#diznee family
Dex Dizznee
Dex makes handmade gifts for his siblings al the time, and when they got accepted into Foxfire he made them different fidgets and sensory tools based on their needs. Bex got a fidget ring, Lex got a wird handheld spinny thing, and Rex got the elf version of a Rubik's cube.
Eventually, Dex makes them contact rings as well, but instead of only panic switches they include other cues about wanting to talk, or that they're thinking of eachother. Dex wanted to make sure they didn't feel left behind whenever he had to leave them again.
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beurkivol · 2 years
Qui devrait mourir dans le tome 10 de gardiens des cités perdues, et pourquoi ? Partie 1 : Les jeunes
Selon moi...
Sophie : Etant la protagoniste, ça serait extrêmement intéressant. Une victoire remportée au prix de sa vie, un genre d'accomplissement, mais pitié pas un sacrifice pour keefe, ça gâcherais tout le time up. on pourrais voir les réactions de tout les personnages, que le sacrifice du colibri entrainerais à la victoire, avec un esprit de venger sophie et d'accomplir ce qu'elle avait commencé
Fitz : Eh bien maintenant qu'il s'est fait recaler par sophie et que le seul intéret des personnages de cette histoire sont leurs histoires sentimentales, sa seule utilité serait de mourir. Après s'être réconcilié avec tout le monde, sophie, et keefe, tourné la page, voir pourquoi pas se sacrifier pour son meilleur ami. Sans rancune keefe ! ça tournerais la page pour sophie, puisque Fitz lui avait montré la voix, avait toujours été à ses côtés pour le début, maintenant ç ouvrirait une page plus mature. Et voir l'effet de la mort d'un apparenté sur son apparentée, je dis WHY NOT !
Keefe : Je sais, je sais, maintenant qu'il est avec sophie, il a plus le droit de mourir, donc shannon osera jamais... et franchement, bah moi non plus.
Mais avouez que le faire se sacrifier pour empêcher l'accomplissement du projet de sa mère car il en représentait la clé, ça aurait une sacrée classe quand même !
Linh : Eh bien... Mis à part dévaster Tam quel serait l'effet exact de sa mort ? Bien sûr, pour tout le monde, ça serait une sacrée claque ! Peut être la voir mourir en protégeant un ogre voir ravagog tout entier ? Ou en sauvant lueur.
Tam : Mr frangette... Eh bah... En vrai nan, lui il est utile vivant, et sa mort aurait comme seul impact de faire partir lueur et de perdre toutee chance de contact avec les invisibles, entrainant ainsi une escalade de violence. Peut être que Keefe aurait un gros pincement de coeur en voyant son "meilleur ennemi" mourir comme ça ? Linh sombrerais dans la dépression sans aucun doute, et on aurait maybe droit à un rapprochement avec lueur puisqu'elles souffreraient toutes les deux de la perte de Tam. Sauf si bien sûr il décède à cause de lueur (sacrifice, erreur de sa part)
Lueur : nan pas d'intéret non plus, je dirais. à moins qu'elle soit tuée par un invisible et que ça fasse changer Trix de camp ?
Marella : Mouaaais... à vrai dire pas d'intérêt non plus. Même pas du tout. J'en vois genre aucun.
Maruca. : Vous allez rire, je lui trouve un intérêt ! eh oui ! Sa mort aurait d'inévitables répercussions sur wylie, qui ferait peut être porter le chapeau à sophie, entrainant une scission du cygne noir. Linh pourrait se rapprocher de lui pour le consoler, formant ainsi une réelle famille.
Wylie : Reverso. Là, ce serait Linh, maruca et bien sûr Prentice et Tiergan qui seraient effondrés. Peut être que l'esprit de tiergan se fissurerait à cause de sa culpabilité et que ce serait à Prentice de le sauver à son tour, qui sais ?
Dex : Nan plus. Lui, mis à part effondrer sophie puisque théoriquement c'est son meilleur ami (sauf qu'on a pas du tout l'impression dans les livres franchement...) bah je lui trouve aucun intéret à décéder.
Rex : Vous l'attendiez pas, hein ? Eh bien si ! Je veux le voir se sacrifier pour les cités perdues, prouvant ainsi la place des sans talents parmi les elfes ! Leur utilité ! Là ou ses frères et soeurs (Lex et bex j'entends, pas dex) avaient peur d'agir, lui se jeta au coeur de l'action et périt héroiquement.
Biana : Moooooouuaiiiis... elle m'inspire pas trop à vrai dire puisqu'elle a déjà eu son moment de gloire dans le t6 si je dis pas de bêtises dans la numérotation. Je la verrais plus tuer qu'être tuée.
