#dne show come back to me
i feel unwell watching this i miss dneshow so bad
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the-common-cowgirl · 7 months
Greater of Two Evils -Part 3
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Summary: When you’re unable to share your brother’s happiness, you end up in the hospital. All hope is lost when the greater of the two evils in your life comes to your “rescue.”
Rating: Explicit
Pairings: Aemond Targaryen/Reader
Warnings: DD;DNE, Modern AU, Non-Con/Dub-Con (heavier on non-con), Physical Violence to Reader (choking, manhandling), Mentions of injuries to reader, Feelings of hopelessness, Elitism, Forced Pregnancy, Forced Proximity, Breeding/Pregnancy Kink, Non-Consensual Arranged/Fabricated Relationship, Dom vibes, Rough/Painful sex, Unprotected sex
Word Count: 5K
A/N: Quick reminder that this is a dark fic! Reading dark fics in a modern setting can feel more real so please, read the warnings carefully before reading further!
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A week passed with no so little as a text from Aemond. With your current condition, you weren’t sure if the silence on his end was a good thing or not. Sure, you looked up other options. A way out. A way to terminate the pregnancy… but then Aemond’s words loomed over you like a dark cloud. Coming back to you all at once, the second you even thought about escaping him.
“-your entire family and most of all, your brother is ruined. I have my finger on the trigger right now.”
What could you do? What should you do? Aemond hadn’t contacted you in over a week. Maybe he just wanted to scare you and leave? Forget about you. Oh Gods, you hoped he had forgotten about you.
Your brother nearly pranced into the kitchen, opening the fridge to grab a drink. From your  vantage point on the couch, he looked happy, giddy. You tried to hide further behind your laptop, pretending to be busy with the schoolwork you should be doing and not stressing over anything. 
Don’t give him a reason to be suspicious of you.
“Hey! Wanna hear some great news?” He interrupted your act at homework.
You sighed and shut your laptop on your lap, looking up to your brother with thinly veiled disdain. “Sure.”
If he noticed your discontent, he did not speak on it. “That trade deal, last week, remember? I was trying to get through parliament? It passed!” He smiled widely toward you, as if that was a reason you should be ecstatic too.
Your lips formed a crooked smile, trying to hide the fact that you did not care nor did you see the reason you should. “Huh, that’s great.” Then you remembered, a week expired memory of Aemond telling you that he blocked the trade deal flashed in your memory and your blood ran cold. 
Why did it pass? What did he want now? Was I wishfully thinking this was over?
Your brother’s smile faltered, “Shouldn’t you be excited? That’s a win for us.”
He snapped you out of your spiraling dread. “Us?” You looked up to your brother, slight anger rising in your heart though you were too afraid to show it.
He nodded, moving closer to you, towering over you on the couch. “Look at what I’m doing for this family. Be grateful for my sacrifices. Do you know how many nights I stayed up past midnight trying to speak to my connections in parliament to get the trade deal to pass? Do you know what this means for us? For me?”
He speaks of sacrifices as if he was the sacrificial lamb I am.
You narrowed your eyes up at him, feeling emboldened by the anger bubbling up inside you. Your brother had no clue what it was like to sacrifice…anything. So he lost sleep? So what. You lost your sense of self, your dignity, your freedom. And again, all he lost was sleep.
“Honestly, I don’t care what a trade deal means for you. I don’t care how it’ll boost your standing in the company.” Your brother looked shocked at your words, you continued to glare up at him. “Because you don’t give a shit about me. I lost all respect for you when I realized you had none for me.”
Your brother stuttered, looking shocked. “I’ve given you everything. I love you.”
You scoffed, shaking your head. “You have a fucked up way of showing it-”
Before you could realize what had happened, your brother grabbed your wrist and painfully jerked you up to your feet, although, you were not prepared to stand and lost your footing once he let you go, falling to the group, hitting your head on the glass coffee table and shattering it underneath you. Your laptop that was on your lap fell amidst the shuffle and your weight landed on the top of it. 
Once you realized what happened, you felt blood trickling down your head, wrist, forearm. Your brother paid no attention, leaning over you, so close to your face as he spat angrily, “You are nothing without me.” He grabbed the already bruising wrist and jerked your body closer, scraping along the glass. “No one in this family is anything without me. Never forget that.” His voice was low, possessive, demonic. He shoved your wrist away and walked from the scene he had caused. 
You were left in the living room, trying to make sense of what happened and what you should do. You looked at the wrist he had grabbed, now turning purple and swollen. You felt the blood falling from your head to the white, fur rug that was underneath the shattered coffee table’s frame. You went through the motions numbly, standing up, grabbing your phone, laptop, walking into your bedroom and grabbing your wallet, stuffing those three belongings in your school bag and walked out the door. 
You knew you needed to seek medical attention, feeling the faint sting of your wrist breaking the absolute numbness you felt, and alongside that stinging, you began to feel dizzy. You called an Uber, thankful the driver didn’t ask questions or speak as you stared ahead after directing him to Sunspear Foundation Hospital. You only answered the questions they needed to know, the nurses, remaining quiet when three nurses came in and asked you if you were in a domestic abuse situation, asking if you knew you were pregnant from the mandatory pregnancy test you had to take upon arrival. When the social worker came in, she asked if you were safe at home.
Were you? No. Did you tell them the truth? No.
A nurse knocked on the door, the sting in your wrist still painful as you were denied all pain killers due to your condition, instead, you moved to sit up, using the non-swollen wrist. “Come in,” you said meekly.
She stepped in, just barely, trepidation in her proximity. “Uh miss? I have a visitor here for you-”
You furrowed your brows at her, wondering who would even know you’re here-
Aemond appeared from behind the nurse and moved to thank her before shutting the door to your room and looking down at your bandaged self lying in a hospital gown. His remaining eye was hard to read, he was hard to read. He set you on edge and given what had just happened, you knew the monitor connected to your finger sensed your pulse quicken. 
He glanced up to the rising numbers and decided then, to sit down next to you. Eye raking over your bandages without even a hint to what he was thinking, feeling. Being near him set you on edge. And the question you didn’t need answering popped in your mind.
How did he know I was here.
In theory, you knew. You knew he was well connected. You knew he had eyes on you. You knew that he always knew what you were up to. But here? Even at a hospital you couldn’t escape his eye.
“Who did this to you?” His voice was even, cold, deep. It terrified you.
“Um-” You began, for some reason wanting to protect your brother. It was unfortunately second-nature for you at this point.
“Don’t fucking ‘um’ me. Was it that wastrel you consider a sibling?” His voice was no longer even, it had an edge to it. It reminded you of the movies, when the man who loved the woman saw her hurt and was ready to kill for her given the word. It would have been romantic….if it wasn’t Aemond. 
“Yeah,” you croaked, moving your uninjured hand to your bandaged wrist to play with the bindings. “He- He didn’t mean-”
“I don’t fucking care if he meant to or not, you’re not allowed there again.” 
You looked at him, truly looked at him for the first time in a week. He was still in his suit. It looked like he had just come out of a parliament session. His hair was pulled into a low ponytail behind his head, only a few strands had been pulled out. His tie looked like it had been previously tight, now loose. He looked like he was slightly disheveled, not a usual look for him.
Did he drive all the way from King’s Landing once he found out I was in the hospital? Did he care about me? Was he worried?
You shook those ideas from your head as quickly as they came. Aemond was not a man to care about anything.
He’s worse than your brother. He’s another shark. You’re just another small fish in his pond.
“Do you hear me?” His voice cut through your thoughts, you hadn’t realized he had been talking. Blame it on blood loss or sleep deprivation at this point. Blame your attention span and your wild thoughts on both please. Blame both on anything but a sound mind. “You’re staying at my flat in Dorne until the wedding.”
You furrowed your brows, “No I’m not. I’m going home.” Blame your boldness on both too. Your heart sank as you realized what you had said, now growing anxious at the reparations you would pay for speaking back.
His eye remained neutral. “I’m not letting you go back there. Not after what he did to you.”
Why do you even care?
“Besides, It’ll give me more time to see you-” He tried to reach his hand up to grasp your uninjured one but there was another knock at the door. You told whomever it was to come in and Aemond’s embrace left your hand thankful as the doctor stepped into the room. She explained you had a sprained wrist, along with other minor cuts that would heal hopefully without scars thankfully to her using medical glue instead of stitches.
Finally, she smiled at the two of you as if you were a happy couple, giddy with joy at the prospect of a child. Maybe Aemond was…. But she told you that she went ahead and scheduled your follow up with a midwife in three days from now. “I know it’s a bit early for you to see them, but given the events of today, I’d like you to get started on your appointments with the prenatal care providers to ensure that both you and baby,” she pointed to your flat stomach underneath the hospital gown, it made you want to hurl, “are alright.”
She stood and shook your uninjured hand, then Aemond’s as he thanked her happily. She informed you both that the discharge nurse would be around quickly and you could leave then get some “much needed rest.” Dread pooled in your stomach as you realized you wouldn’t be able to rest where you were going, into the jowls of the beast.
The discharge nurse was quick, Aemond was quicker to help you out of your hospital gown (thankfully not bare to him as you kept your underwear and bra on), and he diligently, like an obedient and sweet partner, led you through the hospital, out into the warm night to where his black sports car sat parked. Even like a gentleman, he opened the door for you to sit. His engine roared to life, you glanced into the backseat, remembering the position he had you in a week ago on that leather fabric. 
On top, pretending I was in charge, much like right now. Though, I’m never in charge right? It’s only the facade.
His flat was fifteen or so minutes from the hospital, maybe five from your brother's. It was big and spacious, much like your brother’s expensive flat. But where your brother had the flat furnished bright and modern, Aemond had his furnished dark, old academia style. It screamed “Old Money” and you nearly laughed at how drastically different Aemond and your brother were while also sharing a single central attribute; they were both terrible people.
“You are sleeping in here tonight,” Aemond walked through a doorway to a bedroom, assuming you would follow… and you did. You looked around the dark bedroom, a King sized bed in the middle topped with dark coverings. There was a bathroom and walk-in closet off of it. It was a master suite. It was Aemond’s room. He deposited your school bag beside the bed. “I see you didn’t bring anything but a broken laptop and your wallet. You’ll need clothes.”
You fidgeted with your clothes you had on now. They were comfortable, you could sleep in them but Aemond walked into the closet, turning on the light and stifled through his clothes. You knew he wasn’t going to give you space. He’d force you to sleep in the same bed with him in his own clothes. He owned you. He knew you were too scared to say one simple word: ‘no.’ 
He walked out of the closet with a large T-shirt. It had a band’s name on it. “Here,” he offered and you took it. 
That was it… a t-shirt.
“In the morning, we can order you more clothes for here but for now, you can sleep in this.”
“Clothes for here.” He’s serious about me staying.
A chill ran up your spine, uneasiness rose in your throat.
Just for tonight, you told yourself. He can’t hold me captive. 
You looked over at Aemond who disappeared into the bathroom. From your vantage point, you could see him stripping his fine clothes in the wall length mirror and folding his clothes and setting them atop the hamper. You thanked the Gods he kept his dark boxers on.
Or can he? Fuck. What will he do if I don’t stay?
The word stay echoed in your mind, remembering the time in your childhood where you were teaching your Northern Riverlands Waterdog to stay. He was one, you were nine. He’s dead now… he stayed, obediently; as you commanded… in the Riverlands until his death. Was that your fate with Aemond? Pliant? Agreeable? Quiet? Like an obedient hound?
As Aemond emerged back into the bedroom, towering over you, you gulped your fear down and the truth of it all came bubbling up.
If I don’t change, if I dont stick up for myself… that answer is yes. 
“Are you going to change?” Aemond asked, breaking you from your haze. You looked up to him, briefly wondering if he heard your thoughts until you remembered the t-shirt you were grasping for dear life in your uninjured hand. 
“Uh…yeah.” You stepped past him, making your way to the bathroom. You shut the door behind you, breathing a sigh of relief that Aemond allowed you to have privacy to change. You pulled your shirt off as quickly as you could with a sprained wrist, wincing slightly as the soft fabric of your shirt drug along some of the wounds that were bandaged. Your shorts came off easier. You kept your underwear and bra on and managed to get into his shirt. The shirt was large, you swam in it, however, it barely reached past your bottom and anxiety crept up your neck as you realized  how much skin you were going to bare to his prying eye. 
Slowly unlocking the door and stepping out of the bathroom, Aemond was already sitting in the bed, his legs hidden underneath the dark covers as his back rested against the headboard. He looked over to you, eye raking up and down your body as you stared ahead to the place next to him where he intended you to sleep. Your words to yourself came flooding back into your mind.
If I don’t change, nothing will.
“I don’t feel comfortable sleeping in your bed tonight.” You mustered up all the courage you could possess, forcing yourself to make eye contact with him. He only scoffed and threw the coverings over his legs off. Standing up and striding toward you like a predator and you, prey. You felt the urge to cower given the happenings of today but you fought the urge. Before you knew what was happening though, Aemond grabbed around your waist, hoisting you over his shoulder. You kicked against his stomach to no avail, tried hitting his back until you remembered your wrist was sprained and sharp jolts of pain shot up your arm. You croaked in pain, trying to grab your wrist instinctively but before you could grasp it, Aemond threw you into the soft plushness of the bed: where he intended you to sleep. 
He moved to hover over you but you kicked up at him angrily. He dodged your foot, grabbing it mid-kick and gripped your ankle tightly, mirroring your brother several hours ago, yet not as harsh. He glared down at you, and you up at him. Emboldened by your fear, fueled by courage you were forcing. You wanted to spit in his face; you had half a mind to do it. Aemond glanced down, an idea flashing across his features and before you could act to defend yourself he reached down and ripped your lacy bikini bottom underwear from your core, exposing you now that the shirt was bunched up around your waist. He let go of your leg and stepped two paces backward, eye still drawn on you as he held your torn underwear in one hand. “Consider that your punishment for thinking, even for a second, I’d let you out of my sight.” Making you sleep without underwear as a punishment; what did that mean for you?
You scoffed and pulled the dark comforter over your lower half to cover yourself and Aemond started walking around the bed toward his side. “Seems like an easy thing to do considering you’re lacking half,” you mumble as you turn on your side, back to Aemond and pull the covers all the way to your neck.
“What did you say?”
Your blood runs cold, you hadn’t realized he had heard your snark but he did…and his tone was dangerous.
You feel the bed dip a split second before you feel his hand roughly grab your shoulder to pull you onto your back and face him. All your courage and anger wiped from you as you stare up, wide-eyed at his expression; one akin to hatred. 
“What. Did. You. Just. Say.” He grits out between clenched teeth. You think momentarily that he might slap or punch you as a hand behind his head slowly raises but that notion in your head dissipates as the hand closes around your neck; constricting oxygen and blood flow. You reach up to remove his hand with your injured and uninjured hands, clawing at him but he does not move. Your head starts becoming light. 
“I was going to be a gentleman tonight, give you the rest you so deserve… but it seems you’re in need of a lesson.”
You can barely register the words as your vision starts to become blurry. Just as you’re certain you’re about to pass out, Aemond releases your throat. You cough, sputtering up and drooling as your eyes glaze over in tears. You run a hand along your throat and the skin is painful to the touch. You’re unaware of Aemond as you try to recover your body from the blood and oxygen loss to your brain. You feel dizzy still, the feeling is not ebbing. Absent-mindedly, you try to sit up in search of a deeper breath and Aemond takes advantage of your upright position to rip his shirt off you, unclasping your bra and throwing it behind him, into the void of the room. 
