#diy pizza oven
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virginstoner666 · 10 months
one thing i never expected to learn working customer service is how shockingly common it is to encounter people with missing fingers/chunks of their hands gone.
maybe this isn't a universal experience idk. my town is weird. i just know some of these people have gotta be missing toes too, but unfortunately, i'm not deranged enough to ask strangers to show me/talk about their feet.
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mingis-orangejuice · 2 months
Asking the L&Ds boys "What are we?" Part 2: Xavier
Summary: MC and her boy have been in a sort of situation-ship but MC wants to know why they haven't officially called her their girlfriend
a/n: This ended up being much longer than I thought so I'm making it into 4 parts (one for each boy) here's part 2 with Xavier. you can request who you want me to post next if you want
Genres/Warnings: angst, fluff, kinda slow burn
Word count: 1250
Other parts: 1, 3, 4,
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After another long day of battling wonderers, you and Xavier head back to the office to change out of your hunter’s uniforms. A whole day of combat makes you very sweaty and you don’t want to be smelly for your date with Xavier. But was it a date? You and Xavier had been going out for dinner almost every night since you found out you both lived in the same apartment complex. But they never really felt like dates, and he’s never really called you his girlfriend. You told yourself It was just more convenient since he couldn’t cook without potentially burning down the apartment and after a long day, you were just too tired to. Was that all it was, just a convenient way to have a meal? But what about all the dirty looks he gives the other male hunters when you get paired with them for assignments, were you just seeing things or was he jealous? But what does he have to be envious of if you’re not truly his?
“Are you ready to go?” a soft voice breaks you from your thoughts. You turn around to see Xavier standing behind you. You’d been waiting outside the changing rooms for him for a few minutes. “Sorry it took so long there was a problem with one of the showers, I had to rinse off in the sink” 
You give Xavier a small smile as you both start to walk down the empty hall “How do you always end up in these situations? Are you cursed or something” you laugh “Don’t stand too close I don't want your curse to rub off on me” you say jokingly as you dramatically step away from him.
Following your joke he dramatically steps towards you and tries to put his arms around you. “But I don’t want to be the only one that's cursed hold me and we’ll be cursed together for the rest of our lives” he pulls you into a big bear hug as you both laugh while you pretend to escape. You both are having too much fun to notice the janitor glancing at you from over his shoulder while he cleans the windows “Ah, young love” he said with a sentimental sigh, quite enough that you two could just barely hear it but enough to make you realize that you’re not the only people in the building as you had initially thought. You can feel your heart race a little at the janitor's words.  Xavier lets go of you and you continue to walk out of the building. 
Trying to break the awkward silence Xavier finally speaks up. “You know, I heard wishing on a star can break a curse, and since we’re both cursed now you have to help me find a wishing star tonight to undo the curse. What do you say?” he asks looking at you expectantly
“Well yeah now since you’ve cursed me I guess I have no choice but to help you break the bad luck with showers curse” You feigned annoyance. “But first we need food! Where were you planning on taking us tonight?”
Xavier smiled, happy that the awkwardness from earlier was gone. “I saw this new pizza place a few blocks away from our apartment, it's like a DIY place they give you the dough and toppings and you get to bake it in the little ovens at your table” Xavier basically had stars in his eyes when he mentioned baking.
“Uh… maybe we order in tonight, you don’t want to have to pay for repairs when you destroy their oven now, do you ?” you look at him with a sarcastic grin.
“I promise I won’t burn down anything this time, plus I’ll have you right there with me, there's no way you’d let me burn our dinner right?” he chuckles and puts out his hand to grab yours. “Let's go, those pizzas aren’t going to DIY themselves”
Later at the pizza place you and Xavier are having fun making tons of fun, and in Xavier’s case, weird pizza combos. You two spent so much time having fun that you almost forgot you promised to go stargazing tonight before you went home. Xavier gets the attention of the waitress so that he can pay the bill. 
The waitress was a sweet old lady who, when she wasn’t busy helping other tables, made it her mission to make sure you guys hand everything you need. “Did you two have a great time?” she asks handing Xavier the check.
“Yeah it was great, I love the concept it's so fun,” you said with a big smile. Xavier pays and looks up at the waitress “Yeah we’re definitely going to come back here”
“Oh, I’m glad,” The waitress says as she starts to grab your empty plates off the table. “You two are definitely the cutest couple I've seen here in a while, I hope you stay together forever. 
“Um.. we’re…no…” you started to correct the lady but she just kept going.
