#do NOT get in her way while she has milk on the stove or she'll fucking THAGOMIZE you
t00thpasteface · 1 year
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a trusty argonian chef
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{Aku is feeling little, so time for some little space headcanons.}
🍓 Aku's favorite independent little activity is coloring, but if she could have it her way, her favorite activity would be storytime. Coloring is lots of fun! But! Being snuggled up next to a caregiver while he reads her a story even better than that.
🍓 Aku is prone to lots of napping when she's feeling little. If she's at home, anyway. She really likes having drinks that help her feel warm and sleepy, like hot milk. The problem comes with having to make it herself and operating something like a stove usually pulls her out of little space.
🍓 She has a little lamb stuffy! It's pink and it's her favorite!
🍓 In the rare moments Aku is feeling excited and has lots of energy, she usually likes playing video games or watching cartoons.
🍓 As much as Aku works hard to get by as an independent little, she really wishes she had a caregiver. Having to take responsibility of herself and her environment, as mentioned before, will pull her out of little space and sometimes if there's a lot to do it'll actually hurt her. It makes her feel like something soft has been stripped away, and she'll be cold and sad for a while while she takes care of herself.
🍓 Aku will often feel most little right after she's come out of an anxiety attack. It makes her want to retreat and find comfort in happy kiddie things.
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blackestnight · 2 years
Multiples of 12 for the OTP asks?
12. Do they have many heated arguments? How do they smooth things over?
i wouldn't say they have many heated arguments—they disagree a lot, and argue on occasion, but it's usually lighthearted debates that are more about poking fun at each other than actually fighting. even when they have serious disagreements they're not heated, most of the time, just kind of awkward conversations that no one really wants to be having. heated arguments happen when there's something they've been avoiding arguing about instead of just getting it over with. luckily you could count the number of those they've had on one hand with fingers to spare. in any case they usually result in hanami and aymeric not talking to each other for a few days (the last one coincided with an alliance council at ala mhigo, which was hideously awkward; the twins got it into their heads to try and mediate despite having no idea what hanami and aymeric were even fighting about, at which point aymeric very politely informed them that it really wasn't their business and hanami very impolitely told them both to fuck off). once they've both cooled off there'll be a round of heartfelt apologies—which, incidentally, is basically the only time you'll get hanami to apologize for anything—and then another hideously awkward conversation about why it got that bad to make sure it doesn't happen again.
24. Who’s more likely to give the other a massage?
could go either way. hanami is allergic to sitting on chairs the way they're meant to be used, so she'll pretty frequently end up on the floor, or sitting on the back of the couch, or curled up with her feet in aymeric's lap, all of which lend themselves to absentminded neck/foot massages while they're talking about something else. on the flipside, she can and will bully him into laying down so she can sit on him.
as an aside, she wrenched her shoulder pretty good during the liberation of ala mhigo, and for a couple months after that she would sometimes dislocate it; the first time she walked up to aymeric and made him hold her arm while she yanked her joint back into place he was horrified, and by the sixth time he was over it.
36. Who’s more likely to fire up the stove at 2am because the other woke up in the middle of the night hungry?
aymeric. there's a nonzero chance that he was awake anyway; hanami will drink whatever concoction he brewed up and then drag him back to bed. usually they have tea or some kind of mulled drink (spiced hot chocolate has recently made its way to eorzea, which hanami actually likes, but she has to have it made with water instead of milk and aymeric insists it's the saddest thing he's ever tasted).
48. Who’s the better driver?
define better, and also driver. if we're talking, like, riding chocobos? aymeric. hanami didn't grow up with them and avoids riding them when she can. any other four-legged or two-winged creature you can ride, hanami has more experience; the first time she got him on a horse she couldn't stop laughing because aymeric kept insisting he was going to fall off, and don't you coerthans have unicorns? have you somehow never ridden a unicorn? what kind of rich boy are you?
if we're talking magitek, of any description, aymeric doesn't have an occasion to pilot it so hanami wins by default, which does not make her a good driver. she has a motorcycle courtesy of cid, which is on its seventh iteration because the first six got totaled, because if you give her a metal motorized vehicle she is not above using it as a battering ram. she kept telling cid to build better shit if he didn't want her wrecking it, which is why she can now use it as a battering ram. she took her bike with her on the ilsabard campaign and ran down more than one blasphemy while they were evacuating refugees.
