#do i prioritise one piece or only friends
crookedwesper · 10 months
The question becomes should I watch Only Friends weekly or once it's finished where I can binge the drama all at once??
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creaman · 5 days
Hi there! I apologize for taking up your time, I am just so curious: When you tackle a comic, what does the process behind it look like?
Asking because I found myself scrolling through your blog once again and couldn't help but marvel at all the beautiful effects you use, at how flawlessly the structure guides the viewer's eye across each page, how the graphic weight seems to always be in just the right places…, and wonder how you learned doing this. Everything you put out looks incredibly professional and I aspire to reach your level of skill 😌❤️
Thank you Finz!! You're no bother at all, I'm an open book. This is such high praise for a guy that really doesn't have a set process, I feel like a hack. Ha. Rest assured my style is still developing. Besides the referencing of the linework and composition of official comic books, (practicing by redrawing panels for fun), explaining the process makes me feel like a serial killer but I will do my best.
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(WIP Riddler panel, scrapped Scarecrow composition)
My comics usually stem from a single panel or concept — I like to focus on/emphasise particular panels of my pages, the heavy hitters, the main piece that catches your eye. I know I'm not a profoundly technically proficient artist so I prefer visually interesting elements and formatting, i.e. drawing characters outside their frames, negative space, notation, perspectives etc.
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(Kung Fu Panda 4 sketch god I hate Kung Fu Panda 4)
I like to establish 'main focus' panels, the bits of the comic that really, well. make people want to chew on it. This is where the technical effort is concentrated, really, and the rest of the comic is generally build around these concepts.
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('Restaurant Balthazar' focus panels)
Textures and effects are done on individual panels first, then the entire page as a whole to even out the unity. Generally, blocking in shadows, hatching for visual interest + middle tones, then textures/half-tones, then highlights.
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(Script excerpt WIP)
I'm not a writer per se, but having a vague 'script' in your pages helps with pacing and direction. Comics are a versatile story-telling medium. I only really do scripts for comics longer than 2 pages. An optional but recommended strat is to send your script to a friend for a second opinion.
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(Script excerpt — 'Restaurant Balthazar', annotated by @vincepti0n I don't know why he drew a face in the middle)
With the script crudely slapped together, I rough out the thumbnails and composition with the text, prioritising coherence and clean integration of previously mentioned 'main focus' panels.
Settling on a composition sucks the hardest. Drawing is fun, thinking makes brain hurty. Variety is good! Close-ups, wide shots, visual metaphors. Every panel is its own artwork.
The text bubbles are usually added in post, yes, but I'm just one guy and I don't have a writer to call me a good boy for doing things correctly. Bite me.
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(Early 'Restaurant Balthazar' drafts)
In addition, keeping the text graphics in mind help create a sounder composition wherein even if the panels don't read cleanly left to right + top to bottom, the text can stagger and create the same reading order effect.
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Panels and concepts are constantly tweaked, and my comic process is still highly experimental. A lot of industry standard comics aren't illustrated to their full potential due to deadlines and such — I strive for visual epiphany by treating each panel as its own artwork, and every page as a a bit of a mural.
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(Old art hurts the soul)
Constantly experimenting allows you the insight of looking at your current art in comparison to your older works. In more recent works, I've been blocking in more shadows wiht lineart with thinner lines and more line weight, and learned to integrate the subject characters with less plain, abstract backgrounds.
TLDR: I have no idea
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jinnie-ret · 6 months
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han jisung x reader | end of the world au
genre: angst, humour(?), fluff
content warnings: swearing, suggestive jokes, natural disaster, death
word count: 5.8k
summary: their fate lies in the hands of a prophecy that could save their lives.
"Welcome back to the 1 o'clock news. We wish we had a more hopeful message today today but the waters are rising, electricity is compromised and people are already dying. We ask you to remain vigilant, take care of yourselves and stay close to your loved ones. The record high tidal waves are en route to South Korea and our beautiful city Seoul and people are saying we could be living in what will be the new Atlantis. It is estimated we have 10 hours left but-"
"Too depressing," Y/N sighed as she flicked through channels. She already knew they didn't have much time left, so waiting and hoping for a news report to tell them the opposite was only hurting her soul even more. There was no time to say goodbye to loved ones, having to prioritise using their remaining electricity towards kitchen appliances to make sure they could eat, their mobiles having already run out of charge and they didn't have a landline.
Oh yeah, they.
Y/N lived with her best friend Jisung in an apartment for the last couple of years, and those years held some of her favourite moments and memories and to think those could all be washed away in the events of the end of the world... it wasn't a nice feeling, not at all. She constantly felt sick to her stomach knowing the impending doom they'd have to face.
"There is a prophecy! It could be one or two of you out there that could save the world!" a whimsical looking man with thick lens glasses perched upon his nose spoke into the camera.
"Oh they're talking nonsense!" Y/N exclaimed, sitting up to grab the TV control again and switch the channel just as Jisung ran in with a bowl of cereal.
"No, no, no, leave it on!" he spoke through a mouthful of cornflakes as he jumped onto the sofa next to her, some milk spilling over but neither of them cared. Trivial issues like that didn't matter anymore.
"Ji, there's no point now anyways, the picture is staticy and the audio is all-" Y/N rolled her eyes before Jisung muffled her mouth with his hand to shut her up, and they both listened to the crazy man on the TV.
"One thing will unlock survival. The key is in a place where many people have come and gone. It lies in a enclosed area that only the bravest can enter. Only those who are worthy can wield it's power and open the gate that knows all, that all know."
"A key?! What could that mean?" Jisung sat forwards intrigued, finally removing his hand from Y/N's mouth who shoved him away from her.
"The prophecy didn't say that we specifically had to find it..." Y/N stood up, taking Jisung's finished bowl of cereal into the kitchen and placing it in the sink.
"Come on, if we can really do something to help, we've got to try," Jisung followed her into the kitchen, tugging her away from the sink to make sure her attention was on him. He bent ever so slightly to make sure she was looking right at him.
"Ji, I don't know about this..." Y/N's seemingly bored and nonchalant manner had quickly reverted to her nervous side.
"And if I'm gonna do this with anyone I'd want it to be you!" Jisung grabbed her arms now, hoping she'd brush away her worries for just once and do this with him, for him, for them.
"Aw Jisung... I can already feel my heart melting," Y/N in fact did brush away her worries, at face value at least, and grinned sarcastically at her best friend. She skipped away from him, gliding gracefully with her hand on her heart before jumping and flopping onto the sofa.
"Gosh, I've melted the Ice Caps! That's the last thing we need with the world flooding..." Jisung dramatically gasped, grabbing a piece of paper with a pen and whacking it on Y/N's head as he sat next to her. She of course, did retaliate with slap on the leg.
"Jisung, shut up."
It almost felt like an endless cycle. Hope, worry, denial, repeat. Y/N hated broadcasts like the one they had just listened to. Anyone would be a fool to actually listen to the words of a so called prophecy and even think of attempting to save the world.
"Right we need to think... enclosed area, only the bravest can enter?" Jisung hummed, tapping the pen against his chin before scribbling down the jist of what had been said on TV.
And that was her fool right there. She loved him for it though.
"Jisung, come on," Y/N sighed, going to grab the notebook away from him but he held it tightly to his chest, wiggling in his seat to face her and sit closer.
"No you come on, work with me here, think, please," Jisung stood his ground firmly, brows furrowed in what could only be described as a pleading, Puss-in-Boots-like expression.
"Fine, fine... It's probably that club down town, what's it called? HooBAEs? No one would dare enter there, awful place, wouldn't mind if it got completely flooded," Y/N thought out loud stretching out and resting her legs on Jisung's lap, who didn't react apart from resting his notes on her calves without batting an eyelid.
"Yeah yeah! That place is horrible, probably is at least halfway ruined by now," he nodded in thought, scribbling down the name of the club.
"Halfway? It was dreadful from the start, remember that time someone pissed onto the floor in the middle of the night," Y/N reminded Jisung of the unfortunate time thet decided to go out on a Saturday night. Never again. They both felt like they much preferred a night in anyways watching crappy movies and making fun of the storylines.
"Oh yeah that was grim..." Jisung nodded, wrinkling his nose just thinking of it.
"Yeah horrible..." Y/N trailed off.
"Y/Nnie you've driven us off topic again."
"No I haven't!"
"What, you think we should try HooBAEs? We'll probably get a disease I don't wanna even think about if we go there..." Jisung shuddered, wishing his best friend never suggested the idea. The end of the world couldn't rely on a key being hidden in such a dodgy establishment, could it?
"Remember the prophecy, Ji, only brave people would go there. As much as I hate to say it, we should go there. We've ventured there before, why not now?" Y/N lifted herself up from the sofa and grabbed the keys to her apartment, stuffing it into the pocket of her hoodie.
"Not the worst idea... might need to put our wellies on though, the water is filling up," Jisung waved her over to stand beside him and observe the outside. She didn't even notice him move towards the tall glass windows of the apartment, but it was the smart thing to do, considering how high the water had already risen.
"Actually, we might need a boat," Y/N breathed out in sudden realisation as she joined his side. The water had risen to around half the height of your average door, from what she tell by squinting at the buildings across the road.
"Shit, you're right," Jisung groaned, hitting his head against her shoulder. Y/N patted his head sympathetically as they both prepared themselves, physically and mentally, to try and save the world.
The pair of courageous best friends were quite the sight to see. As luck would have it, there was a leisure equipment shop across the road, having all sorts of things they could steal because no one was going to work their job when the building was half flooded and when they knew it would soon be the end for everyone. Fortunately, the canoes were quite near the front of the shop, and they, well, Y/N, hauled it off of the rack that was still standing somehow. Jisung was too distracted by the idea of getting an inflatable pool.
"Jisung we don't need a pool! Just jump out this canoe if you want to swim!" you had huffed as you dragged the canoe towards the door as you waded through the water.
"I didn't wanna swim! I wanted to just float around," Jisung moped, doing a weird awkward jog through the murky water trying to catch up to you. The one where the force of the water weighs your legs down so you have to almost jump out slightly each time you take a step.
Once you both made it out of the shop you both clambered into the boat, Jisung taking the back and you sitting at the front. There were of course a few failed attempts of rowing down the road, neither of them having used an oar before. Did it tip over? Yes, it did. But that was because they both started rowing on the same side.
Eventually they did arrive along the top of the street of the notoriously grim club, HooBAEs.
"How do we park a canoe, shit," Y/N wobbled as she stood up, confronted with an odd dilemma she never thought she would be.
"Girl... never mind," Jisung side eyed her in pure disbelief before grabbing her to sit down, it was like she was trying to be a gondolier.
Jisung achieved their goal of not losing their transport, and helped Y/N out after he caught his own balance. He couldn't control the blood from rushing to his cheeks when she didn't let go of his hand, and she even readjusted the grip she held on his hand as they walked inside the club venue.
"Why would there even be a key here? A special key in a prophecy here? Plus it's not exactly an enclosed area..." Jisung gagged at the stench of the place. Bar stools were floating around, turned onto their backs like many people were the last time they both went on a night out here. Guess the pros are of the world ending is that the slippery floor means nothing now that the water is up to just underneath their waists. Wood from the pillars and bar had rotted, splinters of the material floating around in what now looked like a grotty swamp of cheap furniture. And that wasn't the only thing that was floating around.
"Is that a condom?" Y/N shrieked at the plastic floating towards them both, tugging Jisung back, her feet colliding with old music equipment that had long ago blown it's fuse.
"Focus on the issue at hand, Y/N!" Jisung chastised her, yet still allowing her to pull him back with her, not wanting to let go of her hand. Oh, he was so whipped. It was something about the way she matched his energy perfectly, his twin flame, you could say. She never failed to put a smile on his face, those plump lips that he wish he could just-
"Ew it's a used one! Quick, go! Move, Ji!" Y/N squealed in disgust and tugged his hand harder, essentially breaking him out of his thoughts. And with that they left the decrepid place, relieved at the same time.
