “I wasn’t going to,” she promised; there was no deflation in her posture or attitude, so Michael believed her, and the small knot of trepidation in his throat loosened.  He let go of the brush, and immediately her free hand latched onto his wrist.  “Over here!”
Alice led him over to her bunk, tucked in the corner of the cabin next to the bathroom door, and ordered him to sit.  He chose the floor rather than the bed, leaning back on his hands, and she didn’t protest so she must have been fine with that.  It only took a moment before he felt her sitting down behind him, close enough that her feet nudged his hands, and then her fingers were in his hair.
It only took her a moment to realise that his hair had only been half-brushed when she’d interrupted him, because her gentle finger-combing was quickly replaced by the familiar sensation of his brush.  She went though a section at a time, teasing out the knots that had formed overnight, and hummed a little as she worked.
Michael sent a glare at the rest of the observing cabin, and one by one they got the message and returned to their own pre-breakfast routines, although they kept glancing over.  Was him letting Alice to his hair that interesting?
His thoughts got interrupted by a sharp tug on his scalp and he froze, the knot of trepidation retying itself in his throat again.  Alice wouldn’t…
“Stupid knot,” Alice muttered behind him, and soft fingers grasped the section of hair close to his roots.  The next few tugs on his scalp were much, much softer, until she made a noise of triumph and there was no more tugging.  Slowly, Michael relaxed again.  No, Alice wouldn’t.
A few minutes later, he felt her fan his now tangle-free hair out across his shoulders, passing through it a few more times with the brush before he heard her set it down on the floor next to her.
“Styling time!” she declared, loudly enough to catch the attention of the rest of the cabin again.  “Stay still, Michael.”
“As long as you don’t screw it up,” he replied, but obligingly tilted his head back a little as her fingers scraped through his hairline, raking his hair away from his face.  “What are you planning?”
Alice laughed at him.  “Wait and see,” she chirped, the excited sing-song of a pre-teen, and Michael sighed fondly.
“You remember the rules,” he prompted, and her fingers didn’t even hesitate as she promised again no hair dye or cutting, so he let himself relax.
It was immediately apparent that she wasn’t going to just tie his hair in its usual low ponytail and be done with it, but Michael hadn’t expected that anyway, not from Alice.  He felt her split his hair into two, pulling one side into a ponytail before she moved around until she was next to him, rather than behind him.
Whatever she did involved starting at his temple.  “Stay still,” she repeated, and Michael obliged as his hair started moving.  It didn’t take long to recognise the feeling as a braid – Ceri had been right, all those years ago, and Michael had braided his hair on occasion to keep it out of the way, although usually a ponytail was good enough and took less effort – although as her fingers kept scraping at his scalp, he realised she wasn’t doing a basic braid.
Still, braids of any sort were acceptable, and he relaxed as she made her way along his scalp and down to the nape of his neck, tying it off tightly before freeing the other half of his hair from its temporary ponytail and brushing it back out again quickly.
This time he knew what to expect when she shifted to sit on his other side, running her fingertips through his hair a couple of times before no doubt mirroring her work from the first side.
She was interrupted by the click of a polaroid camera, when Michael instinctively whipped his head around to find the culprit.  “Michael!”
“Lee!” he yelled, seeing his older brother peering around one of the bunks, camera in hand.  The traitor just laughed at him as the photograph fell out of the bottom, to be caught by nimble fingers and flapped around.  “Lee, I swear-”
“I told you to stay still!” Alice protested, interrupting him as she tugged his head back around.  “Ignore Lee.  Geez, now I have to start this side again.”
“He took a fucking photo,” Michael grumbled, but acquiesced and settled back down as her nimble fingers detangled the mess he’d just made of the half-done braid before starting again.
“I’ll give you a copy!” Lee called, and Michael scowled.
“You’d better,” he muttered under his breath.  From her laugh, Alice heard him.
“I want one, too!” she demanded, and that sparked the rest of the cabin clamouring around Lee for a look at the developing image, and also demands for their own copies.  Lee just laughed at all of them and used his height to hold it up, out of reach.
“Later, guys,” he chided playfully.  “Michael and Alice get first dibs once they’re done.”  He put the camera and polaroid on the unoccupied bunk above his, and made shooing motions with his hands.  “Anyway, you’re all supposed to be getting ready for breakfast!”
There was a chorus of grumbles, but the whole cabin reluctantly moved back to their various routines.  Michael watched them in amusement, finding that he was enjoying being able to be lazy and let someone else deal with his hair, for all that his hair wasn’t ever much of a chore to deal with.
Alice made quick work of her second attempt at the other half of his head, and it wasn’t long before Michael could feel her finishing off the second braid at his nape as well.  He expected that to be it – his hair wasn’t that long – and was surprised when she started fiddling with the ends of the two braids, pushing and pulling lightly at the nape of his neck.  There was the rattle of pins, and then pressure as bobby pins slipped into his hair.  Michael held cautiously still as she worked, not used to pins in his hair.
Eventually she hummed, and her fingers felt more like they were fiddling for the sake of fiddling than actually doing anything.  “Can I use hairspray?” she asked him.  If she’d asked at the start, Michael would’ve said no, but at this point he was committed to whatever she’d done, and hairspray washed out.
“Whatever,” he shrugged, and the fingers playing with his hair gained more fervour, pinching and tugging lightly at the braids.
“Yay,” she cheered.  “Close your eyes.  And your mouth.”
Michael had no intention of finding out what hairspray tasted like, and obeyed.  There was the hiss of an aerosol can for a few seconds, then Alice tapped him on the shoulder.
“All done!” she chirped.  He opened his eyes to see a hand-held mirror being shoved in his face, and grabbed it before she could actually hit him in the face with it.
His hair had been braided back on both sides – not the basic braid he knew how to do, but one of the fancier ones that kept bringing more hair in as it went.  Turning his head to one side and then the other showed them running all the way back, but he couldn’t see the ends.
Another mirror appeared behind him, held up by smug-looking Alice, and he adjusted the mirror he was holding until he could see the back of his head.  The ends of the braids had been intertwined together neatly, and while Michael couldn’t see the pins, he knew they were there, holding it in place.
“Well?” Alice demanded.  “What do you think?”
The cabin had fallen silent again, all of Michael’s siblings not-so-subtly eavesdropping on the conversation.  He didn’t need to look at them to know they were all inspecting his new hairstyle, too.
