#diving in a lake
scavengedluxury · 2 months
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Diving platform, Millstatt am See, 1935. From the Budapest Municipal Photography Company archive.
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uncharismatic-fauna · 24 days
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A Dive into the Diving Spider
The diving spider, or water spider (Argyroneta aquatica) is perhaps one of the most unique arachnid species on Earth, noted for living almost entire life completely underwater. This species is found throughout northern Europe and Asia in clear freshwater ponds, lakes, wetlands, and slow-moving rivers with lots of aquatic vegetation.
Like other spiders, the water spider does breathe air. When submerged, specialized hydrophobic hairs create an air bubble attached to its abdomen, which allows the spider to store oxygen while moving around underwater. In addition, these spiders build a web known as diving-bell webs. These webs, constructed of spider silk, are constructed underwater, and supplied with air bubbles from the surface. A. aquatica spends most of its time in these webs, leaving only to replenish its air supply-- about once every 24 hours-- or to find prey.
The diving bell spider's prey are, unsurprisingly, primarily insects. In particular they feed on water fleas, aquatic isopods, insect larvae, and small crustaceans like shrimp. Individuals catch their prey by hiding inside their webs until prey trips one of the trip-wires constructed in the surrounding vegetation. They then surge out, seize their prey, and drag it back into the air-filled web where the spider can digest it. Predators of water spiders include aquatic beetles, dragonfly larvae, and frogs. Fish can also predate upon water spiders, but they are usually scarce due to the low aquatic oxygen environment in which the spiders live.
Ordinarily, A. aquatica is a fairly plain, brown spider. Males are slightly larger than females; 18.7 mm (0.74 in) to their 13.1 mm (0.51 in) in length; this is a rare phenomenon in spiders, as females are typically larger. Males also have a longer pair of front legs. However, females were found to construct much larger nests, as they must also provide space for their eggs and young.
When a male is ready to mate, which occurs during spring, he will construct several sperm packages that he holds in his palps, or mouth appendages, while he seeks out potential mates. If he finds a receptive mate, the two will engage in a swimming ritual around her web before he gives her one of his sperm packages. Afterwards, the female constructs a sac with 50-100 eggs; she may do this up to 6 times throughout a single year. The eggs hatch 3-4 weeks after laying, and the offspring remain in the nest for another 2-4 weeks. Individuals typically become sexually mature not long after, and may live up to 2 years in the wild.
The water spider can deliver a painful bite, with symptoms of inflammation, vomiting, and fever lasting 5-10 days. However, the bite is not known to be fatal to humans.
Conservation status: The diving bell spider has not been evaluated by the IUCN. The primary threat is likely habitat destruction, although at least one area in South Korea has been designated specifically as protected habitat for the species.
Want to request an uncharismatic critter? Just send me proof of donation to any of these vetted fundraisers for Palestinian refugees!
Stephan Hetz
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ryllen · 3 months
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i thought / m a n / these girls are quite heartless 🤣 when i accepted the quest at /clearly/ inconvenient time to swim & dive
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vestaignis · 5 months
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Филиппины , Озеро Барракуда. Philippines, Barracuda Lake.
Озеро Барракуда, расположенное в северной части острова Корон на Филиппинах, предлагает уникальные условия для дайвинга. В кристально-голубых водах озера (его ещё называют Лулуйюань), скрытых между величественными скалами, вы можете встретить реббит-фиш, сомов, пресноводных креветок, моллюсков, рифовых окуней ну и конечно ту самую 1,5-метровую барракуду, которая живет тут одна.
Еще в этом месте дайверам предлагается испытать термоклин и галоклин, уникальные явления, которые сложно найти где-то ещё в мире. На поверхности озера дайверов, пловцов и любителей подводного плавания ждёт температура воды около 28°C. Но когда опускаешься на глубину 13-15 м, температура резко меняется и становится почти 40°C .
Такое необычное повышение температуры связано с тем, что озеро содержит как солёную, так и пресную воду. Дайверы могут даже видеть тонкую, отчетливую границу, разделяющую два водоёма. Озеро также характеризуется впечатляющей коллекцией известняковых образований, которые поднимаются со всех сторон и простираются под поверхностью воды. На северной стене озера Барракуда есть пещера на глубине 33 метра. Она соединяет озеро с морем.
Ещё одной уникальной особенностью озера является песок на самом дне, который описывают как желеобразный, шелковистый, воздушный и илистый.