Being the gentleman he was, Jisung helped her back into the canoe first, and as they rowed away, he gasped in excitement and suddenly started rocking the boat.
"Dude stop this isn't the time for messing around! I don't wanna fall in again," Y/N exclaimed, letting out small murmurs of discomfort and annoyance as she tried to stay sat down.
"Y/Nnie I know it! I know where it could be!" Jisung shouted feeling elated, having his lightbulb moment.
"Enlighten me, oof-" Y/N's voice wobbled as her body did too, before she ended up falling backwards into his lap, the boy automatically latching onto her shoulders to try and stabilise her but they were both already red as tomatoes.
"Umm sorry I-" Jisung stuttered, not knowing whether to let go of Y/N because realistically he wished that such an interaction would never be awkward between them and that he had confessed how he truly felt a long time ago.
"It's fine just umm tell me where you're thinking so we can steer this ship!" Y/N cringed as she spoke through a strained smile, taking her original spot once again. She tried to forget that just happened, because she never thought it would. She never imagined that her heart would race at the sight of his smile, blush from his teasing words or that her nights would be filled with thoughts of what would happen if they ever were a 'thing'. But here they were.
"Please don't say that again."
"Yeah you're right, it was ummm... yeah."
"I mean, I saw where you were going with it but it just didn't really hit-"
"Ok fine! Just tell me where you think the key is! I'm very embarrassed now!" Y/N stammered, staring straight ahead as her hands gripped the sides of the 'ship' as she wished she could rewind and never say what she did. If her thoughts were gonna take her down the route of a 'thing' ever blossoming between them, she could watch that sapling die right in front of her very eyes.
"That big house, on the outskirts of town..." Jisung trailed off, not quite remembering the name of the mansion he was imagining.
"Oddinary House?" Y/N offered weakly, now feeling composed enough to turn back around. As she did so she made sure the oars were resting in place.
"Yes that's the place! All you hear about that place are horror stories!" Jisung nodded enthusiastically when Y/N's words sparked his memory.
"And you think you're brave enough to go there?" she laughed, looking off to the side.
"Hey, this is for the prophecy! We could save this place! This city! Our friends!" Jisung insisted, desperation apparent as he shifted to look right into Y/N's eyes, the jostling causing water to ripple around them.
"Ji... Is it worth it for the prophecy?" Y/N sighed, her minds going off in all different directions, wondering if it was worth it.
"Yes! A chance at life! We need to do this, Y/Nnie," Jisung did his best to convince her, feeling her turmoil and lessening hope as the moments went by, especially when she turned back around to avoid him from seeing the tears that blurred her vision.
"Isn't it all pointless anyways..." she mumbled.
"It's not when I'm with you," Jisung hugged her from behind for a moment, and oddly it felt natural, far less awkward than before. "Now, come on, let's go, or shall I say-"
"If you say let's row then I am tipping over this boat," Y/N chuckled as she sniffed, wiping away her tears.
"Noted. I will not speak in fear of drowning," Jisung spoke robotically, the two of them laughing once more afterwards as they grabbed the oars once more.
It was a treacherous journey you could say, venturing to the outskirts of the city, but it wasn't hard to see the old worn-down mansion which practically had a storm cloud hovering above it. Oddinary House, in all it's glory.
"What a glorious shithole," Jisung whistled out, eyes trialing across the rotting wood that was barely keeping the place together. It was a surprise his voice was even normal, considering the volumes that the impromptu karaoke session reached between the two of them.
"I know right," Y/N nodded along, squinting when she thought she saw someone floating in the water. They both rowed closer to the entrance of the house, gaining a closer look at the body. "Oh my god!" she gasped, "they're dead!"
"Damn, this place is fucked," Jisung's jaw hung open, even further when the body spoke back to him.
"Isn't it just?"
Jisung and Y/N both yelled out in shock at the person/creature that they thought was dead, suddenly speaking to them with an enticing melodic voice. They should have realised sooner than the swishing back and forth as they floated in the water couldn't have been achieved by a dead person.
"Wait... Oh my... it's the sexy scary siren! The stories were right!" Y/N put two and two together, remembering all the stories she had been told about who lived at the abandoned mansion and she figured out that this was the siren that many had spoken about. His alluring puppy dog eyes and gorgeous smile were just added bonuses to his hypnotising voice.
Jisung and the siren met eyes as they both spoke aloud at the same time, one of them sounding jealous and the other quite smug.
"Umm, right... Do you have a key?" Jisung abruptly asked, not wanting to waste any time.
"Don't just ask him!" Y/N turned away from the siren and whacked Jisung on the arm, scolding him.
"Well what am I supposed to do?!"
"I don't know introduce ourselves?!"
The siren chuckled as he watched the two humans in the canoe bicker. The back and forth instantly made him think of an old married couple playfully arguing yet they also had this radiant aura around them that could only be seen when they're together.
"Ummm, I'm Y/N and this is my best friend Jisung, please don't kill us, haha," Y/N falsely grinned feeling nervous even though her brain felt comfortable enough to blurt out earlier that she thought the siren in front of her was sexy.
"I'm Seungmin," the siren purred out, pausing in his floating to swim up to the canoe and rest his head against the edge of it. "Now, what's this about a key?" he inquired curiously.
"Did you not see the news?" Jisung huffed, not wanting to go through the prophecy anymore times than Y/N had already made him repeat it, just so that she could 'engrave it into her brain'.
"You really think we get signal out here? And in this climate? Bless your heart," Seungmin patronised Jisung, flicking water up in his face and making the boy squeeze his nose as some droplets has arrived up his nostrils. Incredibly salty water. That made it sting more.
Just then, a beautiful voice broke out, but no, it did not belong to the siren that was right in front of them, no. This voice, was female, and it was coming from above. Looking up at the stained windows of the second floor, and not in a pretty vibrant and colourful way, a figure almost glided down the corridor. They moved slowly, almost allowing for their voice to break out, becoming louder especially when they saw Jisung and Y/N.
"Oh gosh, you really had to set her off... We just got her to keep quiet!" Seungmin exclaims annoyed, a frown taking over his face as he pushes away from the canoe.
"Oh shit is that a banshee?" Y/N gasped, thinking about the newer rumours that had recently come of Oddinary House.
"No she must be the sexy siren you were saying about bestie," Jisung tried craning his neck to get a better look at who was catching his eye.
"No we already established that was me, obviously," Seungmin shouts back at them, before heading round to the other side of the mansion, swimming his way gracefully to the back garden.
"Ugh, Ji, you're getting distracted again," Y/N huffs as she whacks him.
"Hey that was you before!" Jisung folds his arms.
"Blah blah blah, come in, let's head inside," Y/N directs him as they row their boat inside the front doors, arriving into what looked like a reception room. Haggard, is what this place was.
"Hey! Umm, we're looking for a key!" Han dumbly called out.
"Dude ssshh, they could eat us or something," Y/N said feeling paranoid, wrapping her arms around one of Jisung's.
"Nothing will eat us," Jisung rolled his eyes fondly, letting her cling onto him still.
"I could eat you."
Shit. How accurate were these stories? How accurate were they to know that there was also a werewolf living at this mansion?! In fact, said werewolf was currently sat on the staircase, distastefully flicking water out of his fur.
"Please don't," Y/N gasped.
"Please do," Jisung gasped.
Everyone froze, looking back and forth between each other with confusion. You couldn't make this up, what was happening, it was just that bizarre.
"Ji, that's literally a werewolf," Y/N reminded him, pulling away from him as she stared up the creature who was smirking right back at them, one leg folded over the other, a certain smugness about him with his sharp features illuminated by a yellow light.
"Yeah but he's kindaaaa..." Jisung trailed off, scanning the figure.
"Hmm, yeah, I can see it to be fair," Y/N agreed after a few moments.
The werewolf cleared his throat after a few more starry eyes gazes were directed towards him, "if you're looking for a key, you need to find a gate to open."
"Duh! That's why we're looking for a key? Why is bro so cryptic," Han sighed in disappointment, could have been the perfect companion if it wasn't for his obvious remarks.
"Shut up he's helping us," Y/N reprimanded her best friend before trying to read the true thoughts and emotions behind the eyes of the being sat before them. "A gate... hold on, hold on, you know where this key is, don't you! You're gonna send us on a wild goose chase when we could be saving the world?!"
"Oh, haha, aw, how sweet, you think you can save the world? Well in that case... Head upstairs, might wanna avoid the banshee she's been a bit umm, stressed recently you could say... And then find the cyborg, his name is CB97. We used to have him downstairs but you know, water and electrics don't really-"
"Right thanks!" Han rushes past Minho and cuts him off, wading through the water and going up the other set of stairs. "Come on Y/N!"
Y/N really wished she taught him some manners. She had heard from some of his friends that he was a bit of a dick during his younger teen years but when she first met him he was sweet as pie. Well, until they got comfortable with each other and with roasting each other.
"Sorry about him, he's a bit... excitable," Y/N sheepishly walks past the werewolf, doing a weird wave and not turning her back in fear he'd suddenly turn and eat her up.
The pair were wary as they walked the floors upstairs, flinching at every sound until a door opening on its own terrified them.
"Stop screaming!!!"
"You stop screaming!!"
"Ji, shut up, look he's there, the cyborg," Y/N points to the hunched figure in the corner of the dimly lit room. He was hooked up to some generators, but more importantly, there was a clear box as part of his make, where a human's abs would normally be. And what was inside of that clear box? A golden, shiny key.
"Yes! We found it!!! Oh my gosh we're gonna save the world!" Y/N cheered as she and Jisung jumped up and down in each others arms, hugging tightly and pulling away to stare into each others eyes for a moment.
Jisung was the first to pull away
"Hey umm, Mr Cyborg, Mr CB... my 97 bro... Umm, where do we need to unlock this key?" Jisung waves his hand in front of the barely glowing blue eyes of the machine. After composing herself, Y/N stepped up next to him, also trying to get the cyborg to respond to them.
But it was no luck. The generators sparked as drops of water fell from the ceiling and caused a fuse, making CB97 the cyborg fully shut down, head hanging forwards.
"No, no, shit!" Y/N swore, tapping on the back of the cyborg with such vigor it was like someone was trying to fix an old television.
"Great that was real helpful... Now what are we going to do?!" Jisung stomped his foot, pacing back and forth with his hands on his head.
"Wait, give me a sec," Y/N rolled up her sleeves, ready to bust open the small door on the cyborg's body to retrieve the key. She slowly grabbed it, focusing all her strength on it til it opened all too easy and she went flying backwards and hit the floor with a loud groan.
"Shit, you ok Y/Nnie?" Jisung helped her up, rubbing her head gently and she responded with a nod.
"I'm fine, more than fine actually, I'm great. Look, the key, it's there Jisung!" Y/N dragged him back over to the shut down robot and grabbed the key, sliding it into her pocket and zipping it securely.
"We're actually going to do this... we're going to save the world!" Jisung gasped in disbelief.
They headed back down the corridors, walking down one flight of stairs and passing by a man with fangs peeking out from underneath his upper lip.
"Oh, by the way, your robot man friend went all sleepy mode on us," Y/N casually said, continuing to walk down the stairs alongside he best friend.
"What?!" the man yelled incredulously before morphing into a bat and zooming off upstairs, not before bumping into an old bear statue.
"Eh, not our problem," Jisung rested his hand on Y/N's back as he steered them outside, back to where their canoe was.
Oh how both of them wished that they'd be successful in saving the world, so they could tell the stories of entering the mansion to future generations, to their own kids- wait scrap that last idea, it's not like they'd ever end up together anyways.
