#do I call them donquixote family or donquixote pirates?..
warthoong · 6 months
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that's how it went right??
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ooffmlsorry · 7 months
Bringing Law Home for a Family Holiday
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Readers' Note: Reader has a large and generally good but overbearing family. Only happy things in this, little to no angst!
A/N: Every holiday I get struck with the desire to write my latest blorbo coming home with their s/o for the holidays. I don't have time to crack out 10-15k words so this is probs gonna be more stream of consciousness but it'll get the point across.
I've been imagining how tense the travel to Law's s/o's house is because God forbid y'all be late because Law wants to make a good impression no matter how many times you explain it's a very loose 4 p.m. arrival time.
You've been dating for long enough that you think it's reasonable for him to meet your family (that was enough to make Law's heart flutter and then start hammering...could it be you're just as serious about him as he is about you?)
"My aunt showed up at noon and my cousin's probably not going to be here until after dark, really it's fine!" You'd insist. "Besides, the people that show up on time are the ones that end up having to go back out because someone forgot something!"
And of course Law would say "that's fine." With a such a stubborn and determined tone. Being on time or a few minutes early is better than being late! Suddenly your man is a rule follower! 🤭Suddenly you can picture Law as he was a kid studious and button-ed up in his little doctor's uniform. It's almost kind of cute if he wasn't so nervous.
The closest thing to family Law has is Bepo, Shachi and Penguin. Not since the Donquixote family has Law had anything to do with that word and he's so nervous he feels sick. For Law this translate to acting like he has the world's biggest cactus shoved up his ass, and you know that so you try not to take his coolness personally.
Holding his hand helps a little though. You ignore how shaky and sweaty it is.
He's feeling a lot of big feelings right now, poor guy.
He insisted on you giving him a "family tree" when he realized how big your family is and a list of things not to accidentally mention or do. He's been studying it for days, re-reading it over and over obsessively.
The fact that he's a pirate is fine, which takes a lot of pressure off. You come from a family full of pirates, so you swear Law will fit right in. Although you warn him your grandfather's probably going to start reminiscing about how he knew Gol D. Roger as a kid (which no one knows if that's actually true) and ranting about the young pirates these days.
You'd walk up to your family home high on a hill over looking the sea. From several yards away you can already hear music. You realize as you get closer it's more like you're dragging Law more than he's walking with you.
It's subconscious lol. I promise you he's not doing it on purpose. As soon as you notice it he speaks, "I'm fine."
Poor Traffy is so pale!
His tone dares you to question him, almost as if to actually say "I'm fine, if I wasn't I wouldn't be here Y/N. Please trust me to be honest with you about how I'm feeling." But that's a lot of words for someone who's mouth is cotton dry. He's trying his best, so you give him a quick kiss on the cheek for courage and walk up to the house together.
The first thing your family comments on when you open the door is how early you are despite the fact that it's three minutes to 4:00.
"We weren't expecting Y/N for another hour!" Your aunt winks at Law and nudges him, no introduction, no nothing, and says "you must really be something special if you can get them here to early!"
Despite Law's best efforts, having one of your family members immediately point out his supposed specialness to you makes blush and stutter.
It doesn't matter how awkward his no response of blinking at your aunt was because she's already gone flitting around with an arm full of what your family calls "the good plates."
You pull Law down to whisper in his ear, "told you we'd be early," you giggle.
It's not the nicest house, but it is big, and warm, and festive. Just standing in the doorway taking it in Law's struck with the remembrance of home. He tries to only focus on the present, not Swallow Island, Spider Miles, or even Flevance, your home is good..for today. But tomorrow he'll back at his home: the Polar Tang.
You introduce him to what little family is already there. Your heart squeezes at the way Law awkwardly waves at the baby your cousin's bouncing on his lap and the surprise that quickly turns into a soft smile that spreads across his lips when the baby coos back.
He meets your grandpa, who appraises him very officially. You swear to God Law's holding his breath as the stout man with a peg leg circles him with his arms behind his back. "Trafalgar Law, hmm..." he says very seriously. "You know back in my day pirates didn't all these tattoos to prove they were tough."
"I heard your day was quite a long time ago," Law says almost automatically. In for a penny, in for a pound, he doubles down, adding "sir" at the end.
That would be your boyfriend hehe. Too sharp for his own good.
Of course that's what your grandfather likes. He shakes Law's hand and pulls him into a crushing hug. Your grandpa promises later he's got words for him (ie. the shovel talk). It's a little disturbing how comfortable Law feels knowing he'll be threatened with an unspeakably awful death later. That's the most familiar thing that has happened all day. lol
But he knows the person he needs to impart the best impression on is your grandmother. You don't think you've ever seen Law so perfectly polite in your life....which makes your grandmother howl with laughter! "My ass whooping days are over, boy! Relax!" Her frail hands clutch her stomach as she laughs. She wipes a tear from her eyes, "I thought you said he was a pirate?!" She pats Law on the cheek like he's a sweet little boy (because at her old age 26 is a little boy) and gives it a squeeze. And because it's your grandma, he lets her.
You have to hide your laughter behind your hand.
"He's a sweet boy, Y/N," she says to you. "And so handsome! Where were all the good-looking men like him when I was at sea?"
"I killed 'em all!" Your grandpa yells across the house.
And just like that, Law's in your grandmother's good graces. Of course you knew he would be.
True to your word earlier, you get sent in to town to pick up a short list of last minute things. It's a nice moment to breathe. As soon as you're far enough from the house you wrap your arms around him and kiss him deeply.
"I'm so happy they like you," you say quietly once you come up for air. You don't tease him about how strange it is to see him hoping for someone's approval like you would in most circumstances. Instead you feel yourself melt, "I knew they would, but now you believe me?"
"They like me for now," he says because god forbid he go easy on himself.
"You're not as hard to love as you think you are, Law." You press another kiss to his lips.
(A/N: ooh chile lemme tell you, for saying that right there that man is going to romantically rail you within an inch of your life when y'all get back to the ship. That is the only way I can convey to you how much you saying that means to him. He's speechless.)
By time y'all get back there are a lot more people here and it's a lot louder. Your brother asks Law about a rash on elbow (at the dinner table no less, but hey these are pirates!) and he actually gives him advice.
Law meets your little cousins, who ask him a million questions including but not limited to:
"Why do you wears that funny looking hat?"
"Are you actually a surgeon?"
"Does getting a tattoo hurt?"
"Can you give me a tattoo?"
"How many Marines have you killed?"
"Are the Straw Hat Pirates really that strong?"
"Do you really have a polar bear on your ship?"
"Are you and Y/N ever gonna have a baby?"
To which Law responds:
"Who said it was funny looking?"
"I don't know. I don't feel pain." you thought this man would take their questions seriously?
"Surgeons aren't allowed to do that. My hands will fall off if I do."
"Definitely more than you."
"As strong as they are stupid."
"Yeah, he's our navigator."
".........I think I heard someone calling you from the kitchen."
Your little cousins think "he's weird funny." He does "surgery" on the dolls your cousins offer up to him and thoroughly enjoy the weird monstrosities he creates. And Your moody teenage nephew deems Law "cool."
Your mom insists Law's too skinny for his own good and piles more food on his plate. "If you're going to survive out there you need some meat on your bones! I wanna see you here next year, Trafalgar."
Law almost chokes. Your mom already wants him back next year. He was expecting to have to get her approval somehow too, but she's accepted him immediately. "All I needed to know is if you make my little Y/N happy!" Your mom explains while hugging you, "And look how happy they are!"
And your old man, a pirate captain in his own right, several beers deep, slings his arm over Law's shoulder. "You're the one that's got that big ol' bounty, huh?" Before Law can fully answer, he continues on drunkenly, "that means you probably looted enough to cover your own wedding, right? Cause I'm sure's shit not." God bless Law for taking it with a grain of salt and taking him over to a couch. "That means you can marry 'em if ya want, as'long as I don' havta pay none. But if you break their heart I'll turn ya in myself...goddamn Marines...making me a traitor..." he says until his words turn into drunk muttering.
"That's your blessing in case you were wondering," your mom sighs. "I know you didn't ask but that was it. That man is fine with anything as long as he doesn't have to pay for it."
"You get my blessing because you helped clean up!" Your grandma pipes in. "Nothing more valuable than a man that knows how clean up after himself!"
I don't know how many times Law is rendered speechless for a moment. Was it that easy or was your family truly that accepting? In a handful of hours he's been completely welcomed and they want him to come back next year, to marry you? It's dizzying, but in a...hopeful way? Because...he wants it to happen too...if he's lucky enough to come back next year as your husband.
At the end of the night, you and Law are sent on your way with tons of food to bring back to Heart Pirates, and whether he likes it or not your mom and your grandma each press a kiss to Law's cheek.
You walk back down the hill together.
"It was good to see them again," you say. "Was that too much?"
"No," Law says. "I'm happy."
A/N: so yeah, I just had that bumbling around in my head today. I hope it was fluffy enough for ya! 😘
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stuckinthesun · 9 months
Left behind || Sanji x Reader
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Series Masterlist
Summary: You and your boyfriend Sanji were separated at Dressrosa, and after almost two weeks you’re ready to finally see him again.
Heavy angst, established relationship, spoilers for dressrosa zou and wci, cheating??
wc - 1.1k
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Defeating the Donquixote Family and destroying the Smile factory was a grueling task that separated your crew into two groups, and unfortunately, you and your boyfriend Sanji. It took some convincing for the blonde to leave you behind on Dressrosa, but after you promised to come back to him safely, as well as him screaming at your other male crew members to protect you, he reluctantly left for Zou with the others.
Now, almost two weeks later, you and the rest of your friends finally made it to Zou yourselves, and you couldn’t be happier. All you wanted was to see your boyfriend, hold him, kiss him, listen to his overabundance of compliments, and have a meal of his delicious cooking.
Of course, nothing could be simple for the Straw Hat crew.
After getting separated from Luffy, meeting the Minx tribe, and a tsunami-like wave from the Elephant cleaning its back, your group finally reached where the rest of your crew was.
Excitement thrummed under your skin, and anticipation made your heart beat wildly in your chest as you held yourself back from instantly breaking out into a sprint to find your lovecook the moment the gates opened.
“Guys!” You heard two familiar voices call out, and whipping your head around, you saw Nami and Chopper running toward you guys with tearful smiles, “You’re finally here!”
“Nami! Chopper!” Luffy and Usopp called out excitedly while Franky, Zoro, and Robin smiled in relief. You smiled too and waved at your friends, happy to know that they were safe and unharmed, but you couldn’t help but look around for familiar blonde hair.
You watched Chopper jump into Usopp’s arms, crying about how worried you all made him, making you all laugh and apologize. You were surprised when Nami dove into your arms rather than Luffy’s with tears in her eyes, and immediately, a sinking feeling weighed in your stomach.
“Nami?” You asked, voice trembling slightly when you looked over to see Chopper watching your exchange while crying, these tears holding more weight than his previous ones. The redhead let out a sob at the sound of her name, and you couldn’t help it as your arms began to shake around her.
“I’m sorry,” Nami whispered into your hair, her hold tightening as she sniffled.
“Where-” Your voice cracked, cutting you off as your eyes filled with tears, and you mimicked Nami, tightening your hold on her as well, “Where’s Sanji?”