(in a modern au she is a much more careful driver, and so wins the better driver title again, but more honestly.)
60. Who pulls the other closer when they’re sleeping?
answered previously, but as a bonus: aymeric is a blanket hog. hanami insists she snuggles out of survival instinct, because it's the only way to make sure she stays under the covers.
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urban-witch101 · 3 years
(Byakuya Togami x Reader? That's how this idea started.) - Danganronpa 1 Ghost AU - "They Failed."
Oh it's as funky as it sounds. Just trust me on this one. Also, big fat Trigger Warning for assault, s3xual assault, murder, and angst.
Hope's Peak Academy is reportedly the most haunted high school in Japan. After the Most Tragic Incident the world had ever seen, the class of 78 was forced into a recorded killing game run by their fellow classmates Junko Enoshima and Mukuro Ikusaba and failed to survive. The Future Foundation, after eventually beating Despair and restoring peace to the world, established the high school as a National Monument to the pain and suffering of the students and turned it into a museum recording the history.
There are too many stories of the passed students to count, some from construction workers and some from ghost hunters. These are their sightings.
Yasuhiro Hagakure is reportedly the most active ghost, which makes sense as the Ultimate Clairvoyant.
He tends to greet visitors at the entrance.
If you drop your hat or gloves and don't notice, you'll find them by the coat rack later for you to find.
Children tend to see him the most, or they hear a whispered joke in their ear if they're particularly upset at any of the Despair history.
He doesn't tend to interact with adults a lot, but he's known to follow the descendants of all their relatives or friends to make sure they're okay.
10/10 ghost, very friendly and a chill dude. Makes sure kids are okay.
Toko Fukawa is rarely seen or heard, but if she's there you know.
She hangs out in the bathrooms with the most common sightings being in the mirrors.
She's often found playing with her braids or grimacing at guests if there are a lot of people.
The friendliest sighting was when a child got lost and found their way to the women's bathroom.
When the panicked mother finally found them, their child was calm and content while playing with a stuffed toy they know they didn't bring.
When the child was guided to leave, they turned and waved goodbye to the mirror.
8/10, antisocial but harmless.
Genocider Syo is extremely active.
She likes pulling pranks on tall, skinny men, like throwing their wallets across the room and pinching their elbows.
If said men are blonde with blue eyes, they will tend to feel watched whenever the enter the building and will continue to think so until they leave.
Children tend to be scared of her, but if she sees a scared child she'll tend to leave the room so they're more comfortable.
She likes knocking over stuff, books and coffee mugs in particular.
However, if the staff scold her she'll knock it off.
She never knocks over artifacts, but people have seen her scissors rattle in their case.
8/10, harmless prankster.
Leon Kuwata can be found in the First-Floor Dorms.
People report hearing guitar strings playing in the boys bathrooms.
If someone mentions baseball around his dorm, mirrors and glass will crack or straight up shatter.
Paranormal investigators once spent the night in his old room, but they "forgot" to take off their shoes and slept above the covers.
They woke up with a blanket that hadn't been in the room covering them and their shoes neatly placed by the side of the door.
That same investigator used a Spirit Box to try and talk to him about what happened in the school.
Of course their older generations saw what happened live, but they never spoke of it.
"Do you have anything you need to say?"
"I'm so sorry."
6/10, ow.
Hifumi Yamada can be found in the kiln room in the Art Studio.
People hear camera clicks, as if he's still taking pictures.
Pencils will roll when the floor is completely flat.
He likes messing with the kiln and knocking off the hammers.
He loves playing the flashlight game.
If anyone mentions Celestia Ludenburg, people swear the room falls into a heavy and tense silence.