Barracuda Lake, located in the northern part of Coron Island in the Philippines , offers unique diving conditions. In the crystal blue waters of the lake (also called Luluyuan), hidden between the majestic rocks, you can meet rabbit fish, catfish, freshwater shrimp, shellfish, reef snappers and of course that same 1.5-meter barracuda that lives here alone .
This place also invites divers to experience the thermocline and halocline, unique phenomena that are difficult to find anywhere else in the world. On the surface of the lake, divers, swimmers and snorkelers can expect a water temperature of about 28°C. But when you descend to a depth of 13-15 m, the temperature changes sharply and becomes almost 40°C.
This unusual increase in temperature is due to the fact that the lake contains both salt and fresh water. Divers can even see a thin, distinct line separating the two bodies of water. The lake is also characterized by an impressive collection of limestone formations that rise from all sides and extend below the surface of the water. On the northern wall of Lake Barracuda there is a cave at a depth of 33 meters. It connects the lake with the sea.
Another unique feature of the lake is the sand at the very bottom, which is described as jelly-like, silky, airy and silty.
Источник:t.me/+HLoqW4OcT5VjZjM6,/dzen.ru/a/Yoi_mPWnvXsTT2TX, /bangkokbook.ru/galereya/filippiny-ozero-barrakuda-94-foto.html, /account.travel/place/barracuda-lake.html, /account.travel/place/barracuda-lake.html, /dzen.ru/a/XXq1jB7jTwCshHXm,/www.tripadvisor.ru/Attraction_Review-g729733-d2061953-Reviews-Barracuda_Lake-Coron_Busuanga_Island_Palawan_Province_Mimaropa.html.
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Yet another Delulu chatting in the middle of the night, activated by Caffeinated Gulugulu
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More detail in this post of @glutominnn go check it out Ivory Wraith enthusiasts!!!
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loveinhawkins · 1 year
kept thinking about Eddie & Steve deliberately making jokes to ensure that Dustin and co don’t get into the boat on Lover’s Lake.
“Nicely done,” Steve says when they’re far enough away from the bank—when they’ve left a disgruntled Dustin behind rather than a worried one.
“Hmm? Oh, yeah,” Eddie says—glances back to where the kids are, although they’ve already got swallowed up by the darkness. “‘Course, man.” He gives a weak smile as he drags the oar through the water. “Those little shrimps would probably try and, like, cannonball right in, and honestly? I, uh, really don’t think my heart could handle that.”
“Yeah, they… really throw themselves into things.”
Steve decides that he’s never gonna bring up Operation Child Endangerment if Eddie’s in the vicinity—the dude already looks at them all like they’ve got a few screws loose, he doesn’t wanna make it worse.
Although, on second thought, him and Dustin probably let that particular cat out the bag with their persistent optimism way back in the boathouse: “There’s nothing to worry about.”
Eddie’s wide-eyed look painted a thousand words.
Oh, he thinks you’re crazy, sing-songed the perpetual high schooler hiding in Steve’s brain. Eddie ‘The Freak’ Munson thinks you’re crazy. Time to seriously re-evaluate your life choices.
“Did you think Eddie was a bit, uh, weird back there?” Dustin asked him later. “Like, he’ll be okay, right?”
Dustin was prone to using ‘weird’ as a catch-all term, where it could mean anything from someone being genuinely weird to them experiencing severe emotional distress.
Steve clapped him on the shoulder reassuringly. “Henderson, I’m pretty sure he thinks we’re weird.”
He almost wants to make a joke about that now, get Eddie to laugh, maybe. To tell the truth, Steve had almost cracked and laughed himself once he’d gotten into the boat, when he turned and saw Dustin’s comically outraged expression.
It was only as Nancy and Eddie began to row that he registered the laugh would’ve secretly been one of relief—heartened by the sight of the kids left on the shore.
He stays quiet; Eddie’s shoulders are slowly tensing more and more the further across the lake they go.
It’s not noticeable at first—Robin’s providing a running commentary on the movements of Dustin’s compass, while Nancy determinedly pulls her oar in and out of the water—but Steve soon realises that Eddie’s kind of stopped rowing, instead just making ripples as his grip goes slack.
It’s damn hard to see, but Steve just barely makes out Eddie’s eyes glittering in the dark, staring down at the lake.
“Hey,” Steve says quietly. “You don’t have to—we’re not too far out, we can take you back, man.” He tries for levity. “This thing holds three people tops, remember?”
