#do not repost just to counter my post make your own
deluweil · 4 months
Oh God yes, I am so for Tommy being gone just to have people stop being stupid about Eddie. Which is a pitty because at first I was intrigued by Tommy. Now i just want it to end.
And lol at your tags. I have blocked so many people lately, too. Not even stupid takes during TK era made me block so much. Some of them really take the cake now. All this hate towards Eddie is staggering. And to have the audacity to call eddieblr toxic (and yes, I have seen that and not only buddies are being called toxic these days).
HI there,
I have to say that I was intrigued and even excited for Tommy at first too, but there were a lot of things that just ruined it along the way, amongst them the last minute joiners and Eddie haters fans who just set out to make this place unbearable.
I wouldn't have minded Tommy so much if not for all the toxicity that brought with it and the poor writing and the money for specs from Lou.
Like wth dude, didn't anyone teach you to be correct, you can't justify Tommy's behavior in S2 and pass it as teasing. It's like punching someone in the face in rage or nearly break someone's ankle for attention and call it roughhousing. (not joking, I literally had an ask with someone justifying the white man railroading the POC for attention as roughhousing. - When Buck himself said he wasn't sure it wasn't done on purpose. like wtf?)
lol I live for those tags, everyone say their real thoughts and be funny in tags, it's so much fun.
I literally bonded with that block button, I haven't blocked so many ppl since early S4 and the porn bots attack lol
Ppl need to chill, everyone is entitled to their opinions but are not entitled to force it upon others.
Ship who you want but tag properly and don't be toxic about.
A lot of ppl read X's posts and come to rant about it here, Tumblr is not X, most of the ppl here are ppl who hate X's toxicity. I have deleted my account so many years ago.
We are here to have fun, so I say ship who you want, TAG PROPERLY, and leave us the hell alone.
Eddie/Ryan haters are all blocked so thankfully I don't see those, but if after everything they still hate on Eddie for something Ryan apologized several times for, learned from it and has bettered himself to the point that Aisha posted a thankful for Ryan story once and they have so many pictures together where she hugs him like he's one of the most precious ppl to ever live, than I have to call pure racism.
And that would explain the sudden admiration to the new white man on screen to be paired with the other white man who is by chance also the fan favorite.
Don't get it twisted, I love Oliver and Oliver loves Ryan and Eddie, but one has to wonder about the audience's choice of favorite even as they call against racism and for equality and with the same breath hate on a regular poc character.
I'm hoping this bizarre season ends on a good note, because otherwise S8 may be the last season.
Keeping my fingers crossed.
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lonelyharmonies · 1 year
just friends
what happens when you wake up in someone else’s bed after getting drunk in a party?
pairing: jaehyun x fem reader type: fluff, strangers-to-friends-to-lovers au (or kinda), college au, word count: 22k warnings: swearing, slightly suggestive sometimes a/n.: hello friends!! this story here is my baby, the first full fic i've ever written 💚 3 years later i still love it as the first time i've posted it. i hope you enjoy it as much as i do. if you think you have read this story before, youprobably did, this is a repost. not very much edited so you might find some mistakes, i apologize!
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The sunlight peeking through the curtains meets your face and you wake up as soon as your cheeks get warm. You didn’t remember your bed being this comfortable. A foreign smell invades your nostrils but you don’t mind for a moment. The perfume had notes of lavender and it was sort of strong, but you didn’t mind, deciding to put your head further into the pillow, capturing more of that pleasant scent.
A few minutes later, you open your eyes and it takes a while for you to realize it isn’t your bedroom. Neither is your cousin’s. You have no idea where and why you are here. The room is small but cozy, way different from your own. You can see some heavy books on the shelves next to you and a box full of vinyl.
You turn your head to the right to find a naked back facing you. Analyzing the body proportions and the room you were in, you assumed it was a boy. 
What happened to you? Why were you sleeping with a stranger?
You tried to remember the events from last night.
“Come on, Y/N, it’s gonna be fun!” “I don’t like frat parties, Taeyong.” you repeat the same line “Plus, I am really tired. Do you know how many assignments I have due next week? And tutoring is killing. Some students really push my buttons.” “See? You are so stressed! A couple of beers will do you good.”
Then, you remembered the noise. A lot of noise. You see flashes from the previous night events: there were people dancing, Mark Lee spilling his drink on you, and a shirtless Yuta dancing on the top of the kitchen’s counter. The only thing that wasn’t clear on your mind was how you ended up in this room.
Your cousin was in front of you, clearly drunk. You knew he was a lightweight. He knew he was a lightweight. That was probably the reason why Taeyong would always try to find a way to drag you to the parties with him: to clean the mess he makes. “I can’t drive you back, pumpkin. I’m sorry,” He said, bringing his hands to cup his face, as a way to act cute, but spilling his drink on the floor in the process. “Well, I’m already aware of this. You don't even have a license.” You felt your head spinning. Taeyong smiles and focuses on something behind you “I’ll call an Uber. Or maybe I should just walk,” You fished your phone out of your pocket, but your cousin took it away from you. “No, no. Don’t go home now.” He waved at someone while you tried to get your phone back. “You should enjoy this party. How long haven’t you made out with someone?” “LEE TAEYONG!” You and Johnny, who had placed an arm on your shoulders, shouted at the same time. “and The Cousin!”  “Can she sleep here tonight, Johnny? She’ll sleep in my room” Taeyong asked and Johnny screamed “Sure” while you tried to scold the other boy. “Lee Taeyong, come back here. Who said I agreed-” you tried to grab your cousin’s arm but he deflected your touch and went straight to a group of girls.  “Hey, hey, Y/N. “ Johnny called your attention. “Relax.” He handed you a shot glass full of a transparent liquid “The night has just started.”
While you were trying to remember what happened the night before, the man that is lying beside you wakes up. Jaehyun turns around and lays his eyes on your figure. At first, he thought he was still dreaming, but the scream that left your mouth once you met his gaze made Jaehyun realize it wasn’t a dream.
You get so startled that you lean backward as Jaehyun tries to hold your arm to keep you in place.
 “Be careful, you’re gonna hurt-” 
You don’t finish listening to his sentence as your body hits the ground with a loud thud. If you were sleepy before, falling out of the bed made you feel completely awake. You knocked your head on the bedside table and groaned quite loudly.
“Good morning, Y/N.” He says from his bed, looking at your lying figure on the floor.
Now that you could see the stranger’s face, you just wished to go back to sleep. Dying was also a good option. Not even in your wildest dreams, you would imagine waking up next to Jeong Jaehyun after getting dead drunk at one of his fraternity’s parties. 
You met Jaehyun when your cousin dragged you to your first frat party two years ago. You were getting some drinks in the kitchen when you laid your eyes on him playing beer pong with Yuta. You didn’t know a guy could look so attractive just by drinking beer wearing an all-black outfit. Ever since, you admired him from afar, never failing to be awestruck by his nice features. You never got the courage to talk to Jaehyun, but it all changed when your cousin insisted that you should help his friend Johnny.
“He is just trying to learn a new language.”  Taeyong would blatantly answer every time you questioned his friend’s sudden interest in taking Spanish classes. At the time, you were working for the Language Center at your university, so the two boys were constantly pestering you to sign Johnny up for the Spanish course and they only stopped once you gave in. It didn’t take you long to find out the reason why Johnny was so persistent: Mrs. García, or Isabela García, the senior student that taught the course: Spanish for Speakers of Other Languages. She was very sweet, smart, and popular among everyone on Campus and, apparently, Johnny was trying to have his shot with her while getting extra credits.  Eventually, you became closer. Not only because of your shared class but because Taeyong was your mutual friend. It was after one of your classes that you formally met Jaehyun for the first time, six months after seeing him in that party for the first time. He was waiting outside, a tray with coffee in one hand and a paper bag in the other. “I can’t believe you thought it was a good idea to try to make a pickup line in Spanish.” you sighed loudly. “You can barely introduce yourself. Plus, she’s your teacher, keep it in your pants.” “Please, I was amaz- OH, whassup Jeffrey?!” Johnny spotted his friend waiting for him “This is my boring classmate Y/N. Y/N, this is Jaehyun.” “Hi, nice to meet you,” you said sheepishly, avoiding to look at his face. “Nice to meet you too.” “Today I said to Isabella that she was “La chica más Bella I’ve ever seen.” You know, Isabella and all-” “I don’t speak Spanish, Johnny.” the guy mumbled and you suppressed a smile. “- and even though I couldn’t say the whole sentence in Spanish, she smiled at me and said I was sweet. I bet she loved it.” “I clearly remember her disgusted face when she asked you to keep doing the exercise.” “You're lying to make me look bad.” “She wouldn’t need to lie, Hyung,” Jaehyun said, making you giggle.
After that meeting, you did talk to each other, but never alone. It was either at their fraternity parties or at lunch when he would join you, Johnny, and Taeyong. Now, you had slept in his bed and didn’t even remember how you ended up there. 
“I have no idea how I ended up on your bed. I am so, so sorry, Jaehyun.” you clumsily start standing up and finding your way to the door. “I-I swear I would never sleep with you.” 
You realize what you said and widened your eyes regretting your words. The boy, on the other hand, only chuckles and stays laid down on his bed, finding quite amusing your flustered and messy state.
“Ouch, it kinda hurts my pride” 
“I mean- I don’t mean like that. You are very attrac-” you stop yourself and shake your hand in front of your body “What I mean is, of course, I would sleep with- NO!” you stop, taking a deep breath. 
Why couldn’t you come up with a simple sentence? You decide to focus on the Mickey Mouse plushie on the top of his shelf and start again.
“This is so embarrassing! What I’m trying to say is-”
Jaehyun’s laughter stops you. He runs his hands through his fingers as he sits on his bed, with the comforter only covering his bottom parts, torso completely exposed.
“I think you mean that you wouldn’t take advantage of me.” 
“Yes! Yes. That’s exactly what I was trying to say.” you quickly agree, averting your gaze from his figure.
“I also have no idea how you ended up here.” Jaehyun states, grabbing a black t-shirt from the ground “but I’m sure nothing happened because I went to bed early last night. And alone.” he emphasizes the last part “Were you at the party?”
“Yeah,” you answered while looking at your feet and end up taking a glance at your stained shirt. 
The stain on your shirt makes you realize how fucked up you must look. You also smell terrible. Why was this happening to you? There were so many bedrooms in this house, why did you end up precisely in his?
“I had a few drinks last night…”
“A few?” he raises an eyebrow curiously.
“Maybe too many.” you scratch the back of your head and keep looking down.
Then, the awkward silence comes. You, standing there, in the middle of the room, like a statue in the middle of the room and Jaehyun a few steps away from you. It fazed you how he managed to look charming even after just waking up. 
“So, uh… The door…” he says motioning to the door behind you, snapping you back to reality.
“Oh, yes, sure. I’m sorry.” you turn back and open the door. 
Luck being on your side, the first thing you see as you get out of the room is your friend, Johnny, holding a puzzled look on his face.
“Isn’t it Jaehyun’s…”
You grumble and turn to your left, heading to the staircase, not giving Johnny enough time to make questions.
"Did you sleep together?” he asks Jaehyun loud enough for you to hear by the end of the hall.
“NO,” both of you say at the same time. 
Actually, you screamed from the top of the staircase and Jaehyun mumbled beside Johnny. “I think she’s not really interested.” he completes with a sarcastic note, chuckling.
“Why was she coming out of your room? How did that happen?” 
“Did you smell her clothes? She was probably dead drunk last night.”
By the time the boys reached the messy living room, you were already opening the front door.
“At least drink a cup of coffee” Johnny offers and you shake your head.
“Tell Taeyong I went back to the dorms,” you say, stepping outside and shutting the door as fast as you could. 
“Let me drive-” Johnny starts but you close the door before he could finish “you.”
The two boys head to the kitchen and start preparing their breakfast. Johnny places a cup of coffee in front of Jaehyun who smiles and silently thanks him. The next one to wake up is Yuta, who walked down the stairs inexplicably happy for someone who should have a hangover.
"Care to explain why this house is so noisy on a Saturday morning?” he calls the room’s attention to himself. “I hear too many voices.”
“There was a misunderstanding,” Jaehyun mumbles.
“What do you mean?” Yuta raised an eyebrow at the younger and Johnny giggled.
“Y/N woke up on Jaehyun’s bed this morning.” 
“What, Taeyong’s cousin?” he turns to Johnny who nods “She slept with you?” Yuta gaps at the younger boy “So she finally admitted she-”
“YUta” Johnny interrupts him “I was joking.”
“She was just really drunk and ended up in my room last night,” the youngest says, munching his cereal “When she got there I was already asleep. I didn’t spend a lot of time at the party last night. I have three projects to hand in this month. They are tiring me out.” 
“So, Y/N really slept with you?” Yuta asked again.
“In my room,“ Jaehyun corrects. “Well, if you excuse me, I’ll go to the gym.” he gives them a small smile and leaves the kitchen.
“Yuta, you almost said Y/N likes Jaehyun!” Johnny whispers-yells at Yuta.
“Well, it’s not like she knows how to hide her crush.”
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“So you’re telling me that you slept with Jeong Jaehyun?” your roommate asks after you finished telling her about the events of the previous night.
You sigh loudly and shove her hands from your hair. “Did you listen to what I said? I slept on his bed because I was drunk and probably thought I was entering Taeyong’s room.”
“Come back here, I didn’t finish drying your hair.” she pulls you back by your shoulders “It would have been nice if you had slept with him. I heard stories about Jaehyun…”
“You should stop gossiping around,” You roll your eyes.
“Don’t pull up this act, I know you love it when I spill all the tea for you,” she pulls your hair with unnecessary strength, making you groan “Some girls say he really knows how to use his tongue, you know…” she says, pointing down at your lower body and you hit her hand.
“I don’t wanna hear it,” you say in disgust. “Plus, I don’t know how so many people know how Jaehyun is in bed. He looks really reserved and quiet.“
“The quiet ones are the worst, my friend.” your roommate says before blowing air on your right ear, making you yank away from her.
It was midday when you decided to open your laptop and get some work done. You have three essays due to Thursday and you haven’t even started. It was now your third year and the pressure on your shoulders was getting heavier each day. You’re a good student, excellent grades, the professors love you, but after spending all those years studying communication, you still don’t know what you want to do with your life.
Taeyong always says that your problem is that you are too afraid to take the first step. Deep down, you know what you want, you’re just too afraid to pursue it.
Not even twenty minutes after starting your assignment, you hear a special ringtone and see your cousin’s face on your phone’s screen.
“I’ll stop calling you pumpkin and I’ll ask Sicheng if you can have his nickname,” Taeyong says as soon as you pick up the call.
“Who is Sicheng?” 
“Winwin” he replied and you hummed acknowledging. He was a Chinese exchange student who lived with your cousin last year.
“And why would I want to be called Winwin?”
“Because a little bird told me you managed to hook up with Jaehyun. That’s not even a regular win, you deserve a fucking Olympic gold medal for finally going for him.”
You sighed loudly and groaned at your cousin’s words. Did you really think they would keep quiet about this morning’s accident? All the gossips of the campus either start or finish in the damn frat house. They love gossiping. 
"I know your little bird is six feet tall and goes by Johnny,” you say in annoyance. “Couldn’t he keep his mouth shut?”
“It’s like I always say, Cousin,” you hear Johnny’s faint voice, apparently he was far from the microphone “Once the tea’s ready, we need to spill it. But in fact, no. It wasn’t me.” 
“First, I’m not your Cousin, Johnny,” you say, clearing your throat. “Second, you should spill your fucking tea correctly then,” you growl at him which makes both men laugh at the other end of the line. “We didn’t sleep together - I mean, we did sleep together but-”
“I KNEW IT! I told you I heard weird noises coming from the kitchen.” 
You hear a high pitched voice coming from your cousin’s side. You will kill Taeyong as soon as you get a chance.
“Taeyong, is this Donghyuck? That demon? How many people are listening to this phone call?” you lower your voice and feel your cheeks getting hot. Either from embarrassment or anger. (It was probably both).
“Only me, Johnny, Hyuck and Mark.” he simply states, making you huff in annoyance. ONLY four people discussing about your life.
 “WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME, THEN?” you scream and hear a bang on your wall, warning you about the noise. “Sorry!” you scream again to apologize. “You said Mark is there? Hey, Mark!”
“Hi, Y/N. I’m still very sorry about your shirt. I promise to buy you a new one,” he says closer to the phone.
“It’s okay, sweetie. My roommate knows how to clean the stain.” 
“Why do you call Mark sweetie and call me a demon? Hyuckie is sad,” Donghyuck says, faking a cute voice.
“Cut the crap, demon. You don’t deserve my love and affection.” you say looking back at your open laptop, realizing you won’t be able to focus anymore “By the way, what does the noise have to do with me? It could have been literally anyone.”
“Well, I heard that you guys spent the whole night, you know… Having fun. Even on the kitchen counter,” the youngest says suggestively ,making you gasp.
“That’s why I called, we needed to confirm the story,” Taeyong says laughing at your reaction.
“STOP LAUGHING! THIS IS NOT FUN” you hear your dorm neighbor punching your wall again and you snap “I’M BEING DEFAMED, ABIGAIL. GIVE ME A BREAK.” you scream towards the wall she has just punched.
“Abigail should just buy earplugs. She gets irritated by any sound you make.” you hear your cousin mumbling.
“Don’t try to change the subject, Taeyong.” you warn him “I am seriously so mad at you. Especially you, Johnny. I’m sure Jaehyun explained the whole incident.”
“She’s really mad, isn’t she?” someone whispers and the rest of them giggle.
“I can hear you.”
“Yeah, Jaehyun told me you were drunk and ended up in his bed, but who knows what happened before the sun came out.” Johnny giggles.
“NOTHING happened, for your information. I didn’t have sex on the kitchen counter” and you make sure to quickly answer “OR on Jaehyun’s bed. I didn’t hook up with that man, please, stop getting on my nerves.”
“Sicheng can keep being Winwin, she’s still a loser.” you hear Donghyuck snickering at his joke.
“But why did you go to Jaehyun’s room, though?” Mark asks.
“My drunk-self probably thought it was Taeyong’s,” you answer and throw yourself on your bed.
The line stayed silent for some seconds, the boys were whispering something to themselves but you couldn’t understand anything they were saying.
“So, dear cousin.” he has just started and you could already assume he was trying to hold back his laughter.
“Do you know your cousin’s bedroom is the first room on the right?” Johnny asks and you hum in response.
“Jaehyun hyung stays at the end of the hall, dude..." Mark continues.
“On the left,” Donghyuck adds.
“Are you insinuating I went there on purpose?” you ask them “I was drunk!”
“You know what they say, noona,” you hear Donghyuck’s “drunk actions are sober thoughts.”
“That’s not how it goes,” you mumble.
“We all know you like Jaehyun hyung.” you gasp at the youngest words. “It’s not like you make an effort to hide your crush on him. Even Yuta hyung knows it.”
“I promise I didn’t say anything to them,” Johnny says immediately
“Me neither.” Taeyong adds “But Hyuck made a good point, you’re not subtle.”
“Do you remember last Tuesday how she choked on her own saliva when Jaehyun offered her sour gummies?” Johnny added laughing.
“Stop mocking me.” you huffed. “Please, don’t make a big deal out of this. The situation itself is already embarrassing.”
“You should shoot your shot, Y/N.” Mark says in a supportive tone “If I hadn’t made the first move, I wouldn’t be dating now.”
“Yes, we support you.”
“If even Mark has a girlfriend, you can get that d- OUCH DON’T HIT ME”
“Plus, you already know each-”
“You’re not that bad-looking either-”
All the boys start speaking at the same time and you think you might go crazy. What are they talking about? Dating Jeong Jaehyun? It’s not like you were in love with the guy, it was only a crush, for heaven’s sake! You were only acquaintances and dating was definitely not your top priority right now. You hang up on the rambling boys at the same time your roommate comes back to your shared room.
“What happened? Abigail was complaining about you screaming at her,” she says closing the door and sitting beside you.
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When Monday came, you instantly wished that it was Friday. You are woken up by a pillow being thrown at you, full force. The alarm on your phone must have been ringing for a while but you didn’t hear it.
“Good morning to you too, Jiwoo.” you groan.
“Turn this off,” she says covering her head with her comforter looking like a caterpillar. “What time are you free today? Wanna grab dinner?”
“Spanish class finishes at 7.” you yawn and stand up, finally getting enough strength to start your day.
You’ve been taking Spanish classes for a year and a half now. And even though Mrs. García graduated last semester, Johnny continued taking the classes, which positively surprised you.
“I’ll meet you at the Language Center, then.” she pokes her head out of her comfortable cocoon to whisper “You can invite that hot classmate of yours. The tall one.”
“I’m not gonna invite Johnny,” you say shaking your head and choosing your pair of jeans and t-shirt of the day “He will certainly embarrass me.”
“We’ve been living together for three years, is there anything about you I don’t know yet?” she says, now sitting on her bed. “Stop being selfish and help your lonely friend here.”
“Why Johnny, though?” you ask, turning your head to her “Remember how he signed up for the Spanish classes only because of the hot teacher?”
“Yeah, he’s a frat boy.” she says shrugging her shoulders “But it’s not like I want to marry him. It’s like Cyndi Lauper used to say...” she stands up and takes her phone out of the charger and ‘Girls Just Wanna Have Fun’ starts playing. You roll your eyes and smile at her.
“Alright, I’ll ask Johnny.” you close your drawer and open the bedroom’s door “Just turn it off before Abigail starts hitting our wall.”
Your morning classes went smoothly, no surprises. Some professors scheduled exams for next month and you made sure to add a reminder on your phone. At noon you went to the cafeteria to buy your lunch and ran to Mrs. Park’s office. She was one of the professors responsible for the Academic Writing course, and because of your excellent grades, she recommended you as a tutor. Despite being an elective subject, a lot of freshmen always signed up for it since it was very helpful during your undergraduate life.
Once you get into the long hall, you swallow the last piece of your sandwich and knock on her door. The old lady opened it with a smile, motioning for you to enter.
“How are you today, dear?” she says sitting on her chair and you mirror her action.
“I’m fine, thank you. Is everything alright, Mrs. Park? You called me here…” you say cautiously earning a giggle from the lady.
“Oh, don’t worry dear. I’m sorry if my email sounded so urgent, I just wanted to talk to you about your tutoring classes.” she types something on her laptop and looks back at you. “There are some foreign students in my class who might need help not only with the academic style but the language itself. I will ask you to be patient and take a closer look at them.”
“Of course! I haven’t tutored any foreign student yet, but I’ll gladly help them,” you say smiling.
“I’ll keep you updated with my lesson plans and their assignments…”
Your meeting with Mrs. Park was short and very pleasant, as always. She was kind enough to give you a cookie once you finished. You were now heading back to the main building, finding your way to the library where you would continue the assignments you postponed on Saturday. Too focused on arriving as soon as possible, you didn’t see a tall guy, holding three heavy books, coming in your direction and when you realized, it was too late to get out of his way. You met the floor, just like the books and some of his notes.
“I’m so sorry.” you start picking up the sheets of paper next to you “I didn’t see…” you only meet his eyes when the guy kneels and picks up one of the books on the floor.
“Hi, Y/N” Jaehyun’s lips stretched into a subtle smile, showing the dimples on his cheeks.
“Oh, hi! I’m so sorry for this mess.” you say, both standing up. “I didn’t see you there.”
“You’ve been apologizing a lot lately,” he comments, remembering your flustered state two days before.
“Sor-” you stop yourself before you could finish your apologies, again. Jaehyun giggles at you.
“You’re distracted, it happens.” he shrugs, smiling widely and you swore your heart was going to combust at that very moment. “Gotta go, see you around.”
You don’t even have time to answer, the boy was already at the end of the hall.  
Some hours later and with an empty stomach, you finish your first essay and check the time. You had five minutes to get to class. Hurriedly, you gathered your belongings and ran across buildings to get there on time. Fortunately, the teacher wasn’t in class yet. But Johnny was.
“Señorita, muy tarde, ¿no?” he says and you roll your eyes “Our Spanish princess is late, I can’t believe it.”
“Stop being so annoying.” you say throwing your bag beside him, “I thought I was the Spanish queen. Did you declass me?”
“Now that that straight A student is gone, I gave it a second thought and I believe the queen title belongs to her,. But you're the second best," he says taking a pen and a notebook out of his backpack, making you raise an eyebrow. “I promised I wouldn’t copy your notes this semester.”
“I have to say I’m surprised. I didn’t think you would want to keep studying Spanish.“
"Why not?”
“I thought you only wanted to… you know… hang out with our teacher.” you hesitate.
“Since when is fuck a forbidden word?” he chuckles “Yes, I wanted to fuck her but I told you, I wanted to learn a new language too.”
“You didn’t need to be rude, Johnny,” you mumble and he laughs.
“Plus, I’m doing this for you too.” you give him a questioning look and he replies with a cheeky grin “So you can see Jaehyun’s face twice a week.”
“And here I was considering hooking you up with my roommate,” you say to him.
“What do you mean?”
“She invited you to have dinner with us tonight because she wants to flirt with you.” you say bored, looking at your wristwatch. “Isn’t the teacher a bit late?”
“Well, I’m free tonight, why don’t give your sweet roommate a chance?”
“Just, please, tone it down while I’m eating. I don’t want to be the third-wheel.”
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You had a knife and you weren’t afraid to use it against Johnny right now. When he said he would make sure that you wouldn't be thirdwheeling, he didn’t mention it involved inviting Jeong Jaehyun.
“Is it a double date?” Jiwoon whispered in your ear when she saw the boy approaching your table.
“This is not a date,” you say behind your gritted teeth. “Johnny…” you look at the man in front of you and he smiles widely.
“So, Jiwoo, that’s my friend Jaehyun. We live together.” Johnny introduces Jaehyun to your roommate, who shakes his hand. “This is Jiwoo.”
“Nice to meet you, Jaehyun.”
“I called you here because I thought it would be nice to have a double date!” Johnny boldly says making your eyes grow wider and your face burn. It made Jaehyun’s ear red, but that you didn’t notice.
“This is a friendly dinner,” you say, taking the knife from the table, “and I would appreciate it if you stop being so inconvenient.”
“I thought I could call it a date after what happened Saturday morning.” Johnny grins at you and before you could scream at him, Jaehyun speaks first.
“Stop bringing that up,” he places a hand on Johnny’s shoulder, “you’re making her uncomfortable.”
“Why are your ears so red, Jaehyunnie?” Johnny tilts his head to the side and places both hands on the other boy’s ears.
“I’ll punch your face once we get home,” the younger mumbles and Johnny lifts an eyebrow.
“It will be fun watching you try,” he mumbles back. “So, ladies, shall we order?”