When everyone leaves the kiln, they feel his conflicting pain.
Anger? Sadness? They don't know. He's still grieving.
6/10, more ow.
Kiyotaka Ishimaru is silent unless he needs to talk.
He only talks if you do something wrong.
He doesn't play any of the games.
If you run in the museum, people swear they hear a loud voice telling them to stop.
If the staff breaks the rules at all, they straight up get smacked in the shoulder.
Groups of friends, particularly men, feel very welcome in his dorm room.
They all leave after a friendly, invisible squeeze is given to them on the arm.
6/10, he'll never change.
Mondo Owada has one reported sighting.
When construction to restore the building was going on, there was an incident between a worker and a girl on the street one afternoon.
He took her behind the building and attempted to hurt her.
A man in a Crazy Diamond gang jacket, which it should be noted that it doesn't exist anyore, pulled him off and hit him with a pick axe.
After the assaulter was unconscious, her savior didn't say a word; he looked at the girl up and down, presumably checking her for injuries, and passed her a card with a phone number before nodding to her and walking off.
It was the local s3xual assault line, which had been established only two years prior.
After she called the number, she was never able to find the card again.
She didn't even put two and two together until she visited the finished museum and saw Mondo's picture.
No one has ever seen him since.
10/10, badass.
Sayaka Maizono is in one of the boy's bathrooms in the dorms.
Visitors report feeling unnerved or even scared when they enter the bathroom.
She will not interact with you.
She doesn't like playing any of the games. Do not turn on the spirit box in her bathroom, the shower glass will crack.
One investigator decided to spend the night in the bedroom and turned on the shower in the morning.
When they got out, there was a message written in the fog on the mirror.
1/10, no fucking thank you.
Aoi Asahina hangs around the pool room.
She's reportedly like Hiro.
She's been seen walking the halls everywhere.
Children love visiting the pool room. They tend to feel excited and safe.
At night you can hear the pool splashing when no one is inside.
She has one recorded incident.
A child brought a small bag of donut holes to snack on.
Said child began to complain that "the air" kept pulling the donut holes out of his hands.
So they ran an experiment.
They dropped one on purpose and watched it roll away towards the pool room. After that, they didn't feel anymore pulls.
Now it's a tradition to leave a donut for her on Obon by the pool room or her dorm room.
Staff report donuts pulling themselves apart to share. If staff take a half that is offered, the treats are always gone by the next morning.
9/10, a whole mood.
Chihiro Fujisaki is relatively quiet.
They can be found in the boy's locker rooms by the pool.
People will smell a slight perfume over the chlorine.
Muscular men in particular will feel an odd sense of guilt when entering.
There was a guest, who was a muscular man, who took out their phone to record the room and listened back to it to find bits and pieces of the audio were gone.
They took it to a friend who deciphered it into a message in Morse code.
"I forgive you."
9/10, holy ow.
Celestia Ludenburg is only active in the kitchen.
Investigators have put on a full pot of tea water with no heat on the stove.
If they leave and come back, they'll find the pot whistling with the heat still off. The water is always the perfect temperature.
She is never active at night.
She'll only use the spirit box on Obon, but you have to make her a cup of milk tea first.
She's very picky about it.
There was one who got it right on the first try.
"Well finally," the box picked up. "Have some."
She will share details only she would know.
"I don't want to be rude, but do you have any regrets?"
A moment of silence. The cup on the table left for her shakes for just a moment.
"I have too many."
6/10, talkative but be careful.
Kyoko Kirigiri has never talked, but you'll hear her.
Staff will hear her heels clicking in the halls at night.
She likes writing in people's notebooks.
Random strangers will enter with an empty pocketbook and leave with a full one.
She loves to write.
She tells her side of the story.
If the mirrors ever fog up, she's there scratching out letters and numbers.
She also turns on the coffee pot in the kitchen.
Intuitive teenagers tend to know when she's there because they feel safer in rooms that people normally aren't comfortable in.
She writes clues to all the murders that she was never able to solve.
She's not done yet. She's made it very clear that she is not at peace.