I heard if you wish on a star by the fountain down the street you’re 100% guaranteed to have that wish come true. Maybe I’ll make a little wish for you two”
You were about to correct the lady again but Xavier cut you off “Thank you that's very kind of you ma’am” Xavier politely bowed as she stacked the last of the dishes and walked away. Xavier puts out his hand to help you out of your chair. “Well let's go find a wishing star to break this curse”
At the fountain, you and Xavier sit quietly for some time just looking up at the sky trying to find a star to wish on. Still feeling a little awkward about what the waitress said, you wanted to say something to make it less awkward but the words that spilled out were anything but. “What are we? 
Xavier, without missing a beat answered “We’re just two people looking up at the stars”
“Just?” you questioned
Before you can say anything more a shooting star passes overhead, Xavier clasps his hands together and starts to wish “ Oh great wishing star please let me and my wonderful girlfriend be together forever, even though she doesn't trust me to use an oven by myself but that just means I get to take her out on more dates. And sometimes it may take her a while to notice things but she’s mine and I want to be with her forever, even though we might be cursed” Xavier finishes his wish and looks to you “What was it you wanted to ask me?
“Uh… nothing … never mind” You looked up to see him staring at you his eyes sparkling like stars a slight blush on his cheeks. This made your heart skip a beat so you looked away quickly and turned your head up to look for more stars.”I hope your wish comes true” you stated bashfully.
Xavier chuckled and also looked up “ Well since we’ll be together forever now, I guess we don’t really need to wish away the curse right ?” 
“Yes, we do! I don’t want to be washing off in the company sinks every day, let’s hurry up and find another wishing star I'll stay here all night if I have to” You say in a joking tone
Xavier places his hand over yours “Well then, I’ll be glad to accompany my girlfriend on her quest to lift our curse.” 
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soulrph · 2 years
i like to think that at least MOST of these can be made platonic!! but y’all use these at your discretion! i wish i could explain what inspired me to do these, but honestly i have no idea. i wanted soft stuff, i made the soft stuff, and now i give it to you guys for whatever wonderfully gifted plans you have for them! DO NOT ADD TO THIS LIST! 
[ MANICURE ]:    sender and receiver paint each other's nails together.
[ JIGSAW ]:     sender and receiver do jigsaw puzzles together.
[ BOARD ]:     sender and receiver play board games together.
[ MOVIE ]:     sender and receiver enjoy a movie night together.
[ GAME ]:     sender and receiver enjoy a game night (using video games, board games and other mediums) together.
[ BAKE ]:     sender and receiver go baking together.
[ COOK ]:     sender and receiver go cooking together.
[ STYLE ]:     sender and receiver do each other's make-up.
[ BATH ]:     sender and receiver run a bath to share together.
[ RELAX ]:     sender and receiver arrange to do facials/a spa day together.
[ HAIR ]:     sender and receiver bathe and style one another's hair.
[ ARTISTS ]:     sender and receiver go painting/drawing together for the evening.
[ GINGERBREAD ]:     sender and receiver bake, build and decorate a gingerbread/cookie house together.
[ DECOR ]:     sender and receiver decorate a room together.
[ BUILD ]:     sender and receiver embark upon a DIY building project together.
[ PILLOW ]:     sender and receiver engage in a pillow fight with each other.
[ VIBE ]:     sender and receiver listen to music together.
[ BOOGIE ]:     sender and receiver dance to music together (either a full chaotic dance party or a slow dance).
[ Q&A ]:     sender and receiver play the question game together (i.e. asking random, soul-searching questions which they must answer honestly).
[ SIP ]:     sender and receiver play drinking games (not necessarily using alcohol! just a drink of choice) together (e.g. never have i ever, where one person says something they've never done before, and the other drinks if they have done it, or doesn't if they haven't).
[ MIX ]:     sender and receiver make cocktails together.
[ FROZEN ]:     sender and receiver design an ice-cream sundae bar together.
[ CHOICE ]:     sender and receiver ask each other a number of "would you rather" questions.
[ PIZZA ]:     sender and receiver make pizzas together from scratch.
[ PICNIC ]:     sender and receiver arrange and enjoy a living room/bedroom picnic together.
[ KARAOKE ]:     sender and receiver sing karaoke together.
[ HOLIDAYS ]:     sender and receiver plan a future vacation together.
[ CARE ]:     sender and receiver spend an evening looking after someone else's child or pet together.
[ TWIST ]:      sender and receiver play a game of twister together.
[ FIGHT ]:     sender and receiver engage in a game of play wrestling together.
[ OUTAGE ]:     sender and receiver end up stuck at home during a blackout and come up with electricity-free ways to entertain themselves.
[ DIP ]:     sender and receiver decided to do a lucky dip dinner night (in which they pick a theme from a random list and prepare a dinner date together based on that theme, e.g. disn.ey, the colour red, cold foods only).
[ HEAT ]:     sender and receiver embark upon a cooking challenge together (a cook-off!).