Next to you, Chopper let out a choked sob, and you looked over to see him still in Usopp’s arms. You looked up at the snipper, and he gave you a mixed look of confused panic before Nami answered, “He left. Pirates working for Big Mom came for him and he went with them, only leaving a note behind.”
You felt the color drain from your face as you whipped your head around to face Nami’s, still tucked into your neck as she cried.
No, he wouldn't. Sanji wouldn’t just leave. He wouldn’t leave you.
Not without a really good reason.
“Do you know why?” Robin asked before you could, always the quick thinker.
“They said-” Nami started but cut herself off with another sob before shaking her head, “I’m so sorry, Y/N, I don’t know how he could do this.
“Spit it out already!” Zoro snapped from behind you, and you heard a loud smack before Usopp began berating him for being insensitive.
“They said Big Mom had invited him to a tea party,” It was Chopper who continued explaining, now sitting on Franky's shoulders, “that was also his wedding ceremony to one of her daughters.”
Suddenly, you understood why Nami had wrapped you in a tight embrace to inform you of your boyfriend's absences. Your body went almost numb when Chopper's words registered to you, causing your knees to buckle, but the redhead was already there to hold you up.
“That makes no sense though!” Luffy yelled, always the first one to voice his frustrations when he didn’t understand something, “Sanji’s supposed to marry Y/N, not Big Mom’s daughter!”
“Yeah, that’s why we’re upset, Luffy!” Chopper chided, and the crew began to yell and bicker at each other from behind you. The sound faded away like white noise as your ears began to ring, and you stared ahead of you blankly, trying to focus on the feeling of Nami’s hand rubbing soothing circles on your back.
His wedding ceremony.
His wedding ceremony to someone else.
You blinked the tears from your eyes before regaining your footing and gently began to push Nami away from you, “I’m going after him.”
The crew stopped their loud arguing to instead look at you and shout in unison, “What?!”
“Have you lost your mind?! You do remember who Big Mom is, right? She’s one of the four emperors of the sea!” Usopp screeched as he ran over to you, grabbing your shoulders and shaking you violently.
“I don’t care!” You snap, pushing the snipper off you and taking a step toward the gate you had just come in from, “This whole thing sounds weird and definitely something Sanji wouldn’t agree to unless he were forced. So I’m going to see for myself just what the fuck is going on!”
“Y/N,” Luffy spoke then, his voice dropping into his rare serious tone, making you look up at him to see his face holding a look of determination, “Of course, we’re going after him.”
Your eyes widen as you look at your captain, tears instantly clouding your vision again, grateful you weren’t going to be alone in going to get your boyfriend back. You nodded your head at Luffy, and he returned it with a cocky smirk.
“Hold on,” Robin interrupted, stepping forward and looking at Nami, “Why don’t you tell us everything that happened to the four of you, starting from the beginning.”
“Okay,” Nami nodded.
Just then, a loud, familiar screaming began making its way toward the gate, and when you looked over, you saw your last missing crewmate, Brook. The skeleton was sprinting like something was chasing him, with tears pouring from his eyesockets and his arms outstretched in front of him, “Guuuuuys! You’re all okay!”
“Brook!” You all greeted him, happy to see him again.
The crew was almost completely back together.
When Brook finally made it to the gate, he stopped in front of you and dropped to his knees, panting like he was out of breath despite not having lungs, “Y/N, Luffy, I’m so sorry about Sanji.”
“It’s okay, Brook,” You whispered, trying to keep your voice steady. The skeleton looked up at you with as much of a confused expression as a skeleton could have, and you gave him a sad smile, “I'm going to get him back, but I need you to tell us everything that happened first.”
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Taglist - @simpfully-heartbroken @writing-fanics @aiaiaiaiiaiiaii
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Part 2 will probably be a lot longer and a lot angstier 😅
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general-cyno · 4 months
I sort of rambled about this in the tags of a post, but I wanted to make a proper one myself since I find it very fascinating (law backstory flashback you will always be famous). so one of my favorite scenes is this one:
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it is a very meaningful moment for these two, a very clear turning point to their dynamic at that time, and it's made even clearer by how law starts referring to rocinante as cora-san afterwards.
now, there are several instances throughout dressrosa arc where the similarities between doflamingo and law are mentioned, with the former going as far as to call them both birds of a feather. and as it's shown in the flashbacks, reading about flevance was enough to trigger doflamingo's traumatizing memories of his and rocinante's childhood, which seems to motivate him to bring law into the family. the way law seeks to lash out at everything then is reminiscent of doflamingo's own worldview and experiences, at least from his pov:
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rocinante noticed those similarities as well and though he tried to (questionably) discourage all kids from joining the DQ pirates by scaring them away, law's case in particular prompted him to bring up the topic with sengoku at some point, as seen during sengoku's conversation with law.
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sengoku repeats what everyone says about the amber lead disease, that it's incurable, and warns rocinante not to favor law much for it could jeopardize his mission. whether rocinante's agreement here was reluctant or not ig is up to each reader but learning of law's real/full name (his relation to the D clan) reignites his initial worries and some more, considering the historic opposition/threat the D represents wrt celestial dragons and how this could endanger him if doflamingo were to find out.
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so there's even bigger reasons for rocinante to not want law to become doflamingo 2.0. though as he later admits amidst his drunken speech, the will of D no longer matters to him when it comes to saving law, as rocinante's journey to cure his disease ends up making him feel genuine sympathy for law beyond that. he's forced to witness first hand how much discrimination and dehumanization law's subjected to time and time again, because of his disease and ties to flevance. before all this, law's mentioned his imminent death more than a few times and does it after too. and during the first disastrous hospital visit, he tells rocinante: see? I'm not even human anymore!
which brings me to this bit of dialogue:
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for all of law's similarities and/or parallels to doflamingo, it's worth noting that rocinante experienced the same things his brother did and due to his younger age probably understood even less of what was happening or why they were being targeted in the first place. compared to doflamingo, rocinante also has way less dialogue in their backstory but one he does have is this:
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this happens in the part where rocinante, doflamingo and their father are strung up on a wall and shot at with arrows. the villagers all express their anger, grief, the violence and suffering they've gone through because of celestial dragons like the donquixotes. albeit different in nature, along with doflamingo, rocinante experienced a kind of dehumanization as well.
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so, again: for all that law might resemble doflamingo the most, I do wonder... how much of himself did rocinante see in law, though subconsciously? a kid who lost his family, subjected to the kind of violence that led him to resign himself to death (seek it, even) and was treated by others as inhuman because of circumstances out of his control? it might've not been what rocinante believed to be his own motivations to help law, likely never actually saw or realized the similarities they shared, but imo it adds some more depth to his kindness and sympathy towards law.
this also marks a stark difference between the donquixote brothers. whereas doflamingo got caught up in a very vicious cycle (which traces back to the existence of celestial dragons as a whole and was further enabled by others like trebol) that he planned to continue with law, rocinante was able to see past law's rage and acknowledge the pain beneath. after all, rocinante knows too what it's like to be hurt by others who've been terribly hurt first and became someone who wasn't exactly keen on returning the sentiment, unlike doflamingo, regardless of whether it was in his nature to be so or if it's something that was nurtured as he grew up. that's not to say rocinante was an endlessly kind saint (he had his own biased views) or that he wasn't capable of violence (he did beat up all those medical staff and burn down hospitals for example), but those incidents weren't caused by a sense of entitlement on his part or such. he didn't blame law for stabbing him or in general for seeking revenge against the world, ultimately chose to protect and save him instead - which, indeed, changed law's life. as law presently insists, he owes cora not just that very life but his heart as well.
lastly - law himself might not disagree with doflamingo insisting they're of the same sort, but law is also the kid who couldn't fathom leaving his dying little sister behind. who softened and lowered his guard after receiving genuine kindness/love/sympathy for the first time in years. who saved a little mink and risked his own neck later on to save a boy who'd just lost his brother in the worst way possible. who didn't even consider putting his crew in danger when he knew (and expected) he might die and his whole revenge plan against doflamingo was rooted in love and grief to begin with, the same upon which the foundation of his crew was built and is a tribute to. last we saw of him, law orders bepo to go back in winner island because can't leave the crew behind, etc etc, so there's that too. how much of it is law's own nature and personality? how much is due to the impact cora had on him? both? would've doflamingo turned out differently or made different choices if his parents had tried harder to school him out of those CD views or if he'd had more positive influences aside from them, instead of the people he ended up surrounded by? would he have become the same kind of person he is rn no matter what? interesting stuff to think about.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 3 months
hello! since requests are open, i was wondering if i could request a fem reader that’s kind of like a mother figure to law? she knew law when he was a kid and cared for him and was also there when corazon was taking care of law as well and helping him. she’s a part of the heart pirates and also has a devil fruit power or some kind of other power but im not too sure on what yet. 😅 sorry this is kind of long and complicated. if you wish to not do this then that’s okay! thank you for taking the request if you do! 😊
-You were there the night Corazon had been killed, watching the man you love be so coldly murdered by his big brother, allowing himself to be captured and killed so you and Law could flee to safety.
-You and Corazon weren’t married, but you could have easily been, based on how close the two of you were, and when Law came into the mix, Corazon couldn’t help but smile, seeing you hugging and doting on Law like he was your own child.
-You went with the two when they left the Donquixote Family, seeking out a cute for Law.
-You hadn’t anticipated it ending badly, with you hugging Law close as the two of you were taken away secretly, both of you watching Corazon die.
-You remained by Law’s side, even as he grew and became a pirate and a warlord himself, you were the one thing that remained constant in his life, you were his rock, the most precious person in his life, his mother.
-He would never call you by that title, something he struggled to do, but that’s how he thought of you, as you would always holding him and allow himself to be weak around you, because he knew that you would keep him safe.
-You didn’t mind, as you did the same, despite you adoring and loving Law like your own child, you never called him as such, having that same respect for him that he has for you.
-You were definitely the ‘mother’ of the crew, as you would dote on all members, not just Law, something Law would childishly pout over at times, which you did think was rather cute, but he enjoyed seeing his crew all adoring you as well.
-Law was scared to lose you as well, so for a while he forbade you from fighting, not wanting to take that chance, but as he grew, he realized that this wasn’t fair to you, and when you joined a battle for the first time, you quickly proved that you were not to be underestimated with your Copy-Copy Devil Fruit ability, being able to copy any other Devil Fruit user’s ability for a short while, plus with your combat skills, you were a very dangerous person.
-You supported Law with his plan to take out Doflamingo, even if it took years to do, as you were the only person that he told this plan to, as he trusted you, and while he had to be on his own, you were in charge, keeping the others safe.
-When you got wind that Law and Luffy took down Doflamingo, you were stunned, completely shocked, but you couldn’t help but smile, “He did it my love.”
-When Law arrived at Zou, Bepo and the others were the first to get to Law, hugging him, embarrassing him in front of the Straw Hats and the Minks, not wanting to lose his tough guy image, which was rather cute.
-When he saw you, however, waiting your turn, many couldn’t help but smile as he immediately ran over, leaping into your arms as you hugged him tightly, praising him for what he had done. Law refuses to admit that he had been crying while hugging you, saying it wasn’t true, but you knew the truth.
-It was rather cute, when you got to meet Luffy and the other Straw Hats, Law wanted to keep you away from them, especially when both Brook and Sanji tried to hit on you, as he threatened them. However, the one he wanted to keep you away from the most was Luffy, but by the time he was done dealing with Brook and Sanji, Law collapsed to his hands and knees, seeing you hugging and doting on Luffy as well.
