#discord with these butts tbh
mltnt · 2 years
I DONT EVEN GO HERE right now but fat.e win.x saga on netflix really has more of that shadowh*nter vibes im looking for but i also dont care enough to watch
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starfiretruther · 1 year
i feel like ever since comics left the silver age there has been this bizarre nearly fetishistic desire to associate robins with this stripping of innocence that has to do with you fundamentally still seeing them as the child robin figure for it to be shocking. like killing robins, having them be in these toxic relationships, showing them being sexualized (often by notably older chars) is all part of this really uncomfortable still ongoing trend. and i’m not saying that as robins grow up they can’t experience sex and sexual exploration or dark themes, i actually think ntt’s take on this was really honoring of dick and explored what it would be like to grow up under the robin mantle and also what it would take to come into one’s own identity afterwards, but usually this trend makes me really uncomfortable, like how dick has been written to be sexually assaulted multiple times (ive never seen it done tactfully), or how more than one adaptation has harley make a comment about how much dick has grown up (ew), or how they wanted to kill tim drake with aids in the 90s (they instead went with extrano). i guess while there is nothing technically wrong with making an adult male character a little sexy, the modern obsession with dick’s ass feels like an extension of this to me still. like dc and it’s fans don’t know how to be normal about robins. idk if that makes sense or maybe i project too much but i just really wish there was more skill and intention with writing robins and less schlock and awe
hm while i don’t disagree i feel like the general ‘stripping of innocence’ happened to most child or at least happy go lucky characters (e.g. bucky barnes), not just robin. Robin stands out cuz they’ve been the most recognisable child/sidekick hero in media. Comics in general took a turn to darker (less fun) “serious” stories in the 80s. Robin in particular has been a target for hate since the 60s because fans thought he made batman campy and gay (there was the whole seduction of the innocent thing where they said batman and robin were coded queer messaging trying to indoctrinate the children). I think rather than Dick, Jason got hit with the most ire of the editorial and fans and when stories kept getting darker and darker, he became an unfortunate victim. Dick (at least in this time period) had a lot of dignity, getting a well-thought out coming of age narrative through nightwing and being firmly cemented as a respectable, reliable adult hero (thanks to the titans and his romance with kory). While comics always had a touch of fanservice, his sexualization really started around the late 90s and had a resurgence during the n52-rebirth era. I think any of his prior sexualization was standard male fantasy stuff (this guy gets all the ladies type thing). I think in Tim’s case they weren’t going for a “let’s destroy his innocence “ thing and more of a way to both modernise him for a contemporary (90s) audience and also distance him far away from the gay allegations (how ironic lol). They still wanted the kid watson to Batman’s brooding sherlock but also just more “normal” so the kids relate. Which is why they made him a cheater etc and i know how tf is that better but they really didn’t want him to be gay fhdjfj. I don’t know much abt the aids story pitch though. Steph and Damian are also better examples of “stripping the innocence” storylines for Robin than Dick and Tim. Steph also had a tragic death, and Damian’s first introduction is as a child assassin (antithesis to innocence). I agree that it’s weird people are so weird abt robins (and child characters in general) but imo it reflects more on an audience’s (and editorial’s) insecurity regarding childish, campy things because why are you mad at the camp medium for being camp? Learn to have some fun LEWSER.
I feel like most dick grayson fans feel so strongly abt this is because they like his prudish and insecure ntt characterisation (and so do i tbh it’s very interesting) and also the multiple SA storylines that a) never got resolved or b) were handled poorly. BUT that dick grayson hasn’t been in comics for a while now. We haven’t seen any acknowledgment from dc’s editorial that dick is a rape survivor, he’s been consistently characterized as a confident metrosexual (eww hate that word) guy both in his civilian and superhero persona (and that agent 37 grayson thing is the biggest culprit here). He’s also retroactively being portrayed as a smooth talking flirt in his robin days now so clearly that’s what they’re going for (imo i think they’re doing what they did with tim to dick's robin just to make him look more “normal” and relatable and straight).
Dick’s robin era is still treated as peak batman&robin era and he’s still a symbol for innocent, “simpler” times. He’s gotten the most grace when transitioning from child to teen to adult hero. On the topic of his sexualization aka the butt issue, it’s only cuz he’s one of the most popular male hero they can sexualize. I genuinely don’t think there’s any malice from the editorial since Dick has been an adult for 40 years now and there’s nothing wrong with sexing up his stories BUT ALSO i get why fans are upset cuz they’re deliberately ignoring his past characterization and sexual history to make him into a more palatable, marketable character. And tbh it’s been going on for long enough that it might as well be his defining character trait now :/ .