After the dramatic introductions, the dinner went quite well and there wasn’t another mention regarding The Incident (how you like to call it on your mind). Johnny and Jiwoo were too engrossed in their own flirting to think about embarrassing their friends. It was a really pleasant meal and by the end of it, you found out Jaehyun is easygoing and it wasn’t hard to hold a conversation once he opened up. He told you about his major, architecture, even though you already knew that, and said he was glad that Johnny invited him to dinner because, being full of projects to finish, he probably wouldn’t even remember to eat properly.
“We know each other for what, a year and a half?” he asks and you nod. “How come we never talked like this?”
“I think we never had the chance,” you say smiling.
Johnny and your roommate were walking behind you. You glanced back and saw his arms around her shoulders, giggling while she blushed.
“They are disgusting,” you say with disdain, and Jaehyun laughs. “Seriously. I asked him to tone it down… I’m tired of thirdwheeling,” you say under your breath, but Jaehyun hears you.
“Is that why Johnny called me?” he says suggestively “So you did want it to be a double date.”
“What? NO!” you say hitting his left arm but regretting right after. You just got to know the guy, you are not that close yet. But your heart feels lighter once he chuckles.
“Do you know why Johnny always messes with you?” he asks and you shake your head. “Because you get riled up easily. I was only joking, dummy.” he flicks your forehead lightly, smiling at you, exposing his dimples.
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“So, you and Jaehyun talked a lot, huh,” Jiwoo says while both of you are on your way back to the dorms. It was late, but you didn’t mind missing a few hours of sleep. Not today.
“Yeah, he was friendly,” you refrain yourself from saying much more. “I had no one else to talk to since you and Johnny were almost making out in front of me,” you say with a playful smile while she pushes out of the sidewalk.
“You are exaggerating.” she sighs and you smile wider “But we did flirt.”
“Did you give him your number?” you ask, linking your arms together.
“Yes, we exchanged numbers. I hope he texts first.”
“Oh, don’t wait for Johnny.” you say and Jiwoo tilts her head in confusion “He will forget to text you. Once we get home, send him something like ‘thanks for dinner’ or ‘I had so much fun tonight’ and he will be happy.”
The rest of the walk back home was your friend trying to embarrass you bringing up Jaehyun and you trying not to get riled up easily, as the boy had mentioned before. You realized your attempts to remain unbothered were in vain when Jiwoo was running away from you to avoid physical retaliation.
Both of you entered the building laughing as quietly as you could. Once you got to your floor, you headed to the end of the hall, meeting one of your neighbors, Abigail, getting out of her own room with a plate full of cookies.
“Hello, girls! I made those cookies for my roommate, but she’s already asleep. Do you want to share it?”
“Are you sure you don’t wanna keep them for when she wakes up?” Jiwoo asks, already putting a cookie on her mouth “I take it back. Yes, we accept the cookies.”
“Is it good?” she asks expectantly.
“This is DIVINE!” you hit your roommate’s shoulder and open your door.
After accpeting you neighbor's cookies and chatting for a bit, you and Jiwoo went to bed. You laid your head down on your pillow and, even though you felt tired, you couldn’t get out of your head images of a certain dimpled boy. Before The Incident, you and Jaehyun barely had opportunities to know each other like you did tonight. Of course, you would rather cut off your tongue than tell Johnny you liked his idea of inviting the boy. It made you wonder if getting to know him better will make your little crush fade away or make it bigger. You sincerely hoped for the former.
In the morning, rather than your alarm, your cousin’s ringtone woke you up. You groaned and picked up the phone.
“Good morning, pumpkin! Is the grass greener, the world beautiful and life worth living yet?” you hear his giggles and sigh loudly.
Johnny Fucking Seo.
“You are alive to bother me, life still sucks.” you whisper trying not to wake up Jiwoo “Do you know you woke me up before my alarm? What time…” you take your phone from your ears to check the time and when you read 6:17 am on the screen, you know Taeyong days are numbered. “Are you a psychopath? I still had almost an hour of sleep.”
“I just wanted to make sure you wouldn’t be late!” he says loudly and you hear a thud in the background “And also because I wanna meet my lovely cousin before my first class that starts at 8:30. I’m making a special breakfast for us.”
“Please, don’t.” you have flashbacks from the last time Taeyong made a ‘special breakfast’ you had to spend the rest of your day taking antacid “Just stick with simple breakfast. Simple is good.”
“Okay, then. Meet you at 7:30 in the cafeteria.” he says and when you are about to hang up, he finishes with “I might invite Jaehyun too.”
“LEE TAEYONG” you whisper-yell but he had hung up before you could protest. The person who said that family is everything clearly didn’t have an annoying cousin like Taeyong.
You spend some time scrolling through your social media and messaging death threats to Johnny and Taeyong. Then you decide to get up and write a note to your friend. Today both of your classes wouldn’t start until 10 am, so you decided to warn her and let her sleep peacefully.
At 7:35 you arrived at the cafeteria and spotted Taeyong sitting in one of the tables, two trays in front of him.
“You are late.”
“Only five minutes.” you shrug “I thought you were making me a special breakfast,” you go to his side and greet him with a hug.
“You said I should make it simple so I bought you the cafeteria breakfast. Don’t complain.” he takes his bag off the chair next to him and motions for you to sit down. “I need your help.”
You frown while munching a piece of bread. “Help? I thought you called to make fun of me for going on a date with Jaehyun.”
“And yet, you came, willingly. I’ll tell Johnny you considered it a date.” he had a knowing smile adorning his face. “But, no, I wouldn’t wake up earlier just to annoy you. You’re not that important.” he says while peeling a banana. “First, don’t forget that my sister is coming to visit us this weekend. My mom will kill me if you’re not there to celebrate with us.”
Taeyong’s family lived closer than yours. Being only a one hour drive to his hometown, both of you constantly pay your aunt a visit - most of the time requested by her. This time, Taeyong’s sister is visiting after a whole year living abroad with her son and husband, so, obviously, there would be a huge family gathering.
"But I also need your help with a surprise party. Yuta’s birthday is coming soon and I would ask for the boys’ help, but now that Doyoung is gone I can only trust Taeil.”
“That’s because your friends can’t keep their mouth shut,” you mumble and see your cousin smiling. “What do you want me to do? I don’t know Yuta that well, he will find it weird…”
“You won’t need to talk to him or anything. I was thinking you could buy decorations and make the cake.”
“Where will you celebrate it? You can go bowling, maybe going to an arcade… Arcade sounds nice.”
“Arcade? How old are you 12?” Taeyong scoffs. “We’ll just throw a party and invite everyone.”
“You will throw a frat party and give a cake to the guy and call it a surprise?” you deadpan. “Are you dumb?”
“Yeah, I’m throwing him a party. What else do you want me to do?” he looks at you bewildered.
“Well, if your plan is throwing a party and inviting everyone on campus, you won’t need to worry about your friends because Yuta will know one way or another.“ you sigh and place your sandwich back on the tray. “It will be a party full of people who barely know him… it’s better if you just take him to a place he likes. Maybe an amusement park? You can try to find a ticket for that french film festival, he looks cultured, he might like it.”
“People don’t want to spend their birthday at cultured festivals, Y/N. People wanna get drunk. I’m people. Yuta is people.” Taeyong says stealing your sandwich.
“Give it back, thief.” you take it from his hands “I’m not saying he can’t get drunk, I’m just saying it’s stupid to make a frat party to celebrate his birthday, there’s nothing special in it.”
You continue bickering for a couple of minutes until a tall figure appears patting Taeyong shoulder and sitting next to you.
“Good morning to you”
You hear his baritone voice and your heart starts beating faster, but you say to yourself that it had nothing to do with Jaehyun being right beside you. Your pulse was fast because of your argument with Taeyong, yes, that was the reason.
"What are you fighting about?”
“Before you murder me, I didn’t know he would be here.” Taeyong whispers to you. “I didn’t know you had classes early today, Jae.”
“Yeah, I actually came early because of my group project. One of the girls ruined it and now we need to fix it.” he scratches the back of his head and you see him slumping against the chair “What were you talking about?”
“Yuta’s birthday.” you blurt out at the same time as Taeyong says “My mom’s dinner.”
“Sorry…” you say smiling apologetically to your cousin “I’m sure Jaehyun won’t say anything.”
“So, Jae, we’re planning a birthday party,” Taeyong starts but you interrupt.
“You are being unreasonable.“ you scoff at your cousin “Your idea doesn’t make ANY sense. You can’t make a surprise party when you plan to invite half campus.”
“Could you, please, shut up?” he warns, lifting his index finger in your direction “I was telling her that we could throw a big surprise party and invite everyone to celebrate Yuta’s birthday.”
“Basically, he wants to throw one of your frat parties and expects Yuta to be surprised. This is a terrible idea.” you say crossing your arms over your chest “I suggest something more intimate, for his close friends…”
“You’re just saying this because you don’t like our parties. They are the most fun-“ Jaehyun interrupts Taeyong before he can finish.
“I agree with your cousin, hyung.” you and Taeyong quickly shift your attention to the boy “She has a point. You can’t expect that everyone you invite won’t tell Yuta. And it’s his birthday, he should celebrate with people that actually care about him,” he sips his iced coffee before continuing “We can make a small surprise party. I heard Winwin is planning to visit us and Johnny knows one of his classmates, he can ask-“
"No, not Johnny.” you interrupt him “He will end up telling Yuta about the party.”
“I can try talking to the guy, I guess.” he smiles and you nod happily.
“See, Taeyong, that’s what we call a good idea,” you say and he makes a disgusted face.
“Since when are you guys that close? You had your first date yesterday!“ your cousin teases you and you throw a banana at him.
“It was a friendly dinner.” Jaehyun corrects Taeyong, copying your words from yesterday. You smile, even though a tiny part of you felt a little bit hurt that he didn’t consider it a date. “And this has nothing to do with our new friendship, I’m just being fair.”
Taeyong hums looking at the younger boy suspiciously.
“I do think we can throw a party for him at a bowling alley, though. Does he like bowling? Maybe an arcade-” you start ranting but Jaehyun laughs at you.
“How old are you?” as soon as the question leaves his lips, Taeyong snickers.
“I told you it was childish.”
You place your elbows on the table and rests your cheeks on your hands. “I really wanted to go to an arcade,” you mumble.
“Go by yourself then,” Taeyong says, placing the banana you threw at him back on your tray. “I’ll create a group chat with you so we can think about the details.” he says, fishing his phone out of his pocket and widening his eyes when he looked at the time “I gotta go or I’ll be late for class.”
Jaehyun stands up at the same time as your cousin, gathering his belongings “I should go too.”
“It’s a surprise, don’t tell anyone.” Taeyong points a finger at you before waving goodbye.
“I’m not a snitch,” you say loud enough for him to hear you.
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You had to admit, the rest of your week went by quickly and nothing exciting happened. Except for one of your tutoring students. He was one of the exchange students Mrs. Park had warned you about. His language skills were still a bit rusty, but he was brilliant nevertheless.
Hendery Wong was so easygoing and fun to be with, that even boring tutoring sessions became bearable.
"So, you are telling me that I can’t use this structure here” he frowned and pointed at the same sentence for the third time “But in this other situation it is correct? It makes no sense!” he laughs and throws his pencil on the table.
“Hendery, you need to analyze the whole sentence. Pay attention to the syntax.”
“Y/N, you are a great tutor, but it’s been two hours and I’m starving.” he stopped you by placing his open palm in front of your face.
“You’re right, we should let this matter for the next session.” you started gathering your belongings while the guy next to you stood up.
“Do you wanna grab lunch together? But you are forbidden to talk about syntax or verb tenses.” you laughed at him and nod
“Yeah, that would be nice.”
Once you stood up and got ready to go, you realized the boy started giggling while looking at you.
“What’s wrong? Do I have something on my face?” you asked, palming your cheeks and forehead.
“No, it’s just that I was thinking,” the boy opened a big smile and you can’t help but mirror his action “You are really pretty."
That stuck to your head in a way that even now, on your way back from your aunt’s house, Taeyong could pinpoint there was something on your mind. He was on the passenger seat, looking at you curiously, and you could feel his stare.
“Spill it,” you say without taking your eyes off the road.
“Oh? Nothing. Just thinking about how I haven’t seen you since Tuesday.” he hums to an unfamiliar song and you frown “You’ll drop me first, right?”
“Sure. I need to give Johnny’s car back since you don’t have your own.”
“You should be the one with a car, I don’t even have a license.”
You scoff and he turns the radio on. You lived too far from your campus, so bringing your car with you wasn’t an option and Taeyong, being the useless cousin you think he is, doesn’t know how to drive. Johnny is nice enough to lend you his car once in a while. Taeyong said he would only need the car at night, so he didn’t mind if you took it today. It was a relief because going to your Aunt’s by bus was hell.
“Since you’ll drop me first, do you want to spend the night? It will be late to go home by yourself.”
“It’s 6:45, Taeyong. I’ve walked back to the dorms later than that.”
“We’re having a movie night. Maybe you can finally convince us to watch High School Musical.” he lifts his eyebrows suggestively.
“You know I always lose, everyone hates it.”
“Not everyone,” he emphasizes, but you shrug.
“I'll stay if you buy us pizza.”
The rest of the ride is quiet. Taeyong falls asleep and you turn off the radio to avoid getting too distracted by the music. You have a license, but it doesn’t mean you are a confident driver.
Around thirty minutes later, you park Johnny’s car and go inside the big house with your cousin. Yuta was sprawled on the couch, reading a book and a guy you knew as Jungwoo was sleeping on the armchair. You could hear faint sounds coming from upstairs and you guessed it was Mark playing guitar. Or maybe Donghyuck’s screams while playing games, you weren’t sure.
Taeyong guides you to the kitchen and you find Taeil eating a bowl of something you couldn’t really guess what it was.
“Hyung, that’s my cousin.” Taeyong gets closer to the boy and whispers “She is going to help us with operation Osaka.”
“If you want to keep it a secret, maybe you shouldn’t call it operation Osaka.” the eldest jokes and you nod in agreement.
“Isn’t it frustrating living with Taeyong? He is so slow sometimes.” you sigh and hand your phone to your cousin. “I’m getting hungry.”
Taeyong tricked you into thinking that there was a movie night previously arranged. He said, however, the nicest things are done unplanned, so he invited the others. Mark and Jungwoo were the first ones to refuse. The first has a date with his girlfriend and Jungwoo is probably just not feeling it. Yuta stayed on the couch reading his book, not minding any of you. Donghyuck probably didn’t even listen to Taeyong, too engrossed in his games. The only ones left were you, Taeil, your cousin, and Johnny, who said would stay for just a while.
“What about Jaehyun?” you asked, bringing the beer cans to the living room. The words left your mouth before you could realize the consequences. You saw Johnny and Taeyong smirking and Yuta taking his eyes off the book and staring at you. “I mean, the more, the merrier.”
“Jaehyunnie has been locked in his room since yesterday. He said something about a project.” Taeil was the one who answered you.
“We shouldn’t bother him, then,” you say handling Yuta a beer and drinking your own.
“Oh, cousin,” Johnny called, making you roll your eyes.
“I’m not your cousin, John-”
“Where were you on Friday?” he smiles at Taeyong and looks back at you.
“You usually have lunch with us,” Taeyong says and proceeds to sip his drink to hide his growing smile.
“Oh, yeah, I’m sorry about that! I had lunch with someone else.”
“We are aware,” Johnny says not-so-innocently. “A little bird told me you had lunch with Hendery Wong, the hot exchange student.”
“I seriously hate this little bird of yours,” you say motioning your body to look at the TV. “and he suggested we had lunch together only because I was tutoring him.”
“Having lunch with the students it’s not part of a tutor’s job.” Yuta says as he closes his book “Taeil hyung, stop scrolling and choose a movie already!”
“He was just being nice,” you mumble, but Taeyong hears it.
“First Jaehyun, now Hendery? Your standards are too high for your own good.” he whispers playfully and you hit his legs.
Once the three boxes of pizza were opened in front of you and the movie started playing, you let yourself relax on your spot on the floor. You felt your eyes flutter and slowly close. You weren’t a very energetic person, and the previous week seemed to have drained all of your energy. You woke up to someone poking your cheeks.
Johnny was already gone and Taeyong was sleeping beside you. Yuta and Taeil were the only ones paying attention to the movie. You turn your head to see Donghyuck smiling down at you while holding a plate with three slices of pizza.
“Oh, hey, Hyuck,” you say, adjusting yourself. “You can eat it if you want.”
“I ate it already. I’m offering you the opportunity of taking this upstairs and giving it to Jaehyun hyung,” he says placing the plate on your hands and making his way between you and Taeyong. “You should also take a beer or two with you.”
“Why don’t you take it?”
“Shhhh.” you hear an annoyed Yuta.
After exchanging glances and engaging in a silent fight with Donghyuck, you stand up and go straight to the kitchen to grab two cans of beer. Why were you listening to him? Why was your heart beating faster the closer you got to the staircase? What if Jaehyun was asleep? Or, maybe, he just wanted to be alone. You pondered if you should leave the food at his doorstep, knock the door, and run back to the living room.
But why were you so afraid to knock on a simple door? Because it was Jaehyun’s.
Even though he had acknowledged that you were friends and, now, you could manage to hold a proper conversation with him, you couldn’t help but stay very conscious about your own words and actions. What if Jaehyun realized you were actually very awkward and not interesting? Or worse, he could find out about your crush and distance himself from you. Then, all your efforts to build a friendship will be in vain.
You were overthinking about knocking a door. Jaehyun will make you go insane.
When you are about to knock, you see one of the doors in the hall opening and Jaehyun getting out. He looks taken aback at first by the sight of you in front of his door, trying to hold a plate and two cans of beer. But then, he smiles and reaches to grab the cans from your arms.
“Hey, I didn’t know you were here.”
“Taeyong invited me for a movie night.”
“And what about these?” he asks, lifting the beers and pointing his chin at the plate you were holding.
“Oh, these are for you. Taeil said you didn’t leave your room the whole day.”
“Yeah, I’m still fixing that project from Tuesday.” he moves to open his bedroom door and you glance at the amount of paper, glue, and materials you couldn’t even name. It was a mess. “I would invite you in, but I don’t think I can fit anyone else in here.”
“Oh my God, Jaehyun.” you widen your eyes and he feels his ears getting hot from embarrassment “Do you need help? I can start cleaning…”
“No, no, please,” the boy says, placing the beers somewhere and taking the plate of pizza off your hands “Go back to watch the movie.”
“You seriously need help.” you look around once again and then turn your gaze back at his face “Plus, the movie is not that fun.”
And that’s how you spend the next few hours with him. While he took a break to eat the things you brought, you started separating garbage from the things Jaehyun would actually use. Just by finishing that, he got back half of his room. Then, once the boy went back to the project, he gave you some little tasks like cutting some paper squares and handing him utensils. Jaehyun even made sure to explain to you what you were doing and talked about his project. Most of the time you just nodded in agreement, not really understanding what he said. What you did get was that the model he was building represented 40% of his grade. If you were him, you would be freaking out too.
“I had to rebuild the whole thing except for these details,” he says, pointing to one of the benches on your hand.
“And your group didn’t help with anything?” you ask, extending your open hand for him to get another tree.
“I wouldn’t let Naeun get close to this again. If she touches it, I might actually kill her.” Jaehyun mumbles while using tweezers to glue the tree on his project. He had his lips puckered, focusing on his task.
You stay silent for a moment, watching the boy cautiously finishing the details of his work. Now that you were focused on analyzing his figure, you perceived how tired Jaehyun must be. His tousled hair looked dirty and his eyes were adorned by eyebags and dark circles. You saw him yawning frequently and sometimes you could see him batting his eyelashes swiftly, to whisk away his sleepiness.
“Did you sleep last night?” you ask, giving him the last tree that was on your hand.
“Not really.”
“Shouldn’t you go to sleep, then?”
“I will once I finish my next assignment.” he says, motioning to grab a brush that was behind him “Don’t worry about me.”
“It’s hard not too when you look like a panda,” you answer and he smiles, but doesn’t answer. “Wait, what do you mean by ‘next assignment’?”
“I need to hand in an essay on Monday.” he mumbles, placing the last tree next to the main building of the model “But it’s almost ready, I just need to proofread it.”
“I can proofread it for you. Where is it?” you ask standing up and looking around.
“It’s fine, sit down.” he holds your hand and pulls it in his direction “You’ve helped a lot already.”
“The only thing I did was stare and hold some trees,” you say quietly, looking at his fingers holding your hands.
“You helped with the grass. The grass was important.” he smiles and pulls you with more strength now “Come on, sit down. You also helped me to not fall asleep, that’s important.”
“You know that you are too tired to proofread your essay properly, right?” you say sitting beside him again. “Plus, I’m one of the tutors of Academic Writing. Proofreading is what I do the most.”
“If I promise to go to sleep and finish my essay tomorrow, will you shut up?”
“Why can’t I proofread it for you?” you tilt your head to the side.
“You’re smarter than me, you’ll see my dumb mistakes,” he mutters and you smile at him.
“We all make dumb mistakes, Jaehyun.” you sigh and start gathering the unused utensils around you “Fine, at least let me help you organize this mess.”
Yuta is the one that comes and takes you out of your bubble. Jaehyun was giving his model the final touches while you were placing one of his books back to the shelf. The elder knocked on the door and entered before Jaehyun could answer it.
“Jae, are you- oh!” Yuta looks at you surprised “I didn’t know you were here. We thought you left before the movie ended.”
“She was helping me.” Jaehyun says without looking at his friend “Hyung, can you take the dishes downstairs for us, please?”
“Yeah…” the other boy exchanges glances between the both of you before leaving and kindly takes the plate and the two empty cans downstairs with him.
“You take your phone out of your pocket and surprise yourself with the time. “I should get going, it’s getting late.”
“How will you go back?” he asks standing up from his spot on the floor and stretching his arms.
“It’s only a 15-minute walk, I’m used to it.” Before you can reach the door, Jaehyun holds your arm and pulls you to his side.
“Look at the floor, you were about to step on the scissors.” he scolds you while you just stare at his facial features. How can he manage to look gorgeous and a complete mess at the same time? “Taeyong is going with you, right?”
“Taeyong is probably asleep by now.” you chuckle and try to avoid any other sharp utensil on the floor.
“You’re going home alone? At this time?” he follows you to the hall and stops at his door frame.
“What do you want me to do? Sleep here?” you question him playfully.
“Well, you slept here last week. I wouldn’t mind sharing my bed. Again.”
And then, you swear you see him smirking.
“Are you flirting with me?” you blurt out and pretend to sound uninterested.
“I might be.”
You feel your cheeks burning and avoid meeting his gaze.
“You are really shameless, aren’t you?”
“I was just kidding, silly.” he laughs and pats your head “I’m actually offering to walk you home.”
You quickly turn your head to meet his face. “No, I won’t accept your company.”
“Why?” he says putting a hand on his chest soundings genuinely offended “I was kidding, I’m not flirting with you-”
“I don’t know how to feel about this,” you mumble, quite offended this time “I guess I should say thank you?” you giggle and stop at the top of the staircase “I appreciate your offer, but you look really, really tired. Just go to sleep before you start hallucinating from sleep deprivation.”
Instinctively, you cup his cheeks on your hands and look at him seriously “Please. Go. To. Sleep.” you take your hands out of his face, leaving Jaehyun’s cheeks numb and his ears, red.
“It’s dangerous for you to walk alone at night.” he stutters, a bit flustered from your sudden affectionate touch.
Before you realized, you were already on the ground floor. Donghyuck was cuddling Taeil, both asleep on the floor.
“And you’re suggesting you will protect me if something happens?” you whisper passing by the two of them in the living room “You can barely keep your eyes open. I’ll be more worried about you walking back here alone. No way.”
“I told you to stop worrying about me.” he gets closer to you just to hold the doorknob, stopping you from opening it.
“Then you shouldn’t worry about me either.” you take his hand from the handle and open it.
“You ladies keep complaining about the death of chivalry,” he says leaning on the door frame “but here you are, ignoring my attempts.”
“Oh, you’re such a gentleman.” you mock him and he shakes his head smiling. “Goodbye, Jaehyun.”
“Text me as soon as you get home,” he shouts to make sure you listen.
And you did. Your cheeks blushed at his words and you couldn’t dare to look back, but if you did, you would see Jaehyun standing still in front of the house, and only getting in once your figure was out of frame.
The boy has always admired you, even though you only small-talked before. He found you smart and it was funny watching you and Johnny bickering all the time. The morning you woke up beside him was clearly a shock. Jaehyun didn’t know you well enough to share a bed with you, but, somehow, he felt that was the beginning of your new friendship.
Once he got inside, he saw Donghyuck whining while Taeil pushed him away.
“Get off me, Donghyuck.”
“I’m gonna make some ramyeon, do you want it?” Jaehyun asks while walking past them.
The youngest stands up and follows Jaehyun to the kitchen. Taeil takes advantage of this and quickly goes to his room, not even saying goodbye to the other two.
“What happened upstairs?” the younger had a mischievous grin on his face.
Jaehyun prefers to ignore Donghyuck as he doesn’t understand the question. “Do you want ramyeon or not?”
“Yeah, put on a pack for me” he takes three packs from the cabinet and throws them on the kitchen counter while Jahyun fills a pan with water. “What happened after Y/N went upstairs to give you some food?”
“How do you know that?”
“Because I’m omniscient.” he uses a sarcastic tone, “I told her to take that to you, being the caring dongsaeng I am, obviously.”
“Your jokes are getting funnier each day.” Jaehyun deadpans and Donghyuck smiles. “Nothing happened.”
“I saw her leaving just now and it’s almost two…” the younger uses a suggestive tone, making Jaehyun roll his eyes.
“She was helping me with my project,” he answers simply, making the boy groan.
“That bitch is slow as fuck.” he mumbles and Jaehyun smiles.
“I talked to Johnny about it and, now, I’ll ask you too,” he says after getting three eggs from the fridge. “Stop putting her in uncomfortable situations. The other day, Johnny invited me to dinner and when I got there, she looked like she would collapse at any moment.”
“She spent four hours watching you cutting paper, do you think she really feels uncomfortable around you?” he shrugs and continues “Plus, you both seem to be a lot closer. Text me when you get home? You don’t even open our messages.”
Jaehyun’s ears start getting red while he faces the younger boy “How do you- Yah, Donghyuck, you shouldn’t be eavesdropping.”
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“Do you remember that project I did three weeks ago?” Jaehyun says excitedly.
Today was Friday, one of the only week-days you could see your friends - at least the ones who didn’t live with you or you didn’t share classes with. At the moment, Jiwoo is sitting next to you in the cafeteria, Johnny in front of her and Taeyong nowhere to be seen. Jaehyun appeared now, taking the other seat beside you.
