#dmalfoy *
idiotlosingsanity · 3 months
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leaiorganas · 6 years
🥝 :)!
Hi!!! Oooh, let’s see..how about @katherinewaterstcn!!
send me  🥝 for blog recommendations
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mysticsrose · 7 years
hi!!! your blog is wonderful idk how I haven't been following you before :) 🌸 + movie rec: pride and prejudice (seriously, you're welcome in advance - also the cinematography is amazing)
aw thank you so much!!  💖 and thanks for the rec, i’ve been meaning to watch it and read the book for some time
blograte under the cut  ♡
url: i don’t get it, but it’s amazing! | i love it! | who did you kill? | emma swanicon: cute | i love it  | amazing | absolutely stunning | sara lancemobile theme: cute | i love it  | amazing | absolutely stunning | poe damerontheme: cute | i love it  | amazing | absolutely stunning | daisy johnsonposts: great | amazing | um, WOW?! | rose tylercreations: great | amazing | you are SO talented?! | stefan salvatoreoverall: amazing | stunning | absolutely incredible | lorna danefollowing: no, but i love you | i am now | of course | forever and always!!!
+compliment: your theme is gorgeous and i really love your posts ♡
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swanemma · 7 years
Omg please link me your edit?!!?!! that's amazing!
i just reblogged it and added her ig caption!!!
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notfrayclary · 7 years
this is definitely not relevant but tokyo ghoul or no. 6 is good. haha
yeah i’ve seen both of these tbh but i might as well rewatch them. thanks for the suggestions tho :)
pls recommend me some anime like this kind soul pls
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skywailer · 7 years
✉️ + some random facts! i love cats, but if i had to say my spirit animal i personally believe its a wolf. i love hayley kiyoko and halsey. my fav color is like a blue-grey. im a chaotic mess, but sometimes when i'm stressed my messiness stresses me out more. so then i clean lmao. i love reading!!! (i pretend im low-maintenance but im pretty sure im actually high-maintenance haha oops) im a foodie, and an art lover. hmm, my mbti is infp if you care haha.. oh, pls message me things about you!! :)
Ah will do!!!  I am in love with these facts, especially the chaotic mess because I can 200% relate.  And the mbti helps, though I’ve stalked your blog well enough, I think.  I hope.  Here ya go!
Wanna know what your first year at Hogwarts looks like through caffeinated eyes?
how you got your Hogwarts acceptance letter: you were at home, and you knew exactly when and what was coming when the owl came a’knocking, but you were in the middle of writing and couldn’t be bothered to get up (you were actually a little nervous and excited, but really trying to play it cool).  You thought it would do what normally is done, and you’d find the letter delivered to your parents downstairs, but nope.  Owl was as stubborn as you were,  and scratched at the window with its talons- and the noise was horrendous, so you finally got up, surrendered all chill and ran to the window to get that dang letter.  Your parents were already at your bedroom door long before the owl even showed up, because they too knew what and when it was coming, also have no chill, and there was a FEAST prepared downstairs with your name all over it.  Almost literally?
head canons about your trip on the Hogwarts Express: you are pretty sure you’ve overpacked but it’s Too Late now.  Besides, you’re one of the first to get to the train, because you already know it gets hella packed and you’re not about to get squished between everyone and literally their mothers.  After packing in your things, you get first dibs on a cabin and you literally splay your legs and some things over the seat to lay claim to it.  Since you’re ridiculously early, you take to writing about the train: the smell of it, the sound of the steam and the rumble under you, and the anticipation of a new chapter in your life (one you knew was coming, but are excited for all the same.  And you’re kind of relieved to get away from the family).  When the train starts to fill up, your cat stiffens like a board with your own anxiety about people walking into your space and for a while it remains empty.  To your relief.  But then this girl walks by with an armful of candy and suddenly you’re not exactly in the mood to be alone.  She walks in, something sour and chewy in mouth, and asks: are these seats taken?  and you’re very quick to say “nope”, because 1) you want to know if the candy cart is nearby and 2) you’re kind of hoping she’ll give you some because obviously she has way more than needed.  After a bit of talking, you end up finally sneaking a few things away from her, but then realize you got Trapped because now you guys are really talking, and she seems cool.  The nail is in the coffin when she asks what you were writing, and you guys have been friends ever since.