Voilà c'était mon topo sur la jeune génération, si ça vous intéresse je ferais ptête un sur les vieux, les adultes, les darons, appellez ça comme vous voulez, si on atteint les 10 likes minimum
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okay, so i already said i don't like keefe, but i want to expand on the fact that him getting all these books of development and NOT developing is so annoying when amazing characters like linh, tam, biana, marella and fitz are all sidelined is so annoying.
his whole family drama was focused on in neverseen and then could have been drawn out in lodestar when he runs away, and then in flashback, we get the vackers, but in sooo much more depth because they're so intricate, and then we get more of the diznees because two chapters in book six was not enough and linh and tam talk about how they're dealing with all that happened in nightfall with their parents, and marella's storyline with her family is expanded.
but instead all this falls to the background and we get constant repetition of sophie worrying about keefe when all these characters have minor lines about all this every now and then.
like, stop focusing on him!!! give me fitz and biana explaining how it was to grow up in a family that expected perfection and always feeling like they were failing only to have their brother betray them all instead of just hinting at it every now and then and moving on, give me linh and tam working through the fact that they were abandoned by their parents and society for something out of their control and continue on from what started in nightfall, give me marella discussing the stress of how everyone views her family. even dex has been sidelined, the boy sophie calls her best friend, and his family are so tragic and interesting. why weren't they given more time to develop???
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Hear me out, Hear me out. This is quite a bit of a stretch, but what are theories for if not for stretching. Alden was faking his reaction to his son joining the Neverseen. Obviously, he had to pretend like he had no clue to avoid suspicion. If anything, he was mad that his son made it public knowledge that he was in the Neverseen, and paranoid that his son would reveal his involvement too. After all, with all of Alvar’s talk about the “Vacker Legacy”, maybe he was referring to more than we first thought.
*sits down*
You, anon, have too much power and understanding, and you should be feared. And now I'm going to be disappointed in canon, because this would be so much better. This whole idea puts a whole new kind of spin on the whole "Vacker Legacy" and... y'know...
And maybe they don't find out that Alden's a traitor at the end, in some dramatic reveal. Maybe they find it out through documents scattered around his office. Maybe they find it written down in Alvar's memory journals, as he tried to piece back his understanding of reality. Maybe Sophie shuts down when she finds out, doesn't tell anyone for weeks, until she breaks down in front of Fitz, tells him in a blur of anxiety and terror, hoping that Fitz isn't on his father's side. Maybe Fitz denies it for weeks. Maybe Biana sobs on Sophie's bed, but says, over and over, "I knew it. I knew it. I knew it was us." Maybe Dex grits his teeth and becomes the strong one in the friend group, he pulls himself in front of them, he never trusted the powerful, but he knows how much all of them are hurting. Maybe Keefe comes home to find his friends in complete disarray, but really, he's not surprised. After all. It all adds up now, doesn't it?
It does not end in a bang, it never will.
But this is the nails in the coffin, pressed gently through thick, dark wood. This will be the final blow to every child Keeper, that someone they trusted so innocently and completely could do this to them. That an adult, that so many of them depend on, has been constantly lying.
It does not end in a bang for them.
It ends in a whimper. Because all along he's been driving them apart, driving them away from the end, telling them not to worry, that the adults will take care of it.
But he never has. He's never wanted them to be safe. He never wanted them to be okay.
Alvar ran away to find himself, and instead he found his family's legacy, tainted in murder and fire and espionage.
And he's impressed. He wants it, he likes it, and he can pretend to keep on hating his father, and his father can pretend to keep on hating him, because maybe both of them still do. But at least they're united.
As families should be.
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prudencepaccard · 3 years
Rando lacks the energy to pick at those Diznee rankings much given your fair sounding criteria, except to note that yeah, some of Hercules' CG blending bits (mostly the hydra, which kills me 'cause I'm a monster addict) did not blend/age too well. As for the (much) more manageable Bluth material, I'm thinking American Tail 2 (the wild west one) & that 'All Dogs 2' sequel get a solid C, unless you were deliberately excluding sequels.
yes for some reason we didn't do sequels but I can't remember the reasoning, if there was any
oh yeah the hydra :( otoh the design and movement of the thing is amazing, that face and the extreme distortions it goes through. In general that's my favorite thing about the look of the film: Gerald Scarfe!!!!! it's incredible Disney was like "yeah sure let's have this British guy famous for making absolutely deranged images do the production design for our family-friendly $85 million movie"
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black swan sophie
i know this has been done so so so sooooo many times before but today i stumbled across my half-made edit of black swan agent! sophie and i was like "hmm! this isn't half bad." and then spent like hours reworking this and here we are... so yeah
i also wrote a quick little drabble-ish thing under the cut which you don't have to read but yk.. its there <3
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[id: 3 edits of a young blonde teenage girl. each edit has been edited to have a glitching effect. the first one covers the girl's eyes with a thick, black line. the text reads in all caps "black swan profile" in smaller font underneath, and crossed out reads "sophie elizabeth foster".