“The one with the building and the trees?” you ask, taking a bite of your apple pie.
“He is an architecture student, every project involves buildings and trees” Johnny snickers and Jaehyun shows him his tongue.
“Not every project.” the boy takes a paper out of his bag and places it on the table, right beside you. “We got the grades today. It got 3.5 out of 4.” he flashes you a smile and you swallow your food harshly.
“That’s amazing!” you cheer on him, taking a closer look at the paper. “Is there any feedback about the grass? I was the one who made it,” you say the last part leaning on Jiwoo, who didn’t give you much attention.
“He didn’t mention the grass specifically,” Jaehyun smiles at how focused you were on the feedback note on your hand “But I can assure you it was exquisitely applied.”
“Wow, Jae’s using big words,” Taeyong appears behind you, greeting everyone and giving you a hug.
“You should celebrate it,” you say, giving his feedback note back.
“And what type of celebration would you recommend me, miss?” he playfully asks, stealing one of Taeyong’s fries without the older seeing.
“She will give you the WORST recommendations,” Jiwoo interferes before you even open your mouth “There is a professor that haunts Y/N and every assignment she finishes, her celebration is sleeping.”
“Or eating ice cream and then, sleeping,” Taeyong says with his mouth full of food.
“Last year, we went to the movie theater to celebrate the end of midterms and she slept before the movie had even started,” your roommate says, making everyone laugh.
“We’re going to the club tonight, Jae.” Johnny says and turns his head to Jiwoo “You’re coming, right?”
“I don’t know, I have to read some of Hendery’s notes and-” you start and Johnny interrupts you.
“Yeah, yeah, you rarely come. I was asking Jiwoo.”
You love seeing your friends happy, especially when, somehow, you are a part of it. However, since that double date - or friendly dinner, whatever helps you sleep at night - you couldn’t help but feel jealous. Your great friends were dating each other (they didn’t admit it yet, but it wasn’t really needed) and you couldn’t help but feel neglected. Jiwoo started to spend more time at Johnny’s than at your dorm, being considerate as you have already walked in when they were in a heavy make-out session.
“Yeah, sure,” she answers tucking her hair behind her ear. You gag on her action and she hits your shoulder.
“Movie theater is a good option though,” Jaehyun says bringing your attention back to him. “There are some new movies that seem nice.”
“Did you see they released a new one that’s based on a book?” you turn your whole body on the chair to face the boy beside you. “The book is so good. It’s a thriller and it’s narrated in the first person, so you only see the story from the character’s point of view. And, then, she starts going insane…”
“Is it that book you have been begging me to read?” Taeyong asks and you nod furiously.
“I really wanna watch this movie,” you add excitedly
“Let’s watch it then,” he suggests looking at you and smiles when he sees your blushing cheeks. “All of us, I mean. To celebrate my temporary freedom from that class.” he clears his throat and looks at the other at the table.
“I’m in, when do you wanna go?”
Taeyong asks, eating one of his fries. Johnny and Jiwoo simultaneously try to kick his ankle from under the table but end up kicking themselves instead.
“What about today after class? We can get the evening session,” he asks, watching your reaction from the corner of his eyes.
“I’ll have to get ready for the club, you know,,” Johnny says quickly and looks at Taeyong expectantly, but your cousin is still focused on his food.
“I have to run some errands too,” Jiwoo adds “But I’m sure Y/N is free. Her classes end at 3p.m!”
“I really wanted to,” you start and your frustrated tone gives away you’re not going to make it “but as I said, need to read some essays from the students and prepare some notes to help Hendery. Sorry.”
“You can do it during the weekend,” Jiwoo says, nudging your side.
“Stop hitting me!” you whisper to her.
“Well, I’m free.” Taeyong lifts his head and smiles at Jaehyun “We can go together, then.”
“Taeyong, won’t you come to the club with us tonight?” Johnny asks the other boy, giving him a knowing look.
“No, I told you they banned from that-” he grunts when Johnny successfully kicks his ankle from under the table. “Oh, right, yeah, I totally forgot about that. Sorry, I won’t make it.”
“Are you sure you can’t come, Y/N?” he asks you again and you feel Jiwoo elbowing your ribs once again.
“Stupid bitch, he’s asking you on a date,” she whispers and you silently ask her to stop.
“Guess I’ll celebrate at the club then. You should come too, at least for an hour.” he says poking your arm “You helped me finish it. It’s practically your project too.”
“If you don’t accept Jaehyun’s invitation right now,” Jiwoo leans to whisper in your ear, “I’ll lock our room and you’ll have to sleep on the hallway for the rest of the weekend.”
“I have the key too, you know,” you whisper back.
“I wanna see you try to open the door with the drawer blocking it.” She sits back and happily, goes back to talk to Johnny.
What if she was reading everything wrong? If Jaehyun wanted to go on a date, he would promptly ask you. Everyone knows how straightforward the boy can be. However, he invited everyone. You did want to say yes, but there were so many things to be done. Deep down, you knew it was just an excuse. You didn’t want to fool yourself into thinking that the boy’s invitation meant something more than just watching a movie. Still, he was your friend, how could you disappoint a friend who worked so hard and deserved to celebrate.
“I guess I can do my assignments tomorrow,” you lean closer to Jaehyun and say in a low tone “Let’s go to the movies.”
“Are you sure?” he questions furrowing his brows.
“Yes! Don’t worry.”
“Okay,” he nods and rubs your back. "Just don’t forget to text me when your last class is finished.”
“I will.”
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“How did you like it?” Jaehyun asked you on your way out to the theatre, his arms around your shoulders.
“It was fine,” you answer, slightly nervous by the sudden proximity.
Truthfully, you had a hard time focusing on the movie. How could you when your hands were constantly meeting when both of you went to grab a handful of popcorn or when he laid his head on your shoulder to take a short nap? It was especially hard to pay attention to the movie when he started playing with your hand that was on the armrest during the last twenty minutes.
“It was kinda boring,” he says, guiding you to the exit and adding a distance between both of you once you reach the street. “I didn’t feel the thrill at all.”
“Well, I did,” you mumble, thinking about everything that happened but the movie itself “I’m just disappointed by the fact that this has nothing to do with the book. Not even the plot is the same.”
“The movie was your idea and it was terrible.” he playfully nudges you and you gasp, pretending to be offended “I’m afraid of how tedious the book must be.”
“Well, we could have watched any other movie. You didn’t need to choose that one.”
“But you wanted to watch it.” he pouts and you can feel your heart pounding on your throat. “Anyways, it’s almost seven now. If you get ready fast enough, we can get a ride for the club.”
“And who says I’m going to the club?” you raise an eyebrow and cross your arms around your chest.
“I am.” he takes your hand in his and hushes you to walk faster.
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“Yuta’s birthday is this Saturday, don’t forget.” Taeyong reminds you before hanging up.
How can you forget since this is all he has been talking about this week? You started to regret helping your cousin with the surprise party considering the amount of work you had on your hands. You should have seen this coming. You spent three peaceful weeks without any new responsibilities. Suddenly, all your professors decide to schedule assignments and exams for this week. You were on the verge of killing anyone who crossed your path until someone really did.
“You’ll get wrinkles if you don’t stop frowning,” Jaehyun said beside you.
“Where did you come from?” you asked, slightly annoying for getting startled by his sudden presence.
“I was laying down right there,” he pointed to the green area on your right side “when I saw you getting out of your class.”
“Don’t you have classes? How come you are always doing nothing when we meet on campus?” you adjusted the books that were on your arms and Jaehyun noticed.
“No, I don’t have classes,” he said, taking the books from your hold “I work my ass off on those projects because it’s fun. Why are you so irritable today? Where are you going?”
“Library, I need to return them,” you say without complaining and appreciating your friend’s gesture. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to be rude. I’m just exhausted,” you said under your breath, but Jaehyun listened and used his free arm to embrace your shoulders to bring you closer.
“You know you owe me, right?” he whispered close to your ear and smiled at your flustered state.
“Uh?” you turned your head to meet his face and held your breath when you saw he wasn’t many inches away from you.
Jaehyun suspected about your behavior even before you became friends. You weren’t the most subtle person in the world, so it didn’t take him long to realize you had a tiny crush on him and got embarrassed every time he got more physical or playfully flirted with you. He found it awfully cute when you gave him the same stunned expression you are wearing right now: lips parted, wide eyes, and hot cheeks.
“You owe me a movie date.”
“A what?” you said louder than necessary, avoiding his gaze, and he laughs.
“A movie day,” he corrected, chuckling while you sighed.
“I don’t owe you any date or whatever,” you mumbled taking his arms off your shoulders “Stop with the frat boy behavior, I don’t like it when you do this.”
“Do what?” he asked innocently, smiling when you scowled at him and resumed your walk to the library “I don’t know what you’re talking about. Plus, I am a frat boy.”
“I am aware of it,” you said in disdain. “Why would I owe you a movie day?”
“Don’t you remember that terrible movie we watched together last month? I deserve compensation,” he said reaching your side and placing his arms back on your shoulders.
“You were the one who insisted on paying for my tickets. Do you want me to pay you back?” you asked genuinely and Jaehyun shook his head quickly.
“What? No! Of course not, silly.” he took off his arm from your shoulder just to flick your forehead “I said you owe me a movie, not money.”
“So you wanna go out this week? I’m sorry I can’t-” you guessed and he shook his head again, stopping you.
“You can come over and we watch it together. A little bird told me…”
“What does that frat house of yours have with little birds? Oh my God you guys really love gossiping, don’t you?” you scoff, and Jaehyun laughs.
“Johnny told me you love High School Musical.”
“Yeah, it’s a childhood classic.”
“Me too.” you swiftly turned your head to him as you heard him say “I like High School Musical too. Let’s watch it on Friday.”
“Are you kidding me?” you asked in disbelief.
“I’m not. You can come over after you finish your assignments. A High School Musical marathon will be waiting for you.” Jaehyun slowed down his pace as he saw the library entrance “You can’t say no, you owe me.”
And that’s how you ended up in Jaehyun’s bedroom on a Friday night.
He is currently in the kitchen getting popcorn and drinks ready while you are preparing the room for the High School Musical marathon. You place Jaehyun’s laptop on the bedside table and search for some blankets to cover the bedroom floor. You spent three whole days wondering if it was really a good idea to come over and watch movies with Jaehyun. You knew it wasn’t good for your heart, especially when you were already falling for him - for nobody’s surprise.
You have to keep reminding yourself that you are just friends and you should be happy about it. Being friends it’s better than strangers, isn’t it? But there is something strangely familiar with the way he places his arms around your shoulders and invites you over, on a Friday night, just to watch childish movies. There is a knock on the door and you stand up to open it, thinking that it must be Jaehyun with his hands full, but you see your cousin.
“Hey, Jae- pumpkin?” Taeyong tilts his head to the side looking puzzled “I didn’t know you were here.”
“Yeah, Jaehyun invited me to watch the High School Musical movies with him.” you shrug. “Do you wanna come in? There’s space for you.”
“Oh, no, no. I was just- nevermind.” Taeyong was about to joke about how you too seemed like a couple, but he decides that it’s better if you keep your good mood. “The boys are going out to celebrate Yuta’s birthday.” he finishes and you frown.
“But the party…” you whisper and he chuckles.
“Yeah, I mean, it’s kind of our tradition to celebrate our birthdays the day before too. Hyuck calls it a farewell party.”
“Did you tell them about tomorrow?”
“Not yet. I’ll tell them in the morning,” he says and rubs his hands on his back pockets
“Aren’t you going with them?”
“No, I have to stop you and Jaehyun from doing funny business,” he lets out and you hit his shoulder “Stop hitting me! I’m kidding. Doyoung is arriving late at night so I’ll stay to help him sneak in.”
“Won’t they suspect it?”
“Don’t worry, I’m a good actor,” he says patting your head “Well, enjoy your date.”
“This is not a date!” you scream as he goes away, leaving you alone.
Downstairs, Mark, Johnny, Donghyuck, and Yuta are seated in the living room, waiting for Taeil. Taeyong glances at the kitchen and sees Jaehyun too engrossed in his task, so he takes it as an opportunity and runs to his friends.
“Do you know who’s upstairs?” he whispers sitting beside Johnny.
“Taeil hyung?” Mark questions and Donghyuck slaps the back of his neck.
The two younger guys gasp and Yuta takes his eyes off his phone screen, paying attention to his friends.
“That asshole said he had an important arrangement,” Yuta whispers in disbelief. “Don’t tell me you lied too, Taeyong.”
“I’m telling you the truth! I really need to finish an important report.” he lies “This upcoming week is being so hectic. I’m really sorry, Yuta.”
“The boy’s getting his dick wet, I would say it is very important,” Johnny giggles and Taeyong makes a face.
“She’s my cousin, man.”
“I doubt it.” Donghyuck speaks up “I bet 10 bucks nothing will happen. That chick is dumb.”
“Yo, I think Jaehyun hyung will take it to the next level” Mark replies back.
“Make it 15,” Yuta intervenes “He’ll get some tonight.”
“20 on Hyuck,” Johnny says “He will kiss her, she will freak out and won’t look at his face for the next three weeks.”
“How much are you betting, Mark?” Donghyuck asks the older and Taeyong stands up to flick the youngest’s forehead.
“Stop betting on my cousin’s sex life.”
They hear a thud is coming from upstairs and everyone looks up. A faint “are you okay?” is heard and several seconds later, Taeil is in the living room with the others.
“Yah, Taeyong, why was your cousin climbing on Jaehyun’s closet?” the oldest says chuckling. “She fell, but I think she’s fine.”
“I told you, she’s dumb” Donghyuck mocks.
A few minutes later, everyone is gone and the only ones in the house are Taeyong, you, and Jaehyun. Differently from you, the latter doesn’t even spare a glance at Taeyong when he asks if he could join your movie night. The younger just grins and sends him a middle finger.
Different from what his roommates expected, Jaehyun planned this movie night with absolutely no other intention rather than spending some quality time with you. He saw your distressed state and it hurt him to know he could do nothing to help you with your exams. The least he could do was try to comfort you with food, as a good friend would.
“Y/N, what are you doing?” he asks, placing the popcorn bucket and the drinks on his writing desk and going straight to your direction. You are standing on his swivel chair, on your toes, trying to reach the comforter that was on the top shelf of his closet.
“I’m… almost…” you touch the cloth at the same time Jaehyun holds your waist. His hands were gripping your sides, securing you in place.
“Get this before you fall.” the boy warns you, squeezing you gently.
“I already fell.” you pull the comforter and it hits the ground. Jaehyun extends his hand for you to take it. “Taeil helped me, though.”
“Did you get hurt?” he holds your face in his hands, looking at you attentively and it doesn’t fail to make you flustered.
“I’m fine, I’m fine.” you push his hands, avoiding his gaze. “Let’s start!”
Both of you sit down against the bed and you press play on the movie. Once the movie started, you could feel your heart getting warmer, memories from your childhood days flooding your mind as you still remembered some of the characters’ lines and, mostly, all the songs lyrics. You refrain yourself from singing the first three songs, embarrassed by Jaehyun’s presence, but once you hit the middle of the first movie, both of you were already making duos and you even stand up to perform ‘When There Was Me and You” making Jaehyun cackle as you use one of his middle school pictures as a fake Troy Bolton poster.
You wake up against Jaehyun’s chest feeling your back sore from the position. Your butt is numb and your legs were tangled in his. The boy has one arm around your body while the other is resting on your thigh. The laptop screen is black and you guess it has turned off. You lift your head to find Jaehyun’s head hanging back, resting on the bed’s mattress. It will certainly cause him a stiff neck. You smoothly remove yourself from his hold and stretch out as you stand up. You place the empty popcorn bucket on Jaehyun’s desk and close his laptop. You couldn’t find your phone, but from his window, you could see it was really dark outside. You had to go back to your dorm, but you couldn’t leave your friend laying down like that.
“Jaehyun,” you whisper “Jae, wake up.” you poke his face. “You’ll get hurt if you keep sleeping in this position.”
Your hands find his hair and softly pats his head. Jaehyun was warm, soft, and smelled so good.
“Jae, wake up, I can’t carry you to bed.” You keep moving one of your hands against his hair while the other is caressing his face until you see his eyes fluttering open. He groans as he moves his neck and you smile softly.
“What time is it, babe?” his husky voice and the sudden nickname catch you off guard.
“Uh… It’s late.” you answer moving away from him “I just woke you up to tell you to go to bed. You’ll hurt your neck.”
“Are you leaving?” he asks with his eyes barely open.
“Yeah, I need to go. You can keep sleeping, though.”
You start standing up and searching for your shoes, but Jaehyun presses himself against your back, enveloping you in a hug.
“No, don’t go. It’s dangerous,” he whispers in your ears and rests his forehead on the crook of your neck, making you freeze.
“I need to go,” you try to take his arms off you, only for him to hold you tighter. “Jaehyun, stop,” you use your most serious tone, but he pretends not to listen. “You’re such a child.”
“Stay the night. I’m too tired to walk you back to your dorm” he lifts his head to look at your side profile “and I won’t let you go alone.”
“I’ve walked alone so many times before…” you mumble and he buries his face on your neck again.
“Now you have me, you don’t have to walk alone again.”
You feel your heart beating faster at his words. If you weren’t already nervous enough with his sudden physical affection, his words completed the job of making your heart rate skyrocket. You keep on the silent battle to try to free yourself from his grasp and you feel him smirking against your skin.
“You know I’m stronger, babe.” There it goes, the damn nickname again.
“Fine, fine.” you give in, not bearing the current situation anymore “If it means you’ll let go of me, I’ll stay.”
He instantly releases you and pats your head. You start gathering your belongings, finding your purse and your shoes, but still looking for your phone.
“I’ll find it tomorrow,” you say to yourself and look at Jaehyun getting some clothes from his closet “Well, goodnight, then” you raise your hand and wave goodbye, but he catches your arm before you can turn to leave.
“Where are you going? You said you’re staying,” he asks genuinely confused.
“To Taeyong’s bedroom,” you answer as if it is the most obvious thing in the world.
“That’s- why-” he frowns and gets closer to you “That’s not what I meant when I asked for you to stay.”
“What do you-”
“I asked you to sleep here.”
“Yeah, Jaehyun, I heard it. I’m staying in the house tonight.”
“With me.”
You gulp at his words. You definitely don’t like this game he was playing with you. You could bear the daily messages and the playful pickup lines, but this was going over the line. Why does he always insist on walking you to your dorm or buy two cupcakes at the cafeteria just to give you one because he knows it’s your favorite? Why invite you to watch childish movies with you on a Friday night when he can just go out with his friends and have fun? Why is he always giving you sudden hugs or holding your hands? Why would he call you ‘babe’? Does he know you like him? Is he trying to prove a point? You aren’t sure what this is, but you are seriously afraid of getting hurt.
“Sleep here with me. We shared a bed before, I don’t mind doing it again,” he continues, bringing your attention back to him.
“I asked you to stop doing this,” you pull your arm from his hold and walk two steps back.
“I’m not doing anything-”
“This behavior. Stop acting like this.” you repeat raising your voice a little bit “Quit playing with me.”
“What are you saying? I’m not playing with you!” he reaches for your hand again, but you deflect.
“Stop flirting with people if you don’t mean it.”
Your voice is stern and you see Jaehyun adjusting his posture.
“Who says I’m flirting with you?” he regrets what he said as soon as he sees your disappointed expression.
Why would you feel disappointed when this is exactly the answer you were expecting? It wasn’t the answer you wanted, though, and deep down you knew it. Your anger leaves your body as sadness takes over, but you manage to smile.
“I’m glad I haven’t misread your actions then. We’re just good friends.”
Jaehyun doesn’t understand why his heart clenched at your words. They were completely true: you were nothing but good friends. He doesn’t have any feelings beyond friendship towards you. Or does he?
“Just don’t go bother your cousin, he must be asleep,”  he clears his throat and hands you a pair of sweatpants and a large t-shirt “There’s a spare toothbrush in the bathroom’s cabinet, you can get it.”
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You were thankful for being able to talk to Jaehyun like the conversation from the night before didn’t happen. You woke up alone on his bed. He was folding the blankets you left on the floor last night and flashed you a smile when he saw you awake. You realized the awkwardness was gone when he started cracking jokes with you. Jaehyun was treating you the same as before and you decided to forget about the conversation you had the night before.  It was like a silent agreement to not mention the sexual tension that both of you decided to ignore.
Once you went downstairs, you had an eventful breakfast though. Both of you found out your friends made a bet on your sexual life. Mark and Yuta believed you would have sex while Johnny and Haechan believed you were too shy to try something with Jaehyun. You were sure your cousin was in the middle of this, even though no one mentioned his name. Taeyong stayed too quiet during the whole breakfast for your liking. Jaehyun almost killed Donghyuck and Mark but said nothing to Johnny or Yuta because he knew he wouldn’t stand a chance against the older ones.
You went back to your dorm to change your clothes and get all of the things for the party Taeyong was hiding from Yuta. The rest of the day went smoothly once all of the boys were warned about the surprise party. The plan was to keep Yuta away until you guys got everything ready by the evening. You went back to their house with Jiwoo, who was glad to help Taeyong and Donghyuck decorating the house while you, Taeil, and Doyoung were preparing the food.
Donghyuck was sulking the entire time for not being warned beforehand about the party, calling your decoration plain and boring. After you found out it was him who started the whole bet thing, you just wanted to kick his face. However, you decided to do it after Yuta’s birthday, just to avoid a commotion.
One of Yuta’s great friends, Sicheng, was, indeed, coming for his birthday and everyone was really excited for his reaction. Even though he could only spend this weekend with his friend.
“He was supposed to arrive with me,” Doyoung explains to you “I was going to drive to the airport and bring him here with me, but his flight got delayed so he will arrive at 1 pm.”
“And he will leave on Sunday?” you ask, handing him the spatula.
“He said to me he has exams on Tuesday,” Taeil completes “ And his birthday is two days after Yuta’s, he probably wants to spend it with his family.”
“Well, I hope he can at least enjoy his time around.”
The party was supposed to start at 5 pm, so everyone was running against the clock. At 1, Doyoung left you and Taeil in the kitchen to go pick up Sicheng at the airport and by 4, everything was ready, the guests arriving for the party. Taeyong, being the one of the only ones with a suite, kindly let you and Jiwoo use his room to get ready. Your roommate brought both of your clothes with her, and you had to admit you should have expected her to choose something you wouldn’t like.
“I just asked you to grab pants and a shirt!” you complain to her with your clothes in hand.
“And I did!” she uses her mascara to point at you “You act like those clothes aren’t yours. I took them from your drawers!”
“I know they are mine but-”
“No buts,” she gets out of Taeyong’s bathroom to face you. “I’m tired of watching you wearing rags when you have nice clothes. This is a party, woman, you need to show what you came here for.”
“I know, I just- This is…” you look at the skinny pants on your hands, different from the ones you’re used to wearing “so tight. I’ll get all…”
“All the attention, because it will hug you in all the right places. Come on” she whines and you smile at her. She was right.
You were so used to puttin on the same set of jeans and loose t-shirts everyday. You deserved to look good once in a while. Although your bottom was tight, your friends chose a loose long sleeve shirt for you to use, which you silently thanked her for. The weather was starting to get chilly, and you are the type who gets cold easily.
When you were both ready, you went downstairs to see a considerable number of people. Yuta seemed to be really popular in University. It isn’t really shocking though, since it is known how kind and polite the boy is.
When Yuta arrives, everyone screams ‘surprise!’ and starts singing the happy birthday song, he freezes. It takes him a moment to absorb the whole situation, especially when he sees Doyoung and Sicheng holding his cake.
“I wanted to make something special because it’s your last year,” Taeyong says hugging the guy “I know you will graduate soon, so I want you to miss us when you’re gone.”
“Thank you so much, guys!” he says after blowing the candles. “OH, WAIT. Can we light up some other candles? Winwin’s birthday is in two days, let’s sing for him too!”
That is how you spend the evening. It’s different from what you are used to when it comes to parties and this frat house. Not only the time of the day, but everything seems impersonal, cold. Now, watching these boys hanging out together, you start to understand why your cousin loves them so much: they are his family.
If the atmosphere is different, their craziness is the same. You were trying to hold a proper conversation with Mark’s girlfriend, Doyoung and Jungwoo when Donghyuck dragged you to one of his drinking games. He makes sure that you never win so you can take enough shots of vodka to make you feel dizzy.
When you are trying to sober up by eating some of the cupcakes you baked a couple of hours before, it’s Jiwoo’s time to drag you out of the kitchen and place you in a circle in the living room. With both of your hands occupied and your mouth full of icing, you watch Johnny putting on a show just to officially ask your roommate to be his girlfriend. Everyone cheered loudly for them, you including. You are glad that your friends found each other, even though it also means that now they will do everything together, including annoying you.
You are still a little bit too happy when Jaehyun comes to you and hands you a bottle of beer. You haven’t talked to him until then, but it wasn’t like you were avoiding him. Actually, you were preventing yourself from being teased by your friends.
“Wow you look…” he stops for a moment to check you out while sipping his drink.
“What? Too much, right?” you ask, starting to feel self-conscious. "I told Jiwoo…”
“No, your pants look great on you.” he stops you by pointing at you “I was just trying to find the right words. I don’t want to sound like a frat boy, since you keep asking me not to.”
You lower your head and lean on the kitchen counter. So he didn’t forget the previous night conversation.
“I was gonna say that you look hot as fuck,” you can see Jaehyun’s shoes touching yours, warning you that it would be dangerous to look up “and that I was ready to risk our friendship just to make out with you right now.”
You look up and instantly regret your action once you see him up close. Jaehyun traps you between his body and the counter. You feel your heart on your throat and something tingles inside you. You lock eyes with Jaehyun who doesn’t seem to notice your nervousness because he, himself, was dealing with his. Why did he suddenly feel the urge to make a move on you? You are his friend. But friends are not supposed to think about the other in the same way he was thinking about you right now. All he wanted was to kiss you in a way friends should do. He wanted to touch you, he wanted to do things to you that friends definitely shouldn’t do.
“Jaehyun…” the way you whisper his name, so close to his lips, makes him want to kiss you so badly. “I asked you to stop.”
“I’m not doing anything.” he whispers back with his body over yours while looking at your lips.
“I don’t like this game.”
��Good, because I’m not playing.”
You will blame the alcohol later, right now, you are too busy feeling Jaehyun against your lips. He had one hand on the counter behind you while the other circled your waist, bringing you impossibly close to his body. You took no time to place one hand on his neck and the other on his shoulder, helping you to keep your balance. He gently grazes his tongue on your lower lip, asking for permission, and once you grant it, the kiss becomes way rougher than you expected. Jaehyun tastes like beer and cupcakes, bitter and sweet. You smile at the thought of him eating the cupcakes you put so much effort on. His hand that was on your waist, goes down to your lower back at the same time you put both of your arms around his neck and bring him closer. He takes a few steps back, separating you from the counter, just to bring his other hand to your butt, and smirking right after giving it a light squeeze.