-Law was a little extra pouty for a few days, as he hated sharing you, especially with Luffy, but you thought it was rather cute, seeing him so jealous. You made sure to give him extra attention that evening, to assure him that you weren’t leaving him.
-For a while, every time Law would see Luffy he would glare at the rubber man, he wasn’t sharing his mama with anyone!
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jeankluv · 1 year
Safe and sound || Trafalgar Law x reader
Paring: Trafalgar Law x reader
Words: 1k
Summary: Just imagine that while fighting the Blackbeard pirates, you have an encounter with Doc Q and knowing how important you are for your captain, he uses his devil fruit on you, giving you the Amber Lead Syndrome.
Warnings: angst, fluff, spoilers for the manga of one piece, happy ending
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When Law saw the white spots appear on your skin, he stood there, petrified, scared and remembering what you were going to suffer if he didn’t act with time.
It was almost impossible for the Heart Pirates to defeat the Blackbeard pirates, so Law told them to retire as soon as possible. He took you away, as fast and as far as he could, you needed to be treated immediately or else… he closed his eyes, no he couldn’t lost you, not the same way as he lost his parents and Lami, he had to save you, he was a skilled doctor and he knew about the disease, he could do it.
You held tightly into Law, you were feeling so weak and everything was starting to fade away, it seemed like your eyes couldn’t stay open.
“Law…” You said, almost as a whisper, you didn’t know if he actually heard you.
You heard him calling you, telling you to stay awake until he was able to have surgery and take away whatever you have in your body. You were really trying to stay away, like he said, but your whole body was giving up.
Law rushed as fast as he could to the Polar Tang, the crew was already getting ready to escape. Once in the submarine, he told Bepo to take his place because he was going to be in the operation room. He trusted his crew enough to know that they were going to be able to escape everyone in one piece.
He closed the door behind him and put you on the operation table, trying not to break you, you looked so fragile in that moment. He created a room to start with the operation, just the way he did all those years ago with his body.
Hours passed by and Law was still in the operations room taking all the Amber Lead out of your body. The crew was already far away from the Blackbeard pirates, so now the crew was patiently waiting for his captain to come out and give them some good news. Law left the room, tired after spending hours treating but fortunately all the Amber Lead was out of your body and now you only needed to rest.
“Captain!” Bepo approached him and asked him how you were. Law simply said you needed rest to fully recover.
“Are any of you injured?” The captain asked, looking at the polar bear.
“No captain! But you should treat your injuries!”
Law looked at himself for the first time and he saw the traces of dried blood on his clothes, he just nodded and treated his injuries. He silently cursed himself as he did so, how could he have let his guard down like he did? Such a fruit was a doctor's worst nightmare. He nearly lost you and the entire crew for not being more careful.
Once his injuries were treated he went back to the room where you were resting, he sat beside and held your hand. You looked so peaceful, all the pain was finally gone and he couldn’t be happier. Law started to feel his emotions breaking out, it’s been years since he cried but now all those emotions were coming out because just like in the past he almost lost another dear person to him.
“Don’t cry…” You opened your eyes and smiled at him. Law looked at you, with relief and your name came out his mouth like a whisper. “What happened to me?” You asked him.
“That… that Blackbeard crew member infected you with a deadly disease…” He paused for a moment, taking a deep breath. “But I… I took it out, you are okay, you are safe.” He said and rested his forehead on the joined hands of both.
“Thank you Law.” You ran your fingers through his hair. “You are the best doctor, so I’m sure you knew how to handle it.”
He stayed silent, he never spoke about his life before meeting the Donquixote family, you only knew he lost his parents and sister but you didn’t know how they died, he never talked about them, or about his hometown and even less about the real reason why Corazon risked so much.
“It was my fault…” You tried to speak but Law kept talking, without looking at you. “I don’t know how they knew about the Amber Lead, but they knew that would break me. It was my fault.” He kept repeating.
“Law it’s not your fault. Stop blaming yourself, please.” You tried to console him.
“There is something you should know. Something about my past before the Donquixote family, the reason behind Corazon helping me…” He looked at your eyes, those golden eyes you love so much.
Law started talking about his parents, his little sister Lami and about her hometown, Flevance. Something on your brain clicked in your head, you heard about Flevance before, it was a city in the North Blue, a city that was destroyed by a deadly disease. Law told you everything, how her sister got sick, how their parents never stop searching for a cure and how the world government killed everyone and how he hid under the dead bodies of his classmates. He then told you how Corazon, did everything to find a cure for him, until he found the Op Op no mi and how the same night, he thought he was going to be able to start living happily with Corazon, he lost the only person he had. You held him close to you, Law was starting to shake and you were starting to tear up.
“I’m so sorry…” You whispered. “You were so brave and strong.”
“When they infected you with it… I thought, I thought everything was going to happen again… I thought I was going to lose you the same way I did with them.”
“But you didn’t Law, you took care of me, you protected me, saved me.” You said kissing his head. “Thank you for telling me this.”
“I will always protect you. I will keep you safe and sound, always.” He held you close to him.
You both stayed there holding each other, letting the hours pass and just listening to each other's breath and heart beats. Until you both fell asleep.
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racfoam · 7 days
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OH MY GOD EVERYBODY MOVE, oh my god. Oda, I fckn -
I love you, Oda.
Okay, okay, so Doflamingo is all bird-themed, we all know that.
And this little detail escaped me (I feel so ashamed) in Ep 727.
He called Luffy a fledgling. (Idk if he said it in Japanese but I'm pretty sure the sub team wouldn't put fledgling out of nowhere)
This is absolutely awesome.
Now, in my defense, English isn't my first language but I still like know this means baby bird.
It's such a little detail in dialogue but so awesome and cute that he calls Luffy a fledgling.
Omg it's adorable. 🥹
Okay, an explanation.
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fledgling (noun) - a young bird that has just fledged
Now let's see what fledged means and this is where the details are awesome and made me go "awwww" and "I love Oda."
fledged - (of a young bird) having wing feathers that are large enough for flight; able to fly
fledge - (of a young bird) develop wing feathers that are large enough for flight.
Fledglings do not have full wings yet. They have only developed wing feathers. Yes, they can fly, but they still stay with their parents in their nest.
Anyway, a fitting word Doflamingo uses for Luffy. He is sorta underestimating him here even though he sees Luffy can fly bcs Luffy is still not as good at flying as Doflamingo. Luffy can fly, just not very well in Doflamingo's mind.
Therefore he calls Luffy a FLEDGLING.
Oh, and Luffy not having awakened his DF, but that's not important rn. If we then go following this... This is how Doflamingo might have (absolutely 100000%) called the younger kids of the Donquixote Family:
HATCHLING: babies & toddlers (Baby Dellinger 🥺)
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NESTLING: kids aged like 10-13 year-old Law & Baby 5. He probably starts calling them nestlings after 5 years old.
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FLEDGLING: teenagers + straw-hat wearing kid who thinks he can fly but can't fly as well as an adult bird and doesn't know about DF Awakenings pfff what an idiot
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Thanks for coming to my TED talk. I hope to see this utilized in Donquixote Pirates fics now.
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thedemises · 2 months
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———about me。。。
greetings to all who've stumbled upon my blog onto my introduction post!! my name is amori, though feel free to call me whatever you'd like to address/nickname me as! XD
i go by they / them pronouns, and my sexual orientation is aromantic asexual; meaning being not having/not able to experience(d) romantic or sexual attraction to anyone! though i occasionally find myself questioning if i am aroace . . . 😅
i am from and born in the Philippines! my first language was English and I'm pretty fluent in it, though and i seem to have some (keyword: lots of) problems when speaking or trying to understand the words in Tagalog or Bicol. you rarely would find me speaking in my native language often, however there might be few Tagalog/Bicol words thrown in there between my English sentences. (though there's barely any tracee of my native language here because of how rarely I speak it now on the internet; which is different to how I verbally speak few verbs and nouns in my language— also prepare to see some swesring here and there 💀).
the popsicle sanji doodle I have as my pfp is made by @ringdabel, on whiteboard fox! ... and who knows who did the manga banner in the first place, i just saw it on pinterest 🤷 but credits to the creator of which manga that image was from!
my blog is pretty safe so do what you want and be free to ask me anything you have to urge to tell through my inbox! whether that'd be a simple greeting, questions, opinions, requests, etc., do it! I might not have the time to answer your questions from time to time but I would make sure to whenever I can! (though there will be doubts when it comes to writing requests 😅).
please do not interact with my blog if you're sexist, misogynistic, lgtbqiaa+phobic, racist, problematic, or anything along those lines; I will be certain to block you off from my blog. and I won't hesitate to either, as none of that nonsense is allowed on my blog.
and with that, have a good day; good noon; good evening; and good night from wherever you are around the globe, dear friend. drink enough water to stay hydrated and eat enough food so you won't die of starvation. <3
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———writing masterlist。。。
warning! some cringe in some of them. . . don't say it, I already know 😔
* : old work!
save a horse, go on a ride with the cowboy! —— [ hsr; boothill & reader ]
eh? wh- what?! —— [ ob!; mammon x mc/reader ]
oh, bartender! —— [ op; portgas d. ace x male bartender! reader ]
ice cream! —— [ gi; isekai’d! xiao & filipino! reader ]
painting nails (by force)! —— [ ob!; mephistopheles & nishisuka ]
longing! —— [ gi; bennett x reader ]
* something to savor! —— [ op; straw hats & waiter! reader ] +discontinued draft
* sarah by alex g! —— [ ocs; kaoru takamura & kaname nishisuka ]
* strategic twists! —— [ ocs; krystian karmazin & kaoru takamura ]
* a dying pained flare! —— [ ocs; evgenia yefimova (ft. miriam yefimova) ]
* purple ‘n red! —— [ op; kidd pirates x reader ]
* religious —— [ kny; sanemi shinazugawa & reader ]
* a heavy weighed heart! —— [ op; donquixote rosinante/corazón, trafalgar d. water law, & reader ]
* just for you, my friend! —— [ ocs?; a & b ]
* money count! —— [ op; straw hats & implied fem! reader ]
* up for babysitting? —— [ sxf/oc; forger family & catherine collison ]
* headpats! —— [ bsd; atsushi n., r. hirotsu, tetchō s., teruko o., d. kunikida, m. kajii, y. ayatsuji, jun’ichirō t., & reader ]
———random lol。。。
dream #1! —— [ uhh candyland? ]
dream #2! —— [ wtf is this ]
dream #3! —— [ me & my best friend being menaces lmao- ]
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© thedemises 2024. all rights reserved. please do not repost, copy, or claim as your own.
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bracketsoffear · 1 year
Doflamingo propaganda because I submitted him
Besides the very obvious abilities of the String String Fruit (especially puppeteering people), Doflamingo is also shown to be very manipulative and power hungry. Just at the age of 10, he asked where the slaves are, even if his family wished to live humble lives. From that, we can tell he embraces the power of being a Celestial Dragon; showing his want for power above all else. He also isn’t above blackmailing, shown when he bribed King Riku III when he first set foot in Dressrosa, suggesting that he pay 10,000,000,000 berries (the main currency in One Piece) to prevent a war. He eventually puppeteers King Riku III himself, using him and several puppeteer soldiers to slaughter civilians and destroy the village so he can claim the throne while shifting the blame to the entire Riku family. The victims of the Web are well aware of what happens to them, and they're afraid that they're helpless against it (see Francis in MAG 172).
