nicanario · 1 year
huh I thought it was too unlikely for "The Glorious 25th of May" to be about my country's revolution
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stupidrpg · 1 year
My barbarian in crisis
My actual character is a gnome barbarian, raised by frost giants (long story short : they did not ate him because of a fox and that he survived in the snow).
His name is gNorm (giants pronunciation of gnome, they called him that and he thinks it is its name, because frost giants are practical creatures).
Simple life : bounty hunter, has a mountain goat as a mount and counting as a sidekick, that permits him to use a lance.
chaotic good, kind of a loner and quiet, he rage in a cold manner, no scream or else, but destructive.
In our campaign, he met his now party, and started to understand (in a discorld candid way) things about frindship and theology.
He feels really close to the party cleric (a dwarf) that has made a promise to the people (instead of a god) and he wants that.
So he knows that to protect friends, hitting is not usefull sometimes, so with entering the cleric’s way he might be more helpfull in times of needs.
His giants’ tribe were adoring a local deity, a fox they where never able to catch.
The fox started to appear around the time they found gNorm.
The fox is, in fact, not a regular fox. He is an incarnation of Carl Glittergold (https://dungeonsdragons.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_Dungeons_%26_Dragons_gnome_deities#Garl_Glittergold) whom guided the frost giants to the baby gnome.
Has he was playing some tricks to them for some time, they did not ate the baby and took care of him.
So gNorm will start to pray to this Fox, and with the help of the party cleric he will take the path of the cleric.
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jcogginsa · 2 years
Potentially controversial observation: The Discorld books have a lot of structural similarities to the MCU. In that they are a collection of subseries set within a single setting, with many interseries cameos. 
The biggest difference* is that the Discworld books do not build into a big crossover where all the main characters team up. 
* Structually that is, there are plenty of differences in other areas
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incorrectgamegrumps · 4 years
This is an astral plane that was never meant to fly
brian wecht probably
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earako · 3 years
Book guys back!
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discworldtour · 6 years
I was thinking about what you said about the first "big deal moment" in Discorld being the dragon's quote in Guards! Guards!, but I think the very first one of those was even earlier than that. From the second book: "But somehow the wrath of the gods would have been better than the sound of that voice…The voice didn’t believe in gods, which in Rincewind’s book was fair enough, but it didn’t believe in people either."
That’s such a good line and I’m pretty sure I missed it in my read-through! (Of course back then I was still trying to use quote format for everything I posted so I did way fewer and also they didn’t look as good)
I feel like there are Big Deal Moments in every single book and you find them as you read and re-read at different times -- I still find things I never noticed almost fifteen years later. I highlighted the one from Guards! Guards! as one of the first because it was one of the first ones I remember, when I was reading the books for the first time. (The VERY first one I remember is this little one, from Jingo, because the first time I read the series I read them out of order, but I talked about the Guards! Guards! one first because I’m reading them in order for the re-read so I got to it first).
And sometimes you grow up and you re-read a book and a thing that wasn’t a Big Deal Moment to you when you were a kid suddenly takes up your whole world for a minute and it’s all you can think about and it’s the Biggest Big Deal Moment yet. I still don’t think I’ve run out.
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cherubsimpl · 7 years
discord server
i made a discorld server so if u wanna talk to me or do stuff just click this link https://discord.gg/cdfkvxS
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jenniferstolzer · 7 years
re: discorld reading worder
https://scifi.stackexchange.com/questions/1381/what-order-should-i-be-reading-the-discworld-books-in this post has a few suggestions on reading order!
Personally, the first book I'd recommend depends on your tastes?
If you like cops and slow burn romance and big city politics, start with "Guards Guards" and then follow thw Watch books.
If you like witches and outwitting the supernatural and the woes of monarchy and small town living, start with "Wyrd Sisters" and read the Witch books.
If you like the Grim Reaper and family slice of life stories, start with "Mort" and read the Death books.
If you'd like to start with something that's short and only has one book, something sort of about religion and faith and sort of about how Greek philosophy is bananas, check out "Small Gods"!
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mtjester · 8 years
mirandatam replied to your post “So I saw a Terry Pratchett Discworld book at the dollar store for like...”
Which one is it?
It’s Raising Steam, and I don’t know how far into the series that is!
unlimited-puppies replied to your post “So I saw a Terry Pratchett Discworld book at the dollar store for like...”
There are two books in that series with the same name. One is a sequal to the other. That is a thing that happened twice
Oh god, really? That’s confusing...
5qui99l3 replied to your post “So I saw a Terry Pratchett Discworld book at the dollar store for like...”
hey, I recently started Discworld, too! used a guide to help me decide where to jump in (it color-coded the different storylines) and chose "Guards! Guards!", and I think that's been a pretty good entry point for me :> definitely would've been pretty lost without that guide, though óvo
OH GOD, really??? THAT’S SO CONFUSING.....................
addadashofpepper replied to your post “So I saw a Terry Pratchett Discworld book at the dollar store for like...”
discorld is very, very good. I would try to find the first inone of the sub series (I'm sure you can find a guide somewhere on where to start somewhere) or, if thats seems like too much trouble just push through with whatever you have now. You might start liking it
I could find a guide, but I had no idea I was getting into something this deep when I found the book at the dollar store haha. I just might find a guide, though! I like insanely complex worldbuilding and good fantasies, so maybe finding a guide is worth it......it’s a lot more than I thought I was signing up for haha
because-im-freaking-greed replied to your post “So I saw a Terry Pratchett Discworld book at the dollar store for like...”
grags are dwarf elders/priests
Oh, cool, good to know haha
Maybe there’s a wiki I could peruse while I read to make the book I do have make some sense, and then maybe I could go from there??
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colouritlater · 10 years
Get your google translater ready !
Azon gondolkodtam el, a Korongvilággal kapcsolatban, hogy mennyire formálta tulajdonképpen a személyiségemet és arra jutottam, hogy  egészen megdöbbentő mértékben. Pterry gyakran szurkálódik egyes embertípusokkal, például a varázslókkal. Ponder Sibbons leírása és jelleme különösen közel áll hozzám, és a feléje irányuló humoros kritika rádöbbentett a saját hiányosságaimra. Annak ellenére , hogy gyakran űz gúnyt az akadémiai modorból, magát a tudományt, kritikus gondolkodást ,tudást megbecsüli (lásd Science of Discworld), csak felhívja a figyelmünket arra, hogy az értelmességet és tehetséget túlzottan is összekapcsoljuk az iskolai sikert igénylő képességekkel (analitikus, konvergens gondolkodás, magas intelligencia, esetleg a kreativitás bizonyos formái, jó memória), amelyek nem midig egyedüli mércéi a tehetségnek és a helytállásnak
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