#*blushing kaze noises*
kazuha-ame · 2 years
me: drinks nail polish in the discord voice chat for a suicide attempt (it tasted disgusting i was sick after that)
the guys in the vc: haha die *slur* we don't need f@gg0ts
trin calling me later: *pretty voice of hers* hey please don't do that again or i will be mad if you kill yoursrlf then i will also kill myself because i can't live without you. don't die or i will miss you pretty
me: *falls in love all over again*
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kazesuke · 4 years
Hellos kaze! I don't know if you're still doing your kink prompt meme, but can i request mozart and cream pie?? 😚😚 Thank you!!
Pairing: Mozart/MC Rating: E Content: cream pie, doggy style, vaginal fingering
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“M - Mozart-” she muffled the sound in his shoulder, his fingers pumping hard and fast into her. Her hands slipped, a discordant chord echoing through the room from the pure white of the piano keys. 
She was sure she’d never be able to look at the piano in the same way again. 
She clung to the world, gasping and moaning with each jolt as Mozart’s fingers curled and touched inside her perfectly. “Pl - please-” She needed more than this, she was desperate to fall over the edge and she knew Mozart would hardly deny her. 
He kissed her neck, nipping softly at her earlobe as he left her empty and whining. Mozart carefully tugged her off the keys the clunk of the cover shutting before he spun her around. 
Her hands came to rest on the smooth casing, protecting the keys from the disorganised noise of her pleasure. “You look beautiful, my love.” His hand caressed her curves, teasing her hip before the rustle of clothes joined the orchestra. 
She shuddered, eyes fluttering closed as the warm, hardness of his cock slid between her folds, slicking himself in the first notes of her pleasure. He bumped and teased against her clit before he began a slow slide into her. 
Her legs shook and she thought her knees might buckle or she’d go mad - whichever came first - as he showed the patience of a saint and claimed her. Mozart gripped her hip and pressed her other hand low on hr belly, making her jolt at the shot of pleasure. 
His own pleasure groan drifted to her ears as she tightened around him with pleasure. The drag of his cock leaving her was slow, her head dropping as she resigned herself to the pleasurable torture of his love making. 
His return to her was harsh, making her body jolt and unmuffled noises of pleasure escaping her to the air. He kept to that same pace as she panted and moaned through it. Her body fluttered and pulsed around him, drawing him and desperate to keep him there before his cock dragged against her delicate walls. 
Their moans fell in sync, harmonised in a way that Mozart found he could never quite capture in music. But perhaps that was for the best. He was a little selfish that way. She squeezed so tight and warm around him that he soon lost himself to her, torture giving way to passion as he thrust harder and faster. 
Perhaps it was the fact they were on his piano or perhaps it was the intensity of his passion but as he buried into her neck, in haled her scent he knew. 
“Little lamb let me fill you, Let me come inside you.” 
“Yes- please-” She gasped her words, trailing off into incoherence as his fingers found her clit, letting it slip between his fingers and pinching lightly at the swollen bundle of nerves. She cried out sharply and he barely contained himself as her pussy clung to him and begged for all he had. 
He thrust in short bursts, desperate to give her every last drop of his pleasure and fill her aching body. Mozart held her close as the last spurts of his come filled her, nuzzling into soft, warm skin and breathing a sigh of pleasure. 
He drew back from her, slipping from her body and a light blush dusting his cheeks as he watched some of the evidence of their pleasure, slide down her thigh. Mozart dropped to his knees, licking a long strip up her thigh. 
Perhaps he wasn’t quite done yet. 
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mamabearcatfanfics · 4 years
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I wrote The Safest Place just over a year ago, in May 2019. It was inspired by the beautiful artwork below by @liquidashesart​ which was shared with her permission. She is currently writing the amazing doujinshi The Last Days.
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"Kagome. Kagome! C'mon, open your eyes for me."
Kagome scrunched her eyes tightly, wincing at the noise. The muffled roaring in her ears was starting to ease, with words discernible in amongst the static. Her head was pounding. What was going on? She tried opening one eye and whimpered at the sudden flash of pain the light caused. Obviously, that was a bad idea at the moment. She tried to work out where she was with her other senses.
She was cradled in warmth; her back was supported and there was the weight of what seemed to be a warm hand on her hip. Her legs were tucked up, but it didn't feel like she was resting on the ground. Something soft was tickling her face. Was it hair? She could hear a long drawn out sniff, and then more words, although they still sounded strange and echoey, like they were coming from far away.
"Inuyasha?", she whispered hesitantly, keeping her eyelids still firmly closed.
"Who else would it be? Kagome, next time I tell you to stay back, I want you to listen, okay?" The tone was gruff, but also held more than a hint of worry.
Without opening her eyes, Kagome stretched out her hand. She felt the rough texture of short fur under her fingertips, then the silkiness of a long length of hair. She stroked her fingers downwards gently, delighting in the feel of something familiar as she got her bearings. Warm arms tugged her a little closer, and she sighed and let her body go limp. She was perfectly safe. Being in Inuyasha's arms was the safest place in the world.
Slowly, she opened one eye, and then the other, blinking slowly, trying to focus on the concerned gaze of the amber eyes only inches away from hers. "What happened?" she asked groggily.
"Shit, you don't remember? Did you hit your head when you fell?"
She felt the warm arm that cradled her back shift upwards, clawed fingers gently combing through her hair and examining the back of her skull for lumps.
"I fell? I don't remember. I have a headache and my ears are ringing a little." Cautiously, Kagome tried to sit up, realising with a small blush that she was sitting in Inuyasha's lap, her legs tucked in snugly against his thigh.
"Easy does it. Don't rush it." Inuyasha's arm tightened around her shoulders as she sat up and looked around. Obviously, they'd been in some sort of battle. The tree line was decimated, and the earth in front of them was rucked and folded, bearing the unmistakable scar of Inuyasha's signature kaze no kizu attack. There was no sign of their opponent, so Inuyasha must have defeated them. That didn't explain why she'd been down for the count though.
"Inuyasha?" Kagome questioned.
"It was a Karasu-Tengu. He was disguised as a yamabushi and had his scent covered with strong incense, so I didn't recognise what he was at first", muttered Inuyasha. "I should have though – no human has a nose that big." Kagome could feel the tenseness in his arms; obviously something about the battle had upset him greatly. She gazed at him in concern.
His eyes flicked away from hers. "He got hold of you before I could get a good hit in. And then I couldn't attack him for fear of hurting you."
His eyes swung back to hers angrily. "Yeah. 'Oh', is a bit of an understatement wench! I told you to stay back. I had it sorted! Just a little bit longer, and I would have had everything under control. But you had to step in!"
Kagome's eyebrows lowered in puzzlement. "Why would I…?" A thought suddenly occurred to her, and her eyes raked over Inuyasha's form, her hands following. Sure enough, his suikan was soaked with blood around his shoulders, the scarlet evidence hidden by the vibrant colouring of his fire rat. She looked back at him angrily. "Had it handled, huh?" She gestured towards his shoulders. "This doesn't look like you were handling things Inuyasha! I obviously 'stepped in' because I thought you needed help!"
Grumpily muttering under her breath, she looked around for her backpack, and located it not too far away. Ignoring the still pulsing headache, she crawled out of Inuyasha's lap and dragged the backpack towards her, rummaging until she found the first aid kit.
"I'm fine Kagome", Inuyasha harrumphed, bottom lip thrust out with an impressive scowl on his face. Kagome just rolled her eyes as she opened the well-stocked kit.
"Alright, take it off", she said, gesturing to his suikan, the bottle of antiseptic and cotton balls already in her hands.
Inuyasha's ears flicked in obvious irritation at her request. He crossed his arms, doing a very good impression of a petulant toddler. "Don't wanna."
Kagome heaved out a heavy sigh, closing her eyes. "Inuyasha, please. I have a horrible headache and a weird taste in my mouth. I'm tired, beyond tired actually, I'm exhausted. I just want to do this and go have a nap somewhere."
"Fine", he growled, loosening the tie on his suikan and kosode and shrugging them off his shoulders. "I'm only doing this to make you feel better. I don't need you to fix me." He stayed seated but shifted around so his back was to Kagome.
"Yeah, yeah, I've heard it all before. Let's just clean you up and get it over and done with, okay?"
Kagome drew in a sharp intake of breath at the sight of the deep slashes across the meaty flesh of Inuyasha's shoulders; one very close to his neck. The tengu had obviously possessed a sword and had been doing its best to behead his hanyou opponent. A human with these injuries would have already bled out, but Kagome could see the deep wounds already knitting back together. It was true that he really didn't need her to help doctor his wounds, but it always made her feel better.
She tipped antiseptic onto the cotton wool, and began dabbing at the deep cuts, cleaning away the already drying blood. She apologised softly as Inuyasha hissed at the burn of the antiseptic.
"Why you gotta use that stuff anyway wench? It stings and it reeks! Just use water!"
"We've had this discussion before Inuyasha."
"Yeah, well, I didn't have problems with no 'germs' before you showed up Kagome", he muttered, but stayed still as she carefully cleaned his injuries and then taped bandages over the wounds. As soon as she was finished, he pushed his arms back through the voluminous sleeves and shrugged his fire rat back in position.
Kagome reached for her water bottle and took a few sips, trying to get rid of the weird taste in her mouth. Rummaging in the first aid kit again, she found some paracetamol and gulped them down with a grimace, hoping it would kick in quickly and banish the headache that was starting to make her feel a little nauseous. After packing up the first aid kit and shoving it back into her backpack, she sat back down facing Inuyasha and examining his expression carefully.
"So Inuyasha, are you going to tell me what happened?" Inuyasha's whole demeanour after this fight had her worried. Usually after defeating an enemy he was cocky, bragging about how he could take anyone on, but something was off. He kept glancing at her anxiously, sitting closer than he usually would. She yawned widely, feeling herself practically drooping with exhaustion.
"C'mere", said Inuyasha softly. He pulled her back into the position she'd been in when she came to, cradled in his lap. His solicitous manner was making her feel more uneasy by the minute. Something had happened that had really worried him. Why couldn't she remember?
"The Tengu", began Inuyasha, "he didn't just grab you. He possessed you". He swallowed, his Adam's apple bobbing nervously in his throat, his usual gruff tone soft. "I couldn't do a damn thing – had to stand there and watch you try and fight him off somehow. And then you just… there was a light, like a barrier, and you fell. Your body was jerking and moving on the ground and I thought…" He pulled her tightly against him again. "Somehow you pushed him out, fought off the possession. And then I took care of him." He paused, looking down at her anxiously again. "It took you a while to wake up.
Kagome blinked in surprise. She had no memory of those events, but they must have happened. Inuyasha wouldn't lie to her and was clearly spooked by what sounded like her body having some sort of seizure while she'd fought off the possession of the tengu. She would have to ask Kaede about it when they returned to the village. It did explain why she felt so exhausted and the weird taste in the back of her mouth. She probably should feel more upset about it than she did, but right now, she was more concerned about Inuyasha.