You feel his hands on your breasts and realize he’s still kneeling on the bed in front of you, slotted between your legs covered by the comforter still. You move to push his hands away from you but he grabs your wrists in one hand and pushes you against the bed. 
“Be a good girl and take your punishment willingly. I might even give you some rest tonight if you’re good.” His fiery breath is on the shell of your ear and your eyes are screwed shut in pain as his grip on your sprained wrist sends jolts of torture through your body. You squeal hoarsely at it and he takes notice, releasing your wrists. “Keep your wrists above your head and that won’t happen again.” You nod without hesitation, thankful for the pain to begin to fade. 
Aemond’s hand engulfs your right breast. You feel him kneading it in his large palm, then flicking his tongue against your nipple until it stiffens to a peak. His tongue is nice, soft and warm. Maybe if you thought about that, softness, you’d enjoy it - what’s to come. He moves to the other breast, repeating the action until both of your breasts appear to his liking. He sits back, marveling at your bare chest. “Open your eyes.”
You can’t do it, can’t obey. Your eyes remain screwed shut.
You hear him scoff, most likely rolling his eye as you feel him move just beneath the covers to the apex of your thighs and slapping you harshly on your bare center. You whimper and give in, opening your eyes. He’s clad only in his boxers, just as he was before he choked you but for some reason, seeing Aemond towering over you in only his boxers makes fear gnaw on your nerves. You look up from the tent in his boxers to his face. His remaining pupil is black now; he looks like a demon, here to steal your soul.
“I am going to fuck you,” he says simply, slipping out of his boxers and discharding them beside the bed. “You’re going to thank me for servicing you so well, understood?” You look down to the ruddy tip, leaking of precum, straining hard against his own skin; like a caged beast.
“Understood?” His tone was one of a teacher or a parent after scolding a child. You looked up to him and nodded; unsure if you didn’t want it at all or wanted him to shove that glorious cock into you. 
No, no you definitely don’t want that. 
“You’ll also thank me for giving you my lineage.” He moved the comforter from your lower half, exposing your entire body to him. “Not every woman gets to carry a Targaryen in their womb. You should be honored.” He slotted himself between your legs, bending them at the knee and spitting down to your core. This would have been a hot, passionate coupling if he hadn’t been Aemond and if he hadn’t just said what he did. 
You pushed the back of your head deeper into the pillows, wanting to escape this hellscape as you slowly came to your senses. Everything came back to that fucking thing.
He ran the rigid edges of his cock along your pussy, up to your clit. It sent sparks along your belly but died before they could ignite anywhere else. Your fire was burnt out, any semblance of arousal died the second he reminded you that he put his semen inside of you and that it unfortunately took root. 
His aching cock caught along your entrance and he pushed against your rejecting walls. You knew he was well endowed, the biggest you’d ever taken, but gods, you hadn’t realized just how large his cock was until you didn’t want it. Maybe the fact your walls tried to push him out made him seem larger than he was but you nearly screamed when the head of him pressed harshly against the wall of your cervix. 
“Fuck,” he muttered, pulling out slightly, only to push into your refusing cunt again. You whimpered against his second push. His body fell to encompass your own, burying his head into the skin of your neck, breathing his flames against your artery. 
“You should really give in to me. It’ll make it a lot easier for you-”
“Why,” you bit out against his ear without much breath, “you’re going to fuck me anyways. Why do you care?”
Aemond raised, just enough for you to see his smirk and eye over your pained expression. “You’re absolutely right.”
His hips snapped harshly against you, stealing the breath from your lungs. You felt cramping begin in your abdomen from how harshly he had begun to take you. “Gentle-” you pleaded as you screwed your eyes shut and pushed his chest with your uninjured hand. “Please.”
You heard him huff above you, “Why? Like you said, I’m going to fuck you anyway. Why should I be gentle for you when this,” He accentuated that word with a thrust that made your whole body freeze in pain. Your muscles when taut and he half-moaned. “This is what I want. How I need it. How I like it.”
You pushed harder against the smooth, solid planes of his chest, “I- I’m carrying your child-” It was the first time you said it out loud, first time you admitted to yourself the truth you couldn’t bear. Now, more than ever, felt like a great time to make it an excuse. “Please- be gentle with me.” 
Your voice was so small, cracked with emotion as tears began to form in your scrunched waterline… but it got the message across.
Aemond stopped completely, still nestled inside of you. He felt your walls ease as he ran a hand up the curves of your body, stopping with his hand cradled along your ribcage. Your eyes softened until you felt the urge to look up at him through your tears. His expression was soft, contemplating over your nude figure.
He leaned down, taking your breast in his mouth, groping at the base near your sternum gently. You felt another hand more to your clit, gentle pressure moving along the pearl. 
His sudden change surprised you but nothing caught you off guard more when his head moved up from your breast to your face and kissed your parted lips hungrily. Tongue slipping past your lips. It was awkward, you didn’t kiss him back, still shocked at his sudden change. 
He pulled from your mouth, rutting gently now into your walls that had begun accepting him with his ministrations. “I’m sorry,” he kissed your neck, “you’re my delicate river. I do need to be careful with you.”
You furrowed your brows, looking sideways at him. Scared to speak but also so confused, “I’m not yours, Aemond.”
He smiled and kissed you again, hand moving down to your stomach. “You’re carrying a part of me inside of you. I’m with you, always. How are you not mine?”
You turned your head away, trying to escape the gnawing pleasure that was now betraying your body. Aemond moved his head to your hair; silver locks intertwining with the falsely dark locks of your own dyed head. “You’re so perfect. You always have been, haven't you?”
He angled his hips to brush against your spot, you felt your body betraying you, allowing him into your most intimate part now with grace and fever. Your walls relaxed completely, growing wetter and wetter. You felt your heartbeat quicken, perspiration began to pool on your forehead. 
“C’mon sweet girl,” he tweaked with your nipple, “give in to me.”
“You’re a monster,” you breathed quickly between the pants you were trying to conceal.
“Y’know you love it. Even if I am.”
“You are.”
He hummed to himself, rising up and hitching one of your legs over his shoulder, reaching deeper than before. Still playing with your clit as his thrusts became quicker but still gentle. “Then what does that make you then, huh?” He smirked from above you, “Because gods- the way your cunt is starting to clench around me, I know you’re liking my cock, loving it. You love this extension of me, you wanton whore.” His words were brash, harsh…but he spoke in reverence. “Gods-” he moaned, “and I’ll teach you to not just love this extension of me, but all of me.”
You felt your peak nearing but not being able to reach the summit as his bed-room talk was absolutely insane. “I’ll never love you.” 
Your breasts bounced along with his thrusts, he smiled down at them in reverie before his lone eye met yours. “Keep telling yourself that, my beautiful river. See who wins.”
He pinched your clit harshly and thrusted up into you with a gentle fever that had you tumbling over the edge. You saw stars as your back arched off of the bed. Body and mind betraying you as you gave in to him. Your cunt clamping down on his member and your blissed out expression, along with a half-scream you weren’t aware you made had him toppling over the edge, hips faltering in their pistoning as he shot his load against your already seeded womb.
Panting, he laid gently atop you, caging you in with his sweaty body as he came down from his high. His hand came up to caress your hair. He began planting sweet, chaste kisses on the side of your face. No, no they would have been sweet if they weren’t from Aemond but your mind dissociated as his softening cock still laid within you, his lips on your face, his hand in your hair…his child in your womb. 
You kept thinking about what he called you, during the act.
“My beautiful river.”
At least he saw you for what you were. Your roots, your homeland, your personality.
A river flows, leaves where and who it once was, changes course, cuts through the land unapologetically. 
You took a deep breath, staring into the abyss of Aemond’s dark room.
Be a river.
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boredzillenial · 2 months
Your boss Nathan needs your body “for science”
Themes: DEAD DOVE DNE - dark!Nathan, kidnapping, sensory deprivation, fingering, oral breast play (f!receiving), jerking off
A.N: contains railroad sentences and my rusty attempt at improving prose 🤣 thank you @lunar-ghoulie for putting up with me
Word count: idk at the moment it’s short
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“Show yourself you son of a bitch!” Your voice reverberated against the stark walls, “I know you’re there Nathan!” You twisted and writhed against your restraints to no avail.
Nathan, your boss, had invited you to come out to his estate. In an excess of caution you’d chosen to politely decline. What you hadn’t realized was his invitation was not a request, but a heads up.
You took a moment to breath and take notice of the different points of pressure on your body. Whatever he’d used to bind you you was soft but firm against your wrists, chest, waist and ankles. Your back pressed against hard cool material, the scent in the room clean and chilled air blew across your exposed skin.
You rolled your head from side to side in an attempt to wiggle the fabric from around your eyes but it didn’t budge.
“That’s not gonna work.” Nathan’s bored voice sounded from somewhere in the room.
You froze, “Nathan-“ you grated “let me go.”
“Nathan let me go.” He mocked, “Do you really think I’d go through the trouble of getting you here only to let you loose?”
Your lip curled in agitation as you snapped against the restraints. “What do you want.”
A fingertip pressed against your ankle “What I want,” he said slowly as that sensation snaked its way up your leg, “is data.” His touch paused at the line between your hip and thigh.
“What?” You growled in confusion. “I swear to fucking god Nathan when I’m out of here-“ the removal of sensation on your skin stalled your brazen words.
“Threatening your captor, interesting choice.” His voice still sounded bored amongst the rustling beside you.
“Interesting choice to kidnap me*eeee*.” Your retort was cut short when something firmly pressed against your core and vibrated furiously. It was too much all at once and you feebly bucked only to be met with the tight restrain across your hips. The curse in your throat twisted to a groan, “F-fuck yo-u.”
“Another curse -“ you could practically hear the eye roll in his tone, his next words breathed hot across your ear “so predictable.”
You tilted your face toward him with a smirk, if he wanted to play games let’s see what happened if you played along. “U-up a bit, and to the left.”
“Attagirl.” He chuckled and followed your direction. Your back arched and strained as your breath caught in your throat.
You’d quickly climbed to your peak with the precision and pressure, your breath coming in ragged pants. Just as you came so close to release the sensation vanished, leaving you crashing back to earth.
A choked whine wrung from your throat. “Why.” You whimpered.
“Measuring heart rate, perspiration…” a finger slid along your slick folds “arousal.”
You breath caught in your chest at the sudden sensation of two thick fingers plunged deep into your core. Nathan took his time moving around, scissoring his fingers inside as he tsked “still tight.”
“Nathan please.” You murmured, the stretching sensation growing to be uncomfortable.
“Why are you getting tighter?” From his tone he might as well have been asking a casual scientific question in a clinic.
“Doesn’t feel good.” You grumbled “not like that.”
Nathan’s hand adjusted, two fingers remained deep inside, but this time he added his thumb to press against your clit. “What about like this.” He drew slow firm circles and pumped slowly.
Your breathing picked up while a coil of pleasure twisted low in your belly. Despite your head swimming with pleasure you heard Nathan’s soft voice off to the side, “Slickness increase and vaginal relaxation with stimulation to the clitoris.”
“Are you - taking notes?” You huffed between breathes.
“I told you, I need data.” He said in annoyance. “Fuck sake.” He growled.
You heard a rustling near your head and the sound of spit hitting skin made you jerk. “What the fuck.”
“Shut up.” He snipped, his breath hitched as soft squelching sounded beside your head. The moment his fingering matched the pace of the noise beside your head you realized what was happening.
“You’re - jerking off?” You huffed.
“Want me to stuff it in your mouth?” He retorted. You snapped your head away, eliciting a sardonic huff from Nathan.
The squelching noise and his breathing picked up pace as his fingers worked. You groaned and arched against the pleasure building, gasping at a sudden wet tingling feeling on your nipple.
The stroke of his tongue as it lapped at the stiffened peak encouraged you to arch further, pushed you even closer to the edge.
A soft pop sounded and you whined in protest at the loss “Vaginal tightening with oral stimulation to breast.” He muttered, returning his warm mouth back to your breast with a hum. The rough tickle of his beard across your skin mixed deliciously with the swirling around your stiffened peak.
Your orgasm crashed over you in waves as his hands and mouth worked in tandem. “S-shit!” The ministrations sent you bucking against the restraints and your breath in ragged pants.
Another groan vibrated your nipple sent fire through your nerves before it vanished. The fingers buried deep in your core and against your sensitive nub picked up to an uneven pace. A wrecked groan sounded from above you as warm wet ropes splattered across your chest.
Despite the ringing in your ears you heard Nathan growl in annoyance, “Data inconclusive, requires further testing.” Something fluffy wiped between your legs picking up the mess of slickness there before wiping up the white painted on your skin.
“Further testing?” You voice was weak and broken as you came back to reality.
“If I’m gonna make robots I’d actually wanna fuck I gotta get it right.” His voice moved about the room accompanied by rustling. “Movement, viscosity, tightness. I need so much if it’s gonna feel real and, well, it’s gonna take awhile if I keep getting… distracted…”
Taglist: @melodygatesauthor @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @ominoose @romana-after-dark @lunar-ghoulie @flowercrownonapegion @howellatme @mooksmouse @ahookedheroespureheart @beezusvreeland @auntiegigi @moonkxight-blog @faretheeoscar
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missdaytonawrites · 1 year
kintsugi • a. anderson
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summary - abby forces you to beg for your life.
WC - 1.5k
cw/tw - nsfw below the cut! smut, dark!abby, dumbified!reader, mean!abby, dom!abby, sub!reader, afab!reader, overstim, strap-on use, degrading language, abbys dacryphilia is showing (if u squint), spitting, slapping, choking/headlock, dead dove DNE, mentions of death, violent descriptions of passing out from being strangled
A/N - this is daaark! abby is super mean, this was initially not the first lil' one-shot i was going to post but here we are. i just know that abby is such a mean dom and so gets off on how much power she has over you!!! please enjoy!
"i'm on the side with my tears streamin' down."
okay but.. abby making you beg her not to kill you.. your back pressed to her front?? probably already came at least three times tonight???? strap so ridiculously deep??? her hand is just barely tracing around your clit when she notices a tear escape from your eye and gets a rotten idea…
she brings her big and oh-so-strong arm from around your waist to wrap around your neck, settling you into a headlock. she leans her head down to look at you, pressing a kiss to your temple and taking in your fucked-out state. the sight before her causes abby to quite literally laugh in your face as she begins to apply more pressure to your pretty neck. the rocking of her hips is suddenly much more intense and all color slowly starts to fade from your face.
