#do not like the whole ''i have trauma with women but you're different cuz you're not like other girls'' trope that they would have
femme-malewife · 1 year
Not to be mean but can people not send me asks, asking if they can "liph//yo beam" me?
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the-wraiths-wife · 2 months
I personally found Avery very very boring and basic
She was a PAIN to have as a protagonist, she was very one dimensional and Plain
And I think Lyra Kane is gonna be just as boring. I NEED some spice, some SEMBLANCE of personality
Avery's personality is white, plain, Sugar-y asf spoilt Milk.
I betchu lyras is gonna be worse—
Kinda sorry to the Lyra Kane fans tho
Like I've read so many books and after one point you can predict what type of charectors an author can write. You understand their scope and calibre.
And like, even though the Hawthornes are portrayed as these hot sexy god-like bois who make women loose their minds I NEVER ever felt it
(probably cuz I'm gay—)
But my point is, with certain charectors like - Kenji Kishmoto, Aaron Warner, Kaz Brekker, Percy Jackson, Cardan Greenbriar, Malini (from da jasmine throne), alex claremont-diaz, Lord Thyco you can like FEEL the aura, the 'hot' aura
Like their PERSONALITIES contribute to the hotness.
• Kenji's obsession with tangled, his ability to calm people, his goofiness, him genuinely giving a fuck abt people, not being a Gale Hawthorne, and his obsession for Nazeera, his willingness to sacrifice himself for his friends
• Aaron's fashion sense, his willingness to burn the world for her, to wait for her, helping her become powerful, helping her find herself i.e re-discover her past, and eating a cookie with a knife and fork ; ‘Come back here’ ‘Home’, ‘lyhfml’
• Kaz Brekker ripping a guy's eye out for his girl, finding her parents for her, freeing her from her indenture and her sexual trauma, wanting to bottle up her laugh and get drunk on it, his crazy revenge plans, ‘I would've come for you’, dropping a guy from a tower for objectifying women.
• Percy simping for Annabeth and jumping into tartarus with her and almost dying for her, respecting his mom, having a loveable persona, standing up to the gods, messing with the gods, being sarcastic and a great leader.
•Cardan Greenbriar begging Jude to come back to him and allowing her to murder/attempt to murder him again and again and making her the queen of Elfhelm so she feels one with the magic
• Princess Malini of Parijatdvipada helping her girlfriend find herself, making her remember her childhood, save her people and her culture, re-discover her magic, establish a relationship with her brother, making her truly HAPPY and WHOLE again, Refusing to burn on that pyre
•Alex claremont-diaz giving his boyfriend the strength to truly be himself, helping him ; LIKE actually doing wonders for his man, gives him the courage to come out to his family, is actually there for henry (the boyfriend) whenever he needs him, goes after Henry and their relationship, the Texas campaign—
• Lord Thyco accepting his boyfriend, showing him he's not a burden but a blessing, bringing out the best in him, helping his boyfriend and his bestfriend by not letting them die on the streets
But with the Hawthornes it's like, you're supposed to think they're hot, end of story.
Why are they hot?
The only hawthorne I actually like is Grayson, because he reminds me of Henry from red white and royal blue.
I read the whole series for him and I don't think he and Lyra should be a thing
He should be gay. Chilling somewhere FAAARRR away from the rest of the Hawthornes. With his boyfriend.
End. Of. Story.
Like but the rest of the Hawthornes are like
Jameson → ick personified
Xander → Random asf (scones? Jlb, ik you were trynna be different, just give the man a cookie—)
Nash → Don't. Get. Me. Started.
The rest of the charectors I stated as examples for hot? They had charector development, they helped their s/o-s grow with them.
I don't think the Hawthornes really did that.
And they have potential, with nash being a cowboy, Jameson loving mysteries and whatnot but it's not well executed.
Don't tell me that it's a mystery puzzle kinda book, you can't have best of both worlds.
Again, all the charectors I stated above are from action packed fun books and they have great personality.
Also shout out to Ravi Singh from a good girl's guide to murder. He has an amazing personality.
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incarnateirony · 1 year
Example Study Of WTF I'm Yelling About
I usually consider this person intelligent. I bear no ill will in the long term. But I could not have created a more perfect example of this bullshit if I had tried.
I literally can not be individually angry at this person, because it's literally like 50% of the women in this fandom that do this shit to me. Notice, it's so frequent, I sensed it coming. And they still fucking did it.
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I genuinely mean it guys, it is pathological, and you need to unpack whatever is causing this, because it is also true that I Did Not Have This Problem until I identified as a man. In fact, the same attributes were formerly lauded by women.
No. Redacted doesn't get to come into my server and do that Well I Don't Think bullshit. That's like my #1 do not do, it's literally on my fucking anon box rules. I don't fucking care what you think.