She ran her fingers through the silver forelocks framing his face. "I'm okay now though", she smiled. "No harm done. Thank you for always looking after me so well Inuyasha." The worried expression was still on his face, the amber eyes roving over her, as if looking for any injuries he might have previously missed. She reached up to stroke his cheek gently. "Hey, dog boy. I'm okay, really."
For one moment he leaned the weight of his head into her hand, nuzzling his cheek against her palm slightly, then pulled back, heat flushing his cheeks. "Keh, I wasn't worried. You're too stubborn to get really hurt by some weak ass tengu like that."
Her smile widened. "Definitely." She couldn't stifle the yawn that overtook her, and her body slumped in the safety of Inuyasha's arms. "Do you think it would be okay if we just rested here for a little while? Not for long, I know we've got to get back, but I think I just need a short nap."
Inuyasha rolled his eyes dramatically, and then sighed as if he were granting her a huge favour. "Fine, we can do that." He shuffled backwards a little, so his back rested up against a fallen tree trunk, and gathered her more securely into his arms. Kagome's head nodded forwards, too heavy with exhaustion to be propped up any longer, and her eyes drifted closed. She felt Inuyasha's nose nuzzle into her hair, and smiled sleepily at his final comment as she drifted off. He always had to have the last word.
"Don't be pulling that shit on me again, Kagome, ya hear? I mean it. You made a promise to stay by my side, remember? And I'm gonna make sure you keep it."
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theficklemuses · 4 years
Prompt: Commission! :D OCs: Joshoa Jefferson and Seikatsu Kazuma OC Creators: @kaiyaru​ Ship: Joshoa/Seikatsu
His palms were sweating again.
It didn’t matter that this wasn’t their first date, or even their second, third, fourth, fifth, or sixth. Joshoa had to keep his hands in his pockets just to keep from nervous fiddling with his fingers, glad at least his gloves would keep the sweaty palms from being noticeable. He kept his expression schooled to at least look calm to the average passerby, his back to the tree that was their designated meeting point, his eyes fixed firmly on the single dandelion growing on the patch of grass around him instead of up and around looking for Kaz- Seikatsu.
Why was his heart determined to beat out of his chest every time he saw him? It was a flat out betrayal. Making him nervous and out to look like a fool, making it hard to look at Seikatsu’s face without thinking about kissing him and turning so red he thought he might explode - even thinking about thinking about it was heating his face up. He propped one of his feet up against the tree, trying to will the color away, given that his date would be here any minute and would no doubt make a comment about it.
A comment that, if their history together was anything to go by, would only make it a thousand times worse.
He heard rather than saw Ka- Seikatsu coming. Skateboards weren’t all that rare in the city but Joshoa was convinced Seikatsu’s had a distinct sound to it, and knew even before he glanced up from the dandelion that he’d see his ray of sunshine rolling towards him down the sidewalk.
God he hated his own cheesy thoughts sometimes.
“Sup!” Seikatsu kicked his board up and caught it in one smooth move, coming up to lean against the tree and shoot a cheeky grin up at him. “Here I am. What are your next two wishes?”
“Shut up.” Joshoa quickly looked away from him, though the good natured laughing told him his flush was just as noticeable as it felt. He was quick to push away from the tree and start walking away, not at all because he needed to run away from his own emotional floundering.
It wasn’t until he was on the opposite side of the block, Seikatsu having jogged to catch up with him, that Joshoa realized he had no idea where they were going. He stopped abruptly, clearing his throat as Seikatsu stopped a step ahead of him, turning and beaming back in that way that made his heart beat far too fast to possibly be healthy.
“What?” Joshoa crossed his arms tightly, hoping that might make his heart cool it.
Seikatsu shrugged, readjusting his hold on his skateboard. “You seemed like you knew where you wanted to go. Guess we should have talked about it before- hey, look!” The younger boy hopped right off the sidewalk into the well manicured lawn of some business Joshoa didn’t recognize, heading straight for some mixed colored flowers hanging from poles in ornate pots dotted here and there. “These are those one flowers- wait, I can remember their name.”
“Yeah, those!” Without any more thought than that, Seikatsu plucked an orange one right from the hanging pot before jogging right back to Joshoa and presenting it with a beaming smile. “Here. It’s only half as pretty as you, though.”
With a very loud groan, Joshoa spun right on his heels and marched back down the street in the direction they’d just come from, once again very done with the feeling of his face burning off. He didn’t get very far before Seikatsu got in his way though, mirth sparkling in his miss-matched eyes, the warmth in his laughter matching perfectly with the daisy he’d picked at random from the rainbow of colors he’d had to choose from.
Of course, he probably didn’t know that. Floriography kinda required one to know flower names to begin with, and since it had only been a few weeks since he’d learned what daisies were (and had barely remembered their name this time), there was little chance he knew what the orange ones symbolized. And that they perfectly captured Seikatsu’s roll in his life.
Sunshine of his life, the source of the warmth that spread from his heart like tendrils, roots making themselves cozy and planting themselves firm in his chest.
God, his own thoughts were embarrassing as hell.
“Sorry, was the flower too much?” Despite the question, Seikatsu quickly tucked it right behind Joshoa’s ear, trailing the back of his fingers against his very red cheek on the way back down even though they were in public and anyone could walk by and see them right now. “Guess I lost myself there in your eyes.”
“Stop it.”
He laughed again, stretching his arm behind his back as he took a step away from Joshoa. “Sorry, sorry. You’re just so cute when you blush.”
“Do you do anything besides tease people?”
That, in hindsight, was either the best or worst thing he could have asked in that moment. He should have known better, really should have known he’d take it as a challenge. There wasn’t a challenge alive Seikatsu would back down from, even if it was just one he made for himself, so the smalling hint of one (even one Joshoa didn’t actually mean) had his nostrils flaring and his mismatched eyes sparking like a fire.
“What, don’t like to be teased?” Just like that, Seikatsu was back in his space, leaning up and in even as Joshoa instinctively leaned back, though he knew it was too late to escape. “Bet I could change that. All it would take is one night.”
“It’s a little too soon for that, though.” Instead of explaining exactly what ‘that’ was, Seikatsu reached out to tap his fingers against Joshoa’s collar, playing with the edges of his clothes as if they were in private and not outside, on a sidewalk, in the middle of the day, where anyone could see them-
So why was it that Joshoa couldn’t push him away?
“Guess I’ll just…” He had to stand on his tippy toes to get any closer, but then Seikatsu was just a hair’s breath away, his own breath ghosting over Joshoa’s lips. “…have to settle for a kiss for now.”
‘Settle’ isn’t exactly how Joshoa would put it but he found talking a bit difficult when they were so close, their lips almost touching. And breathing. Breathing was difficult, too. All he found himself able to do was lean closer, horrified that he was really going to kiss Seikatsu out in the open like this - but his heart didn’t care and wouldn’t hear no for an answer, and before his brain could argue any further he found the distance between them non-existent, once again lost in the feeling of Seikatsu’s lips against his own.
A feeling he didn’t get to enjoy for long, since out of the corner of his eye he saw a couple passing them by. The two girls had knowing sparkles in their eyes, one hiding a laugh behind the hand that wasn’t holding on tight to the other girls, and if that wasn’t enough to sent a jolt through Joshoa then nothing was. He jumped back with an undignified noise he’d never admit to, leaving Seikatsu blinking as he dropped back to his heels, watching as Joshoa sputtered over his own embarrassment.
“We can’t just- you aren’t- we- you can’t just kiss people in public like that, Kaze!”
“Pretty sure you kissed me.” Seikatsu grinned and scratched the back of his neck, not looking nearly guilty enough over the whole thing. “Besides, our first kiss was in public, too. Remember?”
“That was different!”
“Shut up.”
At least, for once, Seikatsu was willing to let it go. He readjusted his skateboard to be crooked in his right arm, still looking far too pleased with himself, still just as bright and sunny as ever as he beamed over at his boyfriend. “So. Got an idea for where you wanna go yet? Or should I run off to a gas station for some supplies for a night in?”
“We’re going to the beach.” Joshoa firmly ignored how high pitched his voice was there for a second, once more spinning on his heels to march down the street away from the walking embarrassment he was far too attached to for his own good. Though he had to turn around again, this time much more slowly, when Seikatsu caught up with him to remind him the beach was, in fact, not on the west side of town - the west side being where he’d marched off towards without thinking of geography in the slightest.
He’d also not given any thought to how neither of them were dressed for the beach. Nor did they have anything like towels or sunscreen or really anything beach like with them. But it was far too late to turn back now that he’d said it, so he marched on anyway, the only hiccup in his steps caused by the hand that reached out to hold his own gently as they walked.
And as much as it made his face burn hotter than the sun burn he’d be sure to be regretting by the next morning, Joshoa supposed he could handle a bit of hand holding. Especially if it made his sunshine all that much brighter with joy.
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mamabearcat · 5 years
The Safest Place
So, I’m a Patreon of the amazing @liquidashesart and she shared a lovely piece of InuKag fan art which showed Inuyasha cradling Kagome in his arms. I know I have a heap of other fics to be getting on with, but I couldn’t help write a little something for it. 
*Updated to add the original artwork of @liquidashesart that inspired the one-shot, provided with her permission. Thank you so much! Now everyone gets to see how beautiful it is! And I’m so glad you enjoyed it! I’m constantly inspired by all the artwork on The Last Days doujinshi, which you can find out about here on her Tumblr or here on her website. And here’s a link to the Patreon page for LiquidAshes 
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"Kagome. Kagome! C'mon, open your eyes for me."
Kagome scrunched her eyes tightly, wincing at the noise. The muffled roaring in her ears was starting to ease, with words discernible in amongst the static. Her head was pounding. What was going on? She tried opening one eye and whimpered at the sudden flash of pain the light caused. Obviously, that was a bad idea at the moment. She tried to work out where she was with her other senses.
She was cradled in warmth; her back was supported and there was the weight of what seemed to be a warm hand on her hip. Her legs were tucked up, but it didn't feel like she was resting on the ground. Something soft was tickling her face. Was it hair? She could hear a long drawn out sniff, and then more words, although they still sounded strange and echoey, like they were coming from far away.
"Inuyasha?", she whispered hesitantly, keeping her eyelids still firmly closed.
"Who else would it be? Kagome, next time I tell you to stay back, I want you to listen, okay?" The tone was gruff, but also held more than a hint of worry.
Without opening her eyes, Kagome stretched out her hand. She felt the rough texture of short fur under her fingertips, then the silkiness of a long length of hair. She stroked her fingers downwards gently, delighting in the feel of something familiar as she got her bearings. Warm arms tugged her a little closer, and she sighed and let her body go limp. She was perfectly safe. Being in Inuyasha's arms was the safest place in the world.
Slowly, she opened one eye, and then the other, blinking slowly, trying to focus on the concerned gaze of the amber eyes only inches away from hers. "What happened?" she asked groggily.
"Shit, you don't remember? Did you hit your head when you fell?"
She felt the warm arm that cradled her back shift upwards, clawed fingers gently combing through her hair and examining the back of her skull for lumps.
"I fell? I don't remember. I have a headache and my ears are ringing a little." Cautiously, Kagome tried to sit up, realising with a small blush that she was sitting in Inuyasha's lap, her legs tucked in snugly against his thigh.