“hey..” she whispers, hand moving from your clit to come up and tap at you nose in attempts at grabbing any attention you had left. “wanna know somethin’ i think about..?” you dont answer, your brain feeling like an absolute bucket of water. still, she keeps on. “pr-obably think about this too much..” through your lack of sense, you can hear a sharp wince fly past her lips; the harness rubbing against her in such a torturous manner. “m’so much stronger than you..”
her hand has forsure found its way back to your clit by now. “s’much stronger cherry, bet if i squoze ya’ any harder ya’d just pop right here in my arms.” the thought has you teetering on the edge of eruption, a pathetic whine coming from you as she does just that: tightens her arm around your neck and laughs at you again. “isn’t that scary, cherry?” another dry chuckle wanders into your ear, “could kill ya’ right now, if i saw fit.”
you try your hardest to gulp beneath her grip, but to no avail. you can feel a bead of sweat form and then dribble down your forehead from the intensity of the moment. “does it scare you, pretty baby?” she feels you shudder against her and notices your sad attempt at a nod. a gush of your slick rushes from down the strap and onto her thighs, her nostrils flare as her grip tightens around your neck.
“mhm. you like that cherry? like being fuckin scared?” she quickens her pace to an impossible speed and you give her a broken sob. she continues to fuck you at an unforgiving pace when she brings the hand once toying with your clit up to squish your color-less cheeks together. “does it make ya’ all hot inside to know i’m in total control of everything right now? including your life?”
you can’t stop it now, tears flowing from your eyes down your cheeks as they pool between your neck and her arm. “a-abby.. god…” you somehow manage to garble out, and she brings her mouth to your ear. “mm.. why dont you beg, pretty baby? look me in my eyes and try to convince me, ask me reeeal nice to keep your pretty ass alive.” your eyes go wide, jaw-dropping as you try to quickly recollect your thoughts just in case shes serious. you sob once again before taking a deep breath..
“w-what the fu.. oh fuck!” her hand drops down to send a stinging slap! to your clit, “fuck abby! please, dont.” she laughs at you, again, and then deadpans. “please dont,” she mocks, “please dont do what, pretty cherry?” you’re short-circuiting, barely even remembering your own name at this point. “dont kill me abby.. please. wanna, wanna stay alive!!” you practically shout, “wanna stay alive n’ be your girl, aha- wanna be your cherry..”
a gross mix of your saliva, tears and her sweat still pooling in the crevice of her arm as she somehow squeezes down on your neck even harder. you cough, and she spits down onto your face. “what else cherry? think theres another reason you wanna be alive so bad, hmm?” her pretty fingers move to circle your clit, and you start to claw at her thighs and hips. you suck a string of drool back into your mouth and keep going. not only your orgasm, but your life on the line here.
“uhhnnnggg.. fuck! fuck! fuck! yes! yes, wanna stay alive so i can.. fuck-” you feel your orgasm creep up on you in crashing waves and abby slaps your clit again, her grip tightened to kill. “d-dont you stop fuckin’ talkin’ cherry. i’ll turn your lights out so goddamned quick.” you stop your clawing to make a feeble attempt in grabbing at her hips to slow her brutal pace. “oh my god-” you squeak when you feel a tingling sensation come over your being.. “god, please abs! keep me alive so i can cum! please!!”
now that sends her into an absolute fit of laughter. booming chortles ricocheting off of your ear drums, “such a disgusting little cherry. sayin’ all these dirty things for me..” you try, you really do try so hard to continuously comprehend whats being said to you but, you can see those little black dots sprinkling your vision and you start to loose feeling in the tips of your fingers. abby knows what about to happen like the back of her strong hand, so she just simply squeezes you harder as your sight completely blacks out. she lets you slip under with a kiss to your temple and a quiet “night night, cherry.”
just like that you were out, all you really remember was the feeling of your body falling against the sheets. within the next 15-20 seconds abby uses all the strength she can find to fuck you as hard as she possibly could. whining and panting like a bitch in heat when she feels her own orgasm building. it isnt long before you come to, sucking in a major gasp of air as you shoot up from the mattress to take in your surroundings. you damn-near scream at the feeling of abby's cock relentlessly plunging in and out of you, she just digs her nails deeper into the fleshy parts of your hips.
this was your favorite, body all spent and on the verge of exploding. completely at her disposal. “welcome back, cherry.” abby grins from above you, “decided to keep you alive for now.. m’kay cherry?” you were a babbling mess, only able to focus of the roaring fire being coddled in your gut. “m’not gonna kill you, cherry. need you to cum, need it bad cherry.” her words have you falling to the sheets again, eyes crossing while your legs begin to violently shake. “mm.. i- i can cum, abs!?” she cant help but give you a loving smile, her sweet little obedient cherry. “yes cherry, let it go..”
and that was all you needed, you choked out a sob. you thrashed around against the sheets and under abby when your vision begins to cloud. “o-ooooh abby.. g-gonna..” and before you can stop anything, your orgasm begins to spurt out of you in little bursts as you squirt all over your nice sheets and onto abby's strap. coughing while she fucks you through your high, steadily reaching her own orgasm. you simply couldn't move, your insides felt as though they had been bludgeoned to a pulp and little sparks of electricity pass through your body.
“mm.. fuck! m’gonna cum. gonna make a mess all over my harness ‘cause of you, little cherry.” she grunts to you and a stupid, fucked-out smile appears on your face. “abs! abs, fuh- fuck!” you grip the sheets so hard your knuckles turn white just as she finally start to cum. reaching her fingers down to gather up some of her own spend before bringing the same fingers up to your mouth. shoving them in, she coos at you.
“such a sweet cherry, can ya’ taste how good you make me feel?” you let out a dreamy sigh at the removal of her fingers and hear the clanking of the harness straps. “gonna pull out now..” she whispers at you and removes the strap from your tired little hole, shimmying out of it as she leans down to kiss you again.
she lets the harness drop to the floor with a “thud” and steps into your shared bathroom to clean herself up. she returns and you're still on the bed, lying on your tummy with a little grin on your face. you looked so beautiful basking in the afterglow, wincing as she brought a warm washcloth up to wipe off your sticky thighs and cunt. also dropping the washcloth to the floor, she settled in bed next to you with a heaving chest.
abby looks over and notices shades of dark purple and gray decorating your hips. she sees a bruise beginning to form around your neck and rolls you over to better assess the damage. hissing at the sight of a bright blue band sitting on your neck she immediately pulls you into her for some love. kissing your scalp, and forehead and knuckles before pressing a few, feather-light kisses to your marked-up neck. she sighs when she feels you nuzzle into her and feels like something needed to be said..
“could never kill ya’ cherry, y’too sweet.”
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eeeeeeek!!! pls lmk if you like!! reblogs n' comments are appreciated!
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evien-stark · 4 years
✧I Need You✧ Chapter 147 [End: Jessica Jones: Season 1]
“-and the damage radius from these blocks out-” “-press will get a statement tomorrow-” “-we have to be careful about this-” “-I have orders, I have to go out soon, so we have to resolve-” “-what about the guy in the hospital-” 
Various voices were droning in and out. Conversation was happening around you. It was hard to make heads or tails of it. Everyone that spoke was familiar in that warm sort of way but everything they were going over left you sort of cold. In an instinctive type of way- because you really didn’t know- 
“Honey?” Tony’s voice drew your attention forward. 
As your vision cleared you took stock of the situation you found yourself in. You were in one of the smaller Avengers conference rooms. The team was there. Natasha was at the front of the room. Tony had probably been pacing around but now had a hand on your shoulder. The sun was trying to squirm its way in through the closed blinds. 
You had no idea how you’d gotten where you were. The last thing you’d remembered was passing out in the back of the quinjet. ...hadn’t you? Yet it seemed like, from the way everyone was staring, that maybe you hadn’t done that. And instead had gone from night in the jet to day in the conference room all while seemingly being aware. But you had no record of that time. Which was more than a little alarming. 
“I’m sorry- what are- um…” Feeling a swell of nervousness tighten your chest. “Did I doze off?” Hoping maybe that was the case. That you’d been caught red handed. 
But the weird exchange of glances around the room tipped you off to the fact that you shouldn’t have asked. Tony’s worry packed the rest of you almost full to bursting, but it was Steve who was looking at you. “You’ve been staring off into the distance this whole time. Did you not hear any of this?” 
Natasha leaned in, putting her palms on the table, “I’ll summarize. You deployed three Damage Control units in less than forty-eight hours. Reports are coming back in. Multiple bodies need storage. We need to know who to put where, what statements to give to who, and you have all the missing pieces.” 
Clint stood, crossing his arms. “There’s also a dead body we scooped up. Enhanced individual with a pretty purposeful hole through his chest. And the powered lady in the casual lockup keeps saying she’s responsible.”
A mess. You’d gone into a fugue state in the middle of a mess. This was all a little too much. But you sensed Tony was about to give you some sort of excuse to get you out of all this and let everyone else run cleanup. You couldn’t let that happen. So quickly you stood, gratefully finding your feet beneath you. “Jessica Jones didn’t do that. I did. Obviously.” What was Jessica thinking? It had to have been clear what kind of wound that was. “That’s Kilgrave, which I’m sure she’s said by now. -you should have gotten his picture on the network. He’s held about a thousand people hostage over the course of two months. He definitely has more victims than that. He has a long track record. All those bodies in bags belong to him. I know the reports will show I gave a DNE order- he was dangerous. We knew this already. He also boosted his powers, right before I stopped him.” 
Natasha looked up at you. “Did you even try to bring him in?” There was a reason she was asking this, and it wasn’t because she was being critical of you.
“I put him down because I had no other choice.” 
All eyes were on you as Steve asked, “You sure about that?” 
You tried to be as firm as possible. “Yes.” 
There was only a small silence that settled. Tony interrupted it. “So, as you can see, the Avengers did their job. This is our territory. You know. Doing that thing.” Turning his wrist over. “Stopping threats the military can’t- yadda yadda yadda…” 
From his spot on the other side of the table, Bruce lifted his head, giving his shoulders a gentle nudge up. “Sounds about right to me.” 
Thor, who had assumedly been taking all this in with his arms crossed gave one of those brisk smiles of his. “By all accounts, it would seem our dear Lady has become quite the hero of the people in our absence. I for one would have liked to see this man on the battlefield. Seems like he was quite savage.” He was being painfully honest. You wondered, how that would have went. Kilgrave VS Thor. And promptly were glad you hadn’t had to witness it. “However, I am glad the matter has been put to rest.” 
You understood what they were trying to do. What they’d been trying to do. It wasn’t just clean up, it was defense. Making sure they were on the right side of the story- to do right by you. And you’d been impeding the process because it seemed like you weren’t paying attention. But, now that they had your side of the story… it seemed like everyone was easily on board. 
On board with your obvious heated murder of an enhanced individual that had not only been personally menacing you, had tortured you previously, but had hurt Tony as well. And Steve. Your family. This was obviously grounds for questioning. You were too close to have been able to do a fair job. But it was over now. There was no redoing it. No going back to do it better. ...you wouldn’t have changed anything, anyway. 
Your family was trying to protect you. No matter what percentages in this equation were right or wrong. They understood what had happened. And they’d already made peace with it. Now all they needed to do was sweep the rest of it up and call it a day. 
Which is exactly what prompted Tony to continue talking. “So. We’ll release Jones. I’ll make some statement to the press. We’ll rubber stamp A’s all over our files and turn them in. Everyone on board?” 
While there was a murmur of immediate approval, Natasha had a few more things on her docket. “We have two people in our private hospital wing. Both are ready for release- but DC’s been adamant that the right person makes that call.” A little- brief- tiny flutter of annoyance touched her before she shut it down hard. She didn’t have to say it. You understood why. 
Damage Control had refused to budge until you made another call, because you’d been the one that had been calling the shots the entire short-lived investigation. ...and you were also their boss. There was a power imbalance of assets here. Almost like SHIELD access level numbers. Almost. You nodded. “Yeah- I’ll go release them. And uh… have a talk with DC.” Because the obvious contingencies weren’t there. What if you were incapacitated? They needed to be able to take orders from the rest of your team. ...although you wondered why Tony hadn’t gone down there and said something. 
It was too much to hope that was all- and even all that was still a hell of a lot to get through. Natasha passed a file down across the table your way and as you laid your hands on it she spoke. “Seems like we also have a vet in lockup. You labeled him enhanced but by all accounts he seems… just angry. Pretty normal.” 
Pulling the folder open you saw Will Simpson’s face looking back at you. A sigh escaped you, and you were extremely grateful when Bruce spoke up. “That’s the guy with the trifecta pocket pills, right?” 
Steve suddenly seemed very alert. “The combat enhancers?” Clearly they’d had a conversation about it. Which made sense. Those enhancers, Bruce’s initial research with Ross… it was all due to him. Not his fault, but just the miracle that the government had created by making him a super soldier. 
“He probably sweat it out by now.” You closed the file, sliding it Steve’s way next. “He wanted to kill Kilgrave. He attacked one of our agents. Can you go talk to him, Steve? And see if he’s fit for release?” 
His brows lifted and Steve tilted his head. “Me?” 
“I think more than anyone in this room, you’ll have his respect.” Trying to pick who would be the best to go talk to him. “If you say yes, I know where to drop him.” He was Trish’s friend. You’d ship him back that way. “We can charge him with deadly assault. Which I’m sure he’s been thinking on. But… Kilgrave twisted everyone up. I’d be willing to let it go if he stays away from the pills.” 
Natasha moved from her spot at the front of the room and gave Steve a little pat on the shoulder. “I’ll shadow you, if you want.” That was good, too. Having her opinion on the matter would really seal it all up. 
With everyone taking hold of their brief new assignments, chairs shifted on the floor as the entire room moved to get up and leave. You wanted, so much more than anything, to go to Tony. To tell him what the next few actions were right up until you needed him to take you on a jet and take you anywhere but here- but Bruce approached you just as you and Tony got in about two seconds of eye contact. 
Bruce nudged his glasses up with one hand and then held a folder around and out with the other. When you gave him a questioning glance, “This is uh… everything you need. IGH. They’re an underground research lab. They’re responsible for the pills. And a lot more.” 
Though you took hold of the folder, you didn’t open it. “Thanks for checking into that for me.” But right now you wanted nothing to do with it. It was clear they’d have to be shut down. Or assimilated. ...probably shut down. What they were doing went a little beyond the line of not-okay. Kind of reminded you a little bit of Killian… 
He just nodded. “Sure. Look… I don’t blame you if you wanna put it down right now but. I thought you should know. Jessica Jones’ name is on some of those files.” You weren’t sure if it was a blessing that you were too devoid of anything else to feel any kind of shock over this. But Bruce continued, “Not in a particularly complicit way, either.” 
Oh. ...oh. You held the folder a little tighter then. “Okay. Thanks for letting me know.” You’d have to hand those over to her, then. And absolutely no part of you wanted to look at it. Whatever was in there about her she could keep for herself and do whatever she wanted. The less involvement you had coming out of this the better. Because you really, truly, could not deal with it much longer. 
Holding the file closer to your chest, you leaned in to give him a hug. He’d done all this work for you and you hadn’t once asked. He, along with the rest of the team (probably him doing that work was what triggered the team to agree to all coming home suddenly), had just fallen in line for you. It was nice to have them home. Almost overwhelmingly so. His words were a quiet murmur. “We’re alright now. You should get some rest.” 
Probably to no one’s surprise, at the very least not your own, you were brushing back tears as you let go of him and plastering a very obvious smile across your face. “Yeah. I’ll think about it when we’re finished.” 
His nod was sad to say the least, but he then turned to Tony. The two shook hands, Tony said something you barely caught, and then Bruce left. Leaving just the two of you. He reached out to lay the hand not in the sling on your shoulder with a little tip of his head. “Bruce might be on to something, you know. Sleep might do you a lot of good. Some food, too, I’m sure.” 