It definitely wasn’t Michael’s usual style – it was far too intricate, and time-consuming, for that – but Alice clearly knew what she was doing when it came to hair styling.  “Looks good,” he told her, inspecting it in the mirror for a moment longer before setting it down and pulling himself to his feet.  He held out a hand to her with a small grin, and she beamed back at him as she took it so he could pull her up, too.  “Thanks.”
“You’re welcome!” she chirped, wrapping him in a quick hug.  “Lee, get photos!”
“Already on it!” their head counsellor promised, retrieving the camera from the empty bunk and pointing it at Michael again.  “Smile!”
Michael flipped his middle finger, much to Alice’s amusement, before getting a younger sister draped over his shoulders, holding up two fingers in a victory pose.  He shot her a grin, putting his finger back down, and heard the camera click again.
“Nice one, Alice,” Lee called.  She giggled in Michael’s ear, and stayed draped over him like a shawl for a few more photographs before sliding away to finish getting ready for breakfast.  Michael scooped up his hairbrush from the floor and headed back to his own bunk, snagging his boots to pull them on.
Today was going to be a good fucking day.
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ssolessurvivor · 1 month
dammit i want to write but also pop in on my animal crossing island that i've abandoned for about a year now whoops
the turmoil that shall meet me but oh well gonna hop there for a bit, find me on discord ❤️
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needle-noggins · 4 months
10 from the fic writers questions
Oh I'm the worst, I reblogged this ask game and then immediately hopped on a discord call whoops!
10. what is the longest amount of time you’ve let a draft rest before you finished it?
Ohhh good question. I think my vivisection fic Freaks of Nurture sat and percolated for a few months before inspiration struck and I finished it. The only WIP that has that beat right now is my weird Knives POV inspired by The Scarlet Ibis that I'll probably never finish because I have no idea where to take it. Maybe one day!
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handfulofmuses · 5 months
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Did the little cub Cheezi Drabble. The first half of it is taken from a rp I did with a Janja once. I still talk to that mun on discord and asked if I could add this part into the drabble, since reading back on that rp was the inspiration for it in the first place and have been given permission.
Hungry and angry, Janja wandered what was called the Outlands on his own. Constantly the cub was on high alert. After the fire, he never saw another hyena again, nor that lion who always ordered everyone around or even his parents. Whenever he tried to search the Pridelands for what was left of his clan, he was repeatedly attacked and driven out until eventually he couldn’t take it anymore.
So when he heard a sound behind him he turned around rapidly and prepared for an inevitable fight.
“’Ey! Watch it, fur- oh.” Janja bared his teeth to whoever had come across him, prepared to put up a fight, but he relaxed once his eyes met with that of another hyena.
This… was the first time he had seen another since the Pridelanders drove him out and forced him to live alone.
When the teeth were bared, the red nosed cub took cautiously a step back. Cheezi had been wandering around aimlessly, frightened and alone when he spotted the cub and let out a tiny squeal.
It’s a … hyena? The only experience the sickly cub had was with his father, his uncle and the one who babysitted him on occasion.
So the only reason why the bow legged cub didn’t made a run for it was partly the curiousity - and desperate enough not to be on his own anymore. He missed dad.
There was something red, it was hot - it was terrifying. Since then, he never saw his father again. He wasn’t even allowed to search for him - something was always chasing after him when he let out his whoops.
He didn’t know what to do. He’s given up on the whoops because that generally lead to some angry animal chasing after him. It made him terrified to even open his mouth. Why didn’t they allow him back into his den?
So now he stood there, unsure what to do because he didn’t want the hyena to attack him either!
It took a few seconds for it to sink in, but once it did, Janja’s face lit up with excitement! He was here, and another hyena was here, they were here together! For the first time in what seemed like forever he wasn’t going to be alone anymore.
Janja hopped up and down with glee, giving off a rather enthusiastic laugh and running in circles for a few seconds, before turning towards his guest and grinning with upmost delight.
“Woah! You’re a hyena ain’tcha? I ain’t seen one for forever! Hey did you come from the Pridelands too? Are you all alone? Are there more of you? Didja see that fire from ages ago? Do you know what happened to that meanie dark maned lion?” In his excitement he pelted the younger cub with a multitude of rapid fire questions, only pausing once he was out of breath.
That took Cheezi off guard.
Tongue hangs out in confusion as his gaze tried to focus on the….hyperactive hyena. First the stranger was mad, then he just stared and suddenly the other one was running in circles!
And now there were rapid questions coming his way. Uh, uhm, what’s he supposed to do here, this is a quite new situation for him. He’s not used to it, but the other cub is funny and nice, unlike the animals that tried to attack him.
Okay, maybe he should just … try and keep up.
He nodded, confirming that he was hyena. Nodded again in agreement to confirm that neither had he seen one in forever, nodding that he came from the Pridelands, nodding that he was all alone, ears dropping at that while giving a whine. Shaking his head that there aren’t any more of him, nodding that he saw that fire, shaking his head that he didn’t know what happened to the dark maned lion - though Cheezi also was not sure who or what that even is.
Janja caught his breath as the fellow cub gave his answers. Though strangely he kept silent, only responding with nods or head shakes. Still, Janja understood enough and got the answers he wanted- not that they weren’t exactly the nicest truths to hear.
So the two of them really were alone, huh.
With that knowledge, Janja stood upright and proud, puffing his chest out ever so slightly, trying his best to appear confident and in control.
“In that case, the two of us gotta stick together! Hyenas always gotta be in packs, so from now on you’re gonna be in my pack, got that- er… wait, what’s yer name?”
Come to think of it, neither had introduced themselves.
“Mine‘s Janja!“
Cheezi wagged his tail as he noticed the confidence in the other cub. He wags it so hard his butt starts to shake.
Yes! He’s not going to be alone anymore! Someone wasn’t going to chase him away! He didn’t have to be afraid anymore! They could find dad together!!!
He has a pack!!!!
Name … He can say names, but words are hard. He generally didn’t talk much. But let’s give it a try. There is a garbled attempt, but he is able to make something out at least.
“- C - Ch - eeeezii.“
It’s been a few weeks. They still haven’t found anyone. When the red nosed cub was about to head into the Pridelands the first time, Janja scrambled ahead of him to stop him, telling him that it’s not a good idea and that they would just be chased out. But the smaller hyena just waited for another opportunity where Janja was not looking and when Janja called after him Cheezi merely mentioned “Zai“.