Perhaps the biggest example are the Donquixote Pirates, his “crew”. The TMA wiki highlights the Web and the Desolation’s relationship by saying it “uses personal attachments and motivations to manipulate people”. This is exactly what Doflamingo did to the Donquixote Pirates; he uses each member's personal and moral weaknesses/flaws to bind them to his group. People like Baby 5 and Diamante, who can't say no to requests and has an easily swayed willpower respectively, all fall into his pull and are bound as part of his 'family'. Should one leave and betray, they are to be killed, essentially trapping them in the crew (almost like the Web Table). 
This is especially visible in how he recruited a young Trafalgar Law; using his anger against everyone to goad him into becoming a part of this “family”. Doflamingo tells his own brother that he'll take Law because "he need to be educated in order to die for me". That line alone implies that, while he cares for his crew in an extent, they are still his chess pieces. He became Law's mentor figure of sorts, indebting him and using this relationship to render Law helpless in their battle on Dressrosa by treating him as the same child that he took under his wing, despite having an objectively better power against Doflamingo. In that same fight alone, he even says (to Law) that "The crap that you call 'your own will' or your freedom... Is all mine!". The Web weaponising one's past is something we see again in MAG 172.
For symbolism of the Web vs Desolation, look no further than his childhood, where the Donquixote mansion is burnt down, forcing him and his family out of Mariejois along with having their power and right as Celestial Dragons robbed. The fires stole from him of any possessions that his family had, fitting with the Desolation's MO of taking and never giving.
The Web controls and manipulates because it seeks power. If the Web is a fear of being helpless (and as such, spiders and cobweb are its main motif), then it would want as much power as possible to make sure its victims can't do much but follow along the lines and be tangled up in its great web of schemes. It absolutely loves control and power because it plays on its main fear of powerlessness and allows it to exert decisions over others, helpless upon its strings.
Don’t let the rampaging and chaos fool you; he’s all about control and power, no matter what gets in his way.
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turtletaubwrites · 5 months
TurtleTaub Fanfic Masterlist
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requests are closed but asks are always open! feel free to pick an emoji signature for anon asks, & let me know what you pick! here's my anon's so far: |⭐|💌|🍊|💗|
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Hi, you can call me Lynna! I hope you enjoy my lil words! 🥰🥰 Currently writing for One Piece. All of my fics are Fem!Reader and NSFW unless listed otherwise.
WIP Updates: Current WIPS: Currently on a WRITING SPREE for NUMBERS GAME Upcoming WIPS: Sanji Request, We've All Got Needs 28, Misty Eyes 6, Wrong Side of the Bars 2, a few WAGN extra scenes, and 4 requests that came in while they were closed) Announcements: Requests will remain closed until I complete the next batch of Numbers Game, as well as the requests on my list. I'm sorry for the delay, I keep turning them into multi-chaptered fics! If you've submitted a request, please know that it is on my list, and I've already started outlining! Notes: I have a queue that reblogs super cool shit three times a day. I never tagged it because I'm on here everyday. I use the queue for my ADHD, otherwise I wouldn't reblog anything for two weeks, and then I'd spam the shit out of your feed, lol.
Recent Works: Numbers Game ~ Part 26 ~ Cross Guild x Fem!Reader Numbers Game ~ Extra Scene ~ Rabbit's Fur ~ Mihawk x Fem!Reader x Crocodile Misty Eyes ~ Part 5 ~ Law x Fem!Reader, Doflamingo x Fem!Reader (Past) (DARK CONTENT) Such a Softie ~ Law x GN!Reader (SFW Drabble) Wrong Side of the Bars ~ Crocodile x Fem!Reader
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One Shots & Requests ~ Masterlist ~ Here's all of my fics for various characters that you can read on their own including: Zoro, Sanji, Ace, Law, Katakuri, Shanks, Crocodile, Zosan, Buggy, Luffy, Zoro x Nami, Zoro x Robin, Sanji x Robin, Zeff, and more on the way!
Misty Eyes ~ Masterlist ~ Trafalgar Law x Fem!Reader, Doflamingo x Fem!Reader (Past & Flashbacks) ~ DARK CONTENT ~ Ongoing ~ You were the weakest member of the Donquixote Family, so Doflamingo found another way you could serve him. Until your childhood crush found you, freeing you from those chains. What will Law expect in return?
More series masterlists, fic rec masterlists, fic playlists, & my #tags below the cut 💜
Bend Until You Break ~ Masterlist ~ YANDERE!Trafalgar Law x Fem!Reader ~ (Completed) ~ DARK CONTENT ~ You have struggled with mystery pains and injuries for most of your life, and had resigned yourself to suffer after every doctor told you there was nothing wrong. But when a world renowned doctor/pirate comes to town to offer aid in exchange for supplies, you decide to give hope one more chance. Maybe you'll finally find a doctor you can trust.
Numbers Game ~ Masterlist ~ Ongoing poly fic series (Paused but returning soon!) ~ Cross Guild x Fem!Reader ~ You left your stable/boring life as an investment banker to have some adventure. Unfortunately, that sweet Warlord of the Sea didn't follow your financial advice, and now you and your clown are at the mercy of his biggest lender and his new business partner.
We've All Got Needs ~ Masterlist ~ Ongoing poly fic series ~ Zoro x Fem!Reader, Sanji x Fem!Reader, Robin x Fem!Reader, Sanji x Robin, Sanji x Fem!Reader x Robin, (and a spinoff with Zoro x Sanji and Zoro x Fem!Reader x Sanji) ~ Enjoy the smutty shenanigans as you agree to be 'crewmates with benefits' with a certain surly swordsman. Things may get a little out of hand.
What You Need ~ Masterlist ~ Sanji x Fem!Reader (Completed) ~ You’ve been a member of the crew for a few weeks, and although you feel welcomed, you’ve been feeling a bit out of place. And your distracting crush on a certain ship’s cook isn’t helping matters. (Reader has a condition that makes intimacy difficult and sometimes painful, but Sanji is ready to prove how much he values your pleasure.)
Take Me With You ~ Masterlist ~ Buggy x Fem!Reader (Completed ~ May return after OPLA season 2) ~ Buggy takes a small town hostage and the reader asks to join him. You take this chance to leave this shithole of a town, one way or another. Buggy gives you the perfect opportunity to take some revenge before you do. What kind of life will you lead if you pass his violent audition and become one of Buggy's freaks? (Starts shortly before, and then follows the OPLA timeline.)
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Fic Rec Masterlists: | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | I adore the incredible fic writers on this site! Please enjoy my Fic Rec Masterlists and go show them some love!
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Fic Playlists: I just started making playlists for fics, and it's been so much fun 🥰✨ Here's what I've got so far! These are YouTube playlists, and you can play them on the regular YouTube app/site or on YouTube music. I have YouTube Red, and I refuse to be judged for my clearly superior music app 😅😅 (I live for shuffle and music videos, okay!)
Numbers Game ~ YouTube Music Playlist | YouTube Playlist Misty Eyes ~ Law x Reader ~ YouTube Music Playlist | YouTube Playlist Bend Until You Break ~ YouTube Music Playlist | YouTube Playlist More to come, and feel free to send me song recs, they make me so happy 🥰🎶
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Tags I Use: #turtletaub fics ~ (all of my fics, including headcanons & drabbles) #turtletaub talks ~ (announcements, random thoughts, etc.) #turtletaub fic recs ~ (what I'm reading, and you should too!) #turtletaub reblogs ~ (fanart, other fandoms, etc. filter to only see my stuff) #turtletaub responds ~ (answered asks) #turtletaub screencaps ~ (feel free to use and enjoy the screencaps I take) #turtletaub self reblogs ~ (filter if you don't want reruns) #turtletaub shitposting ~ (me having the sillies) #about lynna ~ (for more personal topics, vent posts, or just about my life) *Please feel free to filter any of the tags above that you wouldn't like to see.
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trafalgrs · 1 year
*     LAW & THE SURGEON OF DEATH    /    i’m probs about to MAD RAMBLE but here we go ! law’s epithat is the surgeon of death. primarily because his devil fruit power is operation , & he’s known after the post time skip to have cut out 100 HEARTS FROM PIRATES & delivered it to the government so he could ascend to warlord status. & while he did this for his major plan of getting to doffy — law & death & life are all constantly at work together & AGAINST each other. 
law has known death very intimately. it’s traveled with him since the extermination of his town. since his parents were killed. law literally saw death as an inevitability. it was gonna happen. it only mattered WHEN. he was ready to off himself & others around him. his goal was to destroy everything when he was younger. just like everything for him was destroyed. 
then he meets the donquixote family. & in particular , corazon. & while he was trained in skills that definitely added to his deadly factor , corazon had taught law what it was like for someone to care for him again , & in return for him to care for others. & when corazon dies ? that’s just another person law couldn’t protect. because he wasn’t strong enough. because he was too weak to do anything about it. 
now law’s fam were doctors. & law was already in training to be a doctor when he was younger. but now , honestly , i think law takes his role as a doctor much more seriously. doctors saves lives. & yes , he likes cutting things up. that’s just a fun little thing but being a doctor he can have some control over the people he works on. he has an opportunity to save them. it’s ironic really ? because he’s called the surgeon of death but he’s used his doctor skills a lot to save people ( his crew mates  , luffy , etc ). 
& all law wants to do is to protect those closest to him. to make sure no one else he comes into contact with that he begins to care for end up dying on him. that he ends up FAILING to protect. 
idk just. law. death. life. concepts. 
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bottlepiecemuses · 2 years
Top People Who Could Use The Mero Mero No Mi Instead Of Boa Hancok
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We know that Hancock the only female of the now defunct Warlord system, current captain of the Kuja pirate, and empress of Amazon Lily uses her status as the world’s most beautiful woman to her advantage when it comes to her powers. Only a select few can resist her beauty and those who don’t openly show it can still have their hearts turn to stone. So, what if instead of her getting the fruit who could potentially be worthy of wielding it. 
10. Viola/Violet
First up is Viola (or her secret code name Violet) who once was forced to work for Doflamingo to save her father’s life and in canon is the wielder of the Giro Giro No Mi which allows her to see through anything, have super vision, and look at minds. Viola has all the criteria to wield this fruit since under Doflamingo she lured many men with her beauty (one of them being Sanji of course) and even was hinted to have a sexual fling with the Heavenly Demon himself. If she had it she could have lured Donquixote family foes to their doom by turning them to their doom. 
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9. Kalifa 
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The sole female CP9 agent is not only deadly with her rokushiki technique but she also is one bombshell. She worked as Iceberg’s secretary for many years before it was revealed she was a spy from the government. She usually got comments from Paulie about her dress often. In canon she was the wielder of the Awa Awa No Mi which allowed her to create and control bubbles and soap, which was shown to use in almost seductive and sexy ways. Given her femme fatale nature, the Mero Mero No Mi would be good at seducing her enemies then petrifying the target and destroying them. Of course, she managed to get Sanji subdued without any question, but she also managed to charm Nami which shows her beauty can work on women as well. 
8. Robin 
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Robin is known for many things like being the last archaeologist of Ohara, a fugitive from the world government, and a “Devil Child”. Her dream is to seek the true history of the world and find out what the government wants to hide. She also is known as the weilder of the Hana Hana No Mi which allows her replicate and sprout pieces of their body from the surface of any object or living thing. She has had this fruit since she was a child and it at first made her ostracized on her own home island but at the same time saved her. It does make one wonder if she got her hands on the Mero Mero No Mi instead. 