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lunaxriax · 5 months
The truth about Aiden ( for JaeJae )
★ - Send “The Truth about *Muse*” ☞ @xneverendingchaosx
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"Ayy the Tom to my Jerry." He laughed for a moment before squishing Aiden's cheeks. "I may be laughing but I'm not kidding, Toots. You know you have always been my best friend from day one and I truly couldn't have asked for a better one because there simply isn't a better best friend than you. You have been through every single dark moment of my life with me, helped me get through it, stayed by my side - even all the times where I pushed you away - and have continuously given your support without question. And helped me cope with the things I couldn't cope with on my own. Provided love, care and support like no one else did. Even when you didn't/don't agree with my choices. Which also prevented me from making some terrible choices in life and I truly don't know how to thank you for that. Or for the unconditional love and care you have given me all of these years. You have always watched out for me, even when I didn't deserve it. When I'm sad, you cheer me up. When I'm hurt or upset, you comfort me and give me peace of mind. When I'm happy, you share in my joy. You always go along with my shenanigans and don't even question it. I honestly wouldn't know what I would do without you and I don't want to find out because I need you in my life. I always have and I always will. You're not just my best friend, you're family and dude I would go through hell and back for you, without hesitation. I love you, bestie. Always!"
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teashoptiramisu · 1 year
Fluffy fanfic rec list
On one of my Discord servers people were talking about how people seem more likely to recommend angsty fic, so I decided to put together a fluff rec list, just for fun! This is gonna be a variety of fandoms, wordcount length, genres, etc. -- the common factor is I like ‘em and they turned up when I search “fluff” in my bookmarks. I’ll point out if any are nsfw
see your son rising at last by aloneintherain --  ATLA -- 6.5k words -- Iroh & Zuko 5+1 things fic  
North by ryfkah -- ATLA -- 300 words -- short & sweet Appa POV fic
definitely not suspicious at all in the least by presumenothing -- ATLA -- 1k words -- post-canon Gaang shenanigans
All The Gentle Creatures by Haicrescendo -- ATLA -- 10k words -- animals love Zuko, he’s basically a Disney Princess
Yuri!!! On Ice
see you next level by verity -- YoI -- 1.5k words -- Yuuri, Viktor & Phichit get drunk & watch TV, Yuuri & Viktor continue to be the most adorably sappy couple
Friendship!!! Is Magic by afrai -- YoI & OHSHC -- 10k words -- Yuuri & Haurhi meet at a conference and become friends. Viktor & Tamaki make fools of themselves (but what else is new)
Howl’s Moving Castle (mostly bookverse)
Second Time Lucky by labellementeuse -- HMC -- 5.5k words -- Howl & Sophie plan their wedding (lol i spelled that “weeding” on the first try... also accurate). As you might expect for these two it doesn’t go without some hiccups.
Could it be magic? by SpiritedYoungLady -- HMC -- 500 words -- Howls comes back from night with the rugby club, and Sophie is unamused
Fulllmetal Alchemist (mostly bhood/manga)
All That Describes a Joyful Heart by anthrop  -- FMA -- 3k words -- Hohenheim & Trisha cook together during a winter storm & they are simply TOO ADORABLE. Features some Xerxian cultural headcanons inspired by Nowruz (Persian New Year) traditions!
And They Were ROOMMATES by Turbulent_Muse -- FMA -- 30k words -- Modern AU in which college student!Ling moves into a haunted house, but since the rent is too good to pass up, he decides to try and befriend the demon. Greedling friendship & adventure fic.
Science for People Who Hate Science by Tierfal -- FMA -- 66k words -- Royed Modern AU, but even if you dislike that ship you might want to give this one a chance; it’s really more of an origfic about two characters losely inspired by Roy & Ed. They run a goofy educational youtube channel and are two dorks in love. Al shows up to make fun of them sometimes. It’s a good time!
The Sleeping Horror of Whiskerford by Eltea -- FMA -- 3.5k words -- another modern AU, in which the gang (Ed, Al, Winry, Riza, Roy, Hughes) plays D&D. Worth it for Ed’s character sheet alone, but overall just a hilarious & fun time.
A Clowder of Cats by Batsutousai -- FMA -- 4k words -- post-canon (a more-or-less canon universe fic for once!), Al settles down and adopts a bunch of cats (AS HE DESERVES)
Teen Wolf
the butt is a gift by lazulisong -- Teen Wolf -- 1.5k words -- Stiles is pinned to the couch by cats. I think this is part of a larger AU but tbh I don’t care: Stiles, cats, relatable dilemmas, what more do I need?
When the Bough Breaks by The Feels Whale (miscellea) -- Teen Wolf -- 12k words -- A bit of a weird one, but sometimes I like my TW fic weird. post-canon-ish/canon-divergence with endgame Sterek; Stiles is on the outs with Derek’s pack until they learn that he’s adopted a baby, and then they’re suddenly all over to dote on her. I actually really mostly liked this for Stiles’ single parent struggles and (platonic) relationship with the baby’s birth mother, the werewolf stuff & romance was cute but mostly incidental.
