#discovery flight
As soon as you undergo the flight training and pass the proper checkrides to become a certified aviator, you’ll never have to repeat the process in order to renew your license. But, getting in the cockpit and actually flying a plane after years or decades off – that’s a different story. Thankfully, there are ways to dust off your headset. Hpback into the cockpit and get in the air yet again. Let’s take a look at how you can renew your private pilot license. 
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humanoidhistory · 6 months
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Inside the Space Shuttle Discovery, 1998.
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harmonyair1 · 2 years
Get to know about Discovery Flight | Harmony Air|
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nocternalrandomness · 3 months
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SSME Start / STS-116 Discovery / Kennedy Space Center Launch Pad 39B / December 9, 2006
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lonestarflight · 7 months
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Space Shuttle Discovery ontop the 747 SCA during the ferry flight to Vandenberg Air Force Base.
Date: November 6, 1983
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barbielore · 2 months
On April 12, 1961, Yuri Gagarin became the first human to venture into outer space on a spacecraft.
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That was in fact his only space flight, as he was back-up crew for a later space flight which ended in disaster, and he was banned from participating in any further missions, lest he experience tragedy and Russia lose a hero cosmonaut.
April 12 is now the international observance of International Day of Human Space Flight, also known as Yuri's Day or, in Russia, Cosmonaut Day.
Barbie has herself been an astronaut many times. In fact, it's a top 10 career for her, depending on how you calculate the careers.
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It's really no wonder - space flight has captured the imagination of the human race since well before Yuri Gagarin's initial flight, and continues to this day, more than 60 years later.
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This year, 65 years after Barbie debuted, and 63 years since Yuri Gagarin's first space flight, another astronaut Barbie has hit shelves, and I hazard a guess that it will not be the last.
So onward and upward to Barbie, to her enterprising little sister Chelsea, and to Yuri Gagarin and all astronauts and cosmonauts that followed him.
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cinewhore · 2 months
seriously yall had to be there
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mynonclicheblog · 1 year
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"When things got really bad... you always made me laugh."
(aka jackson smiling because of taylor)
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dandelion-wings · 10 months
Ironically, due to the nature of the nightmare where it originated, the 'first' part of the test subject AU is, in my head, a Lisa story, about the point in this particular canon-divergence where she decides that the price of knowledge is too high, and how she decides to deal with that. In my notion of how I'd write the Long Version most of the most unpleasant parts are told via Lisa looking through Anatoli's team's research notes, plus things Kaeya does or says to her later that add additional, horrifying layers to things that sounded dry and bloodless when recorded on the page. Which is why, I think, that part ends to me with them heading Optimistically towards Mondstadt! Lisa has drawn her line in the sand and conclusively stepped over it.
Kaeya processing his trauma is largely isolated into the 'second' part to me and has co-standing with Jean's plotline (dealing with the Eroch Situation without any real support, except for this Akademiya genius who refuses to become the Ordo Librarian but will let Jean take her out to dinner to pick her brain. Which is the only reason Jean is taking her out to dinner, she swears). Hence starting it at the Stone Gate and the discovery that Crepus is dead--it would be a good place to transition into this Kaeya's POV, and then leads very quickly into Mondstadt's post-Ursa troubles and thus Jean's POV as she deals with them.
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jcmarchi · 7 months
Fruit flies could hold the key to building resiliency in autonomous robots - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/fruit-flies-could-hold-the-key-to-building-resiliency-in-autonomous-robots-technology-org/
Fruit flies could hold the key to building resiliency in autonomous robots - Technology Org
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Mechanical Engineering Assistant Professor Floris van Breugel has been awarded a $2 million National Science Foundation (NSF) grant to adapt autonomous robots to be as resilient as fruit flies.