I do think as a child it wouldn’t be seen as useful since hopefully no one is attracted to a child and on the other hand she wouldn’t be as outcasted. However, I do think as an adult it would have helped her evade anyone who was aiming to capture or betray her. Probably around the time she was sixteen she probably was using her looks to sometimes seduce her way out of situations and probably her side job of sometimes being an assassin she could use seduction to lure her targets, petrify them, and break them. And again could still be useful for her on the Strawhats if she was a bit more openly flirty and provactive to get men and sometimes women petrified. 
7. Reiju
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Reiju is the older sister of Sanji and oldest child of the Vinsmokes. She is the sole female member of Germa 66 who star in a comic strip series run in the World Economy News Paper. The Vinsmokes are supposed to be fictional in-universe but are actually real and existence is hidden by being secretly members of the World Government. Reiju’s Germa persona is called Poison Pink and she is known for secreting poisons which she uses to poison people. 
And given her outfit and flirty nature, I think Poison Pink would have a big following especially among North Blue residents. Even though the army is hated she probably is consider fanboy material. I also think that if Reiju had the Mero Mero Fruit instead of enhancements from being modified I think her name would be Petrified Pink which fits because it still contains the matching P word. Also again as a family of assassins it would be great against enemies who could still be takened by her appearance and turned into stone. 
6. King
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For this pick I have to go with biases for this one, because as we have seen throughout after his face reveal King is truly gorgeous. Seriously, we all speculated what he could have looked under there from being ultra ugly to being gorgeous. And we are happy it was the latter. While we don’t see his subordinates go gaga after his face reveal, you really can’t say he wouldn’t get heart eyes after revealing he’s that good looking, especially at his age. 
Seriously, even though it would break the Zoan theme it could still help him prevent anyone from knowing his true appearance if he revealed his real face, they went heart eyed, and then he petrifies them. All I can say with the ton of fan reactions to being a pretty boy I do think he does merit the idea of being a contender. 
5. Black Maria
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Another Beast Pirate member and this time part of the Tobbi Roppo. Black Maria already has the Kumo Kumo No Mi: Model Rosamygale Grauvogeli, but having it would make her theme of being a courtesan fit even more. Seriously, she owns a brothel on Onigashisma called Woman’s Trouble. She has shown to be able to woo men into her trap and treat them as her toys. She also is shown being a side chick to Kaido himself. With the power of the Mero Mero No Mi, she would be a feared figure that probably even Kaido must be wary of since his own lust could be turned against him at any second if he’s not quick enough. As a temptress, she could still trap men (or even women) into being sucked into her web and when they least expect it being petrified. 
4. Nami
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We had to put her on this list. She’s One Piece's main female heroine, navigator of the Strawhats, and probably one of the biggest source of fanservice around. Seriously, this girl’s Happiness Punch is known to be so powerful that Oda himself says it could outmatch Elizabello’s King Punch. Seriously, just see in the Wano bath where everyone men, women, and children could not resist her body’s beauty. Just imagine that and combined with the Mero Mero No Mi. She could do as much damage as Hancock while being considered one of the legendary beauties of the sea. Seriously, at this point I am surprised she is not considered one of the most beautiful women in the world. 
3. Komurasaki/Hyroi 
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Another Wano resident who could potentially hold this spot is the most beautiful woman in the country and top oiran, Komurasaki or real name Kozuki Hyori, daughter of Kozuki Oden and sister of Momosuke. After her family was decimated and she went into hiding with one of her family’s retainer then switched to Denjiro when she didn’t want the other to starve, and trained herself to become a courtesan so that she could get close to Orochi and one day take him down. She also used her beauty to drive corrupt men to ruin. She was so beautiful that all genders and ages fell for her. So, this devil fruit would be good in her hands if she wanted to take down opponents of the rebellion. On the other hand, if there were stone statues around it would be very suspicious and people would trace things back to her and think she actually has ties with others. 
2. Cavendish
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Cavendish another guy who could be a contender for the fruit. And this time in-universe we have backing because he has many women falling for him and the reason why he was a pirate was because he was a prince who so beautiful that no woman wanted any other man but him. So, he went out to see and became a pirate instead of became noteworthy until the Supernova stole his spotlight. He’s also shown to have men flustered which is another reason to put him high up. This fruit would be great in his hand because he could easily get opponents to fall for him and then shatter them to pieces. However, I don’t think he would use it on his admirers because it would give him such an ego boost to be so fawned over. 
1. Shirahoshi
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And finally the woman in-canon who actually is said to be the best competition against Hancock in beauty: Shirahoshi. As the only daughter of Neptune and his youngest child, she is noted to follow in the line of her family that is known to have female members designated as Poseidons- which allows them to call upon sea kings to help them. However due to her sweet nature, she usually doesn’t tap into this power and prefers just being passive. And with the Mero Mero No Mi, she would feel guilty about using it since it would mean hurting others even if they are just stone and she doesn’t smash them. But if she was more ruthless I could see her doing the same thing as Hancock. I think she would just use her power as a resort to stop fighting and later unpetrify them at a later date when they can be put somewhere they can’t do any harm to anyone. And again when you look at it it’s immobilizing people without technically killing them so she can have a guilt free concious if someone pointed it out. 
Special Mentions: Alvida
While she would be good to be in here, one problem is she already ate a devil fruit and it’s the reason why she looks good currently. If she ate the Mero Mero No Mi she would go back to her uglier form and then she wouldn’t able to use the fruit since people in her older form found her hideous. 
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Trafalgar D. Water Law Miscellaneous Info
Wiki: Trafalgar D. Water Law
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Name: Trafalgar D. Water Law Title: Surgeon of Death (Shi no Gekai) Nickname: Tri-guy, Traffy, Captain, Boss
Family Clan: Will of D. Family: Mom (Deceased) Dad (Deceased) Lammy (Little Sister) (Deceased) Donquixote Rosinante (Corazon) (Adopted Dad/benefactor)(Deceased)
Looks Age: 24-26 Hair: Black Black Eye: Yellow (Gray in Anime) Gender: Male Height: 6'3½" (191 cm) Weight: 187 lbs (85 kg) Tattoos: Hands/Back/Shoulder/Arms/Chest
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Personality Info: Status: Alive Blood type: F (B) Personality: INTJ or ISTJ Alignments: Chaotic Neutral Enneagram: 5w6 (The Troubleshooter) Enneagram Type: Type 5 (The Investigator) Enneagram Trinity: 584 Instinctual Variant: sp/sx Socionics: LSI Big 5 (SLOAN): RLOEI Attitudinal Psyche: LVEF Temperaments:  Melancholic-Choleric Hogwarts House: Slytherin/Ravenclaw Height: 6'3½" (191 cm) Weight: 187 lbs (85 kg) Birthday: October 6 (Libra) Personality: Law is a kind and compassionate person underneath his hard exterior. He will try to seem indifferent to a lot of things he enjoys (Robots and Ninjas). He is very cool and collected likes making plans before taking actions but can be reckless when his own emotions get the best of him. He can be callous from time to time and e is rumored to be called coldhearted and heartless due to the way he fights being merciless on his enemy but not actually killing them. While Law would rather not get involved in conflicts, he can be abrasive and doing rude gestures. Law is dedicated to the Hippocratic Oath as a doctor to save lives and has also been dedicated to becoming a doctor. He can be seen laid-back with a scheming smile from time to time though rare, his smirk often comes when he feels pleased with something. -Says "-ya" at the end of everyone's name and will use nicknames on people.
Affiliations: Occupation: Captain of the Heart Pirates Doctor Affiliations: Heart Pirates Worst Generation (SuperNova) Ninja-Pirate-Mink-Samurai Alliance Seven Warlords of the Sea (Former) -Law was one of the youngest to hold the title of war-lord currently Donquixote Pirates (Former) Nationality: North Blue Flevance (former) Spider Miles (former) Germany (If in the real world) Bounty: 500,000,000Berry 440,000,000 200,000,000 Jolly Rodger:
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Ship: Polar Tang -Fanmade Layout
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Mis Hobby: Wandering around and collecting commemorative coins and reading Favorite Food: Onigiri and Grilled fish Least Food: Bread and Umeboshi Animal: Spotted Seal and/or Snow Leopard Favorite Super Hero: Sora, Warrior of the Sea -Hates Germa 66 Flower: Dutchman's Pipe Cactus (Queen of the Night) Transponder Snail:
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Character Type: Hero/Anti-Hero Episodes Appear in: I will add to this later. Quotes: There are things you can’t see unless you change your standing. – Trafalgar D. Law You can’t see the whole picture until you look at it from the outside. – Trafalgar D. Law
Fighting Abilities: Haki: Bushoku Devil Fruit: Ope Ope No Mi Type: Paramecia-type
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Abilities: Room: All of Law’s techniques take place in room, the size of the room can vary. People Caught in room are patients in an operating room. He cannot do anything outside of the room Amputate: Allows Law to cut and sperate within room. Doesn’t have to contact Kikoku. -Almost like Buggy’s Devil Fruit- Radio Knife: Advanced version Amputate. Chargers his sword with electricity that gives the enemy an electric shock after being cut. Shambles: Can switch places with any object inside of room. Jinakau Ishoku: Can switch souls/hearts in people's bodies. Switching their personality Takt: Can levitate objects in room moving his index finger. -Can also raise stone thrones from the ground- Scan: imbuing his sword with fruit energy. Swaps personal items from a person. Mes: Strikes with bare hands and steals people's hearts and keeps them in a cube. Counter Shock: Releases a strong electric shock using his thumbs. -probably doesn’t need room- Gamma Knife: Law’s strongest technique. It destroys a person’s organs with an energy blade. Sterben: Using his severed arm to make it spin and become a blade of death. Curtain: Creates a curtain that is transparent from attacks. Awakened Techniques Kroom: Similar to room but he can coat an object in a separate bubble. Anesthesia: This allows him to stab someone with harming the target. Shock Wille: After stabbing, someone will release an electric shock Skills Strong Will Fearless Superhuman Physical Prowess Great Endurance High Pain Tolerance Skilled in Martial Art Skilled Fist Fighter Medical Expertise (Even as a child) Surgical Skills (Might know more than just human body) Knowledgeable in Pharmacology High Intelligence Crafty Skilled Strategist Tactical Skills Quick Thinker Skilled Swords Men Skilled in Busoshoku Haki Weapon: Kikoku -Cursed Sword -Larger Version of Japanse Nodachi -Usually carries it over his shoulder
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Song: Dr. Heart Stealer Lost in New World Headliner Theme
Voice actor: JP: Hiroshi Kamiya EN: Matthew Mercer -His Japanese Voice actor sings a few songs acting like Law.
Pictures: Outfits
Punk Hazard Outfit
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Leaving Punk Hazard
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Wano outfit
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TBC (outfits)
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trashytoastboi · 3 years
Can you please do a headcanon about what a platonic relationship (like mother and son) between Law and Corazon's S/O would look like, before and after Corazon's death?
I love so much how you write
Heyya!🍀 sure thing! And thank you so much!🥺
Hope you enjoy~
(Gender Neutral)
Headcanons: Platonic/Parental relationship between Law and Corazon's S/O – Before and after his death.