Now it was time to trek back into the city. The sun was setting, casting a peachy glow across the faces of the pair. It seemed so scenic, only for it to smell horrendous. Jisung has convinced them to take a 'detour' because he 'knew a shortcut'. He didn't know a shortcut. And because of the route change they were both now forced to deal with the stench of the contents of the city's sewers flooding into the water around them. The putrid eggy smell consumed their lungs, and Y/N was sure she'd never breathe again.
"Smells like you after taco night-" Y/N plugged her nose with one hand as she laughed.
"Oi, Trouble, shut it!" Jisung kicked her bum lightly, trying not to laugh too.
Y/N loved being able to push his buttons, thus gaining her the nickname 'Trouble'. Jisung didn't use it all the time, but on the occasions he did it made her heart swoon. She knew she was getting under his skin and there was something so gratifying about him recognising that when he did use the nickname.
"You shouldn't have made them so spicy," Han pouted after a moment, mind still stuck there whilst Y/N had drifted to her nightly routine, despite it being closer to 6pm.
"I just can't think of where this gate is meant to be," Y/N groaned, looking up at the sky. Her arms were beginning to ache from rowing so Jisung insisted he'd take over to let her rest a bit.
"What did it say again?" Jisung stopped rowing, letting the canoe float.
"Oh come on! You told me I was silly for wanting to remember it off by heart!" Y/N knocked her head against Jisung's leg in protest, causing him to hold her head still as he looked down at her form laying down in the canoe.
"Y/Nnie, just tell me, yeah?" Jisung smiled through gritted teeth.
"Ugh fine, remember, it said a gate that knows all, that all know," Y/N reminded him.
"I just don't get how we're meant to figure that out, out of all the gates in the city how-"
"Jisung we're idiots," Y/N cut him off.
"Speak for yourself!" he huffed. The light in the day would soon be gone and there would be less chance of them completing their goal.
"Nope we're in this together. We're idiots. The city hall? That literally has a big gate and plus no one would really dare to enter there!! The place that knows all, that we all know! It's got to be that right?! All the official governing bodies go there, us common people could never just waltz in." Y/N scrambles up, rambling excitedly as her guess made more and more sense. Jisung had to help her to adjust her balance, and not just because of clumsy self trying to stand in the boat, but because of the waves seemed to be getting harder to handle. Only this morning it had been calmer and as the day went on the ripples turned to smaller waves that would rock the boat. And now they were straight up aggressive.
"But now we can," Jisung dangled the key in his hands.
"Hell yeah!" Y/N cheered with a newfound energy and she grabbed her set of oars.
It wasn't long until they made their way round to the city hall, going round the back of the historic building and finding the tall golden gates guarding an endless flight of stairs. It was said to have led down to an old pipe system that ran underneath the hall and the whole city.
"I wish I thought of this earlier, should have paid more attention in geography," Jisung shook his head regretfully.
"Right, who's going to swim down? Because I'll do this Jisung, I don't mind," Y/N turned to her best friend, gripping his hands tightly with promises exchanged between. The water had now risen further on their journey and if it rose anymore their boat would simply tip over the gates.
"No, I can't just let you do that!" Jisung exclaimed, frowning at the thought of the girl he loved going to do this on her own. It wouldn't feel fair.
"We need someone up here to keep watch of things!" Y/N tried to grab her hands out of Jisung's hold, who was now holding on tighter than ever not wanting to spend a moment without her.
"Watch what? Our city drown even more?!" Jisung cried out exasperatedly.
"No way," Y/N's heart dropped.
"Umm yes way, it's been like that forever!" Jisung grumbled, searching through Y/N's gaze to try and figure out what had really made her feel taken aback.
"No, look!" Y/N's eyes welled up in fear, pure utter fear.
There was a colossal tidal wave heading towards the city, already plummeting through several buildings in the distance and driving them down into the ground, destruction it's friend. Flocks of birds flew high in the sky, squawking as they retreated in fear. If only they were birds who could leave so easily. There only chance was this prophecy, it had to work.
"Oh shit," Y/N was frozen as she shouted loudly.
"Look, we've not got time, we do this together ok, I don't care what happens," Jisung grabbed Y/N's face between his hands, thumbs stroking over the tops.of her cheekbones as he tried to get her to focus.
"What if it doesn't work? This stupid prophecy?! We've got a key but what do we even-" Y/N trembled in Jisung's arms.
"No, no, no, sshh it's ok, Y/N. I got you, yeah? Come on, we need to do this now, ok?" Jisung stood up shakily on the canoe, pulling Y/N up with him.
"Together?" Y/N's voice cracked.
"Yes, we go down, now, at least we've tried," Jisung rested his forehead against hers, before they both jump into the murky waters with an all mighty splash.
It was lucky Jisung had a tight grip on the key as the pair of them rose above the water, took in a deep breath, and with one look to each other they nodded and swam down to the keyhole of the gate together. With all luck, this prophecy would be right. Maybe they'd be able to unlock the gates, allowed the water to flood down into the city's old pipes system and drain it all, so that they'd have at least one chance of survival.
Y/N helped Jisung stay down in the water to try and unlock the gate, as there was nothing to cling onto. He lodged the key into the hole and twisted it to the left, once, twice, thrice. He pushed the gates forwards and they shared a look of success, before it soon turned to dread.
They were expecting an empty staircase, for the water to flood down, but to their horror the pipes system itself has already been overwhelmed with flooding.
In that moment the huge tidal wave that had been hurtling towards the city hit where they were, and they were sucked down into the pipes system from the sheer force of the wave hitting on impact. The current hit them ferociously, dragging the two of them further and further down. There was nowhere to turn to, nowhere to run.
Jisung and Y/N we're freaking out, flailing in the water and trying to swim upwards for air but it was no use. The place was filled to the brim with water and by the time they tried swimming back up the endless amount of stairs, water would start to enter their lungs.
In fact, it already was.
The two heroes gripped onto each other as bubbles appeared in the water in front of them and the oxygen left their body. They were running out of time, something that seemed so precious until their world was doomed. Doomed from the very start. The prophecy lied.
Jisung grabbed Y/N's hands startling her out of her freak out and he rested both of them against his heart. She cried, adding her salty tears to the water they were submerged in, wishing this wasn't how it had to end. It wasn't fair. Why couldn't they have more time to confess? Why couldn't they have had more time to tell each other how they truly felt?!
He moved his hands to her face, holding her so delicately once more, and she, him. More bubbles were appearing but if they were going to share their last breath, they knew how they'd want to lose it. Jisung pressed his lips against Y/N's, something he should have done a long time ago. Their eyes closed when their lips met, and when they pulled away, they held onto each other tightly, love and despair in both of their longing stares saying 'we tried'.
And they did try. They tried so hard to save a world that was dying, leading to their own fated departures from the Earth. The world was destined to end but they were destined to be together, no matter what was thrown at them.
tagged: @skz-streamer @kiraisastay @hannahhbahng @kpopmenace143 @sakufilms @kai-lee08 @arloo00 @dunno-wut-to-do @splat00z @cheesemonky @his-angell @turtledove824 @2minstan @royal-shinigami @yangbbokari @skzoologist
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ellievickstar · 1 year
Nobody’s Choice
A/N: I am so sorry I ended part 2 in a cliffhanger…it was cruel…and…rude. I hope that this beautiful fic will…make up for my…wrong doings <3
Summary: When then mating bond finally snaps into place, what are you meant to do when you realise your mate has another in his heart, will you break it off to save yourself, or will your mate be able to save this heartbreak?
Request: N/A but highly anticipated.
Pairing: Azriel x Witch!Reader
Warnings: breaking of mating bond, talking to ancestors, major angst, cliffhanger, self-doubt.
My Masterlists & Rules
Part 1 — His Second Choice? // Part 2 — Your Choice.
"Azriel...I-" But something made you pause. You knew there was no way Azriel could be with you forever. You had seen the lingering glances he had given Elain. You couldn't deny that they shared a connection that you both didn't have...not anymore. However, Azriel was also a male of honour. If you wished it, he would never see Elain again, but how could you do that to him. He will eventually resent you for it, maybe not of his own accord, but with time. You couldn't rip away his will, but you couldn't give him what he wanted in this moment right now. Eventually he would realise that though you were mates, his heart belonged else where.
You looked down at the male again. And as you weighed your options carefully, you knew what you had to say, what you needed him to believe.
"Okay," You plastered a smile on your face, and in a split second you let a piece of happiness in all this sorrow slip down the bridge of the bond and slam into his side. It was enough for him to beam up at you, to sweep you into his arms as he celebrated. If only he knew that inside, you couldn't enjoy this moment with him. He thanked you, his eyes bright, and without a word he instructed you to get ready quickly, because he wanted to give you the best night you had ever experienced. Nodding, you shooed him away.
As soon as he was out of your sight, gone to prepare what he planned, you fell to you knees. Maybe, you could lie to yourself, but the second you awoke you could feel that spark of desire from his side of the bond, maybe it was so small that even he didn't know it was there, but it only takes so much for a spark to become a flame and a flame to become wildfire.
You had to let go of him, you had to break it. Break this damn bond that shackled you to him, break it, and return home. Ever since the war you itched to return to your own people, but stayed in Velaris because you had hoped that Azriel would choose you. It was naive and a ridiculous notion.
You remembered what you had said to your ancestor. You remembered her eyes when you asked that question. How do you break the bond? She had looked at you, sad and sombre. You knew you weren't the first witch to be soulmates with a Fae, and you wouldn't be the last to break the bridge between two souls.
You closed you eyes and with a wave of your hand, who you summoned, appeared. You opened your eyes and came face to face with none other then the suriel. It bent down to meet your eyes, and as you stood tall, folding your hands in front of you skirts, its eyes widened in recognition. "Princess-" "Queen. My mother died. But you already knew that," The Suriel was silent but nodded it's head, waiting for orders.
"I need you to tell me how to break a mating bond," Hearing that, The Suriel paused. It didn't want to tell you, after all, The Suriels prioritised their friend's wellbeing first. You had become friends with The Suriel species when you were eight, they were your friends along side you, and they were very protective. However, this was a question that you needed the answer to.
"A ritual, you can find it in your mother's library, but be careful little one, many have suffered dire consequences," The ominous warning sent chills down your spine, and you nodded. You weaved anew cloak from thin air and handed it to The Suriel, before it bowed and left. You sensed there was worry in its eyes, however, you couldn't care enough. You needed to do this.
With a wave of a hand and a flash of light, you looked around as your surroundings melted away and became something else entirely.
The walls were the same. So was the lighting. But the bookshelves were dusty, the table worn and on the verge of breaking, what once full of life, was now abandoned. Before the first war you had lived here, but after your people had abandoned this place, the knowledge with it. And now you needed one piece of information in the whole library.
As you scanned the endless stacks of scrolls and books upon books, stuffed onto shelves that looked like they were going to collapse under the weight of the books, you realised that you should have asked The Suriel specifically which book you needed to get. It would take forever to go through your mother's private library.
Cracking your knuckles and gritting your teeth, you approached the first shelf. This would take a while. But, it would be worth it.
The first hour went by with no luck.
The second hour you felt Azriel reach down the bond, you gently told him that you had plans and couldn't join him.
The third hour you finally found it.
"Oh for wickedness sake, it was here the whole time!?" You hissed as you realised that the spell you were looking for...was in your mother's old diary. Of course. You should have looked there first. Part of you wanted to throw the damn book across the room with how much time it took to find it. However, you calmed yourself. Now all you needed to do is get your hands on some damn salt...and a knife.
You conducted a few practice rituals to ensure that your magic was ready for the advanced spells, the sky had already darkened by the time you were ready to journey home. The journey back home was, tiring, after a full day of searching and rituals, you weren't exactly primed for spell-casting, especially not transportation spells. Then again, if you didn’t return, the night court would suspect you. So you prepared yourself for the exhaustion that would hit you the second you arrived.