Misc fandoms
it's a new craze by attheborder -- Good Omens -- 5k words -- Crowley & Aziraphale start an advice podcast
Hot Springs and New Beginnings by CorundumBleu -- Hollow Knight -- 3k words -- in a good ending universe, Quirrel, the Knight, and The Last Stag relax at a hot springs and discuss hopes for the future. I recommend looking through CorundumBleu’s other HK fics as well -- there’s a couple other good fluff fics in there and some most angsty but still amazing stories! (I’m biased: CB is my sister & I helped edit these, but still, I think they’re great!)
Sufficient by atheilen -- The Goblin Emperor -- 2k words -- deaged!Maia; in which everyone and particularly Beshelar shows how much they care for and cherish Maia.
Sick Day by avg (AnxiousEspada) -- The Murderbot Diaries -- 4k words -- Overse & Arada are sick; Ratthi and later Murderbot visit to help them out. “To everyone’s surprise, a feverish Overse is SecUnit approved humor-fuel.” (P.S. if you like this fic consider checking out my sequel to it!)
Thrilling Night! Romantic Adventure at the Video Rental Store! by Masu_Trout --  Undertale -- 2.5k words -- wonderful Outsider POV of an employee at a video rental store who gets the admittedly uncertain priviledge of helping Alphys and Undyne pick out a movie to rent for their date night. I’m still not over the movie they end up picking, OMG.
Gonna add a reblog with BNHA, Natsuyu, Gravity Falls, and maybe some HP recs tomorrow.
Also, if you like these fics and know of more like them, feel free to let me know! I’m always taking fic recs (I’m slow to get around to them but I WILL save your recs for later) :P
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loverofpiggies · 2 years
Ok I know this isn't really an ask of it is more of a thanks I just needed to get this off my chest before my anxiety really kicks me in the butt again.
I want to thank you for inspiring me to keep on drawing whenever people put me down and keep my head up! I know this is cliché and you've probably heard it many times before but I really do mean it.. I guess to make it sort of an ask is what is something that inspires you? A person? Maybe a movie series.? /genq
Not gonna lie? My friends inspire me more than anything else.
I'm in an art discord with a bunch of other incredible art friends, and everyone has such unique, beautiful artwork from each other. Even when I was at my lowest and could barely lift up a pen, seeing the incredible things they would create helped push me to start getting out of my own slump. And it's not cliche! I know I'm fairly quiet nowadays on here (And tbh everywhere online) but it really does mean the world to me.
And a secondary inspiration is honestly, you guys. The fact I've inspired people is huge, and helps me get back up and keep going.
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anathemafiction · 2 years
omg ana please tell me that we're gonna be able to both be besties with alessa AND befriend/romance rafael 😭 my mc has the "you're like a sister to her" relationship status with alessa and i love their friendship so freaking much ❤❤ but i also totally wanna either befriend or romance rafael and i'm so scared that alessa is gonna hate my mc qpskswueb 😭 like i have no doubt that she's gonna judge my mc HARD (valid tbh LOL) and that it will prob put a strain on their friendship which is ofc to be expected. but i really hope it's not gonna be a complete dealbreaker and that we'll be able to mend out friendship with her 😭❤
Not a dealbreaker at all. I wouldn't do that, not between two main characters. 
Rafael and Alessa will be quite antagonistic at the beginning, a tension that will grow and may explode if you don't intervene — or intervene on the side of discord. They have their history, and tempers are flaring, but this won't be a type of "with me or against me" kind of deal. 
You'll be able to come to a middle ground, especially (most importantly!) if you have a good relationship with both of them. Will Alessa raise an eyebrow if she sees you sitting near Rafael, sharing a drink under the quietude of night with his hand on your thigh? She will. Will this mean she discards everything you've been through and throws your whole friendship aside? Of course not. Alessa cares for you at this point, Rafael won't (she won't allow him) to ruin it. 
Will Rafael sneer and scowl if you defend Alessa when he throws a jab at her? He will, but it's not as if he wasn't expecting it. He realized you care for Alessa, for some reason. In a way, a hidden way, he even envies her - admires you. You stick up for your people, that's something the bastard can appreciate. 
They will butt heads, but there's never going to be a "you either side with him or her" regardless of reason. Sometimes, Alessa can be too violent, and you can call her out on it. Other times, Rafael is being petty and malicious, and you should call him out too. 
There's going to be more friction between the ROs — Hadrian and the Pirate will never be friends. Lance thinks there isn't a continent far enough away from Neia — and you won't have to side with one or the other. You can, if you want, but you won't have to. 