[ OVEN ]:     sender and receiver engage in a baking challenge against one another (think GBBO, but for two people in one kitchen!).
[ SPLASH ]:     sender and receiver arm themselves with water guns and prepare to soak one another in a water fight.
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faithrainee · 10 months
Need to draw Peter B in the most outside white dad fit ever following one of those DIY "Make your own pizza oven" videos and making the shittiest pizza oven but being so proud of it.
"It's done! Now to test it out, we put the baby inside!"
And Miles is like, "It doesn't look right, also please don't call the pizza baby-"
"I only do that because this is the birthing pod of the highest Italian cuisine!!"
"You made it with bricks from Mowes."
"It's LOWES!!"
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merrybrides · 1 year
DIY Clay Bridal Party Earrings Gift
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Baking Sheet
Parchment Paper
Rolling Pin
Knife or Clay Cutter
Earring posts and backs
Jewelry Jump Rings
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Color Palate
First pick the clay colors that you want for your earrings. I will show you three different styles to make during this tutorial and these are the earthy tones that I chose. Try to pick one neutral color and a gold then pick what ever other colors you want.
Create Shapes
Roll out the clay until it is about 1/16 inches to 1/8 inches thick. For the small circles, I used the end of the clay rolling pin as a shape cutter. You can also create an outline with the parchment paper to cut out with a knife. You can also use every day objects around your house to trace, like a quarter!
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Create a hole in the top of the shape to connect each earring piece together. Dip your fingertip in water to round out any uneven edges to create a smooth surface.
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Start with two colors, I used white and gold as my base. First create a small ball then roll the individual colors out into snakes. Twist the two colors together then start stretching and folding until you reach a marbling pattern you like. Make sure you don’t mix too much because then it will just turn into one solid color.
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The terrazo pattern has become one of my favorites. Start with a solid rolled out color, like white. Using a knife, cut off small pieces of other colors and place on top of the white like a party pizza. Once you have the pattern and colors you like, using the rolling pin to flatten out all the specks. Once flat you can cut out the shapes using one of the techniques from the beginning of the post.
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Heat your oven to 250º and line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Place all your pieces on a baking sheet and bake for about 10-12 minutes, depending on the thickness of your pieces. Make sure the clay is completely flat, otherwise you’ll run into problems when you add your earring posts.
Remove the earrings from the oven and let them cool before picking them up.
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Put a dab of glue on the back of the post and add it to your small circle earring piece, avoiding the whole you put through.
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Open the jump rings with either your fingers or pliers. Put the jump ring through the small circle piece and attach each correlating piece to it’s color. To close the jump ring, use the pliers to make sure there is no gap.
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These make the perfect bridesmaid gift. You can put them in a little box to give to your bride tribe or simply hold out a hand and say, “Will you be my bridesmaid?"
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smitheliana89 · 3 days
The Art Of Hosting The Perfect Pizza Party
Hosting a pizza party is a delightful way to bring people together, celebrate, and enjoy one of the most universally loved foods: pizza. With a little planning and creativity, you can turn a simple gathering into a memorable event. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to host the perfect pizza party, featuring tips on preparation, presentation, and how to incorporate a rising crust pepperoni pizza into your menu.
Plan the Menu
Variety is Key: A successful pizza party offers a range of options to cater to different tastes. Start with a classic like Margherita or pepperoni, and include vegetarian and gourmet options. Consider including a rising crust pepperoni pizza for those who enjoy a hearty, crispy base with flavorful toppings. Offer a variety of toppings and sauces, including traditional choices like mushrooms and onions, as well as unique ones like pineapple or prosciutto.
Side Dishes and Appetizers: Complement your pizza with side dishes such as garlic knots, bruschetta, or a fresh salad. These additions can enhance the overall dining experience and provide guests with a variety of flavors and textures.
Desserts and Beverages: Don’t forget dessert! Classic choices like tiramisu or a simple fruit salad can be perfect after a hearty meal. For beverages, offer a mix of soft drinks, water, and perhaps some wine or beer to match the pizza flavors.
Prepare the Space
Setting Up: Create a welcoming atmosphere by setting up a dedicated pizza station. This can be a table or countertop where guests can customize their pizzas with a variety of toppings. Arrange the ingredients in an organized manner, making it easy for everyone to choose their favorites.
Seating and Atmosphere: Ensure there’s enough seating for all your guests. Create a cozy atmosphere with some ambient lighting, music, and maybe even some themed decorations. A casual and relaxed environment encourages socializing and adds to the fun of the party.
Cooking and Serving
Pre-Cook Pizzas: To streamline the process, consider pre-cooking some pizzas, like a rising crust pepperoni pizza, which can be a crowd-pleaser. Having a few pizzas ready to go allows guests to enjoy hot, freshly baked pizza right from the start.