The larger cub didn’t had much to work with here and was forced to follow anyway.
Cheezi was stubborn and persistent. Besides, didn’t Janja had an uncle and an dad waiting for him too ? They must be somewhere.
He just wants to go home.
Dad - or uncle didn’t just abandon him. Dad wouldn’t. Mom did, but dad stuck with him no matter how sick he got. Dad wouldn’t just leave him like that, Cheezi knows that.
This had nothing to do with dad. The fire did that. The animals who are constantly chasing him away are separating them, not allowing him to go to his father.
Dad will find him. Or maybe uncle. Or both. And they will go all home together!
They didn’t find anything. Janja said they were all gone because of the fire. But that can’t be. Dad must be around here somewhere - anywhere. They found a new friend, didn’t they? Chungu, their new companion had introduced himself. The three cubs got all so excited, everyone happy to see another one of their kind. Janja firing questions away like he did with Cheezi, while the bow legged hyena was yapping, running in circles before pouncing at his new friend and licking his face - to a point where Janja had to drag him off because the larger hyena couldn’t answer any questions because of Cheezi.
So if they found that cub, that means there is still more somewhere! There’s gotta be! That would mean dad is still somewhere too!!! Chungu also confirmed there were no other hyenas with him but they could not give up.
Once he finds dad, he is gonna lick his face and then show him his new friends!!! They were both so fun too!! Then they can all go home together!
And Banzai! Oooh, just you wait, uncle - you are gonna get so much ear nibbles when he finds you!
Cheezi sighs as he stares at the border, into the distance of the Pridelands. Weeks have passed. He feels a bit apathy and has distanced himself from the others. He found their new home - a volcano, but it’s spooky and the steam vents have scared him too earlier.
And they got new companions. Nne and Tano.
A slight whine escapes him. They find anyone but dad and uncle. They still get chased out. It’s not fun.
Does he like the other cubs? Yes. But … it’s not complete without Banzai or Dad.
If Banzai was here, Chungu, Janja and him could all wake him up from his nap, force him to play with them and Cheezi would push off anyone who bites the ears - that’s his job.
If dad was here … maybe they could eat. He’s hungry. Take a bath. Get more licks for comfort. Dad would know that everything is gonna be okay and they would believe it. Nothing would be -
“Ey! Ain’t you gonna join us?“ Janja‘s voice interrupted his thought process.
Cheezi lifts his head and then tilts it at the two cubs. Chungu is here too.
“I told ya. You’re part of my pack now! So ya just don’t get to walk off like that.“ His voice wasn’t angry and there is a smirk in Janja‘s expression.
“Chungu and me have been looking everywhere for ya!“
Ah, right. He got lost. Wanted to find dad. That’s why he’s having those thoughts again. Because nobody else was there to distract him. A tiny squeal escapes the bow legged hyena as an answer.
“Yup!“ Janja responded despite having no idea what the red nosed cub said. “And I ain‘t gonna accept no for an answer!“ the words were proudly spoken.
“I told ya, you and me - and Chungu! It’s us from now on!“
Oh. Okay.
His gaze turns back towards the Pridelands. Dad wouldn’t want him to just give up like that. Dad wouldn’t want him to do nothing and be all sad.
Dad would want him to keep going - like he always wanted him to. Nothing gets solved from being all sad and distancing yourself from the pack.
Janja made things less scary since they came across each other. That hyena always appeared so confident. He wonders how he does it. They were little and everything else was so big. Does Janja miss his parents? Is he afraid? He doesn’t seem afraid. Cheezi wishes he could be more like him.
If dad is out there, somewhere then he will find him. But for now? Maybe he should stop trying to force it and appreciate what he has now. One day he will come across his uncle and dad again - that day is not today. And that’s okay. For now, he can distract himself with the other cubs until dad finds him. They will be together again.
Cheezi pounced, running Janja over and licking his face, giggling while Chungu joined in.
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isopodshenanigans · 1 year
The discord server voted for meet the stuffed animal(kind of, it was a big tie) so here we are! In trying to take pictures for this I ended up with three separate days worth of material, so there'll be more stuff from this photo session next week and the week after!
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Meeting Exxa! My crocheted Centaur stuffed animal. She has 1 white foot because I wanted to give her one white foot. Her tail is also white and brown streaked! Kitsune, Cosmic, Isolotl, Axo, Ace, and Squishy had to stack up high just to try and get vaguely level with her. Too bad they're so smol. (They had to be stabbed onto toothpicks to get them to balance like that, trying to stack small not at all flat things is hard without internal support. Don't worry, they're all okay, they don't have internal organs)
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Whoops they fell over, oh no.
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Meeting my look-alike doll Alexis and my mom's doll Clara! Aren't their couches cute? Both of them have numerous clothing choices, but aren't their current outfits adorable?
Kitsune over here getting awfully close to Clara's face, Squishy intruding on her lap, Axo on the back of the sofa, and Ace sitting like a reasonable isopod. Cosmic's investigating the books on the table, and Isolotl is happily sitting in Alexis' lap.
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A lil close up shot of Isolotl and Alexis! (Note on this one, I had to basically tie Alexis to the chair so she'd stay sitting like that and not straighten out like she wanted to. Clara didn't have this problem because she has a wire skeleton)
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Closer up shot on Clara and the other lil isopods. Note the detail that's nigh impossible to see on the books and just pretend they look really cool, because they do. They're home-made tiny books too, mind you.
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Clara was trying to put the blanket *on* one of them, but it seems Axo and Ace have misunderstood and now Axo is ontop of the blanket, and Ace has moved to ontop of the couch.
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This is Kaiju! He's a close cousin of these little tiny isopods. I do have another couple isopod sizes, but this is the most dramatic size difference. Kitsune and Squishy of course have no fear and have hopped up ontop, while the others look on in some worry. (Fun fact here is that Kaiju isn't for sale because of his size! Big yarn comes in large skeins, yes, but there's a lot less yarn in those skeins. So while he doesn't use much more yarn then the lil guys, compared to how much yarn is in a skein, he does use more. Also trying to make him made my hands hurt, so that's also no bueno)
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Another friend! This is a seal I got from a zoo gift shop. Isn't it cute? It's a very good cuddle buddy as demonstrated by Axo and Isolotl under its fins, and Kitsune and Squishy balanced precariously on its head. Ace and Cosmic are reasonably a bit more cautious.