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iinterastra · 11 months
ok but tbh I just want some smutty smut smut. bonus points for d/s & age gap stuffs.
21+ & I only write on discord!!
like this and I’ll message your cute butt.
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Anyway, I'm having a lot of Thoughts on the process and on writing lately because there's this horror author I like--
or, back up. you know that tweet that's like "all albums are surprise albums to me," because the OP doesn't follow any musician news that closely? same. okay. apply that same blissful lack of curiosity to an author's back catalogue.
if it's not a series, I have NO idea what was published when. I do not care! Either I don't like the writing (tbh most contemporary genre writing) and I'll read none of it, or I do like the writing and I will DEVOUR THE ENTIRE BACK CATALOGUE.
so there I am, knee deep in some good horror shit, when things start getting...blander. more White audience friendly. less horror. more girlboss, in the most shallow way.
less occult, in very many meanings of the word.
some books are very good, steeped in indigenous lore, highly personal, blue collar, brilliant, no class or gender of character is consistently the butt of the joke. and some books are: haha, aren't men stupid brutes? yes, even our men of color! our indigenous men! they're just so stupid! they deserve to die. GIRL POWER!
every protagonist is now a college educated girlboss.
and it eventually dawned on me: oh no, this author is writing to a prompt. check the dates.
and oh, the trend is so consistent. the more men are pathetic, the more flawless the female lead, the newer the book is.
the more gritty (and yes, authentic) the lore, the older it is.
Now, you might think that just means I'm old and my taste is dated. And I would argue that if by "dated," you mean, "men are allowed to be written as people," then yeah, make me a fuckin fossil, baby.
but it's not just the stupid gender politics. it's how everything else in the story has to suffer, because indigenous folklore and magic, in particular, do not care about your White Feminist cartoon logic. Men are shamans and brujos. Magic is not female nor feminine. Evil happens in all genders. So does power.
So in order to make the story fit Girl Bossdom, you have to kill all the details, all the flavor, all the morality. Because folklore and horror are full of morality tales, you can't crush the elements and grind them into Nutrient Paste: Girlboss Flavor. it's discordant. it feels wrong to anyone of the culture, anyone who knows.
you cannot meet a culture halfway by demanding it echo your own morality exactly.
so as an author, at least in tradpub, at least to get the big distribution and the PR push--
in the name of own voices, you must destroy the substance of the culture you're bringing to the table.
now, horror of a non-White flavor, with a literary bent, is the exact niche I'm trying to move into, so this is disheartening. do I think this author is selling out? yes. worse: is it working? absolutely.
that's the market I have to exist in? no nuance, no authenticity, just window dressing, you must throw the men of color into the sacrificial pile, make sure they're all clowns? scrub the magic off the magic, reduce it to MCU friendly sky beams? gross. also boring. but ugh.
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cuhven · 1 year
name : west. pronouns : she / her. preference of communication :  usually discord but ims work, too. experience / how many years :  started writing on fb in 2012 or 13 & i think i've been on tumblr since like 2014... not as long as i initially thought, but yeah. best experience :  i met @mythsonly on an old multimuse in like 2019 ( i think? idk anymore ) & we plotted descendant oc twins. idk what happened but we basically dropped off the planet for each other but then, on a different blog some time later, we started writing again but neither of us recognised the fact that we already wrote with each other. what a fun story to tell our kids, huh? she's been such an amazing friend & rock in my life since. meeting @dvarapala, @dutyxbound & @blumengeist was also an amazing time for me. you guys mean a lot to me. rp pet peeves : one word responses to plotting ideas or any form of communication, really. it just really sucks to try your hardest to come up with ideas & the other person is just like yeah - the only thing worse than that is when all the decisions are put on your shoulders. like, you've made it clear that there's options and you need a starting point but the other person is just like whoever you want or i'm good with anything. that's nice and all, but it doesn't actually help anything. it makes my anxiety worse, tbh. it's meant to be a collaborative experience, and i think that's forgotten a lot of the time. the ignorance when it comes to tags that clearly say specify muse also sucks. fluff, angst, or smut : well, smut makes me uncomfortable so i don't write it, though i am becoming more comfortable with at least hc'ing and discussing that side of a muse's life with those i'm comfortable with. i generally default to fluff or angst. best time to write : butt crack o'clock - basically, any time i should be sleeping tbh. are you like your muses :  i think it depends on the muse because i have a shit ton of those. i like to think i'm more like my goofy muses, though. the ones that rely heavily on humour because everything else sucks. they generally put their own needs aside or just ignore them completely, and i think that's generally when you can see me most in them.
tagged by : @blumengeist. tagging : the dash.