He lowers both of his hands to the back of your thighs, suggesting that he wanted to lift you up. Once you lock your legs on his waist, he walks back to the counter, placing you there and staying between your legs. You were feeling hot like you’ve never felt before. Your fingers find their way on the back of his neck, pulling a few strands of hair making him hum in satisfaction.
When you break the kiss, filling your lungs with air, Jaehyun quickly places his lips to your jaw and then your neck. He bites your ear lobe and leaves a trail of wet kisses up to your collarbones. You bring your body closer to him as you feel his lips find a particular sensitive part of your neck. He keeps one of his hands on your lower back while the other massages your thigh.
When Jaehyun tries to find your lips again, you place your lips on his neck, leaving light marks all over it. You feel him tightening his grip on you as your teeth graze his sensitive skin and you smile. When you unconsciously grind your hips against him, the boy feels the urge to rip your clothes off right and then, until your eyes meet again.
Jaehyun looks at your eyes and suddenly he feels his heart clench. He couldn’t be rough with you, he didn’t want to. His heart was beating insanely faster when your lips met for the second time. He slowed down your rhythm, and now, kissing you gently and lovingly, he could properly feel you. Feeling your soft lips against his and your fingers caressing his neck. He could stay like that forever, but forever is a long time to ask for in this house.
Donghyuck enters the kitchen and doesn’t even try to be subtle:
If you wanted to kick his face before, now you were ready to kill him. You quickly detach yourself from Jaehyun’s hold, get off the counter and before leaving the room, you hear Jaehyun say:
“Lee Donghyuck, I’m gonna beat the shit out of you.”
In the living room, no one really seemed to care about the information that your younger friend had just screamed. Only Jiwoo and Taeyong looked at you suspiciously, but you shrug and sit down by his side.
“I’m leaving in five.”
“Why? We’re going to the club after this,” he asks, placing an arm around your shoulder “Are you sure you don’t wanna come?” he raises his eyebrows suggestively before laughing at you.
“I just won't go right now because I don’t want people thinking I’m running away from Jaehyun.”
“You are, though.”
“Yes, I am.”
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In the following week, there was no trace of Jaehyun in your life. Your friends were kind enough to not mention what Hyuck had witnessed in their kitchen and you thanked them for that. On Monday, after your Spanish class, the ones who walked you back to your dorm were Johnny and Jiwoo.
You didn’t know how to feel. You missed Jaehyun, a lot. He became part of your routine and not getting any messages from him or not being able to see his smile every day was making you frustrated. At the same time, you were scared of what that kiss in his kitchen meant. Was it the end of your friendship?
It was getting annoying, to say the least. Your mind would often replay the scenes you were trying too hard to forget in the most inconvenient moments. On Tuesday, one of the students had to call your attention because you spent two whole minutes staring at their assignment instead of actually correcting it.
Only on Wednesday, your routine changed a little bit. You had woken up late, almost missing your first class. Then, Mr. Choi finished the class ten minutes later than usual, making you sprint towards the main building to get to the study room as fast as you could since Lucas would be already waiting for you.
Once you entered the main hall and one of the employees scolded you for running inside the building, you started to walk fast, just to bump into the person you were expecting to meet. You as you lose balance, the books and your phone, that were on your hands, fall to the ground. Hendery was fast enough to hold you by your shoulder, helping you to stand up properly.
“Whoa, I guess you’re falling for me, uh?!” he says mischievously and you laugh.
“I almost fell because of you, not for you,” you answer and he grins. “I’m sorry, Mr. Choi took longer than expected, so I had to run and-”
“It’s okay,” he adds playfully “but you had to make up for me. For waiting, you know.”
“Oh, of course!” you nod and start guiding Hendery to the study room “I’ll stay as long as you need to-”
“I meant we can have lunch together, if you don’t mind,” Hendery reaches for your left arm, indicating you to face him.
“Oh,” you exclaim, holding the doorknob “Well if you insist, we can have lunch together.”
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Taeyong gets startled when a backpack is thrown beside him, and a tray full of food is placed on the table with unnecessary strength. Johnny and Jiwoo stopped their forks midway, all eyes were focused on Jaehyun’s distressed face.
“What?” he asks, sounding ruder than he intended.
“We should be the one asking you what’s going on,” Johnny says before putting a big slice of watermelon inside his mouth.
“I brought watermelons. Do you want some?” Jiwoo slides one of the bowls in Jaehyun’s direction but he refuses it.
“I’m fine.”
“Who annoyed you?” Taeyong asks, carefully stealing one of Johnny’s watermelons and receiving a glare from the other guy.
“It’s nothing,” he mumbles and starts eating the food that was on his tray.
“Isn’t Y/N eating with us?” Jaehyun hears Johnny asking his girlfriend and starts sulking even more.
Jaehyun was sitting with a group of his classmates in the building’s lounge, discussing the next assignment while they waited for their next class. He smiled when he spotted your small figure walking fast around the building, but immediately frowned when he saw you colliding with a male figure. “Jaehyun, what do you think?” one of his classmates called his attention. “Uh?” he asked without taking his eyes off you. “We can start the project on Monday. What do you think?” The guy repeated but Jaehyun didn’t pay attention, too focused on the way the tall guy held your shoulders. “Whoa, I guess you’re falling for me, uh?!” He heard the guy and rolled his eyes at the cheesy pickup line. “Yeah, yeah, sure,” he answered and kept staring at you. When you were about to turn left and enter the study room, the tall guy quickly held your arm and said something to you, which surprised you, Jaehyun assumed by the expression on your face. "Well, if you insist, we can have lunch together.” Now, it was Jaehyun’s turn to be left surprised as he catches what you said. What really made his blood boil is the way the tall guy flashed you a flirty smile and the way you mirrored it. Once both of you entered the study room, he instantly stood up, but his knee hit the coffee table in front of him and spilled water in one of his friends. “What the hell, Jae?” Naeun exclaims, looking at the boy and then follows his gaze. “Sorry, Naeun.” he looks at his friend and helps her gather her things “I wasn’t paying attention.” “What were you thinking?” another classmate sighs and Jaehyun takes a quick glance at the closed door. “Don’t you guys think we should discuss this project in the study room?” He suggests holding his backpack and motioning to the door you had just entered, only to be ignored by the others.
“I’m not sure, she usually messages me about lunch,” Jiwoo says, checking her phone.
“I guess she will be busy,” Jaehyun says, not looking at the others at the table “With that guy, Hendery.”
“Oh, did you see them again? Why are you always the one coming across them?” Taeyong chuckles and pat the boy’s back.
“That’s why you are so annoyed then.” Jiwoo nudges her boyfriend “Yesterday, she told me she misses you, Jaehyun.”
“Apparently, Jiwoo and I bother her a lot when we walk her back to the dorms,” Johnny completes.
The boy doesn’t lift his head from the food, pretending not to listen. But he did, and it kills him to know it because he feels the same. Jaehyun didn’t reach out and he assumed that it was his fault. In his defense, he just wants to give you some space, some time to forget about what you did in Yuta’s party. He felt bad because he knows about the way you feel about him and he never, in a million years, wanted to use your feelings like that. Saying that he is just your friend just to kiss you and raise your expectations when he wasn’t even sure about his feelings was definitely a terrible idea. He wouldn’t blame you if you never wanted to talk to him again.
“I was kind of a dick,” he mumbles, and Taeyong sighs. “I know she likes me more than just a friend and I didn’t want to give her hopes when I’m not even sure how I feel. I was drunk, that was stupid of me. She must hate me.”
“I’ve heard the drunk excuse once,” Taeyong whispers, and Johnny holds back his laughter.
“Drunk actions are sober thoughts,” Johnny says.
“You have a steamy makeout session with your friends and you say you don’t know how you feel?” Jiwoo asks, using her fork to tap on his tray, calling his attention to her “Yeah, it must be SO hard to figure out how you feel.“ she huffs in annoyance “You are the densest person I know.”
“Y/N is your friend too,” Taeyong adds.
“She is another d, she is dumb,” the girl replies “At least she knows her feelings.”
“Well, sue me for wanting to give her time and space,” Jahyun retorts and before he can resume his lunch, Taeyong grabs the back of his neck.
“Don’t use her feelings as an excuse. We both know you are the one who wants time and space.”
They leave the boy alone, all of them going to their respective classes, but not too long after, he gets a message from Johnny.
[john - 1:46 p.m]: spanish finishes 30 minutes earlier today
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To say you were surprised to see Jaehyun waiting for you outside your classroom was an understatement. At first, you didn’t see him. Then, you thought you were hallucinating. It was only when he smiled and pulled you into a hug that you felt it was real. Your cheeks were burning while he held you way too tight.
“Sorry for not walking you home this week,” he says with his head buried in your hair “I was… busy.”
“It’s fine, you don’t have to walk me home,” you reply, breaking your hug and you almost miss the slightly frustrated expression on his face. Almost.
“But you know I want to.”
You are glad that he decides to not mention that eventful evening. You know that, at some point, it can come back on you and mess your whole relationship, but, right now, all you cared about was Jaehyun’s happy smile while talking to you about the mess Mark made on the club on Saturday and how much fun they had with Sicheng.
Both of you were walking slowly, just appreciating each other’s presence and talking about anything that came to your mind at the moment. Once you arrive at your building, ten minutes later than normal, Jaehyun stops you from entering the building.
“I want to apologize for -”
“It’s okay.” you don’t let him finish. Listening to him apologizing for kissing you it will hurt more than pretending it never happened.
“But you didn’t let me finish,” he insists, but you shake your head.
“I know what you’ll say. It’s alright. I forgive you.”
"Jaehyun, don’t,” your voice is stern and he chuckles, raising his arm in defense.
“Alright. Then let me take you to the arcade on Friday after class,” he says, his ears getting red as he does “Remember you said you wanted to go there? Let’s go together. It’s my official apology.”
“I said I forgive you, you don’t need to-”
“This is my official apology, you need to come so I can be officially forgiven,” he smirks and you laugh. He was always so smooth to get what he wanted. “Then we can go to the party.”
“What party?” you frown in confusion.
“Our party, this Friday. You need to come,” you groan in annoyance and let your head fall back “Come on, I’m sure Jiwoo is coming too.”
“She will just spend the whole night with Johnny,” you plead him with your eyes.
“Then you can spend it with me.”
And when Friday came, you realized you can’t say no to Jaehyun.
You had an amazing time at the arcade. Even though you only arrived there around four, because of your classes, Jaehyun made sure to show you his favorite games and you even managed to win him sometimes - he will never admit that though, he will insist that he went easy on you. When it was around seven both of you decided to go back, since, now, he finally convinced you to go to the party.
Despite your protests, Jaehyun walked you back to your dorm and gave you one hour to get ready, saying that you shouldn’t be late. You get to your room with a silly smile on your face and spot Jiwoo starting to apply her makeup, but she doesn’t notice you coming in. You notice a dark red dress resting on her bed. It had an insufficient amount of cloth to cover her body on a chilly night like this, but maybe she wouldn’t need to worry about cold weather inside a house full of people dancing.
“I see that you are ready to kill Johnny tonight,” you say loudly, startling her.
“You do this on purpose, don’t you?” she looks at you and rolls her eyes when she looks at your innocent face “Do you like it?” she points at her dress and you nod, “I think Johnny will like it too.”
“Gross,” you joke and she shows you her tongue
“How was your date?”
“It wasn’t a date.” you start humming the first song that’s in your head “Do you think I will look too ugly wearing this?” you ask by placing one of your blouses in front of you.
“Why? Where are you going?” Jiwoo doesn’t spare you a glance.
“To the party,” you place the blouse back into the drawer and take one of your favorite t-shirts instead, “Jaehyun told me I had one hour to get ready,” you mumble the last part and the other girl stops everything and slowly turns her body to face you.
“You can’t be serious right now!” a grin adorned her face while she looked at you holding an eyelash extension. “You are so in love with each other.”
“No, we are not. We are just friends,” you state matter-of-factly “He just said I should have some fun and ended up convincing me to go to the party.”
“You say as if it’s easy to convince you to go to frat parties,” she turns back to finish her makeup. “If you give me fifteen minutes, I’ll help you get ready.”
“There’s no need for that, don’t worry.”
“Yes, there is. Go take your shower. Go, go.”
You sigh and make your way to the bathroom. If you were fast enough, you could avoid Jiwoo and the makeover you were sure she was planning. Every time you go to an event together, she makes sure to doll you up. Suddenly, flashes from last Saturday cross your mind. You definitely shouldn’t let her choose your outfit again. The last time didn’t go well.
After showering and washing your hair, you see your phone light up and Jaehyun’s face illustrating the screen. You hung up the call to finish drying your hair, but he insisted another five times before starting messaging.
[Jae - 8:14pm]: do u hate me???
[Jae - 8:14pm]: pick up the phone
[Jae - 8:15pm]: y/n
[Jae - 8:15pm]: if u don’t pick up imma be sad
[Jae - 8:15pm]: :/
[Jae - 8:26pm]: are u ignoring me????
[Jae - 8:28pm]: talk to me
[Jae - 8:28pm]: plssss
[Jae - 8:29pm]: i know u r reading my messages
[You - 8:30pm]: omg
[You - 8:30pm]: u are so annoying
[You - 8:31pm]: i was taking a shower
[You - 8:31pm]: do you want me to be dirty????
[You - 8:31pm]: what do u want?
[Jae - 8:32pm]: i forgive you then
[Jae - 8:32pm]: r u ready?
[You - 8:33pm]: almost? i need to hurry up
[You - 8:33pm]: jiwoo must be ready
[You - 8:34pm]: and i’m going with her
[Jae - 8:34pm]: nooo :(
[You - 8:34pm]: ??
[Jae - 8:35pm]: i’m waiting for you outside
[Jae - 8:35pm]: walk with me instead
You stare at your screen for some seconds before thinking of a reply. Why did Jaehyun come all the way to your dorm to pick you up? Is he insane? Is he trying purposefully making you fall for him just to crush your heart later? Is that the reason why he gave you one hour to get ready? He barely waited thirty minutes, though.
[You - 8:36pm]: ok..
[You - 8:36pm]: i’ll be down in 5
You run back to your room and throw everything on your bed, not caring about the mess. Jiwoo is finishing her hair and was almost ready to put on her shoes. You throw the wet towel that was in your hair on the floor and take the first pair of shoes you find.
“If you are rushing just to avoid me, forget it. You’ll only leave this room once you look presentable to a party. Look at you!” she scoffs but you barely listen to her
“No, not now. I need to go,” you pant and grab the first lipstick you found “Jaehyun’s downstairs.”
“HE WHAT?” she shouts and screams incoherent words afterward. You were sure the whole floor had heard her. “YOU CAN’T MEET HIM LOOKING LIKE A WET DOG. YOU HAVEN’T EVEN DRIED YOUR HAIR PROPERLY!”
“Stop screaming!!” you plead and try to find a hairbrush “It will dry naturally.”
“NATURALLY?” Abigail punches the wall behind Jiwoo but she doesn’t seem to notice or care about it “Come on, if you don’t want to change your outfit, at least let me dry your hair.”
“He has been waiting outside for a while now.”
“It won’t kill him to wait another fifteen minutes.” she grabs the hairdryer and goes to your direction, but you deflect “It’s either the hair or the outfit. You will have to change SOMETHING.”
You know how stubborn your friend can be, so you just drop the matter without fighting and let her do her thing. While you use the hairdryer, she chooses something from your drawers, while threatening to lock you out of your shared room if you don’t wear her outfit.
You regret not running away while you could when she hands you the same black skinny jeans from last time. You should have burned it last week. She chooses a crop top that was probably hers and throws your favorite denim jacket at you.
“Just so you won’t complain about being cold.”
You rush to get to the front of the building as fast as possible, just to find Jaehyun leaning his back against the lamppost. You can’t deny your heart skipped a beat at the sight. He is there, waiting for you. His head is hung low, eyes fixed on his phone. Jaehyun had the same outfit from the first time you met him at your first frat party: long-sleeved black shirt and black skinny jeans, looking just as good as the first time.
“Sorry, I’m late. It’s Jiwoo’s fault,” you say once you’re next to him.
His eyes scan your body up and down and you see a faint smirk on his face. “I like your jeans,” he adds suggestively.
“I hope I won’t feel cold, Jiwoo chose this crop top to wear at night!” you say to yourself, not realizing what the boy has just implied. Jaehyun was behind you, still checking you out, which if you had noticed, would have made you blush “You gave me an hour to get ready, though. I barely had time to dry my hair, it will look ugly later.”
“I doubt it,” he answers back and rushes to hold your hand in his. “Sorry, I guess I just wanted to see you soon.” He notices how you tense up and smiles at the way you tighter your grip around his hands.
“Stop it.” you warn him “You didn’t have to pick me up though, I could go with Jiwoo.”
“I came to pick you up because I heard creeps are hovering around the girl’s dorm.”
“Who told you that?” you ask, adjusting your hands together. Holding Jaehyun’s hand was more pleasing than you wanted to admit. It felt familiar.
“Johnny.” you laugh at him who looks at you confused “What?”
“Do you seriously believe in Johnny? There’s 24/7 security around our building,” you smile at him who mirrors your expression, showing you his dimples. “He just uses it as an excuse to always give Jiwoo a ride,”
“Well, I guess he just worries about his girlfriend,” the boy gives your hand a little squeeze, making you look at him “Tell me when you’ll leave the party so I can walk you back, okay?”
“You don’t need to,” you turn your head to the front. If you keep staring at Jaehyun while he is being so caring, you’ll collapse there and then.
“I want to, silly. It’s dangerous to walk around by yourself at night.”
“So I assume you will fight whoever tries to hurt me?” you ask humorously, a smile on your face.
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Jaehyun tried to stay with you the whole night, but his friends weren’t helping. It all started as soon as you got to the house and Taeyong asked him to carry heavy boxes inside and stole your attention away from the boy. When he finally found you again, you were in a circle with Donghyuck, Taeyong, Taeil, and some girls he didn’t recognize, drinking some weird mixture they made. Before he could reach you, though, Yuta forced him to pair up in a beer pong game.
What he hated the most, though, was when he spotted you in the crowd for the third time that night. You were already tipsy, more prone to smile, and your smile was simply breathtaking to Jaehyun. But you weren’t smiling for him. It was Hendery Wong who was making you laugh and it was the other boy’s arm you were holding to steady yourself in place. Jaehyun hated, even more, all the times the boy would lean his body to whisper something to you and how he took advantage of that position to hold you by the waist, his hand resting on your lower back, bringing your bodies closer. Too close to Jaehyun’s liking.
“Stop staring, hyung,” Donghyuck says propping himself up against the kitchen’s counter. “Or else I will think you’re jealous.”
“I’m not jealous and I’m not staring.” Jaehyun sips his beer without taking his eyes off the couple.
“Yeah, why would you feel jealous of a funny and hot guy who is clearly hitting on Y/N?” Donghyuck says sarcastically and steals the drink from Jaehyun.
“He is shamelessly flirting with her for ages,” The boy tears his gaze apart from the couple to look at the younger who was drinking his beer. “Do you believe he used the ‘I think you are falling for me’ pick up line with her? And then inviting her to have lunch with him when she usually eats with me- us?”
“Who are we talking about?” Yuta arrives with two shot glasses in hand, filled with blue liquid.
“Take a wild guess.” Donghyuck rolls his eyes and goes to the dance floor.
“Do you want it?” the older boy offers and Jaehyun gladly takes it, feeling his throat burning with the alcohol. “What’s going on?”
“Hendery Wong.” the younger says looking back to the tall guy touching your body the way he wanted to.
Yuta follows Jaehyun’s eyes and hisses at the sight “I don’t wanna get punched in the face  but” he whistles and looks back at his friend “I don’t blame the kid, she looks hot as fuck tonight.”
“If you don’t wanna get punched, then close this filthy mouth of yours.” Jaehyun’s expression darkens and Yuta only laughs, tapping the guy on the shoulder.
Jaehyun considered approaching you. Fuck him, every time he saw Hendery touching your hair or smiling at you, he wanted to go there and punch that sly smirk out of the boy’s face. What would be his excuse, though? He didn’t know why he suddenly felt so protective around you, but it was eating him up.
“How’s tonight going, Jeffrey?” a cheerful Johnny appeared beside him “You looked so happy playing beer pong with Yuta.”
“Can’t you see I’m having the time of my life,” the younger one says sarcastically and takes the bottle of beer from Johnny’s hand.
“Your face says otherwise,” the tall one chuckles and glances towards you. “Just go there and ask her to dance.”
“She already has a date.” Johnny smiles and waves at someone “I don’t want to bother them.”
“It’s surprising they haven’t caught you staring yet. Jiwoo and I have been watching you and your jealousy attack for more than fifteen minutes.” He shakes hands with two guys who were passing by and complimented his music playlist for the party. “She likes you, you know? I’m sure she would dump anyone if you asked.”
“Why would I ask her that?” Jaehyun sounds offended. He didn’t want you to dump anyone for him. “She’s just a friend. A good friend. That’s why I want the best for her.”
“And I assume that, in your judgment, Hendery is not the best for her,” Johnny sips his drink and nudges his friend “but you are, aren’t you?”
“Hendery is not the best for her and everyone knows it. He is an exchange student, they start dating and what happens when he needs to move back to China?" Jaehyun crosses his arms in front of his chest, visibly irritated. “I just don’t want her to get hurt.”
“Oh, Jaehyun, please,” the older boy rests his arm on Jaehyun’s shoulder and leans closer to the boy’s ear “Just admit that you like her.”
“I don’t like her like that.”
“Yeah, right, so I guess now you call steamy makeout sessions, friendly conversations.”
“Can you not mention that? I was drunk.” Jaehyun snaps and slaps Johnny’s arm away from him “I only like her as a friend. Stop annoying the shit out of me. You, Donghyuck, Yuta, even Taeyong was bugging me this week. Cut the dating bullshit, for fucks sake!”
“Yeah, you take her on dates, make out with her in our kitchen, and now is jealous of Hendery blatantly flirting with her because you are just friends.” Johnny finishes his drink before placing the empty bottle on the counter “you definitely don’t like her.”
It was probably the alcohol, but Jaehyun was mad. He was so mad that he stormed out of the kitchen before he started a fight with Johnny. Why was everyone pressuring him about jealousy? He was only trying to take care of you. He knew about your little crush on him and that’s why he made sure to tell everyone that you were only friends. And friends care about each other.
He sighs and sits on the sidewalk, away from the party and from the stares. Away from you and Hendery. What was happening to him? He lays his back on the grass and closes his eyes. His mind reminds him of the way you looked so concentrated while watching the boring movie the first time you went out together. You looked so cute, biting your lips and barely blinking. He remembered the way you sang your heart out to all the High School Musical songs and how much he loves making you laugh, just to see your smile. He remembered all the times you tensed up when he held your hands, but after seconds were adjusting yourself. His heart starts beating faster when the image of you sleeping on his bed appears on his mind. The way you were peacefully sleeping beside him and how all he wanted to was hold you and never let go. His skin seems to burn with the memory of the feeling of your fingers tracing his skin, your lips on his and the way you ground against his body last Saturday.
“Fuck,” he mouths.
Lastly, he remembered how unbelievably pretty you look tonight. Damn, Yuta was right, you were hot. You look absolutely stunning and he wants you badly. He sighed thinking about how all of his friends know him so well. How could he keep lying to himself like that? Saying that he isn’t jealous when all he is thinking about is how great it must feel to be in Hendery’s shoes right now.
“What are you doing here?” he doesn’t need to open his eyes to know who it was.
“I’m tired.”
“Then go to your room. This is literally your house!” you hold his hand and try to force him to stand up “Come on, Jae.”
“I’m fine. Just go back inside. Enjoy the party.” he stays in the same position, eyes completely closed.
You huff in annoyance at his behavior. How dare him, tell you to enjoy the party when you only came because he asked you to.
“If you’re not standing up, then I’m leaving,” you threaten, but the boy doesn’t move. Why was he being like that? “Fine then. Once you decide to tell me what’s wrong, text me. Goodnight, Jae.”
You say, walking away from the boy laying on the grass. Five minutes ago Jiwoo came to you and told you to talk to Jaehyun, he looked stressed. Why was he stressed when he was supposed to have fun? You thought to yourself. But you had to admit you were more relieved than sad for not having the opportunity to spend the night with Jaehyun. After what happened the last time both of you drank a little too much, you decided it was risky to be too close to him and alcohol.
You couldn’t stop thinking about his actions, though. Movie dates, the way he always looked after you, he even remembered how much you wanted to go to an arcade and took you there. Your heart was confused. Could it be more than friendship? You cherished Jaehyun beyond anything you could explain, you didn’t want to ruin things with him.
You might have started your relationship weirdly. Looking back to the day you woke up beside him after a party, it felt like years ago. Because that’s exactly how Jaehyun makes you feel like you’ve known him for years. The more you got to know him, the more he seemed to grow on you. He was sweet, caring, and an absolute dork. He never failed to make you laugh and was always ready to listen to what you had to say, either if it was a joke or if you were just complaining about something. He would let you use his expensive pens just because you were curious about how they were. He listened to your messy playlist even though he absolutely hated 70% of the songs you put there. He is interested in you as a person. He makes you feel special and you can’t express how much you are happy to be by his side.
“Y/N, I told you that I would walk you home!” he shouts from behind you. “Wait for me.”
You hate how he could make your heart beat faster just by calling your name
“I thought you wanted to be alone.” you shrug and slow down your pace.
“Why are you walking so slowly?” he grabs your hand and pulls you forward “Just because I’m walking you it doesn’t mean I’m not afraid of someone attacking us at 1 in the morning.” you laugh at his sentence and he can’t fight back the smile that appears on his face.
“What happened to the guy who said he would protect me?” you question him, poking his ribs.
“I’ll only fight people unless it’s completely necessary. I don’t know if you realized, but I prefer to avoid confrontation.” his thumb starts caressing the back of your hand and you feel butterflies flying on your stomach.
“I like this way,” you softly say “I wouldn’t want to see you hurting.”
“Stop saying things like that, it makes me wanna kiss you,” he mumbles.
It makes me wanna kiss you.
Did you hear it correctly? Was he jokingly flirting with you or did he mean that? You didn’t have the guts to ask. The rest of the walk was silent, the only noise coming from your rhythmic steps on the concrete. Once you see the back of your building, informing you you are close to your destination, you try to take your hands away from Jaehyun’s grasp, but he only holds it tighter.
“No,” he pleaded quietly “not yet.”