DIY Pizza Station: If you’re making pizzas from scratch, set up a DIY pizza station where guests can build their pizzas. Provide pre-made dough, a variety of sauces, cheeses, and toppings. This interactive element adds excitement and ensures that everyone gets exactly what they want.
Keeping Pizzas Hot: Use pizza warming trays or keep pizzas in a low-temperature oven to ensure they stay warm throughout the party. If you’re serving a large number of guests, consider rotating pizzas in and out of the oven to keep everyone satisfied.
Engage Your Guests
Games and Activities: Add a fun element to your pizza party with games or activities. You might have a pizza-making competition or a trivia game related to pizza. This keeps guests entertained and adds a lively dynamic to the gathering.
Personal Touches: Personalize the experience by asking guests ahead of time if they have any specific preferences or dietary restrictions. Tailoring your menu to accommodate these needs ensures everyone feels considered and enjoys the party.
Clean-Up and Follow-Up
Easy Clean-Up: To make clean-up easier, use disposable plates, napkins, and utensils. Have trash and recycling bins marked and accessible to guests. This will help maintain a tidy space throughout the party.
Thank Your Guests: After the party, send a thank-you message to your guests. It’s a nice gesture that shows appreciation for their attendance and can encourage them to return for future gatherings.
Hosting the perfect pizza party involves careful planning, a diverse menu, and creating an enjoyable atmosphere. By offering a variety of pizzas, including options like a rising crust pepperoni pizza, and providing engaging activities, you ensure a memorable and satisfying experience for your guests. With thoughtful preparation and a touch of creativity, your pizza party is sure to be a hit, bringing people together to enjoy delicious food and good company.
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pandoricasims · 15 days
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Create your own DIY pizza bar with this quick and easy 30-minute pizza crust recipe. It's perfect for family pizza night or when you're craving homemade pizza in a hurry.
Ingredients: 2 1/4 tsp active dry yeast. 1 tsp sugar. 3/4 cup warm water. 2 cups all-purpose flour. 1 1/2 tsp salt. 2 tbsp olive oil.
Instructions: Active dry yeast, sugar, and warm water should all be mixed together in a small bowl. Allow it to sit for 5 to 10 minutes until it foams up. Put the flour and salt in a large bowl and mix them together. Add the olive oil and yeast mixture to the flour mix. Mix it together until a dough forms. On a floured surface, work the dough for three to five minutes until it is smooth. Put a clean towel over the dough and let it rest for 10 minutes. Set your oven to 475F 245C before you start cooking. If you have a pizza stone, put it in the oven while it's getting hot. On a floured surface, roll out the dough until it's the thickness you want for the pizza crust. Place the dough that has been rolled out on a pizza peel or an upside-down baking sheet that has been dusted with flour or cornmeal. Add the things you like on your pizza. Place the pizza in a hot oven or on a pizza stone if you have one. Bake for 12 to 15 minutes, or until the crust is golden and the toppings are bubbly and done to your liking. Take it out of the oven, cut it up, and enjoy!
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flowermountainpress · 2 months
Embers: awled and into the press
February 25
(Cross-posted from Patreon)
Lost my awl like three times, got distracted helping out another binder figure out how to impose a quarto book on discord, and put a pizza in the oven, but finally my task is done.
Oddly enough I spent forever and several colors trying to decide where I wanted my punch lines to be. I then used black Sharpie to make the "final" lines.
With no pressure it's about three inches of swell. With just the pressure of my hand, down to like an inch and a half. I imagine the final version will be about that thick-- take away some millimeters due to how tight the clamps will be, but add 4 mm for the boards for the hardcover. Something something math, my great enemy.
I am still using my diy book cradle made from scrap wood a neighbor gave me. In this house we recycle!
And to those of you who saw the previous post and were concerned: I did decide I'm going to reprint the first signature so that I can fix the first page spacing issue. Since it's only reprinting eight pages.
Note: this is folded but not stitched yet. You fold the signatures of a book and then press them for a while to remove the air between pages and make the stack more flat. It reduces swell (you can see how the end of the stack with the fold is bigger than the other end. They need to be equally flat to be a proper book)
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y2fear · 3 months
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Simple DIY Upgrade Boosts Pizza Oven Performance
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bbqbills2 · 4 months
BBQ Bill's features outdoor fireplaces, vent free fireplaces, fireplace inserts are ideal solutions for those that love to entertain, a perfect cetrepiece for relaxation and a functional piece for added patio convenience. Nothing beats the cozy ambiance an outdoor brick or stone fireplace can bring to your outdoor kitchen, patio or deck. https://bbqbills.com/outdoor-fireplaces
25 Outdoor Fireplace Ideas to Light Up Your Backyard by Architectual Digest https://www.architecturaldigest.com/gallery/outdoor-fireplace-ideas
Humans have convened around outdoor fires since…too long ago to count. The allure of flickering flames is timeless and there are plenty of outdoor fireplace ideas to fit your needs and wants.