But nothing would have prepared you for what greeted you the second you arrived.
Rhysand and Cassian were there…waiting. Their eyes were fuelled with anger as they stepped towards you.
“Where have you been?” Rhys demanded. Cassian stayed silent as his gaze stayed on you, surveying you for possible injuries. You fidgeted as you tried to take a stp back but you were stopped by two people behind you. Mor and Nesta.
“I was just…running errands.” “Don’t lie to me,” Rhys snapped. Your eyes shuttered. You looked down and cursed as tears began to stream down your face uncontrollably. Everything you had been keeping inside came down in waves, one after another.
Gentle hands guided you to sit as your friends surrounded you. “You can finally take control of all this, why do you hurt yourself?” Rhys prompted. You shook your head. No. There was no control in this situation. “I don’t want control, I want to let go,” You choked out, crying into the front of Mor’s dress. Nesta pulled back your hair and brushed through it, the action soothing your slightly. Rhys swore as he realised how miserable you truly were. Cassian was furious.
“I’m gonna kill Azriel,” He mumbled, but you stopped him. “No! It’s not his fault…besides, not all mates are meant to be,” You didn’t know whether you were convincing them or yourself. You only knew that you couldn’t tell them your plan. You were so…tired…
“I’m just gonna go to bed…can we do this tomorrow?” You asked. They all exchanged looks, but eventually, you were helped to your room, and it wasn’t long before you finally fell asleep.
“You are a child…remember…you are the descendent of the greatest kind in all on Prythian…you are their queen,” You looked away from your ancestor as you kneeled before her. “My heart tells me to stay, my head tells me to break it,” The Queen smiled as she looked down at you. It was a kind smile. Like no other, it was pure, and genuine and something in you warmed at that familial love that you missed so much. “And what of your gut?” You went silent as you looked down.
“I’m not sure…” You fidgeted again. “You know the consequences of breaking the bond, yes?” You nodded. Most witches died because of the absolute pain they went through. The only witches who could survive were those of the strongest blood. Azriel would feel the unbearable pain too but his chances of dying were slim as he was mated to a witch not a fae.
“What about your mate?” You asked her. Her face fell as her eyes seemed to flicker to hurt, sorrow. “He was a faerie…like yours…but different. He had beautiful red hair that fell to his shoulders and he could manipulate flame. I loved him…it was us against the world,” Tears seemed to fill her eyes. “We fought to be together and eventually, we were. I thought we were happy, I had four beautiful children, one was a true witch while two were fae and witch, the last on was a fae. It was two girls and two boys. We were a family..” She closed her eyes, a stray tear falling down her face.
“On day I came home early from the market with the children…and there he was. With his mistress. The fae female that his father had wanted him to marry when we first got together,” Her tone was bitter and your heart broke for your ancestor. “I left him…never heard from him again. But I do know that he ended up marrying that whore and having their own children.” She seemed to straighten. “I don’t believe that all fae males are that way…but you must understand. Just because he is you mate. Does not mean his heart will stay with you. Because we are not like them, we are witches, and for millenia we have been hunted and hated,” You nodded your understanding.
You had to remember. A comet could become a meteor. A candle could become a blaze. A male can be a monster. But when, does a ripple become a tidal wave? when does the reason become the blame? does a male become a monster?
She waved to you, dismissal as your vision of you surroundings began to darken. You were ready.
Dragging yourself out of bed at 3 in the morning was far from easy. But you needed to sneak out before anyone else was awake. You listened carefully to the house around you, keeping an ear open for footsteps or careful calculated breathing instead of the shallow breaths of deep sleep.
You were in the clear.
Silently, you waved a hand in the air as you summoned the portal to your home realm. It was time for you to finally...finally execute this plan. Humming, you smiled as you realised you'd finally be free. Yet something weighed down something made you want of pause and think of what could be. But as you looked into your memories, those thoughts, his heart, tears filled your eyes and you looked at your palms.
You didn’t understand. Was she prettier then you? Was it because she liked flowers not books, liked gentleness more then confidence? Was it because she was brighter? Softer on the inside? Or was it because she was still naive to the darkness of the world?
Why would the cauldron give you a mate that loved another?
That you did not know. But you sure as hell would do something about it. You drag your ass out of this bed and perform that damned spell, you would break this cursed bond then you would go home. To the people you hid so long ago. And you would rule with compassion and love. You would find peace in this chaos, find light in this dark.
A wave of your hand, an inhale and exhale. You closed your eyes for a second as you felt your surroundings shift and change, you held the book that you had grabbed tight to your chest and as you pealed you eyes open you knew exactly where you were.
The library might have restricted people from winnowing in, but faeries didn’t know how to ward of witch spells. You sifted through the pages, carefully, afraid that the book would fall apart in your hands, terrified that if you even blinked your plan would disintegrate before your very eyes.
You had to finish this.
A bag materialised from the air as you pulled out bright red sand. It was unique to your kind, specially made for rituels. This was no ordinary coloured sand. To your knowledge, specially taught witched had bathed this sand in powerful spell potions, they could be manipulated to follow any shape, as long as it was right. The sand would be able to activate the ritual, to break the bond.
You smiled as you reminisced over the lessons that you had learnt such information from, when your mother was still alive to chase you around the palace if just to make you sit down and listen for five minutes. Now, you would give anything to sit with her, to listen to her careful warnings, the soft lilt of her voice, or the firmness she held as she tried to dissuade you from doing anything mischievous. But that was a long time ago, and…she was long gone.
Your heart cracked.
You blinked back more tears as you finished pouring the last line of the symbol. It was a large circle that had symbols tracing the inside, slowly spiralling to the middle. It was very old language that loosely translated to ‘breaking mates’.
Taking a deep breath, you stepped in and as you dropped a strand of Azriel’s hair in the centre, one that you had picked up from his brush, light flashed. It was bright and it was hot, you flinched closing your eyes.
And screamed.
It was unbearable, the pain. It was endless, it was torture, it was everything and nothing all at the same time. You screamed louder, screamed even as your throat was dry and hurt like hell. You screamed as the pain seemed to stab you over and over again. Screamed as you fell to your knees, barely being able to handle the torture that was punishment for breaking a fated bond.
Azriel’s POV
My eyes flew open as pain began to grew in my chest. It burnt, burnt like the fire that had lit my hands up all those years ago, it speared my soul and I watched in horror as a thread seemed to be materialising from my chest, it was going somewhere.
I barely managed to stand as I stumbled through the door, hand gripping onto that thread, some part of me knew, something was wrong with Y/N.
I made it to Cassian’s room, pounding on the door even as the pain seemed to rip me apart. He opened the door after a few minutes, his eyes heavy from sleep, and I saw Nesta behind him, annoyed. But as they saw me in my state of distress, saw the bond that had somehow shown itself clear as day, they immediately jumped, Cassian rushing to support me, Nesta running to where ever the thread was leading to.
“The library! Hurry!” She hollered back at us. Cassian let me lean against him, we seemed to have woken the whole house as I heard Nyx begin to cry from all the commotion. Rhys winnowed in front of us, if looks could kill we would both be dead, but his demeanour shifted, rushing to help Cassian with my other side. Cassian grunted out the location and Rhys nodded. However, nothing in all 500 years of training could have prepared us for what we would see.
When we entered the library, my knees were ready to give out, I watched, terrified, and my gaze was hazy as I looked to see Y/N, in the middle of a spell. It had to be. I recognised the sand from the times she had been talking about her abilities. But what was she doing. My head pounded and as I read the old language that Amren had taught me, my heart dropped.
I reached out, wanting to hold on to that bond, but as Y/N looked at me, after what seemed like an eternity, through that blinding light, blood dripped down her nose.
And the pain stopped as I collapsed, screaming being the last thing I hear as darkness consumed me.
taglist: @azriels-mate123 @penguinsworldsblog @hannahx1111 @jacksonpleasestopkillingme @positivewitch @happyseadreams @fuckthatfeeling @meritxellao @xiangping-28 @clarkie-carmody-blog @aroseinvelaris @azrielhours @shadowsinger-654 @azzydaddy @nisa-wisa @cosmic-whispers @cat-or-kitten @thecraziestcrayon @thegirlintheshadows101 @marina468 @act1839 @bigcreatorwombatdreamer @holywolfsstuff @gengen64
(If your user is in bold I could not tag you, sorry T^T if you want to be tagged please specify in the replies <3)
A/N: HAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAH HOW YA LIKE ME NOW!? I love you guys…but you really didn’t think I wouldn’t end part 3 in a cliff hanger? After part 2!? Think again :D Love you guys, thanks for all the support <33333
Part 3 out now
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ihatedtoadmit · 4 months
Withering light
pairing: Bang Chan x gn! reader
genre: faerie AU, heavy angst
warnings: no comfort, once again
word count: ~2.1k
summary: You finally had enough of life kicking you in the shin, yet you only regret one thing in your whole life...
a/n: One of my friends wrote me a little drabble with this world setting, I'm only building off of it (with permission). And yes, I'm projecting, in more ways than one, but I'm too tired to care.
↳ Main Masterlist
All rights reserved. Please do not steal, repost or feed my work into AI. Thank you!
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Everyday I would wake up, my body cracking and popping in various places, just like it had done so every morning for long years now. Then, after letting a heavy sigh leave my lips, I would crawl out of my bed, knowing fully well I had duties to attend to. They weren’t anything grandiose, like what the village guards or the adventure team had to do, heck, even the garbage collectors and recyclers had a more important job than me. But I still did it, despite everything.
Because what else would I be good for?
Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes for a few seconds, letting the air still inside my lungs and sit there, slowly becoming a vital part of me.
It would be alright.
Feeling my veins scream for air, I breathed out, the motion drawn out and silent. My heavy eyelids moved, letting my burning eyes look ahead and take in that same art piece in front of me again, the one I had been working on for long hours now. I’d been tasked by the team to make something for the upcoming festival, and I was happy to do so, just… the more I worked on it, the more I didn’t like it. I kept finding small problems, a few things looking warped or too small, while others just didn’t fit the picture in general.
“What’s gotten you so frowny, hm?” - asked a deep voice from beside me, its owner’s warm hand settling onto my shoulder and successfully startling me.
Scrambling to not fall off my chair, I panicked, the pencil flying out of my hand into another dimension, surely to never be found ever again. Somehow able to find my balance once more, I huffed, my now free hand on my chest and feeling the small organ beat there rapidly.
“I keep forgetting how easily startled you are, sorry.” - he laughed out, making me doubt he was truly sorry to begin with. “Oh c’mon, don’t glare at me like that, it really wasn’t my intention.” “Then what was?” “To ask you to hang out with us. We’re all gathering together for the night, go stargazing.”
My expression softened, the hands that were so adamantly crossed in front of my chest now unfolding with ease. His expression was bright, like freshly fallen snow, one that somehow never got tainted by anything around it.
It all made sense, he was the Snow Prince after all, one of the eight guardians of the village who were adored by all.
My lips were just about to open and deny his request, not wishing to bother them and their bonding time, when his bright expression dimmed and sharpened.
“I know what you’re about to say, and no, we all want you to come with us. You’re our friend too, when will you finally realise it? It’s been months now.” - he uttered out, lips now in a firm frown, directed at me and me only.
I gulped.
His loud cheers were the only thing I’d heard before he briefly hugged me, arms secure around my frozen form, then in a second, he was gone. The ethereal glitters shining on the ground were the only proof he’d been there at all, the small particles reminding me of the snow with their intricate design.
A sigh left through my nose, a heavy pang in my chest, because I knew he would be there as well that night.
Looking out the window, the setting sun’s rays cascaded upon my tired form, urging me to go home and get ready for this impromptu meeting Felix had dragged me into.