And that's what I said. I don't care and Robbie doesn't care what you think it is. But you know what? I'd been getting henpecked all day so I apologized for coming in hot, said I had no right to dump my trauma on them like a hypocrite after all my preaching, and fulfilled the original request.
Then Choo Choo here comes the fucking Uncomfortable Train. My Friend Am Are Uncomfortable Even Though I'm Doing What You Came In Mad About And Am Are Uncomfortable Too And Am Are Not Accepting Your Apology Cuz She Feels Bad.
Get the fuck out stop it. Saying that I do not care about your uneducated opinion and then even apologizing for coming in too strong does not require a multi-stage multi-person drama with extra spokespeople for flavor, it fucking does not.
I know for a fact that women Do Not Have To Do This Shit. Because I was one, and I hated when women did this shit, and told myself it was only a few women, but now you guys are leaving me standing here in the room while the Upset White Woman bus keeps rolling up doing to me the exact shit cis guys bitch at you for doing, and I used to call them assholes for exaggerating.
But they're not fam. The only difference is, this is a woman led space and I am a lone trans man you're exacting your misplaced desire for control on, I am not a wall of Patriarchy. Stop this shit.
Feel free to cringe and get as angry as you want, but sometimes, cis dudes have a point, because holy fuck, control yourselves, this is embarrassing as someone that is AFAB.
Apologies aren't hard. You accept or reject them. If you reject them you can leave my space. I am not sending you chocolates and a valentine because you're fragile. You are not my wife. If someone farted in your presence, you don't pursue him post-apology to make it a whole fucking thing because you still feel offended. Stop it stop it stop it.
This is also the same person that escalated to "would you say that to a man?" fuck yes do not care what whiny baby pissboy thinks that man would wake up tied to the top of a flagpole if he acted like this, KNOCK IT OFF.
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No matter how many women henpeck me to Speak Softer while pretending they're Big Brave Feminists, you will not turn me into a woman. Trust me fam, I've tried. Not even if a hundred of you all descend like harpies being Concerned at the same time. It will not change. So accept me or leave.
You guys, we can't have it both ways. You can't say "I want women to be treated equal" and then fucking spontaneously combust and go into multi person whiny meltdowns because someone doesn't care about your Opinion.
I have women in my life that don't do this. And the best among them has a hold on me she will never understand. You do not have to do this. You are choosing to do this.
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theophagie · 2 months
*the same afonana anon*
sorry for being annoying about this but let me ramble for a while >>
also the theme of smile with these two... like I swear to God...
the way he smiled while saying shit like " thank you for such wonderful comedy" .... and she smiled back at him in her last moments telling him while being choked by him that he's gonna lose to Toshi cuz he's more unhinged than him...
I think part of his weird fixation on her coming form the realization that she reminds him of his brother..
I hate when ppl claim that hes so fixated on her only to mess with Toshi.. like if that was the case he will settled with Hana instead, to fuck with Am's mentality... Afomight is great and all but women also deserves to be throwing at toxic yaoi for real 😤😤😤
anyway thank you for your galaxy brain takes and your awesome posts! I hope you're doing ok!
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Never apologise for giving me the chance to read about afonana!!! I'm doing okay-ish, got some stuff going on but it is what it is. Tysm for your kind words, and I hope everything is going well for you too 🥹🥹
Afo's clearly not fixated on Nana only because of AM, the first he did when they met in the vestige world during the PLW was channel his inner divorced man who's still bitter about the separation lolll. The toxic yaoi with AM is real, but I think that a lot of people are hesitant to speculate or more closely look into afonana's dynamic as well because of the whole "protect women </3" bs, which is sad because like. They are characters, and you're locking yourself out of one of the best parties in town......... and also you're so right about Nana-Yoichi!!!!!! It's so fun to think about them sitting on their little chairs and going "So. We experienced Afo's love horrors huh" "First-hand, yeah. We sure did :l", and so on. The trauma bond besties
Tbh Afo only didn't go for Hana because she was "too old" already, but thinking about what might have happened if he had makes me feel like... sicko at the window meme.png. Hana looked so much like Nana, the only thing she missed was her mole, and there are like hundreds of horror stories with a similar premise out there. Tenko looks like her as well, but god. The ghost of Nana manifesting itself through Hana... haunting AM sure, but haunting Afo as well.........
The bit about smiling is one of my favorites because. Because.
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Yes Afo was taunting AM, but that's also the same gesture as Nana's... as if he knew how she taught AM about that, as if he even knew why she did that or what she thought + before things got bad for him he was always smiling as well... as if he took her philosophy and twisted it to adapt it to his ways. Horikoshi putting a memory of her in the centre between them in their last battle is so 🥴😵‍💫
I never thought about it before, but it would be SO funny and in line with everything if way back when Afo did tell AM about him and Nana and exploited his shock to almost kill him. "You know it's something I would do", or whatever it was that he said when he told him about Tomura, so it would have been twice as easy to accept that as the truth, because Afo had done something similar already. Only the revelation about Nana would have made AM feel awful in a different way because it's not like Afo was with her to spite him, it was just something that had Happened between them!! That had been real!!!!