Eddie’s smile is more of a grimace. “Nah, man. Had enough of being chickenshit.”
“Dude, you’re not…”
Steve trails off, biting back his frustration—it doesn’t look like Eddie’s listening to him anyway; he’s still not taken his eyes off the water. Steve briefly wonders if he’s got that thing Robin says she gets sometimes, something about an imp—it’s why she never gets on Ferris wheels or whatever, convinced that she’s somehow gonna fall.
Eddie gives himself a shake and resumes rowing.
“Sorry. S’just… pitch black down there. He—” Eddie clears his throat. “He wouldn’t have seen—”
His voice cracks, fades into the night. His grip on the oar slips—he snatches it back before it can fall.
“Eddie,” Steve begins, but Eddie speaks right over the top of him.
“I—I hoped he was just drowning instead.” Eddie scoffs, and there’s a bitterness to it, an edge of self-loathing that Steve wishes he couldn’t hear. “And then maybe—” A sigh, another grimace disguised as a smile. “That’s a pretty fucked up thing to think, huh?”
He’s got that tone, Steve thinks, like when he kept repeating that he ran away from Chrissy—like he thought that if he said it enough, someone would snap, condemn him. Like he’s looking for proof that he’s monstrous.
Robin’s still talking, tactfully giving Eddie a semblance of privacy. Underneath her chatter, Steve hears Nancy’s rowing falter for just a moment, and he feels a pang in his chest.
He thinks of Barb and drowning. Wonders again if an ordinary tragedy would’ve been better compared to…
Then he lets it all sink back down.
“That’s not fucked up,” he says firmly. “Trust me, dude, that’s… that’s normal.”
Eddie chuckles shortly—it sounds like he’s doing something similar, pushing everything down, down…
“Normal, huh? No-one’s called me that before.”
“First time for everything.”
There’s a flicker of amusement across Eddie’s face when he replies, “Guess compared to you freaks, I’m pretty normal.”
“Ooh, did that feel good?” Steve says, appealing again to his mental high schooler. “Bit of role reversal?”
Eddie laughs more genuinely. “Sure did. Community theatre’s done wonders.”
A silence falls, and Steve encourages himself to get all relaxed by the boat bobbing up and down. Yeah, nothing’s strictly been confirmed yet, but he already knew what he was getting into when he stepped off the shore, water leaking into his shoes.
It’s gotta be him.
“I know what you’re doing, Harrington,” Eddie murmurs.
Steve gives him a questioning look.
Eddie pulls in some long breaths in exaggerated imitation. “You’re not subtle, Mister Swim Captain.”
“Co-captain,” Steve corrects, hiding his surprise. He can’t really imagine Eddie paying attention to the swim team, least of all a former swim team.
“Oh, forgive me for my inaccuracy.”
Hmm, he’s getting borderline poetic, Steve thinks. Like he was with Mordor and stuff.
So. He’s afraid.
“I’ll be fine,” Steve says lightly.
Eddie lets out a short groan, mutters something that sounds like famous last words. Then, quieter still—Steve can’t quite make it out.
Something about the dark.
Steve could repeat that he’ll be fine, but he knows that’s a shit reassurance. He settles for continuing to breathe in and out, long and slow; Eddie’s beginning to look like he’s unconsciously mimicking the pattern, his shoulders lowering.
“Just come back up, Harrington,” he says, so softly that Steve might’ve imagined it.
“Co-captain’s promise,” he says.
Eddie’s lips twitch. But he’s still fixed on the lake’s depths, like he’s waiting for something—dreading it.
Like something’s lurking in the dark.
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findmeinthefallair · 26 days
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*eats recycled cardboard* Won't be the last time they both experience suicidal ideation too T_T
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saltpepperbeard · 10 months
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toastysol · 6 months
God I love that Johnny cononically has a fear of deep water and practically begs V not to go diving with Judy during pyramid song. Gives me hc ideas for the sewers in PL. I imagine that so far along in the relic's process, V would pick up a lot more of Johnny's feelings and might feel a foreign panic about it
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slashergirlnancy · 7 months
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[...] That underwater realm is our subconscious, teeming with emotions we don't even realize we're bottling up: past hurts, deep-seated fears, and soaring ambitions. It's all there below, shaping our actions in ways we might not even be aware of. A lake is not a threatening, stormy sea. It's usually calm and inviting. It seems to say, "Yes, you can make it; you can change; you can grow." It offers comfort and motivation. So in a sense, a lake symbolizes your life's journey, a gentle supporter urging you to change and expand your horizons.