For a truly bewitching experience, consider echoing your architecture or juxtaposing against it. “I love to use masonry—such as stone or brick—that matches the exterior of the home, or something totally different, like a sculptural metal that matches any accessories for fences and really becomes a focal point in the landscape,” says Robert Bell, landscape architect behind the Washington, DC, firm Bell Design.
We got intel from top designers to suss out everything you need to know for your backyard fireplace, whether you’re hoping to create an outdoor living area or a Tuscan fire feature. Just add marshmallows.
Is it expensive to build an outdoor fireplace?
We get it: Not everyone has the money to install a covered patio with a woodburning brick fireplace, or a Mediterranean-inspired outdoor kitchen complete with a pizza oven. But there are plenty of more affordable options, especially if you’re willing to DIY or opt for a fire pit instead. Fire is fire—and can supply instant ambiance.
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Although it’s (hopefully) obvious, safety is paramount. Whatever outdoor fireplace ideas you end up going with, it’s vital to ensure proper placement, Bell says. You’ll want an outdoor fireplace or fire pit “far enough from the house so sparks won't catch anything on fire, but not so far they're inconvenient to get to,” he says. Typically that means 20 feet minimum to 60 feet maximum from your home itself. “Consider maintenance: gas fireplaces are far easier to deal with than wood, but less charming, as nothing beats the smell of wood!” Bell says. And there are other aesthetic considerations, like lighting—especially to create a focal point al fresco. “Usually you want the fire to be the center of attention, so low-level lighting is key,” he says. “You shouldn't put anything bright at eye level to compete with the flames. Movable lanterns or subtle uplighting around the fireplace is usually best.”
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What is the best material to use for an outdoor fireplace?
If you ever read “The Three Little Pigs” fable as a child, you know sometimes it’s worth it to splurge on materials that will last. A stone fireplace or brick fireplace may cost more upfront than a fire pit, but if you’re planning on making this your forever home, try to think of it as an investment that will reap benefits al fresco for decades to come. “The best materials for an outdoor fireplace ultimately depend on the architecture and materiality of the house itself, and this also drives the cost,” says designer Benjamin Johnston of Houston’s Benjamin Johnston Design. One major factor in what you choose is if you’re going for woodburning or gas, Johnston says. “Do you want to generate heat or is your outdoor fireplace going to serve as simply a focal point, like most do in Houston?”
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How much does it cost to build an outdoor fireplace?
As with anything, you can go high or low when it comes to outdoor fireplace ideas. Some landscaping would benefit from a gas fireplace flickering beside intricate pavers, but even a small patio can get summer-ready with an outdoor fire pit that doubles as a BBQ. “It depends on the specifics,” says Eddie Maestri, principal architect, creative director, and owner of Maestri Studio in Dallas. “A general estimate is about $12,000.”
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What is the most cost effective outdoor fireplace?
For an outdoor fireplace, “the most cost-effective option would be a prefab insert,” Maestri says. But if you’re hoping to save even more money, consider a fire pit or even DIY—it will be well worth the effort. “If you want to create a cozy, year-round gathering space, fire pits are a low-cost way to add functionality and comfort to your outdoor entertaining space,” says Kevin Lenhart, Design Director at Yardzen, an online landscape company who says fire pits and fireplaces are included in 70% of their designs.
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How do you make outdoor fireplace seating comfortable?
Design ideas are one thing; creating an outdoor furniture set up that’s actually comfortable is another. “Our experience has been to get the seating as close around the fireplace as possible [within safe parameters] since it doesn’t project heat very far,” says Montecito, California–based landscape design wizard William Hefner, founder of Studio William Hefner. “It’s also nice to have light furniture that’s easy to pull up around the fire.”
Los Angeles designer Jaqui Seerman works hard to ensure there’s a variety of seating distances (and lightweight, easily portable outdoor furniture). “While some guests may prefer closer warmth, others may enjoy a bit of distance,” Seerman says of crafting a landscape design that works for the cold-blooded and always-hot alike. “Offering adjustable seating ensures everyone can find their comfort zone, making fireside evenings enjoyable and memorable for all.” Just add cocktails, mocktails, and music (a few throw blankets can be a prescient addition for keeping guests warm, too.)
How do you maintain an outdoor fireplace?