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chaos-in-the-making · 3 years
You’re a deranged, old ass, creep. Your a grown ass women living your life through sick twisted fan self inserts. How do you have the audacity to sit here and tell people who have degrees, have studied these types of demented behaviors, VICTIMS of people who have acted on these deplorable thoughts! That the things that trigger them are just “fiction”, “it doesn’t add up to the real world”, “it’s just a harmless show.” Get a grip on fucking reality. I actually feel sorry for you. I hope one day you’ll seek the help you really need and a proper education.
With my whole heart I just want to say
Fuck you.
How do I know that reality and fiction are not the same thing? Because I consume problematic media, and yet have no desire to act it out in real life. You claim to represent the victims, but I am ALSO a victim of COCSA. I was also molested by a family member. What about my ways of coping with that? You can't make blanket statements about all victims and NOT include me. That's how I know you're full of shit. Everyone has their own story, their own journey, and their own triggers. I don't even have any triggers, so I know I have different needs than others.
Victims can and should protect themselves from triggers. If they find the show triggering then fucking BLOCK IT. Not interact with the fans just to tell them how gross they are for enjoying something. But it's not up to me to block it for them. I enjoy shows and movies that portray incest and really dark themes. If that's a trigger, then don't fucking interact with me. I can also say that my attraction to dark themes started BEFORE my assault. So again, my story is DIFFERENT than others.
Have you sat through a course about pedophilia behavior? Specifically how predators and sex offenders use places like the church and other community places to target their victims and hide themselves? Cuz I have. Have you denied a family member access to your children because of their past behaviors and past SA, even though it was decades ago? CUZ I HAVE. Except for my sister, nearly every woman in my family has had experience with SA. So to tell me that I am ignorant, or know nothing about victims, is flat out wrong. So fuck you again. I have had to wade through so much family trauma and it only gets worse as I get older.
Media is not reality. Fiction is not reality. You can enjoy murder mysteries and not actually murder someone. So don't fucking come at me when you have a limited understanding of me. Every SINGLE time I ask for proof of predatory or grooming behavior from the show, I get NOTHING except broad and vague answers that are assumptions and not specifics. If you think it's gross, then FINE. I don't care! Just stop interacting with the Fandom! You don't go here! Use the anti tag and leave the show tag ALONE.
Disrespectfully, fuck off.
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Hi. I decided to send this ask because of your latest reblog (about the "new genders" often reinforcing gender stereotypes). I might be wrong (and please feel free to correct me if so), but sometimes for me it looks like people are just ashamed and or hurt of the word "woman". I've seen people, who were okay with their body, presenting femininely, just didn't want to be called a woman, because they "didn't feel like other cis-women". As if cis-women are a sort of hivemind... I can understand, if the word holds unpleasant connotations for them, be it due to societal influence or personal history, and be it far from me to tell people, what to call or consider themselves. But I still can't see this trend as something good.
Buckle in my friends. I can tell this is gonna be long post. Warning up front-- this will be VERY much USA centered cuz that's the culture I know best. If anyone from anywhere else wants to add on with their own takes feel free.
You're right and you should say it. But to add on to it:
It's not just that there is shame or hurt in being called a women, but also a whole culture built around what a women should be. I'm not talking old house wife stereotypes here (tho that's connected). I'm talking about how modern media and peers view the "idea" of being a women.
There are a lot of expectations and conflicting ideas (not saying men don't have this either, but they have different expectations and ideas and thats for another post. This one is strictly about women). On top of that, there is a LOT of violence against women in the media. I'm not going to go into statistics of real life violence cuz that's just asking for a fight in my notes. So I'm gonna stick with the media right now.
When you constantly see violence of a specific kind on tv you start to be more careful in real life. On top of that, trust me when I say, a majority of women have dealt with a creepy guy. I got groped by a grown ass man during a field trip when I was 14. I've gotten teenage boys following me and a friend, harassing me on bicycles asking me to do a 3 sum while I was in college. Many women have stories of men who have harassed them-- some violent, some not. But when you're exposed to shit like that on a regular, it's not hard to make a connection between being a women = being in danger.
Add to that the expection of how to act in society. You can't get a professional job unless you wear makeup (or have REALLY good skin). If you don't smile people assume your mad, and smiling all the time is tiring (let people have nutural expressions). Since I've been able to start passing as a man, my outfit expectations from others have got a lot more relaxed. I know plenty of women who have felt super pressured and sometimes even deal with trauma from gender stereotypes/pressures/roles/whatever (again, men also suffer from this, but thats for another post).