what happened when you went head-to-head hat with the sorting hat: you were a little worried you might trip on your way up to the hat, but you worried for nothing.  You appeared to the rest of the world pretty confident of yourself as you sat down and the sorting hat was plopped upon your head.  But your head is a bit of a wreck, since you come from a mixed family and don’t really know where you’ll be placed.  Your mom is rooting for Slytherin, your dad for Ravenclaw, and you could do with either, really.  You’ve already found out the friend from the train is a Gryffindor, so maybe Slytherin would be a bad idea, but really who cares?  Then the hat calls out, just as confidently as you’d walked up: “Slytherin!”  It’s settled then, and the cheers coming from the Slytherin table just feel right. 
who’s your squad: you tend to keep to yourself because some people in your house are just sly as hell… but if you had to hang with anybody, it would be Ginny Weasley and Cho Chang.  Ginny, because she’s got spunk and is a fighter, and Cho because she’s relaxed and can lounge on the grass with you reading quietly; you cheer them on during Quidditch matches, and have to sport the awkward smile when people from Slytherin eye you during house matches against Ravenclaw or Gryffindor.  Your friend from the cabin is obviously another one of your pals, and sometimes you talk to Ron over your shared love of food (only when he isn't being obnoxious, and later during trips to Hogsmeade).  Luna is a bit much for you, but she’s fun to talk to about astrology and gives you inspiration to write.  And you have plenty of mates in Slytherin, people you can trust and who know the way to your heart is through food and books. You're known to hang out with the Greengrass sisters. 
general first-year shenanigans you were up to while Harry was being Harry: 
the Great Hall is your favorite place if only because of the blessed food that arrives there, bless.
you almost made a scene when someone took a piece of food off your plate during dinner, but instead you glared at them, heavily, throughout the rest of the evening- plotting sweet revenge.  Revenge you have yet to act on, because it would be awfully messy if someone reported you and you’re doing good in school, but eventually, soon…
you spend a good amount of your free time roaming the halls, looking at the different portraits.  Sometimes, you compliment them and they have taken to liking you, and some of the portraits actually make for good conversation.  Others would rather you didn’t stare so much.
it's only your first year but you're an ambitious little one so you've petitioned Snape for an in-house poetry reading club and have sent a letter or two to Dumbledore determining that the literary atmosphere of Hogwarts is "wanting" and there should be some creative writing clubs or afterschool activities.
the chamber of secrets opens during your first year, but you’re a pureblood and a Slytherin so really your only reaction to the blood on the wall is: poetic. Though, the handwriting seems familiar…
When Ginny starts drifting off and stops talking to you, you take to cleaning and re-cleaning your dorm room, and eventually come to the wrong conclusion that she doesn’t want to be your friend anymore.  Your friendships within the Slytherin household become hella strong, and even though Cho tries to gauge out what’s wrong with you, you don’t say much.
Though Professor Trelawney is a bit much, you want to take her class because the material is food for your pen.  She says something odd one day about Ginny, and suddenly you’re thinking a little more about the writing on the wall.
When Ginny comes out from the chamber of secrets, you’re one of the first in the infirmary to see her, and you also give her a good right scolding for not saying squat to you about that book.
But you also grill her big time about the Basilisk, what it looked like, and everything Tom Riddle, because it’s just so brilliant?  Ginny almost dying excluded, of course.
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pugfaced · 7 years
dmalfoi replied to your post: dmalfoi replied to your post: ...