9/10, talkative and informative.
Sakura Ogami is said to be hanging around in the recreational room where she committed suicide.
Children feel safe in there, but they never play with the old equipment.
There is an unspoken rule among them that they all know and have never discussed as soon as they walk in.
Some thrill-seekers sit in her chair.
They report feeling their head throbbing and intense nausea, some even passing out from the pain.
They also report intense guilt.
One child sat in the seat without thinking about it and they reported being fine but feeling a little sad.
She plays the flashlight game with investigators, but only if they're nice.
One turned on a spirit box and gave her a cup of tea on Obon.
"Thank you."
8/10, don't sit in her fucking chair you dumbass.
Mukuro Ikusaba is heard rarely.
Like Mondo, she has one reported calling.
In the gym, late at night, you can hear a quiet sobbing.
Children will hear a crying girl in their head:
"I didn't want this."
3/10, how is this even more ow.
Junko Enoshima is heard in the execution room.
Staff used to think there were multiple ghosts in there, but it turns out it's just her.
She laughs, cries, and shrieks.
The story is that she killed herself with her own executions after succeeding in the killing game.
At night investigators play the flashlight game with her.
Every visitor is always unnerved by her.
There is an unspoken bitterness towards her.
She doesn't deserve her success.
0/10, scary bitch.
Makoto Naegi is seen everywhere.
The Ultimate Lucky Student loves telling his story.
He's seen in windows and mirrors with his hoodie and a warm smile.
He's always kind and welcoming.
People leave him popular snacks at his dorm room on Obon.
He never speaks, he just likes watching everyone learn about them.
If children ever get lost he leads them back to their parents.
They'll always tell their family about the "nice boy with brown hair" who takes their hand gently and leads them to safety.
He feels a duty to protect the staff. They never feel alone at night. He's always there to keep them safe.
The descendant of Komaru Naegi, who happened to be a paranormal investigator, once spent the night in his old dorm room.
She reported hearing quiet crying and sniffling that morning before she opened her eyes and was flooded with a sense of relief.
Oh thank god, she was okay.
10/10, heart of gold.
Byakuya Togami is seen in one room and one room only.
He is the only one that people regularly see in the flesh as a full figure.
He's sitting in the library, reading a murder mystery novel.
He has never acknowledged any of the guests, except for one.
A small child, a descendant of Togami's old butler, gently knocked on the table to get his attention and waved politely. They thought he was a staff member.
He looked up at them, gave a little wave back, and went back to his book.
When they turned away and looked back, he was gone.
Staff will see him walking back to his room when the museum is closing up.
He's snobby, sure, but he has his manners. He won't purposefully get in the way of the staff.
9/10, super chill.
There is an unknown ghost that has one known/recorded interaction.
One night a paranormal investigator spent the night exploring the building.
They walked in the library to see Togami with a book and a lamp on that was previously off.
They nodded at him politely and went to the bookshelves to "find a book". They turned on a spirit box and stayed quiet.
The library door opened and closed.
They hear a passing conversation.
"Hello love."
A kiss, presumably on the knuckles.
"How was today?"
"Tiring", says a voice. "Lot of cleaning. Did you get any visitors?"
A chuckle. "Too many. I think they can see me."
A pause.
"Do you think they'll ever figure out what really happened here?"
Hesitance. "For their sake, I hope not."
Feedback would be lovely. Thank you for your time!
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reinahwanggg · 4 years
I Miss You》 Park Jisung
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credits to gif owner
pairing: jisung park x reader
word count: 1.9K
warnings: slight angst (not really)
genre: established relationship, idol au, fluff, slight angst, jisung being a caring boy, boyfriend!jisung, reader misses him, but doesn't wanna admit it
a/n: i envisioned myself in this position haha, sorry
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"good night honeybee. i love you."