Warning: Angst, mentions of death, trauma
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🍄Trafalgar Law🍄 & ❤Corazon (Rosinante)❤
❤🍄Before Death🍄❤
🍄❤{Name} is definitely someone very important in Corazon's life, as is Law, and being close to him meant Corazon eventually wanted the two to get to know one another, but up until this point the two still had yet to meet. Corazon seemed really excited for them to meet, nervous but mostly thrilled at the potential prospect of having two of the closest people in his life together.
🍄❤Law truthfully felt pessimistic and annoyed not necessarily at {Name} but rather due to his anxiousness. Walking into the den of infamous pirates while strapped full of grenades seemed less daunting than meeting Corazon's partner.
🍄❤When the two finally met, {Name} was incredibly friendly and exuded a very calm, almost comforting feeling about them that settled Law. He oddly found himself gravitating towards {Name}. It was rare that he felt at peace and somehow {Name} had that kind of feeling, they reminded him of Corazon but definitely different in their own nature, Law actually felt comforted by the fact that {Name} was the more logical one in the couple.
🍄❤In contrast to Law 's nervousness, {Name} was surprisingly calm about meeting Law, no doubt there was worry such as “What if he doesn't like me”, {Name} could instantly see why Corazon had taken such a liking to Law. He was so tiny in comparison to Corazon though and it caused the flashback at when Cora had been absolutely tormenting himself over the fact that he threw the small boy from the window. In terms of his appearance, Law looked like a very morbid boy, if seen in the wrong lighting one could even mistake him for a ghoul. However {Name} found him quirky and had the feeling that he hid much more to him. Without second thought {Name} was very warm and welcoming to him.
🍄❤It become very common for the three of them to be together whenever possible and often times they couldn't do elaborate outings. Most times it was just simple little things like picnics but they always had fun together. While Law would really enjoy and appreciate the company he did feel a little nostalgic and sad, unintentionally reminding him of his family.
🍄❤{Name} and Corazon always had such a strong protective streak when it came to Law and the three had been mistaken for a family multiple times, albeit a very peculiar one but a family none the less. It got{Name} and Corazon thinking, things that were usually those little dreams that they shared between the two of them actually became an idea for reality. Things like taking Law, leaving the Donquixote family and living a somewhat quiet and normal life.
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🍄❤After Death❤🍄
🍄❤The plan was dangerous, yet simple. Corazon would get the Ope Ope no Mi to cure Law, he would call {Name} and {Name} would be at the meeting spot with a boat waiting for Corazon and Law before setting sail and finding that quiet life. Their Den Den Mushi rang, {Name} was happy and expecting to hear the good news that they were on their way. What they heard... was Corazon speaking, they heard Doflamingo. Corazon was staying things and they knew who it was directed at, gunshots rang out and were so loud and deafening, then suddenly silence. {Name} dropped to their knees, the call was the furthest thing from good news and a few moments later {Name} heard a strained voice arising on the other side, it was Corazon saying goodbye and apologising, as well as entrusting Law to {Name} and telling them to look after themselves.
🍄❤{Name} was absolutely frozen, stunned and wanting to sob, cry, scream...yet they couldn't. Things still needed to be done and crying would have to wait. Especially because {Name} didn't want the last thing Corazon heard to be them crying, they put on their happiest voice telling him how much they love him and on the other end, there was no reply.
🍄❤Wasting no time, {Name} went searching for Law and searching until their attention was drawn by the sound of wailing, they followed it and found Law aimlessly trekking in the snow, sobbing hysterically and out of his wits, unable to comprehend nor accept what's happened, {Name's} heart broke at the sight of the boy. They ran to him, wrapping their arms over his small, trembling figure in a tight embrace, all of their grief, woe and pain was pushed down as they tried to console him and it proved impossible but they could try.
🍄❤After remaining in the snow for a while, {Name} scooped him up into their arms, feeling his fever rising and the evidence that he was still in the worst throes of his disease proved very dangerous to stay out any longer. They were so worried, it almost broke them into their own crying fit but {Name} sucked it up, making their way to the small house that Corazon had kept for them, to the place that was intended for them to live together.
🍄❤{Name} was treating Law and trying to comfort him, but he lost interest in everything. Eating, drinking, even living, he simply laid in bed almost comatose and staring into space. With {Name's} gentle nudging and insistence he would take his medicine, occasionally have a bite or two of food and fell right back into bed straight after. Law tried to dissociate himself from the trauma, he never wanted to get attached to anyone again. He never wanted to experience the way he felt in Flevance ever again and yet here he was. If not feeling bad already he riddled himself with guilt.
🍄❤While slowly working his way through things, Law would get so angry at everything, he hurled accusations at {Name} asking if they ever cared for Corazon, stating that it was if they never cared for nor loved the man. Referring to the fact that he never saw them cry, nor mourn nor blame him for the loss. How could they have cared for him if they never once got upset that he was gone and instead looked after him as if Corazon never existed.
🍄❤When Law finally looked back at {Name} he saw the tears running their face, Law suddenly realized the weight of his words “Law, I know you blame yourself. You say I never cared for him, nor loved him and you ask me why I don't blame you. It was never your fault, I can't blame you for something that was no fault of yours. Rosinante meant the world to me and I miss him everyday, sometimes I cry more than you can imagine. I just don't want you to see it...You give me a reason to smile, a reason to stay strong and I know that Rosinante would never have wanted us to stay sad. ”
🍄❤After that moment there was a weight shifting in Law, ever since then Law allowed himself to get a little closer to {Name}, a little more trusting, as well as apologising for everything he said. {Name} tried to the best of their ability to allow Law to live a normal life, the life that Corazon had intended for them. Though Law could be caught giving into his thoughts, plaguing himself with guilt and blaming himself for Corazon's death. It took him a very long time before he was able to convince himself otherwise. The creeping and intrusive thoughts always affected Law, sometimes gave him nightmares. {Name} could always recognise it and would often help, their nature proved comforting and calming enough to keep the thoughts at bay. Law eventually felt secured enough to call {Name} family.
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sashi-ya · 3 years
{+18} - Law x Fem Best Friend ♥ CH.1
♥ Daily living with the Heart pirates crew AU  ♥ Spoilers after Dressrosa Arc. Law´s backstory.  ♥ Female reader. Little physical description. Everybody is 18+, canon ages.  ♥ TW: Nightmares related to PTSD. no further warnings. If you think I should include some feel free to tell me ♥ ♥English is not my first language, so If you happen to find some grammar or vocab mistakes, I’m sorry ♥´
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/31053383
Word count: 4.1K
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» List of parts: {CH1}  {CH2}  {CH3}  {CH4} {CH5} «
Chapter 1
- Polar Tang, somewhere underwater on the Grand Line. July 14th. -
“Ay ay captain, I need fresh air please, I’m dying!” Shouted Bepo asking our captain, and my best friend, Trafalgar D Water Law to please emerge from underwater. Bepo is a polar bear mink, and does not like hot environments, so he is usually hot whenever we pass a lot of time underwater in the submarine.
“Let’s emerge, guys” said Law, annoyed, but willing to make the polar bear feel better. Me, despite not being a polar bear, I’m always hot, so I praised the lord for the decision. 
“Aya aya, Thank you captain!!!” Bepo celebrated and grabbed me by the arm pulling me eagerly to the main door, because he knew how much I love to get fresh air, as much as he does. 
From the control room, Shachi and Penguin shouted, announcing that we can fully unlock the door. And so, we did. Outside there was a clear blue sky, the sun was shining, but apparently, we were close to some winter islands, so the temperature was lower than we were expecting. 
Fresh cold air hit my freckled cheeks and it felt wonderful. “Oi, Y/n-ya, don’t go outside without your coat. You are going to catch a cold”, said Law while placing a white coat over my shoulders. My best friend, despite the unfriendly appearance he normally shows, has the biggest heart and takes care of the one he loves.  
I’ve known him since we were 13 years old, while wandering on a certain island of the North Blue after losing my family.  A few weeks before knowing him, I found the Nagi no mi and became the user of it. So, when we introduced ourselves, we realized I was the new user of the devil fruit that had “Cora-san”, the person that saved Law’s life. Both of us were alone, and sad, so we held onto each other, striving to survive. I wanted to become a doctor like him, so we studied together. Now I’m his right hand whenever we have a surgery. 
“Aren’t you coming outside?” I asked Law, which was still inside, looking through the door with a listlessly gaze at the immense sea around us. He looked at me, sighed and said, “Tomorrow is 15th”.  He didn’t wait for my response and walked away. 
Our captain still misses “Corazón”, Rosinante, or “Cora-san”, as he usually calls him, and on July 15th was his birthday. He was killed by his brother, Donquixote Doflamingo, who was taken down and sent to prison by Law and the Mugiwaras, a few months ago.  I didn’t say a word, mainly because I knew how Law hates to show his feelings and even if I decide to say something, it wasn't going to help at all. The afternoon went by, and while the crew was having fun relaxing on the deck, Law didn’t show up. So, I proceeded to go see him, he usually loves to be alone, but this time I felt he needed some company.  
I headed straight to the kitchen, made his favorite tea and went to his room. “Oi, Doc, you’ve been there for a good 5 hours, I brought your fave tea. Can I come in?”, I asked, but didn’t receive any answer, so I knocked, and the door opened. “I’m sorry dumbass, it was unlocked, I brought some tea for… “I stopped when I saw Law on the floor, with red cheeks, sweated and unconscious holding something red on his hand. “Law, what the hell?” I said while placing my hand over his forehead. His skin was burning. He was running a strong fever that caused him to faint. I was worried because I didn’t know how much time had passed since he had fainted. In any case I needed to make the temperature go down, as quick as possible. 
“Law, Law, are you with me?” I asked him while grabbing him by the shoulders making soft movements. The captain vaguely opened his eyes and said “Y/n-ya… I’m ok, do… don’t worry”, “Of course you are not, your temperature is really high, why didn’t you tell me you were feeling like this?, come on you should take a bath right away”. He passed his arm around my neck and I grabbed him by his waist. Law is pretty tall, but I am stronger than I seemed, so I made him stand up and took him to the bathroom. 
I turned on the shower and helped Law to undress. Taking off first his sweated white shirt and then unbuttoning his jeans. I left him only with his boxers on, that made me giggle a little ‘because they had a heart pattern all over. 
The laughing was over because he became pretty weak so in order to avoid him falling, I had to grab him real tight, making myself enter to the open douche. We remained for a few seconds looking at each other under the running water, until he slipped a sloppy laugh at how I was becoming wet. “Dumbass don’t laugh” I apprehended him. I remained there for a few minutes letting the slightly cold water bathe his whole body, waiting for the temperature to drop.  I realized I’ve never been that close to him, we usually had zero physical contact, and as weird as it might sound this was the first time, I saw that he has more tattoos than I thought. 
“Sexy motherfucker look what you’ve been hiding”, I thought, but quickly I uprooted those thoughts off my head. “Come on, Y/n, he is like your brother….”. 
I turned off the water, extended my arm out of the shower and grabbed a towel. Wrapped him with it and as I was doing so, I noticed that Law was looking at my chest, still weak but now able to stand up without my help. 
“Take off your wet boxers, I’m not watching” I said, turning my back to him. To which he responded, “I don’t care if you look, you are like my doctor”. 
“Oh, come on, tell me when you are ready”, I said, a little embarrassed.