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space-b33 · 2 years
From my understanding, practically almost all people share that same fear of being annoying or intrusive. I have the same whenever I send someone an ask, but at least from my perspective whenever someone starts a conversation with me I get excited, I don't think they are intrusive. But I fully understand that fear (thanks anxiety), and understand why you are feeling this way.
Unfortunately, life changes once you get out of school/start turning twenty. People will always change, as that is the nature of having jobs, moving out, finding new friends, but it doesn't mean you can't make new friends or find a nice group to chat with. Sometimes people stumble on you, or you have to in turn - but also, work and college changes things.
I personally didn't really have friends in school, ever, so I cannot fully relate to what you are going through, but know there are always people out there who want to talk to you for you, not just for your art.
And you are good enough for friends or to have groups of people to chat with!
That’s what it seems like! I never think anyone is annoying when they leave me messages or asks unless they’re mean, but I always feel so worried when it’s me on the other end sending the first message. Strange how that seems to be a common thing among us! Anxiety definitely is a strong culprit, what a butt >:p
I actually didn’t have many irl friends in high school, I was mostly that person who hung out in the library drawing in my sketchbook. But I was glued to my phone like it was a part of me, tbh I still kinda am lol I think online friends were pretty much always my group of people, especially throughout middle and high school and early college. But as I grew older, we all kinda grew apart. Nothing ended on a bad note, that’s just kinda what happens sometimes. That was the last time I had “late night discord chats/gaming/streaming”. While I’m not nearly as available to do all that as I was before, I definitely miss it sometimes.
I know there’s people out there, new friends to potentially meet, for both you and I! It’s just like…okay but h o w and I actually have to…make conversation?? **wHEEEZE**
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And thank you so much for your kind words, cheers to the both of us! For new future friends! 🥂 💕😤
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authoralexharvey · 1 year
hi hi!! i got sidetracked by last minute homework but I'm now here to ask you all the questions 💕
the empress, the hierophant, three of cups, six of cups, eight of cups, knight of swords, and ace of wands!
Hey Andi! Bring on the questions <3
Putting this under a read-more cause I'm a wordy bitch lmao
Send me tarot card questions!
03. THE EMPRESS: CREATIVITY (What do you do to feed your creativity and gain inspiration?) 
Anything and everything, to be honest. Read books. Play games. Go on walks. Stare at incredible art. Sometimes just the way the world works (the first inklings of the idea for ASMLP came about because I carry a notebook everywhere sometimes and one time it got me thinking about wizards with spell books so. When I say everything I do really mean it!)
05. THE HIEROPHANT: TRADITION (Do you have any writing traditions you follow or plan to implement?) 
I am getting better at "butt in chair, hands on keyboard"... Trying to make myself a schedule just never pans out because I depress myself with my inability to maintain it. You know what's been working though? Forcing myself to write when I have a moment. Woke up earlier than I anticipated before work? Time to write. On lunch? Time to write. Waiting with my fiance at the dealership so he can get his car looked at? Time to get writing.
Granted, if I am in a place with internet, which I often am, I tend to get sidetracked incredibly easily. I could be writing right now, for instance. That, too, I am learning to work with. I'm on tumblr again? Okay, I can scroll for five minutes and then I have to tab back. Shit like that.
24. THREE OF CUPS: CELEBRATION (How do you celebrate your wins, or plan to?)
I don't have like. A set way to. With my last publication, it happened to go live the same day I went to a pride festival which happened to have a talent show (hosted by Eric Millegan of TV show Bones acclaim) that I happened to get myself into last minute and I happened to get to read the first scene of said short that just got published. And that was pretty rad.
Mostly though I will twirl around my room or thank the Gods or get myself a nice treat because I deserve it.
27. SIX OF CUPS: CHILDHOOD (Have you written since you were a child or did you pick up the skill as an adult?)
My origin story technically is I've been writing since I was two when I scribbled in my mother's Tomb Raider (?) guide book, but the first thing I actually wrote was when I was six years old. Either way, I've been at this since I was a kid!
29. EIGHT OF CUPS: WALKING AWAY (At what point would you walk away from the goal of being published? Was there ever a moment where you considered it?)
Okayyyy so. Yes, actually.
2021 was... an awful year in a lot of respects. Dogshit awful bad. Working a job I hated, living somewhere I hated, feeling like I was going absolutely nowhere in my life in every single way. And it... sucked. It sucked so bad. And I could barely write a thing.
Worse still, I was watching a lot of my friends succeed. And like. Don't get me wrong, I was happy for them! But on top of everything else, it just felt like a constant downward spiral.
I made myself a deal. One more shot. A discord I was in was opening up submissions for an anthology. I told myself if I didn't get it, I would put down writing forever and I would give it up... Maybe not forever, but for a very long time.
Good news for everyone, clearly that's not what happened. I got published and now I'm building a small fanbase for myself. I'm in a better place all around tbh.
