#dnd sune
monmatch · 1 year
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I wasn't happy with the cover so I redid it. Please appreciate the effort of the boxes, I haven't drawn so many since college lol
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somelazyassartist · 4 months
Some assorted doodles I did of Hallows from session 2 of the Infinite Dungeon campaign, currently working on some session 3 doodles lol. There WILL be more bc we are hopefully having session 4 tomorrow and I am very very very very excited bc last time was SO much fun!!! (Also not sure how comfy my other party members are with me posting their characters so I'm sticking with the Hallows only ones for now just in case lol!!)
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lailanihan · 4 months
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sometimes you just gotta make a tiefling that changes colors with her mood like a mood ring
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werewolfsister · 9 months
Forgotten Realms— Clerics
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So 4 clerics walk into a bar
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coffeewithacold · 5 months
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Nytha is my little girl with big problems, and Barovia's atmosphere is not helping her. Her conflict with Ismark had crippled her badly.
It was too many rogues in our group, so Nytha is full bard now. And her "my mom told me that i'm the pretty daughter, not clever"-problem is too strong now. And she's know that being pretty Is Not Enough Here. She Is Not Enough.
Also she's start using her real name, Maria Alexeyevna Crossman, and her initials in russian are М.А.К., which are consonant with the word poppy (мак)
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princefleabitten · 7 months
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💕✨The Warriors of Love✨💕
are here to save your sweetheart (and the underdark)
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Happy Valentine’s Day!
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suszi-art · 1 year
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Knight of Flowers
Raphael Bastien Pendragon is a paladin of Sune but after tragic battle he was charmed into a garden statue and frozen like that for 20 years long. A dnd character portrait commission. you can find me on insta too!
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clericofsune · 2 years
Piety Boons for DnD 5e: Sune
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Sune is the Faerunian Goddess of love, beauty, and passion. She holds sway over the whims and desires of mortals, driving them to love, crave, and create. Her highest ranking priests and priestesses are known as Heartwarders. The Order of the Red Rose is her faith militant, which safeguard the temples and clergymen devoted to her. Though her primary sphere is love and beauty, she is also the patron of all artists and craftsmen, blessing them with skilled hands and wondrous imagination. In this way, she ensures that life is beautiful in all ways, and she pities any who would deny themselves of their passions out of fear or shame. Her two primary Exarchs are Liira, the goddess of Joy, and Sharess, the goddess of cats.
Her alignment is Chaotic Good. Sune values above all else freedom. Freedom to be, do, explore, and create whatever one pleases, and follow where their heart leads them. Even clerics devoted to the goddess are known to step away from the church to pursue other desires without ever incurring the goddess’ wrath. As the goddess of beauty, Sune abhors all things which mock and tarnish the beauty and pleasure that is a mortal existence. Fiends, undead, and anything rotted, diseased, or mutilated disgusts her. However, her anger can be misguided, such as her displeasure for scars and physical imperfections, which can cause her to come off as superficial and judgmental.
Seek out and enjoy life’s pleasures and revel in your passions
Follow your heart wherever it may guide you
Compose or commission works of art
Impart knowledge of fashion, art, cosmetics, and etiquette to others
Destroy anything which tarnishes the beauty of this world or its people
Destroy armies which threaten the stability of the world
Restore and beautify damaged structures, landscapes, and communities
Bring lovers together, or help lovers overcome social obstacles to love
Build or restore a temple to Sune
Deny yourself your passions out of fear or shame
Practice necromancy and other unholy arts
Tarnish the beauty of the world or the creatures within it
Willfully upset the balance of the world for personal gain
Willfully tarnish your outer appearance, especially through necromancy
Consort with Baalzebul, Ssendam, Evil Gods, other fiends, or undead
Condemn the love, relationships, and passions of others
Tear lovers apart, stand in the way of love, or deride the value of love
Destroy or desecrate a temple to Sune
3+ = You can cast Charm Person or Color Spray (choose only 1) 10+ = You can cast Hypnotic Pattern. 25+ = Friendly creatures within 30 feet gain +2 to their AC as well as their INT, WIS, and CHA saving throws. This includes you. 50 + = Increase your CHA or WIS by 2 and increase your max for that score by 2
Far Traveler
Guild Artisan
College of Creation
College of Eloquence
College of Glamour
College of Valour
Conclave of the Fey Wanderer
Oath of the Ancients
Oath of the Crown
Oath of Devotion
Swashbuckler Rogue
Archfey Patron
Celestial Patron
School of Enchantment
Divine Soul Origin
A ritualistic morning bath in scented water is preferred, though if water or perfumes are scarce, a ritualistic washing of the hands can suffice.