Resiliency in autonomous robotic systems is crucial, especially for robotics systems used in disaster response and surveillance, such as drones monitoring wildfires. Unfortunately, modern robots have difficulty responding to new environments or damage to their bodies that might occur during disaster response, van Breugel wrote in his grant application. In contrast, living systems are remarkably adept at quickly adjusting their behavior to new situations thanks to redundancy and flexibility within their sensory and muscle control systems.
Scientific discoveries in fruit flies have helped shed light on how these insects achieve resiliency in flight, according to van Breugel. His project will translate that emerging knowledge on insect neuroscience to develop more resilient robotic systems.
“This is a highly competitive award on a topic with tremendous potential impact, which also speaks of the research excellence of the investigator and Mechanical Engineering at UNR,” Petros Voulgaris, Mechanical Engineering department chair, said.
This research aligns with the College of Engineering’s Unmanned Vehicles research pillar.
Engineering + flies
The intersection of engineering and flies long has been an interest to van Breugel.
“As an undergrad, I did research where my main project was designing a flying, hovering thing that birds or insects vaguely inspired,” he said. “Throughout that project, I realized that the hard part, which was more interesting to me, is once you have this mechanical thing that can fly, how do you control it? How do you make it go where you want it to go? If it gets broken, how do you adapt to that?”
Van Breugel says he is examining how “animals can repurpose or reprogram their sensorimotor systems ‘on the fly’ to compensate for internal damage or external perturbations quickly.”
Working with van Breugel on the grant are experts in insect neuroscience, including Michael Dickinson, professor of bioengineering and aeronautics at the California Institute of Technology (and van Breugel’s Ph.D. advisor) as well as Yvette Fisher, assistant professor of neurobiology at U.C. Berkeley. Both have pioneered aspects of brain imaging in flies in regards to the discoveries and technology in the field that van Breugel is utilizing in this research project. Also on the project: Bing Bruton, associate professor of biology at the University of Washington, who brings her expertise in computational neuroscience.
The importance of flies in the realm of both engineering and neuroscience stems from the combination of their sophisticated behavior together with brains that are numerically simple enough that they can be studied in detail. This “goldilocks” combination, van Bruegel said, makes it feasible to distill properties of their neural processing into fundamental engineering principles that can be applied to robotics systems. 
As part of the grant, research experiences will be offered to middle school, high school and undergraduate students to participate in both neuroscience and robotics research. Van Breugel and his team also will develop open-source content to help bring neuroscience fluency to engineering students. This aligns with the College of Engineering’s Student Engagement operational pillar.
Source: University of Nevada, Reno
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inlakinslabyrinth · 9 months
What Astral Projection Is, Including the Recent Scientific Discoveries
Do you ever feel like fantastical places must exist somewhere out there, in the vastness of space and consciousness? Do you instinctively know you have a soul or perhaps fear that you don’t have a soul? Have you ever wondered what it would be like to travel to different planes of existence, without the limitations of time? Well, even those who are incredulous at the idea are likely astral…
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We can get you certified and into a new career in as little as six months with our Professional Pilot Program, but that's not the only reason we think you should work with us to acquire more advanced qualifications. Let's look at 9 reasons why you should join Inflight's Professional Pilot Program today for a brighter tomorrow.  
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fanaticloser · 2 years
Teenage Dirtbag Of The Week
Cody Jackson - Flight 29 Down (2005-2007)
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iamthepulta · 1 year
however, 20 has stumped me again because how do you really describe the emotion associated with returning to a necessary habit after a short break despite being traumatized by said habit for most of your life?
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nocternalrandomness · 2 months
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STS-105 lifts off from KSC - Oct 8 2001
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lonestarflight · 8 months
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STS-92 Discovery glides in for a landing at Edwards Air Force Base.
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"With its drag parachute deployed to help slow it down, the Space Shuttle Discovery rolls down the runway after landing at Edwards Air Force Base in Southern California at the conclusion of mission STS-92."
Date's October 24, 2000
NASA ID: EC00-0311-1, EC00-0311-2, EC00-0311-3
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