the second edit is warmer and titled "background info". covering the words is a huge, black confidential stamp. what you can see beyond the stamp is information listed out such as her abilities (telepath, polygot, inflictor, teleportation, enhancer), her family (birth mother: CEO Oralie, birth father: TOP SECRET, adoptive parents: grady and edaline ruewen, extended adoptive family: kesler and juline dizznee, dex "prattlebug" dizznee, rex dizznee, bex dizznee, lex diznee), and her status ("formerly exiled, now considered regent of the company").
the third edit is titled "status." it reads in all caps, in order: "name: moonlark", "level three loyalty (on probation)", "liabilities: volatile, curious, loyal to family", "training: unfinished", "target: "tam song" (which has been crossed out) with "linh song" underneath", "mission: "recruit" has been crossed out and "take her out" is in replacement." /end id]
and now for the little plot bunny that wouldn't leave my head till i wrote it down! under the cut!
to set the scene: its a modern au except they still have their abilities. no amazing creatures or councillors or anything but there are still empaths, telepaths, etc. etc and everyone still has their canon abilities!! okay... now enjoy!!
“moonlark. moonlark can you hear me?”
“loud and clear prattle bug.” sophie cant keep the small smirk off her face every time she says the name they chose as their undercover code name.
“boss said to report at his office you got a new job.”
sophie stills, briefly wondering if she heard correctly.
“that can’t be right. im in the middle of the recruiting process right now. i already have a job, prattle bug.”
radio silence. oh so now you decide to shut up? sophie huffs in annoyance.
“prattle bug?” she checks her earpiece.
“prattle bug?? prattle bug—c’mon pick up prattle bug....prattle bug?"
she doesn't hear a response.
"dex! pick up!”
she curses. guess she has to report back.
beep! beep! she clicks the button on her headpiece.
silveny, her trusted automobile roars to life and sophie smiles. she forgot how much she missed driving in the night with no one to disrupt her as she sped along the road.
she steps in and starts the car, rerouting her location and making sure her trail is covered.
"t-minus 10 minutes to headquarters" silveny’s GPS system calls out.
the loud automated voice breaks the silence of the night that sophie got accustomed to and serves as a reminder for what's awaiting her after this ride.
sophie sighs as she slams the gas pedal to make it there in 5.
“this has to some kind of joke. no. you’re kidding. haha very funny, you're hilarious. now tell me my actual mission.”
“i assure miss foster if i was kidding you would know.”
“this is crazy. i-i didn’t sign up for this.”
“you signed up for this when you chose to become an agent and protect your family from harm. now i repeat myself agent foster, have i made your mission clear?”
“this is. no. no i don’t understand. tell me again. ”
“you know of linh song, correct?"
of course i do. i did, after all, spend over a year trying to recruit her brother for the black swan.
forkle smoothly continues, ignoring her, as if she didn't project her thoughts into his head.
“change of plans," he clears his throat and looks straight at her.
“i want you to take her out instead.”
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stellarune · 4 years
yall ignored my elixir bfs ship the first time i talked about it so im bringing it back after unlocked where its canon that kesle and ewin would make great freinds.
i want elwin and kesler fluff. 
i want elwin and juline having tea and being bff bc wow their husband is so stupid sometimes
i want keefe getting the family he deserves (aka dadwin + the diznees, he deserves everything)
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dinosaurs-last-day · 5 years
Identity asks 3 and 18?
3: list your fandoms and one character from each that you identify with.
This is going to be a long list. I am going to list the fandom and put the character in parentheses. 
-Harry Potter (probably Ron Weasley)
-Lord of the Rings (Samwise Gamgee)
-Keeper of the Lost Cities (Either Dex Diznee or Tam Song)
-Fairy Tail (idk... Probably Natsu. I’m pretty chaotic.)
-My Hero Academia (Aizawa. My friend calls him drunk dad teacher dude...)
-RWBY (Anyone who knows me would say I am almost exactly like Jaune.)
-MCU (Either Spider-man or Loki. I relate a lot to both of them)
-Netflix’s Voltron (My family tells me that I am a lot like Lance)
-Netflix’s The Dragon Prince (Callum)
-Avatar: The Last Airbender (Sokka)
-Star Wars (Probably K2SO from Rouge One)
-Sanders Sides (Virgil)
And then a ton of other ones that I am forgetting and a bunch of bandoms.
18: what’s your patronus?
okay, so I have taken a test, and it says that my patronus is a fox.
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