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Having fun using the seal's back as a slide! Who knew seals made such good slides? First picture has Isolotl at the seal's head while Kitsune is at the bottom fins, second pic has Isolotl in the process of going down the back, while the third and fourth pictures have Ace on the head and Isolotl getting to the bottom.
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Also from zoo gift shops, although from different ones, we have Emperor and CT! Emperor is an emperor penguin chick, and CT is a black-footed penguin by design but is named after a humboldt penguin in the zoo I got him from, also named CT. The penguin he was named after was such a hoot to watch and really enjoyed the tassle on the end of my pen. It was really funny and adorable.
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Finally, we have my Waddles family! Yes I have three Waddles, all in different sizes. No regrets. The smallest Waddles in the middle is actually well over a decade old, I got em back when I was very little while I was taking piano lessons. The clip on its head has long since broken off, but that's alright. If you'll note the eyes aren't sparkly, that really notes how old these beanie boos are lol. First picture is the three isopods lined up in front of the three Waddles, the largest one on the right, medium on the left, and the smallest one in front. Second picture has Squishy ontop of the medium one's head, Kitsune on the biggest one's head, and the other four in a row on the bottom going Axo, Cosmic, Ace, and Isolotl.
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melancholicdecay · 2 years
wednesday december 7th
2:40 pm
its almost been a month, well 21 days to be exact, thats my bad. i didnt lose interest, surprisingly. i just havent been able to sit down and write, i dont know its dumb. i feel dumb. i made friends in my 5th-period class, we added each other on discord. they're nice. its nice to have friends to call in the evenings and who gives me hugs at school. they're nice. i haven't been sleeping all that well. i had a dream last night, it was odd i think i was train hopping, i remember at one point i was drinking whiskey with my ex (weird. i know.) and we got drunk enough to cuddle up (? not really we just sat close to each other, close enough to feel his breath on my flushed clammy skin but i don't think anything was behind it) and talk things out. i think i wish that would happen. then again i think im just missing the warmth of another person as winter approaches. my friend, the one i became close with recently. hugs me and talks to me in a gentle voice. they have a girlfriend not that i think i like them i think im just latched on in a very queer platonic way (also a mildly borderline way whoops) i just want someone to be close to, i just want love. on that topic, they have been good, they respond to my goodnight texts every night. it makes me feel warm even if its such a small thing, i overthink. they laughed at a dumb joke i made at lunch yesterday and we made eye contact as they were beginning to stop laughing and when we did we both just exploded in a burst of giggles. its dumb and such a small thing they probably didn't think twice but its stuck in my mind for the past day. its like when they take candid photos of me when i set it down, its just something they do but i go back to it over and over. ugh. this makes me sound actually crazy. i post on my instagram story with like pictures of animals cuddling and say "me and who :3" and they like them. they don't really like my stories all that often so am i valid in overthinking that? i don't know.
still trying to kill time until the bell rings and i can go wait for an hour. i don't know why im counting down the minutes i literally have nothing to do for an hour until night school. i guess its nice to just chill by myself for a bit. i wish someone would sit with me. maybe someday...
3:23 pm
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stilldani24 · 4 years
Pain, but like, It’s Tolerable
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corpse husband x platonic!reader oneshot
words: 1089
request: “corpse x reader where she’s a streamer but she’s very private about her personal life and she randomly goes awol for a week before coming back and steaming among us. during the game the others notice that she’s unusually quiet and she lets it slip that she had surgery and is kind of in pain and that’s why she isn’t talking much and everyone is concerned, specially corpse and then he texts her/facetimes her after they both stop streaming to make sure she’s alright and to scold her (like playfully) for not letting him know about the surgery” from anonymous
Your doctor told you to rest for a while, not to work out, and not do anything too strenuous. You knew exactly what to do during your recovery period, and that was play Among Us until you literally dropped from exhaustion. 
Okay, not really. But pretty close.
You were actually kind of nervous to go back to playing, especially since you had been pretty much AWOL for the entire week. You had suffered from a few health conditions throughout your life, and had numerous surgeries to fix them, or at least attempt to. Whenever you had one surgery, another one followed three or so years later. And after years of trying to get your kidneys to work with you, you had eventually gone into kidney failure and began dialysis while still trying to be a streamer and maintain your friendships with those you met online. It was hard, balancing everything while also being an adult who had to pay rent and shit, but you managed. All you had to do was pray that someone in your life was a match for you so you didn’t have to wait potentially years on the waitlist. 
Your sister was tested and came back as a match, and graciously donated her kidney so you could stop needing dialysis and have a long, happy life. You two now only had one kidney each. Kidney buddies. You should remember to make a shirt like that for Christmas to give to her. 
But the second day back from the hospital, you made your way slowly to your game room. You had an ice pack to your incision, wrapped in a towel of course, and slowly sat down in your chair with a soft grunt. After situating your pillows so you wouldn’t be in too much pain, you messaged your Discord group you were in with Corpse, Sean, Felix, and a few others that you were down to play. They immediately sent the game code and you hopped into the game, followed by joining the call. The lobby consisted of Sean, Felix, Corpse, Dave, PJ, Nogla, and yourself. Sean, Felix, and Nogla were streaming whereas the other four of you would just be vibing along with them. You would get back to your regularly scheduled streams when you healed a bit more, so you could be your normal loud and animated self while not worrying your viewers too much. 
“Y/N!” Sean greeted you enthusiastically, making you smile as your little purple avatar ran around the lobby of the game. “Where the hell have you been, we’ve been worried sick!”
“Yeah, no kidding,” Corpse added, and you sensed a little smile behind his voice, but also genuine worry. “Where were you, yeah.”
“Oh, just had some personal business to take care of, don’t worry about me,” you responded casually, adjusting yourself a bit. It caused a little twang of pain, causing you to hiss quietly. “So, uh, what are we playing today?”
“We’re gonna play hide and seek, you down?” Felix asked. 
“Oh, so down. Let’s go, boys,” you replied back with a grin. 
As you played a few rounds of hide and seek, followed by a few rounds of the school game telephone, and finally you guys put the lobby in 3x speed and raced around the map. The boys were all loud as hell as normal, and the race was hella fun, but if you laughed too hard, it hurt like a son of a bitch. Corpse had noticed after a while of your near silence, but didn’t say anything until his worry got the best of him. 
“Hey, Y/N. Are you sure you’re okay, you seem really out of it today,” he mentioned in the lobby between games. 