"Easy does it. Don't rush it." Inuyasha's arm tightened around her shoulders as she sat up and looked around. Obviously, they'd been in some sort of battle. The tree line was decimated, and the earth in front of them was rucked and folded, bearing the unmistakable scar of Inuyasha's signature kaze no kizu attack. There was no sign of their opponent, so Inuyasha must have defeated them. That didn't explain why she'd been down for the count though.
"Inuyasha?" Kagome questioned.
"It was a Karasu-Tengu. He was disguised as a yamabushi and had his scent covered with strong incense, so I didn't recognise what he was at first", muttered Inuyasha. "I should have though – no human has a nose that big." Kagome could feel the tenseness in his arms; obviously something about the battle had upset him greatly. She gazed at him in concern.
His eyes flicked away from hers. "He got hold of you before I could get a good hit in. And then I couldn't attack him for fear of hurting you."
His eyes swung back to hers angrily. "Yeah. 'Oh', is a bit of an understatement wench! I told you to stay back. I had it sorted! Just a little bit longer, and I would have had everything under control. But you had to step in!"
Kagome's eyebrows lowered in puzzlement. "Why would I…?" A thought suddenly occurred to her, and her eyes raked over Inuyasha's form, her hands following. Sure enough, his suikan was soaked with blood around his shoulders, the scarlet evidence hidden by the vibrant colouring of his fire rat. She looked back at him angrily. "Had it handled, huh?" She gestured towards his shoulders. "This doesn't look like you were handling things Inuyasha! I obviously 'stepped in' because I thought you needed help!"
Grumpily muttering under her breath, she looked around for her backpack, and located it not too far away. Ignoring the still pulsing headache, she crawled out of Inuyasha's lap and dragged the backpack towards her, rummaging until she found the first aid kit.
"I'm fine Kagome", Inuyasha harrumphed, bottom lip thrust out with an impressive scowl on his face. Kagome just rolled her eyes as she opened the well-stocked kit.
"Alright, take it off", she said, gesturing to his suikan, the bottle of antiseptic and cotton balls already in her hands.
Inuyasha's ears flicked in obvious irritation at her request. He crossed his arms, doing a very good impression of a petulant toddler. "Don't wanna."
Kagome heaved out a heavy sigh, closing her eyes. "Inuyasha, please. I have a horrible headache and a weird taste in my mouth. I'm tired, beyond tired actually, I'm exhausted. I just want to do this and go have a nap somewhere."
"Fine", he growled, loosening the tie on his suikan and hadagi and shrugging them off his shoulders. "I'm only doing this to make you feel better. I don't need you to fix me." He stayed seated but shifted around so his back was to Kagome.
"Yeah, yeah, I've heard it all before. Let's just clean you up and get it over and done with, okay?"
Kagome drew in a sharp intake of breath at the sight of the deep slashes across the meaty flesh of Inuyasha's shoulders; one very close to his neck. The tengu had obviously possessed a sword and had been doing its best to behead his hanyou opponent. A human with these injuries would have already bled out, but Kagome could see the deep wounds already knitting back together. It was true that he really didn't need her to help doctor his wounds, but it always made her feel better.
She tipped antiseptic onto the cotton wool, and began dabbing at the deep cuts, cleaning away the already drying blood. She apologised softly as Inuyasha hissed at the burn of the antiseptic.
"Why you gotta use that stuff anyway wench? It stings and it reeks! Just use water!"
"We've had this discussion before Inuyasha."
"Yeah, well, I didn't have problems with no 'germs' before you showed up Kagome", he muttered, but stayed still as she carefully cleaned his injuries and then taped bandages over the wounds. As soon as she was finished, he pushed his arms back through the voluminous sleeves and shrugged his fire rat back in position.
Kagome reached for her water bottle and took a few sips, trying to get rid of the weird taste in her mouth. Rummaging in the first aid kit again, she found some paracetamol and gulped them down with a grimace, hoping it would kick in quickly and banish the headache that was starting to make her feel a little nauseous. After packing up the first aid kit and shoving it back into her backpack, she sat back down facing Inuyasha and examining his expression carefully.
"So Inuyasha, are you going to tell me what happened?" Inuyasha's whole demeanour after this fight had her worried. Usually after defeating an enemy he was cocky, bragging about how he could take anyone on, but something was off. He kept glancing at her anxiously, sitting closer than he usually would. She yawned widely, feeling herself practically drooping with exhaustion.
"C'mere", said Inuyasha softly. He pulled her back into the position she'd been in when she came to, cradled in his lap. His solicitous manner was making her feel more uneasy by the minute. Something had happened that had really worried him. Why couldn't she remember?
"The Tengu", began Inuyasha, "he didn't just grab you. He possessed you". He swallowed, his Adam's apple bobbing nervously in his throat, his usual gruff tone soft. "I couldn't do a damn thing – had to stand there and watch you try and fight him off somehow. And then you just… there was a light, like a barrier, and you fell. Your body was jerking and moving on the ground and I thought…" He pulled her tightly against him again. "Somehow you pushed him out, fought off the possession. And then I took care of him." He paused, looking down at her anxiously again. "It took you a while to wake up.
Kagome blinked in surprise. She had no memory of those events, but they must have happened. Inuyasha wouldn't lie to her and was clearly spooked by what sounded like her body having some sort of seizure while she'd fought off the possession of the tengu. She would have to ask Kaede about it when they returned to the village. It did explain why she felt so exhausted and the weird taste in the back of her mouth. She probably should feel more upset about it than she did, but right now, she was more concerned about Inuyasha.
She ran her fingers through the silver forelocks framing his face. "I'm okay now though", she smiled. "No harm done. Thank you for always looking after me so well Inuyasha." The worried expression was still on his face, the amber eyes roving over her, as if looking for any injuries he might have previously missed. She reached up to stroke his cheek gently. "Hey, dog boy. I'm okay, really."
For one moment he leaned the weight of his head into her hand, nuzzling his cheek against her palm slightly, then pulled back, heat flushing his cheeks. "Keh, I wasn't worried. You're too stubborn to get really hurt by some weak ass tengu like that."
Her smile widened. "Definitely." She couldn't stifle the yawn that overtook her, and her body slumped in the safety of Inuyasha's arms. "Do you think it would be okay if we just rested here for a little while? Not for long, I know we've got to get back, but I think I just need a short nap."
Inuyasha rolled his eyes dramatically, and then sighed as if he were granting her a huge favour. "Fine, we can do that." He shuffled backwards a little, so his back rested up against a fallen tree trunk, and gathered her more securely into his arms. Kagome's head nodded forwards, too heavy with exhaustion to be propped up any longer, and her eyes drifted closed. She felt Inuyasha's nose nuzzle into her hair, and smiled sleepily at his final comment as she drifted off. He always had to have the last word.
"Don't be pulling that shit on me again, Kagome, ya hear? I mean it. You made a promise to stay by my side, remember? And I'm gonna make sure you keep it."
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writer-and-artist27 · 5 years
Never For Granted
Written when I was feeling both tired and lonely. Studying gets like that. Even in a crowd of people in a library. 
Song here. It’s originally from No Game No Life: Zero, called “What You Want To Do.” An alternative is here too. Fate/Zero’s second ending, being Soreha Takaku, Kaze no Uta. 
Somewhat unedited and read only by a college classmate/lab partner in my Biotech class at the moment.
Another prequel to Callout, anyone? 
…I need to sleep. My fifth anniversary with my boyfriend needs to be handled this weekend.
Obito didn’t know when he started seeing Tomo-chan in his dreams more than Rin. Maybe it was how she never truly threatened him when he messed up. Or how she always seemed to be there at the café whenever he felt particularly lonely in his apartment. Or it was how loudly she cheered at the Chunin Exams, screaming his name even when her face was red and her throat was hoarse. 
But she was warm, soft, kind, and sweet. 
When looking back, Obito thinks it started with the first time she visited his apartment. 
It was a particularly tough mission, with all the charges he had to set up with Kei near the front. War was never particularly pretty, but that didn’t make him feel any less ill once he had to clean up the bodies. The expressions of shock left buried in the rocks were ones that he would probably remember for as long as he lived.
That is, until he came home.
He was carrying his house keys, ready to come back into an empty apartment when he smelled it first. It was the same sweetness from the café and his jaw was nearly towards the floor before he picked himself up.
“Can’t be…” 
Obito still put a hand on the doorknob and blinked. It was unlocked. 
Suspicious, he opened it anyways, and right there, in that one room apartment, he could make out a glimpse of a yellow apron.
Obito pried his goggles away from his eyes to have them rest against his hitai-ite, blinking. It couldn’t be. He rubbed at his eyes with his sleeve. 
No way.
With that cute noise, Tomo-chan was suddenly there, in his apartment, coming out of his kitchen with a soup ladle in hand while blinking. Then she smiled. Her usual kind and welcoming smile, as if she was back home in the café, ushering him in. “Obi! Welcome home!” 
How. Hell. When. “T-T-TOMO-CHAN?!” 
The girl flinched at the volume before blinking at him owlishly, clearly confused in the single moment it took for Obito to nearly trip over his own sandals when coming in through the door. He didn’t hesitate to kick his own door closed so that no one could look in, and by the time he did, Tomo-chan was inclining her head to try peering at his face, that pink blush of hers on her cheeks. “Um, Obi?”
“T-Tomo-chan, how—” he pointed a shaky finger at her and the spatula, feeling his face heat. “How— when did you—”
Tomo-chan blinked again before she made a small noise of realization. Something like an “Ah!” as she tugged at the hem of her apron with her free hand. “Um, I asked for Miyako-bachan’s help. To get here, I mean.”
Tomo-chan blushed, the pink this time conveying clear embarrassment as she averted her gaze. She reached up with her free hand to brush back — to brush back the braid Obito recommended she wear, still adorned with that orange hair ribbon from her twelfth birthday. “You mentioned how you were living alone, right? So, um, I just thought that while you were out with the team, I’d come by and help clean your apartment. M-Miyako-bachan said you would be back in about two weeks, so,” Tomo-chan shifted back and forth on her slippers. “I asked if she could help me and she suddenly gave me a key?” 
Obito felt sweat drip down his neck as soon as Tomo-chan reached into her apron pocket to pull out that key as proof. It was a spare key that the landlady had given him in case of emergencies, and since getting to know Kei and her family, he had given it to Miyako-san after a bit of careful nagging. To think that it was here… 
Tomo-chan giggled nervously in that “I don’t know what to do” way of hers before shrugging and concluding with, “So that’s how I’m here!”
“Tomo-chan…” She was still being her. Kind, sweet, cute—
Tomo-chan simply smiled again, her big blue eyes soft in Obito’s direction as she gestured with her ladle towards the kitchen. She had no clue what was going on in Obito’s head, but she was on a roll and at this point, Obito didn’t mind because this sudden allergy was weird. 