"good night angel! i love you always."
jisung sleepily replies, yawning into the phone, before he closed his eyes to be guided into slumber. although he knows comeback seasons does take a toll on his body, and sometimes mentality, he makes sure he calls you every night. whether it be to tell you he'll be in the dance studio until the next day, or before bed, he always tries to find time for you in his extremely busy schedule, especially since he is quite worried about you.
although it's been a few months since the entire debacle, he always wants to make sure you're safe and well. he knew that you didn't mind all of the sudden attention, and you didn't care about what everyone thought about you and him together, but sometimes he just wants to make sure you're okay.
it's obvious that he's the more vocal one in the relationship; always saying what's on his mind, telling you whenever he felt you should say or stop this, or whenever he felt angry about something petty and wanted to say it to get over it. he just has more experience in expressing his feelings to those close to him.
you, on the other hand, always kept everything bottled up inside, not necessarily saying anything, even when it bothers you, because you wouldn't want to be a bother to others, unless it ticked you off. you were always the one to express your anger for some complicated situations, but rarely to others. you find yourself as your own confidant, as your own provider, as your own push to help you through the tunnel of life.
the way you handle things, often than not, got you in some heated arguments with jisung. he just wants you to tell him when it's too much pressure. especially that day when the camera crew came in, setting a gazillion cameras inside your house, saying that the fans would love to see how you and jisung interact. he saw how uncomfortable it made you, and seeing as it's been two weeks, and you still jump when you walk in your sleepwear at 7am and see the camera following you, it's enough evidence.
yet, whenever he asks you, you brush it aside. ''i'll get used to it'' you'll always tell him, knowing fully well, you sometimes can't stand it. waking up, and pretending to be a youtuber making a get ready with me video, only for it to actually be posted, it ticks you off. yet, all you tell him is that you'll get used to it.
this situation, was no different. for the past three months, jisung has had activity after activity to go through, while trying to record content for this stupid youtube segment. most times it would split videos of him and you on the phone, laughing about some stupid meme you saw on twitter. you know, every single piece of your body misses your boyfriend; dying to be back in his arms, and snuggled with him on the couch, watching random TV shows while he randomly kisses your hair and pulls you closer.
you know that you miss him, and yearn for the day he comes and tells you that promotions are over and the frequent break in between has begun, but you don't tell him that. you don't tell him how much you miss waking up in the morning to see him dancing around the kitchen to a video of you singing one of his songs in the best voice you can muster, unintentionally burning the eggs on the stove.
you don't tell him how much you miss coming home from an interview with other artists, only to see him fixing his hair, humming puzzle piece, smiling goofily at the thought of you. you don't tell him how much you miss your rant sessions; him ranting about how close fans get sometimes, and you ranting about how much you wanna punch your coworker in the throat for her unbearably cocky attitude.
you don't tell him how much you miss last minute packing for a day trip to the other side of the country. you don't tell him how much you miss sulking on the couch, only for him to plant a million pecks and kisses on every corner of your face, until you smiled and playfully pushed him away.
before you knew it, you're sitting up in your bed, crying to yourself about how much you miss him. and for once, you want to let him know, desperately throwing away your pride and wanting him to know how much you ache for his presence, and his quirky habits, and his killer smile, and just everything he has to offer. you miss him so much, your cries get a little too loud, your breath gets a bit too heavy, and your body shakes a bit too much, but you don't care, you just miss him so much it physically hurts you.
the little lamp in the corner of your room shines a somber gold around the room, you oblivious to the fact that the cameras are on 24/7 and is catching this very moment, of your vulnerability. you are also oblivious to the fact that he didn't hang up the phone, him obviously being too tired to actually hover his finger, as he was out like a light, his little snores in the background evident to the entire thing.
"honeybee, i miss you so much. so much it hurts."
you start, your voice choked up, coming out cracked, and scratchy.
halfway through your rant, jisung wakes up, blinking a few times to himself, trying to adjust to the bright light amidst the dark room, the slightest sound of hiccups ring in his ear, an extremely nasally voice ringing out sobs and muffled words, and he automatically sits up in concern. he wants to immediately ask you what's wrong, but instead just listens to what you have to say.