“Yeah, I’m sure it would.” This dead and almost angry reply reeled you back in immediately. Tony barely reacted to it at all. If nothing else, you just felt understanding. And maybe that was harder to deal with. Taking a deep breath, holding, and then letting it out in a sigh, you reconfigured. “We’re almost done.” 
He drew you in just a little closer, and as his arm went around you, you closed your eyes, leaning your head on his shoulder. “Almost. Tell me what parts need to go where.” 
“Can you go get Jessica out? I’ll go to the hospital. Bring her with you and we’ll all meet there.” You had to release your two patients, if they were ready to go, and talk to whatever head of DC was patrolling the hallways. “After that…” 
Moving just a little, his hand brushed up the side of your neck and to your jawline, angling your gaze up his way. “After that?” 
It seemed the obvious was coming. Did you really have to say it? But as the two of you got stuck there looking at each other, you figured you should. “I can’t be here anymore. For a little while. Is that okay?” You needed to go. You couldn’t even think about being in the penthouse. This city… this city was just filling up to the brim with bad memories. Triumphant ones in the end, but bad nonetheless. 
“Understandable.” Palming your cheek, he leaned in, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “I’ll have Happy fire up the jet. We can go from the hospital to the airport. Sound like a plan?” 
Thank god for Tony Stark. “Sounds like a plan.” Your body was just a little unwilling to move to get there. You wanted to just go from the Tower to the jet. To disappear for a little while. To not think about this anymore. To not wade in the aftermath… or think about him… though… you chanced a softer look up at him. “Did you and Happy get to talk?” 
He walled off immediately. “A little. Seems like you did a lot of legwork for us. So.” Giving a bare shrug. 
That was more of a no than it was a yes. It at least meant they were on speaking terms. But they deserved to have some closure on this, too. Even if you were nowhere near finding any and probably wouldn’t be for a long time. However, you knew you couldn’t force them, either. ...not until it was absolutely necessary. So you just leaned up, lips careful at the corner of his mouth. “Okay.” 
It would have to be, for now. 
Asking you to stay present and aware while you talked with your DC officers was asking almost a little too much. Your  brain felt like it was begging to just fade away. Your body was close behind. But if you didn’t put all this to rest now, if you didn’t stick to the plan, there would be no relaxing. There would be no getting on a jet and running away- as usual- because that’s what it was. But you were keen to make peace with the idea because you just couldn’t be here anymore. 
Changing the nested chain of command was ridiculously easy, although you could tell the woman you were speaking with had an air of doubt and an even bigger swell of unsure about her as you spoke. You had to cast it all aside and just make sure she’d take orders from anyone on the team. They all needed access to these agents. Because you were more sure now than you’d ever been before, big things like this were going to keep happening. And everyone needed the ability to call Damage Control if something terrible happened. 
...of course you also made sure that they knew every deployed use was to go on file. It wasn’t like you didn’t trust your team, but. You had to be in the know. Always. 
 You respectfully waved the agent away just as you saw Jeri coming down the hall. She looked relatively worse for wear, many bandages across random places on her face and some on her chest. As usual, she was dressed smartly, and you sensed she came here for business and business only. Once close enough to you she held a folder out. “I need your signature on a few pieces of paper for my client. Justin Boden. I’m sure you’re familiar.”
 So. Jessica had gone to Jeri to build a case for Justin. You knew exactly what she wanted. But after everything… “Why my signature?”
 She just grinned, bitterly at that. “Well. Since this seems to be a thing with you people, you can help him dodge murder charges. Considering what he’s been through.”
 “So now I’m a credible witness.” Unable to help yourself.
 “How about that.” Sounding completely unimpressed. She reached inside her jacket pocket to retrieve a pen and gave it a click. “I have other places to be, so if you’d hurry up.”
 You made sure to hold still and give off a full air of being highly unimpressed. “You can drop them at Stark Industries. My assistant will pass them through legal before I put my name on anything.” There was no telling what was on those papers, and you were too drained to read over them just now. ...you wouldn’t doubt that was something she was counting on. If you understood anything about Jeri Hogarth after all this.
 She held them out for just a little while longer before retreating. “Fine. Have it your way.” Then she seemed like she was going to turn and leave.
 But before she did, you leaned closer to her and dropped your voice. “Jessica said you had something to do with Kilgrave escaping.” Jeri had to be responsible for that in some form. So much had happened because of her. If it was true.
 The two of you stared at each other. For a long cold moment. Then another one of those angry smiles lit up her features. “Seems like we all have things we’d rather be kept quiet.”
 “Don’t threaten me. It’ll be the last mistake you ever make.” Maybe it was a poor thing to do, to lash out like that. React that way. But you would not let this woman walk all over you. Or try and hold you hostage.
 She let out a little breath of a laugh. “I have no doubt.”
 A woman exiting what should have been Luke’s room ended your conversation with Jeri. And as soon as she saw your attention go elsewhere she turned to leave. You didn’t stop her.
 The woman exiting his room was dressed in blue scrubs- lightly spattered with blood. Dark lightly wavy hair- loose, not tied up. You stepped over to her very quickly, “Excuse me-” Eyeing her- more specifically, the badge clipped to her pocket. Metro General Hospital. Not from here. But the name… Claire Temple. Your nerves quieted down. “Oh. You’re with Jessica.” 
She crossed her arms. “She said that much, huh?” Her voice was calm and careful. Although she was just a little standoffish. Which you were sure you couldn’t blame her for. 
“More than. Said something about a friend we have in common.” Not that you really wanted to care about that right now. 
Giving a curt little nod and a roll of her eyes, you felt her annoyance. “Well. You got more out of her than I think any of us did. If that’s the case.” Clearly she didn’t want to talk about it either. You could have said that Jessica offered all of that information up on her own, but. Maybe it wasn’t the best move. “That man in there.” Her gaze lifted back up and she seemed suddenly very serious. “You gonna put him on all your little superhero files? Or whatever it is you people do?” 
You felt the sink of your shoulders with a sigh you couldn’t help. “No. I’m not- we don’t tag people, if that’s what you’re asking. I’m not interested in that. I don’t even want to know anything about him. The only thing I care about is that he’s okay.” The two of you shared a long look. She was sizing you up. Trying to tell if you were being honest. “...is he going to be okay?” 
Claire continued to stare at you for probably more time than was necessary. But you stood and took it. And finally were rewarded when she eased up with her own little sigh and a nod. “Yeah. He’s fine. Now. You have better tools than Jess’ apartment, anyway. Or at Metro.” She lifted her wrist. “Speaking of which- shit.” Looking at the time on her watch. 
Probably late for her actual job. By the simmer of anxiety that welled inside of her, probably very late. “Maybe it’s a little too forward but. If you want a job here-” 
“I don’t.” Quick and clipped as she held a hand up to you. “I don’t wanna be involved in any more of this.” She lowered her voice with a dip of her head. “No offense.” 
“None taken. But then why are you here?” What was the connecting thread here? 
She frowned. “He needed help. My hospital couldn’t do anything for him. And I…” She suddenly got very uncomfortable. 
“You could.” 
“Yeah. I could. But he’s fine now. So I’m gonna go to my actual job. And deal with people who have…” That discomfort was getting very heavy now. “Easier to deal with problems. Let’s put it.” 
To this you could only nod. Then, finally, you stuck out your hand. “Well. It was nice meeting you, Claire.” 
She didn’t take too long in giving you a returned shake. “You, too.” 
You stepped out of the way for her, but because it seemed like you really couldn’t help yourself… before she was too far away, you just had to ask. “Where are you from?” 
The shake of her head did a poor job of hiding the little smirk on her lips. She knew why you were asking. “Hell’s Kitchen.” Called from halfway down the hall, not stopping after saying it. 
“Place is kinda getting overcrowded, if you ask me.” Luke’s voice startled you enough to get you to jump. The warm roll of his laughter kept a wave from crashing over you and you turned back around to see him standing in front of his door with his hand up. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to scare you.” 
You gave your chest a little pat. This was too much excitement after everything you’d been through. “It’s okay.” His clothes were a mess, but he looked… fine. “How are you feeling? They brought you in here considerably less…” Giving your hands a small turn over. “-okay looking than this.” 
He gave a little nod, a small press of his lips. “I’m fine. Thanks to you, so I hear.” 
Quickly you shook your head. “No. Thanks to Jessica. And Claire. And the people here. I literally had nothing to do with any of that.” 
“You let her bring me here. You gave them a safe place to help me when things weren’t looking so good. That counts for something.” He was such a sweet man, this Luke. 
“If you say so.” It was too much to ask that you accept this gratitude. You really hadn’t done anything. “And- before you ask- I didn’t ask anyone for details- I don’t wanna know. That’s your business and- Claire seems to think I’m gonna put a tracker on you or something so let me just tell you I’m not and I don’t want you to think-” 
“Hey, easy now. Alright?” The hand he laid on your shoulder was heavy, but it was gentle nonetheless. “I believe you. I wasn’t worried.” 
“You have no reason to.” Everyone seemed to question your intent constantly- and usually for completely understandable reasons. You wouldn’t have been upset had Luke taken the same route. 
His grin was light. “We met once already, if you don’t remember. And I’d like to think I’m a pretty good judge of character.” 
For one reason or another you found the courage to smile back. “Really. Because last we met I think I remember you telling me to not come back to your bar.” 
At this he made a face, hand leaving your shoulder to go up in a wave of defiance. “That is not what happened.” Seemingly offended, but only playfully so. His grin did not return, but his expression wasn’t one of annoyance. “Besides… my bar got blown up. Casualty of war. I’d at least like to know if I have to worry about anything else like that.” 
“I’m so sorry.” Really. Truly. You were. That was no doubt, in some way, Kilgrave’s doing. Maybe it was what put him here in the first place. “If you need funds or-” 
“No. Please don’t. I’m gonna take it as a sign and… like I said. Hell’s Kitchen is getting crowded. I think I’m headed back to Harlem for a while. But I appreciate the offer.” Letting that small gratefulness hang before asking seriously again as he looked at you, “Is that guy still out there?” 
The shake of your head was immediate. “No. He’s dead.” 
He breathed a noise out. It wasn’t one of relief, exactly. More a sort of muddled… acceptance. “You alright?” 
You really didn’t know this man. But knowing- sensing his honest intent there in asking you something like that- his genuineness, you couldn’t help the bitter smile. “I am not. And I think I need to go away for a while, too.” 
“No shame in that. I’d actually be more worried if you said you were.” Because if that were the truth, it meant killing may have become commonplace for you. And it hadn’t. It just… hadn’t. It took away pieces of you at a time. To make decisions like that and to carry them out. There was a familiar warm ping on your inner radar, and you turned to see Tony coming up the hallway with Jessica. Luke put his hand out. “You’re a good woman. Don’t let anyone tell you different.” 
Looking back at him you tried a smile and put your hand in his for a small shake. “Certainly not you.” 
His grin reappeared and he couldn’t seem to help a quiet chuckle. “Certainly not.” 
Tony was out of his sling (eventually you were going to have to have a talk with him about keeping medical devices on long enough for them to help him), hands in his pockets as he strolled closer. Although when he came to a stop, he reached up to take his sunglasses off, tucked them into his top pocket and half turned to Jessica. “I was serious about the offer by the way. You’re a terrible team player but that doesn’t necessarily disqualify you from being Avenger material.” 
Jessica seemed in good spirits. Which was a strange thing for her. The noise that left her was one part annoyed and one part amused. “Never in a million fucking years.” 
Tony just shrugged. “Your loss.” He then turned to stick his hand out to Luke. “Mr. Cage. Nice seeing you again.” 
Luke considered the offer and then gave him a return shake. “Mr. Stark. If we’re all lucky, this’ll be the last time.” 
You were too biased. The sudden half smirk on Tony’s lips had you smiling immediately. “You know, that doesn’t sound much like a compliment.” 
“I don’t think it was one.” Thankfully, Luke was grinning back. 
Jessica double tapped him on the arm. “Alright. Who’s-got-the-bigger-dick time is over. Can you go wait in the room?” 
“I’m fine. Thanks for asking.” Although he said this in a slightly clipped way, you could tell he wasn’t serious. Not with the way he was looking at her.
She just eyed him with a smile. “You look fine. It’s why I didn’t.” She didn’t mean this, either. And after enough staring he shook his head and went back into his hospital room, closing the door behind him. 
Tony crossed his arms. “I’m not going in there with him.” 
At this Jessica gave him quite the stare. “You’ve made it annoyingly obvious by now that you don’t do anything anyone says.” 
“That makes two of us.” 
“Just stand there and shut up for five minutes. If you can.” When he rolled his eyes and mostly turned away she put her attention back on you. “So. Seems like we’re finished, here.” 
You nodded. “Claire left for her job. Luke’s up, obviously. Hope’s asleep right now but. Aside from a really nasty scar she’ll be okay. Simpson’s probably getting discharged soon. And-” 
“And Kilgrave’s dead. Which is the important part.” 
It was hard to tell why she cut you off to say such a thing. But there was a swell of catharsis. Kilgrave was dead. It was over. It was finally over. “Yeah.” There was a weird catch in the back of your throat. It felt like you were just a couple degrees away from losing it very suddenly. Tony moved, almost imperceptibly. But you noticed. He was watching you. “Kilgrave is dead.” Beyond you somewhere you heard the crash of waves against the pier. And saw the light disappear from his eyes.
You and Jessica shared a long look. Eventually she was the one to break the silence. “So that’s it, then. We’re finished.”
“Seems that way.” 
Yet the two of you stood there just a little longer. Watching one another. Maybe the two of you should have had a talk. A long talk to decompress over this shared trauma. But… instead she just nodded. “Alright then. ...thanks. For everything.” And after that she turned away and went into Luke’s room. 
Leaving you there. Wondering what more you should have said so that you didn’t have to feel like this anymore. But you weren’t there in silence, or alone, for more than a few seconds before Tony moved over and put his arm around you. Pulled you to him. You rubbed your head against his shoulder and drew your hands up his back, holding on to him. Breathing him in. Letting him keep you stable. 
“Ready to go anywhere that’s not here?” 
Music was playing somewhere in your memory. Honey- I’ve gotta be honest. I hate it here. I can’t say that I blame you.
New York City had become a breeding ground for psychological damage that seemed beyond repair. For the both of you. A long time ago he’d tried to run away from here, too. And now… now you wanted to do the same. And he was letting you. 
You turned your head up, smiling weakly at him. “Yes. Please.” 
This was a runaway vacation but… the two of you needed to have a very real talk soon. You just didn’t think you could be in the city anymore. Not after all this. 
 Lifting a hand, he smoothed his fingertips across your forehead and then through your hair. Leaning in, he pressed a kiss to your temple. “I love you.”
 Hearing this, and feeling it from him, it was an eternal balm for your soul. “I love you, too.”
 As long as you had that… you’d be alright.
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obikenobi91 · 4 years
Do you Consent to Stormwind city Watch rp?
For awhile I’ve been debating on whether I would make this post or not. However after recent interactions, I needed to have some clarity for myself. If you are roleplaying in Moonguard or Wrymrest Accord, chances are you have ran into the guild known as The Stormwind City Watch. They are a millitary based guild, who rp as the Stormwind guard.  At first they don’t seem to bad, thats until you get to know them more. 