You hum in response and keep walking beside him, holding his hand.
“Text me when you get home,” you say to him once you are in front of your building. You wait for him to leave so you can get inside, but he doesn’t move. “Are you not going home? Do you need anything?”
“I do.”
“What is it?”
“Can you hug me?”
Your breath is caught on your throat at his sudden request. What was wrong with Jaehyun tonight? You didn’t know he became clingy when he drank. Either way, you comply with his request and circle your arms around his waist and place your head on his chest. Jaehyun was warmer than remembered. You hear his heartbeat increase and smile softly. Was he as nervous as you were?
“Don’t date Hendery,” he blurts out and you frown, not understanding where this came from.
“Why would I-”
“I was so fucking pissed at the way he looked at you and it killed me that I don’t have the right to complain about it because we are just friends,” he says in one breath and you try to get away from his hold to have a look at his face, but he holds you closer “The way he touched you got me frustrated to the point that I had to go outside or I would have picked up a fight.”
“He was just being-”
“I swear to god, if you say friendly, I’ll kill myself,” he says pushing you away from him and you can see him scowling at you.
“He was being too friendly,” you say smiling mischievously and Jaehyun scoffs.
“Weren’t you uncomfortable with the way he was holding you?” he asked in disbelief.
“To be honest, I think you are exaggerating. I was really tipsy, he was just making sure I wouldn’t fall.” you say and Jaehyun rolls his eyes “What? He was basically just hugging me. We hug all the time.”
“You two hug all the time?” he almost screams and you put your hand on his lips.
“Shhh don’t scream!” you say, moving your hand from his lips to his shoulder. “I meant us. You and me. You hug me all the time too.”
“But I’m your friend and he is your student, who is clearly hitting on you, by the way,” he says placing his hands on your hips, but you don’t seem to realize.
“What, Jaehyun, is this jealousy?” you smile as the words leave your lips as a joke
“Yes, this is fucking jealousy.” he snaps for the second time tonight “I am fucking jealous because that kid has been hitting on you since you first started tutoring him and you don’t realize that.”
“Woah, hold on! Stop saying nonsense.”
“You are so frustrating,” he mumbles and brings you closer by circling his arms around your waist. “Please don’t date Hendery.”
“I won’t date any-”
"Date me instead."
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You feel someone sliding their hand into the back pocket of your jeans and smirk.
“Stop that,” you nudge his side “frat boy.”
“Why do you keep pretending you don’t like it when I do this?” Jaehyun rolls his eyes and brings you closer to his side “Lunch at 1?”
“It’s good for me.” you nod and stay on your toes to reach for his cheeks. “Shouldn’t you be in class right now?”
“It got canceled,” he says taking his hand out of your pocket and placing it on your waist. “Let me carry those for you.”
“It’s fine, we’re almost there.”
“Let me be a good boyfriend and carry your stuff for you.” he takes the books out of your hands and kisses your temple.
You have been dating for a while now, but every time he reminds you he is your boyfriend, it never fails to make your heart flutter. You smile widely, poking the dimples on his face and Jaehyun pretends to be annoyed, when, in fact, he loved how happy you looked.
Once you arrived at the main building, you thought Jaehyun would leave you by yourself, but he made sure to escort you to the study room. Once you turn down the hall, your boyfriend spots a certain someone waiting for you outside. Jaehyun stops a few meters away and hands you your books back, but before you can thank him, he pulls you by your belt loops and crashes his lips on yours.
You get surprised at his sudden action but kisses him for a little while after pushing him with your books, whining about being in public. Jaehyun finishes by giving pecks on your neck, jaw, and cheek. Before you can ask why he did that, you spot the long haired Chinese boy in front of library's the study room. He is clearly avoiding looking at your direction. You hit your boyfriend’s arm with the books on your hands.
“I can’t believe you were putting on a show with Hendery standing right there. You are so childish.”
“Yet, you love me the same,” he snickers, giving you one last peck on the lips “I just want to make sure he knows you’re taken.”
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thef1diary · 4 months
Above The Chaos | D. Ricciardo
Summary: Amidst your birthday celebration’s chaos, you find solace on the rooftop with a bottle of wine. Daniel joins, offering comfort underneath the starlit sky.
— part of the Birthday Bash fics
Of course I had to post the Danny one on my own birthday 🤭!! I had sm fun writing all of these fics and I hope you loved reading them just as much
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pairing: daniel x fem!reader
wc: 1.4k
main masterlist taglist form
© thef1diary 2024. all rights reserved. Do not copy, steal, translate, or repost any of my work
The bass thumped through the floorboards, reverberating in your chest as you navigate through the throng of partygoers. Smiles flashed, conversations melded into a cacophony of voices, and glasses clinked together in a rhythmic cadence, each toast a testament to the joy and camaraderie of the occasion. It's the kind of party that Daniel always excels at throwing, especially for your birthday.
The air is thick with excitement, and you catch glimpses of familiar faces. "Happy birthday!" friends and family exclaim as they pass, their voices drowned out by the thumping bass of the music. You offer grateful smiles and nods in return, the corners of your lips twitching with the effort of maintaining your facade of enthusiasm.
Yet amidst the lively chaos of your birthday party, a particular longing tugged at the corners of your mind, an unspoken yearning for something more profound than the fleeting euphoria of the crowd, something quiet.
As you maneuvered through the crowd, you found yourself drawn towards the kitchen, spotting an unopened bottle of wine sitting on the counter. Quickly swiping it away, your gaze darted through the crowd, finding an escape.
You slipped away unnoticed, a ghost in the whirlwind of merriment, ascending the staircase leading to the rooftop sanctuary. Each step carried you further from the pulsating chaos below, closer to the solace of the night sky. As you emerged onto the rooftop, a soft breeze greeted you, earning a sigh from your lips.
The city sprawled before you, a labyrinth of twinkling lights. It was your favourite spot in your home as you could spend hours here in peace, watching the bustling cars pass through as everyone was eager to get to their destinations.
You found a quiet corner, away from the glare of the city, slipping your heels off and sinking onto a weathered bench, relishing the cool kiss of the night air on your skin.
Closing your eyes, you allow yourself to breathe deeply, filling your lungs with the crisp night air.
You uncork the bottle of wine, the rich aroma filling the air, but you remember that you forgot to bring a glass from downstairs. Just as you ponder the predicament of forgetting a glass, a familiar voice broke through the stillness of the night.
"Hey, there you are," Daniel said softly, still startling you slightly. You placed a hand on your chest, breathing deeply, "you scared me."
"Sorry, didn't mean to. Mind if I join you?" He spoke as he appeared beside you with a warm smile.
You looked at the twinkling sky for a moment, and then back at him. "Not at all," you replied, shifting over to make room on the bench. Out of all the people in the party, Daniel was the one whose company you always welcomed, even if you only wanted silence.
Daniel settled in beside you, his presence a comforting anchor amidst the vast expanse of the rooftop. He glanced at the bottle of wine in your hand, a mischievous smile playing on his lips. "Good choice," he commented, making you look down at the bottle and chuckle.
"I didn't even notice." It was a bottle of wine from his collection. "But I forgot to bring glasses," you added.
Daniel's grin widened, and he reached into the pockets of his jacket, presenting two wine glasses with a flourish. "Not to worry," he said, holding out the glasses towards you. "I came prepared."
You couldn't help but laugh at his resourcefulness, accepting the glasses with a grateful nod. "Thanks Danny," you said, pouring a generous amount of wine into each glass before handing one towards him.
"You're seriously wearing a jacket in this weather?" You eye him oddly, a laugh bubbling up in your throat again.
He shrugs, "you know I get cold, feel my hands." He holds out his free hand in front of you, and you easily clasp it in yours. "Aw, you poor baby," you tease him, setting your wine glass down to poke his reddening nose.
Daniel chuckled as you teased him, his cheeks flushing slightly at your playful jab. "Hey now, don't make fun of me," he protested, though his tone was lighthearted. "Some of us are just more sensitive to the cold."
You grinned, unable to resist poking his nose again. "Well, lucky for you, I happen to be an expert at keeping people warm," you said, squeezing his hand affectionately.
Daniel's eyes sparkled with amusement as he leaned in closer, his breath warm against your cheek. "Is that so?" he murmured, his voice low and teasing.
You felt a shiver run down your spine at the proximity, the heat of his body radiating against yours. You hummed, your voice barely above a whisper. "A birthday girl special."
He leaned his head against your shoulder, one hand holding on to yours while the other swirled the wine in the glass, still not wanting to sip it just yet.
"Speaking of, why are you up here instead of enjoying the party downstairs? it's for you after all," he questioned, his voice softening.
"Just needed a moment to recharge, away from the chaos downstairs," you explained, squeezing his hand once more.
Daniel nodded in understanding, his gaze drifting to the city skyline as if contemplating your words. "I get that," he said, his voice sympathetic. "Sometimes, a little quiet time is all you need to appreciate the celebration even more."
You sighed contentedly, grateful for his understanding. "Exactly," you agreed. "And having you here makes it even better."
"Oh yeah? You're not gonna tell me to leave?" He grinned, a playful tone returning in his voice.
You rolled your eyes, dropping his hand and pushing him away. "Don't make me change my mind," you teased, giving him a mock glare before breaking into a grin. "You're stuck with me now, whether you like it or not."
Daniel chuckled, leaning back against the bench with a playful smirk. "I thought I already was, from the moment we met years ago."
You jutted your chin out, "touché."
With a grin, you picked up your wine glass, raising it in a toast. "To chaotic parties and rooftop retreats," you declared, your voice filled with sincerity.
Daniel mirrored your gesture, his eyes meeting yours with a warmth that made your heart flutter. "To moments like these," he added, his tone soft but filled with meaning.
As your glasses clinked together, the sound echoing softly in the stillness of the night, you couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude wash over you. Gratitude for the quiet moments of connection, for the laughter, and for the unwavering support of a friend who understood you like no other.
You took a sip of the wine, expecting the familiar taste of Daniel's signature blend. However, to your surprise, the flavor was different, richer and more complex than usual. You furrowed your brows in confusion, glancing at Daniel with a questioning look.
Daniel watched you closely, a playful smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Notice anything different?" he asked, a hint of mischief in his tone.
You nodded slowly, the taste of the wine lingering on your palate. "Yeah, it's... different," you admitted, searching for the right words to describe the unexpected flavor profile.
Daniel chuckled softly, leaning in closer to whisper in your ear. "I've been working on this blend for quite a while," he confessed, his breath warm against your skin. "I wanted it to be perfect for your birthday."
Your eyes widened in surprise, touched by his thoughtfulness. "You did all this for me?" you asked, feeling a warmth spread through you at the realization.
Daniel nodded, his gaze meeting yours with sincerity. "Of course," he said softly. "You deserve nothing but the best."
As you sat there together, savoring the exquisite flavor of the wine and the warmth of Daniel's company, you couldn't help but feel a sense of calmness wash over you. With each sip, you could taste the love and care that had gone into crafting the perfect blend, and you knew that this birthday would be one you'd never forget.
You leaned your head against his shoulder this time, finding his hand again and threading your fingers between his. “Thank you for everything; the party, the wine, it's perfect.”
“Anything for you,” he murmured, as if stating a simple fact, but it warmed your heart, making you wonder how you were so lucky all those years ago to meet Daniel.
The night stretched on, the stars twinkling overhead like diamonds scattered across the sky. While you retreated to the rooftop for a moment of peace, you realized that you wouldn’t have found the peace in silence like you did in Daniel’s laughter.
Taglist: @lochnoch @llando4norris @monsieurbacteria6 @namgification @lilymurphy03 @sargeantdumbass @hiireadstuff @racingheartsposts @d3kstar @xjval @namjoonswaifu @isabellewinchester @thedecalcomania-blog @casperlikej @khaylin27 @mlioravanfleet @nikfigueiredo @wonnou @jointhehunt67 @gxuh @landoslutmeout @barcelonaloverf1life @regalbanshee @megudaeggu @c-losur3 @thenotoriouserg
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imyourbratzdoll · 1 year
𝒉𝒆𝒍𝒍 𝒉𝒂𝒕𝒉 𝒏𝒐 𝒇𝒖𝒓𝒚 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒂 𝒘𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏 𝒔𝒄𝒐𝒓𝒏𝒆𝒅
I'm already deciding on part 3, so don't bother asking for it! do feel free to send in suggestions, characters for her to end up with, etc.
find part 1 here.
summary - after your breakup with steve, you change, no longer wanting to deal with your emotions. after months of your team not hearing from or seeing you, they decide to track you down.
warning - angst, death.
the gif and header I use aren't mine.
Warnings and Reminders - Please do not plagiarise, copy, repost/republish, adapt, or translate any of my work on any social media platforms, apps, or third-party sites. The only platforms I post my work on are: Tumblr and Wattpad. I do not own any character of any franchise (Marvel etc.) All my works are fiction and may be dark or triggering content: READ ALL WARNINGS BEFORE PROCEEDING.
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The Avengers were worried. Your friends and family were concerned. Hell, even your asshole of an ex was worried. It has been months since anyone had seen or heard from you, not since the day of the gathering. The house you and Steve used to live in was burnt to a crisp. Nothing was left. You had just disappeared. Steve ended up getting a couple of bruises and some broken bones that healed from your friends. They knew he was the reason for this.
You stood there, covered in blood and surrounded by dead bodies. You had been minding your own business, wanting to grab some food and return to your cabin, but these men. Oh, these men. Why did they have to think they were better than you? Why couldn’t they have minded their own business and left you alone? Was their entire species built on invading a woman’s life? Could they not just fuck off. You were so annoyed, looking around at the pathetic beings that lay bloody and lifeless. “Men.” You growl quietly before bending down to grab your bags full of food and return to where you call home. You guess this could be a time to think about everything you have done and that has happened. 
Sure, burning your house down was probably a bit over the top. But you wanted to get rid of the memory of Steve, and that was the only thing you could think of at the time. Some may call you childish or crazy for how you dealt with your emotions, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to care anymore. You had spent years in a relationship with a man who was stuck in the past, who had thought you were only meant to cook, clean and bear his children. Steve didn’t really love you, he just wanted to use you, and it took him behaving like a child and throwing a tantrum for you to see he wasn’t meant for you.
It doesn’t mean you can’t have a little fun. In the end, you did love him. He did have a piece of your heart. The woman inside of you was grieving and hurting. She begged you to forgive him, make him see you were meant for him. But you were stronger than her. You know that no man could ever treat you like that. You know he wasn’t right for you, and you were on a war path. You groaned as you walked up the stairs and onto your porch. Making your way into your house, you walk past everything and to the kitchen, where you place the bags down. “Hello, people who do not live here.” You hum, facing your old team members, who look shocked as you are covered in blood. 
“Y/n?” Nat steps forward, looking you up and down, trying to determine if the blood is yours. You nod, digging into the bag and pulling out your food. You reach over and grab a fork as you begin to dig in. 
“That’s my name.” You give a sarcastic smile, chewing on your food. Your eyes move over everyone before focusing on your ex. “What’s he doing here? I thought you were too busy finding someone else to put up with your shit? Ya know…” You jump up onto the counter, swinging your legs as you glare. “Someone who would make a better mother than I would.” You smile before stuffing more food into your mouth, humming at its taste. 
Tony tilts his head, making his way over to you, unafraid. “You’ve changed.” His eyes move over your face, and yours connect with him. He smiles. “I like it.” He pulls you into a hug, “I missed you, kid.” You smile, patting his back.
“Missed you too, dumbass.” He pulls back, and the rest of the Avengers make their way over to hug you, letting you know how much they’ve missed you and how worried they’ve been. “So… Whatcha doing here? I won’t ask how you found me because that’d be a stupid question.” 
“As we said, we were worried.” Nat tilts her head, “were you attacked?” You shrug, chewing your food more. “Y/n?”
“Sorta, I guess? I don’t know. Men don’t know how to mind their business.” Your focus moves to the container in your hand, barely noticing the looks they give each other. “Yes, I killed them, and it’s not that big of a deal.”
“Not that big of a deal?! You murdered people! See, this is why I said what I said.” Steve growls, staring you down as he tries to make you uncomfortable. 
“What is it, asshole day?” You groan, tilting your head back as you feel a headache form. “Yes, Steven. I murdered people, and again, you’ve stated I wouldn’t be a good mother. How about you get over that?” You hum, shovelling more food into your mouth as you stare at him without emotion. You point your fork at him. “Have you ever stopped to think that maybe you're the problem? Maybe you're the one who wouldn’t make a good parent? I mean, let’s face it, you have issues. You can’t even keep anything good in your life, and when you do find something good, you try and destroy it because you are so self-absorbed.” You roll your eyes, ignoring how some team members chuckle as you tear the retired Captain a new one. “You think you're better than any of us? You’ve killed, too. You’ve done worse. So what if I did the world a favour and took out some pathetic men? What are you going to do? What is worse than you ripping my heart out like I meant nothing to you?” You place the food down, hop off the counter and approach him with a glare. 
And the dumbass decides to open his mouth. “Well, if you want my opinion–” 
“I don’t.” Your glare hardens, jaw clenching as you stop yourself from killing him, especially in front of your friends and family. “I have my own.” Everyone’s breath hitches when you step closer to the towering man. “Now, if you don’t mind. I don’t want trash in my house, so I suggest you find the door before I set you on fire.” You growl lowly, sending shivers up everyone’s spines before you turn and go into your bathroom, needing to get the blood of the useless off of you. 
Once you finish showering and changing into comfier clothes, you return and stop when you notice everyone bar one, still here. “Oh, you guys didn’t leave?” You look over and see Wanda preparing a feast in your kitchen while everyone else makes themselves at home around your cabin. You look around to make sure Steve isn’t hiding around a corner. “Huh, I guess trash does know how to take itself out.” Your head turns as you hear Tony laugh, nearly falling out of his seat.
“Oh, kid. You don’t know how much I missed you and your sarcasm.” He sips the very expensive whiskey that you may or may not have stolen from him. “Morgan’s missed you too, especially how you’d teach her your sarcastic ways.” You smile softly, accepting a glass from Natasha as she walks up to you. 
“I’ve missed her too. I’m sorry for not rushing over when she got hurt.” You take a sip, leaning into Natasha as she wraps an arm around you. 
Tony shrugs. “It’s not your fault. Don’t apologise. She had help plus. She isn’t even your kid. You shouldn’t have to apologise for not rushing to someone else’s kid.” He rubs his forehead, “It’s not your job to do that. Sure, when you are on the field. I get it because that’s our job.” Tony points at you. “Don’t let Captain tightass get to you. You’d be a wonderful mother.” 
You smile, “Thanks, Tony. Always one for wise words.” You smile when Wanda comes around and kisses your cheek softly, mentioning that dinner’s ready. You all head over to the table and sit down, feeling a pair of eyes on you. You turn and notice Bucky staring at you with a soft smile. “What’s up, Buck?” 
He shakes his head, “nothing. I just want you to know that I tried talking some sense into him, and when he didn’t listen and we found out the truth of your disappearance, we kicked his ass.” You giggle, shaking your head at the image. Bucky flashes a proud smile at making you laugh. He’s happy you’re smiling and loves his best friend, but Steve didn’t deserve someone like you. You deserved the world, and he knew the rest of the team was thinking it.
“Thank you, you guys didn’t have to do that. I know you’ve known him longer than you’ve known me, but I appreciate the love you’ve shown me.” You thank them, feeling loved even though deep down you feel broken. Once dinner was over, they said their goodbyes and left, promising that they’ll come and see you again. You were left alone once again. Left in your thoughts as the broken woman inside you pounded against your heart, she wanted out. She wanted to cry and grieve the relationship you once had. But anger was better than tears, better than grief, better than guilt. You walked into your bathroom and stared at yourself in the mirror. The person staring back at you wasn’t who Steve had left. She was different. “How could you have been so stupid?” You spoke to her, watching her mouth move like yours did. “Why did you fall for him?! Why did you give your heart over?!” You screamed, your fist flying forward and shattering the glass. 
You were better off alone. Maybe one day you could open your heart again, and maybe one day you’ll find the person right for you. But right now, you needed to find yourself, find the woman you were without him. 
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thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
part 3
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rainswriting-blog · 11 months
Marble Counter
Warning(s): daddy kink, mommy kink, breeding, cursing
A/N: This was an old fice from my old blog aasouthteranoswife that used to be a tokyo revengers fic, but I made it into a modern warfare fic.
Networks: @enchantedforest-network
Summary: N/A
WC: 688
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It's been months since your husband has been home due to all the back to back missions he went on with the 141 team. He called you earlier in the week to tell you when he'll be home.
It’s Friday night a little after five, you were in the kitchen making dinner for you and your husband. You hear the door open “baby, I’m home.” as John walks into the kitchen after taking his boots off, and kissing you on your soft lips.
John turns the stove off, picking you up and placing you on your marble kitchen counter that Johni paid a pretty penny for. “John, I have to finish dinner, are you not hungry?”
“How about we skip dinner and move to dessert.” as he pulls your pants and panties off all in one go and throws them across the room. John opens up your legs making you lay down on your marble countertop. He dives right into your pretty little glistening cunt like a starving dog. Licking and sucking your juices up you were giving him. A moaning mess and back arched as high it could go, you were squeezing your thighs on your husband’s head usually he doesn’t mind.
“Keep your legs open, princess.” he stopped his movements to whisper in your ear. He then moves your legs to your chest so you couldn’t move as he continued his movements
“Cum for me, pretty girl.” he continues to suck and lick the sweet juices your pretty cunt gave him. You grab John's brown hair pushing him deeper into your cunt as you cum all over his tongue. Your legs were shaking from your orgasm.
“Fuck, daddy, f-feels so good.” he lets go of your legs and pulls you off the marble counter, and bends you over. He unbelts and pulls down his cargo pants as he looks down at with his blue eyes filled with passion and love, springing his hard cock free, only leaving his shirt on.
“You ready for me to fill you up, baby.” John rubs the tip of his cock along your clit and wet folds. He starts to push slowly inside you, so he doesn't hurt you. You feel a slight burning as he continues to push into you, due to your husband's big size. He saw your discomfort and started to rub circles on your clit.
With lots of prep, John finally goes balls deep inside you he cock warms you so you could adjust to him. He started to rub circles on your clit causing you to tighten around him wanting to cum on the spot.
“Cumming already, princess,” he whispers in your ear. You shake your head, yes and he then rubs fast and hard on your clit causing you to cum for the second time.
“Ahh, please fuck me daddy, I need you.” you grab the back of his neck looking back into his eyes as he starts to slowly thrust into you.
“Mmh, s-so good baby, just like that.” soft and sensual sex is your favorite when your bodies intertwine, but what you love most is having rough sex when John and you have had a stressful day.
“I’m gonna fill this pretty cunt up and make you a mommy.”
“ You like that idea baby? Being swollen with our child.” as he pulled you away from the kitchen counter only leaving your hands on the countertop for support, he could feel you tighten around him as he thrust faster into you
“I’d punish every man that looks at you in the wrong way, I still have my connection, baby” kissing your shoulder as you let out a loud moan from him hitting your sweet spot.
“P-please, baby, fill me up and make me a mommy. I wanna be swollen with our child.” as both of you cum together, John painted your walls with his hot thick seed.
“Now don’t waste a drop of my cum or I’ll have to fuck it make into you.” he then gave you a passionate kiss and helped you back into your panties, so you could finish making dinner.
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skazoo · 7 months
slow and blue and endless.
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↳ kim taehyung x f!reader
someone stared at you through the window. you had always felt safe in your own home, shutting out the scary, real world. but a window is just glass, and glass… oh it breaks so, so easily.
length. 1.7k
genre. angst, yandere
warnings/tags. language, obsessive behavior, implied stalking, yandere themes, mind break, emotional manipulation, love bombing(?), mention of mental illnesses, physical violence, kinda gruesome allusion to murder, dark themes overall, minors advised to dni.
networks. none for this.
GAH these photos are so 80s serial killer making a creepy videotape that's gonna get edited in a true crime documentary coded...... i know you're seeing my vision, i KNOW it.... anywayyyyyy this is kinda not proofread, and i wrote it while i was supposed to be studying for my exams a while back!! because when am i inspired if not when i shouldn't be?? i hope you like it and i swear something is almost ready for me to publish please wait a little longer (for my engenes and atiny besties)
⚠️ it goes without saying that i in no way condone any obsessive/stalking/creepy/violent behavior and despite this being "x reader" i'm not in any way romanticizing anything i'm writing. also this, as you all know, is fiction and names are merely a narrating mean. ⚠️
i'm desperate for feedback and i love comments with your opinion!
(cross-posted on ao3 only)
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in a way you’ve always loved him. he knows. you don’t even have to say it out loud for him to be happy. 
but sometimes it feels like you take him for granted. sometimes you make him really, really angry and that, he can’t let pass. and it's not for his sake but for yours. always everything for you. he has to make you understand that there are things you can’t do if you want to stay safe from the outside world. safe from him, sometimes.
running away is one of those ugly, wretched things you know well he hates, and he slams you against the wall and drags you back through the front door into the house by your hair, he bashes your head on the kitchen counter, near the fire of the stove he’s been preparing lunch with to make you understand a concept you're apparently too dumb to grasp.
“what the fuck did i tell you about running, uh?” seething with undiluted rage .
“i just wanted to go outside, tae. i swear!”
“i said what the fuck did i tell you about running!? do you understand how much it would hurt me to see you go?!” his voice booms inside the walls of your head, an endless echo that makes bitter tears gather at the back of your eyes and spill over.
your face is burning. tongues of fire lick at your cheeks, a scorching caress that reminds you of taehyung's. his palm always leaves a brand behind, reminding him and yourself that he’s there. 
your hands scramble for his in a miserable attempt to lessen his hold. “i’m sorry, tae! so sorry, please! please!”
his closed fist in your hair pushes your head closer to the heat. “i’ll fucking kill you if i have to, you know that right–” it’s not a question, merely a promise, but you nod anyway, frantically, desperately– “they’ll never stop finding your body, baby. do you understand?” he screams and shakes you with his hands tight in your hair when you only cry in response.
“i said,” leaning in, mouth brushing over your ear. chills go down your back as his voice turns sickeningly mellow as if he’s whispering sweet nothings instead of threats, “do you understand?”
“yes! yes! god, yes i understand! tae, i’m so sorry! it’s all my fault! it’s all my fault!”
your mindless babbles seem to humor him and he moves your head at a safer distance. “and why is that?”
“ ‘twas my fault! i put myself in danger if i run. tae, please! i’m so sorry!” 
and you cry and cry and cry until you have nothing to give. until there’s only emptiness in your head that’s resting on his shoulder. until his shushes really feel reassuring. until he sits you down at the table to eat the lunch he prepared, the one that was so close to killing you. you nibble on it, too weak to really even taste the flavors.
he breaks the empty silence between you with a question. you startle at the sound of his voice and force your heavy eyes to focus on him.