A few seconds later he told me he was ready and I turned back at him again, realizing that now the towel was hanging from his hip bones, leaving his whole tattooed torso naked, his hair was pretty straight from being wet and his cheeks now don’t show as much blush as before. I admired the image of the handsome man I got before my eyes for less than two seconds and told him to go to bed.  I helped him to get into bed carefully not to untie the white towel, because he was still a little weak. 
“Wait here, I’m going to the infirmary to get you some antipyretics, ok?” I ordered pointing at him. 
I was about to walk out the bedroom when I heard him say “Oi, dumbass, are going out looking like that?, Put on one of my shirts” and I realized that my underwear was showing through the transparency of my wet clothes. I widened my eyes, and my cheeks turned to fire. Without saying anything I opened the drawers grabbing a shirt and some shorts he had there. I ran to the bathroom where I got changed and left the bedroom without even looking at him. 
I walked through the hallway feeling my heartbeat faster, trying to dismiss the embarrassment I was feeling, until I got to the infirmary.
While searching for the medication I asked myself why this whole situation was making me lose my cool so easily, but no answer came out of it.
I then went to the kitchen to grab some water for Law to take the antipyretics and came back to my captain's room. 
I gave him the pills and water and waited for him to take them.
"Let me check on your temperature" I said, and he raised his arm for me to put the thermometer under his armpit. "I don't want to feel sick; I hate those pills you gave me", complaining and acting almost as if he was a little boy. I remember when we were younger. He rarely got sick after he cured himself from the amber lead disease, but whenever he felt bad, he acted as he was a kid. I always thought that was really cute and today it wasn't the exception. I teased him a little bit for being a capricious little child and he smiled, gave him shorts, because his temperature was getting lower.  I asked him if he was hungry and he assented. 
 The whole crew was still having fun on the deck, so I went back to the kitchen and made Law some soup. 
I brought the meal to the room that he devoured, despite feeling sick. We chatted a little bit until he fell asleep. "How angelic you seem sleeping and acting as a child, Law…" I whispered while contemplating his face that was slightly illuminated by the moonshine that enters from one of the little windows. 
Suddenly, something on the floor caught my eyes. It was some sort of red cloth. Picking it up I realized it was Law’s most precious treasure, Cora-san’s hat, that he was holding when I found him on the floor. I put the hat next to his face and caressed his cheek softly, "Sleep tight, Law, Corasan and I will take care of you tonight”. 
A few hours passed and the bustle of the crew slowly turned to silence as they went to bed. 
Sitting on bed next to him I must have fallen asleep until I was woken up by some grunts. Law was still asleep, but he seemed uncomfortable, he was again starting to sweat, and a few tears were running through his cheeks. I placed my hand over his forehead and his skin was burning once more, not only was he having one of those nightmares he always has, but also his fever was getting serious again. 
I went to the bathroom, got some towels wet and put them over his face and under his armpits. 
I held his hand and softly said “everything is going to be ok, Law”. You see, when someone has nightmares related to PTSD it's better not to wake them up instantly. With Law it has always been better if I slowly do it, making sure I am there for him.  He woke up, looking at me embarrassed but relieved I was there to tell him it was just a bad nightmare. 
The night went by, with me frequently changing the wet towels for more cold ones and the fever slowly stopped. My best friend went back to sleep until the next morning. 
The sunrise was invading timidly the room and the clock strikes 7 am. Time for Law to take the medicine again, I said and stand up from bed. 
I headed to the kitchen to prepare some tea and bring a glass of water to my patient.  
When I got there, I saw Penguin and Bepo looting the fridge. "Excuse me? What are you both doing?" I shouted, scaring the hell out of both of my nakamas. "Aya aya Y/n, you are gonna kill us!!". But after looking at me both of them changed their facial expression from scared to confused.  "Y/n, are you wearing the Captain's clothes? “asked Penguin, scanning my whole image from head to toe. "They suit you, really". “Whatever you are trying to suggest, stop it right there, you little shit” I said frowning and continued, “Law is sick as hell, he had a fever all night long, I’m taking care of him. He is still sleeping, don't run to him, especially you, Bepo.” I sentenced the Bear that was about to run through the hallway to hug his captain. 
“Law, oi Law, wake up, you have to take your meds”, I whisper to wake him up. Slowly he opened his eyes, letting myself admire the bold grey irises that were looking at me. He gave me a weak smile and sited on the bed, grabbed the glass of water and chugged it with the pill.  “How are you doing? feeling better?”, I asked. “uhm, I am”. “Go back to sleep, then, you should rest”, I suggested - ordered - him. He nodded getting under the sheets again, covering his face with them. A little laugh slipped out of my mouth until he said “Y/n.. can you… stay here with me? If you don’t want to, it's ok.”. How cute he acts when he wants some care… “Of course, I’m staying here, I’ve been here the whole night, what makes you think I’m leaving you now?”. A silence invaded the room, until he broke it with “Thank you, do you mind getting in bed with me?”. We have slept in the same bed before when we were younger so at first it didn't surprise me, but then, something hit my insides. I didn't know why but It made me nervous. Nevertheless, I acted cool and agreed, "Ok, make some space". 
Law moved and I got under the sheets. My body didn't know how to react, so I stayed laying down facing him until he buried his face onto my chest hugging me by my waist, really tight. I put one hand over his hair and place my other hand on his back caressing it softly up and down. I couldn't see his face, but I knew he was crying as my t-shirt began to have wet spots where his face was. He then placed his ear onto my chest, as he was trying to feel the beating of my heart and said, "I needed to hear your heartbeat, I don't want to ever stop hearing it". There weren't words to be said, I knew what he meant, so I simply gave him a kiss on his head and hugged him even harder.  
We both passed out at some point until a well-known voice woke me up saying "Daaaaaamn the captain and vice-captain are sleeping together!!!" Shachi was shouting and I realized I had the whole crew watching us from the door. The image they saw Included Law half naked, myself with my shirt up letting my back and stomach out, Law's hand over my waist and his head over my breasts, my leg over Law's legs. The perfect image to imagine every sexual situation. 
"It is not what you all are thinking! Law is sick, shut up!" I told everybody as I stranded up from bed arranging my clothes. The whole crew was laughing and making a fuss of it. “Hey, get out, Law didn’t get so much sleep last night, shut the hell up!” ... As I finished my sentence, I regretted it instantly and everybody started to laugh. Suddenly everyone shut up. I saw their faces turned to happy to fully serious followed by the voice of my captain saying “Oi, all of you, prepare to submerge. Bepo, resume the course to our destination, tomorrow we have to arrive at the next island, I don’t know why you all are wasting time. And, remember this is the last time you disrespect your Vice Captain. Is that clear?”, “Yes, Captain. We are sorry. Excuse us Y/n”, said everybody in unison, and rushed to their positions. 
I grabbed my face with both of my hands, I wanted to hide for a week. Law approached me and placed his hand on my shoulder saying, “don’t worry, they ‘ve always been like this, it’s ok”. I sighed hard and turned my face to him. He looked better than yesterday but still needed to rest. “Are you feeling better?” I asked him, and he nodded. 
I told him to go get some more rest, that I was going to have a bath and get some rest too, and then come back to check on him, and left to my room. 
Only Law and I have private rooms, so I was going to be safe from the looks of our nakamas as long as I didn't leave. 
I open the faucet and let the water fill my bathtub. Undressed and left Law’s clothes aside for me to clean them after and return them to him. I realized I had left my wet clothes and underwear on Law’s bathroom, but I didn’t stress much about it, he wouldn't see them, because I left them in the laundry bin. I relaxed for a few minutes in the hot water until the image of Law’s body covered in tattoos, hit my thoughts. 
Suddenly I discovered myself enjoying the fond memories of his anatomy. He had become such a grown-up man throughout all of these years, and I didn’t realize about it until last night. I wonder if he thinks the same way about me…? My mind sailed through the memoirs of yesterday, seeing his body covered in sweat, having him close under the shower, the feeling of his skin on my hands, his face over my breasts, him holding me from my waist, being in the same bed… every memory was making my body react and… I shook those thoughts out of my head. What the hell am I thinking? Law is my best friend; he is like family. Stop Y/n, stop right there. 
After eating something I headed to Law’s bedroom and stood up in front of the closed door. I’ve never felt the need to rehearse what I was going to say to him, but this time, I did. I felt the need. To my surprise I heard from behind the door as If someone was breathing with trouble, little moans perhaps. So, I instantly thought that my best friend was again running a fever, perhaps having trouble breathing. I opened the door without even knocking, worried and expecting to found Law suffering. I tripped and fell on my knees and what I saw next, was something far from distress or sickness… 
 There he was, sitting on his bed, fully naked, holding my bra with his left hand, breathing heavily, arching his back and neck with his head thrown back. His right hand stroking his hard member up and down, violently. 
I was still on my knees when he concluded someone had entered his room, and as fast as he could said “Room… Takt” and closed the door behind me with the simple movement of two fingers. “La… law… what… I mean, I’m sorry, I’m…” I barely mumbled still with my mouth open, unable to move, mortified for interrupting such a private practice. But at the same time unable to understand why the hell he had my bra on his hand while touching himself. 
He looked at me, still naked, meeting our eyes, both without even moving. Until he expressed a little smile and stood up. Me still on my knees, I contemplated him and his glorious body reaching to where I was. He stopped in front of me, grabbed my chin up in between two fingers. “Wha.. what are you doing, Law?” I asked, even though I didn’t take my eyes off him. “Shh…” he said rubbing his thumb over my lips and softly opening my mouth…
“Puru puru puru puru” the Den Den mushi next to my bed woke me up from my dream exalted. “Oh… It was just a dream…” I said and picked up the snail transponder. “Y/n, dinner is ready, you haven’t eaten anything all day, come to the dining area!”, I heard my nakamas shout through the speaker. 
I washed my face and looked into the mirror. My cheeks were red, my head was spinning, I was agitated, sweaty. I replayed the dream over and over, it felt so real… so… enticing. 
When I got to the kitchen my nakamas were already drinking beer and shouting as always, Law was seated on his usual spot, and Bepo was passing plates. “Oi Vice Captain! have a drink!!” some of them shouted, while Bepo handed me a big bowl of my favorite meal, read bean soup.  Shachi, who was seated next to me, bumped me with his elbow and said, “Oi, the dinner was chosen by the Captain specially ‘because he said it was your fave, fufufu…  are you both sleeping together again tonight”? I turned my face to him with the most psychotic expression I’ve ever had… “I’m sorry”, he said and directed his gaze to his plate. 
I looked at Law who smirked a little and kept eating without any talking. I gave him a little side smile and did the same. He had a better semblance than the night before, so I think his fever hasn't come back since last night. 
We finished eating and discussed the plan for tomorrow. We were supposed to arrive at a new island in the morning, not for anything special but for us to buy food and supplies needed. Usually, the whole crew divides the work, so some of them buy food, the others stuff for the submarine, and normally Law and I take care of buying medical supplies. 
Through all the conversation I was trying to avoid looking at Law as much as I could. Whenever our gaze locked, I remembered the dream over and over… I felt guilty, stupid. My cheeks burned every time I replayed it on my head. 
After having the plan settled, I waved goodnight to everybody, and left the kitchen. I was almost running through the corridor to get to my room as if I was trying to hide when I remembered that my underwear and clothes were still in Law's bathroom. 