As for when to walk away from publishing I mean... tbh. I've all but sworn off traditional publishing. I know I stand no chance getting anywhere and I don't want to have my visions and my dreams neutered by an unfeeling, uncaring conglomerate. I am much happier doing this myself. That way, if I'm successful, I've at least earned it.
47. KNIGHT OF SWORDS: AMBITION (What is your loftiest, wildest goal?)
Answered this one!
64. ACE OF WANDS: NEW GROWTH (How do you grow the seed of an idea into a full story?)
Great question! Uhhhh It kinda depends on the project. Let's take ASMLP, for instance. I mentioned earlier just carrying a notebook around gave me an idea for a story about people who use spellbooks. I was also balls deep in Soulsborne Lore and wanted to write about monster hunters. I mashed the two together, started developing the colleges and where monsters come from and all that. Which led me to an idea a magic caster at a magic college who turns into a monster and whose "death" gets covered up. And from there, I built the characters and outlined a plot for once in my fucking life and. Boom. ASMLP was officially born.
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bioniczombie · 1 year
Hey there! I was wondering if there's a tutorial you use to convert s4 to s3? I've tried making the masks and speculars but fail at it every time. Any help is very much appreciated!
Hey! 👋 A lot of what I learned was years ago (I don't remember the tutorials I used), and trial and error.
BUT, I do have a post that links to some tutorials I've found useful more recently here. It includes a tutorial on speculars. While it's technically a TS4 tutorial, it's general enough that it can be used in TS3. I also tend to use blank specular maps a lot in my creations (shiny drives me a little crazy, and tbh I'm lazy and it looks fine using a blank one imo). Feel free to rip that texture out and use it if you can at all find it useful!
That link also has a tutorial on meshes being black when converting from TS4. I don't know if you've encountered this issue, but it saved my butt after a bunch of conversion attempts being ruined by it!
@sims3tutorialhub also has a bunch of great resources you can check out. There is also @ts3creatorscave that has a discord that I've found super useful! Even just reading as other people troubleshoot has helped me pick up things here and there.
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forlornmyth · 2 years
hihi friends so sorry for the delays with replies + everything else
work literally has my butt rn but! I’m here with some updated plots for both yoonsung + jitae, and will get to replies this weekend! like this post to if you want to plot + if you want my discord or just want to discuss our characters c:
-childhood friends please, mostly people he knew while growing up before he became minster and knew of his more “innocent” self
- maybe a childhood love, yknow the vibes, courtship that ended due to family obligations. 
- ooh rivalry within the small council yknow 
- maybe someone was friends with his older brother, or they bonded over that, orrr  bond over being grief stricken (tbh everyone has those grief issues lately yikes)
- if anyone’s willing to be apart of his little spy network would be kinda fun ngll
- training buds? someone he can spar with without issue
- a flirtatious sorta relationship 
- someone to call him out on his crass ways, because lbr he’s so annoying right now
- someone to point out that most people aren’t as prone to violence as him and maybe that’s a problem??
- anyone willing to banter with him and kinda mess around lol 
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doughma · 7 months
some time ago i got tagged in the twst ask meme w/e and me n my friend wanted to redo them since its been a year and our tastes have changed and, i have no where else to post this big ass blog post so dont look at me
Would you be a mer, a beastman, a fae, or a human? (or other!)
most of the time i like the human option cause its the default and what i would be if i got transported in and also human/non human is always top tier BUT i also played with the idea of my yuusona being a fae or more specifically the twst version of tinkerbell so id like either human or fae
Would you be at rsa or nrc?
NRC hands down, im too chaotic neutral for rsa i would go insane there i may look cute and very femme but the way i talk is anything but lady like and i dont wanna hear the gasps from rsa students when i tell them to fuck off
What dorm would you belong to?
tests gave me pomefiore which i absolutely accept, but i woudnt mind diasomnia either for the uniform lol but pomef with the poison potion makin love would be the most fun imo even if vil and i would butt heads all the time
What character(s) would you be best friends with?