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gameyface46 · 3 months
Hey, they look pretty good together!
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So yeah. Good Together by Lake Street Dive released a few weeks ago, and this was supposed to come out in June for the June project, but I’m counting it for June so I don’t have an excuse to not do a July project.
The roles were picked based on the 30th Anniversary Music Festival art, so Dedede represents drummer Mike Calabrese, Bandee represents pianist Akie Bermiss, etc. Marx is actually really cute! I should draw him more. He’s representing bassist Bridget Kearney here.
I actually really like how this turned out. This was supposed to be finished in a day, but… I couldn’t.
Signed and color versions below the read more!
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Yes it is read Cake Street Dive.
Now, thoughts on Good Together? I love it.
They really know how to start a song off. Most opening instrumental is so funky! I really like it! Favorite song is hard to pick… Dance with a Stranger, Seats at the Bar, Far Gone, Good Together… they all are great! Set Sail is so… wistful… I love it so much! It was the PERFECT album closer. Help Is On The Way is so groovy… ach! I love this album. The only song I kinda disregard is Twenty Five. Wistful like Set Sail, but personally not my cup of tea. I don’t prefer overly sad songs. But it’s still good, don’t get me wrong. But I won’t have it on loop like every other song. Please listen to Lake Street Dive if you have the chance! New favorite band besides Sammy Rae and the Friends. Hey, if you like them, I think you’ll like this group too!
Now for other matters.
Playing OneShot. Pretty good game so far. Niko is SO CUTE. Cold take, I know, but it’s the truth. The character designer designed so hard when creating them. Also I’m going in blind, which is a treat. I hear the story is VERY important, so yeah. I watched the Ace Attorney anime before playing the game, ruined it for me. Playing the Apollo Justice trilogy was a treat.
AAI2 released in the West, very glad about that. You KNOW I’m getting it.
That’s basically June, so see ya, and GOOD LUCK MY EARTHLY COMRADES! THE SUN IS COMING.
♪ We could be good together! ♪
also wtf there’s a tag limit.
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🎵Good Kisser - Lake Street Dive
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allmichigan · 2 months
Milo and the Morazan
If you love the Great Lakes and aren't yet following the exploits of Milo's owner, Great Lakes shipwreck explorer Chris Roxburgh, then today is your lucky day!!
Milo and the Morazan by Chris Roxburgh If you love the Great Lakes and aren’t yet following the exploits of Milo’s owner, Great Lakes shipwreck explorer Chris Roxburgh, then today is your lucky day!! Follow Chris on Facebook and view & purchase his work including some awesome coffee table books on his website! If you’re wondering about the shipwreck of the Francisco Morazan off South Manitou,…
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fuckstoevsky · 2 years
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Throwaway - S.G. Lewis & Clairo // Alan Stephens Foster - The Fall // Devil Visits - Austin Prince // Clear A Space - Lake Street Dive // Story of a Girl and Crane - Hu Jundi // Hurl - Henrik Aarrestad Uldalen // NFWMB - Hozier // Ocean Eyes - Billie Eilish // Me & My Dog - Boygenius // Vertigo - Lynd Ward // The Fall of Icarus - Marc Chagall // Chelsea - Phoebe Bridgers
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xelilow04 · 8 months
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Just thinking about how, so far, every Cryo claymore wielder has a thing for submerging themselves in (cold) water.
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synthaphone · 6 months
i had a really funny dream that ryoko kui released a new book of bonus comics for dungeon meshi, and explained in them that actually, marcille ends up falling in love with the king from some other kingdom, and hes this old bearded guy named Ayr and his race has special sex in the astral plane that marcille studied for 50 years so she could marry him. and then in a Q and A part of the book where someone asked if ryoko kui liked guys like laios, she was like ‘laios is too feminine for my tastes, im into old bearded men like Ayr and so is marcille’
it had just gotten translated and i was one of the first people to read it somehow, so i was like (coping) ‘oh…… this sucks but im gonna try to be level headed about it, like im not a hardcore shipper for this manga anyway, and the authors sexuality is none of my business, and its not like farcille was ever explicitly canon… i can just ignore this, surely…’ but i knew that the fandom was going to Explode as soon as more people read it
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