And so, my long wings unfurled, letting me ride the winds back to my empty home.
It didn’t take long for me to change, prioritising comfort over looking beautiful. The clothes were silky smooth over my faint skin, loosely hugging my form and hiding my curves. Their colours were dim, muted, something I’d always appreciated.
Because compared to them, the guardians, I would always be just a background character, a muted shadow.
“Hm? Heeey, you made it!” - I heard someone shout before they slammed into me with the force of a natural disaster.
Not being a complete stranger to this situation, I instinctually flapped my wings, hovering both of us above the ground as a safety precaution. The squirrel-like faerie just nuzzled his cheek into mine, limbs locked onto me as if he became the epitome of a chain itself.
I didn’t need to wait for long for someone to come to my rescue, their leader himself scraping the little faerie off of my rigid form.
“Yes, yes, Sungie, we’re all happy she joined us, but let her breathe a bit. She just arrived after all, hm?” - he said, that wonderfully playful lilt warping his voice.
The two started bickering after that, but I didn’t truly pay attention to any of it. No, my eyes were glued to the smile on his face, the way his dimples gently revealed themselves, how his eyes became little crescents amidst his happiness. How that empyreal glow of the softest of reds and oranges complimented his skin, the delicate patterns of his wings softly glowing with each soft laughter that left those lips of his.
I’d nearly forgotten how to blink.
“Alright, alright, cut it out you guys and let’s go. I’m starving.” - Changbin said, already halfway to the kitchen before any of us could react to what he’d said. “We better go, before he eats everything.” - Hyunjin added in, already flying towards his goal. “Shit, my pudding!” “Oh, there goes Minho hyung.” “Shouldn’t you be following him, Sungie?” “Nah, got everything I need in my pocket already.” “You and your spatial magic…”
I merely watched the commotions go by, silently following them after they’d decided it was time for them to join the others. There was some damage done by the shortest guardian, but thankfully the Cat Prince’s pudding was untouched, if the latter’s happy expression was anything to go by.
After everyone put everything together -mostly snacks and blankets-, we set out towards their stargazing spot, one they’d frequented regularly. I slightly lagged behind, like usual, content with just watching them converse and joke around happily. Of course, him being him, Chan flew beside me, adamant on keeping me company.
“Hey, how’re ya feelin’?” - he softly asked, the question nearly blanketed by the gentle sounds of the wind. “Oh, you know, the usual.” - I merely shrugged, knowing where this was going. “Are you sure? You… do know that we’re here for you, right? Protecting this village and the Tinies residing in it are our jobs, especially if they’re our friends.” “You checked on it again, didn’t you?”
Silence was my only answer, telling me everything I needed to know.
“I’m sorry.” - his voice was so meek, I nearly didn’t hear it. “Sorry won’t cut it, Chan, you promised not to do that.” - I spat out and he grimaced, as if the words themselves cut into his flesh. “I know… I really didn’t mean to, but I was checking another Tiny’s light next to yours and…” “I’m fine, Chris, please don’t ask me again.”
I didn’t dare look into his direction, knowing fully well I had hurt him. It was clear in the distance that now resided between us, in the way those soft oranges and reds dimmed, no longer caressing my skin. Most of all, it was clear in the way my chest squeezed and tore, desperate for me to right my wrongs.
Yet, I didn’t.
I merely continued flying like I had done so far, aware of the harsh wind biting my skin, of the carefully crafted mask I had put up, one that was fated to break way too easily.
The stars shone brightly that night, decorating their black canvas in millions, all drawing out different shapes. I liked connecting them in my mind, seeing what new creature or object they would create, something that one of the guardians enjoyed doing as well.
Yet, no matter how bright they shone, how unique their colours were, the gentle light dancing in his eyes always felt brighter to me. It was as if he housed a fire inside his soul, fated to burn for eternity. It was comforting, just like his mere presence was.
I couldn’t help but seek out that flame, that light, to steal a glance at it, even as it danced amongst its kin, its family, happily. They all complimented each other, their own lights burning only brighter in the others’ presence. It was a wonderful sight to behold, yet, it also filled me with a bitter emotion.
Where was my light, my flame?
I didn’t fit into all of this, like a misshapen puzzle piece put into the wrong box. I didn’t have anything like them, no fiery passion burning inside, nothing fueling me and my body.
I was but an empty husk, nothing more, nothing less.
As I was watching the stars, all twinkling back at me from afar, a sense of relief washed over me, as if something heavy was suddenly dropped from my shoulders. I didn’t care about those troublesome thoughts anymore, not when I felt they would stop soon, sooner than anyone’d think.
“It’s getting late, we should go now.” - Felix said, the sound of rustling clothes following soon after. “You guys can go, I’ll stay a bit longer.” - I replied, not moving from my spot. “They’re pretty, aren’t they? We should paint them together next time.” - Hyunjin said, a soft smile painting his lips. “Mhm.”
They all left it at that and said their goodbye, all but one, who remained behind.
“Are you sure you’ll be fine?” “Of course.” “Oi, old man, hurry up and come!” “Shut up Seungmin, they’re having a moment! “I don’t care, I’m cold!”
“Go, Chan, don’t make them wait any longer.” “Alright. But don’t stay out here for too long, please.” “Mhm. Thank you.”
And with that, he left, only a slight furrow remaining in his brows. I smiled at him and the others as they left, all waving at me, even Jisung who did so sleepily, barely out of the grasp of dreams.
Looking back up, the stars twinkled and shined, as if greeting me, someone who would join their ranks soon. I couldn’t help the smile that finally adorned my lips, finally feeling just a bit happy after all these months of constant agony and lack of belonging.
Maybe I’d fit there, with all those little dots in the sky, lighting up the darkness for those who seeked it.
So, I continued gazing at the lit up void, even as my body felt lighter and lighter, air hardly entering or leaving my lungs. Faintly glowing glitter could be seen on my skin, slowly peeling off and floating away, away to vast skies. The hue matched that of my magic, going perfectly with the ever so dimming light of my wings that now felt like a deadweight chained to my exhausted body.
I lifted a hand up to my face, watching the tips of my fingers slowly breaking apart and disappearing, leaving nothing behind, only those brightly shining glimmers in the dark sky.
I watched it all happen, a weird feeling of emptiness overcoming me, the image of him suddenly popping up inside my head.
The shout of my name rang loud in the silent night, that familiar voice creating a pit in my stomach.
How could it not? When I was forced to watch his expression morph, those dark nebulas glistening with tears, the crystal droplets easily carving their way down his soft, flushed skin. I couldn’t do anything but watch as his pink lips wobbled, jaw painfully clenched together, his entire aura dimming and screaming in misery.
I merely watched as he was by my side in an instant, hands desperately reaching for me, for the lights in the sky, trying and failing to hold me together.
I was forced to hear him cry and plead, word after word leaving his mouth in a frenzy, half of them not even making sense anymore.
Without arms to gently hold his face or to card my hands through those untameable soft locks, I planted a tender kiss onto his cheeks, wishing I could have wiped those tears away.
But I couldn’t.
The last thing I heard was his broken shout of my name, the sense of his chasing touch following me to the afterlife, forever reminding me of my unspoken feelings.
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Taglist: @michelle4eve @atinyniki
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52 notes · View notes
mrs-monaghan · 7 months
I need advice, please, you never answer my asks, even though you do with tkkrs spewing lies and hate. Please, I used to love every Jikook interaction, but since a while ago, I can't do it without thinking about how 99% of the fandom are tkkrs and hate JM. I want to enjoy their moments like you do, but it hurts so much to see all the hate JM receives. Sometimes I wonder if JK is worth it...like JM would be free if he dated someone else...tkkrs only want JK to be TH's sex toy, and if JM is with someone else, at least we could enjoy Jikook even if it's them just being friends. Or JK could shut tkkrs up sometime and try to defend Jimin...I gave up on TH confirming Jennie, he's a coward and doesn't want to lose his fans (tkkrs), so he's going to keep doing fanservice namedropping JK everytime he needs it... please, what is your secret? how can I enjoy jkk again? why are there so many people that believe JK is TH's boyfriend if JM is the one he loves? really, everything is so frustrating. Poor JM, I'm tired
Maybe I dont answer your asks because you say things like "maybe Jimin should find someone else" Matter of fact, let it be known to everyone: I delete all such asks. Or any asks that sound remotely like anti JK. Jimin loves who he loves. He is head over heels for this man. Get with the programme or move the fuck on. Coz your fav aint never gonna drop JK just coz u want him to. And I personally figure that is common sense. So anytime I get an ask saying JK doesn't deserve Jimin I don't even finish reading that shit. I delete. So I'm sorry you're upset anon, but if this is how u talk everytime then that's why I have never answered u.
That being said, anon pointed out how I have time to reply to antis n tkkrs. I'm sure some of u who have sent me good Jikook asks probably wonder the same thing. Why does she reply to them but hasn't answered my ask from months ago? This is a fair question. Apart from my current situation 🤰🏽 I may not have time sometimes. And some of your asks require research. Some of your asks are so good they deserve time and thought put into them. Meanwhile insulting a piece of vermin or an anti is easy. I don't have to think when talking smack to these assholes. I don't need to research anything. Plus its very satisfying and takes 0 effort on my end. So that's why it seems like I prioritise them.
Answering a good ask and answering it properly, could take all day sometimes. As much as I love doing it, it requires a lot of time and effort. So yeah, incase any of u was frustrated about how u sent a good ask a long time ago and yet I seem to have time for antis, thats why. That, and people who send links. Those asks are easy n take no time at all.
I'm sorry guys. Really.
But anon, u asked for advice on how to enjoy Jikook moments despite the existence of tkkrs.
I will start by taking you back to this post I made when all hell broke loose that one time. It is incredibly important that people remember: your feelings are not Jimin's. This is the man who in 2018 was sent a death threat and he said that Armys were more worried about this person than he was. That he was alright and that no one should worry.
Quickly, lets pay attention to this part one more time
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His fans were more concerned than he was. I do believe this to be the case 1000% right now too. You are more worried about the vermin than he is. You are more worried about Jikook antis, than he is. He doesn't care. If he cared he would pull away from JK. If he cared we wouldn't be getting a Jikook documentary. If he cared why would be continue providing Jikook content despite knowing some people will not receive it very well??? Despite knowing there are people who wanna kill him for hanging with JK?
If he cared we would be starved for moments on official content. He would keep away from JK if antis were affecting him. Period. There is no "poor Jimin." He's more than okay.
Anon, my advice is to keep this in mind. This is what I do. Jimin doesn't care, so neither do I.
So instead I laugh at them and mock them because they are just wasting their time and energy. No amount of hate and death threats are gonna stop Jimin from loving those he loves. And this is the truth.
Plus, why be concerned with people who believe members hate each other? Like in what world does that make sense?? Anon, you have seen the fuckery i share on this blog. These people are brainless and stupid. As we speak they claim that wasn't JK with Jimin in Tokyo. How can u take such people seriously??? I know I don't. I can't. For me to even consider the shit coming out of your mouth you have to make sense and tkkrs dont make any fucking sense.
So my advice, this is up to you and you only. Its is up to u to treat these people like the mental cases they are; by not taking them seriously. Report, block and move on. Go watch a happy Jimin compilation or something. If u can't take the hate, then unfollow all report pages, mute key words, stay on the clean side of twitter. Believe u me, it exists. Curate your timeline anon, it is possible. Even on twitter.
I promise you Jimin does not care. He used to but he sure as hell doesn't anymore. You remember this crucial part, and you will be able to enjoy Jikook in peace.