“I have curry waiting if you’re hungry, Obi! It’s chicken with carrots and potatoes. Though, oh,” her eyebrows quirked upwards as she inclined her head again towards him, “do you want to take a bath first? I cleaned the tub already! All you need is the hot wa—” 
Obito didn’t realize the dust was coming into his eyes before Tomo-chan was coming close, her smile dropping for sheer panic. “O-Obi?! Oh dear, oh dear, I-I didn’t mean to—”
Screw it. He tugged her in by the ladle-hand for a hug. Revenge was in order and carry-hugs were amazing for that. “T-Tomo-chan, you dork!” he cried, but he was laughing and she felt light in his arms. Just right. “You didn’t have to do this!”
“W-Waaaaah!” she squealed in his ear, her fingers barely finding leverage in his jacket as he swung her around. “I-I wanted toooooooooo! Obitooooooooo! Please—” there was a giggle, “please put me down! Obi!”  
Obito couldn’t help but laugh anyways, squeezing her to him while swinging. This girl. She didn’t have to, but she still came by to try making his apartment feel something and for once, he couldn’t hide his tears as dust in his eyes. 
He was crying, but it felt good this time. 
“O-Obi!” There was a hiccup and just like that, reality was back. “Um, heyyyyyy…”
Whoops. Motion sickness. Right.
Obito immediately put her down, but he found himself unable to let go of the hug. Hell, there was a part of him that was suddenly screaming, “Don’t let her go!” 
What was this?
Tomo-chan hiccupped near his ear again, confused as she caught her breath from all the carry-swinging. Her fingers then clenched his jacket sleeves, shaking a little. “O-Obi?” she repeated, quieter.
“Tomo-chan.” Even her nickname felt like a stone in his throat as he tried to say the words. Thank you. That was all he had to say. But the allergy was coming up again, making his heart pound and his entire being feel hot because she was nestled in his arms. She was too close. Tomo-chan was too close. “I-I love you.”
Obito had no clue why he said those words, but Tomo-chan was relaxing, steadily returning the hug and he could feel her smile against his neck. She was reciprocating. “I love you too, Obi,” she whispered, resting her nose against his shoulder as she tightened the hug. “Welcome home.” 
His heart skipped a beat and Obito tried to perish the sudden thought of how it wasn’t enough. 
It was still Tomo-chan loving him as any friend of his would. Why was a part of him not satisfied with that?
What was going on with him?
Once baths were taken, the curry pot cleaned, and dishes put away, Obito glanced around in his fridge for tea. 
“O-Obi,” Tomo-chan was definitely raising her hand in the air from under the kotatsu, sheepish and cute, “you don’t have to get me anything—”
“You made me dinner and cleaned my apartment, Tomo-chan! I have to give something back!” Obito said hotly, rummaging through all the containers before finally finding a can. Yes. It could work, even if it was iced. And there were two! Woo! “At least take this!”
“Muuu… Okay…!” Tomo-chan sighed, peering at him through her bangs just as he closed the fridge. Those blue irises were bright, reflecting his image back at him as she stared. “What did you have in mind?”
Tomo-chan blinked. “Tea?”
Obito raised his findings of the iced tea cans in the air, grinning. “Tea!”
“Ohhhh,” Tomo-chan said slowly, a small smile dawning on her face. “Miyako-bachan left those for us, actually. So that’ll work.”
“A reminder to thank Miyako-san too then,” Obito mused, quickly striding over to join Tomo-chan under the kotatsu while depositing their drinks onto the table. Taking a seat next to her didn’t take too long, but then she had to lean her head against his shoulder and it took all of his willpower to not freeze. “T-Tomo-chan?!”
He wasn’t expecting to hear her yawn. Then again, could that noise be called a yawn? Her eyes were drooping closed, barely staying open to expose those blue irises of hers. Her jaw was slack, her mouth closed as she breathed through her nose. 
How long had Tomo-chan been working around his apartment? Cooking, cleaning, everything? 
Obito blushed at the close contact, but waited.
As expected, a few seconds later, Tomo-chan’s eyes fluttered open in a semblance of wakefulness, and she rubbed at the corner of one of them with her hand. “Muuu, ‘m sorry,” she mumbled slowly, raising her head to sit upright again. “Tired.”
“It’s okay, but Tomo-chan, how long have you been here?” Obito immediately wrapped an arm around her shoulders to bring her back, because her sudden swaying wasn’t giving him the best feelings. And besides, he could be a good pillow. Maybe. “Don’t tell me…you were here all day?”
Tomo-chan slowly met his gaze from her perch back on his shoulder and nodded sleepily. A small “Mm,” in the back of her throat confirmed it. 
“Tomo-chan…” Obito took a breath before reaching over with his other arm to give a complete hug, shaking his head. Now he could see why Kei called Tomo-chan “goofball” — she definitely overdid it. This was the first time Obito had ever seen her exhausted to the point of barely talking. “You didn’t have to do that.”
“I had tooooo,” she insisted in that same voice, her eyebrows furrowed against her head. “Heck, I wanted to, Obi…” The words came out slurred and barely audible if not for the closeness and Tomo-chan shook her head enough to make her hair tickle Obito’s cheek. “I didn’t want you to feel lonely when you came home…”
Obito froze.
“It’s not good to feel like you’re by yourself. Like everyone abandoned you.” Tomo-chan slowly exhaled, her sleepy voice coming out both indignant and solemn. “Ty made me know what that was like. I didn’t want you to feel like that, ever.” This time, her words were interrupted by a sigh. “As much as I hate bringing back his memory to make my point.” 
That name alone threw a rock into Obito’s stomach and he took a breath himself to calm the rage starting to bubble up in his veins. “…He hurt you a lot, huh?” 
Tomo-chan nodded, leaning into the hug more as her eyes slowly closed. “I hate it because I still think about him. About what I did wrong. A-And I know!” She raised a hand to hastily hug Obito back, and this time, Obito knew she was waking up and now clearly torn about whatever was eating at her. “I know he hurt me! I know… I know I was doomed the moment he started yelling at me. The moment he started hurting me and seeing me as some kind of moldable clay. But that doesn’t… that doesn’t…” she gulped in air, shaking her head. “That doesn’t change all the positive memories I had with him and how I loved him.” 
Tomo-chan shivered and Obito waited, as painful as it was to listen to that last part. 
“And now,” Tomo-chan gulped, “I’m scared that I’m not doing enough for everyone else instead. That I’m… I’m—” 
Useless, was left in the air to linger. 
“I don’t want to take you for granted, Obi,” was the sudden quiet confession into his jacket. “You and everyone else are really important to me and I don’t want to mess up.”
There was silence and then Tomo-chan buried her face into the crook of his neck, her shoulders shaking. Obito tried not to stiffen. “I-I’m sorry, Obi, I didn’t mean to make the conversation go all...” she raised a hand to flail around in a helpless gesture, “all dark. I just wanted to help you.” 
“I-It’s okay, Tomo-chan,” Obito squeezed her tighter in the hug. Miyako-san did this whenever he or Kei or Hayate were upset. This should work. And besides. All the times he spent in this apartment alone, from the loneliness to the pain to the emptiness — it was all something Tomo-chan probably was familiar with too. Before Kei came into their lives. Before Kei was even there. “You didn’t know,” he said softly. “He was an ass and you did all you could.”
“Hey.” Obito gently patted her back. “You made me really happy today, Tomo-chan. You did more than enough in my eyes.”
Tomo-chan shivered again, not looking up. “…You’re a dork, Obi,” she muttered, snuggling him in spite of the dry reply. There was no mistaking that little crack in her voice as she continued, though. “I don’t know what to do when you say that.”
Obito scoffed in response, loosening the hug to let her rub at her eyes. He pretended to not see the tears in the hopes of letting her relax. “Just accept it?”
Tomo-chan gave him a funny look. 
Obito grinned. “It’s the truth, Tomo-chan!” The idea came to him as fast as he said it, and he found himself adding, “Why not talk to me more about this?”
“Eh?” Tomo-chan was baffled now, resembling Kakashi for a second with her wide eyes before she shook her head, blinking. “Repeat that?”
“Think about it, Tomo-chan.” Obito pulled her in by the shoulders again, starting another hug. “If Tai’s going to keep haunting you—”
“Um, Obi, it’s ‘Ty’—”
“Tai, Ty, whatever!” Obito threw a hand in the air, trying not to pout once Tomo-chan’s attention was on him again. “If he’s gonna keep sticking around, then I’ll force him out!”
Tomo-chan blinked. “Huh?”
“Every time you think about him, just come over here!” Obito put on his best grin, gently bumping her head with his while doing so. “I can try to talk him out of your head! He complains, I’ll compliment! If it works, it works!” It was a very weird circle, but it was a circle and it could do something. 
Tomo-chan was staring at him for about a minute before she ducked her head and covered her mouth with her hand. She was giggling. “O-Obi,” she smiled through her fingers, “that’ll be a lot of work. You’d be spoiling me.”
“Spoil?” Obito leaned back, pretending to be offended. “Naaaaaah, that’s definitely impossible.”
“I dunno,” Tomo-chan mused, removing her hand to give him a soft smile. “I can forget things easily, Obi. Kinda comes with the mindset of never taking anything for granted. And I’m not the greatest person in the world. You’ll have a lot to say if you want to get it through my head.”
The cheerful atmosphere was gone in that instant as something snapped.
Obito couldn’t help but grab her cheeks in both of his hands and pull her in.
Obito winced too, because headbutts were painful like that, but he had a point to make. “Tomo-chan! Quit that!”
“Wh-What?!” she squeaked. “Quit what!?”
“Badmouthing yourself!” Obito felt every single fiber of his being start to heat up with the kotatsu, but at this point, he couldn’t stop. Not when Tomo-chan just wasn’t believing. “You’re OKAY, Tomo-chan. You’re amazing. You’ve helped me with my apartment, you make sure Rin’s not lonely at the hospital, you keep Kei from being grumpy—”
Tomo-chan’s jaw dropped. “H-Hey—”
“And Kakashi barely scowls when you’re there!” Obito bonked her head again with his, gentler this time while fixing his gaze on her and her alone. “You’re our friend! We care about you! So stop hurting yourself when it hurts us too! Hell, just let us take care of you for once!”
Finally, finally something registered in those big blue eyes. Tomo-chan stared at him again, for a few seconds more before she closed her eyes and lowered her head. “…Oh,” she said quietly, wonder in her voice. “Am I that bad?”
“Yes,” Obito agreed vehemently, tempted to sigh. “I’m the one living alone and even I can see you’re horrible at self-care, Tomo-chan.”
To no one’s surprise, Tomo-chan started to blush. With a small “Uuuuuu” sound, she covered her pink cheeks with her hands, glancing away shyly. “I can’t win, can I?”
Obito grinned and slowly reached over to her waist. “Noooope!” 
All it took was a simple wiggle of his fingers.
“WAAAAAH!” Tomo-chan immediately jumped, trying to scramble away, but Obito persisted in the tickling, and just as Kei had shown via example years ago, it was enough to solicit laughter. Warm, surprised, happy laughter. “O-Obi—! Hee hee hee — hey!” 
For once, the warmth in his heart screaming for something more was quiet as Tomo-chan finally scooted away from the tickling, red coloring her cheeks. 
Obito teasingly wiggled his fingers in her direction again, and Tomo-chan pouted. “No,” she insisted, shaking her head. “Don’t you dare.”
Obito grinned and lowered his hands to rock back and forth on his legs. “Did you get it this time?”