You sighed, running your fingers through your hair. “Alright, fine, I’ll spill. I didn’t wanna say anything while a few of you were streaming, but it’s alright. I got surgery a week ago. I had a kidney transplant after my kidneys failed, so yeah. I’m in pain right now, but it’s tolerable so I wanted to play with you guys. Kinda take my mind off of it.”
The boys were kinda silent after that. 
“No cap?” Corpse finally asked, making you laugh. While you were both Gen Z, the lingo sometimes got you when he used it in front of people who definitely were not Gen Z. 
“No cap, Corpse,” you replied, a smile still on your face. “Deadass though, I’m doing alright. I missed playing after not being able to for a week of being in the hospital so let’s get back to it, shall we?”
After a weird game of trivia, where Dave gave PJ the easiest question ever and the rest of you questions you couldn’t even think of answering, the lot of you stopped playing and exited the call to go about the rest of your days. Not even two minutes later though, as you were trying to get the strength to stand up, your phone began ringing with the familiar tone for FaceTime. You slumped back down into your chair before picking up your phone. 
“Hey, Corpse, what’s up? Miss me already?” you teased as you sat back in your chair, grunting a little bit from the movement. You were definitely not FaceTime ready, with dirty hair and sleep deprived eyes, but you were always down to talk to your best friend. You didn’t give a fuck what you looked like to him. Corpse had his camera off. 
“Damn, you look like shit,” he laughed, making you do as well. It was just the kind of friendship you had. “But what the fuck, dude? You were MIA for a week just to come back to say that you had a kidney transplant? The fuck?”
“I’m sorry!” You laughed, holding your arms up slightly in defense. “I didn’t wanna worry you. You already got shit going on in your life, you don’t need my problems tacked on as well.”
Corpse audibly huffed, and you could tell he was just rolling eyes. Playfully, of course. “Hell, if you needed a kidney, you could have fucking asked. I don’t know if I’d even be a match but I’d be willing to get tested.”
“Awe, Corpsie,” you teased playfully. “Genuine friendship? In this economy? Unheard of. But thank you, that actually means a lot. Where were you when I was on dialysis though, huh?”
“Well if you would have fucking told me--”
“Whoops, look at the time! Gotta go!”
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yourlmanburg · 4 years
yet another smp sibling // eret + gn!sibling!reader
(hello i genuinely do not know what got blown up in doomsday please let that slide lmao, also i am honestly really sorry about how late this is - i was super tired yesterday and i’ve been busy all day today lulw but even so, i hope you enjoy this even if i didn’t have the energy to edit it whoops)
word count: 1,343
summary: eret reveals they have a younger sibling and shows them around the dream smp
request?: yep! thank you @brianawithonen!!
Your brother had been streaming for about half an hour or so now while you were busy doing homework, but if you’d been watching, your heart would’ve melted. Alastair had somehow let it slip that he had a little sibling and his chat was going crazy as they spoke nothing but good about you, singing your praises and making it clear how much you meant to them.
“I can actually go and get Y/n if you guys would like?” She asked her chat, and needless to say, they were delighted with the idea of meeting another SMP sibling. You were sitting at your desk when you heard a knock at your bedroom door, spinning around to look at your brother.
“Aren’t you streaming?” You asked before he could get a word in. He wasn’t supposed to end yet as far as you were aware.
“Yep! Do you want to play on the SMP for a little bit?” They asked kindly, their tone preventing you from feeling too pressured. You couldn’t lie, the thought of showing yourself to tens of thousands of people both scared you and excited you - what if somebody you knew was watching the stream and they didn’t know you were The Eret’s sibling? What if nobody liked you? What if you said something wrong and got cancelled, or even worse, what if you got Alastair cancelled? Despite the negative thoughts crowding your mind, you realised how much joy the Dream SMP had brought to Alastair. You knew how much it’d boosted their career and you know how many lives he’d changed, and you knew about the friends he’d made. Maybe this was a chance for you to have the same as that for a segment of a stream.
“Sure!” You exclaimed with a grin, leaving your work where it was and following your brother into their recording room.
“Here we go, chat!” Alastair said with a smile, passing you a spare headset and pulling out another chair for you. “This is Y/n, my mini me, who is surprisingly good at Minecraft.” They chuckled as you looked at her with fake betrayal.
"Surprisingly, huh?" You chuckled, slipping on the headset and sitting beside your sibling. 
“Oh, by the way, I’m on the VC in case anybody wants to join - is that okay with you?” She asked and you nodded, already taking over his game and walking around on the Dream SMP. This was so surreal.
“So what do I do?”
“Well, I can show you around if you’d like?” Alastair looked at you with a small grin, to which you nodded eagerly. You began in (the remains of) L’Manburg and you were shown around the Greater Dream SMP, the Badlands, Manifoldland and even El Rapids, and you couldn’t lie; you were impressed by some of the structures your brother had built. Everything was going better than you’d expected and you really did enjoy spending time with Alastair like this, until you heard the familiar Discord chime and a very distinct voice that you just could not ignore.
“HELLO ERET!” The legendary TommyInnit screamed down your ears, unaware of your presence. Alastair chuckled, letting him know that he was with his younger sibling.
“Why do you have a child with you? Do they know that I am a big man, bigger than them?” oh, somebody sounded confident as ever.
“Wanna bet?” you spoke up, Tommy for once finding himself at a loss for words.
“You suck.” he stated bluntly, causing you to burst into fits of laughter. Alastair was a little more on the unimpressed side, however, asking Tommy to calm down with the somewhat aggressive remarks. Of course, he was only answered with incoherent angry mumbles, followed by another Discord chime.
“TUBBO!” both Alastair and Tommy shouted at the same time, Tubbo greeting them with an equal level of enthusiasm. A little yellow banner across the screen told you that he’d just logged into the game, his avatar appearing not too far away from your brother’s.
“Hey Tubbo, did you know Eret is with a child?” Tommy asked him like it was the biggest deal on Earth. Tubbo let out a confused laugh, asking Alastair if this was true or if Tommy was just spouting bullshit as usual.
“Hi,” you giggled before Alastair had a chance to reply. “I believe I am said child.”
“Oh, hello!” he greeted you happily, running over towards you in Minecraft and crouching in front of your character. 
“Tubbo, right? I’ve heard a lot about you.”