“aren't you curious? about why i chose you?”
he scrunches his eyebrows and regards you with a slightly displeased look that has you shrinking back on your chair. 
“but i want to tell you…” he whines.
you don’t say anything about his antics. despite him behaving like a child you’re terrified of what his reaction would be if you actually treated him like one, so you press your lips together and wait. 
“i like people that like me.” and it’s so simple how he says it. obvious, even.
“but why do you think i like you?” quietly, meekly.
he seems to like the question, his boxy smile one full of teeth that in other circumstances you would have found endearing. now it only makes him look like a predator, an animal, drool dribbling down his fangs, jaw ready to snap close around your neck if —and ultimately, when— you say or do the wrong thing. 
“oh, i was so happy, Y/N,” he coos, your name curling in his mouth with ease, as if you’re always been around each other, as if it belongs there, “that when i chose you, you came with me.”
your mouth gapes open at the absurdity of it all. you wonder if he really thinks that you wanted all of this, that you wanted to be taken from your home. you’d ask your old psychology professor if you’d be correct to label him as a narcissist of sorts. a man with too much power, and free time, and loneliness to exhaust all on himself that he had to go around looking for a scapegoat for his secret misery.  
“i didn’t– i didn’t come to you, taehyung. i didn’t have a choice.”
“so you were almost forced to come?”
“no,” it comes out more as a question than an answer and you lower your head in search of a way to rationalize the conversation at hand, “i was completely forced–”
“that’s what you tell yourself,” he retorts before you can even finish your sentence.
“it’s what i know is true,” you spit somewhat offended by his insinuation.  
his smile is a sick thing when you raise your head from the food on your plate —cold and uninviting. the smell alone makes you want to throw up. 
“are you sure?”
your anger leaves space for an unnerving sense of confusion. “what does that– what?”
your frown deepens as you watch him play around with his lunch. you follow his hands pushing back his glasses on his nose. the sick look of complacency that dances on his face seems to speak words that make the hairs at the back of your neck raise in dreadful anticipation. i know something about you that you don’t, his eyes say, and that alone is enough to make you want to scream.
he knows nothing!, you’d be shouting to the usually calm neighborhood, i haven’t told him anything about myself. he can’t know anything! he knows nothing! he knows nothing! you’d holler to the kids walking home from school hand in hand with their mothers who’d be looking at you with contempt, unaware of who lives among them. a wolf in sheep's clothing that could easily make you look like a psychopath. 
you’d do it, you swear to yourself that you’d do it all if it weren’t for the fact that you’ve got the inkling fear that you’ve truly gone mad. the doubt that crawls on your back and makes its way in your ears, slithering then, with much glee into your delusional brain.
how long have you been in this house? his house or the one you bought together once you finished college? did you meet him on a slow rainy day outside a coffee shop or did you catch him staring at you from the window before he broke in and took you from your bed, leaving behind torn sheets and a broken frame with a picture of your friends? does your mind deceive you? are you sane? is he?
it feels like you've had this exact same conversation with him an infinite number of times, always stuck in a loop of unease and sadness that you really can’t explain. loving looks sent your way melt into scary grimaces sometimes and all you can feel is guilt because that’s tae. your tae. the man you chose, the man that chose you.
you realize your vacant eyes are crying when you feel a thumb swipe your cheek with a gentleness that makes your stomach churn in disgust and again a voice tells you that there’s something wrong with you.
“baby, are you alright?”
the way you look at him does nothing to the sick warmth brewing in his stomach. your shiny little doe eyes peeking up at him from under wet lashes, asking for forgiveness that taehyung would never deny you. nose red from the frustration of being lost in your own mind and mouth parted as if to ask him to show you the way, the truth that you seem to have lost.
he stands up and rounds the table to you for you to bury your head in his chest. sobs shake your tired form.
“shh, it’s okay, baby. i swear everything it’s okay. it happens to forget.”
“i’m sorry, tae,” you plead through broken breaths. “i’m so sorry, please.”
he shushes you. lips plant themselves in the crown of your head, a hand rubs at your back soothingly.  
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later, in the late evening, you lie in your bed. a bed. the sheets smell of him and the air you breathe does not feel like the one you're used to, but you’re calm. you think you are. maybe.
soft snores sound from behind you and you attempt to turn your head to make sure it’s him. 
“tae?” you let out a whisper. not one that expects itself to be heard.
“yeah?” voice hoarse from sleep.
he buries his nose in the hair at the nape of your neck, inhaling the shampoo he bought for you. “what?”
“just wanted to make sure you were still here.”
“i’m always here, baby.”
you hum.
minutes pass slowly, like molasses, as if the hand of the seconds inside the alarm on your nightstand is fighting an invisible force, a wall of rubber that threatens to bounce time back. you think he’s fallen back asleep. breath slowing, chest heaving, lulling you to slumber.
you close your eyes. “tae?”
he doesn’t answer. a car alarm sounds from outside the closed curtains, its prolonged blaring bringing a certain agitation in your otherwise silent night. a breath of summer wind leaves bumps on your skin in its wake. you sigh and his arms tighten around your torso. an unconscious gesture, soft, loving.
“i dream of you–” you let your words sink into the air, into the boiling water you carry around in your lungs that doesn’t let you breathe properly, and you shiver again but not from the chill bite of the wind “–and it’s slow, and blue, and endless.”
behind you, taehyung’s mouth stretches into a smile.
in a way, you’ve always loved him. he’s certain of it now as he was before. and even if you didn’t, he will always make sure to make it a reality, one way or the other. wether you want it or not.
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taglist: @taevestr @fa1ryjoons @vcutvante
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blackwidownat2814 · 11 months
It's a Nice Year For a...White Wedding-Pt.1 (J.Seresin)
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Pairing: Jake Seresin x female reader, Jake Seresin x Garcia!reader, Jake Seresin x latina!reader, Jake Seresin x plus size!reader
Word Count: 2624
A/N: Written for @roosterforme's 80's Rocktober Playlist Challenge. As you can tell by the title, I chose Billy Idol's "White Wedding". I'm late in posting, I know, but life decided to smack me across the face and steal my inspiration. That is why I'm breaking up the story into two parts. I felt it was better to get something out now (that was good), rather than nothing for a long time. I want to thank my betas, @jobean12-blog & @buckysdollforlife, for looking over what I have and reassuring me that it was indeed flowing perfectly fine.
Triggers: fatphobic moments (but it doesn't go into super detail).
‼️⚠️I do not give permission for any of my work to be copied, translated or reposted anywhere else but on my own blog or on AO3.⚠️‼️
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“Dew, trust me, I know EXACTLY where to go on our honeymoon”, Jake declared one day a month after y’all’s engagement.
“Oh?”  You looked at him with an inquiring eyebrow from your place at your desk.
“Yeah darlin’.  You’re going to love it.”
“And what is this honeymoon I’m going to love?”
“Can’t tell ya.  It’s a surprise.”  You pouted as he walked around your desk and leaned on the arms of your office chair, scooting his face closer and closer to yours.
“Not even a little hint?” you asked, batting your eyelashes at him and sticking your bottom lip out even more.  Jake smiled that big Jake Seresin smile of his and he leaned into the kiss.
“Nope.  Not even a little one.”  He stood up and smiled at you again, “I’ll see you later Dew.  Love you!”
“Love you too Hangman!” you called as he jogged out of your office.
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“We need to choose a date Jake.”  Your fiancé launched a dart at the board and turned to you.  The two of you were having a fun night out with the rest of the Daggers at the Hard Deck.
“I agree m’dear.  Any ideas?”  He picked up his bottle of Shiner Bock and took a drink.
“I’d like sometime in October”, you countered from your seat on a bar stool near him.  “How about you?”
“I was going to suggest a date in October too, actually.”  He walked up and stood himself between your spread knees.
“Oh really?” you replied coyly.
“Yeah.”  He grinned and leaned into a kiss.  One of your hands slid from where you gripped him on his waist to the back pocket of his jeans.
“OH MY GOD.  Hermanita!  Can you not?!  I’m trying to eat mozzarella sticks here!”  You smiled in the kiss and lifted a hand towards Mickey, and flipped him the bird.
“Shut up Fanboy.  Let your sister be gross with Hangman”, you heard Rooster say to your brother…followed by a smack.  You wondered (as Jake continued to kiss you) who hit your brother upside the head.
“Rooster’s right, let her be”, you heard your friend say.  “But if this starts turning into what I almost saw in her office last week, I’m throwing a pitcher of water at them.”
Your head jerked quickly to the right and you narrowed your eyes at Phoenix, acutely aware that Jake’s lips were now moving against your neck.
“I thought I told you not to mention that.”  She simply shrugged her shoulders at you.  Mickey turned to look at you with a horrified look on his face.
“In your office?!  I visit you there!”
“Oh, relax Fanboy.”  Jake had finally pulled himself away from your neck.  “Just wait ‘til it’s your turn.”
“Never”, your brother said with a huff, and went back to angrily dipping his mozzarella sticks in the marinara sauce.
“Anyways”, Jake said as he looked back at you, “I talked to my mama the other day and she invited us down in a couple weeks to throw us an engagement party.”
“Yup.”  Jake looked up at the rest of the squad, “And all of y’all are invited too, obviously.”
“Aw yeah!  I’ve missed Mama Seresin”, said Javy.  Suddenly, his eyes got big and he smiled like you hadn’t really seen before.  “Is she going to make her banana pudding?”
“She wanted me to tell you that she’s going to have some Tupperware with some for you at the airport.”  Javy let out a whoop in excitement.
“So”, bringing Jake’s attention back to you, “What’s the date you were thinking?”
“If you’re cool with it, how about October 13th?”
“Why that specific day?”
“It’s Navy’s birthday.”  You gave your fiancé a big smile.
“You nerd.”  You gave him a big kiss, ignoring an annoyed groan from Mickey.  “I love it.”
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Venue, Wedding Party, and Dress -Summer
You looked up from your latest romance novel to watch your found family going at it in another rousing edition of Dogfight Football.  Rooster pulled back and launched the ball towards Jake, who caught it.  You jumped up to cheer.
“YEAH!  THAT’S MY MAN!!!” you yelled.  “YEAH BAY-BEE!”  Jake gave a little bow in your direction and blew you a kiss (you spied Rooster and Mickey pretending to throw up behind him and started laughing).  A few minutes later, Mav called time and everyone dispersed to their towels.
You dropped into your camp chair, a gift from Jake so you’d be comfortable anytime you came down to the beach with him and the squad…or even just on your own.  The best part about it wasn’t even an original part: your wonderful fiancé had noticed the book sleeve you carried around sometimes and got one custom made to attach to your chair.  You thanked him thoroughly.
Jake plopped down in his own chair next to you and opened a bottle of water to hydrate.
“Whatcha readin’?”
“Mickey bought me the physical copies of Catharina Maura’s books I was missing from my shelf, so I’ve decided to re-read them.  I’m starting with my favorite, Forever After All.”
After a while, everyone made their way over to the Hard Deck’s outside seating to have a group lunch.  Phoenix decided to bring up the latest wedding topic.
“So, have you two decided on a venue?”  You and Jake shook your heads.
“First we thought of having it on my parent’s ranch in Texas, but most of the guest list lives out here.  So now we’re looking into finding somewhere here.”
“Do you have an idea of what you’d like?” asked Mav.
“I want something outside”, you responded.  “That was the original idea for the ranch.”  Mav looked at Penny and shrugged at her.
“How about a beach ceremony?” Penny suggested.  You whipped your head around to Jake.
“My girl’s smilin’ big already.  I think you hit the nail on the head there, Penny.”
“Why don’t you have it out here?  Afterwards, we can do the reception inside”, she added.  “Before you say no, that you don’t want to put me out or something else like that, let me just say we have plenty of space and I’d love to be able to be part of your day like this.”
Jake simply looked at you with a big smile on his face.
“It’s perfect darlin’.  After all, this is where we first met.”
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You and Jake decided you wanted to include your found family as much as your actual families in the ceremony.  You more so than him, since the only blood relative you had (and still spoke to) was Mickey.
Jake suggested asking Isla and Jesse if they wanted to be part of the wedding party, so you did a FaceTime call with them.
“Hey my beautiful girls!  How are you?  What are we reading?”  Jesse proceeded to tell you about how she had just started reading the Babysitters Club series and you got pretty excited since it was one of your favorite series’ growing up.  You promised to show her your original copies of the entire series the next time she came to visit.  Isla then started to tell you about the latest picture book she read, Dragons Love Tacos.
“It’s so funny and I love tacos too!  We have the best tacos!” cried Isla.
“Yes we do”, Jake added.  “So, Jesse.  Isla.  Auntie Dew and I are calling because we wanted to ask you if you wanted to be in the wedding.”
You knew Jake had a higher tolerance for loud sounds because he spent his time in jets, but you spent your time in a quiet environment, so when the most ear piercing shriek you’d heard up until that point emanated from your iPad, you assumed you were now deaf.  When your hearing returned, Jake was calming the girls.
“Hey, y’all need to use inside voices, okay?  Don’t want us going deaf, do ya?”
“No Uncle Jake.  Sorry Auntie Dew.”
“It’s no problem girls”, you replied, wiggling your finger around in your ear.
“Can I be a bridesmaid?” asked Jesse.
“Of course my darling!  Once I choose the colors, I’ll let your mama know so you can go dress shopping, okay?”
“Yes ma’am!”  You could both hear Lauren (who was behind the camera) promising Jesse they’d go shopping as soon as you let them know.
“Isla, since your sister wants to be a bridesmaid, I have a special job for you”, you said with a big smile.
“Really Auntie Dew?  What’s my job?”
“I’d like you to help Uncle Mouse and I make it down the aisle to your Uncle Jake.”  You smiled big at Isla’s nickname for your brother, because she was absolutely convinced he was the Disney character thanks to his first name (even if it was technically Miguel).  “Would you like to be our Flower Girl?”
You swore you were going to be deaf if you kept surprising these little girls with anything else throughout their lives.
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Once you had Jesse and Isla’s roles set,  you went about putting together the rest of the wedding party.  Because your wedding wasn’t some big blow out affair, the both of you decided on having just one attendant each (besides Jesse and Isla).  Jake obviously chose Javy as his Best Man and you decided on Bob as your Man of Honor, the two of you becoming even better friends since his and Jake’s accidents last year.  Another obvious choice was that your brother would be escorting you down the aisle.
The two of you still wanted to include the rest of your friends somehow and it finally came to you one night while you were wasting time on TikTok.  You showed Jake the video and when he finally stopped laughing, he agreed to your proposition.
“Phoenix, Payback, and Rooster are going to LOVE that.”
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The next item on your To-Do List was the most difficult one: dress shopping.  Going shopping for any kind of clothes, let alone a wedding dress, was difficult…especially for a bigger girl.  Jake helped you to learn to love yourself more every single day, but the first couple of trips to bridal salons managed to beat the extra love you’d gained right out of you.  Really, it was your fault because you’d gone on the first couple of appointments alone.  At the first salon, you wandered the shop for almost 15 minutes before any of the salespeople came to ask if you needed help, and when the woman did, she looked at you with a look that basically said What is someone like you doing here?  It was sad, because it was the shop you’d dreamt about going to as a little girl when you were thinking of your dream wedding.  You didn’t tell anyone what had happened that time or the other times.
It wasn’t until you were having an impromptu Girl’s Night with Phoenix while out at the Hard Deck that the topic of your dress came up.
“So Dew, you find a dress yet?”
“Uh no, Phe, I haven’t.”  You took a sad sip from your Pina Colada.  Penny walked up and leaned on the counter in front of you just then and you avoided looking at her or Phoenix so they would see your disappointment.
“Why not?  You need to get a move on!  Altering the dresses takes time you know”, Penny interjected.
“I know!  I know it takes time!”  You had tried keeping the emotions in, but you couldn’t.
“You okay?” questioned Phoenix.
“No!  I’m not okay!  My wedding to the most gorgeous man ever is in a handful of months and I have no dress because every salon I’ve been to up until now has nothing for girls like me or they basically refused to help with a whole ‘We don’t serve your kind here.’ ‘tude!  Like, what is this?!  Mos Eisley and I’m a droid trying to get into the cantina?!  It’s a wonder Jake wants to marry me!”  You ran off before either woman could recover from your outburst.  
You were woken up the next day when someone jumped on you.
“What the f--”
“Time to get up, sleepy head!”  You cracked your eyes open to see Phoenix, Penny, Bob, and your brother all staring at you.
“What in the ever lovin’ hell are y’all doin’ here?”
“Well, hermanita, we’re here to help you dress shop.”
“Phoenix and I told these two over here about what you said to us yesterday”, added Penny.  “A friend of mine owns a shop that is miles better than the places you’ve been to already.”
“So we’re stealing you away today while Jake, Rooster, Coyote, and Payback look for suits”, added Bob.
“So get out of bed, get dressed, and let’s go shopping!” Phoenix cried.  She and Penny shooed the boys out and waited with them in the living room while you cleaned up and got dressed.
An hour later, the five of you stepped foot into Wildest Dreams Bridal Boutique…and the place really lived up to the name.  Every single dress you saw as you walked in was beyond gorgeous and there were posters of models and mannequins of all sizes.  You were going to find your dress today.
Your party was met by Penny’s friend Kathryn (“Or you can call me Kat, whichever is alright with me!”), who sat you all down on a couch in front of a raised platform and mirror, a la Say Yes to the Dress!.  Shop assistants brought over champagne to your family and friends (with a Coke for Bob) while Kat took you around the shop and asked your preferences (“I definitely need it to have pockets!”) and other questions about the ceremony, like location and time of day.  Once she had what she needed, Kat took you to a changing room where you got into a robe and she returned with several dresses.  
You marched out to the couch area where everyone was and showed off each dress.  By the time you had tried on the seventh dress, you were beginning to lose hope you’d find something.  It wasn’t the fit or that the dresses didn’t look good on you, you just hadn’t had the ‘look at yourself in the mirror and immediately begin crying because this was The Dress’ moment yet.
You were sitting dejected in your robe when Kat came back in with two more dresses on the rolling rack.
“I’m confident it’s going to be one of these two”, she adds with a smile.  “Let’s get you dressed.”
The first dress was gorgeous, and you felt it. Phoenix, Penny, Bob, and Mickey all loved that dress.  Penny was all for that first dress…and you almost said yes.  There was just something missing.
When Kat unzipped and held open the second dress and you stepped into it, you shuddered (in a good way).  Kat watched your reflection in the dressing mirror and stood back in a thoughtful pose.
“There’s still a little something missing.”  She thought for a minute and then suddenly snapped her fingers.  “I know!”
Kat left and came back quickly with some veils.  She quickly put your hair up into a low bun and then pinned the veil in.  Kat moved behind you and picked up the train to walk you out to your family.
When Mickey saw you, his eyes began to glass over with tears.  Bob just sat dumbfounded, mouth hanging open.  Penny and Phoenix had big smiles on their faces.  You stepped up onto the platform and Kat fluffed out the train.
Not a single one of them said a word, because they all knew what you did: this was The Dress you would marry the man of your dreams in.
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Part 2 is coming soon!
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cardierreh15 · 6 months
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Post Human
hey y'all, this one has been sitting in my drafts/docs for a while now and ive edited and changed and had it beta'd read 85 fucking times lol so I hope it lives up to some of yalls standards and enjoy it.
***I do not give anyone permission to repost or copy my work!!!
Warnings 18+: Cursing , Sexual Situations , Gore , Blood , Clickers & Stalker .
Pairings: August Walker x Roslyn(Black!Female Oc)
Special Guests: Ellie (Sister/Best Friend) , Joel (Father Figure)
Description: It's quite the special day for our beloved Roslyn so August gots something planned for her.
Word Count: 5.8K
Song (in order): Alligator Tears by Beyonce , Snooze By SZA
October 21st
Roslyn was standing in line at the mess hall. For once, she was able to just stand there without a yawn or a stretch. It was then that someone came up behind her and tapped her on her shoulder. 
She whipped her head around to look at the individual. It was Ellie, with this goofy grin on her lips and a cupcake in her calloused hands. Then, it dawned on her. 
‘Happy Birthday loser!’ 
Roslyn chuckled and rolled her eyes as she reached out and gave her sister a hug. 
‘How many years have we known each other? You do this every year.’ 
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She looked around to see if anyone had spotted them. And sure as the sunset in the west, the attention was on her.
‘Awww shit and you fight me on this every year. Just take the damn cupcake.’ Ellie practically shoved it in her hands.
Ros gave her an unapproved glare before chuckling, ‘You’re hard headed. That doesn’t seem to improve with each year but instead declines!’ She rolled her eyes and turned around in line, ‘Is this what you were up to this morning? Or were you sniffing under Dina’s skirt again?’
Ellie rolled her eyes and gave her shoulder a gentle nudge. ‘Yes, actually! Dina is just a friend. You’re jealous that she's taking up all our bonding time?’ she teased.
‘No. I don’t care.’
‘Oh, I know you don’t,’ Ellie leaned in and whispered. ‘You’ve been too busy mumbling about your own friend in your sleep.’
Roslyn’s eyes grew and she snapped her head over at Ellie. 
‘What? Don't be so surprised Ron, I've told you before you talk in your sleep!'  
She gave her a snarky smirk with a raised brow.
‘You’re such an ass,’ Roslyn chuckled and shook her head as the girls finally made it up to the counter to collect their breakfast.
Afterwards, they began to make their journey to their designated spot in the corner of the cafeteria. As soon as they sat down, Ellie didn’t hold back on the questions. 
‘So! What happened after patrol?!’ she teased as she sprinkled some salt over her eggs.
‘Well, if you must know, nothing happened! We talked and went our separate ways.' She took a sip of her coffee and began to unwrap her breakfast burrito. 
‘Really? That’s it?!’
‘That’s it,’ Roslyn repeated.
‘Hmmm. Well what do you think about him?'
Roslyn pressed her lips together and rolled her eyes, 'Ellie, I barely know him. He and his brother just got here a few weeks ago!'
Ellie broke off a piece of her burrito and placed it on her tongue, 'Well you know enough to be dreamin' about 'em.'
'Jesus Christ would you stop?!' Roslyn gritted through her teeth as she balled up a napkin and threw it at her face.
Ellie laughed and held her hands up in defense and ducked her head.
She wasn't going to let that shit go. Ever
Suddenly, the girls could hear familiar laughter across the cafeteria. Roslyn looked over to see August and Tommy walking through the double doors. 
‘Aw shit. Speaking of the devil.’ 
Roslyn glanced over at Ellie who wore a smug look on her face. 
‘You’re so annoying.’
Meanwhile, her heart was palpitating in her chest.
‘I know.’ 
The men looked over at the girls. August's glare was a bit longer and more intense than Tommy’s as he jerked his head up in a greeting. 
You say move a mountain and i'll throw on my boots. You say stop the river from running, I'll build a dam or two. You say change religions now I spend Sundays with you. Something 'bout those tears of yours,
How does it feel to be adored?
Roslyn fought the grin that was threatening to curl on her lips. She had to hurry and look away before he caught it. She quickly looked down at her burrito to try to hide that smirk on her face.
‘Uh-oh! There it is!’ Ellie chuckled as she reached over and landed a few smacks on her arm. ‘You look so cute when you’re in love!’ she mocked.
Her head snapped up at her sister and threw the balled up napkin at her face. 
‘You talkin’ casanova?’
Ellie laughed and raised her hands in surrender, ‘Nope! Look Roslyn, it’s okay to have a crush on someone. Hell, you used to be infatuated with what’s his name!’ she snapped her fingers together as she thought.
‘You mean Chad?’ A snarl curled up on her lips before she took her first bite into her burrito.
‘Yeah! And now look at ya! Moved on to bigger… and better things! That bigger was just literal.’ 
Roslyn chuckled for a second before their names were called. 
‘Ros! Ellie!’ Tommy called out towards them.
‘Tommy!’ Ellie called out before Roslyn turned to look over her shoulder. 
Both of the men were walking towards them.
‘Sup Tommy!’ Roslyn smiled softly before she stood up to hug her uncle. 
‘Happy Birthday, kiddo!’ he said as he embraced her in a tight hug and kissed her head. 
‘Thanks,’ she grinned and looked over at August who stood next to Tommy. ‘Hey.’
‘Hey,’ he said with a small smile.
‘Aye, y’all mind if we joined y’all for breakfast this mornin’?’
A lump grew in Roslyn’s throat. ‘Hmm?’ was all she could hum out.
‘Of course!’ Ellie grinned cunningly. 
Roslyn snapped her head over at Ellie, ‘Th-they can?’ her eyes were pleading for her to give this shit up. 
‘Of course they can! It’s just breakfast, Roslyn,' she teased. 
Roslyn glared at Ellie with great loathe. 
A smile cracked up on her lips and she spoke through her teeth, ‘Sure… y’all can sit with us!’ 
Their morning consisted of hearty laughter and storytelling. 
Roslyn didn’t know why she was so adamant at first. But it felt good to share a good laugh with the people she loved. Even August. 
The four of them walked outside together, all in fits of giggles. Tommy then looked down at Roslyn. 
‘Come by the house later on! Me and Maria got sumn waitin’ on ya. Ellie, be safe on patrol today!’ he said, turning away.
‘I’ll be there!’ Roslyn smiled.
‘You got it, Tommy!’ Ellie added and then turned to look at Roslyn. ‘I gotta go. I’ll be back in a few hours.’
She balled up her fist for Roslyn to pound it.
‘Be safe. Love ya.’ She gave Ellie a pound on her fist and they leaned in to give one another a kiss on the cheek. 
‘See ya later, August!’ and with that, she headed off to the stables.
The pair stood there in silence for a moment before August decided to initiate the conversation, ‘I didn’t know your birthday was today. Sorry, I didn’t bring a gift for you.’
Roslyn looked ahead and smiled softly, ‘yeah. I really don’t like to celebrate it. It’s just another day for me.’
‘Well you should! There's like a one in a million chance of you being here so…’
‘Technically the statistic is one in 400 million…’
‘Yeah but as you can tell, humans are a limited edition nowadays,’ he chuckled. 
She giggled and nodded, ‘You’re right about that.’
‘Anyway though, you should celebrate it like it’s your last. Tomorrow is never promised y’know?’
Roslyn rolled her eyes and placed her hands on her hips, ‘I’m starting to believe you and Ellie knew each other in a past life or something.’ 
They both shared a small chuckle before she spoke up again, ‘I’ll try to take that advice. No promises though.’ 
She turned away to walk but he instantly followed. 
‘At least you’d try. So, um… you have any plans today?’
‘Oh. Do they throw parties?’
‘Mmmm,’ she looked up in thought. ‘Sometimes. They do that for you guys back in Washington?’