imm just go down the list of every dorm Heartslabyul: tbh tbh, probs fucking none of them MAYBE DEUCE but honestly all their first impressions i would just avoid the whole ass dorm all together
Savanaclaw: all of them, idc i see fluffy ears and tails and im already making my way over to try and get them to agree and let me pet them I WILL DO ANYTHING TO SHOVE LEONAS EAR INTO MY FUCKING MOUTH also im a women so its already in my favour with them, ruggie would be easy to befriend because its in his dna to be submissive to women and we both love doughnuts, leonas gonna take some work but MY BOY I PROMISE THIGH AND TITTY PILLOW IF YOU LET ME PLAY WITH YOUR EARS AND HAIR PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE IM BEGGING JUST ONE CHANCE- and oourgh jacks so cute and big and would have the best reactions because hes tsun i cant help but wanna pet and tease him i OUGGRHU
Octavinelle: azulu, MAYBE maybe floyd maybe maybe! maybe tweels! maybe! it really fucking depends because ill give they a pass for chapter 3 because theyre fish people and my burning curiosity would make me forgive them just to be able to ask them questions about being mer folk and maybe try to ask if i could touch them while theyre fish people LIKE LISTEN I JUST LIKE TOUCHING FISH OKAY???? I LIKE THE SLIMEY FEEL IM SO DAMN CURIOUS AND IM DYING TO TOUCH AN OCTOPUS my personal need and love for fish would win over their wrong doings, that one voice clip of THEY WERE THE BEST TRIO AROUND what about the people they murdered WHAT MURDERS???? is how i feel about them
Scarabia: none. chapter 4 would have ended differently if i was there and it would have been violent. kalims also too sunshine boy for my tastes even if i would humor him if he talked to me but i would just find it too exhausting to deal with on a personal level
Pomefiore: rook! i love my fucking hunter mans! i love how weird and passionate he is and i wanna hear all the gossip i KNOW HE KNOWS AND HEARS and i wouldnt judge him for being a fanboy because honestly same lol i got that obsessive trait in me too bbgirl i understand show me more pictures of neiges knee caps i would love to see it vils a maybe but honestly, even if i wish to pull him into a deep kiss and then choke him out i dont really see the two of us getting along
Ignihyde: oh both of them easily, orthos the cutest baby brother and i would love to hug and care for him and tell him all kinds of praise and HES SO CUTE HES THE BABIEST AND NEEDS TO BE PROTECTED idia because were both reclusive gamers and i wouldnt care to hang out with him irl he can hmu on the twst discord and we can vc game together hed be the best gaming buddy
Diasomnia: i dont care for silver im sorry, hes so pretty but he has the personality of someone i would just look over and forget he was even there sebek LOL sebby my sebz,,, mr sebster,,,,, emotionally i love that stupid fucking croc, realistically? the moment hes too loud, im already leaving the room and judging from a distance lilia is my gamer bbfy #2 i love grandpa bat sm UGH hes so cute and small god i wanna hold and HE WOULD FUCKING LET ME i think my talk of calling myself mommy would amuse him malleus is a funny case tbh! his horns and whole demeanor would interest me and im walking over to ask if i can touch his horns also begging crying PLEASE LET ME TOUCH THEM his little gaogao kun would be a fun topic because i love tamagotchi and i would want one lol and wed probs let them met up and play with each other :]
What character(s) would you hate?
Ace. hes a cunt idc tho like respect ig because he doesnt care hes an asshole and doesnt change so like you do you ig? but i would hate him! like from the moment he made fun of you for not knowing the seven it was already over, i would have started a fight right then and there with him and thrown hands I COULD FUCKING TAKE ACE HONESTLY EVEN AS A GIRL hes all bark and if you start to get physically it would throw him off at first and thats more than enough time to get at least one punch to his face, hes deff the type that likes to bully out of affection but im someone who fucking hates that so it would never work out even if we had a decent first impression
epel, sorry hime it just aint happening i LOVE my cute shit and anything i find cute and he would react poorly to our first meeting and me calling him a cutie pie and im not here for people who have over reactions to the most nothing of anything like if you have personal problems with those kinds of things, thats a YOU problem and you need to work on that yourself and not snap at people you just fucking met, id forgive him if he apologized but i still wouldnt wanna get close to him and would still side eye him scarabia, chapter 4 just ruined it honestly like jamil, i dont care how fucking hot you are the canon ruined you for me. gods tho hes so fucking hot and it sucks I WOULD HAVE FORGIVEN HIM IF HE APOLOGIZED IN CANON BUT NOOOOOOOOOOOO- i also dont hate kalim but IM TOO FUCKING TIRED FOR HIS CHARA TYPE OKAY
What character(s) would you date?