Plus, if you've been paying attention to JK, you will notice he doesn't feed tkkrs. He really doesn't. Not like in the past. And the dude has made it clear he doesn't like them... not even a little bit. And can u blame him? Look at you and how u feel. Now imagine JK, Jimin's boyfriend seeing this hate. Imagine how he feels. You can tell he ain't about tkkrs. Especially this year. Even they know it and so they rely on V for tkk content. (Denying them moments is the most JK can do. Interfering or trying to shut them up wouldn't work. If it didn't work with V, twice, it won't work with JK either)
This is the only advice I can give u. Hope u heed it. Because no one deserves their BTS experience taken away from them. Xoxo
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zingaplanet · 9 months
I've seen bits and pieces of Nadal's movistar interview and it's very fascinating. He's always more open and expressive in Spanish but there's just something that's different. I knew he was a realist and has a very grounded/realistic outlook on his life, I just can't help feeling a bit sad on this one. Though he's literally stating nothing but facts, it hits too close to resigned acceptance this time and feels a bit like a retirement interview.
I've always seen him as the accept-the-problem-let's-move-on kinda guy, you can see this a lot in his tactic discussion during laver cup matches and it's what makes him a great player I suppose. He's a problem solver, he doesn't really worry about things outside his control, "He's hitting a good serve, that's fine nothing you can do about it, you have to wait it out," "the wind is not perfect today but that's tennis, nothing you can do you have to adapt" etc etc. He was never really one to dwell on the past, always with the it happened let's move on kinda attitude, which I think is crucial for top level atheletes to not get bogged down by your wins or losses.
But it seems like he talks a lot about regret in this one. He said there are times he prioritised his competitive urges more than his health and life, like in Roland Garros this year where he shouldn't have stayed that long. He talks about pain, about the tiredness of living with chronic pain, about not being able to walk down the stairs, about making life choices of what really matters and what doesn't.
He's very honest and raw, he said he didn't congratulate Djokovic yet on his 24th slam because it honestly hasn't crossed his mind and because he might also had to adjust to someone new having the most GS.
What's perhaps more painful is what seems like this feeling of resigned acceptance that the sport is moving on without him. He's being very realistic, fair and honest about it. He said he's very proud of Alcaraz and congratulated him for his achievements but then admitted he's not that in the field anymore. Tennis will always be a part of him, but he doesn't really have friends left in the sport, except for Federer, who he calls from time to time. It's fascinating that he referred to tennis in general instead of just the current next generation ATP players who he never really competed against (and hence wouldn't have known anyway) as Federer is clearly also no longer in the sport.
I have no idea what his life is like these days but it gives the impression that he's seemingly trying to make peace with no longer having any relations with professional tennis (apart from his secluded academy of course) and Roger's the only one he still occassionaly keeps in touch with. He talks about the future a lot, about the many things he could decide to become tomorrow if he wants to, about being president of Real Madrid, about his academy that he cares deeply for, about maybe one day getting into coaching.
If I'm to make something at all out of this, Rafa seems.. ready. He says an illusion is for him to come back and win another Australian Open or Roland Garros (still with that little twinkle of hope in his eyes 🥺), but what's not an illusion is him trying his very best one last time to go back on court, to enjoy the ride, play the sport that defined his life, compete in the stadiums he loves the most, to properly say his goodbye.
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TMNT Crossover Fics and Trauma
Something I find really weird about some writers in the TMNT fandom is the absolute insistence that if a bunch of different iterations met up, they would all be horrified at what happened in Rise, being shocked that they've gone through such terrible things at their age, and then would coddle the living daylights out of the 18 boys after learning about their Krang/Shredder. Warning, spoilers ahead.
Don't get me wrong, the Rise boys do go through a lot of traumatising incidents at a young age, and if you consider the other turtles to be older than them when they meet they probably would try to help out. It's just, every iteration of the turtles goes through a lot of traumatising events at a young age, and most crossover fics just seem to sweep these under the rug to prioritise Rise.
I guess this is fine if Rise is your fave version and that's all you want to look at, but it always comes across as weird to me when you have characters from 12 for instance being like oh no, 'one of you got possessed and forced to fight the others, one of you got melded with a piece of tech, one of you almost got locked in a prison dimension, and your city was invaded by Krang, etc, I can't even imagine the suffering you have been through', when all of these things have happened to the 12 boys before, some even multiple times.
They've all been possessed/mind controlled and used against their brothers, Donnie merged with the Speed Demon, the Krang have invaded their city, their entire world was destroyed! Same with 03, they've been possessed/mind controlled, their city was taken over by the Demon Shredder (and Don saw the SAINW Shredder controlled world), they had to fight at least five Shredders, one of whom was also a demon, etc etc Also, as most of the other series ran for longer than Rise (trust me, I am also annoyed that we didn't get more of the 18 boys as 18 was the first show to properly get me into TMNT and I do love it), they also went through more traumatic events than the 18 boys.
Again, I am not trying to say that what the 18 boys went through isn't traumatic, because they definitely had a lot of bad stuff happen to them. But it does feel so weird to dimish everything that the other turtles went through when they were pretty much the same age as the Rise boys.
Take, Donnie: In 03 he's double mutated at least twice, tortured by an invasive mind probe that also electrocuted him, lost a friend to another dimension, got sent to an alternative future and learns that another of his friend and his father are dead before he watched his brothers get killed in front of him, believed himself to be responsible for the loss of his father and went through his own mini depression arc trying to cope with thlle guikt whilst working to bring him back, and that's all off the top of my head.
Poor 12 Donnie... he has died multiple times one of which was beinh literally torn apart on a molecular level by a possessed version of the girl he loves, has also been double mutated and/or possessed multiple times (not sure whether being turned into a vampire counts more as death or mutation), has immense guilt over a variety of things that aren't actually his fault (Leo's coma, when they thought Splinter died during the first invasion, everything that happened with Pulverizer), has also been tortured via electrocution to the head, spent an episode being beaten up by his mind controlled brothers only for them to be snapped out of it pizza, is constantly pressured to be able to fix/solve everything and is frequently told he isnt good enough etc etc
Again, these are examples for just 03 and 12 Donnie that come from the top of my head. Looking at other iterations and characters would make this post even longer than it already is, but I think the Donnie examples alone are enough to prove my point.
In conclusion, if you are writing a crossover fic with Rise as the central point of focus, that is completely fine! If you want to mainly prioritise looking at their trauma because the others are older than that is valid. I just wanted to point out that it can come across a little weirdly if you have some of the characters being completely horrified by the events of Rise, and acting like they could never even begin to understand what they have been through when they've all had similar trauma in their own pasts. Or when you have a bunch of characters being like, 'Oh you almost died, you are turning my scales grey', when they have all almost or actually died multiple times.
It's just a little funny to me for example to have any of the 12 sibling act like, 'I can't even imagine how much you must have suffered when you thought Leo was lost in the prison dimension' when their Donnie has legitimately been killed in a horrific way in front of them, their dad has been 'killed' in front of them multiple times, their own Leo pulls self sacrificial stunts, their entire world was destroyed in front of them, etc
This may just be me coming across as a little bitter but, if you are doing a crossover, it doesn't make sense to me why you would just ignore all the events of the other shows completely in order to make it sound like Rise had it the absolute worst. It seems like it would make more sense to have the characters relating to one another around shared or similar traumas 🤷‍♀️
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konohamaru-sensei · 4 months
Some kind of follower event or other.
im very sorry if you follow both blogs and have to see this double. ily for following both tho. special love and kisses to you.
In celebration of my 1000 follower milestone on a blog I pretty much abandoned (@wind-becomes-lightning) and my 100 followers on the blog that I am now using (@konohamaru-sensei) (and because I really love doing things for others), I’m hosting a little cross blog event. I anticipate that most of the entries will be from friends anyway and gifting friends makes little Nisi happy.
So, what are we going to do? Well. You have the choice. Either you request a little story from one of the prompt lists (please specify or send the prompt) or you send me a link to a reference and I will do an art. Either or is fine if you adhere to the rules
Stories will be around 1k length (maybe longer if I’m feeling it)
Artworks only for up to 2 people (You can look at art refs in my pinterest board if you don't have an idea.)
Off Anon only. (If you feel embarrassed please just dm me beforehand so I know it is you sending anons, or at least sign the request with your name, thanks!)
One request per person. (Q, I love you, but I still have like 5 requests of yours in my waiting list)
Absolutely no requests for “no-no ships” and “no-no characters” allowed.
OC requests only if you are from the Anxiety Anonymous server or if I have written for your oc before. (You may of course request my ocs if you care)
You can send Naruto related requests to any blog, but send any other fandoms to @konohamaru-sensei
Reader inserts are fine, as long as they are done with Yes-please characters. 
Fandom list for this time:
Naruto (obv)
Fairy Tail
One Piece 
Prompt lists:
Recent art examples x - x - x - x
If you send me a “Yes-Always” ship or a “yes-please” character I will prioritise your request, because it will be more fun for me, but anything is welcome as long as you don’t break the rules.
I will leave this open until I feel like closing it. In my experience, there wont be too much anyway.
Ok thanks, BYE.
Ship list under cut.
Yes-Always Ships
Fairy Tail: Jerza | Gruvia | Gruvion | Luvia 
JJK: SatoSugu
HQ: Oikawa x Kuroo
Yes-Please Characters
Naruto: Kakashi, Obito, Yamato, Konohamaru, Hinata
Fairy Tail: Lyon, Erza, Juvia, Jellal, Gray, Rogue, Loke
Haikyuu: Kuroo, Oikawa, Hinata, Bokuto
JJK: Gojo, Geto, Yuuji, Choso, Maki
MHA: Hawks, Iida, Dabi 
One Piece: Sanji, Robin, Law, Zoro, Luffy, Sabo, Ace
No-No Ships
For all fandoms: no inces-t, no teacher and student, no mentor and student, no adult and child
Naruto: S-NS | Na-ruSa-ku | Kaka-Ga-i| InoS-aku
Fairy Tail: Gajeel x Juv ia | Gra L u | Gr arza
Haikyuu: Iwao i | Kurook en | Suga x D aichi
JJK: any yuuji ship
MHA: Ba-kuD-eku
One Piece: Lu ffy x A c e
Naruto: Sa suke, Ma dara
Haikyuu: Tsukish ima
JJK: To ji, Na oya
One Piece: P udding
Every ship not mentioned here is one I am fine with, but not in love with. Which means you can request it just fine.
this whole thing will probably fail spectacularily and i will feel like shit but i mean... no risk no depressive hole to dig myself in later, so whats the fun?
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hephaestuscrew · 1 year
When I think about Minkowski, Eiffel, Hera and Lovelace post-canon, the relationship I imagine is something that could be described as a group queerplatonic relationship. As I like to think about it (and other people are obviously entirely free to think about it differently), the relationships are entirely platonic, but they prioritise each other, they take care of each other, they live together (although with a fair amount of individual comings and goings), and they are the most important people in each other's lives. External people tend to wonder who is dating who in that house and are surprised to learn that no one is. But I don't think they'd feel the need for a term like QPR. I don't think they'd be searching for that language to describe their dynamic to the world or to each other.
Of course, I also think of them under the term 'found family', but I'm not sure they'd use familial language either. I think they'd leave that unspoken. And words like 'friends' and 'housemates' - while true - don't fully capture who they are to each other.
In fact, when I'm thinking about how they describe their relationships to each other post-canon, the word that I keep coming back to is that they are a crew.
They are still a crew post-canon. But "crew" means something different now that the station is gone. "Crew" had already started to mean something different while they were up there. (See this post.) It's a choice now. It had already started to be a choice while they were up there. Once, "crew" described their shared relationship to the Hephaestus. Now it only describes their relationships to each other.
I think Minkowski definitely still calls them "her crew". And the others end up doing so too, although perhaps to a lesser extent. Sometimes it's in a casual or joking way: talking about"Crew Movie Nights", or despairing "Does no one else in this crew know how to load the dishwasher?" Sometimes it's in a purely internal way: thinking "I ought to head home - the crew will be wondering where I've got to", or ranking "Keeping my crew safe" at the top of a mental list of priorities. Sometimes it's in a serious way: asserting "I won't let the crew down", or saying "You'll always be a part of this crew" as an act of reassurance in moments of doubt and fear.