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tom--22--felton · 4 years
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📷: @t22felton DMalfoy ‘02 📷 @josh_herdman_official #tomfelton https://www.instagram.com/p/CF6Ce-qg5vw/?igshid=1o9cozndwd5as
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rodgersteves · 5 years
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Happy New Year everyone! I want to say thank you to all of my lovely followers and give a special shout out to my mutuals. Hope there will be more of you next year ;)
@1940sbuckybarnes @agentdjohnson @astralpcrker @audreyhornre @averyboleyn @bakerstreetvegeta @bbypeter @beamingatyourimage @bi-bibucky @bifrostes @blackwid0vv @bringmethxnos @brklynrogers @bucknasty-buchanan @bucknsteves @buckyos @buckysbooo @buckywilsonbarnes @burningblake @bvcky-b @bxrnes @caiptainamerca @captainfrisbees @chrisevnans @consultinglawstudent1195 @din-ddjarin @dmalfoy @donottrusthim @eddiehalf @eldritchbabe @flashandtheholograms @floweryagb @freezerbucky @gryphonqueen @halcyonrogers @hiyabucky @hot-multifandom-mess @jaimelainnister @jbuckbrnes @jessicarol @lalalalovely @leilaorgana @lokiislowkeyhot @lordbellamys @midqueenally @mileystewart @myfairytal-e @nycwallcrawller @okoyesbabe @onetrueslayer @patroclos @pcrkerspider @peachshawn @peteparkrrs @peterpxrker @poeticbarnes @precious-parkerr @quiescentcastiel @rhodesjames @richardmadens @romanrgers @rosesmercury @serialseriesuniverse @sgtbookybarnes @sgtbuckiebarnes @softaizawa @softtbucky @spideymybabe @starringselena @stephensking @stilesslydia @suckitnerds @superholland @tardisbewitched @thatpunygoddess @tommeholland @wangsjoon @waywardwinterwolf @who-the-hell-is-sebastianstan @winterschild1982 @wondercanaries @vicberts @yeahbutmarvel
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idiotlosingsanity · 3 months
If you don't do me my father will hear about it!
Fine, if you wish. I will be expecting a sock (or like) as payment 😉
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kuweiyulbo · 5 years
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aaand here we are!! thank you sm to everyone who entered, this was sooo hard!! however!! i’m so incredibly grateful that so many talented people follow me, so from the bottom of my heart, thank you!! and now, without further ado, here are the winners of my first tumblr awards:
NEIL JOSTEN AWARD — best url winner: @dunyashas | runner-ups: @niylah, @longbottoms
ALINA STARKOV AWARD — best icon winner: @lcrdstannis | runner-ups: @andrewsminyards, @blackwidocw
DUNYASHA LAZAREVA AWARD — best theme winner: @ghezens | runner-ups: @dmalfoy, @cznerny
JUDE DUARTE AWARD — best mobile theme winner: @lahnister | runner-ups: @carawen, @rcbbstark
FRODO BAGGINS AWARD — best rising blogger winner: @fcrncody | runner-ups: @swanxlake, @astranautics 
DAENERYS TARGARYEN AWARD — best creations winner: @aryastavrk | runner-ups: @deanerys, @divinitywrites
PERCY JACKSON AWARD — nicest blogger winner: @carstairsjames | runner-ups: @hannenina, @celcbrimbor
HARRY POTTER AWARD — personal favourites winners: @aredhels, @marebarrow, @judecardans
and here’s a reminder of your prizes:
a follow from me (if not already)
a spot on my updates tab for a month
two screenshot promos upon request
two edits upon request (from my fandoms)
my eternal love and friendship <3
R U N N E R - U P S
a follow from me (if not already)
a spot on my updates tab for a month
one promo upon request
one edit upon request (from my fandoms)
my eternal love and friendship <3
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ohhgoddamn · 7 years
hey!! i dunno when you changed your theme but I really really like it :)
do u mean my desktop theme? cause ive got that one months ago 😅😅 the mobile theme is indeed new, though… in any case, thank u v much!!!! 💕💕💕💕
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madney · 7 years
hey I was bored so I stalked your page and I love love love your updates tab!! its sooo cool looking :)
omg awww!!! thank you so much, this is so so cute wow ty!! you’re amazing and ilu a lot 💕💕
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mariahill · 7 years
Once you get this you have to say five things you like about yourself, publicly. then you have to send this to ten of your favourite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool~) 🌈🌈
1. uh my hair c:
2. my musicality!
3. how chill i can be in stressful situations
4. my friends :P
5. my fashion sense?
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pugfaced · 7 years
dmalfoi replied to your post: my other option is playing da:i with my HoF purely...
do you have time to talk about our cheese lord and hair obsessed savior, Alistair Theirin?
i absolutely do let me start us off with saying i refuse to acknowledge theirin as his last name bc it implies giving him the crown and that boy is forever a warden
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frodo-sam · 7 years
Once you get this you have to say five things you like about yourself, publicly. then you have to send this to ten of your favourite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool~) 🌈🌈
omg thank you so so much! ♥ okay I’m going to try
I like to study, and I like this on me
I like my smile
I like how determinated I think I am
I like how focused I usually am
I like my organization
ps: your url is so perfect! :O 
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