Do you consent to Stormwind City guard interaction 
For starters when they ask you for consent to interact with them, what they really are saying. “You have to abide to our rules, and how we roleplay from here on out.” A good while back when I was role playing with some friends, one of them was being held by blade point. So my character decided to defend them. With consent from the bad guy, me and another friend broke them. When City guard got involved. They kept asking me if consent to arrest. OOC I asked them why they wanted to arrest me. 
They kept trying to get me to consent  “Either accept arrest, or this situation didn’t happen.” So right when I decided to say “fine arrest me. Their response. “We don’t want to anymore.” When it comes to roleplay, everyone has their own taste in how they go about it. Yet when it comes to the Stormwind City guard, if you don’t do what they want, they just ignore your IC actions. This is what I call forced role play. Don’t worry I’ll touch up on that soon. 
Always know where interactions are happening
There has been one instance, when my friends and I where tracking a friend in westfall in a cave, and suddenly right behind me “Do you consent to Stormwind City Watch interaction?” We all told them no sense that was straight up metagaming. The person ironically that called them here got mad and left the event, because we wouldn’t allow them to just magically know where we are. This is as metagaming as it gets. Oh someone told you OOC that we are in this location. Yeah that's not how these things work. Now keep the word Metagaming close to ya, because in a bit I’m going to show you how hypocritical they can be. 
They bring realism into a MMORPG.
 Lets say you are riding on your horse, or you have your pet out as you are a hunter, now picture them just walking up to you saying “Do you have permits for that animal?” That’s right, even when you try to escape from real life burdens, the Stormwind City Watch will be sure to bring it into the game. Lets say you play a half orc human race. “You will need to go to the city hall for getting citizenship.” Roleplay isn’t so we can face what we are going thru in a day to day basis in the real world. We play world of warcraft to escape for awhile. The Stormwind City Watch is notorious for making sure realism is part of the experience.
They give you Ultimatums
Remember when I said the word “Consent.” Is what they take pride in, its honestly their Slogan. Now lets say you have broken the rules to many times IC. They will now want to execute your character. Now now, isn’t that something that should be left up the person playing the character???? Well with the Stormwind City Guard will give you two options, either accept death, or be exiled from the Stormwind completly. Doesn’t this all seem a bit forced, well they don’t care, when you say you consent to their roleplay, you do as your told. If you try to resist arrest, or try fighting back, they will just stop the rp all together, and do something they seem to love doing alot. Retcon!!!
They love making up accusations
I’m going to share with you some screenshots of a friend, who I personally don’t have a problem with, they like to go with dark roleplay, and honestly thats what make certain interactions interesting. When I was part of the Stormwind City watch group, they started sharing this screenshot. 
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 When I saw it, I was a bit confused. I didn’t take the person who played this character to say such things. Sure they liked dark roleplay, but to say something like this just seemed wrong. When I asked one of the higher ups if they said that. They just nodded and said “Oh yeah, they said it.” It was one of the reasons they Dned him to begin with. Well turns out this was a fake post, someone copied one of his characters names, and whispered that to a friend of theres. I’ll leave a link right here if you want to see their post on exposing them for trying to frame him. https://niserysrethowyn.tumblr.com/post/619961383685144576/niserys-rethowyn-fake-screenshot
They will target you, and make others turn on you.
I had some major repercussion for defending my friend. It wasn’t very long for them to find out which characters I played a couple months back. Ever sense I tried to be careful on how I named my characters. So I wouldn’t be attacked by them, however low and behold they find out I’m playing a Kul Tiran. So what happens when I tried role playing with others, trying to join in, the one known as Morrowgrove said “I have one of your alts DNE, and don’t consider you to be here.”  I ignored them, and tried to role play with the others, however, one of them said this to me. 
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A few things, I never metagame, and if I realized that I was I own up to it, or if someone calls me out vice versa. I hate Metagaming, but this was the only thing That the Stormwind City Watch apparently has on me. I have friends who I have corrected that where metagaming in roleplay. 
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But now The Stormwind City watch is trying to rally everyone against me. So when I vented and posted one of these screenshots in guild chat, this is how the guild leader treated me.
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At first I didn’t want to share the screenshots with them, because I feared they would just use the screenshots against me. However she was acting like she was vouching for me. So I gave the screenshots to them, and this was their final response to me. Mind you I have never had a problem with this guild I was recently in. 
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They blocked me, then sure enough my pally that I have in their guild was kicked from the guild. Not because I continusly broke their rules, are was being a total jerk, and treated others unfairly, I was kicked based off what the Stormwind city watch and anyone else who had influence has shared with them. It hurt when this happened, because its as if they where just seeking to ruin the experience for me, by making others that I had no problem with choose to be on their side. Once again, the experience is ruined for me because The stormwind City Watch doesn’t care about ruining the experience for one person, they will go out of their way to let others to not interact with you, all because they lie and say that I metagame. 
In closing
When people come to roleplay in Wow they do it to escape. Its meant to be enjoyed with others, but when you are forcing the way others play when you are around them, this can make it very unpleasant, especially when you try having full control of the whole situation, at that point I’d say you are a godmodder. The Stormwind City Watch doesn’t mind throwing people under the bus when they see fit, nor do they care about peoples reputations around others, and will go as far to make up lies about you. It’ll be awhile till I feel comfortable with rping again, sense people like them enjoy ruining the interactions for others. But I hope if you are feeling as an outcast like me, and feel as if some are just trying to ruin the experience for you, remember thats just shows you the actual character they are in real life. Understand you matter, and so do the characters you create. Till next time, I HAVE THE HIGH GROUND!!!!
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UC 50.8 - Darwin, Cam vs St Andrews
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Right, I’m going to warn you straight from the off - this one is going to be experimental. And I don’t mean experimental in the way literary types describe Will Self novels, because it is only ever used when they think the experiment in question has been a success, at least to some extent. I’m using it in the purely scientific sense, whereby a hypothesis is proposed and then proved or disproved using an agreed upon methodology. I am under no illusions that this is going to work, or that it will even achieve one tenth of what it sets out to, although of course if it does (which I very much doubt it will) pull this off even a little bit then this bit will look like nothing but bluster and I’ll come across as exactly the kind of pretentious I was going for.
Anyway, last things first, if you haven’t seen the new Christopher Nolan film Tenet then there will be... I was going to say spoilers, but that would imply that I understood the plot well enough to be able to spoil it for you. But still, the hypothesis of this post will be to review this episode of University Challenge in the style of Tenet, so if you don’t want to spot cack-handed references to various plot points then you may want to stop reading here.
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Okay, here is the point where I admit that I have no idea how one would go about writing a review of a quiz show in the style of a sci-fi spy thriller, and the reason that this is being released on a Saturday is that I spent the whole week trying to come up with a sufficiently clever way of doing it. 
.net rof retrats tsrif ruoy s’ereh ;ti htiw no teg tsuj s’tel os ,won yb selur eht wonk lla ew tuB
Is it simply good enough to run some of the sentences through a backwards text generator and call it a day, or do I have to do other things as well? (oot tnorf ot kcab sa tnuoc nwod edispu seoD and could I have used the upside down Spanish question marks there¿). I guess what I should really be doing is running a temporal pincer movement, but what would that involve exactly; should I be
swerdnA tS 552 - 09 egdirbmaC ,niwraD :erocS laniF
simultaneously reviewing the beginning and end of the episode with one version of me travelling forwards and the other backwards? I’ll just carry on, shall I? 
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St Andrews have made loads of appearances on the show, but haven’t made the quarter finals since 2010. They give a very strong performance against a timid Darwin side to give them a shot at breaking that duck (I only know this because I was told by the inverted version of me travelling backwards from the end of the episode. Keep up). 
They have a player who is literally called Sherlock, though it is their surname rather than their first name, which checks out given the theme of this post (unfortunately none of the contestants have palindromic names, which would have been even better), and they are the star of the show, with seven starters, including four of the first five. Sherlock has a moustache that is fit for twirling and the most remarkable pair of glasses I’ve ever seen, which could, for all I know, be from the future themselves. Hang on, I’m just going to go back for another pass through the first few questions...
Yes, I was right. You don’t notice it because you don’t think it would be possible, in the smae way taht you can siltl raed wrods if the ietanrnl ltetres are all jbemlud up, but Sherlock actually gives their answers before Paxman asks the questions. The reason Paxman looks confused by it is because, like when John David Washington’s protagonist uses an inverted bullet for the first time and is perplexed by the sensation of catching rather than shooting it, he is not asking the question, he is answering it. This explains how Sherlock was able to put on such a dominant performance, and why they have such bizarre (and excellent) spectacles. Probably something to do with their eyes not being able to process inverted light. 
So, we already know the score, because what’s happened, happened, but I will say that Darwin 
)esnes sekam lla ti taht emussa ot evah tsuj ll’uoy dna )raf siht ti edam ev’uoy fi esigolopa ylno nac I .ti gnitirw emit a fo elahw etulosba na gnivah m’I ))yrros ,noitpecnI eb ot tnaem t’nsaw sihT .peed stekcarb ruof eerht m’I won dna( t’nsi ti hcihw( gnitirw fo eceip tnerehoc dna gnillepmoc a si siht ton ro rehtehw fo sseldrager tub ,daer ot emit eht ekat yllautca lliw enoyna erus ton m’I taht txet sdrawkcab fo eceip a ni elbmar-dim m’I elihw edisa elttil a( ,dnatsrednu ot gniyrt ti htrow ton sti ,teneT ekiL .tsop siht tuohguorht detartsnomed neeb ydaerla evah taht daerht lacigol siht htiw seicnetsisnocni dairym eht fo yna nialpxe ot rO .rehtruf ti nialpxe ot em ksa t’noD .trats eht ta drawrof gniog sa emas eht sti dne eht ta sdrawkcab gniog sti fi esuaceb ,detrevni eb ot sah ti ,dne eht ta er’ew esuaceb tuB .trats eht ta tup dluow I taht elttat-elttit yrotisopxe fo dnik eht si siht esuaceb si sdrawkcab ni si tib siht nosaer eht dnA .enildaeh a fo laog nepo na hcus teg uoy netfo ton stI .puhctam nosaJ sv ydderF suolevram eht ni llaH dnumdE tS dna oeL ydderF yb detaefed eb ot ylno ,wohs eht no saw eh erofeb lwobziuq ta maet drofxO na gniyortsed was I ohw ,sonifloG nosaJ citsatnaf eht fo pihsdrawets eht rednu oga sraey owt slanif-imes eht edam ohw( 
do get some questions right, quite a few actually, its just that they were unfortunate to be up against a time-travelling super-quizzer called Sherlock. And this being the fifth first round match to post a combined score of 345 or more we’ve already exceeded the equivalent total from last year, indicating either a jump in quality or a dip in difficulty, but I’ve noticed no evidence of the latter. 
So, we’re coming to the end/start of this review, and I would like to thank you if you’ve made it this far, given the batshit nonsensicality of it all (I don’t think nonsensicality is a word, but it might just be the only way of describing this drivel). You don’t need to tell me whether it all makes sense, because I already know, and you don’t need to ask me how I know, because you already know... 
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incarnateirony · 5 years
I’m appalled that you support Antifa. Those dingbats ironically do exactly what the definition of fascism defines. Countless videos & police reports of them threatening violence and physically attacking anyone with a differing opinion (usually unarmed journalists). This shit has got to stop. I don’t recommend supporting lunacy and violence. It’s not cute. ✌️
Yeah, like that hammer video! That was truncated, of course, to cut out the white supremacists being in motion, stopping, parking, trying to open the door and swing hammers on people only to be disarmed, swung back on, and shoved back into their bus. Terrible.
If my choice is between locals in any city with no leadership, just an ideology of being against nazis – and actual nazis, that are bussing people in from all over the country to locations just to cause shit with the locals – I’ll side with the locals every time. 
I’m curious what you think the Proud Boys, and American Guard, and Q Anon think they’re accomplishing by traveling to places like PORTLAND that they don’t even live in. Is it a political protest? Why aren’t they at DC? Are they trying to pretend they’re local constituents fighting against local laws in a place they don’t live remotely close to?
Oh, that’s right, they’re literally just causing shit and being stood against by the locals with varying degrees of order because antifa is an ideology, not a single group. Which is why some showed up in banana suits - there’s one group! And why others showed up in crazy hats - there’s another group! And others showed up in blackmask still! Those are people not in those circuits! 
Because there’s no single circuit. Antifa isn’t an organized group of hate. Some get chaotic. You know what? Okay? They’re not bussing out to invade other people’s cities. They’re doing what they think they need to, to defend their own. You don’t have to agree with every single action of every independent individual to understand where the problem is here. 
Maybe, just MAYBE, nazis should hold their rallies and protests in their own areas instead of specifically traveling to non-political locations to hold “protests” over… I dunno. Can anyone actually tell me what the Proud Boys bussed everybody in to “protest” over under “First amendment rights”? They’re “just a drinking club that likes Trump”, right? So they’re, what, traveling to random cities in bulk to… protest people not liking Trump? Okie dokie. 
Totally not just opposing political cores that are active in their forward march for equality knowing their white supremacy is absolutely not welcome there. Especially since their chat logs were leaked intending to intentionally piss people off to be able to use fatal violence and then find ways to blame antifa. I mean HELL, the Proud Boys leader ADMITTED their rallies are for fighting and wasting money. Of course this should surprise NONE OF US as the highest rank achieved in the Proud Boys is from being involved in violent fights. In trying to clean up their public image, along with banning fedoras, they’re changing it to “just an honorary title”. That’s the best they know how to do.
And this is who you’re mad at people for resisting. That tells me a lot about you. If calling this out bothers you, unfollow me, fucking PLEASE. Consider white supremacists on my DNE list.
This is literally the same smear against the same sort of anti-fascist resistance that got run against post world war veterans that marched with signs of having fought hitler and not wanting a hitler here. The same “breaks down into fisticuffs” and “rabble rousers” dialogue was run against them then.
History does you some good.
I don’t recommend supporting nazis. It’s not cute.  ✌️
Furthermore any idea of calling antifa, a decentralized ideology of the general left with completely unrelated groups making stands in their home town, terrorists – which, in subtext of your anon, I can only imagine you’re the kind to do it – is dangerous and disastrous. Nothing like giving the government freedom to arrest any leftist. Because in the end, that’s all Antifa is. I don’t care what your Idiot Box has told you. 
“Leaders of the right-wing groups vowed to return to Portland, saying they would keep coming back to the liberal West Coast city so long as the left-wing antifascists, known as antifa, groups remained active.“ – Time
As long as left leaning cities continue to be vocal about left leaning issues, and continue to resist the reich wing, the reich wing will continue to come and incite them, for no other reason than that a mentality opposite theirs exists in a location not their own. 
At the evening news conference Portland’s mayor said Biggs (right wing leader) was not welcome. “We do not want him here in my city. Period,” Wheeler said.
Tell me again Antifa is the problem.
I absolutely support any individual citizen rising against the rise of goddamn nazis in our nation much less invading their home town, the most recent of which is also MY TOWN, and if you have a problem with that, get the fuck off my blog.
I will not lay down quietly while goddamn white supremacy and literal fucking nazis try to beat down progressive ideologies until they’re silenced. Fuck right the fuck off.