Add on just general sexism and you have a lotta women who don't like being women strictly because of how they are expected to look and act. It has nothing to do with their actual physical sex, and everything to do with the environment around them. Thus, their disconnect from "womenhood" isn't dysphoria based, rather societial pressured based.
In this case, there are people creating new genders because they don't like their birth one based off of outside factors (being trans is based on internal factors). It's based on how they're treated as their birth sex, on stereotypes, on how media portrays them, on the pressures they face, on how they're forced to act. Unfortunately, creating new genders won't fix that. They'll have the same issues as before.
Basically: The solution here is to stop sexism, gender roles, and societal pressures based on gender. NOT making up new genders. It's important to help these people feel comfortable as themselves, and it's good they're trying to help themselves. But the solution they've come up with isn't going to work. The solutions that work are often the hardest ones to solve. I can't say I know the best way to end the stigma we have in our culture nor the gender roles that are enforced. But I do know that the best course of action is addressing gender roles and letting people be themselves regardless of their gender.
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Girl of Glass
In a world where the people would be made of sticks and stones armed with steely knives and words that slither and stay,
She was made only of glass, covered in a thin layer of paper and tape.
See it held her together in a world where sticks and stones broke your souls, and our mouths were caverns that should have never been explored, but out to be silent in the black mist as they set fire and burn to ash our little paper walls, oh we could wish that our bodies were far humbler Halls, and instead of trauma and despair held love and a body still left untouched and not scared.
Because those steely knives, those rods of steel, they stay and play at night, where nobody will hear the tears. Because they pray and bite at your mind until you become numb or shattered and nothing but the hollow shell of someone who you used to know. Unknown to be true, can't seem to believe that the words "I love you" can be true.
Say "I'm fine" and laugh, but really your cracked, "I'm tired" and smile, though the real one hasn't shown in awhile.
In the end she was nothing but a frame to be used by paper mache, and a vase that knew way too much for her age.
And change and change and change she did, because no matter how she looked or acted or how things changed, she was so young, so her mind thinks that its the calm before the wave. Cuz if she got a little too happy the things that once held her fragile hands would be the same to scrape and scratch at her newly polished glass, and quiet she was, but her mind was too loud, filled with the blood they made her bleed out.
Because she was betrayed at a young age, thrown in the battlefield before she made it to the first grade, learned how to survive in a world where you need to know if someone was bullshitting you because that could be your life or your reputation.
Learned that sometimes men are immature, and women are not always to be trusted, that family can even lie and betray, oh the child's mind should have been left alone, didn't you know,
Children are supposed to believe in fairy tales...
Went back and forth from a home to a pit of nothing but agony and dispair, the homes were different, not just in acts but looks I swear any sane person would have seen right through it in a minute.
From a home where responsibility was key and the house was clean and mom had you surrounded by who you considered your real family and fun, to a house held by a father who didn't work nor pay bills, dove into alcohol and drugs, and lived in a pit of filth with his mother and father who seemed to condone it still.
A man who slept in nothing but boxers with his children, they were old enough to bathe on their own but father's mother couldn't get the picture. He seemed to not care about his daughter and more about his son, then contradict it all by calling him a after teaching him it was ok and fun.
We were only kids, but mistreated by him, so much so we don't remember most of the things he did.
It's been 6 years now, since they've last seen him. But still his picture would be a horrific thing to the victim.
From young the girl made of glass learned to thicken her core, she didn't want to feel like that anymore.
But the girl made of glass went through more than just that,
Their was a house fire that had her move far, to a place unknown,
Leave the ones she called friends and say goodbye, she moved to a new neighborhood and looked out the window as they arrived.
That was her second year of second grade.
The girl made of glass, found new friends in the third grade, though when things got ugly, they proved they weren't real anyway.
"your a girl you can't do that" staff told her when she wanted to play sports, not like she cared, she did way she wanted to, to stay happy and sane since she was still dealing with back and forth shit, and her father had a dog he beat with his cane.
Fourth grade was hard as she lost most of her friends, started pulling her hair out another coping mechanism, because distract and distract her mind she did, ignoring all her pain till she couldn't feel it. Was the last year she saw or heard from her father, that was good news at last.
Fifth grade came by, all the kids hated her, teachers too, but let's not go there. It's when she started to isolate and keep to herself, but boys loved her misery and dragged her into the boys bathroom, crying she was no longer unscratched glass on a shelf.
The first guy she liked played with her emotions to get what he wanted, said if she didn't touch him or let him touch her he'd leave her, truth be told he was the only actual white boy she knew, said he was from Texas had and older brother and a younger sister she adored, made quite the impression, though their relationship never went far. It was on and off and he even cheated on her with a guy, same one tried to screw her on the bus during senior trip, but lol she wasn't having it.
