#discord is a red flag
kazuha-ame · 2 years
me: drinks nail polish in the discord voice chat for a suicide attempt (it tasted disgusting i was sick after that)
the guys in the vc: haha die *slur* we don't need f@gg0ts
trin calling me later: *pretty voice of hers* hey please don't do that again or i will be mad if you kill yoursrlf then i will also kill myself because i can't live without you. don't die or i will miss you pretty
me: *falls in love all over again*
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holyseraph666 · 8 days
"odysseus cheated on his wife!!1!1" he was a mortal man, and they were Goddesses who could kill him or put him through worse during his journey if he upset them. his loyalties remained with penelope.
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halpyyy · 2 years
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My 14 Days With You Sona!
Former prima ballerina picks up and moves back to the sticks, what will happen next?
She is very expressive with her words, she just has resting bitch face :(.
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he’s so normal! i love that! not weird at all!
he gives her the heebies.
plus some bonus memes for your entertainment.
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@14dayswithyou 🤩
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kindheartedgummybears · 11 months
shout out to the Puritans for being the prettiest incarnations of the LH crew fr fr
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@everglowingstars and I really like them :))
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ghstzzn · 10 days
i love doing those pinterest trends where its like “character thats literally you” because every time i do them for some very odd reason i’ve gotten dazai, patrick bateman and for some reason,,, yeonjun?????
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Man I get this is well intentioned and on some level I do appreciate it but like
This feels kind of similar to leaving a comment like "Oh I hate this ship, but you drew it so beautifully!" Like in some ways it's a genuine compliment and I'm glad that my art can sometimes strike a chord with people who even aren't Rezo fans but it's still kind of awkward to me to be sitting here like, wearing a Rezo t-shirt and having someone come up to me and go "Oh, hey it's Rezo! He's such a terrible character lol"
like buddy do you think i am metaphorically wearing this shirt ironically. that i am ironically putting a great deal of effort into my many many drawings ft. rezo. that my shoujo filter edits of rezo were done from a place of hatred. what part is signalling to you that This Person Definitely Wants To Hear About Your Dislike Of Rezo, because this has happened multiple times from various different people.
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thedeafprophet · 9 months
Still seeing anti kink discourse on twitter (yall don't have better things to do over the holidays?) And I'm just. Vividly going back to the first time I was in a space with anti kink takes, and having to firmly put down that no I'm not interested in discussing a blantantly sexual topic with a 16 year old when I'm 18, wtf.
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clockworkreapers · 1 year
I was wondering if you did commissions? Your art is incredible and would definitely be worth it
I do yes! And sometimes I post them (some I keep between me and the commissioner if it’s important like a special gift for someone which I’m fine doing tbh) I tag all of those with #commission work, if you want to look through past stuff.
Taking commissions tho that is something I only do over discord due to being scammed in the past. You know how it is people ask to commission give you all the refs you do it and they don’t pay you yada yada. So I do discord instead and any first time commissioners probably will need to pay half up front and half later on just as a safety net for myself. Reoccurring commissioners or ones Iv grown a base with I usually ask to be paid afterwards due to like my morals and actually feeling better about having that personal incentive to complete the work in a timely manner.
You can find me via the Alternian empire server on discord of course I tend to only advertise in there and in short bursts with like 3-6 slots per month but they do tend to go fast.
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maybe you could write one where kohei is readers brother or lover (hes a good brother or lover) and at the fight reader came around the end and you chose what happens next
Of course, I hope this will be ok, Im going to have reader be the partner of Kohei (toxic man needs to stop being a walking red flag, so imma fix him lol)
I hope this is ok and thank you so much for being my first request, it means a ton to me <3
Warnings: Swearing, fighting, mentions of blood, but its high and low so are we surprised? Kohei actually being cute and soft for once, fluff to the max. Using gender neutral pronouns for reader.
Y/n= your name (the reader)
Y/n Knew that Kohei was in the middle of a nasty fight against Oya, one that they had warned him not to do, they hated him fighting like he was and hated that he felt like this was his way to be what his father wanted him to be, but they still loved him and wanted him happy, so they sat in their room packing a bag of food and water for him, hoping to not see him beaten up. It would break their heart to no end.