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boredzillenial · 8 months
Day 23: of @flightlessangelwings fawktober!
You come home to find a stranger by your pool (Jack Jackson).
Themes: DEAD DOVE -DNE, bratty f!reader, Dirty Talk, some degradation, momentary choking and hair pulling, Begging, CNC (maybe? Idk man I tried), refraction period who, 69 (Jack on top), cum play, pinv, creampie
W.C: 2435 words
A.N: This is a safe place to explore kink and erotica as writers and readers, if you don’t like one of the above themes don’t read it, this is my first attempt at hitting all three themes for one day! My first experience with CNC as well so apologies if it isn’t the best 😅 Hope y’all like it 😘 Big thank you to @melodygatesauthor and @guruan-isnt-here for grammar and vibe checking this one!
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See you soon ;)
You stare down at the final line of chat on your screen. You’d listed out your age, location, hard and soft limits. Now you wait… Finding someone online for CNC was always a toss up but your chat with this guy felt different somehow. Though your shitty workday hangs over you like a dark cloud your core is already dampening at the thought of this evening. You make your way through your darkened home until you’re stepping out sun drenched back deck. The light glimmering off of the pool causing you to squint. You take a deep breath, finally closing your eyes as you enjoy the warmth of the sun on your skin until you hear the clinking of ice in a glass. You jump and whip around to see the source of the noise,
“Who the hell are you?” You snap, your aggravating work day eroded your already limited patience. While didn’t know who had answered your ad this was not the man you’d expected. The figure lounging across your pool chair furrows his brow.
He slowly sits up and lowers his sunglasses to take you in, “I’m who you’ve been chattin’ with. Name’s Jack.” He twangs out.
“Horse shit.” You spit.
“Well that’s not very nice…” He stands up, taking a sip from his umbrella’d cocktail as he makes his way toward you. Arousal begins to mix with your frustration at his strange response. Usually you prefer men much bigger than yourself for scenes like this, it helps keep you in the moment, but this guy is at least a couple inches shorter than you.
“I thought you’d be someone strong, powerful, tall...” Your voice lowers as you smirk, dragging your gaze slowly over him. “But you? How’d you even get in?”
“I’ve got my ways sweetheart.” The stranger shrugs , “figured I’d make myself comfortable.” He grins, two gold teeth shimmering in his smile. “Care for a swim?” He motions toward the pool, robe fluttering in the California breeze showing his form in a rather small pair of pink briefs that don’t leave anything to the imagination. He’s that big while flaccid?
“I think I’ll take some time to decompress from work…” you turn and make your way into the house. The darkness temporarily blinding you as you make your way further, “Shit,” You hiss as you slowly make your way toward the kitchen.
Suddenly there are two strong hands slamming into your shoulders and pinning your back against the wall. “Now sweetheart, you can’t hold my height against me. I’m very good at my job.” His smirk and gravely voice grate against your nerves.
“If you had really read through the request you must know I’m anything but sweet…” your voice drops into a low taunting tone as you lean forward. “I don’t think this is gonna -“
His hand around your throat finishes your sentence for you as he holds you still. “Those ain’t the magic words.” He smirks “Why don’t you make your way into the bedroom and we can start.” He lets you go and steps aside, motioning down the hall.
“Pft.” You huff, feigning boredom with his momentary dominance. Deciding you really want to test his resolve you forge on, “I doubt you can -“ once again he cuts you off, this time with an iron grip in your hair at the nape of your neck as he drags you toward the bedroom.
“You’re one of those huh? Can’t just listen the first time.” He tuts as you stumble to keep up, wincing and hissing at the pain prickling your scalp. He grabs your arm and throws you onto the bed. “Just so I know you’re not some girl who’s in over her head… let me hear you say your safe-word…” he crosses his arms and stands at the edge of the bed.
You level your gaze with his, adrenaline sparking your stubbornness “Red…” you purr.
“Not a creative one are ya.” He chuckles. “Now once I start, I ain’t stopping till I hear that word…”
“That word is for you too, in case you can’t handle it.” You smirk.
The wicked grin that answers you sends lightening to your core. “Oh I’m gonna enjoy this.” He pulls down the pink briefs slowly, his thick member already hard, red and angry. He keeps his eyes locked on yours as your mouth watered at the sight of him. “Like what you see?” He smirks as he spits in his hand and slowly began to work himself infront of you.
“Can’t say I don’t.” You answer, stubbornness flaring again and keeping you from giving him a simple yes.
“Good, cause that’s all you get to do right now.” His dark tone fills the room as he continues to work himself. Hips slowly canting forward on a particularly long stroke had you biting your lip. “Little slut hasn’t earned all of this…” he growls.
You’re ashamed at how quickly you’re losing your nerve. The pulse of his cock and the sounds coming from him make your core ache and clench around nothing. You lean back on the bed, your eyes never leaving his length as your hand dips under your waistband. “Nope.” He growls, lunging forward and yanking your wrist to pin it on the bed. “Bad girl.” He pulls you forward till your knees landed on the carpet. “Hands behind your back.”
“Make m-“ your smirk is cut off as he pinches your cheeks together.
“Oh I intend to.” He pulls a pair of cuffs out of the pocket of his silk robe. He pulls your arms behind you at an awkward angle and tightens them down on your wrists.
“They’re too tight.” You growl.
He moves to stand infront of you, cock still red and now weeping as it bounces just a few inches from your face. “Ask me if I care sweetheart, now open.”
You glare at him but did as he says, opening your mouth just wide enough and sticking your tongue out.
“Stay just like that.” He murmurs as he begins working himself again, slowly coming closer and closer but not enough to touch.
He threw his head back and groaned as his hips began rolling forward. You could feel the thin fabric of your underwear soaking as he stood over you. So close but not quite there. Raising a brow you went to lean forward, to just lick the tip. But his hand came down on your forehead to keep you in place “Think I’m stupid?” He chuckled as he continues to rut into his fist. “Think you earned this cum?”
You nod opening your mouth wider. His breathy laugh has you nearly groaning, just a few more thrusts and you’re sure he’d be coming right down your throat. His hand on your head shakes as he nears his release; one, two, three more thrusts and then- ropes and ropes of cum splatter across your chest and shirt. “What the fuck.” You hiss.
“Oh you definitely didn’t earn it yet. I just wanted to ruin that pretty little blouse of yours.” He smirks, running his fingers down and swirling his spend across your skin. A snarl is your only warning as his other hand grabs onto the hem of your deep v-necked collar and yanks, ripping and exposing your bare chest underneath. “I’m gonna have fun painting you with my cum.” He whispers, hauling you up by your arm and throwing you back onto the bed. “You won’t need these.” He yanks your pants and thong down in one stroke, exposing your soaked folds. “So wet already.” He lightly strokes a finger through your heat and swirls around your clit, eliciting a soft moan from you.
His eyes sparkle as a wicked idea swirls in his mind. He presses your legs wide and leaned in, rubbing his fat tip up and down your folds. Your slickness and his cum still beading out of it mixing together made him nearly lose his control. It took everything in him not to slam into you. He nearly does till he looks up and notices how much you were enjoying the sensation. A little too much for his liking. He smirks, runs his tip up to your clit and rubs slowly over it. You whimper and groan as your hips began to roll in time with his. Your eyes squeeze shut as you focus on drawing as much pleasure as you can.
He huffs and slips the tip of his cock down further, barely pressing into your heat. Christ you need more, you buck your hips up stealing you a momentary inch of him. “Bad girl.” He tuts, slipping out of your folds and down, pressing his slick tip against your tight ring of muscle. Your eyes shoot open in a panic and you try to sit up. He relishes the fear in your eyes as he leans forward, his face just inches from yours “Do that again and I’m fucking this first… and you better hope that cunt is slick enough to drip down for your tight little ass.”
You gulp and nod. “You gonna behave?” He asks as he angles his tip up and slides it between your folds. You bite your lip to stifle your groan and nod again. “Prove it.” He shuffles over and cages your head with a knee on either side, leaning forward and angling is cock over your face, “Open.”
You open wide, hungrily as the mixture of his smell and yours fills your senses. He slowly glides his soaked tip over your tongue and groans, “Such an eager little slut.” He chuckles, rolling his hips slowly as his hand cups your breast and pinches your nipple lightly.
You gasp and he takes that chance to thrust deeper into your mouth. The warmth and softness of your tongue pull moans from him and eat away at his resolve. “Taking it so well, you want my cock down your throat?” You nod as best you can and hum your response. “Good.” He lays over you, his length nearly hitting the back of your throat and stretching your lips across him. He begins thrusting into your mouth and your about to cry out for him to slow down when a shot of warmth and pressure glides across your bud.
Your cry is muffled around his girth as he laps at your clit with his tongue. Long languid strokes across your bud send your mind reeling as you arch up and take him deeper down your throat. “Only takes a couple licks to swallow my cock huh?” His breath fanning across your needy core sent you whimpering. “Don’t worry, your mouth feels so good I’ll reward ya.”
His hips set a fast pace as he lapped at your clit. In just a few strokes of his tongue you came undone. Your cunt fluttering around nothing as you muffled cries fill the room. You were so ready to swallow all that he was about to give you. A few more hard thrusts and - he pulls out of your mouth with a pop and ruts against your chest, spilling new ropes of cum to meet his earlier spend. “Still, haven’t earned, that yet.” He groans between thrusts. His hips slow and he sits up, adjusting so he can see the absolute mess covering your tits and his belly.
He lets out a dark chuckle as he wipes his cum off his belly and turns to you. You’re hunger quelled for a moment from your orgasm as you look up at him lazily. “You want it?” He looks down as the cum on his hand then back to your lips. You nod, closing your eyes and opening your mouth. You stick your tongue out and wait for the taste of him to hit your palette. You jolt as he presses his fingers deep into your aching core. “Think I want it here instead.” His dark smirk ignites your frustration anew.
“Fucking tease.” You hiss.
“You think so?” He brings his hand up and gathers the ropes of cum from your chest. “Oh I can show you tease.” With one hand full of cum he uses the other to lift your legs until your ankles were nearly by your ears. You groan against the uncomfortable position as your weight presses into your shoulders and neck. You pitifully try to use your still restrained arms to get more comfortable, your core tensing as you try to balance.
Ass up and everything laid bare for him, he shifts behind you. Your lower back presses against his chest. He pulls your folds open with his clean hand and you gasp at the sensation of him dripping cum right into your aching heat. Your legs jerk but he manages to keep them in place as he uses a single finger to work his cum into you. Just enough sensation for you to feel it but not enough to satisfy.
“Please.” The word slips out before you can stop it. His motions halt, he slowly meets your gaze with a smirk.
“What was that? Little slut actually beggin’ now?” His dark tone adds to your aching frustration. “Do it again.”
Your desperation cracks your resolve as your back begins to ache. “Please… need more…”
“That wasn’t so hard was it? Though you should be more specific.” His smirk grows to a wicked grin as he stands over you and sinks his girth into your slick channel in one thrust. You cry out at the sudden stretch, pain and pleasure swirling as his cum leaks around the sides of him. “Would you look at that. Gotta fill you up some more.” He grunts as he begins to pound into you.
Cries turn to whimpers as you finally begin to adjust to him. His cock hitting that spot deep inside, sending you over the edge. His groans join your cries as you tighten around him, “Just like that.” He bites out and fucks you harder. “Take this fucking cock.” He slams into you drawing out your orgasm. With a final thrust he leans into you, pressing you further into the bed and painting your walls white.
After a moment he slowly lowers you till your back finally rests against the bed. Instinctively you let out a contented sigh as you felt the aftermath slowly leak from your relaxed sex. Jack moves off the bed to admire his work, tutting as the wet spot below you grows. “Gonna have to try again.” He grins. “Maybe a different hole will hold it better.”
Taglist: @lunar-ghoulie @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction
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lwells · 6 years
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Photos of some of my murals in Galerie Na shledanou in Volyně, Czech Republic. … the show is up till mid-October
Also the interview in Czech and English that I made with the curator, Jan Freiberg:
Co tě přivedlo do Čech a co Tě tady (kromě rodiny) drží dnes?
I came to CZ in the first wave of Americans in the early 90s. I wanted to find a romantic life in Europe and it was an easy way to feel that I had “done something with my life” by simply moving far away. In the beginning the economic aspects were also appealing that everything seemed cheaper, but after living on the low salary available here, the economic reality also becomes a trap and keeps me here to some degree. On the brighter side it is true that CZ is a beautiful country with good health care and public transportation. There are many social democratic advantages in comparison with the USA.
Do Čech jsem přišel s první vlnou Američanů na začátku 90. let. Hledal jsem v Evropě romantický život a tím, že jsem se přestěhoval hodně daleko jsem měl aspoň pocit že jsem „něco se svým životem udělal“. Na začátku bylo také velmi přitažlivé, že se všechno zdálo levnější, ale poté, co člověk žije z malého platu je ekonomická realita jako past a to je také to, co mě tady do jisté míry drží. Tou lepší stránkou je, že Čechy jsou krásná země, s dobrou zdravotní péčí a veřejnou dopravou. V porovnání s Amerikou je zde mnoho sociálních demokratických výhod.
Pocházíš z rodiny s velkými kulturními kořeny. Mohl bys popsat některé hlavní osobnosti a co tě s nimi spojuje?
My mother was a painter when she was younger and I grew up studying her art history books. My father is a writer .. so I sought to choose a creative path and art was easier to avoid competing directly with my dad. My stepmother was the niece of William Faulkner and so this example of a genius in my family circle, although I never met him as he died in 1962, made it seem possible to reach for something more than just a career. But in a way I gave up my American roots when I moved here .. this is the sacrifice of the one who leaves his homeland. Mississippi is the land of the Blues .. I guess that melancholy and struggle stays with me.
Moje matka byla v mládí malířkou a když jsem vyrůstal, studoval jsem si v jejích knihách o dějinách umění. Můj otec je spisovatel .. takže jsem se chtěl vydat tvůrčí cestou a ve výtvarném umění jsem se vyhnul tomu, abych se s ním měřil. Moje nevlastní matka / otcova druhá žena byla neteří Williama Faulknera. Příklad génia v rodinném kruhu, i když jsem ho nikdy nepotkal, protože zemřel v roce 1962, tak pro mě vytvářel zdání, že lze dosáhnout něčeho vyššího než jen chození do zaměstnání. Svým způsobem jsem se ale vzdal svých amerických kořenů, když jsem se sem přestěhoval .. pro toho, kdo opustí svou zem, je to oběť. Mississippi je zemí Blues .. Proto se mě asi melancholie a zápas nepouští.
Na  svém facebooku je vidět, že politické dění sleduješ přes americká média  a vyjadřuješ se  k nim z pozice Američana. Možná díky socialnim sítím žiješ mentálně ve spojení se svou domovskou kulturou a politikou než s tou českou. Co si o tom myslíš a jak vnímáš malé evropské měřítko?
It's difficult for me to be fully Czech and I hold myself at a distance. My Czech language ability is still, after many years, pretty bad .. so yes you are right about Facebook .. but I need to turn it off. I had hoped CZ would develop more quickly .. I shared in the dream of Havel and I didn't understand the way people in the East and West still support an Iron Curtain culturally even some 30 years almost after it's gone.