They called her "white chocolate" at school because for her ethnicity she was pale as paper with chocolate hair and eyes, She didn't know much but apparently you're not Hispanic if you can't speak Spanish.
The kids in the middle and high school that were also in the building tended to look over the stalls in the restroom and make fun of her, and the girl with glass afraid to use public restrooms after that.
The girl made of glass had long chocolate hair, that was until the fights were no longer fair. It was groups of girls that jumped her, and not only the girls, but then she cut her long hair short so she wouldn't be thrown against a brick wall again like a raggedy Ann. The fights still persisted, and she was the only one not winning and getting into trouble at the school.
She cried and cried and cried so many tears. "You only have to push it out for the rest of this year. Then it'll be a new school new you."
She held on to that till she made it out of 5th grade, little did she know 6th grade was almost close to the same.
But the boys were more "respectful" she could say, they all hated her and called her ugly and one beat her with a bat. But those hands she had were for healing and not for beating people so she couldn't even fight back.
Too many kids from elementary school were there, I guess you can say at least the kids kept it verbal for the most part. She told the staff but nothing was done, treated like a desease and they made fun of her and called her things like "ebola" or skinny freak" that's how she met her group of friends, who stood up for each other, I guess.
By 7th grade the whole ebola thing was off but she could still sense that nobody wanted anything to do with her so she kept to herself. She made herself busy, to forget her pain, she was in a band where she put her emotions and pain into the music, because it was her blood.
We aren't even going to talk about her relationships in this year. But there was I believe, one.
He was good for the most part but because of her past after she collapsed in the middle of the street he didn't help her and stood with his friends and laughed, she didn't want it anymore because the one to help her was her best friend.
Year 8. The year of the seniors. Let's just say it got so bad, police were involved, she dated her best friend but he broke her heart, dated someone else who she in turn broke their heart, and then dated another who left her for a friend. Though it's not like she blames them. She was starting to hate herself more in the end. She's stopped too many suicide attempts and was bullied on end, the school had to change her class and thing finally started to smooth out but she felt like the only one in a crowded room. She was loved by the teachers and the friends that stayed, but she was lost for her own self love.
She avoided going to the nurse because grades were everything. "Your worth nothing if you don't have anything to prove your worth" her mind taunted.
She was sent to guidence, but they are idiots because it's not like they could really help anything. she was way too good a faking till her mask came off at night.
Then one fateful evening, her father messages her and she feels like the breath was stolen from her lungs as flashes of periods she can't even remember went through her mind and she had to excuse herself to calm down and once she did she blocked him.
9th grade. She had only dated Hispanics up until this point minuses the non-binary pal she was with for a short period of time.
She makes new friends but is careful. Her mind doesn't believe that anything stays good for long.
She dated this boy who was a actor and dark skinned, like sweet caramel mixed with chocolate with light blue curly hair. He was a weeb, charming, nice. Though, he kind of smelled like blood and was just as cracked as her, if not more.
They said "I love you" but his was a lie. She was not only second girl but he also cheated on her and the first girl with a guy. And he bragged to her friends about the girls he saw when he was admitted to a mental hospital. When she gave up her time to visit him and show dedication but it just seemed like it didn't matter. Because he broke her heart the second time. He was her second time saying the words "I love you" and she ment it, the first was the best friend that she dated that she no longer spoke to.
It didn't matter she blamed herself for trusting him.
She then she met a new guy a couple months later. They couldn't see each other in person and the cronavirus pandemic happened so it's not like that made it any easier so they were on FaceTime a lot. He makes this girl of glass feel like her cracks and everything about her is good. He makes her feel normal, is patient and sweet. He's funny and smart. And looks at both sides of the story before jumping to any conclusions. And he was a healthy mix of immature and mature that made her smile and laugh and also taught her things.
So maybe, in a world where she was a girl made of glass, she was unique and she couldn't see it yet.
(the video isn't mine)
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nenastrology · 5 years
if you're still doing the character ask, yuki and kyo please! also, did you see the new furuba trailer that recently came out??