“I’ve found outdoor fireplaces to be very low-maintenance,” Hefner says. “We scoop out the ashes every now and then, and we’re good.” He adds that you may want to occasionally enlist the help of a professional chimney sweep like any other fireplace to professionally remove the soot that naturally accumulates over time. To make sure that an outdoor fireplace develops an even patina through the seasons and over time, Seerman suggests regular removal of leaves and other debris, which can easily pile up outdoors. “Once a year I would remove the fire rock and clean the burners,” says Stephen Block of Inner Gardens, who designs his own custom outdoor fire pits out of antique French limestone. “Make sure your fire pit has drainage so water from rain can drain out, and holes around the sides to allow for air movement around the gas line.” Safety first, always.
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How long do outdoor fireplaces last?
When you buy or build quality, you can expect your outdoor fireplace to look hot (pun intended) for decades and beyond. Best case, your fire pit becomes a family heirloom your heirs like enough to argue over. “If you build an outdoor fireplace with a masonry firebox, and proper flue system, it should last forever,” Hefner says. One thing to note for safety purposes: “It’s crucial to maintain adequate ventilation in the surrounding area and ensure trees are trimmed appropriately before use,” Seerman says. Here, how designers and landscape architects combined both style and functional substance with their outdoor fireplaces.
Photo: Lauren Pressey1/25Put a little prep in your step Preppy makes perfect for this outdoor fireplace design by Noelle Interiors, with its striped throw cushions, woven natural fiber touches, and towering stone fireplace. We particularly love the handcrafted pendants in three eye-catching sizes over the seating area, which provide a dazzling touch of summer overhead.
Photo: Venjhamin Reyes 2/25Consider a gas option “A warm, modern aesthetic that uses organic colors and textures can balance, clean contemporary lines,” says Dominique Coffman, Vice President of Design at Design West. Coffman favors a gas fireplace over a woodburning fireplace: “They are easy to light and turn off with the flip of a switch or remote control. Another benefit of gas fireplaces is that they do not produce smoke, which makes them a cleaner option.”
Photo: Courtesy of Kern & Co. 3/25Tap into your inner coastal grandma Paging Nancy Meyers. “For this space, antique firebricks take center stage against a simple, pared-back exterior,” says Susan Spath, principal of San Diego firm Kern & Co. “The modern style mixed with classic elements creates a space that is eye-catching. When designing this outdoor space, the client wanted an area that was simply beautiful, yet cozy. The plentiful U-shaped seating arrangement allows for intimate conversation while facing the warmth and crackle of the fire.” Consider us there.
Outdoor Living Store in Las Vegas
For more than 30 years, outdoor barbecues and kitchen solutions have been the name of the game at BBQ Bill’s. We are your premier barbecue store in Las Vegas, NV, that can help you create the ideal outdoor cooking and living space based on your style and budget.
We design and install custom outdoor kitchens, BBQ island kitchen, fire features, fire bars, fireplaces, fire pits, fire grills, fire rings, pizza ovens, BBQ grills, griddles, smokers, cookers, rotisserie, refrigerators, heaters, sinks, patio covers, outdoor accessories and build as construction contractors.
Our experienced barbecue experts will create a masterpiece that perfectly matches your vision for function and beauty. We have access to thousands of quality items and install only superior-quality products from some of the best names in the business, including Alfa, Alfresco, Amore, Aspire, Blaze, Bonfire, Coyote, DCS, Delta Heat, Fontana Forni, Gozney, Green Mountain, Hestan, Lynx, Memphis, Pit Boss, Summerset, Twin Eagle, Viking, Wolf.  
We service Las Vegas, Henderson, Mesquite, North Las Vegas, Blue Diamond, Enterprise, Goodsprings, Moapa Valley, Mount Charleston, Nelson, Paradise, Spring Valley, Summerlin South, Sunrise Manor, Whitney, Winchester, Arden, Jean, Logandale, Overton, Primm, Sloan, Vegas Creek, Boulder City, and Pahrump. Contact us today to let us help you build the outdoor barbecue and kitchen space of your dreams.
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mypureplants · 7 months
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Do you ever crave a piping hot pizza fresh from the oven? Home-based pizza nights can be a fun way to mix things up and bond with friends and family! But why settle for the same old delivery pizza, when you can create your own delicious homemade pizza with just a few simple ingredients? With 18 DIY https://mypureplants.com/18-diy-pizza-recipes-for-a-perfect-home-based-pizza-night/?utm_source=tumblr&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=ReviveOldPost
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gaslogfiresmelbourne · 8 months
How to Have Fun With Outdoor Fireplaces This Summer
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As summer approaches, the idea of sitting around a blazing fire might seem counterintuitive. However, outdoor fireplaces can be more than just sources of warmth; they can transform your backyard into a vibrant and entertaining space. 
For practical tips and ideas for making the most of outdoor fireplaces during the summer months, read on.