Je těžké být Čechem naplno a tak se držím stranou. Moje znalost češtiny je po mnoha letech stále mizerná .. takže ano, s Facebookem máš pravdu.  .. měl bych ho vypnout. Doufal jsem, že Čechy se rozvinou rychleji. .. jako jiní jsem věřil v Havlův sen a nerozuměl jsem, jakto že lidé na východě i na západě pořád udržují železnou oponu v kulturním slova smyslu, a to 30 let poté, co je pryč. 4.Jak se žije americkému malíři v Čechách?
I teach English and I translate. I make very little money from my painting. I am a romantic and a dreamer and I dont play the game of convincing rich collectors to choose my work. Again I was naïve in that I believed people had good taste and supported committed artists, when of course the reality of the “art market” is much more about status and superficial material concerns.
Učím angličtinu a překládám. Malováním vydělám jen velmi málo. Jsem romantik a snílek a nehraju hru na přesvědčování bohatých sběratelů, aby si vybrali mé dílo. Byl jsem naivní, když jsem věřil, že lidé mají vkus a podporují oddané umělce, přitom „umělecký trh“ je mnohem více založen na věhlasu a povrchních materiálních zájmech.  
5.Jací umělci z amerických dějin jsou ti blízcí? V čem se liší tvé malířské kořeny od těch evropských?
From the previous generation I admire the work of Philip Guston and Wayne Thiebaud. I was in college in the mid-80s so the whole Neo-Expressionist movement affected me. My mark is naïve, on the border of art brut .. I work with my limitations and strengths, like any artist. I was quite inspired by the Georg Baselitz show at the Rudolfinum and to see the influence Guston had on his work. I like German and Italian painting and I would like to believe an American can participate in the cultural dialogue of Europe, even as it evolves. Lubos Typlt warned me that Czechs are more concerned with Conceptual Art instead of painting, which is dominated by Germany. Perhaps I would have had better luck in Germany .. who knows …
Z předchozí generace obdivuju dílo Philipa Gustona a Wayne Thiebauda. Na vysokou jsem chodil v polovině  80. let, takže mě ovlivnilo celé neo-expresionistické hnutí. Můj rukopis je naivní, na hranici art-brut .. Jako každý umělec, dělám, co umím. Udělala na mě dojem výstava Georga Baselitze v Rudolfinu a uvědomil jsem si vliv, jaký na jeho dílo měl Philip Guston. Líbí se mi německá a italská malba a rád bych věřil, že jako Američan se můžu podílet na kulturním dialogu Evropy. Luboš Typlt mě varoval, že Češi jsou více zatíženi na konceptuální umění spíše než na malbu, kterou zase ovládaji v Německu. Možná bych se byl uplatnil v Německu .. kdo ví ..
6.Konec večírku. To je název tvé výstavy v Galerii Na shledanou. Jak ho můžeme chápat?
 The monkeys represent humanity, the empty bottles is our depleted environment. We are at a critical place in our relationship to technology and progress. I feel we are still little more than monkeys in our understanding of the world, and in fact the monkeys themselves are more connected to nature than we are. We take and take, but we don't give back to the world. The party (1945-2008, post-WWII reconstruction) is over .. what comes next? We need to have more respect for the world we live on because we are are on this planet together. We either live or die all together. The ship is a journey, we are all on a journey, but to where?
Opice představují lidskost, prázdné lahve jsou naše vyprázdněné životní prostředí. V našem vztahu k technice a pokroku se nacházíme v kritickém bodě. Mám pocit, že jsme jen o málo chytřejší než opice v tom, jak rozumíme světu, opice jsou dokonce s přírodou spjaté více než my. Pořád jen bereme, ale nic světu nevracíme. Večírek (1945 – 2008, poválečná rekonstrukce) skončil .. co bude dál? Ke světu, v němž žijeme, musíme mít větší respekt, protože jsme všichni na jedné lodi. Buď spolu budeme žít nebo spolu umřeme. Loď je cesta, všichni jsme na cestě, ale kam? 7.Je ti blízká tématika konce, smrti. Ve svých obrazech pracuješ někdy s atributy smrti. Co tě k tomu vede?
Still life painting in the classical sense of memento mori led me to the theme of death. Moving to CZ and seeing Renaissance and Baroque culture closely helped me feel the power of the symbolic still life. Also having my own child and getting older myself opened up this theme for me. Often the art market focuses on the energy of young artists, but what do they know of the world? I think after we live and see the world, we begin to understand what we can say in response to it.
Malba zátiší v klasickém duchu memento mori (pamatuj na smrt) mě přivedla k tématu smrti. Příchod do Čech a bližší seznámení se s renesanční a barokní kulturou mně daly pocítit sílu symbolického zátiší. Téma mi také otevřela otcovská zkušenost a stárnutí. Umělecký trh se často zaměřuje na energii mladých umělců, co ale ti vědí o světě? Myslím, že teprve když žijeme a zakoušíme svět, začínáme rozumět, co máme na něj odpovědět.
8.Často maluješ klasické zátiší. Které tradiční alegorické předměty používáš a které jsi na scénu přinesl sám a proč?
I answered this above, but I feel my addition of the monkeys as a mirror of the viewer .. a living presence among the objects. Still life painting reveals an inner psychic landscape, it's rich with association. As a small theatre stage, it also has its weaknesses.
Už jsem na to odpověděl výše, ale můj vlastní příspěvek pociťuju v opicích, které jsou jako zrcadlo diváka … živé bytosti mezi předměty. Zátiší odhaluje vnitřní psychickou krajinu, která může být bohatá na asociace. Jako malé divadelní jeviště má ale také svoje slabosti.   
Měl bys chuť sám charakterizovat svou práci?
My work is a poetic response to my lived condition. Some aspects of my life as an immigrant are reflected in the monkeys who cannot speak, the emotional contact with faces and eyes.
Moje dílo je poetickou odpovědí na mou žitou zkušenost. Určitý aspekt mého života coby imigranta se zrcadlí v opicích, které neumí mluvit, v emočním kontaktu pomocí obličeje a očí.
Co Tě zaujalo ve Volyni?
 I was quite drawn to the river Voltynka and the benches on both sides of the river .. the beautiful sunsets created dioramas of village life: families with baby carriages, girls smoking on the benches. The graveyard and the devotion of people coming to clean the graves is very touching. I saw one Italian name there on a grave, so even here a few outsiders among you.
Velice mě přitahovala řeka Volyňka s lavičkami na obou březích … krásný západ slunce vytvářel diorama života na venkově: rodiny s kočárky, dívky pokuřující na lavičkách. Hřbitov a velmi dojemná oddanost lidí, kteří sem přicházejí starat se o hroby. Na jednom hrobě jsem viděl italské jméno, takže i tady mezi vámi je alespoň jeden outsider. …
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warrior-luna · 3 years
So to figure out the difference between red flags Shit that dnt make sense to is part of my past traumas I be so confused on this and is quick to cut a Mfka off but the ? Is am I wrong and being triggered universe just show me and just to think I was liking it there and I’m so annoyed with myself for thinking I mattered I’m not even a priority it went from I’m coming to see you to the car place gave my keys to someone else I’m not going to be able to make to I might come out dnt go no where 😂(that got my attention) to texting back to back than bam silence for hours 2 text messages ignored wanna spin back and text hey baby wyd 😂😂😂😂I just got in the house I smack him with a oh yea this some funny weird Shit good night so yes this mind dump dne answered my ? He done handed me his own scissors ✌️
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laurablue · 5 years
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Lagi-lagi masih berasa hawa konsernya. Yang paling ga aku expect adalah D&E bawa lagu Danger dan sebagai lagu pembuka. Aku pikir yang akan jadi pembuka Chokiwa, ternyata lagu ini ga dinyanyikan. Padahal yang selalu jadi lagu wajib @leedonghae & @eunhyukee44 klo tour adalah Chokiwa & Oppa Oppa. Tapi gila sih pecah bgt ketika lagu Danger. Liat penampilan langsung mereka nyanyi Danger itu luar biasa. Btw baju yg aku pakai sama yang dipakai Donghae Day 1 warnanya senada loh, feeling seorang bucin Donghae emang ga bisa diragukan wkwkwk... - Rasanya spesial aja karena masih berkesempatan datang setiap Donghae ke Indonesia dan kenapa dia makin tua makin tampan hah?? Gimana mau move on klo setiap mau ketemu dia mempertampan dirinya sementara aku semakin bapuk 😂 udah jadi ahjussi sekarang and it feels time flies so fast. Dulu pertama kali jatuh hati sama dia itu pas bgt seumuran aku sekarang, masih sangat muda bagi usia seorang pria. Ahjussi rasa oppa 😍 Tapi emang sih ya si gemini (me) satu ini, klo hatinya udah nemplok pasti susah lepas. Maka dari itu bertahan bucin selama 7 tahun. - Eh tapi gemes saat keisengan Donghae mulai muncul saat dia mau buka topi si Hyuk Jae. Penasaran juga sih sama rambut barunya dia untuk come back album 9jib. Hyuk Jae aku suka dia karena dia mudah bgt terharu karena ELF. Setiap konser Super Show, dia pasti menitikkan air mata karena terharu sama cinta ELF ke mereka, ya 11:12 sama Teuk oppa. - Tapi memang kalau udah sekali suka nonton konser, pasti ketagihan pengen nonton terus 😅 - #DNE #SJ #Donghae #Eunhyuk #SKFIndonesia (at ICE Indonesia - Indonesia Convention Exhibition ICE BSD City) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3FWcWGh-Fo/?igshid=vvs1jrxq87lf
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the-firebird69 · 4 years
we went and kicked ass no we are there and it works. tons run in. we take the diamonds and clear other ships.  we see Father off in the distance working and he is overworked and tired and we ask where are your boys they are there and are not boys are Gods and we are old too.  and he says this they are my boys. and we look and see tons of them working it.  huge piles and they seer them fast and more come in.  he asks how many i say about ten or twenty octillion coming and he says small numbers, do you know why, holding for war. yes and in russia same thing for Apollo, and we her him he will.   but i heard Apollo had a good night no he made it up the report said so many not worth talking about.  and i hear him. so we work. it was a lot and they moved out of tons of area but not the numbers you haul in Galactus... and he waited and said. we need you again in the Ukraine and i said good it is as planned more or less ships up ready more to raise, we raised sevral and needed it, then we go and hit.. and they are ready there in the Caucausus for me the s say and i say “you are never ready mortals you only say you are” and they flip meoff and say rude things and go round and round and tlk bad and speak ill of me and run up and down the street proclaiming vicory and he cometh and more. and i say this “you are mere mortals what have you that can touch me or scratch me” he says nothing and you will see and we rveiw and there is not much there. we go in now. Iran and Iraq are heated sufficiently, and you say no.  we will work until we have to move.  true too we look massive and huge but Octillion is not Septillion. and you burn fast too we have seen it it is so fast they go and get guns in a panic...so he requests to go up front and gets huge.  he does and says “we are here to finish you mortals you are weak Father has slowed you sufficiently” they talk back and die tons do the whole column gone all the way to the horizon. and Father says we have never seen that before and he laughs and says we have. but not that hot. and the road is gone.  tons died.  and he burned the road up fast.  huge piles of rubble gone. tons gone too a septillion. Zues Hera andw e hear it now september. so we ready now for friday. we burn too fastnow it is easy and he learned how to by my hand. andnow is good at it. they come now let us see Thor Galactus Galactica Iran is full of them and Iraq and we mean full of people they overan the place. came from all over it is time and Allah has been working furiously, and hear him i say Thor says, it is forceful but it is out of necessity. he says big is better more energy and faster.  and it intimidates them. they run in and have to it is a giant or large person thing. tons do here to joe he fends them off with ships and other.  we do too now and it  is his size he is a hulk of a man to many.  his weight and enormous strength he can lift up half a ton some say and others a quarter of a million pounds and more it is a rumor filled place.   we hit ok and stop and talk....theyi are full of it and full of hate and it is bad too bad we balance it.. and we hear too it is here that his hot too. we cool it now. Iran bustles and we fire and we see you Galactus on the monitor he waves. and hits a car flying by.  tons do it and harrass. he hits them often his soldiers do tooand hit him seldom but do and he says hey.  and htey saymissed. and he feelsfin. knows it wonthurt andcharges actually. but doesnt want it seen huge piles of cars come and he sees why, they are using rapid fire.  and then he shows how use it to deflect them and so on. theyi do and it works.  tons try it hugepiles of cars and he incinerates them. tons die.  then more cars. about a quarter million but to one man it is  alot.  he incinerates them.  and thinks of no it is ani nteruption by John c rieely buetiful ride....and he enjoyes hte connotation, and other and says isnt it. Galactus says “your speach is not correct john c rielly these people die speeding at me due to your actions on my Father” and is silent and he hears we are his you nincumpoop and he says ‘“thus the conundrum applies” they continue and die.  he says oh that is why i said it we die in combat as you imagined.  caa.  well Galactus is not caa. ok i get it and you dont see do you. nope need  a flick. try john try.  why is it hard no i see several trying and are not dead. use your head john it is not simple. ok i see.  they do. we try now. and use a body suit it is good cover.  a huge fatass ok lol oh good the past leave it all behind you ok hahah lol ok i will and it looks mean it is but he deserves it and rants but gets it and will. fatass and all. body suit too.  and it is Galactus and he will play percy spencer lol. fatassed general looking for a new sueprweapn send in his ferraris and lambos like dikes andwhores tons laugh it is over john and a few islamic extremists come out.  we fight  himnow you out of the way panzies who wnat to buzz allday.  your buzz lightyear as it takes alight year for you to be dne buzzing and it isfunny wehre did you get that he says you. no no this is not good fire on them Galactus hits they die cant fire now Galactus says and jons wife comes out and hollars you are an ass Galactica  a real ass and it is war she says “your an ass and you will die a pig” and they are fighting tons of bitches roll out and are in pink and hateful green and fill up the place and look islamic but all have fatasses john says he made him say it and they face the men off and retreat. scared. lol  Galactica says this “you are afraid of your penniless poor boy who hits you all day and night but not Galactica who hits you once and you dont get up, why” it is out of hnor we dont answer, and tell your bf to shut up....and he laughs too we had a moment, and yeah we shitourselves a for honesty.  lol no we have huge fatasses all. nono he only powers up we have seen it but in LA and it was mac daddys  find one let us see why he is here.ok hun she does and she is big mouhted we wanted to see you fry.  and it isnt it.  questons more tons do.  she turns to run is surrounded.  we are all here why not fight it.  and she looks scared.  she is pushed.  tons die we have to  she runs away they kick herdown.  then she says this yournot going to let me live why shoudl i tell you.  and she says it is his way we know not yours.  and they laugh it is nt complicated you were out of bonds millins of times still are  blamed me right in front of him no it was him mac behind in ca cmera and i did find it she says fromhere.  and we laugh us too. and she gets up and starts talking he is a big bullly hey incited him thinking he last man last nuke will work mac did it as a ruse tons bough tit  it is vulgar but now he has to.. they run and it is too late and  adelay tactic Galactica thanks you and heard. and knows the difference adn the infidels willdie and they turn adn say what...you are in our country illegally these are not your lands. we refer to Father and he says “ i am a God you are not you are tresspassing here you should have left when you had the chance.” and they balk who are you to talk to us that way and he tells them they balk you died and he says no i am here. and your not a God we saw you bleed earlier and he lies and we laugh it is a trick attempt again we hit and they fall. tons come now and john c rielly and his brigade fall. tons fall. but him first.  he is all done. he goes. sends a msg we intercept.  tons die.  and all the pack goes too.  and then i hear this you cannot whipe one of us out. and they fire tons of missiels itry turningno good and use that force shield it breaks them all and wont turn and we use our lasers. tons blowu p a few sail by and our Children hit them Generals and Colonels and Luetenans Corporels Seargents and more all stop them and we hear this you wont stop this and it makes a whirring noise and he hears it and hits it it is a chocolate machine poison and it is pure and too much for our bodies at times. other times we use it but notnow we are tired. we grow now he says. we eat up.  tons are eaten and huge now and eat more need meat. massive.  and then they say this we are not coming we see a huge caravan and it is full of people.  tons of them alleager to fight and see too.  Galactica Galactus and see. and he thinks this is the Great See