oooh i hadnt seen the trailer but u made me like wanna go look it up and while im still not wild about like the character design the backgrounds and colors are soooooo gorgeous i really feel like the love and care into it im sooo excited you cannot believe also i love that u sent this finally i can return to my roots fruits basket blogging
How I feel about this character
kyo: god its really funny i remember really not liking him as a kid i was just like baby man hating lesbian who had it out for all the like love interests for main girls and somehow even him being a cat could never overcome that ironically even tho like usually all i need to like a character is some kind of connection with cats.. but then i like softened on him a lot i know i have like a little orange cat kyo somewhere that like i know i started to like him a lot more and when i reread it most recently i really really started to love him like his entire arc and how he really begins to open up and find connection and heal from trauma and like genuinely how his and tohrus relationship develops is sooo touching i really really love him hes sooo fun and like he makes you laugh he makes you cry and hes got a lot of really deep set pain and the way he goes about reconciling with yuki and how their conflict is resolved is really ugh poetry and genuinely the like whole themes of like you cant do things alone that you need others and others need you and how you improve each others lives and like idk he really means a lot to me now i love him dearly
yuki: i remember when i was little i was like contrarian and thought tohru and yuki should be together like somewhere halfway through and like i liked him but i also didnt really get him all that much like it didnt make all that much sense to me but like when i revisited fruits basket i realized i really really really love this character and god how the whole love triangle business is resolved and how like close yuki and tohru become and how he heals from his own trauma in his own way and how like kind and giving tohru is with him and the ways they like give each other what they need and like when he gets more social and confident and can goof off with the student council a bit and his friendship with kakeru whos like in many ways like kyo and ayame people who drive yuki kinda crazy and yet he like actually really gets along with him and comes out of his shell and can like be a person away from all the crazy bullshit and just be a normal teen it really hits you ya know god thank u fruits basket for such good characters
All the people I ship romantically with this character
kyo: tohru like god i really think straights should have rights actually tohru and kyo are soooo sweet and like they make each other laugh and they see each other as like idk the actual real kinda messy ugly people they can be and accept that when both of them often arent really seen fully as themselves that its like liberating to be seen as someone who hurts and to like let that out to each other and i really like cry when i read that final bit that they never stopped holding hands and its like them as old people with their grandkids visiting THEY ARE SOOO IN LOVE ;W; and they make each other sooo happy and bring out the best in each other this is how you write romance god
yuki: ok well i actually do really like how machi and yukis story is written that like he finally meets someone who doesnt idolize him and they really like understand each others pain and trauma in a way they dont even like need to talk about and like ok you know what they can be valid hets but like i need to take a moment for gay yuki theory here like genuinely that yuki realizes he was never attracted to tohru he just thought he had to be to like fill the role he saw that boys and girls that close should like hello hes not attracted to women hes literally a gay man thats like hes gay and the way he and kakeru like bond and open up in like such a fun way i think its very different from him and machi but its like really good that like he kinda drives him nuts but they have so much fun and he really brings out the fun sides of yuki and like THEYRE GOING TO COLLEGE TOGETHER like if miss takaya had brains they would date for a while in college and like very amicably break up and like always stay close like she really wrote half a coming out story there and like i KNOW theres some fucking line about him feeling comfortable or something really like the subtext is there i cant remember all the moments but yukis literally gay and like i think we gotta see that
My non-romantic OTP for this character
kyo: god arisa and kyo as friends is sooo fucking funny but like they arent close enough for that she just bullies him because she thinks hes not good enough for tohru like i like that yuki and kyo become friends but idk hes always gonna have a bit of a barrier between him and the rest of the zodiac i hate that this question is phrased otp cuz like the closest person in his life besides tohrus like his master and i dont wanna make it weird
yuki: tohru!!!! they matter so much to each other they really do love each other so much their friendship makes me wanna cry and then like also i guess machi here cuz i love their whole thing but like yukis gay so 
My unpopular opinion about this character
kyo: when i was little i didnt like him so that was probably unpopular hm idk like what anybody says about him i just live in my own bubble where i am the only person to ever have a fruits basket opinion in the past 6 years 
yuki: hes gay i just feel like straight girls arent big brained enough to pick up on this
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
kyo: god i wanna see arisa and saki say theyre his mother in laws now that they are tohrus moms and hes gotta impress them because thats extremely funny to me
yuki: hm i cant think of anything i just love his whole arc ;w;
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cozypancakes · 4 years
Hi there! I have another question if you're still up for answering them! I wanted to know who's your favorite character to write/develop in your series.
Always up for answering questions, thank you so much for asking. This sort of got away from me by like 1.8k words...I’d blame the voice to text feature I’m trying out cause it really encourages my ramblings, but this would’ve happened regardless. I also ended up talking about what I would write/develop about every character. My current answer to who my favorite is would be everyone (leaning towards Shirley at this very second, but basically everyone). All of the characters are fascinating so below is the short version of the parts I’d be most interested in developing.
Abed takes incredible precision to get his character right because his personality only changes in subtle ways. Chang has had multiple personalities and roles so now I don’t even know how to write him. Those two are awesome cause I love a challenge. Annie was a drug addict and has serious mommy issues. Addiction doesn’t just disappear. She has to have struggled/relapsed with that. Shirley had serious drinking issues and was a bully growing up. What was her rock bottom that turned her into someone who tries to always be nice and when did Christianity start playing a role in her life?? Frankie came to Greendale to take care of one of her “insane” relatives...nothing more was ever said on that! Britta is a mess but doesn’t deserve to be the butt of every joke. And also, why is she so afraid of herself? Troy’s lack of career ambition is valid so that would not be where I give him personality. Pierce is an asshole but his fear of being abandoned by everyone is not on the list of reasons why. 