“Who’s Tubbo? I am Big Law and Big Law only.” you laughed at how serious his tone was, feeling as if you were really, finally seeing why the SMP meant so much to your brother. You barely knew them yet these people were some of the nicest you’d ever met (despite the fact that you’d already known of their existence and tuned into more than enough streams prior to this) and you truly felt as if you belonged - if only you could become a permanent member in the intricate storyline.
You, Tubbo and Tommy played around for a while longer with your brother by your side, every so often speaking up but he was mostly just watching you. Watching the smile on your face and the shine in your eyes; this was clearly where you wanted to be, if he could just…
Alastair pulled out his phone, opening up discord and clicking on his conversation with Dream. Meanwhile, you were very invested in the business you were starting up with the two boys, trying to persuade people like Nihachu and Ranboo to buy from you.
Dream joined the game.
You paused for a second, looking up at Alastair with a grin. You’d always wanted to meet Dream and she’d always said that he was a busy man and you just had to wait for a chance, could this be it? Could you finally be able to speak to the Dreamwastaken?
Even so, you carried on as you were. You tried not to show your excitement in fear of being seen as an overly obsessed fan, when you saw a familiar green skin hopping over to where you, Ranboo and your two new friends stood. Turning to face him, Tommy and a very confused Ranboo began shouting at you to make a deal with him for your business when somebody joined the call.
“Hello?” the new voice greeted, and it was undeniably Dream. 
“Hello!” you replied enthusiastically, as did the others. 
“Y/n?” Oh my god, he knew your name.
“What’s your Minecraft username?”
“Y/u/n, why?” Dream left the game and there was a pause. Nobody else in the call was speaking, what was happening? Had you just fucked things up? You looked up to Alastair for reassurance, and he nodded at you with a warm smile, but you still didn’t understand.
“Okay!” Dream spoke up again, dragging out the “o” and rejoining the server. “Eret should be sending you the IP address now, go and try logging in on your account, you should be whitelisted.
And you were. You’d finally been whitelisted on the Dream SMP.
All because of your brother.
That night, you sat on the sofa beside Alastair, tired from many hours you’d spent on the server, but happy. The happiest you’d been in a while. As much as you were afraid to admit it, ever since they joined you’d longed to have what they had with everyone, you longed to be part of the plot. You finally had that chance.
“So?” She asked you with a smile. “How was today?”
“Fucking incredible!” you replied, making them laugh. You leaned into Alastair’s side, looking up at him with a tired expression. “Thank you, Alastair, seriously. You’ve just made one of my dreams come true - pun intended.”
“I’m glad! I’m so happy to have you there now, I really think you have the potential to become a really crucial character.”
“Really. Now go and do that maths homework you left.”
“I hate you.”
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wishingstarinajar · 3 years
Hey by any chance do you roleplay?
I do! BUT I do it with less than a handful of other people. Seriously, I can count them on a single hand because I mostly role play with people I really click with (which is why it is so few ¦D). Most of the role plays I participate in are private; I prefer one on one role plays with plot and paragraph formatting.
I at times participate in group RPs, mostly in Discord servers I feel comfortable in but because chat/group RPs can be overwhelming with the number of people that hop in and that 'short' replies are prefered to keep the flow/pace going, I am more comfortable with 'forum', one-on-one and private styled role play sessions. That isn't to say group role plays can't be fun! They sure can be, I've had a lot of fun and great moments in group/chat RPs over the years but aah... Nothing beats one-on-one for me, especially with the right people!
The way I write my fanfics is the way I usually write my RP posts and they can be long-ish; I often hit the text limit in Discord without Nitro, whoops xD. Short replies like
Rewind: *raises brow bone at you*
make me nervous because I've grown accustomed to writing detailed replies like
Rewind paused, his head tipping somewhat back while regarding you with a look of disinterest, his brow bone raising. The way his heavy-lidded socket lulled hinted at how little of a damn he gives about what you said, your words surely seen as gibberish.
I'm not sure why I am more comfortable with making these kinds of replies. I guess to express the mental image I have and convey it better to the person I am role playing with... though I am aware that isn't needed! I just can't help it xD
Ah, I'm starting to ramble, sorry! In short, yes, I role play and enjoy it with the right people.
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metanetsoftware · 2 years
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Happy Pride everyone! This month, we have another amazing selection of incredible levels from the N++ community, which show off the many talents and skills these players have.
Here’s a word from the level featuring team: “The review team wishes you a very happy -- oh, whoops, uh second half of -- Pride Month! [...]  While we didn't pick maps specifically for Pride Month, we did color the screenshots to be rainbow, which I think is pretty fair --  they should make a lovely little rainbow.”  They do! So beautiful.
Thank you for the  submissions, DarkStuff, and to everyone who contributed  levels  ( tytytbone13 , lifdoff , Leachy_jr, Zarah, and DrAnvil ) and commentary ( DarkStuff, NateyPooPoo, and r10pez10 )!
Here are the levels, from the top screenshot above, to bottom:
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Name: oh, fun box! Author: tytytbone13 "fun box? does what it says on the tin" ~ r10pez10 (guest pick by ekisacik)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Dalton needs hugs Author: Leachy_jr "No one can truly know pain until they have spent countless hours playtesting and perfecting each part of a map, pouring every ounce of care into the beautiful balance of gameplay and aesthetics... only to have that map proverbially yeeted off the front page with 25 levels banged out by a monkey on a typewriter. Yet when everyone else went on the attack, shaming Dalton's every corner, our beloved Leachy_jr said "Nay, there is one among us who might need a hug the most..." Even artificial intelligence ought to eventually learn what love is, and who better to assist than the wonderful N++ community. And to Dalton, if you ever read this: please hop into the discord and say hi. I will have a hug ready for you." ~ NateyPooPoo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: back alleys Author: lifdoff "Lifdoff once again shows himself as the master of picking a theme and sticking to it. He introduces the deceptively simple mechanic in the first room -- you've seen this before. Activate thwumps, wait for them to get out of the way. You're unimpressed. You couldn't possibly be less surprised. But wait. These rooms are starting to get a bit more complicated. The timings are tighter and your movement is stranger, yet never without its momentum and always without jank. The map looks like it might be routable, but it discretely pushes you towards one natural route that has been fine-tuned for your enjoyment. Bait thwumps, react to their movements. Get through crevices. Evade the cops by slipping into the back alleys -- they may own the roads, but you own everything else." ~ DarkStuff ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: tilt Author: Zarah "Thank you for participating in the beta N++ 3D platformer experience version 42.8.34. Please remember to place your complimentary glasses into the bin by the exit door." ~ NateyPooPoo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Nmlss-051 Author: DrAnvil "Vr gd lvl" ~ DarkStuff
Want to play these levels? Awesome! All levels can be played from all platforms.First, you’ll need N++:
Nintendo Switch: https://www.nintendo.com/en_CA/games/detail/n-plus-plus-switch Xbox One: https://www.microsoft.com/en-CA/store/p/N-/BT33CHSSB89V Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/230270 PS4: https://store.playstation.com/#!/en-us/games/n-plus-plus-(n)/cid=UP2108-CUSA00041_00-NPPGAMENPPGAMENP Kartridge: https://www.kartridge.com/games/MetanetSoftware/n-nplusplus
Then from the Main Menu, just go to Browse, and choose the “Featured” tab. So easy! Of course the levels probably aren’t ;)
Want to suggest levels to feature, to make your own levels, or to enter design contests?Join the excellent community on discord: http://discord.gg/nplusplus
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tsarisfanfiction · 2 years
You’ll Be Here In My Arms #3
Fandom: Percy Jackson and the Olympians Rating: Teen Genre: Angst/Family Characters: Apollo, Artemis, Michael Yew
So I actually now have a plan for this fic so it might even stay chronological; certainly for now they’re continuing in order.  This particular chapter was supposed to go one way, but then decided that there wasn’t enough angst, apparently.  Whoops.