August pressed his lips together as he shoved his hands in his pockets, ‘sometimes. More like a small gathering kind of thing.’ He smirked as he looked over at her. 
‘Oh. Cool,’ she gave him a friendly yet small grin this time before she walked up the steps to the library. 
Suddenly, a beeping captured August’s attention. He looked down at his watch. 9:30am. 
‘Damn,’ he cursed and looked up at Roslyn. ‘Hey, I gotta—‘ he threw his thumb back, ‘head back. Gotta go give Mikey his medicine.’ 
Roslyn turned around and gave him an understanding nod, ‘of course! No worries, go take care of your brother!’
August licked his lips, ‘Will I see you later?’ 
‘Why wouldn’t you?’ she asked, her head fallin’ to the side as a smile quirked up on her lips. 
A chuckle rumbled in August’s chest. ‘That’s what I like to hear.’ 
He shot her a wink and took a few steps back before spinning swiftly on his toes and walking back in the same direction they’d just come from. 
With heated cheeks, Roslyn just watched him for a moment before letting out a deep, shaky breath and walked into the library. 
Her day was as mundane and regular as she let it be. She did her best to keep herself busy. A few people wished her a happy birthday and thanked her for always being the best version of herself. But nothing out of the ordinary. 
Except that was far-fetched of course. It was 7:43pm now and she was walking up the few steps of Maria’s cabin. She knocked on the door. They barely gave it a second before the door swung open. 
‘Hey! Come in!’ Maria said with a cheeky grin curled up on her face. 
She found that rather odd. Maria was a gorgeous woman but smiling was a rare thing for her simply because she had been through a lot. 
‘Okay,’ Roslyn uttered as she walked through the threshold. 
She began to unbutton her coat but Maria raised her hand, ‘aht! Don’t take that off, we’re going to the pub afterwards. I just wanna give you something.’ 
Then Maria disappeared upstairs.
Letting out a deep breath through her nose, she bit the inside of her cheek and zipped her coat right back up, shoveing her hands in the pockets as she stared at the pictures of Maria and Tommy on the wall.
Sometimes, it seems like Maria and Tommy just dealt with one another. It looked like it wasn’t really love but, in those photos… They looked head over heels. 
Roslyn snapped her head over at Maria who came trotting down the steps with a small box wrapped in old newspaper in her hand. 
‘What’s this?’ Roslyn asked with her eyes narrowed. 
‘It’s a gift from Tommy. I just happened to give you my gift way too early,’ Maria giggled. 
Roslyn rolled her eyes and shook the box next to her ear. She heard a small jingle on the inside. 
‘What is it?’ 
‘Check it out,' Maria reassured as she walked over to the coat rack and threw on her own jacket. 
‘Hmm,’ Roslyn hummed and tore the old newspaper off. Just a plain black box.
‘Alright,’ she sighed, before popping open the lid of the box. 
On the inside of the box was a solid gold rope necklace. 
‘What?!’ Roslyn laughed as she snatched the gold out of the box. ‘Holy shit!’ she continued to laugh hysterically. 
‘A gold necklace?!’
Maria cackled as she zipped up her coat, ‘Yeah. Tommy told me a while ago about you wanting one. So, he and Joel damn near flipped the mall in the east upside down until they found you one. Almost got them killed but, I’m sure they’d do it again.’ 
Well, she definitely couldn’t give it back; especially now that she knew the bullshit that came with them getting it in the first place.
‘It’s beautiful. Could you put it on for me?’ 
‘Of course.’ 
The smile plastered on Roslyn’s face hadn’t faltered. 
She scooped up her long braids and held them up as Maria wrapped the chain around her neck and clipped it together.
‘There,’ Maria said as Roslyn turned around to face her. ‘It compliments you so well, Ros.’ 
‘For real?!’ 
‘Would I lie to you?’ she grinned. 
‘Valid,' Roslyn laughed.
‘C’mon, let’s go have a drink.’ 
On their short journey to the pub, Roslyn noticed the lack of people walking around outside. She looked down at her watch. It was only 8:06. So why the hell were the streets damn near empty? Something was fishy. 
Once they made it to the pub, the lights were off there too. Roslyn raised a brow in thought, ‘The pub? Closed this early?’ 
‘Yeah, Seth probably closed up early tonight. But, she pulled out a large ring of keys and jingled them. ‘They don’t call me the key holder for no reason!’ 
‘Whoa— we aren’t breaking in the pub are we?’ 
Maria laughed as she stuck the key in the door and twisted it, ‘Is it really breaking in if I have the key?’ 
She then pushed the door open and jerked her head forward. 
Letting out a breath, she nodded in agreement, ‘Yeah. That’s true.’ And with that, she walked in the dark space. 
Maria walked in behind her and flickered on the lights and everyone jumped out shouting, 
Roslyn jumped as her mouth fell. It was safe to say that she was definitely surprised. Streamers hung from the ceiling with a Happy Birthday banner hanging against the back wall. 
She wanted to be so angry about this considering her thinking about birthdays only brought humans a year closer to death. But everyone she loved and adored was here with goofy triangular hats sitting on their heads. For once, everything felt alright with the world. 
She began to laugh hysterically and looked back at Maria, ‘Whose fucking idea was this?!’ 
Maria gave her a playful shrug as she strapped a pink party hat to her own head. 
‘It was mine!’ Roslyn looked back as August just emerged from the crowd and walked up to her. 
He would. 
‘Happy Birthday, Ros.’ 
I can’t lose. When I’m with you. How could I snooze and miss the moment, you’re just too important. Nobody do body like you do. 
She just looked up into his eyes, her heart raced inside her chest. She was so amazed with him, lost for words! 
‘Thank you,’ she grinned up at him. 
‘Alright, alright. Break this up!’ Joel called out, walking up and putting his arms between them and breaking them apart. 
The both of them laughed in slight embarrassment before Joel embraced his girl in his arms. 
‘Happy Birthday baby girl,’ he placed a kiss against her ear, ‘I’m proud of you.’ 
‘Thanks Joel,' she sniffed as she held on to him tightly, trying her best not to ugly cry. 
When the hug was broken, she carefully wiped the corner of her eyes as she laughed. 
‘Awww don’t cry, Roslyn,' Ellie smiled as she walked up to hug her.
‘Shut up! I’m not crying,’ Roslyn cackled. 
Ellie quickly embraced her in a tight hug. 
‘I love you, sis,’ Ellie said softly in her ear as they rocked in sync. ‘I’ve lost so much… so many. And I’m so glad… My journey has brought me to you, Ros. I love you forever.’ 
Roslyn squeezed Ellie tighter as she clamped her eyes shut, hiding her face in Ellie’s shoulder so no one would see the tear that finally fought its way out. 
This was all a very intimate and beautiful moment with Roslyn and her family. As a child she longed for something like this. And now, her biggest fear was losing them. They were her reason for existing. 
Once Roslyn pulled away, she dried her eyes and let out a deep shaky breath,
‘Okay! Enough of this shit! Let’s get this party started!’ 
The pub cheered happily and the music began to play. Roslyn turned to look up at August who had just put a party horn between his teeth. He paused before giving it a strong blow. Roslyn tried to keep her composure but she just laughed and playfully landed a soft punch on his chest. 
‘You’re. Such. An ass! You know I don’t do this kind of stuff!’ 
‘I don’t actually!’ he leaned in with his hands behind his back. 
‘You do! I told you I don’t like celebrating my birthday!’ 
‘You used to not like it. Since I’m gone be stickin’ around… you might get one of these every year. Now, here!’ He reached behind him and picked up a yellow party hat and carefully put it on her head. 
‘Enjoy your party, princess! It’s your day!’ 
I can’t lose. When I’m with you. How could I snooze and miss the moment, you’re just too important. Nobody do body like you do, you do. 
The party was now in full swing. It was almost like something out of a movie. People were dancing, drinking, laughing. It was almost like Mother Earth wasn’t choking them to death. 
Roslyn walked over to the bar where August was sitting and staring at her. 
‘You’ve spent the whole night staring at me.’
August chuckled, ‘Is that a bad thing?’ 
‘Nah. Just a little creepy,’ she said, reaching down to grab the elastic band beneath his chin, and snapped it.
‘Ow!’ he laughed as he covered his chin. ‘What was that for?!’ he stood up, towering over her.
‘No reason. So, you're gonna stop being a weirdo and come dance with me?’
‘Hmmm,’ August thought for a minute. ‘Actually, I got a better idea,’ he reached up and took off the party hat. ‘How about we ditch the party.’ 
Roslyn raised a brow, ‘Ditch the party? That you threw for me?’ She poked herself in her chest with her index finger. 
‘Yeah!’ He sounded so positive. 
‘And do what?’
‘That’s for me to know. C’mon! We’ll be back before it’s over.’ He then took her hat off of her head and stacked their hats together before he grabbed her hand. He grabbed their coats and they left the pub in a hurry.  
First they stopped by his house. She waited outside on his porch before he came back out. 
‘That was quick!’ 
‘Yeah. Mikey is up and moving around so he’s taking his own meds now.’
‘Oh well that’s good to hear! Wait, why didn’t he come to the party tonight?’ 
‘I tried to get him to come but he was complaining about the weather.’ 
Well, she could understand that. The only good thing about the cold was it stunted the movement in the herds. At least that’s what everyone thought. 
‘I get that. Anyway,’ she sighed out, ‘Where we goin’?’
August gave her a sinister smirk and leaned in, ‘just wait.’ 
He walked past her and towards the back of the compound. 
Her eyes grew in shock once she’d realized what he was doing. The cold air burned at her chest as she jogged up behind him. 
‘August! August!’ She ran in front of him and placed her hands on his wrists, ‘What the hell are you doing?!’ 
‘We… are sneaking out.’ 
‘And why the fuck would you wanna do that?! Do you not realize how deep in shit you’d— WE would be in if anyone found out?!’ 
August gave her a gentle smile and his head fell to the side. ‘Just come with me. I promise… if we do get in trouble… I’ll take all the blame,’ he lended out his hand. 
‘Good… because this is your idea!’ she stared up at him and then slapped her hand into his. ‘And don’t count on me to bail your ass out. I’ll just tell them you kidnapped me.’
August smiled as the pair walked over to the fence. He then peeled the fence back and let her crawl through, then he followed. 
‘This better be worth it,’ she said glaring at him. 
‘It will! Promise. C’mon,’ and he began to jog ahead. 
‘Ugh! August, wait!’ she called out in a whisper before she went after him. 
But just like her warm breath in the cool air, he disappeared in a flash. 
‘August?!’ she called out for him. 
But nothing! Just the sound of the wind rustling the dead twigs and branches on the trees. Roslyn shivered as she reached in her back pocket, pulled out her beanie and tugged it over her head. 
‘That’s better,’ she hummed softly. ‘Now to see where this fool has gone.’ 
Roslyn clicked on her mini flashlight that was velcro to her coat and searched for any clues to lead her where he was hiding. 
‘August!’ she walked forward until she came across a pair of fresh prints. 
‘Gotcha. Sneaky little shit. August I’m going to kick your ass for leaving me out here by myself! Actually, I think I may tell Joel! He won’t like that too much,’ Roslyn chuckled softly before the quietness around her began to settle in once more. 
It was eerie and the feeling of being left alone made her heart sink. She heard a twig snap nearby. She looked behind her to see where the noise had come from. 
‘August?’ She said softly. ‘August stop playin’! This shit isn’t funny!’ 
The silence rang in the air. Now she was scared. Suddenly, she was hit upside her head with a snowball. 
‘OW!’ She wiped her face, taking off her beanie to shake out the snow and her braids. 
August came from behind a tree cackling like a menacing child as he walked over to her.
‘That’s not funny! You’re such a dick!’ She gave him a playful shove as she did her best not to laugh too.
‘Awww, come on. It was a little funny. Plus, I noticed how scared you were… did you really think I’d leave you out here like this?’ 
Roslyn sighed, softly tugging back on her beanie. 
The answer was delayed and really, she knew that she was safe with August. But she didn’t just trust anybody. This life was all about surviving and throwing anybody in the way of the freight train just to keep yourself alive. 
‘I don’t know. Would you?’
August’s head fell to the side gently as a small smirk grew on his lips, ‘you never have to worry about me leavin’ you, Ros. I got you.’
Her face grew warm as a smile curled up on her full lips, ‘that’s good to know, August. So,” she let out a gentle breath, ‘Where we goin’?’ 
‘Oh yeah! Come on, it’s not far,’ he jerked his head over and swiftly turned around to walk away. 
‘Mmhmm,’ Roslyn hummed playfully as she squatted down and scooped some snow in her hands and patted it into a round ball. 
Then, she allowed him to walk ahead before she threw it and hit him in the middle of his back. August stopped in his tracks and looked over his shoulder. 
Roslyn stood there with a sinister grin curled on her lips.
August turned around to face her head on, ‘you really wanna do this with me right now? You’re not gonna win this.’ 
Roslyn laughed out and shook her head, ‘right now is as good as any. Look, it’s cold and I’m already ready to get back to the compound. So if I win… we’re going back home. If you win… we can keep going and we’ll both take the blame for our absence at the party tomorrow.’ 
He folded his arms across his chest and thought for a moment, ‘alright. Cool… first person to 10, wins.’ 
‘You’re on!’ she said as she walked up to him and they pounded fists. 
Once she made it back to her side, August launched a snowball and hit her in the shoulder. Roslyn swiftly turned around with a surprise and was hit in the face with another. 
‘Oh–!’ August called out as he covered his mouth and began to laugh.
‘YOU CHEATER!’ Roslyn growled out before snatching up some snow in her palms and running behind a tree. There, she began to form a ball that was stable enough to throw. 
August ran behind a tree and began to form a few balls of snow and stack them, ‘NOT A CHEATER! JUST AN OPPORTUNIST!’ 
‘A CHEATER!’ Roslyn laughed as she peeked around the tree to find him. Once she knew she wasn’t going to get him at this angle, she carefully moved forward to another tree. But not without him throwing another snowball. Thankfully, he missed. 
August laughed out as he scooped up his artillery and moved in position to flank her. Stepping from behind her cover, she started to throw the balls at the last place she’d seen him. But little did she know, he was standing right behind her. 
Roslyn began to craft up more balls in a hurry, a goofy and giddy grin burning at her cold cheeks. 
Taking gentle steps, August moved like a thief in the night! He peaked over gently to see the amount of balls she’d created. Too bad she won’t be able to use them. 
He pressed his lips together before letting out a sharp whistle. 
Roslyn stopped her project once she realized she was bested. Closing her eyes, she lifted her hands, ‘OK! You got me!’ 
She laughed.
‘Stand up.’ August commands. 
She stood up slowly and let out a shuddered breath. 
‘Turn around.’ 
Roslyn slowly turned around and kept her hands up with this smug expression on her face. Her eyes caught a glimpse at the 5 balls that sat in his arm.
‘Hmph.’ August smirked, proudly.
‘It’s like that?’
‘Just like that.’ 
She shook her head before she looked behind him and a sunken look cursed her face. 
‘August….’ she whispered as she pointed behind him. 
He didn’t even think, the look on her face frightened him and he immediately looked behind him and dropped his snowballs to the ground. But nothing was there. 
‘Wha— there’s nothing—‘ 
When he looked back ahead, she had already darted towards him. She wrapped her arms around his waist with her head resting on his abdomen. 
‘Ugh!’ He grunted as their bodies collided and he fell backwards.
Straddling his lap in a fast manner, she placed her hands on his chest as she breathed heavily. The both of them began to laugh playfully. 
‘Do you surrender?’ she asked.
‘I’m sorry but this wasn’t part of the rules.’
‘It doesn’t matter! You let your guard down.’ 
August laughed and shook his head before he lifted his knee up and rolled them over in a quick movement. Then, he snatched up her wrists and pinned them above her head. 
Roslyn squeaked in surprise at his sudden movement. 
August huffed heavily as he fought the brisk air that burned at his throat and chest, ‘I never let my guard down.’ 
She let out a shuddered breath as she looked up into his cobalt blue eyes. Taking in the icy-ness of them but finding warmth in that blotch of hazel in his eye. 
In the drop top riding round with you, I feel like Scarface. Like the white bitch with the bob, you’d be my main one. 
The air between them grew thick with tension. August’s tongue darted out to lick his lips. He forced his eyes away from hers to look down at her soft plump lips. Suddenly, his urges and thoughts clouded his brain. Causing him to rush in and place a tender kiss on lips; his grip loosening on her wrists.
Roslyn felt relieved that he crossed that line. Carefully pulling her hand away, she placed her gloved hand on his jaw as she savored the taste of his lips. 
August then gently broke the kiss, pulling back to look down at her. 
‘You’re so warm,’ his gaze never left her face, yet his eyes were hooded with such want and desire. 
‘So are you…’ she whispered as her brown eyes flickered to his lips. 
A devious smirk curled up on his lips, ‘I know of an interesting way of warming up… if you wanna.’ 
Roslyn raised a brow, instantly catching the idea. It had been awhile since she had some. And they were alone, this would’ve been the perfect opportunity but, good things don’t last forever… not in this life. 
‘I’m down if you’re down,’ she said in a sultry tone as she relaxed her thighs so he could lay comfortably there. 
‘Well now is as good as—‘
Then, a twig snapped behind them. August paused for a second, placing his index finger against his lips. Carefully and silently, August pulled himself up and helped her up to her feet. 
He then pulled out his gun and gave it to her, whispering, ‘take this. Just in case.’ 
‘Wha— what about you?’ She whispered back in worry. 
‘I have a spare. Just—‘
And an unsettling cracking and clicking filled the air followed by pained grunting and snarling.
‘Infected. What the hell are they doing this close to Jackson?’ Roslyn asked, perplexed.
‘I don’t know. But we have to get rid of them. You with me?’
‘Do you have to ask?’ she smirked. 
‘That’s my girl. Now… silence.’ 
She gave him a nod for him to lead the way, and she followed him in a stack. 
The walk was probably 15 minutes when they stumbled across an encampment. It was vacant. Sort of. It consisted of sleeping bags, a few trinkets and emptied cans of food. They’d even created a fire with stone and wood that was now frostbitten. The intruders were gone for sometime now.
August let out a gentle breath as he stepped over a dead log. Roslyn took a step forward but August threw up his fist for her to stop. She let out a shuddered breath as she kept her gun up just in case. Once he’d finished securing the area, he pressed his lips together as he walked back to the campsite. 
‘Come look at this,’ he sheaths his gun back in the holster and squat down before the sleeping bag.
Roslyn walked around the log and walked into the encampment. She’d taken note of the WLF gear that were engraved in their belongings. 
‘They were here…’ 
‘Yeah,’ he uttered and took a deep breath. This was really fucking bad.
Roslyn let out a deep breath and looked down at him. ‘They’re after you…’ 
August let out a shuddered breath, ‘yeah.’
She closed her eyes as reality began to set in. ‘I knew it. I fucking knew it,’ she said through gritted teeth. 
August quickly stood up and looked back at her, ‘is there something wrong?’ His tone was slightly annoyed. 
‘Yeah! As a matter of fact, there is!’ She placed her hands on her hips, ‘now the well-being of Jackson is at risk all because you decided to come here!’ 
‘Look, I didn’t know they’d follow us OK!? You think I’d purposely bring them here?! To hurt you?'
‘Listen, I don’t know what your motive is! But right now, you are the bad guy!’ 
That stung August in the chest. 
‘You think that lowly of me?! Roslyn, you know me!’
‘Ha!’ Roslyn cackled. ‘You think because you threw me a surprise birthday party you think I should know you better?!’ 
A loud screech filled the air, causing them to look ahead. They waited for a second before the grunting became guttural screaming. 
‘They’ve heard us.’
‘Fuck!’ Roslyn cursed as she pulled out her gun. 
Two runners emerged from the darkness of the trees and stumbling behind them were two clickers. 
‘CLICKER!!’ August shouted as he shot at the runners. 
Roslyn began to shoot at their heads. Pieces of cordycep growth ricochet off of them before she put them down. Letting out a breath in relief, she looked up to see August fighting with the last living infected. 
She aimed the gun at the runner’s head but then August shouted,‘ROS! BEHIND YOU!’ 
Looking back, Roslyn was instantly tackled by a stalker. 
‘Ugh!’ She whimpered out as she fought to keep the infected mouth away from her. She held her arm at its throat as her other hand reached out to search for the gun that flew out of her grasp.
‘ROSLYN!’ August shouted out in fear as he managed to grab his ka-bar and stab the runner in the head. 
The stalker began to chomp down as it stretched its neck to try to get a bite. It was getting harder to hold it back by the second. Suddenly, a gunshot rang in the air and the stalker fell into her chest, dead as a door knob. Her ears rang with an eerie vengeance.
‘Ros! ROSLYN’ August shouted as he rushed over to her. 
With blood and brain fragments on her face, she quickly pushed the dead infected off of her, rolled over and emptied the contents in her stomach. Her hands gripped the snow as she dry heaved. 
August quickly rushed over and grabbed her by her shoulders to look at her, ‘Roslyn! Look at me!’ He grabbed her face so she could look up at him. 
Her heaving had stopped but turned into deep breaths. Her eyes focused on his as they began to calm her down. 
‘Shhh… it’s ok. I've got you remember?!’ 
Roslyn gave him a hesitant nod before she felt a stinging pain in her shoulder, ‘ah!’ 
‘You’re hurt,’ August said as his eyes landed on the ripped piece of cloth. 
‘Let’s get this off of you yeah?’ He then unzipped her coat and dropped it to the ground. 
When he looked back up, he’d immediately saw the torn fabric of her sweater on her shoulder. His heart shattered at the grim sight. 
Roslyn looked down to find the searing pain. She’d been bitten. 
‘Ah! Oooh… ooh my god!’ She shuddered out, trembling in pain.
This would mean she'd have to tell her deepest darkest secret. The secret that could get everyone around her killed. 
‘Ros, Ros, Roslyn— it’s alright! Look!’ He said as his breathing began to hitch. 
‘It’s not that bad!’ He began to laugh hysterically, ‘it’s … it’s going to be alright… please. Tell me everything is going to be alright!’ his vision began to blur at the bloodied sight. 
‘August…’ she let out a shuddered breath as she caressed his jaw, ‘I have something to tell you. But you have to promise me not to tell anyone. Only Ellie, Joel and Tommy know of this.’
August’s face softened as he looked down at her. 
He carefully took her small hand in his and squeezed it, ‘I promise… what is it?’ 
Roslyn bit into her bottom lip before hissing at the throbbing pain. 
She placed her hand over her shoulder, ‘I’m immune.’
From The River To the Sea, Palestine will be free. I’d like to make it clear that in no shape or form does this page support Israel or Zionism. The creator of the game, Neil Druckmann is a Zionist and I would like to make it very clear that this page stands in solidarity with the people of Palestine 🇵🇸. Boycott the game, boycott the show! CLICK HERE to find links to support and donate to Palestine & please continue to Boycott! Palestine will be free.
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theycallmebecca · 1 year
Oh a ficlet request with Steve Rogers and it’s super domestic and fluffy. But Steve and Reader go shopping and it’s just their regular run and she sees something that she’s sure Steve needs a refill of (like his favorite cereal or coffee or even soap), so she just goes “You’re almost out of (x thing)”, puts it in the cart and keeps walking, and Steve just stares at her and in that moment he realizes he’s in love. Just by doing something mundane. But he’s like stuck/stopped walking so reader stops and goes “what?”
Hey @phoenix-rising-starbird-one thanks for this request! Since your prompt was so specific, there wasn't really a low of room for me to play with it... however, I took the general idea of reader buying something that Steve needed without him asking, and ran with that. I hope you like it!
This Memorial Day weekend, I'm accepting prompts. The information (and links to stories written for it) are in this post.
Title: Whole Heart
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader
Rating: PG
Warnings: n/a
Disclaimer: This work of fiction is not to be reposted, used or translated without my permission.
Usage Disclaimer: This work is for fans only. This author does not give permission for it to be shared, spoken of, referred to in any public manner (podcast, tv, online, etc.) that wants to either make a celebrity uncomfortable, mock fan fiction/fandom in any way, or the author themselves. Requests can be made, but it is unlikely the author will change their mind. If no response is given to a request then the answer is a solid no, not interested and the work cannot be shared, spoken of or even referred to, regardless of the manner or context. 
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Steve was waiting on the front steps when you pulled your car into the driveway.
Turning the car off, you unlocked the door and popped the trunk, not at all surprised when he opened the door for you.
“Sorry about this morning,” he said, holding his hand out to you.
The two of you had been living together for a couple of months and your Saturday mornings had become a date of sorts where the two got coffee and did the weekly shopping together. This morning, however, he’d gotten a call from work and had had to go in.
“It’s ok,” you assured him, remembering at the last second that you had gotten him a coffee, too. It was cold now, you knew, but it was plain black coffee and he wasn’t against reheating it in the microwave.
His face brightened when he saw the cup and he leaned in and gave you a kiss in thanks.
“You take that inside,” he said, gesturing to the coffee. “I’ll bring the groceries in.”
Knowing it was pointless to argue, you carried the coffee inside with him following a moment later, the multiple bags looking weightless in his hands.
He set the bags down on the counter and the two of you started to unload them. Setting up a tag team, of sorts, when it came to putting things in the fridge or in the pantry.
“How did you…”
Hearing his voice taper off, you turned from where you were rearranging the fridge and found him staring down at the bottle of body wash in his hands.
“What?” you asked, confused at his bafflement. “You were almost out, so I got you more.”
“But it wasn’t on the list,” he said, slowly.
The two of you kept a shared grocery list during the week, but personal items weren’t on the list because you each had your own lists.
“I got you more shaving cream, too,” you said, gesturing to another bag.
He gaped at you.
He’d warned you when you’d first moved in that he had been on his own for a very long time and that he didn’t expect you to take care of him or clean up after him. “I want a partner not a parent,” he’d stated.
Setting the bottle of soap down, he made his way to you and turned you around to look at him, closing the fridge door in the same motion.
“Have I told you how amazing you are?” he asked, his eyes looking deep into yours.
“Not this morning,” you replied, coyly.
“You’re amazing,” he stated, his hand caressing your chin. “I don’t always understand why you chose me, but I am entirely grateful you did because I love you with my whole heart.”
“I chose you because I love you with my whole heart, too,” you told him. 
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imyourbratzdoll · 8 months
𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒘𝒃𝒆𝒓𝒓𝒚 𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒑𝒐𝒑𝒖𝒍𝒂𝒓 𝒋𝒐𝒄𝒌
🍓the strawberry shack masterlist🍓
summary - jake has been waiting for this day since he first saw the sign, finally able to, he gets what he's always wanted.
warning - smut, oral sex, gloryhole, swearing.