Tomo-chan’s pout dropped for a more thoughtful expression, her mouth thinning into a line as she tilted her head. She then closed her eyes, crossing her arms over her blouse to consider. 
She opened her eyes to give him a fond look. “With you here, I highly doubt I’d ever forget,” she quipped. Then Tomo-chan smiled again. “Thankie, Obi.”
It was like an arrow to the heart. 
Obito blinked, rubbed his eyes, and then nodded. Okay. The sparkles were gone.
“So, uh, Obi?” Tomo-chan raised a hand while slowly crawling back to hide her legs under the kotatsu. “You do have a futon, right?”
“I… kinda convinced Mama and Papa we were having a sleepover?”
Obito gaped at her and Tomo-chan fidgeted. “I-I brought my toothbrush if you’re worried about that? And sanitary stuff! I can take the living room!” 
Oh lord. 
Yep. Yep. Obito definitely had to schedule a time to run over to Kei. Because either Tomo-chan’s innocence or this freakin’ allergy would kill him. 
A week passed and Obito found himself pounding on the Gekkō household door. This allergy was horrible and he just wanted an answer from someone other than Rin. “Kei, come on! I know you’re not busy!” 
The grumpy face of his teammate was comforting enough. Maybe.
Obito couldn’t help but feel like he was doomed.
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fearless-hunter1 · 6 years
Loss: Destiny
Original characters; Sapphire-7, Dax, and Kaze owned by me. Kenji, and Nova-7 owned by @fireteam-thickthighs, thanks for letting me use your characters for this story.
Warnings: angst, heartbreak, loss, death.
Destiny/Destiny 2 belongs to bungie, characters: zavala, ikora, rights go to bungie.
I hope you enjoy, it's not the greatest but it's the first thing I've wrote in a while. Leave feedback, I'd love to hear what everyone thinks is this. It's my first Destiny/Destiny 2 story, enjoy!
"I need help!" Everyone in the tower looks towards the commotion, it was a male Titan in distress. 
"S-someone please help my team-" his voice wavered. His team transmatted beside him both laying on their backs, no movement. A couple Guardians rushed to help aid him and his team, moving them to the infirmary. 
The Titan removes both his teammates helmets, throwing them on the floor, "Stay with me!" He was looking back and forth between them; a male exo hunter, and a male human worlock. Both were not moving, the Titan slapped both of them, trying to wake them up. 
"No. No. No...this can't be happening...it's all my fault.....it ...it should of been me..." A single tear escaped the Titans eye as he gripped the bar on the side of the hunters bed. A touch from a hand startled him, he glanced at the gloved hand coming from his hunter friend. 
"Your still alive!" The Titan exclaimed. 
The exo took a shakey breath, his hand gripped the Titans hand. 
"I'm ...so...sorry....man......we... tried...our ...best" his voice was barely above a whisper, the Titan leaned  in closer to hear him better. 
"And please...please...tell Kaze, I am sorry..." The lights in his eyes faded for good. A hand placed on his shoulder, from one of the guardians behind him. There was a silent apology that hung in the air. 
Kaze arrived back to the tower with her fireteam, after an exhausting mission. 
"Man I'm beat," a male exo Titan, named Dax rubbed the back of his sore neck. 
"Well if you want, I can run this report to Zavala, I need to talk to Ikora anyways. You both can go home and rest." A female, exo, warlock, named Sapphire-7 suggested. Both Dax and Kaze shrugged at each other.
"I could use some extra rest, I am supposed to meet someone later anyway." Kaze sighed, she was exhausted. Sapphire walked off to turn in the report. Dax grabbed Kaze by the arm, forcing her to turn around. His eyes had a soft glow about them.
"Would you like me to accompany you?" He spoke in very low and sweet tone. 
A slight blush appears on Kazes face, she nods though, "I'd like that." They both walk off towards her room.
A knock on her door sounded throughout the room. Kaze stirred at the noise. She sat there a minute before moving, maybe she was just hearing things. She snuggles closer to Dax getting more comfortable. The knocking continues, Kaze opens her eyes this time. No doubt about it someone was at her door. She let out a low groan, not wanting to be disturbed, she glanced at the alarm clock they had found on a mission once, it read 3:30 P.M.
She jumped outta bed, she woke him up in the process; she was late meeting her mentor, it was probably him coming to get her. 
"What's wrong babe?" A groggy Dax mumbled. Kaze began putting on her armor
"Sorry I'm late meeting with my mentor, I think he is at the door," she placed a kiss on his robotic mouth, "sorry I'll be back." 
She opened the door, "Sorry I'm late...I -" she froze, there stood in front of her was the Titan, Kenji her mentors fireteam leader. 
" We need to talk," his deep voice wavered, just enough for Kaze to notice, he cleared his throat, "May come in?" She moved aside to let him in, he closes the door behind him. 
"You might wanna sit down for this," he didn't make eye contact with the young hunter. 
"Babe what's going on?" Dax sits up in the bed, looking between this unknown Titan and his girlfriend. She shrugged her shoulders, her face was contorted into a look of concern. Kaze sat down on the edge of the bed, Dax positioned himself behind her running his hand up and down her arms. Kenji was shifting back and forth on his feet uncomfortably. Kaze didn't know him as well as she knew the other two members for his team, but knew enough that this was unusual behavior. 
"Kenji..." She broke the silence.
"Who is he babe?" Dax whispers.
"This is Kenji, he is the fireteam leader to my mentor, Nova-7. I was supposed to be meeting Nova today and I'm confused on why you showed up instead?" She furrowed her brow. He let out a sigh of frustration as he placed two fingers on the bridge of his nose. 
"See... something happened yesterday...and....and-" he turned his back towards you and Dax, letting the tears fall. Kaze got up walking over to the elder Titan, placing a hand on his shoulder.
"Hey..." She was very worried about him, he has never acted like this. He tensed up at her light touch. He turned back around she saw his tear stained cheeks, she was taken back by this. He grabbed her in a tight hug, which was completely out of character for him, but Kaze knows everyone's has a breaking point. 
He grabs the back of her head bringing his mouth to her ear, "Nova is dead....Kaze..." She gasps. Tears flowed down her cheeks like a waterfall. Kenji comforts her the best he can. She latches on to him, and crying into his chest. Dax watched the whole thing, his heart breaking for her, whatever this Titan told her sent her into a frenzy. 
"His last thoughts were about you," the Titan leaned back, " he told me to tell you he is sorry." A couple tears slipped down his face. Kaze tried wipping her tears away but they just kept falling. 
"Nova loved you, you were always on his mind," Kenji chuckled, "he was so happy when you got a fireteam of your own and was so proud of you." He brushed back your hair out of your face. 
"I'm so sorry that I couldn't protect him...I am truly sorry..." Kaze shook her head.
"Don't be sorry it's not your fault Kenji, you did your best...please do not blame yourself..." He broke away from her and looked at the floor.
"I'm going out sometime this week to bury him if you want to come with me. I know he would want you there...just let me know if you can. I think it's time for me to leave, you need to take it easy. If you ever need to talk I'm here for you. Just know that!" Kenji gave her a small smile. 
"Thank you, that means a lot. And thanks for coming here to tell me personally. I'm sorry for your loss as well. And if you ever need someone to talk to my doors open to you." Kenji nodded and walked out the door. 
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OkiSei go for ice cream
Here is that little fic I mentioned last night.   It’s just a short one, but I’m putting it under a cut so followers who are not here for Kaze Hikaru won’t be bothered by it.  To those who are KH fans, I hope you enjoy.  Special thanks to @peggaboo for the prompt.
They had been standing in line for a half hour and Sei was getting bored.
“This had better be some good ice cream, Okita-sensei,” she grumbled as she wiped sweat from her brow.
Unlike Sei, her captain was still in a cheerful mood.  “I’ve been told this is the best place to get ice cream in Kyoto.  Besides, what’s the hurry?  It’s our day off.”
Sei sighed.  Yes, it was their day off.  A day she had hoped to use to get some much needed housekeeping done.  But when Okita had popped into the troop hall and invited her to join him to get ice cream on what felt like the hottest day of the summer, how could she say no?
“Yes, but it’s more than a little out of the way from our usual routes.” In fact, they were far out of their regular stomping grounds, making Sei wonder how Okita had found out this place.  “Oh, and it’s also hot as bal-”
Okita nudged her side.  “Goodness, Kamiya, what a mouth you’ve developed.  You’ve been spending too much time with Hijikata.”  But he chuckled and it was obvious that he found the comparison between his friends amusing, though Sei had no desire to become like the older officer.
The line inched forward and they shuffled ever closer to the front door of the ice cream shop.  When they had first arrived, the line was out the door and snaked down the sidewalk and Sei had suggested that they come back another day.  Okita had pouted like a toddler and Sei had quickly admitted surrender.  
So here they were, standing under the oppressive summer heat, waiting in line for what Sei hoped would be some damn good ice cream.
“We’re almost to the door now,” Okita noted cheerfully.  “So it won’t be much longer.”
Sei nodded and wiped sweat from her forehead… again.  “I hope so.”
“Besides, if the line is this long, then it must be great ice cream,”  Okita said with a grin.  As usual, with his mind on sweets, there wasn’t much that could dampen his mood.
Hot and sweaty as she was, Sei could help but admire her friend’s positive attitude.  Very little seemed to ever hold him down for long and there were times that she wished she could let go of her own worries as easily.  But there was much that weighed on her and she sometimes found it hard to lift them off her shoulders.
Okita’s phone buzzed as they shuffled forward again.  He reached into his shorts’ pocket and pulled out the phone and glanced at the screen.  A wide grin broke out on his face.
“What is it?” Sei asked curiously.  
He held out the phone to show her what he was looking at.  “My sister’s new baby.  He’s just so cute!”
Sure enough, he was a darling infant, so small and soft, with dimples and tiny fingers.  Sei couldn’t help but smile.  “He’s adorable.  Tell your sister congrats for me.”
He nodded as he took back his phone and rapidly typed.  There was a soft look in his eye that made something in Sei’s chest almost ache.  “I wish you could meet my family.  They would love you.”
Sei was glad that it was hot and that she was already sweaty because she couldn’t help but flush at his words.  That was the kind of thing one would say to their girlfriend, not their assistant.  It reminded her, yet again, of the strange position she was in and of the things that she sometimes wished for.  How different it would be if she was the sort of girl that Okita could bring home to meet his sisters and family.
“Oh, look!  The line’s moving again.  Now we’ll be inside in the air conditioning.”
Sure enough, the queue had surged forward enough for them to finally make it through the front doors of the shop.  The cool blast of air was deliciously refreshing on Sei’s skin and it smelled sweet enough to make her sigh happily.
It was busy in the shop.  There wasn’t a single empty table to be seen.  But at least the line in here was short and there were plenty of staff hopping about behind the counter.  A large board overhead listed the flavors, more than two dozen of them.
“What are you going to get?” Sei asked and glanced at Okita.
His mouth was hanging open, his eyes round and almost sparkling.  “I’ve never seen so many flavors!”
Kid in a candy store. Sei mused to herself and turned her own attention back to the board.