There’s now a discord server for all my fics, including this one!  If you wanna chat with me or with other readers about stuff I write (or just be social in general), hop on over and say hi!
<<<Part 2
All of Apollo’s children inherited his healing domain to some extent.  It was one of the few pieces of interference he manifested in his children, because the life of a demigod was dangerous and they all needed any help they could get to stay alive, but the way it manifested varied dramatically and that, Apollo did not control.  Some of them could do little more than identify wounds and keep people alive long enough for more substantial help to arrive, some were gifted with a fraction of his own ability to heal and could perform what mortals would consider medical miracles, and some were all but useless as a healer, but their own body regenerated far more efficiently – and faster – than even a regular demigod.
He was under no illusions that the reason Michael was still alive was because his son fell squarely into the third category.  His son had neither the patience nor the temperament to tend to the injured, but his body was capable of repairing itself almost twice as fast as the average demigod’s.  It had kept him just from falling over the brink of death during his days unconscious on the bank of the East River, and now that Apollo had given it a starting point, it was voraciously surging back towards life and away from Thanatos’ reaching wings.
Even so, despite his regenerative ability, Michael had still yet to stir, and Apollo did not expect that to change for several days at least, if not a week or more.  Apollo had given it a helping hand, but the injuries should have been fatal, and not even Michael’s healing would be able to overcome that so quickly.  His son had never scarred in his life – not as a young child skinning his knees, not as a teenager in weapons training, not even in the battles he’d fought earlier in the war – but already, Apollo knew that the gash down the side of his face would leave a scar.
Almost without thinking, he reached out to brush a feather-light finger over the dressing that covered the wound in question, carefully scooping away a loose strand of black hair that had settled on top.
It had been a week since his frantic healing session had ended, and Apollo had not left his son’s side for a single moment.  Parts of him were going around as normal, seeing to his regular duties and caring as best he could for the other wounded within the scope of the Ancient Laws and under his father’s watchful eye, but this part of him (far less of him than he’d like, but he couldn’t risk being noticed) had sat a solid vigil over his unconscious son and had no plans to leave.
Not even when she registered in his periphery, materialising on Delos and making a beeline for him with an intensity that would have unnerved anyone else.
“Apollo,” his twin said, her voice firm as she approached from behind.  “What are you doing?  I’ve felt you here since the council ended and-”
Artemis’ sharp intake of breath told him without looking that she’d just seen Michael, laid out as comfortably as he could be with his injuries on his chaise lounge.  After the healing session, Apollo had changed him from his torn and disgusting war outfit into a golden chiton, and with the way his black hair fanned out across a pillow, to the untrained eye he looked like he was simply sleeping, despite the swathes of bandaging across almost all of his exposed skin.
His twin was not an untrained eye.
“What have you done?” she demanded, voice hushed but intense and overflowing with disapproval, anger, fear.  “Apollo, you-”
She cut herself off, not giving voice to the words even in the safety of their home, but Apollo heard them loud and clear regardless.
“I thought he was dead,” he said, equally quietly, because there were times to argue with his sister and times when he needed her to understand.  “But he wasn’t.  Not quite.” He left more things unspoken – the plea of what else was I supposed to do? and the rawness of I couldn’t lose another child – but he knew she heard them as though he’d spoken out loud.
Artemis reached for Michael, her small hand resting on his forehead lightly.  Apollo didn’t stop her; she would never hurt one of his children, no matter how furious she was with him.  The contact lasted only a brief moment before she pulled back, shoulders sagged in resignation even though her silver eyes stayed hard and furious.
“You’re an idiot,” she bit out.  “Of all the foolish, irresponsible, dangerous…”  There were other words in there, too, more along the same vein.  Several of them she hadn’t called him in millennia, since Asclepius’ death.  “He will die,” she told him once she was done, matter-of-fact and confronting him with the truth he had avoided acknowledging.  “He cannot live.”
Apollo shook his head, knowing she was right but ignoring it anyway.  “He’s safe here,” he countered, another truth, because not even their father could interfere with Delos.
His twin’s look was scornful.  “He will want to leave,” she told him, tearing down his tattered defences and refusing him the chance to rebuild them before her next strike.  “What will you do then?  Let him die, or add him to the list of your children imprisoned against their will?”
“Delos is not a prison!” he snapped back at her, letting the insult to their home provoke him as he tried in vain to dismiss the agony that seared through him from her sharp barb, perfectly crafted to cause maximum damage.
Artemis did not even bother to verbally respond to his weak protest, raising a single eyebrow in a silence that pressed heavily down upon him.
Because she was right. Anywhere, no matter how beautiful, no matter the reason, could be a prison.  One day, Michael would want to leave, and Apollo would once again be the jailer to one of his children, forbidding departure and watching as his son grew to resent him.
He’d saved his son’s life, unable to face the loss of yet another child, but Michael would pay for Apollo’s moment of weakness with his freedom, and as his twin forced him to admit it to himself, the knowledge made him sick with guilt.