Sunites that wish to commune with their goddess must stand in water and look into a mirror or reflective surface lit by natural light or candle light.
The Feast of Love is held every Tenday. Dine on exquisite delicacies, whether exuberant or humble as time and availability allows. Even just stopping to savor a pastry or a slice of cheese can suffice in the wilderness.
The Grand Revel is hosted once per month from dawn to dusk, with Sunites displaying artwork of great beauty, donning elaborate costume and hairstyle, performing beautiful works of music, dance, or recitation, or engaging in pageantry and showmanship. This event is open to the public.
On Greengrass, the first day of Spring, Sunites take their jubilations outdoors to engage in picnics, romantic strolls, amorous dalliances, playful chases, and public performances to celebrate the rebirth and liveliness of spring.
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babybatscreationss · 3 months
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Here he is The subject of a lot of my art recently. one of my oldest characters I have recently updated the design for and finally made him an official reference. I will slowly upload more I suppose. For those who like dungeon and dragons: He is a Cleric of Sune. A tiefling with the base of a half goblin, half tabaxi. He currently works in a temple of Sune in a large city!
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amethystsoda · 1 year
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yeah I want to be her (and kiss her)
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birbykirb · 1 year
Here’s one of the last oc revisions I’ve been able 2 do before all that mess starts I can’t wait I’m so excited :3 I’m BirbyKirb_sauce on AF if you wanna go follow me or attack me on there ! !
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balduransbargainbin · 8 months
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Small moodboard for Chauntea!
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werewolfsister · 9 months
Forgotten Realms— Fashion
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Wish I knew the source, because a legit runway show with literal plate mail armor sounds like a Sune kind of thing haha!
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sauronpilled · 7 months
what i love about the avatar series is the reversal trope you mostly see on female characters. you got a beautiful vain cleric who abandon their belief because their god couldn't careless about them, and a femme fatale that descend to madness. guess where that trope ended up on? cyric and adon.
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heroofpenamstan · 2 years
the phoebus of the past had cherished the philosophy he had been born into. love is the greatest gift, beauty the highest quality. both of which the goddess sune could grant to those who would fall at her feet. he had loved the ponds filled with lotuses, the trees alive with blooms and birds. the applause of the other followers when his fingers would work his strings, voice dying with a song most sweet. he truly loved the temple, and its people, and the goddess who ruled over them.
that was true, and remained to be the case up until he was old enough to comprehend just why only he appeared to receive all of the gifts and blessings from the goddess; the most attention, affection. he had always been the most looked after, the one taught best. the temple’s pride and joy—groomed to perfection, educated in the arts, trained and shaped into a protector of sune’s worship. the first kiss had shocked him, fuelled him with a fire only a goddess could light within him, or any other being. it was not unpleasant—far from it—but unexpected. unwelcome.
TW: mentions of minor s.a. ! at the tender age of five and ten, he finds out his true intended purpose, and phoebus starts to question everything he’s ever known.
his role switches. he becomes no more than her pretty, mortal concubine, and is hailed among her followers. sune’s beloved, he’s called, and he feels more than sickened by it. the goddess’ pleasure turns to be his top ( unwanted ) priority, and the rest of the temple is overjoyed by the blessings the sated sune would bestow upon them; they had succeeded in providing her with the most beautiful sacrifice she had demanded of them. there’s no one fairer than lady firehair, he’s often been told, but that does not change the fact he still has to swallow down the repulsion when the goddess climbs into his lap, day after day, night after night. she grips at his golden curls, at his arms and at his face, all a product of careful breeding, and tells him he’s her perfect present.
months turn into years with little to no sign of sune’s interest flickering out. Quite the opposite—her hands claw into his mortal flesh with a possessive ferocity, her lips and tongue eating away at him, until he’s barely a shell of his former self. he doesn’t believe in her anymore, in love, nor beauty. sune’s awful vision of it has ruined everything he’s ever known, had faith in. her power rushes through his veins, golden and scalding, and he is deemed a demigod amongst men.
he hates it, and himself, and his life.
until fearoine joins the temple. she is the kindest, the most exquisite thing he’s ever laid eyes on, breathing life back into him bit by bit, glance by glance. the followers of sune aren’t a monogamous bunch, ironically, preferring to express their love and lust openly, shallowly switching partners once they bore of one another. thus phoebus allows himself to feel for another, to hope for a future with someone who does not scorch his skin with each and every touch.
and then fearoine is murdered, unsurprisingly, their affair discovered, and phoebus shuns all worship of any and all gods. he flees the temple without a second thought, and loses everything because of it—his family, his power, his abilities—but gains something he’s always wanted in turn. freedom. or so he thought.
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masterhallmark · 3 hours
Stop mixing them up
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