1. Choosing the Right Outdoor Fireplace
Before diving into the fun, it's essential to have the right outdoor fireplace for your needs. There are various options available, from traditional wood-burning fire pits to modern gas-powered fireplaces. Consider factors such as space, maintenance, and budget when making your choice.
Wood-Burning Fire Pits: Ideal for a classic, rustic feel. They require regular maintenance, but the crackling sound and authentic ambience are hard to beat.
Gas Fireplaces: Convenient and easy to use, with the flip of a switch. They provide instant heat without the mess of wood. While they might lack the traditional appeal, they offer a sleek and modern aesthetic.
Chimineas: A stylish alternative, chimineas are often made of clay or metal. They come in various designs and are excellent for small spaces.
2. Safety First: Set Up Your Outdoor Fireplace Properly
Before you start roasting marshmallows or enjoying the warmth, it's crucial to prioritise safety. Here are some essential safety tips:
Location Matters: Place your outdoor fireplace on a stable, non-flammable surface. Keep it away from overhanging trees or structures.
Clear the Area: Ensure there are no flammable materials near the fireplace. Create a safe zone by removing dry leaves, paper, or any other combustible items.
Supervise Open Flames: Never leave a burning fire unattended. Keep a watchful eye on the flames, especially if there are children or pets around.
Have Safety Tools On Hand: Keep a bucket of water or a fire extinguisher nearby. It's better to be over-prepared than caught off guard.
3. Create the Perfect Ambiance
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Once your outdoor fireplace is set up safely, it's time to focus on the ambience. Achieve the right atmosphere by considering these elements:
Seating Arrangement: Arrange comfortable seating around the fireplace. Think about incorporating outdoor sofas, cushions, or even bean bags for a relaxed vibe.
Lighting: Enhance the mood with strategic lighting. String lights, lanterns, or LED candles can create a cosy ambience without the need for additional heat.
Music: Set the tone with a curated playlist. Choose tunes that complement the laid-back outdoor setting, creating a relaxed and enjoyable environment.
4. Cook Up Some Fun
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Outdoor fireplaces aren't just for warmth; they're also fantastic for cooking delicious meals. Elevate your outdoor dining experience with these ideas:
Marshmallow Roasting: Classic but timeless. Roast marshmallows for gooey s'mores or enjoy them on their own.
BBQ Night: Turn your outdoor fireplace into a barbecue. Grill skewers, sausages, and veggies for a tasty feast.
Pizza Oven: Invest in a pizza oven attachment for your outdoor fireplace. Create homemade pizzas with a crisp, smoky flavour.
Fondue Party: Set up a fondue station using the heat from the fireplace. Melted cheese, chocolate, or even hot oil for a savoury fondue experience.
5. Outdoor Movie Night
Transform your backyard into an open-air cinema with the help of your outdoor fireplace. Here's how:
Projection Setup: Invest in a quality outdoor projector and screen. Hang a white sheet or use a portable screen for a DIY setup.
Cosy Seating: Arrange blankets, cushions, and outdoor furniture for comfortable seating. Encourage guests to bring their own blankets for added warmth.
Snack Bar: Set up a snack bar with popcorn, nachos, and other movie favourites. Keep the treats flowing as you enjoy the film.
6. Stargazing Evenings
Take advantage of the clear Australian summer nights to indulge in some stargazing around the fireplace. Here's how to make it an event:
Blankets and Pillows: Create a comfortable stargazing spot with blankets and pillows. Encourage everyone to lay back and enjoy the celestial show.
Stargazing Apps: Download stargazing apps to identify constellations, planets, and other celestial objects. Share interesting facts about the night sky with friends and family.
Telescope Fun: If you have a telescope, set it up for a closer look at the moon and stars. It adds an educational element to the evening.
Having fun with outdoor fireplaces this summer is all about creativity, safety, and embracing the unique features of your outdoor space. Whether you're hosting a barbecue, enjoying a movie night, or simply relaxing by the fire while looking up at the stars.
Contact us at The Log Fire Company, your most trusted log fireplace installation service provider in Melbourne.
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hestiaoutdoors · 9 months
Elevate Your Outdoor Experience: Scandia Barrel Sauna Kit and American Outdoor Grill T Series
Transforming your outdoor space into a haven of relaxation and culinary delight is a dream many homeowners share. With the Scandia Barrel Sauna Kit and American Outdoor Grill T Series, you can turn this dream into a reality. These premium outdoor essentials offer a perfect blend of Scandinavian-inspired comfort and American craftsmanship.
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Scandia Barrel Sauna Kit:
Unwind in Style
The Scandia Barrel Sauna Kit brings the charm of Scandinavian design to your backyard. Crafted with precision and attention to detail, this sauna kit not only adds a touch of elegance to your outdoor space but also provides a rejuvenating retreat. The cylindrical shape enhances heat circulation, ensuring a consistently comfortable sauna experience.