And when they call each other a crew, it means family and commitment and love and responsibility and trust and care. It means all those things that Goddard Futuristics didn't care about when it gave them that word.
There's a kind of reclamation in that, in turning a piece of that military language into something different and beautiful outside of that context, in knowing "The mission was a lie, the station was a deathtrap, but some of the people I met up there are my people now."
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foxes-that-run · 8 months
Walking in the wind
Harry Styles has a gift for answering a question and not answering it at all at once. In the Made in the A.M track by track he said WITW was inspired by Paul Simon’s song Graceland.
I love how Harry's solo work draws modern inspiration from his diverse music tastes and he encourages his fans to broaden their tastes. Hindsight being 20/20 you can see where he went with his debut in that short video and this song.
When Simon wrote Graceland he and Carrie Fisher were divorcing and his relationship with Art Garfunkel was bitter. Simon said Graceland was a metaphor for the journey to mend a broken heart. Much like 2015 Harry who had broken up with Taylor and was on tour as One Direction ended. Simon also went to Africa to make this album, much like Harry went to South America for debut.
Made on the AM was written in Japan in February 2015. Harry talked being able to just write 'good songs' because it wouldn’t be toured which made space for a song like this. WITW was probably written between February and May 2015. Harry and Taylor had been close at the end of 2014, it was over on or by his 21st birthday 2 February 2015. His smile when he saw her at the start (0:29) of BBMAs showed no animosity, but it’s unlikely WITW was written after the BBMAs in May (Woman). He also started looking even sadder live then.
To rolling stone Julian Bunetta said:
“That title was born in Japan. Just the title of it and the idea of it. Everyone’s different experiences of what they’re going through, whether it’s this or that, I’d like to think that these songs can apply to more than just [one instance].”
[Verse 1: Harry] A week ago, you said to me "Do you believe I'll never be too far?" If you're lost, just look for me You'll find me in the region of the summer stars The fact that we can sit right here and say goodbye Means we've already won A necessity for apologies between you and me Baby, there is none
The relaxed and happy tone depicts their romantic friendship that continues. I think they genuinely cared for each other, are nice people who both prioritised their careers. To me, “the fact we can say goodbye means we’ve already won” shows that mutual respect for each other.
To me “Do you believe I’ll never be too far” is agreeing to be apart while they focus on being massively famous and together in the future.
In the context of their later work about being end game, the 1, sushi is about having only a piece of your persons life, in as it was and golden he sings about it being time or feel her taking over.
Harry does not have anyone that would never be too far in a literal sense, and although at that time he was always with 1D they have spoken in interviews that year of that not being good.
[Pre-Chorus: Niall] Ah-ooh, we had some good times, didn't we? Ah-ooh, we had some good tricks up our sleeve Ah-ooh, goodbyes are bittersweet But it's not the end, I'll see your face again
Taylor has a similar lyric in The 1 “But we were something, don't you think so? / Roaring 20s, / tossing pennies in the pool / And if my wishes came true / It would've been you” this is about appreciating the relationship.
[Chorus: All] And you will find me Yeah, you will find me In places that we've never been For reasons we don't understand Walking in the wind Walking in the wind
Where their earlier work on Red and other 1D albums sung about always wanting to be together and coping in their career by Made in the AM and Reputation onwards they started singing about being connected but apart, on faith they’d come back together.
[Verse 2: Louis] Yesterday, I went out To celebrate the birthday of a friend But as we raised our glasses up to make a toast I realised you were missing
This may be referring to Lily Aldridge’s birthday where they both were. Harry’s 21st birthday was 2 weeks later but Lily and Taylor were in Nashville. In Hunger he sang about making her cry on his birthday, if it was for Debut the 1 year to 2 timeframe line up for that. (Hunger also sings of “your stuff” as in music, doesn’t taste the same, as in Two Ghosts)
Later on 27 February he posted the overgrown winding wheel and she started dating CH.
[Bridge: Harry] And I know we'll be alright, child Just close your eyes and see I'll be by your side Any time you're needing me Oh, yeah
The bridge is similar to Fine Line, which also ends on “we’ll be alright” in Fine line he’s reflecting on being friends with someone he’s in love with. Here he is asking his muse to have faith that although they are not together he’s there for her. Also Sign of the Times "Just stop your crying / It'll be alright"
I just wanna love you leak
In September 2023 a leaked song, I just wanna love you referenced WITW with “A week ago you said to me: "We've started running out of time" / Crying over memories that we lost and cannot be found / Why don't we stop talking now? / (I just wanna love you)” which to me, in the sound and this lyric is the sequel to WITW, he’s saying it’s time. It also refers to Late night talking, and The 1 and Question…? Where they explore friendship with someone they love, in WITW they seem to agree to leave a live unresolved, on Harry’s House and Midnights they are contemplating that unresolved love.
24 notes · View notes
Some kind of follower event or other.
im very sorry if you follow both blogs and have to see this double. ily for following both tho. special love and kisses to you
In celebration of my 1000 follower milestone on a blog I pretty much abandoned (@wind-becomes-lightning) and my 100 followers on the blog that I am now using (@konohamaru-sensei) (and because I really love doing things for others), I’m hosting a little cross blog event. I anticipate that most of the entries will be from friends anyway and gifting friends makes little Nisi happy.
So, what are we going to do? Well. You have the choice. Either you request a little story from one of the prompt lists (please specify or send the prompt) or you send me a link to a reference and I will do an art. Either or is fine if you adhere to the rules
Stories will be around 1k length (maybe longer if I’m feeling it)
Artworks only for up to 2 people (You can look at art refs in my pinterest board if you don't have an idea.)
Off Anon only. (If you feel embarrassed please just dm me beforehand so I know it is you sending anons, or at least sign the request with your name, thanks!)
One request per person. (Q, I love you, but I still have like 5 requests of yours in my waiting list)
Absolutely no requests for “no-no ships” and “no-no characters” allowed.
OC requests only if you are from the Anxiety Anonymous server or if I have written for your oc before. (You may of course request my ocs if you care)
You can send Naruto related requests to any blog, but send any other fandoms to @konohamaru-sensei
Reader inserts are fine, as long as they are done with Yes-please characters. 
Fandom list for this time:
Naruto (obv)
Fairy Tail
One Piece 
Prompt lists:
Recent art examples x - x - x - x 
If you send me a “Yes-Always” ship or a “yes-please” character I will prioritise your request, because it will be more fun for me, but anything is welcome as long as you don’t break the rules.
I will leave this open until I feel like closing it. In my experience, there wont be too much anyway.
Ok thanks, BYE.
Ship list under cut.
Yes-Always Ships
Fairy Tail: Jerza | Gruvia | Gruvion | Luvia 
JJK: SatoSugu
HQ: Oikawa x Kuroo
Yes-Please Characters
Naruto: Kakashi, Obito, Yamato, Konohamaru, Hinata
Fairy Tail: Lyon, Erza, Juvia, Jellal, Gray, Rogue, Loke
Haikyuu: Kuroo, Oikawa, Hinata, Bokuto
JJK: Gojo, Geto, Yuuji, Choso, Maki
MHA: Hawks, Iida, Dabi 
One Piece: Sanji, Robin, Law, Zoro, Luffy, Sabo, Ace
No-No Ships
For all fandoms: no inces-t, no teacher and student, no mentor and student, no adult and child
Naruto: S-NS | Na-ruSa-ku | Kaka-Ga-i| InoS-aku
Fairy Tail: Gajeel x Juv ia | Gra L u | Gr arza
Haikyuu: Iwao i | Kurook en | Suga x D aichi
JJK: any yuuji ship
MHA: Ba-kuD-eku
One Piece: Lu ffy x A c e
Naruto: Sa suke, Ma dara
Haikyuu: Tsukish ima
JJK: To ji, Na oya
One Piece: P udding
Every ship not mentioned here is one I am fine with, but not in love with. Which means you can request it just fine.
this whole thing will probably fail spectacularily and i will feel like shit but i mean... no risk no depressive hole to dig myself in later, so whats the fun?
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kosomolski-dolls · 4 months
I guess, this is my first Fairyland Rant. Long post.
I've been buying from Fairyland since 2016. My first dolls were Minifees, and I have quite a collection of them by now. I never had any problems with them. Had some seamlines here and there, but nothing outrageous or super noticable. Never had problems with Resin fleshing on the hands, inside the hips, weirdly drilled tunnels, or ridiculous seamlines like some of my friends had every now and then over the years.
I was super excited when they released their merman last summer. I love mermaids, I have their seahorse already and love it, and that new tail was gorgeous, even if less posable. I don't mind that, I sometimes value aesthetics over movement, and from their pictures, he can stand, sit and kneel, and that's all I wanted.
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When he was released, I ordered the body with a split (as I didn't want the head), and ordered a tan Fairyline Sirin, a blue and red tail, and the Juri23 head to go onto the boy body from the split.
I was a bit worried that the blue tail may not fit the girl that well, because the bodies are different, but on their page it said "compatible for both boy & girl" and the pictures said that as well, so I was optimistic that it would work out.
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I got my package in October last year and was pretty happy with the fit on Sirin's body!
But the first disappointment came shortly after, when I realised... she cannot sit??
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This is as far as it goes, and even that only worked because I supported her on her hands. And it's gaping at the back, so... well. Not too happy about that.
A friend of mine asked them about it, and they actually told them, that the doll isn't made for sitting. Then why the hell do they advertise it like it is??
Thankfully, I tried around a bit and found that if you turn the upper part of the tail around, the sitting situation improves (I was inspired by their seahorse tail, where you also turn around pieces according to what pose you want. But unlike the seahorse, it wasn't made/planned by them to work like this and only does because the rigged edge of the upper joint just snaps into the right places).
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Still gaps a bit at the back, but well. (Supporting her with one arm, just because FL resin is super slippery. After suede, she sits fine)
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She can kneel and stand though. Though the latter needs some balancing skills and the red tail needs suede to make it happen, because the fin just gives in otherwise...
So, not off to a great start.
Then, a few days ago, I got my body in the mail from the split host (it was bought on layaway, so it took a bit longer). I love it, I was surprised that it had a different mechanism in the hip joint (no cups, the mechanism looks similar to their smaller lines like Littlefee), and it was pretty stable. He moved easily and held his poses nicely, no suede needed.
But then today, I wanted to put him on his tail and... was utterly disappointed.
It seems to me that they prioritised the fit on the girl body, as their girls are usually more popular than the boys, but? Still? It doesn't really make sense to me? =') it was MADE for a MALE doll.
Just to give you an idea. Fit on Girl vs Fit on Boy:
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As you can see, he gaps both in the front and back because he is too narrow for the opening, which is pretty obviously fitted for the girl body.
But he also slides back and forth because the bottom of his torso doesn't really meet the ground of the hip joint. Because he is too wide as well, to really fit into the hole! =/
And when I looked at their pictures of the tail again... well, on ONE picture you could actually see a bit of a gap.
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So, needless to say, I'm quite bummed about this. I will try not to let this ruin my mood and the love I have for Juri23, because man, that face is so adorable. I will try to boil the tail joint and make it fit to the body. I know that some people have done similar things with the seahorse tail, but I really shouldn't have to do that on a doll this pricey.
(My Gem of Doll merman has a similar problem, though not as severely, and in his case it's kinda understandable since the tail was made for their girl body. And, again, that doll was about half the price)
If you read all of this, well, have a cookie 🍪
I'm not here for general FL bashing, btw, I'm still cranky about a recast supporter "justifying" buying them because "FL quality is shit anyway", so spare me with that. I'm very happy with all my other dolls, but this one is not something that slipped through quality control, this is just... not okay.