What lies ahead is a lot of ramblings into every major character outside of Jeff and the Dean. Proceed at your own risk...
 So obviously since I write primarily deanjeff fanfic so those are the two I focus on the most. And I couldn’t possibly choose one over the other. I know Jeff has been getting more attention but I think the Dean’s journey is just as, if not more, fascinating. The people I think would be hardest to write about, would have to be Abed or Chang. with Chang it's difficult to really pinpoint his character after season 3. I think I need to re-watch it a lot more because personally I want to keep his crazy antics, that did not involve murder. He was such a narcissistic, sarcastic asshole in the first season and I kinda miss that. But he's really calmed down when he’s Kevin. Then they try to mix the two personalities together?  I don't understand the balance just yet. With Abed it feels a lot more like walking a tightrope. You need needlepoint accuracy to get Abed’s character right cuz it's very easy to slip into either incorrect exaggerations or misinterpretations of his personality. So if I'm ever up for a challenge one of those would be the two I'd have trouble pinning down. 
As far as who I would like to explore more, that's a really hard decision to make too. It would really be like the entire cast. Annie has so much stuff with her perfectionism and drug addiction that's never really touched upon and her issues with her mom. There's also the whole thing with her sexuality cause obviously I read her as a lesbian, though extremely repressed. Like how does her relationship with her mom influence her as she tries to define what kind of person she wants to be? And that is stressful to navigate by itself but then you have her addition issues. So it like can't really even begin to deal with one of them because they all feed into each other and they all feed into her bigger  anxiety about being the best and it's just a whirlpool of emotional trauma.
Shirley is, of course, another character that we just do not know much about. I’d love to dive into her character development. She kind of stays the Christian mom friend who has a troubled marriage for the majority of the series. They never even touched on the fact that she was a black business woman and any of the hardships that must come with that, even being at Greendale. Some of the questions I have is if her early life of excessive drinking is what drove her to Christianity so hard or if that was something she had from childhood? we also see that she was a bully in her childhood because she was bullied. So did that lead her to the drinking or was it strict expectations under a Christian household that made her drink. What was her rock bottom where she suddenly decided to change her entire life and like get sober and be nice all the time? What was her motivation for suppressing all her negative emotions? 
With Frankie, it wasn't until my third or fourth re-watch of the first season 6 episode that I realize she says she's at Greendale because she has to take care of one of her insane relatives like what is the story there? How much pressure is she under to take care of her family? How much of that has influenced her personality of being productive and in control all the time? Does she ever get a moment to just be weird or careless or insane herself? Did she have to be the parent when she was a small child? Did she ever get to be free? Does she know how to be? Is she a super private person by choice or because she’s learned to hide her family cause mental health issues are so taboo? What about her sexuality? Was she something she always knew about herself but, like with many other aspects of herself, never really felt bothered or able to celebrate or embrace outwardly? Did she view it was a fact of herself? ‘I have brown hair, light skin, and am pan/bi/lesbian.” Her attitude towards life makes it hard to imagine her having any sort of big reaction to her sexuality. Like, “Oh, I actually find women attractive. Okay then, I’ll have to research lesbian later.” in the most monotone, unaffected voice possible. Maybe it’s a coping mechanism. Like she’s had to deal with a lot of crazy things throughout her life so she’s adopted to focusing on fixing/adapting to the situation rather than reacting to it.  
At this point I've done almost every single character so I might as well add in Britta. I will admit I'm having a bit of trouble getting a grip on her character. I would definitely focus on having Britta be dysfunctional but not in such a negative way like the show makes it. Cause everyone on that show sucks in some way or another and yet Britta is the one who's supposed to suck more than all of them? The first time I watched the series I was really confused when they started picking on Britta. She wasn't worse than any of the other characters so why are you signaling her out and coining the term Britta’d it?? She doesn't even need a redemption, she just needs to not be made the butt of the joke unnecessarily. And then there's so much to explore with her white feminism and misguided attempts at activism and the fact that she does things that make her seem to care because she is trying so hard to not be the selfish person she thinks she is. And that's both incredibly sad and incredibly brave. Because obviously she isn't as bad as she thinks since she's making the attempt to be better. I really wonder what happened in her life that made her fear so much being apathetic and if that’s her issue with her parents. 