There were all of the standard flavors, of course, but then at least half a dozen she’d never heard before.  She and Okita were silent as they both attempted to sorts through all of the choices.  Fortunately, Sei quickly made up her mind to get a cone with one scoop of cherry and one scoop of peach.  Okita ordered two scoops of chocolate chip cookie dough in a chocolate dipped waffle cone.
When Sei pulled out her wallet, he gently pushed her hand away.  “My treat.”  She opened her mouth to argue, but Okita shook his head.  He reached out and softly patted her head.  “It’s my thanks for coming out with me.”
Sei cocked her head, frowning slightly.  “Of course I came with you.”
“I mean, you didn’t have to though.  It’s not for work.”  He shrugged and paid the cashier.
Caught off guard by the sudden lump in her throat, Sei just gazed at Okita for a long moment.  He turned and grinned at her, seemingly unaware of the fact that she could feel her pulse somewhere near her tonsils.
“Come on, let’s find a bench in the park or something.  It’s too crowded in here.”  He wheeled her about, even as he took a bite of ice cream and made a delighted noise that caused Sei to blush.  “Oh gosh, this is amazing.”
Sei carefully licked the top scoop and almost had to close her eyes.  This was definitely the best ice cream she’d ever eaten in Kyoto.  
As they stepped back out onto the sidewalk and headed away from the shop, Okita grinned brightly and lightly poked at her ribs.  “What did I tell you?  Think it was worth it now?”
She smiled, despite trying to keep her expression cool.  “I admit this is some pretty good ice cream.”
Okita hummed happily to himself as they made their way to a small park a few blocks away.  They found an empty bench to sit on under the shade of a large maple tree, reveling in the relative cool of the shade.
“This is how summer days should be spent,” he sighed.  
“Boiling in one’s own skin?” Sei quipped.  She was none too fond of the sticky summer months of Kyoto.  Spring seemed to be the best time of year to her:  the flowers in bloom, the city at its prettiest, and warm days without the humidity of the next season.
Her friend laughed.  “Are you sure that’s not just your hotheadedness getting the better of you?”
Sei gave a decisive huff and stuffed her mouth with ice cream to keep herself from speaking.  Despite her silence, Okita continued grinning.
“You’re too easy to rile up, Kamiya.  Just like…”
“I know, I know.  Just like Hijikata-sensei.”  She rolled her eyes.  
They were silent for a few minutes, as they each enjoyed their cones.  Sei was trying hard to not let it drip onto her shorts and risk getting sticky.  Okita seemed to have little regard, just licking his fingers as the ice cream sometimes dribbled onto him.
As usual, Sei was comfortable with the quiet between them.  It was the of the things she liked best about her friendship with Okita.  There was not always a need to fill every silence.  It was very easy for them to be comfortable and take simple pleasure just from the presence of the other.  Even after the ice cream was gone, they stayed there on the bench and watched other people pass by.
It was during this lull that Okita’s hand brushed against Sei’s.  She felt as if an electric current ran up her arm and through her heart.  Before she could second guess that maybe she had just imagined the touch, Okita reached out again and laced his fingers through hers.
“Okita?” Sei cocked her head questioningly.
He glanced over at her with a softer smile than before, almost a shy expression.  “I just… I’d like to hold your hand for a little while if that’s alright.”
She nodded and the lump in her throat from not long before returned.  “Mhmm.”
A gentle squeeze and he faced forward again.  “I’m glad to spend my days with you, both on and off duty.”
“As am I,” Sei managed to reply.
When Okita spoke next, his voice had dropped to almost a murmur and Sei had to listen very carefully.  “Maybe, if you like, we could come back and do this again on another day off?”
“Visit the ice cream store?”
Sei could have sworn that she saw his ears turn pink and his throat bob slightly before he answered, “Yes.  But mostly… this.  Spending time with you.   Just you.”
For a moment, she wasn’t certain that she had heard him right, but from the expectant look in Okita’s eyes, she knew she’d heard him right.  She smiled warmly at him.
“I think we could arrange something.”
Okita swept her hand up, fingers still laced with his, until his lips lightly brushed across her knuckles.  “Then it’s one more reason to look forward to our days off.”
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uneminuteparseconde · 6 years
Des concerts à Paris et autour
Mai 09. John Wiese + Me Donner – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 09. Virginia + UVB + Théo Muller b2b Sottoh – La Machine 10. Savon Tranchand + Random Cult – Le Zorba (gratuit) ||ANNULÉ|| 10. Derya Yildirim & Grup Simsek + Stranded Horse (Le Beau fest.) – La Petite Halle 10. SeRvo + Fiasco + Die Süsse Teufel – Espace B 11. Stephen O'Malley (dj) + Cameron Jamie (dj) – Chair de poule (gratuit) 11. And Also the Trees + Tropic of Cancer + Better Person + En attendant Ana + Magic Island (Le Beau fest.) – Trabendo 11. Sick Llama + Hit & Run + Minute de S + Jazzercisers – Le Petit Café 11. Lenny Dee + Manu le Malin + Docteur Macabre + Torgull – Rex club 11. Voiron + Murd + Léo Occhi + No One Famous + Mediane + Vakarm + Keikari – La Station 12. TRDLX & Soul Archive : "Vibration" – Auditorium|Musée Guimet (gratuit sur résa) 12. Deerhoof + Ulrika Spacek + First Hate + Pantin plage + Le Couleur [+ Good Morning : ANNULÉ] (Le Beau fest.) – Trabendo 12. Disposition Matrix + Domotic + Désiré Bonaventure (dj) – L'Époque 12. Ellen Arkbro + Stine Janvin + Ora Clementi (Crys Cole & James Rushford) + David Rosenboom – Le 104 12. I Hate Models + Ancient Methods + Rrose – La Machine 13. God is an Astronaut – Trabendo 13. Pierre Henry "Labyrinthe !" + Eliane Radigue "Kyema" + Bernard Parmegiani " La Création du monde" – Le 104 14. Bryan's Magic Tears + Le Villejuif Underground + VvvV – La Maroquinerie (gratuit sur résa) 14. Thomas Köner (rencontre, vidéo, diffusion) – Cinéma 2 |Centre Pompidou 15. Sinivia Alvise + Erwan Keravec & Mats Gustaffson + Orchestre orange & Gëinst (fest. Switch) – Théâtre de Vanves 17. Moor Mother + Boy Harsher + Succhiamo (fest. Ideal Trouble) – La Station 17. Alessandro Cortini + Fléau – Petit Bain 17. Clément Edouard + Giani Caserotto + Elise Dabrowski & Claudine Simon (fest. Switch) – Théâtre de Vanves 17. Frédéric Dumont + Franck Vigroux & Kaurent Gaudé : �� Le Chant des sept tours » (Marché de la poésie) – Le Cube (Issy-lès-Moulineaux) (gratuit sur résa) 18. Salsa + Tisiphone – Le Zorba (gratuit) 18. Sister Iodine + Ramleh + B-Ball Joints (Low Jack) (fest. Ideal Trouble) – La Station 18. Samuel Andreyev + Laurent Durupt – église Saint-Merri 18. Joachim Florent + Nox.3 & Linda Olah + Chassol (fest. Switch) – Théâtre de Vanves 18. Yann Gourdon + Ratcharmer – Le Satellite (Aubervilliers) 19. Yo La Tengo – Cabaret sauvage 19. Horse Lord + Das Ding + Noir Boy George (fest. Ideal Trouble) – La Station 19. Deux boules vanille + Mondkopf + The Noise Consort (fest. Switch) – Théâtre de Vanves 19. Mohamed Lamouri + Groupe Mostla (Nuit des musées) – Auditorium du MacVal (Vitry/Seine) (gratuit) 19. 999999999 + Raär + Under Black Helmet + Dax (dj) + Parfait – tba 20. Of the Wand & the Moon + The Dark Red Seed + Vesperal + Slowdive (dj set) – Supersonic (gratuit) 20. Bundle of Joy (Barnt & Superpitcher) + La Mverte + Xeno & Oaklander (fest. Ideal Trouble) – La Station 20. Biscuit Mouth + Melkbelly + Storm{o} + BadBad – Espace B 20. December + AZF + Cité lumière + Oktober Lieber + Mon Alberteen (fest. Ideal Trouble) – La Station 20. SNTS + Anetha + Pfirter + Terence Fixmer... (Marvellous Island fest.) – Ile de loisirs (Vaires-Torcy) 22. Carpenter Brut – tba (gratuit sur résa) 22. Zëro + Moodie Black – Petit Bain 23. L'Ocelle Mare – Chair de poule (gratuit) 23. Buzz Kull + IV Horsemen – Espace B 23. Irena & Vojtech Havlovi + Tamara Goukassova + Radiante Pourpre – Ourcq blanc 23. Otomo Yoshihide + Kaze – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 24. Sheezahee + Kevin Thomson – tba 24. Sourdure + L'Ocelle Mare + Bégayer – Cirque électrique 24. Otomo Yoshihide & Chris Pitsiokos + Ikuro Takahashi – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 24. HMLTD + Faire (dj) – Petit Bain 25. Mogwai + Jon Hopkins + James Holden & The Animal Spirits (Villette sonique) – Grande Halle de La Villette 26. Kelly Lee Owens + The Sea & Cake + Tzusing + The Field + Richard Dawson + Ariel Kalma + Jackie Mendoza + Flamingods + Sassy 009 (Villette sonique) – Prairie du cercle nord et périphérique (gratuit) 26. Black Zone Myth Chant + Colin Johnco + Domotic +  Fatal Walima (Villette sonique) – Jardin des îles|Parc de La Villette (gratuit) 26. Car Seat Headrest + Naked Giants (Villette sonique) – Trabendo 26. Marquis de Sade + Anna Von Hausswolff + Exploded View (Villette sonique) – Grande Halle de La Villette 26. Paolo Tecon + Tôle froide + Orage plastique + Badbad – La Parole errante (Montreuil) 26/27. DVS1 + Bens Sims + Antigone + Freddy K + Lory D + Fabrizio Lapiana + Kas:st + Cem + Myako... – Concrete 27. Bisou de Saddam + King Khan + Miley Serious + Paul Seul (Villette sonique) – Jardin des îles|Parc de La Villette (gratuit) 27. Abra + Essaie pas + Flohio + Nilüfer Yanya + Smerz + Snail Mail + Hookworms + Fire! + Mario Batkovic (Villette sonique) – Prairie du cercle nord et périphérique (gratuit) 28. The Chamelons – Supersonic 29. Deerhunter + Midnight Sister (Villette sonique) – Cabaret sauvage 29. Camille Emaille, Nina Garcia & Arnaud Rivière + Zaraz Wam Zagram & Sig Valax + Laurent Di Biase – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 29. The Damned + Vile Assembly – Petit Bain ||COMPLET|| 30. The Damned + Daddy Long Legs – Petit Bain 30. Igorrr + Ni – Les Cuizines (Chelles) 30. John Maus + Flat Worms + Kate NV (Villette sonique) – Trabendo ||COMPLET|| 31. Gaël Segalen + Adrien Kanter – Le Zorba (gratuit)