“Ok, he is not here, this is my chance, I just have to recuperate them and run to my room”, I said while entering my best friend's bedroom.
I was scrutinizing the laundry bin in the bathroom, when I heard the door of the bedroom close. I stood still. "Damn, what should I do?" … so, I decided to use my devil fruit powers in order to avoid making any sound until I was able to figure out what I was going to do. I mean, I couldn't just get out of the bathroom like nothing happened, what would Law think? 
As the bathroom door was not fully closed, I was able to peek through it and observe what Law was doing. 
The captain took off his hat first, and then his shirt. He jumped on the bed and grabbed a book.
I was hoping for him to read some more and fell asleep, so in that moment I could get out from my now hiding spot. 
Twenty minutes passed and he was still reading. Meanwhile I admired every movement he did. From brushing his hair back, to how he licked his finger to turn the pages. My core felt fancy, I couldn’t escape from watching, deep down I wished for him to even untied his pants. I wanted to see more…  
Finally, he put the book down and turned off the lamp.  
"YES! FINALLY!" I said getting excited for my big escape but suddenly he said, "I know you are in the bathroom; I don't need to hear you to sense you, you know?". 
I froze, closed my eyes and remembered how strong his Observation haki got during the last months. I didn't say anything simply because I didn't know what to say. 
" Room… Shambles!", and without any warning I was teletransported to his bed. My ass hit the mattress hard making myself lose stability falling with my whole face over his lower abs. 
The scent of his skin invaded my nose for less than a few seconds, because I regained my posture as quickly as possible. "Law, how many times I have to tell you not to use shambles with me without any warning?!!" I scolded him. "Excuse me? You've been hiding in MY bathroom for almost half an hour and I'm the one who gets shouted at?" He said, frowning and staring into my eyes. “I was trying to recover my clothes, I wasn’t trying to hide…”, I confess, to which he responded this time laughing, “Don’t lie, I’m sure you are into voyeurism”. Widening my eyes, still seated on his bed, covering my mouth, my cheeks blushing, my heart beating faster, I was embarrassed, because deep down, after all it was what I was doing. I was enjoying the view from the bathroom, I wanted to see more, I wished I could witness an image as my dream…
“I’m kidding…”, he said ruffling my hair and smiling. God, I love his smile… I wasn’t still saying anything back when he came close to my face, and whispered into my ears, “unless… you like it…”
Chapter 2
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holykillercake · 3 years
Heavenly Demons
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paring: Doflamingo x Reader
word count: 1.7k
summary: How far down would you go to rise with the person who makes your heart beat stronger?
highlight:  ¨Haste is the enemy of perfection, Doffy. We shall have all the time in the world.¨
warnings: implied smut, Doffy himself is already a warning, right?
notes: Hey guys! So, I have read a lot of stories where the main character contrasts with Doffy, but I wanted to write one where the reader kinda shares his ideologies. I really hope you like it!! <3
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𝕷𝖊𝖆𝖛𝖊 𝖈𝖔𝖒𝖒𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖘, 𝖗𝖊𝖖𝖚𝖊𝖘𝖙𝖘, 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊!
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You closed your eyes and took a deep breath as the salty fresh air cooled your body down. The waves crashed violently, and thunderings cut across the skies, shouting to all eight seas to prepare themselves. You were coming for the throne. You were coming for the golden seat above the great serpent soaked in blood. 
Large hands caressed your belly, fingers flirting with the soft skin of your breasts. You felt Doflamingo's naked and burning skin brush against your back, salty splashes of seawater blending with the salt of your sweat bodies. 
¨Do you remember what you told me that day?¨ his voice was low and deep, masking the ferocity of a roaring predator.
¨Every word.¨ 
¨Can you repeat it?¨ you smirked, words already engraved on the tip of your sharp tongue.
He gazed at the ocean with thirst, recollecting all the sacrifices he made, all the breaths he took and raised a glass for all the blood he was yet to shed.  
¨One day, you will rule them all. You will stand above their fallen bodies and step on them as they lick the floor you walk on.¨ His grip tightened on your waist, nails slightly craving into your skin. 
¨I´m ready.¨
¨You have always been, Doffy.¨
¨Y/N.¨ he called you after a moment of silence.
¨Hm?¨ You hummed in response. 
The man behind you struggled, brain fighting the words from coming out of his mouth. He pulled you away from the window, lifting you up while your legs wrapped around his hips. The ship rocked aggressively, rolls of maps and unlit candles rolling across the tapestry.
Doflamingo pressed you against the wall, tongue gliding furiously with yours. You felt his body growing stiff again, moans masked as grunts being muffled by your intoxicating kiss. 
Whines came out with each heavy breath, your chest rising and falling when he finally parted the kiss, a single strand of saliva connecting both sinful lips. 
You took that moment to look him in the eyes. This time, instead of the glasses adorning his beautiful features, the flashes of lightning from the storm illuminated what he was constantly trying to hide.
The eyes of a monster. A monster for whom you would kill, for whom you would slaughter. The eyes of the man for whom you descended from the Holy Land and got your hands dirty to help him rise above the so-called Gods.
You remembered your words as a child. 
¨Those are not the true Gods.¨ he spoke in your ear. 
Shivers ran down your spine, and your core twisted when you felt the tip of his manhood touch your sensitive and sore skin. 
¨We are the true Gods.¨ a deafening thunder echoed through the structures of the Numancia Flamingo the moment he slipped inside you, covering your cries of lust and pleasure.
It was difficult to keep up with the man you followed. After all, he was tall and had incredibly long legs. At no time did he help you when you tripped over a piece of garbage and fell or when your legs gave up on exhaustion.  On the contrary, he just kept walking.
¨May I ask for your name?¨ 
That's what came out of your mouth. You knew that shouting and imposing things would not work, not here. This was the territory of humans, and you would have to deal with it if you wanted to get to the boy.
¨May I ask...¨ he mocked you. 
Your small hands, balled into fists, clenched while you snorted with hatred.
¨Calm down, brat. It´s over there.¨ 
Standing on the toes of your expensive shoes, you saw a well-known figure among sheds and piles of metal, with blond hair and dark glasses.
¨Y/N!?¨ he sounded surprised to see you in such a filthy place. 
Your steps hurried to get to him, ignoring the other people on the scene who looked at you with suspicion.
The ruffles of the skirt were now dirty from the trip, and your hair, always so neat, flew loose with the breeze and even got entangled.
¨What are you doing here?¨
¨Just making sure you got home safe.¨
¨Nyeh, nyeh, who is this, Doffy?¨ a disgusting old man with snot running down his nose asked.
¨She is the girl I told you about. She helped me escape.¨
¨Do not come closer!¨ you exclaimed to the man when he turned to you. The gooey thing swaying with every movement.
Doffy invited you into what he called home and offered you a shabby wooden stool so you could rest from the trip.
Even so young to understand the meaning of love, your heart ached when you saw the precarious situation in which he found himself. No, he was much greater than that.
Your families were neighbors in the Holy Land, so you constantly spent your free afternoons in the company of the Donquixote brothers. It fascinated you how different they were, like two opposite poles of a globe.
At some point, you noticed Rosinante's absence and assumed he had died like their parents. He too was not like you. He would never last.
¨What will you do? You can not accept this, Doffy.¨ you walked over to the boy in front of a window, eyes locked on the piles of scrap metal. 
¨I know, Y/N. I am just thinking.¨ He hesitated to ask for your help, even though he knew how much more clever you could be.
The others just watched the interaction between the two children, the boy chosen by the heavens and the girl who spoke to him as an equal.
¨Claim what is yours, Doffy.¨
¨I tried.¨ his fingertips turned white from squeezing the window sill ¨I served my father´s head in a tray for them to feast, but-¨
¨That is not what I meant.¨ He searched your eyes for the first time, knowing that you were planning something. ¨You are a rightful king, the real deity, not them. Those are not the true Gods, Doffy. We are the true Gods.¨
The slimy man got up from the pest-infested couch, squinting at you. The brilliant idea he hadn't had before coming out of your mouth like a prophecy.
¨Dressrosa, the World Nobles, from the depts of the ocean to the six moons... one day, you will rule them all. You will stand above their fallen bodies and step on them as they lick the floor you walk on.¨ 
Electricity ran through your bodies, and tears of excitement filled your eyes.
¨Nyeh, your name is Y/N, right? ¨ the miry man asked, keeping a respectful distance from you. His voice annoyed you just as much. ¨It looks like you have a plan, behehehe. Tell us more about it.¨
You looked at him with contempt and mistrust.
¨It´s ok, Y/N. They are my family now.¨
That day you shared the plan that would shape the course of the Donquixote Pirates' operations, and everyone listened in silence, bewildered by the strategic mind of such a young child.
¨I will be your eyes and ears up there.¨
¨I´ll be quick, Y/N. I promise.¨ You shook your head.
¨Haste is the enemy of perfection, Doffy. We shall have all the time in the world.¨
That same night you returned to wealth and abundance, but your heart remained between the scraps and the boy, the Heavenly Yaksha.
For the next two decades, you focused on studies, following like a mantra the striking appearances of the Donquixote Pirates in the newspapers.
The World Nobles feared Doflamingo for his knowledge regarding matters that should be kept secret. Secrets you provided, tearing down the wall of the puny Gods, brick per brick.
Over time, your periodic visits to the world below the Red Line have become more intimate, going from an affectionate gesture to a dinner for two and the satiation of carnal desires. 
But maybe there was love. Among the sins and horrors committed, there was a lull after a nightmare. When your fingers ran through his blond hair, and he took off his glasses before pulling you to his chest.
When you laughed at childhood memories or projected a future together. 
Maybe it was love. But how could two beasts like you know for sure?
Perhaps it was not necessary to know the real meaning. When the sun came up again, you would be there together, ready to conquer, rule, and destroy.
When traitors raised their weapons and the weak perished, they would see the true face of God. Majestic and merciless.
When the weak rulers gave in to pressure, you would take the dirty hands of hopeless people and raise them up. And they would kiss the ground where you walked, freely and willingly.
¨Do you like our new home?¨ he asked, bringing you inside the feathery pink coat. 
You stood in front of the window, watching the country over which you would make prosperity reign.
¨It´s amazing, Doffy.¨ 
¨Are you staying for good now?¨
A smile grew on your lips ¨I am, Doffy. I´m staying for good.¨
His laughter filled the room. He took your hand and guided you to the armchair, where you sat on his lap, already opening the zipper of your dress.
¨Twenty years, Y/N...¨ he put a lock of hair behind your ear ¨I have waited for twenty years, and now that we accomplished this, I am not letting you go again.¨ 
You leaned slowly and torturously, flirting with his mouth, teasing him. You wanted to feel each moment, each touch, and each spasm making your body squirm with pleasure.
¨We have all the time in the world...¨ you whispered, placing a kiss on his lips ¨I want to make this very slow and very pleasurable.¨ 
This time when the sun comes up, you would not have to leave.
He laughed again, wrapping his hand in your hair and pulling enough to make a moan escape your mouth. 
¨I can´t promise slow...¨ his voice was low in your ear, weakening your entire body ¨but I will give you pleasure.¨
The trail of kisses on your neck made your guts twist, and your hips move against him, seeking relief. 
¨I´m gonna take you right here and right now...¨ he pulled your hair a little harder ¨and I´m gonna make you my Queen.¨  
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Hey @vemuabhi! Here I go again hahaha
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