There's also Troy who I've never gotten to write about or in the perspective of since I'm focused on season 6 right now. First time I watched the repilot episode and Jeff said his entire identity was defined by his relationship with a man, I thought that was an exaggeration. But rewatching the series a couple times, it's really true and they point it out a lot throughout the series. Troy's basically just going along with whatever Abed wanted and other than the AC repairman plotline, which he obviously did not enjoy, he never really got his own thing. Which I think is completely valid. So I would love to show that Troy can be one of those people that has no ambition in life and be perfectly okay with that. His biggest goal in life is to be happy. Which in a capitalist society is really hard to admit and/or embrace. So after he comes back from his trip around the world, sure he'll have crazy stories and millions of dollars but I would like him to keep that innocent, carefree behavior. I don't want him to become Pierce in the sense that he's just spending money and doing nothing. But I don't want him to suddenly be anything other than what we've seen him to be. I also love all the posts on Tumblr about how Abed was the one that kind of taught him to be himself. So yeah he kind of adopts Abed’s fascination with TV shows and role-playing but at the same time I think he just loves being goofy and sweet. And maybe that's through a different medium. Maybe he finds love for music and he just makes amazing at it cough Childish Gambino cough. And it’s a natural talent like plumbing/AC repair. And everyone is telling him to go out there and become a great musician or rapper and he's just like this is just what I do for fun, don’t ruin it. 
Screw it, let's do Pierce now. I've already written an entire essay so I might as well finish off the one character I've been avoiding. So obviously there's a line of what is Pierce's character and what is the writer's exaggeration for the sake of comedy. Now, in this day in age, there is very little tolerance of old people getting a pass for being racist, homophobic, or sexist. And there's a lot of things that just would not slide where Pierce is concerned. Like if I met the guy it would just be a hard no immediately. You're not even worth getting to know, you're not even worth the effort. Pierce would definitely need a redemption arc (a real redemption arc where he honestly tries to do better not whatever that scene with Jeff tolerating his racism/homophobia in the barber shop was). I also think it's really important to note that ageism plays a role in how Pierce is perceived by the fandom. Because yes, he is an absolute racist piece of s*** (voice to text is censoring me, boo!). But the moments where he is acting out because he does not want to be left out oh, those are the moments where I think he is over judged by both the writers and the fandom. Because those fears are legitimate. They could have been developed and fleshed out. Progress could have been made. It's just a constant of his personality where he keeps being an a****** pushing people away so that they leave and he’ll be justified in his fear. Other characters do pretty bad things and yet are more easily forgiven than Pierce. I am speaking for myself here, of course. And there was this tumblr post that said something along the lines of  annoying perks are tolerated depending on how good looking and young the actors/characters are. And I think that happens with Pierce's character that is then amplified by the fact that he is racist and sexist. If I were to write Pierce, I don't know if I would even be able  to stomach the racism, but his self-destructive behavior would be something I would find interesting to address. Also, what made him leave all his money to Troy? I thought Annie was his favorite...In what world does he have enough emotional depth to not leave his favorite all the money??
Holy crap that took an hour and twenty minutes...if anyone bothered to read all of that, I would love to hear thoughts or headcanons. And bless you for being just as obsessed with this show as I am.
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incarnateirony · 1 year
I am genuinely starting to believe that the reason I've received so much targeted hostility in this fandom is yes, having a masculine view and perspective the whole damn time.
And again Not All Women(TM) but Definitely Some Women(TM) and Honestly A Lot Of Women(TM) lash out without inspection in trauma response to the patriarchy. It happened with white feminism pushing out trans and other allies. It happens in digital space here with the Vaguely Concerned Woman bus. It just. It happens guys, whether you want to admit it or not, and you can't fix it happening until you admit it.
But I've noticed there's different boxes. Some set up control where they can feel Comfortable. Others literally set up illusionary worlds they are the masters of with steak conspiracies, and have built a very large toy box. I think deep down, they know it is a doll house. They know they are roleplaying. To them, the supernatural actors are an Alternate Reality Game they can do whatever with the dolls of, and everybody's supposed to play along nice, and nobody can say anything, cuz some random person's feelings can be hurt.
But then you get your lines fucked up and take that lashing out control and start trying to control people into playing your ARG, because you feel uncomfortable. Double points in my case, where "Man speak loud, man invade womanspace, man tell woman what to do or something" when it's "lone trans man started as a woman in this fandom and is embarrassed at you people from both seats."
This has become critically apparent with the "WAAAA TAG THIS ANTI JARED" fucking no I fucking will not. This is a list of his real decisions and actions. Him abandoning you isn't anti-Jared. It's just fucking Jared. It's that you're not a special snowflake and HE doesn't care about your opinions either.
I know this conflicts with the idea that he is a toy in your doll house you can do whatever you want with. But apparently, I have to come in like the dad of grownassed women and tell them there's a world outside of their AO3 headcanons, and then they're like, you're being a misogynist because something something womanspace NO, GENUINELY FUCKING GO TOUCH GRASS.
Jared will NOT be henpecked into becoming the doll you want any more than *I* will be henpecked into doing what you want. Because men don't respond to henpecking, denials, and weird little roleplays. We simply fucking do not. He has made his decisions and is going to continue to make this trend of decisions, whether or not you functionally understand that he's a real person outside of your projected idealizations and parasocialization.
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