Juin 01. Les Tétines noires – Centre FGO-Barbara 01. Heimat + Ventre de biche + Cachette à branlette + Johnny Couteau + Laura Krieg – Le Chinois (Montreuil) 02. Fatherkid + Ugut + Jean-Lous Costes + Philippe Petit – Espace Topographie de l'art (gratuit) 02. Penguin Café – Fondation Cartier 02. Juan Atkins + Blush Response & Katran + Volition Immanent + CJ Bolland & D. Carbone + Dave Angel + dj Pierre + Nostromo (SΛRIN & Unhuman) + Blind Delon + Dersee + Ethan Fawkes + Headstrong (Clouds & Randomer) + Size Pier + Symetrical Behaviour (VSK & Conrad Van Orton)... – tba 02/03. Björk + Beck + Jamie XX + King Krule + Father John Misty + Migos... (fest. We Love Green) – Bois de Vincennes 03. Modern English – Supersonic 03. Cranky Bow + Andcl + High Heal – L'époque 03. An Albatross + We Insist ! + F/lor & Céline Wagner (fest. BD6Né) – Petit Bain 06. Heimatlos + Li Jianhong + Mei Zhyong + Wang Ziheng (Eastern Noise Congregation) – Les Voûtes 06. Terrie Ex & Kaja Draksler + Defuse – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 07/08. Molly Nilsson – Badaboum ||COMPLET|| 08. Chocolat + The Soap Opera + Jaromil Sabor – Supersonic (gratuit avant 23h) 08. Monolithe noir + Colin Johnco – Olympic café 08. Robert Henke & Marko Nikodijevic : "From within" (fest. ManiFeste) – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 09. Trisomie 21 + Delacave – La Maroquinerie 09. Waxahatchee – Espace B 09. The Driver + Renart + Le Cabaret contemporain + "In C" de Terry Riley + Le Comte + Arandel (dj) + Dudmode + Ambeyance (dj) + Clément Bazin (dj) – La Station 11. Preoccupations + Moaning – La Maroquinerie 11. The Dead C – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 12. Damo Suzuki's Network – Espace B 12. Thom York – L'Olympia 13. L7 – La Cigale 13. Marietta + Canari – Mains d'oeuvre (Saint-Ouen) 14. Ty Segall & The Freedom Band + Mike Donovan – Bataclan 14. Troum + Flint Glass + Maninkari – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 15. Bernard Grancher + Infecticide + Les Trucs – Centre Barbara-FGO 15. Varsovie + Carpet Burns + Marécage – Supersonic (gratuit avant 23h) 15. Anne-James Chaton & Andy Moor : "Heretics"  – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 15. Blawan + Laval (Electric Rescue & Kmyle) – Rex Club 15/16. Ryoji Ikeda : "Datamatics" – Centre Pompidou 16. Ryoji Ikeda : "Formula" – Centre Pompidou 16. Ryoji Ikeda : "c4i" – Centre Pompidou 16. Vitalic (fest. Bains numériques) – Lac d'Enghien-lès-Bains (gratuit) 17. Animal Collective – Le Trianon 18. A Band Called E + Toro – Espace B 19. Publique + Luxury – Le Klub 19. Mörpheme + Unlogistic + Pour X raisons – La Comedia (Montreuil) 22. Modern Life Is War + Cro Mags – Petit Bain 23. Crack Cloud – Supersonic (gratuit) 25. Nine Inch Nails – Olympia ||COMPLET|| 27. The Jesus & Mary Chain – Le Trianon 27. Deaf Kids + Bracco – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 28. La Colonie de vacances – La Station 29. Cocaine Piss + SHIT + Sordid Ship + Harassment – Le Gibus 29. Wolves in the Throne Room – Petit Bain 29. Fred P. aka Black Jazz Consortium + Tin Man + Kay Alce b2b Patrick Gibin + Skee Mask (Macki Music fest.) – parc de la mairie (Carrières/Seine) 30. A Deep Groove + Antal + Golden Dawn Archestra + Blake Baxter + Muddy Monk + Saint DX + Toshio Matsuura + Vox Low + Nathy Peluso (Macki Music fest.) – parc de la mairie (Carrières/Seine) 30. Eliott Litrowski (Macki Music fest.) – boat party 30. Echo Collective joue "Amnesiac" de Radiohead (fest. Days Off) – Le Studio|Philharmonie 30. Nils Frahm (fest. Days Off) – Salle Pierre-Boulez|Philharmonie
Juillet 01. Motor City Drum Ensemble + Josey Rebelle + Cotonete + Lomboy + Ceephax Acid Crew + Kamaal Williams + HDBeenDope + Sentiments (Macki Music fest.) – parc de la mairie (Carrières/Seine) 01. Nick V (Macki Music fest.) – boat party 01. Zaltan (Macki Music fest.) – boat party 03. David Byrne (fest. Days Off) – Salle Pierre-Boulez|Philharmonie 04. MGMT (fest. Days Off) – Salle Pierre-Boulez|Philharmonie ||COMPLET|| 05. Brnsrpprs + Brns + Ropoporose (7 ans de Petit-Bain) – Petit Bain 06. Trami Nguyen et Laurent Durupt jouent "Piano Phase" de Steve Reich + Bruce Brubaker + Laake + Fabrizio Rat + Murcof & Vanessa Wagner + Tom Rogerson + Grandbrothers (fest. Days Off) – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 06. Amelie Lens + Daniel Avery + Floating Points + Folamour + Jeff Mills + Laurent Garnier + Kink b2b Gerd Janson + Not Waving + Solomun... (The Peacock Society) – Parc floral (Vincennes) 06/07. Orchestre tout puissant Marcel Duchamp + Odessey & Oracle + Warum Joe + The Monochrome Set + The Experimental Tropic Blues Band + Sida + Hyperculte + Snapped Ankles + White Heat + Tonnerre + USA Nails + Bracco + Lèche-moi + Brandt... (La Ferme électrique) – La Ferme du Plateau (Tournan-en-Brie) 07. Sister Iodine (La Ferme électrique) – La Ferme du Plateau (Tournan-en-Brie) 07. Richie Hawtin + Tale of Us + Charlotte de Witte + Chloé + Maetrik + Mano Le Tough + Octo Octa + Joy Orbison b2b Kornel Kovacs (The Peacock Society) – Parc floral (Vincennes) 08. Maulwürfe – La Gaîté lyrique 09. Eels – Olympia 12. Chelsea Wolfe + Emma Ruth Rundle – Trabendo 13. Ministry + Grave Pleasures – Elysées Montmartre 14. Papier Tigre + Pyjarama + Puissant Blaster – Espace B 24. Dirty Fences – Supersonic (gratuit)
Août 20. Front Line Assembly + Die Krupps – La Machine 24. Die Antwood + Carpenter Brut + Dirty Projectors + Parcels... (fest. Rock-en-Seine) – Domaine de Saint-Cloud 26. Jessica 93 + Idles + The Black Angels + Bonobo + Justice... (fest. Rock-en-Seine) – Domaine de Saint-Cloud
Septembre 01. Ariel Pink (Paris Inter. Fest. of Psychedelic Music) – La Machine 01>04. Molly Nilsson + Vox Low + Male Gaze + Prettiest Eyes + Volage + TH da Freak + Cut Worms + Petit Fantôme + Dead Sea + Faux Real + Saint DX... (Paris Inter. Fest. of Psychedelic Music) – tba 04. Thee Oh Sees (Paris Inter. Fest. of Psychedelic Music) – La Cigale 05. Feist – L'Olympia 07. Conflict + Humandogfood + Social Experiment – Le Gibus 20. The Brian Jonestown Massacre – La Cigale 22. The Wedding Present – Point FMR 22. Paula Temple + LSD... (Dream Nation fest.) – Docks de Paris (Aubervilliers) 26. Sleaford Mods + Consumer Electronics – Le Trianon
Octobre 04. Ballaké Sissoko & Vincent Segal – La Seine musicale (Boulogne-Billancourt) 20. Tallinn Chamber Orchestra : Fratres, Cantus in memoriam Benjamin Britten, Adam's Lament, Salve Regina et Te Deum d'Arvo Pärt – Salle Pierre-Boulez|Philharmonie 26. Jon Hopkins – Trianon 27. Killing Joke – Cabaret sauvage
Novembre 01>03. Bon Iver + Fever Ray + Mac DeMarco + Blood Orange... (Pitchfork Music fest.) – Grande Halle de La Villette 04. Peaches Christ Superstar – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 05. Colin Stetson – Café de la danse 18. Ensemble Links : Drumming de Steve Reich – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 21. The Breeders – Le Trianon 23. Michael Nyman : "War Work: 8 Songs with Film" – Salle Pleyel 23. Ennio Morricone – Bercy Arena 27. Mudhoney – Trabendo
Décembre 01. Deux boules vanille (fest. Marathon!) – La Gaîté lyrique 09/10. Moriarty – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 15. Gaspar Claus – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie
Avril 14. Arnaud Rebotini joue la BO de "120 Battements par minute" – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie
Mai 17. Philip Glass : Études pour piano – Salle Pierre-Boulez|Philharmonie 18. Bruce Brubaker & Max Cooper : Glasstronica – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie
Juin 26. Magma – Salle Pierre-Boulez|Philharmonie
en gras : les derniers ajouts / in bold: the last news
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fe14fiction-blog · 7 years
Could you write a Saizo x Laslow? I know it's kinda wierd but I'd love to see it!
Saizo carefully wiped the blood from his blade as he glanced along the land. He had been sent to dispose of the mages along the side to keep the rest of the army safe, with Laslow of all people. But, as per usual, the other retainer was full of surprises. While no ninja himself he didn’t slow Saizo down at all. It really only served to make Saizo all the more curious about where Laslow had come from. What had happened that had trained the other man such, as he attributed all his skills to either his parents or his former battles.
Laslow was across the way, where he had gotten his last mage, and turned to Saizo with a grin and a wave. Saizo didn’t wave back. In a fight, Laslow was something to watch. It was a dance in Laslow’s hands, where he was the lead and his opponent had no choice but to follow. His actual dancing was similarly spectacular, though he seemed reluctant to show others that. Once Saizo found out that was what the retainer was doing he had stopped spying so thoroughly as before.
Saizo turned to look towards the field. The battle had swiftly turned to their favor and the rest of the army was pushing the enemy back. Perhaps if they hurried they could at least assist in the cleanup.  He started to walk that way, figuring Laslow would catch up, only to spin around when he heard a shrill shriek. He was quick enough to watch as the Nohrian warrior tumbled down the small cleft of a hill. It was nothing much, but still a laughable disgrace to observe.
He took a deep breath, summoning what patience he had, and waited for Laslow. The Nohrian, pushed himself up with a laugh, cheeks slightly rosy as he dusted himself off. “Oops,” he said, chuckling to cover up his embarrassment. Saizo glowered at him, urging him silently to hurry up. Surely there were already better things to be done by now. Laslow however was preoccupied with his clothes and hair, eventually taking a step as he tried to reshape his hair. Except it apparently wouldn’t hold his weight.
Saizo pressed a hand to the bridge of his nose as Laslow let out an unseemly squawk and fell back to the ground.  "That’s not good,“ Laslow mutters, pouting as he looks down at his feet. “I think I hurt my ankle in the fall.”