18+ only please, the gif and headers I use aren't mine.
Warnings and Reminders - Please do not plagiarise, copy, repost/republish, adapt, or translate any of my work on any social media platforms, apps, or third-party sites. The only platforms I post my work on are: Tumblr and Wattpad. I do not own any character of any franchise (Marvel etc.) All my works are fiction and may be dark or triggering content: READ ALL WARNINGS BEFORE PROCEEDING.
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Jake had just graduated, he felt good. Cocky even because no one really expected him to pass, especially not Jake. He still wore his orange and blue jacket, hands in his pockets as he struts down the street, winking and nodding at any woman that passes by. He stops, staring at a brightly lit sign that reads ‘The Strawberry Shack’. It had been his dream to go in there and finally he could so with a faster pace. Jake heads to the door and enters the building, smiling widely at the woman at the front desk.
“Hello, I’m just wanting my cock sucked if that’s alright.” He pulls out a wad of cash, placing it down on the counter before nodding and heading towards a door that leads to you. The heavenly mystery woman behind the hole, the one that every man seems to go to, spreading wonderful words about their visit with you. “Ugh, I’m so fucking excited for this, babe! You don’t know how much.” Jake rubs his hardened member through his pants, eagerly pulling it out and directing it into the hole. “C’mon, suck away please.”
You roll your eyes slightly, this wasn’t the first time dealing with a guy like this and they usually turn weak and needy the moment your lips wrap around them. Your tongue flicks out, wetting your lips before you lean forward and take his thick mushroom tip in your mouth, you begin to lick, swirling your tongue around it. 
Jake’s eyes roll to the back of his head, practically whimpering as you begin to suck his cock into your mouth, pulling him deeper until he can no longer fit through. “Oh, yes… Jesus this is so perfect…” His hands rest against the wall, bottom lip going between his teeth. 
Your cheeks hollow as you suck hard, bobbing up and down his girthy length. You moan around him, smiling in your head as he whines, bucking into your mouth. “Fuck, fuck! Babe, you’re going to make me cum if you keep sucking me off like that!” You continue your movements, flicking your tongue underneath his tip, enjoying how he loses control, bucking wildly as he moans freely.
Jake feels his balls tighten, tip twitches as thick cum spurts out of his cock and coats your mouth. “O–ohhhh!” His head flies back, whining as he empties his balls. You pull off, swallowing and wiping the sides of your mouth as he pulls his softening cock back and tucks it into his pants. “Fuck me, best day ever! Definitely gonna come back, thanks babe!” He wipes the sweat from his forehead and walks out of the building with a pep in his step.
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thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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lino-lov3 · 8 months
my side - b.c
seven - surprise!
to be added to the taglist fill out this form!
𖦹 warnings : swearing 𖦹 content : crack, fluff
𖦹 words : 687
𖦹 screenshot count : 6
a/n : this part is mostly written and will continue in the next part (written as well) - sorry for how scattered it is ♡
taglist : @lynanist @smally97 @bouterboul @han-aaaaa @chansducky10 @swaggie @fun-fanfics @bellagrayson-wayne @gemini-demon
[bold are the ones i'm not able to tag, so if your user has changed or there was a mistake pls comment and change it on the form!]
do not repost or translate ©︎lino-lov3 - please remember to reblog and leave your feedback if you enjoyed it!
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after you and sage walked into the tattoo shop, the person at the desk handed you both consent forms to fill out. you informed them that you would have another friend joining you shortly.
once you were done filling out your form, you scrolled on your phone while waiting for your turn with the artist.
you were practically squirming in your chair out of excitement
“what’s up with you?”
you didn’t answer sage, just brought your phone up to show her your screen. 
a reply from chan on your tweet,
of course you had to make a tweet of your own now.
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after seeing felix’s texts pop up, you answered. still not revealing any details just yet.
you: hey, me and the girls are a bit busy rn but we can totally hang later okayyy? 🫡 will it be just you or some of the guys too? 🤔
felix: yeahhh that’s totally cool and it’s gonna be me, hyunjin, minho, and chan.  cool?
you: yeah ofc  chill at your place or are we going out?  either is fine btw
felix: come over first and tell we’ll decide once everyone is here 
you: 👌🏼
by the time jenn showed up to the shop, it was time for you and sage to get your piercings. while jenn filled out her own form.
you chose to get them before the tattoos since it’s going to be quicker and less painful.
sage decided to get a smiley piercing and you chose snake bites. you just know felix and the guys are gonna flip when you see them.
the piercer was nice and talked with you while doing the jewelry to make you less nervous, which worked.
jenn had it the easiest out of the three of you. with her only getting her ears pierced and she settled on a dainty designed tattoo that had stars and hearts splayed in her shoulder.
you on the other hand, chose a more risqué tattoo that could be hidden easier, on your lower back. it was a heart with flames. sage ended up getting one on her wrist. a few little doodles of stars and a cat.
after you were all done, the three of you took pictures of your new designs and jewelry and paid at the counter. you thanked the workers and on your way out.
it was 5pm and the drive to the boy’s apartment was a 30 minute drive and the three of you were anticipating the surprise reveal.
“hey, what if right when we pull up, we post the pics on twitter and then just go in the house.” sage laughs
“that could be fun, but what if one of them has notifications for us on? that’ll ruin the surprise!” jenn whined 
“if anyone does, it’s probably lix.” you continue her thought
“or chan for you.”
you raise an eyebrow at jenn, “why would he have my notifs on?”
“well you are besties after all.” she shrugs 
she could be right. but at the same time you just let the thought sink in. what if he does have notifications for you?
pulling up to the apartment, you send a quick text to felix letting him know you’ve arrived and carry on with the plan
“okay everyone got the posts up?” sage questions
you all nod
“good. now let’s just walk into the house like we don’t know anything is different, and act surprised when they mention it.”
sage had a sly smirk on her face but you weren’t even sure if her plan will go the way she thinks.
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nonetheless, you get out of the car and the three of you head for the door. before any of you had the chance to knock, the door is whipped open and the next thing you knew, felix was dragging the three of you in.
“what the actual hell? you three got piercings and tattoos without me?” he whined, a pout on his face
“sorry lix, it was a spontaneous decision. didn’t really think about it and just went to do it.” jenn laughs and fluffs out some of his hair.
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animepopheart · 2 years
I want to put this out there for others who may be dealing with this firm or with something similar in hopes of helping you.
Tumblr removed one of my posts on @beneaththetangles​ and gave us a strike (three and you're out!) because a DMCA firm claimed we stole it...
The post that I wrote..featuring photos I took...posted on a website I own...based on an interview I conducted with a personal friend.
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The firm's name is DMCA Piracy Prevention Inc. They're located out of Canada, apparently. The "copyright holder" is Michael Hecl, though through searches, I've seen other names used in other claims.
Here’s a portion of the letter Tumblr sent when the claim went through:
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DMCA Piracy Prevention Inc. might be a scam or it might be a very poorly run company. Responses I’ve seen by them online indicate either could be true The company never reached out to me before submitting the claim and did not respond to repeated email requests I sent before I finally submitted a counter-claim to Tumblr.
Speaking of Tumblr, I don’t expect much to come out of my counter-claim. This site has denied me on four (!) previous occasions where I had received permission to post artwork but was reported as not having permission to do, even though I provided proof of my claim and followed all of Tumblr’s directions in doing so.
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Just a reminder, I’m sure the people working at Tumblr are wonderful, but the firm is not on your side. They don’t support you, even though their marketing makes it seem as if they do. They are no better than Twitter, even though they’ve taken aim at that company as of late. In fact, Tumblr is similar to that platform when it comes to the issues they have, but with hypocrisy on top of it all (Look we’re selling a blue verification sticker haha we’re so clever! BUT PAY US FOR IT.).
I’ll repost this at some point with follow-up let you know how it resolves. DMCA Piracy Prevention has ten days to “initiate legal action directly against you for the alleged infringement” (way to scare off all the small artists and writers out there, yeesh!).
If you have similar problems with this company, feel free to reach out to me. I’ll let you know how it all turns out.
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justarandomsimp77 · 7 months
"Kenny, do you even hear yourself?"
*Kal asks as she turns to Kenny and rests her hand onto the store counter*
*Kal had a rather confused expression on her face, and she followed up by saying;*
"Like we all know your family is poor, but nobody is going to sell you something for only two bucks! And especially not an entire birthday gift!"
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"But Kal!"
*Kenny responded starting to sound somewhat desperate*
"Kalllll my budddyyyyy"
*Kenny says with an awkward laugh before continuing*
"You can do a cute boy like me a favor right? It will be just one small thing I swear!"
*Kenny says starting to be at the point of begging*
*Kal lets out a sigh, feeling somewhat bad for Kenny but she says*
"Kenny I'm already on thin ice after letting my friend Wendy get a free bag. I'm sorry, but it's gonna be a no."
"B-But Kal-"
*Kenny says before Kal interrupted him by saying*
"ah, ah, ah, but nothing. please, if you are not going to buy anything pretty please LEAVE the store."
*Kal says her anger issues are starting to kick in*
*Kenny not wanting to push her anymore he nods and says with a heavy heart*
"yeah...I was just hoping I could get something for my sister...I will go now..."
*Kenny starts to walk out of the store and Kal tries to shake it from her mind and go back to cleaning the countertops of the store*
*As Kenny opens the door the store makes a slight 'ding-dong' sound*
*Kenny steps out of the store and his boots make a soft clack against the concrete flooring*
*With a heavy heart Kenny began to walk down the sidewalk looking down at his phone and was scrolling on his friend Butters YouTube page*
*Kenny always supported the little videos that Butters made, though they weren't popular videos he still enjoyed them and always liked them*
*Kenny was so deep into his device, the only sounds that buzzed through his mind were the crunches of the leafs underneath his torn boots*
So guys! That's so far part one of my comic South Park Dream~World! Now remember, you may repost, you may like, you may even make Fanart! But remember to give credit, and not claim any of my art or storyline as your own! Thank you once again, I love you all so much, and I will try to post the second part soon! So if you all like South Park, Comics, or just people who post drawings then these will be for you!! But that's enough of my yapping, I hope you all have a wonderful day, thank you to all of my followers, and i hope to see you all again!!
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This GIF is made by @jay-reblog so go follow her please!! 💖💖💖💖💖
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bunningchaos · 9 months
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Kindly don't repost, trace or claim this drawing as yours. Thank you.
Oh, and the audio too. Do NOT, repost or claim it as your own. That's literally my own voice.
Ctrin, belongs to me (BunningChaos)
The SFX editing and background music, is by a dear friend of mine! I absolutely adore her work and effort on adding the sound effects for the unedited voice audio I sent her! Honestly, the end result makes the audio a thousands time better.
..Ctrin's trying his best to comfort you, though he isn't too good at it.
It's Christmas! At least, in my timezone.
Though this isn't Christmas Orientated, but have a special Comfort Audio on this joyous day!
Oh also, here's the Youtube video version of it. There's subtitles that plays along the audio.
The script will be under the cut (if it's hard to understand what is being said), alongside additional variant of the drawing if you'd like to draw your character or anyone else sitting beside the sweet and soft glitch!
The script
[Sound of the bar door opening.. (Those door bell thing)]
"Hm..?- Uh Oh-..."
"Isn't it quite late by now--- the bar's already clos--- oh- huh?.. oh. It- it's just you. N-need a drink?.. My treat, of course"
[SFX of clothes snuffling or sfx of someone sitting on a chair/stool]
"Hm- huh? Sigh..- Don't worry, Star. I'm not gonna ask. Just relax, alright?"
[Ctrin passes a glass of drink to them, glass clanking on the table sfx or smth.]
"Huh- Hm.. give me a moment."
[Footsteps walking away, the sound of the windows' blinds being pulled close can be heard]
"There we go.."
[Footsteps approaching, and SFX of Ctrin sitting down next to them]
"..So, would you like a plate of burger?.. or- fries? Uh- It's leftovers from earlier, but it's still edible"
[Tap tap tap... Ctrin is lightly tapping his finger on the counter as he speaks.]
"O-oh...Uh- You're not hungry? Uh- That's alright, uh- uhm.. I'll be here to accompany you in.. silence-- ehehh..aha.."
[Water SFX, they chugged down the whole glass of water before putting it down on the counter with a loud-ish clank/thud]
"Hm? W-woah- easy there, you might end up choking."
"Uh..L-Look, I might not know what you're going through- nor.. what you're feeling right now. But, just-.. just know that you're.. not alone. Okay? I-..I believe in you. So.. hn.. keep your head up. And- smile for me, alright?..."
Andd, that's all!
Now, have the other versions of the drawings!
If you do end up drawing or using this, tag me in the post! And/Or tag #CtrinComfort !
The entirety (without the Anon)
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Just Ctrin and the stool
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The background!
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imyourbratzdoll · 2 years
week 3 - day 10 - kinktober - somnophilia - best friend's brother curtis everett x inexperienced reader.
warning - somnophilia
kinktober masterlist
18+ only please, the gifs and headers aren't mine
Warnings and Reminders - Please do not plagiarise, copy, repost/republish, adapt, or translate any of my work on any social media platforms, apps, or third-party sites. The only platforms I post my work on are: Tumblr and Wattpad. I do not own any character of any franchise (Marvel etc.) All my works are fiction and may be dark or triggering content: READ ALL WARNINGS BEFORE PROCEEDING.
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I huff as I walk through the front door, just wanting to strip down and shower. I let out a grunt of annoyance when I hear giggles and yelps from the kitchen, deciding to head there first to scream at whoever is making the noise to shut up. The moment I step into the room, my eyes grow wide, and my pants tighten.
“Curtis! You remember Y/n, right?” The sound of his sister's voice is zoned out as his eyes are glued onto the small figure, and his eyes drift down and take in the way her pink dress hugs her figure perfectly, and how there’s flour on her rosy red cheeks, he lets out a grunt before turning and quickly heading to his room.
Not seeing how disappointed you were, the way your eyes dropped, full of tears as your plump lip quivered. His sister shrugs, muttering how he must be in a bad mood before continuing with the baked goods sitting on the kitchen counter. You slowly start to help, your mood slightly drained, wishing the crush you had on your best friend's brother would go away by now.
The moment Curtis entered his room, his clothes came off, and his hand wrapped around his throbbing member. Furiously stroking it as his head tips back, eyes closed, and he pictures what you’d look like on your knees for him. He wasn’t expecting you to look so grown, how your breasts bounced as you giggled and how he wished he could take that plump bottom lip of yours and suck on it.
Pants and groans leave his mouth, his hand moving faster and harder against his cock, the tip angry and leaking. His other hand goes down to his balls and gives them a tug and a squeeze before his cock erupts, and his cum shoots out of him, covering his dirty clothes and some of his floor. Curtis pants, desperately trying to catch his breath before heading into his bathroom and washing the day away.
He spent most of his time in his room, feeling as though he’d pounce on you if he saw you again. When night came, and dinner was ready, he heard a soft knock on his wooden door. He grunts as he gets up, ready to bite the head off of whoever decides to disturb him. He swings his door open, prepared to yell, and stops short. His skin turns a pale white. He can feel himself start to sweat as he hardens in his boxers. The sight before him was both a blessing and a curse.
Standing there was you, wearing a cute short sheer light pink nightie that hugs your figure nicely, and what gets to him the most is the little rose bow between your breasts. Deciding he’s been standing there for too long in complete silence, he grunts again, not realising the effect on the woman standing before him when he does.
“What?��� His piercing blue eyes stare her down, watching as she squirms. Her big doe-like eyes stare up at him, nervously chewing on her lip. Y/n gestures with her hands.
“Dinners ready, and S/n told me to come to get you.” Curtis’s eyes fall and focus on how her breasts bounce as her hands wave around. He blinks several times when he notices she’s waiting for him to answer. He nods, gestures for her to go ahead as he walks out of his room and follows behind her. His bottom lip is between his teeth as he watches her ass jiggle as she walks, trying to stop his cock from growing hard because he wouldn’t be able to hide it with what little clothes he’s wearing.
Curtis watches Y/n turn slightly to look at him, giving him a shy smile before quickly scurrying away to where dinner is being held. Curtis wasn’t happy. Throughout dinner, his sister wouldn’t shut up, mainly when she talked about finding someone for Y/n to hook up with and when Curtis found out that she’s never been with a man before. He wanted to throw her onto that table and have her for dinner. When dinner finally ended, Curtis abruptly got up and left, needing to get out of the room fast before he did something he wasn’t supposed to.
The rest of the night, while you and his sister went to her room to watch those stupid romcoms, Curtis stroked himself until his cock became sensitive. He sits up, groaning as his cock is still hard and his body is covered in sweat. No woman has ever made him feel like this, especially when they’re not in the same room.
He gets up and heads out of his room, heading towards the kitchen to get a glass of water. Curtis reaches up and grabs a mug before filling it with water and gulping the liquid down. Curtis stares at the cup for a few seconds, “fuck it,” he places the cup into the sink before stalking quietly to his sister’s room. Curtis stops at her door, noticing that it’s slightly open, and he peeks inside, seeing that the both of you are fast asleep.
Curtis smirks, knowing his sister is an extremely deep sleeper. I mean, she should be with the number of sleeping pills he put in both of your drinks. Enough to possibly knock out an elephant, his eyes focus on your small form. The nightie that has become his favourite has now lifted, showing off the cute pair of pink silk knickers. The outline of her pussy lips can be seen from where he is standing, causing a groan to leave him.
Stepping into the room, he moves closer to the bed, where you lie flat on your back. Legs spread as if you were expecting him, his hand strokes your thigh, watching your face to see if you’d wake. When you don’t make a sign that you’ll wake anytime soon, Curtis moves his hand up and to your clothed core, his fingers skimming over the smooth fabric before making a connection with your swollen button. 
He rubs small circles against your button, and your soft moans fill the air as you wiggle in your sleep. Curtis crawls onto the bed, his cock rock hard with the thought of his fantasy finally coming true. His hand continues to rub your little cunt, feeling your knickers begin to soak through before he slowly pulls them down and off your body.
His mouth drops open as he looks at your glistening cunt, eyes nearly rolling to the back of his head. Curtis slowly moves closer, just needing a small taste, only a tiny one. His chest connects with the bed, holding himself up by his elbows as his hands grab hold of your ass and pulls you closer to his mouth. A moan falls from his lips when his lips touch yours, the smell and taste of your soft cunt enter his mind, and he slowly becomes feral. His tongue sweeps inside your cunt, scooping up as much of you as he can before his mouth moves up to your little button. His tongue swirls around it before his lips wrap around it and suck, his tongue flicking it as your sleeping body thrashes, tiny hands trying to find something to grab onto.
As you cum, Curtis moves back down to your hole, licking and slurping up as much as he can before he stops and gets on his knees, pushing his boxers down and revealing his thick and bulging member. Underneath sit a heavy set of balls, ready to be emptied. Grabbing hold of the base, Curtis lines the tip with your sopping wet entrance before slowly pushing in, his hands gripping your thighs tightly as the feel of your tight cunt hugs him. Your walls pulsate around his heavy member. The resistance gets to him, making him feel feral as he pushes deeper inside. 
Once Curtis bottoms out, a moan slips from his lips, his head dropping as he takes a moment to appreciate the feel of you wrapped around him. His dark blue eyes stare down at your sleeping form, slowly pulling out before he thrusts back in, his hands resting on either side of your hips as he thrusts into your tight little cunt. His pace starts picking up as groans of pleasure slip from his lips, never wanting this to end. The tip of his cock hits your sweet spot causing sleepy whimpers to leave you.
Curtis wraps his arms around your thighs and lifts your hips in the air as your upper half still lays on the bed. Snapping his hips harder and faster inside you, causing the bed to shake as Curtis desperately wants to cum, fill you up and breed you. Have you fall pregnant and not know who or how, he’s heard you talk about being filled, fucked in your sleep by this mystery man that you have a crush on. Curtis has always been jealous of him, not knowing it was him that you were talking about. When he heard you tell his sister you popped your cherry with a toy, he had to quickly rush to his room and tug on his cock until his balls were wholly emptied. Curtis wants you full with his children. The thought of you walking around with a baby bump caused by him makes his cock throb, twitching wildly and balls tightening as he cums. White coats your walls, his cock buried deep inside you, and he feels you jerk and cum around him, pulsating around him, milking him dry of all inside him.
He slowly pulls out, looking down and scooping up the cum that leaks out before bringing it up to your mouth and pushing his fingers inside, groaning as he feels you suck on them. Curtis grabs the cute pair of knickers you had on and balls them into his hand, slowly crawling off the bed and bending down, placing a soft kiss on your lips before walking out of the room and to his. He heads to a set of drawers and opens them, adding to the collection of the other pairs he’s stolen from you. 
A dark smile forms on his face as he heads over to his bed and lies down, sighing in contempt. One day you will be his and his only, a gold band on your ring finger and a litter of kids running around.
You will hold his last name, whether you know it or not.
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thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated
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theskysucksflow3rs · 2 months
The IT couple PDA
A/n: so, this is my first writing post here (my first writing in general too as I'm just trying to explore my own writing skill.
About- honestly just a simple (not too horny night) for a warm and cheeky couple.
Warnings (it's all mild frfr)
Petnames (Love, babe, etc.)
Playful cursing
Naked cuddling
Interesting...hand placements, though fluff.
{I hope y'all enjoy my first writing!}
Minho was taking a night walk in the calming streets with his beautiful girlfriend whom he was madly in love with. It's been 2 years since you both are dating, a month since you proposed to Minho and were both getting engaged in the coming week. He was walking with an arm wrapped around your shoulder, barely being able to resist your cute bubble butt, he wanted to smack it so bad, but you guys were heading home anyways, so he could hunt your butt all night long.
"Love, I swear I'm gonna die someday just from controlling myself"
"Dude I ain't even doing anything rn"
"Well you are walking and swaying this cute little butt of yours"
He could've sworn you moved a shade brighter towards the redder scale, but decided not to embarrass you too much in public and listened to you speak
"Don't you dare smack it, babe. I know your tendencies a little too well for my own good." you said in mock-annoyance, making him laugh
"Sorry not sorry, sweetie."
"Yikes, hun, never beating the cheeky allegations."
You both playfully bantered for a while before reaching home, already feeling like an old married couple when you guys playfully fought. But hey, who was complaining.
"Alright, we're home..finally." Minho mumbled as he looked at you locking the door from the inside with the house keys. He grinned and gave you a nice little (not so little to be precise) smack on the butt.
"The fuck- you little asshole-! I told you not to smack my poor butt?!"
To which Minho burst out laughing, running ahead of you as you chased him, he wanted to enter the kitchen for some water after that walk anyway and grinned mischievously as he felt you playfully clutching onto him once you caught on.
"Jeez girl, I just smacked it, I didn't even fuck it yet..~"
he said, trying to look innocent for fun and then suddenly picked you up by the waist and sat you down on the counter as he rested one of his hand on your chin, making it lift and bring your face close to him for a simply affectionate lip peck, while he was standing between both of your legs as he looked at you with an amused but fond grin, and you could only wrap your limbs around his cozily.
"Man I thought it was going to be a nice one, what'd you sat me on the counter for?"
You asked with an eye roll to which he smirked slyly.
"Nicer what, darling? The kiss or the....hand placements? Or perhaps your preference for a punishment than a kiss?"
he asked cheekily to which you laughed and wrapped your arms around his neck.
"I think a nice little kiss would work well."
you said with a little chuckle at his look of fondness.
"What? No kissing for your soon-to-be-fiance?" you spoke again with a playful grin
"Bae, I honestly thought of depriving you of it, but you just had to add in the little fiance part, huh?"
He asked with a widening smirk and let a hand around your waist to hold you flush against him and locked his lips with yours. You both had a nice and lazy makeout with both of you pressed against each other, tongues and lips dancing with eachother soothingly in the comfiest way a kiss could take place. Though he was simply mischievous tonight, and wanted to see how well you could deep throat. So he let his tongue delve deeper into your throat. 'impressive'. He thought to himself once he felt that you really were a good one. Not that he didn't know, but it still fascinated him everytime. He playfully delved his tongue more into your throat, making you giggle softly and pull away
"What in the actual fuck were you tryna do in there, love? A bit more in and I could've sworn you would taste my delish tummy HCl."
you said with a playful eye roll, smiling at how his hands had been all over you through this comfy little makeout session, currently having his one hand on my waist, holding me nice and tight as the other one squeezed my inner thigh every now and then, a usual seen in *our* household these days.
"let's go to bed, love? It's getting late~"
He smiled and nodded at your request, picking your cute little frame up from the counter and headed to the bedroom, playfully throwing you down on the bed and pouncing on you like it's devouring time, only to affectionately kiss your nose and move away.
"I hate you, you know that?" you asked with a resigned dramatic sigh
"Aww why?" he said with a soft laugh and tugged on the hem of your shirt softly
"Are you in the mood for nakey cuddles though? Because I realllyy am, love."
He asked as he batted his eyelashes I'm an attempt to look cute, to which you could only be so unserious and flip him off, but as for the demand, you were never not in the mood for those. It was like the ultimate comfiness ever.
"I mean, why the hell not?"
You couldn't resist but comply, and he couldn't resist but strip you naked right away, what a match. You chuckled at him stripping you off so eagerly and shook your head affectionately. "weirdo..."
I watched him strip for a moment lemme free my bestie myself, love? you asked with a little grin, you've always called his cock your 'bestie' because...again, why the hell not. So as he stripped off his pants, you took off his boxers and tossed them aside, holding his warm cock in your comfy grip, feeling that mushy skin layer that, as weird as it was, seemed adorable to you. And it was honestly just for the comfort as you cuddled the shit out of him, your limbs were completely wrapped up around him in bliss, as one of his hand caressed her back, occasionally moving up to tangle his fingers with your soft locks and caressing your scalp, also making sure to move his hand down and give your ass some well deserved lazy gropes while his other hand moved up to gently fondle you breasts, almost by habit, since he absolutely treasured those little pillows of yours, be it in a sexual way or not and you were well aware and used to the cute sight and the comfy feel. You both stayed in comfortable silence for a while, feeling both tired after the long day but way too comfy to want to miss the feeling of these cuddles and sleeping.
"Woman I freakin can't wait for our engagement already..."
He said, soundly oddly adorable and lax, which made you laugh softly and nod your head, your face leaning to bury in his neck comfortably as you occasionally placed sweet little pecks there.
"Same, love.. Can't wait to be legally marked as yours by a damn priest~" grins
GUYS I don't even know what the hell I did. But I did try keeping it out of the horny level considering this is my first one. Also I'm kinda fidgety about the EXTRA long ff, considering it's over 6k words and all that. y'all can notify me if a shorter one would be better or are the long ones interesting enough, if they are, that is. Also, I'm totally open for suggestions towards improvement.
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