The dread that filled Y/n's lungs was almost crushing as they walked through the fallen barricade near the enterance of the fight location, the people on the ground groaning in agony and trying to get up as they find their strength best they can. The nauseating smell of blood as they walked passed everyone outside into the gym, the worry of their precious love Kohei who most people thought was a heartless monster who would only ever cause fights. They couldn't contain their fear well, but they sure hoped as they galloped into the gym with shaky hands holding the big bag of food and drinks, that just once everything would be alright. Hearing the crowd in there clammoring about made them more worried but they braved it and went it, not a single set of eyes seemed to notice as they circled one area of the gym. It was crowded but even then, Y/n knew where he was, the one people thought was a walking brick of ice, but for them was an angel on earth.To the young person who entered a realm not their own, the gym was loud, smelled of blood and intimidating, but that was the world of their other half and they tried to embrace it just has he had their quiet life of movie dates and sweets. He was just under loved and needed to be shown how to love right. It was a work in progress but both people in the couple withstood it, making it work and bettering each other over time. The fight had ended, and Kohei was laying on the floor with his second in command, so Y/n gently nudges his side with their hand, "Kohei, I brought you food and water. You should eat, if you need any medical supplies, I have some but eating and re-hydrating is a must my love." They say softly as they crouch next to the platinum blonde, and helping him up, "I love you so much and don't you forget about it though guy." Y/n teases their boyfriend, causing him to chuckle at their cute ways. Others around them were stunned to see him seem so human, so warm and nice. But the love of your life can do that to you. "I love you too my angel, thank you for making me food, I can tell you made my favorite again just from the smell." His grin is not missed by his partner, a proud look on their face as he greedily grabs the bag of food from them and breaks it open, "Have you eaten yet sweetheart?" Kohei asks with worry. "No, I always wait for you, you know that." The other admits, their cheeks heating up slightly at how cute and protective he was. "Well come eat with me, and thank goodness you only came now and not sooner, but please be careful... at least text me before you come to see me at a fight love." He whines softly, pulling them close as they share the meal. "No can do big tough guy, I have to be here to be the angel you need." They smile softly, kissing his cheek and causing him to blush at their slightest affection. By now the crowd had all left to their next stops, leaving the couple in their bliss on the gym floor and smiling at each other as they ate, Kohei even draped his red leather jacket over his love, making sure they stayed warm as the sun started to set and their hands intertwined. Together they felt like they could conquer the world.
"You ready to go on our date?" Y/n Asks softly, they had been planning a movie night at an old abandoned warehouse where they hid an old white sheet and a projector, more food and drinks packed and waiting for the cozy old building filled with furniture from both the young teen's homes to make it their own place. "Of course I am darling, spending the night watchig your favorite movies together is pure bliss and I couldn't be any more excited to do it all again. A great way to wind down after today."Kohei smiles, the love he held for his partner in his eyes was enough to make both young kids hearts race, soon sharing a sweet peck before packing up their lunches and making their way out of the old school hand in hand. "Thank you again for bringing me the food Y/N, even though I hate the idea that you could have been harmed, I was really glad to see you come into the gym to see me and make sure I was alright."
" I will always be by your side to patch you up and check on you with worry Kohei, even if it means I get a few bumps on the way, because that's what love is." Y/n says softly, their fingers fitting like two puzzle pieces as they walked to their date.
"And I love you too my darling Y/n." Kohei smiles and pecks their hand. This was all he really needed, he had finally found his view from the top, and it had been there all along.
A/N: Im sorry it was so short, but I hope you liked it non the less. Thank you again so so much for being my first request
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gatheringkeepsakes · 5 months
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autisticlee · 6 months
that autistic feeling when social rules changed so suddenly and randomly and you don't understand why and everyone refuses to offer an explanation becuase everyone ~should just know why~, but you're the only person that didn't get the update.
do you ever see people do something a lot and assume it's fine and normal and acceptable and harmless, then suddenly out of nowhere when you (or even someone else) do it, it's now suddenly "bad/offensive/weird/creepy/a red flag/unacceptable" and you just get so confused and dont understand why it suddenly changed.....
#it was someone else who did it. i just witnessed it. and im afraid to ask why thats a problem now......the person was banned and. wtf tbh#there was no explanation. the mods just said its bad and creepy and a red flag to let someone know you dm'd them. BUT#I SEE THAT ALL THE TIME. everywhere on the internet people will throw out a “i sent you a dm” so whys it suddenly bad?#i never did it because they will get the notif probably so why give them 2 notifs...but still. it seemed so normal and harmless#and now its creepy and weird and unacceptable and a red flag. red flag for what exactly lmao. they didn't explain#its stuff like this that makes me afraid to talk to people in groups like discord servers and twitch chats because#you will get banned and blocked for saying the most harmless things without warning and get no explanation at all#im too autistic for this shit. if someone does a “bad” thing EXPLAIN IT TO THE REST OF US WHY ITS BAD!!!!!!#always offer explanation and another chance because some people genuinely dont know why youre so upset suddenly about harmless things#autistic#autism#actually autistic#lee rants#im the type of autistic that is very good at saying the wrong things without knowing and gets no explanation#especially when just repeating the trendy words and phrases said by others and copying what others do. its only wrong if it's me 🤷#when it happens to others i get upset for them because. the fuck?????? that could have been me walking into an unknown trap
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molliemoo3 · 9 months
Super fun fact, paying for TNT means you get ads with your fp seasons, like I'm literally paying you for this shit???? Why are there ads?????
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one-winged-dreams · 9 months
Person on my unused old WoW rp tumblr that tried to rp with me like twice and has never had a single meaningful conversation with me: Do you still want to be friends? You barely talk to me anymore :(
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pinkboyfriend · 9 months
sometimes my bf tells ppl he cooked food when im the one who cooked it and it mildly irks me
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hydrachea · 1 year
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I am about to become wholly insufferable.
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bratphilia · 11 months
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