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tessa9879-blog · 6 years
<br class="Apple-interchange-newline"><div></div>4121/5000- Blagodarya! - kazakh sŭneno i se nadignakh. Kogato slyazokh ot samoleta seriozno si se stresnakh - ne znaekh koĭ shte me chaka ili kŭde tryabva da otida. Strakhovete mi se okazakha naprazni - pri posreshtachite se otkroyavashe yarka grupichka.edno mlado momiche stoeshe i dŭrzheshe byal list, na koĭto be napisano imeto mi na bŭlgarski. Do neya edin mŭzh si poglezhdashe chasovnika i se oglezhdashe lyubopitno. Tezi dvamata byakha zaobikoleni ot chetirima zdravi mŭzhagi, koito dŭrzhakha nastrana nyakolko zhurnalista. Da mu se ne vidi, maĭ pristiganeto mi be obshtestvena taĭna. Pomŭknakh kufara i otidokh pravo pri momicheto. - Zdraveĭte! - kazakh na angliĭski. Tya me pogledna, usmikhna se i zapochna da plyampa na bŭlgarski. - Zdrasti, az sŭm Mariya, no mozhe da mi kazvash Meri. Shte bŭda tvoyata prevodachka. Tova e Pol, toĭ e... - Znam koĭ e - prekŭsnakh ya - Izvinyavaĭ, ne iskam da bŭda gruba, no az govorya perfektno angliĭski! - tova naistina si beshe taka - angliĭskiya mi beshe kato roden ezik. - Chudesno! - Meri vŭobshte ne se obidi - Az i bez tova sŭm za malko, shte ti pomagam samo v shouto. - tya se obŭrna kŭm Pol - Pol, tova e Katerina. - Zdrasti! - kaza toĭ dokato se zdravisvakhme i otnovo pogledna chasovnika si - Khaĭde, vreme e da trŭgvame, shte zakŭsneem za shouto. - Kakvo shou? - popitakh. - Tova, v koeto shte uchastvash! - otgovori Meri i podade kufara mi na edin mŭzhagite. - Kakvo?! - pochti izvikakh, a Pol se obŭrna i me pogledna pretsenyavashto. - Govorish li angliĭski? - Perfektno - otgovorikh mu dosta po-tikho. - Ooo, tova shte bŭde naistina zabavno - kaza i lukava usmivchitsa se poyavi na ustnite mu - Kakto i da e, ima promyana v plana, shouto shte se snima dnes - zapochna da obyasnyava dokato vŭrvyakhme kŭm izkhoda. - No nali utre... - usetikh kak pochvam da mrŭnkam - V smisŭl, iskam pone da se izkŭpya i da se preobleka... - Shte se izkŭpesh posle v khotela - veche byakhme otvŭn, otvori mi vratata na ogromen cheren dzhip i kaza milo - Naistina sŭzhalyavam! Az svikh primireno ramene i se kachikh, a dokato pŭtuvakhme kŭm studioto bleekh prez prozoretsa. - E, kak se chuvstvash? - opita se da povede razgovor Meri. - Dobre - izlŭgakh. Vsŭshtnost vŭobshte ne byakh dobre. Pochnakh seriozno da se panik’osvam. Mislekh, che intervyuto shte e utre i shte imam dostatŭchno vreme da se nastroya psikhicheski za nego. No yavno nyamashe da imam tazi vŭzmozhnost. Pŭtuvaneto do studioto prodŭlzhi 30-40 minuti. Spryakhme pred edna visoka sgrada v tsentŭra na London, sled koeto se kachikhme na petiyat etazh. Tam beshe studioto, a vŭtre tsareshe istinski khaos. Napred - nazad tichakha khora, raznasyakha se kameri i mikrofoni. Mariya i Pol me zavedokha v edna grim’orna i mi kazakha, che imam polovin chas da se prigotvya, pozhelakha mi uspekh i me ostavikha sama. Okolo 5 minuti gledakh tŭpo kŭm vratata i migakh na partsali. "O Bozhe moĭ, kakvo si prichinyavakh?" pomislikh si, a posle izlyazokh ot transa, v koĭto byakh izpadnala. Ogledakh se za kufara si, no nego go nyamashe. Mamka mu, yavno shte tryabva da izlyaza s drekhite, koito nosekh. Byakh oblechena s byal prilepnat potnik, a vŭrkhu nego cheren, po-shirok i bez grŭb, tŭmno sini dŭnki i ketsove. Ne e tolkova zle, pomislikh, pri drugi obstoyatelstva shtyakh da obleka neshto podobno. V grim’ornata imashe oshte edna malka staichka i pravilno predpolozhikh, che e toaletnata. Vlyazokh i si izmikh litseto i rŭtsete. Dobre, che nesesera s grimovete beshe v damskata mi chanta. Ryadko se grimirakh i po printsip ne polzvakh fon d’o ten, no v momenta byakh bleda kato prizrakh i nyamashe da e zle da pridam malko tsvyat na litseto si. Podchertakh ochite si s ochna liniya i cheren moliv, nakraya slozhikh i spirala. Pusnakh kosata si ot opashkata i ya sresakh. Ne sŭm pŭrva krasavitsa, no ne sŭm i koĭ znae kolko grozna, ili pone az si mislekh taka. Imam golemi sini ochi, pŭlni ustni, chipo nosle, formata na litseto mi ne e nito krŭgla, nito ovalna, a nyakakva krŭstoska mezhdu dvete, ne moga da opredelya. Tezha 50 kilograma i sŭm visoka 1,60. Kato tsyalo vŭnshniya mi vid vŭobshte ne vliza v kategoriyata "klasicheska krasavitsa", no zdrave da e. Kharesvam edinstveno kosata si - cherna, s lek chervenikav ottenŭk, stigashta do sredata na zadnite mi chasti. Nyakoĭ pochuka na vratata i az podskochikh. Beshe Meri.- Thanks! "I said sleepy, and I rose. When I got off the plane, I was really startled - I did not know who would be waiting for me or where to go.     My fears turned out to be in vain - there was a bright group standing at the meeting. A young girl stood and held a white sheet on which my name was written in Bulgarian. Beside her, a man looked at his watch and looked curiously. These two were surrounded by four healthy men who held away a few journalists. Not to see him, my arrival was a public secret. I pulled the suitcase and went straight to the girl.     - Hello! - I said in English. She looked at me, smiled and began to spit in Bulgarian.     "Hi, I'm Maria, but you can tell me Mary. I'll be your translator. This is Paul, he is ...     - I know who it is - I broke it - Sorry, I do not want to be rude, but I speak perfectly English! - it was really like that - my English was like a native language.     - Great! - Mary was not offended at all - I'm not that short, I'll only help you on the show. She turned to Paul Paul, that's Catherine.     - Hello! he said as we shuffled and looked at his watch again. "Come on, it's time to go, we'll be late for the show."     - What show? - I asked.     - What you're going to be in! Mary answered, handing my suitcase to one of the men.     - What ?! I almost cried out, and Paul turned and looked at me.     - Speak English?     "Perfect," I answered him rather quietly.     "Oh, that's gonna be really fun," and a sly smile appeared on his lips. "Anyway, there's a change in the plan the show will be shooting today," he began to explain as we walked toward the exit.     - But tomorrow ... - I felt how I started to mumble - In the sense, I want at least to wash and change my clothes ...     "Then you will be bathed in the hotel - we were already outside, opened the door to a huge black jeep and said good-bye - I'm really sorry! I shrugged my shoulders and climbed, and while we were traveling to the studio, I was blinking out the window.    - Well, how are you feeling? He tried to talk to Mary.    "Okay," I lied. Actually, I was not good at all. I was seriously panicked. I thought the interview would be tomorrow, and I'll have enough time to adjust mentally for it. But obviously I would not have this opportunity.      The trip to the studio lasted for 30-40 minutes. We stopped in front of a tall building in the center of London, then climbed to the fifth floor. There was the studio there, and there was real chaos inside. There were people running back and forth, chambers and microphones spread. Maria and Paul took me to a dressmaker and told me I had half an hour to prepare, wished my success, and left me alone. About 5 minutes I was dull looking at the door and blinking at the rags. "Oh my God, what did I do?" I thought, and then came out of the trance that I had fallen into. I looked around for my suitcase, but he was gone.Shit, I'm gonna have to go out with the clothes I wore. I was wearing a white adidas, and black, wider and without back, dark blue jeans and sneakers. Not so bad, I thought, in other circumstances, I would wear something like this. There was another small room in the dressing room and rightly assumed it was the toilet. I went in and washed my face and hands. Good thing the make-up was in my handbag. I was rarely making up and generally not using a background, but at the moment I was pale as a ghost, and it would be a good idea to put a little color on my face. I emphasized my eyes with a line of eye and a black pencil, and then I put on and spiraled. I dropped my hair from the tail and cut it. I'm not the first beauty, but I'm not too ugly, or at least I thought so. I have big blue eyes, full lips, chick nose, the shape of my face is neither round nor oval, but some cross between the two, I can not determine. I weigh 50 kilos and I am 1.60 high. As a whole, my appearance is not in the "classic beauty" category, but the health is. I only like my hair - black, with a slight reddish tinge reaching the middle of my back. Somebody knocked on the door and I jumped. It was Mary.
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chickpow · 7 years
Chickpow here: I found an old disc/floppy disc in my attic containing a lot of very old fanfiction from authors and websites that are either gone or taken down. I am not the author but I would like to share what I’ve found. if you find the author please let me know so I can credit them properly. Thank you and enjoy
by Chrismery
As Pan brushed her long, flowing, jet black hair, she sighed to herself. Trunks has left for another business trip in the United States. Now Pan was all alone, actually she had her mother, father, and her auncle Goten, but without Trunks it looked vagued.
~Why did he had to leave for so long.~ thought Pan as she looked at her herself in the mirror.
 As she kept  gazing to herself her mind was streaked with thought.
~What 'did' Trunks see in a girl?.~ thought Pan and on the top left corner of the mirror she saw herself playing aroung with her auncle Goten, sparring with Trunks. The image then faded away.
 She smiled  a bit at the thought. Then there was silence once again throught her room. As the minute passed she started listening very closely to the environment around her. She heard the frogs croaking outside, the fireflies  were dancing near the windows. It looked  like a miniature light show. Pan turned once again towards the mirror, at the lower left corner she saw herself and Trunks sitting in a patch of grass looking up to see the fireworks  light up the moonless sky. As Pan kept gazing at the memory, she could almost hear the fireworks exploding in the distance, the "awes" of the audience, the little feeling that she gets when she's around Trunks, the smell of Trunks when he's near her. Pan closed her eyes tightly the wonderful memories were giving her an ache in her heart, the ache that only Trunks can make disappear. The distractions from downstairs were beggining to be a nusense to her at that point. Her mother had invited the whole gang to spend the saturday together. Pan turned to her small Betty-Boop alarm clock that Trunks have given her on her 18th birthday. He always knew that she liked the cartoon Betty-Boop. Looking at the clock, the arm read "11:00."
~Shouldn't they be getting home?.~.  Then as if on cue came a knocking on her bedroom door.
"Who is it?." asked Pan.
 The door swung slowly open , there standing in some blue short shorts and a white tanktop with an angel picture on it, was Bra.
"It's just me. I just wanted to say bye, we are leaving now." said Bra.
"oh....okay, thanks for coming over." said Pan sounding a bit distressed.
"Don't worry, Panny. Trunks will be home soon." said Bra  while smiling towards Pan
"I know." said Pan as she smiled warmly towards best friend. They hugged each other and Bra left Pan sitting on her vanity dresser all alone  in the room.
Pan turned back towards the mirror, she looked at herself. "Bra is really pretty." whispered Pan as she continued to look at herself.
~Auncle Goten is a really lucky guy.~ thought Pan.
 This thought made her ponder even more. ~I'm not the prettiest girl around. Why would Trunks pick me instead of all those beautiful women that   were chasing after him?~
Pan asked herself. She continued to look at her facial features mesmorizing herself into herself. Pan gave out a little smirk. She looked at the lower right of the mirror, then appeared a small picture. It was Pan and Trunks. They were standing and little white flakes were falling around them. Trunks had Pans' face in one of his hands while the other hand was holding Pans' hand. Pan remembered this memory, it was two christmas, and it was the first time Trunks called her beautiful. She continued looking at the flashback with a smile on her face. Pan felt a warm feeling engulf her, it was the feel of Trunks strong  soft hand on her delicate-to-the-touch flushed cheeks. How she missed that unforgetable touch. A small sprinkle of a tear away came out of it's hiding place.
~No, I'm not going to cry!.~ thought Pan as she wiped the tear away.
 Pan turned to the small clock. "11:16." she whispered. Pan got off of her vanity dresser walked  to the light switch and turned off the lights. Pan sat on her bedside, she lit the small candle. She tucked herself on her bed and continued to look at the flickering candle.
"It may never go out, there is only one to turn it off. Poor little candle , yet everytime you are lit you seem to burn even brighter.~ Pan closed her eyes and snuggled in for a good nights' sleep.
******** 3 HOURS LATER*******
 Pan woke up shivering. Having her eyes barely open she saw the long silky window curtain flowing in the late night air. She never remembered opening the window. Pan rushed her eyes to look at the candle...a sigh of relief was released from her system. The candle was still flickering, barely. She restlessly got off of her bed, she walked towards the window, letting the curtain wrap around her small frame body. Pan closed the window, tightly. The silk curtains fell away from her body.
"Hello Pan." said a soft voice.
"God, I'm hearing voices now!." Pan said to 'herself'.  Pan turned around, and what she saw shocked the breath out of her lungs.
"Trunks??....TRUNKS  YOUR HERE!!!!!!" screamed Pan in shear excitement.
"I came in today, I couldn't go home without seeing you!" said Trunk.
"Oh!!, Trunks!!!".
 They both met in an embrace, he bended down and raised her face by the chin, he kissed her passionatly. Pan opened her eyes just a bit, there she could have swored the candle light grow brighter. When they parted they met each others gaze, and they hugged each other tightly. As Pan looked towards the mirror, she saw herself in the arms of her love, Trunks, with a strong, bright candle beside. This moment became a memory.
"Beautiful." whispered Pan as she closed her eyes.  A 'beautiful' reflection, indeed.
THE END                                                     DNE EHT
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