Easy Assembly, Lasting Quality
Setting up your Scandia Barrel Sauna is a breeze with its user-friendly assembly process. The kit includes all the components needed, making it a satisfying DIY project for any homeowner. Crafted from high-quality materials, the sauna kit is built to withstand the elements, ensuring years of reliable performance.
American Outdoor Grill T Series:
Grill Like a Pro
Take your outdoor cooking to the next level with the American Outdoor Grill T Series. Renowned for its superior performance, this grill series combines cutting-edge technology with classic American design. Whether you're hosting a summer barbecue or a cozy family dinner, the T Series delivers exceptional results every time.
Precision Engineering
The American Outdoor Grill T Series boasts precision engineering that ensures even heat distribution and optimal grilling conditions. With features like electronic push-button ignition and advanced heat control, you have the power to create mouthwatering dishes with ease. Elevate your culinary skills and impress your guests with the T Series' versatility and performance.
The Perfect Outdoor Duo:
Combine Comfort and Culinary Delight
Imagine indulging in a relaxing sauna session while the tantalizing aroma of grilled delicacies wafts through the air. The Scandia Barrel Sauna Kit and American Outdoor Grill T Series create the perfect outdoor duo for those seeking both comfort and culinary delight.
Check out our site for more details.
Wood Fired Pizza Oven Wppo
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renee-faundo · 10 months
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STYLECASTER DIY Pizza Oven Homemade Pizza Outdoor Entertaining Get your pizza game on with this DIY Pizza Oven. Perfect for homemade pizzas and outdoor entertaining.
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alovett · 11 months
May 8th, 2004.
Saturday. The day before Mother's day. A 17 year old boy. Recovering from a 3 week stint battling Mononucleosis - the kissing disease.
I had been so tired. Sleeping 18+ hours a day - only having the strength to make it to the bathroom, eat and go to the Doctor's office for check-ups. After any of these activities, I'd head straight back to bed to sleep. But, I was passed done being on the mend. Due to go back to school the Monday to come - May 10th. I didn't make it.
If you're wondering, no, I didn't kiss anyone. Little to my knowledge, I shared a 7UP with a girl who had had mono many weeks prior, but she, evidently, was still contagious. How was I supposed to know?
As mentioned, Saturday, May 8th, I was feeling back to my normal self. Full of energy, full of life - a social butterfly eager to get out, mingle, get back to the routine of school, friends and being around people in social gatherings. My vibe.
We (my single parent mother and my only sibling, a sister) had plans to go out to my Grandma's house on Sunday, May 9th. My Grandma's was a common place where all of the aunts, uncles and cousins would gather to celebrate different celebratory happenings. On Sunday, it would be the celebration of the great day that is known as 'Mother's Day' - day to celebrate, not only all of the women who are literally the reason for our existence, but the one, the only, mother of mine.
Anyways, May 8th. Saturday. The eve of Mother's Day. My mom was out with friends that night. My best friend's mom worked shifts and unfortunately, had been called into work for a shift that would see her work Saturday night into Sunday morning, Mother's Day. As it was a night shift, shift, my friend would've essentially been alone on Mother's Day.
My family is the type of family that if we had met you once. 3 years ago. on the beach in passing, because your frisbee landed beside our towel, you were good enough as family. Knowing that my friend, Jon, was going to be alone on Mother's Day, I asked if he could join us for our own Mother's Day celebrations. The answer was obvious. Yes.
Neither Jon, nor I, drove yet. He was 16 and I was 17, same birth year, but opposite ends of the year. It was determined that if he was wanting to come to the Mother's Day celebrations, that he would need to come to my house Saturday afternoon on the bus, before they stopped their routes, so that he could make it to Grandma's in the morning. It was decided that he would stay the night on Saturday.
We were 2 teenage males. We didn't have a plan.
"Come over?" I asked.
"Sure." He replied.
"Wanna game?"
"Sounds good. What're we gonna eat?"
"Not sure. We'll figure something out."
My mom ended up buying some DIY oven pizzas and threw them in the freezer for us. "You guys are old enough to cook these yourselves. I'm going out and will be back later this evening. Bye, love you. Have fun!"
Very shortly thereafter, Jon got a message from some friends of ours that his sister was having a birthday party and that he was inviting some of his friends over too. Perfect. Trevor lived in the farm land on the outskirts of town. Fields, Fires and Friends - sounds like a good time.
I called my mom to let her know that we had been invited to Trevor's. He's a good kid - she was fine with it.
"Do you have a way there?" Mom asked.
"We are figuring that out now. I'll let you know the plan when we know more. K?"
"Please do."
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