i still kinda like the idea of dating rook because i do like the idea of someone being obsessed with me, but on the other hand my jealous hand....... rooks a man of love for everyone and i respect that but i wouldnt be able to truly handle it if im being honest IM SORRY ROOK I LOVE YOU AND I LOVE YOUR HUNTER PERSONALITY AND THE THRILL OF THE HUNT BUT I WANT A MAN THATS ONLY GONNA LOOK AT ME AND I KNOW I CANT FUCKING COMPETE WITH VIL OF ALL PEOPLE WAHHHHHHHHHHHH leona is honestly a chara i didnt expect to love as much as i do now because it hit hard how compatible we are- also hes a leo and aquarius can get along well with leos an- but um in my obsessive au writing for leona he really is my fucking type god do i wanna just take a nap with him and gently brush his hair and take care of him and LEONA IF YOURE LOOKING FOR A NEW MOMMY IM RIGHT FUCKING HERE MY THIGHS ARE FAT AS FUCK ugh i just love a man thats pathetic and depressed it makes me wanna give them the motherly tender love they need and fix them OR make them worse depends on how im feelin atm i also kinda feel id be a good or okay match for azul idunno? hes also kinda pathetic but in the cute way i wanna squish his face and coo at him and then violently shove my tongue down his throat, hes also someone who needs tender love and im here to provide it I ALSO WOULD BE DOWN TO FUCK AN OCTOPUS its on the bucket list idia but only because we fit the image couple thats tall skinny dark punk dude with his thick high femme pink gf, im the EXCUSE YOU HE ASK FOR NO PICKLES gf and in my monster fuckers dreams, malleus lilia and sebek are also on the list because PLEASE ITS ON THE BUCKET LIST I NEED TO FUCK SOMEONE NON HUMAN BECAUSE I GO BACK TO MY WORLD PLEASE-
What would floyd’s nickname be for you?
maybe frilled shark lol, i dress cute but im also elusive when i wanna be and dont like to personally share info about myself and not much is know about frilled sharks, im also bite first ask questions later WILL STAB AS A WARNING
and rook’s?
mademoiselle gaieté, or mademoiselle merriment is still absolutely it, im forever gonna have laughing as my talking filler/quirk its just apart of who i am as a person and how i talk i cant help it
What twst character(s) are you most like? (personality-wise)
floyd still, we are both moody bitches and can change at a drop of a hat tho im better at controlling it and getting over it without having a reaction at the other person, as long as they leave me alone for at least five mins i tend to get over it nicely if you leave me alone for a bit and let me calm myself down instead of bugging me more about it or continue to poke at me cause then im gonna get mad and violent also a little like leona with being stubborn as a person and not wanting to change and being a lazy fucking cat like bitch lol i took a test once and got trey so, do with that info as you will
Which subject(s) do you think you would excel at?
normal stuff probs math or art, but which one i would be doing my best at because i want to? potionology because it SOUNDS FUCKING COOL MAN IT SOUNDS LIEK SM FUN TO BE A LITTLE WITCHY GIRLY WITH MY WITTLE CAULDREN MAKING SOME POTIONS and because i also want to bark for crewel papa
What club would you join?
im still forever on the board games club man it just sounds like fun and i only wanna do clubs that is fun also azululu and idia are there so its a fun club with some people id be friends with so even more fun!!!! another fun one imo would be science club since theres all the new magical flowers this world has and potion making??? it would be fun to experiment and learn new things tho clubs i personally was in during my school days were art club and the recycle club
How do you think you would survive in twisted wonderland/what would your life be like in general?
i still personally think i would be okay, like im alive, tho emotionally? depends really. i think i probs would be a little more aloof and standoffish being taken away from my family and brother and would be a little worried about my brothers mental state with me being suddenly gone that it might make me crack a little when im alone at night like a bitch might cry herself to sleep and be more snappy with random students talking or bothering me but im also very used to being alone in life, at work, at school, so being the only girl might cause me to be alone further so i dont think it would bother me that much and id be able to handle it fairly well tho i might end up clinging to a teacher or crowley lol like after school im just gonna go hang out with crewel to see if he needs help with anything like IM A LONELY LITTLE PUPPY PAPA PLEASE LET ME DO SOMETHING WAHHHHHHHHHHH and tbh i probs would end up in the science club because of him kdfngfdjkgnjkfd i used to be an assistant teacher for a pharmacy class during covid and helped teach the students that were ready for iv making while he dealt with the new students so i wouldnt mind helping out the teachers with paper work and grading since its sometime ive done and enjoyed but overall maybe a little lonely life until i find friends but not anything i wouldnt be able to handle, and im not above whining to crowley for stuff since i am now in his care lol
[optional!] What would your unique magic be?
still probs anything that would freeze or petrify the people i use it on lmao a UM that would make people leave me alone is perfect imo my brother likes to joke that i am a ice queen so its fitting
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blanketforcas · 8 months
Hey its me again 🫣… No problem! I didnt see the tags on the first one about not wanting to start something 😅.
(Last thing i swear.. i want to say is That i wish That i could talk about this stuff With someone without some anti or AA butts in… beacuse it is something That i Know bothers alot of people but feel they cant or are afraid to say anything about it.. 🤐🙃)
no worries! and yeah that's fair tbh. some people have very strong opinions in this fandom, so i get your hesitation to talk about it
i think that's where group chats or discord servers can be helpful (also very much the opposite lol but you gotta find your people and look out for yourself)
also i promise your opinion is shared by a lot of people, if that's any comfort to you!
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