"i miss how, every time you hug me, it feels like placing the last piece of the puzzle in its rightful place. honeybee i just miss how much you check up on me when i'm sick. how sometimes we take turns nightly to sing each other to sleep, you laughing when my voice cracks, or me teasing you with praises for a run you mastered. i miss playful mornings, both of us being too lazy to move, but somehow ending up dancing around the room to various artists and songs. i miss when i wake up, and you're already staring at me, the loving gaze in your eyes as you slightly smile, immediately going to plant a kiss on my big ass forehead. i miss pushing you away, and telling you to brush your teeth before you could give me a good morning kiss. i miss when you and the boys would all pile up in my house, and i would get to show you a bit of my country's cuisine, and laughing when you guys scarf it down like you haven't eaten in years. and i want to tell you all of this, but i don't want to be a burden to you. you already have a lot, with some overbearing fans, promotions, and the occasional run ins. i don't want you to focus on me only and put your feelings on the backburner like i always do. i wish i just had to courage to tell you all of this."
by the end of your rant, jisung has to wipe a few tears from his eyes, smiling sadly on the other end of the phone call, wanting to just pack his overnight bag and come to hold you, tell you that he misses you just as much, and scold you for keeping everything bottled up, like he always does.
he goes to check the time, 2:16 am it says, and he knows that he has to be up by 4am in any event, and he suddenly thanks literally everything for the sudden off day his boss gave them, because he knows for sure, after what you just confessed, he's going to surprise you. he hears some ruffling on the other side of the call, the sound of bedroom slippers hitting the tile floors, and a door opening and closing. he just hopes you're okay.
you, on the other hand, walks into your kitchen, quite starved after crying your heart out for what feels like all night, which in truth was about three hours. you flip the switch, your kitchen suddenly illuminated, and you put your hand in front of your eyes, the quick headache taking effect, and you blink repeatedly at the sudden light. you then smile, before going to your dishes, taking out your favorite bowl, and pouring some lucky charms to the brim of the bowl, before going in your refrigerator, and grabbing your milk, pouring it in as well, and grabbing a spoon.
you walk back towards the exit of the kitchen, towards the corridor that connected both the living room and the stairway in separate mazes together. suddenly flinching once you see the infamous moving camera, following you, and you roll your eyes. 'do they not need new batteries or something?' you thought to yourself, before walking upstairs to your room.
you look up at the camera on top of your vanity, and smile and tight lipped uncomfortable smile, before showing the big bowl of lucky charms and chuckling.
"cereal hits different at 2am after an emotional breakdown."
you say, chuckling once again, and happily eating your food, humming along to love again, as it plays inside your head, liking the way it sounds, and suddenly asking alexa to play it for you. it's not as loud as it would usually be, considering what time it is, and the fact that your neighbor just came back home from her long ass business trip (which you're lowkey suspicious of, because her boss came looking for her halfway through, saying if she didn't come in tomorrow then she'll be fired) and doesn't like k-pop for the life of her.
you rest your bowl by the foot of your bed, honestly too lazy to go back downstairs and place it back inside the sink. you then go to your phone, and open it, seeing as it was still on the book you were reading before jisung demanded for your attention, only to then fall asleep on you ten minutes later. you read until you notice the sun up, suddenly hearing my first and last playing around you. the doorbell ringing frequently, and you check the time.
9:48 am it reads, and you realize you read about 10 books in the span of seven hours. you shout that you'll be down in a minute and make sure jisung's hoodie is low enough, before placing your bedroom slippers back on and walking down the stairs, turning into the living room and left, towards the separate entryway (it's kind of a big ass house), opening the door, before tears blurred your vision, and you immediately scooped up from the floor, and spun around on your porch, inhaling the scent you missed for the past three months. quite happy that you were in jisung's embrace again.
you didn't question it one bit, in fact you didn't question anything, just told him to come inside and told alexa to play the song louder. coincidentally, it was Quiet Down, making both you and jisung laugh boisterously, before walking into the kitchen, and dancing to his songs, as you both made pancakes and gossiped about anything and everything, just like you missed and loved.
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