“I’ll work something out,” he said, and his voice was supposed to be strong, confident, but the sound that came out was weak and desperate.  He didn’t even know if he was saying it to Artemis, himself, or his unconscious son.  Maybe it was all three.
His twin’s face softened, sending another barb through him because Artemis wasn’t one for pity, or comforts, but now her aura had changed to one best suited for her new, scared and hurt, Hunters, the big sister Apollo pretended she wasn’t.
“Apollo,” she said quietly, like he was a stubborn, desperate child who had to stop running from the truth even if it hurt.
“I’ll work something out,” he repeated, forcing his voice to stay even, his tone to be convincing, because he would.  He had to, even if he didn’t have the first idea where to start.
Silver eyes bore into him and for a moment he thought Artemis would continue to press, keep tearing down his walls and convictions as fast as he could repair and rebuild, but then her aura shifted and her gaze passed once again to Michael.  Apollo didn’t know what she was looking for, or if she found it.
“Be careful, Brother,” she eventually said, turning away from his son and leaving Apollo to face her back as she began to walk away.  “I cannot tell you not to be stupid, because you already have been, but at least try not to be any more idiotic.”
Apollo watched her leave, shimmering with the silver reflection of the moon as her form wavered and dissipated, before turning his own gaze back to his son, still unconscious and completely unaware of the conversation that had just taken place at his bedside.
“Oh, Michael,” he whispered, slipping a palm beneath his head in a tender cradle and pressing his forehead gently to his son’s.  Steady, even exhales of air brushed Apollo’s cheeks lightly, and his heart broke.  “I can’t regret saving you,” he admitted, “but I’m so, so, sorry.”
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ts-agere-stuff · 4 years
Agere fic 2
TW- Yelling mention after the -----, ask if I missed any others
Summary- Dee is working on a sheep farm while Patton is trying to hint that he wants something. Dee’ll figure it out at some point. 
Other chapters- 1 , 2, 3
A few weeks passed and Dee was getting comfortable with the whole thing. Virgil’d get stressed about something, he’d deal with the issue, then hop on a voice call with Dee. It just became their thing. It was a nice way to spend most nights anyway. 
Today, Virgil had decided to apparently try doing it on his own, but Dee didn’t want to leave Virgil completely alone, but they also didn’t want to just stare at a screen, so they worked on their sheep farm. It was simple red stone, so they made it automatic. After a few minutes of getting all of the sheep over, Patton, in his grey cat skin, showed up. Dee punched the air to wave then continued with the sheep. 
Patton watched for a bit, then sent Dee a message on discord once all the sheep were away. It just said “VC?” so Dee called Patton and went back to the sheep. 
Patton gasped happily, “Dee!” He called out, “What are you doing with that many sheep!”
“Setting up an automatic wool farm.” Dee clicked their tongue. Patton followed wherever Dee was going, “that’s a lot more redstone than I’ll ever understand.”
Dee nodded and clicked back to discord to check something, then noticed Patton’s camera wasn’t on. “Are you fine?” Dee asked. “Yeah, why?” Patton answered them a bit too quickly. 
Dee huffed, “where’s your face?”
“On my head!” Patton let out a little giggle. 
“You usually your camera on, dear.”
Patton took a moment, then huffed, “You aren’t supposed to know everyone so well already, ya’ know?”
Dee punched Patton’s character in the game, “Stop avoiding it.”
Patton pouted, then turned on his camera. He was in a hoodie that absolutely swamped him and his hair was covered in about twenty more hair ties than the regular one. 
“Should I mention it?” Dee split their screen and went back to the sheep. 
“Virgil said you could help.” Patton shrugged. Dee let out a laugh, “I think you should just cut them out at this point.” “Nooooo, I mean-” Patton looked around, then made a motion like rocking a baby, “Vi said you could help me do the kiddo thing.” “Kiddo?” Dee took a minute of looking at Patton, then went ‘ohhh’. They hummed, “So, the not talking about it doesn’t apply to both ends.” “You can kinda forgive it when I’m his boyfriend, right?”
“Absolutely means nothing in this. Anyway, Patton, have you done it before?”
“Yeah, Vi and I are playdates, you know?” Patton giggled, “I’ve been doing it a while longer than him.”
Dee tried not to get jealous at that. “Excellent. Splendid.” Whoops. “Alright, what do you need me for then?”
“Just play with me here and stuff. You can regress too and stuff if you wanna.” “I don’t.” They lied while rolling their eyes, “but fair enough. I have to go get some dye. Can you take me back to your jungle place, Patpat?”
Patton nodded happily and started going that way. 
Dee followed along, just idly chatting. Patton suddenly stopped after a few minutes, “Wait, I need Mr. Kissie.” Patton ran off out of camera and found a plushie, then came back. The plushie was one that was meant to be colored on and had very clearly had been used as such. There was hearts all over the thing. Patton drew another little yellow heart on the back of the plushie’s head, then continued. 
Dee smiled, “How old do you usually get?” Dee followed as Patton started walking again. 
“I’ll get ten at the youngest right now.” Patton smiled, “Thank you.”
Dee smiled, “Do you want to head over to Roman’s roller coaster after this?” “OH!! Oh, yes please!” Patton started bouncing, then ran faster to the jungle. Dee found a coco pod quickly, so sighed, “now, what were our plans again?”
“Coaster!” Patton giggled. 
“I could have sworn I was working on a sheep farm…” Dee sent “/j” in discord. 
Patton stuck his tongue out with a laugh, “cooooooaster!”
Dee sighed and wished they could reach over and ruffle Patton’s hair, “I suppose we could use Roman’s mob farm while we’re there.”
Patton lit up, then started sprinting that way. 
Dee followed behind with a smile, “You’re a cute kid.”
“MHM!” Patton was still bouncing. 
Dee sighed as they got to the roller coaster, “Alright, dear, let’s get you to there.”
Patton got to the chest with the minecarts, then got in, “Button! Press the button! Presssss!” Dee smiled and pressed it, “there you go.” Patton started giggling at all of the things in the coaster, watching all of the piston’s move. 
Dee almost joined Patton, then heard someone start yelling downstairs. They took a breath, “Pat, I have to go. I won’t be back for an hour at least. I’m sorry. I really should go. I love you. Bye.” Dee left before he could say anything back. They just shoved on some headphones and went to bed before their head could say anything about that.
Patton just sat there confused for a moment, then hummed and went to asking one of the others to ask them if they wanted to hang out.
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