Saizo calls upon his memories of Setsuna to keep from truly losing it. Because of course Laslow fought his way through the dozen mages with Saizo but couldn’t fall down a little bump of a hill without turning into a hassle. At least the man wasn’t crying. Saizo couldn’t deal with that. He glares at Laslow as he treks over to him.
“You go on ahead,” Laslow says, grinning and waving him off. “I’ll hobble on in behind you.”
Saizo doesn’t even consider listening to the man. Leaving somebody behind, especially when a situation isn’t dire, seems especially stupid. He also cannot imagine hobbling along beside Laslow all the way back. He doesn’t have the patience. Saizo dips down and Lalsow squawks again as Saizo hefts him up. Laslow stutters through six different sentence starters as Saizo fixes the position so he’s easier to carry over the shoulder, and then starts walking.
“Don’t ignore me!” Laslow yells, which is right by Saizo’s ear which makes him flinch.
“What what!?” Laslow is far too loud, honestly. “I said I’d… put me down!”
Saizo huffed. “No. This is more efficient.”
Laslow lets out a whine into his hands and mutters something about being manhandled and strength. Then peeks between the fingers. “Can we at least make this more accommodating?” he mumbles.
Saizo glances at him. And this is a mistake. Laslow is pink all the from the tip of his ears and down the back of his neck.  "What?“ Saizo snaps. “Why are you blushing?” He can already feel his hackles rising, and a blush following.
“It’s embarrassing!”
“it is not! It is efficient.”
Laslow lets out another whine that Saizo pointedly ignores because for some reason it makes the heat hotter.  "Can you not fireman carry me the entire way? At least?“  
Saizo glances at him again, glaring. "It’s the best way to carry somebody heavy.”
“Excuse you!” Laslow huffs, hands sliding down to hold onto Saizo’s shoulder for balance and Saizo does not think about that. Especially not the fact that he has limited armor, as a ninja, and can feel the heat of Laslow’s hand through his clothes. “Look, can we just- a piggy back ride yes? That’d be feasible.”
Saizo counts down from ten and stops, letting Laslow roll off his shoulders and then squatting for Laslow to crawl on his back. The last time he’d given somebody a piggy back had been Kaze, a very long time ago. It felt like a lifetime ago. He glances back as Laslow tentatively puts his hand on Saizo’s shoulders. The ninja has no patience left, after all of this, and is reaching behind to grab Laslow’s thighs and stand. Laslow lets out a noise Saizo will not focus on, just like how he won’t focus on the thighs in his hands, and begins walking.  
There’s a quiet moment in which they situate before Laslow starts complaining again. “Wait, wait! I changed my mind!”
Saizo lets out a low growl of aggravation and picks up speed. It makes Laslow cling tighter, thighs squeezing, and Saizo knows the familiar heat on his face that he hates. He does not look back at Laslow, hoping to hide the color. Better to focus on getting back and then never thinking or talking about this again.
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grimlegate · 8 years
Ivory Kisses and Keys
The gentle touches that graced the ivory keys belied the strength behind the hands coaxing the melody out of the instrument. Each touch so gentle and loving, he allowed himself to fall against the headboard where he lie, letting each note of the song gentle caress him. An improvisation, the same score played over thrice so far, and he recognized the pattern well enough, letting the small whispers of a whistle leave his lips. With each repetition, he grew bolder with his own song, letting it rise in volume as the piano met his soft song.
So bold, in fact, he managed to miss when her fingers stilled on the keys, and her crimson gaze had turned to him, watching her retainer with the hints of amusement twitching the corners of her lips. When he finally became aware of the missing song to his duet, he blinked his eyes open, a flush staining his face as he caught the small giggle his Mistress made.
"I did not know," She started, leaning forward in her seat, the silver locks tumbling over her shoulder and brushing against her lap, hands folded in a stately manner. "That I agreed to a songbird becoming my Retainer." She teased, letting her eyes lid as his face burned, rubbing over his cheeks and coughing into his hand as he tried to reclaim what dignity he could.
"I did not know you had done so either, Milady." He murmured, drawing a small laugh out of her throat, a noise that the beauty of the piano could not even rival. He wasn't sure if the blush staining his skin was from being caught or from the visage of the woman before him.
Bad. Stop that. He thought, the added guilt piling on to the red on his face. It was shameful, the feelings he had for his Lady. He was her Retainer, nothing more, and it did not do to have the feelings of admiration building like a budding flower in his chest. He had chocked the reaction up to her forgiveness of his failure, when the Princess had been stolen away from her family, forced to live in a Fortress without the love of her Mother and siblings…
It had been sweet anodyne for his aching heart, when every word of his supposed 'goodness,' rang hollow in his ears and twisted the knife he had imbedded in his soured gut, a seppuku for his soul, if you would. But her forgiveness, and the purpose brought into his life lifted the heavy weights off his shoulders, and while the lingering pain of his failings had not entirely disappeared, he felt that they might in time. Especially with her at his side.
Stop it. He thought, the unbidden thoughts once more stomped down by the feeling of shame for these feelings. So enraptured in those he missed his Lady's words, perking his head up to peer through viridian locks.
"I beg your pardon, Milady?" He murmured, and she gave a small smile, motioning to the piano behind her.
"I said," She began, no hint of malice in her words—and if he had not seen her fury first hand, he would have suspected that the woman incapable of such a harsh feat. "I take it that you liked my song?"
"I always love when you play the piano, Lady Kamui." He replied far too quickly for his like, and he caught the sight of the small frown that graced her lips.
Had she figured it out? What was she thinking?
"Kaze, I thought I told you that when you're up here you can drop the formalities."
"But it's disrespect—!" He protested, his mouth snapping shut when she flashed him a look through narrowed eyes.
"I'm insisting—no, I'm ordering you, you wouldn't disobey an order, would you?" She hummed, and he swore, looking down at his lap while he fought within himself. He wouldn't, but that didn't mean that it was right. He peeked up at her eager face, finding a sort of smugness there and sighed.
"As you wish, La—Kamui." He choked on the word slightly, but the smile on her face made up for all of that.
"There you go! How in the Dusk Dragon did none of my siblings snatch you up? You're such a good Retainer, Kaze. Never disobey, never give any back talk…" She hummed, smiling at him. The thought that the smile was for him and him alone made his chest heavy. She was always so quick to give him praise, and he would look at her as if she were a goddess, wondering how such a person could see anything good in him when his failure was the pivotal point of her life that left her wanting for her true family, but in her words…
"Kaze," She had laid her hand over his, his stern visage nearly broken through by tears as he let her understand why he was the way he was, why any compliment of his kindness fell upon deaf ears. "If none of this had happened to me, then I wouldn't have ever known my siblings from Nohr, and Anankos would be running around unopposed." He supposed that she was right, but it didn't make it easier to stomach until she promised that she didn't hate him, that she truly thought no less after learning of it.
She had cried for him, tears staining his tunic as she hugged him. She blubbered on about how he must have tortured himself all these years, wondering how to live with himself for his mistake, and growing up with that staining his self-worth. That's when he had realized how wonderful the woman was before him, and how she couldn't possibly hate him, it simply wasn't within her. That's when he had dropped to a knee, pledging to be her Retainer—because he wanted to keep such a bright and loving person safe from anything that would wish her harm.
Jakob had been a nightmare, giving him scathing looks when the Princess was not looking, a silent promise that he could do his job better, and that there would be no mercy if he did something to hurt Lady Kamui. Another point he felt as though he fell short in. He could not cook or clean, he could hardly make tea right, and it was nothing like the sweet mixture that the Butler made for his Mistress. The best he could do was bundle herbs for long marches, show her how to wrap her hands and feet under her armor, how to disappear into the shadows without a trace, but he felt far outclassed by the other man.
But, it would have been a small wonder if he hadn't, considering Jakob existence came down to serving the woman, and she offered the same gentle compliments, extending kind gestures in gratitude, something he had found that stung slightly, wanting them all to himself. But, he knew he was being unrealistic, she had plenty of people to share that affection with, and he was not supposed to want for those things. Not as a lowly Retainer.
"Kaze…? Kaze!" Kamui called, and he was jolted out of his thoughts, peering at the curious woman. "Dazed off again, are you getting enough sleep?"
"Yes, Kamui. I was just thinking about being your Retainer."
"About… Being my Retainer? Do you… Do you like it?" She asked, concern crossing her face. She was always concerned about being overbearing, more than once wanting them to take a break while she did things on her own, something that Jakob refused with absolute resolve.
"Of course, Kamui!" He answered, wincing at his eagerness to affirm the woman. Her expression softened into relief, giving a small smile at his admission.
"Thank goodness… I always worried that I'll do something that will make you guys hate me."
"I could never hate you, Kamui." He blurted out, and the woman blinked owlishly, the two staring at one another for a long moment before she let out a small laugh, grinning widely at him.
"You're such a good person, Kaze. You're so honest, it's a trait I love in you." She said, and he felt his heart squeeze, staring at her as a man would stare at his gallows before sighing, standing up and looking at his feet as he crossed over to the woman, resolve growing with each step. Should not's and improper's be damned, and when he locked eyes with her he found an intense stare of curiosity and surprise mingling there.
"You're a cruel Mistress, indeed, Lady Kamui." He murmured, leaning his head down to press their foreheads together, staring right into the pools of sanguine, pupils narrowing as she registered how close they were. His brother would scream at him if he saw him now, violating one of the most basic rules of the covenant between Master and Retainer, but he simply couldn't be bothered to care.
"Cruel?" She echoed, and he nodded, blinking slowly as his hands found purchase on her shoulders. He barely registered her hands that gripped at the sides of his shirt, and his eyes lidded. There must be a reason she had yet to push him away, and he decided to take his chances, hoping that this wouldn't end as bad as he imagined it would.
"You tease me and make me feel like I'm one of a kind, leaving me conflicted about… This." He murmured, leaning forward and capturing her lips, brushing against them with the barest amount of pressure. He didn't feel her stiffen against him, and the only reaction he got out of the woman was her hands pulling him closer by his tunic and stretching out the material. He spent far too long locking lips with the Princess, only pulling away when his lungs ached for breath, and even then, he wanted to continue kissing those plump lips.
His anxiety sky-rocketed, and he began to panic, hardly able to meet her lidded eyes as she regarded him, finally cocking a brow after so long being silent.
"Cruel, huh?" She asked, lightly tugging on his tunic once more, a lecherous grin slowly spreading across her face. "And how could I ever repay you for this unthinkable transgression?” She teased, and he slowly came to the realization that she liked it. He fidgeted, meeting her eyes before reaching a hand up to cough into it.
"Hmm… I-I do not know… A… Lifetime of kisses, mayhap?" He tried, hoping he hadn't overstepped his bounds, but by the fire in her eyes and the smile playing on her lips, he figured that was far from the case with his Lady.
"I think that's a great idea." She hummed, moving her hands from his sides to graze up his body, coming to rest at his jaw, bringing him down for another kiss.
And he had to agree; this was something that he could definitely get used to. 
Especially every day, for the rest of his life.
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