meringuemorgue · 26 days
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Hello, my Sweet Souls!
I am hosting an event where you can get a moodboard for…ANYTHING! It can be your future spouse, your life in 5 years or anything you can think of! Be creative and have fun!
Can’t wait to see what you all come up with! Happy Witching!🥰💖💖
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mosscreektarot · 4 months
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querents pls don't come for your tarot reader when they say something you don't wanna hear...
if a tarot reader/psychic is ONLY telling you what you wanna hear you should be very suspicious...
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My old pouch for my Homestuck Kickstarter tarot deck had seen better days, so it was time to make a new one! I’m so glad I still had some of this fabric left over! If you’re interested in a pouch like this, check out my Etsy store NerdyCreationsStudio!
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ladykalila · 4 years
I just found out that @rustling-fates deactivated... Does anyone know what happened??
She was one of my favourite witchblr and I am in shock at how sudden this is. If anyone knows what happened to her, or knows her other blogs/social media, please reach out to me. I would really, really appreciate it.
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acorntops · 4 years
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My pocket magic sigils and Pennsylvania Dutch Hex Signs (available in my Etsy Shop) can be used as a divination tools, similar to ogem, runes, or tarot. Here's the draw for the week...
The luck sigil is inspired by ladybugs! Ladybugs is also associated with prosperity and joy of life!
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madomkasak · 5 years
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Seven of Cups - Upright Five of Pentacles - Reversed Nine of Wands - Reversed
Sun, Moon and Star spread.
The Sun here represents the ‘sociable’ self - in this case, one who thinks too much and acts too little. The one of illusions, dreams and imagination. It is fitting to know that my Sun is in Pisces, and I believe it is a reinforcement of these traits. Ones I should learn to manage to be more pragmatic, as being unable to come down these clouds can hurt myself and others. I may have different options to look at and choose - and it is reminiscent of first impressions, ones I need to think about as I start a new position soon.
The Moon is the ‘hidden’ self - the inward, unknown traits. The Five Reversed represents healing: improvements in all areas of life and becoming more positive. The cards and others have been telling me to believe in myself more, to step back from my worries and appreciate what is already there - what I already know to be true. And if following the trend of this card, I know that I am in a good position, that there is little to worry about (to overthink about, like the Sun paints me as)
The Star is my path of guidance - The Nine of Wands Reversed is about rigidity. In your self and your environment. Turning into your own prison. Being afraid. In this, I see that I need to free myself from my own mental state (that my disorder is not who I am and how I should be), like the man on the card, maybe it is time to take one of the wands and break free. It is my own mistrust in myself, and my past experiences that have created the barrier I feel, and The Star urges me to take this barrier down. To be more vulnerable - to myself and to others, because it is not necessarily a bad thing.
It couldn’t be more true today, and I am following the path of guidance, or at least I am trying. It is true that I am very rigid in my emotions, and I am aware of it, and breaking free from one’s experiences and traumas is more difficult than planned. But this past behaviour has caused more issues than anything - although the end results has brought forth happiness and closeness that I had not felt before. It is a positive reading - something that the cards and I knew was true before laying it out.
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mosscreektarot · 1 year
Tarot Cheat Sheet - The Magician
As Above,
So Below
As Within,
So Without
Self control, moderation, technicality, expertise, dedication, finding the Goddess/ God within. 
You reap what you sow. Be mindful of what you put out there. You receive what you give. 
Infinity; cycles; change and conjuration. Powerful manifestation card. 
“I AM”
If you look at the classic RW card, all four suits are present: there is a pentacle, a cup, a wand, and a sword. Be aware that the staff/wand upon the table is the very same stick carried by The Fool in card 0. 
There is a snake worn by The Magician as a belt around his waist. Ouroboros is the name of the snake who eats his own tail; an ancient myth popular in Egypt and Greece. Delve deeply into the Tarot and find symbolism from almost any culture or religion....
Roses and Lilies can symbolize many things, including love, devotion, purity, passion, desire...
The card is full of bright color: red and yellow. Red symbolizes passion, sexuality, anger, aggression, warmth, wrath, or even danger. Yellow can stand for friendship, happiness, gold (wealth/success), and control. 
At worst this card is calling you out for your negligence. Your karmic debt is due, and you are actively weaving a web of either success or you’ve been tangled up and strangled by the bullshit you’ve been peddling.  TAKE HEED of your actions and mindset before you fuck up big time. 
Moral failures could cost you everything. Take the high road. 
Remember, this is a basic overview of this card to help you further understand the depth of symbolism within it. You may see something completely different, which sparks your intuition. Trust that feeling. Tarot is a tool to help you hone your intuition. 
The Magician states “You already have the magic inside you. Go forth and create your reality.” 
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mosscreektarot · 1 year
Tarot Cheat Sheet: XX, Judgement
An obvious biblical reference to Judgement Day, or the Day of Reckoning.
Karma. Inevitability. Truth.
Archangel Gabriel blows a trumpet over the heads of rejoicing people, sprung from their coffins with outspread arms.
The Judgment card is a call to growth. To rising. To the inner self.
Judgement is a card of revelations, truth, and getting shit done.
It can also mean a rather rude and surprising wake up call; the universe smacking you in the face with the biggest change.
Get your act together!
Sound is an important component of this card. What can you do to speak your manifestations into existence? Act upon your desires? Get the ball rolling by stating your intentions!
Revelation: 21:4
"He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’ or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away."
Ezekiel 7:7-8
7 "Doom has come upon you, upon you who dwell in the land. The time has come! The day is near! There is panic, not joy, on the mountains.
8 I am about to pour out my wrath on you and spend my anger against you. I will judge you according to your conduct and repay you for all your detestable practices."
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mosscreektarot · 8 months
Tarot reading for healing
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mosscreektarot · 2 years
I found a pendulum...so I'm going to experiment with it and see if it fits into my practice. If you'd like a yes or no question answered my askbox is open!
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ladykalila · 4 years
🌙 Pick A Card Reading
-The Week Ahead -
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Tarot of Enchanted Dreams by Yasmeen Westwood
Stop scrolling! 🚫🚫
Pick a pile first, and then scroll down to get your reading 💖
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⭐ What Will This Week Be Like For You? ⭐
1) Crystal Quartz = Nine of Swords Reversed. "Take a deep breath and clear your prespective". You are feeling nervous towards even the smallest things. Step back and look at the bigger picture; there is nothing to fear.
2) Jasper = Six of Swords Reversed. "Do not resist the flow. Let go, and be free". This week is a time of transition as you let free the emotions and issues that have been weighing you down.
3) Pyrite Ore = Nine of Cups. "I welcome miracles and magic into my life". This is a week of joy and wish-fulfillment! It's time to do something that makes you happy.
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