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wisecrackingeric-2 · 2 months
((Redoing this cuz TUMBLR FLAGGED IT DAMNIT))
20 Questions for Fic Authors !!
Thank you S O SOSOSOSOOSSOSO MUCH @sunhatllama & @courtofparrots for tagging me!!!!! :DDD
1. How many works do you have??
2. What is your AO3 word count??
202,659!!!!!!!!! God fucking damn!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3. What fandoms do you write for??
Just Resident Evil!! :D
4. What are your top 5 fics by Kudos??
1. All You Have To Do Is Ask
2. Your Drunk Words Are Sober Thoughts
3. Leon (Finally) Gets Top Surgery
4. Anemoia
And Love Me Like There’s No Tomorrow in that order!!
5. Do you respond to comments??
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending??
OOOOOUGHH this is hard because I am ALLERGIC to writing angst BXBDHENSJ I don’t know why I just struggle to do it!!!! I always feel too bad for the characters!!!!! But if I HAD to pick I’d proooobably say It Was Only Yesterday for @aquarelacosmica because old age is sad I guess BXNENNEDJ
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending??
Literally all of them HDBEHENDJJ happy endings are guaranteed with all my fics but if I had to chose my favourites, they’d be, in no particular order;
1. Marido
2. Matteo
3. Beautiful Boy
4. New Years
5. I’ll Help You Pray
And 6. Save A Horse, Ride A Cowboy!!
8. Do you get hate on fics??
Not so far thank god!! I’ve definitely received WEIRD or overbearing comments but no hate!
9. Do you write smut??
My only NS f W fic is Feeling Loved, and it’s more a piece on Luis’ chronic pain and self esteem after RE4 than it is smut I’d say!! It’s very near and dear to my heart <3
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest crossover you’ve written??
I’ve never WRITTEN a crossover HOWEVER I have PLENTY of AU’s in my art tag!!! I’d love to write my Warriors Serennedy AU out someday though!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen??
12. Have you ever had a fic translated??
I’ve actually been asked by somebody before if they could translate my fic one time!!! I don’t remember which it was, but I had to politely decline since I didn’t know the language and wouldn’t be able to crowd control the response, but they were super duper polite and kind about it!!!!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before??
I’ve never co-written a fic per se but I’ve definitely had my friends bounce ideas between me and help me with proofreading!!!!! Ily guys <<<<333
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
leans on the suspiciously serennedy-shaped box standing in my room Why do you wanna know?
15. What’s a WIP you’d wanna finish but doubt you ever will??
I have quite a handful that I’ve started but unfortunately lost the momentum for and can’t find it again.
Writing is a lot like art for me- if inspiration strikes I have to do it THEN AND THERE or else I’ll lose the groove for the kind of style/inspo I wanted to do it in, and unfortunately I had to give up quite a few fanfic projects this year to focus on art and also mainly cuz the beginning of this year has been VEEEEEERY tough and I always prioritise my art over writing unfortunately!!
I’m proud of myself for finishing (I’m Just A) Sweet Transvestite though- that one was made through blood sweat and tears :,)
16. What are your writing strengths?
UHHHH NO CLUE!!! I’ve been TOLD it’s how I characterise my characters and how I write dialog, but I think the easiest thing for ME is describing scenes so I dunno!!
17. What are your writing weaknesses??
Can saying ‘everything’ count HFNEHENDJ I’m more of an artist than a writer!! But I think the thing I struggle with the most is stretching out important emotional beats. And also commas.
18. Thoughts on writing dialog in another language??
I do it all the time for Luis so Hell Yeah!!! Thank you Wilfreeeeeeeddd for helpiiiinnngg <<<33
19. First fandom you wrote for??
Also Resident Evil!! Serennedy has a violent chokehold on me
20. Favourite fic you’ve written??
(I’m Just A) Sweet Transvestite !! I am S O proud of myself for finishing it man!!!!! I went through HELL and back writing it and I made something that means a lot to me!!!!!!
Tagging @blveherb , @geddy-leesbian , @leonsbunny , @hamartia-grander , @ugetelynx , @theprestigegirly @mooseonahunt and anyone else who wants to join!! :DD
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starbylers · 1 year
Hi. Can you tell us how do you believe byler will happen in s5 in the most realistic way? How the love triangle will be resolved?
Hi :) I usually hesitate to make specific s5 predictions because I have a feeling it will be different from what any of us expect so I don’t want to pretend I’ve got all the answers. That being said:
These are my general thoughts/predictions going into season 5:
First, I think it’s likely El will spend a lot of time bonding with Lucas (because of Max–didn’t Caleb allude to this already?), and probably Hopper too. I think she’s really going to come into her independence and realise Mike’s ‘love’ isn’t doing anything except holding her back. We see throughout the series that her character develops when she is not with Mike and stagnates/regresses when they are dating. With her parental figure returned to protect and support her, and newfound determination to achieve her goal i.e. save her best friend (something Mike’s ‘love’ couldn’t help her do), she really has like…not much need for him? I think El got what she thought she wanted (Mike’s confession), only to find it wasn’t what she really needed (it didn’t help her win in the end), and she’s going to be processing this come s5.
I think Mike will recognise that El is pulling away and direct his attention to the person who actually does need him: Will. We already see the beginnings of this in ‘2 days later’: El isolates herself in her old room, clearly not happy, and Mike chooses to comfort Will instead of going to her. Same pattern as in the final shot: El walks away from Mike, alone, and he stays by Will’s side.
Mike and Will are likely going to spend a large chunk of the season together. This has been foreshadowed (‘We have to kill him’/‘We will’, them paired in the final shot). Will is probably going to find himself in danger early on (he’s the supernatural focus of the season and it’s confirmed they are jumping straight into the action), which will bring the return of s2 Mike in full force.
I think we will get a lot of romantic tension, and references to their history to remind the audience how special their relationship really is. And most crucially: the gradual unveiling of what’s really going on in Mike’s head—probably while he himself is coming to terms with all of it—so the audience can begin to piece together why he’s changed so much since s3. I’m not sure how they will do this (more explicit pining? Vecna? Mike confiding in someone else?) but it’s really important otherwise Will is going to look like a second choice.
Thinking about the break up, mid-season is most likely to me because I just don’t believe Mike or El are quite there yet in their arcs for an early season split. Imo, Mike still needs to process that his ‘feelings’ for El are rooted in attachment/codependency (though I do think on some level he is aware that he’s not actually in love, which is why he did everything in his power to avoid the word—friends don’t lie), which will naturally happen when he starts to accept that how he feels for Will is what love is supposed to feel like. El also needs time to fully understand that she’s better off without their ‘romance’. The time-skip is a mystery to me, but I think Mlvn have to break up before it happens. (If their relationship makes it another two years and then Byler happens, Will is again going to look like a second choice and no-one is going to buy it).
As for how the break up would actually go down, I can’t be sure but I hope it will be amicable and light-hearted (maybe even a bit funny like an ‘I dump your ass’ callback as I think El is most likely to initiate), just one of those things that feels inevitable when it happens as they’ve both been spending time apart and prioritising other people and realising they’re actually happier that way. That would make sense if everything I have said up to this point is how it happens. Of course it could be more dramatic, but I think either way it will be emotional and end with them hugging it out.
After that…I don’t think we have enough to go off for any solid theory. But what I personally believe is that there will be a very dramatic confession scene for Mike and Will. I’m talking like Max’s running up that hill scene level of drama. Flashbacks and everything. I just think there will have been way too much build up and if they’re going to go for Byler, they really need to commit to it. I think it’s going to be one of them trying to save the other's life.
I obviously do think they will have quieter moments after though—maybe this is when they kiss. And I truly don’t believe El is going to be heartbroken over Mike and Will. I think by the time anything happens between them, El will have come to terms with how incompatible her and Mike were. I am of the belief that El likes the idea of Mike more than she actually likes/wants Mike. I don’t think she will struggle to move on once she realises this. Honestly I kind of hope the three of them can laugh about it in the end because that would be so healing to see.
That’s how I see it generally, but like I said I leave room for myself to be proven wrong and I’m always open to different interpretations (especially about Mike). Also, I don’t really see it as a love triangle? I mean it is one, in the technical sense. But I think that implies Mike is going to be ‘choosing’ between Will and El, and I really don’t think that’s the story here. I think for Mike it’s a story of realising it’s okay to be who you are (in a general sense and about his sexuality), and with that comes accepting who the right person for you actually is. Hope this answers your question!
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ititledit · 1 year
Cover letter tips, please? <3
Quick note - I only use Tumblr mobile which does limit my ability to write/format long response well but I will do my best! Sorry it's taken so long to answer, I haven't actually finished so this is v1!
This anon is because I voted for "write a cover letter" on the poll about "which adult activity are you happiest to do" - the number of people happy to build Ikea furniture is mind boggling to me!
A little about me. I am a manager and have been involved in recruitment for many years. I have shortlisted and interviewed people for roles from apprentice up to senior leadership. I have also mentored several people into my industry.
And I have worked for several industry lead companies.
Tip one - the mindset.
You are not writing about yourself, you are writing about your friend, who is the ideal candidate for this job. They just so happen to have done the exact same things as you, but they are not you. You love them. You are proud of them and impressed by their achievements.
Socialisation teaches us to be modest and not to value what we have accomplished ("because I did it I guess it wasn't such a big deal?"), so framing the cover letter as being for a dear friend can help to get over this discomfort. This doesn't work for everyone though, but I think it's still worth trying.
When something is ahead of us we view it as a dream or aspiration, and someone else who has that thing is superior, Impressive, has their life sorted out. But when we look at those same things in our own past, we devalue them, partly because they become normalised to us... But I also think that living in a society that minimises women's achievements lead us to devalue our own - we judge ourselves with the eyes of patriarchy, rather than the eyes of someone who loves us.
So treat yourself as you would someone you love. Recognise what you have done and acknowledge the value of those things.
Tip 2 - The Process.
go through the job advert and make a bullet point list of the things they have explicitly asked for. This will be a mix hard and soft skills, or even come from how they describe the job environment. Leave a few lines between each bullet point.
- Computer literate
- Customer service
- Fast-paced environment
- Changing priorities
- Organisation
- Field specific systems/knowledge
- Previous experience in the industry
Next you are going to bullet point all the things you have done on a separate piece of paper. Again, leave space between them.
If you are young and early in your career you will need to find these things from a wider pool. If you are established in your career then you may only need to use your current job and maybe one or two previous roles.
- Qualifications (all of them - school, college, music, sports, anything you worked for and were examined in)
- Working in shop/bar/warehouse
- Volunteering
- Extracurricular activities
- Work experience
- Your current job
- the job before that
- Childcare for your siblings/cousins
There are two methods for what to do next
Method 1
Take the list of requirements and apply it to everything in the experience list
- working in shop/bar/warehouse = use computer for stock taking, fast paced customer facing environment, have to organise the kitchen/stock, prioritising orders
- volunteering with the scouts = using emails to communicate and organise
Method 2
Take some scissors and cut up all the bullet points of things you have done. I like to have the piece of paper with the list of requirements on the left and the cut up bits on the right.
Then you start pairing them up. Doesn't matter how tenuous it is, you are making what you have done match what they want. Also you can use the same example for multiple things, if it is the best fit for those.
Computer literate = learning IT at school, current job, volunteering to help teach elderly people use emails.
Customer service = bar/shop work, volunteering with scouts
Fast paced environment = bar/shop work, doing theatre tech at school, being on a sports team
Changing priorities = looking after your siblings/cousins, a project you worked on at college, bar/shop work
Organisation = scheduling your work/school/extracurriculars, current job,
Field specific systems/knowledge
Right I'm posting this now, but I will try to write the next part soon.
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